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Dedicated to Russ Meyer and American International Pictures


Chapter 1

Strip Club

It was gone three in the morning and what little air there was in the Ooh-La-La Club was thick with smoke and sweat and the odor of stale beer. The joint was packed tonight: waitresses in tight hot pants and club tee-shirts sashayed around carrying trays laden with beer bottles and whisky shots, customers jostled each other and fights broke out, only to be promptly ended by big, burly bouncers, strippers gave lap-dances in not-so-discreet corners. And an unending supply of sawdust was regularly thrown down to soak up the beer and the blood and the puke and the cum.

Suddenly, the music that had been pounding out all night was turned down and the walls and floors quit pulsing. Everybody stopped what they were doing — all except those customers who, having some hardbody stripper’s ass or tits gyrating in their face, could not stop themselves from blowing their load at that precise moment.

Roxy, the Ooh-La-La Club MC, stepped up onto the main stage and was hit by a big white spotlight.

‘And now, ladies and gentlemen, the act you’ve all been waiting for…’

There was a hush as the crowd quietened down, expectant.

‘All the way from Waco, Texas…’

Shouts and wolf-whistles from the audience.

‘For one nite only…’

More cheers and whistles. A bar stool was thrown across the room somewhere in the background.

‘Vanja and the Pussycats!’

The crowd went wild.

Roxy stepped offstage and the spot went out, throwing the stage into darkness. The crowd was silent, tense, waiting for the show to begin.

Cue the music: a throbbing drum beat accompanied by slow, sleazy brass instrumentation.

Another spot hit the left side of the stage now as a curtain was pulled aside to reveal a tall, statuesque brunette, Italian-looking, slutty, gorgeous. She was wrapped in a black velvet cloak that matched her raven-colored hair, and was perched on ludicrously thin, ludicrously high stiletto heels.

Roxy’s disembodied voice proudly announced: ‘Ladies and gentlemen, I give you… The bellisima Beatrice!’

To Beatrice’s own surprise, Roxy pronounced her name correctly, Italian-style: Bee-ah-tree-cheh…

The crowd leered and jeered and shouted lecherous come-ons.

Beatrice stepped forward, teetering on those ludicrous heels but maintaining a grace and poise that gave her an almost regal bearing. When she reached the front of the stage she threw back her cloak to reveal a killer body, deliciously clad in vintage black underwear: conical silk bullet bra, suspenders, seamed stockings — the works. And when the crowd laid eyes on that elegant, slender figure with its long legs and oversized bust they went positively nuts.

‘Yeah, baby!’

‘Show us what you got, honey!’

‘Show us them titties, girl!’

The music played on. At the front of the stage Beatrice did her thing, undulating to the slow, sultry rhythm of the burlesque jazz but not yet removing any of her clothes, despite intense encouragement from the audience. She knew how much it drove them crazy when she fingered her garters, hinting that she may begin unsnapping them at any moment.

‘Take it off, baby!’ a male voice shouted.

‘Do it!’ added another.

The attention of everybody was then diverted as the right hand curtain was thrown back and a second girl — blond this time, and dressed in a trench coat — strutted out onto the stage. The music kept oozing from the speakers as Beatrice slunk backward and the blond took her place upfront, the crowd on tenterhooks as they waited to see what she had hidden under that raincoat.

Roxy’s voice came over the speakers again.

‘Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for the sexy Suzy!’

Cheers, shouts, whistles, obscenities…

‘Now that’s a girl who’s sure to satisfy that seven year itch, folks!’

Suzy smiled at the crowd coquettishly from beneath peroxide-blond, Marilyn Monroe bangs. Then she peeled back her trench coat to reveal a body just as incredible as Beatrice’s, and similarly clad in vintage lingerie — only peach-colored this time. And like Beatrice, Suzy performed the briefest tease of a dance before stepping back to the rear of the stage, where the two of them continued gyrating sexily to the music.

‘But now the vixen you’ve all been saving your wad for…’

One customer climbed up on stage but was immediately hauled off by Thalmus, the Ooh-La-La Club’s gigantic head bouncer, and the over-zealous asshole was roughly escorted somewhere out back.

