Knocked Up free porn video

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I keep getting pregnant. I can't stop. It's almost like a sport for me. I swear, I deserve a damn medal. I've spent eight out of the last ten years pregnant, and my pants are getting tight once again.

It started in high school. I was a little slow getting to the perks of puberty, but when I got them, I got them in spades. Less than five feet became almost six feet and less than an A cup became a snug C cup almost overnight. Naturally, I wasn't the only one that noticed. It wasn't long before I had a sizable entourage following me from class to class. Not that I minded the attention. My uptight upbringing flew out the window as I pushed the limits of the dress code. By the time I was eighteen, I was the biggest tease in school.

It was hard staying that way though. The more the guys stared, the more I wanted to show off. I finally reached a point where I no longer saw the purpose of undergarments of any kind. My tits were big, but they held up on their own. I abandoned what was left of my old notions of sexual propriety along with my panties. I'd make out with one guy, give another guy and hand job, and give two other guys a blow job, all in the same day.

My reputation preceded me everywhere I went, but I didn't care. I kind of enjoyed being the school slut, especially since I managed to earn that title without actually having sex. I was still a little nervous about that. I discovered that I had a latex allergy from an unfortunate physical when I was younger, and I thought I'd be pretty hard pressed to talk my parents into letting me get the pill, not that it would have mattered.

I couldn't think about anything but sex. I'd take bathroom trips just to get in a few minutes of self-satisfaction. I'd stay after school to let the basketball players get in a good luck grope. I did strip teases for the debate team. Hell, I even gave the chess club hummers. I thought I was going crazy.

I wasn't going to wait any longer. Like most girls, I wanted my first time to be special, but I didn't have a boyfriend or anything. Guys wanted to fuck me, not date me, which was fine with me. I had a plan. I was going to earn my reputation as the class slut in spades. With the help of a few friends, I spread the word about how I intended to "congratulate" the football team if they won the homecoming game.

The game was an absolute shutout, and while half the school celebrated at various parties across town, I and a few of my loyal girlfriends started putting together my party back at the school. A few hours later, the guests started arriving. About half the team showed up. Not a bad turnout. Eventually, we locked the doors and I explained my plan.

My girlfriends, Amber, Christina, and Delilah were on fluffer detail. Their job was to make sure the team was ready to go while I fucked their friends. My plan worked out beautifully. One guy after another busted a nut inside my formerly virgin cunt. Some guys lasted only a minute or two, some guys lasted much, much longer. Dante, the running back, fucked me for a good half an hour before he finally blew his load. The girls were just lucky he was one of the last ones. We were all starting to get tired.

Yes, I considered the possibility of getting pregnant. I just didn't care. I desperately needed to be fucked, and I decided to deal with the consequences later. Four weeks and a couple of home pregnancy tests later, it was time to face those consequences. Of course, it wouldn't stop me from getting laid.

Strangely enough, it didn't bother me at all that I was pregnant. I didn't feel nauseous, my breasts got even bigger and about ten times more sensitive, and most of the guys in my school didn't seem to mind screwing a pregnant chick. After all, you can't get a pregnant chick pregnant. If anything, my pregnancy kicked my already out of control sex drive into an even higher gear. Now I wasn't just a whore, I was a pregnant whore, granting even greater infamy to my reputation.

Believe it or not, I had a plan. There were plenty of couples looking to adopt someone's bastard out there. I decided not to worry too much about it. I loved being pregnant, and I was getting all the sex I could possibly want from my horny classmates. What more could a girl want?

Admittedly, as my belly grew past my boobs, the number of guys willing to screw me started to drop. The chess team still provided plenty of easy action. I still firmly believed that the further along I progressed, the sexier I became. My friend Matt agreed with me whole-heartedly, and kindly volunteered to photo document my pregnancy all the way from week one to week forty. Naturally, I ended each photo session with a bang of gratitude.

Graduation came at last. I was nine months pregnant with what turned out to be twins. As I final act of debauchery, I made sure that the only thing concealing my heavily pregnant frame was my flimsy graduation robes. My friends were so proud of me.

