SamChapter 21B free porn video

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Gunny was the first to recover, once The Dragon was safely back in her cage.

"Holy shit! It's you! I mean, you're her!"

"You saw the video with the tank?" I asked him.

"Yeah, man! That was outrageous. Of course, it had to be fake, right?"


Gunny looked to Brock for guidance on this.

The Colonel shook his head, "She's for real. What do you think happened to the conference table? Two inch thick slab of solid mahogany. Snap!"

"Jeez!" Max said. "Real. Damn."

After that, Gunny and Max got very quiet. I succeeded in making them take us seriously, but now they seemed too uncomfortable to talk to us. Great. I wondered if I should try to undo what I had done or if it would be better to leave things alone before I made them any worse.

"Sorry," I said, casually. "It's better if you see that now, rather than later."

Mr. Solomon came back from the cockpit about then. I assumed he had been on the radio, making arrangements for our arrival.

"Why do that at all?" Brock asked, when Solomon had gone past him and taken a seat.

I gave him the benefit of assuming his question came from a professional, rather than personal point of view. His expression had gone back to normal, but he was blinking more, like he wanted to get the image out of his eyes.

"Shock value," I said. "I try to be as sneaky as possible, but sometimes you have to jump out at people. It helps a lot if they spend a couple of seconds nailed to the spot and staring."

Brock and his men nodded at my explanation. They all understood the value of a tactical advantage.

"Sort of like the flash-bangs we used in the SEALs," Max said. "But more selective."

"Quieter, too," Gunny added. He sounded like he had used a few of the things himself.

All three men seemed more at ease now that we were talking shop. Brock even tried to bring Neeka into the conversation.

"So what's your job?" he asked her; somewhat bluntly I thought, but that seemed to be his style.

"Transport, communication and backup," she said. "I drive the bike, keep tabs on her situation and help kick ass when necessary."

"What kind of comm system do you use? We'll want to coordinate frequencies and encryption." Brock asked.

We hadn't gone into detail about this earlier and I thought another demonstration was in order.

"Mr. Solomon, do you have a business card on you?" I asked. I guessed that the Sigma 7 team would be unlikely to carry such things, but that a bureaucrat would, especially one with a long title.

Solomon produced a card from a little gold box and Brock passed it over to me. I looked at it and Neeka read aloud Solomon's name, title, office address, phone number, fax number, and email address. I handed the card back to Brock, who glanced at it as if he suspected some sort of trick.

"Can your comm system do that?" I asked.

"What about range?" Brock asked, ignoring my rhetorical question.

"We're not sure," I said.

"A mile," Neeka continued.

"At least," I said.

"But maybe more," Neeka finished. We had spoken without pausing, so our answer sounded seamless, like it came from one mouth.

"But you can only hear strong emotions from someone else?" Solomon asked. He seemed to be thinking of other uses for our ability.

"That's right," I said. "It's like a far off AM radio station. It has to be a loud song for me to pick it out of the background."

Solomon got quiet then. He looked like he was thinking, and seeing that expression made me uncomfortable. I wondered if I should be worrying about what he might think.

The plane started to sink toward the ground then, and we all fastened our seat-belts. I started to smile when I saw the three macho types tightening theirs, but the humor I found drained away when I remembered that they had probably been through a lot more landings than I ever would and if they weren't shy about buckling up then there was probably a good reason for it.

We landed at a small private field rather than a big airport. The plane taxied up to a hanger and as soon as the steps were down, we rushed out and into the big building through a small door.

Inside the hanger were two large vans, parked side by side. One was a familiar dark brown with a package delivery service company logo on the side. The other was a filthy green thing that said Grimaldi Septic Tank Cleaning on it. Solomon climbed into the back of the dirty one. He had been doing some smart thinking. One van could drive down every street in town without attracting attention, and the other could park at a curb for hours without anyone wanting to get close.

On a long table running down one side of the hanger was a row of aluminum equipment cases. Max and Gunny went right to those and started unsnapping latches. From some, they took black guns that looked like the big brothers to the ones they carried in their briefcases, from others they produced radios with headsets, and from others, the black SWAT-style uniforms that Grogan's unit wore, except that these had "Federal Agent" stenciled on the back in yellow capital letters.

Without saying a word, they threw off their coats and ties and started changing clothes. Neeka unzipped her garment bag and I opened my fanny pack. I had my flats off and my blouse unbuttoned before Brock spoke up.

"I guess you can go in the office there to change if you..." He trailed off when I pulled the white cotton blouse off my shoulders and folded it before laying it on the table.

"... if you... ah," he rambled as I stepped out of my skirt. It was nice to know he still had the same hormones as a normal guy. Maybe my fantasies about getting to know the Colonel better weren't all that far-fetched.

Down the table, I saw that Max and Gunny were equally unembarrassed about changing in a group, but then, neither of them had looked in our direction. I did learn that the expression 'going commando' was for real. Neither of them wore underwear.

Brock decided to shut up and soldier. He pulled off his coat and started to change.

I stepped into my colorless cat-suit and was working my arms into the sleeves when I heard Gunny say, "Damn!" followed by the crash of an equipment box hitting the floor. I didn't react, because I didn't want to embarrass anyone whose professionalism might have slipped a bit when he noticed the show going on down the line.

I was ready first, then Neeka. I was feeling smug until I saw that the Sigma 7 guys were strapping on enough weapons and bits of equipment to fight a small war. In addition to their machine guns, they each had a radio, headset, flashlight, grenades, handcuffs, ammunition pouches, map cases, GPS units, and some packages of stuff I assumed were explosives. I settled my fanny pack on my hips and thanked my lucky starts that I didn't have to lug all that stuff around. No wonder these guys were in such great physical shape if this was what they carried with them.

Max finished loading up and saw me staring.

"Yeah, this is way more that we usually carry," he told me. "But our cover this time is a Federal Hostage Rescue Team, and this is their standard load-out."

