Spicing Up The Act. Part Two. The Bondage free porn video

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Spicing up the act. Part two; The Bondage. We fell back on the bed, totally exhausted. It had been yet another marathon sex session, only this time, it was as Jason and Annie. We were celebrating our third wedding anniversary and after a celebratory meal at the local pub with friends and family we had retired to the family home where we ended up in the bedroom. We were exhausted, but not so exhausted that we couldn't manage it twice. We had also promised each other that if we reached out fifth anniversary, we would renew our vows. And there was certainly no question of us not lasting another two years. It had been nearly a year since we had spiced up our sex life by me dressing up in feminine lingerie and adopting a feminine persona, Jade. And I had taken the decision to take it further by dressing up in more than lingerie and learning to apply make up, becoming a very feminine persona in the process. Annie had found out about Jade about two months later. And while she had been disappointed that I had kept it a secret, she had soon forgiven me. Especially when Annie found that she loved me as Jade almost as much as she loved me as Jason. In the weeks that had followed, Jade had become a semi permanent part of our life. She lived in the spare bedroom and came out two or three times a week. Jade even went out. Annie had convinced me to go out with her about six months into our new relationship. It had been her thirtieth birthday and we wanted to commemorate the event so she asked me to do something different for her birthday and because I wanted to please her, I agreed. And when she told me she wanted to go out for a drink I was not surprised, and I pleasantly agreed. And when she told the wanted me to dress as Jade to go out drinking with her, I totally freaked out. After she had calmed me down, she helped me to build my confidence. And after a couple of practice shopping trips where I had passed and was accepted as a woman, I thought, what the hell. If I could pass as a woman, I would go out as a woman. So, one night, a taxi pulled up at the end our street and two tipsy ladies tumbled out. They walked down the street holding hands and giggling. They were walking unsteadily on their high heels and the red head stumbled and almost fell on her arse. The blonde was too busy laughing to help her friend. The blonde was Annie, calling herself Cindy and the redhead was me, calling myself Jade. We almost fell through the garden gate. We actually fell over the front door. And after picking ourselves, we fell into bed. Our sex life was never better. But Annie had an idea to take it further. "Hey Jason, I've had an idea." "Oh really, Should I get Jade, or is this a main bedroom sort of thing?" It was the night of our celebratory third anniversary and we were rested. But not so rested, that we weren't ready to go at it again. "It's a sort of 'let me make a suggestion,' sort of situation." I'll admit. I was intrigued. "What do you suggest? She frowned for a moment and then smiled that lopsided grin of hers. Then she leapt on top of me grabbed my wrists and pinned me to the bed, her slim legs pressing against my side, her crotch resting against my belly. "This," she said, squirming against me, My cock was to ready to go once again. "Oh yeah," I said, struggling to release myself, but not so hard that I actually could release myself. I like being pinned, it had started when Jade came along and it added to the fantasy we were living out. Annie sighed and let go, sitting up. "Yeah well, I'm not digging it. Because if I'm holding you down, I can't do anything with my hands. And that's given me an idea." "What sort of idea?" She climbed off me and walked over to her make up table. She opened a drawer and picked something up from the inside. She then held the objects behind her back as she walked back towards me. She walked seductively slowly to the foot of the bed. She placed her free hand on her left hip and held up her right hand. She was holding two pair of handcuffs. She looked happy, assertive almost, but there was a nervousness about her expression as if she wasn't sure of my reaction. However, she did wait for my reaction. I had sat up in bed, my knees crossed at the ankles and my elbows resting on my knee. I'll be honest with you. I was more than a little nervous. Though I knew Annie would never hurt me physically, she was far too gentle for that, the thought of being handcuffed, of being helpless and vulnerable, was a little scary. But I was also a little curious about the thought. Was it wrong of me to find the idea exciting? "We need to discuss this downstairs. And... sadly, dressed." Annie looked disappointed for a moment and then she shrugged. She turned and walked back to the dresser where she placed the handcuffs back in the drawer. Then she reached for her robe and put it on. "That's fair enough I suppose. Let's get dressed and reconvene downstairs," she reached for her panties and started to pull them on. Her lopsided grin reappeared, "At least you didn't say no." Twenty minutes we were sat in the living, nursing a large cup of coffee each. I was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt and was barefoot, Annie was wearing a pair of yoga pants and a sports bra under a floor length robe. She too was barefoot. For a moment we sat in silence and then I leant forward. "If you were to use those handcuffs, how... exactly would you use them?" Annie sort of curled up a bit and then looked me right in the eye, "Right then. You know I'm sort of dominant in bed? That I like to be in charge?" I nodded. "It's one of the things I love about you." "Well, it's just the control I like. I'm not into sadism, I wouldn't want to hurt you, Either physically or mentally. If we did like it, I might even get into it myself, you cuffing me to the bed that is." The thought of Annie, spread eagled on the bed, ready to be ravished, made my cock twitch a little. "And of course, we'd agree on safe words so if either of us didn't like it or felt threatened we could stop it straight away," Annie grinned in that lopsided fashion that I found so adorable, "Unless we were using a gag that is." I actually physically recalled at the idea. "Whoa hold your horses there Hoss, let's take it one step at a time okay." She merely giggled at me. I sat back and considered the situation. My glorious wife was wanting me dress as Jade and allow her to handcuff me to the bed. I'll be honest. I was curious about how this would feel. I had heard that bondage could be