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Maiden Voyage By Brian [email protected] It's a horrible thing never to know where you came from. Not to know who your parents were, not to know what city you were born in, not to know your own birthday. If you've had any sort of childhood whatsoever, then I envy you. As you may have guessed, I was born an orphan. Dropped off at some Atlanta welfare society. No name, no past. 'Infant Doe.' Malnourished. About two months old. Traces of heroin in my system. Things went downhill from there. Orphanages are less like 'Boys' Town' and more like 'Oliver Twist.' I won't bore you with accounts of the abuse and neglect. I was thirteen when I finally escaped for good. Life on the streets. What can I say? You did what you did to survive. You stole. You robbed. You fought and struggled and looked over your shoulder. You crept among alleys like a rat. You developed a sixth sense. You learned to do anything, ANYTHING, to survive. I guess that's why I allowed it to happen. I was hard and bitter, big shock, huh? I hated those people I'd see driving their big fancy cars, going home to their rich wives, sleeping in their warm beds. Hated them! But I envied them. It's the orphan's dream. The family. Someone who cared for you. Someone who wanted you. Someone who loved you. I guess I never gave up hope that someday, somewhere, I'd have a real family. I was working as a stevedore in Miami at the time. I guess I was around nineteen. I met this old merchant marine, we became fairly close. I wouldn't say friends, when you come from where I do, you don't make friends. A friend is just someone who hasn't turned on you yet. Anyway, we're having beers one night. And we get to talking. He's been around, seen a few things. We come to the subject of families. I, of course, have nothing to say. But then he tells me something which changes my life. I had always assumed that adoption records were private. You give up your son, no strings, never have to hear from him again. But I was wrong. Turns out, you can access your family history for medical reasons. Makes sense, you never know if you're going to need a kidney or something. It was a hopeless fantasy, I knew. Even the next day, as I caught a northbound semi to Atlanta, I had convinced myself that I was just moving on. But I couldn't help fantasizing... About a middle-aged couple who had never stopped regretting the son they gave up years ago. Or perhaps an uncle, some wise older guy who would take me under his wing and help me get my life together. What if I had surviving grandparents? Or brothers and sisters? It was stupid. On the off chance they still had my records, and they actually had my family name somewhere, and I could actually contact family members, would they actually want to see me? A penniless, homeless teenager? No, of course not. But sometimes, you have to follow your gut. I pretended that I didn't care when I told the social workers who I was. I gave them a sob story about needed to contact my family about my health. I expected the worst. I struck gold. My mother had left records when she dropped me off! I did have a past. I eagerly glommed on to the folder they dug up for me. It was all depressing. My mother had been a prostitute. A junkie. Though the file didn't say it, I was sure she was long dead. But that wasn't the most interesting thing. I had a twin sister! A twin sister! I nearly kissed the middle-aged woman who was assisting me. We had been separated after birth, the logic being it was easier to get single children adopted than a set, so to speak. It hadn't worked. I lived in the orphanage before running away. My sister, according to her file, was in an out of foster homes until her teenage years. They lost contact after that. The file listed her name as Andrea. I grinned at whatever civil servant had named us, way back when. Andrea and Andrew. Real original. There was no clue as how to contact her. "Um, ma'am," I started, not really sure how to go about this. "Yes?" "How could I go about contacting my sister?" "I'm afraid you can't. If you bring a note from a legitimate doctor siting need for familial contact for health reasons, we can contact her anonymously." I felt wretched. To be told I had family, and then told I could never contact her! It must have shown on my face. I didn't need a transplant, and I'm sure my sister would have just as little clue about our family medical history as I did. I must have evoked sympathy from the social worker, because as I was leaving, she pressed something into my hand. It was a note. 'Andrea Jones. 1701 Robert E. Lee Dr, Savannah, GA. 555-1361.' *** Paydirt! I blessed the woman for breaking the law to help me! Now I could talk to my real family! Only an orphan can know what a special thing that is. I panhandled all afternoon to buy a phone card. I couldn't very well call her collect, could I? I couldn't remember the last time I had been so nervous. In all my years on the streets, nothing had scared me as much as the thought that I might be rejected by my own sister. "Hello?" said a husky female voice. "Hello. Is this...Andrea Jones?" "Yes." "You were delivered to The Savannah Children's Home in November, nineteen years ago?" "Who is this? What do you want?" She seemed upset. "You don't know me. Listen, there's no other way for me to say this. I'm Andy, your twin brother." There was a long, long pause. I think I would have died had she hung up. Finally, she spoke, her voice barely a whisper. "They mentioned something once about a brother. I never knew how to...are you in town?" "I could be there tomorrow." "Oh God, please come! Oh God, you don't know how much I need to talk to you right now!" She gave me the address of a Savannah restaurant. I told her I'd be there the next day. I guess my nervousness showed. The salesman I thumbed a ride with seemed on the verge of putting me out of his car. I suppose I seemed like someone who was running from something. Only after I told him why I was so agitated did he calm down. I arrived twenty minutes after I had agreed to meet her, and still I couldn't bring myself to enter the establishment. Here I was, homeless, bedraggled, and scruffy. How could I just go and present myself to my only family member? What would she think? But I had to do it. I had to meet her. Even if she told me she didn't want anything to do with me, well, it would be worth it to see her. I had to see her. Besides, hadn't she told me she really wanted to talk to me? I entered. This was a high-class place, and I instantly felt out of my element. I wondered why Andrea, who's upbringing hadn't been much easier than mine, would choose such an expensive joint. I knew her right away when I saw her. There was no doubt in my mind that we were related. There was no doubt that we were twins. Like me, she had short, blonde hair. Like me, she had blue eyes, and just the slightest hint of an overbite. Like me, she was just under six feet tall. Like me, she was slender and wiry. She was very pretty, in a tomboy sort of way. Athletic and slightly buxom. She was wearing what looked like and expensive dress, though she seemed she'd look better in jeans and a T-shirt. "Andrea?" "Andy?" She stood up and hugged me. It took a lot of willpower not to cry. A hug from my sister. A hug from family. She sat down and I took a seat opposite her. My sister! My own flesh and blood. "I don't know where to begin," I babbled. "Why don't you tell me about yourself." "Well, I ran away from the orphanage when I was young. I've been doing odd jobs and such since then." "Where are you living?" "I'm, um, sort of on the move at the moment." I really tried to play down the true state of things. I didn't want her to think that my finding her and my poverty were related. The last thing I was going to do was sponge off of her. "So tell me about you." "Well, I was kicked out of the home when I turned 18. I did a bit of modeling. Last year I met a guy, Duke Greyson, and we're getting married!" "Married? That's great!" A brother-in-law too! Would I actually do something this Thanksgiving? "Yeah," she said. Somehow she lacked the enthusiasm I showed, but I didn't feel it was my place to mention it. Besides, it was probably my imagination. "What's he like?" "He's a millionaire. Owns Greyson industries. For once, I'm going to live in style!" See sounded enthusiastic about that at least. "We're travelling around the world for our honeymoon." Andrea was doing great. I thought about the rich man I'd soon be related to. I'd have to make a really good impression. An industry leader could get me a job, any sort of job. A real job that I'd keep for once. Maybe even I could get an advance on my paycheck and rent an apartment somewhere. Have some stability in my life. Get off the streets. "So when's the big day?" "Day after tomorrow." "Really? That's great!" "I guess. So can you come?" "Can I come? Uh..." I wanted to come more than anything, but the truth was I had nothing to wear to a wedding and no money to buy anything. Andrea sensed my dilemma. "Don't worry about clothes. Just show up a few hours early. Show this at the door..." Andrea handed me a business card, which advertised her services as a model. "I'll have someone there to get you ready." "You will? I mean, I don't want to put anyone to any trouble." "Don't worry, Duke's paying for it all." That didn't reassure me. I didn't like to take charity. I had begged before, but only when I was very desperate. Of course, I flat out stole on numerous occasions, so I wasn't one to get on a moral high horse. "So where will the wedding be?" "On Duke's yacht at the marina." She wrote the address on the back of the card. "When will I get to meet Duke?" "At the reception. I'm sorry it can't be sooner, but we're both really busy with the wedding plans. In fact, I have to get going now." I was disappointed. I had hoped we'd have more time to catch up. "I'm sorry to see you go so soon." "Don't worry. Once I get back from my honeymoon, we'll get together for the weekend or something. Here..." she passed me a bill, "go ahead and get some food, and see you at the wedding." She kissed my cheek and got up and left. I ordered a Coke (I was still thinking like a hobo, not willing to blow my money in an expensive restaurant) and pondered. It was so great to see Andrea. But I felt slightly uneasy as well. Why didn't see seem as happy as a new bride should be? The wedding didn't seem to thrill her at all. And why couldn't I meet Duke? I mean, I know it was her wedding and all, but wasn't a long-lost twin brother something? She couldn't have me over for dinner or anything? I was being paranoid and rude. I barely knew her, and already I'm psychoanalyzing her. And an unexpected family member was a big thing. I couldn't expect her to make me part of her family right off. I was lucky she was including me in the wedding. I stuck the bill in the leather folder the waiter brought me without looking at it. He shot me a snooty look. I figured out why when he brought my change. I had just paid for a soda with a fifty-dollar bill. *** Two days later I stood at the gate to the marina. The night before a church-sponsored homeless shelter had provided me with a shower, shave and a set of, if not new, clean clothes. I was determined not to be an embarrassment to my new family. I had never seen so many Porches, Mercedes, and Ferraris on the same lot. For a second I wondered if there was a good chop shop in the area, and instantly resented myself for it. 