Bondage And Discipline
- 3 years ago
- 35
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?Marpessa, is it??
?Yes, sir.?
?Do you know who I am??
?Yes, Headmaster.?
?Right. My assistant tells me you were warned before about hanging around with certain of the girls here at the academy. Were you not??
?Yes, Sir. But?.?
?Silence! There is not a single explanation you can come up with that will allow for you disregarding the council of my assistant. You were advised to avoid contact with certain girls here, because they have proven quite a bad influence on new girls. By refusing to listen, you are not starting off on very sound footing here. You are No longer a child, Marpessa. This is not grade school, nor even high school. This is a fine, private academy, and a very expensive one that your parents have chosen for you. Our job is to make you, and all the girls here, into well-finished young ladies.
?How dare you hang out in town all night, and return a day late! You?ve been a very naughty girl. Your parents expected this from you. That is why they chose my academy ? one that adheres faithfully to the maxim that to spare the rod is to spoil the child!
?Having said that, then you know why you are here, don?t you, Marpessa??
?Yes, Sir. I?m sor? sorry, Sir.?
?Turn around and face the desk, Marpessa.?
She loved the tone in his voice, so stern and domineering. She obeyed without hesitation. Turning around to face the large oak desk, but not before trying to sneak a peek up into his face. She had liked his looks from the very first time she saw him - such sharply defined features. And the sound of his voice, deep and resonant, filled her with feelings she had not known before.
?Stand against it,? he ordered her, lightly pushing her so that the edge of the desk pressed into her thighs. ?That?s better. Now, lift your skirt, Marpessa, all the way up around your waist, and bend over the desk.? She obeyed him, regretting only that she could not see his face as her nakedness revealed itself before his eyes. ?You are not the first girl who has taken this academy less than seriously. Nor the first, by any means, to bend over that desk to meet with me and these.?
???? Then, one by one, he began removing various implements from the desk drawer, laying them on the desk beside her so that she could them. ?I am about to punish you, Marpessa,? he told her, as she lay trembling at the wide array of implements he placed beside her. ?Ah, yes,? he said. ?This will do nicely.? He showed it to her, a foot long, flexible leather strap, 4? wide, ?? thick, attached to a long handle resembling a male phallus. He flexed the frightening strap in front of her eyes, savoring the fear he saw in them, and sensing, too, as he had in so many others, something else there in those wide, brown eyes. Dancing just beneath the surface fear sparkling up from her eyes as she dared to cast a furtive glance, there was also that excited curiosity that made him know she was one of the special ones.
?Now,? he said, leaning over her. ?Bend over further, and lift your skirt higher.? Then he stood and watched as she pressed herself closer to the desk while reaching back with both hands and slowly pulling her skirt up higher.
?Higher!? he demanded. ?Pull it up until your lower back is exposed as well.?
?Yes, Sir,? she said meekly, again looking over the implements laying beside her on the desk.
?Good,? he said. ?That?s high enough.? Then, softly, she felt his hand glide over her panties, exploring each cheek, squeezing them lightly, as if inspecting. ?Good,? he said. ?Down further!? He commanded, pressing her down onto the desk. ?Spread your legs, Marpessa, farther apart! You can do better than that,? he scolded her, as she struggled to spread her legs as wide as she could. ?Good. Now I am going to give you ten swats across her bottom,? he said, removing his hand from her bottom slowly, letting his fingers lightly graze the sweetly rounded peaks of her trembling cheeks, sending chilling scintillations all through her body. ?Ten swats,? he said again. ?Across your bare bottom!? Then he peeled her panties down until the bunched like binding around her knees. ?And I want you to count each blow, and say ?thank you, Sir.? Understood!?
But before she could even start to answer The first blow landed hard and solid, slamming across both her tender cheeks. ?COUNT!? ?And thank me!?
?One. Thank you, sir,? she said, her voice straining to be heard clearly between her groaning.
?One? Fine, we?ll start there then.?
?Two. Thank you, sir,? she said, her voice quivering, as she sucked in air between each word, trying to hold back tears that had already begun skipping down her trembling cheeks.
Then, again and again, and again and again, relentlessly, the strap landed, as she tasted her first tear, and closed her eyes, sinking down into the sense of burning helplessness that filled her, thrilling her in most confusing ways. She had never been spanked before in her life, but had seen it done once to a girlfriend of hers who had angered a nanny. She now remembered that afternoon, remembered that strange sense that filled her, obliterating any feelings of sorrow for her friend, but instead chilling her with a frightening delight at what she was witnessing.
Her own voice now, as she cried out the counting, was like that memory of her friend, some distant, background music to her ears. hot, burning blows reddening her bottom cheeks were the only sound she craved right now. ?Seven? Thank you? Sir.? ?Please, Sir. Please. Mercy? ?Nine. Thank you, Headmaster.?
?You skipped one! Start over at seven!?
?Seven,? then her body, wracked with the unexplainable enjoyment of the pain, shook as she began sobbing uncontrollably ?Thank you, Master, Sir.? ?Oh, yes! Nine! Thank you, Master.? ?Oooo?god?yes, Master! Thank you. Thank you, Master?? she moaned, as the pain burning into her bottom ignited a fire far deeper within her. ?Thank you, Master,? she sighed, as she felt his hand suddenly, lovingly massaging her hot, throbbing bottom cheeks. Cautiously, she cast her eyes to his, and smiled as she saw him admiring her glowing orbs. A gentle smile crossed her lips, as she softly closed her eyes with a sweet, shuddering sigh, and relaxed, panting breathlessly, under her Master?s loving touch.??? ???
?So, you are back in my office, Marpessa. You know why
you?re here?"
?Yes, sir.?
?No. Remember what you called me before, Marpessa, as you lay whimpering across my desk??
?What did you call me??
?I called you Master, Sir.?
?And so you shall address me today. Understood??
?Yes? Master,? she said with a sigh of relief that they both understood the nature of the relationship she so deeply desired with him. She wanted to thank him, to run to him, to hug him. But she dared not.
?Caught with that same girl, and smoking a? what do you call it? A joint??
?Yes, Sir? I mean, Master, Sir.?
?Apparently, Marpessa, the strap was not sufficient for you. Didn?t it hurt??
?Yes, Master, Sir. Very much,? she said, lowering her head and smiling inwardly, remembering how long she lay in bed that night savoring the raised welts on her tender bottom cheeks.
?My assistant tells me she would not have caught you two except that you coughed while hiding, thus giving yourself away. I think I know why you coughed, Marpessa. I think you wanted another visit, didn?t you??
?. . . .?
?Cat got your tongue? Just as well, because he?s about to get your bottom as well. Have you ever felt a cat-o-nine tails, Marpessa?? He said, while lifting the implement from my desk drawer. The nine braided, nylon cords glistened black and threatening under the dim light of his chamber. The handle, long and phallic, caused her to nervously bite her bottom lip, wondering if or how he would use that wicked handle on her.
?I?m sorry, Master.?
?Sorry, ah, Marpessa, my little pet, does that mean you don?t want to fell the cat?? He said, walking behind her & softly letting the tails rub against the back of her knees. ?Is that what you are telling me? You don?t want to feel the cat??
?No, Master, it?s not. I? I mean??
?Shut up and assume the position!?
?Yes?,? she said, facing the desk & bending over it.
?Up, up, up. Now!? He commanded, flicking the cat-o-nine tails at the hem of her skirt. And she obeyed, reaching back & raising her skirt high up over her back and obediently spreading you legs. Pressed against the desk, she waited.
Slowly, he rolled her panties down to her knees. Then his fingers teasingly trailed back up her inner thigh to just below her virginal temple. Soft, ever so softly, his fingers stroked the moist strands guarding the entrance, sending silver shivers tingling all through her being. And as they rose from tiny tingles to torturous tremors, the air resounded with the cry of the cat ? ? bringing her hot anticipation to a roaring crescendo.
The nine braided tails bit into her tender flesh, raising bright pink welts where they landed. ?Oh? ouch? should I count, Master?? ?Ouch! Oh, Master? oh!? ?God! Please!? she cried, rising to her tiptoes to better receive the angry lashing that was waking in her that deep, secret desire she had dreamed so long.? ? ?Oh!? ?Damn!? she hissed, as the fire swelled from her bottom cheeks, invading her sacred temple and gorging her nipples with sweet, dizzying heat. ?Yes, damn! Sorry, Master, sorry, please,? she cried out, as the last biting blow burned into the soft tender flesh of her upper thigh, causing her to lunge forward and grip the desk for dear mercy.
??? As she lay, anticipating more, his fingers sweetly began caressing her bruised bottom, startling her with his sudden tenderness. ?Oooo, Oooo? Master?Oooo?,? she moaned, as he cupped the quivering moistness between her thighs, massaging her there, and gently probing, until she knew her first glorious burst of orgasm, born alone from her deepest, sweetest desire to submit to a domineering Master.
Then, he leaned down over her and whispered softly into
her ear, ?I know why you coughed, Marpessa, don?t I??
?Yes, Master,? she panted breathlessly, ?You know.?
It?s late at night, well past midnight, and a restless
Marpessa is lying in bed. She cannot sleep for thinking about her Master. It had been three weeks since her last whipping, her first meeting with the cat-o-nine tails. Her bright red welts have long since faded, much to her regret. They were marks of pride to her, badges of honor, and she wanted them back. She craved them. Or was it simply the sweet humiliation of being forced over the desk, made to expose her naked bottom, and accept whatever her master offered? She was not sure, but desired to know.
?? The dorm was mouse quiet as she slipped from her bed, wearing only panties and bra, and entered the hallway to peer through the window, out over the grounds, to her Master?s quarters beyond the green. There was no one in sight, so she slipped back into her room, donned her nightgown, and crept into the hot night. As she neared his quarters, she could see his shadow move across the room. With no second thoughts, she approached his door and knocked.
?Why have you come here?? He asked her.
?I?? she stammered. ?I?.? But words would not come.
?Speak up, Marpessa! Why??
?I just? well, Master?.? Then, in a flash, he grabbed her by her hair and yanked her into his private quarters. Still gripping her hair in his fist, he made her follow into his bedroom, where he flung her onto the bed. ?I?m sorry, Master, I??
?Shut up!? He commanded, going to the closet and opening the door. Her eyes widened as she saw, there on the back of the closet door, the black cat-o-nine tails and, as well, a red one. Along with them were several paddles, straps, like the one she felt on her first visit to his chamber, handcuffs, ball gags, blindfolds, canes, and more. He reached toward the implements, then paused. ?No,? he said, approaching her. ?Get up. Go to the closet and pick something,? he ordered her, as he sat down on the bed.
?Is this okay, Master,? she asks meekly, lifting the narrow, wooden paddle from its hook.
?Bring it to me,? he commands, smiling as she came trembling before him, handing him the paddle. ?Lift your gown, Marpessa.? Slowly, but without hesitation, she obeys, lifting her thin, flannel gown high above her waist. ?Take down your panties.? Hands trembling, she lowered them with one while still holding up her gown with the other. ?Now, turn around and bend over.?
?? The seconds seemed like hours as she stood there, legs trembling, gown up over her back, and panties lowered. Wanting to please, she remembers, and quickly spreads her legs wide apart as he had told her before. She wanted him to know her willingness, even though she herself did not understand it. He said nothing. He did nothing as her legs grow tired, and the fear of the first blow grew hotter with each breath.
??? She flinched, as she feels his touch suddenly upon her. What is it, she wonders ? his hand, the paddle, his?. But then she knows, as the sound of a kiss lightly graces each of her bottom cheeks. ?I need a new cleaning girl for my quarters. Tomorrow, go to my assistant and sign up for the position. My last girl completed her stay at the academy last session. I want you in her place. You can start as soon as my assistant, Miss Payne, approves you for the position. She spends a great deal of time here with me. She will want to make sure you are the right one for us,? he said, gently pulling her panties back up over her exposed cheeks, and dropping her gown back into place. ?I look forward to your first day on the job. Don?t be late. Now get out of here. Now!? He demands, and she, sorely disappointed yet thrilled, smiles a grateful ?good-bye.? As she rushed back across the green to her dorm room, he called out to her, ?Remember, Marpessa, Miss Payne has to approve you.?
?Yes, Sir,? she answered, excited, but not
understanding at all what approval by Miss Payne would mean.
When she returned to her dorm room and slipped back
into her bed, she was filled with dreams of what it would be like actually working alone with him as housekeeper for the Headmaster.
About the new position she had heard several tales from the other girls. Tales of how the last housekeeper, too, had only recently arrived when she was chosen for the job. She too had spent many bottom burning sessions under the Headmaster?s paddle. And, even after graduating, she often came back on weekends to spend them alone with the headmaster and Miss Payne in his private quarters. But all she truly hoped was that she would do well at pleasing her Master. The memories of her first two punishments longed to live again in some new experience, anything that her Master might demand of her.
She enters, apprehensive at visiting her new Master for the first time. ?Hi, Master.? But he did not answer. He pointed to the floor a few feet inside the living room.
??? ?Stand there,? he told her, and she obeyed. He closed the door calmly, and approached her. ?Slave Marpessa, have you come here of her own free will??
??? ?Yes, Master,? she answers, remembering to keep her eyes cast down away from his stare, just as Miss Payne had instructed her.
?No one has forced you or coerced you in any way to come here??
???? ?No, Master.?
???? ?Good. Miss Payne tells me she approves of you as our, well, as my new housekeeper. Did you enjoy your interview with her??
???? ?Yes, Master.?
???? ?Did she whip you??
???? ?No, Master,? she said, after a moments hesitation. ?She didn?t.?
???? ?Good. She?s here this evening,? he said, just as Miss Payne entered from the bedroom. Wearing black latex pants and knee-high boots, a leather vest over a black lace bustier that left her breasts raised plump and fully exposed, she approached Marpessa as the Master took a seat to observe them.
???? ?Put your hands down where they belong, just as I showed you, Marpessa,? Miss Payne ordered her.
???? ?Yes,? she said, placing her hands behind her back, resting on the lovely swell of her derriere. ?I mean yes, Mistress Payne.?
???? ?So you have come here solely in response to nothing but your own desire to submit to Master Daniel??
???? ?Yes, Mistress Payne.?
???? Then, without a word, the Mistress approached her, standing close to her. Marpessa trembled a moment, wondering. Slowly, the Mistress paced around her. The girl?s heart skipped, then began to pound as her fear rose, swelling her nipples with excitement. Behind her, the Mistress paused watching her shoulders flinch in anticipation. Making her wait, the Mistress stood a moment enjoying the girl?s rising excitement. ?New master, new commands, new thrills,? the Mistress said. ?Submission. Obedience to Master Daniel.?
???? ?I will,? Marpessa said.
???? ?Indeed you will,? the Master called out to her. ?And to Mistress Payne as well. Agreed, Marpessa??
???? ?Yes, Master Daniel,? she said.
???? ?Good,? Mistress Payne said. Then without warning she lifted the hem of Marpessa?s skirt high into the air, exposing her. She tucked the hem around the girl?s wrists, leaving her pantied bottom exposed as she walked around in front of her. ?I don?t like the panties you wore, Slave. Remove them. Now.?
???? ?Yes, Mistress Payne,? she said, hurriedly stepping out of her heels, removing her fishnet pantyhose, and sliding her panties off. Not certain what to do with them, she hesitated a moment, then kept them in her hand as she returned her arms down where they belong.
???? ?If you can?t do any better than that, then in the future, call and check with me before choosing what panties to wear. Understood??
???? ?Yes, Mistress.?
???? ?Say it!?
???? ?Ma?am?? the girl asked, confused, only to receive a stinging slap to her face.
???? ?I told you, it?s Mistress! Now, answer me. What are you going to do before you get dressed??
?Yes, Mistress,? the girl said, rubbing her cheek. ?I will call you before I put on any panties.?
?Put that hand where it belongs! Step into your shoes,? she commanded, snatching the panties from her hand. ?Hurry!?
??? ?Yes, Mistress,? she said, struggling to maintain her balance without lowering her hands from their position. ?I?m sorry I picked the wrong panties, Master Daniel,? she said, as she put on her shoes and stood up straight.
??? ?Shut up, Slave.?
??? ?Yes, Master Daniel.? And then she felt her Mistress?s hand, strong and deliberate, slam into her naked butt cheek. ?Oh!? the girl grunted. ?Thank you, Mistress Payne,? she said, grimacing at the stinging, unexpected blow.
???? ?Open you mouth,? she told her, lifting the panties and hose from the floor, as the girl obeyed. Then she placed the hose and the panties into Marpessa?s mouth and forced it shut. ?Get on your knees and follow me.? Then the Mistress, following her Master, proceeded down the long, darkened hallway leading to the bedroom.
Slave Marpessa crawled behind them on her hands and knees. They never looked back at her, but she could not know that, for she kept her eyes lowered to the ground as she had been ordered. She crawled behind them, her hose and panties dangling from her mouth. She wondered if she would be able to please them. She did not know what he wanted. She did not know him at all really. But her breasts throbbed with excitement as she followed behind them, and she decided that she would do all that she could to make him want to keep her as his slave, even if it meant being used by Mistress Payne as well. She wanted to be his now. She knew that. And she vowed to herself to please him.
???? As they entered the bedroom he ordered her to stop. He took the hose and panties from her mouth, and tossed them aside on the floor, then walked around behind her. The site of her bright bottom cheek pleased him. She colored easily. He was not fond of sever disciplining. It was more exciting to taunt and tease the flesh than to assault it. More arousing, he knew, for the slave when his firm hand in discipline delivered more than pain, but landed with each blow a new surge of sexual heightening. Not drowning her, but baptizing in sweet, sensual domination.
??? ?Stand up,? he commanded. His voice, deep and almost a whisper, had enticed her from the first time she ever heard it. It flowed, she had concluded, like a river of honey ? slow, sweet, and gripping. ?Remove you clothing, one piece at a time. Fold each piece. Place them on the dresser, one atop the other. Neatly.?
???? ?Yes, Master Daniel,? she said, standing immediately and obeying, as he and Mistress Payne sat down on the bed to observe her.
???? ?No, no,? the Mistress said, as Marpessa began to remove her skirt. ?Begin with the items on the floor. Then the blouse and bra.?
???? ?Yes, Mistress,? she said, lifting the panties from the floor, folding them neatly, and laying them on the dresser as ordered. She dared not look at him, but could feel his eyes on her slowly unveiling flesh. She hoped she pleased him. But hoped also that he would not say.
???? ?Stop,? he ordered her, as she began to unbutton her skirt. ?Leave it on.?
???? ?Yes, Master,? she said, standing up straight, and placing her hands down where they belonged. ?Should I take my shoes off, Master??
???? ?Shut up,? the Mistress commanded.
???? ?Yes, Mistress,? she said softly, lowering her head even further. Oddly, she had already begun to lose track of time. Everything seemed to move as slowly, and softly as his voice. She smiled to herself, giving in to the loss of something. She was not sure what, but something departed her. She had never felt this way. But she was pleased that something unnamable had lifted away from her.
???? The Master rose from the bed and stood before her. He could hear her breathing, feel her heat, smell his perfume, and her fear. ?The tails,? he said softly, and the Mistress handed him the cat-o-nine tails. ?I am going to introduce you to the cat today, Slave.?
???? Her heart began to pound. She struggled to conceal any outward reaction at the sound of his words. He had told her about ?the cat? as he called it. She had told him she had never experienced that, and had answered, ?Good. You will.? She took a deep breath now before answering him, ?As you wish, Master Daniel.?
???? ?Indeed so, Slave,? the Mistress interjected, reaching forward and slowly pulling the slave?s skirt down until it clung tightly around the lower half of her plush bottom. Then the Master rose from the bed and walked around behind the frightened girl. She stood, her head lowered, arms folded behind her back, and her skirt pulled down to expose the rosy top portion of her blushing derriere.
???? He stood admiring her bottom cheeks. They were, he thought, perfect for the cat ? supple, firm, and shapely. ?Turn around and face Mistress Payne. Bend over,? he commanded of her. And she obeyed, bowing forward as far as she could. Her hands were still held behind her back, so she swayed back and forth a bit before finding her balance. She wished he would have ordered her to hold her knees, but he did not, and she smiled at her predicament, trying to maintain her awkward position.
???? But the smile was quickly wiped away by a sudden, stinging slap to her face from the Mistress. ?Is this funny to you, salve!? she yelled at her, yanking the girls hair to make her stare up into the Mistress?s angry eyes.
???? ?No, Ma?am? Mistress,? the girl stammered. ?I?m sorry,? she cried, though she really did not know why she had been slapped, but she knew she must have deserved it, or Master Daniel would not have allowed it. ?I?m sorry, Master Daniel,? she said, bending down even more. ?Is this far enough, Master?? she asked, beginning to tilt and readjust more often now as the strain of the position increased. He did not answer. She grimaced slightly in fear, and bowed farther forward, truly fearful of losing her balance.
???? ?If you fall on me I?m going to slap you silly, bitch!? the Mistress threatened.
???? She started to answer, but was distracted as the Master, softly let the rough and titillating leather of? the tails trail across the upper swell of her bottom, just below where her arms rested on her lower back. They were leather she could tell. Not the smooth, polished leather of something store-bought, but raw, rugged leather. She smiled to herself thinking how they felt like a cat?s rough tongue scrapping across her tender flesh. ?My Master?s cat,? she giggled within, as her anticipation and excitement grew.
?You dilly bitch!? Mistress Payne said, slapping the
girl hard across her face, turning her cheek a hot, rosy red for a second. Then she smiled at the girl, at the obvious pain, and leaned down to kiss the girl?s grimacing cheek, which had flushed now to an appealing pink. ?Oh, little slave Marpessa,? she whispered to her in a deep, sultry moan, ?tomorrow your initiation to Master Daniel begins. He?ll have such sights to show you. I envy you.?
She lay sleeping. The sun, her only covering, drenched her body as she lay alone in her Master's bed. She was naked of all clothing, and had been since she arrived at Master's home two nights ago. He ordered her to remain silent. Then made her strip as soon as she crossed the threshold. He made her bend and spread wide open her every orifice as he commanded.? He probed inside of her with his fingers, deeper and deeper as if inspecting her. Then He made her follow him down the long hall to the bathroom where he made her bathe. She sat, after her bath, for nearly an hour until he came in and led her across the hall into the bedroom.
On the bed, stripped of all covering except its sheets, there laid a heavy, leather flogger, a wooden paddle, and a wickedly knotted birch rod. Her heart raced. Then she flinched because, just as she saw the implements that she knew He would use on her, she also felt His hands come to rest on her shoulders. They slowly caressed down her arms to the wrists. He gripped her wrists firmly in his hands. Then she felt his lips gently graze the sensitive little hairs at the nape of her neck. She felt his breath just behind her ear as he kissed her neck, beginning behind the right ear and slowly moving around to the left.
As he kissed her He instructed, "slave, this room is where you will spend your time with me. This is the start of your initiation, slave." His lips moved from her neck to her cheek. "This weekend you will experience a great deal,? he whispered softly into her ear. ?Master needs to know you are sincere, slave." He released her wrists and moved to stand in front of her. Only then did she realize He was naked. He smiled as he saw the surprise in her eyes. "Yes, slave," He told her. "I, too, am naked to symbolize our new beginning. Naked, as if newly born." Then He lifted her by the chin and pressed His nipple to her mouth. "Suck, slave. This is the beginning of Master nursing you into your new life as His devoted slave."
She placed her lips around His nipple and sucked it into her mouth. His arms encircled her, drawing her closer to Him in a strong, warm embrace. She sighed, feeling the strength in His arms and knowing they were her protection now. Whatever doubts she had, melted away. She decided then that she was His. As she sucked him deeper into her mouth, manipulating his nipple with her tongue, she felt His hands flow down over her body. He cupped both cheeks of her bottom in His hands, massaging them gently. His hands glided up her naked flanks to rest at the delicate sides of her breasts. Slowly, He slid his hand between their bodies, pressing her breasts in each palm, squeezing just firmly enough to stir her excitement. Then, He forced her away from Him. Slowly, reluctantly she let His nipple slip from her mouth. But she smiled and waited anxiously as she saw His lips coming down to meet hers.
Gently at first, then with a strange savage tenderness, His lips raped her mouth. His tongue took full advantage of her, pushing her own aside as she tried to return the love, shoving it aside and invading her mouth like a thief in the temple, stealing her affection, her desire, her very willingness to partake. As He ravaged her mouth that way, she felt His penis slowly rising up between her thighs. He sucked her tongue into His mouth, forcing her to press closer to Him. As she did, she felt Him, stiff and aggressive, stab against her lower lips, forcing them open. She started to spread her thighs to allow Him, but felt the sting of His hand on her bottom. She understood, and brought her thighs back together just as His penis broke into her, causing her to shudder in excitement. Clinching her teeth, she pressed her head into His chest as He again cupped both cheeks of bottom and began loving her.
She wanted to cry out, but dared not. She was ordered not to speak. He lifted her slightly, forcing her to her toes. He lowered His lips and began kissing her again, showering her face with them. To quell her urge to cry out, to moan, to make any noise, she brushed her lips against His nipple, asking for permission. He granted it by pressing it into her mouth. Greedily, she swallowed it again, moaning quietly as she suckled and He vandalized her with His fucking. He spread the cheeks of her bottom, stretching open the dark, moist entrance. A shiver shot through her as the cool air rushed in against such a sheltered place.
