First overnighter in rubber bondage
- 3 years ago
- 49
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100% Pure Bondage Chapter 1
I met her where she worked at a gentleman's club. She was perhaps not the
most strikingly beautiful woman I had ever seen at first glance, but I believe
it was because she styled herself in a gothic manner, with a dark gloomy
appearance and what appeared to be a Cleopatra wig.
She certainly had all the tools to be a real looker. She had
a great body, tall with long strong shapely legs and well-proportioned breasts.
Her wig was straight and black, cut a little above her shoulders for those who
aren't familiar with the Cleopatra look.
Consequently, her beauty did not fully strike me when I first met her,
but after talking to her awhile and looking into her eyes, she became more and
more beautiful to me as the evening went by.
She had a couple of tattoos. Nothing terribly gaudy, just a couple of smaller
ones. She did not have a naval ring, which I found a bit odd for a dancer
nowadays. She wore the typical G-string- black in color. Not a thong which
covers a little more, but a true G-string with almost no material at all on
the backside. Over this she wore a very short black skirt, not even going
down on her legs far enough to cover her asscheeks. It was more of a teaser,
really, than a garment. I suppose it provided just enough coverage that
you could not accuse her of not being dressed at all.
Of course, it came off and I could see her without it
now and then as she would go up periodically to the main stage and dance.
It was really there to make a guy wonder what was beneath, in the event that
he had forgotten from a few minutes earlier.
Anyway, she and I talked, and I got a few lapdances from her, which she did
topless. She ground her body into mine, making me
wish I had not worn such heavy jeans. I wished that I had instead worn
thin dress pants or something similar so there would not be so much between
us as she performed her magic on my lap. After each dance, after my erection
subsided, the blood would run back into my brain enough to attempt a little
more conversation. I have always been attracted to more than just looks in
a woman, and this lady was obviously very intelligent and perfectly capable
of engaging in intelligent conversation.
I looked at her more and more as we spoke, and it occurred to me that she
would have to do very little with her dark, black-clad appearance to look
like a dominatrix. Eventually I told her something to that effect, and
somehow or another the idea of her giving me a spanking came up in the
conversation. She seemed to like the idea..not only where I was concerned,
but evidently she had run into some boyfriends over the years who she
said she would love to punish that way.
I told her that she was welcome to spank me, but that I was not the type of
subserviant "lifestyle" lover of fetish who would simply sit still and accept
a beating, especially if it got to hurting too much. My fascination revolved
mostly around bondage, both being tied by a woman and tying women up.
If she was going to spank me..she had better restraing me first, I told her.
She said that putting me into bondage for the duration of my punishment
would be no problem for her. At this point, we were just talking in a
hypothetical way, not really making concrete plans for such a kinky
interlude, but rather feeling one another out regarding the other's interests.
As the night went on, I began to wonder if it was something she would truly
enjoy, because I knew I would like it. I have played tie-up games before
with girlfriends who I had convinced to play, but most of them just
really were not into it, and only did it because they knew it turned me on,
...and it was evident when we would do 'activities'. You can always tell
when somebody enjoys something or if they don't.
Consequently, I never truly felt the loss of control
that is inherent when you play with another person who really is into
power-exchange as a fetish.
On the other hand, while it excited me that maybe finally I had met
somebody who was interested in the same things I was, I had no idea what
was in store for me at her hands because I didn't really know her. The
other girlfriends who had played with me before had known me for months
or in some cases years before they ever tied me up..because at one time
I was a bit too shy to admit to a girl that I enjoyed it.
I came back to where she worked one more time a couple of weeks later with
the full intention of bringing her attention to the subject again.
I told her I would be interested in seeing her away from the club
in a quieter environment where we might pursue the interests we had.
This would either get her to put up or shut up. I bought a couple of
dances from her and we talked some more. (I remembered the thin dress slacks
this time) She said she would enjoy a meeting with me for such activity. Now
I still was not convinced because dancers have a way of playing to your
desires and wishes and then leaving you high and dry. So I asked her when,
to insure that she wasn't leading me on. At this point I was of the belief
that too much evasiveness on a when and where should be construed as
an unwillingness to actually go through with it. Still, I figured that all
girls, even dancers, must all play with somebody! The way I saw it, that
somebody may as well be me.
She did not seem to be at all interested in being submissive to me, which
was fine...the world is full of female submissives...very few truly dominant
women exist, however, as there seem to be few male submissives.
I explained to her that I really was not into "voluntary submission". I
wanted to be forced into bondage, forced into being punished, etc. She
seemed to like this idea, but it did not occur to me how I would wind up
under her control..we never really discussed that. In my mind, if I give
control freely to a woman, then it is not really the same as if I am
tricked or coerced into being controlled. But when we talked that second
time, our conversation never really got into how control would be
transferred from me to her.
She was a very solidly-built girl, not
petite in the least, although not a giantess either. She
was about 5 feet, 8 inches and not skinny. She had plenty of muscular
definition in her legs and if she had found herself in an
altercation with another female, she would probably fare well against most
of them. However, men are just so much stronger than women, and although
I am only average in strength as far as men go, I am probably at least
twice as strong as she is. She would not be able to physically subdue me
without some equalizing method being utilized.
I decided that the first thing to worry about was to see if a
meeting with her was really possible. I asked her if she was serious, and she
told me that she was, but that I was not to expect sex from her...only a
little play..and that we would probably need to talk some more when we were
alone so she would feel more comfortable being around me away from the club.
She told me that she got off at 3 a.m. and to be outside in my car at that
time. She asked what kind of car I was in and I told her I was actually in
a truck, which I described to her. I went out about
ten till 3 and waited. I still thought she would pull some trick on me and
not show up, as it would have been possible for her to leave on the other
side of the building and I would have never seen her. But true to her word,
she came out and went to the passenger's door of my truck, which I already had
unlocked. I promptly leaned over and opened the door. She said that I
needed to follow her in her car
She told me she was in a black Honda, which she pointed to. So she got in
her car and I followed her about 10 miles to her condo. I can't say how much
excitement I was feeling on the drive to her place. I was nearly shaking
with the thought of what might happen.
We got to the parking lot, and I had to park my truck in the grass next to
a dumpster because parking was very limited. I parked and got out, locking the truck.
I walked over to her car where she was getting out, carrying a large leather
purse. She had a 2-story townhouse type of condo, which we entered from a
door in front. It was surprisingly well-furnished, in a Victorian theme
rather than anything modern, as I would have expected from a young exotic
dancer. She obviously had good taste, and the more I thought of it, the
more I realized it fitted her personality. She had not been like a lot of
the other girls in that she did not have a foul mouth, she was not drinking
or doing drugs, and she seemed to have a dignified way about her, even in
the environment of the club. Now that I looked around, I could see that the
furnishings of the condo were really consistent with the rest of her. If I
had not known better, I would have thought I was in the home of a young
professional woman from an office environment.
The only thing about her that did not match was the dark makeup & tattoos, but I
noticed even then that her tattoos were in inconspicuous places, such as her
lower back, inside her ankle, and on the back of her shoulder...all easily
hidable if she desired. And by this point she was
dressed differently. She wore a black skirt almost to the knee with a blue silk
top, not tucked in. She had changed from the incredibly high heels she had
been wearing for a set of 2 or maybe 3 inch heels which were sexy but not
overtly-sexual. On her legs were black hose or maybe stockings, I could not tell.
Again I compare her to a young professional woman in the way
that she was dressed. While not librarian-like that it covered up all of her,
it was certainly not stripper-attire.
She smiled and offered me a drink after we got inside. She pointed to the
sofa and told me to have a seat, which I did. She asked what I liked and
said that she had some Corona, but that was all the beer she had, or she
had some wine, wine coolers, or a bottle of whiskey. I said
the Corona would be great, and she returned shortly with one in her right
hand, and a wine cooler of some berry flavor in the other for herself.