"I've worked with the local SWAT guys," I said. "They have some of the same stuff."

"Bet they don't have these," Max said, showing me his weapon with its thick barrel. "Heckler and Koch MP5SD. Selective fire — single, two round burst and full-auto. 30 round clip. Suppressor could be better, but it fires mil-spec 9mm ammo, not the subsonic stuff."

"Boys and their toys," I thought, until I remembered that Mr. Solomon had described these as 'experienced' men, meaning that they had almost certainly killed with toys like these. It was a sobering thought.

When Colonel Brock was ready, he went into the green truck to talk with Solomon for a minute. When he came out, he walked over to us and spoke to Neeka.

"Since you won't be driving today, and we'd prefer if you left the shooting to us, would you like to ride in the command vehicle with Mr. Solomon?"

It wasn't really a question, he was just being polite. Remarkably so, in fact. I was jealous until I realized that that meant I would be riding with the hunks while she was stuck with the smart-boy bureaucrat.

"No problem," she said and carefully climbed into the nasty van while trying not to touch it.

"Listen up," Brock said. "We have intel on the subjects that place them inside a five-block radius. We're going to cruise through all quiet-like and see if Miss... Sam here can locate them for us."

"And then?" I asked, probably blowing my credibility as a bad-ass.

"And then we do what we get paid to do," Brock said with finality.

For such a vague statement, he couldn't have been clearer, but he thought he had to make sure there were no misunderstandings.

"This is a rescue operation. Period. We aren't the police. We don't arrest people."

"I get it," I said. I did. But I was uncomfortable about the assumption that the kidnappers were expendable. I promised myself that I would do what I had to, but no more than I needed to. As fuzzy as that sounds, I meant it.

The trucks moved out as soon as we were aboard. I noticed that our driver was wearing the right uniform and even had a package on the seat next to him. Solomon was a pretty good 'detail' man. My originally low opinion of him went up another couple of notches. He wasn't simply someone's gofer. I thought it was likely that he was the best person for his job. I just wished I knew where his job ended.

There were smoked-plastic panels in the side of the truck, so we could see out. We drove quickly, but not illegally, to an older industrial area close to the waterfront. The buildings were large, close together, and mostly run down. They all had broken windows and trash piling up like tumbleweeds against fences that sagged like they were tired of keeping people out of a place where there was nothing left to steal. A few of the buildings showed signs of still being used, or maybe it was just squatters who had taken over.

The search plan was simple. The green truck would stop near an intersection while the brown truck drove down the long blocks, over a block, and back again, zig-zagging through the streets as though looking for an address it couldn't locate. Inside, the Sigma 7 guys scanned radio frequencies and watched high and low for any sign of a lookout, while I listened to my mental radio for a channel broadcasting terror.

At first, nothing happened. We went through the routine over several blocks and saw and heard nothing. I was beginning to think that we were either in the wrong place or the kidnapping had been a ruse of some kind. I was about to make a comment to that effect when I suddenly felt something. It must have showed on my face, because Brock was there instantly.

"What?" He asked.

I shook my head. It had been weak and might have been only the cafeteria food haunting me.

"Curt, go a block west at the next corner," he said into his radio.

The driver obeyed and halfway back up the next block I picked it up again.

"That way," I said, pointing in the general direction.

Brock took a map out of his pocket and looked at it.

"Curt, go three blocks west," he said, then he started watching me with the same intensity as when we were back in the conference room. I was his radar and he didn't want to miss the blip.

A few minutes later I was sure I had something. The direction had changed and it started to fluctuate, like someone sobbing. We turned south and it got much stronger. It was very strong when Gunny called out, "Movement on the roof, Colonel!"

"Curt, go south and get us out of sight as quick as you can," Brock barked, after taking a look for himself. "Mr. Solomon, we have a possible."

He gave a map coordinate that meant nothing to me and he listened to the reply.

"Check it out," Neeka said to me, echoing Solomon's instruction to Brock.

"Right," Brock and I said at the same time. Brock gave me a sharp look, but said nothing.

The driver pulled the truck into an alley running through the same block as the building where Gunny had seen someone. According to Brock's map, it ran parallel to the wall of that building, so no one could look down it and see us coming. We still had to get from where we were, past another smaller building, and into the one with the guard on top. That is, if the person Gunny saw was really a guard, not just a squatter or a member of a local gang acting as lookout for some reason not connected with the kidnappers.

Whatever sense it was that picked up people's emotions was screaming in my ear that someone close by was in trouble, so I was inclined to think we were in the right place. However, I didn't want to be the one who, after we had barged in with guns blazing, had to explain that she made a mistake, so I was down with the 'check it out' order.

Brock laid the map out on a fold-down table and we all crowded around as he went over the planned approach. It was pretty basic, kind of just 'go down here and hang a left through the alley', but even I — the newbie — felt the comfort of having a plan laid out before we got out of the truck.

Once we were on the ground, or the concrete in this case, the Sigma 7 guys moved with a purpose. I hate to use the cliché 'well-oiled machine' but the way they leapfrogged positions and went into covering stances for each other at blazingly fast speed told me that they had spent a lot of time doing this. I did my best to keep up and not get underfoot. I hoped I didn't embarrass myself with how clumsy I was.

One thing I thought I did better than them was sneak. They had on so much junk that whenever one of them would run, it would all shift and rustle around. Their stuff was made so nothing clanked or clattered, but my sneakers and skin-tight suit were almost totally silent, while they sounded like they were wearing corduroy slacks.

Everything went fine until we got beside the building next door to the one we thought the kidnappers were in. Then we were stopped by a tall chain-link fence that hadn't been on the map.

"Cut it," Brock snapped, and Max reached in his pocket for a tool.

"Wait," I said, and squatted down to grab the bottom row of links. I pulled in a slow curl to keep the noise down and made a three-foot gap between the fence and the ground. The fingers of my new gloves hardened under the pressure and kept my hands from getting bruised.

