Vixen (1) free porn video

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Vixen examined the blade that dripped with the dead man’s guilty blood, then at the rest of the mess that stained the suede rug beneath them. She sighed and quickly grabbed her thermos before any more of the blood was wasted on the ugly furnishings. Grabbing a good fistful of Javier’s curly black hair, Vixen lifted back his head and moved the thermos beneath the wound to capture the blood that poured out. She cursed herself for not having the container ready the moment she did the fatal act so as not to have any of the precious supply go to waste. Once the canister was filled she hastily grabbed another as the blood continued to flow freely. This was taking way too long and she was already feeling drained from the night’s work but she couldn’t just take a bite or else she would leave behind DNA, so she waited without impatience.
At last the gash clotted and Vixen hurriedly stowed both thermoses in her satchel before checking the room for any evidence that would lead to the organization. When she found none she fled to the tenth story window and jumped.
Dane stood idly on the sidewalk, pondering how to spend the rest of his night off. Being kicked out of a bar for breaking some college kid’s nose could really mess up a guy’s plans, and his buzz. Not that he had one anyway. He felt pretty sorry for the poor girl who had to deal with his drunken courage and pissy, sore-loser aggressiveness. He was just trying to spare her from getting groped in the restroom or worse.
At the moment he had replayed the part where his fist connected with the teenager’s face, he was shoved by a woman who seemed to be in a hurry, knocking him off guard. It took but a second for him to stabilize himself and seek out who had assaulted him so randomly. When he looked up, lightning bolts struck at his chest. She was drop-dead sexy. His eyes trailed up from her black high heel shoes, sheer black knee-high stockings topped with a pink garter wrapped around the smoothest, cinnamon-toned legs he’d ever seen, a black pea coat under which he could guess was lingerie, all leading up to a face that could rival Aphrodite herself. She had piercing green eyes framed with thick, long lashes, a full pair of rosy lips, and jet black hair cut into a short dramatic bob that swept her collar bone. He blinked a few times at the sight.
“Wow. I’m… uh, sorry,” was all Dane could say.
“Well sorry isn’t much of a name but thanks for apologizing for something that was my fault,” she said with a smile. He just chuckled nervously. “Sorry for running into you; I’m kind of late for work.”
“Oh, really?” he raised an eyebrow, noting her current wardrobe. “Where at?” She flashed a deviant smile, exposing a row of perfect white teeth and walked past him into an alley. The woman approached a door and rapped on it twice before it opened, letting out a blue light and loud music. She turned back to him.
“So I never really got that name,” she yelled over the music.
“Dane. Yours?” She flashed that deadly smile again.
“Vixen,” she replied, and dashed into the depths of the club. Dane walked around to the entrance and saw the bright moniker displaying the image of a woman with her head thrown back in ecstasy and the words reading Femme Mystique Bar and Lounge. Gulping down his assumptions, he stepped inside and walked through a long hall lined with glass mirrors, pink velvet, blue lighting, and women in lingerie. They each reached out seductively to touch any part of him they could as he passed by, one even moving to his side to press herself against him as she whispered hotly in his ear, “So you here for business,” she reached down to grope his manhood, “or pleasure?”
He grabbed her wrist firmly before she could even get a hold, causing her to squeak in surprise. “Curiosity,” he raised an eyebrow as he looked further down the hall to his destination. Without another look at the blonde twig, he released her wrist and continued on until he was stopped by a thick black woman wearing a purple corset that squeezed at her waist, leaving her fleshy bosom exposed to the heavy air.
“The entry fee is fifty dollars, honey,” she held out her waiting palms. Dane sighed, but reached into his wallet and pulled out three twenties.
“I’m guessing you don’t have change, so…” he offered her the bills and she took them graciously to stuff them into the tight corset.
“Go ahead, baby,” she smiled as she pulled open the rich blue velvet curtain, revealing a wide, spacious lounge with upper balconies lining the far walls opposite of the stage. The stage itself had to be at least thirty-by-twenty feet wide. All around were men in business suits smoking Cuban cigars and high-shelf liquor, all focusing their lusty gazes at the petite, blonde, and naked woman on stage who touched herself seductively to the ear-splitting rock music that played on the enormous speakers. Dane located the bar beneath the balconies facing the stage and chose a seat, ordering a scotch from the busty female bartender who pulled her full attention from the blonde onstage to eye him with the same level of attraction. He nodded a hello to hot brunette as he tried to ignore the fact that she, just like all the workers in the club, was dressed in lacy lingerie or less. This one had curly brown hair and a perfect tan to set off a pair of striking blue eyes that were fixed on Dane as she poured his drink.
