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Endless Bondage, Endless Freedom
A Story By Algolagnia
??????????? I woke up held under an overload of heavy duty locking leather restraints, naturally I tried to struggle on the bondage table I helplessly laid on. It didnt matter how I ended up in such a situation, I was completely immobilizedand and had to face that. I tried to move, but could'nt gain an inch. I could'nt even wiggle my fingers because I had tight bondage mitts over my hands and up to my wrist. Furtherly handicapped, a second pair of bondage mitts slid over the previous pair but proceded all the way up to my elbow. The mitts were also custom made to literally fuse to the table ensuring an impossible escape. My neck had been placed in a cervical collar which assisted a head immobiliser keeping my body as still as a corpse. An almost ridiculous number of leather restraints spanned across my body tightly, each hand had two locking leather straps right at the wrist. My legs were fused wide appart to allow easy access to my genitals. My helpless hands were also wide appart in a similar fashion, Later I realised this was to keep me from possibly stopping CBT and other forms of sadistic abusement.
??????????? My eyes scrolled across the room observing the surroundings. I tried to seek anything that would give me an idea as to what was happening. Thoughts began running through my head as to what it could possibly be. Just then I was startled by the sound of young womans voice. "I see your awake now." She said while walking towards the table, I could hear her footsteps get louder as she got closer towards me. It was that distingt sound of high heels walking allong a hard surface. She made her way to the table quickly, and there she was with her beautiful face looking down at me. She looked like a twenty-one year old model, her face was so attractive I couldnt help but to deeply examine it. Absolutly nothing was out of perportion, she looked like an angel. "Dont ever make eye contact with me kyle." I felt a chill run through me as she spoke my name. I wanted to ask her how she knew it, there were many questions I wished to ask actually. Just as my mouth opened to ask her my questions, the lecture continued. "Your also not to talk at all, shall I allow you to talk, then you must end the sentence with "Yes your mistress" got it" Mistakingly I only said "Yes" I then found myself gasping for air as her fist landed in my genitals. "I beliefe you ment, Yes your mistress, Didnt you." Still short-breathed from a hit to the balls, I faintly answered "Yes your mistress"
??????????? The room held a cold chill like it were an unfinished basement, the chill ran across my entire body as I layed completly naked. The only wormth in the room layed beneath me, my own heat had wormed up the padded table making it obvious that I had been laying there for quite some time. Although I had not been awake too long, I could easily tell that this woman was extremely sadistic. I was confused to the situation, coincidently being a masochist I wasnt sure whether I wanted this or not. I thought to myself and realised that this was not some kind of BDSM play with a sadistic girlfriend, It was a real life kidnapping with some person I didnt even know. I then knew that excepting the situation was a stupid idea for any masochist, but excepting or not was'nt an available option as I realised I could not escape inescapible bondage. I was completly scarred, constantly unsure of what mistress would do at any minute. Although frightened, my masochistic nature began to show as the padded restraints confined me and this beautiful girl had control of my life. My dick grew harder, rising higher. I could only hope mistress didnt notice, I knew if she saw it would make for some difficult conversation.
??????????? I realized that this sadistic woman really had the perfect dungeon, everything was thought of to the last small detail. I noticed this when she climbed upon the bondage table and grabbed hold of a strong horizontal bar, purposely mounted from the ceiling to maintain her balance as she pressed the bottom of her high heel shoe into the genitals or face of her victim, and thats just what she did. She pressed the bottom of her high heel shoe right into my face "Lick it like you love it, I want to see you take big long strokes with your tongue." She commanded. I couldnt believe that a beautiful woman was actually dominating me in such a way, she was gorgeous but I still didnt want to lick her shoe as I thought that was discusting. Being a sadistic person, she didnt like to feel as if she had no control over me. "You really think you have a choice you helpless shit." I thought about what she said, I knew I was bound and could not escape; however that didnt mean that I couldnt refuse to do things. I then explained to her what I thought, "Well I mean im helpless but I can still deny things cant I your mistress." She then gave me a discusting look and yelled at me. "Fuck you, dont you ever disrespect me." Still standing upon the table she grabbed the bar with her one hand and swong her foot as hard as she could into my genitals. The strong kick left me breathless and moaning, but to her I still didnt know what pain really was.
??????????? Her feet remained standing upon the middle of the table, she placed the tip of her one high heel shoe directly on my genitals applying what seemed like all her weight. She dug her shoe into my genitals hard and rocked her foot like she were putting out a cigarette, trying to ensure she was causing as much pain possible. She constantly looked into my eyes to watch the expressions of pain displayed on my face. It seemed like she crushed my nuts much too long, I wasnt sure if they would ever heal. Eventually her foot released and she straddled me, her one knee pushed into my nuts and the other knee rested on the other side of my leg. Her head stared directly at me as she pulled vynal gloves over her soft hands infront of my face, "You know the real torture is about to start, and theres nothing you can do." I was scarred at what she said, however I knew it was true. She then held her gloved hand over my mouth and pinched my nose with the other hand so I couldnt breathe. I tried as hard as I could to shake my head in order to shift her hands away from me, but it was of no use. I continued to panic and only made it worse, I began to feel fainty and knew I would passout any second. The glove she wore created a perfect suction when I attempted to breathe in, suction only increased the harder I tried to gasp for air. I then fainted and woke up somtime later, Mistress was still strattling me. "Are you ready to lick my shoes now." She said dominantly. I knew I didnt have a choice, I could only say one thing. " Yes I am your mistress." She then looked proud for prooving she's not to be messed with. "Yeah I thought so." She said as she spit in my face and stood up once again.
??????????? In a familiar way, I found my self lying with her shoe pressed up against my face once again. "Do I need to tell you what to do Kyle." Already knowing all too well how risky it is to disrespect her, I Begain doing exactly what she wanted. I must have licked the bottom of her shoe for about twelve minutes, only to have her foot pull away and be replaced by the other. "Now this shoe Kyle." She spoke dominantly. I repeated the same thing once again for around the same time. Finally It was over, or so it seemed as she removed her foot. I then realised that she only removed her feet to take her shoes off. She strongly grabbed the heel of her one shoe and began swinging it through the air, slapping my genitals with the underneath of the shoe for minutes. I expected to pass out from the overwhelming pain but somehow didnt. My screams were at an all time peak, The woman I only knew as mistress told me I was in her fully soundproof basement and that there was no reason for screaming because it would be of no use. She continued to swat my genitals with the underneith of her shoe for minutes, I eventually passed out like I had expected. When I woke up, pain was shooting up my entire body from my aking nuts. Ignoring my discomfort, mistress held her foot directly infront of my face. I knew what she expected me to do and that I'd be tortured once again if I didnt start, I then licked her feet for about fifteen minutes. Eventually her foot pulled away from my mouth and I was able to stop.? "You see, I can hurt and dominate you as long as I want, and I will continue to make you do these discusting things to dehumanise you." She said. I knew mistress was seroius and what she had said was true, whats more degrading then being brought down to a level of shoe licking ?
