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Sierra Madres Mountain Range, 60 kilometers northwest of Eden

1220 hours

Belinda Maxely could feel nervous sweat running down the back of her neck, pooling in the junction of her helmet and the top of her biosuit. Her hands gripped the T-bar of the tank tightly, her feet rested gingerly on the control pedals — one on the accelerator, one on the brake. They were climbing again, traversing a bumpy, rocky, uneven rise between two mountains at a slope of more than thirty-five degrees. The turbine engine was whining with power as the treads slowly pulled them upward at about five kilometers per hour. In her view screen she could see the rear of the tank in front of her, the slope of the ground she was traveling on, the pink Martian sky, and the jagged peaks she was passing through rising high above on each side. To her left, unseen but she knew it was there, was a drop into a canyon that lay less than two meters away. And the ground they were on was sloping in that direction by more than twelve percent.

Xenia couldn't take the tension of not knowing what was going on any more. She unclipped her harness and popped the hatch over her head open. "I need some fresh air," she told Zen who dutifully chuckled at her weak joke.

She stood up, pushing her head through the hatch and immediately regretted it the second she looked to the left. She saw a steep cliff dropping more than two hundred meters into a rocky gorge. From her perspective it seemed mere centimeters away from their left tread. "Oh my fucking God," she whispered, feeling suddenly dizzy and sick to her stomach — a sensation worse that what she experienced during lightening.

"What's wrong?" Zen asked, having heard her transmission.

"Nothing," she said, tearing her eyes away from the sight. She quickly ducked back down and slammed her hatch shut, vowing not to look outside anymore.

They were the forty-third tank in a single-file line of 253 of them. As Zen had told them, their mission was to perform a flanking maneuver to get into the WestHem rear area. And, as Belinda had pointed out, there was no way to do that in a conventional manner without passing through the impenetrable WestHem line. So they were going with the unconventional, a plan that was considered impossible for tracked vehicles of any kind and especially tanks, to accomplish. They had entered the nearer peaks of the Sierra Madres Mountains and were slowly working their way westward by climbing and then descending, turning and then turning back, passing over ground that had never been trod upon by humans let alone driven upon by vehicles.

"Coming up to the top," Belinda said, watching as the tank in front of her disappeared from view. She checked her map display and saw that immediately after starting back down she would have to turn right to a heading of two-eight-four, which would keep her on an even narrower and steeper sloped stretch of the mountain instead of sending her over a cliff.

"I don't remember them telling us we would have to climb fucking mountains when I signed up for the tank corps," Xenia said, sitting back in her seat and keeping her eyes tightly shut.

"I know what you mean, X," Zen replied. "I mean, getting fried by a WestHem laser is one thing. At least it's over quick. Falling off a cliff and tumbling five hundred meters down... well... that's something else."

"Can you guys shut your asses?" Belinda barked at them. "I really need to concentrate for this next part."

They shut their asses. Belinda gave them a little bit of acceleration as the slope before her momentarily increased to forty-three percent. The front of the tank rose up, so all she could see was sky for a second, and then it suddenly nosed downward as she went over the rise and started downward. She saw immediately why she needed to make the right turn. There was nothing but a sheer drop-off directly in front of her. Her own stomach did a few flip-flops but she forced herself to wait until the navigation carrot on her screen swung to the right. When it did, she pushed the T-bar to the left, slowing up the right tread enough so the left tread could push her through the turn. She felt the entire tank slide a little to the left, towards the drop-off, and she goosed the accelerator just a bit, pulling them through it. The slide stopped but the tank, now traveling downhill on a thirty-eight degree slope, started to pick up an alarming amount of speed. She braked as harshly as she dared, slowing them before they could run into the tank in front of them. She only hoped the tank behind them would do the same.

It did and they slowly worked their way down a twisting, turning area of drivability until they were in the narrow gorge below.

"Okay," Belinda said, "we've scraped through that one. We're gonna drive four klicks through this gorge and then we got one more climb and one more descent before we get back into the foothills."

"So you're saying we might actually make it there in one piece?" Xenia asked.

"We might," she said. "This last one looks like the toughest of all though."

"I'm surprised we made it this far," Zen said. "I thought they were fuckin' dusted when they told us we would drive through the mountains. I guess the mapping software we got from Air Ops was pretty good shit after all."

