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Date of first publication: Friday PM, September 21, 2007

Special thanks to ‘oldfart‘ for his expertise in re-editing and re-proofing.

There is nothing in life that I enjoy more than a two hour layover at O’Hara in Chicago, other than perhaps, a double root canal. Just another wonderful screw up by the logistics department of my employer; they caught me unaware, blindsided me. The urge to kill comes to mind every time I think of them.

It all started out innocently enough. There were a number of interesting postings on the job board: one was in Milwaukee. Since I was currently available, with nothing on my plate, I thought, “What the hell? I’ll volunteer for it.”

Dumb! The clues were all there, screaming at me. The manager nearly fell out of her chair when I mentioned my interest. The size of the travel allowance should have set the alarms off! The company is very generous, and the amount was more than ample, but still I blundered through the minefield of clues oblivious to the potential screw-ups. Like an unguarded quarterback, I didn’t see it coming, I was blindsided.

Leaving the office, plane ticket in hand, I actually felt good about the assignment. My flight was at seven thirty Monday morning. Little did I realize all the tribulations that faced me!

Now, a little about myself: My name is Don Parsons. I’m fifty-two, am widower and an empty nester. My children are all over the country so my job is my family now. I work in the technology industry, a job that, usually, is not demanding, allowing me much time to myself. I love my private time at home and at the cottage. My home is large for my needs but after twenty-three years, it is very comfortable. Besides, it is paid for. Currently between soulful partners, as my interests tend to be towards the younger females, I am very careful with whom I flirt. Still, many mature female acquaintances enjoy my company. So, I am never desperate but being male, I am always looking.

I spent a major part of my weekend gathering the necessary items for the trip. The assignment should be completed in five days, assuming all goes well so I should be home late Friday evening. From prior experience, I always pack three extra days of clothing. Not being familiar with the client’s hardware, it could mean a complete upgrade and, perhaps, the items will have to be shipped in, requiring a longer stay. Like the Boy Scouts, it pays to “Be Prepared.”

Monday started out great. We had the worst thunderstorm in ten years. It had me wondering if it could possibly be an omen of what was to come. As a result of the storm, traffic was down to a crawl. Finally finding a parking spot at the airport, I realized it would have been more prudent to have taken a taxi, considering the distance to the boarding area.

But, the worst was yet to come: going through security. I realize Monday morning is not the ideal time to take a flight. Not only were all the regular commuters in line but most of them were damp from the deluge, tempers were just a little on edge. Attempting to keep my cool, I followed the sheep to the x-ray area, removing my shoes, etc., and putting it all in the tray provided. Then, when I walked through the arch all hell broke loose! Talk about getting everybody’s attention! The security guards had their hands on their weapons, one took a wand to me and cautiously examined every inch of my body. Nothing! They then escorted me to the arch again and had me walk through the second time. Again, nothing! Everyone seemed to heave a sigh of relief and I was allowed to enter the inner sanctum. After twenty minutes, I located my airline departure gate and the correct waiting area for my flight. There were twenty minutes until boarding.

As if I haven’t had enough excitement today, I noticed twenty of my fellow travelers were young girls: all of them are Chinese and all of them wearing their school colors. I was able to glean from their conversations that they were going to a basketball tournament. Lucky me! The word quiet was not in their vocabulary. Any thoughts of having a relaxing four-hour trip had gone out the window, the plane couldn’t be big enough to have any distance needed from this group of girls. The only positive thing was that all the girls that passed by my seat in the waiting area were very beautiful young ladies. It was difficult to assess their bodies in the getups they wore, mostly school jackets and the large school crested sweaters that some enjoy wearing in spite of the heat.

Finally, our flight was called and lining up, like good little children, we slowly boarded the plane. The unit was a mid-size with two seats on my side of the aisle and three on the other. Mine was 14B, an aisle seat. After stowing my carryon, I sat and waited. Not three seconds after getting comfortable, a young Chinese face was looking at me. 14A, the window seat. Standing up, allowing her to pass, her hair brushed my face. The scent she emitted was shampoo and perfume and, even this early in the morning, my John Thomas reacted. Maybe this trip will have some defining moments; wishful thinking.

Finally, movements of the passengers were complete and the plane seemed to be at capacity. For those of you that fly, you know the routine. The flight attendant goes through the same boring speech, first about no smoking, then about the life preservers and oxygen masks. My young seat buddy is all ears as she hangs on every word. Finally, the seat-belt sign came on. Already buckled in, I watched the young lady’s frustration build as she attempted to get her belt to secure.

“Can I help?”


“I will have to touch you, so please don’t start yelling rape.”

She looked at me with her large, brown, drowning pool eyes, concentrating on my words, and then it hit her and a devastating smile appeared.

“I promise I won’t yell.”

Grabbing both parts of the belt, I joined the two at her hip. Her body was very warm. It was necessary to lean over her to do this and as I did, her scent had me wanting more, even at this ungodly hour! My wish was she doesn’t notice my small tent. Once secured, she wiggled a bit.

“Thank you for helping me. This is my first flight.”

“You have nothing to worry about. They usually don’t crash on first flights.”

Again, her eyes are like a deer caught in the headlights and then she gives me that disarming smile again.

“That’s not nice.”

“Just relax. Once we are in the air, it is like riding in a car.”

We heard the engine come to life while the pilot tested the wing flaps. The noise reverberated throughout the cabin and this got a nervous look from my seat mate.

“Nothing to worry about; just sit back and relax. Any loose parts will have fallen off before we take off.”

Again, the look of concern and then she realizes I am kidding. She gives me a dirty look, then smiles.

Finally, we taxied to the takeoff area and waited to be cleared. She watched as other planes took off before us. Eventually, our plane moved forward and then we felt the breaks engage as the engines roared. The torque could be felt throughout the plane as the vibration had the unit shaking, then the rush forward. She grabbed my arm and squeezed as she watched the runway through the window. Slowly, the plane left the tarmac and we felt the rush as we climbed. All through this experience she never let go. Finally, we levelled off. She heaved a sigh of relief and then realized she had been hanging on to my arm.