She sat down on the sofa next to me..not really too close, but not all the
way on the other side either. She sipped at her wine cooler and we sort of
looked at each other for a couple of minutes and grinned without saying much.
Finally I spoke, and when I did I was rather to the point and simply
asked how we should proceed with something like this. I asked her if
there was anything she wanted to talk about now that we were alone regarding
all that we had discussed in the club.
She grinned again, set her drink down on the coffee table and told me she
did not know a better way to approach the situation than just to begin.
She got up and took my hand, getting me up. She took my drink and set it
down next to hers and turned, still holding my hand, and began to walk
toward the stairs. I could feel the anticipation building all over my body.
Suddenly she became more beautiful than I ever thought she could be, as
I looked at her backside going up the stairs in front of me. Even in the
more conservative skirt and top, her top-notch body was alluring. She had
at some point donned either pantyhose or stockings, which I could plainly
see when I looked down below her skirt at the backs of her legs. I was hoping
they were stockings, as they are far more sexy for some reason than pantyhose.
To my surprise, when we reached the top of the steps, we were in her bedroom,
as it turned out the top part of the condo was a loft, with a bathroom and
a closet on the back wall. The front wall was a half-wall and formed
a balcony over the main room. Right in
front of me was a bed, neatly made, and her other furniture. A low dresser
with a mirror and a backless chair in front of it was on the other side of
the bed, and a wicker chair was opposite this on the right-hand wall in the
Hardly a dungeon-like room...and not gothic in the least, was the first thing
that hit me...almost as a disappointment. She had told me that she really
found the idea of spanking a man to be a part of me thought she
may have some kind of special facility for it. She turned around when we
got up there and I told her she had nice taste in furniture...actually
meaning it, but really just saying it to break the silence. She thanked me
for the compliment and then surprisingly she put her hands on my shoulders
and looked me in the face, with a serious expression.
She said that she understood that I was not a willing submissive, but that
she would need me to make one concession for her if anything was to work out,
mainly because she knew I was here to play just like she was...and she said
that to gain power over me I would need to give her 5 seconds to do whatever
she said. This sounded fun and interesting. She said that if I wanted to
resist, to do so only after she had counted to five.
With that she left me standing there for a moment and bent down to get
something from under her bed. It was a box which she opened on the bed. She
stood between me and the box so I could not see what all was in it. She
put the top back on the box, which looked like it might have been for shoes
or maybe hats. She turned around and I could see the familiar reflection of
nickel-plating on a pair of handcuffs she held in her hand. I tried to see
them a little better, as I consider myself a little bit of an expert on
restraints, but she had them folded over in her hands and I could
only see parts of them.
Then she told me something that I found alluring and almost disturbing at the
same time..that if I wanted to turn back, to do it now before she put
these on me and she was in control. As she said this, she had a devlish grin
on her face that I found strangely reassuring. When somebody has physical
control over you and you are helpless to them, you want to trust them. My
instincts thus far had not led me to believe there was much to worry about
with her, but the fact that she had said that about turning back now kind of
had me a little worried. It brought up doubts about letting her do it, if
only for an instant.
The fact was, I was more excited standing here in her
room than I had been in years, and I was not about to turn back now. Call it
a classic instance of a man thinking with his little head.
I did not say anything, but instead I offered her my hands, held out in front
of me. I said "OK, you have 5 seconds".
She grinned again and ratcheted one of the cuffs on my right wrist,
causing my heart to pound with excitement. I looked upwards at the ceiling
as my eyes kind of rolled back in my head momentarily and I almost grinned.
Then she moved around behind me quickly as she counted, holding my right wrist
and bringing it behind my back. Then she pulled back on the bicep of my left arm, bringing my
elbow and my left hand behind my back. I was very excited at this
point in knowing that she was going to cuff me behind my back, as this was a
sign that she was truly into me being helpless...let's face it, if she cuffed
me in front, I could still overpower her with relative ease. As she reached 5
both of my hands were behind my back in the handcuffs.
Something that occurred to me was that she had turned my hands where
my palms were facing outward. I was never in law-enforcement, but I had read
the manual that came with a pair of handcuffs that I had bought once.
It told how to place the subject's hands, palms outward, to prevent the person
from being able to attempt to pick the lock. In fact, in this position, the person
would have a tough time unlocking the cuffs even with a key.
This was the point of no return, so to speak...It would
be very difficult at this point to overpower her, I knew.
She was still behind me, holding my hands in the shackles when she leaned up
into my ear and said "OK, you can resist now".
I smiled and went to feel out the limits of the handcuffs when I realized that
they would not twist. I could only get very limited movement from them.
Being a bondage enthusiast, it was evident to me that she had used hinged cuffs
rather than the traditional type with 2 or 3 chain links between the cuffs.
Hinged handcuffs are primarily used by law enforcement on especially strong
or violent subjects, and were not typically the type purchased at a novelty
store by people only mildly interested in bondage. This was serious hardware
and realizing it both made me excited and gave me a sense of near-panic all
at once. She told me to wait one second and I felt her doing something which
I thought I recognized...She was double-locking the handcuffs so they would not
tighten up on me.
I didn't say anything, but instead watched as she began to undo my
belt buckle. She was still behind me, reaching around to the front to do
the task. As she did so, I could feel her body rubbing up behind mine. She
pressed herself, most likely on purpose, right into my cuffed hands, which
were angled opposite each other outwards to my right and left, the hinges
not allowing me to really turn my wrists toward her and do any grabbing or
groping, but nevertheless I could feel the front of her body on the backs
of my thumbs.
She pulled my belt through the loops and off and I heard it drop to the
floor behind me.
Then she moved around in front of me and started undoing my zipper. I was
terribly excited and even though she had felt my erections before while she
had danced for me in my lap, she had never actually seen my cock. But that
was apparantly not what she was going for right away, as she only took my
trousers down. I was down to a thin silky pair of dark blue boxers now,
at least on my bottom half. My button-up oxford shirt was still on as well,
along with my shoes and socks.
The trousers piled up around my ankles, and she
bent down in front of me, picking my feet up and out of the pants. While
she was down there, she unlaced my shoes and took them and my socks off.
Then she stood back up, and her brow furrowed for a moment, as if she
was not quite pleased with something. I asked her what was wrong...and she
said that she had forgotten to do something, and she was staring at my shirt.
She said that she had forgotten to take off my shirt before cuffing me.
I kind of grinned and joked to her saying that she was just going to have to
uncuff me and hope for the best.
She grinned back, then she turned around for a minute, dug around in the
box on her bed again, and brought out a piece of rope maybe 7-8 feet long.
She walked up to me again, and undid all the buttons on the front of my shirt.
Then she walked behind me and I could feel her undoing the buttons on the
sleeves near my wrists. She pulled the shirt back and off, until it was
hanging only by my wrists over the cuffs. Before I knew what was
happenning, she had taken the rope and wrapped it around just above my elbows,
pulling them together to some extent. She tugged on them a couple of times and
I felt my arms getting very strained.. I grunted a little bit. She ignored my
gutteral complaint and proceeded to tie away. I could feel her
looping rope in and out between my elbows, securing them a bit more with
each pass. She said nothing, but at this point she almost seemed in a
zone, like she had a job to do and was resolved to get it done.
I figured out quickly the reason for the elbow-tie. I knew that to get my
shirt off without tearing it all to pieces, she would need to undo one of
my hands from the handcuffs. Tying my elbows still rendered me almost as
helpless, but would allow the shirt to come off since it was already off
down to my wrists. I felt her using the key to undo the cuff on my left
wrist, and then I felt her pull the shirt off of that wrist, and then the
other, dragging the handcuffs still attached to my right wrist through the
sleeve of the shirt.