The mapping software he was talking about was the same software the Mosquitoes and the Hummingbirds used to wind their way through these same mountains. It had been developed over the past twenty years and even beyond and was based on countless surveys by laser and radar equipped satellites that had mapped every square centimeter of the mountain ranges with every point measured for exact altitude and slope. This information had been meant to assist pilots and systems operators to plan their flight routes through the area without hitting the large, immovable object known as the ground. It had never been intended to assist ground vehicles in traversing those same mountains but, when turned to the task, and with the assistance of several super-computers in the possession of the MPG, it had done just that, plotting a continuous route in which the slope, width, and rate of climb or descent was within the parameters in which a main battle tank could operate. That route was a twisting, turning snake and some of the passes — such as the one they'd just traversed — were right on the margin of passable and impassable, but it had been deemed possible and the mission had been given the green light.

It would have been easier, of course, to simply travel through the smaller foothills at the base of the mountains. There would have been more room to maneuver, the paths wider and less steep, the ultimate distance much shorter, which would have left a much wider safety margin of fuel and oxygen remaining for their actual mission. But the foothill approach was quickly ruled out due to detection concerns. There was simply too many places where the WestHem marines in the field might have spotted the column of tanks as they'd passed by, too much possibility that the dust they raised with their treads — even though it was being minimized by their slow speed — could have billowed up enough to be spotted.

They reached the end of the gorge and turned to the south, following a cut where a Martian stream had once drained. They began to climb, bumping over rocks, occasionally sending little landslides downward to clatter on the tanks below. Halfway up they turned back to the east, following a tributary of that former stream for half a kilometer before turning back to the south again up a steep slope to a ledge that overlooked the gorge on the other side. The pace here was particularly slow, less than two kilometers per hour but slowly, softly, they made it up and over — the clearance between the path and the drop-off less than a meter now.

The column went down the other side, winding and twisting back and forth until they reached a raised plateau that would have been a meadow had it been on an earthly mountain range. The tanks began to assemble into columns and rows once again. When the assembly was complete, the shut their engines off and powered everything but their communications gear down. Ahead of them was a gap between two of the Sierra Madres foothills. Beyond that was the Valley of Death, as the WestHem marines had come to call it.

Zen looked at his mapping software one last time before powering it down. They were two kilometers from the valley, sixteen kilometers west of the Martian main line of defense. As far as he could tell, they had arrived here completely undetected. On his enemy forces screen — which was constantly updated by encrypted satellite transmissions sent out from MPG headquarters in New Pittsburgh, he could see that the main thrust of the marine's forces were gathered just beyond the Red Line. That would soon change.

"What now?" Belinda asked, unstrapping her restraints and opening the hatch above her head.

"Now," Zen said, "we maintain strict radio silence except for inter-tank communications, and... we wait."

"That is what we do best," Xenia said.

"I have a question?" Belinda asked.

"What's that?" Zen replied.

"General Jackson never gives names to operations, right?"

"Right," Xenia said.

"So why did he decide to name this one 'Operation Hannibal'?"

Ten kilometers east of the Eden main line of defense

1500 hours

Captain Callahan was feeling the familiar nervousness he remembered so well from the first phase of the war. He was sitting in the command seat of his APC and the booming of artillery fire from the Martian positions went on and on outside, sometimes far away, sometimes close enough to rock the APC on its springs and send a pattering of shrapnel against the armor. It was relentless and had been for the past six hours, making him wonder just how many 150mm shells those Martians had. But it wasn't the artillery that was bothering him, it was the Mosquitoes and the special forces teams hiding in the hills.

Two hours ago they had suddenly lost interest in killing the artillery guns and had gone back to their normal tactic of targeting the APCs. Since then, every five minutes or so, three or four would be exploded by laser shots from these platforms, killing everyone inside. There was nothing that could be done about this. The troops could not dismount because of the artillery fire and the APCs could not move around even if that would have done any good. They were stuck here, sitting and waiting, hoping that the specter of random death would not fall upon the vehicle they were currently sitting in.