“I am sorry! As I had mentioned, this is my first flight and I didn’t know what to expect.”

“You did fine, and my arm will regain its circulation before we land.”

Again, the look of confusion, then she realizes I am joking.

“Since we have become so close, we should introduce ourselves. I am Jayden Kimura, basketball player.”

“Pleased to meet you, Miss Kimura. I am Don Parsons, computer expert in software and viruses.”

“Where are you going, Mr. Parsons?”

“Milwaukee. We have a client with major server problems. Don to the rescue.”

“We will be flight mates; our team is also going to Milwaukee as part of a tournament, we will be there for the week returning Sunday.”

“If all goes well on my assignment I should be returning Friday, but I am not counting on it.”

This started a conversation that lasted nearly an hour. Jayden is fourteen, plays center for her club. She is from a family of five: Two sisters, one younger at thirteen and the other older at fifteen. Neither play basketball, she is the only athlete of the three. This is the first time she has been away from home on her own. The only reason she is allowed to accompany the team is that the coach is a friend of her mother.

Jayden’s hair is a very dark brown, nearing black. It is shoulder length, currently in a pony tail that flips each time she moves her head. Finally, she opens her jacket, displaying just the beginnings of breasts. She is not a big girl but I can only assume she has a well-toned body if she plays basketball. Her sports slacks give no hint of her legs, thighs or bum, being they are that loose fitting type, which seems to be favored by a number of athletes.

Her voice has a musical ring to it. I love watching the movement of her gloss-coated lips. They appear just right for kissing. All the while we are talking, her closeness and scent keeps me semi erect. It takes will power to keep John Thomas from joining the chat. Then, the snap of the com system gets our attention.

“Good morning, I am John Travers, captain of this flight. Thank you for using our airline. We are about to enter some turbulence and, possibly, a thunderstorm. We are attempting to climb above it, however there is nothing to worry about. For your safety, please make sure your seat belt is fastened. The turbulence may last up to an hour. Thank you.”

The seat belt light comes on. Jayden attempts to attach her belt without success again and then looks at me with her beautiful eyes pleading for assistance.

“I promise I won’t yell rape.”

Again, Don to the rescue! Reaching over her to make sure her belt was secure, I felt her soft hip. The cabin lights dimmed and the constant murmur of voices that was present before seemed to have dissipated as everyone awaited the turbulence. Suddenly, the plane did a slight veer to the right.

Jayden grabbed my hand and squeezed.

“You have nothing to worry about. This happens now and then. It’s just cross winds in the atmosphere that seem to move the plane; they don’t last too long.”

She wasn’t convinced and didn’t let go of my hand. Her hand was so soft and tiny compared to my mitt. Giving her a slight squeeze got a smile. The next encounter caused the plane to dip sharply about two feet, causing Jayden to dig her nails into my hand. The next one really had her frightened as she took my hand and put it between her legs and grabbed my arm, pulling herself against me. My hand was against her pubes, the heat and moisture permeated her slacks. I wanted to explore, but didn’t dare. Jayden had not given me any suggestion that she is slightly interested in old men. It was difficult to keep my hand at her pussy, not moving it. My small finger was between two sizable luv lips. What I wouldn’t give to do a little exploring. Then, she squeezed my hand with her thighs. That did not help me at all! Dare I do anything?

While daydreaming of making love to this beautiful, young Chinese girl, with my hand touching heaven, the plane levelled off and resumed it smooth journey. Jayden took a moment to realize the change, then she realized she had my hand in a death grip next to her pussy. It is hard to tell when a Chinese girl blushes but from the additional heat on my hand, I assumed she was. She released me and looked down, obviously embarrassed.

“Please, forgive me, I was so frightened and nothing seems to bother you.”

If she only knew how much feeling her pussy bothered me. Not in the sense she is referring to but just attempting to be a gentleman in her time of need.

“Nothing to forgive. I believe in the philosophy of not worrying about something I can’t control. I just think of something pleasant until things go back to normal.”

“I wish I could do that. I am not very brave.”

“Don’t say that! You are flying, are you not? You didn’t scream and make a fool of yourself so just think of that as being as brave as you can at this time. It will get easier as you do it more and more.”

“Thank you. You are a nice person.”

Jayden looked down, which gave me the opportunity to slowly bring the hand that had been close to her to my nose, giving anyone who is watching the impression I am just rubbing The bouquet of her perfume, and obvious female scent, has me more than semi erect. Her scent is something that could easily become addictive, given the opportunity. Jayden sits silent for a good half hour, lost in her thoughts. Then she gives me an inquisitive look.

“Where are you staying for the week?”

“My firm has me booked at the Clocktower Hotel on Tower Drive; it is apparently, two blocks from my assignment. This is my first trip to the city.”

“It must be a big hotel; we are staying there as well. The tournament must be close as they told us there would be bus shuttles to the events. Maybe we will see each other.”

After having my hand next to her pussy for nearly one-half hour, I really did want to see more of her but I really didn’t think we were talking about the same thing. Again, wishful thinking. We looked at each other, likely wondering what each other was thinking, when we were disturbed by one of teammates, another striking Chinese beauty.

“Jayden, how did you make out with the turbulence?”

We are eye-to-eye. She smiles and I smile right back. This young lady is wearing a T-shirt with the school logo. The T-shirt has to fight to contain her. She noticed my interest in her super structure and gave me a very knowing smile.

“Don, this is Chiharu Niiyama, my team mate and a big flirt. Chi, quit batting your eyes at Don, he is a gentleman. He gave me an arm to hang on to when the plane was jumping all over the place. How did you make out?”

“I was okay; this is the fourth time I’ve flown, so I knew a little about it. We should be landing in two hours. Call me if you need me.”