'Try to act like a normal person,' I told myself. I snuck around the gate at the entrance and looked for Duke's boat. I walked by it several times before I realized it wasn't a small island. There are boats and then there are boats. My concept of boat had more to do with the barges and steamers I used to unload. I had pictured Duke's boat like a large sailboat, something big enough for about twenty people. But this...this was bigger than Omaha. I found out later the boat, Greyson II, boasted five luxury suites, a gym, a sauna, a banquet hall, plus engines, servants quarters, and kitchens. Duke was rich in the same sense that the Pacific Ocean was wet. A mere millionaire couldn't afford a hulk like that. He had to have at least a cool billion. Maybe I should just leave. I couldn't picture Andrea telling her wealthy fianc?e "Guess what honey? My long lost, homeless brother will be joining us for the wedding!" I didn't belong here. I'd just call her again when she got back... No. I had to go through with it. Who cared if I was the embarrassing family member? At least I would be part of a family. I marched towards the gangway. The wedding wasn't for a while still, but hordes of catering staff, laborers, and decorators swarmed to and from the boat. I was about to wander aboard when a lumbering security guard stopped me. "Do you have business here?" "Um, I'm Andrea Jones's brother." "She don't have a brother." "No, seriously. We sent to separate orphanages when we were babies. She didn't know about me until the other day. Look, she told me to show this." I held up the business card Andrea had given me. The guard barely looked at it. "I don't know what your scam is, pal, but you'd better beat it." "But it's the truth." "Scram, or I call the cops." I didn't know what to do. I could maybe take this guy, but what would be the point? That would impress Andrea, me brawling my way into her wedding. I didn't know how to contact her. Why hadn't she warned anyone about me? At that moment, my guardian angel appeared. She came in the form of a forty-something woman with a clipboard. She was dressed in a suit and had a no-nonsense business air about her. Still, despite her severe clothes and the age difference, she was quite cute. Tall, curvy, and very well proportioned. "Lars!" she barked at the human door. "It's OK. I'll take care of it." Lars snapped to attention. "Yes ma'am!" The woman took me by the arm and lead me aboard. "I'm Nikki Lewis, Ms. Jones's personal assistant. I'm terribly sorry about the mix up. Ms. Jones wanted to give you a chance to change before she introduced you around." I appreciated that. When I met Andrea's high society friends, I would at least be dressed nice. I kept nervously glancing around, amazed at the ritzy surroundings. "Nervous?" asked Nikki. "No. Well, yes. I slept at the men's shelter last night. I feel out of my depth." Nikki stopped. She looked me in the eye and smiled. She had a real pretty smile. "Listen Andy. You're just as good as anyone here. Just stick your chest out, smile, and let everyone know that you don't have anything to be ashamed of." "Thanks." Nikki sure was sweet. I hoped she be around during the reception. Maybe save a dance for me. "At any rate, here we are." She pointed in an inauspicious door. "Just go right in." I entered. It was a small cabin, just a bed, nightstand, closet, and a door to the bathroom. Probably a servant's quarters. Andrea was nowhere to be seen. I sat on the bed and waited. She showed up about fifteen minutes later. "Andy!" she said with a smile. "I was afraid you weren't going to come!" "Hey, I wouldn't miss my sister's wedding!" My sister's wedding. A family event. "Can I fix you a drink?" she asked. "Shouldn't I get dressed first?" I asked. I was still embarrassed about my charity clothes. "Oh, the wedding's not for several hours. I'd really like to catch up with you." She pulled open a closet, revealing a small mini-bar. "What's your pleasure?" I guessed Thunderbird wine would be in bad taste, so I asked for a gin and tonic, the classiest drink I knew. She poured me one. "Now," she said, sitting down on the bed next to me, "I want you to tell me more about yourself." I swigged my drink uncomfortably. What was there to say? When you have to home, you don't have a lot to say about yourself. I had no girlfriend, no hobbies, no collections, no job. I suddenly felt a little useless. "There's not a whole lot to tell," I started, taking another swig. I didn't care for the drink, it tasted rather bitter. "Oh, come on, you've had to have done something in the past couple of decades." She was smiling very sweetly. "Oh, well, odd jobs, travel...aren't you drinking?" "No, not before the big event. Don't you like your drink?" She looked hurt that I had set my gin aside. I took another gulp, even though it really tasted rank. It was almost making me sick. "I've actually been to...been to..." I clutched my stomach. As a transient, having a low level case of the flu (or worse) was more or less a given, but something was really wrong. God, I wasn't coming down with something terrible now, was I? I curled up on the bed, feeling horribly weak. I looked up at Andrea, but to my surprise she didn't look concerned. In fact, she was still smiling sweetly. "Andrea?" I croaked. I could barely move. "Don't worry, Andy. Just a little something I slipped in your drink. A chemist friend of mine whipped it up for me. It's a muscle paralyzer. Just a little something to keep you immobilized for a few hours." I tried to ask her why, but I didn't have the strength. I couldn't move even a finger. Oh Christ, what the hell was my sister doing? Andrea didn't seem to be in a hurry to explain things. She straightened my body out on the bed and grinned at me. "Yes, this will work out nicely." What will work out nicely? Andrea opened another closet, and pulled out something in a large garment bag. I couldn't move my head to see clearly, there seemed to be more in the closet but I couldn't tell. Andrea moved into my line of vision and sat on the bed. Sipping her drink, she explained things. "Andy, Andy, Andy. I'm almost sorry to do this to you. You see, I'm not really in love with Duke. I'm in love with his money. Ever since I left the orphanage, I've been trying to make it big. Find some rich schmuck who'll take care of me. Help me live the high life. When I met Duke, I knew he was just the sap to do it. "My plan was to marry him, string him along for a few years, and then divorce him with a big 'ol alimony settlement. Mmmm, millions of dollars." Andrea leaned her head back and smiled, fantasizing. "But the more I thought about it, the less I liked it. I mean, Duke's an OK guy, I guess, but I really didn't feel like sleeping with him every night. But, there was no way out of it. If I wanted his money, I had to be his sex toy." Andrea smiled in a very unsettling way. "And then I met you, dear brother. And all my problems were solved. You see, Duke, as a measure of good faith, put my name on his bank account, effective as soon as we are legally married. Now, if I were to run off with the money right after the wedding, he'd just have the marriage annulled. But when I met you, I figured out a way out." I desperately willed my body to move. She was going to set me up! Make it look like I stole the money somehow, send me up the river while she spent Duke's money, free as a bird! What was she going to do, make it look like I killed her? The answer, as it turned out, was much, much worse. "You see, Andy, once Duke marries me, I'll have free access to his money. But since I'll be on the honeymoon with him, I won't have a chance to withdraw anything. But what if someone else were to take my place? What if someone stood in for me as the bride, while I was emptying the bank accounts? By the time Duke realized he'd been duped, I'd be long gone." No. She couldn't mean it. Surely, she didn't think I... She must have read my thoughts. "Yes, you. You'll be the bride today. And when Duke realizes you're not me, I'll be halfway to Rio." What made her think I'd go through with this insane plan? Why would I go through with a public wedding, just so my slut of a sister could rob the groom! I'd end up in jail when Duke found out! Andrea apparently was unconcerned. "Well, if you're going to be pretty for your wedding day, let's get you fixed up." Then, unashamedly, and with no resistance on my part, she began to strip me. "Hmmm...nice," she pondered. "You know, when you first called, I was afraid you'd be some huge hunk. But you're so scrawny, you'll make the perfect blushing bride!" I wanted to scream. I wanted to slap her. But I felt like I was in a vice. I felt like I was in a straitjacket. And the most horrible thing was, being temporarily paralyzed wasn't the worst thing. I was going to be dressed as my sister! Soon, I was naked. My head was propped up on my pillow so I could see what Andrea was doing to my body. She was lathering up my legs. Shaving cream spilled down all over the sheets, but she didn't seem to care. Why would she care? She'd steal from her fianc?e, humiliate her brother, why would she care about who had to clean the sheets? I knew what was coming. With a woman's razor, she shaved my legs. She nicked me a few times, but it didn't seem to bother her. She then began soaping up my armpits. "Your arms are a bit muscular," she mused as she shaved me, "but I don't think anyone will notice. "There," she smiled as she wiped of the soap. "Clean and smooth. Here, let me get that chest hair." I was never a hairy man, just a few strands around my nipples and under my navel, so that didn't take long to shave. She finished by plucking the few strands of facial hair I had. She moved out of my line of vision and returned with a small cooler. Without ceremony, she dumped its contents onto my crotch. It was filled with crushed ice, which caused my testicles to shoot up into their recesses and my manhood to shrink uncontrollably. "I almost forgot to bring ice," Andrea quipped. "That might have been a problem." As my balls were numbing, my sister pulled out another humiliating thing: a padded bra. "At first, I had decided to go with a gown that showed off a little cleavage. Thank God I didn't! Now I can give you a nice set of breasts without showing that they're fake." As she forced me into the bra, I tried to speak. Why in the world would she think I would go through with this? The second I could move I would yank all these clothes off and tell everyone on the boat what she had done. I suddenly felt sorry for her fianc?, Duke. Poor guy, at least he'd know what a bullet he dodged when he found out. It would be embarrassing for both of us, but at least I wouldn't have to marry him. Soon, I was in my bra. I looked like...well, a guy in a bra. I wondered what it would look like in a wedding gown. Aw, who cared? The gown would come off the second I could move. Just when I thought I would die of cold, Andrea removed the ice from my crotch. Then she pulled something from out of my line of sight. "This is called a gaff," she said, showing me something like a woman's bikini bottom. "This will hide your manhood. Wouldn't want anything, um popping up, during the wedding." Lifting my deadened legs, she forced me into the garment. It was so tight I knew that it would be painful if I could still feel myself down there. I could still tell that my balls were retracted into my pelvis and that my penis had shrunken down to almost nothing. So here I lay, helpless and miserable, in women's underwear. When Andrea began to press fake pink fingernails on my hands I wasn't even surprised. I wondered what would come next. "Now," said Andrea, as if explaining something I'd actually care about, "I'll leave your hair and makeup for last. I guess we can go ahead and get you into your gown." From what I could see of the gown, it looked big enough to cover a baseball diamond during a rain delay. Probably cost a fortune too. Not that I cared, I'd probably tear the thing to shreds as soon as I could move. It took Andrea a good hour to cram me into the damn thing, and she wasn't gentle. I was tossed around like a sack of potatoes. My head flopped this way and that, I was unable to see what she was doing. Once, my face wound up in a pillow and I could hardly breathe for a couple of minutes. I had never hit a woman in my life, but it was fast looking like my twin sister might be the first one. "My shoes just won't fit you," she said. "Nothing to be done, the gown will cover your feet." She laughed. "The barefoot bride. At least you're not pregnant." Just calm down, Andrew. You'll be able to move soon enough. You'll be able to tell everyone what kind of a woman Andrea is. I still had no idea what I looked like. One thing was for sure, I was a man who had never taken the slightest interest in personal appearance before. I was lucky if I got to shower several times a week. I don't know how Andrea thought she could pass me off as a debutante bride, but it sure as hell wasn't going to work. Andrea left. I prayed that she wouldn't come back, but of course she did. She'd only humiliated me a little, now was the time for the coup de gras. I still couldn't get up, but I could hear her wheeling something. I soon realized it must have been a makeup table. Without so much as a warning, Andrea straddled me, kneeing me in the groin and knocking my wind out. I was nearly blind with rage by this time. Oh, Andrea, how lucky you were I couldn't move. How very lucky. Brushes, pencils, powder puffs, and lipstick tubes flew in and out of my line of site. I could only imagine what was happening. She was certainly using enough makeup, she even powdered my bare neck and shoulders. I figured I'd look like Bozo the Clown when she was done. Finally, Andrea smiled her evil smile and