Callahan was confident that his APC would not be specifically targeted for destruction because it was one of the command APCs. Strict orders that were said to have originated from General Browning himself stated that absolutely no communication that was not urgent in nature would be transmitted from any APC. This would keep the special forces teams from zeroing in on the officers. But that random chance — that possibility that one of those aircraft or one of those hidden, ghostly AT holders would happen to pick his APC — worried him greatly.

Oh well, he was forced to conclude. If it's my time, it's my time. Nothing I can do about that. At least we made it through the refuel and re-arm process.

That had been a bit hairy in and of itself. The Martian artillery had been deliberately targeting the refuel points all day long, sometimes doing tremendous damage, causing nasty, messy death. It was during this process that troops were exposed, that fueling hoses were exposed, that live ammunition was out in the open just waiting to be prematurely detonated by a close explosion. But again, someone up above — General Browning it was said — had come up with a procedure that had minimized the attrition during the process. The APCs, tanks, and artillery platforms would pull up as close as physically possible to the supply car and the supplies would be tossed across from one hatch to the other. Though tossing eighty-millimeter shells over a distance of a meter and a half was dangerous, it had proved to be not as dangerous as keeping the four meters of seperation that protocol dictated. This closer distance had also reduced the amount of fueling hoses damaged by shrapnel and had kept the amount of troops out in the open as few as possible too. When it had been the turn of Callahan's APC to go through the process a few pieces of shrapnel had come pinging in, causing a slight injury to their driver, but that had been it. They had pulled away and sat in wait ever since.

The minutes ticked by and Callahan watched the time display carefully. They had been scheduled to pull out and begin their assault on the main line by 1430 at the latest. The measures taken to protect the armor crews had slowed that down considerably.

An explosion rocked the APC, the concussion so violent that Callahan knew it wasn't merely another arty shell going off. "Who got it?" he asked the driver, who was looking out through his camera.

"Third squad of second platoon just bought it," the driver told him. "They were two APCs over from us in the line. Blew them to bits."

Callahan nodded, feeling his anxiety to get on with it pushing at him. He wondered again why the Martians had abandoned their attempt to take out the artillery guns. Was it because they realized they wouldn't be able to kill enough of them to neutralize the weapons in the coming battle? Was it because they realized they'd better start taking out some of the ground troops instead? Or was it... was it something else? Something more sinister?

He didn't know, couldn't know, but the question itself made him uneasy. The Martians were clever bastards, led by a man who had proven himself to be a military genius. Was it possible he had a few tricks left up his sleeve?

While he was still pondering that thought the last of the APCs finished the fueling process and the fueling trains began their long, slow turn that would take them back towards the Jutfield Gap where they would stage — hopefully not to be needed again. The word came over the command net, transmitted from the ship instead of from one of the APCs.

"All units," the voice said. "Prepare to start moving in. The time has come to liberate Eden once and for all."

Engines began to start one by one and, after less than twenty minutes, the next order came and the tanks and APCs began to move forward, heading for the main line and the final battle.

Meanwhile the mobile artillery guns separated from the camouflage they'd enjoyed amid the tanks and began to assemble into their own formations. Their loaders and gunners prepared to begin firing on pre-determined points, their goal to destroy the concrete reinforced anti-tank bunkers of the main line. A battalion of tanks remained behind to guard them. This was not because any trouble was expected — after all, what kind of trouble could there be? — but because it was standard doctrine.

And from high above a group of peepers under the control of the MPG noted all of this movement and tracked it, the take being sent to the highest levels of MPG command.

General Jackson sat in his office, an open link to General Zoloft appearing on one of his computer screens. Another was showing live shots from the peepers. Yet another was showing a composite view of the entire Eden theater of operations, including the tanks that were now sequestered just beyond the foothills.

"Lead elements are moving in," Jackson said. "What's their speed?"

"Twenty-five klicks," Zoloft told him. "Arty is setting up in position and will start firing soon. Supply trains are moving west at twelve klicks."

Jackson nodded, smiling predatorily. "It would seem the time is right. Get the Hannibal tanks moving on their targets, full speed ahead. They have the telemetry and they have their orders."

"Yes, sir," Zoloft said smartly. "The order is going out now."

"I'm going to address the troops," he said. "Computer, open a link on the main dispatch channel for Eden operations."

