Laundry Tales 09 Nude Fianc
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Copyright jeanne_d_artois June 2010
The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.
This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.
The laundry of my ancestors’ house is now my workshop. I’m a potter and good enough at my trade to make a reasonable living from it.
The main attraction of the laundry room was Martha, the resident ghost. I was aware of her from an early age. I would sit on the scrubbed table and ask Martha to tell me a story. She always did. When I became an adult, she told me about incidents in her life at the Hall. Each time I become Martha and experience the events exactly as she had. This is one of those stories.
Nude Maiden
I was sipping a cup of coffee while I thought about my latest project for moulded earthenware. My mind wasn’t really concentrating because I was tired after a long and productive day. I thought of Martha. Almost as soon as the thought entered my head I could hear her voice.
‘I think you need another of my stories,’ she said quietly.
‘Yes please, Martha,’ I replied. ‘I’m too tired to think about work.’
‘I know you are. How about the tale of the nude maiden? I haven’t told you that one yet, have I?’
‘OK. This is about Abigail who was a parlour maid in the late 19th Century. Abigail was tall, slim and knew she was attractive. She carried herself well but was quiet and discreet near the family. She was slightly contemptuous of the other servants and that was the cause of her embarrassing predicament and eventually major change in her life.’
As usual when Martha started telling her stories I began to feel myself becoming the main female character. My middle-aged and tired 21st century body became a slim upright twenty-something dressed in a plain grey uniform dress with a maid’s apron and cap. I was excited because there would be a significant dinner party tonight with some guests staying overnight. Some of the gentlemen would bring their gentleman’s gentlemen and I was attracted to one of them.
I began to understand why I was ‘slightly contemptuous of the other servants’ as Martha had described me. I had been educated as part of the family where my mother had been in service and had hoped to get a position as a governess. I had failed, perhaps because I was too young and attractive to be acceptable where there were young men in the household. Maybe, just maybe, I might get a post when I was slightly older. I hoped so.
George, the gentleman’s gentleman who would be arriving today, had been educated with me in the same household. We could talk about literature and the arts. The servants working with me couldn’t understand my interest in the library or the paintings in the long gallery. To them books and paintings were awkward objects that had to be dusted.
George’s master, Sir Henry, had recently inherited one of the family titles from his father on his grandfather’s demise. He had acquired one of the family’s minor seats, a manor house in Kent. I presumed that he would soon be looking for a wife. If so, they could have children and need a governess. As Sir Henry knew me… I could dream, couldn’t I?
As a potential suitor, George wasn’t wholly perfect. Yes, we could talk about higher things, but I thought that George drank more than he should and chased any attractive women of his own class, even though he was supposed to be courting me. Perhaps, if and when we married, he would change? I wasn’t sure. I enjoyed his company most of the time but his hands would wander too far, too soon.
Sir Henry arrived that afternoon, as did several other guests. I was far too busy to see George and I expected that he would be busy as well. There would be a low-key ball that evening for the family and the few family friends. I had been helping to prepare the ballroom. George would have to make sure that Sir Henry’s evening clothes were immaculate. It would not be easy to remove the creases after the clothes had been unpacked from the journey. Once the ball was under way I expected that I would see George in the Servants’ Hall. I wasn’t sure whether I was looking forward to meeting him again, or not. Did I really want him as a husband?
My difficulty was that there was no one else remotely interesting. The unmarried men here were uneducated clods and I had little chance of meeting anyone else. If I were a lady’s maid I might travel to London, or Bath, or anywhere, but I was a parlour maid. Parlour maids stayed put.
My first encounter with George was awkward. He tried to grab me for a kiss. I turned my face away. He tried again, caught his foot in my skirts and fell over. Mrs Jones, the housekeeper, came into the passageway as George was sprawled at my feet.
‘Abigail!’ she snorted. ‘It is bad enough to meet your male friends in the house without having them cluttering the way. Get up, young man. Now!’
George blushed. He scrambled to his feet, muttered an apology to Mrs Jones and scuttled away. He didn’t apologise to me.
Later that evening I was helping to clear the ballroom after the family and guests had retired to bed. George came into the room. Mrs Hughes glared at him but he walked straight to me as if nothing had happened.
