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                                               Please teach me
     I am a 18 year old white female and my name is Rose. I stand 5' 3 and weigh 95lbs. I have small breasts but they are full and very round for my size. I have a small waist and very sexy legs and tush. This story is about sex education. I am not a virgin and l have been with 2 boys. One shot his cum on my face when l was 16 and then it was over and the other l had protected intercourse with last year and it lasted about 6 strokes and he was done. After those 2 events l decided that sex was not all it was made out to be and concentrated on my education.
     I am very attractive and l have let my hair grow down to my waist. I graduated high school with honors and l have enrolled in a provincial University for September. My education is very important to me and that is why l do not have a job. My mom and Dad are covering every thing from tuition to books to accomadation and living expenses. They were so proud of my school years and this made me proud.
     Well now that l was set up for school and l will be staying at residence l had 4 month's off doing nothing. I saw an ad in the local paper of a lady looking for a sitter for twin boys for 6 weeks. I was excited because baby sitting would give me time to read through some of my class books that we had gotten for me. The real test was to sell my dad on the concept of me working. I do like to shop also and this would give me some spending money.
     Well dad was all for it and he basically had so much faith and trust in me that he never was very strict. He liked to come across that way though and l could play dad like a fiddle. I was his pet and the youngest of 3. I have two older brothers.
     Well l phoned the ad and went the next morning to the huge house in a ritzy part of the city. Mom drove me but she stayed in the car and was there if the lady needed any reference.
     I rang the door bell and this very attractive black lady answered the door. " Good morning sweetie, you must be Rose." She reached out and shook my hand.
     I followed her to a large den and she led me to a couch. She sat in a recliner. We talked about my schooling and what my parents did for a living and about my excitement about being a freshman at University.
     She asked where l lived and l told her about the other end of the city but transportation would not be a problem. I told her that my Mom was a stay at home Mom and that Dad owned a Car dealership which she was quite familiar with.
     I told her that l have never worked before but l looked after my neice alot and she was 4.
     She really liked my enthusiasm and would like to speak with my parents first. I told her that mom was out in the car and that l could go and get her. She laughed and said that would be wonderfull.
     I jumped up really excited and went out to the car. Mom was feeling my excitement too because l was doing this on my own. Mom got out of the car and came up the walk with me and she asked " What is her name Rose "
     I stopped in my tracks and was getting ready to cry. " I don't know "
     Mom swatted my ass and said "that is ok silly l will find out". Mom always had a way of making me realize that there are never problems in this world only sollutions.
     We entered the den and my Mom reached out her hand and said " good morning my name is Kay.
     " High Kay my name is Kim "
     " Kim Chancellor "
     Mom looked at me and winked and then we all sat down.
     You have a beautifull home here.
     " Thank you , all this for just me and Mrs. C laughed .
She had such a wonderfull voice and her beauty was electric. She had such elegance and poise about her.
     " My husband was killed in a car accident about 15 years ago and l never re married. I am a 48 year old grand mother and l work alot being an attorney and all. I went back to University when Don was killed in a car accident. My daughter and l went together which was a rush. I was 37 and she was 18 like you Rose. I graduated and went to law school and my daughter graduated and never worked a day in her life. She met an investment banker and had these two wonderfull twin boys. They are 8 now and very busy.
     My daughter and her husband are going away for 6 weeks cycling through Europe. This is there first holliday since they were married and l told them that l would be glad to look after them and arrange for a qualified sitter. This is the catch. Some days l work long hours and l never will work on week ends as a matter of fact l will only be working 4 day weeks so l can spend more time with them. On the weekends l go to my cottage about an hour away so l will only need some one for 4 days a week. I would prefer some one to live in for three nights though because like l said l work long hours and l start early. Does this sound like some thing that you would be comfortable with Rose and Kay.
     My eyes were like saucers and l was ready to jump at this opportunity, but Mom was the conservative one.
     " Well Mrs Chancellor "
     Call me Kim
     " Ok Kim, I do have my reservation's because this is a huge responsibillity for Rose being her first real job and everything" " Don and l have so much faith in her and her judgement that this decision will be all left up to her"
     " Wow, Mom you are the best "
     " Mrs. C laughed and said " Just a second though , l have not offered you the job.
     " This part was the formal guide line section and now l must ask you some personal question's and l am glad that your mother is here for them "
     " Oh,.....OK"
Are you married and she laughed, no serriously, do you have a boyfriend?
     " No "
When was your last boyfriend ?