A week after graduation I went into labor for the first time. It didn't hurt nearly as much as I heard some of the other girls describe. It helps to have hips you can drive a truck through. I saw each one of the babies for the first and last time as they emerged from my womb. When I woke up the next day, I couldn't help but feel a little sad as I gazed over my much flatter tummy, knowing how much I would miss being so beautifully swollen.

Having my pussy stretched out enough to shove a melon through was enough to kill my sex drive for a little while, but a few short weeks later I was healed up and horny as ever. As it turns out, a quickie in the library is just as dangerous as a gang bang in a locker room. I was only a week into my freshman year of college and I had gotten myself knocked up again. I never did find out the poor guys name, though he bumped into my bump in the cafeteria later that semester. I'd never seen someone run that fast before.

It didn't matter though. This one was going up for adoption too. My parents were convinced that I was getting pregnant on purpose. There may have been some truth to that, though I never consciously indented to get pregnant. I just really loved sex. It didn't take long for me to reestablish my position as the campus floozy. Once again, I didn't mind. I had a steady stream of eager college boys looking to tap my pregnant ass. Even a few girls looked my way, and I promised myself that I would work up to girl-on-girl sex eventually.

Pregnancy did present a few logistical problems. The milk I started making toward the end of my first pregnancy didn't stop when I started the second. I pumped most of it, selling some to hospitals for petty cash. Luckily, there were plenty of guys and even a few girls that were willing to suck out the rest between classes. Hey, it had to be healthier than ramen.

By the end of the school year I managed to pull off straight A's and a remarkably short labor. Another lucky couple had a new baby girl to raise and I was left with that vague sense of post-partum emptiness. Luckily I managed heal even faster than last time, and it wasn't long before I was getting drilled on the dance floor of one of the more popular local clubs.

As it turns out, I was allergic to oral contraceptives as well as latex, so I made a vain effort to encourage that my summer lovers use the pull-out method. Some tried with mixed degrees of success; others ignored me entirely. I didn't really mind, but my parents were threatening to have a shrink examine me if I got knocked up again. Sure enough by the end of the summer I was in a psychiatrist's office with a swollen belly.

It was actually very informative. He ordered some blood work and it turned out that I had elevated sex hormones, which were causing my hyperactive libido. He wrote me a prescription which I promptly threw away. He wasn't upset though, considering the screwing I gave him on my follow up appointment. He was good too. I'm pretty sure that if I hadn't already been pregnant, he would have put a whole litter in my belly.

It was funny; here I was, almost done with my sophomore year of college and I still never had a real boyfriend yet. I had plenty of good friends, about half of which I fucked on a semi-regular basis. I just didn't like the idea of being tied down for some reason. Besides, this way I could have sex with as many people as I wanted. I'd lost track of how many guys I'd let in my pants, but I was pretty sure it was well over a hundred.

Of course, I had to take a break when the forth baby was finally born. I wasn't in too much of a hurry to get to the hospital when I went into labor, thinking I would have plenty of time. Forty-five minutes later I was sitting in my bathtub with a baby in my arms. I'm pretty sure I broke a record with this one. I cleaned myself up, wrapped the little guy up and took him down the adoption center myself. The woman at the desk asked me when he was born, and her jaw almost hit the floor when I said, "An hour ago."

I was determined not to get pregnant this summer, so I had a new plan. I knew there was no way I could possibly go without sex, so I decided to go with the kind that couldn't make me pregnant. I hit the local girl bar and made my way to the one table in the place with girls that didn't look like Rosie O'Donnell. Turns out one of the girls, Julia, liked what she saw, and it a few drinks later I was at her place with my head between her legs. I had no idea what eating pussy would be like, but I ended up liking it ok. Receiving was ten times better than giving. Clearly this girl was a pro.