"After you," I said, backing to one side.

Max grinned at me and ducked through the hole, followed by Brock and Gunny. I crawled through last and had to run to catch up as they flattened against the corner of the building.

Gunny stuck his head out slowly and took a good look around. He pulled it back and shook his head.

Brock took a look, then we backed up to the fence to talk it over.

"Three stories. No doors or windows on this side. Gate at the end of the alley. No one in sight," Brock said in a loud whisper. "I wish we had an overlook position. We need to know the story on that guard."

"Radio, weapons, that sort of thing?" I asked.

"Affirmative," Brock said. "And if there is more than one, where they are and where they're looking. No stairs or fire escape, though. Not even a damn drain pipe. We may have to try another route."

He wasn't asking me for help, he was stating a need on behalf of the team. I had a way to get what he wanted. I wasn't happy about it, but I figured I could do it. I pulled up my hood, balled my hands into fists and turned on The Dragon.

"Wait here," I said, as Brock did another of his half-millimeter flinches.

I trotted back toward the larger building, charging up my adrenalin with each step and crossing my fingers that I wasn't about to pull a really dumb stunt.

When I got halfway there, I broke into a run. Ten yards away, I jumped into the air and let my momentum carry me toward the roof of the building. I planned to land in a crouch, roll and get behind cover as quickly as possible. Like many of my plans it didn't work out that way.

I was halfway there when I realized that I wasn't going to make the roof. I had been so afraid of overshooting my trajectory that I just hadn't put enough into the jump.

For a nasty second, I thought I was going to smack into the blank wall of the building, but I managed to hook my fingers over the edge just as I hit. I still banged into the wall with a good bit of force, and it knocked some of the wind out of me in a 'whoosh'.

"Shit!" I hissed. I was pissed at screwing up, pissed at getting hurt, and pissed because I imagined the professionals on the ground laughing at me up there, hanging by my hands until I could catch my breath.

I had recovered enough wind to pull my ass up onto the roof when I heard the scrunch of someone walking around. I was about to peek over the edge when a face appeared.

He said something I didn't understand, and the barrel of a rifle appeared next to the head.

I reached up and grabbed the guy by his collar with one hand and the barrel of the gun with the other, squeezed hard and yanked with both, pushing off with my feet at the same time.

In hindsight, it wasn't the best thing I could have done. I just reacted in the heat of the moment and because I was mad at looking like a fool in front of the real pros. I didn't think about what would happen when gravity asserted itself, not that I really had the time.

What did happen was that both of us started falling back the way I had come. Me with the flailing guard in one hand and his rifle in the other; both of us slowly turning through the air, heading for a quick stop at the end of a short flight. The guard made a high-pitched squeal and windmilled his arms like he was trying to fly. I held onto him tightly at arm's length to keep from getting swatted.

We were badly positioned for a twisting back-flip, but I did the best I could. I managed to get my feet pointed down, at least. I didn't need to worry about my Power level, I was as juiced as I think I had ever been, from the fear, the shame, and the mad. I hung on tight and managed to land in a crouch while keeping both the guard's head and his rifle from hitting the concrete.

When I didn't fall flat on my face, I logged it as a 'good landing' and I ran back to Brock with my luggage. I dropped the guard at his feet and handed him the rifle.

"AK-47," Neeka informed me.

"AK-47," I repeated to Brock.

Gunny and Max dragged the guard out of sight while Brock took the rifle and studied it.

"Czechoslovakian," he said. "Millions of these all over the world. Could have got it anywhere. Still, it's not the sort of thing a street-gang would use. I think we're at the right place."

"Good," I said.

Max and Gunny seemed to be taking a long time getting the guard out of sight. And Brock's academic interest in the origin of the assault rifle was a bit out of place for where we were and what we were doing. I figured they were taking him back to the van to tie him up so they could talk to him later.

"Did you see any more guards up there?" Brock asked.

"I'll check."

I really hadn't had a chance to do a good job of reconnoitering the roof on my first trip and I felt a pang of guilt at having failed that part of my assignment. As I ran back toward the building and launched myself into the air once more, I resolved not to screw-up again. This time I overshot slightly and sailed over the edge of the building with a few feet to spare.

"I'll never learn to enjoy this," I thought as I reached the top of my arc. If there had been someone else on that roof, he could have cut me in half with his gun before I touched down. High-jumping was a kick, but doing it when there were bad-guys around was dumb. We had studied some basic ballistics in physics and now I knew too much to feel safe flying through the air.

There was no one else on the roof. I peeked around all the metal boxes and vents to be sure. While skulking around, I found a small radio next to a half-full bottle of water and an empty paper bag with a greasy, wadded-up paper napkin inside.

I left the remains of the guard's lunch and took the radio to give to Brock. I was about to jump off the edge when a voice came out of it. It was no language I had ever heard before, but the tone was unmistakably aggravated. Apparently the guard had failed to check in and someone was calling for him.

"What will they do if he doesn't answer?" I asked myself. "Come and look for him?"

That sounded like an excellent idea, both for them, and for me. Anything that would cut down on the number of kidnappers we had to deal with without endangering the victims sounded like a freebie.

I asked Neeka to pass my plan along to Brock. Seconds later, she said, "He says go for it, but try to be quiet."

The door to the stairs either wasn't locked or had its lock broken, because it opened easily when I pulled on it. I opened it a crack and listened. Footsteps echoed in the stairwell. They were very close. Someone was coming to have harsh words with the guard.

I grinned as I jumped and climbed onto the roof of the top of the stairwell. Someone was going to get a surprise and it wasn't going to be stern language.

I waited with a fist ready and when the door opened I leaned down and popped the kidnapper on the top of the head. He went limp and fell face down on the roof.