a sensual experience, delicious even, and for both people involved. But I also have to say I was a bit wary. And I didn't want to make a decision straight away, I wanted to take a little bit of time to fully explore this before I came to a final conclusion. "Let me think about it for a bit okay? I want to make sure it's what we need and something that we both enjoy before committing to anything permanent." Annie sighed, but it was a contended sigh. I was at least considering the idea. And as Annie herself said, at least I hadn't said no yet. "That's fair enough. Now, what do you say we get out of these clothes and into something more comfortable?" Needless to say the 'something more comfortable' was our bed. Not that we got much sleeping done. A few days later, Annie announced that she would be away for the next weekend. The law firm she worked for was holding a retreat to hold some team building exercises, something about increasing productivity. Annie suspected that the owners simply wanted to go on a paint balling weekend but wanted the firm to pay for it and couldn't come with a better way of making it happen. They were due to leave on the Friday and return on the Monday. There would be seminars, classroom exercises of course, but paint balling was the obvious reason. For the first time in our marriage, I was facing the prospects of being without Annie for more than four days. I wasn't concerned about keeping myself occupied until her return, I had some work to catch up on myself so the prospected of her being away for at least four days was welcome. Daunting and scary, but welcome. At least I could get Jade into one of the many work outfits we had for her. Three delightful dresses and two skirt suits. The Friday came and I saw Annie off. I kissed her goodbye on the cheek and then on the lips. A lingering kiss that threatened to turn deeper, to turn into something longer and then she was gone. I watched as she climbed into her can then I followed her as she drove down the drive, waving her goodbye and smiling as she waved back, her arm protruding from the drivers side window as she drove away, Then, with her car turning left and disappearing from view, I entered the house. It took my just over forty minutes to change into Jade. I had long ago shed my body hair so it was no problem to shower and shave. I put on a gaffe, a new piece of apparel that I had started to wear as it gave a feminine appearance to my otherwise male groin. Then I dressed in some new lingerie I had. A bra, with matching panties and garter belt in scarlet red. I pulled a pair of sheer, barely black stockings up my legs and attached them to the belt. It took me about fifteen minutes to apply my make up. A light daytime appearance. A light layer of foundation, some light blush on my cheekbones, soft shades of bronze and gold on my eyelids, a soft coral pink on my lips and a layer of lip gloss to plump them out. Finally I placed a new wig on my heard, a jet black page boy bob that hung just below my neck. I placed hoop earrings in my pierced ears and paired them with a heart shaped pendant Then I dressed. I chose one of the skirt suits, it was bright red which I matched with a white blouse, the blouse having a delightful little bow at the neck. I perched myself on a pair of red open toed three inch heels with a delicate strap and though I didn't need it, as I wasn't going out, I put the jacket on to get the full effect. Stepping in front of the mirror, I wasn't disappointed. In front of me was a smart business woman who looked ready for her high powered executive position. A sharp contrast to my own job, a technical writer for a copyright firm. I took the jacket off and hung it up in the wardrobe. Then I headed to my office and booted up my desktop tower. I headed downstairs to the kitchen and prepared myself a cup of coffee. Heading upstairs I paused outside the master bedroom. Was I really thinking what I was thinking? I shook the thought from my head. I opened up the files and started my work, typing up legal documents and reports. I had quite a backlog as the firm had been busy since the Covid19 restrictions had been lifted and while most of the office were still working from home, myself included, the firm was busier than ever. For myself I was happy to work from home as it gave me a chance to be Jade every once in a while. After a couple of hours, I headed down to the kitchen to get myself another cup of coffee. I got a text message from Annie telling me that she had arrived at the hotel and would get herself settled in, She would call me later in the evening. On the way back though, I didn't pause outsides the master bedroom, I actually went in. I opened Annie's dressing table drawer and looked at the handcuffs. I knew of two pairs and they were sat there nestled amongst her delicates, but there were actually two other pairs still in the boxes. I still wasn't sure what I was thinking, but it was a nagging thought in the back of my head, a little voice that refused to be silent. I closed the drawer and headed back to my office. I put some music on, cranked up the volume and buried myself in work. I made it for most of the day, not only catching up with the backlog, but getting ahead of myself. By four o'clock I decided that enough was enough. I saved my work, emailed my boss with the priority documents attached and shut my computer down. For the first time I found myself at a loss. With no Annie, there was very little for me do. I could phone some friends and meet for a drink or I could just stay in. Get changed and vegetate on the sofa with a movie on the telly and a pizza for my meal. Or I could... I rose from my desk and took the coffee cup downstairs. Then I stood at the kitchen table. I realised then, that I had been subconsciously planning this all day. I headed up to the master bedroom. I took the handcuffs from the drawer and went into Jades bedroom where I sat at my Vanity table. But even so it took me a while to gather up the courage to pick up one of the pairs and, after making sure that I had the keys on the vanity table within easy reach, I placed the cuffs around my nylon clad ankles. I experienced a rush of excitement as the cold metal cuffs closed tightly against my flesh, but not so tightly that they cut off the circulation. I sat there for a moment and then I picked up the second set of handcuffs and closed them around my wrists. Another jolt of excitement pushed through me and I sat there, bound hand and foot. I stood up and tried taking a step. I nearly fell flat on my face. I steadied myself and then had a fit of the giggles. They were