He lifted her now completely from the floor, tossing her back and forth against Him, ramming deeper and deeper inside of her with every thrust until finally she felt herself lifted, not by His hands, not merely from the floor, but lifted from deep down inside of herself. Her thoughts began to swirl, dizzying her. She was lifted too high now to suck his nipple. Her chosen gag denied her, she failed. She failed, and cried out without even realizing she had disobeyed. Then she felt Him release inside of her, filling her and filling her, like a river merging into the sea.
Finally, He stopped. He stood holding her, still resting inside of her. She rose and fell with each breath He made. Then at last, she felt Him again release inside of her as He slowly lowered her to her feet again. She wanted to say she was sorry for speaking, but could not without again disobeying. As if reading her thoughts, He smiled, "Naughty one," and playfully tweaked the end of her nose. "Go and clean yourself," He commanded, and she obeyed without a word.
When she returned, He ordered her to kneel on the bed. He placed a wide, silk scarf around her head to blindfold her. Then she felt a short rubber dildo enter her mouth. It was only about two inched long, and very stiff, but it was attached to a leather strap that He fastened behind her head. Bound and gagged, she felt Him wrap a long length of duct tape around her ankles, then her wrists. Then He tied them together by lacing a rope between her wrists and ankles so that her legs would remain bent until He removed the rope. There was a long silence. Then she felt His kiss upon her cheek. Then, without warning, he shoved her onto her side in the center of the bed. Minutes later she felt a wide, rubber butt plug being forced into her anus. Once firmly in placed He swatted her butt playfully and left her alone for the night.
???? Marpessa was busy wiping down the table, after having served her Master his dinner. She heard someone at the door, but dared not look to see who it was. She had made that mistake before and paid dearly for it.
?Marpessa, come here,? the headmaster called.
?Yes,? she said, dropping what she was doing, and rushing into the living room.
?What is this?? Mistress Payne said. ?Since when do you not address Master Daniel as Master??
?I?m sorry, Mistress,? she said fearfully. ?Forgive me, Master.? She curtsied to him. The uniform Mistress Payne had bought for her was of the French maid type. But it was cut so low as to reveal nearly all of her ample breasts. And the tiny ruffled skirt meant a curtsey was all she dared do for fear of exposing her nakedness underneath. Mistress had warned her never to wear anything but the maid?s dress once she entered the Master?s house. And she had always remembered to do that, stripping as soon as she entered, then waiting at the front door until Master went and got the uniform for her.
?Why the hell did you do that? Answer ?yes? without saying ?Master???
?Please forgive me, Mistress Payne. I didn?t know who was in here. I didn?t know how to answer. I swear, if I had known it was you I??
?Turn around,? Mistress demanded. ?I didn?t spend a fucking week training you so you could do this kind of shit!?
Marpessa turned as ordered immediately. And, without even having to be told, she knew to bend down and hold her ankles. This left her derriere fully exposed to the Mistress. ?May I, Master?? Mistress Payne asked, as she reached up to remove the leather slave collar she wore.
?You may. But it is true she didn?t know who was in here. So keep that in mind,? Master said, taking a seat on the sofa.
?Yes, Sir. But you really make too many excuses for this dilly bitch,? Mistress Payne said, removing the thick leather from her neck. ?That?s why she?s so stupid.? Then, with all the power she could muster from her tiny four foot four frame, she let the leather cut through the air with a vicious whirring that made Marpessa instinctively clench her butt cheeks in frightened anticipation.
The first blow nearly knocked Marpessa off balance. She hated whippings from Mistress Payne. Even with Master supervising, the Mistress?s whippings were always brutally severe.
???? ?You stupid kid!?? ?How many fucking times do I have to tell you!
?Even if you didn?t know who was in here, you could have still answered ?yes, Sir.? Couldn?t you? You dumb fuck!?
???? ?Yes,? Marpessa managed to answer between her clenched teeth. The blows rained down relentlessly, as always from the Mistress.?
???? ?Shut up!? Mistress yelled at her. ?Stand up, bitch!?
That was another thing she hated about chastisement from the Mistress. The verbal assault was as painful as the physical. ?You might get away with that shit with Master Daniel, but not me! And you know it! Don?t you??
???? ?Yes, Mistress Payne,? Marpessa said, standing as ordered as quickly as she could. The pain now raced up her spine and radiated down through her thighs like a raging flood of fiery hot lava. Oh, how she longed to reach back and rub some solace into her burning bottom cheeks. But she knew well better. With the Mistress, you only did exactly what she commanded. Anything more, and you paid dearly. So she stood up straight, her hands dangling listlessly at her side, awaiting further orders.
???? ?And why? Why you don?t get away with shit with me, cunt? Go on, tell me what I taught you, slut!?
???? ?Because, you may be a short little Puerto Rican bitch, but you don?t take any shit from dumb shits like me, Mistress.?
???? ?Damn right! Now, take off the fucking dress, whore!?
???? She could never move fast enough to satisfy Mistress. After any order, there was always another blow from the strap, the cane, the paddle, whatever, for moving too slowly. Marpessa reached back awkwardly and, as swiftly s she could, undid the lone hook that fastened the dress behind her neck. Once undone, all that was needed was to lower her arms and let the dress fall to the floor. But gravity, too, was too slow to satisfy Mistress.
???? ?Bitch!? ?Get over there and kneel down facing the wall!? ?Get your fucking hands out of the way!? What the hell are you just kneeling there for, like an asshole! Move ?em, dammit! Cover your cunt with ?em!?
???? ?SOOOORRRRY, Mistress!? Marpessa hissed, trying to hide her pain and anger, and the tears pooling up in her eyes. She threw her hands up on her head, locking her fingers as the Mistress had trained her in their very first session.
???? Mistress Payne stepped forward and bent down? to run her tiny hand over Marpessa?s back. ?Ooh, so white, and smooth. But I can fix that.? Then, before Marpessa could brace for what she knew was coming, the heavy leather collar landed right across the center of her bare back. She flinched her shoulder blades together trying to lessen the pain of the next blow. ?Owww! Damn!? But it did no good. The next one fell low, on the slope of her lower back where it meets the swell of her plush bottom.
She tried, but Marpessa could no longer hold back the tears. She hated the Mistress seeing her cry. She hated it. But she could not help it. She never got whipped by the Mistress except with uncontrollable tears. She knelt there facing the wall. Her sore, red butt glowed bright red. Her pigtails, which she had fixed just for the Master today, dangled at shoulders. Kneeling there as she was, wearing nothing now but her knee-high bobby socks, she was completely helpless, vulnerable to the Mistress?s harrowing attack.
???? ?Oh,? the mistress said mockingly, as she stepped forward to rub the deep red welts rising on Marpessa?s back. ?That?s better.? She pressed her hand on the welts, increasing the pain. ?Much better, bitch!? This one landed right in the middle, between the other two. And the next three landed directly on top of it, doubling, tripling the pain.
???? ?Now turn around!? the Mistress commanded.
???? Marpessa hated it. This meant her humiliation would be there for the Mistress to revel in. She wished she could stop the tears, she wished, but there was no chance. The pain was excruciating.
???? ?Aww,? Mistress mocked her. ?Look at the little baby bitch cry.? She laughed. ?Am I supposed to pity you? Well!?
???? Between her torrents of tears, Marpessa managed to answer, ?I don?t deserve it, Mistress.?
???? ?Damn right, bitch! Now stick those big ass tits out for me.?
???? ?Yes, Ma?am,? Marpessa obeyed, thrusting her breasts out for the Mistress to torment. She had to, no matter how afraid, no matter what the pain might be like, she could not disobey.
???? The Mistress smiled gleefully as she prepared to send the stout, leather collar to its horrific task. ?Big tit whore!? she hissed, as she drew back the strap for the first blow.
???? ?Enough!? Master Daniel said. ?Put your collar back on.?
???? Mistress Payne, despite her grave disappointment, obeyed immediately. She knew her own narrow bum, too, belonged to Master whenever he wanted. She was Mistress only over Marpessa. To Master Daniel she was Slave Rosa. She did not dare disobey him. Especially when it meant she might feel his wrath right in front of Marpessa?s tearful eyes.
???? ?Yes, Master,? she said, fastening the collar back around her neck.
???? ?Come here, Marpessa,? he said, taking her on his knee and hugging her. ?You know,? he said, softly, so Mistress Payne could not hear. ?You should have said ?yes, sir,?? He kissed her cheek, and stroked her neat little pigtails back into place, tugging at them playfully as her kissed her cheek again. ?You know that don?t you??
???? ?Yes, Master Daniel,? she whimpered, burying her head into his chest and crying. Her swollen red bottom cheeks stung even more as she sat on his lap, but she not care. He kissed her again on the cheek, then turned her face to his and kissed her very lovingly on the lips.
???? ?That bitch is spoiled,? Mistress Payne said.
???? ?Shut up,? Master told her, giving Marpessa one last hug.
?Now, Precious, get your dress on, and head back to the kitchen. Mistress and I have a board meeting tonight.? He kissed her again, before she rose, lifted her uniform from the floor, and began dressing as he told her.
???? ?Lazy, bitch,? Mistress said. ?Dropping clothes on the floor!?
???? ?What did I tell you,? Master said to her, his anger rising.
???? ?Sorry, Master,? Mistress Payne said, not wishing to press her luck, and go to the meeting unable to sit down.
???? Marpessa chuckled to herself as she headed back to the kitchen to finish her cleaning.
???? Marpessa learned all that her Mistress Payne had to teach her. What had been nothing more than budding desire, blossomed into complete and total submission and obedience to her Master and his assistant. In the three years that she served them, her youthful infatuation for Master Daniel matured in a loving devotion so strong that, upon graduation from the academy, she continued to belong to him. She welcomed his frequent visits to her home any day or night of the week he wished. His surprise visits were her favorites, like the one he made last laundry day.
Marpessa, in jeans, sweatshirt, and bobby socks, was going up the stairs. She had just emptied the dryer, and was carrying the basket of clothes back to the apartment to be put away. Master Daniel entered the building earlier, just before she began making her way up the stairs. He entered the apartment and waited. He heard her coming up the stairs, and decided to surprise her.
She closed the door behind her, and headed for the bedroom to put away the wash. He crossed her mind as she dumped the clothes onto the bed. She smiled. He was hidden from her, and saw the smile. He admired her shapely form as she bent and sorted the clothes. Her bottom, too, seemed to smile up at him. As she leaned over the bed, he watched her breasts sway under her shirt.
?Shit!? she hissed, holding up a sock that did not get as white as she wanted. ?Damn it!? she flung it to the floor.
?Ah-ha!? Master Daniel thought. Then he emerged from hiding.
She heard his movement, and turned with a start to face him. The fear in her eyes quickly faded as soon as she recognized him. ?Master! You scared me.? She said, approaching for her hug.
?I also told you about that mouth of yours, didn?t I??
?What do you mean, Master Daniel??
?You know full well what I mean. What did I tell you about that cussing of yours??
?Oh,? she said bashfully. ?That. I?m sorry.?
?Not good enough, and you know it.? Then, without further word, and anxious to see her in her naked glory, he approached her. Before she could speak a word, she felt her shirt lifted up and over her head.
?I?m sorry, Master. Really!? she pleaded. But he ignored her. He tossed the shirt on the bed.
?The pants,? he said, as he removed his belt.
?Oh, Master. Please. I?m sorry,? she begged.
?The pants, Marpessa, now!?
?Yes, Master.?
?You know this is for your own good. I told you to stop cussing so. It?s not lady like. I don?t like it!?
She obeyed, unbuttoning her jeans and sliding them down until they crumpled in a ring around her ankles.
?Turn around,? he commanded. She could tell from his tone of voice there was no more need to try and beg for mercy. Besides, she knew she was wrong. She turned as he had ordered her to do. ?Lean over and place your hands on the mattress. You know the position I want.?
?Yes, Master.? She complied with his demand, which left her plush bottom raised like a bright moon for his delight (and hers).
Slowly, very slowly, he peeled her panties down until they clung around her knees. As they fell, revealing her fully to his pleasure, he fought the urge to plant a kiss on each inch of her loveliness. ?No!? he had to tell himself. ?No!? He saw her breasts swaying freely as she trembled slightly from her discomfort. ?You know you deserve this, don?t you?? he asked.
?Yes, Master Daniel. I fucked? I mean??
?You did it again!? Then, without warning or warm-up, he let the belt fall across her upturned bottom cheeks. The room resounded with the echo, but the blow was softened by his love. She could tell. Another one landed, equally mild.
Now she knew what he was doing, he was teasing.
She hated that. So she decided to end it, to make him spank her the way she wanted. ?Damn, Master,? she said, pretending to have cursed by accident. ?Oops, I?m sorry, Master.?
?Why you little brat!? he smiled, knowing she was trying to manipulate him into a more severe spanking. ?You little brat!? It worked, the next blow caught her completely off guard and made her lurch forward to escape its force? She heard it coming before it landed.
Then another, and another... Then they came in a torrent, like monster kisses, sweet, succulent, and soothing in ways she had never figured out. They carried her away in love with him the same way ? no, far better ? that a gentle kiss, or loving touch.
She lost count as she drifted into the experience of her sweet submission. To stand, bent and exposed to her Master, to submit to his authority, to free herself into his command, this was their joy, their love, their selves in their truest sense.
It ended, the sound of the belt, the feel of it landing. But the joy of it only grew as she felt his hands take her and lay her onto the bed. She smiled as he entered her. Inside herself she giggled like a naughty little girl as she thought to herself ?Whew! I should do laundry more often.?
???? Whenever Master was angry, she knew to expect more than a mere spanking ? much more. And when she woke up and looked at the clock, she knew he was going to be plenty angry today. ?Damn!? she hissed to herself, as she saw the time. ?Damn!? He was probably already on the way over, and there was no way she was going to have all he had told her to do done by the time he got there.
???? She leapt up from the bed, and paused in confusion. What to do first? ?The outfit! Yes!? She immediately began to put on the clothes he had told her to wear for the evening. ?At least,? she thought. ?I?ll have that much right.? She carefully fitted each piece to look its best, and looked at herself in the mirror. ?Shit!? She remembered, as she slipped into the panties. He had specifically told her ?Only those damn panties! Not those fucking thongs! They?ll fuck up the whole look.?
???? She rearranged the skirt, and looked again into the mirror. ?Oh, no!? she sighed, as she could see the imprint of her pubic hairs pressing against the front of the dress. ?Shit! No wonder he told me to shave.? She ran to the bathroom, pulling up her skirt. But it was much too late. She heard him exit his car in the driveway. ?Oh, fuck,? she sighed, and leaned back against the bathroom door, drained of effort and resigned to the fate she knew she deserved.
???? She hurried to the door to greet him, trying to think of a really good reason for failing. ?Failing,? she sighed. ?There?s no excuse. I fucked up,? she scolded herself. She took a deep breath, and opened the door as she heard him approach. ?Hi, Master,? she said with a nervous smile. But it quickly faded as she saw his eyes immediately fall to the outline beneath her skirt.
???? He stepped inside, slamming the door behind him. ?I don?t fucking believe this!? he yelled at her, reaching down and yanking up her skirt and pulling at her panties to see for himself that she had failed to do as she had been told.
She started in on a feeble explanation. But it was pointless. And she knew it. Before the first sentence could form, he spun her head completely to the right with a resounding slap. ?Don?t even try it, you stupid?.? Then, he grabbed her by the hair and led her down the hall into the bathroom. Once there, he snatched open the cabinet, grabbed the scissors, and threw them on the floor, forcing her down onto her knees. ?Cut it off! Now!? he yelled, slapping her again.
Both her cheeks now stinging, and feeling swollen with the pain, she lifted the scissors. But her hands were trembling far too much. She tried, but he feared she might hurt herself. ?Fuck it. Get up!? He guided her up by her hair, and flung her around the corner into the bedroom. There, in one violent tug, he ripped the skirt and panties off of her. Next came the blouse, bruising into her flesh as he yanked it off of her.
That was all. In two rough, and she knew, well deserved moves he had stripped her naked and flung her onto the bed. She deliberately landed face down, raising her naked, trembling bottom cheeks up for his easy thrashing. But she was wishing in vain. It was not going to be that easy.
?You wish!? he said, slapping her bottom once hard. ?You fucked up, Marpessa. You fucked up big.?
She pleaded, not even hearing what she said. Because she knew it didn?t matter, especially when she saw him go over to the bottom dresser drawer. That?s where he kept all the things he had bought that she said she did not like. But she did not throw them away. She put them there in the drawer, though she often wondered why.
?Master, please? No, no, no, please, Master?? She begged as she felt him force her hands behind her back. The sound of the cold, metal cuffs locking around her wrists was totally defeating.
?Shut up!? He slapped her ass again. ?Get on the bed! On your knees!? She obeyed. It was difficult, but she struggled and complied, not wanting to anger him any more than she already had done.
Next came the collar! ?Oh, no,? she cried to him. No,?
as she felt it fastened around her neck.
?You don?t seem to mind disrespecting my commands, Marpessa. So I will not respect your wishes. Understood??
?Yes, Master Daniel,? she said, as the first tear trickled down her cheek. Resigned to her fate, she tried to hold her head high and not show just how humiliated she was at this moment. Her hands cuffed behind her back, a thick dog collar emblazoned with ?SLAVE? tightly clamped around her neck, she fell helplessly as he pushed her down onto the bed. ?Ugggh!? she grunted, as he brought her ankles together and she felt the cuffs slap around them as well.
?Now, get up, SLAVE! Now! On the floor! On your fucking knees!?
With great difficulty, she rolled onto her side and wiggled and squirmed until she reached the edge of the bed. She looked up at him pleadingly for help. But all she got was on the tender, exposed flesh under her right arm.
?OUUUCCHH!? She squealed.
?On the floor!?
?Yes, Master,? she managed to say between wincing from the searing pain.
?Now, damn it!?
?Yes, Sir,? she said, before one last wiggle sent her knees over the edge of the bed. Then she slowly eased herself down onto the floor on her knees.
?Now,? her Master said, lifting yet another pair of cuffs from the drawer. ?One last thing.? He dangled them before her curious eyes, then walked around behind her.
By now, the sheer humiliation, not the slaps on the bottom, on the face, on her tender flank, but the humiliation alone had the tears streaming down her cheeks.
?You deserve this, moron! And you know it!? he hissed at her.
?I know, Master Dani?!? That was as far as she got before he yanked her nearly off balance by grabbing and lifting her feet slightly off the floor. He clamped one end of the cuffs over the ones on her ankles, and the other end to the cuffs on her wrists. In order to keep her balance, she had to spread her knees wide, obscenely wide, apart and lean back, thrusting her breasts into his gaze.
?Now crawl, Slave!? he said, as he turned and made her follow him all the way from the bedroom, down the hallway and into the living room.
She managed somehow, without toppling over, to follow him as ordered. She managed somehow despite the discomfort, the carpet burning into her knees as she crawled, the cuffs pressing into her wrists and ankles, and the tears filling her eyes, she managed to obey her Master, surprising even herself.
Once in the living room, he turned and faced her. He stood staring down at her for a moment. Just staring at this most obedient submissive. Then he knelt down in from of her, took her into his arms, and whispered, as he gently kissed her behind the ear, ?You are amazing, Marpessa.? Then, he took her in tight embrace, and whispered gently, ?Damn! I love you. Damn!? He kissed her again. ?Now I?m going to free you. And I want you to go in there, shave, and get dressed. We?re going to dinner and a movie tonight, remember? I?ll spank you after the movie.?
Master Daniel led the way out of the theater. Marpessa had made sure to behave this evening. She had enjoyed a really great dinner with her Master earlier. She enjoyed it, even though she was still embarrassed every time she saw that same waitress ? the one who used to be Master Daniel?s slave. That waitress still behaved like his property whenever she waited their table. Marpessa could tell the woman still longed for Master Daniel. ?Too bad, Bitch!? Marpessa would think to herself, and chuckle.
???? She had really enjoyed the movie, too. And especially loved it when Master Daniel made her remove her panties. Oh, she loved the feeling of being forced, right there in the theater, to slip out of her panties. She glanced around her quickly to see if anyone might see her. But she knew he would not have ordered her to if there was a chance anyone might see. She slowly slid her skirt up to her thighs, then raised her butt slightly from the chair and slid it up over her butt. Nervous now she might have drawn someone?s attention, she very quickly slipped her panties down to mid-thigh, and sat back down in her seat. The cool leather of the seat was divine on her naked flesh. ?Leather,? she thought. ?Oh god! The strap, the belt, that leather-padded paddle?? She smiled at the thought, then slid her panties over her knees and down to her ankles.
???? ?That?s good enough,? Master said, slipping his arm around her shoulder. ?Sit there,? he whispered in her ear. He kissed her lightly on the cheek.
???? ?My skirt is still up, Master,? she whispered.
???? ?Sit there,? he said sternly.
???? ?Yes, Sir. I?m sorry? I mean Master? I?m sorry.?
???? ?Shut up.?
???? And she obeyed. They watched the rest of the movie. She obeyed, sitting there with her skirt up around her waist and her panties dangling around her white, high heels. As the movie ended, she became anxious. Would he make her sit there until the lights came up? Would they sit there as others filed out of the theater? Risking someone glancing at them? Seeing her thighs exposed? Her panties down?
The credits rolled. And some people began rising and leaving. The lights were sure to come up soon. ?Oh, no,? she feared within herself. How embarrassing that would be. To be seen. But she decided that, if this is what Master Daniel was going to do to her?. She sighed to herself, ?I will accept.?
???? But just as she sensed the lights were about to come up, just as she closed her eyes in embarrassment, she felt her panties being slid up her legs. She opened her eyes to see her Master pulling them up for her. ?Lower your skirt,? he said, rising to leave. She quickly obeyed, and hurried behind him out of the theater, tingling with excitement.
???? As they walked the short way back home, Master Daniel said nothing. That was not surprising. He had been that way all day ? quiet, and into his own thoughts. That?s one reason she had been so good today. When Master was in this mood, spankings were really severe. He hated his thoughts being disturbed. She walked along beside him silently.
???? Then, as they passed the restaurant they had dined in earlier, Master Daniel turned and went down the narrow alley between the restaurant and the shop next to it. ?Master?? she asked. ?Where are we going?? But he said nothing. He walked down the alley, and she followed.
???? When they reached the back of the buildings, there was a little hidden corner where plastic milk crates from the restaurant were stored for pick-up. He led her into that corner without a word. Then he turned to face her. He grabbed her by the shoulders and pressed her against the wall. She let her body go limp and waited for him to do whatever he was about to her. He lifted her wrists over her heads. She kept them there. He bent slightly, grabbing the hem of her skirt, and pulling it. The cold rush of night air on her nakedness was startling as he yanked her skirt to her ankles and made her step out of it.
She stood there, her hands held above her head, and naked, but for her panties and blouse. But that scant protection, the thin, nearly sheer panties and flimsy, little blouse, did not last. Her Master peeled the panties down in one yank, and tossed them on top of the skirt on the ground. Then her spun her around, and pressed her against the wall. The force of his hand against her back, made her breasts press against the red brick wall of the tiny enclosure that concealed them. He held her there, pressing her. Then slowly released the power of his hand in her back. Then she felt her blouse lifted up and over her head roughly. She complied, letting her limp body respond to whatever force Master applied.
???? She was afraid. She wanted to say something. ?Why, Master?? or ?What did I do?? or ?I?m sorry.? But she dared not. She was really afraid. For a moment, the thought came to her that maybe that waitress was going to come out. Maybe he had pre-arranged something, some way to humiliate her by letting that bitch see her exposed this way. The thought made her want to cry. How embarrassing that would be. ?But,? she told herself. ?For my Master? What can I do but accept?? She heard the back door of the restaurant open. Someone came out. They could not see Master and her behind the brick wall of the alcove. They came out. It sounded like they may have dumped some garbage or something. Then someone inside the restaurant called, ?Hurry up! You got people waitin?!?
???? ?Okay. I?m coming.?
???? ?Damn!? Marpessa thought to herself. ?It?s her! That bitch!? She held her breath, wondering if the ?bitch? was going to come for some pre-arranged look at her humiliation. But she did not. The back door of the restaurant closed again. The stream of light from inside disappeared. Marpessa breathed a sigh of relief. Then Master Daniel produced from his jacket the stiff, leather-covered paddle and showed it to her.
???? ?Kiss it, slave!? he commanded her. And she nervously obeyed. ?Again!? And again she obeyed. He lightly rubbed it against the swell of her bottom cheeks, and whispered, ?Slave!?
Then she felt her Master?s paddle slam into her naked right butt cheek. The sudden force slammed her into the cold brick wall. She felt its hardness slam against her pubic area. It hurt almost as much as Master?s blow. She tensed herself, holding her now moistening bush stiffly away from the wall as she waited for the next blow. It seemed like forever before ?Oh, god!? she moaned to herself, gritting her teeth. The blows rained down one after the other, from cheek to cheek. She wished for a mirror. She wanted the redness. To see it for herself. To feel her excitement enhance at sight of her swollen, red, bottom. ?God! Master,? she moaned softly, pressing into the cold, brick wall as she often did into the arms of Mistress Payne, for comfort, as Master would beat her severely. But the wall was no more solace than the Mistress.