I was elated until I heard someone else climbing the metal steps. There wasn't enough time to move the guy I had clobbered and I couldn't think of anything to do before the second guy ran out of the door and stumbled over his buddy. I cringed back, hugging the roof of the stairwell, trying to come up with a plan — any plan — for this, but nothing came to mind until I heard the clatter of a rifle being dropped and the scrape of a body being dragged.

I peeked over the edge to see guy number two trying to pull guy number one into the building. To make it easier, he had put down his rifle and radio.

"OK, another gimme," I thought.

I dropped down to land between guy number two and his weapon. He looked up from dragging his friend and when he saw my face, he lost his grip and started to fall backward down the stairs.

I'd like to say that I thought about the racket that would have made, but the truth is, I didn't think of anything, I just reached out and grabbed the guy and pulled him out of the doorway. I pulled a touch too hard and he went flying past me and rolled a few feet away.

The gun was between us now, and I thought he might try to grab it, so I tried to close the gap between us before he could get to it. Instead of going for the gun though, he turned and ran away from me as fast as he could. I had to chase him, if only to keep him from making so much noise that anyone inside would know something was up.

I tried to get to him quickly, but he had a good head start. By the time I was almost close enough to grab, he jumped away, right off the edge of the building and into the air.

He gave a high-pitched scream that wasn't very loud and landed with a sound between a thud and a plop in the middle of the alley. I was looking down, trying to keep the cafeteria food in my stomach when Brock looked around the corner to see what was going on. He took one look at the body in the alley and gave me the thumbs-up sign.

"Bloodthirsty SOB," I thought. Then I remembered that this was a game with very simple scoring. Bad-guy dead; good. Good-guy dead; bad. Me dead; game over. I wished things could have been different, but I didn't have a lamp to rub and no Djinn to pop out and make my wish come true.

"Suck it up, Sam," I told myself. You can deal with this. Deal with it now!"

I dealt with it by getting mad. Mad at the situation and mad at the people who had created the situation. I almost stomped back to where guy number one lay half in and half out of the doorway.

He still hadn't moved. I knelt down and checked for a pulse. I checked several times, but there wasn't one. I listened for breathing too. He was dead. And this one, I had killed. I hadn't meant to, but he was dead anyway. I had actually done it. I had taken a life. I had actually turned a living, breathing human being into meat.

I was numb. I tried to feel something, but nothing came but more anger. No guilt, no remorse, no sadness. Just mad.

"You bastard! You made me do that! You made me kill you!" I told the dead guy on the roof.

He hadn't though. Not really. I had done it. Not by choice. Not by intent. But I had taken a life and I didn't know how I could fix that with my conscience.

I was so pissed that I had to do something, so I grabbed the body and carried it to the edge of the building, where I threw it into the alley with the other one. It landed with the same ugly sound, but this time much further away, almost to the corner of the building next door where Brock and his men were waiting.

"Waiting on me," I thought. "Time to get back to work."

I turned away before Brock looked around the corner to see I had left him another grisly present. I went back to the stairs and down inside the building without listening to see if someone else was coming up. The mood I was in, God help anyone I ran into. I had killed once already, doing it again would be easy. I was almost looking forward to it. First, I had become The Dragon. Now, I had become Death.

The metal stairs ended at the third floor landing. There was a door there with a small glass window in it. The glass was crisscrossed with wires and translucent with grime. I had to stand on my toes to get high enough to see through it and what I saw was a lot of empty space and a few desks and file-cabinets that looked too beat-up to be worth stealing. Just to be sure, I carefully opened the door and stuck my head in. Nothing moved and there was no sign of life. There was a thick layer of dust all over that would surely have been disturbed if anyone had been messing around in there, so I went back to the stairwell.

A set of concrete stairs continued down from there, going back and forth twice more before they ended on the ground floor. I peered down the shaft and listened. I could hear voices coming from somewhere below, but they were muffled and certainly not in the stairwell. The 'sound' of fear had dropped to a dull ache in my head, but it was still strong. I could only have been a few yards from the victims.

As quietly as I could, I crept down the stairs. I winced every time some bit of grit crunched under my feet, but I was probably the only person who could hear that. At the second floor landing, I was about to hop to try and peek through the window in the fire-door, when a shadow passed over the other side of the glass. I really wanted to see what was on the other side of that door, but the voices I heard didn't sounded urgent or alarmed, so the remaining kidnappers were probably still unaware that their hideout had been discovered.

As much as I wanted to kick that door in, I figured I should go for the rest of the team before they decided I had got lost somewhere and tried to find their own way in, so I tip-toed on down the steps to the ground floor.

The ground-floor door into the stairwell stood propped open by a folding chair. On the floor next to it was another paper bag, just like the one on the roof. I could just make out the word 'Deli' on the greasy paper.

"This kidnapping has been catered," I thought, perversely.

I looked around quickly. There was no one there. Apparently when I took out the guard on the roof, the ground floor guards had gone up to investigate and now no one was left at their post.

I went back into the stairwell and pushed the bar to open the door to the outside. Crouched next to the door were Brock, Max, and Gunny, all of whom had their guns pointed at me; or anyone who might come out that door.

"Happy to see you, too," I said softly. "I got rid of the guards. The rest are on the second floor."

Gunny and Max searched the ground floor anyway. When they found nothing but the kidnappers' trash, they came back.

Brock went up the stairs with a device that looked a lot like the thing Dr. Bonner had used to explore my uterus. It had the same flexible plastic cable coming out of the top, and a small screen like they put on digital cameras. He carefully poked the cable under the door and stared at the screen for several second before coming back down.

"The hostages are tied to a column about thirty feet from the door," he said. "I saw two targets armed with AK-47s and another with a pistol in his belt."

"I saw one walk in front of the door," I added. "I think they have a guard on it."

"OK, that's at least three, possibly four targets to take down," Brock said. "The power is off, so the elevator isn't working. That means this is the only way out, unless they are set to rappel out a window. The bad news is, this is also the only way in so, once we open it, they can concentrate all their fire on that door."