??????????? Mistress created the most excruciating pain by sliding a needle through the end of my dick, joining the two slits together. Instantly I tensed up, screaming as loud as I could. My body pulled so hard against the restraints it left indents where the straps confined me. Mistress looked down at me with an angry face, I didnt realise that I hurt her ears screaming and wondered why she was so upset all of the sudden. She let her easily heightened anger out by squeezing my genitals with her gloved hand, grabbing unbaribly hard. Tears flowed down my face as her nearly vicegrip hands stayed locked in place. "Maby next time you'll think twice about screaming, you hurt my ears you know." Right then she grabbed the heal of her shoe again, raising it above my genitals. Instantly I knew what she was about to do, It was inpossible to forget the same horrible torture hours ago. frightened, I was actually detrumined to talk her out of it. I explained that I would do anything if she just didnt do that again. Mistress looked at me like I was completly pathetic. "I can already make you do anything whether your willing to or not, and nothing will change that." Hearing her sadistic voice and knowning such a beautiful girl was in complete control led me to become arroused once again. Although I had been arroused many times by now, mistress finally noticed and demanded I tell her whats going on. I was scared to tell her and paused in my speech, Mistress demanded once again and I had no choice; I knew she would continue to torture me untill I told her anyways. The words slowly and quietly left my mouth "Im actually a masochist your mistress..." Before I could even finish my sentence Mistress held still in complete amazement, her shoe she still held slowly dropped down allong with her hands back to her side as she lost herself in deep thought. After an awkward silence Mistress began talking. "You know it all makes sence now. At first I just thought you were attracted to me, but the more I punished you, I could see you only became more arroused. Well you have left me in a wierd situation now you know." Mistress then lifted her heel to me genitals once again, "Its time to say good night kyle." she said. Right then she swong her shoe through the air with amazing precision, the underneith of her high heel shoe smacked directly on my balls as hard as a kick. Instaltly I passed out, I then layed unconcious for several minutes.
??????????? I would have been rolling in pain if the restraints had not kept me completly immobilized, the pain I woke up in was too much and I could only lay there and moan. My moaning was interrupted by mistress,? "I bet you didnt think a woman could produce such pain did you Kyle." She was right, I never thought a woman could cause such pain. Mistress continued on talking without giving me a chance to reply anyways. "You know kyle; I usually torture my victims twelve hours on, twelve hours off. While Im not here my friend Heather replaces me, as I do the same for her. However because of this wierd situation you left me, I decided to bring Heather in early." Right then an unfarmiliar body leaned over the table looking down at me, I was staring into the eyes of yet another beautiful woman. Right then she spit in my face, "your not to ever look towards me you got it." Instantly my eyes left sight of her face, "Yes Heather." I said, knowing this was obiously the friend of mistress. Heather then climbed upon the table and strattled me, Her knees fell to each side of my body and her head looked down on me. She then gave me the most frightening speech, but all I could do was listen and except what she said.
??????????? "I dont think you realise how bad of a situation you are in kyle, Its not just a matter of confinement and torture. Honestly for how bad Katie has been hurting you, Do you really think her and I have Intentions of keeping you alive." Instantly I knew what she ment and struggled like never before, shaking as hard as I could but did'nt gain more then half an inch. Heather began laughing at me, "Your not going to escape Kyle, Katie and I have been tying down guys our hole lives. You see Katie and I are both very sadistic, but a masochist is hard to find so we kidnap men and torture them. Although that gives us sombody to torture, one problem still remains. The person is then a victim for what theyve gone through. Katie and I are then forced to kill and dispose of the body, All because no body would understand how us sadists really need some body to hurt in order to keep ourselves happy. No body understands us but machochists, No body understands us... but you." I wasnt sure what to think as Heather said this, In a sence I felt that she respected me more because I understanded the nature of sadism. After a brief pause, Heather continued on talking. "Your a lucky person Kyle, Katie and I both feel that maby, just maby we can keep you alive." As she said that my nerves calmed down, yet still shook. "Heres the deal Kyle, If you can proove your a massochist then we can probubly keep you alive and release you. The reason we can do this is because if your really a masochist, then you will remember this as a pleasurable experience and not a kidnapping. That would proove that you have no desires of telling authority. You have to do two things to proove to us that you are a masochist. The first thing that will happen is you will be tortured by katie and I for one and a half hours, During that entire time you will be completly blindfolded to ensure it's the pain arrousing you, not the sight of two beautiful girls. Your second chance to proove your a masochist will be to tell us in only five words what you thought of the torture. Once prooved weather a Massochist or not, either way you will be put to sleep where Katie and I will make the final decision. If we decide to keep you, you will wake up and continue to join us for sometime. If we decide to get rid of you, asleep you will stay for an eternity.
??????????? I felt the straps release from the head immobaliser, then my cervical collar as well. naturally I assumed I was being moved to a diffrent restraint, then I remembered that they were going to blindfold me and obviously needed to get under my head. After releasing the head immobiliser and cervical collar, Heather instantly installed a heavy duty gag which contained many straps making it impossible to shake off. Rather then using a blindfold, Heather placed a thick leather sensory deprivation hood on over my head and pulled the straps tightly. The hood straps were lockable and she took advantage of that, locking every single one of them. The hood covered my entire head and proceeded part way down my neck ensuring that no light could get through, It contained one hole at the bottom of the nostrails to allow me to breathe. My head was then placed into the cervical collar and strapped tight, my forhead was violently pushed down and strapped into the head immobiliser which was tight yet comfortible. I was then completly immobilized once again and ready to be tortured, Heather and Katie then began there one and a half hours of what they called fun.
??????????? As the torture began it was impossible to ignore the feeling of needles being forced throught the end of my dick. At the exact same time, the bottom of my feet were flogged as hard as a girl could swing. I yelled benith the gag and hood, but could only let out what seemed like a whisper from a short distence. Every so often my nose was plugged, I suffocated as it was my only means of breathing. One of the girls hands seemed to examinate me as they worked there way down my body, the vynal gloves they wore gave the most erotic sensation to what ever they touched. The sensation made its way down to my cock where it stopped and turned into pain as plastic clothespinns were placed all over my genitals. Constantly feeling more pins clipped on, I could tell that she was clamping on as many pins as my nuts could fit. The clothespins stayed clipped on for nearly the entire time, only released when other forms of cbt replaced them. The girls made it more painfull by occasionally releasing the pins and letting them snap back on to the exact same spot as before. A few times they ripped pins of my genitals without even opening it properly, they then placed it back on the same spot once again. One of the girls flogged my chest to and beyond the point of visible cuts. Both girls wanted my to suffer more, no matter what they did they never felt completly satisfied. "I think Its time for needles again." Katie said. Right then she grabbed needles and began pressing them into my toes deeply. By this time I was crying uncontrolibly. "Ohh you sure seem to be suffering now, I could only wonder if you could possibly suffer more, ohh yes, infact you could, and I know just how too." Heather said. Knowing that I could only breath through my nose, She secured her dirty sock over the breathing hole in my hood, I was then forced to breath in the smell of her dirty sock with ever breath I took. Since I only had a small breathing hole to begin with, breathing became slightly hard too, but It kept me arroused volentarily or not for the lack of air was somewhat like whats known as autoerotic asphyxiation. But how could I complain, if they didnt realise autoerotic asphyxiation was helping me stay errect, It was keeping me alive anyways.
