Cockswords Berries a tale of kings and maidens
- 4 years ago
- 35
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A drop of sweat stung my right eye, and I blinked to clear it. I dared not do anything more as I stared at the three men a few paces away. I held my sword in the high guard position, and a drop of blood fell from the tip. The blood’s donor lay near my feet, where he’d collapsed after I’d stabbed him through the throat.
The leader, a burly human, bared his mouthful of rotten teeth at me. “It would have been easier for you if you had just given up. Now, we will make you pay for my friend’s death, and you will pay dearly.” He lifted his war hammer, and his friends raised their weapons, a wickedly curved sword and a war axe. “Take care to not kill her, brothers. There will be time enough for that later.”
I backed up a step, and my heart fell. I was alone against the three of them, and I was fortunate to have killed the fourth one so quickly. He laughed when I, a slip of a girl in his words, drew my sword. He didn’t laugh long, but now it would be their turn.
The road here went through the forest, and the underbrush was too thick for me to run away. I had walked around a turn in the road, only to find myself nearly in their midst. Brigands rarely came this far from the city, so I was not expecting trouble. Now, though, I had more of it than I could handle.
The two men flanking their leader moved away from him and each other, spreading out in front of me. My mouth went dry, and I focused on the leader. If I could slay him, perhaps the others would lose their nerve. Or, they would just club me senseless, and torture me to death later at their leisure. They started to advance, and I tightened my grip on my sword.
“Oh, dear,” a voice said from my right. “Now, this just does not look like a fair fight to me.” The voice was male, and he spoke with an inflection with which I was unfamiliar.
“Off with you,” the leader snarled. “She’s killed my friend, and we mean to have her for it.”
“No, I think you should let bygones be, pick up your friend’s carcass, and be on your way.”
I chanced a glance toward the voice, and I groaned mentally. The man was scarcely taller than me, and his only weapon was a walking stick. Worse, he wore no armor, and he leaned on the stick while he smiled at the men. The man to my left advanced another step, and I shifted my stance to confront him directly.
“You do realize she is a sword maiden, yes? She has had that sword in her hands for longer than you’ve had your prods in yours. Heed me, and leave while you can.”
The man to my right turned toward the stranger and took a step toward him. He rocked to a halt when the stranger smiled even more widely. He glanced at the leader. “Maybe we should leave, Boss.”
We all stared at each other for a few heartbeats, and then the leader relaxed. “Bring him,” he pointed at the corpse. He pointed at me. “We will finish this later, elf bitch.”
“Oh, I think not.” The stranger walked to my side and faced the trio. “She is now my friend, and I take up for my friends.”
I gritted my teeth at the smug bastard’s words, but I held my stance and glared at the leader instead. The brigands picked up their dead companion, and disappeared around the next turn in the road. I wheeled on the man. “Since when are we friends, and since when do I need a protector?!”
“I’d say right about the time I spoke to your worthy opponents.” He smiled at me with even, white teeth. His expression was calm, but with a hint of amusement lurking at the corners of his mouth.
I lowered my sword, wiped it with a rag I took from my belt, and put it away, the crosspiece clicking against the scabbard. “I don’t need a protector,” I said as I picked up my pack from where I’d dropped it on the road. “I am a sword maiden, and I am on an errand for my mistress.”
“And how is Belantha these days?”
“Did she send you to watch me?”
“No, I promise you, she would do no such thing.”
“Good. Then I can be about my business.” I shouldered my pack, and started to walk up the road. The man walked with me, and I stopped after ten strides. “What are you doing?”
“Why, I am traveling with you, of course. Is there not safety in numbers? This is a very dangerous place to be alone.” His expression was admirably grave.
I looked at him more closely. While my skin was fair, his was the color of new leather. His eyes were brown, and his brownish red hair came to just over his ears; an unruly mop that somehow suited him. He smiled slightly, but I detected no arrogance in his manner as he gazed unflinchingly back at me. I was used to men who ran their eyes over my body; who either fawned over me to gain my attention, or dismissed me as a girl instead of a warrior. He did none of that, and I shook my head. “As you wish.”
“Thank you. I wish to keep you company for a while, in case our friends have a change of heart.”
