Of Course, The Barn Bondage Could Have Turned Out Very Badly free porn video

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Of course, the barn bondage

could have turned out very badly 

Chapter 1

meat — with a lower case ?m,? his online slave name — could not possibly know how his first encounter with Sona would turn out as his aging Maxima slalomed and side-slipped down the snow-covered one-lane road in the forests of western New Jersey to the GPS coordinates that she had provided.  The fat flakes of falling snow reduced visibility to a few dozen feet despite the metronome-like swish-swish of his wipers. He would have never been able to find this isolated place without a Garmin.

He was thankful for front-wheel drive and his decision to mount winter tires this year.  Walking barefoot for a quarter of a mile through 4-inch deep snow to seek help from some stranger to free his snowbound car would challenge even his darkest sexual fantasies — not to mention how problematic it would be to explain why he had no shoes or socks. Sona had ordered him to travel to her barefoot. Slaves are not permitted to wear shoes, she had written. His cock got hard when she affirmed the first rule. He would never have considered disobeying her.

The winter tires and the front-wheel drive kept the Nissan passably straight and moving

forward until he saw the ghost-like barn materialize out of the fading light and the falling snow — pale and pastel at first, then deeper red as his Maxima approached it.  The barn had a traditional gambrel roof steeply sloped, perhaps 40 feet above the ground. 

His car approached the barn end on.  Cut out of the native stone foundation from which the wooden structure ascended, he could see the oversized sliding doors in the center of the side wall through which a tractor could drag behemoth farm implements out of the elements. At the end of the barn closest to his car was a smaller walk-in ?Dutch? door, split into halves top and bottom.

What was left of the one-lane road ran out 100 yards from the barn, where the two strands of electrified wire that comprised the livestock fence formed a crude gate with slender matching fence poles, the opening was about twice the width of his car.  If the road continued up to the barn, the snow hid any indication of it.  But that didn’t matter anyway because a steel farm gate was closed and padlocked across the opening.  He would be forced to walk barefoot through the ankle-deep from where he had stopped his car. 

Chapter 2

He looked around for signs of company.  No light emerged from the barn.  The snow on the ground between his car and the barn was undisturbed. Apparently meat was alone.  The idea troubled him.  He considered turning the car around and going home, except his cock stiffened. Sona’s orders on the CD she had sent him had been explicit.  He wanted to hear her voice again. He picked up the silvery disk from the passenger seat and fed it into the slot in his dash.  The clock in his head counted off the few seconds that passed while the disk powered up to speed then Sona’s voice oozed out of the Maxima’s Bose speakers, deep, rich and dominant, but at the same time feminine and very erotic.

?When you arrive at the barn, buckle the enclosed leather dog collar around your neck. Remove your car key from the ignition then use the combination padlock to lock your car key to the D-ring on the collar.?

He paused the CD then did as he was told. Sona had said when they negotiated his submission online that only she could have the combination if he was to be her slave. He clicked the padlock closed, locking his free will to the leather collar along with the key. He was committed.

Chapter 3

He didn’t need to listen to the CD again to know what she demanded that he do. He opened the glove box and took out the small pill bottle.  Inside the bottle were two blue pills, Viagra.  He opened the bottle, put it to his lips and threw his head back.  The pills plopped to the back of his throat, and meat swallowed them.  Then meat twisted the cap off his bottle of water and followed the pills with several gulps. 

After pausing 30 seconds to gather his courage, meat pushed the switch on the armrest that popped opened the trunk.  Then he opened his car door, swung around the body that no longer belonged to him, and stepped out into the snow, first his left foot then his right. The snow extruded between meat’s toes. The cold on his bare feet was penetrating.  His feet sank into the icy powder, packing it to not quite a half-inch deep beneath his soles.  He had to consciously will himself to move his feet. Hesitantly, meat pushed the car door closed behind him.

The clock in meat’s head started counting. Time was his antagonist now. Too soon the frigid snow would begin to feel like hot wax engulfing his feet.  He barefooted hurriedly to the back of the car and lifted the trunk.  Without hesitating, meat slipped out of his leather coat and peeled off his wool sweater, then dropped them both into the trunk.  He unfastened his jeans and pushed them down to his ankles.  He wore no underwear.  Sona had forbidden it.  He stepped out of his pants, snapped the clinging snow off them, dropped them in the trunk on top of his other clothes, then meat slammed the trunk lid closed.

The night air was cold, but the wind was still, so the flakes fluttered straight down.  His exposed skin swiftly melted the flurry of large flakes as they dropped onto it. The barn looked to meat like it was 300 torturous, snow-covered yards away.  He could feel the skin on the soles of his feet starting to burn. He knew the sensation was an illusion.  The brain had trouble expressing the pain difference between bare feet walking across sunbaked asphalt and bare feet trudging through four inches of new snowfall. He mustn’t delay, though.

The gate was close but it would be impassable anyway because of the chain and lock. Coils of barbed wire across the top of the gate discouraged him, naked as he was, from trying to climb over. He started for the electric fence.  One strand of wire ran parallel to the ground  about knee-high, the other came to just above his cock, now shrunken, cowed by the cold. He couldn’t tell by looking if the two wires were hot, so he had to assume they were. Stepping over the fence was not possible because the top wire was too high off the ground.  He had to slip between the wires. Meat bent over at the waist extended his arms straight out parallel to the wires and eased his naked body between the strands.  He extended his right leg and lifted it through, putting his foot back down onto the snow-covered ground.

He hesitated for moment to stabilizing himself with both feet on the ground and the bottom wire running between his legs less than an inch below his dangling cock and balls. 

Briefs would have been helpful at that moment, he thought.

Then meat shifted his weight, moving his body to the barn-side of the fence.  He lifted his left foot out of the snow, raised his leg and straightened it, pointing the toes to bring the appendage between the wires. His heel brushed against the top wire and a vibrating jolt of current raced the full length of his left leg across his hips and down his right leg to the snow-blanketed ground. He shrieked.  The thigh muscle in his right leg spasmed.  The leg buckled beneath him. His carefully balanced body dropped. Then his cock and balls came down on the electric wire, creating a new path for the electricity to follow, through his genitals and hips and down his leg. The pain of the electrical shock was entirely unexpected.  Meat’s hand shot to the ground to catch himself as he fell.  When the hand touched the snow, the electricity reversed its course, grabbing his cock and balls again then shooting up his abdomen to his chest, to his shoulder then down his arm.  The big muscles in his right arm spasmed just as his leg had and it buckled as well.  He tumbled through the fence into the snow onto his back.  His arms and legs cleared the electric fence, and he was through.

Chapter 4

He remained still for a moment taking stock of his condition despite the shock of finding the flesh of his torso in the snow.  The electric jolt had passed. His right arm and both legs worked again. ?Crap!? meat said then pushed himself off the ground. He brushed away the loose snow he could reach and scurried barefoot, naked and cold, but mostly unscathed, toward the shelter of the barn.

By the time he reached the Dutch door his feet were numb. He pulled open the door, relieved to find that it would open and stepped in to the barn where he slapped his feet, one at time, against the dirt floor to dislodge the snow. His feet were still felt icy, but the barn floor felt warmer than the snow cover outside, even though he knew it probably wasn’t.