‘Abigail,’ he said. ‘I…’
I cut him short.
‘Why should I talk to you?’
‘I’m sorry about earlier, but this is important. I have a message from Sir Henry, to you.’
‘Sir Henry? Surely he doesn’t need a parlourmaid, nor a lady’s maid,’ I snorted. ‘What nonsense!’
‘I’m serious.’ George whispered as Mrs Jones kept a disapproving eye on us. ‘Sir Henry sent me to you. He knows that I have some affection for you…’
‘You have an odd way of showing it, George. You would have made me a laughing stock if anyone other than Mrs Jones had caught us. She will disapprove but she won’t tell anyone. What is it Sir Henry wants? Out with it!’
‘Tomorrow evening the family and guests are playing Charades. Sir Henry would like you to help him in a tableau.’
‘Me, George? Why me? Why not one of the family or guests? That’s the normal way they play Charades.’
‘I don’t think any of the ladies would do what he wants…’
‘And you think I will? If ladies won’t do it, it must be something that this lady…’ I dropped an elegant curtsy, ‘…shouldn’t do either.’
‘It’s nothing, really. He wants to portray Pygmalion…’
‘Pygmalion!!! And I suppose I play Galatea? A NUDE statue! No wonder the ladies won’t do it. I’m surprised at you George. What makes you think that I would appear nude in front of the assembled company? I may only be a parlourmaid, but I have pride and a proper sense of decency. Go back to your precious Sir Henry and tell him to think again.’
George stepped back from me, aghast because I had shouted the last sentence in his face. Mrs Jones, who was now the only person beside us in the ballroom, rushed across to me.
‘What is it, Abigail?’ She asked. ‘What has made you so upset? Go away, young man until I get an answer.’
‘That man’s master, Sir Henry, wants ME to take part in the Charades — as a NUDE statue. I won’t do it and I’ve told HIM that I won’t.’
‘That is outrageous!’ Mrs Jones spluttered. ‘I’ve a mind to tell the mistress. If she knew, Sir Henry would never be invited here again. I have heard of some so-called gentlemen making unwelcome suggestions to the female staff in some houses, but never here.’
George had overheard both of us. He would have had to have been deaf not to. He came back to us.
‘Mrs Jones,’ he pleaded. ‘It’s not like that. I must have expressed myself badly…’
‘You must have expressed yourself very badly indeed, young man, if you think one of my
staff would consent to exhibit herself stark naked in front of the family just for frivolous entertainment. If she had consented, apart from Sir Henry being unwelcome here and in any decent household, she would have been discharged on the spot.’
‘But… She wouldn’t be naked. Sir Henry had no such intention. She would be fully dressed in Grecian style and as clothed as she is now. Oh what a fool I am! I know that Miss Abigail knows the old Greek legends, but I hadn’t thought she would jump to conclusions so quickly.’
‘I wouldn’t be naked? You had better explain yourself much more clearly, Mister George, and to both of us. I’m not doing anything without Mrs Jones’ advice and agreement and that includes seeing this particular gentleman’s gentleman ever again!’
‘Lady Margaret has agreed to lend her Grecian style aesthetic dress. She couldn’t wear it at present…’
She couldn’t. Lady Margaret was expecting her third child in a couple of months.
‘Her maid, I’ve forgotten her name…’
‘Cecily,’ Mrs Jones interjected.
‘…would dress you before the tableau. You would position yourself on a small platform behind curtains. Sir Henry would join you holding some implement to demonstrate that he was making a statue, and then the curtains would open. While you stand completely still, pretending to be a statue, Sir Henry would make a speech to Venus and then Master Jeremy, dressed as Cupid, would come from behind you, kiss you on your hand and disappear behind you again.’
Master Jeremy is Lady Margaret’s elder son, aged five and a little imp. Delightful, but he could be a handful.
‘You start to move, descend from your platform, and hold out your hand to Sir Henry. End of scene and the audience have to guess what the Charade has been about. No nudity. Nothing like that at all.’
‘What will Sir Henry say in his speech?’ I asked.
‘I’ve no idea. I’ve heard him practising it, but it is all in Latin so I don’t understand a word.’
