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As I drove up to our garage I found myself worrying. I was later than normal and I knew Jim would be worried. I kept building my excuse so that I'd have it somewhat practiced before I walked in.

I hadn't fallen into the affair willingly but now, after six months I craved the sexual heights my lover drove me to. I still love my husband but for some reason, Samuel does things in my mind and body that I can't keep away from.

I've tried to break it off with Sam. I have tried time and time again. He's just so damned seductive and he also knows all the buttons to push to get me to fail my own will and terms every time.

Jim, if he knew, would probably be more than a lot angry. I thought that if push came to shove though, I'd be able to talk him out of a divorce and be able to get him to forgive me. I had a plan for working on him just in case.

That's how far I've fallen. In my six month love affair I'd found a new me and made plans to prevent Jim, my loving husband, from kicking me out of his life and home if and when he found me out.

I was certain that he'd never figure it out though. I made sure he had sex whenever he showed any interest and sometimes I even started things when I didn't really feel like it ... because I love him so much. I do love him. Really ... I do.

Once in a while, every few days or so I'd get that guilty feeling and want to stop what I'd done ... to go back in time and never have allowed my attraction for Sam to have gone so far as to end up in a sexual fling with him.

It isn't that I love Sam, because I don't. Matter of fact at times I don't like him at all. He gets in a mood some times while we're fucking and begins to treat me like a whore or slut. Those are the times that really give me the big orgasms, even though I hate what he does to me in the process. I just can't resist him or his ways.

I look into the rearview mirror and check my lipstick and hair. I took a shower at Sam's place and made myself presentable, but I am paranoid about Jim looking at me and perhaps seeing something out of place that I can't explain easily.

I have the same soaps and shampoo at Sam's that I use at home. I even have changes of clothes and underwear I keep at Sam's too. Just in case. I've been very careful to plan each time with Sam now. Ever since that one time five months ago when I came home and Jim asked me about my perfume.

I realized that I wasn't wearing any since I'd showered at Sam's. I also suddenly remembered that I'd put on some of Jim's favorite perfume before leaving for work that morning. I'd managed to dodge that bullet that time though. I made up a story about having spilled some cleaning chemicals on me while digging through the closet for some Kleenex our employer kept stored there. Jim had bought that hook line and sinker.

One last look and I got out. Walking into the house I stopped at the front door and looked around for Jim's pickup. It wasn't where he normally parked it. He'd left it on the street almost in front of the neighbor's house. That was odd. He usually parked it in our driveway.

Meanwhile, inside the house:

I watched Giselle as she checked over her face in the rearview mirror. It had been a long tiring day for me and I was tired of waiting for her arrival. Of course she was late again. It had been getting more and more to be normal than an exception. Had she been where she claimed she was I'd had no problem with it ... but that wasn't the case.

It had all started months ago and up until it became totally unavoidable, I'd tried to find a way to get her back with me. I'd tried everything I could think of ... with no help from her. I had made a decision that I wouldn't let her know that I knew about her affair. I knew that she had to break it off on her own to do either of us any good.

Dinners, movies, flowers, candy ... I'd tried all the usual things. I got creative ... I made her a special knickknack shelf, glass encased. I'd picked her up from her work on a Friday and we'd gone into the city for a weekend of loving and just going to wherever she desired.

I'd tried talking to her about 'us' but even that had fallen on deaf ears. The weekend in the city had started out with her being angry at me ... but by the end I thought I'd made some headway. That didn't make it through the next week though.

I finally had begun to attack her, arguing about her hours and her job. All that succeeded in doing was getting her mad at me. Our sex life dropped off substantially and then dropped off more, and then dropped some more yet. What had been several times a week and at least three times on the weekend had become ... well it had been a week and a half since we'd last been intimate in any way ... two weeks since we'd actually had sex. She hadn't noticed as far as I could tell.

I'd known all along what was going on. Five months ago I'd actually caught her at it but she'd managed to fend off my questions and fire back an excuse about why she'd taken a shower at work. What she didn't know was that I'd followed her that afternoon and I knew precisely why she'd taken the shower and her job had absolutely nothing to do with it.

That finding out had crushed my heart but I still loved her enough to try to win her back. She was the woman I wanted to have children with. She had my heart and I'd fallen very hard for her when we'd met. Now ... well it wasn't going to be all that hard to do what I had to do tonight. I wondered briefly how she'd handle it when I left ... but thought that she'd probably run to her lover and they'd laugh at me, the imbecile that they'd pulled the joke on all this time.

How can a husband compete with a lover who has no need to perform routine 'honey do's' for a wife? How can a husband not confront a wife about her cheating with her lover and try to win her back honestly? I'd tried my damnedest and failed. I'm going to be telling her that I have to go out of town on an emergency road trip tonight. It wouldn't be the first time something like this had come up ... but it would be the last.