??????????? Sensory Deprivation played a big impact upon total confusion, having such limited sences caused me to panic only increasingly as time went by. It was only natural that I panicked, but the girls didnt care. Everytime I struggled the girls induced more pain, but I was becoming so exausted that they could hardly tell I was struggling anyways. The girls then began needle torture at the same time, the horrific pain shot through my toes and head of my dick all at once. Heather began stitching the slit at the end of my dick together, "I just dont want you to be able to cum Kyle, you have been errect this whole time and your not to be pleasured." Heather said as she caused perhaps the most unbarible pain in my life. I knew she just using that as an excuse to hurt me so badly, there was no way I could cum and Heather knew that. The intense pain caused me to breath more rapidly, forcing me to breathe in the smell of her socks nearly twice as often with no means of stopping it. As katie tortured me, Heather yelled at me to take a good whiff. "Smell it kyle, breathe in deeply, I want to hear you suck it in." The pain already had me breathing rapidly, I didnt know how she expected me to breathe faster. I sucked in deeply just once so Heather would leave me alone. "Deeper Kyle, Suck it in hard." Heather taunted me, forcing me to breathe in her socks deeply for nearly twenty minutes. Although time passed unusually odd with such effective sensory deprivation, I knew the torture spree had to be near an end.
??????????? Eventually one and a half hours passed by and the torture stopped just as they said. I felt straps release and could finally move my head the slightest bit, Finally the sock was pulled away from my nose and my head was lifted up to remove the sencory deprivation hood. Still gagged and unable to talk, I faced the two girls. "Did you like the smell of my socks Kyle." Both girls giggled after Heather asked me that, they thought it was funny how completly dehumanised I was. I could only let out a distorted reply to what Heather asked, the girls laughed even harder when I tried to talk but couldnt even speak clearly. "You really are a helpless shit, you know that." Katie said as she spit in my face. Heather then released the gag and Katie assisted her placing my head back into the cervical as well as the head immobalizer once again.? "Well Kyle you seemed to have done well. You managed to stay fully errect the entire time." Heather said as she looked disappointed. "Theres just one thing left Kyle, you must now tell us in only five words what you thought of this experience to convince us your a masochist." Although utterly exhausted, I managed to construct a well said sentence with the little breath I had. "I have never felt so free" I said, Right then both girls looked at each other and smiled. A hissing mask was then placed over my face, covering the mouth and nose firmly. Both girls held the mask in place as they leaned over the table looking down on me proud of their success in complete domination. I tried to shake my head to shif the mask away from me but the cervical collar and head immobalizer made it impossible, I held my breath trying to avoid the gas from entering me, both girls noticed and laughed at me ."You cant hold your breath forever Kyle, Go on just take a deep breath." I had no choice, just as I had been breathing in her smely socks I was forced to take in the constant flow of sleeping gas. I could see the girls were excited as I watched them through an increasing daze, I became dreamy and wondered to myself if this would be the last time I ever slept.
Bondage, Endless Freedom
Story By Algolagnia
??????????? I woke up held under an
overload of heavy duty locking leather restraints, naturally I tried to
struggle on the bondage table I helplessly laid on. It didnt matter how I ended
up in such a situation, I was completely immobilizedand and had to face that. I
tried to move, but could'nt gain an inch. I could'nt even wiggle my fingers
because I had tight bondage mitts over my hands and up to my wrist. Furtherly
handicapped, a second pair of bondage mitts slid over the previous pair but
proceded all the way up to my elbow. The mitts were also custom made to
literally fuse to the table ensuring an impossible escape. My neck had been
placed in a cervical collar which assisted a head immobiliser keeping my body
as still as a corpse. An almost ridiculous number of leather restraints spanned
across my body tightly, each hand had two locking leather straps right at the
wrist. My legs were fused wide appart to allow easy access to my genitals. My
helpless hands were also wide appart in a similar fashion, Later I realised
this was to keep me from possibly stopping CBT and other forms of sadistic
??????????? My eyes scrolled across
the room observing the surroundings. I tried to seek anything that would give
me an idea as to what was happening. Thoughts began running through my head as
to what it could possibly be. Just then I was startled by the sound of young
womans voice. "I see your awake now." She said while walking towards
the table, I could hear her footsteps get louder as she got closer towards me.
It was that distingt sound of high heels walking allong a hard surface. She
made her way to the table quickly, and there she was with her beautiful face
looking down at me. She looked like a twenty-one year old model, her face was
so attractive I couldnt help but to deeply examine it. Absolutly nothing was
out of perportion, she looked like an angel. "Dont ever make eye contact
with me kyle." I felt a chill run through me as she spoke my name. I
wanted to ask her how she knew it, there were many questions I wished to ask
actually. Just as my mouth opened to ask her my questions, the lecture
continued. "Your also not to talk at all, shall I allow you to talk, then
you must end the sentence with "Yes your mistress" got it"
Mistakingly I only said "Yes" I then found myself gasping for air as
her fist landed in my genitals. "I beliefe you ment, Yes your mistress,
Didnt you." Still short-breathed from a hit to the balls, I faintly
answered "Yes your mistress"
??????????? The room held a cold
chill like it were an unfinished basement, the chill ran across my entire body
as I layed completly naked. The only wormth in the room layed beneath me, my
own heat had wormed up the padded table making it obvious that I had been
laying there for quite some time. Although I had not been awake too long, I
could easily tell that this woman was extremely sadistic. I was confused to the
situation, coincidently being a masochist I wasnt sure whether I wanted this or
not. I thought to myself and realised that this was not some kind of BDSM play
with a sadistic girlfriend, It was a real life kidnapping with some person I
didnt even know. I then knew that excepting the situation was a stupid idea for
any masochist, but excepting or not was'nt an available option as I realised I
could not escape inescapible bondage. I was completly scarred, constantly
unsure of what mistress would do at any minute. Although frightened, my masochistic
nature began to show as the padded restraints confined me and this beautiful
girl had control of my life. My dick grew harder, rising higher. I could only
hope mistress didnt notice, I knew if she saw it would make for some difficult
??????????? I realized that this
sadistic woman really had the perfect dungeon, everything was thought of to the
last small detail. I noticed this when she climbed upon the bondage table and
grabbed hold of a strong horizontal bar, purposely mounted from the ceiling to
maintain her balance as she pressed the bottom of her high heel shoe into the
genitals or face of her victim, and thats just what she did. She pressed the
bottom of her high heel shoe right into my face "Lick it like you love it,
I want to see you take big long strokes with your tongue." She commanded.
I couldnt believe that a beautiful woman was actually dominating me in such a
way, she was gorgeous but I still didnt want to lick her shoe as I thought that
was discusting. Being a sadistic person, she didnt like to feel as if she had
no control over me. "You really think you have a choice you helpless
shit." I thought about what she said, I knew I was bound and could not
escape; however that didnt mean that I couldnt refuse to do things. I then
explained to her what I thought, "Well I mean im helpless but I can still
deny things cant I your mistress." She then gave me a discusting look and
yelled at me. "Fuck you, dont you ever disrespect me." Still standing
upon the table she grabbed the bar with her one hand and swong her foot as hard
as she could into my genitals. The strong kick left me breathless and moaning,
but to her I still didnt know what pain really was.