Like the other men, he fixed his attention on the woman onstage but could not understand how such a young woman could find herself in a place like this. She looked no older than nineteen years old, still freshly legal in his opinion. Yet, here she was, doing whatever she could to gain the attention and approval from these horny, rich bastards. All that effort to please others with no one giving their own time to please them couldn’t be worth all of the whistles and hollers and cash this place paid, even if it was an exorbitant amount.
Dane observed the room again, taking notice of the tablet devices that each man sitting at a table had in front of him. On the screens were the headshot of the blonde and a selection of different prices to choose ranging from five hundred to five thousand at five hundred dollar increments. Every time the blonde let out a moan another man would make a selection, adding more to his tab which Dane could guess they were required to pay at the end of the night. High-end strippers, Dane thought. He could imagine important business men having private meetings in the upper balconies without any shame. They probably even had their checking accounts wired to the place so that money could be directly exchanged without having to pay cash. “Smart system… for a bunch of rich idiots,” he spoke quietly to himself. The thought of some waitress getting a hold of the tablet and pressing all the buttons she could made him chuckle.
“Do I get to hear the joke?” asked the bartender. He chuckled again.
“Has anyone ever taken one of those tablets looking for a pay-raise?” The brunette gave a smile and nodded.
“Yeah, a really hot redhead and her girlfriend who used to perform here,” she paused in thought.
“And what happened to this hot waitress and her girlfriend,” asked Dane patiently. The bartender leaned over the counter and looked at him with those piercing blue eyes without losing her smile.
“The bastard made her pay for it out in the alley. Her and her girlfriend. Then he shot ‘em. In the head.” She lost her smile and returned to her work.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized sincerely.
“Yeah, me too. I really liked Kimmy. Nice smile. Her slut girlfriend deserved what she got, but she didn’t deserve Kimmy.” Dane was about to give another apology but he spotted a very extravagantly dressed gentleman in a pin-striped suit and a black chinchilla coat, smoking a cigar and strutting a glorified look of self-importance. The man wore an excessive amount rings on each finger and his graying hair was slicked back to the nape of his neck. Despite his short, stocky, and aging appearance, a group of scantily clothed women escorted him to his booth at the back of the room where he was served brandy by a curvy waitress who wore all the necessary pieces of the uniform except for a bra, so her pink nipples stood erect in the smoky air. The bartender rolled her eyes.
“Mario Alfano. Biggest mafia lord of Cinder City and comes here regularly to see our best girl, Vixen. She’s got him wrapped around her fingers, though I don’t know how she does it; he’s a prick.”
It struck Dane when he heard Vixen’s involvement with the mafia lord the precinct has been trying to nail for years now, but it also made him wonder just what kind of show she must have put on in order to gain his attention. He hoped to see her out on the floor just serving drinks in that lingerie she had been wearing outside but it seemed that wasn’t the case. He drew his attention back to his drink and waited for the blonde onstage to finish up her sensual dance and go home safely.
Vixen stood backstage behind the heavy, royal blue curtain that separated her from the horny crowd of men who sat with erections in their pants, stinking of liquor and cigars. They watched with hungry eyes as Chloe’s fair skin was revealed little by little as she removed the skimpy white lace lingerie from her lithe form and groped her tiny breasts and inner thigh, all in time with the sultry rock music blasting from the speakers surrounding the spacious club. Her smooth ivory skin glittered as it reflected the bright pink stage lights as she slid her small hands up her body into her thick, wavy blonde hair, rocking her hips back and forth, grinding the imaginary man beneath her on her knees which were spread apart, and revealing her bare, waxed womanhood. The men leaned forward in their seats, nearly in pain from the hardness in their pants as they imagined themselves beneath her gyrating hips, being milked for all they were worth. One man even went far enough as to put his hand in his pants and touch himself with abandon. He could go ahead; the club had no rules against it other than they couldn’t make a mess that they couldn’t clean up.