You may ask why I didn't confront her. All that would prove is that I caught her and she'd be sorry for that. That I'd caught her that is not that she'd decided ahead of time to quit. My thoughts were I'd win her back to me without a hint that I was aware of her indiscretions. That way I'd know in my heart that she truly loved me. Obviously, now to me at least, that hadn't worked.

What she didn't know was that all my worldly belongings were packed in my truck. I'd split the bank accounts in half. I'd quit my job and taken an offer from an old friend who lived clear across the country. I'd made plans to cancel my cell phone plan, picked up another phone, paid off my old cell phone plan, a penalty I was willing to pay in order to keep her from calling me later on. I had one week on the old phone left ... and it was a relief knowing that.

My 401K would transfer to my new employers' savings plan; my cash balance retirement plan would be safe where it was. I was a little upset over having to quit my job as I liked the people I worked with and my job was about as perfect for me as a job I'd ever had. It sucked having to walk away from my co-workers, employer and customers like this ... but it was something I had thought long and hard about.

I'd given it my best shot, and Giselle had ignored my efforts totally. Too caught up in her affair to know she had lost me ... or perhaps she just didn't care? It didn't really matter anymore at this point. The papers would be served on Giselle the following Friday while she was either at work or at her lovers.

Am I running out on her you may ask? Yes. Yes I am. It hurts me too much to face her with her infidelity. I know that were I to confront her now, she'd be sorry, cry and possibly beg me to forgive her. That's exactly what I don't want. I didn't want to look like some beggar trying to get their wife back that way.

What I wanted was her to realize that I loved her and that she still loved me. I wanted her to see for herself what she could lose. I wanted her to take me back, damnit! Obviously I lost to her lover. Even though I know what kind of 'man' he is, I know that she won't or can't see that side of him yet. She will though. Right about the time the divorce paperwork is served or shortly there after.

Until then I planned on calling her nightly like I usually did, hoping that she wouldn't notice I was using a motel room phone, or be too concerned about my not using my cell phone. I figured that she'd never notice anyway as she always seemed too distracted to really talk to me now.

I don't know what she expected of me. I don't know why she even started the affair or why she is keeping at it. I really don't know what she truly feels about me anymore either. She can't love me. Not, at least, like I loved her once before all this shit started.

If she did love me, she'd never have been with another man. She had though. She'd been with him for months now ... and showed no signs of stopping. I'd given up after months of hard work on my part to try to win her back. I saw the handwriting on the wall. He'd won, I'd lost.

Angry again, I began to work on my fake story, trying to keep my bile down as Giselle walked up to the front door. I went into the kitchen and got out a cold beer. I was desperate to do anything to keep my mind busy while I worked at calming down inside. This was not the time to mess up and blow my plan all to hell.

After talking to my lawyer I'd found out exactly what the court's would expect on our divorce. I was reasonably certain that Giselle would welcome the divorce since she seemingly had given up on me now. I was also certain that she'd have her lover move in with her right away after getting those papers next week.

My closet doors were closed up, the dresser drawers too. A casual glance by her wouldn't reveal the almost total emptiness they contained now. I wondered briefly, what she'd think when she discovered that emptiness? Would she feel anything at all? How would she feel to find out that the few remaining clothes in my closet and dresser were ones she'd given me?

Smiling as she walked in, she came up to give me a hug. I turned my head so her kiss met my cheek ... not a new thing as of late either. She hadn't complained about it before and she didn't tonight either. The last sex we'd had was over two weeks ago and she evidently hadn't noticed that lack of sex with me either. Her lover must be getting it real good from her.

"How was your day today?" I asked, not really caring what kind of day she had, but I knew I had to pretend to be the same old loving schmuck of a husband she could count on.

"It was good. You seem upset ... is something wrong?" Her reply was automatic even though she tried to tinge it with concern.

"Yeah ... I have to make a trip again. Work. I'll be gone a week, leaving in the morning." I was watching her for a reaction ... only seeing a smile begin on her lips before she forced a more serious concerned pout.

"Oh honey. On a Saturday? You have to travel tomorrow?" Her eyes spoke of the truth, in that I could see she really seemed relieved that I was going to be gone. She was even happy about it. More time for her lover perhaps.

"Yeah. It's going to be a long week. Job is behind and I have to go oversee the construction now."

I was relieved that she seemed to be taking my huge lie as a truth and wasn't getting all angry as she used to. I knew enough to keep my answers short and simple ... no elaboration such as she'd given me over the last months.

That was one of the tip-offs to me about her affair. Her excuses were minutely detailed to an extreme. And then one day I'd had to take a trip out to a job and she hadn't argued about it with me like she had in the past. It had caused me some wonder. Later, not much later, I'd discovered her affair, and it all made sense then.