??????????? Her
feet remained standing upon the middle of the table, she placed the tip of her
one high heel shoe directly on my genitals applying what seemed like all her
weight. She dug her shoe into my genitals hard and rocked her foot like she
were putting out a cigarette, trying to ensure she was causing as much pain
possible. She constantly looked into my eyes to watch the expressions of pain
displayed on my face. It seemed like she crushed my nuts much too long, I wasnt
sure if they would ever heal. Eventually her foot released and she straddled
me, her one knee pushed into my nuts and the other knee rested on the other
side of my leg. Her head stared directly at me as she pulled vynal gloves over
her soft hands infront of my face, "You know the real torture is about to
start, and theres nothing you can do." I was scarred at what she said, however
I knew it was true. She then held her gloved hand over my mouth and pinched my
nose with the other hand so I couldnt breathe. I tried as hard as I could to
shake my head in order to shift her hands away from me, but it was of no use. I
continued to panic and only made it worse, I began to feel fainty and knew I
would passout any second. The glove she wore created a perfect suction when I
attempted to breathe in, suction only increased the harder I tried to gasp for
air. I then fainted and woke up somtime later, Mistress was still strattling
me. "Are you ready to lick my shoes now." She said dominantly. I knew
I didnt have a choice, I could only say one thing. " Yes I am your
mistress." She then looked proud for prooving she's not to be messed with.
"Yeah I thought so." She said as she spit in my face and stood up
once again.
??????????? In a
familiar way, I found my self lying with her shoe pressed up against my face
once again. "Do I need to tell you what to do Kyle." Already knowing
all too well how risky it is to disrespect her, I Begain doing exactly what she
wanted. I must have licked the bottom of her shoe for about twelve minutes,
only to have her foot pull away and be replaced by the other. "Now this
shoe Kyle." She spoke dominantly. I repeated the same thing once again for
around the same time. Finally It was over, or so it seemed as she removed her
foot. I then realised that she only removed her feet to take her shoes off. She
strongly grabbed the heel of her one shoe and began swinging it through the
air, slapping my genitals with the underneath of the shoe
for minutes. I expected to pass out from the overwhelming pain but somehow
didnt. My screams were at an all time peak, The woman I only knew as mistress
told me I was in her fully soundproof basement and that there was no reason for
screaming because it would be of no use. She continued to swat my genitals with
the underneith of her shoe for minutes, I eventually passed out like I had
expected. When I woke up, pain was shooting up my entire body from my aking nuts.
Ignoring my discomfort, mistress held her foot directly infront of my face. I
knew what she expected me to do and that I'd be tortured once again if I didnt
start, I then licked her feet for about fifteen minutes. Eventually her foot
pulled away from my mouth and I was able to stop.? "You see, I can hurt and dominate you as
long as I want, and I will continue to make you do these discusting things to
dehumanise you." She said. I knew mistress was seroius and what she had
said was true, whats more degrading then being brought down to a level of shoe
licking ?
??????????? Mistress created the
most excruciating pain by sliding a needle through the end of my dick, joining
the two slits together. Instantly I tensed up, screaming as loud as I could. My
body pulled so hard against the restraints it left indents where the straps
confined me. Mistress looked down at me with an angry face, I didnt realise
that I hurt her ears screaming and wondered why she was so upset all of the
sudden. She let her easily heightened anger out by squeezing my genitals with
her gloved hand, grabbing unbaribly hard. Tears flowed down my face as her
nearly vicegrip hands stayed locked in place. "Maby next time you'll think
twice about screaming, you hurt my ears you know." Right then she grabbed
the heal of her shoe again, raising it above my genitals. Instantly I knew what
she was about to do, It was inpossible to forget the same horrible torture
hours ago. frightened, I was actually detrumined to talk her out of it. I
explained that I would do anything if she just didnt do that again. Mistress
looked at me like I was completly pathetic. "I can already make you do
anything whether your willing to or not, and nothing will change that."
Hearing her sadistic voice and knowning such a beautiful girl was in complete
control led me to become arroused once again. Although I had been arroused many
times by now, mistress finally noticed and demanded I tell her whats going on.
I was scared to tell her and paused in my speech, Mistress demanded once again
and I had no choice; I knew she would continue to torture me untill I told her
anyways. The words slowly and quietly left my mouth "Im actually a
masochist your mistress..." Before I could even finish my sentence
Mistress held still in complete amazement, her shoe she still held slowly
dropped down allong with her hands back to her side as she lost herself in deep
thought. After an awkward silence Mistress began talking. "You know it all
makes sence now. At first I just thought you were attracted to me, but the more
I punished you, I could see you only became more arroused. Well you have left
me in a wierd situation now you know." Mistress then lifted her heel to me
genitals once again, "Its time to say good night kyle." she said.
Right then she swong her shoe through the air with amazing precision, the
underneith of her high heel shoe smacked directly on my balls as hard as a
kick. Instaltly I passed out, I then layed unconcious for several minutes.
??????????? I would have been
rolling in pain if the restraints had not kept me completly immobilized, the
pain I woke up in was too much and I could only lay there and moan. My moaning
was interrupted by mistress,? "I bet
you didnt think a woman could produce such pain did you Kyle." She was
right, I never thought a woman could cause such pain. Mistress continued on
talking without giving me a chance to reply anyways. "You know kyle; I
usually torture my victims twelve hours on, twelve hours off. While Im not here
my friend Heather replaces me, as I do the same for her. However because of
this wierd situation you left me, I decided to bring Heather in early."
Right then an unfarmiliar body leaned over the table looking down at me, I was
staring into the eyes of yet another beautiful woman. Right then she spit in my
face, "your not to ever look towards me you got it." Instantly my
eyes left sight of her face, "Yes Heather." I said, knowing this was
obiously the friend of mistress. Heather then climbed upon the table and
strattled me, Her knees fell to each side of my body and her head looked down
on me. She then gave me the most frightening speech, but all I could do was
listen and except what she said.
??????????? "I
dont think you realise how bad of a situation you are in kyle, Its not just a
matter of confinement and torture. Honestly for how bad Katie has been hurting
you, Do you really think her and I have Intentions of keeping you alive."
Instantly I knew what she ment and struggled like never before, shaking as hard
as I could but did'nt gain more then half an inch. Heather began laughing at
me, "Your not going to escape Kyle, Katie and I have been tying down guys
our hole lives. You see Katie and I are both very sadistic, but a masochist is
hard to find so we kidnap men and torture them. Although that gives us sombody
to torture, one problem still remains. The person is then a victim for what
theyve gone through. Katie and I are then forced to kill and dispose of the
body, All because no body would understand how us sadists really need some body
to hurt in order to keep ourselves happy. No body understands us but
machochists, No body understands us... but you." I wasnt sure what to
think as Heather said this, In a sence I felt that she respected me more
because I understanded the nature of sadism. After a brief pause, Heather
continued on talking. "Your a lucky person Kyle, Katie and I both feel
that maby, just maby we can keep you alive." As she said that my nerves
calmed down, yet still shook. "Heres the deal Kyle, If you can proove your
a massochist then we can probubly keep you alive and release you. The reason we
can do this is because if your really a masochist, then you will remember this
as a pleasurable experience and not a kidnapping. That would proove that you
have no desires of telling authority. You have to do two things to proove to us
that you are a masochist. The first thing that will happen is you will be
tortured by katie and I for one and a half hours, During that entire time you
will be completly blindfolded to ensure it's the pain arrousing you, not the
sight of two beautiful girls. Your second chance to proove your a masochist
will be to tell us in only five words what you thought of the torture. Once
prooved weather a Massochist or not, either way you will be put to sleep where
Katie and I will make the final decision. If we decide to keep you, you will
wake up and continue to join us for sometime. If we decide to get rid of you,
asleep you will stay for an eternity.