A few couple of days later I was feeling the itch again and I called Julia up again to see if she wanted to do something. As I walked into her apartment, I heard moaning from inside her bedroom. I assumed that she was warming herself up for me, but when I stepped into her room, I found her straddling some guy, who was balls deep in her pussy.

I tried as hard as I could to resist, but even as skilled a tongue as Julia's couldn't compete with a nice fat cock. Pretty soon my own tongue was furiously tonguing Julia's clit as her boyfriend mounted me from behind. Eventually I felt wave after wave of cum spurt inside my absurdly fertile womb, and I knew that baby number four was on the way.

I hung out with Julia and her boyfriend a lot over the course of my latest pregnancy. It was nice having ready access to a couple who were both willing to fuck me at the drop of the hat. As it turned out, they wanted to have a baby of their own, only Julia couldn't get pregnant. They were thrilled that Steven had knocked me up, and was more than willing to give them the baby as soon as it was born.

Getting to see their baby grow first hand made them incredibly happy, and they had no problem with me screwing around on the side as long I had some energy left for them. Every now and then I'd bring a guy to their place for Julia. Steven didn't mind, as long as I brought a girl along for him. Every now and then I'd get lucky and we'd have a full-blown orgy on our hands. It was incredible.

One night that spring as Steven unloaded a fresh wave batch of cum in me, I felt a familiar twinge in my womb. I told them what was happening, and though they were surprised at my decision, they were all too happy to let me have the baby right there. After delivering the last one at home, I decided there was little point to having a doctor around. All they did was catch it, and I knew Julia could handle that just fine. A few hours later, a very big baby boy curled up in Julia's arms as I fell into a deep sleep in the new parents' bed.

The next summer I decided to go to the doctor to try and find a birth control that would work for me. When I described my situation in detail, he referred me to a very familiar psychiatrist. I was right about that shrink too. I went back to his office in the afternoon as a familiar dampness built up between my legs. The next morning I left his office in a hurry, late for my first class. Five months later I found out that the good doctor had put not one, not two, but three babies in my belly.

Triplets. This was going to be one epic pregnancy. My prediction didn't disappoint. My belly grew at faster and bigger than ever before. At five months I looked like I was almost full term. At eight months it looked like I was walking around with a two-year-old in my belly. I did go to the doctor regularly this time around, but I absolutely refused to let him induce me early. I was going to ride this thing all the way to the end.

Some guys found my size intimidating, but my sexual urges had never been stronger. Doggy style became my preferred technique as my belly approached beach ball proportions. Though it wasn't easy on my back, I was in awe of how beautifully swollen I'd become. Once in a while I caught myself wishing that he'd put a dozen babies in me. What would I look like then?

There were some other perks too. My breasts, the size of which ranged from D to a generous double D throughout my various pregnancies grew along with my epic belly. Pretty soon I was making enough milk for a class full of grown men, as my breasts swelled past E, F, finally settling into an astonishing G cup.

Of course, all good things must come to an end. My water broke in the middle of graduation. Frankly, I think people were more surprised that I actually showed up for it. I was a week overdue and as big as a house. Despite my doctor's protest, I refused to be induced. I had each baby before on my own, and I wasn't about to cheat with this set. Guess I'm just stubborn that way.

At long last I was a college graduate. I kicked around the idea of starting my own business for a while, but I had no idea how I was going to get the start up cash. I was flat broke and already sporting a brand new baby bump, courtesy of Steven and Julia. They wanted another baby, and they knew I was a sure bet. Between Julia's tongue and Steven's cock, I didn't stand a chance. Unfortunately, this didn't bode well at the bank. I guess knocked up sluts are considered high-risk loans.

I decided that if I was going to start my own business, I was going have to come up with the cash on my own. Fortunately, a few Google searches turned up an excellent source of revenue. Apparently, there were countless horny guys out willing to pay a few bucks to watch horny pregnant sluts like yours truly get drilled. I wasn't interested in splitting my profits, so I blew a guy from the computer science department and he set the site up at no charge. Favors are nice.