     I blushed and said 7 month's ago.
Do you like to talk on the phone?
     Yes l have a large group of friends and l guess you could say that l am popular but this is my job and l would never have any of my friends overe or speak to them at all while l am working. I will reserve my friend time to working hours only.
     " Good answer " and she laughed again.
Do you smoke or do drugs?
     I blushed again and said that l do not do drugs and l have tried smoking but did not like it. My boyfriend tried to get me to smoke but l would not be led down the wrong path with him. That is probably why we broke up was because l was responsible for my action's and he was not.
     " Ok l have had enough and l am quite satisfied. You only have two more people to be interviewed by and if they agree then l will offer you the position."
     I had a smile from ear to ear and l wanted to rush to the dealership right away and tell Dad.
     There names are curtis and scott. They are 8 and she laughed again and this time with Mom.
     The boys live in another province and that is why Mrs. C wants to spen more time with them. She then gave me a list of the rules and all the important phone numbers on this list. The rules were the basic ones and there was nothing surprising. I would arrive on Monday morning and leave by 2 on Thursday. She said my pay would be.
     I gasped. I did not even think about money and l just about said that l would do it for free.
     " $700.00
     I thought wow about 115.00 for 3 days work a week.
     Then she continued " per week ". Because of my age and the nature of my position there would be no deduction's and her accountant would be doing a direct deposit every Friday.
She looked at Me and asked if l had a blank check with me.
     I was going to say no and then Mom came to my rescue.
     Kim, We will get one to you when would all this start.
     Kim said this comming Monday but Rose would have to come over on Saturday to meet my daughter and the boys.
     " No problem Rose can drop it off to you this afternoon.
     " That would be wonderfull and at that time l can show her around this big dust bowl. She then said that the cleaning lady is here on Mondays, Wed, and Fri. and the Lawn guy is here every Monday but l think l will change that to a Friday.
We shook hands and left with a bunch of papers and forms to be filled out by my parents. I asked mom if we could go and see dad and she was not going to deny me this excitement. Dam , l was actually getting wet like when l had a boy touch me down there.
     The reason l went into all this detail was to show you all how excited l was about getting this job and how professional Mrs. C. was.
     Well we had every thing in place and Saturday came and went and the boys loved me as well as her daughter Casey.
     I could not imagine getting paid 700 dollars to look after 2 boys and spend time away from home for the first time in my life. This will get me preparred for University. My room was large and the bed was so comfortable and l had the run of the house and the pool in the back yard.
There was only one room that was locked and l was told that this was her private room and l should not go there but any where else in the house was fine.
     The first week came and went and l was having the time of my life. These boys were so well behaved and l loved spending time with them.
     By this time l was calling Mrs. C. Kim and we always had long talks at night. She always got comfortable in the evening and wore really revealing sexy night gowns that hardly covered her large boobs.
     Occasionally her friend would come over and her name was Elaine. The first time that l met her she had a smile on her face from ear to ear and she was really looking me over. It was kind of eerie and also kind of exciting. Elaine and Kim were really close friends as they were always hugging and slapping one another. They went for late night swims to gether and l would go to my room and read or watch some tv.
     Some nights l could hear faint moan's and crys comming from Kim's room down the hall. I thought she was crying from her lonliness and missing her husband. I never knew that Elaine was sleeping over and in Kim's room but l was naieve.
     Well by week 4 Kim and l got along so good that our conversation's got really personal. I could talk to her about anything including sex. I told her about my 2 times and we were like sisters.
     She asked me if l ever had an orgasm and l could not answer that because l did not know. I told her that l would get moist down there and l had little butterflie going through me when l kissed a boy.
     She told me about meeting her husband and not being very good at sex and then that all changed once he passed away. Her experience really came later on in life and now she has a private life that she will let me in on in due time.
     I did not know what she meant but l was not going to pry or ask her peronal question's.
She told me that Elaine was comming over and she wanted me to join them in the pool later. I agreed. Well a hour later Elaine and Kim had two of the skimpiest swim suits l had ever seen.
I had a one peice. We jumped oin and played with the beach ball and l was having a lot of fun. Elaine was about 25 and not much older than me and she seemed like she was a touchy feely kind of girl. She would slap my ass and wrestle me in the water and once l even thought she touched my breast on purpose.
     Kim was getting closer too and she was also being a little closer to my inner space but the strange thing is it all felt so natural and l enjoyed there affection. When l went home on weekend all l talked about to my friends was Kim and Elaine. I am sure that they were tired of hearingf about them.