??????????? I felt
the straps release from the head immobaliser, then my cervical collar as well.
naturally I assumed I was being moved to a diffrent restraint, then I
remembered that they were going to blindfold me and obviously needed to get
under my head. After releasing the head immobiliser and cervical collar,
Heather instantly installed a heavy duty gag which contained many straps making
it impossible to shake off. Rather then using a blindfold, Heather placed a
thick leather sensory deprivation hood on over my head and pulled the straps
tightly. The hood straps were lockable and she took advantage of that, locking
every single one of them. The hood covered my entire head and proceeded part
way down my neck ensuring that no light could get through, It contained one
hole at the bottom of the nostrails to allow me to breathe. My head was then
placed into the cervical collar and strapped tight, my forhead was violently
pushed down and strapped into the head immobiliser which was tight yet
comfortible. I was then completly immobilized once again and ready to be
tortured, Heather and Katie then began there one and a half hours of what they
called fun.
??????????? As the
torture began it was impossible to ignore the feeling of needles being forced
throught the end of my dick. At the exact same time, the bottom of my feet were
flogged as hard as a girl could swing. I yelled benith the gag and hood, but
could only let out what seemed like a whisper from a short distence. Every so
often my nose was plugged, I suffocated as it was my only means of breathing.
One of the girls hands seemed to examinate me as they worked there way down my body,
the vynal gloves they wore gave the most erotic sensation to what ever they
touched. The sensation made its way down to my cock where it stopped and turned
into pain as plastic clothespinns were placed all over my genitals. Constantly
feeling more pins clipped on, I could tell that she was clamping on as many
pins as my nuts could fit. The clothespins stayed clipped on for nearly the
entire time, only released when other forms of cbt replaced them. The girls
made it more painfull by occasionally releasing the pins and letting them snap
back on to the exact same spot as before. A few times they ripped pins of my
genitals without even opening it properly, they then placed it back on the same
spot once again. One of the girls flogged my chest to and beyond the point of
visible cuts. Both girls wanted my to suffer more, no matter what they did they
never felt completly satisfied. "I think Its time for needles again."
Katie said. Right then she grabbed needles and began pressing them into my toes
deeply. By this time I was crying uncontrolibly. "Ohh you sure seem to be
suffering now, I could only wonder if you could possibly suffer more, ohh yes,
infact you could, and I know just how too." Heather said. Knowing that I
could only breath through my nose, She secured her dirty sock over the
breathing hole in my hood, I was then forced to breath in the smell of her
dirty sock with ever breath I took. Since I only had a small breathing hole to
begin with, breathing became slightly hard too, but It kept me arroused volentarily
or not for the lack of air was somewhat like whats known as autoerotic
asphyxiation. But how could I complain, if they didnt realise autoerotic
asphyxiation was helping me stay errect, It was keeping me alive anyways.
??????????? Sensory Deprivation played a big
impact upon total confusion, having such limited sences caused me to panic only
increasingly as time went by. It was only natural that I panicked, but the
girls didnt care. Everytime I struggled the girls induced more pain, but I was
becoming so exausted that they could hardly tell I was struggling anyways. The
girls then began needle torture at the same time, the horrific pain shot
through my toes and head of my dick all at once. Heather began stitching the
slit at the end of my dick together, "I just dont want you to be able to
cum Kyle, you have been errect this whole time and your not to be
pleasured." Heather said as she caused perhaps the most unbarible pain in
my life. I knew she just using that as an excuse to hurt me so badly, there was
no way I could cum and Heather knew that. The intense pain caused me to breath
more rapidly, forcing me to breathe in the smell of her socks nearly twice as
often with no means of stopping it. As katie tortured me, Heather yelled at me
to take a good whiff. "Smell it kyle, breathe in deeply, I
want to hear you suck it in." The pain already had me breathing rapidly, I
didnt know how she expected me to breathe faster. I sucked in deeply just once
so Heather would leave me alone. "Deeper Kyle, Suck it in hard." Heather
taunted me, forcing me to breathe in her socks deeply for nearly twenty
minutes. Although time
passed unusually odd with such effective sensory deprivation, I knew the
torture spree had to be near an end.
??????????? Eventually one and a half hours
passed by and the torture stopped just as they said. I felt straps release and
could finally move my head the slightest bit, Finally the sock was pulled away
from my nose and my head was lifted up to remove the sencory deprivation hood.
Still gagged and unable to talk, I faced the two girls. "Did
you like the smell of my socks Kyle." Both girls giggled after Heather
asked me that, they thought it was funny how completly dehumanised I was. I
could only let out a distorted reply to what Heather asked, the girls laughed even
harder when I tried to talk but couldnt even speak clearly. "You really
are a helpless shit, you know that." Katie said as she spit in my face.
Heather then released the gag and Katie assisted her placing my head back into
the cervical as well as the head immobalizer once again.? "Well Kyle you seemed to have done well.
You managed to stay fully errect the entire time." Heather said as she
looked disappointed. "Theres just one thing left Kyle, you must now tell
us in only five words what you thought of this experience to convince us your a
masochist." Although utterly exhausted, I managed to construct a well said
sentence with the little breath I had. "I have never felt so free" I
said, Right then both girls looked at each other and smiled. A hissing mask was
then placed over my face, covering the mouth and nose firmly. Both girls held
the mask in place as they leaned over the table looking down on me proud of
their success in complete domination. I tried to shake my head to shif the mask
away from me but the cervical collar and head immobalizer made it impossible, I
held my breath trying to avoid the gas from entering me, both girls noticed and
laughed at me ."You cant hold your breath forever Kyle, Go on just take a
deep breath." I had no choice, just as I had been breathing in her smely
socks I was forced to take in the constant flow of sleeping gas. I could see
the girls were excited as I watched them through an increasing daze, I became
dreamy and wondered to myself if this would be the last time I ever slept.
I like my bitches tied up, spanked, and fucked like the submissive whores they are, and I know that I’m not the only one of you fappers who loves a little bondage, BDSM, and rope-play. And yes, I’m referring to all sorts of bondage goodness – anything from ball gags and handcuffs to full-on latex suits and a little bit of pain to get you off. But it’s not always easy to get with a slut who is willing to let herself get hogtied and face-fucked until they’re crying. So, in-between babes, I wanted...
Live BDSM Sex CamsAsian Bondage is the kind of thing that some folks simply can’t get enough of. That’s what I told the barista after one of the other Starbucks customers complained about what I was watching on my laptop, but she didn’t seem to care. Whatever happened to freedom of expression? I was just trying to express my love for tied-up Chinese chicks, and Karen over here had to get her panties in a bunch. I took my fap session back home, where I can express myself in peace, but my yellow fever rages...
Fetish Porn SitesPart 1Hi, my name is Sally and I live in rural Devon, England, one of the prettiest parts of the country. I am 25 and single, have long blonde hair, a slim body and 34C breasts. I inherited a large Victorian house in a tiny hamlet, so I have no mortgage and can get by nicely on my salary as a part-time teaching assistant at a local primary school.I have had a fetish for bondage ever since I was a young girl, but I've never trusted anyone enough to tell them that, so I am heavily into...