nervous giggles, but I couldn't deny that this was fun. After a few minutes I reached for the keys, I struggled with the key and the lock for a few frantic minutes. Eventually, I managed to get the left cuff loose and managed to free myself. After a few moments. I closed the cuffs again and again, I sat struggling in the bondage for a while. Despite the gaffe I was wearing, I was beginning to get hard. I did this a few more times until I was comfortable with unlocking the cuffs and freeing myself. Then I decided to take it a step further. With the cuff still around my left wrist, I placed my hands behind my back and closed the cuff around my right wrist. This time, the excitement made me moan with some indescribable pleasure. My penis, trapped between my legs by the gaffe was desperate to rise and was straining against the fabric to do so. I actually gasped as I felt it twitch and strain. After a few minutes, I stood up again. This time I nearly did fall, but the though of knocking myself out and laying unconscious for who knew how long, sustained me as I staggered to the bed and plopped down onto it. I found myself staring at the small mirror mounted on the wardrobe. I saw a young woman in a blouse and skirt with her legs bound at the ankles and her arms pinned behind her back. And the young woman was me. A thirty two year old man. I couldn't believe that image. It was strangely intoxicating. I decided at that moment, that I needed some pictures of this. And I needed more of the feeling. I must have laid squirming and struggling for a good ten minutes, Then I decided to see if I could actually get out of this situation. I moved down the bed and eventually managed to sit back in the chair in front of the vanity table. Now for the hard part. I reached for the keys and almost dropped them before I managed to get a good hold of them. If unlocking the hand cuffs when they were in front of me was difficult, this was almost impossible. I must have sent a good fifteen minutes fiddling with the key to get the key into the lock and turn it. A simple job If I could get a handle on the key and see the lock, to be able to put it in the lock and turn it. But with my hands behind me and doing the job one handed with no way to see what I was doing was next to impossible. But it was not totally impossible. After several tense minutes, I managed to get key in the lock, turned it and felt the cuff spring free. For a moment I was elated. And if could I do it once, I could do it again. After a solid hour of practise, I was able to free my hands from behind my back in a matter of moments. Then I took it a further step. I picked up the keys, took them downstairs and went into on the dining room where I was about to put them on the table, when the phone rang. I paused for a moment. Though I could adopt a feminine voice as Jade, I didn't want to use it over the phone. I sighed. I went back to the main hallway and picked up the receiver. "Hello? Jason Roberts speaking." "Hello Jason Roberts, this is Annie Roberts." she replied. I sawt down on the bench next to the phone stand. She went on to tell me that she had arrived and had settled in and was just about to have dinner with twenty or so of her work colleagues, all looking forward to this extravagant weekend. The hotel was to die for by the way. After a few minutes of chatting we said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone. Then I went back upstairs. In the spare bedroom, I waited for a few minutes, unsure if I could do what I was about to do. So I decided not to think about it. I just did it. I cuffed my legs, I was now hobbled. I cold walk but not very far, or very well. I took another pair of handcuffs, and secured my hands behind my back, Now I was well and truly in trouble. I sat there squirming for a few minutes, enjoying the sensation of of being bound, of being immobile. Then I stood up. I wobbled for a moment, wishing I had changed the heels for flats. But I didn't have a pair of flats that went with this outfit. I giggled at that and felt nervous for a moment. I had to get the keys and they were a floor and a few rooms away. I managed to make it to the door and then realised I had to put my back to it to open the door Opening the door was a little tricky but I managed it. I turned back to face and saw it closing slowly. What the fuck? It shouldn't close on it's own. At least, it never had before. Or if it had, I had never noticed. I reached out instinctively with my right foot to stop it, only with my feet bound together, I almost tripped myself up. I managed to turn around and catch the closing door with my hands. I pushed the door wide open and backed out of the room. I stopped, watching the door shut, but it didn't close. Turning I found myself at the top of the stairs. Dangerously close. I managed to took a couple of short steps back and drew in a sharp intake of breath. If I had fallen... Well, it didn't bear thinking about, so I didn't think about it. I then faced the problem of getting down the stairs. And falling down them was not an option. I manoeuvred myself until I was stood with my back to the wall and could grab the railing with my hands. I tried stepping down but I was hampered by the cuffs around ankles and I could not reach the step down with any comfortable degree of accuracy, not without hopping. And like falling down the stairs, hopping was not an option either. I could sit down however. And I managed to do this by backing up, placing my back to the wall and sliding it, until I was sort of squatting on the floor. Then I pulled my legs out from beneath me and landed on the floor with a very unceremonious thud as my arse hit the carpet. I sat there for a minute, catching my breath and restoring what little dignity I had left. I then scooted towards the stairs until I was able to pick my feet up and placed them on the second step down leaving my arse on the top step. I then shuffled forward and placed my arse on the step below. It was then a case of rinse and repeat. Pick my feet up and place them further down the staircase and then shift my arse to a lower step. It was not as easy as it sounds. I had to pause every now and then as it was physically exhausting. Eventually, I reach the bottom of the stairs and paused there, catching my breath and trying to force my heart into a rhythm that didn't resemble an acid dance track. The hem of my skirt had risen up as well. So I was showing the tops of my stockings, along with a view of my thighs above them Eventually I managed to squat forward and gained my feet. Though I had to settle myself against the wall till my