     6 Weeks just flew by and here l was thinking that l was loosing my best friend. I even had a tear in my eye when the boys left the drive way to go home and there was Kim and l standing on the steps and she was really sad.
     I gave her a hug and my head came up to her shoulders. We went inside and sat on the couch and talked some more about how things are going to be different around here now with out the boys and then she stroked my hair and said " I will also really miss having you here ".
     I was getting goose bumps and did not know why. Kim said that l was welcome to come to her place anytime day or night and if l wanted to meet for lunch or dinner that would be excellent.
     I smiled and said that l would love that. Then my cell phone rang for the 10th time that day. It was Jack, my ex boyfriend. I did not answer it.
     Kim looked puzzeled and l told her he has been bothering me a lot lately and then l got bold and said he was just horney and wanted to fuck me again. He is such a rude and arrogant guy and if my dad knew he would slaughter him.
     Kim laughed and said " Here sweetie let me have your phone for a minute.
     I gave her the phone with a puzzelled look on my face.
     She dialed his number from my phone and he answered on the first ring. She introduced herself as my lawyer and told him he had better quit harrassing me or he will be sued. She then asked him to get a peice of paper and a pen. She then gave him the number to her office and said for him to phone her right back and ask for Mrs. Chancellor. He has 2 minutes to make the call and then she hung up.
     Kim handed me the phone and said that she did not think that he will be a problem in my life if l did not want him there. Then her office phone rang.
     She has a separate phone for her work. She answered it and said yes please put him through carol and thank you.
     " Mrs. Chancellor speaking " " Ok Jack that was to show you that Rose has retained my services and you should try and find another girl to seduce with you small dick and you should also get some sex education lesson's and learn how a lady needs to be treated in and out of bed. Good day sir and l trust that we will not be having this conversation again.
     She hung up and l was smilling from ear to ear and was amazed at how professional and abrupt she was.
     Kim had another idea but said that she wanted to speak to my parents first before she told me and no it has nothing to do with Jack.
     I had to leave and get home for supper, so we hugged and she gave me a kiss on the cheek and we said our good bye's. I drove home with tears running down my face and the silly thing is that l know we will be seeing each other soon.
     A few days passed and my final deposit was made to my account with a thousand dollar bonus. Dad wanted me to return it because this was more like club med than a job.
     The next day l phoned Kim up to thank her and also to question her but l got her voice mail. I left a message and thanked her a million times and tole her that l missed her and Elaine and our conversation's.
     Kim was at the cottage and when she returned she went to see dad at work. Then she went out for lunch with Mom.
     That night she phoned me and asked me over to her place for some lunch and a swim. I eagerly agreed.
     It was so good seeing Kim again and we had lunch by the pool and then we swam and played and it was like being with a long lost love. After being there for a few hours she said lets sit down, I have a proposal for you.
     I would like to hire you to help me paint and work around my cottage. This would be for about 5 weeks and you would stay there with Elaine and l. I have taken the time off work and we might even travel out to see the boys.
     I was wide eyed and l wanted to jump at the opportunity byt l had to ask my parents first though.
     " Kim said that she cleared it with them and they thought it would be a chance for me to be productive and to get some education on life. You Dad is going to give you a car to use and he thought it would be great for you to get ready for University. I also invited them out any time that they wanted to come.
     I jumped up and gave Kim a big hug and said when.
     She held me close and leaned back and said we will be leaving in 2 days and l could follow her and Elaine out there.
     I went home to pack and Kim said that all l needed was a swimming suit and grubby clothes.
     When l got home l ran into the house and there was mom with a big smile on her face and said that employment is following me around. The luck of having picked up the newspaper when l did.
     The next two days took forever to arrive and then l was up at 6 a.m. to make sure l was at Kim's for 9. Dad had brought home a loaner for me to use and his credit card. What a sweet heart. I packed up the car and said my good bye's. Mom made sure l had my charger with me for my phone. I had spent the last couple of days doing some shopping and l even got a real skimpy bikini which l did not show my parents for obvious reason's. I wore a t shirt and shorts and l was off.
     I stopped at a gas station and went into the wash room and changed my t shirt and shorts to a skimpy and revealing halter top and very short and tight shorts. I don't understand why but l think l wanted to look and feel like Kim and Elaine do all the time.
     When l got to Kim's they were outside loading up Kim's van. She had so much stuff in it and there was also some kind of exercise equipment in the back of it. Kim and Elaine whistled in Unison when l got out of the car and Elaine said " It is a good thing that she was not a guy because she would for sure try and hit on me "
      Kim said " why would gender stop you " and we all laughed.
     Elaine said that l hopew l don't mind but she will hop in my car because the Van is full and she knows where we are going incase l got lost. I did not mind at all.
     Well we were on our way and this is the first trip l have ever taken with out music. Elaine and l talked the whole trip. She knew about Jack and the kind of unselfish lover he was and still is. She also spoke of her first real orgasm and how it sent her to another planet.
     I asked her question's and was really curious about sex and what the big deal was with it.
She laughed and said " Sweetie, l think that going to this cottage for a month with her and Kim will be very educational and l don't mean just for painting a cottage " Then she reached over and softly patted my leg.
     I had goose bumps and could not understand why.
     We finally arrived and Kim was behind us. I was amazed at this cottage on the lake and there was no one or building around for miles. It was secluded on a lake behind a forrest of trees. There was a swimming pool with gorgeous furniture. Inside the cabin was an open concept. It had a sunken living room and on the second level was two  rooms over looking the whole cottage. We unpacked the vehicles and put this peice of exercise equipment on the patio. They loked after that and they also kept it covered up.
     We were going to bar-b-q, but first we had to change and have showers. Elaine and l stayed in the living room drinking some beer and Elaine went first. She went into her bed room and changeds and left the door open. From where l was sitting l could not but help to look up and see her totally naked and with a firm body that men die for. She exited the bedroom and went to the shower and did not cover up.
     " OK cheeky, you are embarrassing our guest "
 Around here at the cabin you will soon notice that clothes are optional, but if that bothers you just let me know and l will speak to her about being a little more discreet.
     " I said no it doesn't bother me and if my body was full and firm as that l would want to flaunt it" " So when do we start painting and fixing"
     Elaine laughed and said " My little Rose is trying to change the subject " " We will start on Monday but for the next couple of days it is unwinding time and fun fun fun.
     We all changed and had our showers and then it was time for dinner in our swim suits. I came down in my bikini and they both just stood there and were amazed.
     How can such a beautifull creature like you not know the true meaning of seduction.
     If you would allow me l would show your body what attention is all about Kim said and Elaine said that goes for me too. We all laughed again but l was a little shy at first.