Jeff and Drogan were sitting against the backside of the agricultural truck their squad had been assigned, facing the city. They could see the high rises before them, the city buildings they were fighting to protect. Their topic of conversation, as always, was the uncomfortable and unresolved love triangle between Jeff, Xenia, and Belinda.

"Just wait until the fighting is over," Drogan was telling him. "You're not gonna be able to sort anything out with anyone until then. In that, Xenia is completely on the fuckin' money, you know? How can you make plans in the middle of this mess? How can you commit yourself to anyone or anything when any of us could be dead at any minute."

"I can't change how I feel, Drogan," he replied. "I know I'm stupid for imagining a life beyond this thing. I can't even imagine what Mars is gonna be like if we win, but..."

"All units in the Eden theater of operation," a familiar voice suddenly cut in. "This is General Jackson, talking to you from MPG operations in New Pittsburgh."

"What the fuck is this shit?" Drogan asked, actually grateful for the interruption. She was getting a little weary of hearing Creek drone on and on about Xenia all the time. Sure, she was a hot piece of quim, but was anyone worth all the fuss?

"I don't know," Jeff replied. "I think maybe the shit's about to hit the fan."

"For those of you who are monitoring the enemy positions on your command screen," Jackson said, "you already know what I'm about to tell you. For those who aren't, let me break the news. The WestHem marine units have completed their resupply operation and, as of ten minutes ago, they have begun to move in on the main line of defense. They are moving east at two-five klicks per hour in standard assault formation. The final battle for the fate of Eden is about to begin.

"Desertions have been high over the past few hours, mostly due to the pounding that the WestHem artillery inflicted upon our Jutfield Gap and Blue Line positions last night. I understand and I hold no ill will towards those who left. They simply decided the price of our freedom was a little higher then they expected. For those of you who have stayed behind, I salute you and I thank you for your faith in me and the other commanders who are leading this struggle. Allow me now to ease your mind a little bit about what is to follow.

"The WestHem mobile artillery guns are forming up as we speak. I expect they will begin firing on your positions soon. I wish I could tell you that you won't have to endure any artillery fire at all, but I can now tell you that we initiated a plan that will deal with those guns quickly and efficiently. We will neutralize the artillery threat in this battle and we will neutralize it swiftly. I cannot promise zero casualties before this neutralization takes place — after all, this is war and one cannot always predict everything when so many unknown variables are floating around — but it is my belief that we will silence those guns before they are able to compromise the integrity of most of the main line infantry and anti-tank positions.

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Teach me

                                               Please teach me       I am a 18 year old white female and my name is Rose. I stand 5' 3 and weigh 95lbs. I have small breasts but they are full and very round for my size. I have a small waist and very sexy legs and tush. This story is about sex education. I am not a virgin and l have been with 2 boys. One shot his cum on my face when l was 16 and then it was over and the other l had protected intercourse with last year and it lasted about 6...

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Minibus I stop for some nurses

Minibusby oggbashan © Copyright Oggbashan December 2002 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.****************Why was I turned on by nurses' uniforms? I had been all my adult life and now my mild fetish had got me into real trouble.Mind, the uniform had to be real. The short...

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JOKE Tricking a nun

A hippie gets onto a bus and sits next to a nun in the front seat. The hippie looks over and asks the nun if she would have sex with him. The nun, surprised by the question, politely declines and gets off at the next stop. When the bus starts again, the bus driver says to the hippie, "If you want, I can tell you how you can get that nun to have sex with you." The hippie of course says that he'd love to know, so the bus driver tells him that every Tuesday evening at midnight the nun goes to the...

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Dance With a DevilChapter 6

As I walked back to the car dealership, I found myself wondering what Leanne would say. This girl, I still hadn’t gotten her name I realized, was not Yuki. Yuki was lust personified, mainly from her Stone. She was also over eighteen, where the new girl wasn’t. I’ve never been great at judging the age of a girl, but I was guessing she was barely fourteen. I found myself hoping Leanne wouldn’t try and draw her into any kind of sexual activity. My powers may have come from the Devil, but that...

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Harry and the Lee GirlsChapter 3

Lilly, smiling and shaking her head, sat at the dining room table trying to eat her bowl of cereal. Paul, formerly known as Twitch, was slicing a banana into her bowl saying something to the effect that she couldn’t eat that cereal without sliced bananas; it just wasn’t done in America. She raised her eyebrows across the table at her sister, who giggled in response. Dolly knew that Paul let them eat plain Cornflakes, but his feelings would be hurt if he wasn’t allowed to take care of them in...