In a few months I was one of the most popular pregnant amateur porn stars on the web. I had more money than I knew what to do with. It dawned on me that I had already started the business I wanted. Amazing what a quality blow job will get you. So I focused all my time and energy on it. I picked up a few tricks from some IT guys in exchange for a few tricks. Pretty soon I was able to redesign and expand the site all on my own.

I decided to get ambitious. After yet another easy delivery, I decided to try something that all my extensive searches determined had never been done on the Internet. I was going to film my next pregnancy, starting at the very beginning, the moment I got knocked up.

Finding a guy to get me pregnant on camera wasn't easy. Legally speaking, I had to get his consent in order to post the video online, and most guys were terrified that I was going to land them in a shotgun marriage. Steve was out too: two k**s were enough for now apparently. The hardest part was abstaining from sex for long enough to find the right guy. I wasn't completely successful, but even though a couple of guys at the club tried their best to knock me up again, I remained baby-free for a while.

The perfect guy turned out to be right under my nose. Matt was more than willing to knock me up on camera, provided he got a percentage of the sales. Sounded fair enough. I hired three extra photographers for this shoot, two of them just to capture the cumshot. I wanted there to be no doubt that I'd been impregnated on camera.

For the first time in my life, I actually tracked my menstrual cycle with some interest. The perfect day arrived. Lights, camera, action. And holy shit was there action. I hadn't fucked Matt in a while, and damn could that guy fuck. I thought he was going to put a litter in me. Missionary, cowgirl, doggy style, standing, we kept on changing it up. We fucked for hours, until finally I felt the familiar pulsing of his cock as it exploded inside me. I almost passed out as I felt a thick stream of cum leak slowly out of my cunt.

Matt helped me document the pregnancy in exchange for access to my pussy on demand. Like that was a bad thing. Sure enough I was pregnant. Matt even had the stomach to film me pissing on the pregnancy test. Like I said, I wanted there to be no doubt. As my belly swelled once again, Matt captured each day of it on camera. I talked him into moving in with me so he wouldn't miss a minute of my pregnant glory.

Though I still fucked a small army throughout my seventh pregnancy, I found myself spending more and more time with Matt's cock in my pussy. This was inevitable, given the amount of time we spent together, but still. It was almost like having a boyfriend that didn't mind me fucking other guys. I mean, I certainly didn't mind him fucking other girls. Sometimes we even tag teamed it. He was like my best friend.

Labor was the same as usual with this pregnancy with one major difference. This time Matt was there holding my hand. I'm not sure what I was feeling as I brought another little girl into the world, but it was different, and I liked it. For the first time, I held the baby I had just given birth to, as Matt sat smiling beside me. I felt contentment, a joy that I had never felt before, and I realized that though I had given birth to ten c***dren, this time I was finally a mother.

Three years later, my life was in many ways very much the same. My pants were getting tight again, this making the sixteenth baby I was about to bring into the world. My website was still going strong, with thousands of pictures and videos of me in innumerable situations of pregnant debauchery.

A few things were very different. In most of those pictures I was wearing a modest, but beautiful wedding ring. My daughter was almost four years old, and Matt was my husband as well as top photographer. We hadn't kept any other the other c***dren that I'd given birth to, but we planned to eventually. Matt loved me enough to let me fuck whoever I pleased, and I loved him enough to let him do the same. He has a ways to go before he can compete with me in terms of sluttiness, but he's getting there. He just hit triple digits yesterday. I'm so proud of him.

That's how I came to appreciate the simple, elegant cycle that my genetic code bestowed upon me. I need sex because of my hormones. I can't use birth control because I'm allergic. Therefore, I get pregnant. I was the perfect baby maker, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I leave you with a parting word of wisdom. This is for all the guys out there that haven't experienced the delight of pregnant sex, either out of hesitation, antipathy, or just lack of opportunity. When you see a lovely pregnant goddess walking down the street, try your best to get her number. Pregnant girls don't get hit on that often, but believe me, we find it flattering. And who knows. You might just be in for the best sex of your life.