nodded. "You'll pass." She looked at her watch. "Damn. I guess I won't have time to do your hair like I'd like. Sorry Andy, I know how special this day is going to be for you. I wanted it to be perfect for you." I swore revenge. Even if I wound up in prison for this, even if it took me twenty years, I'd find her and make her pay for this. It was bad enough she was setting me up and humiliating me like this, bad enough I'd have to face people dressed like a woman, but to act like I'd enjoy this? Act like I wanted to look pretty as a bride? She was dead. Andrea began to clip the ends of my longish hair, and spray it with almost an entire bottle of hairspray. She wasn't even careful not to get any in my nose. I could tell she wasn't happy with the results, but I was even more unhappy. Finally, Andrea leaned back to look at me. "Well...I guess you'll do. No one will be expecting anyone other than me, and with all the makeup, I don't think anyone will notice. Now remember..." Andrea was cleaning up the room, putting away the makeup, gathering up my clothes. "Stand up straight, try to keep your voice high, and don't kiss the groom too long. Tacky." Andrea must have lost her mind! Forget about the humiliation of being a bride, did she honest think I wanted to help her get away with this scam? To rip off some poor guy? I sure wasn't going to the slammer for this hoax! Just what was she thinking? Andrea had put everything away, stuffing all my things into a garbage bag. "I'll just toss these on the way out," she said, as if she were carrying trash, instead of practically everything I owned, including almost fifty dollars in cash. She turned to me. "Sorry about this, Andy. But when you showed up, everything worked out so well." She kissed my cheek. "I know you're furious, but give it a shot. Duke's a nice guy, you might enjoy being a rich wife." She winked at me, and moved out of my line of sight. I heard the door open and close. She was gone. I don't know how long I lay there. Probably much shorter than it felt like. My nose itched. My legs hurt from not moving. My privates were no longer numb, they ached in their confined location. It's hard to describe how miserable I felt. Even the humiliation of my situation was forgotten amid the agony of not moving. Just what was this chemical that had paralyzed me? What is Andrea was wrong? What if I could never move again? After an eternity, I had the sensation like you get when a limb falls asleep and then wakes up. I numb, tingling. My fingers began to wiggle, just a little. I could make soft, pained sounds from my throat. "C'mon," I thought. I had to get moving, had to get help before someone came to take me to the wedding. After about half an hour, I could move my arms and legs some; my trunk was still stiff and immobile. "Soon," I thought. "Soon. Just a little more." Weak as a baby, I finally managed to sit up. My head swam. It couldn't focus. While my mind desperately wanted to rip off my finery, wash my face, and find some clothes, all I could do was sit on the bed and try to steady myself. I thought I was going to be sick. I attempted to stand up, but the voluminous gown prevented me. Taking a deep breath I clutched the hems of the skirt and managed to rise. I needed a drink of water. I thought of the bar where Andrea had fixed me a drink. Maybe I could find an unopened bottle of tonic or something. It was then that I saw my reflection in a large mirror on the wall. And with a horrible sense of realization, I knew that at least part of my sister's plans had come true. I certainly didn't look like a fashion queen, or a socialite, or a centerfold. I looked like a fourteen-year-old tomboy forced to model her sister's wedding gown. But it would take more imagination to think that I was a guy than to think that I was a girl. The wedding gown was huge. The large quantities of silk and lace pretty much covered everything from my hips down. Even if I sported a ten-inch erection, it would hardly be noticeable under all that material. The gown had obviously been designed for someone much more slender, my torso strained at the confines of the narrow waist. And yet...the gown seems to mold my figure, rather than vice versa. People would be more likely to think I the reason for the tight fit was that I was pregnant, not that I was really a guy. Oh God, was I in trouble. The gown tapered off just above the surprisingly realistic looking mounds on my chest. My bare shoulders showed off my tanned, freckled skin. I noticed that Andrea had slipped a necklace on me when I had been incapacitated. Oh God... The face was the worst part. I had never had many opportunities to look in the mirror. I almost never needed to shave and it was just as easy to comb down my hair without looking at it. Whenever I did wash my face in front of some gas station mirror, all I'd see was a gawky, scrawny, teenage guy. What I saw now was a awkward, slender, teenage girl. The hairspray had poofed my short hair out into something resembling a female 'do.' My cracked and chapped lips had become red and pouty. Highlights on my face made my sunken cheeks look high and effeminate. Mascara covered the circles under my eyes. If Andrea hadn't made me look like her, she had at least made me look kind of pretty. But what did it matter? The makeup was coming off. The clothes were coming off. I staggered to the bathroom door, but it was locked. I tried to force the closet, hoping to find some cleanser in the makeup kit, but it was locked as well. I had a sick feeling in my stomach. No water, no way to get off the makeup. What was worse, I realized, was that my sister had stolen all my clothes. The only thing to cover up with was the bed sheets, now soaking wet from the melted ice. I pictured myself, my face made up like a woman's, wearing nothing but a bed sheet toga, desperately trying to find my way off the ship. And once I reached land, what then? Could I pretend to be Andrea and call for help? Ask for some cold cream and a set of sweats? No, that would only raise suspicion. Could I call for help through the door as myself, and ask for some water and a change of clothes? Pretend I had spilled something? That might work. There was only one problem. No one on board knew I was supposed to be there. No one but... But Nikki! I thought of the pretty older woman and almost cried. She knew Andrea's brother was on board! If I could just pass myself off as Andrea for a few minutes, I could ask someone to send for Nikki. She was nice, I could explain what happened and she could rescue me. Could I be brave enough to wander around the boat dressed like this? Did I have the courage? I thought back to a night running through a field outside Macon, security dogs hot on my tail. I thought of jumping a ten-foot fence in Nashville to escape from a drug dealer who realized I'd seen something I shouldn't have. I remembered a pimp pulling a knife on me behind a bar in Tulsa. This was scarier. At least I knew what I was capable of in those situations. I knew I could handle myself. But pass myself as a bride? I had no idea what to do! I checked myself in the mirror. Makeup still looked okay. What had Andrea said? Stand up straight and make my voice high. Remembering that I was supposed to be happy, I tried to wipe the look of terror off my face. I tried the door. It was unlocked. I forced my face into a smile. 'Pretend this is the happiest day of your life,' I told myself. Just smile, stand up straight, and find Nikki. I had no idea where to go in the labyrinthine vessel. Occasionally a crewmember would dash by and give me a smile. I was relieved that no one seemed suspicious. After about ten minutes of wandering around, I knew I had to ask for directions. Stopping an important looking sailor, I asked him if he knew where Nikki was. He blinked at me for a second, and I thought my voice had given away. "Nikki?" he asked. "Oh, you mean Ms. Lewis. Hold on, I'll page her." My cover was safe. Andrea had a bit of a husky voice, and I had been able to pull it off, at least for a couple of sentences. The sailor spoke into his walkie-talkie. "Yes, Ms. Jones is trying to locate Ms. Lewis. Anyone know where she is? Okay. Great. I'll tell her." He turned to me. "She's in the Blue Room. She says come right in." The Blue Room? What the hell was that? "Um, I'm a little turned around here..." "Oh, straight through that door, up the stairs, on your right." I quickly exited. It didn't take me long to find the empty ballroom where Nikki was located. I had hoped to catch her alone, but I found her leaning on a table, talking and laughing with a man in a khaki uniform and sunglasses. Though he wore no sort of insignia, his sunburned, weather- beaten face shouted 'pilot.' "Ah, there's the blushing bride," he said, removing his sunglasses, and grasping my hand. I remembered at the last minute not to give him a firm handshake. "Are you nervous Andrea?" And how! Obviously Andrea knew this guy, but I didn't have a clue. At least he didn't see anything odd. Ignoring him, I turned to Nikki. "Nikki? Can I talk to you? Alone?" Nikki was still looking at the pilot. "Huh? Sure. Trent, could you excuse us a moment?" Trent winked at Nikki and left. She stared after him distractedly. Obviously Nikki was having romantic thoughts. Finally she remembered me. "Don't you look gorgeous!" she said with a lovely smile. "Maybe a bit too much makeup. Let me help." She took a powder puff from her purse and started dabbing at my face. "No," I pulled away. "I have to talk to you. Listen," I looked around to make sure we were alone. "I can't go through with the wedding." Nikki tilted her head and looked at me sympathetically. "You don't need to explain, honey. I already know." "You---you know?" "Of course. Don't worry, it's going to be okay." I could have screamed with relief. If Nikki knew what was going on, I had nothing to worry about. She'd help me escape! "Come this way," she pulled me into a side door, which lead into a narrow passage. Eventually we emerged in a small foyer. "Now wait here," she ordered me. "I'll be back in a moment." Sitting down was impossible in the gown, so I stood studying myself in a large, decorative mirror, starting at every sound. It was odd looking at a female reflection. Not just because of the gender reversal. In my whole life I had never worn nice clothes, and here I was, decked out in a gown that probably cost a few grand. Quite frankly, I couldn't believe Andrea was willing to give up such a luxurious life. Well, once she went to prison, she'd wish she was merely poor again. I'd see to that. After about fifteen minutes, Nikki returned. "Sorry about that. Now, let's talk." Talk? About what? I had to escape! "Now, Andrea," she continued, "I know how you feel. Ever girl is nervous on her wedding day." No, no, no! I couldn't believe it! Nikki didn't know about my problems, she just thought I was Andrea, having pre-wedding jitters. "No, Nikki," I protested, "it's something else. I have something horrible to tell you." "Andrea," Nikki said softly, "whatever it is, it doesn't matter. You're starting a new life, your old life is over. Don't worry about it, it's part of your past. Forget it." I was desperate. "I can't marry Duke!" "Honey," to my surprise, Nikki kissed my cheek. "Someday you'll thank me for this." I felt her press something into my hands. Looking down, I realized it was a bouquet of flowers that had been sitting in a vase. While I was distracted, I heard Nikki say something into a radio. "Okay, now." I looked up. In front of me a large set of double doors opened. Before I could see what was beyond, Nikki gave me a firm push. In order not to trip on my dress, I stepped forward quickly and heard the doors close and latch behind. I became horribly aware of my surroundings. There must have been nearly five hundred people in folding chairs, sitting in the large stateroom. The moment I entered, they all rose. The streams of a very familiar march filled the room, sickening me to my stomach. Flashbulbs popped everywhere. At the end of a long red carpet, I was dimly aware of the smiling figure of a young man. Nikki had set me up! She thought she was doing me a favor and had forced me out to the wedding! Oh God, what now? Everyone in the room was staring at me expectantly. I wanted to scream to them all that this was all a terrible, terrible mistake. And I knew I couldn't. Here I was standing in front of hundreds of people. How could I tell them I was just a guy in drag? It would be too utterly humiliating, for myself and for Andrea's fianc?. I then did the hardest thing I had ever did in all my life. I began to walk forward. More cameras