"Diversion?" I suggested. "Break a window on the far side of the building?"

Same as Sam
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I got up earlier that normal and finished my daily chores by nine o'clock. I packed a lunch for two, brought plenty of bottled water and a tube of sunscreen just in case the sun became unbearable. Morgan decided that she wanted to ride horses today, so we went out on the same trail that Olivia and I had ridden two days ago. Morgan was a very accomplished rider and we moved up the trail at a quicker pace than even I normally ride it. And, like her sister before her, she let the saddle horn...

2 years ago
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Runway 33

Chapter 33 A special delivery package was brought to the office addressed to Brenda Watson, and she knew what it would be, her costume for the evening. Brenda wondered what she would be wearing. Brenda liked to dress nicely, with class, not like some oversexed bimbo on the make but she had a feeling Melissa was going to make her do just that. Brenda opened the box and her worse fears came true. Melissa couldn't even be original and was going to have her wear a little black dress...

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Thats What Daughters Are For Chapter 3

On Thursday afternoon, Darius walked into the house after getting home from work. Santana wasn’t home yet. She’d started her new job on Monday, and she hadn’t gotten home until after 7:00 on any evening.  As soon as she came in, she’d just mumble, “Hey,” and go straight to her room. They hadn’t shared a conversation all week, and Darius wasn’t having it anymore.  Tonight, they’d sit down and talk or else.At 7:30, he heard the garage door begin to open, and he stood at the doorway, waiting for...

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Only Time I Was Caught Masturbating Ever

This is an account of the one and only time I was caught masturbating.I was 15 and it was the summer between 10th and 11th grade.My best friend at that time, Jeff, were in school bands together and inseparable running mates for several years. We both had paper-routes, loved riding our bikes - all the typical stuff youngsters do at that age.His family lived near mine so we'd do overnights at each other's house fairly often. His dad flew for the Air force and would be gone quite a bit but his mom...

2 years ago
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Service SocietyChapter 13 President James

At a very personal level, Dexter didn’t like the idea of a corporation. It was strange to him that a legal fiction produced a virtual entity that had what he felt were greater rights than a human being. The only punishment for violating some law that a corporation could receive, was a fine. Those fines usually had little or no impact at on the corporation’s bottom line. Unlike a person who broke a law, a corporation could not spend time in jail. Products engineered and sold by a corporation...

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The Cherry PopperChapter 11

Sue looked at herself in the bathroom mirror the next morning and couldn't stop smiling. Nothing looked different, she still had the same oval face, brown shoulder length hair, and the largest set of tits in her class, but she knew something was different and she just couldn't stop smiling as she felt her father's cum drip out of her cunt lips to slide down inner thigh. "Morning sis," Dave said as he stepped through the open bathroom door to slide behind her. Sue watched her brother in...

4 years ago
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Bad SeedChapter 3

"Are you sure you won't come to dinner with me?" she asked. "Not if I'm going to get this information you wanted," he replied. "Besides, I have a feeling that outfit is intended for someone besides me." She was stunning in a tight evening gown with lots of cleavage and slits up the sides which showed all of her still gorgeous legs. "I may be late and... uh... I may not be alone." "OK," he said with a tired resignation. He had learned to accept Renee's sexual appetite but...

2 years ago
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Beach Apartment 1 of 2

BEACHAPT.TXT 1 of 2. by Cindy V. femdom, TV, humiliation "Are you really inviting me to share your apartment at the beach with both of you for a week, for free?" I asked incredu-lously, amazed at my good fortune. Lisa and Nancy smiled at each other. For two sisters who had ordinary jobs and are not models, I don't think there could be two more gorgeous women. Lisa is a secretary, about 28, with long wavy, blonde hair, a beautiful face, and a body that she likes to show off and tease...

4 years ago
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Sharing an UberChapter 3

Jackie had blown me in the back of our SUV until I couldn’t take it anymore. Then, I went down on her to return the favor. The SUV quickly proved too uncomfortable, so we moved back inside. Reliving the little tryst from the night before had been hot. However, we needed more space. We made it as far as the sectional sofa in the family room. Two hours later, we were curled up, cuddling, both of us satiated, for the time being. “Did she suck your cock better than I do?” Jackie asked as she...

3 years ago
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A Visit to Tripps ClubChapter 11

Back at my room I sat down in the comfortable Herman Miller designed chair and clicked the mouse. The twenty seven inch LCD monitor lit up with 'the Club' in a large ornate font. I clicked on the 'Start Here' button. The next screen used facial recognition for authentication. A small camera embedded in the monitor's bezel scanned my face and granted access. The screen came to life with a photo realistic image of a beautiful woman wearing a flowing semi-transparent gown. She spoke......

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Boys Neighbor0

Part 2 : Since that night it had been several days before I was able to sneak off to my post outside her window. This time running the whole way hoping I had not missed anything I got there just in time for her to walk in and start her undressing routine that I enjoyed so much. Cock in hand hard and dripping pre-cum I was ready. This time started out very much the same she undressed down to her underwear, she was not thin but not heavy either pretty face brown hair full beautiful breasts...

4 years ago
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Derby Line Marriage Ch 07

Benjamin sat by the Starbucks window sipping his tea and gazing at his laptop screen. Representative Flake’s slide show was on the Washington Post website, and Benjamin was enjoying the natural beauty. There was something particularly sexy about a man who could catch his own food. It screamed independence and self sufficiency. There would be none of the obligatory cuddling and cooing during a night with that stud. Just cock to ass until the job was done. Benjamin’s eyes shifted to the folks...

2 years ago
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Mountains of RubberChapter 6 Dancing Partners

As she returned from the restroom, Daniella saw MzDominica talking with Janie the waitress, who nodded, turned and left. Daniella arrived at the table and sat down -- making sure to keep her legs spread, just as Mistress required. Dominica turned toward her slave and quietly asked, "Do you have something for me, slave?" Daniella was still holding the key in her palm. "Of course, Mistress," she replied. Despite everything, she found herself blushing as she lifted her hand, and stretched...