For some reason, as much as I was fascinated with this bondage play, I
decided it might be exciting to test my capabilities, with this moment of
relative freedom from the hinged handcuffs. Besides, she had told me that
I could try to resist now. So as the shirt sleeve came off, I jerked
away from her and began earnestly trying to get loose. But I did not
realize just how limited I would be with my elbows tied together. While I
could now move my arms forward, it was only my lower arms and my hands
would just barely reach my sides. As I struggled and pulled, she kicked
me on the back of the right knee, causing it to buckle and I fell forward
face-first onto the bed.
She pounced on my back instantly, putting all
of her 125-130lbs directly onto my lower back. She quickly pulled the loose
handcuff toward her with my right wrist attached to the other side of it.
She grabbed my hand and put pressure on it where there was serious
discomfort in my wrist to the point I thought it might snap. She leaned
down and asked in a nice voice for my other wrist, which I quickly
pulled from under my side and gave to her. After turning my palm
facing out, she once again clicked the handcuff in place. She took
a moment to find the key, then double locked the cuff again. With
that she gave my ass a hard smack on each side with each of her hands.
Now I was beginning to feel helpless, especially with my elbows and
wrists bound tightly behind me and with her weight on my back. Most of me
was on the bed, with my legs hanging off below my knees. She was
straddling my butt and holding my cuffed wrist up close to her crotch.
She then proclaimed that there would be no further chances to escape from
this point onward, that I should prepare for the bondage of my life. I
tried to squirm in protest, but with her on top of me it was a bit futile.
My head was lying right next to the box on the bed, which she had closed.
She got off of me and pulled on my legs, pulling my knees off the bed and
onto the floor.
The top part of my body was on the bed still, face-down, and my knees were
on the floor. So I was effectively bent over the bed at this point wearing
boxers, socks, rope and handcuffs...hinged handcuffs.
She straddled my back again..this time up further where her crotch
was resting right on my wrists. She was still fully dressed in her skirt
and top, and even her heels, but as I looked back I could see that the
skirt had ridden up when she straddled me. It was now almost around her
waist. I could see out of the corner of my eye where she was indeed wearing
stockings rather than pantyhose, and to my delight I could see the
vertical line of a garter attached to the top of the stocking.
I then heard her opening the box again, and I turned my head over where
I could see her getting more rope out of it. This time there was a lot more
rope which she pulled out in big wads. I could see her laying it
on the bed to my left, out of my field of sight. I don't know how much
there was, but it was several coiled-up handfulls. Then she pulled something
else out of the box which I didn't see very well. It too was placed to our
left on the other side of the box where I could not see it.
She tugged on the ropes between my elbows, which were beginning to make
their presence known from a (dis)comfort standpoint. It had been about 5
minutes since she tied my elbows within just a few inches of each other
and they had not moved apart since. And now my hands were cuffed closely
together again and all of it was putting a strain on my chest and arms.
I noticed that I was having to concentrate a bit more on breathing than
before, probably due to the brief struggle.
I felt her weight lift from me and I then felt her pick my left foot up
off the floor and cross my ankles. I then felt her looping rope around my
ankles, which seemed to take her a good while, going around the ankles,
then between them, then around again, then I could feel her pulling it all
very snug and I could feel her tying knots..several of them judging by the
time it took her. Tugging on my ankles I could get no movement.
I looked as far back as I could towards her while she finished tying my
feet and said "Wow, you really are into making a guy feel helpless, aren't
you? At this point, I was tied up more securely than by any other
girlfriend in my life. I'd had my hands and feet tied before, but I
do not think there was ever a time I truly could not have gotten away if
I had really needed to. At this point I really could do very little. The
hinged handcuffs offered so little mobility that it would have been
nearly impossible to pick the knots on my legs, much less the knots on my
But to my surprise she was not finished. She took another rope,
looped it through the ropes on my ankles, and used it as a handle to
pull my entire bottom half off the floor and onto the bed. My head at this
point was aimed to the headboard. She quickly took the rope she had
attached to my feet and proceeded to use the loose ends of it to attach
to my cuffed wrists, pulling the rope up around the hinges, and back down
where she tightened it up, leaving only about 4-5 inches between my ankles
and wrists.
Then she tied the knot back on the other side of my feet
where there was no chance I could undo it with my fingers. I had never been so
helpless in my life. Before she did this maneuver, I could have
maybe hopped that ability was taken from me.
She then said "don't go anywhere.. I want to get a little more comfortable"
With that she got off the bed where I was, hogtied like a rodeo critter,
and moved over toward the dresser. I saw her turn from me towards the
mirror, and she began to undo the buttons on her blouse. Soon she had it
off and was down to a black lace bra which showed plenty of her ample
breasts, which I could see in the mirror. She rubbed her breasts firmly
and arched her head back, breathing in deeply, looking back on the bed where
I was to make sure I saw her. Then her hands moved down to her skirt,
moving around the waistband of it to the back where it unzipped.
She found the zipper and pulled down on it, loosening it up until it came off,
revealing a sexy black thong which matched her bra, and a matching garter belt,
attached to her stockings.
She had a marvelous backside, with a great
ass which actually looked better with the slightly more coverage
afforded by the thong as opposed to the G-strings she usually wore in
the club. The thong was more flattering to her figure, maybe..I don't
know, but I liked it better.
Of course my first instinct was to run
over there and grab her ass in my hands and give her a full-body
massage, but there I lay, on her bed with my hands and feet completely
and totally useless. I moaned out "wow" at the sight of her in her
lingerie, and she looked around at me over her shoulder and grinned...
something I can never forget which tops the list of the sexiest things
I have ever witnessed. Then she removed her wig and revealed her natural
hair, which was a dark brown, maybe a little shorter than the wig but not
much. She had it 'tied up' behind her head and she let it down to its
full length. I actually liked her natural hair better, especially when she
tossed it a few times and pulled it back over her ears.
I began to try to fidget with my fingers, and could
feel the rope tying my ankles to my wrists. I was picking and prodding at
it as she was smoothing out her stockings with one foot up on the chair.
She looked over and smiled and walked over to the bed again. She said,
"I think you are pretty well immobilized, but I hate to see you
trying to pick yourself free, so we need to do something about those
prying fingers".
With that she went again into her box, and brought out a
pair of thumbcuffs, which she proudly displayed a few inches in front of
my face before disappearing behind me to lock my thumbs together! Now I
was beyond myself...While I was still very aroused to be so helpless
to this woman, it was at this point that I truly felt that the bondage
was inescapable, even though it probably was long before the thumbcuffs.
I knew that without help I would never get loose. Now there was not
even the possibility of picking up a knife or a handcuff key (even
though with hinged cuffs, a key is all but impossible to use by the
Still, it hit home that this woman was in total control, and
along with the excitement came a type of fear.
So it was there that I asked her if she could maybe undo a little of the
bondage..that I was starting to feel a bit cramped up (which I am sure was
the idea). She smiled and told me that I should have thought of that
before I gave up control and let her put the handcuffs on me. She said
in a reassuring voice that she was not going to hurt me permanently, but
that she was going to get her pleasure in making me her prisoner, and that
she had to get ready in the bathroom where she could not watch me for awhile.
She did not want me to have the slightest chance for escape while she
was in there,and not only that..she did not want me to even have any hope
for it, which was why she went to such extremes with my bondage.
With that, she grabbed a piece of thin rope from the box and tied my big
toes together! This was certainly just something to emphasize the
hopelessness of my situation, but it actually took away the vast majority
of the freedom I still had to move.
I did my best to move but a small wiggle was about all I could manage at
this point. The steel of the handcuffs was beginning to bite into my
hands a little, and I told her about it. She said that she would give me some
relief from that when she finished getting ready.
I asked her what she needed to do to get ready, and she said that she
wanted a shower..that she had been dancing all night,then she leaned in and
whispered that seeing me tied up like this had made her thong really wet,
and she felt the need to freshen up.