We took our drinks out to the pool side and talked and drank for hours. I was not used to this drinking and they were laughing about some of there sexual exploits. The good ones and the bad ones and l was amazed at there stories.
     I got up to go use the bathroom and fell back into my chair. Kim came to my rescue and helped me inside. She took my bikini bottoms off and l sat on the toilet. I think l pee'ed for what seemed like a gallon. Then when l was finished Kim helped me up and that is when it hit me. I was going to be sick. She helped me to vomit in the toilet and l stayed there on the floor for quite a long while hugging the toilet bowl. Kim had left me alone and she returned with Elaine and they helped me take off my top of my bikini. I was apologizing in my slurred speech and they both laughed and said that l needed a cold shower and some sleep.
     Both of them got naked and helped me into the shower but l had no senses. I just knew the water was fucking cold and l was really drunk. The next thing l knew was waking up in bed and l heard some one weeping and moaning. My head really hurt and l crawled to the bathroom to pee.
     The moans were quite loud and l did not understand but l also had my own dilemma. Unstable leg, a hurting head, and trying to move around in the dark in a cabin that l was not familiar with.
     I did make it back to bed and the next thing l knew l was waking up to the smell of coffee and bacon cooking. I was naked and l was trying to regain my senses to understand what had just taken place in the last 12 hours. In walked Elaine totally naked and a coffee and some orange juice with aspirin.
     " Here sugar take some of these and a good cup of coffee and a shower and you will feel like a million dollars. I covered myself up and said " Thank you " " I hope l was not any problem last night "
     Not at all she said.
     Now have a shower and meet us down stairs. As she turned she said " But you did say that you wanted another real live penus, but we might have an alternative for you " and she winked and left.
     I showered and went to my room to get dressed. I was confused as to what to put on and l glanced down stairs and they were both walking around naked. " What the hell " I thought and went down stairs naked too.
     " Good afternoon precious said Kim and she came over and hugged me and kissed my fore head."
     We had breakfast and talked and laughed and they were telling me stories about my singing to the toilet bowl and wanting a penus in the worst way.
     " Girl " says Kim. " You have got to unwind and let us teach you the joys of life"
     " I thought l was unwinding " l laughed, " You mean to say that sex is not puking "
They both split some ribs laughing and then led me to the pool and pushed me in. I jumped out of this shock and chased down Elaine and wrestled her into the water. We were rolling around and splashing and then we teamed up and got Kim into the water.
     After playing around for a while l said that l needed to lay down for a little nap to get rid of this head ache. Kim gave me a couple of aspirins and told me to go to her bed because it would be way more comfortable and the late evening sun does not go in that window.
     I awoke and it was dark outside. Night had fallen on us. I was in Kim's arms and she was stroking my side. Elaine was on the other side doing the same thing. Kim looked me in the eye and in a very soft and serious voice she sent a shock to my senses.
     " Honey, Elaine and l are going to give you some thing that you have never had before "
" This is going to be your first orgasm " "
     I tensed up a little and was kind of scared.
     " Precious if you want us to stop we will but l think you owe it to yourself to at least see what an orgasm is all about. "
     " Do you trust me honey "
I looked into her beautifull black face and nodded
     " Ok l will explain everything to you and Elain will be the demonstrator. There are many sexy and vulnerable places on a female that feels really good to the touch."
     " Our bodies are like roses. If you crush them they will not bloom and and if you softly stroke them and care for they they will respond."
As kim was softly talking to me l felt Elaine shift and start to stroke my fore head and softly kiss my eyes. Little tingles were starting to run through me. I was starting to shiver like l was cold but l wasn't.
     Kim said " Kissing is a very big part of love making "
     E$laine lowered her lips to mine and slowly l opened to receive her and this was the most romantic kiss that l have ever received. I wanted to do this over and over again and as sahe was kissing me l felt Kim stroking my nipples. L let out a soft moan and l could feel myself getting wet. This was different though because l have never been that wet down there.
     She went on to explain how the nipples are real sensitive and now Elaine was softly kissing and sucking each nipple. Elaine craddled my head and said that she will just let the nerve endings do all the talking. We both watched Elaine enjoy my breasts and her hands were stroking my legs now. She spread them apart and crawled between them and continued to suck and lick my nipples.
     I closed my eyes and was moaning with pleasure. I then whispered to Kim, " My god this feels good and l think l have to pee, or something, YYyyees l have never felt this before, my god"
     " No you don't have to pee and l want you to release what ever you are feeling "
I was shaking and Elaine left my nipples and was working her way down my belley and my breathing was very eratic and l started to tense up.
     " Ohhhhh gggoooodd what is happening "
     " Don't fight it just let it go " And then Kim leaned over and kissed me for a long time. I was moaning into her mouth and now Elaine was licking my inner theigh's and l let go a lot of pee l thought and l shook and moaned into Kim's mouth.
"mmmmmmmmmmeeeeee" Now her lips were licking my pussey and lstarted to convulse. I shook and screamed and l did not want this to stop and by god it didn't stop and Elaine was licking my pussey lips and then back to my clit and l had another strong orgasm.
     " YYYYyyyeeeesssssss moooorrree please mummy" As l broke away from the kiss and now she inserted two fingers into my pussey and rubbed on this hard button and l shot liquid out of me and l shook and shook and shook and wanted more and more and l was screaming and tears were running down the side of my cheeks and then Elaine started to work her way back and in unison Kim worked her way down my chest and belley and to my pussey. Elaine leaned over to give my trembling lips a deep kiss and l now started to feel what Kim was doing.
     " Oh my Fucking God was all l could say and my body tensed and l shook again and this time seemed stronger than the first. Elaine straddled my chest and l had my eyes closed and l was screaming and whinning and crying. I knew what the noises were now and that was Elaine get eaten by Kim.
     Elaine slowly moved her pussey up and over my mouth and when l opened my eyes l could smell her sweet pussey. I stuck my tounge out and l sloppily started to eat her to a mini orgasm.
I hads a hard time doing this as l was convulsing and shaking too much but l liked the taste of pussey.
     Kim came up and cuddled me and Elaine took her place beside me and l was trying to calm down and think about what just happened.
     Kim Spoke " That my dear is what an orgasm is and a woman has many. After all mother nature was a woman.