Roxy continued her introduction, drawing out each word with salacious relish.

‘The voluptuous… the voracious… the voluuuuminous… Vaaaaaanja!’

Insane cheers and whistles from the crowd.

A smoke machine coughed up a few gusts of thick white fog and colored lights roved across the stage as the music reached its third act.

At the rear of the stage, between Beatrice and Suzy, the curtain was slowly raised to reveal a pair of long, powerful legs, thigh muscles taut.

Pneumatic breasts.

Flaming red hair.

An Amazonian warrior princess…

And like the others, Vanja was wearing vintage burlesque underwear: black bustier, suspenders, seamed stockings, eight inch heels, above-the-elbow satin gloves. She stood at the back of the stage, hands on hips, bust pushed out. An arrogant eyebrow was raised at the crowd, a sneer of contempt contorting her lipstick-heavy lips. She strutted to the front of the stage, flanked by Suzie and Beatrice, thrust her mountainous breasts out even further.

She reached out and with satin-clad fingers stroked the faces of her fellow dancers and the crowd gave a roar of approval.

Then, in perfect time to the music, Suzy and Beatrice began to remove Vanja’s gloves, one finger at a time. They peeled them off slowly, revealing her slender white arms with their toned biceps, twirled them around, held them tautly over their heads like Rita Hayworth, and writhed their perfect bodies in perfect synchrony under the hot spotlights.

More voices from the crowd, a mixture of male and female.

‘You fuckin’ hot bitch!’

‘Let me suck on those titties, mama!’

‘Keep it comin’!’

The music approached its climax. With each saucy trumpet blast of the finale, Vanja popped each fastening of her bustier, starting at the top and working her way down. Each time, she revealed more of her bare body underneath it, her gigantic breasts practically pushing the loosened garment apart — like two cantaloupes splitting open a paper grocery bag.

The crowd had stopped cheering and jeering by now and they were standing as one homogenous mass of sweaty, animal lust, eyes on stalks and mouths open in anticipation.

On the fifth and final burst of trumpet, everyone in the room held their breath and watched in awe as Vanja yanked open the bustier to reveal her magnificent —

The lights went out.

The crowd went wild. Cheers, wolf-whistles, et cetera…


‘That was fuckin’ awesome, baby!’


There was a brief, tantalising intermission before the music began again and the colored lights came up and the girls reappeared onstage to rapturous applause and continued their sleazy routine.

An hour later.

Vanja, Beatrice and Suzy retired to the dressing room tired and sweaty and naked except for little glittery thongs. The room was wall-to-wall naked chicks, strippers came and went, towelling themselves down or packing up their shit for the evening. Some congratulated the girls on their show as they walked past, others threw bitchy looks or ignored them completely.

They stood at the long mirror lined with stark white bulbs and began drying themselves off.

‘Goddamn!’ said Suzy, grinn
ing with pride. ‘That must be our best reception yet.’

Vanja nodded coolly. ‘You might be right, darlin’. You might be right.’

Behind them, Roxy entered the dressing room and came over. She was counting out dollar bills. Vanja kept her back to her, wiping the perspiration from her armpits and neck, and from those great, pendulous breasts.

‘Here you go, ladies. Nice job.’

Vanja turned, smiled politely, took the cash. Counted it professionally.

‘What’s this shit?’

‘Hey, that’s what Luis said I should give you. You gotta problem, go see Luis.’

Vanja, pissed as hell, smouldered silently as Roxy walked away, she noticed that some of the other strippers had stopped to watch the scene.

‘What the fuck are you all gawkin’ at? Get back to your own fuckin’ business.’

The strippers wisely returned to their previous activities, and Vanja reluctantly tucked the notes into her thong.

Luis, the proprietor of the Ooh-La-La Club, was sitting back in his swivel chair, the desk a mess of paperwork and cocaine, while a small blond head bobbed up and down over his crotch. His eyes were closed and he was whispering things like ‘Oh, baby…’ as the stripper called Cherry sucked him off nosily.

There was a knock at the door.