snapped as nervously walked down the aisle. This was not happening. Oh, God, this was so not happening. Then I caught sight of him. Duke. Andrea's fianc?. He looked to be about thirty. Handsome, in a GQ kind of way. Here was the billionaire. Bile rose in my stomach. This guy was the cause of all my trouble. If he'd actually taken the time to know my sister I wouldn't be in this mess. Probably never worked a day in his life. I stopped next to him. Boy, did he look happy. Why shouldn't he? It was his wedding day after all. I tried my best to smile. I tried my best not to look miserable and scared. It was all I could do not to run away. The minister began the ceremony. I tried not to cringe. I tried to look happy. I'm sure my smile was just a hideous, painted on clown grin, as I stood there and crushed my flowers. I'd never been in this much trouble. Now that I'd committed to the wedding, I couldn't escape until after the reception! I might even have to wait until I went to Duke's room that night! Oh...oh, I was in deep. Goddamn Andrea! I was dimly aware of the minister speaking. My mind was elsewhere, planning my escape. Maybe I could jump overboard, ditch the clothes, and hide out until I could get something new to wear. Maybe I could exchange clothes with someone on board. Was there a laundry room on the ship? The minister cleared his throat and Duke was looking at me with an intense, worried expression. I was on. "I do," I managed to cough out. There was a smattering of laughter from the audience. "Then, by the power vested in my by the state of Georgia, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." Before I knew what was happening, Duke's lips met mine in a chaste, closed mouth, wedding kiss. I was too stunned to close my eyes. Then, as his lips fell away and I strained with myself not to wipe my lips, the worst thought of that horrible day hit me. I was married. Married to another man. I was a bride. I was---a wife. I was screwed. *** "Okay, Duke, put your hand on her shoulder and smile." We stood in front of the photographer in another forced pose and grinned for the thousandth time. I had managed to walk, hand in hand with the groom, down the aisle without falling. I had hoped, prayed, begged God that Duke and I would go off alone. Go somewhere we could talk, where I could warn him, tell him of the horrible mistake he had made. Tell him what Andrea had done to us. Instead, Nikki had guided us to an empty portion of the deck, where a photographer took picture after picture, with the ocean in the background. It was almost too much. As I posed with Duke, with his best man, with his father, it was all I could do not to dive overboard. The only thing that kept me from screaming the truth was knowing that being exposed as a man-bride would be far more humiliating than playing wife for a day. At least there was no one from Andrea's family there who could recognize me. "You look really nice," whispered my---my husband. "Thank you," I answered flatly. While everyone tells the bride she's beautiful, I feared that people actually meant it today. "Okay," said the photographer. "Now lets get the couple kissing." While I was able to conceal my disgust at partaking in a homosexual kiss during the wedding, I couldn't do it again. "I need to sit down," I blurted, remembering just in time to keep my voice shrill. Without waiting for an answer, I slumped on a bench. Nikki came over and handed me a glass of water. "Andrea, honey, I know you're nervous, but you have to pull yourself together. You have such a sour look on your face." Making sure only Nikki was in my line of sight, I leaned in to her. "Bitch," I mouthed. Nikki looked startled, then stood up. "All right, everyone. The bride's a bit pooped and the guests are waiting. Let's head on over to the reception." My stomach knotted. I had hoped that there would be no reception, but of course there would be. Duke Greyson was rich, and he wasn't about to elope. The reception, I was sure, would be huge. "Darling, shall we?" Duke touched my bare arm. For the first time that day, I got a good, undistracted look at him. He had black hair, and eyes so brown they appeared black as well. White, white teeth, and just a hint of five o'clock shadow. His face was handsome, unlined, and carefree. I grabbed his arm. "Duke," I whispered. "We have to talk." He looked concerned. I was glad he wasn't the type of guy to dismiss his new wife's concerns outright. "Let's have a seat," he said. Some of Duke's family was milling around, and the photographer was smoking. "Not here," I said. "Let's go somewhere private." "There'll be time enough for that on the honeymoon!" came a laughing voice. I wanted to spit. It was Nikki. "Come on, let's get over to the forward deck. You've got guests waiting." Duke tried to protest, but was hustled along by Nikki. Before I knew it, we were headed toward the front of the ship, where a huge dance floor and buffet table were sat up. Hundreds of guests sat around the linen covered tables. "We'll sneak off as soon as we can," Duke whispered to me. As we came to the reception, a twelve-piece band began playing a romantic pop song. The guests stood and applauded. Flashbulbs began to pop. I was horrified to notice several of the photographers wore press identification badges for newspapers and less reputable tabloids. The media were covering the wedding! How was I supposed to escape, if the whole world knew Duke Greyson had married me? We were ushered to the head table. The waitstaff began serving dinner, rare roast beef, chicken, or fish. I was a bit annoyed to be served a vegetarian entr?e, but it didn't matter. I had no appetite. Duke seemed concerned at my lethargy and kept patting my hand. I couldn't help but notice how soft his hand felt compared to my rough one. I pulled my hand away. I'm sure I didn't look like a happy bride. I cringed when the MC announced the first dance. I allowed Duke to take my hand and lead me to the dance floor. As he put his arm around my waist I noticed how much taller he was than me. "I thought you were going to wear heels," he said with a smile. I shrugged and took his other hand. He led me around the dance floor, accompanied by the orchestral music and more flashbulbs. I gritted my teeth in agony, I didn't care how the pictures turned out. When Andrea kidnapped me, it had never once occurred to me that her crazy plan would actually work! And yet, here I was, newly married, dancing with my husband in front of nearly a thousand people, and no one suspected a thing. I was living a nightmare. "Andrea," Duke whispered. "What's wrong, love?" I couldn't tell him here. Not in front of all those reporters. Much as I hated it, I'd have to wait until the reception was over. "Just a headache," I said. Then I smiled at him. In a few hours, his world would come crashing down. At least for now, he could think he had a wife who loved him. I guess my little smile gave him encouragement, because he proceeded to mash his lips to mine. Not like the simple alter kiss either. He held his hand to the back of my head, and gently but forcefully shoved his tongue into my mouth. I was too stunned to resist. Later, when I looked at our wedding pictures, I had to laugh at the open-eyed look of shock on my face. When more couples joined us on the dance floor, Duke sensed my discomfort and led me back to my seat. I managed to stay there until the toasts and speeches. It was interesting to hear Duke's family talk about me as if I were the real Andrea. Of course, none of them seemed to know her any better than I did. I got the impression their engagement hadn't lasted all that long. Suddenly, I found the microphone in my hand. It was my turn. I wanted to give a short, dismissive speech, but held my tongue. There was no reason to be cruel. This wasn't Duke's fault. "Duke--" I stammered. "I'm not good with words. I--I just want to say-- you're a wonderful man. I want you to know that. No matter what happens, remember--remember that I love you. Never forget that. I love you." It was hard for me to say the romantic words, insincere as they were. Duke, however, seemed genuinely touched, and kissed my cheek as his took the mike. Guests clapped. "Andrea, my love--you've made me so happy. I can't believe I haven't even known you a year." You should've tried to know her a little longer, I thought. "I'm not that great with words either--" some audience members laughed. Maybe he was good with words and was being modest. I certainly wouldn't know. "I love you darling. All I have is yours. I promise to spend my life making you happy." Don't promise what you can't do, Duke. As everyone cheered, Duke kissed me on the forehead. He then turned to the guests. "I want to think everyone for coming to celebrate with us today. Thank you for your presents, your well wishes and your love. We'll see you when we get back from our round the world honeymoon cruise!" Oh crap. He wasn't planning on leaving tonight, was he? The horrifying thought caused me to look like a lobotomy patient during the cutting of the huge cake. The rest of the evening didn't go any better. I was forced to make small talk with people I didn't know (but who knew Andrea), dance with Duke's father, and generally pretend I wasn't miserable. This went on for hours. Duke finally took my hand at one in the morning. "What do you say we get out of here?" I nodded, gratefully. Even if I wasn't playing bride, I would have left the party hours ago. I couldn't stand those pompous rich bastards, with their fancy food and their fake class. I was glad I'd be gone soon. Duke and I reentered the ship under a hail of rice. I didn't have time to talk to him, we always seemed to be surrounded by sailors, staff, or other crew members. Finally, we walked down an ornate hall towards a pair of carved oaken doors. Door opened them, revealing a luxuriously appointed suite. The honeymoon suite. "Duke--" I had to tell him, and I had to tell him right then! "Hold on--" without warning, Duke swept me up in his arms, carried me across the room, and deposited me on the brass bed. As I set up, I could hear him close and lock the bedroom doors. *** Things had to stop and they had to stop right there. I certainly didn't want Duke to get started on his wedding night duties! "Duke!" I stood up. "What is it, my love?" he asked, kicking off his shoes. "Duke, stop. We have to talk." I edged away. "Talk? On our wedding night?" Duke loosen his tie. "Can we do this later?" "Trust me, we need to discuss something right this second." Duke sighed and walked over to the nightstand. He removed a bottle of champagne from an ice bucket and began removing the cork. "So talk." "Duke--there's no way to tell you this..." The cork shot from the bottle with a bang. "Tell me what?" For the first time since the horrible day began I felt more sorry for Duke than for myself. How do you tell a man his bride is a guy? That you're the guy? "Duke, there's something you don't know about me. Something terrible." Duke was filling two champagne glasses. "Have you been married before?" "No." "Is there someone else?" He handed me my glass. I'd never tasted champagne before so I took a sip. Actually, I downed the glass in one gulp. "There's no one else, Duke. It's much worse than that." Duke refilled my glass. "Then what is it? Whatever it is, it won't make a difference to me, Andrea." "Duke, will you listen to me?" Duke wasn't listening. He placed his hands on my bare shoulders. "Could it be," he paused. "That you're not really Andrea?" The sensual expression that had been on Duke's face was replaced by one of intense seriousness and concern. "You--you knew?" "C'mon, whoever you are." Duke's voice wasn't angry, it was hurt. "Do you think I wouldn't recognize my own fianc?e? Your nose is different. Your voice is different. The freckles on your shoulders are different. You're close, but you're not Andrea." I collapsed on the bed in relief. "So why didn't you say something before?" "I couldn't during the ceremony. Andrea's your sister, right? You're the orphan she was talking about." "Duke, all I came for was a wedding. Andrea drugged me and made me up like her. I didn't come to until just before the ceremony. Ask Nikki, she'll tell you how I tried to get away." Duke seemed far away. "They said she couldn't be trusted. I said she was different. I thought she loved me." "Duke, she's going to steal your money. She knows that her name's on your accounts now. She said something about Rio. You need to put a block on your cash." Duke shook his head. "I lied to her about that. I wasn't going to put her name on anything until after the honeymoon." "I'm sorry, man. All