She had the look of a Cheshire Cat. She was wearing form fitting slacks that showed more of her attributes, all in the excellent plus category. Her hair was much lighter in color than Jayden’s, however; both young ladies would make lovely companions.

“Please don’t mind Chi, she can’t help herself. Just because she is a month older than me she thinks she knows everything. She looks at every male as a challenge, she loves to wrap them around her finger.”

“What do you do to males?”

“Me? I am so shy, to be honest. You are the first man I have actually talked to; usually, I freeze and say nothing.”

“What, no dates? I can’t believe that!”

“Well, believe it! I haven’t had a date for two reasons: I am too scared and my mom and dad would have a fit if I dated. They tell me I am too young and, that when I do, he has to be Chinese.”

“And, do you agree?”

She looked at me, then out the window, and then looked at me once more. There was actually a little glint in her eyes as she felt her independence working.

“If other boys are like you, I don’t agree.”

With that big admission, she looked away from me. Again, I was not able to confirm if she was blushing. It seemed she had taken a large step in her life, admitting she really didn’t agree with all her parents were saying. Am I witnessing the birth of a young rebel?

“You may not agree with everything your parents say but know that they likely love you very much and they are trying to guide you from making what they consider could be serious mistakes.”

“Would you consider my interest in you as a serious mistake?”

That is a new approach, she being interested in me. Me? I have always been interested in young girls, especially Oriental and of color. Unfortunately, that interest is usually only one way.

“Why would you be interested in the elderly, not that I am not flattered?”

“You are not elderly! Besides, age is just a number.”

Again, the seat belt light came on. This time the captain didn’t have time to give his speech as rain hammered the outer shell, and flashes of lightning and thunder crashes reverberated through the plane. Jayden grabbed my arm and had my hand between her legs in a flash; once again, my finger is pressing against heaven. The devil in me refereed to her comment of being interested in me. I applied pressure against her love lips and she surprised me by pushing her hips forward, applying additional pressure to her pubes. With some effort, I moved my hand to cup her pussy, using my index finger to probe. Jayden moaned, released my arm and buried her face in my side. The storm continued as my finger was getting warm and moist. I wished there was some way to slip my hand down the front of her slacks. My imagination saw her pussy covered with dark, blackish hair, very moist and delicious.

My discoveries were getting better and better, but could not go any further as we were landing shortly for a two hour layover.

The seat belt sign remained on while the engines roared as the braking flaps engaged. Jayden had a look of bewilderment then she spread her legs freeing my hand. She grabbed my hand, squeezing. Apparently, I was not the only one who enjoyed my actions.

Now landed, and debarked, I was in desperate need of a cup of coffee. One of the many joys of flying is the chance to spend four dollars for a cup the worst coffee in the world. After ten minutes, I located the bordering area. Actually, it wasn’t hard to find, as my favorite basketball team made it easy. Now seated, I tried in earnest to drink the coffee, a challenge.


It is Jayden and Chi and Chi has a knowing grin. That has me wondering if Jayden confided our little touchy, feely with her. They sat across from me. Jayden has a glow that wasn’t evident before. Again, John Thomas feels the need to get involved. Crossing my legs helps remove him from the conversation.

“We meet again. There doesn’t seem to be much to do during the layover.”

“True, I have a number of publications; I use the time to catch up on some on the new tech changes.”

Chi stood up and looked at Jayden.

“Jayden, I am going to check on the girls. Do you want to come?”

“No, I think I will just relax. After the first part of the trip, I need it.”

“Okay, I will be back.”

I have to admit watching Chi leave is beauty in motion. Her tight bottom just sways enough to attract every male’s interest. Exploring her body would be a wonderful experience during this layover. My interest is not lost on Jayden.

“Remember what I said on the plane, that age is just a number? You just made my point.”

“What do you mean by that remark?”

“I saw your eyes following Chi’s bottom; I can only guess what you are thinking.”

Now, I was fighting a blush. As my attention was on Jayden, she struggled to get comfortable, nearly impossible on these hard bench type seats. Finally, she draped her body over the lip of the bench, her legs slightly spread, her slacks pulled tight giving me a vision of her pubes molded into the material. Her stomach was flat, hips well defined, her legs were now spread, showing the large expanse of her camel toe. My mind had me on my knees before her paying homage to her pussy. Recalling her sexual scent, I could only surmise what treasures lay before me. Jayden’s top was pulled against her boobs, making them evident, but not in a large sense. Her nipples made their presence known. The overall vision made me more than interested in Jayden. Is she actually interested in me? Will anything develop? Hell, who am I kidding?

Looking at her face, her eyes were open as she was watching me study her body. Now, I really felt foolish, caught once more ogling the young lady’s luscious body. She was actually smiling at me. Did she realize the power she had over me? As much as I wanted to get up and leave, John Thomas would undoubtedly make her aware of my perverted interest, all sexual.

“I have never felt anything like that before.”

Now I am confused, as my look demonstrates.

“I’m talking about what happened on the plane; I like you touching me. Does that make me bad?”

“I don’t think so. Perhaps you should have had it happen with a younger person. I should apologize for that.”

“No, you shouldn’t! I put your hand there, at first I didn’t realize it, but it really felt good.”

“I have to admit, I enjoyed doing it.”

There was a long pregnant pause, as we both stared at each other.

“What are you girls doing for meals at the hotel?”

“Tonight we are on our own, but the balance of the time the hosting team will be arranging the meals for us. Why?”

“Perhaps we could have dinner together tonight my treat.”

“I’d like that. I will call you when I am settled in my room, I’ll be sharing one with Chi and two other girls.”

Of course, my conniving mind has me wondering if three girls would like to share my bed. Dirty Old Man!

We were prompted that boarding would begin in ten minutes. I was hoping that we have the same seating arrangements. A large number of the original passengers’ destinations had been Chicago so there were many new faces in the bordering aisle. I can only hope.