She then went to the box one more time, saying that I needed to stop
asking so many questions..and she withdrew a leather strap with a ring on it..
A ring gag! I had never seen one in person, but had seen them on the web.
The ring was about 2 inches in diameter. She told me that
she would put a big ballgag in my mouth, but she didn't want me to
choke on my own saliva while she was in the shower, so this would have
to do.
She ordered me to open my mouth..which I did since I knew there
was no resisting her at this point. She put the ring firmly behind my
teeth, pulling a small strap down under my chin and a big strap behind my
head. She buckled it in place, then I saw her get a tiny lock from her
box of goodies. I heard it click into place somewhere back behind my
head, and knew that it was not coming off. She smiled at me and said
"Don't drool on my bed, now, or I will tie you tighter than I already
plan to". WHAT ? Did she mean she was going to tie me up even more than
this??? I didn't try to say this point I was already trying
to keep the saliva in my mouth.
With that she stood up, admired her work, and then noticed that she had
forgotten something... She got some more rope off the bed, then proceeded
to pull my knees together. When she did this it put everything that
was already tight into even more of a strain. She then started wrapping
my legs in rope slightly above my knees, joking that she couldn't believe
she almost accidentally left me some mobility. My legs had been spread
slightly before at the knees, with my feet crossed, but this was
absolutely strenuous, and I am not the most limber guy you have ever met.
She then walked over to her dresser and pulled out what appeared to be
lingerie from the drawer. Then I watched her backside as she disappeared around
the corner into the bathroom, closing the door behind her..not quite shut,
but almost.
I layed there hogtied, gagged, and in a great deal of discomfort, not able
to so much as budge. She had really known more about bondage than she
had let on, and had quite a lot of equipment that a beginner would not own.
I thought spanking may be her favorite activity from the way she talked, but I'd
yet to even see that from her aside from a smack on my ass. For 20 minutes or more,
she had cuffed, roped, and gagged me to the point of complete, total submission.
My attempts to stop drooling failed almost immediately, as the ring gag
forced my mouth into an open position, with no way to keep saliva from coming out,
especially considering my head was tilted downward toward the bed. I
would try to inhale as much as I could to keep it from coming out, but
it was futile. I tried to turn my head to the right or left, but
whichever side I turned, it would come out the other corner of my
She was in the shower a good ten minutes before I heard the water shut
off. I could hear her moving the shower curtain aside and stepping
out. The door was cracked, and I could see light and shadows being
reflected off the walls as she dried off. She finally came out, wearing
only a white thong, much like the black one she had worn earlier.
I had seen her naked many times before at the club, but
it was better this time, maybe because I was in her private bedroom, on
her bed..even if I could do nothing to touch her at this point.
She looked over, grinned at me still laying was a bit dark in
the room and I don't know if she could see the drool running down my
chin or not,but it was running onto her bedspread. In
light of what she told me, I was a bit worried about what punishment that
she may choose to inflict on me.. On the other hand, it was in
the back of my mind that if she hadn't wanted me to drool helplessly,
she would have found another way of gagging me. Anybody who is
familiar with bondage knows that a ring gag is synonomous with drooling.
I was laying on the bed, face down, grunting and trying to keep from
making such a big mess while she sat down facing away from me on the
chair. She put on a white matching silk slip which covered very little of
her breasts, and then proceeded to put on a pair of white stockings.
I don't know if she was wearing this because it was just her choice, or if
she had maybe heard me say at some point how much I liked stockings
and garters. When she was finished pulling up her stockings, she took
a garter belt from the dresser and stood, putting it on around
her waist over her thong. Then she proceeded to attach the garters to the
tops of her stockings, kind of slowly, taking her time to make sure I didn't miss
Then she came over to the bed, and walked around kind of behind me where
I could not see her. I felt her feeling of the restraints she had
applied, I presume she was checking to make sure I hadn't miraculously
loosened anything. I told her, through the ring gag (which did little
to actually keep one from talking) that the handcuffs were really
biting into my arms. She told me that they had done their job in
keeping me secure while she was showering. With that, she loosened
the knot holding my feet and hands together. Wow..what a relief
at that point. Even though I was still tied very tightly, just
having my hands and feet more than 4 inches from each other made me
feel a lot freer than I felt just before.
I gave a sigh of relief, and once I was un-hogtied, the handcuffs stopped
biting into my wrists like they had been doing for the past 20 or 30
minutes. She walked around the bed to where I could see her..and she
looked really delicious. I began to realize just how horny I had
become, and while I had always dreamed of being tied up this way, all
I wanted at this point was to find a way to get her bent over so I
could give it to her doggy style.
She then climbed onto the bed, commenting on the puddle of drool I had made
and stating that I would be paying for that. She dug around in the box for
something and pulled out a wide strip of leather with chrome hardware on the end.
The leather strip was about 2 inches wide and maybe not quite 2 feet long.
I soon noticed it was a collar with metal studs all around it, and I knew
where it was going to be applied, so I was ready when she turned to me and
reached under my neck to loop it around. It had D rings on
the front and back, and a buckle attached behind the head. She then pulled
out another small padlock from the box and I heard it click into place
like the one she had put onto my gag earlier.
She told me I would need the collar for later, and with that she got up
and walked around behind me again. She untied the rope around my knees
and then from around my feet. Then I felt the string being removed from
my big toes. I barely had time to relish my newfound
freedom when she told me to get up on my knees.
She told me to put my ass in the air. I made a feeble attempt at
resistance at this point, to see if I could maneuver myself into a standing
position, but she countered by reaching between my legs with her hand and grabbing
my balls through the thin material of the boxers. She used her other hand
to guide my now-compliant body up into a position where I was still
face-down on the bed, but on my knees with my ass up. She let go of
my balls at this point, and began to pull my boxers down. She pulled
them down as far as she could with me in this position and then gave
my ass a hard swat with her hand to establish who was in charge.
She then pulled the boxers all the way off and pulled my legs apart,
grabbing my balls in her hands again. I shifted around a bit at this but
she grabbed them more firmly and I decided to stay still.
I felt her reaching over once more into the box and getting something,
and then I felt my balls tighten up around the top as she looped what
looked like leather shoelaces around my balls, knotting them off and
making me quite uncomfortable to say the least. Now again, I had played a
little tie-up before but never with a woman who absolutely relished the idea of
bondage as she obviously did. So this was a new experience for me to be sure.
This was an activity I had fantasized about but never actually done. It was one
of those fantasies we have that on occasion might seem to be better left as a
fantasy. Yet here I was, with a leather lace tied tightly around my ballsack.
Then she proceeded to stand me back to my knees on the bed, and grabbed
another length of rope. She doubled the rope and wrapped it around my waist,
twice, and then ran the two ends through the looped end in front, pulling
the ends back between my legs. This was a longer rope and the ends were probably
still 5 feet long. She moved each crotch rope to one side of my cock and balls
and up past my hands to my tied elbows, cinching them firmly and tying them off,
looping the ends around the knot a few times until there was no slack left.
I could not see all of this, just feel it, but I couldn't help but think it
must be fabulous ropework.
The crotchrope dug upward into my flesh and it was nice and tight. She then
began to re-apply the ankle rope and quickly had my feet crossed over and tied
once again. Then she told me to lay on my side and proceeded to tie
over and under my knees with one piece of long rope. Now I was nearly as helpless
as I was before, but with an added restraint- the leather lace on my cock, which
I noticed had two long ends hanging free.
As I lay on my side I could see her a bit better but my back was to the box
on the bed, so when she leaned over me I could not see what she was getting until
she brought it in front of me. She did this and brought a small package- a
condom, before my face. She opened it with her graceful fingers, then with
her hand she grabbed my hard cock, and applied the condom, rolling it down the
shaft all the way to the base. "No more messes from you Buck-O" she said as she
pointed to the small wet places of drool where I had been laying before.