I wanted to do was meet my sister. I didn't want any of this shit." Duke sat on the other side of the bed, facing away from me, occasionally taking a drink straight from the champagne bottle. "Everyone said Andrea was a gold digger. Everyone said she was just in this for the cash. I thought I saw something no one else did." "It's not your fault. She fooled us both. I thought I had found a sister, instead she slips something into my drink and leaves me in her place." While I was pleased he wasn't freaked out about my gender, I wanted to get back to the issue at hand. Mainly, finding me some clothes and getting me the hell off the ship. The man I'd just sworn to stand by, for better or for worse, was only half listening. "Yeah. Both of us--um, what's your name?" "Andrew." Duke's head shot up and I was horrified to see a look of unbridled fury across his handsome features. "What!" he almost screamed. "What's your problem?" I stood up and back away. In a heartbeat, Duke pounced at me. Grabbing the front of my dress, he yanked, tearing the expensive garment and exposing my flat chest and tiny nipples. "You faggot! You're not Andrea's sister! You're--you're her brother!" So that's why he'd been so calm. He knew I wasn't Andrea, but he had no idea I was a man. "Duke, listen to me--" Duke's hand shot up and decked me across the face, sending me to the floor. "You sick queer! Everyone in the world saw you! Saw us!" He grabbed me by the arm and yanked me to my feet. "Do you realize what you've done?" I tried to sputter out that I was as embarrassed as he was, probably a lot more so, but I couldn't get the words out. Only when I saw his hand go up to strike me again, I knew I had to take control of the situation. With the experience of a dozen brawls behind me, I placed a well- directed jab right where it hurts (no, not there, on the bridge of his nose). This caused him to stagger back. As he recovered and tried to lunge again, I snatched up the champagne bottle and broke it nicely across a dresser. The jagged shard in my hand stopped his advance. "Now listen here," I said, very calmly. "I know you're humiliated and hurt. You're betrayed. But so am I. I'm no fag, I never wanted to be your wife, and whatever embarrassment you went through today, I went through it twice." Duke was kneeling on the floor, clutching his bloody nose. He tried to say something, but I stopped him. "I know you're a big shot. I know the world watches every time you take a shit. And I know what would happen if anyone found out what happened here tonight. But I don't want anyone to know any more than you do. So here's the plan. "Get me some clothes. Say they're for you; they'll be a little big, but that's okay. I'll stay the night here, I'll sleep on that couch. In the morning, Nikki or someone can sneak me out. Tell the media you got an annulment. Tell them Andrea was a gold digging whore. Tell them anything. You and me, we never met." Duke didn't say anything for a long time. Finally, he stood up. "Wait here," he said, and was gone. As soon as he left, I ripped off the gown and kicked it into a heap on the floor. The bra, the gaff, and the fake fingernails soon followed. Poking around in a closet, I found a bathrobe with the monogram 'DG.' Perfect. Not only was I anxious to get back to looking like a man, I didn't want Duke to be reminded of me as a bride. That would be dangerous for us both. I found the suite's bathroom and stared at my reflection. My makeup was a bit smeared, my hair was a sticky heap of hairspray, and a small bruise was developing under my eye where Duke had punched me. I no longer looked like a bride, I looked like a drag queen who'd been in a bar fight. I plunged my whole head into a basin of hot water and attempted to remove my makeup and straighten my hair. It helped a little, but it would really take cream, soap and a lot of shampoo, and I didn't want to be in the shower when Duke came back. He returned all too soon, and he wasn't alone. Nikki, carrying a small sack, followed him. I was pleased to see her face was red and pained looking; she'd been crying. Good. It was her fault I was in this mess. I know she didn't know what was going on, but if she'd just listened to me when I tried to protest the wedding, we'd all be a lot happier. Duke surveyed the shattered remains of his honeymoon: the cast-off gown, the broken glass, the shivering man-bride. I could see him tense, then settle. "Have a seat," he gestured Nikki and I to large armchairs. "We have a lot to talk about. First of all, just who are you, and how did you end up here? No lies." It didn't take long to explain, about the orphanage, travelling to Savannah, Andrea drugging me. It all seemed so ridiculous. As I explained, Nikki passed me her sack. Glancing inside, I found a pair of blue jeans and a man's shirt, along with shoes and underwear. "Nikki, do you believe what this--this person is saying?" said Duke, when I was done. Nikki nodded, not looking at me. "He came here all exited about meeting everyone. He made a big fuss when security wouldn't let him it. He wouldn't have done that if he were planning something." "I see." Duke got up and began pacing. "Well, thanks to my slut of an ex-fianc?e, we're screwed." "Why are we screwed?" I asked. "Just get a divorce. No one's the wiser." He shook his head. "You don't know what it's like to be in the public eye. If I get a divorce after one day, they're going to want to know why. They'll know there's dirt to be found, and they'll find it. How'd you like what happened tonight to be all over next week's headlines?" The thought sickened me. Just when I thought the worst was over, he throws this at me. And he was right! I saw how the media jackals go after celebs who screw up. Damn, they'd love this. "So what do we do?" "Andrew--" it seemed hard for him to call me by my male name. "There is an option. I don't like it, neither will you, but it's the only way." My stomach gurgled. "What?" I whispered. "Andrea and I were scheduled to go on a round the world honeymoon trip. We'd spend most of the time on the boat, and only go to shore occasionally." I suddenly knew what he was about to suggest, but he got it out before I could protest. "If you were to stay on board and pose as my wife during those few trips ashore--" "Hell no!" "Just a few times a month. In a year, we could file for divorce..." "No!" "And no one will be the wiser. A year-long marriage isn't that odd, and we'll be old news by then anyway." I jumped up. "No! That's final. Good Lord, a day as a woman was bad enough, and you want me to spend an entire year? I'm out of here." I grabbed the bag of clothes and started to leave. "You're not going anywhere." Duke's voice was firm. "Is that a threat?" "That's a fact. We've already set sail. We'll reach Miami tomorrow night, until then, I want you to consider some things." Huffily, I sat back down. "First of all," began Duke, "if you leave in Florida, you'll be found out. They'll track you down. You think the those tabloid jerks can't find out about Andrea's brother? You'll be a drag queen all your life-- Andrew. "Secondly, you won't have to do a lot. Just be seen with me in public. I don't care if you're cool to me, that will make our eventual divorce look more natural. Just pose for the cameras." I rolled my eyes. Did he really think I'd even consider this? "Thirdly," he continued, "for your services, I'm willing to pay you one million dollars." The figure didn't register for some time. I was dimly aware of Duke asking Nikki to serve as a lookout, so the crew wouldn't know he hadn't spent the night in this cabin. By the time I looked up, I was alone. A million dollars? *** I awoke from a series of frantic, surreal dreams and for a few moments I didn't know where I was. It was only when I saw Nikki sitting next to my bed that I remembered. "What do you want?" I snarled. Nikki was looking at the floor. "I brought you some breakfast." She gestured to a small cart, where a covered dish, a carafe of orange juice, and a bowl of fruit were laid out. Making sure I was still in my boxers, I walked over to the spread. Under the cover was a warm plate of steak and eggs. For a guy who considered a meal at Hardee's splurging, it was a bit much. There was even a fresh rose in a vase on the cart. As I poured down a third glass of OJ, I felt Nikki's hands drape my shoulders. "This is all my fault," she said. It was a simple statement of fact. Last night I would have yelled out her, shoved her away. Today, I sat quietly. Her smooth, painted hands felt good on my bare shoulders. "Andrew--I'm sorry." I turned to her. "Nikki--I guess you're not to blame. We both know the one to blame." Nikki began to rub my shoulders. "I shouldn't have tricked you. I thought you just had cold feet." Something about that struck me as funny and I laughed. "Don't beat yourself up." She let go of my shoulders and fluffed out her long, blonde hair. "So, have you given any thought to Duke's proposal?" "To act life a wife? As if!" "Andrew," she picked up an orange wedge from my plate and nibbled it. "I know what you must think. But listen. "You're obviously very poor. Don't you ever dream of a better life? A home of your own, a big one? Don't you have any dreams you've wanted to follow but couldn't? Don't you wish you could be someone important?" "Like Duke's wife?" "I don't mean like that. I mean after a year. When you become a millionaire. You haven't had an easy life, I can tell that." She laid her hands on my cheeks. The feel of the older woman's soft palms on my cheeks brought an unwanted, though not unexpected, physical response and I pulled away. Nikki continued. "You could buy a house. Start a business. Go back to school. Anything you wanted." "And sacrifice a year of my life in dresses?" "Andrew." Nikki's tired, grey eyes held mine. "Haven't you ever did anything humiliating to survive?" "I dunno--" "Where do you eat?" "I can buy food. And, there's charity--" "Have you ever eaten out of the trash?" I hung my head. Not often, but I'd had to go that route a few times. "Where do you get your clothes? Goodwill? Do you sleep in a bed at night, or an alley?" I began to pace. "Okay, I'm a bum! You happy? I'm a worthless, no good, stinking bum!" Nikki followed me across the room. "That's not what I'm saying. But wouldn't you like to eat the richest, most expensive food you've ever tasted, every night for a year? Enjoy the best entertainment, the most exclusive resorts, meet famous people, basically be on a fabulous vacation for a year?" "A vacation? Dressed like--" "How? In the most expensive, fashionable clothes?" "Dresses! Skirts!" "So? Would you rather go back to your rags?" "It's not that--" "Then what? For the next year you'll live a life of luxury. You'll be wined and dined and see exciting places for free. Doesn't that sound like fun?" "For you maybe. You'd do great as a pretty wife. Not me." Nikki seemed genuinely touched. "Maybe some day. But Andrew, tell me, can't you try it for a while? Duke and Andrea were supposed to go to a party in Miami. Could you give it a shot for one night?" I wanted to say no, but I stumbled. Everything was so confusing. I needed more time to think things through. "There's no way I could pass myself off as a woman at a party." "You did a pretty good job at your wedding." "That was different. I didn't have to say anything there. How can I survive talking to people?" "I teach you everything I know about being a fancy woman. If you don't think you can do it, we'll stop." I sat back down and picked at the eggs. "Nikki, why are you so obsessed with me doing this?" Nikki didn't answer for a while. "I've worked for Duke a long time. He's been good to me, no not that way! Stop looking so smug. He's just really done me some good turns, got me out of some jams. I really owe him." "You really owe me too." Nikki touched my shoulder. "I do. If you really go through with this, I'll be by your side every second. I'll make this as painless for you as possible. In the mean time, eat up. I'll be back in an hour to help you pick out a dress." She was out the door before I could protest. *** An hour later, there was a knock at the door. Nikki came in, pulling a large rack of clothes covered in garment bags. "Why so many?" I whined. Nikki sat on the bed, panting. "We have to find the most flattering outfits for you. Ones that make you look the best, ones that won't give you away. I groaned. "Okay, what am I supposed to do?" "Get undressed. Put these on." She tossed me a package of bland cotton panties. I suddenly felt embarrassed. "Um, Nikki, that's not going to cover much." "You don't have anything I haven't seen. But if