We had dinner and watched TV for a while. She was in her favorite chair as I sat on the couch, hoping that she'd have a last minute change of heart and stop me from my chosen path that I started in the morning.

I held out that hope for a couple of hours but it wasn't to be. We'd lost it all, I could see clearly now. She sat there ignoring me for the most part and never once looked at me. It was as if I wasn't even there.

She watched TV but I could tell from her actions that she was thinking about her lover and how much they'd be able to be together this week. If she only knew that I'd be gone forever tomorrow...

Meanwhile ... watching TV, Giselle's mind was going full out.

'He doesn't suspect. I'll have a whole week with Sam. He'll be able to sleep over here with me ... or me over at his place. We'll get lots of sex in and I know he'll take me out nightly for dinner and dancing too. I know that I shouldn't be happy about this at all, but Jim's trip will be exciting for me. He'll be out of town and I'll have Sam as much as I want. It will be great. My plan for one last great week just got better. Next week, after Jim gets back home I'll be able to cut it off with Sam and concentrate on Jim and me. It'll work out perfectly. We'll go out with a bang.'

That night I rolled over and tried to get Jim interested in some loving but I found him snoring lightly. He was asleep ... again. The last few months had been hard on him with his job and all, but it surprised me that he'd gone without sex with me for so long.

The thought entered my mind in an instant, unbidden. 'Could he be cheating on me with someone? Was it possible that I'd missed any signs that he could have discovered my cheating on him and he'd been doing the same to get even?'

Looking at his face as he slept I couldn't see anything that would tell me. I knew he loved me. I questioned once again my affair and why I was still carrying on with Sam. Why?

Sam wined and dined me. He took me dancing. He was okay in bed, about the same size as Jim, but it was the other things Sam did that caused me to want to be with him. Jim loved me and in our lovemaking, that was a difference that I cherished. Sam fucked me, and at times that fucking was hot and rough and what I needed.

Sam takes care of needs other than sex for me too at times. I really like going out to eat and dance with Sam. He is gentle and attentive while we're out and it is as if I am the only woman in the world in his eyes. So much so that when we'd get back to his place or the motel rooms as the case may be, I'm ready to pay him back for the great times.

Our time has been exquisite but it's about time to stop it. I feel like I'm losing Jim at times lately and my greatest fear is that he'll discover my affair and either leave me or hurt Sam or worse yet, both. Matter of fact I've noticed that for the last few months Jim has been working hard to be a good husband for me.

A little stray worrisome thought crept into my mind. 'Was that because he knew about my affair and he was trying to one up my lover?' I dismissed that thought immediately. Had Jim known, I know what would happen. He'd go ballistic and probably go after Sam.

I didn't want to have to bail Jim out of jail, should he do something rash. I wasn't sure what Jim could or would do if he found out about my affair, but I was relatively certain that he'd leave me in an instant. Yes, this week would signal the end of my time with Sam, as fun as it had been. I needed to concentrate on my husband and starting our family. It was time.

That morning I woke to an empty bed. He'd left without a hug or kiss or even a goodbye. At first I was uneasy, even a bit afraid but I convinced myself that he didn't want to wake me up. Jim is a loving husband and caring enough to know that I was tired and could use some extra sleep.

His call that night was good, but nowhere as good as having him at home with me. Of course, Sam was on his way to our place as I spoke with my loving husband. I was going out with Sam that night and we'd end up at either his place or here. I'd have my cell phone and Jim usually called me on that anyway.

Jim seemed preoccupied during the call, but I knew that his job was probably weighing on his mind. When he had to go out of town like this he usually focused on the issues on the job and that left him little time to sit and think about not being near me. This worked in my favor as far as Sam and I went too ... so I understood and was understanding of his lack of 'focus' on us at times like this.

I was ready for Sam when he knocked on the door. I'd left the garage door open and he knew to just drive in, close the door, and then come around to the back patio door. I was sitting on the kitchen counter, naked, waiting. His knock caused my spine to shiver as I knew what he'd do once he opened that door and saw me like this.

I'd shaved myself clean for him, my legs spread wide open in an obvious invitation to him, and my nipples were hard as steel. I was wet too since I'd played with myself for a bit after Jim's phone call.

"Giselle? Are you here?"

His deep voice sent shivers to my spine again and as he walked in, seeing me, the look in his eyes made me go wetter than ever.

"I'm right here waiting Sam. Can we take care of something before we head out to dinner and dancing? I find that I'm a little ... in need."

The look in his eyes as he beheld me laying there made me flood down between my legs.I could hear it in his voice ... lust, deep desire ... I turned him on.

"Jesus ... Oh God, you're beautiful Giselle. Amazingly so."

