The Maiden, The Vixen, And The Amazon free porn video

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The Maiden, the Vixen, and the Amazon My memories of life before the island keep slipping away from me. I think I had an office job of some kind and was good at making money but bad at relationships. I took a cruise to get over the last woman who'd dumped me for being so distant, and I was thrown overboard in a storm. I'd been wearing my swim trunks when it hit, and I washed ashore naked. The sun beat down on my scorched flesh as I spat out seawater and crawled out of the surf. I was exhausted from trying to stay afloat so long, but I knew I needed fresh water and shade to survive. I staggered to my feet and tried to take stock of my surroundings. I was on a fairly thin strip of perfect white sand that soon gave way to a dense jungle. A mountain loomed in the distance, and I hoped that meant this place was large enough to be inhabited. For all I knew at the time, I could have washed onto the mainland. I didn't have any idea where I was or where I could find other people. Just as I was turning away from the jungle, there was a blur of motion out of the corner of my eye. Despite being startled, I was desperate for help and shouted into the dense foliage. I became ashamed of being naked and cupped my hands around my penis as I called out again, but the jungle was completely silent. I decided to walk along the shore in a direction that seemed to lead to the mountain; there could be a freshwater stream running down it, and climbing a bit higher could at least let me get a better look at where I was. I tried to stay close enough to the jungle to get some shade from its trees, and I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching me. After what seemed like a long time, I stumbled to the ground and knew I might not wake again if I let myself sleep. I couldn't help closing my eyes, and when I opened them again the most wonderful thing I'd ever tasted was being gently poured into my mouth. It was coconut milk right from the gourd, and I blinked in amazement as I saw my savior. It was young woman as naked as I was. I though she was a child at first, but she had tiny breasts, a bit of pubic hair, and the barest hints of a woman's figure. She was still quite short, and I was a very tall man. She'd had to take a wide stance to straddle over me and looked down at my amazement with a playful grin. She handed me the coconut, and I greedily started to drink. But I dropped it as she suddenly sat down on my stomach, and she laughed as I nearly choked on the milk and coughed most of it up. She laughed again when I asked why she'd done that, and she pulled my hand up to her chest; I'd never touched breasts as small as hers. She gave me a look that let me know she appreciated the irony: I was too weak to stop this little wisp of a woman from pushing me around. She scooted up onto her knees as she straddled above me and gyrated her torso as she moved my other hand to her ass. My fingers cupped her skinny butt as she led my thumb to her crotch. Letting go of my hands, she picked up the coconut and dug out a pulpy bit of its fruit. She licked her fingers as she put the succulent morsel in her mouth and cast an expectant look at me. Gulping, I slowly started to massage her breasts, ass, and crotch. This woman held my life in her tiny hands, and I did my best to pleasure her with my giant meathooks. Her eyes danced as she smiled and fed me a piece of the coconut. She casually guided my fingers to do what she wanted me to do with them as her pussy got wet. She came in a beautiful little tremor, and it occurred to me that I could have cradled her if I'd had half of my full strength back. She wasn't nearly satisfied yet, and she had me keep her going as she kept me fed. Her hunger was just as insatiable as mine, and we went through most of the coconut piece by orgasmic piece. The nourishment and excitement let my body move to needs beyond mere survival as my penis stirred and started to get hard. The woman noticed this and teased it with her toes until it was fully erect. Without warning she suddenly spun around and flopped ass-up on top of me as she hungrily sucked at and rubbed my cock. It was an interesting view as she was so short that her rear was on my chest as she kicked up her thin legs and bounced a bit. Just as I was about to come, the woman froze for a moment and sprang to her feet. She twirled to scan the jungle and then was off in a flash. She climbed a tree like a little monkey and gracefully leapt to an adjacent one; I soon lost sight of her. I hadn't heard anything that could have caused alarm, but I admittedly was a bit distracted at the time. I couldn't see anything either, but I uneasily backed away from the jungle. The strange woman was obviously well accustomed to this place, and I didn't want to mess with anything that could scare her. I considered finishing myself off as I finished the coconut, but I decided that I'd need to save all the fluid I could for now. I continued walking along the beach toward the mountain that was the only landmark I'd seen so far. The coconut had done wonders for me, but I still wanted to try to find water and shelter before nightfall; the farther I got from that jungle, the better. With nothing else to occupy my mind, I couldn't help wonder what had frightened away that strange woman. I thought about the last look I'd gotten of her face, and it seemed like there could have been traces of embarrassment in her fear. She could have been breaking some sort of code by having sex with me, and someone could have seen her... I stopped as I heard something in the distance. Could it be running water? I summoned enough energy to jog along the sand until I turned the bend and the stream came into view: beautiful fresh water. I knew it would be briny near the sea, so I walked a bit along its rocky shore and up a little hill to see that the rushing water tumbled down a small waterfall into a little pool just a few hundred yards away. The pool was shaded from the harsh sun, and was heaven to wade in wash my poor, sunburnt skin. It was about waste deep, and I grinned like a fool as I clumsily waded to wash my hair under the waterfall. Once the salt and sweat was finally gone, I opened my mouth to lustily drink the pouring water. I closed me eyes as I let the water pour over me, and I had no warning at all as a curvy form embraced me, kissed my lips, and grabbed my cock. I stumbled in surprise and tumbled backwards into the water. I blinked to see a woman that looked almost unearthly in a rainbow created by the waterfall's mist. There could be no mistaking her for the younger woman I'd met earlier. This water nymph had an hourglass figure and looked fully grown and fully formed in every way. She smiled at me, but there was less playfulness in her eyes and more hunger. She bent to gracefully swim in the shallow water and was above me before I could manage to stand. My cock was still a bit hard, and she guided it right into her cunt as she brought my hand to her gloriously floating breast. I was bewildered by the way these women were behaving, and I admit I was a bit scared by their ferocity and passion. She pulled my hands to her luscious form, and her full breasts and plump ass were almost distracting enough to make me drown. I was still hungry and tired, but I was far less helpless than earlier. I managed to flail my way back to the rocky shore as the woman clung and thrust herself into me. With my back on the rocks and my head above water, I managed to get an arm between me and my overeager paramour. I felt like I'd gotten the upper hand, but she bit my fingers hard enough to draw blood and brandished stone she'd picked up. Despite being a big man, I'd never been in a real fight, and I even got a bit uncomfortable watching action movies; I couldn't help letting her see the fear in my eyes. My blood dribbled down her chin onto the perfect breasts that dangled above me. I could see that she was as hungry for sex as I'd been for food a few hours ago. She was not going to take no for an answer. Just as I was considering giving in to her desires, an arrow whizzed past us to land just a few inches away. Instantly, my attacker abandoned me to spring across stepping stones to the far bank, and she disappeared into the brush. I felt like any attempt to escape would be futile, and I put up my trembling hands as I stood to face this new threat. A third woman emerged from the jungle with an arrow pointed straight at my heart. She might have been a bit older than the second, but she was clearly in the prime of life. She was also taller with broad shoulders and muscle tone that in no way detracted from her beauty. Her breasts were larger as well, and she supported them leather bra. She had a quiver on her back and a knife on the belt that secured her loincloth. Although I was taller than her and probably stronger as well, I still felt thoroughly intimidated by the stern gaze and the weapon that were leveled at me. She had the look of someone who expects to get what they want. I fell to my knees and my voice broke as I apologized if I'd done anything wrong. I tried to explain that how I'd been tossed from my cruise ship and spent days close to death. I said I'd do anything she'd like if she let me live. She gave no sign that she understood my words, but she seemed amused by my groveling. She lowered her bow, slung it behind her back, and drew her knife. She cupped my face in her other hand and looked at it appraisingly. She gestured for me to get up and pointed at the mountain. I took a few hesitant steps and turned back to see that she approved. We made our way across the stream and began our ascent. The vegetation was much sparser than in the lowlands, but it was still difficult to navigate. I was exhausted from my ordeal, and we made far slower time than my captor would like. This gave me plenty of time to wonder about the three women I'd met in this strange place. I decided to think of them as the Maiden, the Vixen, and the Amazon. Archetypal names seemed appropriate to the unreal sense I got from this place and their actions. I wondered if I was on an uncharted island and these women had been shipwrecked here a long time ago. I knew that I could get hard up for sex, but these women seemed mad for it. Maybe I'd go as crazy as them if I spent enough time here. I was plodding along when I heard the distant squeals of pig. I looked at the Amazon, and she had a very disturbing grin on her face. She led me into the brush, and soon we came across a small pig that had been caught in a snare. The Amazon sensed my discomfort and dangled it in my face just before she slit its throat. I've always been a bit disturbed by the sight of blood, and seeing an animal die like that almost enough make me throw up the coconut I'd worked so hard to get in my stomach. I wondered if she'd dispatch me just as efficiently if I displeased her. As the sun was setting and the last of my strength was failing, the Amazon