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Maiden Magdalena Foreer His Lady

The maiden’s horse galloped through tall green grass withal speed and finesse en route to the Prince’s castle. Aloof bareback, her dress flowed carelessly in the wind as her horse pressed the green blades withal his clod hooves. Withal the sun’s rays at her back, the maiden trod heavy on her way thither. Since that merry day when she watched him from her room window frolic withal seers of the village where she doth reside, the maiden was awestruck withal his dapperness. She had all intendments...

3 years ago
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Maiden Magdalena Foreer His Lady

The maiden's horse galloped through tall green grass withal speed and finesse en route to the Prince's castle. Aloof bareback, her dress flowed carelessly in the wind as her horse pressed the green blades withal his clod hooves. Withal the sun's rays at her back, the maiden trod heavy on her way thither. Since that merry day when she watched him from her room window frolic withal seers of the village where she doth reside, the maiden was awestruck withal his dapperness. She had all intendments...

Love Stories
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Corsets and Cutlasses Part I Madeline and Elizabeths Ocean Voyage

Author note: This is the first part of a tale that might or might not be continued. It is set some time in the mid 18th century (so not strictly Victorian, but that category seemed closest). Corsets and Cutlasses, Part I: Madeline and Elizabeth's Ocean Voyage. 1. Cabin transformation "Hold still silly," Elizabeth chided me, "this is tricky and I'll have your eye out if you move like that." She waved the dark kohl pencil threateningly. "But it wasn't me!" I protested...

3 years ago
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Maiden Goddess

Where is my cock Maiden the Goddess roars through the mansion. Her heels click, clack on the hard wood floors. The men and women in their various cages and rooms shiver with both excitement and a pang of fear. The leather clad warrior goddess, just back from the Bondage Ball Hollywood has had a night of fun and games and is ready to play. She has hundreds of rooms with hundreds of slaves, but she wants if only she can remember where she has stored him. Frustrated she retires to her...

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1812 Arianas Voyage

All of the events in this story are based in fiction If you are looking for a quick read, straight to the point, this is not for you. It has a story line with scenes ranging from mild to graphic throughout This is part 1 of the 1812 series, I will be posting part 2 soon. 1812- The Indian Ocean Preface On a fall day in late September, one of England’s royal ships, “The Voyager”, sent out on a trip to Australia. The Royal Court had collected a myriad of sailors, slaves, craftsmen,...

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Miss Berkeleys Voyage

It was the cook who?d heard the rumour first. It seemed incredible, but Rab had skulked outside the captain?s door and had heard her voice. He hadn?t been able to hear what they were saying, but he?d said their tone was sombre. There were those, of course, who?d said a single woman shouldn?t have been on the ship in the first place, but Tom had listened to the speech she?d given when she?d first boarded and he?d been impressed. She?d introduced herself then as Laura Berkeley, the daughter of...

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Maiden of Rome

Maiden of Rome by ShannonQ A noble Roman Tribune is captured in a battle with the Germanic tribes. He is given to a witch and eventually turned into a woman. She is given the name of Penelope. She is sent back to Rome. What will her family do? What will her father say? What is her future in the greatest Empire on earth? Rated R ONE The rains intensified as the XVII...

2 years ago
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Maiden Kisses A Poem of Foreplay

Maiden KissesA Duet Spiritual Romantic Poem and Erotic Psalm of KissingJohn, “Big John” GallivanWarrior Poet/Erotic Psalmist“Viking Gladiator”AndChristine Elaine HarrisRomantic Psalmist/Spiritual Poetess“Spiritual Poetess”www.eroticpsalms.comI am th[/b]e Viking Gladiator, the warrior poet, the erotic psalmist,And no declaration is more divine and profound than this:To be enchanted by a lovely maiden with seductive girly kisses,Is so incredible beyond leaps and bounds.For being tremendously...

5 years ago
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Maiden by Decree Chapter 1

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter One A Really Bad Mistake or, Is this Knight nearsighted or what? Derek reached the tournament grounds and followed his sister, Ilene, into a tier of rough wooden benches with a heartfelt sigh of relief. At fifteen years of age, the young man was still willowy with few visible signs that he was ever going to mature into a well muscled...

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Maiden Lane

An Anniversary to Remember The harvest had given way to the last month of winter in San Francisco. A young couple walked along the old pier, a pier which is simply called the Muni pier by most locals. The fisherman cast out by the rocks which contour the shoreline area. The seagulls, wheeling and crying calling out to one another as they dove, wings skimming the surface above the foam in search of food. The chill of winter glistened with salt spray over the Pacific Ocean. “Excuse me, would you...

5 years ago
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Maiden of Rome 2

Maiden of Rome II By ShannonQ It is seven years after leaving Rome for Spain. Maximus, Penelope, and Attia are enjoying their sunset years as Tiberius dies and the new Emperor Caligula is reeking havoc on the people in the capitol of the Empire. Rated R In part one Druses Marcellus was a Tribune in the XVII Legion which was attacked by the Germans under Arminius the chief of the central tribes. This was the battle of the Teutoburg Forest when...

