Stargate - Legacy's Side Effect free porn video

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Cast Colonel Jack O'Neill Richard Dean Anderson Doctor Daniel Jackson Michael Shanks Major Samantha Carter Amanda Tapping Doctor Janet Fraiser Teryl Rothery Teal'c Christopher Judge General Hammond Don S. Davis Doctor Mackenzie "Legacy" Episode Synopsis

Episode starts with SG-1 exploring a creepy planet. Daniel notes that the hallway is of an advanced design but that it has been stripped and deserted. They come to a sealed door and Teal'c informs his teammates that it is of an ancient Goa'uld design. He then finds a way to open the door.

Inside they find nine dead, decaying corpses. Carter stoops down next to one and notices a Goa'uld entry mark on the person's neck, so they can safely assume the bodies were once Goa'uld hosts.

Teal'c identifies a crest on a nearby table as belonging to the Linveress, a 'minor league' of Goa'ulds who challenge the System Lords.

Daniel finds one of those Goa'uld tablet-thingies that change wording when you wave a controller (Page Turning Device) in front of it. Anyway, he waves the PTD in front of the tablet but nothing happens. He does, however, report feeling something brush past him.

"OK," O'Neil says. "That's it. Lets head home. We'll leave the corpses to the medical containment unit."

Next we see Daniel coming out of the shower. He looks up, alarmed, as he hears someone call his name. He looks all around the room but there's nobody there. Leaving the shower room he notices Major Samantha Carter approaching.

Though you couldn't make it out under all of her military wear, Samantha Carter is a strikingly beautiful woman. Her blonde hair and blue eyes just adds to her sexual beauty. Being a career officer, she is in great physical shape. With hardly any excess body fat, she has sensual curves to her body, and fantastic tits that would make any man water for them.

"Did you just call me, just now?" He asked her.

"No, wasn't me" she responds. "Daniel, are you okay?"

"Oh yeah," he answers, slightly confused. "Yeah sure."

Doctor Fraiser, the beautiful petite brunette head of the medical staff for the SG-Teams, announces after her examination that the Goa'uld were dead before the hosts were. Unfortunately she can't examine the Goa'uld corpses because there are no dead bodies to examine.

"They rapidly decay and are absorbed by the host," Doctor Fraiser explains. "Each dead Goa'uld leaves behind a protein marker inside the host when a Goa'uld dies. This protein marker records that the person was once a host, such as the marker left inside Major Carter from the Touk'ra Jolinar."

The briefing continues with various speculations as to who might have killed these Goa'ulds. O'Neil suggests the Ritu, Teal'c suggests the System Lords. General Hammond instructs Doctor Jackson to keep trying to translate the tablet.

During the debriefing, however, Daniel Jackson has been on edge and is particularly interested in the Stargate that's dialing up. After the meeting he rushes to the window as the Stargate engages and sees the members of SG-7. And what he sees is the returning team looking exactly like the corpses that they found on the planet. He glances at Jack to see no reaction from him, and when he looks again everyone is completely normal.

Cut to Daniel inside his room attempting to translate the tablet. He refines one of his translations from 'attack' to 'enter by infiltration'. While he concentrates on his work he suddenly hears the Stargate dialing, but the sound is coming from inside his closet. He cautiously approaches it and opens the doors. He is confronted with a Gate horizon inside it. Confused by this, he reaches into the horizon, only to be grabbed by the same corpse he's been seeing everywhere.

Daniel blacks out and wakes up in the infirmary with Colonel Jack O'Neil peering down at him.

"Hi," Jack asks. "So, you want to tell me what happened?"

"Do you believe in ghosts, Jack?" Daniel asks.

"No," Jack responds. "Can't say that I do."

"Neither do I," Daniel replies. "So there has to be a logical reason behind this."

Daniel hesitantly tells Jack what he saw in his closet. Not surprisingly, Jack doesn't buy it, and from the looks on his face, neither does Daniel.

The SG-1 team, minus Daniel discusses this situation. Doctor Fraiser and Doctor Mackenzie are running some tests as to the possible side effects of Gate travel. Doctor Mackenzie points out that Colonel O'Neil has been suffering from headaches lately.

"That's besides the point," Jack responds. "Besides, lots of people suffer from headaches."

Worried that gating is hazardous to his peoples mental health, General Hammond recalls all off-world teams. He also orders all SG-Teams to stand-down until they can figure out what's going on.

"It is possible that Doctor Jackson is suffering from schizophrenia," Doctor Mackenzie announces. "The symptoms that he is displaying match all too well."

"While the mental condition doesn't run in Daniel's family," Doctor Fraiser adds. "It is possible it can be brought on by stressful environment. Can anyone here say that Gate travel isn't stressful?"

It is decided that SG-1 will keep an eye on Daniel and let him get some rest. But they are instructed to be careful in case he gets dangerous to them, or to himself.

Jack is entertaining Daniel in the VIP room with a game of chess. Daniel wins (albeit complaining that he could've won two moves ago), and Jack suggests a game of gin. Daniel walks over to the closet to get the cards and hears the sound of the Gate dialing again, just like he had back in his room. He opens the closet, expecting he'll find the same thing there he did the last time, but nothing is inside.

Returning to the table, they begin setting up the game. However, before they can start, Daniel hears that nasty squeaking sound the Goa'ulds make. He looks up and sees a Goa'uld climbing around on Jack's arm.

Jack, remaining oblivious to the creature, deals the cards while Daniel does his best to ignore the fact that Jack is about to be attacked by the creepy, slimy Goa'uld.

When the worm finally enters Jack, he's still oblivious to it and Daniel lunges at him to remove it.

The StarGate Command doctors believe that Doctor Jackson as suffered a breakdown. The scene moves to a mental institution where we see the remaining member of SG-1 approaching the door to Daniel's padded cell room. They enter the white, padded room where Daniel is lying on the ground, shaking.