Maria grit her teeth as the hooded bondage master introduced himself - not by name but by establishing his complete control over my wife.She stood silently before him, completely naked, submitting to whatever humiliation would be meted out to her.He’d started by running his hands over her body, lingering over her massive tits, kicking her legs apart so he could reach between them.“Nice tight cunt, for a slut,” he’d grunted.Now he stepped it up. He swung his hand with a full backswing,...
BDSM100% Pure Bondage Chapter 1 I met her where she worked at a gentleman's club. She was perhaps not the most strikingly beautiful woman I had ever seen at first glance, but I believeit was because she styled herself in a gothic manner, with a dark gloomyappearance and what appeared to be a Cleopatra wig. She certainly had all the tools to be a real looker. She had a great body, tall with long strong shapely legs and well-proportioned breasts. Her wig was straight and black, cut a...
She stood silently before him, completely naked, submitting to whatever humiliation would be meted out to her. He’d started by running his hands over her body, lingering over her massive tits, kicking her legs apart so he could reach between them. “Nice tight cunt, for a slut,” he’d grunted. Now he stepped it up. He swung his hand with a full backswing, connecting with her left breast. The slap echoed around the concrete chamber. Maria’s breast jolted up, almost hitting her in the face,...
TV BONDAGE MODEL by "cc" My name is Clinton Crayle, and I'm a very different kind of Private Detective; I specialize in untangling the kinky sex lives of the very rich. My fee is a Thousand Dollars a day and I'm seldom out of work because I guarantee my results and my clients know my discretion is absolute. So if you're rich and in a jam, come to my office..., as soon as I get one again, that is! The click-clack of my high heels on. the sidewalk should have been a familiar sound to...
Bosom Bondage Buddies, Part 2 by Brandy Dewinter (continued from part 1) Chapter 23 - Mistress Raven and Slaves The next morning I dressed in a midnight blue lace blouse and a snug leather mini while Kelly chose a cheerful ice-blue sundress. Having carefully cleaned my earposts twice a day as the holes healed during the previous week, for the first time I was able to wear the shining gold loop earrings. We climbed up on our impossibly high heels and swayed arm-in-arm out to...
Self Bondage Randomiser.First a little bit about myself.I am a heterosexual male in my mid 30's and I am an average hight of 5ft 10 and weight of around 180lb. I live with my girlfriend in our own home in a typical western town.My sex life is good but not kinky that often. I love my girlfriend dearly and while she knows of my kinky side its not often I get to tie her up or get tied up by her. My thought and fantasies about bondage and bdsm started at an early age, at first it was a thrill of...
PROLOGUEAs an adolescent and young teen, I was fascinated by cartoons and television shows depicting capture and kidnap scenarios. This fascination usually led to a 'stiffy', but I was too young and naive really to understand exactly what was happening. This enchantment led to exploration in self-bondage, and for years I indulged in this practice, particularly during the summer months when I was home from school and both parents worked.One Christmas my parents gave a a Polaroid camera that...
The Self Bondage Punishment Website - Chapter 1. DiscoveryDave came across his dream website. He couldn't believe it was true, but sure enough, there it was. The url was: selfbondageenforcement dot com, and it had everything Dave had ever dreamed about. Once one signed up, they could download, for a fee, everything needed to put yourself into inescapable bondage. And what made this special, was that the site sold a local transmitter that was installed into your home, and connected to the...
Wedding Bondage (Complete)************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan December 2009/April 2012The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************It started at Brian and Chloe’s wedding. Jane and I knew...
Chapter 1: Britney in BondageBritney jogged home from cheerleading practice. If she was quick she could have the apartment all to herself for 2 hours. Donna her roommate had taken an evening class which met 2 nights a week, unfortunately for Britney her cheerleading practice usually lasted almost the entire time Donna was in class so she had little time to practice self-bondage. Tonight would be different she would have the place to herself, and if anything went wrong, she could rely on...
The Self Bondage Punishment Website - Chapter 2. SetupThe next day, while Dave was waiting for the webcam installer to arrive, he decided to setup his enforcement sessions. He logged back into the website, and it reminded him to upload pictures. Dave had a whole bunch of bondage and exhibitionist pictures, so he uploaded them. After doing so, he noticed there was no way to delete them. He also noticed that the tracking device on the collar, which was in his bedroom in the box, was working. His...
Streets ??????? A Colorado Country Girl?s Self Bondage ?By Mary Elizabeth Moore Writing As Shackleford Bond CH 1My mom is the greatest person in the world. We were always close, but after my dad died we became even closer. We would talk for hours about anything and everything. When I got a little older we had long talks about sex and sexuality. Mom was very direct about such matters and didn?t hold back when it came to the birds and the bees.We lived on a farm but after my father died,...
When people conjure up images of bound women, they usually envision damsels in distress, securely bound on beds, chairs, or other bondage locations. Not too many people would consider bathtub bondage, but hopefully by the end of my story, there will be a few converts to the cause. Why bondage in water? Some of you are likely pondering this question. Actually my wife and bondage partner, Francine, and I never were bondage enthusiasts. We tried bondage once in our brass bed, finding it lacked...
When people conjure up images of bound women, they usually envision damsels in distress, securely bound on beds, chairs, or other bondage locations. Not too many people would consider bathtub bondage, but hopefully by the end of my story, there will be a few converts to the cause. Why bondage in water? Some of you are likely pondering this question. Actually my wife and bondage partner, Francine, and I never were bondage enthusiasts. We tried bondage once in our brass bed, finding it lacked...
It’s a beautiful warm mid summers day in a quiet secluded parkland.Trees are providing shade and protection from the harsh sun rays.I look around only to see trees all around me, a drive path just ahead of me that passes me from left to right, a large shelter on the left side with park benches in it with a car park on it’s left side.The drive path is made of gravel like a country homes driveway.From my position, the right side of the drive path leads out of my view. It leads to the exit of this...
-- Anna: Intro to Bondage --I was having morning coffee with my daughter-in-law Anna. We'd only recently started this, with me taking time from work to drop by her home and share a cup with her. She seemed to enjoy the time with me, a pleasant change from husband and c***dren. With the k**s at school and Allan off on his work routines, we had the house to ourselves. At first we were a little awkward, but after several visits we'd become comfortable with each other and always found something to...
-- Anna and Bondage --I'm having morning coffee with my daughter-in-law Anna. We've only recently started this, with me taking time from work to drop by her home and share a cup with her. She seems to enjoy the time with me, a pleasant change from husband and c***dren. With the k**s at school and Allan off on his work routines, we have the house to ourselves. At first we were a little awkward, but after several visits we're comfortable with each other and always find something to chat...
Note: English is not my mother tongue. Forgive me if sometimes it is difficult to read me, I?m not sure that I always used the right English term, or the correct grammatical form, and I apologize in advance to everyone who feel hurt!Chapter 1The website was very light. A wallpaper showing a naked girl tied spread-eagle on a wooden floor in an otherwise empty room. The ropes went from each wrist and ankle to four hooks in the four corners of the room. The room was empty but for a screen on the...
My adventure into Self Bondage – CaughtBy Dream ManMy name is Shane and I’m a male in my mid forties and I reckon I’m in pretty good shape. I was married but after a few years my wife and I decided to part company. I was devastated at first but then decided to get on with my life. Our sex life had been reasonable but at least now I could explore my quirky interest in bondage. This is largely a true storyI found the internet a great source of inspiration and ideas and after compiling some...