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Maiden by Decree Chapters 13 14

Maiden by Decree Chapter 13 What? Or: Oh, no Frigging Way! I'm not going to Do It! Oh, well, I suppose that pretty well tells you all what the character reactions to living through this chapter were. They're currently on strike and close to being in open revolt here. Sigh. Come to think of it, with all the problems our heroines, heroes, and villains are coping...

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 15

Maiden by Decree Chapter Fifteen By Maggie Finson Chalmnessa or, So This is Where You Grew Up ... "What were you thinking?" Garret asked almost plaintively once he had gotten Deirdre back to her cabin and in relative private. "Risking yourself in a shipboard battle? You could have been captured, or worse, killed!" "It seemed like the thing to do at the time?" she...

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Maiden Maid

Author: Powerone Title: Maiden Maid Part: Chapter 8- New Girls from the Orphanage Summary: This is the story of orphans that become of age in 1933 and whatthey are forced to do to survive the Great Depression. Keywords: M+F, nc, anal, reluc, humil, oral Copyright 2002, 2003 and 2004 by Powerone. The author can be contacted [email protected]. This is the story of orphans that become of age in 1933 and what they areforced to do to survive the Great Depression. Sara is an 18-year-old...

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Maiden of the Sea

His lighthouse sat upon the highest point of cliff and he tended it alone, with no one anywhere near him. The nearest farm was a day's walk east, and the nearest village another day further. The beach near him continued up the side of the cliff and led to his home beside the lighthouse. He like this life, despite its lonely nature, with all the beach he could want to walk, and all the breaking surf to trudge through, and the deepest ocean in which to swim. Blowing bubbles with his nose,...

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Maiden of RomeChapter 4

The Roman guards were shocked to see a remarkably beautiful redheaded maiden ride out of the edge of the forest to cross the bridge into Roman territory all alone. She looked to be unharmed. She was taken to the new commander of the new Legions. His name was Germanicus. Brother of Tiberius and related to Augustus by marriage of his mother Livia to the Emperor. Germanicus was an intelligent general with a good heart. He patiently listened to Penelope as she wove her tale about being a captive...

4 years ago
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A wild sea voyage

A wild sea voyageBy the time we lived in Port Everglades, we had borrowed a nice sixty foot cruiser from our old friends Cecilia and Peter. They were going to be abroad during two weeks at least; so, we could enjoy the boat for a whole weekend. Anita and I had decided to sail away with another two couples of friends; not a long raid, just few miles close to the coast line.While waiting for our guests, we had spent the night on board, of course having wild sex during most of the time.At early...

2 years ago
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Manly Maiden Voyage

I open my front door to you standing there with a big red bow tied around your chest. "Happy Valentine's Day!" you say, grinning ear to ear. “I'm your present from James, I hope you like me," you add with a little uncertainty noting the surprised look on my face. A big smile lights up my face and I take you by the hand and eagerly pull you inside. Then I frame your face between my hands and kiss you deep and fiercely. You wrap your arms around me and nestle me against your growing erection. I...

Group Sex
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John sat beside the hospital bed holding Jan's hand looking at her angular face and her dark blue eyes that had once been so expressive. Now they were dull and listless. Her skin, once tanned as if she spent a lot of time outdoors now had a sickly pallor. Physically she had been arresting rather than beautiful or even pretty. She had the sort of features that were finely boned, chiselled, and stamped with both intelligence and strength. She was a woman who had once radiated u*********s...

2 years ago
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Assassin No MoreChapter 2 An Ocean Voyage

It was the first day of our voyage when I found out that traveling the oceans was not exactly safe. The sailors always carried wicked curved swords in their waist sashes. I thought it was because of me, but as we began moving they immediately started ignoring me. No matter what they were doing, some of their attention was always on the sea around us. I learned the reason shortly after we reached deep water. I was by the side rail watching the sea when a large fish broke the surface. I did...

3 years ago
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Chosen Frozen IIChapter 11 Bon Voyage

Sunday evenings were normally a quiet time, both at Earth and at Thule. On this particular Sunday evening, though, things were not quiet at Earth – and not quiet at Thule. DECO Miles Chandler stood in a civilian dress jacket and turtleneck sweater just behind the Orbital Control station of the Operations Centre, Tribune Whitefeather and his team stood At Ease behind him. Deputy Director Renee Galois was sort of hovering behind the knot of Confederacy officers and the Director of...

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"I'm on a week-long scouting mission for deuterium," says Tom Paris, sipping a cocktail in the Mess Hall, "and YOU show up. Just my luck, I suppose..." You nod, appreciating the irony. The ship's resident 20th century scholar was, you found out later, disappointingly absent from your arrival on the ship. You, certifiably born in the 20th century, made your rather...unique entrance onto Voyager just hours after he left. "So, you gotta tell me," he says. "I mean, I've been briefed, but I want to...

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 5

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter Five A Small Gathering and Some Revelations Or: I May be Tipsy, but I?m NOT Stupid Ilene and Katrina were waiting for Deirdre in the chambers assigned to the new lady with pleased smiles on their faces. Deirdre ignored those for a while as she ? another jolt, but a description of gender that the youth would have...

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Maiden Voyage of the Amethyst Dream

Man: As I drive along Shoreline Drive, enjoying the cool breeze off the bay, I am a bit nervous. Thinking of her waiting for me at the hotel, I am hopeful that she will enjoy the evening I have planned for the two of us. It has been so exciting these past few weeks since I first met her and I really want tonight to be something special. I pray that all of my preparation and planning will make the impression on her that I desire. As I slow the car to turn into the hotel parking lot, I am...

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Maiden Fair Mf TG cons rom

Maiden Fair by SpectreOfHell When Wallace rang the bell of apartment 19G, he was alarmed to notice that his hand was shaking. He heard the patter of unshod feet running across the carpet, and the door opened before he had a chance to compose himself. June saw him and a smile exploded onto her young face. It was the kind of smile that made a man’s heart soar and melt at the same time, and Wallace grinned stupidly at her, momentarily unable to remember why he was there. ‘Wally,’ she said...

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 2

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter Two A Proposition or "You want me to do WHAT?!!" "But I can't. More, I have no desire or inclination, or even the proper anatomy for this," Derek nearly exploded in the faces of the ladies sent to supervise his makeover into a decently attired and mannered lady companion to a knight of the realm. "Read my lips. I. AM. NOT....

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 3

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter Three Looking the Part Or: How am I supposed to move around in this stuff? Deirdre twitched at his long, encumbering skirts for a moment to rearrange them into a more comfortable fit as they settled into place with a soft, feminine hiss of silk and satin. After that he gave his bodice a little tug to straighten it and move the scratchy, tickling...

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 4

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter Four A Potential Sister-in-Law, Others, and a Royal Decree Or: What was I Thinking of When I agreed to this?!! He was almost used to being on horseback when they reached the palace gates and were ushered inside by respectful grooms, one of which helped him dismount. The man's hands on his waist as Deirdre was easily...

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 6

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter Six On Learning to be a Lady Or: I'm stuck with it, and a deal is a deal Deirdre awakened without a great deal of disorientation but a lot of trepidation as she felt the smoothness of silk both clothing and covering her. Events of the previous few days were so completely burnt into her memories that the...

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 7

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter Seven False Smiles Or: That dirty, double dealing, two faced, four flushing... "OWW!!! That was my leg!" "If you'd hold still and stop fidgeting..." Katrina muttered through a mouthfull of pins. "You wouldn't get stuck while I get this hem pinned up. I'll never get this Gown properly fitted if you insist on...

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 8

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter 8 Life in the Palace Or How Am I supposed to Remember all this stuff?!! "Sheesh!" Deirdre protested. "I had to learn needlepoint, knitting, and fortunately I already knew how to sew. Then there was meeting a bunch of fluttery little ladies who are supposed to be the cream of the nation and remember all...

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Maiden By Decree Chapter 9

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter Nine The Royal Grand Ball Or "The Things I do just to Keep People Happy." "So how am I supposed to act tonight?" Deirdre nervously questioned Jessica resplendent in her gold gown, as the pair waited for their men to arrive. "Just be yourself, dear," the other answered with a shrug then rearranged the...

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Maiden By Decree Chapter 10

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter Ten How Much Longer Do I Put Up With This? Or: Does Gritting my Teeth Count as a Smile? Cedric King of Jhalmar chuckled quietly between formal presentations as he observed Deirdre's dance with Laddin, and her 'clumsiness' during that dance. "What has you amused tonight, dear?" Evaine, his wife and...

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Maiden By Decree Chapter 11

Maiden by Decree Chapter 11 Reconciliation Or: I Didn't buy Into This But I Seem to be Stuck with it "I'm really worried about her." Garret looked towards the door to Deirdre's bedchambers - thankfully quiet now, but that was worrisome, too. "She was doing so well for a while, then suddenly went berserk." "It isn't your fault, brother." Jessica tried to reassure him. "You had no more control over what...

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 12

Maiden by Decree Chapter 12 Assassins Lurk Or: Pardon Me. Did You Drop This Poisoned Dagger? By Maggie Finson Dierdre glared at both Garret and Jessica then realized she was still standing in front of them without clothing. Snatching her robe up and hastily wrapping it around herself, she slowly and deliberately walked across the room to pour herself a large goblet of...

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 16

Maiden By Decree Chapter 15 Kidnapped Or: You Guys Are in SOOO Much Trouble! By Maggie Finson "They have safely arrived in Serai," Roric told his co-conspirators with the displeasure he felt about that clear in his posture and voice. "Your pirates, Lord Jentis, failed miserably." Jentis, a representative, though covert, from Cardasia...