He can't see very well since they took his glasses to prevent him from injuring himself. SG-1, in particular, Samantha Carter who seems on the verge of tears during this whole scene, is upset with this sight. This is especially visible when Daniel starts crying in front of them. He apologizes profusely to his friends.

They talk for awhile, Daniel says the Goa'uld are infiltrating the people in the base. He scrambles raving albeit very restrained psychotic, hides in a corner, and sees that nasty corpse standing next to Teal'c.

"There is no one next to me, Doctor Jackson," Teal'c tells him.

Daniel tries to attack the hallucinatory corpse. Teal'c grabs him and Daniel sees an iridescent little glob of goo leave him and enter Teal'c.

The doctors have no choice but to medicate Daniel in order to restrain him. In the midst of this Daniel hears another disembodied voice, Ma'Chello's voice, 'thanking him for delivering him to the vile Goa'uld'.

SG-1 returns to the SGC. More problems arise, however, when Teal'c keels over.

Back at the asylum, Daniel is having a sudden revelation about Ma'Chello and his killing devices

Teal'c is taken to the SG-Infirmary.

"Teal'c's larvae is dying," Doctor Fraiser announces. "We have a day, maybe two, before the larval Goa'uld and Teal'c die. I'd connect this with Daniel's, except the symptoms just don't match. We don't know what to do to help Teal'c."

Daniel, meanwhile, is trying to fight the drugs out of his system so he can think clearly again. He declares himself cured and tells Doctor Mackenzie and ask him to contact the SGC and find out if Teal'c is sick. If Teal'c is, in fact, sick, then Daniel demands to talk to Colonel O'Neil.

Doctor Mackenzie reluctantly agrees to this. At the base, General Hammond informs Colonel O'Neil of Daniel's request, and O'Neil takes off to talk to him.

Daniel explains his theory that Ma'Chello must have developed some kind of Goa'uld killing device and that's what's been making him go nuts. If it invades a normal person, as opposed to a Goa'uld host, it just gives the person schizophrenic symptoms (i.e. hallucinations, hearing things, yadda-yadda- yadda). If, however, it invades a Goa'uld host, it kills the Goa'uld. Since the iridescent blob passed from Daniel to Teal'c, Daniel is better and now Teal'c is the one who's sick.

Jack brings Daniel back to the SG-Infirmary where Sam is waiting.

"How can that be Daniel?" She says. "Ma'Chello has been dead for the past six months, while these corpses have only been dead one month."

"Well then, maybe Ma'Chello planted the killing things months before. Maybe even years," Daniel counters. "Just waiting for a Goa'uld to come along and free them."

"Like a land mine," Jack interjects.

"Yes!' Daniel agrees. "Yes, exactly. People are still being maimed by mines from World War One, even though those that laid them have long since died."

"We crated and catalogued everything that we brought back of Ma'Chello's to Area-51," Sam suggests. "Maybe if we look through it we may see something familiar."

From this point forward is where my story diverges from the one that you all saw during the regular broadcast. Hope you enjoy this alternate storyline which I call "Legacy's Side Effect".

Chapter One

The SG-1 team scans the computer files of Ma'Chello's inventions for something that might look familiar to them.

"Right there!" Colonel Jack O'Neil exclaims, seeing one of the Ga'ould reading pad on the computer's screen.

"I picked that up in the Linveress chamber," Daniel Jackson mumbles.

"Why did he make so many Page Turning Devices?" Doctor Fraiser asked.

"Could be our land mines," Major Samantha Carter answers.

It took a few hours to get those items delivered into the Mountain Base from Area-51.

Doctor Fraiser, Major Carter and Colonel O'Neil moved into the isolation room to investigate the suspicious PTDs more closely.

Sam and Doctor Fraiser slip their arms into the isolation gloves of a smaller containment chamber, where the Ma'Chello PTDs were waiting for them.

"On the right is the PTD from Linveress," Doctor Fraiser dictated as she conducted the examination of the device. "And the one on the left is from Area-51."

"They look exactly like the one's we found on Argos," Carter observed. "The Linveress Ga'oulds probably thought that it was one of their own."

"Good way to hide a mine," Jack added.

"Yeah!" Sam agreed with her commander. "Question is, how do we set it off?"

Sam tries tapping on the PTD with an instrument to see if a reaction can be caused. But nothing happened.

"Okay, uhm!" Doctor Fraiser considers what else they could try next. "Lets see what happens when we use it on the reading tablet."

Sam passes the PTD over the tablet and ten glowing organism seem to seep out of the PTD itself. These creatures look a lot like fast moving slugs.

"There they are," Doctor Fraiser exclaims. "I'm counting five... eight... ten. Ten all together. So, if all of the PTDs are the same, we're looking at ten per device."

"That explains how I got infected," Daniel interjects from behind the observation window of the hot-room. "There were nine Ga'oulds on Linveress..."

"And when you activated the device," Sam completed his thought. "The last one found its way into you."

"Okay then," Doctor Fraiser turns her attention back to the slugs. "Lets see if we can immobilize one and put it under the scope."

The ten slugs scurry around the glove-box, but amazingly they pass through its walls and gloves effortlessly.

Four of them crawl over Sam's body, while Doctor Fraiser is invaded by three of the Ga'Ould hunting slugs. Both women pull their arms out of the glove-box in a panic.

"Gloves are breached!" Doctor Fraiser exclaims excitedly, urgently pulling her hands out of the gloves.

"Woah!" Is Carter's response, as she desperately tries to brush off the creatures.

But its too late for both of them. The slugs have already infiltrated their bodies. The remaining four creatures scurry across the room and invade Jack's body as well.

The creatures can be seen as they travel under their skins.

"Great!" Jack says sarcastically.

General Hammond joins Doctor Jackson in the observation booth.

"We have a breach," Daniel informs the General.

"Is there any chance of further contamination to the Base?" The General asked the three infected officers.

"Judging by what happened to Daniel Sir," Doctor Fraiser explains. "As long as we stay in here. That we don't go near anybody else. The Base is probably secure."