This plane wasn’t as large as the first one, with only double seating on each side; again, I got an aisle seat. I saw Jayden coming down the aisle but she stopped and sat two rows in front of me. Chi continued down the aisle, then stopped and looked at me, smiling.

“Your seat?”


Standing up, she purposely rubbed by me, pushing her sizable breasts against my chest. Her hand rubbed against John Thomas, that action shocked me. She actually gave him a squeeze. With the plane now filled, I watched as the attendants closed the door. Next, we went through the same safety pitch. A few passengers were still attempting to get their carry-on in the baggage compartments. The flight attendant was a short, well endowed, young lady and each time she assisted a passenger lift an item she was on her tippy toes. The strain her breasts put on her blouse had me waiting for the buttons to pop, but they didn’t. Chiharu didn’t need any help securing her seat belt, as much as I would love to have been of assistance. With her superstructure, there would have been no way of assisting without leaning against them. Finally, all was well and the plane was hauled to the taxi area. The engines roared as we taxied to the runway.

Once in the air and level, the seat belt light turned off. This left me with nothing to do but rest, since Jayden was not my companion. Closing my eyes, I thought a cat nap could be accomplished, as there was only a light murmur of voices. My thoughts were about Jayden and the wonderful warm feeling between her legs.

“What happened between you and Jayden?”

There goes my idea of getting some shuteye. Opening my eyes, I was confronted with the lovely face of Chiharu. Her lips appeared so moist, so kissable, my senses aroused by her perfume. She had that knowing look on her face. Hell, what does she know?

“Happened? What do you mean?”

“I have been Jayden’s best friend for over five years. I have never known her to be so forward with a male before, she’s usually scared shitless when she is around males. Her parents are very strict. They do not let her date. We have to go through a third degree when we go to the movies at the mall. She has to telephone home as soon as the movie is out. Today, she has a smile on her face and she appears to be far away, deep in thought. So, what happened?”

“Other than the permanent fingernail punctures in my arm, nothing, we just talked.”

“That is not the vibes I am getting. You are a handsome man and you seemed very attentive to Jayden. She wanted me to switch seats.”

“And why didn’t you?”

“I was curious about you. Something happened: Jayden’s mood tells me that.”

“Maybe it is my cologne, I really can’t tell you anything. She wasn’t too impressed with the storm and turbulence so I gave her a shoulder to hang on to.”

“Oh no, there is something more, I can feel it.”

Looking at her, I would love to feel it as well. Her breasts were inches from me, her face and those lips were screaming for attention. John Thomas was ready to salute her beauty. I wonder what would happen if the plane was to start bouncing around.

“So, you won’t tell me.”

“I would, if there was something to tell but there isn’t.”

“Excuse me, please. I have to go to the bathroom.”

Hmmm, how I would love to help. She stood, I stood, she slid out and, again, her hand gave John Thomas a quick feel. We were eye to eye and a smug smile filled her face. She is daring me. Watching her flow down the aisle, she leaned over and spoke to Jayden and then continued. Jayden stood, looked at me, smiled and headed towards me, her jacket in her arms.

“Chi suggested we exchange seats.”

Standing, to allow her to be seated, she moved by me. Her hip pushed into me, leaving no doubt she knew exactly what she did. Now seated, we stared at each other.

“What did the flirt want to know? She wouldn’t change seats with me on takeoff and now she did. She asked me a few pointed questions during the layover. I told her nothing.”

“She got the same from me. She has a feeling something happened during the flight. I told her it was the storm.”

“We think alike! I told her the same thing, that you helped me by being nice, which you are. I didn’t think it was any of her business about the other thing. That is between you and me. It was really nice. I have never felt that way before.”

“Felt how?”

She leaned over towards me her mouth close to my ear.

“Your hand on my pussy ... I have never done anything like that with a guy before.”

Is there an opening here? I wonder.

“How about with a girl?”

That hit a soft spot; she turned her face into my shoulder. She apparently has had a girl between her legs. Was it Chiharu? Now, I am jealous. With a very weak voice, she said,


“Can I guess, Chiharu?”

Her fingers tighten on my arm once more, I hit a tender spot. Now, I was really jealous. Those two girls exploring each other? What I wouldn’t do to get in on that action. John Thomas is now insisting on getting in on the conversation.

“You must think I’m really terrible.”

“Of course not! It is a wonderful thing that you and Chi have such a close relationship. Never feel you have done anything wrong because you love someone.”

“Since Mom and Dad won’t let me date, Chi and I are often together. She is actually very beautiful. I don’t really remember how it happened but one weekend she was sleeping over. We had watched a very sexy movie before going to bed. Something happened during the night, I touched her or she touched me, and the next thing I know we were kissing, really kissing; tongues in each others mouth, and her hands were all over me.”

“It is good you have someone close like that.”

“I like being touched and touching her. We kiss each other all over.”

Then she looked up at me, her face in shock.

“I shouldn’t have told you that! I have never told anyone about us. Please don’t tell Chi.”

“Your secret is safe with me.”

Then, the seat buckle light came on. After buckling my belt, the look on Jayden’s face told me she wanted help. Leaning over her, she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. After engaging her buckle, and as I moved back, she grabbed my hand and pushed it between her legs, squeezing it with her thighs. My hand was on heaven. She flipped her jacket over my hand, covering the action from anyone walking down the aisle. We had about twenty minutes before hitting the tarmac.