heart no longer resembled a V8 engine running at full throttle and my breathing was easy and steady instead of ragged and catching. Now, I had considered the stairs to be the biggest hurdle. Getting to the dining room would be a piece of cake. As Jason, I could make it from the foot of the stairs through the living room, into the kitchen and then into the dining room in about a minute. As Jade, because my gait was shorter and I was usually wearing heels, it took me little longer. But it was still easy. So this should be no problem. I was wrong. With my heels connected by about five inches of chain and being unable to actually lift my feet, I had to shuffle along. And in heels, this hampered me even more. Also, I had my arms cuffed behind my back and this altered my centre of balance so I had the ever present threat of falling over to contend with as well. Also, the living room seemed to be full of obstacles all of a sudden. Things to bump into and knock over. I had to be extra careful in that respect. In short what should have taken me thirty seconds took me nearly five minutes. This kitchen was easier, but only just. There was a wide open space that I manoeuvred my way through easily enough, but hobbled as I was I was still shuffling along, but the kitchen was tiled so the shuffling was easier. I had closed the door to the dining room so I had to open it. Easy? After all I had opened the bedroom door. Well, no. The bedroom door opened on hinges that swung the door inwards. While I could manage that, eventually, the door to the dining room slid open sideways to slide into the wall. I didn't know how I was going to accomplish this. I hobbled up to it and turned my back to it. After fumbling with it for a few moments, I managed to grab the handle, turned it and then hobbled sideways. The door opened slowly but surely. As Jason I could open the door easily. Bus as Jade and bound hand and foot, it was slow. Agonisingly slow. I finally managed it and managed to keep it open by sliding around it. And there I was in the dining room at last. The keys were waiting on the... only they weren't waiting. The keys were missing. I stood there for a moment, trying not to let panic set in. I almost succeeded. I had put them on the dining room table and they weren't there any more. I couldn't quite believe what I was seeing, or what I wasn't seeing. I had put the keys on the table, the dining room and then... I shuffled to a chair and managed to sit down. I tried to organise my scattered thoughts. What had I done with keys? They were not were I thought I had put them, so where had I actually put them? I desperately replayed the events in my head. Or tried to. The thoughts of being stuck bound hand and foot over the weekend kept intruding on my thoughts. I closed my eyes I had left the spare bedroom, I had come down stairs with the keys in my right hand. I had walked through the living room, I was going die a slow painful death... Oh stop it. I had stepped through the kitchen and entered the dining room, my muscles would painfully atrophy while I grow ever more thirsty and... Stop That Right Now! I took a deep breath. And composed my thoughts. I had left the spare bedroom, I had come down stairs with the keys in my right hand. I had walked through the living room. I had stepped through the kitchen and entered the dining room. I had then... then what? I closed my eyes and desperately tried to think. That was when I remembered. Annie had called and I had sat on the bench by the phone in the hallway to take the call... I also remembered having the small silver keys in my palm, even as I had played with my hair. Well, my wig. I got and made my way back into the kitchen, the sliding door staying exactly where I had put it. I negotiated my way through to the living room. Even as I saw the bench seat from my position in the living I could see the telephone stand. Two silver keys were sat next to it. How had I missed them? I made my over and sat down on the bench. I reached out with my cuffed hands, my arms now stretching painfully behind me. I felt my fingers brush the keys. And they slid along the surface of the table as I tried to grasp them, only for them to reach the edge and fall. I heard a soft thump as they landed on the carpet. I slumped on the bench as if I had been hit with a brick. After a few moments I straightened up, turned around and looked. The keys sat on the floor within reach of a person who wasn't handcuffed with his arms behind his back and his ankles bound together. And a he who was dressed as a she to boot. I swear the damn things were laughing at me. After a few more moments. I realised that I would have get down on the floor to get them. At least they couldn't fall any further. I eased myself up and propped myself against the wall. Then I slid down it until I was squatting on the floor. Only this time, instead of pulling my legs out from beneath, I actually leaned forward. My knees hit the floor and I was kneeling on the hallway carpet with the keys now in easy reach. Or so I hoped. I slowly eased myself into a laying position and shuffled around until I was laying on my side with the keys behind me. I rolled onto my back and felt my hands squish against the keys. I arched my back freeing my hands somewhat and managed to grab them. I rolled onto my front and scrabbled to release myself. After a few tense moments the cuff sprang free. I simply laid there for a moment, relishing my freedom. Then I raised my knees to my chest and released the handcuffs from around my ankles. Now fully free, I rose and walked into the living room where I laid out on the sofa and simply lay there reflecting on my day's adventures. And also decided to never, ever do something so silly again. Cuffing myself was fun, but it was dangerous. But I could mitigate the danger if I kept the keys within easy reach. I was surprised to find that it was almost ten o'clock. I was also tired and somewhat sweaty. So, somewhat reluctantly I undressed in the spare bedroom and after a shower, I dressed as Jason. I ordered a Chinese meal and sat watching a film. I went to bed tired and aching but happy. There was no chance to do anything on Saturday as I had errands to run, people to meet and of course, the football match to watch. But Sunday saw me dressed as Jade once more. By mid afternoon I was wearing a silver swim suit, white ballet stockings and a pair of impossibly tall heels. The swim suit was a gift from Annie. She had gotten the weird idea that we could go swimming together. As passable as I had become I felt I wasn't ready to use a public swimming pool just yet. Though