The General orders the remaining medical staff to the observation booth of the hot-room to help in the crisis.

"Anything we can do from in here?" Jack asked.

"Nothing Colonel," Doctor Fraiser answered him. "All of the specimens are inside of us. Since we are infected by multiple organisms, we can expect our symptoms to be rapidly acute."

Chapter Two

Doctor Fraiser slumps to the floor in despair of their predicament. Having witnessed how these creatures affected Doctor Jackson, and what was to overcome them soon.

"I'd like to apologize in advance," Colonel O'Neil responds sarcastically, though honestly, to their predicament. "For anything I might say, or do, that may be construed as offensive as I slowly go, NUTS!"

"Likewise Colonel," Doctor Fraiser concurs.

Within moments Jack and the doctor begin feeling the first effects of the creatures that have invaded their bodies. It starts with their vision blurring. All the while, Major Carter seems unaffected by any side-effects that the others are experiencing. Sam approaches her two fallen comrades in concern.

"Colonel?" Sam ask, then turns towards the doctor. "Janet?"

"Carter?" Jack ask wearily, as he sees her blurring face before him.

"Sir," Carter responds. "There's nothing wrong with me, sir."

"Sam," Daniel interjects through the speakers. "You've got four of those things in you."

"Well, I..." she responds, puzzled herself. "I know that. But I feel fine."

Just then, Colonel O'Neil crashes to the floor.

"You... you're not seeing..." Jack questions Sam. "Or hearing any of this stuff?"

Jack is of course referring to the blurred visions that he is experiencing.

"No sir," Carter answers him. "I feel completely normal. Somehow, I must be immune to them."

The other Base physicians finally arrive in the observation booth. After an update on the crisis from General Hammond, they begin to consider what they can do to assist.

"Doctor Fraiser," Doctor Mackenzie calls out via the intercom. "What can I do to assist?"

"Uh!?" She responds. "Not much I'm afraid."

"Doctor," Carter interrupts. "There's nothing wrong with me. Sir, I'd like Doctor Mackenzie to... to take some test on me. Maybe he can figure out why I seem to be immune."

"I'm afraid that's not possible Major," General Hammond breaks in. "That would jeopardize another person from being contaminated, if not the entire base."

Inside the observation booth, they confer for a few moments. Trying to consider that options still available to them in this emergency.

"Doctor Mackenzie will stay here," the General informs Sam. "We'll get whoever else you think that might be able to help. But you're going to have to figure it out from in there Major Carter."

"I understand Sir," Carter acknowledges his decision.

She turns and starts pacing, when a sharp pain hits her temples. As powerful a migraine as she had ever felt.

"Woah!" She exclaims. "I think I spoke too soon."

"What's wrong?" Daniel ask, concerned.

"Yeow God!" Sam tries to describe her symptoms. "Something's happening."

Just then, the leech-like creatures seep out of her ear. They glop to the ground like globs of goo. One after another they land on the ground and seemingly die.

Carter experimentally prods at them, getting no reaction.

"I think they're dead," Sam informs them. "Daniel, I could have sworn that I heard..."

"Ma'Chello!" Daniel finishes her sentence.

"Yes," Sam agrees with him. "He told me that 'my Ga'Ould captor was dead'. But I... I don't have a Ga'Ould."

"You did," Daniel says after a moments thought.

Carter takes a moment to reflect on that statement.

"That has to be it," Carter concludes. "Janet said that when a Ga'Ould dies, it dissolves into a host and leaves a unique protein marker."

"Then, the Ga'Ould killing inventions died because they detected the protein marker," Daniel ask.

Carter confirms his conclusion by shacking her head 'yes'.

Now with an apparent solution in sight, Sam approaches a now shacking Doctor Fraiser lying on the floor.

"Janet," Carter ask. "Can you hear me?" She pauses. "Can we extract my blood and inject it into everyone that is infected?"

"No, your blood types don't match," Doctor Mackenzie interrupts. "You'd have to separate the protein from the rest of the blood."

"Okay," Sam understands the details. "Ho... how do I do that?"

Doctor Mackenzie give Major Carter an extensive list on the reasons why she couldn't possibly do that. He goes on to explain the lack of the necessary equipment in the hot-room that she is confined in. Then, he goes on into the amount of time that it would require to separate the right protein markers. Not to mention identifying the specific marker itself.

"Okay, okay," Carter shakes her head in frustration. "I get the point."

"Cent... centrifuge," Doctor Fraiser utters shakily from the floor.

"What?" Sam rushes to Janet. "What about the centrifuge?"

Doctor Mackenzie soon realizes what Doctor Fraiser is trying to convey to them.

"If you can separate your plasma from your red cells," Doctor Mackenzie explains quickly. "We can use that. There won't be any need to locate the specific protein. We'll simply inject them all into them."

Sam starts to work immediately on drawing her own blood in order to retrieve her plasma. This plasma is hoped to free her comrades of Ma'Chello's Ga'Ould killing slugs.

While she works frantically on this cure, her two friends were just shaking humps on the floor. Unknown to her, at her back, Doctor Fraiser was stripping off her uniform.

"Hot, so hot," Janet was complaining as she tore at her uniform.

Chapter Three

While Major Samantha Carter was busy concentrating on preparing her blood for the centrifuge to separate the plasma, to be used as a cure for her two comrades, behind her Doctor Janet Fraiser and Colonel Jack O'Neil were falling deeper into a psychotic episode. This was being caused by the Ga'Ould killing slugs that had invaded their bodies.

By now, Doctor Fraiser had literally ripped her shirt off of her chest and was frantically pulling on her bra. Colonel O'Neil was in no better shape, he was rubbing his crotch with one hand while trying to pry open its waistband with the other.

Carter was unaware of what they were doing to themselves, nor were the observers behind the observation booths glass. They were all paying closer attention on how she was doing in her medical preparation, and nobody was keeping an eye on the inflicted patients.

Samantha was just getting finished preparing the test-tubes of her blood for the centrifuge when all hell broke loose.