Her hands encircled my arm and she squeezed. Now, I am not one to kick a gift horse in the mouth. My fingers explored her material covered luv lips. She released my hand from the pressure of her thighs and actually spread her legs, allowing me easier access. My exploring fingers found her fly and then the button holding her slacks together. My experienced fingers soon had the button undone. A quick tug on her zipper had it down. Sliding my hand down the opening, I felt soft, warm skin. Jayden was wearing a thong, a very small thong. Finally, my fingers felt soft hair, and then I continued my exploration to the top of her slit. Her clitoris was the size of pea and very hard. Pushing my finger downwards, I hit a warm well of moisture. With my finger lubed, I concentrated on her clitoris. Jayden attempted to move her body to get more pressure on her love button. This discovery had John Thomas straining to participate. What I wouldn’t give to actually see what I was manipulating. Jayden, again, grabbed my arm, burying her face in my shoulder. Her body stiffened as she experienced a climax. With the roar of the engines, no one could hear her gasping. My continuing manipulations brought her to the brink and over twice before it became necessary for me to remove my hand. Jayden had a lost, haunting look on her face.

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MisfitsChapter 3

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked dumbly, staring at Billy, Mark, and Dale as they sat around the kitchen table. "I wanted to meet your friends," Mom told me as she poured a glass of milk for Mark. They were eating cookies. "What?" I felt like I'd fallen into the Twilight Zone. Mom had invited over the three boys who had turned me into a fag? "Sit down, faggot," she said with a smile. "I made your favorite; chocolate chip!" "Faggot!" Billy laughed and the other two...

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Innocence Taken Part 1

*** Taylor raced across the court and snatched the ball from a boy on the opposing team and arrowed off toward their hoop. After zigzagging around another boy he dunked the ball, much to the other teams disappointment. His friends patted him on the back as he went to sit on the bleachers. He had been playing nonstop for a while now and was sweaty and hot. Because it was the day before Christmas break, the...

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The Wonderfully Naughty Wizard of Oz Ch7P1

Leandra walked out to the throne room. Looking up at the blacken throne of her father, now her's to rule. "Servant come forth and show yourself." She turned from the throne to a small nome coming out of the shadows. He was of average nome height. Had round thin glasses birched on a long nose. His beard was the color of coal. His long robe dark like fresh spilled blood, covering his small frame."Yes my Queen, what can I do for you.""What is your name.""Looppen, your majesty.""Well Looppen you...

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After Hours

I’d not been working in the pub for long, just a couple of weeks, and I was getting to know the locals quite well. I’d made a good impression- well, with my 38C boobs and low-cut tops that was never going to be a problem. The guys never gave me any trouble, except at closing time. I’d get all the comments. “Want me to see you home, darling?” that kind of thing. I’d always reply with a smile, something along the lines of “You couldn’t handle me, love,” as I showed the last one the door.  There...

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The Champions Companion 12

The Queen and two princesses, Saliss the oldest and Ruegin, were with her listening to the annual plans of migration from the vast flood plains to Cardin. Three Hjordis in black Safi with their hair up in tight buns stood along the wall with Kaarthen. Marcos had also introduced an older gentleman named General Creighton. The general had an unnamed officer with him who took studious notes. Prince Carthin, the sickly strange boy, was the only one sitting. He actually looked quite...

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Home Alone

Julie and I had been married for about nine years and she was just as beautiful as the day we got married, petite with a tight body, long brown hair, bright green eyes, pale skin, and firm D-cup breasts. It was late Thursday evening and we were looking forward to a three day weekend at home thanks to the Monday holiday. Our plan was to enjoy our time alone by staying shut up in the house and having a lot of sex. We had just finished having sex and were cuddled in bed watching some...

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Meri Biwi Aur Ek Kala African

Mein aur meri biwi shuru se he kale african laude bahut pasand karte hain…..Lambe, kale aur mote african laude…..Hum jab bhi blue movie dekhte hani toh hamesha kale laude he dekhte hain gori ladki ke ander jaate hue aur unka dard se bhara muh dekhna…..Hum dono shadi se pahele he kaafi open the…Ek dusre se saari baatein share karte the….Tab maine use bataya tha ki mujhe use ek kale african laude ke saath maze lete hue dekhna hai aur muth maarna hai woh dekhte hue…..Hum kaafi baat karte the aur...

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Neelam Meri Jaan 8211 Part I

Hello friends imera name amit hai aur me iss ko pichhle 3 salo se padh raha hu. mene kayi kahaniya padhne ke baad muje bhi apni ek real story aap sabko share karne hi khwahish huyi is lye aaj me aap sab ke samne apni real story leke aa raha hu.aap sab ka jyada time na lete huye me ab apni story pe aata hu. meri age 32 years ki hai aur me dhikhne me sidha sada ladka hu. ye kahani aaj se 4 saal purani hai. jab me 28 saal ka tha tab ye ghatna mere sath huyi thi. mera ek friend hai malik jo mera...

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EvilAngel April Olsen Gaping Anal Threesome

Natural-breasted, comely April Olsen teases in sexy black stockings, garters and fuck-me pumps. She strokes Damion Dayski and Rob Piper’s massively big Black cocks in each hand. April gulps down Damion’s 12-incher as Rob shoves his rod up her asshole doggie-style. They trade places, April giving Rob a blowjob as Damion reams out her bunghole. ‘I fucking love it!’ exclaims the intense beauty as she bounces in anal ecstasy, a thick prick plugging her tailpipe. Rob...

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Wonder Years

Kevin Arnold was just stepping out of the shower, as he got ready for his date with Winnie Cooper. Kevin was 15 at the time and had been dating Winnie for 2 years already. But even though they had dated for 2 years, they had not gotten past kissing and some light touching. Kevin was hoping that tonight would be different. As he was stepping out of the shower, his brother Wayne was walking into the bathroom. When Wayne walked in he apologized and giggled at Kevin, calling him squirt. Kevin just...

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Evening Light Ch 04

I adore your feedback as always. I am trying to get this out as fast as possible. Please enjoy *** Part 4 The next week passed very quietly. Grace kept her promise to Miss Em and had dinner with them every night. She and Lucas were very careful around each other. Miss Em kept looking from one to the other in exasperation at their overly formal manner. Grace wouldn’t have minded so much about the situation but those green eyes did something to her. The curve of his lips made her want to run...