His hands were working the buttons on his shirt as he lewdly licked his lips. I could see desire in his eyes. That desire was part of why I had continued the affair as long as I had. Jim, for whatever reason, hadn't shown that look to me for quite some time now.

Naked he stepped up between my legs, his hands smoothly running up my legs, fingers soon rubbing my clit and my very wet pussy lips. Bending over, he licked my nipples, hard as they were, and then he moved up to kiss me hotly on the mouth.

As our lips met, his fingers left my pussy, going to my nipples to pinch and roll those hardened little buds almost roughly. I felt the head of his hot hard cock rubbing my pussy lips, and pretty soon that hardness split my pussy wide open, driving the air out of my lungs as he thrust deeply into me.

His pubic bone crushed against my clit and my first orgasm hit me hard. I was so hot I came as his cock first bottomed out in me. I knew that this night would be one of the best ever with my lover.

His thrusts became harder and stronger as my orgasm carried me up and over. Sam was pinching my nipples and talking dirty to me. The feeling of his cock up inside me was more than I could stand and I began to have multiple orgasms. It seemed that each time Sam bottomed out in my pussy, I'd cum.

The feeling of my bald pussy against him woke things up deep inside me too. I felt single and free. His cock pulled my lips in and out on each stroke and as his pubic hair would crush against me on an in-stroke I felt strange vibrations on my clit. Bald was beautiful.

Sam squirted his load into me and I felt every little bit of his sperm filling me up. He had fairly copious loads and I'd even swallowed them with fervor as his cum tastes almost sweet. He told me once that he ate lots of fruit, mostly citrus types, and that was the reason for his sweet tasting cum. Whatever the case was, I craved that taste often.

He pulled out and as he stood back I shoved my fingers deeply in, retrieving some of his honey and then I licked my fingers clean. Sam smiled as he watched my debauchery. I could never be this open and free with Jim. For some reason though, Sam I loved to tease like this.

I kept dipping and licking for a bit and then we took a shower together. After that we went out to dinner. I don't love Sam ... I mentioned that. This would be our last week together too. Still, he had what it took to make me a wild and wanton slut.

I never took the time to think, I mean truly think about what I could lose. I never took the time to really think about my actions and how they could affect my husbands love for me. I just went with the moment and longed for the feel and taste of illicit excitement that Sam brought me.

At dinner we sat near the back in a darkened booth. As we ate Sam kept feeling me up. He started with my braless tits, barely covered by my unbuttoned blouse. (I'd unbuttoned the top five buttons on the drive over and the swell of all of my breasts could be seen if I opened my arms very far, threatening to expose all of them at times.)

Later, while waiting for our dessert, he began to finger my bare pussy and since I was wearing a very short skirt and garter belt and stocking, there wasn't much there to stop him, even if I'd been inclined to do so. The feeling of his strong, long fingers stroking up and down my slit drove me to the edge of orgasm several times.

After dinner he took me dancing at an upscale crowded club. Once on the dance floor his dancing became suggestive and downright sexual. I reveled in the nastiness of it all. I mean, here I was, a married woman whose husband was away, out with a lover who was feeling me up in public.

I'd shaved my pussy for my lover. I'd swallowed his cum numerous times. I'd allowed him to take me any way he wished, including anally. For my lover I was a slut. It was truly the sexual odyssey I was journeying on more than anything else I suppose. For Sam I could be the slut and not worry about what he'd think of me later on. For his part, Sam had kept up some gentlemanly efforts, and I was thankful for that.

At one point, during a slow dance, Sam's hands were on my butt. Soon I felt his fingertips on my skin. My short dress was pulled up, exposing my bare ass cheeks and stockings to everyone around us. I felt the rush of the sexual high burn brighter. What would Jim have thought if he'd seen Sam doing that? I wondered briefly.

Almost as quick as the thought of my husband entered my mind, Sam brushed him out by slipping a finger into my bottom. Right there on the dance floor, Sam was fingering my asshole ... and I loved it.

I saw a few women nearby staring at us with what could only be described as lustful imaginings. Of course there were a few, a thankfully very few that were more disproving too.

Later that evening in my bed in my home, Sam fucked the living hell out of me. I went down on him sucking him off and swallowing all his seed. He went down on me and licked my pussy until I begged him to take me with his cock. He did. As he was fucking my doggie style for the third time my phone rang. I answered it, motioning Sam to be quiet.


"Hey, it's me. I got in a bit later than I figured I would, but I thought you'd want to know."

"How was your drive?"


"What time do you have to be in to work in the morning?"

"Early. I'm going to hit the hay. Talk to you tomorrow."

"I love you. Good night honey."