Chloe began working herself to a climax without any kind of stimulation other than the mere thought of someone working her to a head-spinning orgasm. She threw her head back in ecstasy as she let out a shrill cry and finally gave out, falling to her side as her fingers mindlessly slid across her bare breasts. The man in the audience climaxed in his pants. The rest took long drags on their cigars, gulped down the rest of their drinks, and tapped wildly on their tablets as the skimpily dressed waitresses served more rounds.
The music sank into a slower, sexier tempo as Vixen strutted out onto the stage, her high-heeled stilettos making sharp, prominent clicks as she swung her hips. The men’s eyes followed her every move and traced every gorgeous curve of her curvaceous form, completely forgetting the elf-like figure lying on the stage. She approached the girl and bent over at the hips to reach down and grab the luscious blonde hair atop Chloe’s head. Chloe moaned in response and opened her eyes slowly. When she saw Vixen’s bright green eyes winking and full red lips twist up in a crooked smile, her heart skipped a beat and she rose immediately to her feet, never breaking eye contact. Vixen led her over to the wooden table at the center of the stage, still grasping a handful of Chloe’s hair. Chloe laid on her back as Vixen released her hair and kissed her sensually, sliding her hands up the sides of the elf’s smooth thighs, finally groping her taut but firm ass. A soft squeak escaped from Chloe and Vixen continued exploring her body with her hands and lips, kissing her stomach, breasts, hips, thighs, and back up to her mouth. The girl moaned with anticipation as did the audience who drooled unconsciously at the scene before them.
Vixen thrived on the raw sensuality within the room and it pushed her further as she bit and scratched at her victim who cried wildly with passion. Having this job helped her gain her skills at seduction, a great trait to have as an assassin. At this point, she could send anyone –and really, anyone- to a numbing state of unfiltered euphoria once she pressed the right pressure points. She could also kill someone just as easily. Exploring her sexuality was also another perk to her job at Femme; she was paid an exorbitant amount of cash in only one hour on stage and she could spend that hour practicing her seduction and letting others practice on her, even though most could hardly ever cause enough moisture between her legs to mean anything. She still put on a good show so as not to upset any of the audience or management, and especially Mario Alfano, the mafia lord who obsessed over her night and day. She needed him to so as to keep him close for when the time was right…
Chloe moaned again, panting heavily and breaking into a sweat. At least she can enjoy this, thought Vixen. Chloe had been one of the many who tried to get even a moan out of her and failed. The assassin envied the girl just a little for being able to get lost completely in the pure physical pleasure of stimulation unlike her who couldn’t risk letting her guard down for the slightest second. The girl could even work herself to an orgasm without being touched! Vixen hadn’t even experienced an orgasm in her life on account of selfish lovers and inexperienced fools who half-hazardly fumbled around trying to do things they thought she enjoyed. Still, she committed fully to pleasing the elf, sliding her tongue over her pink little clitoris and inserting her fingers into her tiny opening. Chloe moaned deeply and gripped the edges of the table tightly and arched her back dramatically. Vixen moved her fingers faster, coating them with the girl’s sweet essence as she continued to flick her tongue over her sex button. She then inserted her tongue fully into Chloe’s wet hole, causing the girl’s eyes to roll into her skull and the audience gave a round of applause. It didn’t take long after that for Chloe to orgasm loudly and black out completely on the wooden table. Vixen lapped up the remaining juices and signaled the other girls waiting backstage to carry Chloe to the wings and revive her.
Turning to the audience who were on their feet with loud applause, Vixen raised an eyebrow and gave a mischievous smile. “So who’s next, huh?” she shouted. The crowd became incredibly rowdy as they raised their glasses to be chosen for anything she had in mind. Vixen stepped offstage into the audience and looked around for her next victim, carefully avoiding Mario to fuel his jealousy and intensity of his infatuation. She also avoided the men who wreaked of semen, leaving a scarce amount left. Sitting at the bar staring right at her with a raised eyebrow was the man she ran into outside. He seemed to be studying her but also challenging her at the same time. Vixen took the challenge and wordlessly strode up to him, taking his hand in hers and pulled him to the stage. Dane followed willingly with his eyes on the cinnamon-toned female tugging him along as the men and Mario bore daggers into his back with their eyes. Their unspoken jealous threats were like razor blades on his flesh but he followed anyway.