Luis glanced over, sharply, annoyed at the interruption. Cherry didn’t stop.

‘Who is it?’

A second knock.

‘What the fuck… Hey, get lost! I’m busy in here!’


‘Hey, don’t make me come over there…’

The door was kicked open. Vanja stood in the doorway, dressed now in a robe, her imposing stance accentuated by her eight-inch heels. Luis sat up, startled, pissed off, and pushed Cherry away from his dick. The girl knelt there, confused, bored, popped her gum back in her mouth.

Luis didn’t bother zipping himself up. His erect cock leaned to one side.

‘What the fuck do you want, bitch? Can’t you see I’m doin’ business in here?’

Vanja stood in the doorway, silent.

Luis looked down at Cherry. ‘Okay, get lost.’

The thin, cheap blond staggered to her feet, yanked her top back up over her small hard breasts, and tottered out of the room mumbling under her breath.

Luis finally stuffed his dick back into his pants and zipped it up.

‘Okay, bitch, I guess you’re not here to finish the job Cherry started. So what can I do you for?’

Vanja walked over to his desk, stood in front of it.

‘You can start by not calling me ‘bitch’.’

‘Okay,’ Luis replied reasonably. ‘Now get to the fuckin’ point.’

Vanja held up the three hundred bucks.

‘What’s this bullshit?’


‘You know goddamn well what. There’s three hundred dollars here. That ain’t what we agreed an’ you know it.’

‘Yeah, well. The arrangement’s changed. But you girls did good out there.’ He gestured with his thumb at the big window behind him, which overlooked the stage. ‘Damn good. In fact, you three got me so fuckin’ hot under the collar that I had to get Cherry in here to put me outta my misery. So do me a favor: if you’re not intending to get on your knees yourself, take the three hundred, and maybe we can do business again on your way back through.’

Vanja stared at him, steely-eyed.

‘Okay. I’m gonna ask you nice, and only once am I gonna be nice.’ She paused, then said softly, deliberately: ‘Pay me the fuckin’ money you owe me asshole, and pay it now. Comprende?’

Luis smiled and gave a disbelieving snort of derision.

For a brief moment they faced each other across the desk, a silent Mexican stand-off of wills. Then Luis sat up in his chair.

‘You turned up three hours late. You’re lucky you’re gettin’ paid at all.’ He lit a cigarette and nonchalantly blew blue smoke into the air.

Vanja, unimpressed, managed to control her anger. She crossed her arms, tapped a finger.

‘Look. We do the show, you cough up the dough.’

‘Yeah? An’ you show up late and I cut your hourly rate. Now get the fuck outta here.’

‘Tut, tut, tut,’ said Vanja, the hint of a smile on her glossy, blood-red lips. ‘Looks like I’m gonna be askin’ you the unpleasant way after all.’

‘Oh yeah? And what’s that?’

‘I don’t think you wanna hear it.’

Luis got up out of his chair, walked round his desk, sat down on the edge of it with his arms crossed.

‘Try me.’

Vanja moved in to whisper in his ear and Luis watched the fall of her voluminous tits inside her robe as she leaned forward.

‘You better pay what you owe, or so-help-me-God your spic motherfuckin’ ass is gonna be real sorry.’

Luis leaned back, a wide smile across his tan, pock-marked face.

‘You got some big fuckin’ cojones on you, bitch, I’ll say that. I’m guessin’ no man’s ever had the balls to put you in your place, huh?’

Vanja wagged a finger playfully. ‘Uh-uh. Didn’t I just warn you about callin’ me ‘bitch’?’

Luis barked out a crude, bellowing laugh, then made to grab the back of Vanja’s head.

Big mistake.

Before Luis knew what happened, Vanja had deflected his arm, twisted it with her own and karate chopped him across the face, breaking his nose with a sickening crack.

Luis, fucked with one blow, collapsed to the floor, his face bleeding profusely.

Vanja reached down and took his wallet from his suit jacket pocket while a small pool of blood collected beside his unconscious face. She counted out seven hundred bucks, then dropped the rest of the cash on the unconscious sleazebag.

‘Here’s a tip for you, pendajo. Don’t ever fuck with me.’