Inside the barn was too dark to see more than six feet into the doorway.  Sona had said he would find bondage equipment inside with which he was to prepare himself.  He turned back to the open door and saw the electric fence energizer sitting on a rustic shelf against the wall about 6 feet from the door.  Its power cord was plugged into another device sitting next to it that looked more high tech, but whose function he could not immediately discern in the dim light. Perhaps it is a timer, meat thought. The cord to the high tech device dropped down from the shelf and was plugged into a wall socket mounted on a thick, age-darkened , wall stud, 12 inches above the dirt floor. The twin electrical leads attached to the electric fence energizer snaked sideways toward the beam to a white porcelain insulator screwed to the wood then angled up into the darkness to another insulators beyond which his eyes couldn’t follow. The direction was odd.  He would have expected the leads to go through the wall to power the electric fence that had thrown him to the ground earlier.

He turned back to the open doorway.  Beside it meat found an electrical switch bolted to the door frame.  The switch was a rotary timer, the type often used in bathrooms to turn off the radiant heater after 20 minutes. He turned the switch and immediately it began to tick and a single dim light bulb, 40 watts at the most, blinked on near the center of the barn. 

He pulled the Dutch door shut and a metal latch clicked into its hasp securing it.  Already his bare flesh felt warmer even though the temperature inside the barn was the same as the temperature outside.  At least he was sheltered from the snowfall.

He turned and stepped deeper into the barn.  The bulb in the distance lighted a 10-foot or so radius beyond which could have been a black hole, for all he could tell.  Then he saw the support beams at the edges of the circle of light, four of them. Each beam extended upward to support the open sides of two hay lofts, one on his right and one on his left, then continuing upward into the darkness, presumably to support the open beams of the gambrel roof. The beams extended from one end of the barn to the other, forming an open tunnel for him to follow, flanked by lofts.  Otherwise the ground floor of the barn’s interior, or as much of it as he could see, was open and empty.

He kept moving forward. When he was closer to the light he saw the orange glow of an electric space heater near the opposite edge of the circle of light.  In front of it, a spreader bar dangled at the end of a heavy chain that dropped out of the darkness from the invisible rafters. From each end of the spreader bar hung a suspension cuff dangling from an open padlock. 

Directly beneath the dangling spreader bar a one-inch black pipe jutted vertically from the floor where it was screwed into a steel flange bolted into a foot square concrete footing.  The pipe terminated in a black steel ?T? a little below crotch height. Sona had called it the ?torture T.? A 3-foot length of ?-inch nylon cord was carefully draped over the steel ?T.? 

Hanging by its head strap from the spreader bar was a T-shaped gag assembled from tough, white PVC pipe and folded neatly across the center of the bar was a spandex slave hood.

On the ground, parallel to the spread bar was a pair of heavy ankle cuffs padlocked to lengths of 3/8 inch chain extending from the cuff to a beam on the left and one on the right. The cuffs and chain stopped two feet short of reaching the steel pipe with the ?T.? Near the right ankle cuff was foot switch.  Its power cable meandered off into the darkness.  That would be the winch control, he thought. 

Chapter 5

Sona’s instructions on the CD were unreal to him when she explained what he was to do in the barn, but the arrangement of the BDSM equipment suddenly rendered the extent of his voluntary submission quite real.  He closed his eyes and the vivid image of his naked, spread-eagled body caused his cock to swell.

If you want to be my slave, Sona had written in one of their e-mail exchanges. Then you must do what I order you to do.  Don’t obey because you find submission deeply arousing.  Your arousal doesn’t matter to me. Don’t obey because you trust me.  I am free to do whatever I want, and I don’t need or even want your trust. Obey because you are my slave and you don’t have a choice.

He felt his fear rising.  This is foolish, he knew. Oh, so foolish. He was naked in a snow storm, about to lock himself into restraints from which he would not be able to escape, in a barn in the middle of a wilderness where nobody would think to look for him, obeying the command of sadistic mistress he had never met and whom he could not be certain would even show up.  If Sona didn’t come, he would freeze to death and nobody would find him, perhaps until the spring thaw.

He could still leave.  He was still a free man. His car was still warm outside. His clothes were in the trunk.  He could flee, escape through the Dutch door, race back barefoot through the snow to the electric fence.  He shuddered, ?Oh, God, the electric fence.?  But he could still cop out. He could always rely on just his fantasies for his sexual gratification?

But the car key padlocked to the collar around his neck took away those choices. 

He shrugged mentally.  He had come this far.  He wanted to be her slave.  He wanted Sona to be able to do whatever she wanted to do to him. He might never get again get the chance to bloom his masochistic fantasies into the flower of real sensations and exotic experiences.

He positioned himself on the opposite side of the steel post so he would be facing the door as Sona had commanded.  He could feel the heat on his back radiating from the space heater.  It warmed him a little.  Then he locked his left ankle into the ankle cuff.  The padlock clicked shut confirming his commitment. 

So, he spread his legs the 4 feet to reach the other ankle cuff. He adjusted his position until he was able to lock the right cuff in place as well. 

Next he had to tie his balls to the steel ?T? atop the black steel pipe.  He picked up the nylon cord, doubled it once to even out the ends, then positioned the middle of the cord behind his scrotum, tied a triple-twisted knot in the cord so it would not loosen when he pulled it tight then drew it tight across the top of his balls until he could feel the burn in his scrotum. He waited for the burning to subside then pulled the cord tighter still and the burn returned.  He let the loose ends of the cord drop down, one end on each side of his balls, tied another triple twisted knot and pulled the new knot beneath his balls tight. He repeated the knots on top of his balls and bottom two more times, looping the cord round and round his scrotum, snugging each new knot.  The final knot, on the top side of his scrotum he tied off in a square knot so the cord could not loosen.  After his balls were wrapped, his scrotum was drawn into an improbably tight neck from which his balls protruded like two Grade AA eggs that had the skin stretched over them as if they had been skillfully upholstered in thin, tight flesh.

The loose ends of the cord hung down from the top knot on each side of his balls.  He lifted the cord over the top of the black steel ?T? in front of him then put his hand under his balls and lifted them onto the ?T.?  The steel pipe was bitingly cold, and he winced.

With his legs spread and secured, the pipe and the ?T? on top of it was just the right height for his balls to clear.  He had to bend his knees only slightly. 

He took the ends of the cord in each hand, passed it around behind the pipe, tied a triple-twisted knot and pulled the cord until it drew his balls to the side of the ?T? away from his body.  Then meat wrapped the ends of the cord around the fingers of each hand and pulled the knot tight until all he pulled out all of the slack.  His crotch rested on the ?T? and balls were stretched over the front of it and immobilized by the cord.

He finished tying his balls to the steel ?T,? bring the cord up between the steel and his crotch, then tying a knot across the top of his balls,  then dropping the cord down again to wrap and knot the cord repeatedly, tying his balls in multiple, redundant loops over to the steel ?T.? When the ends of the cord were too short to loop around the pipe and his balls again, he tied off the ends on the back side of the pipe in his most secure knot. 

He did not know what Sona planned to do with his cock and balls but tied as they were, he had voluntarily given her a stationary toy with which to play or a fixed target for whatever sadistic device she wished to use.  His cock stiffened again.

This time his arousal was not only caused by the anticipation of the CBT he expected to experience in his near future.  The Viagra was kicking in.  He could feel the stiffness in his neck and the stuffiness in his nose starting — the side effects he was accustomed to.  He was fortunate that he didn’t also get the headaches from which some men suffered after taking the drug.