pulled me to a stop and gathered up a few twigs and dead branches. Thunder rumbled in the distance, and it looked like some dark clouds were moving toward us; it was just like the storm that had carried me off my cruise ship. We began the final, rocky ascent to a cave that I'd have missed if I hadn't been led right up to its mouth. There was a fire pit, clay pots, and other small useful items inside. A furskin served as a bed, and I guessed that this was where the Amazon lived. Despite my fears, it felt so good to collapse onto the soft fur and rest as the Amazon built a fire. She kept a close eye on me, but I was too terrified of her to even think of escape. She took some flint and steel from her belt pouch and carefully got the sparks light some dry grass. Once the fire was going, she started roasting the pig, and it smelled so good I almost cried. I could die happy if she let me have just a bite of it. Amazingly, she offered me the first piece without hesitation. I forced myself to chew it slowly and savor every bite, but I hadn't finished before she'd cut off more for me. I ate the whole pig that way, and my stomach felt wonderfully full. I knew I'd have to pay for my meal, and I wasn't surprised as the Amazon removed her leather bra to reveal her giant, fantastic breasts. However, it did startle me when she tossed her bra into the fire with a strange smile. Why waste something that she clearly needed to run comfortably? It was even more confusing when she removed her belt and loincloth but tossed them aside instead of burning them. The thunder roared again and sounded much closer now. The rain had started, and two figures emerged from the darkness. It was the Maiden and the Vixen, and there was a fear in there eyes and their trembling that seemed to say that they were more than just cold and wet; they jumped as the lightning flashed in the distance and turned their pleading eyes to the Amazon. She gestured with her knife for the smaller women to come in, but she watched them closely as they retreated into the cave. They both seemed quite deferential, and I almost laughed to see these aggressive women try to look like innocent little angels. They had clearly stepped out of line with me. The storm roared again, and my laughter died in my throat. The Amazon swung her legs over to straddle me and kept her knife in hand as she regarded the other two warily. I tried to reassure myself that the knife wasn't for me; I knew there was no way I could perform if I thought about getting killed like that pig. I was distracted from all that as she started toying with her huge breasts. She gave a look that said she knew how impressive they were. I touched them gingerly and felt their weight. Amazing. I traced my hand up her shoulders and onto her arms as she flexed them with feigned nonchalance. I caressed her abs, and my cock had gotten just as hard. Forget about if I would die: this was the woman I'd been waiting for my whole life! None of my relationships had ever worked because I'd always been hung up on being the strong, dominant man that other people expected me to be. My excitement grew as the Amazon put me inside her and started grinding; her powerful thighs made my whole body move with her. The wind blew into the cave, and embers of the fire danced around this woman, this goddess. Her cool reserve had finally given way to pleasure. It felt so good to be satisfying her that my energy intensified. I was at her mercy. I was her slave. She owned me and could have me do her bidding as long as she wanted me. I'd seen strong women before, but I'd never seen a woman so confident in her strength. It was clear that she was the master of this place and brooked no dissent from any man, woman, or beast. Lightning struck again, and I suddenly wondered if she had any fear of the God or Gods of this place. Probably not. As the Amazon continued to fuck me, I let my hands drift downward. Her torso and thighs were an unstoppable machine that thrust into me in perfect rhythm. Her whole body was a balance of strength and beauty, and I couldn't get enough of it. The powerful muscles of her ass didn't stop it from being wonderfully large and smooth. I found her clit and followed her signals to find the right way to touch it in rhythm with her thrusting. I finally reached a climax, and she shook my body as she did as well. As lightning struck right above us, I could almost feel the explosion of release travel through our bodies. It was electric. She slowed down and caressed me for the first time by putting her hand on my chest. I looked down and was amazed to see the hair on my chest start to vanish. What was going on here? As big as she already was, the woman above me seemed to grow bigger. I suddenly knew something was very wrong, and the Amazon made no attempt to stop me from struggling free. We both stood, and she seemed to grow taller as she stretched. I felt like I was being drawn inside on myself, and that feeling intensified in my groin. I was stunned to see my penis shoot right up inside my body. My skin bristled and seemed to grow softer as I noticed my hands were getting smaller too. I stared at the Amazon to see her breasts getting sucked into her expanding chest while I looked down to be stunned at the breasts I was growing. My whole body seemed to be readjusting itself as I felt my face changing and reached behind to feel my butt and hips getting bigger. I looked at the Amazon to see that she wore the face I'd had all my life. My beard stubble and body hair washed over her body, and she even got my sunburn and full stomach. My hair lengthened as hers shortened until it was time for the final moment. Her penis -my penis! sprouted large and proud from her groin. I couldn't move, I couldn't think, I just stood there and stared at the body that had been stolen from me. How could this have happened? She put her hands on her hips and looked down at me triumphantly. I murmured words of protest, but I could barely stop myself from cowering. The Maiden and the Vixen crept closer and were clearly in just as much awe as I was. Looking at them beside my own body, how could I have let either of these women intimidate me? Neither of them came up to her... my body's shoulders. The Maiden poked at MY penis, and the Amazon gently nudged her away. The Vixen caressed her breasts and cast a sultry glance, but the Amazon waved her away too. She gathered up her loincloth, tried it on, and seemed a bit unsatisfied with the fit. She ignored the rest of us as she pulled a needle and tread from her pouch and started to modify it. She kept herself and her weapons near the fire while the rest of us had to get as comfortable as we could in the darker, colder part of the cave. My new body was producing a thousand new sensations, but I was too shocked to fully explore them. The storm was subsiding, but it was clear that everyone still planned to stay here for the night. The Maiden nestled up to the Vixen, and the larger woman kept her eyes on MY penis as she spread her knees. The Maiden went down on her as I watched, sullenly. Once the Vixen came, she let the Maiden rest her head on her soft thighs. This strange place had a rigid pecking order, and I realized that I still had "rank" on the smaller women. Hadn't they bowed and scrapped for the Amazon to let them in out of the rain? On impulse, I opened my thighs and pointed at my crotch. The Vixen looked confused, and then she laughed and picked up a nearby stone. I couldn't meet her confident eyes, and I looked away as my cheeks burned. I closed my eyes to ignore all of them and tried to think. I had to understand the magic of this place if I ever wanted to be a man again. It galled me to see the Amazon so pleased with herself, and I swore I'd steal my body back. It was rightfully mine! Sex had clearly made us swap bodies, and the transformation hadn't begun until I'd actually come in the Amazon's cunt. That was probably what it took because I'd done almost everything except come with the other two. This was why they'd had been so interested in me: they wanted to get my body before the Amazon got it. So if I had sex with the Amazon again, would that be all it took to change back? I shivered and hugged myself. It was so strange to think about having sex in a woman's body... with a man's body that was mine! I ran my hands along my arms and could feel the muscles that had impressed me so much earlier. Sure, they were big for a woman, but they weren't as big as the ones I'd had as a man. Even if I got a hold of the Amazon's weapons, I didn't think I could actually overpower someone bigger and stronger than me who knew how to fight. It felt hopeless, and I was ashamed of myself. Why couldn't I have learned how to use my strength and be a real man? I was surprised to find tears running down my cheeks. Was it easier to cry now that I was a woman? ...or had a woman's body? I tried to ignore the huge breasts that were tugging at my chest as I leaned against the cold wall of the cave to fall asleep. My dreams were filled with dancing wild women and a mysterious beast prowling through the dark jungle; a pig's throat was cut, and I woke up gasping for breath and clutching my own throat. The first rays of dawn were poking into the cave, and the Maiden and Vixen had already gone. The Amazon was putting together what looked to be a hatchet. He... she had lashed a sharpened stone to a stick and was testing the heft. I was stuck by how she seemed to command the space around her. I always was a bit withdrawn, and she seemed bigger than I'd ever looked in pictures. She noticed I was looking at her, and she waved toward the exit of the cave. I stood unsteadily and tried to adjust to my new center of gravity as I walked. This seemed to amuse her, and she stepped up to my body's full height to look down on me as I clumsily tried to walk away with dignity. I couldn't help stare at my powerful body and the huge cock that hung so casually between its legs. I suddenly became self-conscious of my... her body. I felt exposed by her gaze, and she slapped my butt as I was leaving. Asshole. As I started to adjust to my new proportions and walk a bit faster down the mountain, I realized how cruel it had been for the Amazon to burn the bra she'd made for this body. These breasts were so big that any fast movements made them flop around unbearably. It was also annoying to need one arm to control them as I clambered down the mountain path. By the time I reached the stream and the waterfall, I was sweating profusely under the hot sun and really needed a drink. The Amazon hadn't seemed to work this hard to get up the mountain, so she must have known how to move and use this body a lot better than I did. I sighed in relief as I saw the refreshing waterfall, but out from behind it stepped the Vixen. A stone was already in her hand. I froze and tried to assess the situation. The Vixen pointed at the waterfall and then pointed at her crotch. That seemed pretty clear: she claimed this territory and wanted me to pay for the privilege