If you want to read more about this educational experience please respond to this one. I look forward to hearing your comments.
Next story is about further education at the cottage.

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My name is Joanna; I’m twenty five years old, five feet six inches tall, with long dark hair, hazel/blue eyes, slim build with 34 B cup and run an accountancy business. It had been a long hard day, up early, a two hour drive to South Wales, then stuck in an office trawling over a client’s accounts with nothing to distract me but eventually I finished and as I reached upwards to stretch my tired body, realised there was a decision to be made. Should I get back in my car and make the two hour...

3 years ago
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Charlies Law

It was one of those gigs where the music went straight from my eyes to my fingers with almost no intervention from my brain. Simple classical pieces and the occasional bit of mild, inoffensive jazz - nothing to capture the imagination, at least for the performer. To the elegantly dressed punters at the Paragon Club, SW1, it was merely a pleasant background tinkling sound to accompany their evenings. The piano I was playing looked fabulously expensive, and in a sense it was. It was the body of...

4 years ago
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The Letter

Just a note.... For any first time reader of my stories from across the pond: In the UK the ground floor of a house is the first in the USA, the first floor here is the US second floor etc., and tights are US pantyhose. THE LETTER Donald Hardwick arrived in his office at eight twenty five that morning, a little earlier than his usual time of nine as he knew he would be having a busy day. His secretary Claudia Jones, with her usual efficiency, had anticipated this and had...

4 years ago
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Sighs MatterChapter 3 Bukkake in Bosnia

She remembered, not doubt, the event a few years ago, whilst doing research on sectarian struggles in the Caucasus, a large gang of hoodlums had captured us in the midst of a photo session in one rather large old ruin. Brandishing both Soviet and US made weapons, we tried running but an ageing photographer and a woman wearing four-inch heels were no match for them. Both Tess and I have an aversion to firearms, and rather than attempt a Rambo-like escape, we held up our hands in surrender....

2 years ago
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Hucow daily life

Amanda turned another corner sharply. The downtown sidewalks were jammed with the usual lunchtime crowd of suits and casual tourists, waiting in line at hot dog stands and enjoying the spring weather. She pushed her way through as quickly as she could, mouth set firmly in a tight frown and eyes fixed down the street on her destination. Come on, come on... she thought, weaving past a woman walking a dog very slowly and squeezing through a group posing for a picture. As Amanda came to a reluctant...

2 years ago
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vacation fun for wife and me

We got packed and flew to a big city on the west coast this time and figured we would do the same stuff that we always did. Check into our hotel put on some nice stuff under our cloths and go and find some nice places to take some kinky pictures around town. We checked into our room and we could not wait to dress and go check out the city. My wife brought along her strap-on cock like always and she was dressed in a garter belt, nylons, open cup bra and no panties she also put on a nice top and...

3 years ago
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The House Warming Party Part 2

Grandma slowly began to rub my pussy. I felt the wetness on my pussy as her hand slowly massaged my pussy lips. I was unable to control myself and leaned on the railings on my elbows. I felt my legs go weak as she continued on kissing me and teasing my pussy at the same time. Suddenly, I got tensed as I saw someone standing behind grandma, looking at us. Seeing my shock, grandma turned her head and looked back. I quickly pushed grandma’s hand away and pulled up my shorts. Grandma turned around...

1 year ago
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Part 10

Recital and Sanctuary Extracurricular activities were now freely accepted. I had shown Mom the pictures, letting her in on a secret, and I had proved worthy of her trust. I was justly rewarded. I came home most days to a quick blowjob before Dad got home. On the weekends, Mom let me get her outside and allowed me to lead her around the side for a blowjob in front of the trellis, sometimes twice a day. Perhaps Mom was so generous because real piano practice was now being taken more seriously as...

3 years ago
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E055 The Thirtieth Pearl

At the spa, after having her manicure and pedicure, Emma is still a bit aroused from Donald’s massage and thinking about seeing Sasha again and wonder what will happen today.  She is so disappointed when there is a different woman there to trim and wax her today.She adjusts to this disappointment realizing it is just some of the punishment from last week and Donald must have arranged the change.  It is probably for the best.This woman is so businesslike and to the point. There are no warm...

Love Stories
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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn which Our Hero is Stymied by the Scientific Establishment

July 10th, 1885 Stillwater, The United Kingdom I came into the Temple of Geshtianna with Virginia to my left side and ‘Magnus’ to my right, Sally and Gillian taking up the rear. I dragged behind me the statue of the cult’s goddess, covered with a tarp to prevent anyone from noticing both the bared breasts (not exactly appropriate for dragging through a village’s streets) and the magickal effect that caused all to view the statue to become entranced by it. I had to admit the tarp was...

3 years ago
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Biwi Ko Chudai Ka Nasha

Dosto mera naam dharmesh khan hain aur main Bihar ka rane wala hoon.Meri umra 32 saal hain aur meri wife Shubhra khan ki 30 saal. Uski gand mast gol matol hain figure 36 34 38 hain.Hamari shadi ko 8 saal ho gayein hain aur hamari koi santaan nahi hain. Hamne decide kiya tha ki bachche hum 35yr ke baad karenge. because hum life ka asli maja lena chahte thei. Meri biwi ko chudai bahut pasand hain. Use to roj sex chahiye. Nasima ki adat hain ki raat hote he jab hum kha pi ke nipat jate hain toh...

2 years ago
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SWMS Redux Sugar and VinegarChapter 11

I awoke the next morning, to find Rachel on top of me, nude, with my cock buried deep inside her hot, wet, tight pussy. She stared into my eyes as I opened them. “Good morning lover.” She cooed at me. “Rachel? What the fuck is going on?” I asked, alarmed that I was inside her. “Insan asked me to keep you hard while the girls ate. He’s got the devices ready, but he wanted you to be awake before he put yours on you.” She whispered. “Well mission accomplished on that.” I laughed. She...

1 year ago
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Mr E Scaled Back

Disclaimer: This story is intended for mature audiences. If you are under the appropriate age to view such material in your area, or are offended by stories containing sexual content, then please reframe from reading this submission. Note from author: I had intended to finish this story much sooner, but my editors had a mild disagreement about its content. Khepri94447, who edited my last piece, felt that I went overboard in creating my main character. She suggested that a more scaled back...