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Bette and Gazza spent the last few days of their holiday getting the house in order. Bette had to make a couple of trips back to the wheelship to pick up smaller pieces of furniture for the flickers and several other odds and ends. She’d also found a storeroom containing bolts and bolts of cloth in many different shades, patterns and weaves that could be used as curtain material and also for making clothes and bed linens. One of the spare rooms became her sewing room. She even found some...

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Losing Pounds Gaining a Cuckold Chapter One

Chapter One I am a married woman, my name is Toni. I will turn thirty-six this August and have two wonderful boys ages 10 and 12. My husband just turned forty-three and I love him dearly. He has always been very mild mannered, easygoing and still very handsome on his stocky but solid 5'10" frame. One of the best things I love about him is if I really want something, he lets me have my way; I guess you could say I'm a little brat at times. My pout is legendary. I usually call the shots at home...

1 year ago
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The Lady Riding AtopChapter 5 The Light of Our Passion

Despite her wonderful fucking, Ashley was still horny, still in need of a come. She’d planned to run over and take full advantage of Lord Thomas as soon as she caught her breath. However, she found herself a few minutes later still cuddled with Ram Standing Fast, still lying in the wet spot of their passion, warmth and joy flowing between them. She had found that between the awkwardness of her position and the intensity of their joint release, she needed to recover for a few moments. She...

1 year ago
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Never Just Friends

Sorry for the long delay if anyone actually cares… my computer decided to muck me around, and so I’ve been unable to access my files until a few days ago. Also, I’ll be uploading the next part of ‘Washing Up’ soon, but I haven’t had the chance to finish it yet. There’s not really any sex in this one, but I’ll be doing that sometime in the next week. Anyway, I hope this is worth the wait. Yours, as ever, romanticredhead A redhead with a passion . * ‘I don’t know, why don’t you ask her?’ I...

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Cheating With Ashley

She was thirty and her name was Ashley. Her mother and I had dated back when we were much younger and I was in college. I had wanted to marry Dorothy, but she had designs on someone else. Looking back on things, it was probably best that we didn't’t get married. Husband number three of five for Dorothy produced Ashley. I managed to stay in contact with Dorothy through the years, through phone calls every now and then, but what was in the past, remained in the past. Dorothy often told me about...

1 year ago
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True and EternalChapter 2

The doorbell rang as I sat on the couch wondering if I took some happy pills and didn't know it. My lovely wife of four years just made me a deal: we would start having children if I would get her younger sister pregnant too. Now most men would be like "oh hell yeah!" But me? Well I love my wife. And I really don't want to mess that up. She's... well for the lack of a better term, the love of my life. My true love. This had to be a joke. That's it, a practical joke. Ha ha Andy, good...

2 years ago
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A Vacation Resort 33

When Juan had relaxed again, Mark lifted me off him. He laid me on my back beside Juan and propped pillows under my hips to help the semen stay deep in the birth canal, seeping deep into my baby box. He laid on my other side, propped up on one elbow and with one large hand, massaged my clit and sucked a nipple as I lay there, until I came again.After awhile Juan said he would like to go to the lounge for some drinks and a bite to eat. He invited me to go with him and said he would introduce me...

1 year ago
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Weekend Fun With Raj

It was Thursday and I had three days off and wanted to go out but no company then I thought of having fun but being in new city it was challenging. I am big fan of Indian sex stories since long read most of stories when I get time from office. I checked few contacts and send them messages if we can meet over weekend and have fun. I got few replies and out of which one made me feel little comfortable. His name is raj age 24 5’10 and nice cock he said he is free and will be available for weekend....

2 years ago
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My Sweet First Wife

However I got that Cowgirl Pussy First, and it took 2 days to get that pussy open and bust that Cherry but I did it with 9 inches of massive deep brown dick and I fucked that bitch every chance I got till I was shipped to Nam. This is another story. Then when I got back I fucked her with her tummy pooched out and up until her water broke. Then 8 days after the baby was born I fucked her again. When she left I Masturbated over the Bitch lots of times, and thought of her when I was...