We walked in silence for a league, making it clear of the dense forest by evening. The light was failing, and though I could see well at night, I preferred to set up my camp while some light remained. “We will camp here,” I told the man.
“This is a good place.” He set a small fire while I laid out my bedroll and removed my armor. I could sleep in it, but not well. I would have given all the gold I had for a bath, but there was no stream close by. Dressed in just my tunic, I stepped over to the fire. I found that he had set a pot of water to boil on the fire, and that he had cheese and dried meat set on a trencher.
“Would you share a meal and some tea with me?”
I nodded and squatted down near the fire. “What is your name?”
“I am called Ren, and you?”
“I am Megilar.”
“That is a pretty name,” Ren said as he held out the trencher to me. “Eat as much as you like, there is plenty enough for us both.”
The food was delicious, and I was very hungry, which always happened to me after a fight. I normally did not drink tea, but his was very tasty. After we ate, I sat on a nearby rock and looked at Ren. “So, Ren, what brings you to a lonely road so late in the day?”
“I am a traveler,” Ren said as he tended the fire. “I go about talking with people, and seeing new places. There is so much to see and learn in the world.”
“You are a scholar?”
“I suppose. I wish to learn, so in that way, yes.”
I looked into the fire as I thought for a few moments. “Ren, thank you for helping me back on the road. They would have had their way with me, and then they would have killed me.” I blinked away tears from my eyes.
“I am exceedingly glad I was there,” Ren replied. “What will you do after your time as a sword maiden has ended?”
“My parents will find me a mate, and I will raise a family,” I said in a low voice.
“This is not what you want?”
I shook my head and lowered my eyes. “No.”
“Then, what do you want?”
I looked up at him. “I want to be able to choose my own way. I do not know what I want, but it is not to be only a man’s mate. Not that there is anything wrong with that.” I broke off with a sigh.
“I understand,” he replied solemnly. “The ability to make one’s own choices is the rarest of gifts, Megilar. So many people have little of it.”
“Or none. My family will never hear of anything but what they want for me.”
“Never is a powerful word. Few things are truly never, or always.”
“You are a sage, then.”
He laughed softly. “I am afraid not. If I were, well, I may have taken a different path. That would have been bad, because you would have been hurt.”
I yawned as my body worked on my food. “Eating makes me sleepy, so I will go lie down.”
“I will keep watch,” Ren said. “Go rest.”
I lay down, leaving my tunic on as I pulled my blanket over me. Ren sat by the fire, and I was soon asleep.
The following morning, I found Ren still sitting by the fire, where he had that pot of water boiling again. “Did you not sleep?”
“No, I can last a few days without it, and you needed your sleep. Come have breakfast and coffee.”
The food and coffee was welcome on this cool morning, and I ate quickly. “We should be on our way before we lose too much light.”
Ren and I packed our belongings, and we went together on our way.
A tenday later, Ren and I arrived at my village. He has traveled with me as I completed my errand and returned home. As we went along, he would tell me stories of our ancestors, of great heroes, and of evil villains. He was a wonderful cook, although he seemed to carry much more than his small pack would be able to hold. We passed other people on the road, and we heard that three brigands had been killed along the forest road after we had left them.
“There is my house,” I pointed to a cottage set away from the road. “But I have to go to the hall first.”
“Then we shall,” Ren replied, stepping out ahead of me.
“You know the way?”
“Yes, I do.”
I walked with him, and I was surprised when he held the door and allowed me to precede him into the hall. Belantha stood near the head of the table, and she turned to look as we came in.
“Megilar. You...” She stopped and stared open mouthed. “Ren?! How dare you show your snout here?”
“It is so good to see you, Belantha.” Ren stepped past me and bowed unctuously to my mistress.
“What have you done with my sword maiden?”
“Megilar? I saved her life and fed her several meals. She is a skilled hunter and a good cook in her own right, I should add.”
Belantha glared at Ren, and then she looked at me. “Come here, Megilar.” I complied, stopping a pace in front of her to bow respectfully. “Did this ... thing ... hurt you?”
“No, Mistress. It is as he said.”
“She,” Belantha pointed at me, “has no idea what you are, does she, Ren?”
“It never came up,” he said stiffly. “We talked about other things.” He turned his head slightly. “Perhaps we can discuss this in a more private place?”