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Samson Gets Familiar Part 3 Kaylies Return

I'll never forget the day my bandages came off, staring at myself in the mirror and admiring their 42H glory. I couldn't help but be sad and remember Samson and what he would think of them. Sadly he'd never find out, having passed 5 years before my surgery. I hadn't loved another dog since that summer, not physically or emotionally. That all changed when I bought my first house this year at 36. I'm a moderately successful single woman with the terrible problem that in my small town...

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Truth Or Dare Chapter One

Corey, Fred, Gary, Lucy and Samantha are sitting in a circle on the floor in Corey’s lounge room. His parents are out for the weekend but had told Corey he was allowed a friend or two over to keep him company. Having turned 18 recently, his parents deemed him responsible enough to make good choices while they were gone. A few bottles of scotch sit in the middle of the circle with about five bottles of Coca-Cola. The members of the circle each have a cup in front of them, already looking a...

Group Sex
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The Light Behind The WorldChapter 10 Challenges

'Holy Crap' sort of said it all really. No need to bend the wisdom of Great-great grandpa Arlington to this purpose. Simple honest expletives were plenty good enough. Once that enormous sense of seeing something impossible happen eases off a bit, you only have the normal shock of having everything you understand about how the world works pulled out from under you. Dad managed pretty well I think. It only took him an hour to ask his first question. "Are there other places where you can do...

3 years ago
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Naked on Summer Vacation Slut Summer SchoolChapter 12

“I am so sorry, Miss Jenny,” I said. Jenny ran back into the bedroom. “She is a little faggot. I don’t see why it is such a big deal to make her aware of it. I said it to Jenny’s face many times when I was still in charge. My friends seemed to be turning on me. At the time, I thought they were overreacting. My mom finished tying her up in my bed and probably giving her a big pep-talk about the big-bad Blair who said mean things that were also true and why Jenny was a special little angel...

1 year ago
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College is a whole new world

When Angie came to Duke University, she was placed with a roommate that was randomly selected. Since she was moving so far away from home, she knew no one at the school, so she really had no choice but to live with a stranger. When Angie met Melissa, she was so relieved that she had a seemingly normal roommate and Angie and Melissa became friends fast. They even joined a sorority together, Alpha Theta Omicron. They had a blast their first semester, parties, sorority functions, and late night...

2 years ago
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EvilAngel Lexi Lore Pistol Whipped

Tommy Pistol is fed up with slutty, disrespectful stepdaughter Lexi Lore. Defiant, little Lexi smokes a cigarette and insults her stepdad’s attempts at verbal discipline — until he snaps. Tommy overpowers her with slapping, spitting and choking. He removes her clothes, revealing small, natural tits, and fucks her throat as she drools in oral submission. Tommy anally dominates the little tramp, fucking her asshole until it gapes. Chastised Lexi rims his hairy bunghole, gives a...

4 years ago
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Neighboring lady

This is my first post so, kindly avoid any errors of story writing. I am now 30 years of age, Yasir from Karachi. The story happened when I was 21 years of age and was studying in university. As I was the only child of my parents and belonged to a good business family so, was having quite much freedom at my home from childhood but same time my parents were too much concerned about my movements and were trying to provide more of interest creative things at home. In our neighbors there comes a...

3 years ago
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Fucking Sister Prathiba In Thirupati

Hello ISS freinds. I am vadiraj again hope u people recignize me. Those who dont know kindly read my stories vadiraj fucks elder sister prathiba and vadiraj behanchod.ok friends I will not make you bore and let you to the point means story. So here its start. As you all know how I fuck my sister prathiba in first story. Me and my sister was active in regular sex. Till that day we had lots of fun and sex. My sister prathiba is 34years old now. Wheatish colour, she have big boobs of 38dd and nice...

2 years ago
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Internal AffairsChapter 8

He still had the patrol car parked outside of the insurance agent's office at night on his mind. He should bring in all the officers, of the squad on duty at the times of the complaints. He had a feeling that since it was a morals issue that would never happen. He could get a general warning about girlfriends and sex on the job issued, but he wanted to target it a little closer. He also wanted it to come from the desk cops, if they felt the brass badge group felt it had to come out at all....