Speaking of that, the drool hadn't stopped...I wasn't running out of it
anytime soon obviously. It was all down my chin and I had long since stopped
trying to keep it in my mouth. For some reason, you can keep the drool from
occuring for a short while, but once it starts your lips are 'primed' and it
finally becomes impossible to impede the flow.
She then rolled me over onto my stomach again, and I felt her pulling the
strings on my cock up between my legs. Then she unlocked the handcuffs but left
the thumbcuffs in place. "These are staying on, but we are going to get something
softer for your wrists" she said as she picked up my wrists and began to wrap
rope around them, then between them, cinching them every couple of passes to make
sure everything was nice and snug. Then she made a knot and when she was finished
there was really no more movement than there had been with the metal hinged cuffs,
although I was somewhat relieved that the rope was a bit softer and, as of yet,
was not cutting into my flesh.
In reality, she seemed to be quite good at rope bondage and aside from the
typical strain on the muscles, the ropes were tied in such a manner that there
was little discomfort from the rope itself as it was applied accross a broad area of
skin, rather than pulling at any one small part. From what I had seen when I was
laying on my side, the knots
were all applied on top of the rope, rather than where they could touch my body.
I had read on the internet that this was the sign of good ropework so as not
to injure somebody. This actually relieved me to some degree, because at this
point just knowing that she was using 'safe' methods meant that she intended me no
Either way I was just along for whatever ride she had in store. Especially
when she once more grabbed the cock leash she had made and tied it to the ropes
on my wrist, quite snugly I might add. So now I not only had ropes running thru
my crotch, but I had a lace wrapped tightly around my balls attached directly to
my wrists, making it a bad idea to do too much resisting with my hands. The least
little tug created a very unique experience of discomfort.
She then proceeded to pull my bound legs back up toward my back, and pressed her
body firmly against them as she tied the ankle rope to the rope between my upper arms.
When she let the pressure from her body off, the ropes held tautly and my hogtied
status immediately became evident. There was quite a bit of strain on my body at
this point, because it was tighter than the first hogtie she had put me in. She had
not tightened it so much the first time, even though at the time I thought it was
tight. This tie not only made it harder to move, but made it harder to breathe.
I was in a bit of agony, and at the same time I was living a fantasy of being
completely bound and gagged by a beautiful woman. In a way I thought to myself that
even if I run out of air, I will be dying happy.
But she still was not finished. She grabbed a leathery item from the box. At
first I thought it was something for her to wear, but when she removed the ring gag and
quickly stuffed a big red ball into my mouth before I could readjust my jaw, I knew
differently. This ballgag was attached to a leather hood which laced up the back. It
took her about 2-3 minutes to lace it up. There were metal-ringed holes on the bottom of the hood
which actually lined up with the rings on the collar she had put on me earlier. Two small
padlocks were applied which secured this thing to my neck, not that it was in
danger of coming off anyway as it was laced tightly. I couldn't see it yet, but there
were snaps around the cutouts for my eyes where a blindfold attached. Soon this was
applied and I could no longer see my captor.
I decided that now I was really screwed if I needed to talk because the ballgag
completely filled my mouth and in addition was covered by the hood. The strict
hog-tie made it difficult to breathe anyway and this only made it worse. I laid very
still because I was afraid that I would be unable to inhale enough through my
nose if I did anything at all to tax my breathing. Well, at least I wasn't going to
drool out my mouth now...probably.
It occurred to me at this juncture that she and I had never agreed on a safeword!
Stupid!! I thought to myself after thinking about all I had read on internet sites about
"Safe & Sane" bondage, but then realized that as effectively as I was gagged,
I probably would not have been able to use the word if we'd chosen one. This also made me
ask myself if I would have used the safeword by now if we'd agreed on one. The
answer was no...not yet anyway. As helpless as I was, I was still enjoying myself
even with the discomforts of strained limbs and a tight lace on my nuts.
The next thing that happenned was something I completely did not expect after
all that had happenned already. I felt her hands on top of my hooded head, fidgeting
with something. Then I felt her hands touching my big toes. Then I felt my head
being firmly raised off the bed and tension forming between my head and my toes!
She was going to tighten the hog-tie even more by doing a head-toe tie! Now I was
really in a state of panic as an already tough breathing situation became almost
impossible. I groaned and grunted through my gag and hood but nothing much came out.
It was not even a loud groaning or grunting. Very muffled indeed. I felt her take
the loose ends of the rope at my toes and continue to wrap them around my feet up to
my ankles, virtually welding my feet together. This took some of the strain off my
toes as she did this, but most of the weight of my pulled-back head was still being
chanelled through them.
I was completely and totally immobilized and could not move AT ALL, except for
what wiggling I could do with my 8 uncuffed fingers and my 8 unbound toes. I tried
to reach up to my feet with my hands but that was a complete bust when I reminded
myself painfully that my wrists and balls were connected tightly with the shoelaces.
She smacked my ass quite hard and chuckled a bit. "Now you are exactly as I want
to see you..let me stand back and look..did I forget anything ?" I tried with little
success to shake my head no but the way I was trussed up I don't think it was very
"Oh, you know I put that collar on you for a reason, too..". With that,
I felt her once more kneel onto the bed and over me to get something else out of the
box. She undid, temporarily, part of the blindfold as she moved around in front of me
where I could see her. She bent down, sexily, putting her breasts down near me and
stuck her fine ass in the air a little. She smiled and said "OK this is so you
REALLY won't run away". She then held up a leash and attached it to a ring on my collar,
which was raised up off the bed, making the ring easy to get to. She put the looped
handle of the leash up and over the bedpost on the bed.
The leash was really just a gesture of bondage more than bondage itself. If I
could have budged at all (or even if I had been able to expend the precious breath),
I could have probably maneuvered myself and broken the post in two. But there was no
budging, and very little breathing possible on my part.
She then told me how tired she was, that she had been exerting herself all evening
at the club, and how it was time for her to turn in. She said she had a treat for me
and asked me what part of her was my favorite. She pointed to her breasts and told me
to grunt once if she wanted me to keep going, or twice to stop. I grunted once and
she moved down to her feet...moving up her legs slowly...I grunted once and she kept on
moving up to her hips and then turned around and stuck her ass in my face...I grunted
twice because even though I liked all her parts, I was an ass man. I really didn't know
why she was asking...I was in a way afraid that the wrong answer could be the end of me.
She then grabbed the handle end of the leash from the bedpost and laid it aside.
"You must please forgive me- I promised you a good hard spanking but I think it will need
to wait for tomorrow when I have more energy to punish you with." She then grabbed me by
the knees and drug me with all her might accross the bed where my head was about in
the middle.
Then she rolled me over onto my side..a very strenuous experience, where I was laying on
the right side of the bed, facing towards the middle. She took the rest of the
blindfold off and laid it on the night stand.
"You snore even once and this goes back
Snore ?
Was I to sleep this way ?
Oh I really don't think that is going to be
possible...Panic crept back in..I really really for the first time wanted to be free
at this point but what could I do? I would have used a safeword here if I had been so
equipped. I could not speak intelligibly anyway and even if I could
would it make a difference? I know I had always had this fantasy but could I actually
spend several hours in this position, barely able to breathe and completely unable to
move? The only really burning pain in my body at this point was the lace on my balls.
The tension on my toes was a close second.
I was really hoping that she would at least release those 2 things but she didn't.
She then took the end of the leash and re-attached it to the other bedpost
on the headboard. Again it was there more for symbolic reasons than anything, but
knowing that I couldn't even move enough to get it loose was a bit demoralizing.
Then she crawled onto the bed and laid down next to me. Her mid-section was right
about where my head was. Then she told me good night and rolled over. Her beautiful
ass was right in front of my face, on her side which is probably my favorite
veiw of a woman. I always love to see them from behind, laying on their
sides in the nude or in a thong as in this case.