???? Then silence as, much to her dread, the light from the restaurant again spilled out into the alley. Her heart stood still. It was that bitch again. She went to the dumpster. Then she went over to the grease dumpster. This brought her into view. Master Daniel could see her. The grease dumpster was directly behind Marpessa and Master, across the alley about ten feet. But Master had Marpessa well in the corner of the alcove, in the shadows, even if the ?bitch? did glance their way, she could not have seen them. But Marpessa did not know that.
The ?bitch? seemed to take forever as the cold grease slowly drained into the dumpster. Marpessa felt Master?s hand gently press against her tingling butt cheeks, squeezing each of them. The pain of her burning cheeks radiated up through her like lightening. Then Master slid his hand between her legs. The sweet feel of his finger slipping into her moist crevice made her stiffen. She bit down on her lower lip to stifle a rising moan as Master Daniel?s finger probed deeper. She wondered if this was the show the ?bitch? had come to see. But she really did not care. Not now. Especially not after she felt Master?s finger smoothly replaced by his stiff, hard penis. He rammed into her quickly, forcing her against the wall. Marpessa clenched her eyes shut and bit harder into her lip as the excitement made her want to scream.
She flinched in fear as the ?bitch? pounded the grease tray against the side of the dumpster to help the last drops fall away. Master pounded into her harder and harder. She was quickly reaching that divine peak of excitement that rewards her sweet submission with climactic delight. Then she flinched again as the ?bitch? slammed the dumpster shut. Marpessa still did not know if she was being watched. She hoped not. But still, ?Fuck it,? she thought as she and Master exploded into bliss together. She could not help it. She tried, but she could not help it. The moan slipped out. It was a low guttural groan of pure pleasure.
The ?bitch? stopped as she approached the door of the restaurant. ?Is somebody over there? If that?s you, you damn drunk, you better beat it before I call the cops again. You asshole!? The restaurant door closed. The stream of yellow light faded. And Marpessa collapsed completely into Master Daniel?s sweet embrace.??
?Marpessa, get in her. Now!? Master Daniel called out to her from the kitchen.
?Yes, Master Daniel. What?s wrong?? she asked. He was holding the pitcher from the refrigerator.
?What is this?? he asked.
?What do you mean, Master? It?s the pitcher of lemonade.?
?Oh, really,? he said, tilting the pitcher upside down to show her it was empty. ??Fraid not, Darling.?
?Oops!? she giggled. ?I forgot, Master. I?m sorry.? She knew she had messed up. He didn?t remind her to refill it. She herself used it last, and said she was going to make another pitcher full.
?Get over her,? he told her, pointing to the kitchen drawer. ?Open the drawer.? She opened a drawer full of utensils. But all that stood out was the large, wooden spoon he had found during his weekly foray through the second hand shops in town. It was one of those old fashioned kind, with a thick, round handle and a wide spoon end worn almost perfectly flat from years of use. ?Hand it here,? he said, and took a seat in one of the kitchen chairs.
?Yes, Master Daniel.? She lifted the spoon and handed it to him. As she did, he took her by the wrist and pulled her to him.
?You know you screwed up, don?t you,? he told her matter-of-factly, as he unbuttoned her jeans.
?Yes, Master,? she said, suddenly sucking in a deep breath as she felt her pants yanked down to her calves. ?Get over here,? he said, guiding her around to his right side. ?Bend over.?
?Yes, Sir,? was all she said, as he guided her down firmly over his knees. ?I?m sorry, Master,? she said, reaching down to lower her panties for him.
?Not this time,? he said. ?Something new for you, my pet.? Then she heard him reach over and turn on the water. He held his hand under it, and then rubbed it over her panties until they were soaking wet. He could feel the muscles in her butt tense at first touch of the cold water. But he also knew she tensed because she knew it was going to hurt, hurt a lot more because it was wet. She started to speak, but it was too late:
she could hear the spoon sailing through the air. Then,
The first blow was like an electric shock. Her right bottom cheek danced under the force of the blow, and in a matter of seconds, even through her panties, the red glow of her cheek showed through.
From cheek to cheek they came. She kicked, or at least tried to. But her pants made it hard wrapped around her calf the way he had them.
He had to press his forearm across her back to hold her in place.
She cried and begged for forgiveness. But he did not stop. Not until she was forced to cry her safe word. She rarely did that. He rarely forced it. And she hated doing it now. The feel of the spoon, so round and smooth, was really delightful. But he made sure her delight was short lived by the force of his blows. Of course he stopped. She was glad. And she was regretful as well as he lovingly stroked her burning buns. She lay across his knees sobbing, as he made her kiss the spoon and thank him for her punishment.
?Thank you, Master Daniel. I deserved it. Thank you, Master.?
?Now,? her Master told her. ?Get your butt up. Leave your pants right where they are! And make me some iced tea.
?Yes, Master,? she said, rising and doing as she was told, while he sat there admiring her lovely red bottom.
She was told Master was coming to visit. She was told (as is customary) what he wanted her wearing when he arrived. He was due in 45 minutes. She should take a shower, put on what she was told, and wait. Instead, extremely tired because he had kept her up till 3am the night before (her butt still bore the paddle bruises), she decided to lie back on the bed and rest a few minutes. She fell asleep, fully dressed (blue jeans & sweatshirt, sweat socks, and tennis shoes). She was asleep when Master arrived and let himself in.
"What is this?"? he yelled at her. She woke with a start, dazed, half asleep. "After all the talking we did last night, you still haven't learned, have you slave!" he said, while snatching her ankles and yanking off her tennis shoes. "Get the hell out of that bed, Marpessa. Last night was nothing compared to what have right now. Get up, damn it!" he yelled, grabbing her by the hair, and snatching her from the bed. "Get the hell out of those clothes. Now!!!" he demanded, yanking at the waistband of her jeans. "Now, damn it!"
"I'm sorry, Master Daniel. I swear?," she pleaded, scurrying out of her jeans. "I don't know what happened? I must have fallen asleep?."
"Shut the hell up, and get out of those damn clothes!!!" he demands again, grabbing her sweatshirt, yanking it off over her head. Then he ripped away her bra, causing the strap to bite into her back before finally snapping apart.
"Shut up." he orders her, pushing her down onto the bed, and tearing off her panties. "Is this some kind of damn joke to you, bitch!"
Now she knows he is angry. Her Master almost never cusses at her. She knows she is in for the punishment of her life. "No, Master. I don't blame you for being?."
"I told you to shut up!" he said, stuffing her panties into her mouth as a gag. Fear now is all that fills her mind. She knows she has a well-deserved punishment coming. Secretly, she wonders if maybe she did this on purpose, to see what it would be like to really feel her Master's wrath, and she knows she is about to feel it - in full force, with no regard to her cries of "Mercy, Master."
"Get on her knees, bitch!" he commands, again, forcing her down by tearing at her hair until she collapses to her knees. The pain is like fire spreading from the top of her head downward, slowly filling her breasts, and revealing her secret joy, as her nipples swell with excitement.
"Ouch? I'm really sorry, Master? I swear," she mumbles, her mouth stuffed with her gag.
Disregarding her whimpering, he removes his belt, a thick black leather one with a wide silver buckle. "You say you don't like wearing a collar, well, you'll wear one tonight." he tells her, forcing her head down between his legs and wrapping the belt around her neck like a dog collar and leash. "Now get the fuck up!" he yells, yanking her roughly up to her feet by the leash.
Naked and truly afraid, she stands before her Master, instinctively shielding her bushy privacy with her hands. "What are you doing! How dare you!"
"I'm sorry, Master," she begs, quickly removing her hands. "I'm sorry."
"Not good enough!" he yells, opening the bag he brought with him, and removing several long strips of red, nylon rope. "Turn around," he commands, spinning her around, and forcing her hands behind her back, tying them tightly with the rope. "Get down there," he commands her, pushing her helplessly onto the bed, and tying her ankles together as well. Then, bending her legs back at the knees, he took another length of rope and tied her wrists and ankles together. The panties still stuffed in her mouth, and now tied completely helpless in total submission to whatever her Master wished to do to her, he dragged her by the leash/belt bound around her neck, and let her tumble onto the carpeted floor.
Then, taking her like a suitcase, by the bonds at her wrists and ankles, he lifted her from the floor and carried her into the living room. There, he placed her on the cocktail table, and took the belt from around of her neck. "You deserve a lot more than what you are about to get, slave. But what you are about to get is something you'll remember for the rest of your life." Then forcing her hands and ankles to the side, he sent the belt down with a fierce fury across her already bruised bottom cheeks.
The pain, harder than any blow she had received before, exploded throughout her entire being. Oh, how she wanted to scream, to yell, to shout with all her might. But would it have been from the horrendous pain, or the unimaginable joy of finally knowing total submission? She could not be sure. More and more blows rained down on her helpless flesh - her butt, her thighs, her sides, her legs, her breasts. "My god!" she wondered, could it be any worse? Better? "Why have I not let this happen before?" She dreamed. "What can I do to make this happen again, and again?" The blows rain, and rain, and rain. Her body is a roaring flame of excited passion. In the mirror beside the couch, she can see herself, helpless and striped with deepening purple welts. She prays in total confusion that the pain will end and never end at the same time, that he would get the wooden paddle or that wide, plastic spatula from the kitchen, anything to enhance the experience. Without even realizing it, suddenly she hears herself silently reciting her slave prayer: "I love My Master Daniel completely. I express that love through total submission..." There was more to it, she knew, but only those lines filled her mind, and fulfilled her deepest longing. "No! god, no!" she cried as she noticed that the whipping had ended. "Is it over? No, please. Don't let it be," she cried silently to herself.
?? Then with one yank, he untied the rope binding her hands to her ankles. Her, wrists and ankles still bound, he stood her up, drug her by the hair into the bedroom. He tied the length of rope to the one binding her wrists, then laced it through the hook in the ceiling. Yanking it until she was forced up onto her tiptoes. There he left her hanging in total submission, weeping, and trying, through the panties gagged in her mouth, to cry out: "Thank you, Master! Thank you, My Sweet Master!" But knowing he could not understand her muffled cries, all she could do was hang her head and weep with sublime joy, as her Master Daniel closed the bedroom door behind him, leaving her alone and suspended in a punishing dream time of orgasmic delight.
Master left her hanging from the ceiling, her toes barely touching the carpet, until she lost all track of time. The sun was just starting to set when he left her. Now the room was completely dark. And, like faded sunlight, the sweet, sensations awakened by her earlier whipping had faded now to soft scintillations, lingering, honeyed memories, keeping her company as she hung there regretting she had angered Master, yet thrilled with the consequence. Her arms had begun to ache. And she was beginning to wonder if Master was even still around. Perhaps he had left the house, leaving her to this torment for the night. She would not mind that, if it were her Master?s wish.
Just then the door suddenly opened. Master flicked on the light, blinding her momentarily to his approach. ?Look at you. Still being naughty,? he said, retrieving from the floor where she had let them fall, the panties he had gagged her with earlier. ?I didn?t tell you to remove your gag now did I,? he asked, smiling.
She blushed, and bashfully averted his eyes. ?No, Master.?
?You just can?t help yourself, can you, my little slave?? he said, releasing her bonds.
?I love you, Master,? she purred, as he took her in sweet embrace, and filled her mouth with his tongue. She welcomed the intrusion with a low, soft moan, and eagerly sucked his tongue deeper into her mouth.
?And I love you, my slave Marpessa. Come with me,? he ordered, and she followed, still naked, behind him into the living room. ?I bought you this,? he said, removing from its gift box, a sheer, black, silk nightgown. ?You like it??
?I love it, Master,? she said, trying it on right away in front of the mirror.
?So do I. This way I can have you naked while letting you retain you modesty at the same time,? he kidded her. ?I got you some slippers to match. But don?t wear them now. I want you just as you are. You look great, as usual,? he said, gently massaging her upper arms to restore circulation. ?You okay?? he asked, kissing her again.
?Great, Master Daniel,? she purred. ?I love you, Sir,? she smiled up at him, coaxing him for another kiss.
But he denied her, teasing with mock bravado, ?Of course you do, you silly girl. You can?t help yourself.??
?That?s the truth,? she giggled, hugging him, and kissing his nipple.
?Come, I have something else for you.? Then, he led her into the dining room, to see there a fully prepared, candlelight dinner awaiting them. ?I would tell you that I prepared all of this myself. But you?d know I was fibbing. I called a caterer.?
?It?s beautiful, Master. And looks delicious,? she said, as they embrace and kiss again before sitting down to dine.
?Did you enjoy her punishment? Not too severe??
?It was severe?? she smiled. ?But great!?
?I forced you to wear my belt as a collar. That didn?t bother you??
?No,? she said with a playful pout.
?Then you won?t mind if I buy you one??
?I don?t want to.?
?Just to wear for me, and only when we?re alone together.? She smiles, considering it.
???? ?Hard head,? she said.
?Me or you?? They laughed, as he poured her wine. ?You do know that I love you??
?Yes, Master. very much.?
?Good. Then we?ll decide later about the collar. This weekend, I have a surprise. Something to seal our bond.?
?What is it??
?You?ll see.?
?Tell me,? she pouts.
?You?ll find out this weekend.?
?I can?t wait! I know I?ll love it.? She said, smiling at him.
And so they dined by candlelight, then retired to the bedroom. ?remove you gown, Marpessa.?
?Yes, Master,? she said, bowing her head, and complying.
?You are beautiful,? he told her, approaching.
?Thank you, Master,? she said, head bowed. She folded her gown and waited.
?Now, what shall I do with you, my hard headed little slave??
?I?m at your disposal, Master. Please do with me what you will.?
?Good answer,? he said, taking the gown from her, and tossing it on the dresser. ?Get yo9ur butt in that bed. On your stomach. Face down. Now.?
?Yes, Master Daniel,? she said, softly, rushing to obey.
?Place your hands at your sides, palms up, relaxed.?
She obeyed, and awaited further orders. But there were none. She felt his weight enter the bed. He knelt beside her for a moment in silence. ?Marpessa??
He said it softly, but the suddenness made her flinch slightly. ?Yes, Master??
Then he poured the warm, scented body oil onto her back, and began her soft, sensual massage from head to toe. Arousing her by lingering sweetly at all her most sensitive areas. Before finally dancing his tongue up her inner thigh, invading her sacred temple, and delivering her to ecstasy.
Then, he lay there with her until she drifted off to sleep. He placed a gentle kiss on her cheek, and laid a rose on her pillow, as he whispered, ?I love you, my slave Marpessa.? She never stirred, but for a faint smile that played across her lips.
?I thought you said you were going to be ready?? Master Daniel said.
Marpessa lay in the bed, still half asleep. She had completely forgotten that they were going to dinner at Mistress Payne?s house tonight. But to Master Daniel, that was not important. They were not to leave for dinner for another two hours. Master Daniel was angry because, before going to there, he was going to have a spanking session with his Precious Gem. He always called her that. She had come to him like a sparkling gem, bright and glowing in a dark time.
???? ?Oh,? Marpessa said, wiping the sleep from her eyes. She sat up on the side of the bed. ?I?m sorry, Master Daniel. I?ll be ready in a second. I promise.?
He could see that the outfit he had told her to wear was already laid out on the dresser. The shoes sat on the floor. She had even polished them. She sat up wearing those baggy Jeans he had told her to throw away last week. And the sweatshirt she wore completely hid her plump breasts from him. She was bare footed. And, even under her bulky shirt, he could her nipples swelling under the sound of his voice.
?That?s not good enough, Precious. You do this all the time.?
?No I don?t, Master,? she pleaded. But he would hear none of it.
?Oh, and now you dispute me?? He said.
?No,? she pleaded for understanding. ?I just mean??
?Shhhhhh!? he said, approaching her, and placing his finger to her lips. ?You?re only going to make it worse.? He sat beside her on the bed, softly kissing her on the cheek. ?You know full well what I told you this morning before I left. Don?t you??
?Yes, Master.?
?What did I tell you, Precious??
?To take a shower at four. Then put on the skirt, and pantyhose first, then call you and ask if I could wear a top, and put it on, if you o.k.?d it. Then put on the shoes. Just before you got home I was to position myself on the bed for a spanking, and wait for you to get here,? she said. She could feel her nipples swollen full and pressing against her shirt. The rough cotton of the shirt tickled at them. The thought of that made her chuckle out loud. She immediately covered her mouth. But it was too late. She had giggled herself into a punishment.
?Oh!? Master said, standing up and facing her. ?It?s funny to you? You disobey, and that?s funny??
She knew what she was in for, and wondered if maybe she hadn?t overslept on purpose to increase the intensity of their session. ?Heck,? she thought to herself. ?He should be thanking me!? Then, she couldn?t help letting out another giggle at what he would do if only he knew what she was thinking.
?Alright! That does it!? He took her by the wrist. She was still giggling, but only until she noticed he was leading her the foot of the bed, to the bedpost. ?Oh, no!? she thought. She almost said it out loud, but dared not. She hated it when he stood her against the bedpost because she really didn?t like the position.
Master tore her sweatshirt up over her head. The cool air from the fan attacked her nipples like hungry kisses, causing her to gasp in excitement. He lifted her wrists up over her head, and made her hold on to the bar that runs between the carved, brass gargoyles at the top of the bedposts. In one motion, he looped his fingers into the waistband of her pants and pulled them down to her ankles. Obediently, she stepped out of them and watched to see what he would do with them. When she saw him toss them across the room onto the floor, she knew she was going to receive a serious session of sweet sensations.
Her Master grabbed her ankles, one at a time, spreading them far apart, and making her keep them there at the bottoms of the bed posts, stretching her legs obscenely wide apart. This is why she hated this position. It totally exposed her in the most humiliating way. Still, the cool fanned air lapping high up between her legs, where the moisture in the thick bush covering her valley made the air even colder, sent a shudder of hot anticipation rocking through her body.
Naked, with every inch of her body vulnerably exposed to his every whim, she almost rejoiced in her bondage, without which she feared she might have collapsed to the floor under the chill that descended from her head to the soles of her feet. A thick chill that descended slowly, like lips of cold honey, down her body, swelling her anticipation like rolling waves on the ocean. A subtle moan escaped her lips as she felt his hand cup the moistness between her legs. Slowly his fingers slid away, exploring all the dark recesses of her desire. Then again, she shuddered and gasped as his finger alone returned. Probing deep, then deeper still, and causing her to sigh in disappointment as it withdrew abruptly.
?You don?t deserve that!? Her Master hissed into her ear.
?I?m sorry, Master,? she cried out. Then she swooned in a melodic moan as his hands cupped her breasts, massaging them roughly, tenderly, roughly. Torturously sweet, his fingers pressed her love for him deep into her breasts. She felt the pressure of his fingers punishing her breasts, twirling her nipples, squeezing her back into him. She felt him swollen beneath his trousers, pressed against her naked bottom. She pushed back, trying to entice him out, flesh to flesh. But for her offer, she received - SLLAAAPPP!!!! -? against her bare bottom cheek.
?I told you, you don?t deserve that!?
?I?m sorry, Master?? she moaned, as the sting of his angry hand sent the waves of delight up, like backward thunder, from her burning bottom cheek to the very roots of her hair, that seemed to stand in chorus as the pain sang up through her body.
Her other bottom cheek raced to match with the pain still lingering from her twin. Meeting in the center, they exploded into her heart, as she moaned, ?Thank you, Master?. Thank you???
?Thank you?. Oh?.. damn!?.?
?SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! From cheek to cheek, her pleasure in him, his delight in her, resounded. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! Then the sheer delight of his palm against her swelling cheeks, the sound of his deep, muscular breathing behind her, the swoosh! of his hand sailing back and forth, made her thoughts dissolve. From expectation and judgement, they ascended into full compliant oneness of experience. No longer was she a woman tied to a bed. She was a hot, hard, horny, spanking. No longer a submissive anything, but queen of everything. She was a woman fully realized in her desire. Submitting to and dominating a totally fulfilling experience of her deepest self.
?DAMN!? she heard herself: her blows absorbing: her word resounding, her Master responding, her joy exploding!
In perfect timing, the blows from his masterful hand drifted from the red, round swell of her derri?re to the tender inner whiteness of her upper thighs. She began to ascend the vortex.
Softly now, his hands slapped at the inner tenderness. He watched as she began to rise into climactic ecstasy. He roughly stroked her inner thighs, letting his fingers reach up to heighten her delight.
She felt his other hand freeing her hands from the bedpost. Her hands fell to her breasts, lifting them in delicious delirium. He slapped her ankles, making her draw them together. He briefly took her into his arms, squeezing her from behind, and bathing the nape of her neck with his hot, eager tongue. Then, to her happy confusion, he turned her around, away from the bedposts, and forced into his study.. He followed, forcing her ahead of him until the edge of the table pressed into her thighs. Then, after one last kiss on her shoulder, her bent her over the table, forcing her down, pressing her breasts flat against the cool, wooden top of the table.
Her heart races as she waits. This was the confusion. Would Master spank her some more, refilling her with the utter delight of her submissive self? Or would he free himself from his trousers and allow her to rise to her ultimate feminine acceptance of Master Daniel?
Master arrived unannounced for an evening cup of tea with his slave Marpessa. He let himself in, but called out to her to let her know he was there. Since there was no answer, he assumed she had nodded off to sleep. He could hear music coming from the bedroom, Ron Specter?s ?Golden Voyage,? perfect accompaniment for a hot cup of tea with slave Marpessa.
He knew he would find her wearing her new gown. When she phoned him this morning to learn what she should wear today, he told her to wear her gown when she got home and out of the work clothes he dictated to her. She would also be adorned in her collar, the purple velvet and lace, as ordered. She was very obedient about wearing what she was told. She loved his caring attention. Even when he was away on business trips, she phoned him for instruction. He never refused his slave Marpessa. And she rarely disobeyed him. Rarely, but sometimes, despite her best efforts or his sternest warnings, the naughty little brat in her would try and get away with whatever she could. And this was one of those days.
He poured his tea, Sassafras with lemon, and hers, Lemon Verbena and honey. And, because he expected a quiet, uneventful evening, he brought along a snack, Almond cookies, her favorite, from the Chinese restaurant on the corner. ?She deserves a treat,? he figured. She had been really good lately. He lifted the tray of tea and treats and headed for the bedroom.
?Wake up, Lazy Legs,? he called to her as he entered the bedroom. He expected to find her dozing, but no. What he saw upon entering was his obedient slave Marpessa enjoying the lifelike phallus he had bought for her birthday. ?What is this?? he said, sitting the tray aside.
?Oh, god! Master!? she gasped, nervously dropping her joy toy and scrambling to her knees in the center of the bed. ?Damn! I didn?t know you were?.?
?Shut up! Did you call me and ask if you could pleasure yourself?? Before she could answer, he said, ?No, you did not! Get up, Marpessa. Now!?
?Yes, Master,? she stammered, scrambling from the bed to stand humbly before him. She stood most properly, head bowed, legs spread apart, and arms folded behind her back and resting, albeit nervously, on the small of her back. ?Damn! I am so sorry, Master Daniel. I am, really!? She said, knowing full well that was insufficient.
?What did I tell you??
?To shut up, Master. I?m sorry.?
She had left her joy toy turned on, and still vibrating in the middle of the bed. He turned off the CD player, leaving the buzz of the vibrator the only sound in the room as he slowly circled her with intimidating, deliberate pace.
?What do you deserve for this infraction, Marpessa??
She started to speak, hesitated, the dropped her shoulders. ?I?m sorry, Master Daniel. I?m sorry.?
?That doesn?t answer the question.? He lifted the phallus, brought it near her ear, and then turned it off. ?What do you deserve for this??
?It?s not for me to say Master. I am at your mercy. Your will is my desire. Punish me, please for this infraction. And??
?Shut up,? he said. ?Open your mouth.? And when she obeyed, he placed the lifelike phallus in her mouth. ?Shut.? She closed her lips sensually around the joy toy, and held it.
?I should whip you to the blood. You know that, don?t you??
?As you wish, Master.?
?I don?t know, Master. I just did it. I shouldn?t have.?
?So true. So true,? he said, as he lifted her gown up and left it resting on her shoulders. ?Don?t let it fall.?
?Yes, Master,? she said, hunching her shoulders to hold the gown in place.
?I made us some tea,? he said, removing the phallus from her mouth and lifting her Lemon Verbena to her lips. ?Sip it. Is it too hot??
No, Master,? she said, after sipping it.
?Good,? he said. ?Enjoy it!? Then he dashed the cup of tea on her, causing her to flinch and shiver a bit at the sudden bath. ?Get on your knees,? he commanded, forcing her down and slapping each of her breasts side to side until they glowed bright, hot pink. Then, he took the rubber phallus and shoved it back into her mouth. ?Suck up! You want to play little slut, then that?s what you?ll be tonight, my little slave slut!?
He took his handkerchief and tied her arms together right where they rested, folded just above the swell naked butt. ?I can?t believe you sometimes! You act like a 10 year old, dammit!? Then, he led her to the bed, lifted her and dropped her down on her stomach with her knees hanging over the edge, just above the floor.
?Now,? he said, going over and opening the dresser drawer. I?m going to paint your ass the deepest red you have. Understood??
?I?m sorry, Master. I swear, I?ll be good. I promise.?
?Shut up!?