“Everyone, please leave us. Megilar, you can stay.” She waited until the three of us were alone in the hall, then, she glared at Ren. “Shall I tell her?”
“Ah, no.” Ren pulled two chairs out from the table. “Shall we sit like civilized people?”
Belantha clenched her jaw, and sat in her chair.
Ren indicated that I should sit, and he sat after I did. He took a breath, and turned to face me. “I was hoping I could find a way to tell you this, but I lost my courage. Belantha,” he glanced at her, “has a, um, different opinion of me, but I truly had no intention to deceive you.”
My heart thudded in my chest, and I licked my lips. “Tell me.”
“I am a dragon, Megilar. I have been a friend to your village since your great great grandfather was a boy.”
“You are a scoundrel!” Belantha hissed. “How many women have you taken from us? Three, ten, a score?”
“I took none of them, Belantha. All of them came willingly.”
I stared at Ren from scarcely a pace away as my heartbeat thudded in my ears. I looked into his eyes, and I could see great sadness in them. He was not a bad man, or dragon. I had not known that he was truly a dragon, that was plain, but he could not hide his heart so easily. “Ask me, Ren,” I told him.
“Don’t you dare,” Belantha shouted. “She is promised to another!”
Ren held my eyes. “Are you?”
“No.” I shook my head. “I never agreed to it, so I am not bound. I am bound as a sword maiden for another two moons.”
“Your service can be bought, as I recall,” Ren said. “Would you agree to that?”
“I won’t,” she grated.
Ren still didn’t glance away from me. “That, my dear, is not yours to decide. I would speak to the council. Should I do that, Megilar?”
“Ask me,” I repeated.
He took a breath. “Megilar, will you come with me?”
I studied his eyes, bringing all of my ability to bear on divining this man, this dragon’s, heart. Beyond the sadness and loneliness, I saw his bright center. “I will.”
“You cannot!” She jerked to her feet.
I turned to her. “I am sorry, Mistress, but I wish to approach the council with Ren and petition them for my freedom.”
She opened her mouth, but Ren cut her off. “I will pay, and you well know I can.”
Belantha sighed and glared at me. “Know this, girl. He will break your heart, and cost you your life. I love you like my own daughter, but you are foolish to follow this creature. Now, go from this place, and do not return.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“He is your master now, may the gods help you.”
I stood, bowed to her, and turned toward the door. My tears blinded me, and I stumbled against a chair. Then, Ren was there, and he took my hand and brought me outside. He stopped and faced me as I stood there with tears running down my face. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
I sniffed and looked at him. “Do you love me?”
He nodded. “Yes, Megilar, I love you. If you need more time, I can go away for a while, and then return later.”
I shook my head. “We have to talk to my parents, and then the council. Of course, they both are on the council.”
“I know them both, Megilar, not well, but I do know them.”
I looked at him in shock. “Do they know, uh...”
“Yes, they do. Come, let’s go see them.” He reached for my hand, and I took it.
We walked together up to the lane leading to my house. As we approached, my parents came into sight on the road, walking toward us from the opposite direction. We stopped at the gate and waited for them.
As they drew close, they looked at me, and then their eyes widened as they recognized Ren. “Hello, Ren,” my father said with a slight bow. “It has been a while since you’ve passed through.”
“Can we go into the house and talk,” I blurted before he could reply.
“Certainly, my daughter.” My father led the way, and my mother followed him without a word. She looked closely at both of us as she passed, but her neutral expression gave no hint of her thoughts.
We sat at our table, and I served everyone tea. “Thank you, Megilar,” my father said. “Please, sit with us.” After I settled into my chair, he spoke again. “Now, what has passed between you?”
I recounted the fight on the road, our travels since then, and the conversation with Belantha. My parents and Ren sat quietly as I talked. “I care for Ren, and I want to go with him,” I concluded.
“You know what he is,” my mother said in a neutral voice. “He is not a bad person, but he is not at all like you in some important ways.” She looked at Ren. “What kind of life can you offer our daughter?”
“She would not want for material things,” he replied, “not that I think her desires would be onerous. My enemies are not as numerous or as powerful as in years past.”