A single chair had been brought out onto the stage and Vixen pushed him down into the seat as she slowly circled him, trailing her fingers along his strong shoulders and sharp jaw line. Just touching him sent a strange, exhilarating jolt of an unknown energy throughout her body and, for the first time, she could feel the excitement coil in her stomach and work its way lower. She had felt this the moment she collided with him in front of the club. Even recovering from the encounter, she couldn’t get the image of his beautifully tanned skin, deep brown hair, and almost luminescent hazel eyes out of her mind. Touching him and proving for herself that he was tangible and living thrilled her and scared her at the same time. He could be a distraction, leaving her open and vulnerable to any attackers while she had her guard down. He could even be an enemy himself! She tried to fight for some stability within her thoughts but in a split second he had gained control and grabbed her inner thigh to pull her into his lap so that she straddled him. Vixen gasped, startled at is speed and furious at herself for leaving an opening. They stared into each other’s eyes intensely, Vixen with a hard grimace at her new-found opponent and Dane with a hint of amusement.
Intent on not being the victim of this situation, Vixen began to take control and grind her hips to the rhythmic beats pumping from the speakers. She slid her hands over his shoulders and around his neck where she pressed lightly, releasing endorphins into his body that made him groan quietly as he closed his eyes and let out a long exhale. “Cheater,” he grunted, and Vixen gave a smug grin as she continued to grind against him. The victory didn’t last long as Dane grabbed her hips firmly and applied pressure to either sides of her lower back, successfully releasing endorphins into Vixen’s body and forcing the first ever honest moan from her lips as she tilted her head back in ecstasy. Her moan was followed up with a gasp as Dane thrust his hips up once then slowly ground himself into her as she had done before. He continued to work his hands over her body; pushing buttons she never knew existed that could send her into a fit of moans and cries of physical bliss.
Backstage, Chloe had fully revived in time to see the stranger make Vixen moan for the first time, an achievement Chloe had tried time and time again to fulfill. Vixen had been nice enough to let her keep trying but it seemed futile to try and fail endlessly. It was like the woman was either truly made of glass with no nerve cells at all or Chloe was the absolute worst lover on the planet. All she really wanted to do was bring the goddess pleasure, to gain some kind of approval from the woman she spent endless nights fantasizing about. The moments they had on stage were the best moments of her life, casting a glowing, euphoric light on the bleak darkness she ran away from years ago. Being pleasured by Vixen was greater than all the sex and drugs her old life had to give, greater than all the highs combined from two year’s worth of heroine. Chloe wanted to prove her love by giving Vixen something that no one else could, and she couldn’t even do it, but this man that she straddled onstage now could and she glared with murderous jealousy at him, clawing his eyes out with her mind. She felt a pang of sadness as she looked upon Vixen’s beautiful coffee skin glowing with sweat as her eyebrows furrowed with the concentration of a woman reaching her climax. Angry tears escaped the rims of her waterline, dragging black eyeliner down with it across her cheeks as she watched Vixen reach her first climax without so much as a touch from the stranger.
“Are you alright, Chloe?” asked Gemma, a British redhead who more-or-less gave everyone the same general degree of politeness. Chloe shot daggers at her and Gemma continued to warm up for the next act without another word. Vixen stumbled backstage past the dancers to sit in a foldout chair by the tree lights on the side of the stage. The girls watched her with wary smiles on their faces. Finally, one spoke up.
“Look who just had their first orgasm, ladies!” shouted Fo, a freckled dancer with a dark pixie cut.
“Vixen’s all grown up!” teased Roxie, another dancer with choppy, dirty blonde layers. Vixen, still recovering, just gave a weak grin and rolled her eyes.
“Who was that guy and what in bloody hell did he do to make you cum?!” asked Gemma with amazement. They were all curious to know since they had all tried and failed themselves to get such a reaction.
“He touched me,” Vixen panted heavily with hooded eyes. The girls looked at each other, dumbfounded.
“Well, fuck me!” exclaimed Gemma with frustration. The group laughed, even Vixen who had her eyes closed as she leaned back in the chair to catch her breath, but Chloe stood still and silent with her tiny hands balled into fists, nails digging into flesh.