3 years ago
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RetreadsChapter 29

I fought down the rational, fatherly advice about "growing up too fast" and considered her question carefully. All of them were as old as we were mentally. It had to be almost like torture for them. I tried to imagine what it would have been like for me if I had returned to age one instead of eleven and was horrified at the very idea. However, there were other things to consider. Her smile dissapeared when my reply was "I'm sorry babe, but we can't." She climbed up in my lap and...

3 years ago
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Finally MeetPart 2

Sara felt like she was in a dream. Not only did she finally meet the man that made her world brighter, he kissed her. It was the perfect first kiss: soft, light, and oh-so-sexy! She felt a tingle that went from her lips, to the top of her head, to the tips of her toes!! She had kissed a few men in her time, but none made her feel like that. Sara drove around and saw the sights of San Fransisco. She could see why Mike loved living there, it was amazing! She found a mall where she made a...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Firefly the Trigger

After the bar fight in the BDM (Big Damn Movie. i.e. "Serenity"), Mal tells Simon "You had a gorram time bomb living with us! Who we gonna find in there when she wakes up? The girl? Or the weapon?" Well, what if the doctors at the lab had inserted more than one trigger in River, each designed to ser off a different program? And if one was an empathy program that could, as always happens, pop into existence at the wrong time. A spaceship in flight is never completely quiet. No matter how...

3 years ago
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Mother and Daughter part 8

"Miracles do happen, then?" Janet asked, making Ellie roll her eyes as she walked into the kitchen, her fluffy pink dressing gown wrapped around her to shield her from the morning autumn air. "So I'm excited about today," Ellie shrugged. "Sue me. And besides, it's not like I shouldn't be eager to get back to college- it's not like my summer holidays have been anything to write home about." "That's true," Janet said quietly as she gave Ellie her morning cup of coffee. The teenaged...

4 years ago
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Hes 25 and Im 42

How we met was unimportant. I was a much neglected wife and mother, he was younger by almost 20 years. I wanted a younger man, he liked older women. The connection formed from there. That he lived half-way around the world from me was also unimportant. I found a way to be with Brian, if only for a few days. We knew there could be nothing permanent. We had agreed that the hours we were together had to count. It may sound overly romantic, but the memories would be the balm to soothe the sting of...

2 years ago
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Southern Style

Southern Style by Ashley Michaels Prologue: (Ashley's Story) My wife and I have been living in a small city in the Northwest for several years. I told her of my cross dressing soon after we married and rather than be shocked by it, she made every effort to encourage me in my dressing. She took me from a very rudimentary phase of dressing to the lifestyle I now enjoy. When I first revealed my cross dressing to her I had only experimented with items such as bras and panties....

1 year ago
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My best friends Girlfriend

. The story starts with my best friend and his girl. My best friend who we’ll call Josh and his girlfriend who we’ll call Lola are also both music students. My name is Alex. I’m a 19 year old Music student from the U.K. This is the story of a passionate love affair which started last year and has been going ever since. The story starts with my best friend and his girl. My best friend who we’ll call Josh and his girlfriend who we’ll call Lola are also both music students. Picturing the...

2 years ago
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The Duncan Family Part One

I’m Kayla, I’m 16, 5’3, 48C cup breast, long brown hair, with a fine tanned small-hourglass figure, then there’s my twin brother, Shawn, 5’8, scrawny looking but extremely sexy, with short black hair, finally there’s our older sister, Kyra, 17, long black hair, 5’6, body of a goddess, and the favorite of our parents. Most people only know me because of Kyra’s and Shawn’s outstanding popularity. Our dad name is John, he’s 6’2, short black hair, fully muscled up, goes to the GYM every day after...

4 years ago
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Caught by All Part 1

Caught by All Part 1 By Kathi B. Johnson Joseph awoke early on this sunny Saturday. His mother was out of town on business until the following Tuesday, so he had the house all to himself. This was the final weekend before he started his sophomore year of high school. He planned on spending an entire weekend dressed in his feminine best. He was a cross-dresser. Slowly rising from his bed, he quickly went to take a shower. After washing and shaving his body completely, he exited...

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Three Square MealsChapter 100 In War There Are No Winners Only Survivors

The Invictus lifted off the landing pad on Sequathis’ upper platform, retro-thrusters blazing bright orange amidst the blue glow from Brimor’s sun. Alyssa banked the sleek battlecruiser around, departing on their initial approach vector, rather than just pointing the nose skyward and blasting them into orbit. The reason for her careful manoeuvre was not in deference to Brimorian port speeds, but simply because they had a rendezvous to keep, with a certain black stealth shuttle lurking in a...

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A FRENCH VILLAGE (A TALE OF WAR) PART 7 AND LASTNote: This last part of my story is not a history of the fall of Vichy. It was liberated by the Resistance one week after Paris (end of August 1944). This last part will follow certain key characters a month of so before the fall of the city. It’s a story about the relationships of women who love women, and men who love men. Sex continued to happen until the end, but the fate of the characters will remain a mystery....

4 years ago
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She Was Mine 8211 Part 1

Hello ISS user, this is my first story that i have attempted. Hope it is good enough to guide your hands on sex. Girls! rub or grind your pussies, that’s your choice. please! make my emails flooded with your feedback and suggestions () Cool breeze after a scorching daylight, gave me a chill of satisfaction on my manhood. well, it was tired of its regular mechanic to release its sticky, salty antidote. even in the dusk, i could see her nudity gleaming in the bed. every time i stare at her...

2 years ago
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Birthday Surprise Wife 3 Other Asian Girls re

This is a repost of a great story that was deleted by another xhamster member. hope you guys enjoy it. I most certainly did.Another birthday. Mid-30s birthdays are no big deal. When my wife told me to meet her at the generic restaurant off the highway next to all the hotels for a special birthday dinner, I figured it was about par for the course. I suspected she had a coupon. I met her at 7 p.m. as she told me to. She was already waiting for me, wearing her work clothes, navy skirt, black...