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So I was set up! I don't know how but I was...I'm not complaining by all means though. In fact if I was set up it was a blessing in disguise. I mean kissing and making out with two 18 year old twin brunette women at the same time...come on! The thing is it was who they were that makes it strange and hot at the same time. In fact I knew them very well but not lately however....Sally and Susan was about to have their way with me and I was not going to fight them at all. Because these two women...

2 years ago
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Star Wars The Tie FighterChapter 3 From the Badlands to the Death Star

GUSTAV had been in orbit about Resead for three days. Our mission during this time was to fly patrols in the surrounding system to guard against any further Rebel attacks, while the stormtroopers and other ground personnel solidified Imperial control of the planet. The badly damaged orbiting platform was also undergoing repairs. In addition to the patrols, I used the time for training. Our TIE squadrons and those of our sister frigate SHAMUS, which had been badly damaged in the attack on...

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Bla Book 1 Target GirlChapter 8

Mike Tannenger was having a bad day. Not only was he called in on a Saturday afternoon when it wasn't his weekend to cover Homicide, but the 'last-barbecue-of-the-year' he was hosting had turned into a disaster when another couple he was friends with had brought their ten month old Dalmatian with them. Their totally-out-of-control and much-too-excitable 'darling' nipped his kid because he'd pulled its tail and ended up knocking over the barbecue grill and ruining thirty dollars worth of...

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Serving driver

Kavitha got of from sleep with the noice the alarm making.she looked at it ,she shocked to what she saw it is already 7:30 ,she jumped from the bed and ran to her daughters bed room.There her two daughters manish(13) and preeti(10) are fully asleep.immidiatly she woke them up and send them to the bathroom.she hrriedly went to kitchen to prepare the tiffin for her daughters.she hard the sound of their car.she made everything ready and called their daughters.they are ready with their bags.she...

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Double Trouble

"Please let me worship you ass, Daddy," Jessica pleaded.There was very little to say after a request like that. I thought she was already driving me nuts by letting me do anything I wanted to her. It wasn't everyday that a good looking but crazy submissive girl literally came knocking at my door. In fact, this was the first time it had ever happened to me. Now if that wasn't unusual enough, what about having your favourite submissive girl watching all of this? That would be unheard of for this...

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Sarah Carerra 243 Sparkle

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By Megan Campbell (Released: July 4, 2011) Chapter 43 - Sparkle Dad awakened me just before lunch the next morning. The extra sleep had been great, and I almost felt ready to perform again. I knew that another night's sleep would do me a lot of good for...

1 year ago
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Slut Wife fucks her BrotherInLaw Audio with Female voice

I have a fair skin complexion, and my face had an amazing glow post-pregnancy. I noticed the milk was still dripping from my pink nipples after breastfeeding my baby. My 38D-size boobs were standing firm. I turned around and saw my enormously large ass in the mirror. They were not so thick before, but post-pregnancy, they grew to the size of 42. With a flat belly and large ass and boobs, my body looked like an hourglass. As I admired myself in the mirror, my husband Amit woke up. I...

2 years ago
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meand nic part 2

Introduction: our love continuesand with his lil bro and friends this is part two about my bf nic and i …….. nic and i discovered that we were both gay and in love. we lived close to each other and he is at my house almost every day. so we have started giving each other blow jobs and sleeping naked together. his lil bro chris caught us together and he wants to join us. so one night nic and i were in my room with chris playing video games when chris asked wat it felt like to kiss a boy. nic...

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Bdny email 2

Gdy siostra poszła do łazienki to kuzynka podeszła do mnie uklęknęła i ściągnęła mi gacie, dźwignęła bluzkę i wyskoczyły jej balony. Złapała sztywnego już kutasa i zaczęła go delikatnie całować, lizać aż w końcu wzięła całego do ust. Lubię czuć to gorąco na czubku mojej pały. Sutki jej sterczały a ja tylko pośliniłem moje palce i delikatnie je masowałem, pojękiwała tak słodko że nie dużo mi było trzeba, ale jakoś wytrzymałem. Gdy już naśliniła go dokładnie aż po jajach mi się lało to...

3 years ago
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Working The Club Part Three

Working the Club - Part Three The ride up in the elevator seemed to take forever but it wasn't any longer than the other times she'd ridden in it when working as part of the housekeeping crew for "upstairs" when she was still just a Pussy Boy. She looked at herself in the mirror lining the walls of the elevator. She'd come so far in just so short a span of time since she first started at the Pussy Galore Club. She thought she was passable back then. Her girlfriend / Mistress told...

2 years ago
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24 Gwendolyn

Written just for Gwendolyn by JD ‘PurpleHazeFL69’ ’24 Gwendolyn’ Chapters: 1~~ Sweet Arrival 2~~ The Appetizer 3~~ The Main Course 4~~ A Full Second Plate 5~~ Finishing Breakfast ————————————————– 1~~ Sweet Arrival ————————————————– Typically an early Autumn Wednesday in Florida like any other… clear blue skies and toasty heat during the morning, with short but powerful thunderstorms at 5PM like clockwork. Working from home through my internet connection has it’s rewards where I...