“As I recall, they were the cause of several of your mates’ deaths,” my father observed. “How do you intend to protect Megilar?”
“I will take more precautions, so that my identity is not well known, and I have provided for safe havens should the need arise.”
“Why do you keep doing this, Ren?” My mother asked quietly. “You suffer at each loss, and yet here you are again.” She sighed. “Belantha is very angry, and with good reason, in my eyes.”
“He is lonely, Mother,” I stepped in. “And, he is brave enough to try again and risk fresh heartbreak.”
“That is true,” Ren acknowledged with a glance in my direction.
“What of children,” my father looked at me. “Do you want to have them?”
“I have not thought much of it,” I admitted.
“It is possible for us,” Ren told me, “but it is a dangerous undertaking for you.”
“Which brings us to the fates of two more of your former mates, I think?” My mother leaned toward me. “Consider that carefully, my daughter.”
“Yes,” Ren agreed. “They did not survive the pregnancy. I do not know why.”
“I do not know if I will assay that challenge,” I said, “but, had it not been for Ren, I would not be here at all. Any life I have left is due to him.”
“You do not owe me,” Ren replied heavily, “nor are you bound to me by an oath. Your life is yours alone.”
I nodded. “I know that, and I am choosing my own path.”
My father studied my face, and then he sighed and leaned toward me. “You have always chosen your own path, my daughter.” He glanced at my mother, and she nodded once, the concern clear on her face. “We will give you our blessing; not without reservation, and I admit, more than a little fear for your well-being. Ren,” he looked at my intended, “you know far better the dangers of your union than Megilar. I charge you to care for her, or to bring her back here if you cannot protect her.”
“I accept,” Ren replied.
“As do I,” I agreed.
“Well, then.” My mother sighed. “A celebration is usually called for when a daughter or son is given in marriage. In your case, I think that would be unwise.”
“I apologize for that,” Ren said to me. “I do not wish to take your day from you.”
I shook my head. “That is of no concern to me. I would rather be safe than to announce our intentions to one and all.”
“Stay the night here, then, and you can be on your way in the morning,” my father suggested.
My parents took Ren to the servants’ quarters, and I went to my room for the night. I bathed, and packed my personal things, along with my new boots and a change of clothes. I lay in bed for half the night, it seemed, and then I slept.
The next morning, our parents gave us breakfast, hugged and kissed me, and bid us safe travels. Ren led me out onto the road, and we retraced our steps toward the forest road. The morning passed, and we stopped to eat at noontime.
He reached into his pack, and extracted an entire loaf of bread. “How does that fit in there,” I said with a laugh. “That is not possible.”
“This is a magical bag. It will hold as much as a cart. I can put your pack in here, if you wish.”
“Thank you not telling me this before.”
He bowed to me. “Of course.” He took my pack and dropped it into his pack. As he said, it fit easily. He took out a trencher, and assembled our lunch on it. “You have not asked where we are going,” he commented as he sliced cheese and sausage onto the wooden dish.
“You said you have safe places. We are going to one of those, I’d expect.”
“Yes, that is right. I have houses in several towns and villages. Some are modest indeed, but they all serve their purpose.”
He smiled. “Twenty, perhaps? I do not keep count.”
“Twenty.” My people were not enamored of material wealth, so the idea that one man would own so many houses was not one I had contemplated. “But why?”
“It is safer for me to be in my own home, than at an inn,” he explained. “Most of them have caretakers, and so they are always ready for me, and now, for us.”
We finished our meal, and walked until nightfall. This night, he laid his bed out next to mine. “I hope you do not object.”
“No, it is customary for married couples to sleep together.”
We ate our meal, banked the fire, and lay down together. As was my habit, I wore my light tunic, and he wore something like a loincloth. I rolled onto my side to face him, and we looked at each other from a handspan away. “If you are not comfortable, I can move away,” he said with concern.
“You do not act like an experienced husband and lover,” I replied with a smile. “Are you not supposed to seduce the little virgin, and bend her to your will?”
“At first, I did do that,” he sighed. “It birthed resentment in the lady, and I think that eventually led to her demise.”
“Does it hurt you to remember the others?”
“Sometimes. I would rather live here, in the present with you, rather than in the past.”