4 years ago
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Sneha 09904848894 9825358299

Hi all ISS reader sneha is back.thanks ki aap sabne muje itne sare call,sms or mms bheje.aaj me khud ye maanti hu ki mein is duniya mein akeli nahi hu mere bhi bahot saare dost he jo muje call ya sms karte hai aap sabhi dosto ka dhanyavad ki aap ne muje call ya sms kiye. Thanks one again.aaj me aap ko ek sachhi kahani batane ja rahi jo mere naukar ramu aur uski biwi ke aath ke sex ki hai ya baat karib do mahine pehle ki hai dopher ka time th me ghar par akeli thi muje ramu ko bazar bhejna tha...

2 years ago
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More Family SecretsChapter 2

While planning the trip, Dave's father and uncle had expressed their desire to 'rough it' in the most basic of camping grounds with only dry toilets. His aunt and mother, on the other hand, had never been quite as enthusiastic about the great outdoors. While they loved the outdoor activities, they insisted on the camping site with the most amenities, and Dave knew that his mother always got her way because his Dad liked having sex too much. Judging from the sounds of the previous evening,...

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The Story of Leanna Part One

As we left to go back up to our floor, I held the door for Leanna and then quickly fell in behind and followed her up the staircase, hanging back a couple of steps so her incredible butt was perfectly level with my face as we walked up. I swear that she was swinging her hips just a little more than normal because I’ve seen her walk in the halls for years. Suffice to say that was one of the best thirty-five seconds of my life, seeing her shapely ass swaying about a foot from my face. I...

3 years ago
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Niece visits

My 18 year old niece came to stay with me while she looked for an apartment. She was attending college in my area. She is of course a beautiful young lady. The first night she was there I saw her coming out of the bathroom after a shower. She had a towel on her head and that was it. It most be in our genes. She saw me also and didn't even react she just walked normally to her room. All I could do was shake my head and salivate. Her body was perfect. Everything was perfect. I watched until she...

1 year ago
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Afternoons With Mrs K Ch 3

This story continues to follow the affair between Jay, a young English naval officer, and Mrs Hazel Kellerman, a widowed neighbour of his aunt, who is in her early fifties. I’ve again written it as a split narrative; relating the tale first from Jay’s and then from Mrs K’s perspective. JAY’S STORY On the Monday I spent another rather boring day at the college trying to get to grips with the spoken Arab language. To be honest, I could hardly concentrate at all; my mind was full of the great sex...

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Best of Lesbian love

Hello to all readers of ISS, a special thanks to those who have been patient enough to send me back their response I was delighted to see my mail box with plenty of such responses and feedback. With all those encouragement here is my next sexperience. This JJ 35yrs from Chennai and this incident that I am going to narrate is of at least 10 years back when I was doing my final year MBA at Annamalai University, in Chindmbaram around 170 kms from Chennai. I was a day scholar and was staying in one...

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Ah Wanter Be Preggers

“Oh SHIT!” spluttered Melba May, “Dam monthly came agin! After Ah tried sew much to git knocked up tew.” She sat down and wept. The determined eighteen-year-old had been screwing her brains out for two months with the goal of planting a fetus in her womb. Well, her brains ain’t been where most of the action happened, but that is how the saying goes. She didn’t understand where this irresistible urge come from but a quick family history showed that for many generations out there in those...

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Sexy cousin in frock 8211 3

Hi iss readers! Hope you must have read my two stories under the name sexy cousin in frock. well I am here to narrate a true incident to you which happened with me 4 years back. I am vineet 27 yrs fair looks medium built but a good length cock and a very active for sex, those days I used to stay with my cousin brother in merrut where I was doing my studies and a part time job. the couple had 3 children of which one was of 2 years. their house was small but cozy. my cousin brother’s wife name...

2 years ago
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The Wanderer and His First SlaveChapter 7

"I like the look on your face now," she snickered. "Mindless, almost! I've always wanted to do this, you know, have a man look at me like that, like I was the only thing that mattered in the world. But I've been ugly for so many years, and I never ... Anyway, Now may I ask a few questions?" "All right." My throat was dry all of the sudden. Her right foot was naked, and her big toe was casually resting on my knee by now. "I'll ask them in increasing order of importance. Who was...