3 years ago
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Mama ko khoob choda

Hi ISS readers.i am regular reader of ISS.Ye meri 2nd story hai umeed hai apko meri 1st story passand aai hogi.mujhe bohat sari mails mili jis ki waja se mera josh bhar gaya hai.Mera naam Ahmad hai main islamabad main rehta story bilkul real hai aur ap story parh kar bohat enjoy karain ge.Main apko batata chaloon k meri age 16 hai lekin lun mera bohat bara hai 7” ka width mai 2.5” ka meri mama ki age hai 36.wo dikhne main bohat sexy bari gand mote mote aur white mummay hain main unki...

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MaggieChapter 6

The phone woke us at six-thirty the next morning. Maggie answered it, giggled and handed me the phone. It was Leslie. "Hi," she said after a pause. "Hi yourself. What's with the wakeup call?" "Oh," she began conversationally as though nothing out of the ordinary had occurred the night before. "I, um, didn't hear or see anything over at your place and... I was concerned that something had happened." "I know you have a great imagination, Leslie, but nothing unusual...

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Dana and Mark Fantasy Finally Becomes Reality

Dana was surprised and also intrigued when Mark, her husband of nearly 20 years, shared his fantasy of seeing Dana have sex with another man. Dana had been with lots of men before settling down, but at 48 and after raising two k**s she assumed those days were over. She worked hard to stay toned, though, and her 36E breasts had always gotten lots of attention, which Dana would admit she enjoyed and sometimes encouraged. Still, even though Mark kept bringing it up, Dana wasn’t sure he was serious...

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Faceoff Book 2Chapter 7

Our first encounter with the Grayly troops happened before we reached the entrance to the mansion. We were charged by about 25 men armed with swords and shields. That would have been plenty to overrun us if we had not had our shotguns. However, we acted quickly and decisively as we poured buckshot into the charging troops. They had never faced massed shotgun fire like that and did not know what to do. Obviously, the only thing you can do is run like hell, but they just came at us. We wound...

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The involuntary kicker

Michael has always had a hard time meeting other people. Not because he's shy or because he doesn't want to. No, his disability is the cause of this involuntary isolation. You see, when Michael served as a marine years ago he took some shrapnel to his right leg when a nearby grenade went off and ever since then his leg has been kicking forward wildly at random moments. Unfortunately it happens much more often when he is nervous, surprised or shocked. When it does his leg starts kicking again...

1 year ago
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Fucked Jyothi Aunty

Hi this is Krishna. I had a liking for married and matured woman, particularly aunties who are really big not irrespective of age. I adore women who have big boobs and huge asses. Any unsatisfied ladies can contact me at Now coming to the female lead of the story, Jyothi aunty uncle’s wife was much on the fairer side like my girlfriend Prachi that’s another story and had every Indian feature. She is 37 years old but was still as sexy as she was in her twenties and looked like the south...

3 years ago
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First Time The Incident That Made Me Gay Part Fi

"Sorry dude, I was just afraid he might do something to me while i playyou." Joe tried to explain, with a pitiful look."that's just any excuse!" I said angrily."Just shut up k**." Joe shouted at me, then he went to turn some kind ofdial. Seem like a tap. All of a sudden a stream of water shot from the ceiling, making me alldrenched!"Ever had sex so wet? I bet no, but let me show you." Joe said with asmile. Joe untied the rope to my balls and crawled on me. He started firsttouching all over...

4 years ago
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Naughty Natalie Male Perspective

Her name was Natalie, she moved in next door about three months prior. Remembering that on it's own got me hard, I mean how could it not? the perky tits under her tight pink crop top just teasing all who look? Or how about the short..Oh how I loved the shorts, short tight denim daisies that gripped her ass in all the right spots, and when she pulled them up high enough her bare ass peeked out the bottom. But, the outfit she wore wasn't my favorite part of her moving in, it was the placement...

2 years ago
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My Facebook Friend Harika

Hi Friends This is Rahul (name Changed) im going to share my first story here at ISS. please ignore if u found sum mistakes. This is an real story which happened last year (December 2011) before starting my story let me give intro of my self. I’m 24 yrs old from Hyderabad i’m an funny guy and loves flirting with girls and aunties. If u like this story feel free to contact me at (). It was an evening time when i was actually bored at home so i opened my facebook and was sending request to sum of...

4 years ago
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Happy Valentines Day

It’s been a while since James and I started dating, with that Tom didn’t talk to me anymore and tries to avoid me. It really hurt to be apart with my best friend. I got my crush but lost my best friend. I’m in love with my best friend but I don’t have the courage to say so and finally lost him to the head cheerleader, Micah. Let’s not dwell in the sad part of life, ok? On February 14, James took me out on a date. He brought me to a restaurant where we saw Tom and Micah. It was kind of awkward...

3 years ago
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Giving a virgin her first orgasm

My sophomore year in college I dated an honest-to-gosh virgin for a few months. I’d fucked a couple of girls before hooking up with this babe, and was ready for some more, but this babe was adamant about “saving herself” for her future husband. I stayed with her because, well, there were other things about her that I liked. Not the least of which was the fact she would actually give me some decent head at times. Swallowing my cum wasn’t even ever on the table as an option, but she would bring...

2 years ago
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A low buzz filled the restaurant, accompanied by the clink of silverware against bone china plates. Todd stood by at the end of the bar to survey the tables, but, more importantly, to watch the hostess and the doorway beyond. The hostess was a sight to behold with black slacks that outlined her hips and ass tight enough to show a gap between her thighs. Her loose blouse billowed around her body. He smirked when she turned to guide a guest. A long, V-shaped cut in the center of her...