I was in heaven..I was in hell. My face was about 12 inches from where I wanted to
be. I laid there and just stared at her body, looking at the graceful lines of her
stockings and garters, all drawing my view right up to her gorgeous ass. I stared for
a few minutes when I realized that her breathing had changed and she was asleep!
How could she leave me in this strict bondage and sleep this way ? I really knew
I was in for a long night if she stayed asleep and kept me like this. Should I try
to wake her up? Would she be angry and really hurt me? It occurred to me that I really
just did not know her very well and began to really regret my decision to let this happen
to myself. Even so, my cock was harder than I can ever remember it being before.
One thing was for sure...I was not going to go anywhere until she allowed it to
End of 100% Pure Bondage, Chapter 1
Asian Bondage is the kind of thing that some folks simply can’t get enough of. That’s what I told the barista after one of the other Starbucks customers complained about what I was watching on my laptop, but she didn’t seem to care. Whatever happened to freedom of expression? I was just trying to express my love for tied-up Chinese chicks, and Karen over here had to get her panties in a bunch. I took my fap session back home, where I can express myself in peace, but my yellow fever rages...
Fetish Porn SitesChapter 1: Britney in BondageBritney jogged home from cheerleading practice. If she was quick she could have the apartment all to herself for 2 hours. Donna her roommate had taken an evening class which met 2 nights a week, unfortunately for Britney her cheerleading practice usually lasted almost the entire time Donna was in class so she had little time to practice self-bondage. Tonight would be different she would have the place to herself, and if anything went wrong, she could rely on...
Streets ??????? A Colorado Country Girl?s Self Bondage ?By Mary Elizabeth Moore Writing As Shackleford Bond CH 1My mom is the greatest person in the world. We were always close, but after my dad died we became even closer. We would talk for hours about anything and everything. When I got a little older we had long talks about sex and sexuality. Mom was very direct about such matters and didn?t hold back when it came to the birds and the bees.We lived on a farm but after my father died,...
When people conjure up images of bound women, they usually envision damsels in distress, securely bound on beds, chairs, or other bondage locations. Not too many people would consider bathtub bondage, but hopefully by the end of my story, there will be a few converts to the cause. Why bondage in water? Some of you are likely pondering this question. Actually my wife and bondage partner, Francine, and I never were bondage enthusiasts. We tried bondage once in our brass bed, finding it lacked...
When people conjure up images of bound women, they usually envision damsels in distress, securely bound on beds, chairs, or other bondage locations. Not too many people would consider bathtub bondage, but hopefully by the end of my story, there will be a few converts to the cause. Why bondage in water? Some of you are likely pondering this question. Actually my wife and bondage partner, Francine, and I never were bondage enthusiasts. We tried bondage once in our brass bed, finding it lacked...
-- Anna: Intro to Bondage --I was having morning coffee with my daughter-in-law Anna. We'd only recently started this, with me taking time from work to drop by her home and share a cup with her. She seemed to enjoy the time with me, a pleasant change from husband and c***dren. With the k**s at school and Allan off on his work routines, we had the house to ourselves. At first we were a little awkward, but after several visits we'd become comfortable with each other and always found something to...
-- Anna and Bondage --I'm having morning coffee with my daughter-in-law Anna. We've only recently started this, with me taking time from work to drop by her home and share a cup with her. She seems to enjoy the time with me, a pleasant change from husband and c***dren. With the k**s at school and Allan off on his work routines, we have the house to ourselves. At first we were a little awkward, but after several visits we're comfortable with each other and always find something to chat...
I have a slightly kinky view of sex. Well, very kinky. Maybe too long browsing porn, too long spent alone with my fantasies? I have always gravitated towards bondage but never found a girlfriend that would indulge me and I didn’t want to pay for a domme. So, I tried self-bondage. I have a slightly kinky view of sex. Well, very kinky. Maybe too long browsing porn, too long spent alone with my fantasies? I have always gravitated towards bondage but never found a girlfriend that would indulge me...
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Linda was determined this time. She needed to feel the exquisite torture of being teased. She wanted to be able to prolong the pleasure of arousal as she had experienced in the past.Linda and her partner had been split up for a few months and her mind and body were returning to 'normal'. She wasn't dating again yet, but her body's desires were attempting to get her back out there. At night she would masturbate to relieve her tension, but afterwards, always felt disappointed. The orgasm...
I know you horny fappers love the thought of having a kinky slut who’s into bondage do whatever you tell her to. Just imagine spanking that ass, tying them up, and fucking them while they can’t do so much as turn around. It’s certainly one of the best feelings there is. Or, hey, maybe you fantasize about having a dom bitch boss you around and peg you while you sit there hogtied. Well, that’s not something I would touch, but I’m not here to judge; you do you. On the contrary, I’m here to give...
Live BDSM Sex CamsHoliday in Bondage by "c.c." As a successful Antique Dealer, I spend a lot of time traveling around the country, usually off the beaten path, where the best deals are. I generally stay at quiet Bed & Breakfast Places out in the sticks, and it was one of these casual stop-overs that changed my life in ways I never anticipated. Janet's Inn was set back off the main road, near a woods and pond, and she ran it with help from her live-in girlfriend Jeri. Both women were attractive...
After spending an night and morning exploring the sexuality of my best friend’s wife, Jessica, she had expressed an interest in exploring bondage. I decided that I would put together some things to have with me, just in case I got a chance to spend another night with her while her husband was out of town. I was certain that a fair amount of rope would be necessary, several pieces of varying lengths were readily available, since my wife and I had sometimes explored some bondage scenarios. ...
It had been a small gathering in Jinx's studio apartment. We had been sitting on Jinx's large four poster bed. When The ohers left, I stayed behind to say my goodbyes to Jinx, because this was The fist time I had met her.The four poster had been intriguing me. I had been looking at The carving at The foot , and I was intrigued."Er---ropes?" I asked.."How did you know?""The marks on The bedposts. Nice four-poster bed, by The way.""Thanks. You're pretty observant. You into bondage?"I hedged a...
It had been a small gathering in Jinx's studio apartment. We had been sitting on Jinx's large four poster bed. When The ohers left, I stayed behind to say my goodbyes to Jinx, because this was The fist time I had met her.The four poster had been intriguing me. I had been looking at The carving at The foot , and I was intrigued."Er---ropes?" I asked.."How did you know?""The marks on The bedposts. Nice four-poster bed, by The way.""Thanks. You're pretty observant. You into bondage?"I hedged a...
Slave Girls in Bondage Chapter 72 Another dastardly plot! More innocent women bound and turned into slavegirls. While the travesty never end? I hope not. Her name was Shirley Simpson and she was a minor functionary in some partof some big company. Her office, for some strange reason, had an incredibleturn over in clerks. It seemed they were hired, and within a couple weeks,they would disappear. Nobody really cared except for the personnel office thatwas tired of filling out all the...
I received an e-mail from a couple lesbian friends of mine. Angi and Jenny asking me, if I wanted to go in with them and rent a cabin at Government Camp for the weekend. For my friends who don't know where Government Camp is located, it's a small high mountain community East of Portland, Oregon at the base of Mt. Hood. It gets lots of snow there over 6 feet during the Winter. We lucked out, it hasn't started to snow yet while we was there. Anyways, the Ladies asked me to meet them there about...
FetishBefore the event I’m about to share with you, I had done just about all there was to do sexually, and I had enjoyed every minute of it. And my husband Mark had enjoyed watching it all. One of the few things I hadn’t done was bondage, because the idea of things being totally out of my control never really appealed to me, but all that changed at Steve’s birthday party.Steve is a friend of my husband Mark, and I suck him off about once a week. He shoots really big loads and I love how thick and...