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My Wife Is Out Of ControlChapter 4

"Open your pussy for Marcus, baby," I ordered. She carefully peeled back the labia. I ran the head up and down her slit. Up and down, until she gasped, "Please, please put the head in a little." I very carefully pressed the plum sized head into her pussy. Slowly, the lips parted until the head, fit into her now stretched labia. "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, ITS HUGE!" she moaned. I slowly withdrew the big head. "Give it to me, PLEEAAASSSSEEEEE!" she begged. Her cunt was beginning to...

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First Encounter Ch 3

"Let's move to the bed," I suggest. "We'll be more comfortable there." I lead the way, not releasing my grip on your hard cock.Slowly jacking you, I ask, "Are you going to take my cherry?""That's the plan," you respond.I position myself on my stomach with a pillow under my abdomen. My ass is jutting sexily upward, still well-lubed from your fingering."Take me, Jenny, I'm all yours," I whimper. I feel you reapplying the lube to my sensitive hole as well and to your now quite stiff organ."Please...

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A Boy and His dungeon XIV

Friday morning, Jill and I were on our way to London to bring Jennifer home. We rented a small trailer, and the three of us had all of Jennifer's things loaded, including her scooter, and were on the road by mid afternoon. The drive back to Swansea passed quickly. We arrived in the early evening, unloaded everything and returned the trailer to the rental yard, had dinner at a coffee shop, and went home exhausted, lacking the energy for anything more than cuddling together. Saturday...

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Welcome back Brother

Its Saturday morning and Eve (short for Evelyn) was coming down stairs. "Hey mom" said Eve. "Morning Eve. Want some breakfast?" asked mom. " No i'm not hungry, cause I'm too excited that I'll be starting High School. Do you know how much that means to me mom?" said eve. " Yes. well if your not hungry go clean out Robert's room, dust, sweep, and put clean sheets on the bed for Randy." demand mom. "Why can't Randy do it he got hands and feet why can't he do it him self?" asked...

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Christmas Party

He looked across his table to see Ashley, a sophmore. She walked with her friend and talked with her. They laughed and Nolan couldn't help but smile. The smile was so beautiful and white. She stood at about 5'4" and had brown hair with blonde highlights. She had 32C size breasts. She was a real beauty. At only 16 and being a sophmore people usually thought she was in college. Nolan waited for her to walk by before he stood up and threw away his lunch tray. He went back to his seat...

4 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 14 Erica BradfordChapter 17

He opened the door to a bedroom and went in. The bed was made, but he didn’t pay much attention to the rest of the room, as he went to the closet. He saw Will’s suitcase on the floor, next to three or four left shoes and hanging clothes that were for a man. He turned and realized the room looked spare and only partly furnished. He left and found another bedroom. That closet had her robe in it ... and something else that was odd. Clothes he had seen Will wear were hanging up in the closet....

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To Love and Be Loved Ch 01

This is a short novel in five chapters. It is a romantic novel but don’t worry, plenty of sex. It should be read in sequence. I hope you find it interesting and worthy of your time. * The spread in People magazine was nice to see. Good for business. But I’m ahead of myself. Way ahead. Let me go back a dozen years. If you had seen me in high school you would say, with reason, ‘no way’. Smart, yes, nerdy, definitely. Outgoing, nope. I was probably a rather typical kid if truth be known. Rather...

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My Mom Grand Mother and me

Hi, my name is Bobby. That’s what both my Mother and Grand Mother call me anyway. My Mother was fourteen when I was born and I found out later when I was seventeen that my Dad was my Grand Mothers husband. She told me he started molesting her when she was about seven by rubbing her pussy when he bathed her. By the time she was eight he was finger fucking her. In her ninth year and for the following five years he began licking and eating her little pussy. She said at first she was afraid and...

2 years ago
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Doing a Favor

So, it's like one thirty in the morning and my phone rings, I'm a bit alarmed as I try to clear my head and answer the phone. It's my buddy Bailey, he needs a ride at some club downtown. I ask him if he knows what time it is, and he gives me that old song and dance about he knows, wouldn't call if it wasn't an emergency, yadda-yadda. Okay, so I'm stupid, and a half hour later I pick him up outside the club and he's got two friends with him. Ladies, before they get in he asks, if I can drop him...

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Grannies need loving too

I recently had an affair with my grandmother. I know it, don’t judge me. She lived in a distant city and was visiting my family for about a week when it happened. It was nice to see her again and listen while she told stories about the family during the years I was growing up. Grandfather had died a few years earlier so Mom and Dad often invited her to visit us and stay a few days. During this particular visit, Mom and Dad had to attend a special social obligation one evening. Mom asked me to...