That sounded better. It was more like the Sir Henry I had met before. Although young, he had always been courteous, not just to the family and other guests, but to the staff. The Sir Henry I knew would never have asked me, or anyone else, to do something immodest.
‘Well, Abigail?’ Mrs Jones asked. ‘That seems unexceptionable, but it is up to you. Will you oblige Sir Henry?’
‘I think I would rather speak to him in person, not pass messages through this dolt.’
‘That isn’t unreasonable. You! Please convey Miss Abigail’s compliments to your master and ask if he will see her tomorrow morning.’
‘Yes, Mrs Jones. I will.’
‘What are you waiting for? Off you go. We have beds to go to, even if you don’t.’
George scuttled off.
‘He is an idiot, isn’t he Abigail?’ Mrs Jones said. ‘You ought to be able to do better than him.’
‘I suppose so,’ I replied, ‘but how?’
‘I can understand that you are young, and impatient. Perhaps I was the same before I met Mr Jones. But I’m sure there will be someone for you, better than that George.’
We left it at that and retired for the night. Tomorrow would be a busy day for both of us.
The next morning Mrs Jones told me that Sir Henry would see me at 11 o’clock in her office — with her being present as chaperone.
Sir Henry was prompt to the minute. He kissed Mrs Jones’ hand, and mine, in a very gentlemanly manner. Over a cup of tea he explained the Charade, more of less as George had eventually done. I asked what version of the myth he was intending.
‘You know that there are several versions?’ Sir Henry asked, apparently startled.
‘Yes,’ I replied. ‘There are the versions in the classics and then the recent play by Mr Gilbert. Which one do you mean?’
‘Not Mr Gilbert’s. I mean the one where Pygmalion prays to Venus, and Cupid brings Galatea to life.’
‘To be his wife?’
Sir Henry nodded.
‘But that’s a Greek Myth, not a Roman one.
Shouldn’t the Goddess be Aphrodite, and Master Jeremy be a young Adonis?’
‘I suppose so,’ Sir Henry admitted.
‘What, sir, is to be your speech to the Goddess?’
‘It’s in Latin.’
‘I know. George told me that. Shouldn’t it be in Greek?’
‘I suppose it should but very few of the audience understand Greek. More of them know Latin.’
‘As do I, sir. So what is your speech?’
Sir Henry declaimed a short prayer, to Venus, asking her to grant life to the statue.
‘I think, sir, if you have to speak in Latin, that it is reasonable that Aphrodite should be Venus, and Master Jeremy can be Cupid.’
‘Does that mean you’ll do it?’ Sir Henry asked.
‘I think so. If Mrs Jones agrees.’
‘Mrs Jones?’ Sir Henry turned to her.
‘I suppose so. It is only a Charade.’
‘Thank you. Thank you both.’
‘Sir Henry?’
‘I think I, as Galatea, should respond to your speech.’
‘You do?’
‘Yes — I’ll respond in Latin, of course.’
Sir Henry blinked.
‘If that’s what you want to do, then of course the lady should have the last word.’
As he left, he kissed our hands again.
That evening I started to worry when I saw the dress I had to wear. Although it covered me from neck to feet it was very clinging, leaving little of my figure to the imagination.
I felt worse when Cecily insisted that I left my corset off. After a first trial of the dress Cecily rejected my shift as well. The shoulder straps made bulges through the dress and its short sleeves protruded. I had to wear the shift that had been supplied with the dress. It was made of fine silk and slithered down my body.
Once Cecily had laced up the back that shift felt like a second skin.
My arms were bare from the shoulders. Lady Margaret’s dress swathed in elegant folds around me. Although my body was covered I thought that the dress was held very lightly. If I moved too much, too quickly, it seemed as if it might slip off me, far too easily. Cecily dismissed my fears, saying that Lady Margaret had never had any qualms about wearing it. Perhaps not, but even before Lady Margaret had become pregnant again, she was slightly more endowed up top than I am.
When the time came for Sir Henry’s part of the Charades, Cecily led me behind the temporary curtains in the ballroom. She had to help me on to the dais. I should have insisted on seeing it. It was eighteen inches or more off the ground. It would be difficult to descend from it gracefully, even with Sir Henry’s helping hand.