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The Restaurant

I have been talking to my friend Edward for the past few months. We have been having cyber sex online for awhile now. We have had some very hot and exciting conversations. We have traded pictures back and forth, and have decided that we will finally meet. We plan to meet at a Japanese restaurant. I am very excited, and want to look my best. I decide to wear a red dress. The dress is very tight and accentuates my curves. I am wearing red pumps to match my dress. We have agreed to meet at the...

Straight Sex
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My Little VentrueChapter 150

~~Jack~~ He took a deep, useless breath, then another, and another, before pressing the elevator button. Up to the top floor. Up to Antoinette. He stepped off the elevator and stared at the big door that opened to Antoinette’s enormous main office. What to say? How to come at the conversation? What angle, what trick, what stance? He’d walked through a thousand different possibilities in his head, a thousand different ways the conversation might go, and he knew he wasn’t a tenth as prepared...

3 years ago
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Warm Sex With Lakshmi

Hi, guys. It’s me Arun, it’s been quite a while I wrote to you all. But in the meantime I thank you all for the incessant mails and replies you eagerly wanted for the “school tour’ series. I will very soon put pen to paper on that matter. But for now I bring to you a series of small encounters with my friends, colleagues and neighbors. And as always I would love to begin share my experience with Lakshmi. Lakshmi is a voluptuous girl, all of 30, tall and fair skinned Brahmin. She has just...

2 years ago
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FredChapter 3

Fred came into our lives screaming, half-naked, strapped to a gurney, and escorted by two cops and two EMTs. Pregnant. Craig, the Emergency Department doc on duty, told Sarah she was high, too. “Pregnant and stoned,” were his exact words, Sarah said. Bruised and with a cut lip. Her lab tests showed two STDs. Turns out she was more than a little bit pregnant. She was three months along. Sarah by then was six months into her second pregnancy. I wasn’t there. I was home with Susie and her...

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Doctor visit part 2

I had avoided going to the doctor for months after what happened at my place. I fell sick again and could not afford staying home so got my courage together and went to her cabinet. The thought that something might happen again, led to wild daydreaming on my way to the doctor. I walked in with a slight boner. There were three people in the waiting room and I quickly sat down and picked up a magazine. 10min later she popped into the waiting room, our eyes crossed but she quickly looked away....

1 year ago
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My First Step into BDSM Sex with a Beautiful London Escort Girl

I had never thought about BDSM as a sexual act that would appeal to me. So, I never even thought about trying it. But the first step into BDSM sex, for me was with someone so sensuous and beautiful, that I enjoyed it thoroughly. The work week was rough and I wanted sex. I was single and wasn’t currently dating anyone, but I had the need. So, I looked up escorts and made a booking for Friday night. I met her in my hotel room. She had knocked softly on the door and when I opened it, wow! There...

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Adhi Neend Me Fayda Uthaya

Iss kahani me hui ghatnayen kalpanik katha hai aur inka vastav me hui ghantnao se koi taluk nahi aur yadi aisa hua to wo mehaz bas ek ittefaq hai Story starts with….. Boy’s name changed to… Radha . Girl’s name changed to. Meena . Radha renna k ghar chala jata hai Wo Radha ko ghar bulati hai milne 1 din k liye . Radha jata hai fir Radha aur wo bed k do alag alag corner pe baith jate hai . Radha uss se dur hine ki koshish karta hai . Radha bahut seedha saada gay hai usko ladkio me interest nahi...

1 year ago
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Target Poora Karne Ke Bahane

Hi, mera naam Aparna hai. Mein ISS ko har roj padhne lagi hu kuch din pehle he mujhe is site ke bare mein pata chala tha. Mein pehle apne baaare mein bata du mein delhi ki rehne wali hu meri umar 23 saal hai body ko maintain kia hua hai mera size 34 -28 – 32 hai meri height 5 feet 10 hai mere lips mote hai jo kaafi sexy lagte hai meri skin white se ek tone kum hai. Mera ek boyfriend tha use mera breakup ho gya tha to uske baad mene apna beauty products bechne ka kaam shuru kar dia mene apni...

2 years ago
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A Good ManChapter 26 Shoulders to Cry on

Clarissa was right. By the time I got to school when it re-opened in the New Year, word of our break-up had spread and I could feel all eyes on me. Clarissa and I had been the school’s golden couple and the younger kids in the school had held up our seemingly perfect relationship as something to aspire to. Not anymore. The first person to actually speak to me rather than just look on with sympathy was Lily. “I was sorry to hear about you and Clarissa. I thought you made a good...

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Me Manu Tarak Madhu And FatherInLaw 8211 Part 2

By this time my FIL and Tarak were fucking Manu like porn stars. Manu was hissing, “Please papa, Tarak, fill me with your juices! Make me happy. I want to feel your hot sperm inside me.” Her father grunted, “Yes beti I am going to cum in your hungry cunt whore.” Manu was buckling between Tarak and her father. The three of them came simultaneously one after another.Exhausted, they remained in the same position for some time. Patiently I strolled back to my room. I downloaded the recording from...