Very soon his cock would be trying to split its elastic flesh and throbbing from the double dose Sona had ordered him to swallow.  Not even the cold barn would be able to shrink his cock once that much drug was fully circulating through his blood stream. 

With his ankles secured and his balls tied to the torture ?T,? it was time to complete his bondage.  Carefully he took down the left suspension cuff.  If he dropped one of the open padlocks he would never be able to reach it, even if he untied his balls, which he really did not want to do.  He pushed his hand through the cuff and pulled the wrist strap snug, then buckled it tightly enough that he would not be able to pull his hand loose.  Next he put his right hand through the other cuff and fastened it the same way.

The hood and gag had to go on before he could lock his wrists to the spreader bar.  He pulled the latex hood over his head and adjusted it so the blindfold completely blocked his vision.  The hood only had an opening where his mouth was, to accommodate a gag.  He opened his mouth and pushed the pipe gag into his mouth.  The gag was homemade but ingenious.  It was made from PVC pipe parts — a pipe nipple glued into the center opening of a ?T? connector.  He had to force his mouth open as wide as possible to insert the nipple between his teeth.  Fully inserted his teeth cleared the end of the nipple inserted into the ?T.?  Even without the head strap he would never be able to remove the gag without using his hands.

He panicked for a moment. With the gag inserted, his mouth was spread so wide he found he couldn’t breathe through his nose. Then he realized that the opening in the pipe provide an amply airway for him to suck in the cold barn air. Then he fastened the head strap at the back of his head with the spring clasp attached to it.  The gag was doubly secure.

Now that he was blind and mute. Securing his wrists would be the tricky part.  He would be forced to lock the cuffs to the spreader bar by touch.  One clumsy fumble of his cold fingers and he could drop a padlock.  If both hands were still free he might be able to recover the lock by undoing the bondage securing his balls.  However, if he succeeded in locking one wrist then fucked up and dropped the other lock he would not be able to complete his prescribed bondage.  Sona would be disappointed in him.  He did not want to disappoint his mistress.

He used his right hand to lock the suspension cuff’s D-ring on his left wrist to the eye bolt intended for at the end of the bar.  He took a breath to steady himself then cautiously positioned the padlock dangling from the eye bolt at the opposite end of the bar so the hasp was open. He slipped the remaining D-ring on his right cuff into the open locked, carefully swung the body of the lock to its locking position, then took the entire lock in his hand to press the hasp into its locking hole.  The first time the position was wrong and the lock wouldn’t close.  He set up the lock again, felt for the locking hole so he knew where to find it, then twisted the body of lock around again and squeezed it closed.  The lock snapped.  He was locked into a classic bondage position, spread-eagled helplessly and his balls were tied securely so both his cock and balls were utterly immobilized on the torture ?T.?

Chapter 6

He had only one instruction left to complete.  That was to use the electric winch to raise the spreader bar until meat could raise it no farther.  He felt around with the toes of his right foot until he located the foot switch. He depressed the switch with his big toe.  He heard the winch hum somewhere behind him and immediately the spread bar began to ascend.  It rose slowly, stretching his arms straighter and straighter.  His shoulders lifted, then his torso began to raise.  Already he was uncomfortable. He took his toe off the footswitch, gathered his resolve, then found the switch again.  Again the spreader bar began to rise.  He felt his scrotum start to stretch, pulling at his balls then his heels lifted off the dirt floor, so he had to stand on his tiptoes. His toes slipped off the footswitch, and he couldn’t reach it any longer. 

His bondage was complete. He was blindfolded and gagged, naked in a cold New Jersey barn in a snow storm, semi-suspended with his balls tied to a torture-T. All he could do now was wait.

He wondered what Sona looked like.  Would her voice sound strong and commanding? What would she be wearing? 

He could feel his drug-stimulated cock bobbing in the freezing air. The stiff neck and stuffy nose were irrelevant now. 

The heat radiating on his back blink out, and he knew that the rotary timer had returned to zero and light and heater had turned off.

The pressure on his wrists and balls grew more painful at first, then the pain subsided as the slowed circulation and the cold air numbed them.

He called up his most erotic fantasies to help pass the creeping time.  He played various bondage fantasies over and over in his head.  He replayed his whipping, and cock and ball torture fantasies.  Each rehearsed fantasy pumped more endorphins through his blood stream, helped suppress the pain of his awkwardly stretched limbs, the cold on his flesh, and kept his cock throbbing.

He heard the Dutch door latch click.  A few moments later he could feel the heat on his back again.  The lights were on.  Sona was here!

Oh, god, he thought. What is she going to do to me?  The rising fear made his swollen cock bob more actively.

He felt fingers pinch his nipples then meat gasped when he felt the unmistakable pain of weighted nipple clamps as the fingers clipped one to each nipple and released it. The weights were heavy – several ounces he thought.  Once he had hung 18 ounces of lead fishing weights from wire clamps on each nipple for 15 minutes.  The pull of the weights was painful, but removing them had been unbearable. He gasped for a full two minutes. His nipples had been sore for a week after that. 

Fingers caressed his cock gently then he felt finger nails drag across the stretched skin of his balls.

Fingers were replaced by a tongue, unmistakably warm where it touched the ice cold flesh of his cock. The tongue left behind a meandering trail of moisture where ever it went, moisture that sucked even more cold air onto his bobbing cock.  He groaned with the pleasure of it.  Then his freezing cock slipped into a 98.6 degree mouth and lips closed around it. 

Please let it stay in that warmth forever, he thought.

The lips and tongue and enclosing mouth worked his cock, slowly and methodically at first. Soon he was panting through the gag. His arousal built quickly because of the extended foreplay of his self-inflected bondage. Before he wanted it, his orgasm came.  It was intense and he heard himself grunting behind the pipe gag as spasm after spasm of hot sperm shot into the greedy mouth. 

Then the orgasm was over and the hypersensitivity in the head of his cock started. He had never been able to tolerate the continued stimulation of his cock after orgasm because the nerves became so sensitive. 

The mouth didn’t stop sucking and pumping after he had emptied his balls. The lips and tongue became greedier, the mouth sucking even harder on the overstimulated glans, making meat shriek with the agony of pleasure that was too intense for him to handle. Had it not been for the pipe gag he would have promised anything if only Sona would stop. The pleasurable torture continued until the nerves in the head of his cock, one by one, stopped firing intensely pleasurable volleys to his brain. Finally, the mouth withdrew.

Exhausted, meat sagged in his bonds.  His cock was still Viagra hard, but his sexual tension had been sucked out of him through his cock.  His resolve quickly faded.  He wanted to quit, but the gag prevented him from communicating that desire to Sona.  So, he moaned through the gag, trying to make her understand that he didn’t want to be in bondage any more.

Sona didn’t seem to understand, he thought.  Or, perhaps she didn’t care what he wanted.  After all, he had given himself to her as a slave.  Why should she stop before she wanted to?

Chapter 7

Meat smelled the menthol odor of Deep Heat. A hand wrapped its fingers around his swollen cock.  He felt icy metal part the lips of his pee hole.  Slowly the pencil-thick metal slid into the tunnel that penetrated the length of his erection. He gasped as the hand massaged his cock, easing the probe deeper. Deeper and deeper it delved. The probe stopped when it filled the entire length of his erection, and he felt metal press against the tip of his cock.  The hand released his swollen flesh then he felt pressure as the probe extruded gel deep inside.  The probe withdrew a quarter of an inch and stopped.  He felt the pressure again.   The probe withdrew a little farther, followed by the pressure, again and again, methodically until the probe slipped from between the tiny lips of his cock head.