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I Lost My Virginity For The First Time

So let’s start……My name is Samreen.. I live in Mumbai. I am 20 years old…….. I belong from a Muslim family…. I am the only daughter of my parents…. My height is 5.8…. Fair in color.. Brown eyes. I have very long hair till my waist……. My figure is 34d 28 36…… I know u may be thinking how come i have suck big boobs at this age so let me tell u…… It’s because of my mom…… She gifted me….. I like dressing a lot…. But my parents’ don’t allow because in Muslim culture western outfits are not...

2 years ago
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Aphrodites KissChapter 16

“Mom, is that Kate Beckinsale?” I laughed as I realized that it really was her at the lead of this group of visitors in a very crowded old family home. “Yes, it is. Kate, would you like to say something to my son, Phil?” Mom assured me and asked Kate, who blushed as much as her complexion allowed and cleared her throat. “Well, love, it’s really quite simple. Apparently, your mother is an actual ... Goddess? I didn’t think that such things really existed, not in real life, you know. Thought...

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Anita Aur Rani Garmi Mein

It was after a long time that Anita went to her village near Ghazipur to attend her cousin’s wedding. It was as usual hot and humid with irregular power supply. She reached just a day before and was already missing the comforts of the city where her husband ran a flourishing business. But she was happy and ready to tolerate the discomfort as her mother, father & all her cousins came together for this wedding. Suddenly she saw a familiar face among the people in the house. She immediately...

1 year ago
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Private Roxee Couture Debuts With Interracial Fuck

The curvaceous MILF Roxee Couture has come to Private Gold, The Grind – Sexy Music Girls for her debut and this horny cougar is unlikely to ever forget it as she takes on stud Mr. Longwood in an incredible interracial fuck you won’t want to miss! Watch Roxee lay back, relax and enjoy her pussy being eaten before she returns the favour with a sloppy blowjob and mouthful of BBC. Then enjoy this horny MILF put her curves to work as she rides, grinds and fucks her way to a hot...

4 years ago
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First Meeting with a CD

It was strange, he contacted me first and his profile stated he was looking for a domme or trans to submit to. I guess the hidden desire to please a man won out. We communicated through mail and messenger for months. We even met for coffee and some groping, where I tested his desire for nipple play, some severe pinching and even squeezed his sac to express the control I wanted and what he could expect. His affection grew with each interaction and finally the desire to consummate the bond was...

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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 9

Hello, readers welcome to this beautiful journey. Keep giving your valuable feedback. It feels good when I see the appreciation of my work. I believe that the journey is always beautiful than the destination so I am enjoying the journey and hope you also. I am male and the story is completely fictional. Let’s enjoy the journey. Next morning I woke up late due to the hangover. I was still feeling quite heavy. When I looked around I was surprised to see that Ayesha was not on her bed. We both...

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The CatalystChapter 57 Vows Promises

[ Mary and Sarah found out my lips weren’t too sore to kiss them passionately, before the three of us fell fast asleep.] *** Mary and Sarah were the first ones up. As I cracked my eyes open, I saw them padding towards the kitchen. Two minutes later they were back, pulling my ass out of bed telling me the ‘days a wastin’. “What the heck time is it?” Mary replied, “It’s 6 o’clock, come on, we’re getting married today!” As much as I wanted to frown, all I could do was chuckle and pull them...

2 years ago
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The Price of FameChapter 2

When I met Duncan, he had been just one of the other guys on the creative writing course I'd taken. At the time I didn't plan to be an author. It was just a course that was going; it was free and it took up a couple of evenings during the week. Back in those days most folks would have considered me a geek. I was nothing to write home about in the looks department and I'd never had much luck with girls. Consequently I'd gotten into the habit of spending too much time sitting in pubs...

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Reflections Malones Bar and Grill

..... Sheila shakes her head... --- I am a nice girl, a good Christian girl and I need a body guard. What a --- Sheila sits in her suite, # 804..., feet up..., sipping on her coffee..., black... and hot. ......She always stays at this hotel when in this city. Gino-s people have the security contract here so her security is the best. Room 804 has been especially wired and reinforced to for her specifically... No one else stays in this room. ...No one would believe a man like Gino, an...

4 years ago
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Justice DelayedChapter 4

I stayed away from Brenda for almost a month, honoring her request for me not to go see her. I was seeing Dr. Fleming on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but she was telling me that I should concentrate on working through my own problems. She didn't come right out and say it, but I thought, almost from the beginning, that she wanted me to stop seeing Brenda. I was in her office, telling her about how concerned I was becoming because Brenda hadn't called me. I had already explained what had gone on...