Wife LoversBefore the event I’m about to share with you, I had done just about all there was to do sexually, and I had enjoyed every minute of it. And my husband Mark had enjoyed watching it all. One of the few things I hadn’t done was bondage, because the idea of things being totally out of my control never really appealed to me, but all that changed at Steve’s birthday party.Steve is a friend of my husband Mark, and I suck him off about once a week. He shoots really big loads and I love how thick and...
Wife LoversI have trained maybe 6-8 women now how to safely tie up their man for some added spice and fun, but Jenn will always be my favorite!!Jenn was not the first woman I had ever trained how to tie and tease a man. She was just the first of several that I taught whom I had met only for the express purpose of teaching. We had worked out all of the details through PM’s on XHAMSTER and then I agreed to rent the hotel room of her choice and provide a variety of things that could be used so she could...
Lee started here about a month ago. He's a doctor, about 29, over 6 feet tall, dark hair, and very handsome. He's everything a girl could want, smart, funny, and a real hunk. Anyway, we both work what they call the late shift, from one to ten, when the clinic closes. Sometimes, things get hairy, but not often. Past nine o'clock, the place usually gets pretty dead. If they have a runny nose, or their back hurts, they wait till morning. As a result, there aren't to many people working past eight....
Lee started here about a month ago. He's a doctor, about 29, over 6 feet tall, dark hair, and very handsome. He's everything a girl could want, smart, funny, and a real hunk. Anyway, we both work what they call the late shift, from one to ten, when the clinic closes. Sometimes, things get hairy, but not often. Past nine o'clock, the place usually gets preaty dead. If they have a runny nose, or their back hurts, they wait till morning. As a result, there aren't to many people working past eight....
************************************************************************* This little vignette was written as the dream ending to my last dress up it is, it will never happen.....but one can always dream! ************************************************************************* So here I am covered head to toe in PVC as per Master Stanley's instructions. Master Stanley being my online master. Black PVC body, thigh high boots and shoulder length gloves. A latex hood hides...
Before the event I’m about to share with you, I had done just about all there was to do sexually, with the exception of bondage. The idea of things being totally out of my control never really appealed to me, but all that changed at Steve’s birthday party. Steve is a friend of my husband Mark, and I suck him off about once a week. He's really into bondage and he's always been after me to give it a try. Anyway, Steve’s 50th birthday was coming up, so Mark and I decided that as his gift we'd...
SwingerShe checked her instructions carefully for at least the tenth time in the last half an hour, the printed sheet now crumpled from repeated folding and unfolding, Number 17 Naysmith drive, left out of the station, down Arkwright street for three hundred yards and turn left at the Red Lion into Merethorpe Gardens and then second left. The high arch of the honeysuckle shrouded pergola gateway loomed above the street, setting No 17 apart from it's matching stone Edwardian town house...
A Penny-Worth of bondage My name is Worth, Penny Worth, and I love being in bondage, yep I know that`s a conversation stopper but it is the truth! It all started when I was c***d by my reckoning, my mother leaving me in a harness on a dog chain to stop me wandering away when she was doing housework or working round the garden! It was done with the best of intentions by loving parents but its left its mark on my brain. Anyway I now have a kink about being chained up and most of my friends...
My husband's younger brother lives with us while he attends college. We have fixed up a room for him in our basement. Sometimes I clean his room and one day, I came across a box under his bed that was full of pornographic magazines. Many of them dealt with bondage. The magazines had color photos of nude woman tied up in all kinds of positions. I just couldn't understand the appeal of being tied up like that and on a lark I wrote my brother-in-law a note and stuck it in the magazine. I told him...
She checked her instructions carefully for at least the tenth time in the last half an hour, the printed sheet now crumpled from repeated folding and unfolding, Number 17 Naysmith drive, left out of the station, down Arkwright street for three hundred yards and turn left at the Red Lion into Merethorpe Gardens and then second left.The high arch of the honeysuckle shrouded pergola gateway loomed above the street, setting No 17 apart from it's matching stone Edwardian town house neighbours, she...
Female Celebrities both past and present have found themselves in a state of bondage. Who has done this to them? Was it of their own accord or the will of others? Is some higher being responsible for the celebrity’s current state of restraint or perhaps there is a supernatural aspect was involved? Are they the captive of some perverted wish made by a horny fan looking for some alone time? A clone of the original celebrity created by a mad scientist who wants a woman to warm their bed at night?...
BDSMSpicing up the act. Part two; The Bondage. We fell back on the bed, totally exhausted. It had been yet another marathon sex session, only this time, it was as Jason and Annie. We were celebrating our third wedding anniversary and after a celebratory meal at the local pub with friends and family we had retired to the family home where we ended up in the bedroom. We were exhausted, but not so exhausted that we couldn't manage it twice. We had also promised each other that if we...
All of my life I wanted to be tied up. I think I was in to bondage from day one. I started off doing self bondage in by bed room when I had the house to my self. I found ways to tie myself down to the bed spread eagle. I had to use a knife to cut my self free. I even was able to hog tie myself. One time I had a hard time getting to the knife to get free. mom, all most found naked and hog tied. But, I all ways wanted to be suspended. The thought of me hanging there naked and help less. At that...
First TimeThe time it took from Ally’s arrest to her sentencing was a mere four hours. During that time she was booked, strip-searched, briefly questioned and given access to a consular lawyer.In four hours, her life was turned upside down, all for something truly stupid. She was holding a beer and kissing a man she had met on the beach. Public drunkenness and immorality were the charges.The sentence was 100 days and 100 lashes.She was whisked off in a police van to a prison outside the city limits. Once...
Chapter Three: Sleepover Bondage By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 I wanted to skip as I walked down the street to Sun's house. I wanted to throw my arms wide and skip, my body bursting with joy. Such excitement burned inside of me. Tonight was Friday. Tonight, Sun was spending the night and Daddy would make her into a good girl, too. We would go down into the basement and see Daddy's workshop. My eighteen-year-old body trembled in delight. I loved being Daddy's good girl. I was so...
"Hey Jason" She said walking into his house “you said you got something you want to try? Well I’m you’re girl", "Hey Willa I’m over here just give a second to finish things up here first" Jason said from his living room. Willa walked in and there was Jason on the couch over top of a girl. He was pounding his enormous cock into her cries filling the room as she orgasm. Just watching this scene made her wet and horny wishing she was the one getting pounded. "Hey Tano" She said...
It was excruciating. Hannah still hadn't made a move. Samantha was convinced she had left her waiting for over a hour by now. With her eyes and ears covered she couldn't check on her. Of course her fine hearing could not be completely dimmed, but it hindered her enough to get a clear picture. Hannah was probably on the other side of the clearing. A few moments ago Samantha had heard some noises from that direction. The whole situation was rather arousing for her. She tried to close her legs a...
This is an absolutely true story. To prepare for my evening, I have put on an outfit like I wish that I could wear all the time, everyday. First, I shower, and shave everything below my hair silky smooth. Then, I put on my complete, extremely heavy makeup, with concealer, foundation, powder, eyebow penciling, eyeshadows, eyeliner, several coats of mascara, blush, and glossy lipstick. I then begin dressing. I pull on my silky panties and Legg's Sheer Energy pantyhose. I put in some front...
296 Essen bondage, a case of careful what you wish for! Essen 1981, I was on a working trip there at the time, as a model for an underwear company, working with a team of three other models and a group of salesmen, none of whom I really knew as I work for an agency and had been called on to sub for one of their own. Anyway, it being Friday night, we went out with couple of the managers from the group I was working with, I suspect they felt obliged as the other girls worked for the group full...
I decided to write about something my wife and I did as I have never seen this portrayed in story or in the videos on Xhamster. First I should tell you I am a marital and family ther****t. The organization where I worked gave us a “test” to use with married couples which was designed to facilitate sexual communication. As I had done in the past, whenever we obtained anything new on the sexual front I would bring it home to try it out with my wife both to see what the experience would be like...