The sensation that his erection had been stuffed with dry icy started at the base of his cock then crept the length of him until meat’s cock felt like it was frozen to brittle crystal.  He moaned.  The sensation of his urethra being stuffed with dry icy slowly changed to fire. His cock felt as if it was being probed by the 6-inch-long working end of hot soldering iron. His erection burned from the inside out.  He screamed and his hips began thrashing, involuntarily trying to pull his cock away from the heat. His cock bounced and thrashed in the cold barn air.  His thrashing hips succeeded only in tugging cruelly at the cord that secured his balls to the steel T, stretching his scrotum painfully back and forth.

Something smacked sharply atop the head of his cock. The blow stung. The first blow was followed by another, then another.

The blows changed direction.  Now they snapped his cock right to left, then left to right. He wanted to beg his tormentor to stop and groaned inarticulately through the pipe gag. He was ready to pass out. Then the blows stopped.

He heard the whir of the winch. The leather wrist cuffs dragged his body higher into the frigid air.  His toes left the cold dirt floor, his cuffed ankles pulled further apart and the tension on his painfully stretched scrotum frightened him.  What if his scrotum tore and his balls squirted out of their sack. He grunted repeatedly through the pipe gag in a desperate attempt to communicate his distress.

The winch stopped.  His body dangled from the arm spreader in the erotic X shape that recurred so frequently in his fantasies.  But, never in his darkest wet dreams did he envision that the vulnerable X his suspended body formed would be anchored by his balls being tied to a steel pipe sunk in a concrete footing buried unyieldingly in the dirt floor. The weight of his body dangled from his aching wrists and meat’s balls burned as much from being stretched unnaturally as from the wicked liniment with which Sona had coated them.

He heard the swish, which was swiftly followed by the left side of his immobilized balls being stung.  He yelped. Another swish was followed by stings on the right side of his balls. He yelped again.  He tried to calm himself by imagining what kind of implement Sona tortured him with now, but the frequency of the stings accelerated — left, then right, left, then right, again and again, faster and faster.  He screamed until he was breathless. The speed of the stings became unbearable. He screamed again then the scream chased its own crescendo until it became a high-pitched shriek. He emptied his lungs, gasped for more air then shrieked even more shrilly than before.

Finally, the swishing and intolerable stinging stopped. He panted gratefully, grunting as he gasped to fill his starved lungs with the icy air.

The winch whirred again, but this time he felt his body descending. The pressure on his stretched scrotum eased. His toes touched dirt and he could take some of the weight off his wrists.  His hands were completely numb. Then he could stand flat-footed on the floor of the barn and the winch went silent again.

A hand seized the head of cock, squeezed and stretched his penis at the same time.  He felt cold metal touch the top of his cock just behind its head then the metal pushed down each side of his cock.  The fingers worked the loose skin behind meat’s cock head until the metal device straddled his cock like a rider sitting atop a compliant horse.  The fingers worked skillful near his frenum, doing something to the metal device that he couldn’t make out. When the fingers released his cock, it plopped a little heavier from the metal — some kind of ring, he surmised -- onto his tightly bound balls. For a few moments he could her Sona moving about in front of him.  God, he wished he could see what she looked like. Then his cock lifted again, but the fingers weren’t touching it.  She was moving his cock by the metal ring attached to it.  She pulled the ring, tightening it snugly against the rim of skin at the base of his cock’s head.  He surmised that she had attached something metal to the ring because his cock felt heavier, yet.

She released whatever she was holding, but his cock didn’t drop.  The ring and whatever it was attached to kept his cock suspended.  He heard clicking in front of him at the same time his cock was pulled that same direction. Apparently she had tied his cock to a winch in front of him, he guessed. His cock stretched then stretched even further. His body arched to follow it until it could arch no more because his balls were still anchored to the steel T at the end of the pipe. 

The clicking stopped.

He felt a vibration through his cock.

What now? He thought.

Then a sense of deep foreboding swept through his spread-eagled body to the tips of numb fingers and nearly frozen toes.

He heard Sona’s footsteps receding in the barn.  Then the footsteps stopped. For a few seconds the barn was silent.

Chapter 8

When the electric current slammed into his cock and balls the fierceness of its power snatched away his breath so he couldn’t even scream. The current buzzed through his cock and balls like a silent vibrator for perhaps five seconds — time that seemed never to end.

The electricity stopped.  He sucked in a breath, then expelled it out of his lungs again in a long, shrill screech. 

Heard the Dutch door squeak on its rusty hinges then the latch clicked. He could just hear the scrunch of footsteps receding in the snow beyond the door.

Was that it? He asked himself.

Five minutes passed, then 10.  The clock in his head ticked off ever so slowly because bound as he was, he could do nothing but wait. At 15 minutes he felt the tingle of a weak electrical current on the bottom side of his sensitized balls.  The charge built steadily.  He gasped in a lungful of icy air.  The electricity lunged through his balls, charged the length of his cock and spewed out of the head like an orgasm conjured by Satan in the second circle of hell. Simultaneously, the screamed blew out of his lung and sustained itself.  The charge waned gradually to a trickle then faded to nothing. He panted, desperate to replace the oxygen his body had expelled.

Fifteen more minutes passed.  This time the current slammed him in the groin hard enough to kick his hips back. The force of the spasm yanked his cock against the metal collar that ensnared it and cruelly wrenched his ball sack.  The current caught him with his breath expelled and grabbed his crotch so hard he couldn’t inhale to even scream. 

This one lasted.  He didn’t know how long because the clock in his head winked out like he had been sucked passed the event horizon into a black hole.  He lost consciousness. 

When he awoke, the electricity was gone, his legs had gone limp, and he was dangling by the wrists and his balls.  He got his legs under him to take the weight off his balls. The clock in his head was useless now because he had no idea how long he had been out. The electricity might return any second.  The possibility terrified him.

Four minutes later the current surged through his cock and balls again. He filled his lungs to scream again. This time the electricity lasted only a second, but a second after that, the current slammed his genitals again.  Two seconds of hell ticked by. The surge of current winked off for two seconds.  Then the shock grabbed his genitals again – one second, two seconds, three, then four. He just started to scream when the current vanished.  Four seconds later the electricity slammed his balls again. At four seconds his scream erupted.  At eight seconds the current was gone again. 

The electro torture was terrifying enough, but the on again, off again repetition, doubling each time horrified him.  He wouldn’t be able to tolerate much more, he thought. But the electro torture continued – 16 seconds, then 32, then 64. 

His screaming made his throat raw. He yanked desperately at his wrist and ankle cuffs, but they would not yield. Predictably the next surge of current started a little over two minutes later and lasted 128 seconds. He was hyperventilating by the time the electricity stopped and he continued to hyperventilate through the next two minutes until the current lit up his cock and balls again.  Halfway through the 256 second burst he passed out. 

He would never know if the nine minute power surge ever came or the 18 minute one that would surely have followed that.  He regained consciousness, still hanging by his wrists with his cock and balls still bound to the steel T, and immediately smelled the acrid odor of ether.  The saturated cloth covered the openings in the pipe gag and a few seconds later meat slipped again into unconsciousness.

Chapter 9

When he awoke he was groggy, disoriented and shivering uncontrollably.  His jaws ached from hours of being forced apart by the pipe gag. 