It had been a few weeks since Tom had taken the spare room in Jessica's flat. Jessica had taken on the lease for the whole flat and had been desperate for someone to take the second room. She was particularly pleased with Tom, he was tall, good looking and seemed like a fun kind of guy.Tom had also been pleased to move out from the flat he shared with his ex-girlfriend. Jessica's flat was small, but in a good part of town. Jessica herself seemed nice enough. Not what he'd call stunning,...
Of course, the barn bondage could have turned out very badly Chapter 1 meat — with a lower case ?m,? his online slave name — could not possibly know how his first encounter with Sona would turn out as his aging Maxima slalomed and side-slipped down the snow-covered one-lane road in the forests of western New Jersey to the GPS coordinates that she had provided. The fat flakes of falling snow reduced visibility to a few dozen feet despite the metronome-like swish-swish of his wipers. He would...
Let’s Play Bondage BaseballHi, my name is Christine. During my college years, I would spend summers at home working for my grandfather’s Foundation. Virtually all of my close friends, who were home for the summer, would get together about once a month for a pool party at someone’s house.On a June afternoon, the summer between my junior and senior years in college, we were all gathered for a pool party at my best friend Lisa’s house. There were about 20 of us there, probably about 50/50 girls...
Bondage Master’s Trap It was set than. Jackson had finally done it. It must be for real now? now that he had actually set an actual date and time. As he sat in front of his computer in nothing more than a robe that lay wide open, he hit send on his e-mail. He could not think of a time in recent memory that he was more sexually aroused. Casually, as he did thousands of times before, he took a pump of the skin lotion that sat next to him into the palm of his hand and rubbed his rock hard...
This is a story about my experiences in exploring self-bondage An Experiment in Self Bondage This is a story about my experiences in exploring self-bondage.? I am normally a dominant male who enjoys placing submissive women in restrictive bondage for prolonged periods.? I had always wondered what it felt like to bound and helpless, so I began exploring self-bondage.? As you know, the trick with self-bondage is to make the release reliable and foolproof, although I would prefer to...
"I am staying until sunday, and I know you have bondage plans so I have decided to help you out. John is coming over for the night, so you will be tied up and gagged here so that you don't disturb us. We will be using this bedroom so you will be under the bed or the basement" She said." Where do you wanna spend your night? " I was thrilled and nervous at the same time. This was going to be fun, being tied up and horny while they had their fun would arouse and humiliate me like hell. "Under the...
BondageI have a slightly kinky view of sex. Well, very kinky. Maybe too long browsing porn, too long spent alone with my fantasies? I have always gravitated towards bondage but never found a girlfriend that would indulge me and I didn’t want to pay for a domme. So, I tried self-bondage. I have a slightly kinky view of sex. Well, very kinky. Maybe too long browsing porn, too long spent alone with my fantasies? I have always gravitated towards bondage but never found a girlfriend that would indulge me...
BondageBrenda's Bondageby Abe Brenda dismounted her bike by the corner of the apartments. She had just ridden 9.3 miles in the southern California heat. She was one of those tall, muscular women who could be mistaken for a man. Her shoulders were as wide as her hips, and her upper body was trim and muscular from lifting weights. Her breasts were nicely shaped but not especially large. Her lower half , legs and bottom, was all muscle, the result of daily bicycle riding. Her hair was short...
A bondage conversionOK, this is my first attempt at a bit of prose. To make it extra interesting from a personal point of view is that this first attempt will be in the particular genre of ?erotic stories? and in English, not my native tongue. So,,,, please bear with me.Storyline: This story was sparked by photos taken of Dani, taken by Raymond Spekking mixed with my own fantasies. Why, I don’t know, but to me the photos are incredibly sexy and they give me a woody every time I see them The...
Linda was determined this time. She needed to feel the exquisite torture of being teased. She wanted to be able to prolong the pleasure of arousal as she had experienced in the past.Linda and her partner had been split up for a few months and her mind and body were returning to 'normal'. She wasn't dating again yet, but her body's desires were attempting to get her back out there. At night she would masturbate to relieve her tension, but afterwards, always felt disappointed. The orgasm...
The Self Bondage Punishment Website - Chapter 3. ActivationThat evening, after the webcam installer left, Dave had time to contemplate what was happening... way too fast. Dave was an athletic and fit 28 year old, and was independently wealthy, having been an only c***d when his wealthy parents passed away in an auto accident eight years ago. He had bought a three story tenement building in the heart of Chicago's Boystown community shortly thereafter with cash, and now has three tenants. Two gay...
Matthew and I were in our senior year at college and were attending an appreciation dinner for an organization where we both volunteered. We knew each other casually and just by chance we sat at the same table. I had always thought he was a nice guy and very hot, but we were both involved with others so I never pursued it. He later told me basically the same about me. We passed the time just making small talk but kept finding things we had in common, which was itself interesting since we were...
BDSMI know you horny fappers love the thought of having a kinky slut who’s into bondage do whatever you tell her to. Just imagine spanking that ass, tying them up, and fucking them while they can’t do so much as turn around. It’s certainly one of the best feelings there is. Or, hey, maybe you fantasize about having a dom bitch boss you around and peg you while you sit there hogtied. Well, that’s not something I would touch, but I’m not here to judge; you do you. On the contrary, I’m here to give...
Live BDSM Sex CamsWe begin our story in search of Jane Bondage, the most prized agent in her Majesty's secret service. Queen Lezbeth sent out most of her entire force in the search for her.You see, Jane retired a few years ago to a location unknown to everyone to avoid her powerful enemies as well as AT&T telemarketers.The world was in desperate need of her now more than ever as the evil Dr. John Covid spread his bug throughout the world.The evil Doctor had sprung many of his accomplices from prison. Their...
BDSMThe Bondage Whore, by Rachel St. Clair, All Rights Reserved.Chapter 1 - Job InterviewIt was around 4:30AM and Rachel St.Clair was beat. Walking the streets for such a small amount of money really sucked!!.. And no pun intended, Rachel wryly smiled. The streets were now deserted, no more money to be made tonight. Rachel started to head towards the seedy hotel where she barely managed a one bedroom fleabag. "I've got to find a way to make some better money", she sighed to herself. Rachel was now...
Holiday in Bondage by "c.c." As a successful Antique Dealer, I spend a lot of time traveling around the country, usually off the beaten path, where the best deals are. I generally stay at quiet Bed & Breakfast Places out in the sticks, and it was one of these casual stop-overs that changed my life in ways I never anticipated. Janet's Inn was set back off the main road, near a woods and pond, and she ran it with help from her live-in girlfriend Jeri. Both women were attractive...
BONDAGE FOR THE QUARTERBACK by Long Tall MaryMy name is Jeff, I am 18 years old, and was the highest rated high school quarterback in all of Central New York. Jeff isn’t my real name and I’m not going to identify either the high school or college, where I was accepted at. Suffice to say it is outside of New York, and is one of the top ten NCAA football teams. I plan to major in physical education, and probably in my freshman year will be a back up quarterback, then as a sophomore I’ll be the...
First Visit to a Haitian Bondage Club By Powerone Copyright 2005 M/F, Fsolo, humil, exhib, bdsm She closed her eyes as she lay on the large bed of her hotel room in theluxurious Moulin Sur Mer. The beachfront hotel was built on a sugar cane plantationaround the mid-18th century. She was here on a business trip, checking outa new factory to be built. It was part business and part pleasure, Lyn havingthe weekend before returning home, her business finished, a free weekend withno distractions....