The paddle slammed into her butt, at the peak of each cheek, smashing them down flat in a crashing explosion of pain. The blow sent her head rocketing forward as she lunged forward trying to escape the force of Master?s anger.
The second blow doubled the depth of the thick, thudding pain, swelling her cheeks in bright, crimson as the pain throbbed up through her body.
Now, from one cheek to the other the blows rained down. Slave Marpessa struggled uncontrollably to escape the painful punishment.
Unable to contain herself any longer, the rubber phallus he had forced into her mouth spat out as she screamed in torment. ?Oh, goddammit! Oh, Master!? She screamed, forcing herself into a ball as it to lessen the pain. She balled up fearfully, taking it, every blow she deserved, and reaching out to grab the phallic toy she had lost, and shoving it back into her mouth. ?I?m sorry, Master,? she cried in muffled pleas. ?I?m sorry,? she pleaded, stuffing the phallus even further down her throat.
?Suck it, Slut!?
?Yes, Master Daniel. Yes, yes,? the tears streamed down her face, buried in the mattress. ?Yes, Master,? she cried, in garbled grunts escaping between the blows.
Her ass now glowed in a throbbing red glow. The pain burned in every fiber of her body now. She could hear herself pleading to him, she could hear the blows coming before they landed. She could feel each new surge of pain rippling through her body.
?Thank you!?
?she screamed. ?Thank you, Master. I
deserve this. I deserve it ll. Please. Harder, Master. Please,? she cried as
she felt him bringing her punishment to an end.
?No, Master. Please! No! No! Beat me! Please,? she cried, as the massive pain overwhelmed her, and lifted her beyond all limits, flushing her into the throes of delirious orgasm. ?No, Master, don?t stop, don?t!?
But, just as he saw her reaching that point of no return, that last step beyond which lay sheer orgasmic delight, Master Daniel denied her. As abruptly as he began, he ceased. Her glorious ride to sublime delight crashed to a halt, as he threw the paddle aside.
?Now get up! My little slut!? he commanded, yanking her up by the hair, forcing her to crash land on her knees on the floor. ?Give me that!? Master said, snatching the rubber phallus out of her mouth. ?Slut, you,? he said, lightly slapping her on head with it.
?I?m sorry, Master. Thank you,? she whimpered. He could hear it in her voice, that dreamy, far off tone she slipped into when orgasm was creeping up on her. ?Sorry, Master. Please. Thank you.? She could hardly kneel up straight. She was drunk with delight. He eyes were half closed, and she kept wincing as the waves of near-orgasm rolled over, filling her with desire to drown in its flood.
?Look at you! Dammit!? Master said, pulling her up by the hair to stop her from swaying back and forth so much.
?Ouch,? she squealed. ?Yes! Thank you, Master. Yes. Harder.? She loved her hair pulled, so doing that only sent her deeper into orgasmic dream. ?Yes,? she moaned, momentarily letting her right hand fly down to touch the moist, naked valley between her legs.
?I?m sorry,? she whimpered, throwing her hand back behind her back, and locking her arms together in submission. ?Sorry, sorry?? she breathed, raising her face high in anticipation of a slap.
?Stand up,? Master demanded, helping her by the hair. He spun her around so that her hot, red bottom cheeks were pressed into his throbbing penis. ?Spread ?em, Marpessa.? She obeyed, keeping her hand locked behind her back, she spread her legs wide apart, step by step, until she felt the cool rush of air between her legs. ?Now, Slut, open my pants.?
Eagerly, she lowered one hand and found his zipper, bringing it down in one quick motion. ?Thank you, Master,? she said, as the sound built upon her rising expectations.
?Take it out, Marpessa.?
?Yes, Master,? she said between deep, heavy breaths. ?Yes,? she hissed, as her fingers slipped inside his pants and found his penis. She held it firmly in her grip, thick and hot, ?Oh god, yes Master!? she pleaded, pulling it out and, accidentally on purpose, slipping it between the cheeks of her butt in a not so subtle hint.
?In your ass? You want it there, Slut Marpessa??
?Ass or mouth my cunt anywhere, Master. Please?? she begged, still holding him in her hand, rolling the pulsing head back and forth between her cheeks.
?I don?t think so, Slut!? Master said, pulling back so that she lost grip on him. She immediately replaced her hands back where they belonged, locked in sweet submission on the small of her back. Master reached down and slapped each cheek of her ass as hard as he dared.
From one to the other, on the outside of each rising mound of her bottom. Then, redirecting his blows, he landed them on the inner side of her cheeks, right where the meet at the crack, he slapped deep into the tender unexposed regions. ?Oooouuuuchhhh! Ouch, ouch, Oh?.? She cried, as no inch of her bottom escaped the rain of savage blows.
???? She drew her hands up higher onto her back, farther out of his way, determined to allow him full access to whatever he wanted for whatever in whatever way. ?Oh, oh, oh, oh,? was all she could say, as the pain filled her once again like a rising volcanic eruption.
???? He could see the swelling in her ass, the deeply crimson tone dappled with slightly purplish dots. The once creamy valley between her cheeks now glowed in throbbing pink. And the shapely mounts of each of her bottom cheeks were crowned with perfect, bluish circles where the pain culminated and tried to escape.
???? She could no longer remain standing without him holding her up. He threw his left arm around her stomach, snatching her slightly off the ground. Her toes barely touching the floor, he continued on, slapping her upper thighs now until they faded quickly into a rosy match for her ass cheeks. He held her like a rag doll now, helpless in his arm, and under his assault.
???? Just as she lost the strength to hold her head up any longer and it dropped defeated down onto her breast, he flung her in one sudden lunge onto the bed. ?Aghth!? she grunted as she landed there, helpless curling up into a fetal ball. She tried to close her legs tight, but could not. They burned so, she had to open them, spread them apart as if to cool them down. She buried her face into her hands, wiping tears that continued to stream as she cried how sorry she was.
???? ?Shut up, Marpessa! You know damn well you?re not sorry. So shut up!? Master scolded, slapping her butt again. ?Stay there!? he commanded, and she obeyed, stopping her squirming around to remain just as she was when she heard the order.
???? He opened the nightstand and took out the ropes. ?Put your legs together,? he demanded, grabbing her by the ankles and drawing them to. Then he laced the rope around her bare feet between the ankles and the toes. He tied them securely, then forced her legs up by pulling the rope as he rounded the bed to stand at her head. He lifted her under the neck and looped the rope over her shoulder and between her breasts until they were encircled in the white nylon rope. Then he brought the rope back down and attached it to the rope around her feet.
???? Bound now, with her feet forced up over her butt, and her breasts lifted slightly off of the bed, she was helpless except for her hands. He grabbed her right wrist and forced it over her back to her left thigh where he tied it securely, Then the left wrist to the right thigh so that she lay with arms criss-crossed across her back and her toes pointing to the ceiling. The rope around her breasts had begun to turn them red. And the blood rushed to her feet as well, matching them to the red polish on her nails.
???? ?Here, Slut,? he hissed at her, taking the rubber phallus that had started her trouble and shoving it into her mouth again. Then he snatched a pair of her panties from the drawer and forced them over her head so that they locked the rubber cock into her mouth and covered her eyes as well. ?I?ll leave that stuck in your mouth, Marpessa, to show you that dildo is not what got you into trouble. You?re welcome to play with that anytime you like as long as you ASK!? he slapped her reddening breast. ?This punishment, Marpessa, is for not asking permission. Understand??
???? ?Yeumphes,? she tried to answer through her gag.
???? Then Master took the black, metal paper binders from the headboard of the bed. He clicked them open and closed a couple of times so she could hear what she could not see. So that she could hear that the worse nipple torture she knew was on the way.
???? ?Umphhh! Umphhh! Noph! Pleezzh!? she tried to beg for mercy, turning her head side to side trying to guess where he was. ?Pleezzh, Mafer! Pleezzh!?
???? ?AGHHHHHPH!? She screamed as the first clamp closed around her swollen nipple, pinching it blood red instantly.
?AAGGHHHHHHPPPPHHHH!? The second one closed over the other nipple. The wide, metal binders clamped over the nipple, reaching way back to the base, just above the dark aureole. Their vice-like grip sent rush after rush of pain down through her, forcing her to try, despite her tight bonds, to fight and escape. But there was nothing she could do.
?AGGGGHHHHFFF!? she screamed in muffled agony. He could see the tears staining through her panty mask. Saliva dripped through the panties where the dildo rammed into her mouth.
???? But, not quite done with her yet, Master Daniel rolled her onto her back. ?Twenty minutes, Marpessa. Do you hear me? Twenty minutes.? She could not answer but to try and nod her head. He took the spreader bar and fastened it to her knees, forcing her legs wide open. Then he took the weights, two four ounce fishing sinkers on hooks, and looped them trough the handles on the binders that clamped. He placed them on gently, then let them free fall, pulling at her nipple and causing her gag and cough as the pain wracked her body.
???? ?Twenty minutes. Can you take it? If you can?t take it say so now, I won?t hear you one I leave the room. Can you take twenty minutes?? He pulled the dildo back a bit to allow her to answer. ?Can you??
???? ?I love you, Master. I can take it. I swear. Don?t free me, please.?
???? Master Daniel shoved the dildo back into her mouth and stood to admire his slave. Her breasts were very swollen now, red and almost visibly throbbing. Her nipples were swollen under the clamps, filling them with her flesh. Her legs, spread by the bar, exposed her naked valley, dripping with her excitement. And the blood red glow of her well-spanked bottom filled him with desire for her. He wanted to take her now. He was tempted. She was very tempting. But he refrained. Going to her only to whisper in her ear, ?Never without permission, Marpessa. Never, you little slut.? Then he gently squeezed her breasts, causing her to cry out one last time before he left her there.
?Slut,? he said, as he closed the door behind him.
?Greetings, Sir,? Jeanine said, as Master Daniel and Marpessa arrived for dinner with Mistress Payne. Jeanine belonged to the Mistress, and it showed. She was made to answer the door wearing only a painfully tight waist cincher and a spiked slave collar that made it nearly impossible for her to turn her head right or left. She wore no shoes, but her ankles were adorned with shackles so short that walking had to be slow and careful to avoid losing balance and falling. As she turned to lead them into the dining room, Marpessa was shocked to see that the girl was also fitted with a large anal plug, and her butt and upper thighs were streaked with fresh red blisters from the cane.
???? Marpessa smiled as she followed behind Master Daniel into the dining room, relieved and thankful that even though the Master trained both she and Jeanine, he decided to keep her. Poor Jeanine, who Marpessa knew from the academy, was given to the Mistress. Jeanine directed them to the table and seated them. ?My Mistress has instructed me to explain that I have been bad, Master. I am on punishment. That is why I am not properly dressed.?
???? ?Stop staring, Marpessa,? Master commanded, as Marpessa still stared at the poor girl?s painful predicament.
???? ?I?m sorry, Master,? she said, lowering her eyes.
???? ?These new blisters,? Master said to Jeanine, as he turned her around for inspection. ?Are on top of old ones that were barely healed. She nearly whipped you to the blood. What did you do?? he said, allowing her to turn and face him.
???? Jeanine lowered her head in shame, reluctant to answer. She glanced at Marpessa who smiled at her in support. But still, the girl was almost too shamed to answer.
???? ?Master Daniel asked you a question, Cunt! Answer him!? Mistress Payne commanded. She entered still carrying the stiff bamboo cane that had tortured the girl earlier.
???? ?Yes, Mistress,? Jeanine answered, leaping to frightened attention at the sound of that voice. ?I failed my Mistress,? she said. ?Last night and this morning. I? I??
???? ?Damn you!? Mistress Payne cursed at the girl, approaching and striking her savagely across the butt with the cane. The force of the blow was so hard and sudden, that Jeanine lost her balance and fell forward across the table. Marpessa instinctively leapt forward to assist, forgetting herself for a moment, and yelling at the Mistress, ?You bitch! Stop it!?
???? ?How dare you,? Mistress Payne shouted, rounding the table to chastise Marpessa.
???? ?Stop!? Master Daniel commanded, and Mistress Payne froze in mid-step. ?Sit your ass down now,? he demanded, snatching the cane from her hand and tossing it across the room. ?Sit down, Marpessa. And watch that damn mouth of yours.?
???? ?I told you she?s too damned spoiled!? Mistress Payne said, taking a seat as Master had ordered.
He ignored her remark, helping Jeanine to her feet instead. Tears streamed down the girl?s face, and she gritted her teeth to keep from crying out loud. When Master turned her to look at her blistered bottom, he became livid at what he saw. That last blow had opened an earlier welt. Blood seeped through in a long row of tiny beads. The girl had been whipped to the blood.
???? Master Daniel said nothing. He stood for a second staring at the wound. Then, very calmly, he said, ?Marpessa, take Jeanine into the bathroom. He snatched the key to the shackles from where it hung pinned to Mistress Payne?s vest and handed it to Marpessa. ?Get her out of these things. All of it. Clean her up. Then bring her back in hear.?
???? Without a word, Marpessa responded, rounding the table and leading the weeping girl away. The bathroom was on the second floor, so she could not hear what was going on between Master and the Mistress. So, she did as she was told, tending to Jeanine. They had first met at Master?s cottage at the academy. Just before Marpessa graduated and move into her own place, Jeanine had come to replace her as housekeeper. She liked her right from the start, and sat up crying with her on the night she was given to Mistress Payne.
?This might hurt a little,? she told Jeanine as she pressed the alcohol pad to her wound. She was still fascinated at the girl?s beauty. She was slim and extremely shapely. And so meek, she always spoke in nearly a whisper. Her silken black tresses hung down to the swell of her derriere, a stark contrast to her creamy brown skin. She was of mixed Cherokee and Ethiopian ancestry. Her keenly sharp facial features combined with her firm, curvaceous body to make her an artist?s dream. Which made Marpessa all the more sad to see how Mistress Payne had disfigured her lovely form with such savage beatings. ?But you?ll be okay,? she told the girl.
A few wipes with an alcohol swab were all that was needed to clean the wound on Jeanine?s bottom cheek. The waist cincher was so tight that, once removed, the girl?s flesh was darkened and creased with its outline. As were her ankles, once the shackles were removed. ?My god!? Marpessa exclaimed. ?How long have you been wearing these??
?I always wear them,? Jeanine answered meekly. Even to Marpessa, a fellow sub, the girl was afraid to raise her eyes. ?I?m sorry this happened. I ruined everything didn?t I?? she whispered softly.
?No,? Marpessa said, giving her a warm hug. ?No, Jeanine. This is not your fault.? The plug the girl wore was so firmly in place that Marpessa needed most all her strength to remove it, as Jeanine stood wincing from the pain. ?This is not your fault at all,? she told her again, wiping a tear from the girl?s eye. ?Come on,? she said, taking her by the hand. ?Let?s go to Master Daniel. I want him to see this.?
?No,? Master was yelling at Mistress Payne as Marpessa and Jeanine entered. ?As of this moment, Rosa, you are no longer a Mistress. Understood? You went way too far! You know the rules.?
Marpessa and Jeanine stopped at the entrance, no sure whether they should be witness to this. Much to their shock, Master had made Rosa strip from her Mistress outfit. She stood before him naked and quite embarrassed at being seen this way by her former subordinates. And the fresh red patches on each of her bottom cheeks made it clear she had been over Master?s knee.
?I told you this would happen if you went too far, didn?t I??
?Yes, but??
?Yes what!?
Rosa glanced at the two submissives briefly, then lowered her head and answered, ?Yes, Master.?
Marpessa looked at Jeanine to make sure she would see this. But the girl?s head was lowered in sympathy for her former Mistress. Marpessa, elated to see the former Mistress Payne reduced this way, nudged Jeanine and smiled, placing her arm around the naked girl?s shoulders and whispering, ?Told you! It?s not your fault.? Jeanine looked up at her and smiled. ?She?s just mean,? Marpessa went on. ?She??
?Silence!? Master Daniel yelled at them. ?Turn around Rosa, and put your hands up on the wall. Lean forward!? She complied, leaning and placing her hands high up on the wall, and obediently thrusting her taut, red bottom cheeks out for his easy access.
?Get over here,? Master said, and Marpessa led the way with Jeanine following somewhat less eagerly.
?Yes, Master?? Marpessa asked.
?You,? he said, taking Jeanine by the hand and pulling her forward. ?This is slave Rosa. She was my slave for nearly a decade, before I made the mistake of letting her convince me that she was ready to be a Mistress. I was wrong. Here,? he said, removing his belt and handing it to Jeanine. ?I want you to swat her bottom. Three on each cheek.?
Oh, no, Master. Please, I can?t do that to my Mistress,? Jeanine said, taking the belt into her hand.
?Her name is slave Rosa, Jeanine. She has failed as a Mistress. And to show her how far she has fallen, she is about to be whipped by another slave.?
Jeanine positioned the belt in her hand and slowly stepped up into position. She toyed nervously with the belt for a moment, clearly uncomfortable with this strange task.
?Rosa,? Master Daniel said. ?Speak. You know what to say. Do it!?
?Yes. Master,? slave Rosa said softly. She swallowed hard, then said, ?Please, slave Jeanine, punish me for my errors.? It was the same plea she had taught to Jeanine. Word that were the mark of a willing slave desirous of proper punishment for wrong doing.
Jeanine stood for a second staring at Rosa the slave. She looked at Master for a moment, then she looked at Marpessa, who nodded for her to proceed. Then, the first blow landed almost softly. they grew in intensity, and slave Rosa?s left bottom cheek reddened accordingly. the belt landed on the other cheek, which rippled under the force. Then it was over. So soon that Jeanine looked pleadingly up at Master Daniel.
?This is not about revenge, Jeanine. You understand that, don?t you?? Master asked her.
?Yes, Sir.?
?Fine. Two more. Each cheek,? he smiled at her, and for the first time today Jeanine shared a genuine smile with her guests, looking back at Marpessa gleefully.
?Ouch. Damn!?
?Agh! Damn!!? ?Shit! Mercy, Master. Please!? slave Rosa cried, and Jeanine stopped immediately.
???? ?Very good, Jeanine,? Master said. ?I think you?d make a better Mistress than Rosa any day. In fact,? he mused. ?How about if, for the next week, I place you in charge of slave Rosa? Would you like that??
???? ?I?ll certainly try, Master,? Jeanine said with a beaming smile.
???? ?Good,? Master said. ?Very good. We?ll be by to check on you now and then. To see how she?s progressing. Okay??
???? ?Yes, Master. Could Marpessa come over and help me sometimes??
???? ?I have a feeling you?re not going to need any help, Jeanine,? Master said with a smile. ?Or should I say, Mistress Jeanine.?
???? ?In that case then,? she said, turning to Marpessa. ?I?m ordering you to come by here every day and give me a hand training my new slave.?
???? ?My pleasure, Mistress Jeanine,? Marpessa said, stepping up to slave Rosa, looking her in the face and saying, ?Oh, I have such sights to show you.? Then, she slammed her palm into Rosa?s ripe, red bum.
?Marpessa, is it??
?Yes, sir.?
?Do you know who I am??
?Yes, Headmaster.?
?Right. My assistant tells me you were warned before about hanging around with certain of the girls here at the academy. Were you not??
?Yes, Sir. But?.?
?Silence! There is not a single explanation you can come up with that will allow for you disregarding the council of my assistant. You were advised to avoid contact with certain girls here, because they have proven quite a bad influence on new girls. By refusing to listen, you are not starting off on very sound footing here. You are No longer a child, Marpessa. This is not grade school, nor even high school. This is a fine, private academy, and a very expensive one that your parents have chosen for you. Our job is to make you, and all the girls here, into well-finished young ladies.
?How dare you hang out in town all night, and return a day late! You?ve been a very naughty girl. Your parents expected this from you. That is why they chose my academy ? one that adheres faithfully to the maxim that to spare the rod is to spoil the child!
?Having said that, then you know why you are here, don?t you, Marpessa??
?Yes, Sir. I?m sor? sorry, Sir.?
?Turn around and face the desk, Marpessa.?
She loved the tone in his voice, so stern and domineering. She obeyed without hesitation. Turning around to face the large oak desk, but not before trying to sneak a peek up into his face. She had liked his looks from the very first time she saw him - such sharply defined features. And the sound of his voice, deep and resonant, filled her with feelings she had not known before.
?Stand against it,? he ordered her, lightly pushing her so that the edge of the desk pressed into her thighs. ?That?s better. Now, lift your skirt, Marpessa, all the way up around your waist, and bend over the desk.? She obeyed him, regretting only that she could not see his face as her nakedness revealed itself before his eyes. ?You are not the first girl who has taken this academy less than seriously. Nor the first, by any means, to bend over that desk to meet with me and these.?
???? Then, one by one, he began removing various implements from the desk drawer, laying them on the desk beside her so that she could them. ?I am about to punish you, Marpessa,? he told her, as she lay trembling at the wide array of implements he placed beside her. ?Ah, yes,? he said. ?This will do nicely.? He showed it to her, a foot long, flexible leather strap, 4? wide, ?? thick, attached to a long handle resembling a male phallus. He flexed the frightening strap in front of her eyes, savoring the fear he saw in them, and sensing, too, as he had in so many others, something else there in those wide, brown eyes. Dancing just beneath the surface fear sparkling up from her eyes as she dared to cast a furtive glance, there was also that excited curiosity that made him know she was one of the special ones.
?Now,? he said, leaning over her. ?Bend over further, and lift your skirt higher.? Then he stood and watched as she pressed herself closer to the desk while reaching back with both hands and slowly pulling her skirt up higher.
?Higher!? he demanded. ?Pull it up until your lower back is exposed as well.?
?Yes, Sir,? she said meekly, again looking over the implements laying beside her on the desk.
?Good,? he said. ?That?s high enough.? Then, softly, she felt his hand glide over her panties, exploring each cheek, squeezing them lightly, as if inspecting. ?Good,? he said. ?Down further!? He commanded, pressing her down onto the desk. ?Spread your legs, Marpessa, farther apart! You can do better than that,? he scolded her, as she struggled to spread her legs as wide as she could. ?Good. Now I am going to give you ten swats across her bottom,? he said, removing his hand from her bottom slowly, letting his fingers lightly graze the sweetly rounded peaks of her trembling cheeks, sending chilling scintillations all through her body. ?Ten swats,? he said again. ?Across your bare bottom!? Then he peeled her panties down until the bunched like binding around her knees. ?And I want you to count each blow, and say ?thank you, Sir.? Understood!?
But before she could even
start to answer
?One. Thank you, sir,? she said, her voice straining to be heard clearly between her groaning.
?One? Fine, we?ll start there
?Two. Thank you, sir,? she said, her voice quivering, as she sucked in air between each word, trying to hold back tears that had already begun skipping down her trembling cheeks.
Then, again and again, and again and again, relentlessly, the strap landed, as she tasted her first tear, and closed her eyes, sinking down into the sense of burning helplessness that filled her, thrilling her in most confusing ways. She had never been spanked before in her life, but had seen it done once to a girlfriend of hers who had angered a nanny. She now remembered that afternoon, remembered that strange sense that filled her, obliterating any feelings of sorrow for her friend, but instead chilling her with a frightening delight at what she was witnessing.
Her own voice now, as she
cried out the counting, was like that memory of her friend, some distant,
background music to her ears.
?You skipped one! Start over at
?Seven,? then her body,
wracked with the unexplainable enjoyment of the pain, shook as she began
sobbing uncontrollably ?Thank you, Master, Sir.?
?So, you are back in my office, Marpessa. You know why
you?re here?"
?Yes, sir.?
?No. Remember what you called me before, Marpessa, as you lay whimpering across my desk??
?What did you call me??
?I called you Master, Sir.?
?And so you shall address me today. Understood??
?Yes? Master,? she said with a sigh of relief that they both understood the nature of the relationship she so deeply desired with him. She wanted to thank him, to run to him, to hug him. But she dared not.
?Caught with that same girl, and smoking a? what do you call it? A joint??
?Yes, Sir? I mean, Master, Sir.?
?Apparently, Marpessa, the strap was not sufficient for you. Didn?t it hurt??
?Yes, Master, Sir. Very much,? she said, lowering her head and smiling inwardly, remembering how long she lay in bed that night savoring the raised welts on her tender bottom cheeks.
?My assistant tells me she would not have caught you two except that you coughed while hiding, thus giving yourself away. I think I know why you coughed, Marpessa. I think you wanted another visit, didn?t you??
?. . . .?
?Cat got your tongue? Just as well, because he?s about to get your bottom as well. Have you ever felt a cat-o-nine tails, Marpessa?? He said, while lifting the implement from my desk drawer. The nine braided, nylon cords glistened black and threatening under the dim light of his chamber. The handle, long and phallic, caused her to nervously bite her bottom lip, wondering if or how he would use that wicked handle on her.
?I?m sorry, Master.?
?Sorry, ah, Marpessa, my little pet, does that mean you don?t want to fell the cat?? He said, walking behind her & softly letting the tails rub against the back of her knees. ?Is that what you are telling me? You don?t want to feel the cat??
?No, Master, it?s not. I? I mean??
?Shut up and assume the position!?
?Yes?,? she said, facing the desk & bending over it.
?Up, up, up. Now!? He commanded, flicking the cat-o-nine tails at the hem of her skirt. And she obeyed, reaching back & raising her skirt high up over her back and obediently spreading you legs. Pressed against the desk, she waited.