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Hello. Allow us to tell you the story of how we met, D’aunne and I. A story so fanciful that one would think it impossible. But rest assured, it is quite a reality. It begins and ends in Rome, upon a star-filled night, within the walls of the House of Nicolae… I came upon her in the moonlight, three stories up, overlooking the illumination that is the city. The balcony was wide and statued, and standing as she was, she fit well into the surroundings, as the only clue to her mortality was her...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 15 Isekai Life Snake Dissection

From there it was easy to find the site of the temple dedicated to Yphion. It was the huge, burnt-out husk right next to the Islingquet, was a pair of morose-looking acolytes picking through the wreckage. Our quartet was just one of several lookie-loos peering over the husk of the temple, but a pair of city guards were on hand to prevent people from swarming the site. “The two guards are men, I’ll handle this,” Katriana said, and drifted away from the party, “Why don’t you look for what...

1 year ago
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Massage ka mazza

Thanks a lot to all iss readers for the gr8 response to my incident which i wrote last time ahmedabad mein massage service. But got one request do not response in the way to other stories as i am writing my experiences. This is also gr8 to learn that many ladies in ahmedabad do visit this website and had responded me for the same and requesting for the massage, infact i got my first customer on last friday itself. And today i am going to tell about the same. Let me first tell you again about me...

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Bite MeChapter 7

“I wouldn’t think that you wanted to be with someone as ... aggressive as me, given how Jerry was,” I commented while pounding the fuck out of Natasha in the missionary position. “There’s aggressive ... and abusive, bro. You know how abusive is ... God knows that we were that way to you at times and so was Mom, too! You ... you’re just what the doctor ordered, what we’ve both craved and didn’t know it. Besides, we really need to atone, too, for being such bitches to you. Just like Mom, we...

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Private Stacy Bloom Boom

Today for her first time at private.com is Stacy Bloom, an incredibly sexy brunette with amazing natural tits who has come to Private Specials, He is Twice my Age for an unforgettable debut with Clarke Kent. After sunbathing by the pool it’s time to head straight to the bedroom for Stacy’s beautiful pussy and ass to be eaten before returning the favour with a sloppy blowjob and an amazing titfuck. Then enjoy the sight of those spectacular tits bouncing in action as Stacy enjoys a hard anal...

1 year ago
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Taking public transportation Part 1

Back when I had no car but had to travel and take two seperate buses to and from work. Now I am the type of person who does not like to be around people I dont know but when you live in a small town to travel to the city by bus you get used to seeing the same people over and over.One day it was not crowded as I was taking the bus home so I sat in the back to have room to relax and check out any of the girls I normally see. Unfortunately noone special showed up but from where I was sitting I did...

3 years ago
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Her First Threesome

"I've made up my mind", you tell me. "It's Rhett "   "You're sure? " I ask   "Yes, I'm sure.  Rhett will be the one" .   "OK, best you make the phone call then and give him the news.  Set it up for this Saturday  evening.  I'm pretty sure he's going to arrange to be free"     So you make the call to Rhett, letting him know that he is invited to join us for our first ever  threesome.  We've talked about it for a while now, and recently placed a contact ad looking ...

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Bird and the Blonde

Women interested in learning more about submission please see my ad here: ------------------ Bird and the Blonde Bird was hungry and his feet hurt. His feet always hurt on Saturdays and Sundays, when he worked the register at the local big-box store. He hated the job, hated that he never had time to just hang out all weekend like his friends at college, hated that he needed even the pitiful income that he made there just to stay in school. But he especially hated standing all day on his...

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Episode 48 8211 An Unexpected Partner

Author: XXXAuthor Sowmya was still feeling very horny. She had been shooting her first modeling assignment with the campaign team of the pleasurexx condoms. And the first half of the first day of her modeling experience had turned out better than what she had expected. But after that, she had been craving for more. Joe, her co-star had made her experience a wonderful orgasm. But then it was all ruined by Louise, the director, who left Sowmya craving for more when she announced the lunch...

1 year ago
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WeFuckBlackGirls Cecilia Lion Second Appearance

Hot young Cecilia has been watching her white surfer neighbor for a while now. He always comes back from the beach and washes the sand off his wetsuit outside in the shared area. Today while carrying out the trash she catches him in the act and finds out surfers wear nothing under their wetsuits. She was shocked to see the long board he was packing and could not help herself in touching it as she introduced herself. Obviously this girl is down to fuck the awkward surfer surmised quickly. Within...

3 years ago
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A Simple Love

Wrote this story in my free time. Romance stories don’t really get a fare vote, so I’m hoping this one will L.A. Wicker, *. Dave casually strolled across campus, thinking of the first big party of the new semester and hoped there’d be some hot looking freshmen girls’. That’s when he saw one of the most beautiful girls’ he’d ever seen in his life struggling to pick up some books that she’d dropped. The short skirt she had on highlighted her long seductive legs and very firm behind, Dave knew...

2 years ago
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My Brother Made Me A Model 8211 Part 4

I was very much exhausted after Nerio deflowered me, Gemma carried me to my room as I couldn’t walk properly. I brother came to know about everything from Gemma. He helped me to my bed and stayed the night in my room to help me. Nerio gave me a day off as he knew I wasn’t able to walk properly. My brother started to stay in my room itself. We became more open to each other and roamed around the room in my bra and panty. We used to kiss good bye kisses, which were more on the lips than on the...

1 year ago
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Cousin Bhai Ke Sath Chudai

Hi, Friends. Thanks for all your reply aur comment. Mujhe ye jankar bohut khushi hui ki aap logo ko meri ye story itni achhi lagi. Please ek request hai, don’t ask for my number. Main kisi se number share nahi karti aur na hi interested hun in meeting or sex with the reader. Main Nafeesa hu. Main 25 saal ki hu. Mera figure 34-28-34 hai. Main fair hu aur slim bhi. Koi bhi ladka agar ek baar dekh le to tabhi hi uska lund khada ho jayega. Mujhe ladko ko tease kare mein bohut maza aata hai. Main...

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