of using it. Well screw her and her stupid rocks! I had the Amazon's body, and I wasn't about to let myself get pushed around by the likes of her! I put my hands on my hips and tried to look tough, but she whipped the stone at me and hit my shin. Pain flared up, and I almost collapsed. The Vixen picked up another stone, and I backed off for cover. I limped as I walked, but I felt like there wasn't any permanent damage to my leg... I'd already started thinking about this body as my own! I gulped as I looked at the Vixen; I'd need to get comfortable using this body if I ever wanted to get my own back. I tried throwing a stone, but it didn't come close to hitting the Vixen. Her second toss caught me in my arm. Now it would either be painful to hold my breasts or to hold a stone. Brilliant. As she picked up a third stone, I waved my hand for peace. I decided to let her keep her fucking waterfall for now, and I limped along the bank of the stream. I turned around to see her crossing it to reach me, and she caught up easily. She boldly walked up to block my path and pointed at her crotch again. I realized that this must be thrilling for her since I was in the Amazon's body, and she'd probably had to spend years kowtowing to her. Once again, I felt defeated and smaller despite being in a bigger and more powerful body. The Vixen raised her stone, and I fell to my knees. She nudged me to lie down on my back and straddled her crotch above my face. I'd been in the position a lot in the past couple days, and it must be how women around here showed their dominance. The Vixen guided my hands to her body, and I couldn't help enjoying the chance to spend more time with it. Her skin was so soft it was amazing that she had such a hard temper. I felt like I was getting at the source of that hardness as I found her clit with my tongue. I'd always kind of prided myself on my oral skills, and I actually enjoyed it more than porking. The Vixen was hard, but she was also sensitive and easy to please. It only took a couple minutes to make her come, and she rewarded me with a smile. I felt myself get hard, and I wondered if my fingers could do as much for me as they had for my girlfriends. I reached down to experiment, but the Vixen grabbed my hand, licked it, and gently guided it up her butt. She had me keep the other hand massaging her breasts, and she quickly got hard again. She got off again, and wanted more, and more, and more. She seemed completely insatiable. I finally pushed her away, and I almost knocked her over. I really was stronger but had been too intimidated to even try wrestling her. She scrambled away to get ready to fight again, but I wasn't in the mood. I walked over to the stream and took a long drink before heading into the jungle. I found a quiet place that seemed secluded, and I sat down to try and get myself off. I was a surprisingly difficult and frustrating process. I'd always heard about how much harder it is for women, but I'd never really believed it. Maybe part of the problem was that I was still adjusting to this body. I rubbed my breasts and let my mind wander. It was so appealing to get fucked by this body last night, and now I really was inside of it. Maybe the trouble was that the Amazon had been in control of it and me back then. I tried to imagine that she was guiding my hands and telling me what to do. I spoke out loud and pretended that my new voice was still hers. That got me aroused, and the feeling was interesting. It was an insistent pressure as parts of my genitals swelled in a much subtler way than my penis did. I instructed myself to gently touch my breasts and massage them; it felt good after they'd been banging around all morning. I told myself to keep working them with one hand as the other moved down to explore my crotch. I told myself to do the same thing I'd done last night, and I eventually got the hang of it. The sensations that spread throughout my body were quite different from the focus on my penis that I used to have. The release took longer to achieve, but there was a sweetness to it; a lasting fire instead of a brief explosion. Interesting. I felt a lot better after that, and I wandered around the jungle a while before realizing that I was lost. The trees were so tall and thick that I had no idea where the mountain, the stream, or anything else was. I tried to make my best guess and head in a straight direction, but the dense foliage made it impossible to be sure I wasn't going in circles. My arm and leg still ached, but I was getting thirsty again, hungry again, and I wanted out of this jungle. A strange whistling made me look up to see the Maiden in a tree above me. She whistled again and hopped down to a lower branch with amazing agility. She held out some berries in one hand while pointing at her crotch in with the other. I guess that's the going rate for help around here. I raised my eyebrow and pointed at the ground. The Maiden descended carefully and kept out of arm's reach. I sized her up and was amazed again by how small she was. Even in the Amazon's body, I was head and shoulders taller than her. I'd been pushed around so much that it would feel good to push around someone else, but that wouldn't help me get my body back. What if I could make the Maiden my ally? She might be sympathetic since she'd been the lowest one on the totem pole until now. I approached her slowly, like the wild animal that she was in some ways. She reached out to give me the berries, and I ate them slowly. I kept eye contact with her the whole time, and she started licking her lips as I licked mine. I tossed her a berry, and she caught it in her mouth and grinned. I lay down, and she skipped over to straddle me. I remembered what had worked for her yesterday, and I got her off in no time. Then I sat up and she looked confused, but I lead her into trying other positions. Her body was wonderfully flexible, and I appreciated her lithe grace and youthful sense of fun and energy. Her tiny body was beautiful in its own right. Then I pointed at my own crotch, and she looked confused again. I tried to mime what I wanted her to do, but that just made her laugh. Nothing I did could make her go down on me, and I realized that this was part of the hierarchy on this island: you're either the one who gets serviced or the one that does the servicing. It burned me to be below the Maiden right now, and I thought about grabbing her and spanking her little ass. Instead, I decided if to try and learn as much as I could before I made my next move. I spent the next couple of weeks almost completely dependent on the Maiden to help me find food and avoid danger. Despite never reciprocating the pleasure I gave her, she was a pretty fun little thing to have around; she replaced the Amazon in my masturbatory fantasies. I occasionally heard growling sounds from deeper in the jungle, but she always found a tree for me to climb until the danger passed. I never got a good look at the furry shapes moving below, but I was kind of glad for that. My dreams were bad enough already. I did learn a lot about finding my way around the jungle and surviving in it. I found out which trees and shrubs bore fruit that was safe to eat, but I wasn't nearly a nimble enough climber to reach all the fruits that the Maiden scampered up to get. I realized that surviving here would be much more difficult if I ended up competing with her; she'd always be much better at foraging than I would. I also learned more about how the others spent their time. The Vixen had a small spear that she used to catch fish, and they smelled delicious as she cooked them on the beach. She never shared any with us, and the Maiden even gave her fruit, nuts, and nookie just for the privilege of drinking from the stream. It wasn't like the Vixen could watch all of it all the time, but I guess the Maiden wanted to stay on her good side. The Amazon mostly hunted with her bow or set snares for pigs and other small game. The Maiden and I came across a trapped pig one day, and I moved to collect it until the Maiden jumped in front of me with terror in her eyes as she waived her arms wildly. I guess she knew they'd be serious penalties for stealing the Amazon's kill. It never stopped frustrating me that I had the Amazon's body but none of her status. We visited the Amazon one day and saw that she had spent a considerable amount of time cutting down some trees on the mountain. The cave itself was empty, and the Maiden stopped me from going in to explore. We wandered down to the shore and found her working on a small boat. My heart leapt into my mouth: she was going to take my body and abandon me here! I'd been around the place long enough to know we were on an island that was (probably) only inhabited by the four of us. I'd never seen a boat from the outside world, and the magic of this place made me doubt that anyone would ever find us here. The Amazon accepted the nuts and fruit the Maiden offered, and he... she looked at me expectantly. I didn't have anything to offer and shrugged an apology. The Amazon's casual attitude disappeared, and she pointed at the ground. I got on all fours, she spanked me three times, and she groped my ass a bit before she let me get up. The humiliation of it made me feel so impotent. Here she was parading around in my big beautiful body with its nice, big cock. I was the lowest of the low in this stupid place, and I was getting more used to this female body every day without getting a step closer to getting my old one back. Before long, the Amazon would sail away from here, and I'd be sucking pussy for table scraps for the rest of my life. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing down my cheeks, and a look of compassion passed over his... her face. I guess... I guess it might be easier to gain "his" confidence if I thought of "him" as a "he." That's obviously what "he" wanted. The Amazon set aside the mast he was working on and pushed the boat into the water. He gestured for me to get inside, and I slipped in as the Maiden watched jealously. A few powerful strokes from his paddle, and we were off. I marveled as I watched his strong, bare chest at work. Why hadn't I spent more time using my muscles? My gaze drifted down to the cock he kept in his loincloth. Even after all this time, I still felt the pain of loss. I had to admit that I'd come to really enjoy this body, but I missed the status and specialness that having a cock and being a guy had given me. I pointed at it, and he gave me a wink. What a cheeky bastard! He pulled down the loincloth and spread his legs as he lay back to give me a good look at what I'd lost. God it was gorgeous. I suspected that just having sex with him wouldn't be enough to trigger the switch, but I wanted to get ready for the time when it could. At least that's what I told myself to justify what I did next. Careful not to rock the boat, I knelt down to get into position. I had no idea how to give a guy a blowjob, so I thought about what I'd have liked to do if I were back in my own body. I brought the Amazon's hand to my breasts, and he grinned as he fondled and -damn! He goosed me! These things are sensitive, or don't you remember that!? He just kept smiling, so I ignored his face and watched in fascination as his dick got hard and grew even larger. It couldn't have been this big when I'd had it, but maybe it was just that I was a bit smaller than before. My hands had certainly gotten smaller, and that intimidated me all the more as I touched it. I licked my palms to lubricate them, and I rubbed a little bit to get some of his dick's own lubricant. That worked well, and I remembered just the way I'd liked to touch it. I'd never actually gotten many blowjobs or enjoyed getting them, so I was at a loss for what to actually do with my mouth. I just knew that I was curious to suck that cock and taste what came out. I remembered a girl I'd briefly dated who had a really good suction technique. My tongue ended up getting in the way and slobbered drool down his cock, but I managed to get going pretty well as I felt him going over the falls. I kept up the same rhythm with a bit more pressure, and then his whole load was spilling out of my mouth. I gagged and couldn't help spitting it out. I certainly can't remember coming that much for any girl that blew me. The Amazon gave my tits one last squeeze and pulled his loincloth back up. He pointed at the come that had run all over me, and he splashed me with the paddle as he laughed. Asshole. He'd used my body to become the big manly man I'd always wanted to be, but he used that power on all this adolescent, frat-boy crap. I realized that I was literally sucking up to the woman who'd made me her bitch, and it made me feel dirty. Forget about losing my manhood, this island was making me lose my self- respect. I didn't want to hang around with the Maiden when we got back, and I spent the night on the beach alone just looking at the stars. I promised myself that even if I didn't manage to get my body back, I wasn't going to whore myself out to anyone else on this island. Not to the Amazon who'd stolen my body, not to the Vixen who attacked me with stones, and not to the Maiden who wouldn't reciprocate all of the oral I'd given her. I'd figure out how to survive on my own. The next couple of weeks, I avoided the others and mostly kept to the beaches on the far side of the island. I knew I'd piss off the Vixen by trying my hand at fishing, but it was absurd that she acted like all water everywhere was hers. Before long, she found out what I was doing and threw stones whenever she saw me, but I managed to stick it out until she mostly left me alone if I stayed away from her waterfall and stream. Actually catching fish took a lot of patience, but I eventually started to get the hang of it. Cleaning the fish with a clumsily sharpened stone was another challenge, and I ruined a few and ate some parts I shouldn't have. Real cooking was impossible since I didn't have any flint and steel to start a fire, so I just put the fish on stones that were heated by the noonday sun. They didn't taste good, but I didn't starve. Another important discovery was hemp. I figured the rope that the Amazon was using on her boat had to come from somewhere, and I was eventually able to find the plants and collect my own. With a lot of trial and error, I managed to fashion a makeshift bra that could hurt like hell but at least left both my arms free if I needed to run. That was really important whenever the Vixen launched an attack. I was starting to feel ready to plan my next move when I saw storm clouds on the horizon one evening. I guessed that the others might be heading to the cave, but I still wanted to keep away from them. The rain had started as I went down to the Vixen's waterfall, and it felt good to poke around her turf with impunity. I had my spear (a sharpened stick) and knife (a sharpened rock), and I felt ready for anything. Just then I heard some heavy footfalls above me. Something big and four- footed was on the ledge just above the waterfall. I heard a low growling, and I wished my heart could stop beating so loudly. It sniffed the air, but I was incredibly lucky to be in a place where the water hid my scent. After what seemed like an eternity, it sounded like it padded away, and I bolted for the cave. I ran up that mountain twice as fast as I ever had before, and my hemp bra cut painful red lines into my poor tits. The others were all warm and dry by the fire when I arrived. I started to walk in, but the Amazon shook his head. He pointed to the "weapons" I had clenched in my hands, and then he unclenched his own hands several times. I was in no position to argue, and I dropped what little defenses I had to enter the cave. The Vixen was still upset about me edging in on her niche, and she pointed at her crotch. I stayed on my feet, and she picked up a stone. It was annoying to have to look to him for support, but I cast an exasperated look at the Amazon. Weren't we supposed to lay our grudges aside to wait out the storm? He walked up to the Vixen and took the stone out of her hand. Then he sat with her on his lap and squeezed her round, soft breasts as he put her hand into his loincloth. I was shocked. How dare he let that bitch play with MY cock! He patted her soft rump, and she got down on all fours to suck on him. Crawling out of the shadows, the Maiden rubbed the hemp bra that had hurt me so much on the run over here. She kissed it, and suddenly I understood. Now that I wasn't dependent on her for food or protection, she was submitting to me. I caressed her tiny breasts and felt a surge of power. I did outrank her and deserved to finally get my due. Let the Vixen watch me get pleasured while she was gave the Amazon a blowjob. We unwrapped the makeshift bra, and the Maiden licked and nuzzled my breasts; they felt better than they ever had before. She was so short that she hardly had to bend down at all to get at them. She pretended to suckle at my nipple, and I patted her ass. She was such a naughty little thing, a flat-chested girl who worshiped my amazing rack, and why shouldn't she? Didn't I have an amazon's body? I could be gooddam Wonder Woman! The storm raged outside, and the thunder grew closer. The Vixen was watched us as I settled down to relax and finally get some head. I think I was really enjoying this body for the first time and ready to see how good it could make me feel. This would be my revenge on the Amazon. Fuck him and his stupid cock. Dykes rule. The Vixen was jacking off the Amazon, and I didn't care. They deserved each other. The Maiden was fingering my cunt as she kissed my tits and had me lay down. She got her face in-between my thighs and started slowly and playfully flicking her tongue across my labia. I could get used to getting this every day, and it wouldn't be long before I had the Vixen sucking me off too. The Maiden put two fingers into my cunt and made a "come hither" motion. My body responded well to it, and I wondered if this was the "G-Spot" thing that I'd heard about. She had probably done this for the Amazon plenty of times and knew all the right buttons to push. I could feel my pussy getting wet, and the Maiden put a third finger in and then another. The Amazon had already come, and I noticed him lick his lips as he watched me. With confident eyes, he approached my supine form and tilted my head back to kiss me. It was shocking and felt surprisingly nice; I was experiencing too much pleasure to think why he was doing this. I felt the Maiden take her fingers out of me for a moment, but then the full hand slid into my eager pussy. It felt so good; I finally had the fullness inside of me that I'd been craving all month. Her hand rocked rhythmically inside of me, and I felt myself explode as the lightning stuck just above us. I knew I felt what the Amazon had felt a month ago, and it was so fantastic. I was ejaculating too, and everything was so much better as a girl. I didn't regret what had happened... But why did the lightning and the climax come at the same time as it had before? That horrible smugness had returned to the Amazon's eyes I sat up to see the Vixen with one hand in my cunt and the other one getting herself off. Standing up, she had already started to grow, and I knew that I was shrinking. My tits got smaller, and the Vixen heaved her expanding chest in triumph. She started to get more muscle and her shoulders got broader as mine shrank. My hips went in the opposite direction, and my body softened up overall. I continued to shrink until she was almost a head taller than me. Had I always been that much bigger and stronger than her? My arms seemed so thin now. It was a wonder that she'd done any damage with those stones. She gave me a nasty grin and pointed down at her crotch. I ran out into the storm and didn't care if I got eaten by the monsters that roamed the night. The switch might have satisfied them or it might have been luck, but none of the beasts bothered me. Even though I didn't want to believe it, I knew the Maiden had betrayed me. She'd gotten me going and then stepped aside to let the Vixen finish me off and trigger the switch. Mutual orgasms must be another part of the ritual and could help explain why people around here avoided them the rest of the time. The Amazon must have been in on it too and let the Vixen get some of his come by jacking him off. My best guess for the formula was: mutual orgasms + semen + storm = switch. As dawn broke, I found a quiet part of the jungle and hugged myself. I didn't have the body of a man or an amazon anymore; I was just a normal woman on an island of psychopaths. This body was soft and beautiful, but how would that help me survive? Things had been stacked against me already, and I couldn't think of any tricks to pull in the next storm. They'd probably make me switch with the Maiden as a reward for her help last night. Over the next few days, I tried to get back to fishing, but the Vixen came after me with a vengeance. She must really carry a grudge or just feel good about picking on people. She whipped a stone at me so hard that I thought it had broken my arm. Maybe it wasn't as bad as it felt, or maybe the magic of this place made our bodies heal faster. I was terrified of when she'd graduate to arrows, and I seriously thought about surrendering to her and begging for mercy. I kept to the jungle and got paranoid whenever I heard something. The most annoying thing was how easily this body got aroused; just walking around caused enough friction to tickle my new clit and get it excited. I told myself I had to keep alert and focus on surviving, but I eventually just couldn't resist a bit of exploring. Sparks started to fly as I let myself caress my soft curves; it felt so good to be sexual again on my own terms. I put off rubbing my clit until the urge was unbearable, and even then I just teased my labia with gentle strokes. That was enough for the first orgasm, but it wasn't hard to have another one a few minutes after that. And then another, and another, and I