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 17

Maiden by Decree Chapter 17 Captivity Or: I Really Need to Find a Better Class of Kidnappers "Tell me how this happened." Garret surveyed the splattered gore, and disheveled bed then turned to Chalmnessa's Guard Captain with a look that would have cracked granite. "How did anyone, let alone more than one person, get in here to do this without being spotted before they reached this point or when they were...

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Maiden Naked Experience 8211 Part II

Hello friends, I am continuing my fantasy of Maiden Naked Experience, Please read that part before getting in to this. I started running naked towards the building; it was a cool breeze making me go crazy even at that high tension period. My ass wants me to push it back to feel the curve by myself. I approached the gate and there was a light in the cellar. It was 1 am in the night and I can see somebody sleeping on the floor in the cellar. I am totally afraid now as he was facing towards the...

Gay Male
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Maiden Fair Mf TG cons rom

Maiden Fairby SpectreOfHellWhen Wallace rang the bell of apartment 19G, he was alarmed to notice that his hand was shaking. He heard the patter of unshod feet running across the carpet, and the door opened before he had a chance to compose himself. June saw him and a smile exploded onto her young face. It was the kind of smile that made a man's heart soar and melt at the same time, and Wallace grinned stupidly at her, momentarily unable to remember why he was there."Wally," she said...

2 years ago
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Maiden Sex With Aunty

By: Buffalohunk Hello everybody this is my second story in ISS but this s maiden experience into world of sex here I lost my virginity to my aunty who is mother of a kid. It was during my internship period this incident also took place. This is true life incident which turns my life upside down. It also kindled my sexual desire up. Here, I start narrating that incident. As I was doing internship period I have to talk to more people. One day I went to collect blood from blood bank there I met a...

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Maiden MaidCh 6 John Teaches Sara

Maiden Maid Chapter 6 John Teaches Sara The next morning, Sara walked slowly into the kitchen, her body still aching from the punishment and the fucking she had endured. She had gone back to her room after Michael had fucked her hard and lay on the bed, naked. She allowed her legs to spread, wider and wider as if forced to do so, until they hung over the edge. She let her fingers trace down the flat plane of her stomach until she reached her flaming red bush. She could fill the heat from...

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Maiden Maid Ch 5 The Punishment

This is the story of orphans that become of age in 1933 and what they are forced to do to survive the Great Depression. Sara is an 18-year-old orphan during the depression and life is hard. In Chapter 1 and 2, Sara is given a job as a maid for Michael. In Chapter 3 she is spanked for breaking a glass and is forced to masturbate Michael’s cock. In Chapter 4, Michael takes further sexual liberties with her young body including teaching her how to suck his cock. Maiden Maid Chapter 5-The...

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Maidens pageant

Maiden's Pageant Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When I went out that night I knew I was taking a chance, but I simply couldn't help myself. That yearning to go out, dressed as a girl, the one that had nagged at me for so long, finally won the argument between my fear, and my desire to do it. The minute I stepped out into the night, a wave of relief washed over me. The twinkling stars, the warm night air and the moonlight was nothing to the feel of fresh air on my newly...

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I'm flying the airplane Voyager I'm flying the airplane.  A wing dips and I turn the wheel, scraping ailerons on the frozen air. The plane yaws; I reach up and adjust the trim. It rolls; I pull back on the yoke. We level off.  I'm scared, afraid of losing control, of falling. But still, I'm flying. It's my skill that keeps us in the air, keeps the passengers safe. The passengers... ? I look around the cockpit, confused. The plane starts to fall off. I correct. Concentrate, damn it!...

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Beths Ocean Voyage

Thank you to everyone who sent me feedback on my first story here on literotica. I value your input and suggestions. All names used in this story are factious and are not directly related to anyone living or dead. Standing on the railing of the ship, Beth looked out over the ocean as it rolled by. Shuddering slightly at the cool breeze that blew over her, she pulled her shawl more tightly around her. Coming on this trip she thought would be a good idea, her family and friends had agreed with...

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Bon Voyage

The rhythmic rocking of the carriage was soothing, and soon became a predictable pattern, perhaps due to an out of round wheel, or mayhap a gimp leg on one of the horses, or perhaps an uneven distribution of luggage overhead and beneath. Rain pricked at the hard exterior, the thick glass window on the door and parallel side of the carriage. This and the clop clop of the horses’ hooves offered a hypnotic chant that left Hannah’s head nodding against the corner she huddled in beneath her cloak....

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Manly Maiden Voyage

I open my front door to you standing there with a big red bow tied around your chest. ‘Happy Valentine’s Day!’ you say, grinning ear to ear. “I’m your present from James, I hope you like me,’ you add with a little uncertainty noting the surprised look on my face.   A big smile lights up my face and I take you by the hand and eagerly pull you inside. Then I frame your face between my hands and kiss you deep and fiercely. You wrap your arms around me and nestle me against your growing erection....

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Captain Tom 2 The Voyage

Thursday evening my man and I found ourselves at our favorite restaurant for Dollar Oyster Raw Bar night. We sat at the bar and chatted with the locals as we ate. Most of them are snooty assholes, but some are characters we have come to know and like or tolerate. This brings us to Captain Tom, who is always very excited to see us and boasts about his life as a seaman. My man still has no idea that Tom and I have been lovers. Tom played it very cool. Personally I think the man is a pompous ass...

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The Cruise Bon Voyage

The Cruise - Slave Linda By LindaK Reader - this story follows my first series 'A Tale of Submission for Linda' and its sequel, "The Evolution of Sub Linda." While this story will include some character and story background I would encourage you to read them in order to better understand it. I hope you enjoy The Cruise.... Chapter One - Cast Off The soft sea scented breeze gently moved Linda's shoulder length hair as she stood at the balcony rail. Linda smiled as she...

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The Voyage

© Connard Wellingham 2003 The boat sliced through the calm blue waters, its prow making comforting gurgling sounds. Amanda lay on the foredeck letting the sun soak into her skin. 'How on earth, ' she wondered idly, 'did I get into this?' Her bottom ached, her arms ached and her cunt ached after last night's session. She shifted her position and winced as more muscles protested at the abuse they had received. 'Still, ' she thought with a contented sigh, 'it isn't all...

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The RescueChapter 12 A Peaceful Sea Voyage

Surprisingly, the entire group woke relatively early the next day. It had been forty-plus hours awake for some of the group, and after dinner ended, they had all gone back to the suite to sleep. Sleep itself had been a long time coming for some of them. Mary, Babs, and Maggie had stripped to skin, then under the cover of the sheets, had each silently masturbated to orgasm. Each of them had similar thoughts, the partaking of the pleasures of the flesh with Robby, the Skipper, and Malcolm, and...

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BackscatterChapter 2 Bon Voyage

Three days later. Time: Tuesday, May 14, 2047 8:44 AM twelve km north of Ft. Hood, Texas Megan stood quietly watching Little Thunder from an adjacent stall. The mare was the finest Morgan horse Megan had ever seen and was about to produce her first foal. The birthing so far had gone without a hitch, and Megan was very pleased with the performance of her assistant Private Collins. Megan had dropped into a role of quiet observer almost an hour ago. Her mind drifted back to the weekend. While...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 66 Bon Voyage

September 18, 1989, Chicago, Illinois “I have the hiring forms for Jody Pancook and Park Sung-Hee,” Dave said. I scanned them and scribbled my name at the bottom and initialed the salary line, then passed the papers back to Dave. “Next problem,” he said. “Computers.” “I don’t see that we have any choice but to buy ‘386 systems. We keep hearing rumors of ‘486 computers but I wouldn’t want to buy one of the first ones.” Dave nodded, “We still have some ‘286 systems that we need to replace,...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 397 Telling My Loved Ones About My Voyage

Saturday, November 3, 2007 (Continued) Everyone was in the Adults' House, mostly in the living room but some scattered around. Julia spotted me coming up the hill and used the intercom to summon everyone else to the living room. I entered through the living room's ranch slider doors, my girls running to cuddle with me. My dishes would be in the way so I bent over and put them on the floor, where the baddies' cameras wouldn't see them as they skidded along the floor to the kitchen while...

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Tales From Mist WorldChapter 22 The Karennarsquos First Voyage

Jake awoke for the second time with his wife in his arms. He decided Catherine was right. This was home. This ship and her. she had said this would be their home where she wanted to raise the children live out the rest of their lives. Jake had thought it sweet she had said it. Laying in their bed this morning though, he had to agree. It was the perfect plan. The two kissed and said what newlyweds say then got dressed. Jake was worried they should have come and woken him when the Pride...

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Tales From Mist WorldChapter 25 Last Voyage

Jake was woken on their second night out from the capital. He dressed quickly and hurried to the bridge. “Report?” “Communications picked a call for help. An eeler is being attacked by the Reaver and a second ship. With our speed, we’re the closest help. They tried to run but the Reaver caught them and shot off their mast. They just reported they were surrendering. We can be there in an hour at full thrust.” Jolly reported Jake thought over his choices. Then realized there were no choices....

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Blackfeather3 Virgin Voyage

KYLE AND I got to ride herd for two weeks during the summer. Phile and Caitlin weren’t happy about it because they had to stay close to home without us to watch them. We had a little responsibility on the range but it was all where we loved to be—on our horses. The guys taught us what we were supposed to watch for during the long days in the saddle. “I’m glad you’re up here for a couple weeks,” Rafe said. He was our ranch foreman and we rode up with him to where the two summer hands and...

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Handmaiden of the Virgin

(Editor's note: I began working on this one last week. I was on the second section when I came across a story by the wonderful writer Kriz called "The Church of True Light." It was amazing how similar the two pieces were. My church was called, in those days, The Church of Devine Light. The woman had changed her name to Eve. So I sent Kriz a note and told her I was going to stop my piece to give way to hers. She urged me to finish it. I tweaked and polished, and came up with this. There...

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