Jack had reached Janet's position and was ripping her skirt off, just as the petite doctor was crawling towards Sam's position. Before she even got close to Carter, her skirt was pulled off, and her panties were following suit thanks to Jack's pulling and clawing hands. Her tits were hanging under her chest now that her bra had gone the route of her shirt just moments before.

The two inflicted people approached Major Carter's position stealthily, hidden from site by the interments and tables that blocked them from view to the observation booth.

"What now?" Carter asked Doctor Mackenzie, holding up her blood.

"Insert them in the centrifuge and turn it on," he instructed her. "It should only take a few minutes."

She did as instructed, but before she could switch on the centrifuge she was grabbed from behind at her waist and dragged to the floor. When she turned around to see who had assaulted her, she was shocked to see the petite brunette doctor was the culprit. She was also surprised to see her state of undress.

"Janet," she shouted. "Wha... what are you doing? Stop this. Stop it right now."

"Hot, so hot," was all that Janet Fraiser could say.

"Major!" The General shouted in alarm when he saw her being pulled behind the table so suddenly. "Major Carter, is everything all right?"

"Ungh! It's Doctor Fraiser, General," Sam yelled back. "Sh... she seems in a... a state of... of sexual arousal."

Turning back to the others in the observation booth, the General began asking questions.

"I thought that the devices only created a schizophrenic symptom?" He asked.

"Well, General," Doctor Mackenzie interjected. "To be perfectly frank, we only had Doctor Jackson's experience to determine that. It is possible that they will react differently according to the individual."

"Or it might be the number that invaded their bodies that is causing this different reaction," Daniel added.

The General turned back to the window, searching for the three trapped people. But they were hidden from view at the moment.

"Major Carter," he called out. "Are you all right?"

"Ye... yes Sir," she uttered to them. "It's a... a bit of an emb... embarrassing situation though."

"Understood," he told her. "I'm going to switch off the surveillance cameras. No need to traumatize anybody with video of this."

"Tha... thank you Sir," Sam breathed a sigh of relief. 'At least there is that,' she thought to herself.

"I want everybody but Doctor Mackenzie out of the observation booth," the General ordered. "I MEAN NOW, GENTLEMEN!"

As the people evacuated the booth, giving Major Carter and the others some measure of privacy, Sam would now have to try to get back to the centrifuge to switch it on and get what is hoped to be a cure for her comrades.

She turned her attention back to Janet who was trying to undo her waistband of her combat pants. She had to continuously pull the doctor's hands away from her pants to save herself from this attack.

"Damn, I'm horny," she heard Jack's voice.

When Samantha looked up, she saw Jack climbing over Janet towards her. His pants down around his ankles and his nine inch cock poking at the Janet's ass as he came closer.

'Oh no!' She screamed in her mind. 'Both of them are in a sexual frenzy.'

Jack landed hard on her, slamming her on her back to the floor. He landed on her in such a position that her arms were pinned to her side by his knees. She was now helpless to prevent Janet from pulling at her pants, while Jack was ripping her shirt off of her chest, exposing her bra confined tits.

She could feel her combat pants sliding down her calves, exposing her panties to the excited doctor.

"Don... don't," Carter pleads. "Please Janet, don't do this. Jack, you have to control yourself, please."

Disregarding her pleas, Jack squeezes her tits painfully, causing her to moan out in agony.

At that same instant, Doctor Fraiser buried her face in Sam's crotch, licking her pussylips hungrily. And all that she can do was squirm anxiously against her captors.

Doctor Fraiser began rubbing her hands along Carter's, now exposed calves. She seemed to know what she was doing with her, and Sam begins to wonder about her sexual orientation during her off time.

'Is Janet a lesbian?' She considered that for a moment. 'Or maybe she's bisexual?'

Jack bends over and begins sucking on Carter's exposed tits, taking in one nipple then the other into his mouth. Sam can only squirm more at this double attack that she has to endure. She looks up for any sign of help from the others, but she knows that they couldn't risk coming into the hot-room, for fear on infecting the whole Base with Ma'Chello's slugs.

Whatever is to happen here, she is on her own.

"Ugnnh! Oh God!" She yells out, as Janet bites her clit.

Jack chooses this moment to slide himself higher on her chest. His stiff hot cock is now resting in the cleavage of her tit- mounds. As she looks down Samantha can see the one-eye monster of his cock aimed at her face. She instinctively closes her eyes to protect them.

With her eyes now closed, she wasn't prepare for what happened next. She felt Jack's hand pushing against the side of her tits and crushing his hardon between her two globes. When she opened her eyes to see what was going on, he started rocking himself across her chest. Fucking his cock in and out of her cleavage for a titty-fuck.

Sam was mesmerized at the sight of his cockhead popping in and out of the top of the cleavage, nearly brushing her lips with each stroke.

With her attention drawn to Jack's fucking cock, she was forgetting all about Janet ravishing her pussy. Then she felt her petite friend drive her tongue into her cunt.

"Oh shiiit!" She exclaimed involuntarily. "That feels goood!"

She was losing her self-control over this situation. Though she was no longer being affected by the Ga'Ould killing slugs, she was still human. And now her body was betraying her. She could feel a wetness building between her legs, and she was sure that Janet could smell her by now too. She could feel her nipples stiffening under Jack's manipulating hands.

And the sight of Jack's raging hardon at her face wasn't helping matters any either. She was starting to succumb to her own desires because of their attack on her. She was beginning to wonder how Colonel O'Neil's cock would taste, and his cum. For that matter, she was beginning to wonder what Doctor Fraiser's pussy might taste like. Maybe she'd have a chance to find out for herself at a later date.

"Oh yeah!" Jack groaned. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I love fucking!"

"Mmmmmmmmh!" Doctor Fraiser moaned as she continued licking Carter's cunt.

"Ohhh! Gggoddd!" Carter groans under the double attack.

Without any conscious thought, Sam leaned her head forward and licked Jack's cock the next time it poked out of her cleavage. And then again the next time, and the next time after that.