Master Jeremy was there, dressed in a silver tunic and carrying a golden bow. He had a golden quiver, but Cecily assured me that the bow wouldn’t draw and the arrows were fixed in the quiver. If not, I wouldn’t have been surprised if Master Jeremy had decided to shoot Cupid’s arrows at random. He had that sort of look that means he might be up to something. I couldn’t see what trouble he could cause, but it didn’t pay to underestimate Master Jeremy’s talent for mischief.
When Sir Henry joined us, he and Cecily draped a large shawl of translucent tissue over me. Sir Henry would remove it just after the curtains opened. Cecily crept away with a stern whisper to Master Jeremy ‘Be good!’
Someone announced Sir Henry’s tableau.
The curtains parted. Inadvertently I blinked in the sudden light. I hadn’t realised that there would be Limelights. I hoped that no one had seen the slight movement through the shawl covering me.
Sir Henry unveiled me and stood back, holding a wooden spatula. He declaimed his speech to the Goddess Venus. I was sure that some understood what he had said. He had spoken very clearly, slowly and loudly.
There was a pause. Master Jeremy came from behind me, touched my right hand and kissed it gently. Sir Henry was still looking at the audience. He judged, from their reactions, when to turn around — after Master Jeremy had concealed himself
behind me again. Cupid, or Master Jeremy, must have brushed against my dress. I felt a slight tug at the back. I nearly panicked, thinking that my dress would slip.
I started to move, raising my right hand towards Sir Henry. He rushed forward, taking my hand. I stepped towards him and then I declaimed my speech in Latin. An English version is:
‘Sir, you have prayed to the Goddess. You have your answer. Here I am. But beware! I have been made by the Goddess. I am no longer common clay. You must worship me as a Goddess-created person, not as a mortal woman.’
I made to step down. Sir Henry’s hand supported mine. As soon as my foot left the dais I knew something was wrong. I was moving but my dress wasn’t.
My dress unwound itself from my body leaving me exposed in my fine silk shift. In the fierce Limelight that shift was wholly transparent. I was exposed to everyone as if I was stark naked. What could I do?
I carried on as if it was part of the Charade. I continued to descend, straight into Sir Henry’s arms. He swung me around so that his body shielded me from the audience. He lifted me and carried me behind the curtains which closed hurriedly.
There was a deathly silence from the audience and then loud applause. The narrator had to wait until he could ask the audience what Sir Henry’s tableau had represented.
One man, I won’t say gentleman, responded:
‘I don’t know, but I know I’d like to see it again!’
Some of the ladies present reproved him. I had buried my face on Sir Henry’s shoulder and was sobbing quietly as his hand stroked my silk-sheathed back. I felt Cecily wrapping that treacherous Greek dress around me and they led me back to Mrs Jones’ office. When we were there, with the door shut and with me dressed again, Sir Henry asked:
‘What happened? What went wrong?’
Cecily answered him.
‘It was that imp Master Jeremy. He had hooked your dress on something behind the dais. I couldn’t stop him, and before I could get out to unhook it, the dress was off…’
‘Master Jeremy wouldn’t have done that by himself,’ I snorted. ‘Someone must have put him up to it. He’s an imp but he is the son of a gentleman…’
‘I think I will have a few words with Master Jeremy,’ Sir Henry said in a fierce voice.
‘Be gentle with him,’ I pleaded. ‘I’m sure he only intended a joke, not what happened.’
I was right. Master Jeremy soon told Sir Henry that he meant that I should jerk as I stepped down. That’s what George had told him would happen.
George! Sir Henry dismissed George for causing distress to a lady. Sir Henry apologised to the family for the event which was ‘an accident’.
An accident it wasn’t. It had been deliberate and had really exposed me. I couldn’t stay. Not just the gentlemen of the family, and the guests, but most of the servants had seen me as a nude maiden.
There was an unexpected solution. Sir Henry decided that he had compromised me and the only acceptable amend he could make was to MARRY me.
I protested. He insisted. He was going to India as a senior Civil Servant. If I would accept him, we could go to India where no one would know that I had been a nude Galatea, and live like Lords.
He knew no other woman who could make speeches in Latin and correct his mythology and besides, he had seen enough of me to know what sort of wife he was getting.