eventually lost count and stopped when my hands were too tired to continue. My pussy was insatiable, and getting it off was so easy there's no wonder that the Vixen got addicted to it. It was a few days before I woke up to discover a pile of fruit and nuts beside me, and a few more before the Maiden showed herself. I was angry at what she'd done, but I couldn't bring myself to hate her. She'd managed to trick me by appealing to my own desire for status and power. I'd gotten firsthand experience with how much it sucked to be the lowest of the low, and I might have done the same if I was in her position. Being servile, cunning, or vicious was the only way to get ahead around here. I decided to try to enjoy the Vixen's body for as long as I had it. I could masturbate all day long, and the Maiden liked to finger herself as she watched me. After a few days of this, she crawled over to me when I had come of few times and was taking a short break. She slowly moved her head towards my crotch as she watched me warily. I tried to shrug nonchalantly, but it was heaven as soon as lips touched lips. Once I came, she looked around nervously as if someone would notice her breaking the rules. I rolled over and hungrily went down on her. I tried to forget about what she'd done to me before and just enjoy getting my tongue and fingers into her tight slit. She didn't let me get myself off as I did her, but she looked like she wanted to touch me again herself. She came with a lovely ripple through her supple body, but she didn't want to keep going. She cupped my breast with her little hand, and I knew she was imaging when it would be hers. Tears filled her eyes, and she turned away. I guess this was the best she could offer as an apology. After thinking things over, I decided that letting her switch with me was probably my best option. The Vixen was still out for my blood, and she'd already managed to make herself a bra from animal hide. That meant I couldn't count on her breasts to slow her down and let me run away from her. Hiding in the jungle was my best bet to stay alive, and that would be a lot easier with the Maiden's quick little body. It still galled me to have to give in to their scheme, but there didn't seem to be any better options. We had sex together a few more times, but the only time I felt like I could really forgive her was the day she took me to some fermented fruit she had found. They tasted even worse than they smelled, but they did eventually get the job done. We hugged, kissed, and laughed as we touched each other everywhere. For the first time, I thought about how she must have been a guy like me not so long ago. Now I was a curvy sex goddess and she was a tiny little minx; in a few weeks we'd switch places. Life was weird. She giggled as I pulled her onto my lap and she sat facing me, her breasts pressed up against mine. I loved to envelop her in my softness, and I hoped she would do the same for me after we switched. While I felt like I was mothering her and protecting her, I was really making myself feel more secure. With one hand on her cute little ass, I used the other to stroke, tease, and finger her until she was just about to go off; I pulled her into an even tighter embrace so I could feel her orgasm against me and have her juices run down into my crotch. She did the same as best she could from her position, and it felt so good. It was the closest we ever got to being the friends and lovers I wanted us to be. I threw up a lot the next day, but it was still worth it. I wondered if we could try smoking some hemp seeds if we ever got some flint and steel to light them. This island could be a really cool place if people here would chill out a bit. It wasn't too long before another storm came, and we went to the cave for the final switch. I'd thought about avoiding it, but the Maiden was expecting this now and would turn against me if I tried to run. The Vixen had made a knife of her own and was waving it around with a smirk on her face. The Amazon made her give it up for the night, but I knew that he'd be gone tomorrow; his boat was ready to sail. He pulled down his loincloth and stood to boldly expose himself; I knew I'd guessed right about needing semen to make the switch. The Maiden reached for his cock as the storm grew close, but I stopped her. I didn't want to be the one getting semen shoved inside me like before. I wanted to milk my dick one last time and give it to the Maiden myself. The others looked surprised, but they didn't stop me. All eyes were on me as I touched my dick for the last time. They might have been expecting me to try and pull some sort of trick to switch with the Amazon, but I'd resigned myself to my fate. In fact, the process was pretty mechanical. I knew how my dick worked and could get it off; end of story. I wondered if the Amazon had been someone like me and had learned to be a tough jerk to get where he was today. If so, I was fine with him taking my old body and getting out of here. Congratulations, you've got a dick: you get to leave here with something that half the people on this planet have got. Was it worth it? He couldn't meet my eyes as I finished him off, and I took the semen over to the Maiden. She was on her back, and I put my face in her cunt and got hers in mine as we sixty-nined; it was pretty tricky to get comfortable since I was taller, but we managed. I sucked on her clit as I put my sticky fingers in her cunt. I lifted her ass with my other hand, and it was hard to believe I'd be as small and light as she was soon. She was grinding her face into my sopping wet pussy, and soon we were gyrating in motion. We were Ouroboros, the serpent that eats its own tail; we were one being. I kept shoving her cunt into my face again and again until we both came, and it was like we were spinning into each other. It was so intense that I didn't even hear the lightning crash above us. We untangled ourselves and stood up to better appreciate the change. I put my hands on her tits and ass to feel them swell, and she touched mine to feel me shrink. As we matched each other in height and then parted, I looked up to see that there were tears in her eyes. I couldn't tell if they were from joy or sorrow; maybe she had lost her innocence to escape the body she was giving me. My body finished dwindling as hers finished developing, and she hugged me. Her curves were wonderfully soft, and I rested my head on her shoulder until dawn broke. We all went out to see the Amazon sail away. I wondered if the world out there would be harder than he'd imagined. I hoped he'd get put in his place, but I had a sneaking suspicion that he'd do really well for himself. But after he made lots of money and fucked lots of women, he'd still have to die some day. Afterward, the Vixen pointed at her crotch, and the Maiden went down on her. Over the next few days, it became clear that Vixen liked to be serviced by the soft body that had recently been hers; I had to make myself scarce if I didn't want a stone chucked at me. I kept to the jungle and tried to stay out of sight. Discovering what this body could do was amazing; it was quick, flexible, and seemed to have a natural athletic grace. Before long, I was scampering up trees and started to get daring with my jumps. It wasn't easy to stay fed and stay away from the other humans and beasts who prowled the jungle, but I felt proud and defiant just for staying alive. I held off on masturbating because I knew I'd think about the Maiden and be tempted to go looking for her. I eventually gave in and let myself imagine she was here with me in a twin copy of this small body. I remembered the naughty feeling I'd gotten when I screwed around with her, and that energy helped get me aroused. I squeezed my tits twisted my legs to build up pressure in my little body. I remembered when she fed me that coconut on my first day on the island and showed me how to rub her clit. I got off as she'd shown me to, and I wondered how long this cycle had been going on. Who had been the first person to learn how this body worked? I knew I couldn't hang back any more, and I left the jungle to find her that night. She was curled up behind the waterfall where I'd first met the Vixen, and looked like she might be having a nightmare. Checking to make sure I had a good escape route, I splashed a little water at her and watched her scrunch her face as she awoke. My small, slender form that was silhouetted by moonlight, and she blinked as she saw me. For a moment, I think she forgot she'd left this body for another one. She stood, cupped my face with her hands to get a better look at me, and then motioned for me to leave. Since then, I've adjusted to this body pretty well. The Vixen still throws stones at me, but none of them have hit since I switched to the Maiden's body. The only really difficult times for me are the storms. I don't trust the Vixen enough to go to the cave, so I stay in the trees all night long. The dark beasts below try to shake me out or tear the trees down, but I keep moving from one rain-slicked branch to another all night long. I have nightmares about them tearing me up, but I wonder if this body can really die. Wouldn't that upset the balance here? What I worry is that they'll tear my soul up and something horrible will take over this body. I'd like to think that's what happened to the Vixen, but I know there are a lot of other ways for someone to go bad. But now you're here, and I'm really glad that I found you before anyone else did. I've been talking to myself every day just to be sure that I didn't lose the ability to speak like the others did. The Vixen is arrogant enough that she's already started building her boat, so I think we've got a little time before she discovers that I've taken you into the jungle and fed you. I've realized that none of us have to keep on playing this body switching game, and I've decided that I don't want to play if it means taking advantage of guys like you who wash up here. I don't want to coerce, trick, or force someone into having sex with me so I can steal their body or get anything else I want from them. I'm not sure if I even care about becoming a guy again. I'd like to escape this island, but I don't want to give up the thin slice of integrity that I've developed here. I've thought about if this place has a larger purpose and if it's a good or a bad one. It's really hard to survive here and climb the social ladder without screwing people over. For the Amazon and the Vixen, the island seems like it's just taught them how to throw their weight around, and the world already has too many men like that. Even the Maiden betrayed me when she needed to, and it seems like that's made her miserable. Why the hell should we respect a place that does stuff like that to people? Let's break that cycle and escape on our own terms. Author's Notes: This is the first erotic story I've written, and I actually just started reading stuff from this site a couple weeks ago. Reviews, comments, and suggestions are all greatly appreciated!