Slowly, he rolled her panties down
to her knees. Then his fingers teasingly trailed back up her inner thigh to
just below her virginal temple. Soft, ever so softly, his fingers stroked the
moist strands guarding the entrance, sending silver shivers tingling all
through her being. And as they rose from tiny tingles to torturous tremors, the
air resounded with the cry of the cat ?
The nine braided tails bit into her
tender flesh, raising bright pink welts where they landed.
??? As she lay, anticipating more, his fingers sweetly began caressing her bruised bottom, startling her with his sudden tenderness. ?Oooo, Oooo? Master?Oooo?,? she moaned, as he cupped the quivering moistness between her thighs, massaging her there, and gently probing, until she knew her first glorious burst of orgasm, born alone from her deepest, sweetest desire to submit to a domineering Master.
Then, he leaned down over her and whispered softly into
her ear, ?I know why you coughed, Marpessa, don?t I??
?Yes, Master,? she panted breathlessly, ?You know.?
It?s late at night, well past
Marpessa is lying in bed. She cannot sleep for thinking about her Master. It had been three weeks since her last whipping, her first meeting with the cat-o-nine tails. Her bright red welts have long since faded, much to her regret. They were marks of pride to her, badges of honor, and she wanted them back. She craved them. Or was it simply the sweet humiliation of being forced over the desk, made to expose her naked bottom, and accept whatever her master offered? She was not sure, but desired to know.
?? The dorm was mouse quiet as she slipped from her bed, wearing only panties and bra, and entered the hallway to peer through the window, out over the grounds, to her Master?s quarters beyond the green. There was no one in sight, so she slipped back into her room, donned her nightgown, and crept into the hot night. As she neared his quarters, she could see his shadow move across the room. With no second thoughts, she approached his door and knocked.
?Why have you come here?? He asked her.
?I?? she stammered. ?I?.? But words would not come.
?Speak up, Marpessa! Why??
?I just? well, Master?.? Then, in a flash, he grabbed her by her hair and yanked her into his private quarters. Still gripping her hair in his fist, he made her follow into his bedroom, where he flung her onto the bed. ?I?m sorry, Master, I??
?Shut up!? He commanded, going to the closet and opening the door. Her eyes widened as she saw, there on the back of the closet door, the black cat-o-nine tails and, as well, a red one. Along with them were several paddles, straps, like the one she felt on her first visit to his chamber, handcuffs, ball gags, blindfolds, canes, and more. He reached toward the implements, then paused. ?No,? he said, approaching her. ?Get up. Go to the closet and pick something,? he ordered her, as he sat down on the bed.
?Is this okay, Master,? she asks meekly, lifting the narrow, wooden paddle from its hook.
?Bring it to me,? he commands, smiling as she came trembling before him, handing him the paddle. ?Lift your gown, Marpessa.? Slowly, but without hesitation, she obeys, lifting her thin, flannel gown high above her waist. ?Take down your panties.? Hands trembling, she lowered them with one while still holding up her gown with the other. ?Now, turn around and bend over.?
?? The seconds seemed like hours as she stood there, legs trembling, gown up over her back, and panties lowered. Wanting to please, she remembers, and quickly spreads her legs wide apart as he had told her before. She wanted him to know her willingness, even though she herself did not understand it. He said nothing. He did nothing as her legs grow tired, and the fear of the first blow grew hotter with each breath.
??? She flinched, as she feels his touch suddenly upon her. What is it, she wonders ? his hand, the paddle, his?. But then she knows, as the sound of a kiss lightly graces each of her bottom cheeks. ?I need a new cleaning girl for my quarters. Tomorrow, go to my assistant and sign up for the position. My last girl completed her stay at the academy last session. I want you in her place. You can start as soon as my assistant, Miss Payne, approves you for the position. She spends a great deal of time here with me. She will want to make sure you are the right one for us,? he said, gently pulling her panties back up over her exposed cheeks, and dropping her gown back into place. ?I look forward to your first day on the job. Don?t be late. Now get out of here. Now!? He demands, and she, sorely disappointed yet thrilled, smiles a grateful ?good-bye.? As she rushed back across the green to her dorm room, he called out to her, ?Remember, Marpessa, Miss Payne has to approve you.?
?Yes, Sir,? she answered, excited, but not
understanding at all what approval by Miss Payne would mean.
When she returned to her dorm room and slipped back
into her bed, she was filled with dreams of what it would be like actually working alone with him as housekeeper for the Headmaster.
About the new position she had heard several tales from the other girls. Tales of how the last housekeeper, too, had only recently arrived when she was chosen for the job. She too had spent many bottom burning sessions under the Headmaster?s paddle. And, even after graduating, she often came back on weekends to spend them alone with the headmaster and Miss Payne in his private quarters. But all she truly hoped was that she would do well at pleasing her Master. The memories of her first two punishments longed to live again in some new experience, anything that her Master might demand of her.
She enters, apprehensive at visiting her new Master for the first time. ?Hi, Master.? But he did not answer. He pointed to the floor a few feet inside the living room.
??? ?Stand there,? he told her, and she obeyed. He closed the door calmly, and approached her. ?Slave Marpessa, have you come here of her own free will??
??? ?Yes, Master,? she answers, remembering to keep her eyes cast down away from his stare, just as Miss Payne had instructed her.
?No one has forced you or coerced you in any way to come here??
???? ?No, Master.?
???? ?Good. Miss Payne tells me she approves of you as our, well, as my new housekeeper. Did you enjoy your interview with her??
???? ?Yes, Master.?
???? ?Did she whip you??
???? ?No, Master,? she said, after a moments hesitation. ?She didn?t.?
???? ?Good. She?s here this evening,? he said, just as Miss Payne entered from the bedroom. Wearing black latex pants and knee-high boots, a leather vest over a black lace bustier that left her breasts raised plump and fully exposed, she approached Marpessa as the Master took a seat to observe them.
???? ?Put your hands down where they belong, just as I showed you, Marpessa,? Miss Payne ordered her.
???? ?Yes,? she said, placing her hands behind her back, resting on the lovely swell of her derriere. ?I mean yes, Mistress Payne.?
???? ?So you have come here solely in response to nothing but your own desire to submit to Master Daniel??
???? ?Yes, Mistress Payne.?
???? Then, without a word, the Mistress approached her, standing close to her. Marpessa trembled a moment, wondering. Slowly, the Mistress paced around her. The girl?s heart skipped, then began to pound as her fear rose, swelling her nipples with excitement. Behind her, the Mistress paused watching her shoulders flinch in anticipation. Making her wait, the Mistress stood a moment enjoying the girl?s rising excitement. ?New master, new commands, new thrills,? the Mistress said. ?Submission. Obedience to Master Daniel.?
???? ?I will,? Marpessa said.
???? ?Indeed you will,? the Master called out to her. ?And to Mistress Payne as well. Agreed, Marpessa??
???? ?Yes, Master Daniel,? she said.
???? ?Good,? Mistress Payne said. Then without warning she lifted the hem of Marpessa?s skirt high into the air, exposing her. She tucked the hem around the girl?s wrists, leaving her pantied bottom exposed as she walked around in front of her. ?I don?t like the panties you wore, Slave. Remove them. Now.?
???? ?Yes, Mistress Payne,? she said, hurriedly stepping out of her heels, removing her fishnet pantyhose, and sliding her panties off. Not certain what to do with them, she hesitated a moment, then kept them in her hand as she returned her arms down where they belong.
???? ?If you can?t do any better than that, then in the future, call and check with me before choosing what panties to wear. Understood??
???? ?Yes, Mistress.?
???? ?Say it!?
???? ?Ma?am?? the girl asked, confused, only to receive a stinging slap to her face.
???? ?I told you, it?s Mistress! Now, answer me. What are you going to do before you get dressed??
?Yes, Mistress,? the girl said, rubbing her cheek. ?I will call you before I put on any panties.?
?Put that hand where it belongs! Step into your shoes,? she commanded, snatching the panties from her hand. ?Hurry!?
??? ?Yes, Mistress,? she said, struggling to maintain her balance without lowering her hands from their position. ?I?m sorry I picked the wrong panties, Master Daniel,? she said, as she put on her shoes and stood up straight.
??? ?Shut up, Slave.?
??? ?Yes, Master Daniel.? And then she felt her Mistress?s hand, strong and deliberate, slam into her naked butt cheek. ?Oh!? the girl grunted. ?Thank you, Mistress Payne,? she said, grimacing at the stinging, unexpected blow.
???? ?Open you mouth,? she told her, lifting the panties and hose from the floor, as the girl obeyed. Then she placed the hose and the panties into Marpessa?s mouth and forced it shut. ?Get on your knees and follow me.? Then the Mistress, following her Master, proceeded down the long, darkened hallway leading to the bedroom.
Slave Marpessa crawled behind them on her hands and knees. They never looked back at her, but she could not know that, for she kept her eyes lowered to the ground as she had been ordered. She crawled behind them, her hose and panties dangling from her mouth. She wondered if she would be able to please them. She did not know what he wanted. She did not know him at all really. But her breasts throbbed with excitement as she followed behind them, and she decided that she would do all that she could to make him want to keep her as his slave, even if it meant being used by Mistress Payne as well. She wanted to be his now. She knew that. And she vowed to herself to please him.
???? As they entered the bedroom he ordered her to stop. He took the hose and panties from her mouth, and tossed them aside on the floor, then walked around behind her. The site of her bright bottom cheek pleased him. She colored easily. He was not fond of sever disciplining. It was more exciting to taunt and tease the flesh than to assault it. More arousing, he knew, for the slave when his firm hand in discipline delivered more than pain, but landed with each blow a new surge of sexual heightening. Not drowning her, but baptizing in sweet, sensual domination.
??? ?Stand up,? he commanded. His voice, deep and almost a whisper, had enticed her from the first time she ever heard it. It flowed, she had concluded, like a river of honey ? slow, sweet, and gripping. ?Remove you clothing, one piece at a time. Fold each piece. Place them on the dresser, one atop the other. Neatly.?
???? ?Yes, Master Daniel,? she said, standing immediately and obeying, as he and Mistress Payne sat down on the bed to observe her.
???? ?No, no,? the Mistress said, as Marpessa began to remove her skirt. ?Begin with the items on the floor. Then the blouse and bra.?
???? ?Yes, Mistress,? she said, lifting the panties from the floor, folding them neatly, and laying them on the dresser as ordered. She dared not look at him, but could feel his eyes on her slowly unveiling flesh. She hoped she pleased him. But hoped also that he would not say.
???? ?Stop,? he ordered her, as she began to unbutton her skirt. ?Leave it on.?
???? ?Yes, Master,? she said, standing up straight, and placing her hands down where they belonged. ?Should I take my shoes off, Master??
???? ?Shut up,? the Mistress commanded.
???? ?Yes, Mistress,? she said softly, lowering her head even further. Oddly, she had already begun to lose track of time. Everything seemed to move as slowly, and softly as his voice. She smiled to herself, giving in to the loss of something. She was not sure what, but something departed her. She had never felt this way. But she was pleased that something unnamable had lifted away from her.
???? The Master rose from the bed and stood before her. He could hear her breathing, feel her heat, smell his perfume, and her fear. ?The tails,? he said softly, and the Mistress handed him the cat-o-nine tails. ?I am going to introduce you to the cat today, Slave.?
???? Her heart began to pound. She struggled to conceal any outward reaction at the sound of his words. He had told her about ?the cat? as he called it. She had told him she had never experienced that, and had answered, ?Good. You will.? She took a deep breath now before answering him, ?As you wish, Master Daniel.?
???? ?Indeed so, Slave,? the Mistress interjected, reaching forward and slowly pulling the slave?s skirt down until it clung tightly around the lower half of her plush bottom. Then the Master rose from the bed and walked around behind the frightened girl. She stood, her head lowered, arms folded behind her back, and her skirt pulled down to expose the rosy top portion of her blushing derriere.
???? He stood admiring her bottom cheeks. They were, he thought, perfect for the cat ? supple, firm, and shapely. ?Turn around and face Mistress Payne. Bend over,? he commanded of her. And she obeyed, bowing forward as far as she could. Her hands were still held behind her back, so she swayed back and forth a bit before finding her balance. She wished he would have ordered her to hold her knees, but he did not, and she smiled at her predicament, trying to maintain her awkward position.
???? But the smile was quickly wiped away by a sudden, stinging slap to her face from the Mistress. ?Is this funny to you, salve!? she yelled at her, yanking the girls hair to make her stare up into the Mistress?s angry eyes.
???? ?No, Ma?am? Mistress,? the girl stammered. ?I?m sorry,? she cried, though she really did not know why she had been slapped, but she knew she must have deserved it, or Master Daniel would not have allowed it. ?I?m sorry, Master Daniel,? she said, bending down even more. ?Is this far enough, Master?? she asked, beginning to tilt and readjust more often now as the strain of the position increased. He did not answer. She grimaced slightly in fear, and bowed farther forward, truly fearful of losing her balance.
???? ?If you fall on me I?m going to slap you silly, bitch!? the Mistress threatened.
???? She started to answer, but was distracted as the Master, softly let the rough and titillating leather of? the tails trail across the upper swell of her bottom, just below where her arms rested on her lower back. They were leather she could tell. Not the smooth, polished leather of something store-bought, but raw, rugged leather. She smiled to herself thinking how they felt like a cat?s rough tongue scrapping across her tender flesh. ?My Master?s cat,? she giggled within, as her anticipation and excitement grew.
?You dilly bitch!? Mistress Payne said, slapping the
She lay
sleeping. The sun, her only covering, drenched her body as she lay alone in her
Master's bed. She was naked of all clothing, and had been since she arrived at
Master's home two nights ago. He ordered her to remain silent. Then made her
strip as soon as she crossed the threshold. He made her bend and spread wide
open her every orifice as he commanded.?
He probed inside of her with his fingers, deeper and deeper as if
inspecting her. Then He made her follow him down the long hall to the bathroom
where he made her bathe. She sat, after her bath, for nearly an hour until he
came in and led her across the hall into the bedroom.
On the bed, stripped of all covering except its sheets, there
laid a heavy, leather flogger, a wooden paddle, and a wickedly knotted birch
rod. Her heart raced. Then she flinched because, just as she saw the implements
that she knew He would use on her, she also felt His hands come to rest on her
shoulders. They slowly caressed down her arms to the wrists. He gripped her
wrists firmly in his hands. Then she felt his lips gently graze the sensitive
little hairs at the nape of her neck. She felt his breath just behind her ear
as he kissed her neck, beginning behind the right ear and slowly moving around
to the left.
As he kissed her He instructed, "slave, this room is where
you will spend your time with me. This is the start of your initiation,
slave." His lips moved from her neck to her cheek. "This weekend you
will experience a great deal,? he whispered softly into her ear. ?Master needs
to know you are sincere, slave." He released her wrists and moved to stand
in front of her. Only then did she realize He was naked. He smiled as he saw
the surprise in her eyes. "Yes, slave," He told her. "I, too, am
naked to symbolize our new beginning. Naked, as if newly born." Then He
lifted her by the chin and pressed His nipple to her mouth. "Suck, slave.
This is the beginning of Master nursing you into your new life as His devoted
She placed her lips around His nipple and sucked it into her
mouth. His arms encircled her, drawing her closer to Him in a strong, warm
embrace. She sighed, feeling the strength in His arms and knowing they were her
protection now. Whatever doubts she had, melted away. She decided then that she
was His. As she sucked him deeper into her mouth, manipulating his nipple with
her tongue, she felt His hands flow down over her body. He cupped both cheeks
of her bottom in His hands, massaging them gently. His hands glided up her
naked flanks to rest at the delicate sides of her breasts. Slowly, He slid his
hand between their bodies, pressing her breasts in each palm, squeezing just
firmly enough to stir her excitement. Then, He forced her away from Him.
Slowly, reluctantly she let His nipple slip from her mouth. But she smiled and
waited anxiously as she saw His lips coming down to meet hers.
Gently at first, then with a strange savage tenderness, His lips
raped her mouth. His tongue took full advantage of her, pushing her own aside
as she tried to return the love, shoving it aside and invading her mouth like a
thief in the temple, stealing her affection, her desire, her very willingness
to partake. As He ravaged her mouth that way, she felt His penis slowly rising
up between her thighs. He sucked her tongue into His mouth, forcing her to
press closer to Him. As she did, she felt Him, stiff and aggressive, stab
against her lower lips, forcing them open. She started to spread her thighs to
allow Him, but felt the sting of His hand on her bottom. She understood, and
brought her thighs back together just as His penis broke into her, causing her
to shudder in excitement. Clinching her teeth, she pressed her head into His
chest as He again cupped both cheeks of bottom and began loving her.
She wanted to cry out, but dared not. She was ordered not to
speak. He lifted her slightly, forcing her to her toes. He lowered His lips and
began kissing her again, showering her face with them. To quell her urge to cry
out, to moan, to make any noise, she brushed her lips against His nipple,
asking for permission. He granted it by pressing it into her mouth. Greedily,
she swallowed it again, moaning quietly as she suckled and He vandalized her
with His fucking. He spread the cheeks of her bottom, stretching open the dark,
moist entrance. A shiver shot through her as the cool air rushed in against
such a sheltered place.
He lifted her now completely from the floor, tossing her back
and forth against Him, ramming deeper and deeper inside of her with every
thrust until finally she felt herself lifted, not by His hands, not merely from
the floor, but lifted from deep down inside of herself. Her thoughts began to
swirl, dizzying her. She was lifted too high now to suck his nipple. Her chosen
gag denied her, she failed. She failed, and cried out without even realizing
she had disobeyed. Then she felt Him release inside of her, filling her and
filling her, like a river merging into the sea.
Finally, He stopped. He stood holding her, still resting inside
of her. She rose and fell with each breath He made. Then at last, she felt Him
again release inside of her as He slowly lowered her to her feet again. She
wanted to say she was sorry for speaking, but could not without again
disobeying. As if reading her thoughts, He smiled, "Naughty one," and
playfully tweaked the end of her nose. "Go and clean yourself," He
commanded, and she obeyed without a word.
When she returned, He ordered her to kneel on the bed. He placed a wide, silk scarf around her head to blindfold her. Then she felt a short rubber dildo enter her mouth. It was only about two inched long, and very stiff, but it was attached to a leather strap that He fastened behind her head. Bound and gagged, she felt Him wrap a long length of duct tape around her ankles, then her wrists. Then He tied them together by lacing a rope between her wrists and ankles so that her legs would remain bent until He removed the rope. There was a long silence. Then she felt His kiss upon her cheek. Then, without warning, he shoved her onto her side in the center of the bed. Minutes later she felt a wide, rubber butt plug being forced into her anus. Once firmly in placed He swatted her butt playfully and left her alone for the night.
???? Marpessa was busy wiping down the table, after having served her Master his dinner. She heard someone at the door, but dared not look to see who it was. She had made that mistake before and paid dearly for it.
?Marpessa, come here,? the headmaster called.
?Yes,? she said, dropping what she was doing, and rushing into the living room.
?What is this?? Mistress Payne said. ?Since when do you not address Master Daniel as Master??
?I?m sorry, Mistress,? she said fearfully. ?Forgive me, Master.? She curtsied to him. The uniform Mistress Payne had bought for her was of the French maid type. But it was cut so low as to reveal nearly all of her ample breasts. And the tiny ruffled skirt meant a curtsey was all she dared do for fear of exposing her nakedness underneath. Mistress had warned her never to wear anything but the maid?s dress once she entered the Master?s house. And she had always remembered to do that, stripping as soon as she entered, then waiting at the front door until Master went and got the uniform for her.
?Why the hell did you do that? Answer ?yes? without saying ?Master???
?Please forgive me, Mistress Payne. I didn?t know who was in here. I didn?t know how to answer. I swear, if I had known it was you I??
?Turn around,? Mistress demanded. ?I didn?t spend a fucking week training you so you could do this kind of shit!?
Marpessa turned as ordered immediately. And, without even having to be told, she knew to bend down and hold her ankles. This left her derriere fully exposed to the Mistress. ?May I, Master?? Mistress Payne asked, as she reached up to remove the leather slave collar she wore.
?You may. But it is true she didn?t know who was in here. So keep that in mind,? Master said, taking a seat on the sofa.
?Yes, Sir. But you really make too many excuses for this dilly bitch,? Mistress Payne said, removing the thick leather from her neck. ?That?s why she?s so stupid.? Then, with all the power she could muster from her tiny four foot four frame, she let the leather cut through the air with a vicious whirring that made Marpessa instinctively clench her butt cheeks in frightened anticipation.
The first blow nearly knocked Marpessa off balance. She hated whippings from Mistress Payne. Even with Master supervising, the Mistress?s whippings were always brutally severe.
???? ?You stupid
?Even if you didn?t know who was in here, you could have
still answered ?yes, Sir.? Couldn?t you? You dumb fuck!?
???? ?Yes,? Marpessa managed to answer between her clenched teeth. The blows rained down relentlessly, as always from the Mistress.?
???? ?Shut up!? Mistress yelled at her. ?Stand up, bitch!?
That was another thing she hated about chastisement from the Mistress. The verbal assault was as painful as the physical. ?You might get away with that shit with Master Daniel, but not me! And you know it! Don?t you??
???? ?Yes, Mistress Payne,? Marpessa said, standing as ordered as quickly as she could. The pain now raced up her spine and radiated down through her thighs like a raging flood of fiery hot lava. Oh, how she longed to reach back and rub some solace into her burning bottom cheeks. But she knew well better. With the Mistress, you only did exactly what she commanded. Anything more, and you paid dearly. So she stood up straight, her hands dangling listlessly at her side, awaiting further orders.
???? ?And why? Why you don?t get away with shit with me, cunt? Go on, tell me what I taught you, slut!?
???? ?Because, you may be a short little Puerto Rican bitch, but you don?t take any shit from dumb shits like me, Mistress.?
???? ?Damn right! Now, take off the fucking dress, whore!?
???? She could never
move fast enough to satisfy Mistress. After any order, there was always another
blow from the strap, the cane, the paddle, whatever, for moving too slowly.
Marpessa reached back awkwardly and, as swiftly s she could, undid the lone
hook that fastened the dress behind her neck. Once undone, all that was needed
was to lower her arms and let the dress fall to the floor. But gravity, too,
was too slow to satisfy Mistress.
???? ?Bitch!?
???? ?SOOOORRRRY, Mistress!? Marpessa hissed, trying to hide her pain and anger, and the tears pooling up in her eyes. She threw her hands up on her head, locking her fingers as the Mistress had trained her in their very first session.
???? Mistress Payne
stepped forward and bent down? to run her
tiny hand over Marpessa?s back. ?Ooh, so white, and smooth. But I can fix
that.? Then, before Marpessa could brace for what she knew was coming, the
heavy leather collar landed right across the center of her bare back.
She tried, but Marpessa could no longer hold back the tears. She hated the Mistress seeing her cry. She hated it. But she could not help it. She never got whipped by the Mistress except with uncontrollable tears. She knelt there facing the wall. Her sore, red butt glowed bright red. Her pigtails, which she had fixed just for the Master today, dangled at shoulders. Kneeling there as she was, wearing nothing now but her knee-high bobby socks, she was completely helpless, vulnerable to the Mistress?s harrowing attack.
???? ?Oh,? the mistress
said mockingly, as she stepped forward to rub the deep red welts rising on
Marpessa?s back. ?That?s better.? She pressed her hand on the welts, increasing
the pain. ?Much better, bitch!?
???? ?Now turn around!? the Mistress commanded.
???? Marpessa hated it. This meant her humiliation would be there for the Mistress to revel in. She wished she could stop the tears, she wished, but there was no chance. The pain was excruciating.
???? ?Aww,? Mistress mocked her. ?Look at the little baby bitch cry.? She laughed. ?Am I supposed to pity you? Well!?
???? Between her torrents of tears, Marpessa managed to answer, ?I don?t deserve it, Mistress.?
???? ?Damn right, bitch! Now stick those big ass tits out for me.?
???? ?Yes, Ma?am,? Marpessa obeyed, thrusting her breasts out for the Mistress to torment. She had to, no matter how afraid, no matter what the pain might be like, she could not disobey.
???? The Mistress smiled gleefully as she prepared to send the stout, leather collar to its horrific task. ?Big tit whore!? she hissed, as she drew back the strap for the first blow.
???? ?Enough!? Master Daniel said. ?Put your collar back on.?
???? Mistress Payne, despite her grave disappointment, obeyed immediately. She knew her own narrow bum, too, belonged to Master whenever he wanted. She was Mistress only over Marpessa. To Master Daniel she was Slave Rosa. She did not dare disobey him. Especially when it meant she might feel his wrath right in front of Marpessa?s tearful eyes.
???? ?Yes, Master,? she said, fastening the collar back around her neck.
???? ?Come here, Marpessa,? he said, taking her on his knee and hugging her. ?You know,? he said, softly, so Mistress Payne could not hear. ?You should have said ?yes, sir,?? He kissed her cheek, and stroked her neat little pigtails back into place, tugging at them playfully as her kissed her cheek again. ?You know that don?t you??
???? ?Yes, Master
Daniel,? she whimpered, burying her head into his chest and crying. Her swollen
red bottom cheeks stung even more as she sat on his lap, but she not care. He
kissed her again on the cheek, then turned her face to his and kissed her very
lovingly on the lips.