Our marriage was a quiet one, in haste before we took ship for India.
My Henry was wrong about one thing. The story of the nude statue followed us to India, so much so that many people began to call me Lady Galatea, not Abigail.
I like being Galatea, especially as Henry still worships me.
I felt some regret as I stopped being the slim, lithe Abigail/Galatea who married her Sir Henry, and resumed my tired middle-aged body. But I stretched in my chair, extended my legs and remembered that I could still dream, and when I couldn’t, Martha the ghost was there to tell me stories that could take me out of myself.
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* * * * * Copyright jeanne_d_artois January 2007 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. * * * * * However the main attraction of the former laundry room, which is my workroom as a potter, is Martha, the resident ghost. As a child I would sit on the scrubbed table and ask...
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Jock Tales---Senior Year---Final Game—and The Price of SuccessOK—so the last two chapters of the Jock Tales series won't have much porn to them—just a couple of mentions of stuff. If you have been following the series story line, as much as the porn parts, then these last two chapters simply tie up the series, and bring it to it's conclusion. Thank you to all the fans, and comments, and if you wish to continue, then join me for the next series—The Skatepark Adventures. The next four games after...
© 2002 all rights reserved. Intro The '80's, a decade to remember: Post pill, pre AIDS. Gloria Steinham making waves eagerly surfed by the assertive, independent women of San Francisco. "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle," was a popular paraphrase, often attributed to Steinham, but the source is Australian Irina Dunn. The best rebuttal I'd heard, in a crowded Union Street meat market bar, was: "Yeah, but fish don't have cunts that enjoy a ride on a sturdy...
Blacks, whites, darks and lights, I have never been one that likes going to the laundry mat. Being a single man, that is only renting an apartment, and doesn't have the amenities of a full house, kind of puts a strain on the personal life when it comes to the chores. Especially Laundry! Week after week, it's the same old thing. Separate all of my clothing, and collect all of the quarters around the house, and my 1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee, and after collecting all of my dirty laundry, I...
Laundry would never be this much fun, but one can dream and fantasize. This is a fantasy based on a series of picture I found abandoned on XH. Hope it meets your approval.I was so excited on Friday when I was told I would have a paid day off on Monday. As I drove home I had all sorts of ideas of what I should do but reality set in when I took my laundry basket down to the apartment laundry room and saw a sign posted “Closed until Monday”. “Damn,” I swore as I turned back to the elevator, “a...
Serves me right for trying to be a good guy. Janis and I keep a pretty good balance doing what needs to be done around the house. She does a lot of the shopping, I do most of the cooking. She buys the kids' clothes, we both do yard work together and so on. Another of the things Janis usually handles pretty much on her own is the laundry. But one day recently I found myself caught-up on everything I was supposed to do around the house and without anything to watch or do. So, I offered to help...
Feeling guilty that it's been so long since I've posted a new story ("G.E.N.E.S.I.S." a few months ago), I found some time over the past couple of nights and came up with this little trio of stories. Inspired by a familier TV show with a similar name (Tales from the Crypt), these stories are a spoof on male chauvinists and what I'd love to do to them if I had a little magic wand to "ZAP'em" with! Although I do have a couple of other idea's in the hopper, this will have to do until...
Laundry Room Confessions I can’t keep this a secret for one minute longer! If I don’t spill my guts and confess my saucy secret, I’ll burst for sure. Thank Heavens you are here for me to share my story with!…. It was last fortnight when I was unceremoniously ‘dumped’ by my so-called man of two years. Initially it would be fair to say I was rather upset, after all, nobody likes to be told ‘ Hey, I don’t want to be with you anymore. ‘ To add insult to injury, he didn’t even try and sugar coat...
Laundry Room Confessions I can't keep this a secret for one minute longer! If I don't spill my guts and confess my saucy secret, I'll burst for sure. Thank Heavens you are here for me to share my story with!.... It was last fortnight when I was unceremoniously "dumped" by my so-called man of two years. Initially it would be fair to say I was rather upset, after all, nobody likes to be told " Hey, I don't want to be with you anymore. " To add insult to injury, he didn't even try and sugar coat...