2 years ago
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I Just Did It Ch 01

His music was louder than most people could stand. True, his ears were starting to hurt, but it was a good song. Over the noise of the guitars and the singer crooning lyrics (well, yelling is more apt), there was the distinct sound of two beeps, so out of pitch and rhythm with the song that it was immediately apparent that it wasn’t part of it at all. He made a downward spiral in the air with the hand that wasn’t strumming his air-guitar, and the music decrescendo’d until it was merely loud,...

3 years ago
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18 October 2008Chapter 4

The cab driver tooted his horn and Dan walked hand in hand with Lisa to the back door and John sat beside the driver. “To the Quinte Convention Centre please,” Dan asked. As the cabby drove, Dan placed Lisa’s left leg over his right, opening her pose. He swept her dress opening aside revealing her bare pussy for the driver to see in his mirror. They cuddled and feeling energized she began kissing him and accepted his hand inside her dress. She smiled at him as he slid the material sideways...

3 years ago
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BBC always Win Blacken

Pam and John Robinson are a happily married couple in the mid to late 40s. Pam is a teacher and John is the local fire chief. John was away for a few days at a fire convention. It was a Friday and sitting in on Pam's lessons was a 20 year old black intern called Roger. She remembered him from when she taught him from about the age of 13. He was always fairly well behaved in school and was always going to get good grades, so it was no surprise when after graduating he decided he wanted to teach...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Halle Hayes Big Booty Babe Halle Hayes Shows Off Her Anal Skills

Halle Hayes gives Manuel a taste of the Darkside as she lets him have his way with all her holes. Ebony beauty Halle is looking hella hot in her fishnets with a skimpy blue dress underneath as she teases us with her stunning curves. She wastes no time as she slides off her fishnets and pulls down her top while heading upstairs to the bedroom. Halle stops on the landing to show off her amazing rack and qtr take off her panties so she can play with her pretty little pussy. Once in the bedroom,...

3 years ago
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Sex in The Forest

Papers are shuffled; the room is not air conditioned, the clock ticks very slowly, I keep glancing at it; the hands telling me I have 2 hours to get back to Balloch, just north of Glasgow. The hotel I have booked for us both is ok, I have used it before. The Shelly Inn; clean, good food, nice location with plenty of pubs and restaurants. It will be busy, it’s the tourist season and I want to meet you before you go in. My customer is droning on and on, I’m finding it so hard to concentrate I...

4 years ago
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The Artist

My son’s girlfriend was a fine piece of ass. I know what you’re thinking, she’s your son’s girlfriend, but seriously this girl was the hottest thing I had ever met and I was determined to have a taste. They had been dating for almost a year, and while I knew they were affectionate I was fairly certain they hadn’t fucked yet, and I wanted to fuck her first.One late Saturday afternoon she came over, I watched as she walked up to the house, I was home alone, and it seemed like the perfect...

2 years ago
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Tower of the succubi

It was time to take the fight to the Stypos uccubus Queen head quaters. You have spent many months preparing for this day. Thanks to the rebels within your villages, they were able to muster up a horse and some gear to aid you on your venture. Riding out a few miles from your village, you finally come acorss the large catherdral looking building in the middle of a large forest clearing. "This must be the place.. " You speak to yourself as he hop off of the horse. You look down and see that your...

2 years ago
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Cumming home after work

A bus. An ordinary bus on an ordinary day. Its not peak hour any more, I've worked late and the time has passed since the heavy tussle that comes with the afternoon. Now things have slowed down with more places to sit on each vehicle. The book I am trying to read isn't good. I look up and about. Such is the world that we live in, few people are doing the same. Even those without a phone to play with or a friend to talk to, stare ahead squarely at nothing, as if real life is a distraction. A man...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Good things come in small packages Chapter 6

AugustMy cock length: 4 1/2 inchesLoss: 1/4 inch.The night for my August measurement duly arrived. Mandy unlocked the cage and I showered. Ten minutes later – and with my heart thumping - I once again ventured into our bedroom. Mandy was quick to get me hard, and I felt the cool ruler resting on my cock as my wife measured.She uttered a low chuckle – which could only mean one thing.“Jesus, how long now?” I inquired, my voice already thin and squeaky with suppressed excitement. I could already...