knowing Annie, It was her way of saying that she wanted a private swimming pool in the back garden. I had spent most of the day in various outfits, handcuffed and bound squirming on the bed. First a long yellow summer dress, then a black leather mini skirt and a black cold shoulder crop top, then in just my lingerie. And finally, I had worn the silver swim suit with the white ballet stockings. And of course, my camera was snapping a picture every two minutes By the time I had finished I was very accomplished at undoing the handcuffs. Keeping them on a loop of string around my wrist. However. It was somewhat of a disappointment knowing that I could free myself so easily. With the end of the day, I put jade away in the spare bedroom and transferred the pictures I had onto the main PC. There were dozens of them and it took me over an hour. I placed them in the folder marked Correspondence again. Annie had promised not to look in it after discovering Jade and I had shown her the pictures. Within the folder I had opened a new folder marked Favourites. I spent the next half our shovelling my favourite photos into the new folder. When I sat back, I took a final look at the photos I had taken. They were very exotic. I settled into bed with one thought still ringing in the back of my head. How would I look if I were to be gagged? And more importantly, how would I feel if I were to be gagged? When Annie arrived home from her works weekend retreat she was full of the stories about the paint balling excursions they had gone on and the fact that some attempt at team building had actually been conducted, though what use it would actually be remained to be seen. She also showed me the trophy she had been awarded as her team had won three out of the five matches that had been held. We placed it in pride of place on the living room, on the TV stand. Needless to say the Sex was great that night. It was the Thursday after her return from her retreat that Annie brought up the handcuffs once again. We had eaten our evening meal and were sat in the living room. The TV was on, some film we had found on Netflix, but I wasn't concentrating on it and neither, as it turned out, was Anne. She sat up straight and looked at me. "So, the handcuffs. Have you made a decision yet? "Here's the deal with that," I began. Annie nodded and continued to gaze at me, with her glorious blue eyes, "First, we only do it as Jade and Cindy only as part of our fantasy. Secondly, We agree on a safe word so if we don't like it, either of us, we stop it straight away. Thirdly, and finally, Jade gets to put Cindy in handcuffs occasionally and gets to be the dominant one. But only when you're ready." Annie put her head to one side as she considered my conditions. Then eventually, she nodded. "I agree," she said. "Good. Now, let me show you something." I booted up the main computer and opened the Correspondence folder and then opened the Favourites folder. Annie said nothing. She merely sat there opened mouthed. "Take a look at these and then meet Jade in her bedroom." I lowered my voice to a whisper, mere inches away from Annie's right ear. "And the safe word for the day is Arkansas." Not taking her eyes off the screen, Annie merely nodded. I showered and shaved and dressed in record time. I had dressed in my sexiest lingerie and then the tight silver dress that Annie had bought me for our night out. I was sat at my Vanity putting my make on when I heard Annie's footsteps on the stairs and enter the master bedroom. I pulled on the red wig and settled it onto place as I heard her open doors and drawers and bang about. I was laid out on the bed when she she entered the bedroom. My eyeballs nearly flew out of my face. She was dressed in her lingerie. Bra, garter belt and stockings. No panties. Her shaven pussy was gleaming in the lamp light. Her stocking was sheer black and seamed. Her shoes were black leather and sported an incredible six inch stiletto heel. She held out her hands. In her left were two pairs of handcuffs and two more pairs hung from her right. Okay, I thought, I can handle this. I can definitely do this. "Well Jade, are you ready for me?" "Oh yes Cindy, I'm ready for you." She walked to the foot of the bed and climbed onto it. She started by shoving the hem of the dress up my body. When she had it up just under my bust, she started kissing my stomach and then the silken front of my panties. I gasped and began moaning. Cindy stopped briefly to smile up at me and then her hands began shoving the dress further up over my faux breasts and over my head, I held my arms straight above my head, allowing Cindy to push the dress off and when it was free of my arms. She tossed it to the floor as she moved to sit astride me. "Give me your right hand," she said. I did so. She closed the cuff around my wrist and then secured the other cuff to the metal headboard "Now your left hand." My left hand was soon secured to the headboard. I struggled against the restraints as Cindy sat across my stomach smiling down at me. "How do you feel now my precious girl?" she purred. "I'm ready for whatever..." I couldn't say any more as her face pushed down on mine, our lips coming together in a passionate kiss, our tongues darting in and out of our mouths. Her hands were caressing my arms, and my shoulders with gentle strokes. Then she began caressing the sides of my body. I've never been ticklish but this had me giggling like a schoolchild and had Cindy grinning in an evil fashion. "Ooh, is my girl ticklish?" "Not really, but don't let that stop you trying." "Hmm, maybe later." She began caressing me as she kissed my breasts and then down my torso and over my stomach to my groin. My prick was straining against the confines of the gaffe, trying but unable to rise. Cindy continued kissing the outline until my panties were damp with her saliva and then moving backwards down off the bed, she continued kissing, my thighs, my calves and then she grabbed my ankles. She pulled them apart in a slow deliberate movement. Seconds later, I was secured to the to the foot of the bed. I was now in a spread-eagle position on the bed and unable to move more than few inches in either direction. The feeling was indescribable. It was beyond ecstatic. "Ooh, Cindy, this feels... so naughty," I gasped. "Then let's get naughty," she replied. She climbed back up the bed. Clamping her thighs to my side, she placed her pussy on my face. I went to work with my tongue and soon Cindy was grinding her pussy against my eager tongue. At one point, it went in so deep that I thought I was actually going to loose it. And bound as