SeductionFirst Name = Hero (Male) Last Name = Sidekick (Female) It's another boring day at your new job, working as assistant librarian at the local library. You'd only been there for a week and a half, but you've already learned that you have very few visitors. Books just don't have the appeal they used to. So basically you just wander around all day or, when the boss is away, take naps in the fiction section. You are currently asleep in the corner of the library, a copy of Don Quixote draping over...
FantasyINTRODUCTIONIn the world around us there are those that will prey on the weaker, the unprepared, the vulnerable. In pursuit of their own desires or seeking to profit from the desires of others there are always those whose acts are hard for us to understand. Once more, it is October 2009. Angela is trying to balance her teaching responsibilities and research projects, spurred on by the Dean’s ambitions for the academic standing of the University; Joe McEwan is planning his trip to Cambodia in a...
Laundry Day by Blushing slutI had been in 24 hour captivity for quite some time now. Ever since I had been initiated as Your full toilet slave, You had been devising many different ways of subjecting me to the humiliations of that act. You had parties, where Your girlfriends, sometimes 10 or more, had been enlisted to subject me to hours and hours of nothing but shit eating and piss drinking. These sessions were accompanied by vicious floggings, after which You would all piss into the open...
Sure, we all remember the fairy tales from when we were growing up, but now you are grown up and the tales seem a little childish. This is a story based around several of those tales that have a more adult twist. Please choose the fairy tale you would like to begin with...
BDSMSeveral years ago I wrote the story "Heels" which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time basis. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...
Several years ago I wrote the story HEELS which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time bases. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...
We stand outside the house, altogether there’s six of us, me and five of my nest. I look around at my people, “you all remember the plan?” I ask not bothering to keep my voice too quiet as I can hear the rapid thump of drum n bass from within the house. All of my followers either nod their head or make a noise in confirmation. I try the handle on the door and finding it unlocked I slowly pull the door open. The house must have some form of sound proofing because as I step inside the house I’m...
"Knock knock." Carrie said as she smiled and walked into Chris's room. The door was wide open and a cool breeze was flowing through the open windows. His TV was hooked up to his lap top and had a young slutty girl being gang banged on the screen. She was a little on the chubby side with loose, flowing tits. Her face was covered in cum and her pussy was leaking more cream than an overstuffed Twinky. A group of guys were standing around her in a circle jacking off, waiting their turn to fuck her...
This being Masturbation Month, I thought I would try to do something to spice up my self-pleasure routine, just to mark the occasion. Although I masturbate all the time, I don’t really do anything really wild—not any more, anyway. But I wanted to break out of the routine—as fun as it is. One sure-fire way to change up your jack-off experience is to change the setting.My apartment is the at the end of the building, next to a stairwell leading to the underground parking. Just off that landing is...
New to the Apartment Jeff headed down to the laundry room in the basement of his building. With just his College sweater and sweat pants he was not planning to impress anyone, hey it was just laundry day. The elevator opened and he walked down the hall to the door, as he unlocked it he was greeted by the sounds of machines and chatter. The room was full of people and all the machines churned away, baskets lay in wait for the next machine. Jeff sighed and realized that maybe Sunday...
Straight SexTHE CHESTERBURY TALES. It is Winter 1966. When five couples find themselves stranded at a remote high class inn by extreme weather conditions, they amuse each other by relating stories of an erotic nature, as well as taking part in all kinds of private and group sexual activities. The Host began with a tale about a birthday orgy involving a current top film star. The Theatre Company Manager’s tale was of her oral exploits with a famous actor and the Marketing Director’s tale of how the ‘Wife...
As she walked down the hallway once again and into her bedroom, she could hear her boyfriend Jake walking up the stairs, talking with someone. The door opened, “He’s just a moron. I wouldn’t let it get to you.” “Yeah, I know you’re right. It’s just that he’s been on my ass all week, and now he wants me to come in tomorrow to clean this whole mess up,” the stranger said. “I have it right over here.” Jake walked over to his entertainment console and picked up a DVD case. “Here ya go....
Introduction: It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. She placed her shopping bags next to the door and walked back to her closet to dress down for the night. Dressing down usually meant changing out of her Calvin Klein pants and Guess button-downs and into a tank-top and jammie pants. She...