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Unwished for Gift Ch 01

Chapter 1 — Home Sweet Home ‘For the last time Caitlyn — stop working and go home already,’ her boss yelled from his open office door. Caitlyn looked up to see him grabbing his coat and hat. Looking down at her papers, she sighed and started gathering them up to take home. Aaron dashed quickly over to her and slammed his hand down on top of her papers. ‘You are not working over the holidays – period. I mean it,’ he growled menacingly. ‘You work too much as it is and even though this case is...

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The Battered LampChapter 7 The Jealousy of the Witch

Notes: Thanks to b0b for beta-reading this! Monday, January 18th – South Hill, Washington “So this is the wife?” Britney asked when she opened the door of Kyle’s car. “Yeah. Aaliyah, this is my best friend, Britney.” The Genie smiled, turning around and extending her hand into the rear seats were Britney squeezed in next to Chyna. Fatima was on the other side, crushed against the door. It was tight having three people in the back seat, and Kyle’s little sister didn’t seem pleased about...

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Like Kissing Your BrotherChapter 3

Tad had just spent the night with Carey at her father's and her home. There had been a bit of an argument between Stella (their father's girlfriend) and Carey when Stella came to get her stuff that Carey had put on the porch. Seeing Tad in the living room had calmed Stella's desire to hurt his sister. It was very quiet in the house when Tad got home the next morning. He took off his sweater and headed down the hall to his room and saw that the door to his mother's bedroom was ajar. It...

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Dads MindControlled Daughters Chapter Two Daughters Cherry Birthday Gift

Chapter Two: Daughter's Cherry Birthday Gift A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! My forty-fourth birthday had not gone at all like I expected. How could I have anticipated that my youngest daughter Tonya would become so flirty, that she would end up impaling her virgin pussy on my cock and ride me until we both had come? The idea of having sex with Tonya, let alone any of my daughters, had been a foreign idea...

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The GiftChapter 11

Thursday morning I left a little early, because I wanted a few minutes with dad. I turned into a rest area, stopped the car, and concentrated hard. Sure, a minute later he was there. "Did I disturb you?" "Not at all. I already told you that. Can I help you?" "I don't know if you can, dad." I told him about the success with the shop assistant, which made him chuckle. "So what's your problem?" "I'm a little out of ideas, to tell you the truth. I have decided to follow your...

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Ex Tricked Me To Threesome

Hi, I am Sibon again with another sex story. But this time I am going to narrate a threesome sex story of mine. How I got tricked into group sex (threesome). Well, this is my second group sex and I am going narrate every possible conversation I could remember. So this sex story is going to be lengthy sorry for that. Those who have not read my previous sex story let description about me. I am Sibon Limbu from Mumbai, 25 years old with 5’6” height with a plump body, this sex story is about 4 to 5...

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Group session

Caleb had no idea that sex with older women could be as good as it was. Younger women might have a better body, but Mary had sucked his dick and fucked him as hard as he had ever been fucked. It was nice knowing that there was nothing expected of you after you shot your load.She had called him the next day and scheduled another sitting. She had asked if it was ok if a couple other people were there and he told her that would be fine. He knew that not all older women were as attractive as Mary,...

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Can I Borrow Your Wife 2

Well Friday rolled around and Amiee took the day off to "Get Ready". I went to work and around noon I got a call from Tom. "Hey Tom whats up everything cool?" "Ya everything is good, will be better when my life leaves." "So what can I do for you?" "I was just wondering what are Amiee's or your limits." "No limits man, go crazy, just don't send her home beat up" "OHHH NO of course not, I was more talking about ass, threesome, how rough I can get with her" "Well you...

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Little Birds

I'm a 22-year-old woman, college educated and intelligent. I'm reasonably attractive, outgoing, and well regarded. I've known my husband since I was in high school and he is ten years older than I am, but that hasn't mattered to me in the least. Nor to him, I would hope. He's an academic and well respected in his field. We both come from good middle-upper class families and we were never abused as children, or suffered physical or emotional trauma. We're very normal people. We've been...

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Wifey TrainingChapter 2

Jane spread the tools of her new therapy program before her. There was a pill, her iPod nano, and a vibrator. Jane stripped off her baggy sweater and sweat pants. It was 2pm and she had just come from work where she spent most mornings as the part-time floor manager for a small, independent bookstore. Fortunately, they didn't care what she wore, and so Jane was able to dress for comfort. Following Dr. Susan's instructions, Jane took the pill ("a mild sedative, to help you relax", Dr....

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How My Beautiful Mom Servant Radha Became Whore

In our house there are two male workers and one female worker their names are Ramesh and Prabhakar between 35-40 and Radha 36 is a widow her husband died just a month back of the incident and she is staying just behind our house, She also looks good and her structure is 38-32-40 and I’m very much interested in fucking her but I don’t know what made me interested in her. Lets come to the story, On one day my mom went to some relatives marriage and my dad was on business trip, I as usual went...

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Overboard TooChapter 26

Kaitlyn returned my call a few minutes later, and said she had been in a conference with her Faculty Advisor. It was nothing special, just something all of them had to do before graduation. She said she didn't have any more classes today, so she and Suzy were just hanging out in the student center, waiting for Laurel and Richelle to show up. I said, "So, I hear Suzy is a pretty good note taker. You two getting along okay?" I didn't think I put any special inflection into the question,...

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God of LoveChapter 16 On the way

‘May seems to be a curious woman. Although it has a little suspicion in her look, it is mostly curiosity. It seems my theory was right.’ ‘What theory, master?’ ‘The theory that women have a crush on mysterious men.’ ‘What works there is curiosity. That’s a good strategy, master, and in my view, that strategy seems especially effective in May. What do you plan on doing? How much will you reveal?’ ‘Nothing. I have an even bigger plan. Instead of giving it away for free, wouldn’t it be...