I was, I was unable to escape, even if I had wanted to to. Cindy arched her back, screaming at the ceiling as she came. Not once, not twice, but three times., Then she collapsed on top of me, her lips reaching for mine as her body fell against mine. For a moment, we just kissed and then Cindy rose up to sit on top of my torso and smiled down at me as her hands gently caressed me. "Ooh, you have such a talented tongue, my dear Jade," she said, her voice almost a purr. "You're welcome," I said and tried to move. I knew I couldn't of course, but that was a major point of arousal. Or it should have been, had it not been for the gaffe. My prick was straining for release and it was actually beginning to ache, but somehow, this just fuelled the enjoyment. "So Jade, do you want to feel my mouth on you? Do you want to spunk your horny juice into my waiting mouth? Do you want to come?" "Oh yes, yes please." Cindy grinned in her coquettish fashion. She slowly moved down to look at my flattened groin, pressed her hand against the silky gusset, fondled the mound beneath it. "Well, these have got to go." Sitting up, she pulled a set of keys from her bra. She unlocked the cuffs around my ankles and then promptly sat on them as I drew my legs back together. Then with slow deliberation, she pulled my panties down to my knees. The gaffe followed, but ever so slowly. Eventually, my cock and balls sprang loose and I shouted my relief out loud. Cindy gasped at the sight of it, as if she had never seen it before. I was pleasantly surprised myself. It seemed much bigger then it normally was. It was erect, proud and dripping with pre-cum. Then Cindy pulled my underwear down around my ankles and off my feet. "Spread your legs girl," she said. Though her tone was stern, there was more than a hint of playfulness about it. I widened my legs and soon, I was cuffed in a spread eagled position once more. Cindy started slowly, kissing my ankles and calves while caressing my silk clad legs. I began to breath awkwardly, my breath coming in ragged gasps as my confinement and her ministrations worked on my senses in ways that were totally new to me. It was exciting, stimulating and sexy. Oh so fucking sexy. Slowly, Cindy worked her way up my legs. As she stroked the back of my knees, I suddenly realised that I was ticklish after all and she worked on them deliberately as I laughed and shook in the handcuffs unable to pull away. She then worked on my thighs, still slowly and deliberately until I was almost delirious with pleasure. She paused as she hovered over my cock, now more rock hard than it had even been. Then she slowly took my cock in her mouth. For a moment she just held it, her tongue lashing at the head and then she slowly lowered her head until she almost had the whole length down her throat and then she pulled back. For a few moments, it continued at this leisurely pace and all I could was moan and thrash in limited ways as she gently milked my organ. Then she pulled back and sat up. I was gasping, on the edge and demanding release. She slowly stretched out above me and then lowered herself onto me, I gasped as my cock pierced her pussy, and she settled on top of me. She began to pump up and down on my cock, squeezing it with her vaginal muscles. I tried to set up my own rhythm beneath her and just about managed it. Now Cindy began gasping as I bucked and pushed beneath her. Our movements became more frantic as I felt the pressure building in my belly and my gut. "Oh Jade, Jade this is... this is..." Her words turned into a scream as she came. I screamed out aloud as my bubble burst alongside hers. And kept bursting. I don't know how long we kept it up. When it eventually subsided Cindy flopped on the bed beside me. I may even have passed out. Cindy rolled onto her side and flopped over me. For a moment, she just lay there and then she rested her head again my chest. I had only just woke up myself and found I was still bound to the bed. I rattled my hands against the headboard, the metal cuffs clanking against the metallic framework. "Are you going to set me free?" I asked. She grinned wickedly. "No, not just yet." I sighed and then smiled. "Good answer." I lay back and took comfort from the warmth of Cindy's body as it rested against mine. I was still coming down if I'm to be honest. Cindy then raised her leg and draped it against mine. Her hands began caressing my stomach. It quivered as she ran her fingers along my smooth hairless flesh. "Well Jade. How was it for you?" I smiled weakly. "Stop fishing for compliments," I said. My chuckles turned into a shout of surprise a Cindy slapped my stomach. But it was not a hard slap and her stern expression had a hint of playfulness about it. "Well, it seems you like being bound." "Oh, I do Cindy," "I can tell." She wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled herself on top of me. I sensed that she was Annie again. The fantasy was not over yet, but it seemed that the lines between fantasy were beginning to blur together. Which was fine with me. I was fine with being Jason, but I liked being Jade too. And being handcuffed to the bed was an added facet to the fantasy. "So, where the handcuffs a good idea?" I looked up above me. My hands secured to the bed posts. "Oh, certainly." "So, we're doing this again?" "Whenever you're ready." Which give me an idea. "So, when do I get to cuff you to the bed?" "One step at a time remember? I have one last question to ask you." "Oh?" She smiled her lop sided coquettish smile that I had feel in love with so many years ago. "Why didn't you use the safe word?" "Oh, Arkansas?" Ah, the safe word. I had a confession to make regarding that. "I didn't want to use it. And to be honest, I forget what it was." After giggling, she kissed me gently on the cheek, and then more firmly on my lips, and then passionately, deeply for a few moments. And then Annie straddled me, her pussy coming to rest against my cock which was beginning to twitch and, impossible thought it may seem, was beginning to grow again. "So, are you ready to go again?" she asked. I flexed my arms and legs, rattling the metal frame. "Well I'm not going anywhere." "Okay." And then I sensed that she was Cindy once again. She clamped her hands on my shoulders. She began dry humping me, rubbing her clit against my stiffening cock. She paused for a moment. "Do you want me to set you free? she asked. I considered the proposal. Yes my arms were aching and my legs were beginning to protest, but the sensation was... sensual? "Not just yet," I replied. Her smile was as sweet as it was electrifying. "Ooh, good answer."