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Vixen Negotiates

Big Bob Hennigan's eyes were drawn to the three or four inches of bare, golden skin that showed between Vixen's loose-fitting top and her low-slung jeans. The girl was obviously in good shape, her body taut and toned, her spine a shadowed trench. He felt a flutter of arousal and ignored it as he watched Vixen sitting on the floor and playing with a bunch of three- and four-year olds including his own stepson. Vixen heard Mrs. Morrison greet the man behind her and then call, "Jason, your...

3 years ago
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The Elf Maiden and the Huntsman

‘Ouch!’ Little Bell licked the torn skin on her knuckle and frowned when she tasted the blood. The tin soldier’s ambush had been a success. She glared at her baby brother. ‘You play fair,’ she told him in a stern voice, ‘or by yourself.’ The boy only giggled at her, undoubtedly relishing his victory. Bell’s hands balled into fists. If her father hadn’t made her promise only to use force in self-defense, she probably would have beaten the boy to a pulp. Then again, she might have held back...

4 years ago
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Vixen Capitulates

Vixen found her little green dress right where she had put it, at the bottom of her box of old clothes, still in a plastic bag and still stained. She looked at the label and put it in the sink with some hand soap and let it soak trying not to recall the battering she had taken that summer afternoon when she was sixteen. She had put the little dress away, feeling it had been a mistake, too daring. Now she was older and had a lot more nerve. Mr. Valpor, the English teacher she had taken two...