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Gayu8217s Journey In Her Life 8211 Part 7 8

Part 7 Ganesh & Gayu come out to the dining table, where the maid has already arranged for lunch, as per instruction from Gayu, a kheer or payasam & sweet also has been made for MIL’s son. They both have lunch slowly enjoying the delicious food. Gayu with small wicked smile without giving any hint to Ganesh asks whether Ganesh was able to take some rest. He says he slept well and woke up only she came to call him for lunch. Again the discussion goes back to the family, Gayu asks about the...

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Lauras Music Lesson

I was worried about today. Melissa was coming over for a music lesson. Melissa is Steph’s 50 year old Mum. Steph is 28 years old like me and we are great friends. Melissa asked me to give her some help with her music which on the one hand seemed strange, tutoring a friends Mum, but I knew her well enough. Steph has been to the house loads of times so Beccy knew her well, and had met her Mum quite a few times. Still, it was agreed Melissa would come to ours for her lesson which meant Beccy...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 19 Comings and Goings

August 31, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Good evening, Mr. Spurgeon,” I said when Les led me to Noel Spurgeon’s study. It was late on Monday evening because I’d gone to karate practice before driving up to Glencoe. Samantha had arranged for me to talk with her dad, and then talk with her parents together. “Good evening, Steve. I suppose at this point, you should call me Noel.” “Thanks. I assume Samantha told you what she wants to do?” He nodded, “Actually, she asked my permission. I was...

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Emma Chapter 3

Emma has just watched her mother tortured and broken by her father. Emma sits with pussy cum drooling from her smooth cunt watching Ed approach with his hard cock swaying in front of him. Her father also with his cock out stands watching what Ed will do to his daughter, with a lustful grin on his face. Pleasure and Pain Ed stops in front of Emma, his cock inches from her nose. Precum drips at a fast pace from his excited cock head. He looks down into her doe eyes, and asks. Did you enjoy...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 109

Say thanks to dorsetmike‎ for this one: Police have arrested a man who fell into the workings whilst stealing a combine harvester. They’re expect he’ll to be baled tomorrow. Compliments of Allan B Algebra – what mermaids wear to hold up their breasts. Cannibals serve food at a wake. It saves a lot on the burial costs... Adam was a White man. Did you ever try to take a rib from a Black man? A candidate for the police force was asked, “What would you do if you had to arrest your...

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My CD awakening in high school

When I was in high school I worked at our community swimming pool as a lifeguard. Sitting in the chair all day and looking at hot babes, MILF's and even young girls in their swim wear made me horny all day long. At night after the pool closed I had to clean the bathrooms and locker rooms and usually I did this by myself. In the women's locker room I would find panties, bra's, and sometimes even swimsuits. Touching them, smelling them, and holding them against my skin was such a turn on. The...

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Massage Woman Of The House 8211 Part 3

I am Brinda, a massage woman. In part 2 you read that in sasural elder sister of my husband Rashm became my good friend. After I gave her lesbian pleasure she became my very good friend and confessed about her sexual life to me, when she talked of massage and sex during massage at Mumbai, I told her that I give massage to female but at a very high rate. Then she requested and I gave her nude body to body on friday and saturday morning. She wanted me also to get nude in front of Babu, a young...

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A Stitch In TimeChapter 5

The woman who opened the door to my knock early in the afternoon on January 2 was clearly surprised to see me. "Mister Sterling," she said coldly, holding the door open two feet and no more. "What can I do for you?" "I came to ask a favor, Mrs. Palmer," I said. I'd dressed nicely, in the same outfit I'd tried to wear to church before Jeanne shot it down. I figured if I'd dressed in church clothes — which I hadn't managed to buy yet, anyway — Mrs. Palmer would have been a little...

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Its a naughty world The initiation Part 1

Introduction: As Kevin grows through his mid-teen years, the more he realizes how he is outgrown by people around him and esp people in relation to him…This is just the first half of the beginning… Dear reader, This is my attempt in writing an erotic short story. Your reviews, ideas, comments regarding language or vocabulary, the pace of the story, and the amount of erotic comment is invaluable to me. Constructive criticism would be highly appreciated ! thank you, and enjoy of course! For...

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The Temple Priestess Ch 02

Chapter 2: A temple priestess Anouk’s lessons in the art of love continue. This story is set around 5,000 years ago, in Babylonia. In pre-Christian times, just before the patriarchal Hebrews invaded places like Canaan, goddess worship was widespread and sex was connected to spirituality. I wake after a delightful night’s sleep, following my official initiation as a temple priestess. The objective of the initiation is to teach me to enjoy the pleasures of my body and how to give pleasure to...

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Opus OneChapter 9 Gigue

Dr. Eugene Dobra was everything rumor made him out to be. He walked in at exactly one o'clock. Richard and Sandra had just found two seats in the back corner together, hardly having greeted each other when he asked for silence. "Take out some staff paper," he said. He sat at the piano in the front of the room as people shuffled through their bags for the paper. Richard borrowed a sheet from Sandra. When the rustling and whispering had settled down, Dr. Dobra nodded. "Please write...

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A WWE Experience

FIRST NAME & LAST NAME = Fill-in both for the main/new character. This is the true story of John Doe, his rise to the top, and the many, many sex tales along the way. As one of the most-promising talents in the WWE youth program, you've been tipped to follow in the path of greats like Stone Cold, Undertaker, Bret Hart, etc. You are just over six feet tall, with a very muscular build, and long, brown hair. You're a destructive force in the squared circle. You were given a choice by Vince McMahon...

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my step sister kate

Me and my dad lived alone for a few years after my mum left for another man, He had been seeing a women called Dawn for about six months when he invited her a her daughter Kate for dinner on eveningKate was three years older then me, she was plump quite plain and small breasts, but that was just my opinion, She was a bit shy I think we both felt awkward really, we sat in the garden talking leaving our parents alone.She told me she was training to be a hair dresser , we also talked about...