Jack could feel her tongue on his cockhead and decided to change things around a bit. He released her tits and crawled further up her chest, until his cock was at the entrance to Major Carter's mouth.

Samantha realized what he was looking for, and she was too far gone to control herself by now. So, willingly, she parted her lips slightly and let him gain entry to her mouth.

Jack didn't miss this invitation. He lunged forward and shoved half his cock past her lips, into her mouth. Sam choked on that initial lunge. Their present position didn't allow him to enter her throat, so his cock could only hit bottom at the back of her mouth.

Then, without warning, Janet stuck her middle finger up Samantha's ass.

"Ohh!" Carter exclaimed at the surprise intrusion.

She had never had anything up her ass, ever. Though sexually active when she could find the time, she was always against the idea of sodomy. And with her combat training, she never had any problem convincing her sexual partner of the moment to not even consider trying it.

But on this occasion, she found herself helpless to prevent Janet from prodding her anal passage. And being a doctor, Janet knew just what to do to excite the blonde beauty with her finger. She shoved her finger past her first knuckle, while still licking Sam's clit and pussy.

"Mmmmh!" Was all Sam could utter, with her mouth still plugged by Jack's cock.

She found herself lifting her knees off of the ground and opening herself further for Janet. Making it easier for the petite doctor to explore her groin.

Jack grabbed her short hair and pulled her head up higher off the ground. This allowed him to fuck another few inches of cock down her gullet.

Carter could only look up, pleadingly, at him. She began slurping her tongue around his cockhead every chance she had. She knew that she shouldn't be doing this, but she couldn't help herself.

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Side Effects

After I graduated from high school, I decided not to go to college or university. I wanted to earn money and see the world, because I thought I am good at English. But before looking for a job, I wanted to spend some time in Tokyo. I grew up in Osaka and the Kansai area is pretty familiar to me. But Tokyo was something different, more modern, and more international. My 18 months older brother went to university in Tokyo and he allowed me to stay in his small flat. It had two small tatami...

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Jasons TaleChapter 28 Mountainside City

Tom had given Lord Black his freedom, as well as a ship and any of our prisoners who would swear oath to him. It was enough to make up a small crew. Most of them were sailors, and it wouldn’t take long to shake out into a proper crew. Andrew -Lord Black had asked us to call him that in private, as he was only “Lord Black” to us- asked if he could have some of North Harbor’s ships instead of us just sinking them. We had to think about that one. Wouldn’t the previous owners just take it from...

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Side Effects

John “So how is Mary doing?” “You know how it is Peter. Kids are fine. Mary’s fine.” I said. I looked morosely over the two bottles of wine we had just finished at dinner, before speaking again. “Well, maybe not Mary so much.” I explained further, “Do you recall when we met up a couple of years ago that Mary was complaining about her back? Well, it’s gotten worse – much worse. She is pretty much in pain all of the time. It’s the curse of late middle age, I suppose, but I only wish that...

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Side Effects

"I'm sorry, Mr. Brody, my test results confirmed the first set; cancer has spread throughout your body." Doctor Cynthia Peters wisely waited until the big man composed himself, pausing to make sure he was still listening to her words. "At this point, treatment is not only useless but would take away any time left to wrap up your estate." Brock Brody struggled to control his emotions as he ran his fingers through his thick long hair. The doctor’s office smelled like a hospital; he hated...

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For the Presidents Eyes Only Project Sweetpea

For the President's Eyes Only: Project Sweetpea By DEE DEE PERRI CHAPTER 1 The agent's eyes swept the crowded room once again with professional efficiency. To one untrained in his science, it would appear as a casual, almost bored, cursory examination of the restaurant, but a skilled observer would have noted the brief, almost imperceptible pause- the agent had detected something interesting. Now using the menu to partially obscure his actions, the man visually confirmed his...

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The Sissy Effect

[This story was inspired by another short story I read online some time ago, titled 'The Bimbo Effect.' (Not the one I see for sale on Amazon). In that story, a male character transforms a dominant career woman into a bimbo. It made me think that what's sauce for the bimbo was also sauce for the sissy, so wrote this version. Enjoy.] The Sissy Effect Luke Armstrong reviewed the last quarter's figures on his computer screen in his large, luxurious office. It had been a great...

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A Night At The Darkside Rave Den

The cute-faced, 19-y/o Maureen wasn't just a punk slut. Punk, she most certainly was, with tattoos and a mohawk of dark hair, while she much more rated as the notoriously skankier than skankiest sex-bum her many bangers had ever known – which is redundant to say about the immensely twisted 'ho who absolutely detested nice fucks from nice guys. To put it mildly, Maureen took pride in being a low-down junk-scrap when dicks were stuffed in her slenderly sexy flesh including a chest adorned...

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Turning Helen To The DarkSide

It had taken me a full ten minutes to realise that my girlfriend and I had wandered into a den of lesbian iniquity. It was disguised as a pub come nightclub and was populated by around ninety-nine per cent gay people, not that I minded because I didn’t. I considered myself the one per cent that was not outright gay, but I was considering my options at that time and had dabbled a little with my hands and lips.The pub seemed to be divided into discrete areas. The walkway between the bar and...

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Darkside Miners

The last time the water bandits had hit Frank Kabrosky and Jose Ferrera's claim, they were unprepared. Five anonymous figures with shiny faceplates, three wicked looking clubs with sharp spikes on the ends, and they had to flee in awkward hopping bounds, to preserve suit integrity, leaving the bandits to transfer six-thousand gallons of water they had toiled the past four months to refine from the unforgiving hard rock extraction mine. There are no guns on the moon. Just five months earlier,...

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The Outsiders

This story was inspired from the Highlander movies and TV series but takes place in a separate world with its own rules. The Outsiders By Morpheus It was a dark and windy night as I staggered home from the bar, more than a little drunk. I staggered just a little with each step, enough to reveal to anyone who saw that I wasn't completely sober. However, I made a straight line home, eager to climb into bed. I only dreaded going to work in the morning with the hangover I was bound to...