He found himself in a naked heap on the dirt floor of the barn.  The spandex hood still covered his eyes.  But, his arms and legs were no longer bound. His fingers were stiff with the cold, and he couldn’t feel his toes. He released the spring clip and unstrapped the pipe gag, working it past his teeth and out of his mouth.  Then he pulled off the spandex hood so he could see again. Muted day light glowed through cracks in the barn’s roof and siding. 

His arms ached terribly, but he was able to put enough weight on them to push into a sitting position.  As his body rose he heard the combination lock from his collar plop to the ground open, followed by the clatter of his car keys.

More than anything else he wanted to examine his cock and balls to determine whether they were badly burned by the cruel electro torture and would require medical attention.  Even with the light flowing through the many cracks in the barn inside was still too dark.

He wrapped his frozen fingers around his keys then slowly, he struggled to get to his feet. He was wobbly from the strain of being spread-eagled for so long.  His thigh muscles burned from over-exertion, but his legs also felt strong and he was confident that he could walk. He turned in place until he found the doorway through which he had entered and groggily shuffled toward it on partially numb feet.

When he reached the Dutch door, he pushed open the top half.  The daylight hurt his eyes.  The gray clouds hung low over the crown of the trees, but the snow had stopped falling.  Fresh snow had covered the tracks had made coming to the barn and the second set, Sona’s footprints, were also gone, covered over by freshly fallen snow. He could see his car also topped with snow, 400 feet away on the opposite side of the electric fence where he had parked it.

He groaned.  To reach his car, he would be forced to cross the snow-covered ground barefoot and naked as before, but through knee-deep snow, now.  And somehow he would have to get to other side of that wicked fence. He had had enough of electricity to last until next winter. Perhaps he could slide under the bottom wire.

He pushed open the bottom of the Dutch door and stepped out into the snow.  His feet were numb enough that the powder-like snow felt almost warm as it squished between his toes. He trotted across the distance to the fence then paused to evaluate the distance between the ground and the bottom electrical wire.  The snow cover disguised the distance, so he shoved his right foot deep into powdery white then compared the height of the wire to his shin.  The wire reached the bottom of his knee. If he stretched out prone in the snow, he should be able to slip safely under the wire.

He lined himself up with the wire on his left side then paused to work up the courage to lie back in the snow.  God, he didn’t want to do this, but he couldn’t stay where he was.  He sat down in the snow.  The shock of the cold engulfed his ass and surrounded his cock and balls.  He put his hands on the ground behind him and eased himself onto his back. Jesus, the snow was cold. He inspected the wire and saw that his body would avoid the wire by perhaps an inch.  He let the air out of his lungs and scooted sideways under the wire being careful to keep his head and his hips down. Then he was on the other side.  He thrust himself to his feet and paused to brush the snow off his shivering flesh as best he could, then he turned and trotted to the car.  He opened the door and scooted onto the seat.  His numb fingers fumbled with the key but finally shoved it into the ignition and turned it.  The engine fired to life.  He set the heater to maximum heat and maximum fan, knowing that only cold air would blow out until the motor warmed up.

His clothes were in the trunk.  He would have to get out of the car again to retrieve them.  He decided not to wait until the heat was coming out of the vents.  He pushed the trunk release, shoved open the door and stepped out into the snow once more. 

He lifted the trunk lid.  Snow plummeted off the trunk lid into the trunk.  He stopped. His eyes swept the trunk.  His clothes were not there. Where his clothes had been was a plain white enveloped, sealed shut.  He picked up, slammed down the trunk lid and hopped back to the front of the car. 

Inside, he sat shivering behind the wheel until hot air began to blow out of the vents and the snow-wrapped interior of the Maxima began to warm up.  When he could begin to feel his fingers again, he tore open the envelope and took out the note inside.  It was typewritten.

Be in this barn again in seven days — same time, same instructions.  Only next week, don’t wear any clothes. If you please me, slave, I may permit you to recover your missing clothing after I have tortured you. 


The message took his breath away.  He had been excited about seeing Sona for the first time.  Instead she kept him blindfolded, and he had suffered her sadism instead. His libido swelled like an overstimulated cock, his chest tightened, and his vision darkened.  He closed his eyes and relived the torture he had just suffered. 

The cabin of the car was toasty finally.  He could flex his fingers.  His feet ached from the departing cold. He needed to go home, sneak in the backdoor. Hopefully his neighbors would not see him get out of his car naked. He looked at the snow covered windshield in front of him, then turned his head to examine the rear window.  Snow covered that view as well.  He steeled himself.  Pushed open his car door and swung his feet out into the snow again.  Using his bare hands he wiped the snow off the driver side of the windshield then moved around the car clearing snow from the windows as he went.  Back at the driver’s door, he clapped his hands together to knock off the clinging snow then opened the door and slid back into the car.

He put the Maxima into reverse and backed up in the first part of a three-point turn. Then meat turned the car down the path that had brought him.  The car slid one way then the other, but managed to move forward onto the snow-covered gravel road.

God, what I get stuck, he said to himself.

Sitting naked behind the wheel of his car, trying to keep it plowing straight through the snow covered road, he thought about Sona’s written command to give himself to her again next week.  Would she show herself to him next time? Did he crave being her slave so deeply? Could he tolerate being tortured again?

Of course, the barn bondage could have turned out very badly.

Same as Of course, the barn bondage could have turned out very badly Videos

4 years ago
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Teenage Barn Secrets Mff voy zoo oral inter

Teenage Barn Secrets (Mff voy zoo oral inter anal les)By billy69boyThis is a story about something I witnessed with my own eyes. It changed me forever, for better or for worse, I'm still not quite sure which. Maybe you can help me decide. Things seemed simple enough: all I was supposed to do was borrow a posthole digger from our neighbor Mr. Parker. But what started out as a simple errand turned into something else entirely. First, a little background:Chapter OneMy name is Olivia...

3 years ago
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Barn Duty0

_____________________________________________________________________________________________ My daughter, Carly, loves horses and she talked us into letting her join 4H. The club had barn space during the county fair to show their horses. This entailed a lot of work by the kids and the parents. My ex-wife Helen and I found out just how much work the first year our daughter attended. Helen and I have been divorced for several years, but still remain amicable and when it comes to doing...

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Lock The Barn Door

It was about three weeks after Bobby and I had out first sexual encounter at the old mill pond. Since then we had been together a few times but never alone. We were both feeling a bit horny. At least I knew I was. It seemed no matter where we went we always had some of our friends with us. I had to find a way to get Bobby alone.I kept wondering if old Mr. Williams had told my dad what he caught me and Bobby doing behind the rock at the pond. My dad had not said anything so I thought our secret...

2 years ago
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Lock The Barn Door

It was about three weeks after Bobby and I had out first sexual encounter at the old mill pond. Since then we had been together a few times but never alone. We were both feeling a bit horny. At least I knew I was. It seemed no matter where we went we always had some of our friends with us. I had to find a way to get Bobby alone.I kept wondering if old Mr. Williams had told my dad what he caught me and Bobby doing behind the rock at the pond. My dad had not said anything so I thought our secret...

3 years ago
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The BarnChapter 5

Sarah awoke the next morning and fixed the family breakfast, before they went their separate ways. Most of the details of the previous night were lost to the woman. She could not understand how she had gone to bed with one nightgown on and woke up wearing another nightgown. She had worn her favorite nightgown the night before, and now she could not find it anywhere in the house. She remembered that she had sneaked out of the house to tell Micah the great news about her sister's engagement,...