4 years ago
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Aunty Rose Summer Heat

I thought my husband was joking when he claimed that one of the neighbours was flirting with him. It turned-out that he hadn’t been exaggerating as I saw her doing it at a friend’s barbeque. ‘Rose’ was fluttering her eyelashes and touching him unnecessarily, but it was when she laughed at one of his stupid jokes that I knew she wanted him. I moved in to protect my man. I’d had a couple of glasses of red wine and Rose was in serious danger of getting a slap if she didn’t back-off. Matt, my...

Wife Lovers
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William Redman CarterChapter 9

The squick of a white board marker flying across the white board filled the air. William looked up and watched Lucy work through the equations on the board; her hand moving at almost a blur. She stepped back for a second and then dived in for another round of simplifications. Her hips swung from side to side as she worked her magic on the mathematics. With her entire body participating, her long hair started swaying in a most seductive manner. William was entranced. Frowning, Lucy stepped...

1 year ago
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Shower Interrupted

I awoke to the sound of her mumbling in her sleep. I lay still, eyes adjusting to the bright morning, and enjoyed the warmth of her still-naked body next to mine. The steady rise and fall of her chest, the soft sound of her breathing, it was almost enough to soothe me back to sleep. I considered waking her, pulling her into my arms and holding her against me, but she looked too peaceful, too serene. Instead, I opted to leave her be. I slipped from the sheets and carefully lifted myself from the...

2 years ago
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Helping a friend True Story

I spend a lot of summer weekends camping in northern Michigan. Sometimes with friends, but often on my own. Tent, hammock, nice fire, whiskey, maybe some weed and enjoy the fresh air, the water and the stars. This summer I was driving to my campsite on a Friday afternoon, when I saw a car on the side of the road. This was among the many stretches of road in the area where you might not see a car for miles, or hours. There was a girl sitting Indian style on the grass next to the car, calmly...

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Mutual pantyhose wank

Left alone and feeling horny as usual I slipped on a pair of my favourite sheer to the waist tan pantyhose. I put on a pair of trousers and a tshirt and slipped on a pair of shoes. I didn't bother with socks. My plan was to go out to the pub for a drink to see if anyone noticed that I was wearing pantyhose and then to go home and have a wank imagining what they thought. I got in my car and set out for a pub in a village a short drive away. It was early evening and it wasn't very busy. There was...

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On Her Own Part 4

Anita was intimidated by the woman sitting across from her with two smiling kids acting like it was no big deal to them to be in that house or meeting a total stranger. The woman had a look of superiority to go along with a look of being smarter than you and ready for a verbal exchange. She was unsure if she had to be afraid of the woman or intimidated by her reputation. The woman finally extended her hand and told Anita, "I'm the Honorable Lady Hannah Smith, Baroness Gosfield. These...

1 year ago
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MonstersOfCock Kali Roses Stranded Kali Roses Gets Helped By BBC

Kali Roses got ran out of gas in the middle of a lonely road and after a couple of hours she finally got to stop a car for help. She pleaded for a ride to the gas station and Pressure didn’t hesitate to get her inside the van. He has her show off her perfect pussy as a return. He ties her up and tells her his going to have his way with her white pussy first. Kali Roses was in shocked with whats happening and the size of his cock as she sucked him off. She got her pussy stretched as she got...

3 years ago
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Moving To Louisiana part 2

A few days later.I woke up and went downstairs to get something to eat for breakfast. When I came down Helen was in the kitchen and had already prepared breakfast.She stood there in her robe and looked great, she was smiling, almost glowing. I hadn't seen her this happy for awhile."Good morning honey." she said."Good morning." I said back."You seem very happy today." I said."Yes I am, isn't it a great morning and I think it's also going to be a great day." She told me."You think so.""Yes I do."...

1 year ago
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Slave Pt2 The buying and training

The room was large and had doors leading off it. There were slaves in different areas of the room, in different positions, some male some female. Each slave was in a position or area that had to do with what they wanted, or what they were good at. A petite female slave watched him from her place on the floor, a black collar on a thick chain forcing her to stay sitting on the floor, while a bar between her feet forced her legs apart by ankle straps. He smiled to her, but continued to gaze around...

2 years ago
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20 March 2009Chapter 6

Dan was almost asleep from another exhausting, sex-filled day. After he, Hanna, and Jennifer returned from the mall Abby came over to babysit and he treated Wendy, Tina, Lisa, Hanna, and Jenny to dinner out. He joked with them that they all behaved while eating their meals. Dan offered to take Lisa out for a few hours of sexy fun, however, she preferred to stay in, relax, and cuddle. That led to them making love with Wendy and Tina licking her pussy clean. Dan felt movement on the bed and...

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Sarahs Lesbian Encounter

Sarah sat on the edge of her seat, waiting. She was dying to know her grade for the most recent test she had taken in her 10th grade Algebra II class. "Sarah Rogers...74." A 74!! I studied way too hard for a 74, Sarah thought. I just don't get it...I'll never pass Algebra. Sitting behind her, Emily Williams was also waiting on her score. Emily was the new kid in class, and she had only been there 1 week. "Emily Williams...95." Unbelieveable, thought Emily. I can't believe I scored...

1 year ago
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Jamie Comes Home

Jamie tossed her suitcase on the white bedspread and smiled to herself. She was home now, home from college. Her degree was tucked solidly away in its leather binding beneath her stacks of jeans and T-shirts. Glancing around at the room about her, her smile became a grin. Each and every thing, from the green-veined wallpaper to the strawberry design on her quilt, the Victorian-style dollhouse in the corner to the warm wood of the aged dresser, remained the same. As her mother had promised in...

4 years ago
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Fucking the Pimp

Those of us who work as IT contractors frequently use the term “pimp” to describe the recruitment agent who has found us the job, and who subsequently pay us (after deducting their ongoing commission). This is the story of how I fucked my pimp one day. I had talked to Joanna ( just call me Jo) for about two weeks during the process of applying for the job, and going through the contract signing process. I had done a search on LinkedIn and found a photo of the young lady. Yumm ... she was a...