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Pleasant Side Effects

I reviewed the contract for the hundredth time, trying to make sense of what it said. I know that I understood it when I signed it, but in hindsight, the language of law is nearly impossible to get meaning out of. I had no choice but to face the music and take it to my friend, Erin, for help.Erin was a practicing lawyer that I had known since college. She was super smart and wildly attractive. Nothing has ever happened between us because she used to date one of my good friends. The only reason...

Straight Sex
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The Dark Legacy

This is the tenth story in my Legacy Universe, with the previous stories listed below for those who haven't read them. Like the others this is a stand alone story, though it might be helpful to have at least read the first, The Miracle Legacy. The Miracle Legacy Change of Heart Hardshell The Praxis Crossing Mannequin The Vengeance of Lady Hexx Glamour Girl Counterweight Grendel The Dark Legacy By Morpheus I frowned nervously as I climbed out of the limousine and stared...

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The Legacy of Sir Nigel

My thanks to Constance Grant for her invaluable help in editing, and her constant support in my efforts. The Legacy of Sir Nigel by Janet Stickney [email protected] William, the reigning King, made a momentous decision. For two years he had been locked in a struggle with the Lord of the land as he tried, and failed, to wrest away the bounty of the land. In the fading, unwritten history of the people of the land, which was once no more than separate families coping...

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Earths CoreChapter 25 Legacy Of The Onersquos Path

‘There is a title’, Zax’s voice quivered. The first thing that popped up from the minimal information he could gather from the second subject was a five words title, brimming with immense excellence as if it was part of a divine existence. ‘Legacy Of The One’s Path. Zax said in trepidation. He clearly could not calmly handle the bits of the decrypted second subject in his possession. Merely staring at the information floating in his sea of consciousness aroused a sense of obeisance, in a...

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Side Effect

My name is Jason Smith. When I was 29 I had a job in a call center for a bank in Philadelphia, a job I found boring and frustrating. My personal life wasn't much better. Most of my college friends had drifted away, and my girlfriend had left me the year before. I got badly depressed, and so I went to a doctor. She prescribed Zoloft. Up to that point I had led a normal if uninspired life. But I got a side effect that was not anywhere on the long list that came with the package. I had a strange...

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Muslim Cock Supada Effect

Name of the theory: Theory of “Muslim Cock Supada”While fucking the penis moves in and out of the vagina. There are two types of movements that are involved in this process. Forward jerk or pushing the penis into the vagina and backward jerk which means pulling the penis backwards. So there is backward and forward (to and fro) movements involved during a sexual intercourse.The ‘edge of muslim supada’ comes into play when the musalman man moves the penis backwards during fucking. When the Muslim...

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The Legacy Of PriamChapter 10 Poolside Party

The DVD that Freddie was watching in the lounge of his villa was proving useful from a number of perspectives. Freddie had thought it would be helpful but it had also proved both informative and entertaining. "The Spartan Women" was a documentary that Bethany had done after a series of excavations a year or two before and Freddie had learned a few things from it. The main thing he had learned was that Bethany, whatever her academic qualifications, was an accomplished flirt as far as the...

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The Presidents ClubChapter 16

Sandi's new promotion vaulted her into the city's social stratosphere. She hobnobbed with rich and famous people on a regular basis now. Her date/escort on these occasions was the young handsome Officer Ben Johnson, much to his embarrassment. The evening gowns and dresses his boss wore on these occasions showed way too much of her voluptuous body for him not to notice her beautiful figure. He confessed his troublesome thoughts to his silent love, Lady X. He told her that he was beginning to...

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The Presidential Secret

The Presidential Secret By Gigi Julianne Langworth is the first woman president of the United States. It all happened very suddenly. It was about two in the morning, local time and 30,000 feet over the Atlantic flying from Paris on Air Force Two when Langworth was awoken from her nap. "Madam Vice-President, uh, we have bad news," whispered the secret service agent, "We just confirmed that President Hunt is dead of heart attack." Julianne's eyes opened in shock. Jason Hunt was a...

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The Control Effect

Jim Walker thought of himself as an average guy--a 22- year old graphic arts student at Central University. When he dropped in to the University Med Center, however--for his weekly visit with Dr. Sandra Graham-- he thought of himself as perhaps a little better than average, helping to further the progress of medical science. Sitting on Graham's examination table, he watched the pretty doctor's movements as she first retrieved her clipboard, then turned to him with a small white pill and a cup...

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Continue The Legacy

Wealthy lesbian woman befriends and helps a homeless woman. They called her the cat woman, albeit she only had three cats. Maybe, they called her cat woman because she fed stray cats and a cat or two always lingered by her back doorstep meowing for her attention and affection, hoping for some food, too. Her name was Jenna Charles. Ever since her long-time lover and companion, Ruth Charles, died of breast cancer three years ago, she lived alone on Beacon Street, near the corner of Charles...

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Jamies Legacy

Author Note: On June 21st I lost a close friend. She was a pre-op transsexual working through several tough personal issues. One of these involved a desire to be dominated by a stern mistress. I originally wrote Jamie?s Mistress as a comment on what I thought was a certain pattern of self-destructive behavior involving this fantasy mistress. When I learned of her death, my first feeling was one of guilt because I thought I should have done more. I had the task of going through her...

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A Lakeside Picnic

.The Lakeside Picnicby AbeAs soon as she arrived at her host family's log homein the mountains, Marie began to realize thatAmerica was not at all as she had expected it wouldbe.  She had been told that, as an exchange student,her behavior must be beyond reproach. She musttake her lead from her host family. She must dressas Americans dress, behave as they behave, and, of course, follow the rules at the university in the fall.She was told that all American girls wear brasiers,and they certainly...