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Abel barely got home before Christina, Roni and Jules in tow, of course. The two brats were eager to see their new auntie, after all. Eva had to rush to get herself decent, but she managed, if only just. She then rushed at Abel to kiss him very hard and fiercely on the lips before hugging her new nieces. She sniffed the air, too, and laughed knowingly. “Who was the lucky bitch who got the D?” Eva whispered in her brother’s ear. “Stacey from work. She’s married, too,” Abel winked at his...

4 years ago
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Emmys Games Chapter 2

“Well? Did Suzie help you fill the condom some more?” says the text from Emmy. I had just pulled my trousers back on after being jerked off by Suzie into a condom, which I had filled for the second time today whilst wearing panties Emmy had instructed me to wear. The stockings Suzie helped me put on feel amazing underneath my jeans. I can feel their tight grip on my thighs and the fabric rub against the inside of my trousers when I move which is a constant reminder of their sexyness. “Yes,...

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Our first

TRUE STORY: Hi we are from the UK. I have been watching my wife fucked by other men for the past 3 yrs. Im going to tell you about the first time.We had been fantasing about her fucking other men for about 6 months, im not very big about 5" long and thin, she had admitted she would like to feel bigger cocks in her. i would use her dildo on her and we would both imagine the dildo was another mans cock in her. We started using web sites to meet someone to fuck her for the first time apart from...

2 years ago
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Rescue at Open SeaChapter 3 Now what Popeye

There was an uncanny silence around him and Lomax wondered if he had been left on the deck to freeze to death. Soaked with cold water and exposed to the cool night air, the problem with controlling his erection was now definitely a thing of the past. Lomax did not know if unconscious men could shiver from cold, but he had no choice in the matter and shivered away. The 5 women had each been lost in their own thoughts for a moment, but seeing the large body shiver, Cathy sprang into action....

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The ProtectorChapter 30

When I got inside, I immediately got in touch with Pete and ran my new idea by him, asking if it could be done this evening while there was still light. He informed me it would take about an hour to do, and that he and two of his men were on their way. I got off the phone with him and called Jerry. I was told that he was out of town for the evening, and that my message would be passed on to him as soon as he called in. I sat back, thinking about everything that had happened today. Although I...

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Brief Encounter Pt1

A work of fiction, but who knows what the future holds…..Since leaving college, Barry, an old friend of mine and myself had always gone to see a Formula 1 race every year. Normally we did our home race at Silverstone which was roughly equidistant from where we both lived, so easy travel for qualifying and race days.However, this particular year we both had family events which made the race impossible, so we decided to take an organised day trip to the Italian GP. We booked a trip that departed...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Tiffany Tatum Veronica Leal Hardcore Pussy Punishment

We’re on the scene when blonde Latina bombshell Veronica Leal and brunette Hungarian college cutie Tiffany Tatum are being sentenced for attempted robbery. And these bad girls happen to be in the hands of officers David Perry and Josh who whip out the handcuffs and have some very kinky ideas about how to deter these rebels from going against the rule of law again. Deep throating, double penetration, and other hot forms of punishment are what the glamourous babes are sentenced to, and...