There was a fight breaking out in the car park as Vanja and the girls appeared from the ‘stage exit’, which in reality was just a beaten up metal door with a handwritten sign reading ‘Keep the fuck out’ taped to it. Suzy and Beatrice hung back to watch the two burly bikers beating the shit out of each other while Vanja strode on ahead, pulling on black leather driving gloves. She was dressed all in black now: knee-length leather boots, tight pants and a low-cut tee-shirt that could barely contain her immense bust.

She walked past a long row of parked motorcycles until she reached her car — an immaculate, lipstick-red 1965 Porsche 356 C.

Suzy and Beatrice were enjoying the fight, cheering and laughing as one biker smashed the other one’s face into his knee. There was a spray of blood and the pearly gleam of a dislodged tooth before the injured biker reeled backwards and hit the deck.

A sizeable crowd of both men and women had joined the two spectating girls and there was now a circle around the brawl. Someone was already taking bets.

Spotting the other two, Vanja stuffed two fingers in her mouth and gave a short, sharp whistle.

‘Hey, come on you two. Let’s blow this pop stand already.’

Somewhat reluctantly, Suzy and Beatrice tore themselves away from the violence and wandered over to their own automobiles, which were parked either side of Vanja’s car.

Suzy slipped on a pair of white leather driving gloves. ‘So, where we headin’?’

Vanja smiled. ‘As far away from this shithole as we can get, darlin’. That is, unless you wanna go a few rounds with the hired muscle in there.’

At that moment the stage door was kicked open and Luis, clutching his broken and bloodied nose, staggered out. He was accompanied by Thalmus and another bouncer.

‘You fuckin’ bitches come back here and you’re dead, you got that? Don’t ever show your faces around here again!’

Vanja stuck out her bottom lip and frowned. ‘Aw, do you think he’s mad at me for bweaking his widdle nose?’ She then blew Luis a kiss and followed it with a girly wave of her gloved hand. ‘Ladies, shall we?’

‘I’m hot to trot, Mommy-O,’ Suzy chimed, now putting on a pair of cheap red sunglasses.

‘Andiamo,’ added Beatrice.

With that, the three women got in their cars an
d started them up with a deep, synchronised growl. After revving their souped-up engines together for full effect, in turn they pulled away from the parking lot in a shower of gravel and dust, Vanja first, followed by Suzy and then Beatrice, who gave Luis and the Ooh-La-La Club the finger.

Above the bar and its sleazy neon signage (a stripper bending over and repeatedly pulling down her drawers), the beginnings of a sunrise was flecking the dawn sky with pinks, oranges and reds.

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Who Needs HumiliationChapter 7 The Games Continue

On Monday Carla was no more friendly or unfriendly then she had been since the first day of class. She would talk to me about work but nothing else. I had noticed one thing that day. During the lecture portion of class that morning anytime I answered a question or made a comment in class I could see that it bothered Carla. She seldom spoke in class. I wondered if she was having trouble keeping up with the class work. That evening when everyone came down to the bar for drinks I noticed that...

3 years ago
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Weekend GetawayEpilogue

One of the advantages of having a home delivery is that you don't have all that hospital documentation to worry about if you want to be ... um, creative ... with your records. By adding a little "extra" to the midwife's fee, we got to "adjust" the girls's birthdays. In actuality, the four girls were born over a span of six days, but all four birth certificates read December 25, and we call them "the Christmas quadruplets." I've sworn all the family to secrecy and we like having...

2 years ago
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I use to work for a campground about 10 years or so ago, not long after I turned forty. One of my duties was to lead a weekly bird watching tour. This usually occurred on Saturday or Sunday at dawn. Most often nobody showed and I would go off by myself. Later I would report to the owners that half dozen or so people showed. During this time I use to explore the campgrounds remote areas and some of the neighboring property. I would also keep a list of the birds I saw just so it looked like I...