3 years ago
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Beth Naked in SchoolChapter 12

Sunday I know people go to church these days in tee shirts, jeans, everything but tank tops and hot pants, but that is not the way it is in our family. Daddy always wears a tie and either a conservative sports jacket or, more usually, a suit. Today it was his best suit, with a very distinguished necktie. Very "Regis Philbin," if you know what I mean. My brother, of course, was fully aware of the Uniform of the Day, so he was appropriately garbed as well in a very nice blazer and sharply...

3 years ago
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Bill Slut

I was just thinking about a time when i met a guy outside some public toilets and he asked me if i wanted some fun, i was dressed in normal male clothes, i was feeling horny so i agreed he said he had a flat nearby so off we went to his place,once inside he started kissing me and pushed his tonge deep in my mouth and his hands started caressing my ass, oh it made me so excited. he then started kissing my neck and biting me giving me 2 love bites that really sent me wild with lusti said wait a...

4 years ago
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Ghosts and ShadowsChapter 10 Hot Times at Obriens

It was jumping by the time we got there. I'd called ahead and asked the owner, a former professional boxer named O'Brien, if he could save a spot for me and he'd promised there would be a table or two when we got there. Of course, some urban cowboys had spotted the tables, brushed off the objections of the waitresses trying to hold it for us and were sitting and being obnoxious when we walked in. Normally, O'Brien would have cleared them out, but he had his hands full with a catfight...

2 years ago
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Door to Door Prostitution

It was a weekday afternoon and Kenneth was working in the office when the door-bell rang. Jennifer, his wife, hurried out of the kitchen, brushing her fingers through her hair, to open the front door. It was a new job for Kenneth and a new home for both husband and wife in the dormitory town of New Chaldon. They were still making new friends and acquaintances, and for Jennifer, even now, each new knock on the door brought a new surprise. Who could it be? More neighbours introducing themselves?...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Escape

Suspend disbelief: Temporarily allow oneself to believe something that is not true, especially in order to enjoy a work of fiction.---It all began barely a few weeks ago, but it feels like everything has changed since – that I've changed. Like I've been a racehorse with blinders on, only looking forward, but I stopped running for a minute and looked around and realised there's so much more to the world than the race I was running.We met through Lush, I forget who made first contact, but we had...

1 year ago
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Escape From Buggery Ch 01

Sharon and Tracey were two very close friends. They danced to the same music. They liked the same kinds of films. They both bleached their hair and dyed it the same outrageous blonde shades. They even dressed much the same: very tight short skirts, tee-shirts or tank-tops that clung tightly to their chests, and teetering stilettos that threatened to throw them off balance. And neither of them ever ever wore knickers. They weren’t the two prettiest girls you could ever have hoped to meet, but...

3 years ago
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A Night in the Club

Introduction: First story. Be harsh with your jugdement! ,) Kidding. Be honest. The club was packed tonight. Bodies on top of bodies, gyrating to the beat of music in the heated room. More to the point I was striking out the ladies more than I cared to count. They seemed more stuck up than usual. The last one didnt even let me within 15 inches of her before she walked away. But my douchebag friends that look and dance like the guys from Jersey Shore when drunk had about fifteen girls all vying...

1 year ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 368 Northrop Grumman Integrated has a Bad Day

Friday, June 8, 2007 It was 12:40am and I had a long way to go: south past Florida; west across the Gulf of Mexico, across Mexico itself and a hundred miles out into the Pacific; then north to LA. It was about 3,800 miles by my reckoning. Sunrise off LA was 5:30am, giving me five hours. That was an average of 760 mph - exactly Mach 1, which I was NOT going to attempt. I changed my intended route to cut across Florida and estimated that reduced the journey to 3,400 miles, giving 700 mph as...