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Aunty Mee Ammaini Dengutha part 2

This story is continuation to part1 of “Aunty Mee Ammaini Dengutha ( “. Readers, thanks for your responses. This is continuation to part 1. So, part 1 lo Ganga tho sex start and valla ammatho threesome and sex journey start gurinchi cheppa. Ganga tho naa sex start ayyaka , tanki pelli chese sariki 5 years time undedi. Aunty ni , Ganga ni kalisi dengevanni. Appatiki inka naa straight sex life start ayyindi, kani naaku gay...

3 years ago
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Unexpected visitor

So Tony had left and I was a fully satisfied girl, although naked under my white silk robe with the exception of my black kitten heels I felt at one. Alexander, my wife's lover was coming for supper, I had all day to prepare. I poured myself a stiff gin and pondered where I had come in the last month. My transformation from software engineer to beautiful woman was slowly coming on. My breasts were small but pert, my weight loss accentuated their size and my hips although male were sufficiently...

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The ParkersChapter 40 One of us

Lucy Parker had no fear. No second thoughts. She wanted this. She wanted sex with her nephews. And she wanted sex with their girlfriends. And she wanted sex with their mother. She should be worried. She should even be disgusted by the thought of having sex with them. But she wasn't. In fact, she was kissing Claire Parker. Claire was 48, but she was in a terrific shape for her age. She tried her best to keep herself fit. And, of course, she had a very intense sex life, which only helped...

1 year ago
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Nap Time part II

This story is completely fictional, never try this this at home. I called my x-wife Thursday evening to see what time she wanted me to pick the girls up Friday for my weekend with them. My x tells me Shelly is spending the night with a girlfriend, it would just be Susan, will that be ok? Hell yes! I thought to myself. I controlled my voice and told my x that was fine, and what time would Susan be ready? She told me at 7. Friday evening Susan was lying down on her bed thinking, she couldn't...

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The Teller

It all started in the seventies. It may not be completely fair, but I blame Richard M. Nixon for it. Well why not? We blamed him for everything else, so why not for my crossdressing? It was the spring of '71 and I had just graduated with a financial degree. I was young and hopeful and sure I would soon be a member of some prestigious firm and living the high life. Fancy suits, attractive women, sleek, powerful cars and weekends at the yacht club or golfing with the...

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Taylor and I

As we arrived, we walked into our 5 star hotel and received our room keys. We made sure to bring our xboxes up to the room and immediately began setting up. We ordered pizza and began playing Halo Reach. After playing for about 2 hours, the chaperons assigned to our room came and told us to get dressed. We all joked around as we put on our business clothes and began to head to the conference center adjoined to the hotel. We sat through the opening ceremony and at about 10 P.M., headed back...

4 years ago
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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 33

When Joe returned to his bed after months away, he almost wished he didn’t have to be away from it soon enough. At least he’d have a couple weeks before heading off for his book/rock tour. hers was being released at the end of the week, and like No Contest, he’d be at the original Barnes and Noble for a lengthy reading and signing that evening. Meanwhile MIRE featuring Rhonda would play clubs in and around the city. Despite being with them just a couple nights before, Sunday, after the wrap...

3 years ago
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My Hobby turning White Boys Gay

I'm a bad girl, my hobby in College was turning small dick white guys into ass loving cocksucking faggot's with the help of my roommate Josh. Josh is gay and loves to turn small dick white boy's into faggot's for Big Black Cocks with the help of his 9inch cock.It was February of my sophomore year of college. I had this girlfriend- let's be real, fuck buddy, who was an absolute nymphomaniac. This girl loved sex, as much as I would give her. Every guy's dream, right? Definitely helped that we...

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Grim Fairy TalesChapter 12 Beach Barbeque

The next morning, Simon dove into work. Laying aside the user documentation, he looked into the Palladium's operating system manuals and began studying how he could disable it for General Manlius. He quickly rejected any idea of trying to figure out the complex application and decided to focus his energy on the operating system, one of the many mutated strains of the old POSIX system. Delving into old administrator manuals, security analyses, and hackers' guides Simon devoted his time to...