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Lakeside Youth Sanatorium

A lot of people wonder why a guy like me became a nurse. The main reason is pussy which is pretty much the reason for everything I do. Four years ago I was looking for something different and decided to enroll at Lakeside Community College. I went for the Nursing Program because I heard most nurses are free with their snatch and decided it was the best place to get some serious action. During the process of me fucking every student nurse in the class, I ended up graduating. It was a bitch...

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Lakeside Love Best Friends Wife

Innocent lust and friendship transform into vacation affair College was only 5 years ago, but what better way to reunite than a beautiful trip out at the lake? It was always great to see old friends, but what I looked forward to seeing most was my best friend’s wife… Emma. She was the most beautiful woman I knew. Her husband, Peter and I had always been close in college as roommates and best men at each other’s wedding. A sort of wall-flower, Emma had little interest in...

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Delta OriginalChapter 7 New Residences

At the beginning of the week, they got their next influx of new residents. Two families of Pixs and a clan of Prols, all sixteen of them, turned up from the entrance to the plains. Ten of Iain’s cousin’s kids, some by marriage and some by blood all of working age also arrived with Iain on his sailing boat. It wasn’t long before the new residents were all gainfully employed. Aegeus, the leader of the Prol clan and his four oldest sons and his brother Alum and his two sons, were all soon...

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Corrupting the Sunnydale Effect

The Scooby gang was in the Sunnydale High's Library staring in shock as Giles spelt out the truth of Sunnydale. "So let me get this straight," Xander began, "you're telling us that Mayor Richard Wilkens the third, 'everyone's favorite uncle', is also Mayor Wilkens the first and second, and, oh yeah, is also a evil, century old wizard that controls the town to use us as food to get favors from demons?" Giles just sighed and polished his glasses, "Essentially, yes, Xander. In the records I've...

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The Rose Effect

DISCLAIMER AND NOTICE: This story has multiple elements from other works of fiction (videogames to be precise) This was done purely for story flavor, and in no way do I claim ownership of things that do not belong to me. SECONDLY: This story took a long time to write, so as a fair warning, it's quite long in it's current form, I reccomend planning ahead if you wish to read it all in one sitting. THIRD AND FINAL (I promise): After several inquires, I decided on a better story title. I also plan...

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Ass Effect

Helplessness. No other word described as closely the way Liara T’Soni felt at the moment. She prided herself on being an independent being, that didn’t have to rely on others anytime she got into trouble.And now she was here – floating like a lifeless statue, surrounded by the shimmering of a stasis field. She desperately tried to remember how did they stasis field technology work, how it slowed the processes of her body. Not that it would any consolation – that would only mean that instead of...

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BSC06 the Jennifer EffectChapter 10 The Jennifer Effect

The rest of the day was a complete success. The girls worked so much better in the nude and not one customer complained. In fact, just like the man with the photocopying business, many other customers left the shop saying how they might just try the same thing in the place where they worked. As word very quickly got out about Mrs Maxwell’s Bookshop there were a few other businesses up and down the street that decided, for the rest of the afternoon, they would become NUDITY FRIENDLY as well....

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To Whom It May ConcernChapter 2 The Spaz Effect

The Remote Interface Unit sat at one of the holographic display stations in the dark room, attempting to access the system in the manner appropriate for its new body. How the Kreg'ar managed to utilize the systems in this archaic manner and why, still escaped its understanding. Its fingers flashed along the digital display in front of it. It looked at the projections which after an hour still displayed the same flashing red words. MORGALON PRESENCE DETECTED, PROTOCOL ALPHA IN EFFECT, PLANET...

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Date of first publication: Friday PM, September 21, 2007 Special thanks to ‘oldfart‘ for his expertise in re-editing and re-proofing. There is nothing in life that I enjoy more than a two hour layover at O’Hara in Chicago, other than perhaps, a double root canal. Just another wonderful screw up by the logistics department of my employer; they caught me unaware, blindsided me. The urge to kill comes to mind every time I think of them. It all started out innocently enough. There were a...

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The Company Presidents Driver

CHAPTER 1 For five years chief accountant Radford Hart had been on call as the president’s driver when the president met VIPs at the airport and returned them there. Occasionally the president and driver would take the VIPs to the Kempthorne Alpine Resort and stay overnight. The president Luke King was a self-drive guy so the company didn’t employ a chauffer for Luke although he was entitled to one. Radford didn’t find the task onerous. It got him out of the office and he often learned...

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Sidekick for Hire

"Eep! Eep! Eep! Eep! Eep! Eep! Ee--" You quickly slap the off button on your alarm clock and look at the red digital display telling you that it's already 10 am. "Uhhhg, that's right," you think to yourslef as you roll back over in your bed, "I have to wake up early and look for a new job..." You haul you body out off bed, scratch your hair and then slowly make yourway to the bathroom in your boxers to take a whiz. 'I still can't believe that Mr. Talimacki fired me from the E-Z Mart! Just...

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Poolside Ch 04 Pt 4

Author’s note: This story is a continuation of ‘Poolside: Ch. 04, Pt. 3’ which was intended to be the conclusion for Chapter 4. Immediately below are the final two paragraphs of Ch. 04, Pt. 3, showing how I planned to end this series a decade ago. ~~~~~~~~ Katrina grinned, then got into her car, backed out, waved, and drove away. I watched her car until it disappeared. ‘Farewell, Katrina! Good luck, my love!’ I whispered. My four-hour drive to campus went really fast. Every memory of Katrina...

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Bikini Beach A Presidential Visit

White House Memorandum From: Karl Rove To: Research Staff Date: 01/31/2007 Subject: Economic Dog & Pony Shows As planned, the Media mindlessly sucked up our little charade at Caterpillar last week, even going so far as to praise The Boss for doing virtually the same thing that got Dukakis into such deep crap. The boys at the FCC are sure doing a great job in regulating the Media, aren't they? Let's keep a good thing going. I want you to find another...