3 years ago
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This blog is dedicated to all readers who have had sex OUT BEHIND THE BARN. Or in the barn. Or in front of the barn. Or beside the barn. Me, I’ve never had sex in those locations. However, I have jerked off behind the barn. And in the barn. And beside the barn. And in front of the barn. Anyway, this is about Tom and his wife Sally and Tom’s brother, Harry and his wife April. When I was a teenager, I needed all the money I could get and one Saturday I was working in Tom’s barn. Tom is a friend...

3 years ago
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Red Barn Wanking Club

THE RED BARN WANKING CLUBFollowing on from my previous story Louisiana Lessons Part Three in which:“Tell me about this Wanking Club” I asked. “We meet about once a week on a Wednesday night at an old barn on a friend’s farm” he said “there are about 6 members and we are all 16 years old, we enjoy communal wanking and showing off our erect cocks. The objective is to teach each other ways and means to stretch our cocks to greater lengths and thicknesses. This is all measured and recorded...

4 years ago
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The BarnChapter 4

The next morning Luke got out of bed far later than normal and Amos was already out in the fields. The previous night had been a wild one for Sarah and him. She had been a wild woman and insisted on sex over and over again until they had both collapsed from the exertion. Luke still felt his wife's hot lips sucking his manhood with an intensity he had never experience before in his life. He blushed as he remembered how after he had cum in his wife, she had forced his head down to lick up...

3 years ago
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The BarnChapter 2

It was a mild spring that year, filled with alternating sunshine and rain. The countryside bloomed, and both Amos and Luke looked out with envy at the farmers plowing their fields. While they knew that in a short time the leased land, which was theirs, would soon revert to them, farming was in their blood and they wanted nothing more than to be out tilling and planting the soil. They tried to take their minds off of farming, by working around the house and the barn by working, on various...

1 year ago
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Red Barn Wanking Club

*** Following on from my previous story Louisiana Lessons Part Three in which: “Tell me about this Wanking Club” I asked. “We meet about once a week on a Wednesday night at an old barn on a friend’s farm” he said “there are about 6 members and we are all 18 years old, we enjoy communal wanking and showing off our erect cocks. The objective is to teach each other ways and means to stretch our cocks to greater lengths and thicknesses. This is all measured and recorded something like Weight...

3 years ago
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A Dog Me in the Barn

Funny how things work out. You grow up reading books and fairy tales, watching Disney movies, and you’re pretty sure you’re going to have a summer romance, to fall in blissful mutual love with someone dark and handsome and live happily ever after. Nobody tells you it could turn out to be a big, brainy border collie with a weird back-door predilection. And yet here I am, sitting on a towel with a slow stream of collie cream leaking out my ass, while I type out my thoughts. I’m...

2 years ago
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The Barn

I was attending a meeting for our local FFA Booster Club. I live in a semi-rural area and there are many farms and ranches and the FFA is a big deal to the k**s in the area. I was wearing jeans and a polo shirt. These were my “normal size” jeans that I was finally able to get back into after having a baby 5 months ago. I was getting lots of compliments for looking great post baby. Unfortunately I was feeling great. My naturally large breasts were constantly swollen and full. They were at least...

2 years ago
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Barn Dance

I have this fairy-tale daydream about being stranded with Byron on a lush island. We kiss amid rustling palms and fragrant bougainvillea. Salty breezes wrap our skin as we stroll white sand beaches. We bathe in a turquoise lagoon, laugh, and make love in the sun.Only in a dream can I make love with Byron. I make love with my devoted husband in our bed, in our house at the end of our quiet cul-de-sac. Byron is the man I fuck in sterile hotel rooms and places unimaginable to those who think they...

2 years ago
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THE BARN (A Lesbian Tale)Madeleine hadn’t seen Roberta in years, many years. She parked her car in the driveway of her mother’s house. It would take awhile for her to call it HER house. Her mother had died and left her the house, since there were no other c***dren. She was happy to see that the barn was still standing a hundred feet behind the large brick house surrounded by a veranda. Roberta was sitting on the stairs to the front door. At least Madeleine assumed it was Roberta. The real...

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The BarnChapter 3

The events of the Halloween party were forgotten by everyone and the fall progressed into winter, with Luke and Amos busy tending to the winter crop. Christmas came and went without any further incidents occurring in the barn, but the awareness of the entity was growing; strengthen as it had been, from the force of the carnal acts, which had taken place at the party. With inhuman cunning, the thing slowly began to devise a plan to regain its former power. Its mind discerned that two...

4 years ago
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James Takes Lilly In The Barn

James Takes Lilly In the BarnThis is a sexy tale I wrote together with a friend on the fly, both in the moment. We had fun with it. The flow may not be perfect or the grammar but it is what we felt at the moment and I wanted to keep it that way. I hope you all like it as much as we did.James My Beautiful woman, you have surrendered to me, your mind body and soul. I take you, and will treat you with respect that you deserve your body, mind and soul will be filled with pleasure and care. I...

3 years ago
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First overnighter in rubber bondage

I was already quite experienced, and prior to this session I had been having regular meetings with a dominant couple, all of us into rubber bondage, but those meetings had just ended due to their moving. Following on from my previous experiences I was desperate to do an overnight bondage session, which lead to me contacting this Mistress. I didn't know anything about her except that she lived in Manchester ( a 4 hour train journey from where I lived ), was very experienced, and equipped...

2 years ago
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Barn Raising

Barn Raising I had admired the barns that the Amish had built in the area and I really wanted one too. So I went to one of my Amish neighbors and asked him what I should do. He sent me to his Elder. His Elder suggested that I make the request to the Church Counsel. About two weeks after I made my request to the Church Counsel and offered to pay for all of the lumber, labor, and incidentals they accepted the job. However it was going to take them a while to cut down the trees, shape...

2 years ago
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Reddit Bondage, aka r/Bondage! Does bondage excite you? Well, did you know hat Reddit basically has it all? Whether you are into bondage or you prefer some different type of porno, you have everything you want here. Of course, I shall mostly be talking about the subreddit called /r/Bondage/; so if that is something that interests, you are more than welcome to browse or read whatever the fuck I have to say.Lots of bondage content.The reason I am sure that everyone will love what /r/Bondage/ has...

Reddit NSFW List
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The Heatwave The Bentley and the Barn

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Chevy in the Barn

Once there was a traveling sales man named John, selling his wares on the back roads of Iowa. One evening, he was lost, driving down a deserted country road. When he hit a pothole in the night, it threw him across the ditch and into a tree. John got out of the car, he wasn't hurt but the car wasn't going anywhere. He looked up and down the road. No one would be traveling these roads this late at night he thought. So he picked a direction and started walking. As John walked in the dark, he could...

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Bunny The Slave WifeA Day in the Barn

Bunny looked up at her husband through her big hazel eyes. She let out a soft gurgling noise as she tried swallowing the last of his cum. A tough thing to do with her mouth wedged wide open by the formidable ring gag trapped between her teeth. She could feel the leather strap, harnessing it into her mouth, biting into her cheeks. She couldn’t wait for him to take it off.“Great job Bunny, you really are starting to get the hang of this deep throat thing.” He said as he ran his finger across the...