???? ?That bitch is spoiled,? Mistress Payne said.
???? ?Shut up,? Master told her, giving Marpessa one last hug.
?Now, Precious, get your dress on, and head back to the kitchen. Mistress and I have a board meeting tonight.? He kissed her again, before she rose, lifted her uniform from the floor, and began dressing as he told her.
???? ?Lazy, bitch,? Mistress said. ?Dropping clothes on the floor!?
???? ?What did I tell you,? Master said to her, his anger rising.
???? ?Sorry, Master,? Mistress Payne said, not wishing to press her luck, and go to the meeting unable to sit down.
???? Marpessa chuckled to herself as she headed back to the kitchen to finish her cleaning.
???? Marpessa learned all that her Mistress Payne had to teach her. What had been nothing more than budding desire, blossomed into complete and total submission and obedience to her Master and his assistant. In the three years that she served them, her youthful infatuation for Master Daniel matured in a loving devotion so strong that, upon graduation from the academy, she continued to belong to him. She welcomed his frequent visits to her home any day or night of the week he wished. His surprise visits were her favorites, like the one he made last laundry day.
Marpessa, in jeans, sweatshirt, and bobby socks, was going up the stairs. She had just emptied the dryer, and was carrying the basket of clothes back to the apartment to be put away. Master Daniel entered the building earlier, just before she began making her way up the stairs. He entered the apartment and waited. He heard her coming up the stairs, and decided to surprise her.
She closed the door behind her, and headed for the bedroom to put away the wash. He crossed her mind as she dumped the clothes onto the bed. She smiled. He was hidden from her, and saw the smile. He admired her shapely form as she bent and sorted the clothes. Her bottom, too, seemed to smile up at him. As she leaned over the bed, he watched her breasts sway under her shirt.
?Shit!? she hissed, holding up a sock that did not get as white as she wanted. ?Damn it!? she flung it to the floor.
?Ah-ha!? Master Daniel thought. Then he emerged from hiding.
She heard his movement, and turned with a start to face him. The fear in her eyes quickly faded as soon as she recognized him. ?Master! You scared me.? She said, approaching for her hug.
?I also told you about that mouth of yours, didn?t I??
?What do you mean, Master Daniel??
?You know full well what I mean. What did I tell you about that cussing of yours??
?Oh,? she said bashfully. ?That. I?m sorry.?
?Not good enough, and you know it.? Then, without further word, and anxious to see her in her naked glory, he approached her. Before she could speak a word, she felt her shirt lifted up and over her head.
?I?m sorry, Master. Really!? she pleaded. But he ignored her. He tossed the shirt on the bed.
?The pants,? he said, as he removed his belt.
?Oh, Master. Please. I?m sorry,? she begged.
?The pants, Marpessa, now!?
?Yes, Master.?
?You know this is for your own good. I told you to stop cussing so. It?s not lady like. I don?t like it!?
She obeyed, unbuttoning her jeans and sliding them down until they crumpled in a ring around her ankles.
?Turn around,? he commanded. She could tell from his tone of voice there was no more need to try and beg for mercy. Besides, she knew she was wrong. She turned as he had ordered her to do. ?Lean over and place your hands on the mattress. You know the position I want.?
?Yes, Master.? She complied with his demand, which left her plush bottom raised like a bright moon for his delight (and hers).
Slowly, very slowly, he peeled her panties down until they clung around her knees. As they fell, revealing her fully to his pleasure, he fought the urge to plant a kiss on each inch of her loveliness. ?No!? he had to tell himself. ?No!? He saw her breasts swaying freely as she trembled slightly from her discomfort. ?You know you deserve this, don?t you?? he asked.
?Yes, Master Daniel. I fucked? I mean??
?You did it again!? Then, without warning or warm-up, he let the belt fall across her upturned bottom cheeks. The room resounded with the echo, but the blow was softened by his love. She could tell. Another one landed, equally mild.
Now she knew what he was doing, he was teasing.
She hated that. So she decided to end it, to make him spank her the way she wanted. ?Damn, Master,? she said, pretending to have cursed by accident. ?Oops, I?m sorry, Master.?
?Why you little brat!? he smiled,
knowing she was trying to manipulate him into a more severe spanking. ?You
little brat!? It worked, the next blow caught her completely off guard and made
her lurch forward to escape its force?
Then another, and another...
She lost count as she drifted into the experience of her sweet submission. To stand, bent and exposed to her Master, to submit to his authority, to free herself into his command, this was their joy, their love, their selves in their truest sense.
It ended, the sound of the belt, the feel of it landing. But the joy of it only grew as she felt his hands take her and lay her onto the bed. She smiled as he entered her. Inside herself she giggled like a naughty little girl as she thought to herself ?Whew! I should do laundry more often.?
???? Whenever Master was angry, she knew to expect more than a mere spanking ? much more. And when she woke up and looked at the clock, she knew he was going to be plenty angry today. ?Damn!? she hissed to herself, as she saw the time. ?Damn!? He was probably already on the way over, and there was no way she was going to have all he had told her to do done by the time he got there.
???? She leapt up from the bed, and paused in confusion. What to do first? ?The outfit! Yes!? She immediately began to put on the clothes he had told her to wear for the evening. ?At least,? she thought. ?I?ll have that much right.? She carefully fitted each piece to look its best, and looked at herself in the mirror. ?Shit!? She remembered, as she slipped into the panties. He had specifically told her ?Only those damn panties! Not those fucking thongs! They?ll fuck up the whole look.?
???? She rearranged the skirt, and looked again into the mirror. ?Oh, no!? she sighed, as she could see the imprint of her pubic hairs pressing against the front of the dress. ?Shit! No wonder he told me to shave.? She ran to the bathroom, pulling up her skirt. But it was much too late. She heard him exit his car in the driveway. ?Oh, fuck,? she sighed, and leaned back against the bathroom door, drained of effort and resigned to the fate she knew she deserved.
???? She hurried to the door to greet him, trying to think of a really good reason for failing. ?Failing,? she sighed. ?There?s no excuse. I fucked up,? she scolded herself. She took a deep breath, and opened the door as she heard him approach. ?Hi, Master,? she said with a nervous smile. But it quickly faded as she saw his eyes immediately fall to the outline beneath her skirt.
???? He stepped inside, slamming the door behind him. ?I don?t fucking believe this!? he yelled at her, reaching down and yanking up her skirt and pulling at her panties to see for himself that she had failed to do as she had been told.
She started in on a feeble explanation. But it was pointless. And she knew it. Before the first sentence could form, he spun her head completely to the right with a resounding slap. ?Don?t even try it, you stupid?.? Then, he grabbed her by the hair and led her down the hall into the bathroom. Once there, he snatched open the cabinet, grabbed the scissors, and threw them on the floor, forcing her down onto her knees. ?Cut it off! Now!? he yelled, slapping her again.
Both her cheeks now stinging, and feeling swollen with the pain, she lifted the scissors. But her hands were trembling far too much. She tried, but he feared she might hurt herself. ?Fuck it. Get up!? He guided her up by her hair, and flung her around the corner into the bedroom. There, in one violent tug, he ripped the skirt and panties off of her. Next came the blouse, bruising into her flesh as he yanked it off of her.
That was all. In two rough, and she knew, well deserved moves he had stripped her naked and flung her onto the bed. She deliberately landed face down, raising her naked, trembling bottom cheeks up for his easy thrashing. But she was wishing in vain. It was not going to be that easy.
?You wish!? he said, slapping her bottom once hard. ?You fucked up, Marpessa. You fucked up big.?
She pleaded, not even hearing what she said. Because she knew it didn?t matter, especially when she saw him go over to the bottom dresser drawer. That?s where he kept all the things he had bought that she said she did not like. But she did not throw them away. She put them there in the drawer, though she often wondered why.
?Master, please? No, no, no, please, Master?? She begged as she felt him force her hands behind her back. The sound of the cold, metal cuffs locking around her wrists was totally defeating.
?Shut up!? He slapped her ass again. ?Get on the bed! On your knees!? She obeyed. It was difficult, but she struggled and complied, not wanting to anger him any more than she already had done.
Next came the collar! ?Oh, no,? she cried to him. No,?
as she felt it fastened around her neck.
?You don?t seem to mind disrespecting my commands, Marpessa. So I will not respect your wishes. Understood??
?Yes, Master Daniel,? she said, as the first tear trickled down her cheek. Resigned to her fate, she tried to hold her head high and not show just how humiliated she was at this moment. Her hands cuffed behind her back, a thick dog collar emblazoned with ?SLAVE? tightly clamped around her neck, she fell helplessly as he pushed her down onto the bed. ?Ugggh!? she grunted, as he brought her ankles together and she felt the cuffs slap around them as well.
?Now, get up, SLAVE! Now! On the floor! On your fucking knees!?
With great difficulty, she rolled
onto her side and wiggled and squirmed until she reached the edge of the bed.
She looked up at him pleadingly for help. But all she got was
?OUUUCCHH!? She squealed.
?On the floor!?
?Yes, Master,? she managed to say between wincing from the searing pain.
?Now, damn it!?
?Yes, Sir,? she said, before one last wiggle sent her knees over the edge of the bed. Then she slowly eased herself down onto the floor on her knees.
?Now,? her Master said, lifting yet another pair of cuffs from the drawer. ?One last thing.? He dangled them before her curious eyes, then walked around behind her.
By now, the sheer humiliation, not the slaps on the bottom, on the face, on her tender flank, but the humiliation alone had the tears streaming down her cheeks.
?You deserve this, moron! And you know it!? he hissed at her.
?I know, Master Dani?!? That was as far as she got before he yanked her nearly off balance by grabbing and lifting her feet slightly off the floor. He clamped one end of the cuffs over the ones on her ankles, and the other end to the cuffs on her wrists. In order to keep her balance, she had to spread her knees wide, obscenely wide, apart and lean back, thrusting her breasts into his gaze.
?Now crawl, Slave!? he said, as he turned and made her follow him all the way from the bedroom, down the hallway and into the living room.
She managed somehow, without toppling over, to follow him as ordered. She managed somehow despite the discomfort, the carpet burning into her knees as she crawled, the cuffs pressing into her wrists and ankles, and the tears filling her eyes, she managed to obey her Master, surprising even herself.
Once in the living room, he turned and faced her. He stood staring down at her for a moment. Just staring at this most obedient submissive. Then he knelt down in from of her, took her into his arms, and whispered, as he gently kissed her behind the ear, ?You are amazing, Marpessa.? Then, he took her in tight embrace, and whispered gently, ?Damn! I love you. Damn!? He kissed her again. ?Now I?m going to free you. And I want you to go in there, shave, and get dressed. We?re going to dinner and a movie tonight, remember? I?ll spank you after the movie.?
Master Daniel led the way out of the theater. Marpessa had made sure to behave this evening. She had enjoyed a really great dinner with her Master earlier. She enjoyed it, even though she was still embarrassed every time she saw that same waitress ? the one who used to be Master Daniel?s slave. That waitress still behaved like his property whenever she waited their table. Marpessa could tell the woman still longed for Master Daniel. ?Too bad, Bitch!? Marpessa would think to herself, and chuckle.
???? She had really enjoyed the movie, too. And especially loved it when Master Daniel made her remove her panties. Oh, she loved the feeling of being forced, right there in the theater, to slip out of her panties. She glanced around her quickly to see if anyone might see her. But she knew he would not have ordered her to if there was a chance anyone might see. She slowly slid her skirt up to her thighs, then raised her butt slightly from the chair and slid it up over her butt. Nervous now she might have drawn someone?s attention, she very quickly slipped her panties down to mid-thigh, and sat back down in her seat. The cool leather of the seat was divine on her naked flesh. ?Leather,? she thought. ?Oh god! The strap, the belt, that leather-padded paddle?? She smiled at the thought, then slid her panties over her knees and down to her ankles.
???? ?That?s good enough,? Master said, slipping his arm around her shoulder. ?Sit there,? he whispered in her ear. He kissed her lightly on the cheek.
???? ?My skirt is still up, Master,? she whispered.
???? ?Sit there,? he said sternly.
???? ?Yes, Sir. I?m sorry? I mean Master? I?m sorry.?
???? ?Shut up.?
???? And she obeyed. They watched the rest of the movie. She obeyed, sitting there with her skirt up around her waist and her panties dangling around her white, high heels. As the movie ended, she became anxious. Would he make her sit there until the lights came up? Would they sit there as others filed out of the theater? Risking someone glancing at them? Seeing her thighs exposed? Her panties down?
The credits rolled. And some people began rising and leaving. The lights were sure to come up soon. ?Oh, no,? she feared within herself. How embarrassing that would be. To be seen. But she decided that, if this is what Master Daniel was going to do to her?. She sighed to herself, ?I will accept.?
???? But just as she sensed the lights were about to come up, just as she closed her eyes in embarrassment, she felt her panties being slid up her legs. She opened her eyes to see her Master pulling them up for her. ?Lower your skirt,? he said, rising to leave. She quickly obeyed, and hurried behind him out of the theater, tingling with excitement.
???? As they walked the short way back home, Master Daniel said nothing. That was not surprising. He had been that way all day ? quiet, and into his own thoughts. That?s one reason she had been so good today. When Master was in this mood, spankings were really severe. He hated his thoughts being disturbed. She walked along beside him silently.
???? Then, as they passed the restaurant they had dined in earlier, Master Daniel turned and went down the narrow alley between the restaurant and the shop next to it. ?Master?? she asked. ?Where are we going?? But he said nothing. He walked down the alley, and she followed.
???? When they reached the back of the buildings, there was a little hidden corner where plastic milk crates from the restaurant were stored for pick-up. He led her into that corner without a word. Then he turned to face her. He grabbed her by the shoulders and pressed her against the wall. She let her body go limp and waited for him to do whatever he was about to her. He lifted her wrists over her heads. She kept them there. He bent slightly, grabbing the hem of her skirt, and pulling it. The cold rush of night air on her nakedness was startling as he yanked her skirt to her ankles and made her step out of it.
She stood there, her hands held above her head, and naked, but for her panties and blouse. But that scant protection, the thin, nearly sheer panties and flimsy, little blouse, did not last. Her Master peeled the panties down in one yank, and tossed them on top of the skirt on the ground. Then her spun her around, and pressed her against the wall. The force of his hand against her back, made her breasts press against the red brick wall of the tiny enclosure that concealed them. He held her there, pressing her. Then slowly released the power of his hand in her back. Then she felt her blouse lifted up and over her head roughly. She complied, letting her limp body respond to whatever force Master applied.
???? She was afraid. She wanted to say something. ?Why, Master?? or ?What did I do?? or ?I?m sorry.? But she dared not. She was really afraid. For a moment, the thought came to her that maybe that waitress was going to come out. Maybe he had pre-arranged something, some way to humiliate her by letting that bitch see her exposed this way. The thought made her want to cry. How embarrassing that would be. ?But,? she told herself. ?For my Master? What can I do but accept?? She heard the back door of the restaurant open. Someone came out. They could not see Master and her behind the brick wall of the alcove. They came out. It sounded like they may have dumped some garbage or something. Then someone inside the restaurant called, ?Hurry up! You got people waitin?!?
???? ?Okay. I?m coming.?
???? ?Damn!? Marpessa thought to herself. ?It?s her! That bitch!? She held her breath, wondering if the ?bitch? was going to come for some pre-arranged look at her humiliation. But she did not. The back door of the restaurant closed again. The stream of light from inside disappeared. Marpessa breathed a sigh of relief. Then Master Daniel produced from his jacket the stiff, leather-covered paddle and showed it to her.
???? ?Kiss it, slave!? he commanded her. And she nervously obeyed. ?Again!? And again she obeyed. He lightly rubbed it against the swell of her bottom cheeks, and whispered, ?Slave!?
???? Then silence as, much to her dread, the light from the restaurant again spilled out into the alley. Her heart stood still. It was that bitch again. She went to the dumpster. Then she went over to the grease dumpster. This brought her into view. Master Daniel could see her. The grease dumpster was directly behind Marpessa and Master, across the alley about ten feet. But Master had Marpessa well in the corner of the alcove, in the shadows, even if the ?bitch? did glance their way, she could not have seen them. But Marpessa did not know that.
The ?bitch? seemed to take forever as the cold grease slowly drained into the dumpster. Marpessa felt Master?s hand gently press against her tingling butt cheeks, squeezing each of them. The pain of her burning cheeks radiated up through her like lightening. Then Master slid his hand between her legs. The sweet feel of his finger slipping into her moist crevice made her stiffen. She bit down on her lower lip to stifle a rising moan as Master Daniel?s finger probed deeper. She wondered if this was the show the ?bitch? had come to see. But she really did not care. Not now. Especially not after she felt Master?s finger smoothly replaced by his stiff, hard penis. He rammed into her quickly, forcing her against the wall. Marpessa clenched her eyes shut and bit harder into her lip as the excitement made her want to scream.
She flinched in fear as the ?bitch? pounded the grease tray against the side of the dumpster to help the last drops fall away. Master pounded into her harder and harder. She was quickly reaching that divine peak of excitement that rewards her sweet submission with climactic delight. Then she flinched again as the ?bitch? slammed the dumpster shut. Marpessa still did not know if she was being watched. She hoped not. But still, ?Fuck it,? she thought as she and Master exploded into bliss together. She could not help it. She tried, but she could not help it. The moan slipped out. It was a low guttural groan of pure pleasure.
The ?bitch? stopped as she approached the door of the restaurant. ?Is somebody over there? If that?s you, you damn drunk, you better beat it before I call the cops again. You asshole!? The restaurant door closed. The stream of yellow light faded. And Marpessa collapsed completely into Master Daniel?s sweet embrace.??
?Marpessa, get in her. Now!? Master Daniel called out to her from the kitchen.
?Yes, Master Daniel. What?s wrong?? she asked. He was holding the pitcher from the refrigerator.
?What is this?? he asked.
?What do you mean, Master? It?s the pitcher of lemonade.?
?Oh, really,? he said, tilting the pitcher upside down to show her it was empty. ??Fraid not, Darling.?
?Oops!? she giggled. ?I forgot, Master. I?m sorry.? She knew she had messed up. He didn?t remind her to refill it. She herself used it last, and said she was going to make another pitcher full.
?Get over her,? he told her, pointing to the kitchen drawer. ?Open the drawer.? She opened a drawer full of utensils. But all that stood out was the large, wooden spoon he had found during his weekly foray through the second hand shops in town. It was one of those old fashioned kind, with a thick, round handle and a wide spoon end worn almost perfectly flat from years of use. ?Hand it here,? he said, and took a seat in one of the kitchen chairs.
?Yes, Master Daniel.? She lifted the spoon and handed it to him. As she did, he took her by the wrist and pulled her to him.
?You know you screwed up, don?t you,? he told her matter-of-factly, as he unbuttoned her jeans.
?Yes, Master,? she said, suddenly sucking in a deep breath as she felt her pants yanked down to her calves. ?Get over here,? he said, guiding her around to his right side. ?Bend over.?
?Yes, Sir,? was all she said, as he guided her down firmly over his knees. ?I?m sorry, Master,? she said, reaching down to lower her panties for him.
?Not this time,? he said. ?Something new for you, my pet.? Then she heard him reach over and turn on the water. He held his hand under it, and then rubbed it over her panties until they were soaking wet. He could feel the muscles in her butt tense at first touch of the cold water. But he also knew she tensed because she knew it was going to hurt, hurt a lot more because it was wet. She started to speak, but it was too late:
The first blow was like an electric shock. Her right bottom cheek danced under the force of the blow, and in a matter of seconds, even through her panties, the red glow of her cheek showed through.
From cheek to cheek they came. She kicked, or at least tried to. But her pants made it hard wrapped around her calf the way he had them.
He had to press his forearm across her back to hold her in place.
She cried and begged for forgiveness. But he did not stop. Not until she was forced to cry her safe word. She rarely did that. He rarely forced it. And she hated doing it now. The feel of the spoon, so round and smooth, was really delightful. But he made sure her delight was short lived by the force of his blows. Of course he stopped. She was glad. And she was regretful as well as he lovingly stroked her burning buns. She lay across his knees sobbing, as he made her kiss the spoon and thank him for her punishment.
?Thank you, Master Daniel. I deserved it. Thank you, Master.?
?Now,? her Master told her. ?Get your butt up. Leave your pants right where they are! And make me some iced tea.
?Yes, Master,? she said, rising and doing as she was told, while he sat there admiring her lovely red bottom.
She was told Master was coming to
visit. She was told (as is customary) what he wanted her wearing when he
arrived. He was due in 45 minutes. She should take a shower, put on what she
was told, and wait. Instead, extremely tired because he had kept her up till
"What is this?"? he yelled at her. She woke with a start, dazed, half asleep. "After all the talking we did last night, you still haven't learned, have you slave!" he said, while snatching her ankles and yanking off her tennis shoes. "Get the hell out of that bed, Marpessa. Last night was nothing compared to what have right now. Get up, damn it!" he yelled, grabbing her by the hair, and snatching her from the bed. "Get the hell out of those clothes. Now!!!" he demanded, yanking at the waistband of her jeans. "Now, damn it!"
"I'm sorry, Master Daniel. I swear?," she pleaded, scurrying out of her jeans. "I don't know what happened? I must have fallen asleep?."
"Shut the hell up, and get out of those damn clothes!!!" he demands again, grabbing her sweatshirt, yanking it off over her head. Then he ripped away her bra, causing the strap to bite into her back before finally snapping apart.
"Shut up." he orders her, pushing her down onto the bed, and tearing off her panties. "Is this some kind of damn joke to you, bitch!"
Now she knows he is angry. Her Master almost never cusses at her. She knows she is in for the punishment of her life. "No, Master. I don't blame you for being?."
"I told you to shut up!" he said, stuffing her panties into her mouth as a gag. Fear now is all that fills her mind. She knows she has a well-deserved punishment coming. Secretly, she wonders if maybe she did this on purpose, to see what it would be like to really feel her Master's wrath, and she knows she is about to feel it - in full force, with no regard to her cries of "Mercy, Master."
"Get on her knees, bitch!" he commands, again, forcing her down by tearing at her hair until she collapses to her knees. The pain is like fire spreading from the top of her head downward, slowly filling her breasts, and revealing her secret joy, as her nipples swell with excitement.
"Ouch? I'm really sorry, Master? I swear," she mumbles, her mouth stuffed with her gag.
Disregarding her whimpering, he removes his belt, a thick black leather one with a wide silver buckle. "You say you don't like wearing a collar, well, you'll wear one tonight." he tells her, forcing her head down between his legs and wrapping the belt around her neck like a dog collar and leash. "Now get the fuck up!" he yells, yanking her roughly up to her feet by the leash.
Naked and truly afraid, she stands before her Master, instinctively shielding her bushy privacy with her hands. "What are you doing! How dare you!"
"I'm sorry, Master," she begs, quickly removing her hands. "I'm sorry."
"Not good enough!" he yells, opening the bag he brought with him, and removing several long strips of red, nylon rope. "Turn around," he commands, spinning her around, and forcing her hands behind her back, tying them tightly with the rope. "Get down there," he commands her, pushing her helplessly onto the bed, and tying her ankles together as well. Then, bending her legs back at the knees, he took another length of rope and tied her wrists and ankles together. The panties still stuffed in her mouth, and now tied completely helpless in total submission to whatever her Master wished to do to her, he dragged her by the leash/belt bound around her neck, and let her tumble onto the carpeted floor.
Then, taking her like a suitcase, by the bonds at her wrists and ankles, he lifted her from the floor and carried her into the living room. There, he placed her on the cocktail table, and took the belt from around of her neck. "You deserve a lot more than what you are about to get, slave. But what you are about to get is something you'll remember for the rest of your life." Then forcing her hands and ankles to the side, he sent the belt down with a fierce fury across her already bruised bottom cheeks.
The pain, harder than any blow she had received before, exploded throughout her entire being. Oh, how she wanted to scream, to yell, to shout with all her might. But would it have been from the horrendous pain, or the unimaginable joy of finally knowing total submission? She could not be sure. More and more blows rained down on her helpless flesh - her butt, her thighs, her sides, her legs, her breasts. "My god!" she wondered, could it be any worse? Better? "Why have I not let this happen before?" She dreamed. "What can I do to make this happen again, and again?" The blows rain, and rain, and rain. Her body is a roaring flame of excited passion. In the mirror beside the couch, she can see herself, helpless and striped with deepening purple welts. She prays in total confusion that the pain will end and never end at the same time, that he would get the wooden paddle or that wide, plastic spatula from the kitchen, anything to enhance the experience. Without even realizing it, suddenly she hears herself silently reciting her slave prayer: "I love My Master Daniel completely. I express that love through total submission..." There was more to it, she knew, but only those lines filled her mind, and fulfilled her deepest longing. "No! god, no!" she cried as she noticed that the whipping had ended. "Is it over? No, please. Don't let it be," she cried silently to herself.
?? Then with one yank,
he untied the rope binding her hands to her ankles. Her, wrists and ankles
still bound, he stood her up, drug her by the hair into the bedroom. He tied
the length of rope to the one binding her wrists, then laced it through the
hook in the ceiling. Yanking it until she was forced up onto her tiptoes. There
he left her hanging in total submission, weeping, and trying, through the
panties gagged in her mouth, to cry out: "Thank you, Master! Thank you, My
Sweet Master!" But knowing he could not understand her muffled cries, all
she could do was hang her head and weep with sublime joy, as her Master Daniel
closed the bedroom door behind him, leaving
her alone and suspended in a punishing dream time of orgasmic delight.