1 year ago
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Strangers needing a ride

Mike had been working all day and even put in a couple hours of over time before he headed home. On his way home he could think nothing more than how badly he wanted to take a shower. But he had noticed a car broke down on the side of the road and 2 ladies and guys standing behind the car with the hood up. Mike pulled over to see if he could assist them in anyway. He introduced himself to the 2 couples and they introduced themselves as, Shawn, John, Veronica and Tina. They said that their car...

2 years ago
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My Life With a Linemans TicketChapter 12

I went to DWP's Training Center and took the tests they required. I took the physical and drug test at their Medical Center located in the downtown office building and was assigned to start at their Central District. This District covered downtown L.A. and a little north in North Hollywood and south to South Central Area of L.A. My first Foreman was of Mexican descent named Tito Marquez RIP. He spoke excellent English and also excellent Spanish I was told. We were working in East L.A. when...

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Lisa 1

As our last mails date back about half a year, I´d almost forgotten about Lisa.No matter her lovely looks and letters, nor her few sexy images on my page.Suddenly she sprang back to my mind, as I recognized her as ´cover girl´ of a gallery, titled "girls I´d like to f***", of an admiror of a young lady friend of me, here on hamster. I just checked that page and immediately saw: "That´s Lisa"!The guy had photoshopped away any texts. Like the tribute written on her belly.My name and hers. And the...

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Mommy Sunbathing Part 1

My mother had me so rock hard when she was out sunbathing the other day in her pink heels and her pink mini bikini! I stood at the patio window staring her up and down, her toned long legs ran up to her tight thighs and butt. Her tummy was firm for a forty year old woman and she had some nice big d-cup mellons packed in her top! Her blonde hair was soft and cut short in layers, she wore her amber sunglasses and her pretty face was a glow! I couldn't help myself any longer so I reached down...

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Hot Coming FamilyChapter 10

"Come here," Fred said huskily, grabbing Millie from behind in the kitchen. Millie turned and smiled. "Not now," she said, glancing out the window to where Laura was sunning in the back yard. "Why not?" Fred said, wrapping his arms around her waist and pushing his cock against her ass. He kissed her neck and also gazed out the window at his sister. "Laura's built like a brick shit-house, isn't she?" Millie giggled and pushed his hands away from her waist. "You noticed," she...

3 years ago
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Maazi Hot Ani Garam Tai

Hi mitrano me akash from pune,…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….aunties for secret fun..mail me Email id: Me direct maza sex prwasala survat karto,………… He real ghatna ahe mazya jivnatlya pahilya sex anubhavachi ani saglyat sukad anubhavachi Maazi Hot Ata me 25 year cha ahe Me jeva 17 varsha cha hoto teva ya saglyaka survat zali, mazi tai mhanje maza aatyanchi mulgi tiche boobs 36 peksha thode mothech hote,……… Ani tichi gand 36 chi hoti.. Ani jeva pasun me iss ver stories...

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Crosswinds 2 Dark CurrentsChapter 6

“Maddi,” The soothing voice repeated. “Maddi, dear. Are you with us?” “Ugh.” Maddi groaned. Her heavy eyelids took a while to open; Then another minute to sit up and grasp a shred of consciousness. Her classmates surrounded her, each wearing their own look of concern. The four girls parted to make way for Diana with an icepack. “Here we go, dear,” Diana cooed, pressing the coldness against her sister’s forehead. “You gave us a scare,” As the sobering reality rushed back, Maddi knocked...

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A Fathers Dream1

Every one in this world has a dream. I am not speaking of the outside dreams, but of inside dreams; dreams which you never told to anyone and which you never tell anyone; dreams which you never try to realize them, but dreams which you always dream of. Every one has a dream about his love and life partner but every man also has dream of sex. It is a sexual fantasy. A sexual fantasy you dream to see or to try it. I have my dream. A dream weird to many but it is my dream. My name is srikanth. I...