I bit my lip, and then I leaned close to kiss him. I had never done that with a man, and I leaned back to look at him. “Was that acceptable?”
“That was wonderful.”
I pressed my lips to his again, holding them there longer. His hand came up to caress my cheek, and I placed my hand on his head as we kissed again. I felt heat in my belly, and I shifted my body to press against his. He wrapped his arm around me and drew me close, and soon we were panting between our kisses.
“How do I ... mate?” I asked.
“The best way is for you to sit on me like you would a horse. But Megilar, you do not have to do this if you are not ready.”
I sat up and pulled my tunic off over my head. “I am ready, now.”
I stood up so I could get a better look around my new home. It was a dark purple mist that was behind something glass looking, while the floor was a deep navy blue. The walls domed up, into a central point easily a hundred feet above my head. To my left was a giant projection, showing the inside of a large green tent. Directly in front of the camera was a table a sandwich and some papers on it. The camera moved, and a hand reached out from the camera and picked up a new pen to the camera's...
This fictional story may be stored and/or redistributed by any site that is a free site. Any site that charges a fee for access to their site cannot post or redistribute this story. This story, just as all of my stories, is in the public domain for free distribution. While I've freely borrowed the descriptions/names of the main characters from the Hercules television show just as they borrowed the legend of Hercules from our fables, this story/plot/words are mine and I retain all...
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***************************** Copyright jeanne_d_artois June 2010 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ***************************** The laundry of my ancestors’ house is now my workshop. I’m a potter and good enough at my trade to make a reasonable living from it. The...
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Okina: One of Shakkuu's killing swords! Misao: Watch out, Himura! He's still got a hidden sword! (The long blade whips around to strike at Kenshin from behind.) Chou: This is my favorite blade of all! The killing sword Hakujin no Tachi!(1) Okina: It's long! Misao: Himura! (Kenshin ducks a little to the side.) Seikuu: That won't work! Just dodging by a hair's breath won't-- (Chou snaps his wrist; the point snakes down and buries itself in Kenshin's thigh.) Chou: Right on...
If you’ve never heard of ‘Crystal Maidens’ before then you’re about to get your feeble little mind blown because it’s one of the most interactive and epic porno games on the whole internet. This isn’t just one of those shitty flash games that you pick up and finish in 20 minutes with questionable art and shitty gameplay, oh no, this is one of the most intricate strategy games you’ll ever play because it’s on par with some non-XXX games like Warcraft III, Age of Empires and so on.Basically, you...
Best Porn GamesWe arose before dawn; washed, dressed and had a quick breakfast. The stable was quiet, so we didn't have any interruptions to get our horses ready for the day's travel. When we approached the front of the inn; an absolutely huge man advanced us on with a cudgel in his paw lumbering straight for us. I figured that nothing good was going to come of this. It looked like Simon had his arm wrapped in a soiled bandage, and he was loping behind his father. "Keep back and let me handle this,...
Arngeirr was crouching close to the forest floor as he skulked along the trail, stalking his prey. His hands were dirty, mud and moss clung to his Banded Iron Armour, his long golden blonde hair hung over his face, damp with sweat. He sniffed the air and swivelled around on his feet to face north. He had her sent. Quickly but lightly, he sprinted through the forrest towards Riverwood, making little noise he jumped from a fallen log and climbed a tall oak tree until, halfway up, he rested...
15 December, 1686 Morning Ihon stood on deck inspecting the repair work to the Maidens Revenge. For nearly four weeks the sound of the hammer and the saw had mingled with the song of the birds to get the Schooner into a state of repair that met with his satisfaction. It would have taken him much longer other than the fact that he hired five additional carpenters and three craftsmen to help him with the work. As part of the repairs he had completely restored the Captain's, Isabel and...
Raijuuta: Are you of this dojo? Kenshin: No... I'm staying at the Kamiya Kasshin dojo just now. Raijuuta: Really... such a skilled swordsman is a vagabond? No matter. I ask for a match. With true swords. (Kenshin unsheathes his sword.) Raijuuta (thinking): A reverse blade... Kenshin: I will not draw merely to compare swords or show off. Nor to display them. The killer's sword is forbidden to me. Raijuuta: So that's the way it is. Yutarou. Yutarou: Yes sir. Raijuuta: Remove this...