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Down By The Seaside

Down by the Seaside By: Jo Jo ([email protected])My name is Joanne, that's my real name, the rest of the names and placeshave been changed. I'm 30 now, this was when I was at Sixth Form. I was going out with a Mike and had been for a while. He was madly in love with me, and he was really gorgeous, but he was really young and really jealous, and I kept finding myself looking at men, rather than boys. One bank Holiday weekend, May I think, Mike said he was going campingwith his mates....

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A Seaside meeting

Ever since I was a boy I have loved visiting the seaside, the excitement of seeing such an expanse of water, the fun in the penny arcades and the taste of fish and chips. But when I visited recently it proved to be a very special visit one like no others and my excitement was found in a completely new sea side activity. I have written the story that follows because it helps me relive the passion, allows me to revisit my pleasure and my dreams come alive once more in the sights, sounds and...

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A Ripple Effect

A RIPPLE EFFECT by Geneva An old magic book is stolen from an old Gypsy woman. Her niece Zsuska retrieves it and uses it to take revenge on her enemies and help her escape from Communist Hungary. Warning. This story contains rape and brutality. Hungary, late 1970's. Zsuska Nemeth looked out to the countryside, just a little bored and a little apprehensive, as the train swayed along. She had almost finished reading her book and was spending more time just looking out of...

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The AltSchool Effect

The AltSchool Effect Synopsis: When Sky begins tutoring a student at the nearby Alternative School he doesn't realize that their time spent together will evolve into her developing a plan to feminize him - and that she'll receive assistance from some unexpected sources. Freshman Year - Back when I was in the sixth grade, one of my friends and I had been exploring an old warehouse building several blocks from my house. It had been abandoned for many years and just about anything...

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Coming Down Off My Hillside

I married Paul’s and Ann’s eldest daughter Linda. Linda is so open, loving and playful, I often wondered what her adult examples were like. Paul and I became friends as the years rolled by. Over too much beer, he told me how he and Ann first got together. The story seemed incomplete. Over many years, I pieced together why he had a darkness about him, what bonded them closer than any couple I know and why the son they had together is pursued by every girl at his school. —————- What Paul told...

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The Presidents ClubChapter 3

The elevator doors opened silently on a sumptuous boardroom that had been converted into a ballroom. There was music playing, performed by a live 8-piece orchestra. Karin was impressed. Not that she had ever seen a room this nice before. She had never heard a live orchestra before. She stood still and let the soothing sounds steady her nerves. Several people looked up as the opening doors announced her arrival. She stepped out of the elevator and waited, her hands hanging easily by her side....

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Chloe plays in the bosses Riverside Manor

Curiosity got the better of Chloe. She knew she shouldn’t look but it was hardly her fault the laptop was left open. After all, Clark and Lana Tate employed her to come in twice weekly to clean their swanky 6 bed pad overlooking the River Thames. They should be more careful. Chloe was paid to clean and tidy up after the them having access all areas. Well, mostly. The successful business owners clearly too busy to do their own housework. Or maybe just too rich to put themselves through such...

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Circumstances Lead To Two Caned Female Backsides

It was now two days since Yvonne and Tony Marsh had spent the Friday night at the home of Sheila and Jim Butcher. That night and the evening that preceeded it had involved wife swapping and the spanking of both women's backsides.All four of them were currently aged sixty but Sheila was fast approaching her sixty-first birthday.All participants had thoroughly enjoyed the evening and night but now, some forty-eight hours later, they were putting things into perspective. There was a conversation...

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A Spy At Sunnyside Dom LandChapter 6 Sunny Side Bribes Thighs Lies A Spy

Disclosure: All names of characters, depiction appearing as and representations are fiction and figments of the author’s imagination. Where We Are Now: If at this time you are thinking something stinks on high, you could have a point. But, when the whistleblower, missy inline sinks to the depths of the bowels of journalism standards, you may not ‘poo poo,’ the story. A little context would be helpful to better understand the nature of the so, called crime. You have most likely heard of The...

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The Sno Ball Effect

How things build up between me & mom, until . . . by Oediplex 8==3~ “God! I'm so horny!” I just came right out and said for everyone to hear. In the airport! Of all places to blurt that out loud. I don't know what prompted me to be so blunt, in so public a place, but the damage was done, so to speak. I had just gotten in for Christmas vacation from college, a sophomore doing well enough. But I hadn't gotten laid since summer. After starting in a new school I had transferred...

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The Axe Effect

The Axe Effect. It was a favourite TV commercial of mine. Some guy spraying himself with cheap deodorant and suddenly becoming attractive to sexy young women. It got me thinking. I’m Mike. A gifted, if slightly perverted mind. Only, my perverted mind is limited to finding different things to wank about. You see, unfortunately, I’m not too good with women. Comes with the territory of being a geek. So, I needed help. And a can of Axe would open some doors… and legs. I bought a can, and safe to...

Mind Control
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The Viagra Effect

My name is Ramya from Pune. 32, Married and mid sized women but well maintained. Have been active in sex after and before marriage and enjoy it always like anything. I am a house wife. My husband works in a MNC and frequently flies overseas. Although we have a very healthy sexual life, the frequency has reduced these days cause of his work load. He is in the UK from around 2 months. I use to have fun with my Didlo but plastic is plastic ļ Today happened the exciting scene in my life which I...

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The Legacy

The Legacy by Sarah Miller The erie bluish white light flickered across the walls, the thunder cracking and booming through the house. Sheets of water pounding on the roof provided the background music. This was just great. I come home from work to be greeted by another load of crap from Janice, and now we had a 45 mile drive through what appeared to be the lightening storm of the century. It was the first Friday of the month and, as usual, we were on the way to my maternal...

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The Blue Dress Legacy Reshuffle the Deck

Foreword: Hello and thank you for reading. This story is one of several that I will be adding overtime. I created the Legacy line of stories to delve further into the fictional world I am writing about and to help those who want to know about the Blue Dress plot device, its rules, and where it comes from. The Blue Dress Legacy - Reshuffle the Deck Jesse and Jim Grove were well known in there home town. Twin brothers who from an early age were known troublemakers. Whether they...


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