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Cams Bondage

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Asian Bondage

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Fetish Porn Sites
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Bondage model

Part 1Hi, my name is Sally and I live in rural Devon, England, one of the prettiest parts of the country. I am 25 and single, have long blonde hair, a slim body and 34C breasts. I inherited a large Victorian house in a tiny hamlet, so I have no mortgage and can get by nicely on my salary as a part-time teaching assistant at a local primary school.I have had a fetish for bondage ever since I was a young girl, but I've never trusted anyone enough to tell them that, so I am heavily into...

4 years ago
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Bondage beginner

Maria grit her teeth as the hooded bondage master introduced himself - not by name but by establishing his complete control over my wife.She stood silently before him, completely naked, submitting to whatever humiliation would be meted out to her.He’d started by running his hands over her body, lingering over her massive tits, kicking her legs apart so he could reach between them.“Nice tight cunt, for a slut,” he’d grunted.Now he stepped it up. He swung his hand with a full backswing,...

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100 Pure Bondage

100% Pure Bondage   Chapter 1    I met her where she worked at a gentleman's club.  She was perhaps not the most strikingly beautiful woman I had ever seen at first glance, but I believeit was because she styled herself in a gothic manner, with a dark gloomyappearance and what appeared to be a Cleopatra wig.     She certainly had all the tools to be a real looker.  She had a great body, tall with long strong shapely legs and well-proportioned breasts. Her wig was straight and black, cut a...

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Bondage beginner

She stood silently before him, completely naked, submitting to whatever humiliation would be meted out to her. He’d started by running his hands over her body, lingering over her massive tits, kicking her legs apart so he could reach between them. “Nice tight cunt, for a slut,” he’d grunted. Now he stepped it up. He swung his hand with a full backswing, connecting with her left breast. The slap echoed around the concrete chamber. Maria’s breast jolted up, almost hitting her in the face,...

2 years ago
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The Self Bondage Punishment Website Chapter 1 D

The Self Bondage Punishment Website - Chapter 1. DiscoveryDave came across his dream website. He couldn't believe it was true, but sure enough, there it was. The url was: selfbondageenforcement dot com, and it had everything Dave had ever dreamed about. Once one signed up, they could download, for a fee, everything needed to put yourself into inescapable bondage. And what made this special, was that the site sold a local transmitter that was installed into your home, and connected to the...

3 years ago
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The Rave at the Barn

The barn where we rode horses consisted of five different stables around a central grass paddock and to the side in the driveway was an old stone building which once might have been a feed store or large tool store. Horse care was excellent but the barn was a little "alternative" - a little laid back and didn't strictly adhere to any one particular discipline. English, Western, Dressage, Jumps, or Trail - whatever people rode - was accepted. In order to make ends meet and keep costs down, once...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Lad Me in the Barn

Funny how things work out. You grow up reading books and fairy tales, watching Disney movies, and you’re pretty sure you’re going to have a summer romance, to fall in blissful mutual love with someone dark and handsome and live happily ever after. Nobody tells you it could turn out to be a big, brainy border collie with a weird back-door predilection. And yet here I am, sitting on a towel with a slow stream of collie cream leaking out my ass, while I type out my thoughts. I’m not at all...

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The barn

I woke up with an enormous headache. I had problems focusing my eyes and it took some time before I noticed someone was lying between my legs sucking my cock. Through my haze I looked down and saw John sitting on his knees, my hard dick in his mouth. I grunted, not sure if I really liked what was going on. The combination of vast quantities of tequila and coke had apparently taken its toll. I could hardly remember what had happened the night before. I have a couple of sex buddies, both male...

2 years ago
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The Self Bondage Punishment Website Chapter 2

The Self Bondage Punishment Website - Chapter 2. SetupThe next day, while Dave was waiting for the webcam installer to arrive, he decided to setup his enforcement sessions. He logged back into the website, and it reminded him to upload pictures. Dave had a whole bunch of bondage and exhibitionist pictures, so he uploaded them. After doing so, he noticed there was no way to delete them. He also noticed that the tracking device on the collar, which was in his bedroom in the box, was working. His...

3 years ago
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TV Bondage Model

TV BONDAGE MODEL by "cc" My name is Clinton Crayle, and I'm a very different kind of Private Detective; I specialize in untangling the kinky sex lives of the very rich. My fee is a Thousand Dollars a day and I'm seldom out of work because I guarantee my results and my clients know my discretion is absolute. So if you're rich and in a jam, come to my office..., as soon as I get one again, that is! The click-clack of my high heels on. the sidewalk should have been a familiar sound to...

2 years ago
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Bosom Bondage Buddies Part 2

Bosom Bondage Buddies, Part 2 by Brandy Dewinter (continued from part 1) Chapter 23 - Mistress Raven and Slaves The next morning I dressed in a midnight blue lace blouse and a snug leather mini while Kelly chose a cheerful ice-blue sundress. Having carefully cleaned my earposts twice a day as the holes healed during the previous week, for the first time I was able to wear the shining gold loop earrings. We climbed up on our impossibly high heels and swayed arm-in-arm out to...

4 years ago
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Self bondage Randomiser

Self Bondage Randomiser.First a little bit about myself.I am a heterosexual male in my mid 30's and I am an average hight of 5ft 10 and weight of around 180lb. I live with my girlfriend in our own home in a typical western town.My sex life is good but not kinky that often. I love my girlfriend dearly and while she knows of my kinky side its not often I get to tie her up or get tied up by her.  My thought and fantasies about bondage and bdsm started at an early age, at first it was a thrill of...

4 years ago
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Bondage Buddy

PROLOGUEAs an adolescent and young teen, I was fascinated by cartoons and television shows depicting capture and kidnap scenarios. This fascination usually led to a 'stiffy', but I was too young and naive really to understand exactly what was happening. This enchantment led to exploration in self-bondage, and for years I indulged in this practice, particularly during the summer months when I was home from school and both parents worked.One Christmas my parents gave a a Polaroid camera that...

3 years ago
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Barn Banging

By Jimmy Seay *** FROM THE AUTHOR - This is one of my very old stories - you can read my e-books by searching under the author name of Jimmy Seay at Amazon. I stopped at Kevin Hunter’s place, and honked the horn. I watched the screen door fly open and Kevin stepped out on the porch. Even from the car, I could see Kevin was hot. He grinned at me as he walked down the steps; the grin caused a dimple to appear, making him even hotter looking. His brown eyes had a sparkle, expecting some...

2 years ago
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Magic Barn

Magic Barn It all happened between my Junior and Senior year of High school. I had just turned seventeen and my older sister, Lisa, who is a year and a half older than me, had just graduated and was eighteen. I was just your typical high school dweeb. I played some football as a lineman but generally stayed out of the spotlight and went about the business of achieving a solid but very mediocre GPA. I was already over 6 feet and had a solid build but I was never approached to be featured on any...

3 years ago
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Wedding Bondage Wedding Dresses are a threat

Wedding Bondage (Complete)************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan December 2009/April 2012The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************It started at Brian and Chloe’s wedding. Jane and I knew...

4 years ago
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Britney in Bondage

Chapter 1:  Britney in BondageBritney jogged home from cheerleading practice. If she was quick she could have the apartment all to herself for 2 hours.  Donna her roommate had taken an evening class which met 2 nights a week, unfortunately for Britney her cheerleading practice usually lasted almost the entire time Donna was in class so she had little time to practice self-bondage.  Tonight would be different she would have the place to herself, and if anything went wrong, she could rely on...