Each night as the column proceeded towards the river, Wilhan and his men tried to train the others in the new tactics. Some were willing but most weren't. The attempt did enable Wilhan to separate out a few specialty squads, and most of the warriors did see the value in holding the shield line together during the initial charge, or at least they said they did when Lord Edbil, who was nominally in charge of the small army, announced that no one was allowed to go to the aid of any man who...
Picture this. You’re just laying down and heading to bed when you wake up in the middle of the forest with a half-dressed, strange fairy girl forcing you to grab her tits and telling you something about a sacred sword. You discover that your sacred sword is actually your dick and that you have to stick it into as many female warriors’ pussies across the land in order to awaken their true power so that they can defeat the evil Mistress of Night who is wreaking havoc across the land. Oh, and the...
Best Porn Games"Wil!" "You're home!" Henna and Marin ran across the yard and threw themselves in their husband's arms. "Where's the other one, What's-Her-Name?" "Inside with your new baby daughter." Marin said "I bet she's not happy about that." "She won't admit it. We kid her that, because of all of your seed that that she swallowed, her little Wilhanina will be a great shield maiden one day." "Wilhanina?" "She insisted." Henna said. Wilhan rolled his eyes. They went into the...
When they had bought the secluded house three years earlier, they had visions of this very night. The house stood at the middle of a massive grassy plateau clear of all obstructions with the exception of a large, mostly-flat boulder halfway between the back porch and the thin line of shrubbery protecting the sudden drop down to the valley below. On the other three sides of the clearing, the forest seemed to respect the clearing, almost as if in reverence and awe of the boulder itself. For...
You slowly open your eyes, the sound of distant rumbling waking you from your sleep. You feel the soft hay lightly hold your body afloat. A red glow is streaming past the cracks in of the wooden walls of the barn, warming your cheeks. You blink a few times to rid yourself of your drowsiness. "Oh, no!" You realize what's just happened. You had fallen asleep in the hay of the cow barn. You were supposed to milk the cows before sunset and you have managed to milk no more than a bucket full before...
FantasyJian Mei was born in a town near a military fortress of the Great Zi Dynasty, ruler of the Purple Province located in the Nine Provinces Continent. Her family wasn't too rich yet also not too poor, allowing for Mei a fairly decent childhood when considering a commoner status, but unluckily for her such good times didn't last forever. Being located at the border between the Purple, Blue and Azure provinces, Mei's home town was considered to be in a somewhat dangerous position yet for years it...
(Raijuuta brings the sword down. They scatter out of the way.) Yutarou (thinking) No... Sensei!! The secret sword Izuna with a real sword! You were going to kill him and you didn't even care! Sanosuke: A sudden attack from behind, at night. Now we see what you're really like. Yutarou: No, that was just a greeting! That wasn't serious! Was it, sensei! (Raijuuta, ignoring him, looks to Kenshin.) Yutarou: Sensei... Kenshin: Stand back, Miss Kaoru. (The fight begins. As Raijuuta...
But then,while each and every male in the trbe had gotten themselves caught up in the confussion,a few of those cowboys had gotten off of their horses,charged their way into the wigwams and started dragging each and every young female indian out of those teepees against their will. And then,after they were able to get all of the young female indians on to a horse-drawn cart,one of the cowboys had spotted a young male brave heading right towards the rough-riding invaders with a tomahawk in his...
I continued down the hill following the stream until it abruptly fell off the side of a short cliff. The sheer face didn't even have any vegetation just a few exposed rocks. The risk of injury from sliding against the jagged rocks seemed too high. I needed to find a different way down. Choosing another path to follow I ended up climbing a few hundred feet. All the while trying to keep the stream within hearing distance. Near the bottom of the hill, I spotted an old overgrown path. The...
"Do you live by the lake?" I thought that I knew how to get there from here. "It's on the other side of the lake. Gamma's farm is easy to find." That caused her tears to start up again, but she looked like they were not going to overcome her this time. "Is that where you lived?" She shook her head no. I helped her mount my new horse, then grabbed its reins and started off in the direction of the lake. "How did you end up with the slavers?" "They attacked my father's farm and...