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CadeChapter 6 Troubled Waters

The kids had to be up early to catch the bus and Cade made sure Callie was awake to make them breakfast, even though she complained. The children had to be waiting out in front of the house by 7 a.m. Callie insisted she could not do much better than cold cereal that morning because she was tired and it was early. Cade was bothered a little that she couldn't be troubled to cook a hot breakfast for the kids, but he let it slide for now. After breakfast, Cade walked the kids out to catch the...

1 year ago
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A Convenient ArrangementChapter 2

If I thought I was going to have trouble with Lexi, Cora's twelve year old kid, I couldn't have been more wrong. Cora brought the kid to my house the following day. She introduced Lexi and said, "Gotta go now Mr. K." She then left with an excited Jason in tow. I swear that kid already had a boner in his pants when he left. I ran a critical eye over Lexi. She was a pretty little thing with dark brown hair and wicked eyes. She was five feet two inches tall and she had the lean, stretched...

4 years ago
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My Very First Threesome

I had just finished moving into my new condo and was very hot and sweaty. The air conditioner had not yet been able to overcome the door standing open for two hours as I moved boxes and things. Even a quick, cool shower failed to compensate for the oppressive heat of the summer. “Well,” I thought to myself, “Good time to check out the pool.” I slipped on my trunks and grabbed a towel. I hoped my condo would cool down before I returned; I had no idea just how hot it was about to get. There was...

Group Sex
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She reluctantly takes a Pony Tail butt plug

Been a long time editing this clip, probably months old, but boy was it fun. There is a gallery with a few screen shots with the same title. Wearing pink crotchless panties, pink garter belt holding up pink lace topped stockings. We had been playing for some time before the Pony Tail butt plug came out. We had started using her vibrating dildo and sucking my cock. Then the dildo on her clit and my cock in wet pussy, then the dildo inside and the Doxy massager on the clit. I entered her again...

1 year ago
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Teachers NightmareChapter 9

My body was plastered against the inside of the driver's door with my right leg straight, my foot pressing as hard as I could on the brake pedal. I held the steering wheel in a death-grip. Both passenger side wheels were off the ground. The car was going to flip over. I was going to crash. The goon chasing me would drag my battered body out of the wreckage and bring me to that kid Angelo and the other big bully. I had seen the way they stared at me in the frat house. God knows what they...

2 years ago
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Vanessas Anniversary Dinner

Last month I met the most amazing man. We met at a book store. I wasn’t paying attention and I bumped into him. When he helped me up, it was love at first sight. We have been dating for a month now. Tonight is, our one month anniversary. He is taking me to a new Italian restaurant in town. I picked out a black dress, black lacy bra and black thong. I had a Brazilian wax a few days ago, in case we have sex. I am so excited to be with Mark. I am just wondering, if we will finally have sex...

Straight Sex
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Unforgettable Lust With My Friend8217s Sister

Hello to all iss readers. My name is Ashwani, aged 21, just finished my B.Tech degree and presently staying in Delhi and works as an engineer in a company. I am a regular reader and a big fan of this site and thus read stories daily from here. This story which I am going to narrate with u happened with me 2 years back when I was in my 2nd year of b-tech. It’s upon u whether to believe it’s true or not. As this is my first story and I am not a good writer so ignore my mistake if found any. This...

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Rise of the Cumpires

Long ago, an ancient curse took hold in the far corners of the Greek empire. Women of marriageable age were driven into sex filled frenzies, with an unquenchable desire to pleasure men for their seed. Nobody knew what was the cause. The priests spoke of great disasters to befall mankind, but the locals of that city saw it as blessings from Aphrodite and indulged in their now infertile but extremely beautiful women's semen obsessed antics. They drew strength and vitality from the sperm of their...

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Lady in Red Ch 07

It was after eleven when the Andersons pulled into their driveway. Laura had been dropped off at her car in the hospital parking lot, and Steve had agreed to spend another night in Gwen’s bed, without the pleasure of Gwen’s presence. Steve had just nicely crawled into bed when he felt someone sit on the mattress near his head. ‘Gwen? Is something wrong? Your dad wouldn’t like you being in here. What is it?’ asked Steve with concern. ‘You’re my boyfriend and I don’t know anything about you. I...