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My experiments in selfbondage

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Periya Suuthu Vaithu Irukum Thevidiyavai Oothen

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

3 years ago
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Spicing Up My Wifes Sex Life

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing. ‘I need more,’ thought Adam Williams, ‘my wife needs to be more kinky. I need more than the vanilla sex we have.’ Adam had become bored with his sex life, his wife Beth is a beautiful woman, 32, a figure to make heads turn and he loved her unconditionally. Her only problem was her sexual libido, she had none. They had been married for...

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Holiday in Bondage

Holiday in Bondage by "c.c." As a successful Antique Dealer, I spend a lot of time traveling around the country, usually off the beaten path, where the best deals are. I generally stay at quiet Bed & Breakfast Places out in the sticks, and it was one of these casual stop-overs that changed my life in ways I never anticipated. Janet's Inn was set back off the main road, near a woods and pond, and she ran it with help from her live-in girlfriend Jeri. Both women were attractive...

4 years ago
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The pleasures of bondage

It had been a small gathering in Jinx's studio apartment. We had been sitting on Jinx's large four poster bed. When The ohers left, I stayed behind to say my goodbyes to Jinx, because this was The fist time I had met her.The four poster had been intriguing me. I had been looking at The carving at The foot , and I was intrigued."Er---ropes?" I asked.."How did you know?""The marks on The bedposts. Nice four-poster bed, by The way.""Thanks. You're pretty observant. You into bondage?"I hedged a...

1 year ago
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The pleasures of bondage

It had been a small gathering in Jinx's studio apartment. We had been sitting on Jinx's large four poster bed. When The ohers left, I stayed behind to say my goodbyes to Jinx, because this was The fist time I had met her.The four poster had been intriguing me. I had been looking at The carving at The foot , and I was intrigued."Er---ropes?" I asked.."How did you know?""The marks on The bedposts. Nice four-poster bed, by The way.""Thanks. You're pretty observant. You into bondage?"I hedged a...

4 years ago
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Spicing up Her Sex Life

I stood just inside the small piece of woodland. Twenty yards away at the edge of the supermarket car park, a small old hatchback and a newer 4x4 swayed and bounced while a number of individuals looked on at the action. It was a mixed group, both in age and sex. As I watched, a thirty-something woman, maybe ten years or so younger than me, broke away and came towards the woodland in a half walk, half run. She was of slim to athletic build with mid-brown shoulder length hair, wearing jeans and a...

Straight Sex
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Spicing It Up by loyalsock

I realized, after something that happened last week, that it's never too late to spice up your love life. And that you can get into a rut in terms of how you view your wife, sexually. My wife, Cathy is 30 years old, about 5'3", with light brown hair and blue eyes. She stands a firm 37-24-36 with a really cute baby face. She works as the local regional manager for a national bookstore chain, so she usually dresses and acts in a fairly conservative fashion. Last Friday she had to fill in for...

1 year ago
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Lactation Inspires BigCocked Political Bedfellows Part Two Father and Grandfather

My name is Abigail, and in Part One of my story I explained how my husband, Ed, and I were thirty years old and owned a farm. We were in financial trouble due to a bad year for our crops. An old friend of my father, Franklin, and our family, named Big Jim, was a major political player in the county, and he had been trying to get Ed to run for State Representative. His daughter, Kimberly, and I were good friends in high school too. When Jim found out that we needed help and that I was also...

2 years ago
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Slave Girls in Bondage

Slave Girls in Bondage Chapter 72 Another dastardly plot! More innocent women bound and turned into slavegirls. While the travesty never end? I hope not. Her name was Shirley Simpson and she was a minor functionary in some partof some big company. Her office, for some strange reason, had an incredibleturn over in clerks. It seemed they were hired, and within a couple weeks,they would disappear. Nobody really cared except for the personnel office thatwas tired of filling out all the...

1 year ago
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My Weekend In Bondage

I received an e-mail from a couple lesbian friends of mine. Angi and Jenny asking me, if I wanted to go in with them and rent a cabin at Government Camp for the weekend. For my friends who don't know where Government Camp is located, it's a small high mountain community East of Portland, Oregon at the base of Mt. Hood. It gets lots of snow there over 6 feet during the Winter. We lucked out, it hasn't started to snow yet while we was there. Anyways, the Ladies asked me to meet them there about...