Fairy tales were originally not made for children, or if they were they certainly weren't what we would call child-friendly. They were gruesome tales meant to serve as warnings of danger, or sometimes just to scare the audience with no apparent moral or any other good reason to exist. In this world all the people and creatures of the classical fairy tales have lived on after their stories were told, to meet and mingle with each other and with readers who can't forget them. However, there is a...
Jock Tales—Senior Year—Week One—Pt 3“May I have your attention please—all members of the football teams please report to the filed house immediately after the last bell. This includes varsity and freshman. Also, any football player that wishes to get a mohawk before Friday's game, report to cosmetology during any period today or tomorrow”.The mohawk had become quite popular among football players since my run in with the school board back in my freshman year. They had decided to not change the...
It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. She placed her shopping bags next to the door and walked back to her closet to dress down for the night. Dressing down usually meant changing out of her Calvin Klein pants and Guess button-downs and into a tank-top and jammie pants. She walked over to the porch door and opened it all the way to let the warm spring breeze in. Her hair waved back with each gust of wind as she...
Group SexRagnarok Shorts: Tales from the Spellbinder Universe By D.A.W. * * * Author's Note: Each piece can be read as a standalone, but you may get more enjoyment from them if you read my Ragnarok Rising Trilogy as they are set in the same universe and feature some of the same characters. Each of these tales takes place at different points in the Spellbinder Universe chronology and contain minor spoilers. As such they may seem to contradict each other if you're not familiar with the...
?MICHELE, IS IS MASTER TALESOF BONDAGE AND DISCIPLINE VISIT TO THE HEADMASTER?S OFFICE ?Marpessa, is it???Yes, sir.??Do you know who I am???Yes, Headmaster.??Right. My assistant tells me you were warned before about hanging around with certain of the girls here at the academy. Were you not???Yes, Sir. But?.??Silence! There is not a single explanation you can come up with that will allow for you disregarding the council of my assistant. You were advised to avoid...
"No! Don't touch those scrolls, imbecile!" The old servant stopped in mid-movement at the sharp command. How often did she have to remind this annoying person to keep her hands off that desk? "Dekra, haven't I told you time and again to leave my desk be? Those are brittle parchments, hundreds of years old. If I ever catch you again messing with my desk, it'll be the laundry room for you!" The stupid person was not even contrite! "I served your grandfather, may he rest in peace,...
In every story, in every setting, in every realm there is good. Heroes, mighty warriors of justice, arbiters of justice, or just those that make sure the papers are filed on time. And standing against them are the forces of evil, darkness, shadow, or just a difference in opinion. Rarely do these two forces cross the line from one to the other. And yet, there are always forces beyond just them, forces of a more... alluring nature. Some of these turn heroes into ditzy bimbos, others warp...
TaffyTales! Don’t you nerds wish you could just turn off your anxiety, shyness, and all of that embarrassing shit at will and become an ultra-Chad who plows pussy like it's nothing? Yeah, I bet you do. Sadly, I’m not some genie who can grant you three wishes and give you all of that and a big cock to go along with it. You’ll have to work on being less of a pathetic incel on your own time. What I do have for you horny fappers is a welcome escape where you play as a hung nerd who unearths a...
Free Sex GamesA smoke filled room in 1813. “And how is the ‘Ice Maiden,” Rigsby enquired as I joined him at the fireside in my club. “Still frozen I’ll wager.” Malden laughed. “Damn it man I told you in confidence,” I snapped as my marital woes were laid bare for all and sundry to laugh at. Four weeks wed and she was still virgo intacto with no hint of thawing toward me. “Force the issue you fool,” Malden opined drunkenly. “I should,” Grimshaw added. “Damn you all, I have to live with...
The Jolly Maiden, in spite of her size, tossed and pitched on the rough seas. Sailors scrambled across her deck and through the rigging as they work to adjust the sails as the looming storm rushes to meet them. Across the horizon, the dark clouds seem to boil as they advance across the otherwise blue sky. A flicker of light seems to dance through the clouds, several seconds pass before the rumble of thunder reaches the ship. Captain Glaroon stands at the helm, his stance wide as he adjusts the...