1 year ago
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Being Me Part 6 A Cruise Diary

Being Me By Karin Roberts The Cruise - Voyage of Discovery Cruise Diary - Day 5 I woke with a slight start a noise outside in the corridor, it passed. I looked at the clock just gone 8am. Yesterday had been a strange day it had started so well, I had really been looking forward to Cadiz and my trip ashore. The end though with Mhari confirming her knowledge of my true gender had knocked me a bit sideways. We had come back to...

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Turned on Its Head

My previous posting, Riding The Rambone, was a somewhat exaggerated autobiographical account of my emo twink existence since age fourteen. The following story is a fictionalized account of my attempted revenge on my cousin Ricky's father, an event that wasn't detailed in Riding The Rambone. Even so, one of SOL's guidelines is a minimum age of fourteen for any character engaging in sex, or any other type of erotic activity, including nudity or masturbation. (From their guidelines page.) That...

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Femdomme Marriage Gone Wrong and AftermathChapter 3

So tell me, what else do you have in mind where I – your Mistress and Goddess – should make concessions to a "lowly slave"?" I took a deep breath and began. "Darling, we need to spend some of the time we are together on MY "playground" – the lake house. She started to... "Please wait, let me finish, OK?" She nodded and I went on. "You haven't been there for a very long time. It is no longer the cabin in the woods. It's a real home. That is why I said that its value is about...

3 years ago
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The Sarf London Boys

I turned into Selkirk Road SW17 to pick up Darren, sure enough he was standing outside Harrington’s pie and mash waiting for me. The place we had met over jellied eels some ten years previously. It was seven o’clock in the morning, he was smiling and already excited about the day ahead. My Ford Escort van was plain white and clean like always. A clean white van is never noticed, which is the way we wanted it. I headed through Morden and down the A3 to Esher and then on to our destination of...

4 years ago
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Eating Cum From My OWN Ass

I love to play at our local adult theater. I'm a bi male, and I love sex with my wife but, alas, she doesn't have a cock. So mostly I go to suck cock and swallow as much cum as I can, but occasionally, when the libido is raging, I do more. The back row at the Paris Cinema in Syracuse, NY, has no seats, and men stand there, looking for action. It's usually a good place to start, as you enter from the back, and can stand in that back row while your eyes adjust to the darkness, so you can see what...

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Ethan Brenda

Pam and Ethan's sexploits continue... Ch 22Ethan watched the customers walk away from the counter with their trays of food, and his mouth was watering. One more time, he scanned the menu board, trying to decide how to get the most out of the last four dollars and s*******n cents he had this month. This would be his last decent meal for the month before his Mom sent him another check for food and expenses.Out of the corner of his eye he noticed someone lining up behind him and turned to say hi....

2 years ago
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Doc and the PornstarChapter 20

Cindy looked kind of confused and wanted an explanation. She asked, “What do you mean the picture you sent Doc? Was this something that happened while they were at the seminar?” Steve bumbled around trying to think about what to say to his wife by way of an explanation. Even Cindy chuckled at his discomfort. Jasmine laughed and explained, “The second evening he was away I sent my honey a VERY salacious picture – and I wasn’t alone when I did the selfie. I had two guys with me, and some...

1 year ago
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VortexChapter 3

Wendy was still in an emotional turmoil when Tim dropped her off, elated that she had got the job and could do something in recompense for Rick and dumbstruck at Mr Richards's generosity: a bedroom and her own sitting room, driving lessons and the use of his late wife's car, and a hundred and fifty quid a month. She had never dreamt of living in such comfort. She hugged herself and danced around her flat. She liked Mr Richards too. He was warm and friendly, gentle too she sensed. How he...

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Undercover RoseChapter 80

Gulfport Mississippi was home of the Shrimper's Festival, but it would always be in my mind as the place where I was born again. I woke up the first day of the festival in a cheap motel. I should have been depressed with the size and shabbiness of the place. I might have been, if the sun hadn't been shining so bright. The bright sunshine was proof that I had slept well. Long and hard was how I judged it. I didn't have to force myself to get out of bed. I was eager to see what the day held...