2 years ago
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A Colorado Country Girls Self Bondage

Streets ??????? A Colorado Country Girl?s Self Bondage ?By Mary Elizabeth Moore Writing As Shackleford Bond CH 1My mom is the greatest person in the world. We were always close, but after my dad died we became even closer. We would talk for hours about anything and everything. When I got a little older we had long talks about sex and sexuality. Mom was very direct about such matters and didn?t hold back when it came to the birds and the bees.We lived on a farm but after my father died,...

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Bathtub Bondage

When people conjure up images of bound women, they usually envision damsels in distress, securely bound on beds, chairs, or other bondage locations. Not too many people would consider bathtub bondage, but hopefully by the end of my story, there will be a few converts to the cause. Why bondage in water? Some of you are likely pondering this question. Actually my wife and bondage partner, Francine, and I never were bondage enthusiasts. We tried bondage once in our brass bed, finding it lacked...

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When people conjure up images of bound women, they usually envision damsels in distress, securely bound on beds, chairs, or other bondage locations. Not too many people would consider bathtub bondage, but hopefully by the end of my story, there will be a few converts to the cause. Why bondage in water? Some of you are likely pondering this question. Actually my wife and bondage partner, Francine, and I never were bondage enthusiasts. We tried bondage once in our brass bed, finding it lacked...

3 years ago
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JeanBillys Mom prt3 The Barn

Mommy can be Such Naughty Fun!It had been a couple of years since Jean had started teaching her son Billy and I about sex and how to please and fulfill a woman's sexual desires. And Jean liked it Hardcore,Dirty and Kinky!Alot had changed over those two years.Six months after my first sexual encounter with Jean and Billy,Bill Sr. moved away. It was very sudden and there was no real fanfare. One week he was the Minister of the town's church,and the next? He was moving two states away,to become...

2 years ago
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Secret Best Friend Fingering In the Barn

Abigail's fingers slid easily up and down inside my panties as I lay back on the comfortable blanket thrown across a hay pile in the loft of our old barn. Gazing out through the broad loft window I could see the sun washing the valley with a golden glow, the tips of the trees twinkling with glints of orange and yellow as my body filled with the fluttery ripples of pleasure Abigail was giving me. We met here late afternoon almost every school day. Our chores were done, leaving 30 minutes or so...

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The Lottery Winners ChallengeChapter 4 Diving into the barn

For once, I made it to breakfast on time given the fact that I did not wake up in someone elses bed! Josie, dressed in just her (very) short nightie, Flashergirl, who was wearing just a thin T-shirt and Bigboy19 who was in his shorts were already down there and I passed a nice hour talking to them while the staff gave them funny looks. I am sure Josie slept with our waiter as he did give us a more hearty breakfast than usual. The weather was fantastic with the strong English summer sun...

3 years ago
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Betrayal A Bondage Trap

It’s a beautiful warm mid summers day in a quiet secluded parkland.Trees are providing shade and protection from the harsh sun rays.I look around only to see trees all around me, a drive path just ahead of me that passes me from left to right, a large shelter on the left side with park benches in it with a car park on it’s left side.The drive path is made of gravel like a country homes driveway.From my position, the right side of the drive path leads out of my view. It leads to the exit of this...

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The Bondage Contest

Note: English is not my mother tongue. Forgive me if sometimes it is difficult to read me, I?m not sure that I always used the right English term, or the correct grammatical form, and I apologize in advance to everyone who feel hurt!Chapter 1The website was very light. A wallpaper showing a naked girl tied spread-eagle on a wooden floor in an otherwise empty room. The ropes went from each wrist and ankle to four hooks in the four corners of the room. The room was empty but for a screen on the...

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Maggie Part 8 Barn Trips Betty

“Creeeeaaakkk.” Maggie pulled her fingers from her cunt and sat up in bed. She’d heard that noise a thousand times and knew it was the front screen door opening. She quickly slid to the foot of the bed and peered out through the fan to see if she could see anyone. The full August moon lit up the front yard and she watched as Earl crept across the yard, headed to the barn. “Now what the hell is he up to?” thought Maggie. She slipped quietly out of the bedroom, down the hall and out the front...

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Barn sex

Here is another of Raymond’s stories:“I don’t know what woke me up at 2:00AM, but I got out of bed and looked out my window to investigate. The window was open and I could hear faint noises coming from the barn. Clad only in my underwear, I tiptoed down the hall so as not to wake my folks. I had a hunch I knew what was going on, because I had heard similar noises one time last summer.Behind the barn, a dim light came through a window from a kerosene lamp that was turned on low. There, I saw...

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Barn fuck

Sometimes I just wake up and know that I have to dress as slutty as possible, find a chat room, find someone near me and arrange a meeting with them.i love those days...Recently, I woke up, already stroking my shaved body with a thick, hard cock and half raised on all fours. I was so horny, I was shivering uncontrollably and thinking of nothing but being a fuckdoll for the first available cock I could find.After coffee, I flipped on the Internet for my favourite chat room to see if a regular...

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Franks Barn

This happened about thirty-five years ago. I was living in the midwest. I was twenty-six. I had been down in the dumps for a while. Was having some beers with a buddy named Mark. He said he had just the cure for my blues. He told me of a friend who had a friend. I was rolling my eyes at that part. Then he said this friend of the friend was named Frank. He had a barn out in the country where once a month he held 'parties.' I asked about the parties, but Mark would only say, "If you go...

4 years ago
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A Routine EnslavementChapter 21 The Politics of Bondage

The author wishes to thank corsair for his contributions to this chapter. This revision contains changes of style, not substance. Persons who read earlier version need not re-read the chapter to understand what follows. The meeting of the "Reform Slavery Now" umbrella organization that had been discussed that day at Green's office had actually been delayed a week. During that week I spent a few days with Morgan Richmond and his wife and then got settled into my new apartment once the...

2 years ago
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Anna Intro to Bondage

-- Anna: Intro to Bondage --I was having morning coffee with my daughter-in-law Anna. We'd only recently started this, with me taking time from work to drop by her home and share a cup with her. She seemed to enjoy the time with me, a pleasant change from husband and c***dren. With the k**s at school and Allan off on his work routines, we had the house to ourselves. At first we were a little awkward, but after several visits we'd become comfortable with each other and always found something to...

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Anna Intro to Bondage

-- Anna and Bondage --I'm having morning coffee with my daughter-in-law Anna. We've only recently started this, with me taking time from work to drop by her home and share a cup with her. She seems to enjoy the time with me, a pleasant change from husband and c***dren. With the k**s at school and Allan off on his work routines, we have the house to ourselves. At first we were a little awkward, but after several visits we're comfortable with each other and always find something to chat...

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My adventure into Self Bondage Caught

My adventure into Self Bondage – CaughtBy Dream ManMy name is Shane and I’m a male in my mid forties and I reckon I’m in pretty good shape.  I was married but after a few years my wife and I decided to part company.  I was devastated at first but then decided to get on with my life. Our sex life had been reasonable but at least now I could explore my quirky interest in bondage.  This is largely a true storyI found the internet a great source of inspiration and ideas and after compiling some...

2 years ago
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Toms bondage torment

It had been a few weeks since Tom had taken the spare room in Jessica's flat. Jessica had taken on the lease for the whole flat and had been desperate for someone to take the second room. She was particularly pleased with Tom, he was tall, good looking and seemed like a fun kind of guy.Tom had also been pleased to move out from the flat he shared with his ex-girlfriend. Jessica's flat was small, but in a good part of town. Jessica herself seemed nice enough. Not what he'd call stunning,...

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