3 years ago
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Spicing Thing Up Part 2

Seconds felt like hours as Robert sat in front of the desktop, anxiously waiting for it to turn on. Robert’s heart pounded in his chest and his palms were now becoming wet with perspiration. His poor soul was tortured as he sat there with his cell phone in hand, watching the picture of Josh sucking Carla’s breasts. How could she? She promised him. Finally the computer came on. Robert’s fingers moved like lightening, pounding away on the keyboard as he typed his Skype password. His body tensed...

3 years ago
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Spicing it up Part 2

Chellie could not get her and Eric’s first adventure in the park out of her mind. She found herself thinking about it late at night in bed and she often touched herself to the thought. She knew that they had to continue their escapades and get even more risky. She thought that she would surprise him this time, so she began thinking of a plan. The next day, Eric came over to Chellie’s house and they went upstairs to her room. She pulled him onto the bed and began unzipping his pants. “Baby...

2 years ago
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Net Connection Lagathe Lagathe Ussne Mere Saath Connection Joda 8211 Part II

Hello dosto my name is rahul roy, from thane. My e-mail id is phir se bol detha hu ki jo ki bhi anuty, aurat mujse chuda ya friendship karna chathe hai toh muje mail kare. Mumbai thane ke ladies bhi mujse chudna ya friendship karna chathi hai toh muje mail kare. Thane ke vasant vihar, hiranandani bakhi area ke aurat bhi mujse contact kar sakthe hai. Jo bhi mera is part 2 ka phela part nahi padha who pehle part 1 padh le.part 1 is very intersesting. So I start story . Jaise ki uski friend ko...

2 years ago
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Diya Being A Long Hair Actress 8211 Part 1 Movie Name 8211 Act One

Introduction With her short stature of just above 5ft and not so slim body, Diya always wanted to be a model. She always dreamt herself crowned a beauty queen. She was a teen when Aishwarya rai and Susmitha Sen both crowned the beauty queens. Being from village of Coorg, the same place where Aishwarya Rai was born, made up her mind to become a model or an actress at least. Being a village in the interiors, she did not have any access to good photographers or even studios. Luckily the only...

2 years ago
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Athena Corp Chronicles Chapter 4 Best Practices

Ian's frown grew more pronounced as he waited his turn. He'd been in line at the security checkpoint for fifteen minutes. He always showed up to work at least ten minutes early. Now, thanks to this spectacle, he was five minutes late and counting. They'd warned him there would be more strict security protocols at the newly established Special Projects Division, but he didn't think it would take this long. The only thing he hated more than being late was someone else's poor planning making...

2 years ago
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Love Lust For My Aunt Bethesda Part 8211 1

Hi, guys. It’s been a long time on ISS. I was away from the city. I hope you did like my other two stories(true incidents) which I had written. This is the next encounter I had with my aunt who was all alone and needed a little love for her. Her name is Bethesda and lived her whole life alone after her husband married another woman. I do have a lust for her and want her so badly. She is 45 years old and looks bomb. She got a good voluptuous body and looks like a brunette. As for me, I’m six...

3 years ago
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I was laying across my bed, watching you expertly applying makeup, getting ready for your big night tonight. You sat in front of your mirror dressed only in stockings and heels grinning from ear to ear thinking about the big fantasy-come- true I arranged for you. You don’t know which one yet, but you do know that it’s something you want.Please allow me to explain. We have been together for eight years. At first, the sex was beyond great but after a few years, like many others, it began to get...

1 year ago
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Love and Subtractive Synthesis

"... and then the filtered signal goes to its ADSR envelope and then to its output." Jenn was showing me her analog synthesizer design, carefully mapped out on a giant sheet of butcher paper, swiped from the art room. "And you have to use a separate mixer to get the final signal but that's okay since I can use the one you got me for Hanukkah." She'd been practically shaking with excitement all day, or at least since 7:45, when we met to hang out before homeroom. At 3:00, I discovered her...

4 years ago
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Carolyns Introduction to Bondage

Before the event I’m about to share with you, I had done just about all there was to do sexually, and I had enjoyed every minute of it. And my husband Mark had enjoyed watching it all. One of the few things I hadn’t done was bondage, because the idea of things being totally out of my control never really appealed to me, but all that changed at Steve’s birthday party.Steve is a friend of my husband Mark, and I suck him off about once a week. He shoots really big loads and I love how thick and...

Wife Lovers
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Carolyns Introduction to Bondage

Before the event I’m about to share with you, I had done just about all there was to do sexually, and I had enjoyed every minute of it. And my husband Mark had enjoyed watching it all. One of the few things I hadn’t done was bondage, because the idea of things being totally out of my control never really appealed to me, but all that changed at Steve’s birthday party.Steve is a friend of my husband Mark, and I suck him off about once a week. He shoots really big loads and I love how thick and...

Wife Lovers
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Teaching Jenn Tie and Tease Bondage

I have trained maybe 6-8 women now how to safely tie up their man for some added spice and fun, but Jenn will always be my favorite!!Jenn was not the first woman I had ever trained how to tie and tease a man. She was just the first of several that I taught whom I had met only for the express purpose of teaching. We had worked out all of the details through PM’s on XHAMSTER and then I agreed to rent the hotel room of her choice and provide a variety of things that could be used so she could...

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