Quoted from TokhaarGol Void maiden CYOA: “Do not panic lumenus one, the blackness which surrounds you is not dangerous, you are not dead, far from it. As we speak your body is being remade to better accommodate your newfound powers. Your existence for the moment is… Complicated to explain. But do not worry you will be made corporal once again. Allow me to explain the situation you’re in. A long time ago the multiverse was created by a mysterious entity know as The Goddess. To safeguard her...
FantasyHere I am once again broke. The port of Summers Kiss is a beautiful place, but not for a sell sword in times of peace. Don’t get me wrong, peace is great, but I am in desperate need of a job. Summers Kiss is a bustling city on the west coast of the kingdom of Aereon. Full of merchant ships coming in with goods from all over the world. Silks from the far east across the ocean, furs from the northern cities of Wintervale where the orcs dwell in the mountains and fine jewelry from the southern...
“When you are up to it, meet me at the training grounds.” She nodded and I went outside to ask directions. I thought that the grounds might be near the barracks and was proven correct by one of Allard’s men. I had been resting to recover as much of my strength before I started exerting myself again and thought that enough time had passed for me to return to my normal training regimen. I began stretching and continued until I felt comfortable enough to start working hard. Micro-focusing on a...
Off in the distance I could barely make out a group of three barns flanking a house. The barns were painted a faded red and the house was whitewashed. As we skirted around a plowed field that seemed to be growing wheat, I noticed that the main house was much larger than Kira's. This one also had a small shed that was just off to the east and one just off to the west of the main house with the main house facing us to the south. For reference directions I was using earth standard. I know that...
I called to the ladies in the house to come out and assist the slaver with the sliced leg and bring some rawhide to tie up the one that was knocked out. The rest I was sure were dead or almost dead. Kira brought me my scabbard and some bread. I pointed to the unconscious slaver; "Thanks. Make sure that you tie his wrists and his ankles tightly, if he starts to wake let me know if you haven't finished tying him up yet." I walked over to the slaver with the massive gash across his left leg....
"What about my sword? It cuts through everything and it glows." "If you say so, My Lord, but your sword doesn't glow. It is you that glows," Chandra responded. She thought for a second and then continued, "Does your sword cut through everything or do you enhance your strength to cut through your target?" I thought about that. She was probably right on that one she knew more about magic than I did. I enhanced my strength whenever I fought. Come to think of it, I enhanced my stamina...
(Leaves drift over the battlefield as Kenshin stands at the ready.) Houji (thinking): He... he stood up. No... calm down, all he's doing is standing. It's highly doubtful he still has the strength to use the succession technique Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki. The burns of the Homura Dana and the explosion of the Guren Kaina... it's obvious he won't survive. Lord Shishio is too strong for him... And yet... this chill! this unease! this fear! (Kenshin roars, sending out a blast of ki that...
“My Lord, it is time to wake up.” Bah. Chandra’s hair was already brushed with a freshly washed face, my student bubbled with anticipation for today’s journey, “Did you order breakfast for us?” She was ready to go home. “Yes, My Lord, we are all waiting on you.” She gave me a devilish smile. It seemed that one of us had a very good night’s sleep. “Fine, let me wash and I’ll meet you down stairs.” I took the puzzle box with me, I wasn’t about to let it disappear during my ablutions or...
I went out of my way to act like nothing happened the night before with Chandra. She mostly relaxed during breakfast and seemed to let go my teasing her from the previous night until I told her that I needed to check her wounds. She blanched at that. I led her into the carriage and pulled the curtains closed. I peeled the bandage off her face first. It looked like a week old scratch that so far had healed cleanly. I readied one of the bandages that she had brought and replaced the dressing...
‘What just happened?’ Raphen demanded. ‘He shot Ima?’ I spoke without thinking and it sounded more like a question. I couldn’t believe what had just happened. Tanthor stood and just looked on in shock for a second before rushing to Imanja’s side. ‘Hou Raphaen.’ Red Hawk spoke, his voice as calm now as if he was discussing the weather. ‘What happened, Red Hawk?’ Raphen demanded. ‘I told two girls of My camp to come home.’ Red Hawk stated. ‘Imanja tried to stop me. I acted as any Gorean Man...