Master left her hanging from the ceiling, her toes barely touching the carpet, until she lost all track of time. The sun was just starting to set when he left her. Now the room was completely dark. And, like faded sunlight, the sweet, sensations awakened by her earlier whipping had faded now to soft scintillations, lingering, honeyed memories, keeping her company as she hung there regretting she had angered Master, yet thrilled with the consequence. Her arms had begun to ache. And she was beginning to wonder if Master was even still around. Perhaps he had left the house, leaving her to this torment for the night. She would not mind that, if it were her Master?s wish.
Just then the door suddenly opened. Master flicked on the light, blinding her momentarily to his approach. ?Look at you. Still being naughty,? he said, retrieving from the floor where she had let them fall, the panties he had gagged her with earlier. ?I didn?t tell you to remove your gag now did I,? he asked, smiling.
She blushed, and bashfully averted his eyes. ?No, Master.?
?You just can?t help yourself, can you, my little slave?? he said, releasing her bonds.
?I love you, Master,? she purred, as he took her in sweet embrace, and filled her mouth with his tongue. She welcomed the intrusion with a low, soft moan, and eagerly sucked his tongue deeper into her mouth.
?And I love you, my slave Marpessa. Come with me,? he ordered, and she followed, still naked, behind him into the living room. ?I bought you this,? he said, removing from its gift box, a sheer, black, silk nightgown. ?You like it??
?I love it, Master,? she said, trying it on right away in front of the mirror.
?So do I. This way I can have you naked while letting you retain you modesty at the same time,? he kidded her. ?I got you some slippers to match. But don?t wear them now. I want you just as you are. You look great, as usual,? he said, gently massaging her upper arms to restore circulation. ?You okay?? he asked, kissing her again.
?Great, Master Daniel,? she purred. ?I love you, Sir,? she smiled up at him, coaxing him for another kiss.
But he denied her, teasing with mock bravado, ?Of course you do, you silly girl. You can?t help yourself.??
?That?s the truth,? she giggled, hugging him, and kissing his nipple.
?Come, I have something else for you.? Then, he led her into the dining room, to see there a fully prepared, candlelight dinner awaiting them. ?I would tell you that I prepared all of this myself. But you?d know I was fibbing. I called a caterer.?
?It?s beautiful, Master. And looks delicious,? she said, as they embrace and kiss again before sitting down to dine.
?Did you enjoy her punishment? Not too severe??
?It was severe?? she smiled. ?But great!?
?I forced you to wear my belt as a collar. That didn?t bother you??
?No,? she said with a playful pout.
?Then you won?t mind if I buy you one??
?I don?t want to.?
?Just to wear for me, and only when we?re alone together.? She smiles, considering it.
???? ?Hard head,? she said.
?Me or you?? They laughed, as he poured her wine. ?You do know that I love you??
?Yes, Master. very much.?
?Good. Then we?ll decide later about the collar. This weekend, I have a surprise. Something to seal our bond.?
?What is it??
?You?ll see.?
?Tell me,? she pouts.
?You?ll find out this weekend.?
?I can?t wait! I know I?ll love it.? She said, smiling at him.
And so they dined by candlelight, then retired to the bedroom. ?remove you gown, Marpessa.?
?Yes, Master,? she said, bowing her head, and complying.
?You are beautiful,? he told her, approaching.
?Thank you, Master,? she said, head bowed. She folded her gown and waited.
?Now, what shall I do with you, my hard headed little slave??
?I?m at your disposal, Master. Please do with me what you will.?
?Good answer,? he said, taking the gown from her, and tossing it on the dresser. ?Get yo9ur butt in that bed. On your stomach. Face down. Now.?
?Yes, Master Daniel,? she said, softly, rushing to obey.
?Place your hands at your sides, palms up, relaxed.?
She obeyed, and awaited further orders. But there were none. She felt his weight enter the bed. He knelt beside her for a moment in silence. ?Marpessa??
He said it softly, but the suddenness made her flinch slightly. ?Yes, Master??
Then he poured the warm, scented body oil onto her back, and began her soft, sensual massage from head to toe. Arousing her by lingering sweetly at all her most sensitive areas. Before finally dancing his tongue up her inner thigh, invading her sacred temple, and delivering her to ecstasy.
Then, he lay there with her until she drifted off to sleep. He placed a gentle kiss on her cheek, and laid a rose on her pillow, as he whispered, ?I love you, my slave Marpessa.? She never stirred, but for a faint smile that played across her lips.
?I thought you said you were going to be ready?? Master Daniel said.
Marpessa lay in the bed, still half asleep. She had completely forgotten that they were going to dinner at Mistress Payne?s house tonight. But to Master Daniel, that was not important. They were not to leave for dinner for another two hours. Master Daniel was angry because, before going to there, he was going to have a spanking session with his Precious Gem. He always called her that. She had come to him like a sparkling gem, bright and glowing in a dark time.
???? ?Oh,? Marpessa said, wiping the sleep from her eyes. She sat up on the side of the bed. ?I?m sorry, Master Daniel. I?ll be ready in a second. I promise.?
He could see that the outfit he had told her to wear was already laid out on the dresser. The shoes sat on the floor. She had even polished them. She sat up wearing those baggy Jeans he had told her to throw away last week. And the sweatshirt she wore completely hid her plump breasts from him. She was bare footed. And, even under her bulky shirt, he could her nipples swelling under the sound of his voice.
?That?s not good enough, Precious. You do this all the time.?
?No I don?t, Master,? she pleaded. But he would hear none of it.
?Oh, and now you dispute me?? He said.
?No,? she pleaded for understanding. ?I just mean??
?Shhhhhh!? he said, approaching her, and placing his finger to her lips. ?You?re only going to make it worse.? He sat beside her on the bed, softly kissing her on the cheek. ?You know full well what I told you this morning before I left. Don?t you??
?Yes, Master.?
?What did I tell you, Precious??
?To take a shower at four. Then put on the skirt, and pantyhose first, then call you and ask if I could wear a top, and put it on, if you o.k.?d it. Then put on the shoes. Just before you got home I was to position myself on the bed for a spanking, and wait for you to get here,? she said. She could feel her nipples swollen full and pressing against her shirt. The rough cotton of the shirt tickled at them. The thought of that made her chuckle out loud. She immediately covered her mouth. But it was too late. She had giggled herself into a punishment.
?Oh!? Master said, standing up and facing her. ?It?s funny to you? You disobey, and that?s funny??
She knew what she was in for, and wondered if maybe she hadn?t overslept on purpose to increase the intensity of their session. ?Heck,? she thought to herself. ?He should be thanking me!? Then, she couldn?t help letting out another giggle at what he would do if only he knew what she was thinking.
?Alright! That does it!? He took her by the wrist. She was still giggling, but only until she noticed he was leading her the foot of the bed, to the bedpost. ?Oh, no!? she thought. She almost said it out loud, but dared not. She hated it when he stood her against the bedpost because she really didn?t like the position.
Master tore her sweatshirt up over her head. The cool air from the fan attacked her nipples like hungry kisses, causing her to gasp in excitement. He lifted her wrists up over her head, and made her hold on to the bar that runs between the carved, brass gargoyles at the top of the bedposts. In one motion, he looped his fingers into the waistband of her pants and pulled them down to her ankles. Obediently, she stepped out of them and watched to see what he would do with them. When she saw him toss them across the room onto the floor, she knew she was going to receive a serious session of sweet sensations.
Her Master grabbed her ankles, one at a time, spreading them far apart, and making her keep them there at the bottoms of the bed posts, stretching her legs obscenely wide apart. This is why she hated this position. It totally exposed her in the most humiliating way. Still, the cool fanned air lapping high up between her legs, where the moisture in the thick bush covering her valley made the air even colder, sent a shudder of hot anticipation rocking through her body.
Naked, with every inch of her body vulnerably exposed to his every whim, she almost rejoiced in her bondage, without which she feared she might have collapsed to the floor under the chill that descended from her head to the soles of her feet. A thick chill that descended slowly, like lips of cold honey, down her body, swelling her anticipation like rolling waves on the ocean. A subtle moan escaped her lips as she felt his hand cup the moistness between her legs. Slowly his fingers slid away, exploring all the dark recesses of her desire. Then again, she shuddered and gasped as his finger alone returned. Probing deep, then deeper still, and causing her to sigh in disappointment as it withdrew abruptly.
?You don?t deserve that!? Her Master hissed into her ear.
?I?m sorry, Master,? she cried out. Then she swooned in a melodic moan as his hands cupped her breasts, massaging them roughly, tenderly, roughly. Torturously sweet, his fingers pressed her love for him deep into her breasts. She felt the pressure of his fingers punishing her breasts, twirling her nipples, squeezing her back into him. She felt him swollen beneath his trousers, pressed against her naked bottom. She pushed back, trying to entice him out, flesh to flesh. But for her offer, she received - SLLAAAPPP!!!! -? against her bare bottom cheek.
?I told you, you don?t deserve that!?
?I?m sorry, Master?? she moaned, as the sting of his angry hand sent the waves of delight up, like backward thunder, from her burning bottom cheek to the very roots of her hair, that seemed to stand in chorus as the pain sang up through her body.
Her other bottom cheek raced to match with the pain still lingering from her twin. Meeting in the center, they exploded into her heart, as she moaned, ?Thank you, Master?. Thank you???
?Thank you?. Oh?.. damn!?.?
?SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! From cheek to cheek, her pleasure in him, his delight in her, resounded. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! Then the sheer delight of his palm against her swelling cheeks, the sound of his deep, muscular breathing behind her, the swoosh! of his hand sailing back and forth, made her thoughts dissolve. From expectation and judgement, they ascended into full compliant oneness of experience. No longer was she a woman tied to a bed. She was a hot, hard, horny, spanking. No longer a submissive anything, but queen of everything. She was a woman fully realized in her desire. Submitting to and dominating a totally fulfilling experience of her deepest self.
?DAMN!? she heard herself: her blows absorbing: her word resounding, her Master responding, her joy exploding!
In perfect timing, the blows from his masterful hand drifted from the red, round swell of her derri?re to the tender inner whiteness of her upper thighs. She began to ascend the vortex.
Softly now, his hands slapped at the inner tenderness. He watched as she began to rise into climactic ecstasy. He roughly stroked her inner thighs, letting his fingers reach up to heighten her delight.
She felt his other hand freeing her hands from the bedpost. Her hands fell to her breasts, lifting them in delicious delirium. He slapped her ankles, making her draw them together. He briefly took her into his arms, squeezing her from behind, and bathing the nape of her neck with his hot, eager tongue. Then, to her happy confusion, he turned her around, away from the bedposts, and forced into his study.. He followed, forcing her ahead of him until the edge of the table pressed into her thighs. Then, after one last kiss on her shoulder, her bent her over the table, forcing her down, pressing her breasts flat against the cool, wooden top of the table.
Her heart races as she waits. This was the confusion. Would Master spank her some more, refilling her with the utter delight of her submissive self? Or would he free himself from his trousers and allow her to rise to her ultimate feminine acceptance of Master Daniel?
Master arrived unannounced for an evening cup of tea with his slave Marpessa. He let himself in, but called out to her to let her know he was there. Since there was no answer, he assumed she had nodded off to sleep. He could hear music coming from the bedroom, Ron Specter?s ?Golden Voyage,? perfect accompaniment for a hot cup of tea with slave Marpessa.
He knew he would find her wearing her new gown. When she phoned him this morning to learn what she should wear today, he told her to wear her gown when she got home and out of the work clothes he dictated to her. She would also be adorned in her collar, the purple velvet and lace, as ordered. She was very obedient about wearing what she was told. She loved his caring attention. Even when he was away on business trips, she phoned him for instruction. He never refused his slave Marpessa. And she rarely disobeyed him. Rarely, but sometimes, despite her best efforts or his sternest warnings, the naughty little brat in her would try and get away with whatever she could. And this was one of those days.
He poured his tea, Sassafras with lemon, and hers, Lemon Verbena and honey. And, because he expected a quiet, uneventful evening, he brought along a snack, Almond cookies, her favorite, from the Chinese restaurant on the corner. ?She deserves a treat,? he figured. She had been really good lately. He lifted the tray of tea and treats and headed for the bedroom.
?Wake up, Lazy Legs,? he called to her as he entered the bedroom. He expected to find her dozing, but no. What he saw upon entering was his obedient slave Marpessa enjoying the lifelike phallus he had bought for her birthday. ?What is this?? he said, sitting the tray aside.
?Oh, god! Master!? she gasped, nervously dropping her joy toy and scrambling to her knees in the center of the bed. ?Damn! I didn?t know you were?.?
?Shut up! Did you call me and ask if you could pleasure yourself?? Before she could answer, he said, ?No, you did not! Get up, Marpessa. Now!?
?Yes, Master,? she stammered, scrambling from the bed to stand humbly before him. She stood most properly, head bowed, legs spread apart, and arms folded behind her back and resting, albeit nervously, on the small of her back. ?Damn! I am so sorry, Master Daniel. I am, really!? She said, knowing full well that was insufficient.
?What did I tell you??
?To shut up, Master. I?m sorry.?
She had left her joy toy turned on, and still vibrating in the middle of the bed. He turned off the CD player, leaving the buzz of the vibrator the only sound in the room as he slowly circled her with intimidating, deliberate pace.
?What do you deserve for this infraction, Marpessa??
She started to speak, hesitated, the dropped her shoulders. ?I?m sorry, Master Daniel. I?m sorry.?
?That doesn?t answer the question.? He lifted the phallus, brought it near her ear, and then turned it off. ?What do you deserve for this??
?It?s not for me to say Master. I am at your mercy. Your will is my desire. Punish me, please for this infraction. And??
?Shut up,? he said. ?Open your mouth.? And when she obeyed, he placed the lifelike phallus in her mouth. ?Shut.? She closed her lips sensually around the joy toy, and held it.
?I should whip you to the blood. You know that, don?t you??
?As you wish, Master.?
?I don?t know, Master. I just did it. I shouldn?t have.?
?So true. So true,? he said, as he lifted her gown up and left it resting on her shoulders. ?Don?t let it fall.?
?Yes, Master,? she said, hunching her shoulders to hold the gown in place.
?I made us some tea,? he said, removing the phallus from her mouth and lifting her Lemon Verbena to her lips. ?Sip it. Is it too hot??
No, Master,? she said, after sipping it.
?Good,? he said. ?Enjoy it!? Then he dashed the cup of tea on her, causing her to flinch and shiver a bit at the sudden bath. ?Get on your knees,? he commanded, forcing her down and slapping each of her breasts side to side until they glowed bright, hot pink. Then, he took the rubber phallus and shoved it back into her mouth. ?Suck up! You want to play little slut, then that?s what you?ll be tonight, my little slave slut!?
He took his handkerchief and tied her arms together right where they rested, folded just above the swell naked butt. ?I can?t believe you sometimes! You act like a 10 year old, dammit!? Then, he led her to the bed, lifted her and dropped her down on her stomach with her knees hanging over the edge, just above the floor.
?Now,? he said, going over and opening the dresser drawer. I?m going to paint your ass the deepest red you have. Understood??
?I?m sorry, Master. I swear, I?ll be good. I promise.?
?Shut up!?
The paddle slammed into her butt, at the peak of each cheek, smashing them down flat in a crashing explosion of pain. The blow sent her head rocketing forward as she lunged forward trying to escape the force of Master?s anger.
The second blow doubled the depth of the thick, thudding pain, swelling her cheeks in bright, crimson as the pain throbbed up through her body.
Now, from one cheek to the other the blows rained down. Slave Marpessa struggled uncontrollably to escape the painful punishment.
Unable to contain herself any longer, the rubber phallus he had forced into her mouth spat out as she screamed in torment. ?Oh, goddammit! Oh, Master!? She screamed, forcing herself into a ball as it to lessen the pain. She balled up fearfully, taking it, every blow she deserved, and reaching out to grab the phallic toy she had lost, and shoving it back into her mouth. ?I?m sorry, Master,? she cried in muffled pleas. ?I?m sorry,? she pleaded, stuffing the phallus even further down her throat.
?Suck it, Slut!?
?Yes, Master Daniel. Yes, yes,? the tears streamed down her face, buried in the mattress. ?Yes, Master,? she cried, in garbled grunts escaping between the blows.
Her ass now glowed in a throbbing red glow. The pain burned in every fiber of her body now. She could hear herself pleading to him, she could hear the blows coming before they landed. She could feel each new surge of pain rippling through her body.
?Thank you!?
?she screamed. ?Thank you, Master. I
deserve this. I deserve it ll. Please. Harder, Master. Please,? she cried as
she felt him bringing her punishment to an end.
?No, Master. Please! No! No! Beat me! Please,? she cried, as the massive pain overwhelmed her, and lifted her beyond all limits, flushing her into the throes of delirious orgasm. ?No, Master, don?t stop, don?t!?
But, just as he saw her reaching that point of no return, that last step beyond which lay sheer orgasmic delight, Master Daniel denied her. As abruptly as he began, he ceased. Her glorious ride to sublime delight crashed to a halt, as he threw the paddle aside.
?Now get up! My little slut!? he commanded, yanking her up by the hair, forcing her to crash land on her knees on the floor. ?Give me that!? Master said, snatching the rubber phallus out of her mouth. ?Slut, you,? he said, lightly slapping her on head with it.
?I?m sorry, Master. Thank you,? she whimpered. He could hear it in her voice, that dreamy, far off tone she slipped into when orgasm was creeping up on her. ?Sorry, Master. Please. Thank you.? She could hardly kneel up straight. She was drunk with delight. He eyes were half closed, and she kept wincing as the waves of near-orgasm rolled over, filling her with desire to drown in its flood.
?Look at you! Dammit!? Master said, pulling her up by the hair to stop her from swaying back and forth so much.
?Ouch,? she squealed. ?Yes! Thank you, Master. Yes. Harder.? She loved her hair pulled, so doing that only sent her deeper into orgasmic dream. ?Yes,? she moaned, momentarily letting her right hand fly down to touch the moist, naked valley between her legs.
?I?m sorry,? she whimpered, throwing her hand back behind her back, and locking her arms together in submission. ?Sorry, sorry?? she breathed, raising her face high in anticipation of a slap.
?Stand up,? Master demanded, helping her by the hair. He spun her around so that her hot, red bottom cheeks were pressed into his throbbing penis. ?Spread ?em, Marpessa.? She obeyed, keeping her hand locked behind her back, she spread her legs wide apart, step by step, until she felt the cool rush of air between her legs. ?Now, Slut, open my pants.?
Eagerly, she lowered one hand and found his zipper, bringing it down in one quick motion. ?Thank you, Master,? she said, as the sound built upon her rising expectations.
?Take it out, Marpessa.?
?Yes, Master,? she said between deep, heavy breaths. ?Yes,? she hissed, as her fingers slipped inside his pants and found his penis. She held it firmly in her grip, thick and hot, ?Oh god, yes Master!? she pleaded, pulling it out and, accidentally on purpose, slipping it between the cheeks of her butt in a not so subtle hint.
?In your ass? You want it there, Slut Marpessa??
?Ass or mouth my cunt anywhere, Master. Please?? she begged, still holding him in her hand, rolling the pulsing head back and forth between her cheeks.
?I don?t think so, Slut!? Master
said, pulling back so that she lost grip on him. She immediately replaced her hands
back where they belonged, locked in sweet submission on the small of her back.
Master reached down and slapped each cheek of her ass as hard as he dared.
From one to the other, on the outside of each rising mound
of her bottom. Then, redirecting his blows, he landed them on the inner side of
her cheeks, right where the meet at the crack, he slapped deep into the tender
unexposed regions.
???? She drew her hands
up higher onto her back, farther out of his way, determined to allow him full
access to whatever he wanted for whatever in whatever way.
???? He could see the swelling in her ass, the deeply crimson tone dappled with slightly purplish dots. The once creamy valley between her cheeks now glowed in throbbing pink. And the shapely mounts of each of her bottom cheeks were crowned with perfect, bluish circles where the pain culminated and tried to escape.
???? She could no longer remain standing without him holding her up. He threw his left arm around her stomach, snatching her slightly off the ground. Her toes barely touching the floor, he continued on, slapping her upper thighs now until they faded quickly into a rosy match for her ass cheeks. He held her like a rag doll now, helpless in his arm, and under his assault.
???? Just as she lost the strength to hold her head up any longer and it dropped defeated down onto her breast, he flung her in one sudden lunge onto the bed. ?Aghth!? she grunted as she landed there, helpless curling up into a fetal ball. She tried to close her legs tight, but could not. They burned so, she had to open them, spread them apart as if to cool them down. She buried her face into her hands, wiping tears that continued to stream as she cried how sorry she was.
???? ?Shut up, Marpessa! You know damn well you?re not sorry. So shut up!? Master scolded, slapping her butt again. ?Stay there!? he commanded, and she obeyed, stopping her squirming around to remain just as she was when she heard the order.
???? He opened the nightstand and took out the ropes. ?Put your legs together,? he demanded, grabbing her by the ankles and drawing them to. Then he laced the rope around her bare feet between the ankles and the toes. He tied them securely, then forced her legs up by pulling the rope as he rounded the bed to stand at her head. He lifted her under the neck and looped the rope over her shoulder and between her breasts until they were encircled in the white nylon rope. Then he brought the rope back down and attached it to the rope around her feet.
???? Bound now, with her feet forced up over her butt, and her breasts lifted slightly off of the bed, she was helpless except for her hands. He grabbed her right wrist and forced it over her back to her left thigh where he tied it securely, Then the left wrist to the right thigh so that she lay with arms criss-crossed across her back and her toes pointing to the ceiling. The rope around her breasts had begun to turn them red. And the blood rushed to her feet as well, matching them to the red polish on her nails.
???? ?Here, Slut,? he hissed at her, taking the rubber phallus that had started her trouble and shoving it into her mouth again. Then he snatched a pair of her panties from the drawer and forced them over her head so that they locked the rubber cock into her mouth and covered her eyes as well. ?I?ll leave that stuck in your mouth, Marpessa, to show you that dildo is not what got you into trouble. You?re welcome to play with that anytime you like as long as you ASK!? he slapped her reddening breast. ?This punishment, Marpessa, is for not asking permission. Understand??
???? ?Yeumphes,? she tried to answer through her gag.
???? Then Master took the black, metal paper binders from the headboard of the bed. He clicked them open and closed a couple of times so she could hear what she could not see. So that she could hear that the worse nipple torture she knew was on the way.
???? ?Umphhh! Umphhh! Noph! Pleezzh!? she tried to beg for mercy, turning her head side to side trying to guess where he was. ?Pleezzh, Mafer! Pleezzh!?
???? ?AGHHHHHPH!? She screamed as the first clamp closed around her swollen nipple, pinching it blood red instantly.
?AAGGHHHHHHPPPPHHHH!? The second one closed over the other nipple. The wide, metal binders clamped over the nipple, reaching way back to the base, just above the dark aureole. Their vice-like grip sent rush after rush of pain down through her, forcing her to try, despite her tight bonds, to fight and escape. But there was nothing she could do.
?AGGGGHHHHFFF!? she screamed in muffled agony. He could see the tears staining through her panty mask. Saliva dripped through the panties where the dildo rammed into her mouth.
???? But, not quite done with her yet, Master Daniel rolled her onto her back. ?Twenty minutes, Marpessa. Do you hear me? Twenty minutes.? She could not answer but to try and nod her head. He took the spreader bar and fastened it to her knees, forcing her legs wide open. Then he took the weights, two four ounce fishing sinkers on hooks, and looped them trough the handles on the binders that clamped. He placed them on gently, then let them free fall, pulling at her nipple and causing her gag and cough as the pain wracked her body.
???? ?Twenty minutes. Can you take it? If you can?t take it say so now, I won?t hear you one I leave the room. Can you take twenty minutes?? He pulled the dildo back a bit to allow her to answer. ?Can you??
???? ?I love you, Master. I can take it. I swear. Don?t free me, please.?
???? Master Daniel shoved the dildo back into her mouth and stood to admire his slave. Her breasts were very swollen now, red and almost visibly throbbing. Her nipples were swollen under the clamps, filling them with her flesh. Her legs, spread by the bar, exposed her naked valley, dripping with her excitement. And the blood red glow of her well-spanked bottom filled him with desire for her. He wanted to take her now. He was tempted. She was very tempting. But he refrained. Going to her only to whisper in her ear, ?Never without permission, Marpessa. Never, you little slut.? Then he gently squeezed her breasts, causing her to cry out one last time before he left her there.
?Slut,? he said, as he closed the door behind him.
?Greetings, Sir,? Jeanine said, as Master Daniel and Marpessa arrived for dinner with Mistress Payne. Jeanine belonged to the Mistress, and it showed. She was made to answer the door wearing only a painfully tight waist cincher and a spiked slave collar that made it nearly impossible for her to turn her head right or left. She wore no shoes, but her ankles were adorned with shackles so short that walking had to be slow and careful to avoid losing balance and falling. As she turned to lead them into the dining room, Marpessa was shocked to see that the girl was also fitted with a large anal plug, and her butt and upper thighs were streaked with fresh red blisters from the cane.