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My Fetish For Panties Ch2

Well I hoped you enjoyed my first chapter and I will try and get more sexual in the next couple chapters, but for right now I'd like to continue sharing my earlier experiances and at the same time keep it short and sweet and in this chapter! So after my initial experiance, I continued my quest to find dirty panties, usually at friend's houses, visiting relatives etc. I would like to say though that I never once took my mothers underwear, as I never had the urge to, I know from talking to other...

3 years ago
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ChristinaChapter 36

Okay, so Terri managed to completely melt our Tennessee gang at the restaurant. That's a good thing. My daughter's got a quick mind. She can be completely disarming. I know she's wrapped me around her finger a time or two. However, at Christmas time, she met her match with Tina and the two of them just sort of merged together. I think that Terri saw Tina as somebody old enough to be 'grownup' but still young enough to be fun. That was one thing. The other was that she saw Tina as...

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Watching Her Grow

Watching Her Grow by LordDaddyz This is a work of complete fiction. There is little truths to this story. If you have any comments or critiques, don’t be too harsh, it’s my first time posting anything I’ve written. As my years progress, I begin to realize a lot of things. Life is harsh, but beautiful. Soft, but unmerciful. A yin-yang thing. Good comes with the bad. Without the bad, the good can’t be as appreciated. Without the good, the bad just sucks more. So with that said, let me get to...

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One of our strict rules is outer sex only, no intercourse with our third or fourth person, though that leaves a lot of options for mutual sexual pleasure. At the appointed time on Sunday Roger is wearing just a pair of jeans that showcases his tanned torso. I am wearing a short black silk blouse which barely covers my pubic area. It has a row of buttons down the back with only the top one fastened, so when I walk my naked ass is on full view, something Roger likes very much. “You really do...

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Mums Story

Preface: Incest stories really get me horny but every time I think about MY involvement then its an absolute turn off! Here's why... I came home from a hot afternoon trying to get layed by a new girlfriend. She had let me finger fuck her until she came but was not interested in returning the favour or any other form of sex that involved me! I had come home as horny as hell and was thinking about laying on my bed and wanking off to get some relief. I slumped down in the armchair...

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SisLovesMe Jasmine Vega Assisting My Stepsis

Jasmine Vega is a hardcore smoker who needs to pass a pee test. She has no choice but to ask her pervy stepbro for help. He doesn’t mind supporting the cause, but he wants to see stepsis naked first. Boy was she hot. The next day stepbro went to check on Jasmine only to find her still smoking! Will this girl ever learn? Stepbro feels like it?s time to tell mom what’s going on at this point but stepsis disagrees and sucks his cock to keep his mouth shut. The next day Jasmine comes...

4 years ago
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Makin the Best of a Bad SituationChapter 2 Pain and Suffering

After calling my friend and setting up a meet, I had some time to kill. I sat there and thought about the recent past to see if I could come up with some explanation that would have clued me in on what was going on with my wife. From what I had seen the previous night, things were not as I had believed them to be. I had been happy and I had always looked forward to getting home to Becky after a week on the road. I normally went on the road two weeks a month. Had this thing with numb nuts...

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My Girlfriend Enjoying Stranger8217s Cock In Front Of Me In A Crowded Train

Hi everybody my name is Ajith and would love to know everybody’s opinion to the below story and orientation towards sex with strangers in strange place, mail me at .I work with an MNC, my job requires extensive travelling and on an official travel towards north India I took my girlfriend also along with me, she used to work for an IT company in Chennai, it was a long journey on our Indian railways, we had reserved seats in 2 tier ac compartment, from Chennai onwards we have been discussing...

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SisLovesMe Macy Meadows Lost Her Memory

My stepsister Macy Meadows can be a real klutz sometimes, but when she slips and bumps her head, I’m a little worried about her. She can’t seem to remember that I’m her stepbrother, so I tell her I’m her boyfriend and give her an extra intimate massage. A couple days later, I convince her to stay in with me and ride my cock until she squirts all over the floor. But when her memory finally comes back, Macy doesn’t seem to care much that she’s been fucking around with her stepbrother this whole...


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