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Tumblr MILFChapter 6

"I'll get it," I said. "No!" she hissed. "Don't answer it. Maybe he'll go away." "Maybe you should take Timmy to your bedroom," I said. "I'll talk to Jack." "Nooo," she said again. The pounding came on the door again. "Open up, bitch!" yelled a male voice. "Move it!" I snapped. She grabbed Timmy's arm and headed for her bedroom. I went to answer the door. I opened it. There was a pretty boy standing there. In the Army, there is a type of civilian male that is...

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Lip and AnnieChapter 10

Late Wednesday afternoon Robert made a phone call to Dr. Maier from his home in Thunder Bay. Although he was sure that Annie was completely past her emotional problems, he decided to seek confirmation from her doctor. "This is Dr. Maier." "Hello, this is Robert Porter calling. I know that Annie had an appointment earlier this afternoon, and I'm wondering if I could speak to you about her." He could hear a sharp intake of breath, even over the phone. "What is this about? Has this to...

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Han the Ho

When my girlfriend Han and I started living together we struggled to make ends meet. We lived in Montreal, a city with a lot of character, but low on economic opportunities. On the upside, at least rents were cheap.  I was a student with a part-time job, supplemented with student loans.  Han had dropped out but still hadn’t found full-time work. One day sitting around reading the paper I spotted an ad that perked my curiosity.  At the time I liked reading personals in the local paper.  Before...

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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 112

Once outside, Sandra noticed that her friends were sitting around the picnic tables again. She quickly walked over to there, and Frederik motioned her to sit on his lap. She accepted his offer happily and snuggled up to him on his lap. "I see you haven't been punished," Frederik said while he wrapped his arms around her. "Why? Were you hoping for a naked girl to sit on your lap again?" Sandra asked him teasingly. "Who says I haven't had one on my lap already?" he teased her...

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ExperimentChapter 9

It was later that night and Dr. Quinn had regained his composure. Nell had prepared a sumptuous dinner which they both enjoyed in the dinning room. The roast duckling with orange sauce had been succulent and juicy with the white tender meat breaking away from the bone easily from the slightest pressure of his fork. Previously, he had taken a long hot shower and tried to sort out his now confused thoughts about Lisa and her inevitable destiny. Still, he was not entirely sure about what he was...

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iWank Handjob

Iwank.tv is a free aggregator porn website covering an excellent selection of adult niches, including lots of handjob pornos. If you want to know more about the site in general, you are welcome to check out my review on iwank.tv instead. As for those who would love to learn more about the handjob selection of pornos on this website, you are more than welcome to stick around!Lots of free handjob pornosAre you ready to see some hot videos featuring hot girls rubbing hard cocks? Well, you are in...

Handjob Porn Sites
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Rewards of Virtue

The screen door slammed open and Mrs. Fielding heard running footsteps then a young voice said, ‘MAMMA, MAMMA there’s a new girl in school and the teacher made her sit by me. I think she’s nice. She rode the school bus home tonight and sat by me and everything. She said her daddy was the new preacher. Can I have her come over sometime and play?’ Janice Fielding smiled and pulled her 6-year-old son into her lap as he slid to a stop beside her chair. ‘Slow down Son,’ she said. ‘I’m glad you made...

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Head of the Clan The adventures of Steve and LanaChapter 23

Dinner was finished and the men, minus Cletus and Harry, who were taking care of the animals, sat out on the porch for our evening ritual of iced tea and talk. Pap had gotten a new pipe and the sweet smell of his tobacco drifted in the still air. The second crew of security had eaten dinner and the women were just about finished cleaning inside when Tammy came out the door. She was in my lap in a flash, and I got a kiss that let me know that I was still alive, very alive. She stood back up...

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The Family Party

1 The family get together was well planned with invitations sent for the immediate Family and just one couple that were close friends. Jerry, at 50 years old, being the patriarch of the family, had wanted to get all of his Children, their Spouses and a few friends together, without their kid’s, so everyone could relax, drink and enjoy the evening with stay over’s a possibility. Barbara, at 48 years old, was the backbone of the family and had been married to Jerry for almost 30 years. Jerry...

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