2 years ago
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Vixen Graduates

Vixen stepped down from the school bus, extending her long leg clad in skin-tight two hundred and fifty dollar designer jeans, and a slim foot wearing lizard boots that cost twice that much. Her pussy still steamed from the pawing her father had given her that morning, while she ate her breakfast cereal, massaged his cock and watched the climax of his latest porn flick on the kitchen TV. He just loved her tits, for which he had paid a lot of money, and her tight-lipped pussy, which he claimed...

4 years ago
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Vixen Berates

Vixen cuddled in the dean's arms, sniveling and purring. He had pleasured her deeply with his tongue and then anointed her savaged vulva with soothing ointment, paying special attention to her bruised veneris mons and enlarged labia. Vixen wriggled and spread herself open for him as he made tutting sounds with his tongue. "Who did this to you?" asked the dean, severely disappointed that his usual Friday sex partner was in no condition for their games. His cock was rock hard and well down...

3 years ago
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Vixen Relegates

Taylor Wilkins sighed with pleasure as he released again into Vixen's pulsing pussy and squeezed hard on her left breast as he did so, his right hand rubbing at her belly. "Damn it, girl," he gasped as his balls emptied, "don't you ever get tired?" She was still humping and gasping, undulating in his grasp, her vulva aflame. "Um," groaned Vixen as she wiggled her shapely ass back into the man's hairy groin. "More, more." "You listening," Wilkins asked as he rolled to his back,...

4 years ago
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Vixen Expostulates

Vixen sat in the front row in Mr. Valpor's second semester English class listening to him discuss Mark Twain and local color. She took notes and between times sucked on her Bic pen, keeping her pouting lips wet and soft, showing him her tongue tip now and then and enjoying the dampness her vagina was generating. She was "in heat" and she knew it. Estrous it was called in the animal world. She noticed that he was wearing a wide wedding band, and it looked like he might have gained some...

2 years ago
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Vixen Matriculates

After a year of pornographic movie-making at her father’s upstate New York studio, Vixen had a fat bank account, a used convertible, bruised thighs, stretched nipples and a sore anus and flabby vagina. She was disappointed. She had thought making porn movies would be exciting,. It was not. She had dreamed that some Hollywood agent would see her work and offer her a test. None did. She had met some interesting women and a lot of sad dolts, mostly male. The work had become a bore. She decided to...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Vixen Recalibrates

That summer Vixen took a job as a driver for one of Taylor Wilkins' wealthy friends. She was outfitted in a very mannish uniform complete with military-style cap and high boots, and when she was properly dressed in her small room above the four-car garage, she reported to the library for her instructions, feeling a bit ill at ease. A portly man and his stylish wife were waiting for her. "You look very nice," the woman said, arching a manicured eyebrow. "I'm glad the boots fit." Vixen...

4 years ago
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Vixen Remonstrates

If you had asked him, Jim Morris would have admitted he was eager, eager to get this camp set up, eager to wolf down some food and then eager to get into the young student he had brought to the beach with him. Vixen was reasonably well aware of the last item on his list. She could smell lust and was seldom wrong. They had talked of school and sports on the way down the Jersey Turnpike and had been surprisingly relaxed with each other despite the fact that he was a teacher and she was one of...

3 years ago
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Vixen Renovates

Early in the second semester of her second year of college, when she had fully recovered from her injuries, at least physically, Vixen decided to get out more and meet some new people. On this sunny March afternoon she was sitting behind home plate and watching the school's softball team practice and enjoying the day. Three members of the volleyball team she had been part of were trying out for the squad, females she knew and liked. The white-haired coach left the batting practice and came to...

3 years ago
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Maiden Magdalena Foreer His Lady

The maiden’s horse galloped through tall green grass withal speed and finesse en route to the Prince’s castle. Aloof bareback, her dress flowed carelessly in the wind as her horse pressed the green blades withal his clod hooves. Withal the sun’s rays at her back, the maiden trod heavy on her way thither. Since that merry day when she watched him from her room window frolic withal seers of the village where she doth reside, the maiden was awestruck withal his dapperness. She had all intendments...

3 years ago
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Maiden Magdalena Foreer His Lady

The maiden's horse galloped through tall green grass withal speed and finesse en route to the Prince's castle. Aloof bareback, her dress flowed carelessly in the wind as her horse pressed the green blades withal his clod hooves. Withal the sun's rays at her back, the maiden trod heavy on her way thither. Since that merry day when she watched him from her room window frolic withal seers of the village where she doth reside, the maiden was awestruck withal his dapperness. She had all intendments...

Love Stories
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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

2 years ago
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Vixen 2

The busy sound of phones ringing and papers shuffling filled the precinct as a lulling background noise that every officer and detective had grown accustomed to. Despite the drug addict that had to be dragged through the office to his awaited cell in handcuffs and eventually shown the effects of a stun gun, today seemed lazily uneventful. Dane sat at his desk in the center of the sluggish haze, tapping a pen to his lower lip with his feet resting next to his sleek desktop computer...

4 years ago
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Vixen Educates

Jim Morris was married. He had been married more than a month. Vixen knew that. She had even seen his new wife a time or two, a wispy girl with long legs and light hair, who, she was told, was in law school at Camden. To Vixen that meant that her art teacher might be available now and then during the week, so she hopped up on the edge of his desk and smiled. "How about we take another little trip down to Cape May? Weather looks pretty good." Jim stared at her and swallowed. He could not...

3 years ago
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Vixen Reevaluates

Vixen leaned back in the comfortable, first-class seat on the Icelandic 777, and tried to relax. She had only been away from home a little over a month, and her life was changing again. Her brief career as the star of a X-rated, full-length film had been short but interesting and now she was returning to her real world of men's lust and college courses. She sighed and looked out at cloud tops. "Ah well," she thought as she wrapped herself in a light blanket, "at least I'm rich." She...

3 years ago
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Vixen Collaborates

Dave stroked Vixen's smooth back, his highly pleased ram still a half-foot or so in her throbbing vagina and his left hand filled with her full breast. He could not believe how smooth and silky her warm skin was or how tirelessly she had fucked him for the last hour. The small girl's strength and the depth of her combustible libido constantly amazed him. It had been nearly three months since the troubles in New York City, and now things were getting back to normal in the girl's mind and...

3 years ago
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Vixen Retaliates

Vixen's elderly World History teacher was Professor Ivan G. Wainmoor who had a Ph.D. from a Midwestern college that no longer existed and was the long-time head of the history department as well as a respected member of the faculty council. A widower, he had been at Seaside for more than twenty years and could do almost all of his lectures from memory. He gave the same exams year after year in his required courses, and any student who did not acquire a copy early on wasn't really paying...

1 year ago
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Vixen Wars

People think being The Porn Dude involves nothing but jerking off to taboo anal movies and explicit voyeurism hentai, but the world of pornography is so much wider-ranging than that. Today, for example, I spent the day shaking my dick at an adult video game about a dark magician trying to corrupt my sister. Normally, I’m fine with any kind of sister corruption that goes on in adult entertainment, but in Vixen Wars, you fight alongside sexy broads who want to hook up, so maybe the trade-off will...

Best Porn Games
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Tales of the Naughty Vixen

Introduction: It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. She placed her shopping bags next to the door and walked back to her closet to dress down for the night. Dressing down usually meant changing out of her Calvin Klein pants and Guess button-downs and into a tank-top and jammie pants. She...

4 years ago
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Vixen Ameliorates

Vixen stood before her tall mirror with her firm breasts in her hands, lifting them and studying them, her nipples so high she could bend and lick them. "They are just much too big," she decided. When she squeezed them hard, more than half of each boob jutted well out beyond her grip. The implant job had been done when she was fifteen and had about a 32B chest that was enlarged to 36C with heavy silicone bags, illegal at the time, but done for a good price by an unscrupulous surgeon who...