The Self Bondage Punishment Website - Chapter 4. ExhibitionistDave awoke the next morning around 10AM. At first it was difficult to sleep with a collar on, not to mention being locked in a nasty, tiny chastity cage. But Dave was a great sleeper, and managed to fall asleep after an hour or so. It was Thursday, a nice warm Mid-August day, and Dave knew he'd need to do his first bondage session today. But he decided he'd do that a bit later in the day. First, he showered, made a quick lunch, and...
At just before midnight, Robert was awake, and completely off his normal schedule. He showered, addressed his ravenous appetite. The he. the mystery man had work to do. He measured the basement first. Considered, did a couple rough sketches, and checked his watch. Too late, he would have to call in the morning. Making a mental note, he moved along. The large shower was still there, he had finished that. The toilet and sinks were there, good to go. He turned the water on, and checked. Good...
Sherri rose and took his hand, they went upstairs, and fucked like mink as the saying goes. Sherri was disappointed, until he bound her hands, and then the passion increased for her. As she lay there, wrists encased in black leather, she thought about the pictures she had seen, resolving to find more information out about her life, more of what she can expect about her life. Sherri woke to the light beeping of the alarm, and felt his arms around her stir. She loved waking in his arms, and...
I'm a forty year old married woman who for the last 5 years or so has wanted to live out a fantasy of mine, Bondage!. This fantasy started many years old while searching internet sites late one night while my husband of 20 years slept. I've always had a high sex drive, something that sadly my husband has not got. But I had stayed faithful and never strayed with another man even though I must admit I had thought about it a few times in the past. Instead of cheating on my husband I would spend...
FetishAfter spending an night and morning exploring the sexuality of my best friend’s wife, Jessica, she had expressed an interest in exploring bondage. I decided that I would put together some things to have with me, just in case I got a chance to spend another night with her while her husband was out of town. I was certain that a fair amount of rope would be necessary, several pieces of varying lengths were readily available, since my wife and I had sometimes explored some bondage scenarios. ...
My husband is a raunchy stud whom I love dearly, especially with my vagina. We've never pretended that sex was not the best part of our relationship, though we can keep ourselves somewhat in control under most circumstances. We also have what goes way beyond a merely open marriage. That's something we keep secret from our neighbors and the other parents. Things may get complicated when the kids get old enough to figure out what's going on. But for now that isn't a...
This how we managed to have a threesome with Tracy for the first time without her knowledgeThis picture story involved Me Terry and my Wife Tracy and Bill an old family friendIt all started with some pictures of Bill’s ex-Wife on an old laptop A couple of weeks ago I got a call from Bill an old friend asking for my help with his laptop which had broken down. I said for him to bring it over on Saturday morning.He arrive with it on Saturday as planed after 20 minutes of testing it I told him the...
Late night Library fantasy.It all started with my late-night visits to Liverpool Central Library. I use the place at least once a week as I’m studying as a mature student. My preferred time is late, usually after midnight. It’s the best time to go as it’s pretty quiet & you be sure that the only other users are serious geeks who, like myself try to avoid being disturbed.Anyway, back to my fantasy…..One evening, I’d dropped into the library & chosen my preferred corner, the older part...
Bosom Bondage Buddies by Brandy Dewinter Chapter 1 - The Challenge "We need to lose some weight," my wife Kelly said as she poked me in my over-inflated spare tire. "Me more than you," I agreed, "but you're right. If I don't lose some weight, I'm headed for heart attack, or diabetes like my father. We've tried though, and nothing seems to work." We had had this conversation before, both of us were cursed with an endomorph body, short and highly efficient at storing...
It had been a small gathering in Jinx's studio apartment. We had been sitting on Jinx's large four poster bed. When The ohers left, I stayed behind to say my goodbyes to Jinx, because this was The fist time I had met her.The four poster had been intriguing me. I had been looking at The carving at The foot , and I was intrigued."Er---ropes?" I asked.."How did you know?""The marks on The bedposts. Nice four-poster bed, by The way.""Thanks. You're pretty observant. You into bondage?"I hedged a...
It had been a small gathering in Jinx's studio apartment. We had been sitting on Jinx's large four poster bed. When The ohers left, I stayed behind to say my goodbyes to Jinx, because this was The fist time I had met her.The four poster had been intriguing me. I had been looking at The carving at The foot , and I was intrigued."Er---ropes?" I asked.."How did you know?""The marks on The bedposts. Nice four-poster bed, by The way.""Thanks. You're pretty observant. You into bondage?"I hedged a...
Well, me and my girlfriend Johanna have just gotten married! What we did on our wedding night will come later but now to what happened yesterday.I had had a rough week at work and on saturday morning Johanna came home and saw that once again I was in a bad mood so she decided to cheer me up.-Mike?-What is it Johanna?And as I looked up I saw her hold out a pair of handcuffs and the leather nackcuff she usually wore when she was the submissive one. Her clothing was a white t-shirt and a black...
apter 1 – First ImpressionsIt was late June in the Midwestern college town. Three weeks before, Dan had received his degree in Information Technology, but instead of celebrating, he was concerned for his future. The recent economic downturn had ruined his hopes for landing a job in his field, and for the first three weeks after graduation, Dan moped around his rented house checking the mail every afternoon for responses to job applications only to find nothing but bills.With his grant money...
Self- bondage for seriously interested men CHAPTER 1I hope you will enjoy this account of self bondage, but before I start I feel I need to explain: this is NOT a fictional story: everything you will read here is hard fact, hard earned by trial and error, over a period of several years. I have decided to post this to save others who wish to indulge themselves from having to make...
Story: Bondage Bride (fsub spank bond)There were only a few friends at the wedding. Family just wouldnot have understood. The bride got all the attention. Not onlywas Shawna beautiful -- she had walked down the aisle with hergloved hands cuffed behind her. She was also deliriously happy. Her bridal veil covered her face, and her white wedding dress wasa touch on the modern side - low cut in front to show somecleavage, and the hem settled just above her knees. She hadmeticulously shaved her...
Slave Girls in Bondage Chapter 72 Another dastardly plot! More innocent women bound and turned into slavegirls. While the travesty never end? I hope not. Her name was Shirley Simpson and she was a minor functionary in some partof some big company. Her office, for some strange reason, had an incredibleturn over in clerks. It seemed they were hired, and within a couple weeks,they would disappear. Nobody really cared except for the personnel office thatwas tired of filling out all the...
It all started with my late-night visits to Liverpool Central Library. I use the place at least once a week as I’m studying as a mature student. My preferred time is late, usually after midnight. It’s the best time to go as it’s pretty quiet & you be sure that the only other users are serious geeks who, like myself try to avoid being disturbed.Anyway, back to my fantasy…..One evening, I’d dropped into the library & chosen my preferred corner, the older part with it’s vaulted ceilings,...
I received an e-mail from a couple lesbian friends of mine. Angi and Jenny asking me, if I wanted to go in with them and rent a cabin at Government Camp for the weekend. For my friends who don't know where Government Camp is located, it's a small high mountain community East of Portland, Oregon at the base of Mt. Hood. It gets lots of snow there over 6 feet during the Winter. We lucked out, it hasn't started to snow yet while we was there. Anyways, the Ladies asked me to meet them there about...