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Cousin Fill revisited

Cousin FillomenaJune 25, 2012, 6:09 pmI was awaken by the sound of my zipper being lowered, when it finally registers that my cousin was taking my jeans off.I had been drinking a bit at her husbands birthday party and started to feel sick, last thing I remember was puking in the bushes.Fill said I was passed out on a patio chair and that Jake her husband carried me in and plopped me on there couch. Fill told me that Jake had gone fishing with some friends. I was supposed to go too, but drank...

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Secretarial Day With Aunt Madge

"Secretarial Day With Aunt Madge" My parents were having a cookout and had invited Madge over for the afternoon. I was getting a hamburger off the grill in the back yard as she approached then looked around to see my folks busy talking at the patio table. "You haven't come over in quiet some time Timmy, what's the matter precious?" she questioned as she gathered her food. "I want you to come over, I want you to come over tomorrow morning Timmy," she said as she took her plate in...

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My Tryst With the Professor Part IV

“Fuck,” Lexi repeated, a smile spreading across her face. “What the hell are you doing here?!” She skipped down the aisle and grabbed their uninvited audience, pulling her into a tight hug. It was one of her closest friends, Darcy, looking smug as ever for having caught her doing something so naughty. Lexi stepped back, holding their guest at arms’ length. “I think the better question is what the hell are you doing here?” Darcy asked, her eyes flitting toward Dr. Claar. Lexi giggled,...

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Justin Bieber Gets Raped

Introduction: While leaving a concert in LA Justin Bieber gets kindnapped and raped pleases rate and subcribe Thanks !!! The story starts off in a parking lot where justin bieber walks. He is leaving his concert and is now getting ready to go home. Justin yawns wow what a concert. Suddenly there bes a noise. Hello? says Justin. Justin continues to walk to his car and all of a sudden he gets hit in the head.Justin passes out cold. When he comes to he relizes he is tied up on a chair naked. Where...

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Cherry popped

The man from next door Mr Tremain became a regular visitor to my shed where I would slip into my mothers mackintosh and ether wank or suck him to completion, on one of these visits he suggested I should go to his and try on one of his macs, I agreed and arranged it for the following Saturday. Slipping into my mothers bedroom with the idea of taking a pr of her pants to wear I came across her suspender belt and black stockings plus a pr of red very shiny knee boots she had worn for a 60s night...

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Rohit8217s New Life 8211 Part II

This is Rohit from Cochin, narrating another true experience. The participants know who they are for the rest of the ISS universe, please enjoy; Feedback, both positive and constructive can be sent to Rohit woke up on Saturday morning feeling excited without knowing exactly why. He tried to sit up, but his left arm was pinned down by Preeti’s body. This was normal for a Saturday morning, since she tended to sleep at Rohit’s house on Fridays because his parents and his sister would go on their...

Gay Male
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Moms Boyfriend Nick

God it was fucking hot. I hated having to walk home from school. It took me longer than usual because I was so sore from yesterday's workout. Coach was really pushing me to up my weight before the start of the next season. I saw my mom's boyfriend's new Audi in the drive and nearly spat on the windshield. I can't believe mom bought that for him. He needs to get a fucking job! When I walked in the house I immediately heard moaning from my mom’s rooms. Porn? Oh shit... was he watching...

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No Contest Book 3 Tallying the Score 20012003Chapter 33

Joe, Celia and Jane finally arrived at Rhonda’s house. The one she shared with Theresa, and Lynn, the transsexual, and eventually Bob, who’d share the basement with Lynn. The house was full of people. Theresa had made delicious canapes for everyone. People sipped red or white wine, also nice. Except Eddie and Rachel, who drank bottled water. “Okay, we’re all here,” Bob said nervously, glancing at his mother. He walked in front of Theresa and knelt, a small jewel box in his hand. He opened it...

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Twice LuckyChapter 35

Jake woke up Saturday morning at seven-thirty. It was hard to get out of bed because Erika and Melissa were sprawled across him, one on either side. He shimmied off the end of the bed as nature was calling too loudly to be ignored. The bath’s other connecting door to the guest room was partly open. As he was shutting it he caught a glimpse of Scott’s ass shining in the morning sun. It was moving so fast it was a blur. Underneath Scott was Debbie, gasping like a fish out of water as Scott...

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