1 year ago
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BAMVisions Fallon West Welcome To The Fun Room

If Fallon West’s mid-calf lace-up leather boots aren’t enough to send your dick soaring, her beautiful big ass most certainly will. She’s a slutty minx who loves a little fun. After teasing Mick Blue’s big cock with a shaved pussy show and tell, she cranks her vibrator and masturbates while giving a POV blowjob. It’s almost impossible to look away from her hypnotizing blue eyes, until she slides her wet snatch down his shaft in reverse cowgirl. All this tattooed blonde wants is anal sex and...

4 years ago
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A journey of the mind

a journey of the submissive mind She takes his hand and leads him up the winding staircase,as she looks over her shoulder at him she flashes her wanton eyes showing the fire within and the plans she has conjoured.At the foot of the bed she forces him face down burying it into the mattress.She takes the handcuffs and places them around his large wrists almost unable to click the catches into place,these handcuffs were only designed for use on her and now it was his turn to see what she had...

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accidental fantasies pt5

All the time Jennifer and I were talking, I was working on my plan. She had a big advantage over me since I hadn't been aware of her so called training program. Not that I was complaining about the results, but if my efforts to give her a memorable day were to succeed, I'd need some help and fast. Code may have mentioned that I had some toys, but not the fact that I have a collection in a box under my bed. Almost every month for a long time, I'd been buying toys on line and having...

4 years ago
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Steve and ChuckChapter 34

Chuck Yesterday's trip to St. Louis and Chicago was successful. I was able to clean out two more safe deposit boxes and take a look at the two residences. In St. Louis, there was a house in a decent subdivision not that far from Lambert field, the airport there. The branch bank was just up the street from the house in a small shopping plaza. They were very nice and were happy to see that I shaved that horrible beard. Chicago was more of a hassle, as the lady was saying I should go to the...

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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 11 Getting Our Daily Quotient Part II

And the next day, Thursday was no different. Rosa called Dutch at the hospital. "Honey I'm sorry to bother you at work, but I have to see you." "What's wrong? Are you all right?" He asked as he tensed up sensing bad news. "No, no, I'm fine. Well, no, I'm not fine. I'm so horny I can't stand it. I need you and I need you bad. Can you meet me someplace?" "Baby I can't leave here. Can you come here; I can manage some time with you if you come over in the next thirty minutes or...

3 years ago
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Dottod condom

Hi friends yeh meri pehli story hai aur yeh meri real story hai jo me aap logo ko batana chahta hu. Ek din me barbar ke waha baal katane ke liye gaya tha , dopaher ke 3 baj rahe the, barbar shop band karne jaraha tha ,usi samay me pahuch gaya , usne mujhe under liya aur shop under se band kardiya aur kaha ke tumhare baal kantke khana khane jaunga Undar sirf hum dono hi the ek dum sannata tha , woh mere baal katne laga. Baal kat te samay uska lund mere hath par lag raha tha aur erect ho chukka...

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My Housewife Mom8217s Hidden Desires 8211 Part 2

Hello everyone, I am here with the second part of the incident. As all of you know, due to a lack of love in her married life, my mom befriended a 22-year-old boy on Facebook and I was shocked to find that she had sex with that boy when I and dad left. I was feeling awkward since then but I kept quiet and thought that I will not discuss it with her because I know she was cheating on dad with a guy 23 years younger to her. I noticed mom looked happy and she had a glow on her face. I was eager so...

2 years ago
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Shadow on the EdgeChapter 7

Roebuck is part of the Taurian Concordat and the Concordat was tired of all the Pirate attacks. They wanted us with them for an attack on Tortuga Prime which was the major Pirate base in this sector. Eager Beaver was willing to release us to them for this attack. They, the Concordat and the Mining Company, had discussed it and it ended up that our contract was sold to the Concordat. The Concordat gave us two choices, we could go in with everyone else with no intelligence on the planet, no...

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