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Laurens Lesbian Fantasy Extended

Im sorry Lauren, I just cant go out with a girl with a penis She slams the phone down and her eyes start to water, she soon bursts in to tears. Her tear drenched pillow is equal to her red puffy eyes. The phones rings, its her friend Julia Hello? Julia has also been crying, Julias distinctive deep voice is interrupted by sniffles Lauren, I need to stay with you-my parents caught me in bed with my dog Oh, come over just now, we can talk about it Twenty minutes past and Lauren has been crying,...

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EvilAngel Haley Reed 20YO Haley8217s Grooling Audition

Beautiful blonde Haley Reed is a natural girl new to the porn biz. The stunning young minx flaunts her slender body for director Mike Adriano, showing off perky, tiny tits and a meaty twat. Mike buries his tongue in Haley’s sweet asshole. The gorgeous 20-year-old licks the director’s balls, rims his bunghole and eagerly gags on his enormous cock. After an intense, slobbery blow job, Haley mounts the meat, bouncing up and down while her pussy oozes white, gooey pussy...

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Torn LivesChapter 13

"My god Pierce, you are very handsome, come near my love so mom can kiss your face hurt" At those words my penis did inflate like a balloon and as one went up instantly. I took her in my arms and started kissing her, mouth, nose, eyes, neck, breasts and down to her tummy. When I was sniffing her wafting scent and preparing to plunge into her pussy, she stopped me taking my head with her hands and told me, "Wait my dear, today I repay you, let me make love to you". I could see my...

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Changing Direction Ch 08

Chapter Eight: The Little voice in her head Ella sighed happily as the warm shower water cascaded across her skin, running in little rivulets across her warm flesh. It was difficult for her to contain her excitement. Today was the day. Her screen test… Maybe it had been a mistake to have spent the night with Roger and Barry again. Perhaps she should have conserved her energy, considering what awaited her this afternoon. But she had energy to burn and her sexual needs were ramped up to such...

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Feeding Yvette

"Oh. My. God, this is the girl I saw here last week," - said Mike quietly, pointing discreetly at a girl who just walked into the restaurant. I followed his gesture and saw her as well. My mouth went dry instantly, rivaled only by the instant stirring in my pants.You see, me and Mike are long-time friends and roommates. When we were teenagers together, we discovered that among other things we have in common, we share the preference for a certain type of women's figures. Well, not quite. Mike...

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A Wicked Addiction

He jumped slightly as the co-worker slapped him on the back “hey Jerry, another long night?”. Jerry looked up at the tall slim man who appeared to be around 24 years old “Yeah, you could say that.” Jerry grinned and then stretched back in his seat, “How about you?”. “You know me I live to party.” The two shared a chuckle then went back to work. Jerry hated his job, he hated typing all day long writing sensless computer codes for someone elses profit, it just didn’t make sense to him. He did...

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After that, Val didn't want to talk for a while. She didn't want me too close, but she didn't want me far. That is until her stomach started to growl. From the look on her face and body, I could tell she didn't want to get up. "Can I go and get you something to eat," I asked? She gave me a slightly ticked off look and said, "I'm not helpless you know. I don't need a prince in shining armor to come to my rescue. Just because I was raped by my own daddy..." She stopped from anger or...

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Big Boobs Tube! You've most likely seen tons of websites such as this one where loads of videos are jammed into a single place, and when I say "loads," I mean it. Take a look at the categories and check out those digits! The first category that comes up when you open up the homepage is the "big tits" category, and you will notice that there are over three million videos in here, which is honestly quite amazing. Then you will notice other categories such as the "lesbian"...

Big Tits Porn Sites
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The SocietyChapter 6

Sondra awoke smiling to find herself in the middle of a circular bed so large that spreading her arms and legs fully she still could not come within two feet of the edge. She was also completely naked. The thought flashed through her mind to cover herself as Joubert entered from the bathroom wearing a silk bathrobe, but although her mind was a bit fuzzy about last night (Sondra was not accustomed to the effects of stiff brandies) she could still quite vividly recollect that Joubert had not...

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TangentChapter 28b

Gamelin looked at the odd hat that Lady Judy had made for him by weaving river reeds. It was round, a flat brim and a tall round place his head fit under. It didn't look like much, but she'd told him it would keep the sun off his face and hopefully stop his recurring sunburns. He knew he had to do something about those because the further south they marched, the worse the burns were and the more they were affecting him. Vosper hadn't been any help. He'd asked the old sergeant to look...

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Retiring an Agent

I knew I screwed up. In my line of work you only get one strike, and I just struck out. We all knew working for an underground agency would not be easy, but they made it worth our while. It was simple, we would get assignments, we would complete them, then we would get paid. My phone would only ring a couple times a year and the amount I got easily paid all expenses my wife and I had. My wife, Sarah, she was so understanding for so long. But as time dragged on, she began to pry more...

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Doc Ch 04

As we rode out Grandpa said ‘I thought you were going to change out of those funny clothes?’ ‘I was, but since we need to go to my Power Wagon anyway for the medical kit, I thought I would change there and grab some of my things. I’ve got clothes there that will look right. Also I have a pair of these Army Remingtons that were converted to take a cartridge. Hell, they might be these same pistols. Dad gave them to me when I was fourteen when I thought I wanted to be a marshal like you. I also...

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Two Different WorldsChapter 13 That OldTime Religion

Jewel's lips brushed his forehead, and at the same time Amy tenderly kissed his cheek. "Awake, oh Master. The dawn is nigh." "What the devil... ? Oh, good morning, Jewel, Amy. What are you two giggling about?" "Why, Neal, you're blushing! All right, we'll be good. How would you like some hot breakfast to start your day off right?" Jewel triumphantly held up a blackened kettle from which savory odors arose in a cloud of steam. "There is also water to wash with," Amy added...

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