3 years ago
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Grand dadChapter 9

After Paul left, Kate spent a good part of the day in Pop's bed. Between sex, she shared with him all that had gone on with Paul. Pop had a hard time believing it. They both were some what unsure how Paul would react when they admitted to him that they had actually had sex... "Pop I think maybe we underestimated Paul. After all he is your son. I was delighted when he told me about his affair with Karen I almost told him everything then. But I knew that would have been too much all at once...

2 years ago
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Have You Ever Had the Feeling That Something Was Going to Happen

Have you ever had the feeling that something was going to happen? I knew something was going to happen today. I had no idea what, but something was going to happen. I’d felt that way all day long and couldn’t figure out why. Maybe because it was Monday. The wife and I had been on the cool side of our relationship for a few weeks. It had happened before. She would just withdraw from me, telling me it was just her. After several weeks she would be back to her normal self. Then we would be back...

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Jasons TaleChapter 10 Itrsquos Just Another Job

We let the two women sit there naked on the deck in front of the fore-cabin while the men went around stripping all the bodies. Weapons here, valuables there, clothes in the pile at the mast. Gina was right, I looked at the younger one quite a bit, but I didn’t need all the problems I’d get from claiming her as mine. They would both go to the men unless someone came up with a better idea. Some of the wounded pirates would get better if they were taken care of. The rest of them would not....

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Incredible ChangesChapter 148 Sun and Fun

It was great fun having Mary on my back when I ran to the beach before jumping into the lake. Mary and I played around in the shallow water until I saw Molly was heading back this way. When she got close I jumped over to grab her legs as she swam by. I knew she was going to fight me as soon as her legs started to tense. I didn’t let her go. Instead I pulled her where I could get her over my shoulder and walked us to shore. If she didn’t have millions of ways to get loose going through her...

3 years ago
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Mother and Son The Prequel

Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. After an overwhelming response from my first two stories, especially Mother and Son which has attracted over 350,000 readers; I have decided to open up and reveal my first incestuous experience. Reflecting back over the years, there is no doubt that what happened between my brother and I planted the seeds for the present day. I would like to share these...

2 years ago
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Summer Vacation Ch 07

Tommy and his aunt, exhausted by their romp in the hay, stayed in bed for a while, talking and holding each other. Finally Tommy had to get up and get ready for work. He changed into work clothes, came out and found Aunt Karen in the kitchen, making dinner. She walked over to him, pulled him into her arms, and kissed him. ‘We’ll have to be careful for the next few days,’ she said. ‘Your Uncle Dave will be home tomorrow.’ Uncle Dave. Tommy went cold inside. He hadn’t thought much about his...

3 years ago
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Bria notices Things

What do you think of when you see vultures?  Bria Lane didn’t like that species of birds.  In fact, lately, there were groups of vultures that circled around in her yard and would sit on her roof and in her trees.  They were quite large and often would spread their wings which frightened her.  They were large birds.She had a bad feeling about the birds.  What could it mean?  She had trouble finishing up her chores and constantly would go back to the window and see if more had gathered on the...

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Ambassadors Daughter 1

Ambassador's Daughter 1 Melvin Carter Wellington, III was the name on my original birth certificate. My father, M. Carter Wellington Junior, was a Foreign Service Officer. He always went by Carter and I grew up as Mel. His assignments rotated between the State Department headquarters in Washington DC and a number of foreign embassies. The family estate, which father inherited from his father, is in the horse country of northern Virginia. When we were in the USA, I attended Hunt...

4 years ago
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Maggies Perfect Plan Part 2

Maggie's Perfect Plan ? Part 2 By Eve Smith I sat on the bed as Maggie's footsteps disappeared down the stairs. Her words echoed in my head, 'Emily would love to put you over her knee and spank your bottom.' This I knew was true; the girl was already revelling in her new position of power over me. Not just the mental power but also now a physical dominance that my drugged body could not do anything but submit to. She enjoyed being able to overpower this person that had been an...

1 year ago
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A Fistful of Sand Book 1Chapter 13 The Hunger

"Thank you Regent McKensie. I really owe you one." "Don't thank me yet Gregg. I'm only buying you a little time. What you're proposing is either madness or genius, but you'll hail or hang on your own merits." Gregg gulped. The enormity of the task at hand was sinking in now that the ESU regent who co-sponsored the archeological dig in Tunisia had given him the green light. The deadline was fast approaching for him to find a way to save the dig before it got bulldozed to become a...

2 years ago
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Sex with my Collegue

Hi friends iam regular reader if ISS i read so many stories inthis site iam very impressed and i write my story. Iam Boss from Hyderabad. iam working a manager in one of the reputed company in the city.My collegue Her namr is Priya she is a slaes executive. She is very beautiful and her sizes are 32-24-36. She looks like a Heroine of Kamilini Mukarjee. She is sitting next of my Chair. So, Usually we talk somethig ans she very close to me. She share any problems to me. Oneday Office was closed...

3 years ago
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Fairies Dragons and Elves Oh My

My hair streamed behind me and my gossamer wings fluttered in the slipstream as I hitched a flight from Bahadur Azi Dahaka, dragon warrior of the Mountains of the Summer Snows. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is unintentional. Transgender themes and other mature themes are included within. If you would be offended by these, please don't continue! I, the author, reserve the right repost this work. As always, I am very aware of the...

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Three Square MealsChapter 116 Choosing to make a fresh start in life

Eighteen matriarchs sat around the long table in the royal meeting room on Genthalas, the gathered Maliri speaking quietly to one another as they awaited their hostess, the atmosphere tense. When Queen Edraele swept into the room, all conversation ceased, the matriarchs watching her approach the table. “My sincere apologies for keeping you waiting,” Edraele said, inclining her head to the seated women. “Baen’thelas enquired as to the status of our fleet refits and I wanted to finish my...

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