From The Chronicles of The Risque Adventures of Madame EricaChapter. 2"The tale of the damsel in bondage"I had always had a fetish for bondage. I guess it comes natural for me since I'm such a submissive person. I decided that I wanted to explore into it more than before and I knew it had to be with people I trusted. So one night very recently I discussed it with one of my bestest friends and her hubby and we decided that if it happened it would be ok. 4hrs. and some drinks later.... we...
I had been helping a MILF next door named Hellen. She had a curvy body, long thick brown hair and a feminine face with hazel eyes. Although she didn´t dress to show of her body her body language told a different story.She would swing her ass and bow down just a little revealing.Anyway I helped her with her computer one da. Her computer had gotten a virus due to porn surfing. I had to check through her entire pornstash and analyse all the files. She turned out to be into bondage and being taken...
I was around 18 or 19. Still in high school. My father went out of the town for thee weekend and I found an interesting blog on the Internet about a self-bondage girl. I knew that I had to try this while I had a chance.It was summer so I prepared everything I needed and left it in the tool-shed in our yard. I buried two pairs of keys on different sides of the yard - one is to the inside of the house and the other for some handcuffs.Then I got all naked and went out into the yard, locked the...
Bedroom BondageBy ReddbunnzChapter One: Surprise PackageYou walk into the bedroom. The image you see surprises you. There, in the middle of the bed, is a woman. Save for a few leather articles, she is nude. She is blindfolded and wearing a collar around her neck. On her wrists and ankles are leather cuffs with buckles. Ropes are tied to the headboard. Her arms are stretched out, wrists cuffs attached to the ropes by metal hooks. The same kind of hooks are attached to her ankle cuffs. With...
office bondage by stHell66 (d/s, humilation, m/f, incest) A dirtier version of "the secretary" I'm in pain cloths pins on my nipples and one on my clit, rubbing against my master's desk, as he rubs his cock between my bare buttocks. He grabs my hair and curses at me, "STUPID CUNT." As he cums on my back side. "Get dressed Mr Jones is waiting." He zips up his pants and straighten up his clothes ready for his client. I rush, knowing never to wipe his cum off. I quickly put on my black skirt, and...
Let me help you understand my views on this. Dom/sub relationships are not about the bondage or the spanking or calling one Sir - or the other any sort of pet names - but it more on the way that two people interact. There are some assumptions that can be made - but then while interacting - no assumptions should be made - that is where you need to find out your partner. I am very much into the bondage aspect -- think about it for a second -- all of these images with the fancy rope are not...
We like to play games. We like to play secret games. We are the only ones who know we are playing the games. The rest of world, the people around us are oblivious to the hidden meanings, the looks, the gestures the illusions. False bravado, saying things that have double meanings, just enough for a stranger or a friend to look askance and wonder. We love making people wonder. 'Are they for real?' 'Did I just hear that?' It started when we discovered BDSM and formed a Master/slave...
This is a story about how my girl and me both took turns on being dominated with bondage and toys. We both have the balance of both dominant and submissive, but we never acted… This is a story about how my girl and me both took turns on being dominated with bondage and toys. We both have the balance of both dominant and submissive, but we never acted on the dominant. One day I was working late because we had an unscheduled meeting. While I was at the meeting, I get a text message from my...
BDSMThis is a true story, i am a middle aged women that has been married to my wonderful husband for close to 40+ years, my name is Diane and i live in beautiful Queensland Australia. There is a trend going around at the moment in Australia which is called $100.00 Housewife Fucks, it's basically where Housewives offer their body to strangers for sex for a $100.00. We were running a bit short on money and i decided to talk to my hubby about this trend, i said i would like him to organise...
Introduction: Wife and men I am a married women that has the best husband in the world, My husband is one of those guys that loves to see his wife have sex with other men, i would like to share one of our adventures with you. This is a true story, i am a middle aged women that has been married to my wonderful husband for close to 40+ years, my name is Diane and i live in beautiful Queensland Australia. There is a trend going around at the moment in Australia which is called $100.00 Housewife...
Author's note. This is a work of erotic fiction, so if this offends you, please stop reading. Also, most of what's described in this story wouldn't be ethical or legal, but again, I remind you that it's fiction! I hope it's good-and-kinky fiction, and while I wish something like this had happened to me, once again, it's only fiction. Some readers think that my stories are autobiographical. I wish! Also, a fan of my work suggested this story concept. Feel free to message me if you have...
Chapter 2: Faerie Bondage By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Aoifa – Ke-Thi, Lesh-Ke Mountains, The Kingdom of Haz “Have you seen my husband?” I asked a pair of naked pregnant women, their skin that deep Hazian dusk, their dark hair falling about their faces. They both gave me horny smiles. “That big man that came with you?” “Yeah,” I nodded. Fiona and I had split up to find him. Knowing our husband, he was dick-deep in pregnant pussy right now. He was such a stud. Fiona was still...
Mary tried to shift around and get more comfortable. But it was impossible. Her husband had gagged and tied and her down tight and regardless of the moans and grunts she made he continued to walk by and ignore her. The leather covered O-ring in her mouth stifled her noise, but did nothing to constrict her breathing. Her arms were tied to the legs of the old upright piano in their living room and then her feet and ankles were tied down to the heavy couch that was on the opposite wall. She was...
Welcome to the maze of bondage, the possibilities are endless or at least as endless as the depravity you and I can come up with. The kinks and settings can vary depending on the writer, first of all let's decide on our setting and main character The setting can be a world from some other piece of media or just something like generic "sci fi" Same with the main character they could be supergirl or just "jane" I'd like to encourage anyone who wants to to add chapters
BDSMHours of darkness is broken suddenly by the removal of a blindfold. A young woman is now able to see her surroundings, after being taken away in broad daylight and trapped in a van. Right in front of her is the face of a man she recognizes. His dark, angry eyes feel familiar somehow. His sharp nose and strong jaw covered in stubble seem to remind her of something. This is all answered momentarily. "Hello girlie," the man says, "I'm your new master. Just call me Stallion, since all of the other...
BDSMI will write about this beautiful nude woman and an interesting episode."I've been through a lot of sex so far, but the bondage I've experienced at work has been amazing."She muttered so.One day, there was a call from a customer who always called me, and the work of a call girl came in.The place I arrived was a beautiful hotel waiting for guests (W).W was in the room.W "I want to bind you and love you today.She tied her hands and was blindfolded, and the door opened.There are voices of several...
Another day of work had finished and I flew out the door just after 4:30pm on a mild March afternoon. I had still not transitioned professionally, so presented as male in the office. After work, though, I was my true self. A transwoman who was already taking hormones. I got into the car and turned out onto the main road, traffic was not too bad and I made the journey across town in under 15 minutes.Pulling up at the side of the road, the last glimmer of daylight was fading, but the streetlamps...
It had been weeks since I had last seen my Mistress or heard from her. I had gone past her farm a few times to not find her home! I wondered if my past bondage lessons were over and I was now a free man to go about my life as I had done in the past, free from the threat of blackmail from her and her Nephew?My Family had gone out of town for a visit and I was left alone to work and tend to matters at home.I was watching tv when I got the text on my phone. It said to call my Mistress at once! I...
It had been a week since I last visited my Aunt who had me under her control. She forced me to do as I was told or otherwise she would release to my Parents the pictures she had taken of me in her underwear or tied nude to her bed. I never knew she was that kinky but there was allot about her that I didn't know and was about to find out.I went into her apartment and waited for her to get home from work. She had a list of stuff for me to do but mostly household chores that otherwise were not to...
She was scared, really scared. So scared that her hands were sweaty and shaking, and her mouth was so dry that her lips were sticking to her teeth.She couldn't understand it, they'd been through this endless times since they'd met, especially over the last few months. She knew exactly what was going to happen and what he expected of her. Still, she supposed, knowing what to do and doing it were two very different things.She met him in a gaming chat room on line, around four months ago. As soon...