“You are a Sword Saint.” Sister Emily accused me. I am? “I was accused of being one when I first arrived by two old men on a porch, I didn’t know what one was but it sounded right whereas being called a Wizard Lord didn’t feel right.” “I could be. It sounds right, but I don’t know what one is. Remember, I am still new here and not all that familiar with the religions on this world. Hell, I wasn’t even all that familiar with the religions on my world. Just the basics. And I am definitely...
"I may not." The Arbiter said sadly. I just stared at her, incredulous. "Then I will." I sheathed my sword and knelt beside the fallen priestess, her hands were covering the wound over her stomach. There was blood pooling from her stomach, and I could see the pain that she was in. I placed my hands on her blood soaked ones and stared into her eyes. "Let me heal you." She shook her head no. "There is no shame in losing, just in giving up without trying. Let me heal you, Priestess of...
I was glad of the short ride back. The same soldier that brought me the horse met me when I returned. He asked solicitously about my ride, not even mentioning the different livery of the horse. "I'll leave it up to you to return this horse and get yours back. Oh, and soldier, thank him for me would you. I was not in the best of tempers when I left." "Yes, Milord," the soldier responded and mounted the horse that I just left. I walked around the house to the exercise yard and knelt,...
The Storm And The Maiden David turned off the weather forecast and watched the overhanging clouds worriedly. All day reports had been coming in about the storm that would hit the country in the evening. It was said to bring 'extremely bad weather' and was supposed to rage through the night. There would be rain showers, thunder and possibly fog. Apparently, as the weatherman told it, it had been coming in from the Atlantic and had been slowly gaining in strength, only to release...
The Jolly Maiden, in spite of her size, tossed and pitched on the rough seas. Sailors scrambled across her deck and through the rigging as they work to adjust the sails as the looming storm rushes to meet them. Across the horizon, the dark clouds seem to boil as they advance across the otherwise blue sky. A flicker of light seems to dance through the clouds, several seconds pass before the rumble of thunder reaches the ship. Captain Glaroon stands at the helm, his stance wide as he adjusts the...
FantasyA smoke filled room in 1813. “And how is the ‘Ice Maiden,” Rigsby enquired as I joined him at the fireside in my club. “Still frozen I’ll wager.” Malden laughed. “Damn it man I told you in confidence,” I snapped as my marital woes were laid bare for all and sundry to laugh at. Four weeks wed and she was still virgo intacto with no hint of thawing toward me. “Force the issue you fool,” Malden opined drunkenly. “I should,” Grimshaw added. “Damn you all, I have to live with...
New Year's Maiden By Paul G. Jutras Inspired by Venus Envy comic strip scenes. Carl sat at his homework desk, filling out what seemed like a thousand forms. Among the most important were the papers that legally changed his name to Carol. His mother, Monica, paced the room behind her son with breasts forms glued to his chest and blonde hair down to his shoulders. "Are you sure you want to go through with this,...
Copyright© 2002 This is my first attempt at Alternate History. Consider it the first installment of a novel. The background of the story is true. German submarine wolf packs were slaughtering Allied shippping in 1942. An effective way of escorting convoys to and from England was desperately needed. There just weren't enough destroyers available, and there was a critical shortage aircraft carriers. What to do? Project Habakkuk. Inspired by an inspiration of mad inventor Geoffrey Pyke,...
London: New Scotland Yard. Monday: Five days after Jennifer reappears "Good flight?" Grantby welcomes Thomassen into his office. "Yes, thank you." She looks around. It's a grey day and the grime on Grantby's window doesn't help brighten the office either. "Did you come British Airways?" "Yes, I actually like Terminal Five. There is a rather good, informal, Japanese restaurant there I use after I am airside. Anyway. We have much to discuss, so we must start." (1) "Of course....
DIRECTIONS WERE easy to come by, but difficult to follow. Each person Jasper took Steven to see had an idea of where the road south to the dragon lay. “Well, now,” said one grizzled old farmer, pointing, “you want to follow the main road out thet way. You don’t want to follow any of the other roads because they don’t lead anywhere. Thet one, for example, just goes out to Maggar’s place and it don’t go no farther. Thet one over thar, it just go to ... well, I don’t rightly know. En’t nobody...