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The Ladies of the Amazon

I was born and raised in a privileged life style. When I was born, the pregnancy was too much for my mother and she passed away giving me life. My dad was devastated, or at least that is what I was told, but fortunate for him and me, he had a personal assistant who happily switched positions from his PA to being my nanny and giving me the feminine side of life, a well rounded young lady would need. I was raised in a large ranch in northern Colorado, just north of Denver, my dad had come from...

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Maiden Goddess

Where is my cock Maiden the Goddess roars through the mansion. Her heels click, clack on the hard wood floors. The men and women in their various cages and rooms shiver with both excitement and a pang of fear. The leather clad warrior goddess, just back from the Bondage Ball Hollywood has had a night of fun and games and is ready to play. She has hundreds of rooms with hundreds of slaves, but she wants if only she can remember where she has stored him. Frustrated she retires to her...

4 years ago
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The Milk Maiden

United States: Present Day The Milk Maiden knew from the beginning who her first target would be: Lara Croft. The Milk Maiden knew just how much Lara Croft cared about looks. How couldn't she? Croft had just won Sexiest Woman Alive. Lara was quite deserving of the award too. Her breasts were the best that The Milk Maiden had ever seen. Perky beyond all belief. Lara also made sure to keep very good care of her assets. Lara used specially made lotions and creams to keep her breasts at their...

3 years ago
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A Journey to the Amazon

Part 1 By: Dinomagick ([email protected]) Codes: [MF, M/F, wife, jungle, tribe, captive, cuckold, bd, nc, reluc, mc, intr, rom, preg+++] Description: “After winning the lottery on their wedding day, a newly-wed husband and wife decide to go to the Amazon to learn what it is like to live as the native tribes do. What they thought would be an epic adventure of discovery, turns into something much different than either of them could have possibly...

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Vixen Matriculates

After a year of pornographic movie-making at her father's upstate New York studio, Vixen had a fat bank account, a used convertible, bruised thighs, stretched nipples and a sore anus. She was disappointed. She had thought making porn movies would be exciting. It was not. She had dreamed that some Hollywood agent would see her work and offer her a test. None did. She had met some interesting women and a lot of sad dolts, mostly male. The work had become a bore. She decided to go to college...

2 years ago
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Vixen Celebrates

When her first year of college was over, and having aced her finals and piled up a 3.75 GPS, Vixen treated herself to a couple of weeks at the beach at an empty cottage that belonged to one of her father's friends. Toward the end of that vacation, after ten days of relaxation and no sex, Vixen strolled the narrow beach wearing her favorite tiny bikini and carrying her iPod, scanning the water's edge from behind oversized sunglasses, her tunes turned down low and a dark green baseball hat...

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The Ice Maiden

This is based on a true story, A few years ago I was working at a company in Central London as an IT contractor. One of the best things about my job is that you get to meet everyone in the company. Its also a great opportunity to check out the talent in the company and its fun when the women flirt back or flash some cleavage or thigh as you chat with them.while you are fixing their PC or recovering some files for them. In this particular company there were lots of great women but one in...

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Vixen Schoolgirl Stripper Hooker

Saffron slipped ever lower into her chair as the stripper twirled around the silver pole on a dias just feet from where she sat with her cousin Charles and his friend Sebastian.Already completely naked the slim blonde girl just gyrated aimlessly around the pole as she waited for the song to finish.Saffron had watched with a sort of detached interest as the girl had inelegantly discarded her costume mis timing her moves so the men had lost interest before her spot ended and were back talking to...

2 years ago
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Vixen Ecdyslastiates

After meatloaf supper at the local diner, Vixen sat in her rented room and looked at her bankbook. She had pretty much gone through the money she had earned making hard-core porn for her father as a teenager, but she had enough left from the summer job for her tuition and books and probably the rent until Christmas. It was going to be close. She was going to need some income, money to run on. And for food and beer and stuff. She figured that she could live on less than five dollars a day if...

4 years ago
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Vixen Estimates

At the end of her summer-long stint as a driver, a job the dean had helped her find, Vixen received not only the ten thousand dollars she had agreed to but a thousand more as a bonus for her incredible sexual services to the family. By summer's end, the lusty girl was forgetting the violence of the past winter. Her voluptuous body already had. In her six weeks she had fucked or sucked the cockolded master of the house half-a-dozen times and both of his sons twice that often. She had helped...

2 years ago
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Enter the Amazon

XXXecil by request: Enter the Amazon by: XXXecil Part 1: Rewritten Loyalties "Is she still at it?" Private Matthew Bellows asked the security officer, a Corporal, in the chair beside him, as both of the blond, crew-cut soldiers glared with unabashed delight at the image displayed in one of dozens of screens linking every security camera in the east wing of the lonely, black-budget bunker. One of the screens, on the...

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The Unlikely Amazon

It happened on the night of my tenth birthday. Not that anyone had acknowledged the occasion. My uncle, who had "taken care of me" since my mother's death the way a slaver "takes care" of his stock, certainly didn't give a damn about my feelings. I'll never know why, but I can see looking back on those days that he resented me in a way that went beyond simple callousness. Perhaps things were bad between him and my mother, and having me around was a constant reminder. It hardly matters now...

2 years ago
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Amazon A Short Story By Maryanne Peters I was born in Morocco into a Moroccan Jewish family. My family had been living in Morocco for many generations after my ancestors were driven from Spain by the Christians. I have always considered myself to be North African. My family were had been involved in growing flowers and I was brought up in a town called Migouna. I spoke Arabic and Berber as my native tongues, French, and I also spoke English. My mother had been educated at a...

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The Indian Maiden A TWILIGHT ZONE story

"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling *** The Indian Maiden - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop An ancient, blind Indian woman is asked to provide a squaw for a brash, handsome warrior prince. She agrees and summons one through the spirits. Here on this sacred land, drums pound the beat,...

3 years ago
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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 47 Moon Maidenrsquos Sugary Passion

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Nemberon Plains I pulled out of the moon maiden’s pussy and stared down at the newest member of my harem. “What’s your name?” “Diane,” she said, her...

2 years ago
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Vixen Tales

Laying on my bed listening to my music is how I prefer to spend my nights after work. But it was saturday night and my ass didn't have a thing to do. My phone was blowing up with texts, but I was waiting for him to text me. My night always turned out right when he contacted me. I looked over at my clock, 9:30pm. Still early. He was probably on his way home from work. Now, I didn't know him that well; Hell, I met him at the club four weeks ago. He was into his music, and he had the club...

Straight Sex
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Ritu Chachiji Bani Kothe Ki Sasti Raand Reshama 8211 Part I

Hi! sabhi lund walo aur chut waaaliyon ko mera lund wat pranam. Main ISS pe naya nahin hun magr yeh meri pehli story hai. Bahut saalon se stories padh raha hun aur hila raha hun. Aisa ek din bhi nahin hota jab ISS pe log in nahin kiya ho. Badi hi mast site hai aur mast kahaniyan hai. Ab bakwass bandh karke maal pe aate hai. Apni pehli kahaani mein main aapko apne ghar le jaata hun aur apni raand maal RITU chachi se milwata hun. Aisa koi lund na hoga jo is chinaal ko chodna na chahe. Saaali...

4 years ago
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The Sword Maiden

A drop of sweat stung my right eye, and I blinked to clear it. I dared not do anything more as I stared at the three men a few paces away. I held my sword in the high guard position, and a drop of blood fell from the tip. The blood’s donor lay near my feet, where he’d collapsed after I’d stabbed him through the throat. The leader, a burly human, bared his mouthful of rotten teeth at me. “It would have been easier for you if you had just given up. Now, we will make you pay for my friend’s...

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