???? Marpessa smiled as she followed behind Master Daniel into the dining room, relieved and thankful that even though the Master trained both she and Jeanine, he decided to keep her. Poor Jeanine, who Marpessa knew from the academy, was given to the Mistress. Jeanine directed them to the table and seated them. ?My Mistress has instructed me to explain that I have been bad, Master. I am on punishment. That is why I am not properly dressed.?
???? ?Stop staring, Marpessa,? Master commanded, as Marpessa still stared at the poor girl?s painful predicament.
???? ?I?m sorry, Master,? she said, lowering her eyes.
???? ?These new blisters,? Master said to Jeanine, as he turned her around for inspection. ?Are on top of old ones that were barely healed. She nearly whipped you to the blood. What did you do?? he said, allowing her to turn and face him.
???? Jeanine lowered her head in shame, reluctant to answer. She glanced at Marpessa who smiled at her in support. But still, the girl was almost too shamed to answer.
???? ?Master Daniel asked you a question, Cunt! Answer him!? Mistress Payne commanded. She entered still carrying the stiff bamboo cane that had tortured the girl earlier.
???? ?Yes, Mistress,? Jeanine answered, leaping to frightened attention at the sound of that voice. ?I failed my Mistress,? she said. ?Last night and this morning. I? I??
???? ?Damn you!? Mistress Payne cursed at the girl, approaching and striking her savagely across the butt with the cane. The force of the blow was so hard and sudden, that Jeanine lost her balance and fell forward across the table. Marpessa instinctively leapt forward to assist, forgetting herself for a moment, and yelling at the Mistress, ?You bitch! Stop it!?
???? ?How dare you,? Mistress Payne shouted, rounding the table to chastise Marpessa.
???? ?Stop!? Master Daniel commanded, and Mistress Payne froze in mid-step. ?Sit your ass down now,? he demanded, snatching the cane from her hand and tossing it across the room. ?Sit down, Marpessa. And watch that damn mouth of yours.?
???? ?I told you she?s too damned spoiled!? Mistress Payne said, taking a seat as Master had ordered.
He ignored her remark, helping Jeanine to her feet instead. Tears streamed down the girl?s face, and she gritted her teeth to keep from crying out loud. When Master turned her to look at her blistered bottom, he became livid at what he saw. That last blow had opened an earlier welt. Blood seeped through in a long row of tiny beads. The girl had been whipped to the blood.
???? Master Daniel said nothing. He stood for a second staring at the wound. Then, very calmly, he said, ?Marpessa, take Jeanine into the bathroom. He snatched the key to the shackles from where it hung pinned to Mistress Payne?s vest and handed it to Marpessa. ?Get her out of these things. All of it. Clean her up. Then bring her back in hear.?
???? Without a word, Marpessa responded, rounding the table and leading the weeping girl away. The bathroom was on the second floor, so she could not hear what was going on between Master and the Mistress. So, she did as she was told, tending to Jeanine. They had first met at Master?s cottage at the academy. Just before Marpessa graduated and move into her own place, Jeanine had come to replace her as housekeeper. She liked her right from the start, and sat up crying with her on the night she was given to Mistress Payne.
?This might hurt a little,? she told Jeanine as she pressed the alcohol pad to her wound. She was still fascinated at the girl?s beauty. She was slim and extremely shapely. And so meek, she always spoke in nearly a whisper. Her silken black tresses hung down to the swell of her derriere, a stark contrast to her creamy brown skin. She was of mixed Cherokee and Ethiopian ancestry. Her keenly sharp facial features combined with her firm, curvaceous body to make her an artist?s dream. Which made Marpessa all the more sad to see how Mistress Payne had disfigured her lovely form with such savage beatings. ?But you?ll be okay,? she told the girl.
A few wipes with an alcohol swab were all that was needed to clean the wound on Jeanine?s bottom cheek. The waist cincher was so tight that, once removed, the girl?s flesh was darkened and creased with its outline. As were her ankles, once the shackles were removed. ?My god!? Marpessa exclaimed. ?How long have you been wearing these??
?I always wear them,? Jeanine answered meekly. Even to Marpessa, a fellow sub, the girl was afraid to raise her eyes. ?I?m sorry this happened. I ruined everything didn?t I?? she whispered softly.
?No,? Marpessa said, giving her a warm hug. ?No, Jeanine. This is not your fault.? The plug the girl wore was so firmly in place that Marpessa needed most all her strength to remove it, as Jeanine stood wincing from the pain. ?This is not your fault at all,? she told her again, wiping a tear from the girl?s eye. ?Come on,? she said, taking her by the hand. ?Let?s go to Master Daniel. I want him to see this.?
?No,? Master was yelling at
Mistress Payne as Marpessa and Jeanine entered. ?As of this moment,
Marpessa and Jeanine stopped at the
entrance, no sure whether they should be witness to this. Much to their shock,
Master had made
?I told you this would happen if you went too far, didn?t I??
?Yes, but??
?Yes what!?
Marpessa looked at Jeanine to make sure she would see this. But the girl?s head was lowered in sympathy for her former Mistress. Marpessa, elated to see the former Mistress Payne reduced this way, nudged Jeanine and smiled, placing her arm around the naked girl?s shoulders and whispering, ?Told you! It?s not your fault.? Jeanine looked up at her and smiled. ?She?s just mean,? Marpessa went on. ?She??
?Silence!? Master Daniel yelled at
them. ?Turn around
?Get over here,? Master said, and Marpessa led the way with Jeanine following somewhat less eagerly.
?Yes, Master?? Marpessa asked.
?You,? he said, taking Jeanine by the hand and pulling her forward. ?This is slave Rosa. She was my slave for nearly a decade, before I made the mistake of letting her convince me that she was ready to be a Mistress. I was wrong. Here,? he said, removing his belt and handing it to Jeanine. ?I want you to swat her bottom. Three on each cheek.?
Oh, no, Master. Please, I can?t do that to my Mistress,? Jeanine said, taking the belt into her hand.
?Her name is slave Rosa, Jeanine. She has failed as a Mistress. And to show her how far she has fallen, she is about to be whipped by another slave.?
Jeanine positioned the belt in her hand and slowly stepped up into position. She toyed nervously with the belt for a moment, clearly uncomfortable with this strange task.
?Yes. Master,? slave Rosa said softly. She swallowed hard, then said, ?Please, slave Jeanine, punish me for my errors.? It was the same plea she had taught to Jeanine. Word that were the mark of a willing slave desirous of proper punishment for wrong doing.
Jeanine stood for a second staring
at Rosa the slave. She looked at Master for a moment, then she looked at
Marpessa, who nodded for her to proceed. Then,
?This is not about revenge, Jeanine. You understand that, don?t you?? Master asked her.
?Yes, Sir.?
?Fine. Two more. Each cheek,? he smiled at her, and for the first time today Jeanine shared a genuine smile with her guests, looking back at Marpessa gleefully.
?Agh! Damn!!?
???? ?Very good,
Jeanine,? Master said. ?I think you?d make a better Mistress than
???? ?I?ll certainly try, Master,? Jeanine said with a beaming smile.
???? ?Good,? Master said. ?Very good. We?ll be by to check on you now and then. To see how she?s progressing. Okay??
???? ?Yes, Master. Could Marpessa come over and help me sometimes??
???? ?I have a feeling you?re not going to need any help, Jeanine,? Master said with a smile. ?Or should I say, Mistress Jeanine.?
???? ?In that case then,? she said, turning to Marpessa. ?I?m ordering you to come by here every day and give me a hand training my new slave.?
???? ?My pleasure,
Mistress Jeanine,? Marpessa said, stepping up to slave
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It was a chance meeting. 38 year old Nina was doing her favourite pastime, shopping for clothes, when 18 year old Ella came up behind her and asked “How have you been Nina?” Nina spun round, recognising immediately the stern voice of the teenager. “Fine erm thank you Ella” she stammered, looking around to see who might be within hearing distance, knowing she was blushing. Luckily no one was nearby so she continued “Fine, and well behaved” she added with a more confident smile. Ella wasn’t...
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She stood silently before him, completely naked, submitting to whatever humiliation would be meted out to her. He’d started by running his hands over her body, lingering over her massive tits, kicking her legs apart so he could reach between them. “Nice tight cunt, for a slut,” he’d grunted. Now he stepped it up. He swung his hand with a full backswing, connecting with her left breast. The slap echoed around the concrete chamber. Maria’s breast jolted up, almost hitting her in the face,...
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PROLOGUEAs an adolescent and young teen, I was fascinated by cartoons and television shows depicting capture and kidnap scenarios. This fascination usually led to a 'stiffy', but I was too young and naive really to understand exactly what was happening. This enchantment led to exploration in self-bondage, and for years I indulged in this practice, particularly during the summer months when I was home from school and both parents worked.One Christmas my parents gave a a Polaroid camera that...
The Self Bondage Punishment Website - Chapter 1. DiscoveryDave came across his dream website. He couldn't believe it was true, but sure enough, there it was. The url was: selfbondageenforcement dot com, and it had everything Dave had ever dreamed about. Once one signed up, they could download, for a fee, everything needed to put yourself into inescapable bondage. And what made this special, was that the site sold a local transmitter that was installed into your home, and connected to the...
Wedding Bondage (Complete)************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan December 2009/April 2012The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************It started at Brian and Chloe’s wedding. Jane and I knew...
Chapter 1: Britney in BondageBritney jogged home from cheerleading practice. If she was quick she could have the apartment all to herself for 2 hours. Donna her roommate had taken an evening class which met 2 nights a week, unfortunately for Britney her cheerleading practice usually lasted almost the entire time Donna was in class so she had little time to practice self-bondage. Tonight would be different she would have the place to herself, and if anything went wrong, she could rely on...
The Self Bondage Punishment Website - Chapter 2. SetupThe next day, while Dave was waiting for the webcam installer to arrive, he decided to setup his enforcement sessions. He logged back into the website, and it reminded him to upload pictures. Dave had a whole bunch of bondage and exhibitionist pictures, so he uploaded them. After doing so, he noticed there was no way to delete them. He also noticed that the tracking device on the collar, which was in his bedroom in the box, was working. His...
Streets ??????? A Colorado Country Girl?s Self Bondage ?By Mary Elizabeth Moore Writing As Shackleford Bond CH 1My mom is the greatest person in the world. We were always close, but after my dad died we became even closer. We would talk for hours about anything and everything. When I got a little older we had long talks about sex and sexuality. Mom was very direct about such matters and didn?t hold back when it came to the birds and the bees.We lived on a farm but after my father died,...
St. Angela's College was renowned for it's educational excellence. It's student's very often went on to outstanding academic success and very well paid positions,however this academic excellence was tempered with the use of corporal punishment. St.Angela's was a very strict place to study,the student's understood the rules and tried very hard to break them,for the student's of St.Angela's demonstrated a rebellious streak against their very strict religious educators. The Nun's and Monk's who...
When people conjure up images of bound women, they usually envision damsels in distress, securely bound on beds, chairs, or other bondage locations. Not too many people would consider bathtub bondage, but hopefully by the end of my story, there will be a few converts to the cause. Why bondage in water? Some of you are likely pondering this question. Actually my wife and bondage partner, Francine, and I never were bondage enthusiasts. We tried bondage once in our brass bed, finding it lacked...
When people conjure up images of bound women, they usually envision damsels in distress, securely bound on beds, chairs, or other bondage locations. Not too many people would consider bathtub bondage, but hopefully by the end of my story, there will be a few converts to the cause. Why bondage in water? Some of you are likely pondering this question. Actually my wife and bondage partner, Francine, and I never were bondage enthusiasts. We tried bondage once in our brass bed, finding it lacked...
Here we are. You and I. Together in this special place out of the rain. The dusty air is thick with the aroma of storytelling as we make our way between row upon row of well-thumbed books that pack each straining shelf to the heavens. Book upon book stuffed with tales both fact and fiction. At the end of each row is a sign revealing the nature of these tales for the inquisitive to peruse. The theme for this particular row says "Victoriana - Fiction from a golden age." Wandering between...
It’s a beautiful warm mid summers day in a quiet secluded parkland.Trees are providing shade and protection from the harsh sun rays.I look around only to see trees all around me, a drive path just ahead of me that passes me from left to right, a large shelter on the left side with park benches in it with a car park on it’s left side.The drive path is made of gravel like a country homes driveway.From my position, the right side of the drive path leads out of my view. It leads to the exit of this...
Sherry and Sadie, two married men, have a girl's night out at a bar. The evening goes badly and, like Sheherazade, who related the 1,101 tales of the Arabian Nights, they end up in great danger, desperately spinning stories to protect their derrieres. For material, they transgender fables they have read, hoping that their captors won't know the original. Will this strategy work? It will depend on you, the reader, because Sherry and Sadie will soon run out of ideas unless you...
-- Anna: Intro to Bondage --I was having morning coffee with my daughter-in-law Anna. We'd only recently started this, with me taking time from work to drop by her home and share a cup with her. She seemed to enjoy the time with me, a pleasant change from husband and c***dren. With the k**s at school and Allan off on his work routines, we had the house to ourselves. At first we were a little awkward, but after several visits we'd become comfortable with each other and always found something to...
-- Anna and Bondage --I'm having morning coffee with my daughter-in-law Anna. We've only recently started this, with me taking time from work to drop by her home and share a cup with her. She seems to enjoy the time with me, a pleasant change from husband and c***dren. With the k**s at school and Allan off on his work routines, we have the house to ourselves. At first we were a little awkward, but after several visits we're comfortable with each other and always find something to chat...
Note: English is not my mother tongue. Forgive me if sometimes it is difficult to read me, I?m not sure that I always used the right English term, or the correct grammatical form, and I apologize in advance to everyone who feel hurt!Chapter 1The website was very light. A wallpaper showing a naked girl tied spread-eagle on a wooden floor in an otherwise empty room. The ropes went from each wrist and ankle to four hooks in the four corners of the room. The room was empty but for a screen on the...
My adventure into Self Bondage – CaughtBy Dream ManMy name is Shane and I’m a male in my mid forties and I reckon I’m in pretty good shape. I was married but after a few years my wife and I decided to part company. I was devastated at first but then decided to get on with my life. Our sex life had been reasonable but at least now I could explore my quirky interest in bondage. This is largely a true storyI found the internet a great source of inspiration and ideas and after compiling some...
The Greenwich Tales The Greenwich TalesBy Freddie Clegg & Phil LaneIntroduction & New Readers Start Here? This story sprang out of an exchange of emails between the Phil and Freddie during the posting of the Freddie Clegg story ?Market Forces?. The two authors discovered a shared interest in Len Deighton?s ?The Ipcress File? and an enthusiasm for exploring what happened to some of the characters outside of the Market Forces narrative. This is the result of that correspondence and a...
Synopsis: Using her lethal skills, a young, beautiful slave rises to power in ancient Rome. Tales 2 is a character study of a complex and murderous femdom. 109 pgs. Tales of Ancient Rome 2: Salidia and Lydia by TG Chapter 1 Laying in Supplies "Oh, this feels so good," Salidia...
If you have ever played a turn-based RPG and thought to yourself, “this, but with chicks with dicks,” first of all, splash some cold fucking water on your face. After that, consider yourself a porn prophet of debauchery, because that’s exactly the kind of game you are going to find in Tales of Androgyny. You won’t find any teenage male heroes here like in your favorite animes. This is all about exploring a world full of androgynies people that are as horny as they are hung.Before you jump into...
Free Sex GamesIt had been a few weeks since Tom had taken the spare room in Jessica's flat. Jessica had taken on the lease for the whole flat and had been desperate for someone to take the second room. She was particularly pleased with Tom, he was tall, good looking and seemed like a fun kind of guy.Tom had also been pleased to move out from the flat he shared with his ex-girlfriend. Jessica's flat was small, but in a good part of town. Jessica herself seemed nice enough. Not what he'd call stunning,...
Of course, the barn bondage could have turned out very badly Chapter 1 meat — with a lower case ?m,? his online slave name — could not possibly know how his first encounter with Sona would turn out as his aging Maxima slalomed and side-slipped down the snow-covered one-lane road in the forests of western New Jersey to the GPS coordinates that she had provided. The fat flakes of falling snow reduced visibility to a few dozen feet despite the metronome-like swish-swish of his wipers. He would...
Please be gentle as I have never written anything like this in my life…..this story is a fantasy of mine and has been inspired by someone who I think is an amazing writer and someone I hold as special to me…you know who you are xoxo After leaving high school at 18 I decided I wanted to become a writer and after researching different colleges and specialised schools I stumbled upon the L & C school of writing, the fees were within my budget so I thought …why not I need to learn from someone...
Let’s Play Bondage BaseballHi, my name is Christine. During my college years, I would spend summers at home working for my grandfather’s Foundation. Virtually all of my close friends, who were home for the summer, would get together about once a month for a pool party at someone’s house.On a June afternoon, the summer between my junior and senior years in college, we were all gathered for a pool party at my best friend Lisa’s house. There were about 20 of us there, probably about 50/50 girls...
Bondage Master’s Trap It was set than. Jackson had finally done it. It must be for real now? now that he had actually set an actual date and time. As he sat in front of his computer in nothing more than a robe that lay wide open, he hit send on his e-mail. He could not think of a time in recent memory that he was more sexually aroused. Casually, as he did thousands of times before, he took a pump of the skin lotion that sat next to him into the palm of his hand and rubbed his rock hard...
This is a story about my experiences in exploring self-bondage An Experiment in Self Bondage This is a story about my experiences in exploring self-bondage.? I am normally a dominant male who enjoys placing submissive women in restrictive bondage for prolonged periods.? I had always wondered what it felt like to bound and helpless, so I began exploring self-bondage.? As you know, the trick with self-bondage is to make the release reliable and foolproof, although I would prefer to...
"I am staying until sunday, and I know you have bondage plans so I have decided to help you out. John is coming over for the night, so you will be tied up and gagged here so that you don't disturb us. We will be using this bedroom so you will be under the bed or the basement" She said." Where do you wanna spend your night? " I was thrilled and nervous at the same time. This was going to be fun, being tied up and horny while they had their fun would arouse and humiliate me like hell. "Under the...
BondageMare's Tales: Chapter 35 ? By: Beverly Taff Hello Dear Readers. I apologise if I seem to have been away from the story board for an inordinately long time. I have been writing another story in another genre on the Nifty Gay Caf? Site. This story is called Two by Two and it addresses other issues that are not to the taste of many readers on the Fictionmania site. 'Two by Two' runs to 15 chapters in the Bestiality section of the Nifty Gay Caf? site. It is a 'Carry on' from t...
I have a slightly kinky view of sex. Well, very kinky. Maybe too long browsing porn, too long spent alone with my fantasies? I have always gravitated towards bondage but never found a girlfriend that would indulge me and I didn’t want to pay for a domme. So, I tried self-bondage. I have a slightly kinky view of sex. Well, very kinky. Maybe too long browsing porn, too long spent alone with my fantasies? I have always gravitated towards bondage but never found a girlfriend that would indulge me...
BondageFrom The Chronicles of The Risque Adventures of Madame EricaChapter. 2"The tale of the damsel in bondage"I had always had a fetish for bondage. I guess it comes natural for me since I'm such a submissive person. I decided that I wanted to explore into it more than before and I knew it had to be with people I trusted. So one night very recently I discussed it with one of my bestest friends and her hubby and we decided that if it happened it would be ok. 4hrs. and some drinks later.... we...
Dick Hardown was the dean of Roughton University. His job wasn't easy, but it was quite rewarding. Yes, the salary and benefits were very nice. However, the best thing about being a dean was the students. The female students. And the hottest female students were cheerleaders. The school's football team was truly terrible. However, there wasn't a single college in the country that had cuter cheerleaders than the ones that attended Roughton University. The school mascot was the beaver while the...
College SexDick Hardown was the dean of Roughton University. His job wasn't easy, but it was quite rewarding. Yes, the salary and benefits were very nice. However, the best thing about being a dean was the students. The female students. And the hottest female students were cheerleaders.The school's football team was truly terrible. However, there wasn't a single college in the country that had cuter cheerleaders than the ones that attended Roughton University.The school mascot was the beaver while the...
Brenda's Bondageby Abe Brenda dismounted her bike by the corner of the apartments. She had just ridden 9.3 miles in the southern California heat. She was one of those tall, muscular women who could be mistaken for a man. Her shoulders were as wide as her hips, and her upper body was trim and muscular from lifting weights. Her breasts were nicely shaped but not especially large. Her lower half , legs and bottom, was all muscle, the result of daily bicycle riding. Her hair was short...
A bondage conversionOK, this is my first attempt at a bit of prose. To make it extra interesting from a personal point of view is that this first attempt will be in the particular genre of ?erotic stories? and in English, not my native tongue. So,,,, please bear with me.Storyline: This story was sparked by photos taken of Dani, taken by Raymond Spekking mixed with my own fantasies. Why, I don’t know, but to me the photos are incredibly sexy and they give me a woody every time I see them The...
Linda was determined this time. She needed to feel the exquisite torture of being teased. She wanted to be able to prolong the pleasure of arousal as she had experienced in the past.Linda and her partner had been split up for a few months and her mind and body were returning to 'normal'. She wasn't dating again yet, but her body's desires were attempting to get her back out there. At night she would masturbate to relieve her tension, but afterwards, always felt disappointed. The orgasm...
The Self Bondage Punishment Website - Chapter 3. ActivationThat evening, after the webcam installer left, Dave had time to contemplate what was happening... way too fast. Dave was an athletic and fit 28 year old, and was independently wealthy, having been an only c***d when his wealthy parents passed away in an auto accident eight years ago. He had bought a three story tenement building in the heart of Chicago's Boystown community shortly thereafter with cash, and now has three tenants. Two gay...
Adam awoke late on Sunday with a large headache and remembered what he could of the previous night. He’d had lots of friends over, and the party had become an orgy of beer, overturned flower pots, broken bottles, and spilt glasses of overproof rum.Adam tried to clear his head. The mob of the night before had been replaced by complete solitude; his stepmother was out in Calgary, and he was king of his own castle, at least until her expected return, which was at 3:00 pm. Adam looked at the clock...
SpankingSusan and John were happily married. Susan definitely wore the trousers so to speak. In fact, Susan demanded John accept not only her decisions but her discipline as well. He regularly made the trip across his wife’s lap to have his bare bottom reddened and his face tear stained. On the other hand though Susan loved her husband dearly, and they both enjoyed the style of life they had chosen. Susan’s old school friend Jackie had come to stay for a few days. Those school days were...
SpankingIntroduction.Here we are. You and I. Together in this special place out of the rain.The dusty air is thick with the aroma of storytelling as we make our way between row upon row of well-thumbed books that pack each straining shelf to the heavens.Book upon book stuffed with tales both fact and fiction. At the end of each row is a sign revealing the nature of these tales for the inquisitive to peruse. The theme for this particular row says "Victoriana - Fiction from a golden age."Wandering...
MILFIt doesn’t matter what you were doing before, but when you blinked, you were suddenly in the back of a bookstore. You know this bookstore, it’s the one closest to your house, and you’ve been to it plenty of times, though not often in this section, the children’s section. “What am I doing here?” You ask aloud, looking outside the window to discover it was the middle of the night. That’s when you remember the last thing you were doing was going to bed, and just as you were closing your eyes, you...
Tales of the Restored American Commonwealth4072: The YardsByEmily DanielsTales of the RAC: 4072: The Yards Chapter 1: The Verdict Chapter 2: The Yards The Yards is the second chapter in the 4072 saga of the Tales of the Restored American Commonwealth. The story begins with 4072: The Verdict. If you would like to know more about the setting of the Restored American Commonwealth you can learn about it, purchase previous chapters and interact with characters by going to...
Matthew and I were in our senior year at college and were attending an appreciation dinner for an organization where we both volunteered. We knew each other casually and just by chance we sat at the same table. I had always thought he was a nice guy and very hot, but we were both involved with others so I never pursued it. He later told me basically the same about me. We passed the time just making small talk but kept finding things we had in common, which was itself interesting since we were...
BDSMEndless Bondage, Endless Freedom Endless Bondage, Endless FreedomA Story By Algolagnia PART ONE - UNUSUAL AWAKENING ??????????? I woke up held under an overload of heavy duty locking leather restraints, naturally I tried to struggle on the bondage table I helplessly laid on. It didnt matter how I ended up in such a situation, I was completely immobilizedand and had to face that. I tried to move, but could'nt gain an inch. I could'nt even wiggle my fingers because I had tight bondage mitts...
I know you horny fappers love the thought of having a kinky slut who’s into bondage do whatever you tell her to. Just imagine spanking that ass, tying them up, and fucking them while they can’t do so much as turn around. It’s certainly one of the best feelings there is. Or, hey, maybe you fantasize about having a dom bitch boss you around and peg you while you sit there hogtied. Well, that’s not something I would touch, but I’m not here to judge; you do you. On the contrary, I’m here to give...
Live BDSM Sex CamsJoseph had not slept in close proximity with a woman since his wife's passing several years previous. He had hooked up with a few lot lizards but it was just for quick sex and he wasn't sure he could even remember their names. He wasn't sure how young, this young lady was but he was sure any man would find her attractive. He of course had not been with a young woman sexually or even physically in years but it wasn't hard to remember how attractive their smooth skin, tiny waist, wide...