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Still Some Wishes

Up until I was forty years of age I was pretty much heterosexual because I was married and afraid to bring an STD home. As I am moving deeper into my middle years I am coming to the conclusion that I am more gay than straight. Not that I don’t love sex with women. I do. There is still nothing more welcome to me than a warm wet vagina. But male-female relationships are too complicated. Trust me, I have plenty of older women eager to play with me, but the younger ones no longer find me appealing...

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iStartLife chapter 1

The alarm clock beeps and 23 year old Sam Puckett lazily stirs in her bed and reaches over. Stumbling to hit the off button she groans and knocks it off the bedside table. She dozed back to sleep as the beeping becomes duller as the clock is lying upside down on the floor. A minute later, her cell phone vibrated, making a buzzing sound as it shook against the table. It then rang a familiar ringtone."Ohhh. Come on Freddork, just a few more minutes," she said to herself with her face still buried...

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Drawing on the Dark Side of the BrainChapter 41 Beatitude

Ariel went home with Rania ‘to help clean her up and get the paint off.’ We didn’t see her for two days. “Aagh! You’re hopeless!” Blankenship screamed when he saw my thirty-inch rendering of The Garden of Earthly Delights. “How can you create something with such detail that is so flat? Don’t you listen in class? The whole point of perspective is to create depth and direction. Stop thinking of the horizon as a point out in the distance. The eye creates the horizon. If the world was truly...

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Tamara Never Cums

The music started again, and she knew it was going to start all over soon. Tamara sighed as small jets of cool air blew over her, drying the sweat off her exposed skin, breasts and thighs. The mechanical jets paid special attention to the wrist and ankle cuffs as well as the leather corset that she wore. He didn't want them to become too wet. He'd told her why, but now, after hours in the machine, she couldn't remember. The jets moved and focused in on her breasts and crotch. First blowing...

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When Love Comes To Town

Aileen had always been an adventurous girl, even with her religious upbringing. Her parents had encouraged her to participate in extra curricular activities, such as girl scouts, sports, and even the international student exchange program. And it was in Spain that she’d met Tadeo. The handsome college boy had been so taken with the lovely American redhead; he told his family that he intended to marry her. Aileen’s host family knew Tadeo’s family and had delighted in having him over to their...

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Rock Star Swap

Star Swap by Mellissa Lynn *** I would like to add a note here to let everyone know that I released an earlier version of this story several years ago. I re- read that version recently and decided that I didn't like the ending, so I changed it. Thanks for reading, and any and all feedback is welcome. +++ I awakened to the morning sunlight streaming into the room, almost blinding me with its brilliance. I instinctively reached up to close the blinds and felt movement...

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Bhua g ki chudai

Hi friends.. Kaise ho..I m sonu from orissa.. Ek regular reader of this site.. Ab mere friends ne mujhe apni story yaha publish karne ko kaha.. Jo ki maine unhe batai thi jab maine apni bhua g ko choda tha..Baat kuch ek mahine pehle ki hai jab meri bhua apne 1 ladke aur 1 ladki humare yaha 2 dino ke liye ayi thi.. Unki umra 40 ke aas paas hogi.. Wo jara moti hai par bahut gori.. Moti k dudh to bade hi hote hein.. Mujhe wo pehle se achhi lagti thi par kabi unhe chodne ka nai socha tha..Mere...

2 years ago
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The day a knight turned me

I was mad, I was wet and I was angry. It was the middle of summer and it should not be like this, the day had started so well. Hubby dropped me at the mall to do a bit of retail therapy, shoes, makeup and as always lingerie and toys. Now the bastard had left me to make my own way home, pouring rain and in high heels. Laden with bags I trudged to the taxi rank where I saw a huge line and few cars. Just across the way was a bus shelter, almost empty and heaven sent the right bus arrived. I...

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Sex and Violet

SEX AND VIOLET     Ah, Miss Shrinking Violet, what are we to do with you?  So lovely, so submissive--and yet so shy.  You must learn to serve me in public as you do when we’re alone.  That’s why I’ve brought you to my favorite restaurant tonight.  Isn’t it elegant...these intimate tables, the long white tablecloths, the candlelight?  I thought you’d like it.      I’m glad to see you’ve dressed as I’ve told you; that red satin blouse looks so good with your little black skirt and red heels.  In...

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FidleChapter 16

“What are you doing?” “What does it look like I’m doing?” “But we’re almost home!” “Then I guess I’ll have to be efficient.” “But I ... oh god, Kathryn...” After a somewhat anticlimactic coupling against the wall, they’d showered, dressed, and left his apartment a post-bacchanalian ruin. His mattress wasn’t quite a lost cause, but it was most certainly in need of a deep cleaning. Moments after retrieving the car, she curled up in the passenger seat and fell asleep, leaving the task of...

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