- 4 years ago
- 34
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As I drove up to our garage I found myself worrying. I was later than normal and I knew Jim would be worried. I kept building my excuse so that I'd have it somewhat practiced before I walked in.
I hadn't fallen into the affair willingly but now, after six months I craved the sexual heights my lover drove me to. I still love my husband but for some reason, Samuel does things in my mind and body that I can't keep away from.
I've tried to break it off with Sam. I have tried time and time again. He's just so damned seductive and he also knows all the buttons to push to get me to fail my own will and terms every time.
Jim, if he knew, would probably be more than a lot angry. I thought that if push came to shove though, I'd be able to talk him out of a divorce and be able to get him to forgive me. I had a plan for working on him just in case.
That's how far I've fallen. In my six month love affair I'd found a new me and made plans to prevent Jim, my loving husband, from kicking me out of his life and home if and when he found me out.
I was certain that he'd never figure it out though. I made sure he had sex whenever he showed any interest and sometimes I even started things when I didn't really feel like it ... because I love him so much. I do love him. Really ... I do.
Once in a while, every few days or so I'd get that guilty feeling and want to stop what I'd done ... to go back in time and never have allowed my attraction for Sam to have gone so far as to end up in a sexual fling with him.
It isn't that I love Sam, because I don't. Matter of fact at times I don't like him at all. He gets in a mood some times while we're fucking and begins to treat me like a whore or slut. Those are the times that really give me the big orgasms, even though I hate what he does to me in the process. I just can't resist him or his ways.
I look into the rearview mirror and check my lipstick and hair. I took a shower at Sam's place and made myself presentable, but I am paranoid about Jim looking at me and perhaps seeing something out of place that I can't explain easily.
I have the same soaps and shampoo at Sam's that I use at home. I even have changes of clothes and underwear I keep at Sam's too. Just in case. I've been very careful to plan each time with Sam now. Ever since that one time five months ago when I came home and Jim asked me about my perfume.
I realized that I wasn't wearing any since I'd showered at Sam's. I also suddenly remembered that I'd put on some of Jim's favorite perfume before leaving for work that morning. I'd managed to dodge that bullet that time though. I made up a story about having spilled some cleaning chemicals on me while digging through the closet for some Kleenex our employer kept stored there. Jim had bought that hook line and sinker.
One last look and I got out. Walking into the house I stopped at the front door and looked around for Jim's pickup. It wasn't where he normally parked it. He'd left it on the street almost in front of the neighbor's house. That was odd. He usually parked it in our driveway.
Meanwhile, inside the house:
I watched Giselle as she checked over her face in the rearview mirror. It had been a long tiring day for me and I was tired of waiting for her arrival. Of course she was late again. It had been getting more and more to be normal than an exception. Had she been where she claimed she was I'd had no problem with it ... but that wasn't the case.
It had all started months ago and up until it became totally unavoidable, I'd tried to find a way to get her back with me. I'd tried everything I could think of ... with no help from her. I had made a decision that I wouldn't let her know that I knew about her affair. I knew that she had to break it off on her own to do either of us any good.
Dinners, movies, flowers, candy ... I'd tried all the usual things. I got creative ... I made her a special knickknack shelf, glass encased. I'd picked her up from her work on a Friday and we'd gone into the city for a weekend of loving and just going to wherever she desired.
I'd tried talking to her about 'us' but even that had fallen on deaf ears. The weekend in the city had started out with her being angry at me ... but by the end I thought I'd made some headway. That didn't make it through the next week though.
I finally had begun to attack her, arguing about her hours and her job. All that succeeded in doing was getting her mad at me. Our sex life dropped off substantially and then dropped off more, and then dropped some more yet. What had been several times a week and at least three times on the weekend had become ... well it had been a week and a half since we'd last been intimate in any way ... two weeks since we'd actually had sex. She hadn't noticed as far as I could tell.
I'd known all along what was going on. Five months ago I'd actually caught her at it but she'd managed to fend off my questions and fire back an excuse about why she'd taken a shower at work. What she didn't know was that I'd followed her that afternoon and I knew precisely why she'd taken the shower and her job had absolutely nothing to do with it.
That finding out had crushed my heart but I still loved her enough to try to win her back. She was the woman I wanted to have children with. She had my heart and I'd fallen very hard for her when we'd met. Now ... well it wasn't going to be all that hard to do what I had to do tonight. I wondered briefly how she'd handle it when I left ... but thought that she'd probably run to her lover and they'd laugh at me, the imbecile that they'd pulled the joke on all this time.
How can a husband compete with a lover who has no need to perform routine 'honey do's' for a wife? How can a husband not confront a wife about her cheating with her lover and try to win her back honestly? I'd tried my damnedest and failed. I'm going to be telling her that I have to go out of town on an emergency road trip tonight. It wouldn't be the first time something like this had come up ... but it would be the last.
You may ask why I didn't confront her. All that would prove is that I caught her and she'd be sorry for that. That I'd caught her that is not that she'd decided ahead of time to quit. My thoughts were I'd win her back to me without a hint that I was aware of her indiscretions. That way I'd know in my heart that she truly loved me. Obviously, now to me at least, that hadn't worked.
What she didn't know was that all my worldly belongings were packed in my truck. I'd split the bank accounts in half. I'd quit my job and taken an offer from an old friend who lived clear across the country. I'd made plans to cancel my cell phone plan, picked up another phone, paid off my old cell phone plan, a penalty I was willing to pay in order to keep her from calling me later on. I had one week on the old phone left ... and it was a relief knowing that.
My 401K would transfer to my new employers' savings plan; my cash balance retirement plan would be safe where it was. I was a little upset over having to quit my job as I liked the people I worked with and my job was about as perfect for me as a job I'd ever had. It sucked having to walk away from my co-workers, employer and customers like this ... but it was something I had thought long and hard about.
I'd given it my best shot, and Giselle had ignored my efforts totally. Too caught up in her affair to know she had lost me ... or perhaps she just didn't care? It didn't really matter anymore at this point. The papers would be served on Giselle the following Friday while she was either at work or at her lovers.
Am I running out on her you may ask? Yes. Yes I am. It hurts me too much to face her with her infidelity. I know that were I to confront her now, she'd be sorry, cry and possibly beg me to forgive her. That's exactly what I don't want. I didn't want to look like some beggar trying to get their wife back that way.
What I wanted was her to realize that I loved her and that she still loved me. I wanted her to see for herself what she could lose. I wanted her to take me back, damnit! Obviously I lost to her lover. Even though I know what kind of 'man' he is, I know that she won't or can't see that side of him yet. She will though. Right about the time the divorce paperwork is served or shortly there after.
Until then I planned on calling her nightly like I usually did, hoping that she wouldn't notice I was using a motel room phone, or be too concerned about my not using my cell phone. I figured that she'd never notice anyway as she always seemed too distracted to really talk to me now.
I don't know what she expected of me. I don't know why she even started the affair or why she is keeping at it. I really don't know what she truly feels about me anymore either. She can't love me. Not, at least, like I loved her once before all this shit started.
If she did love me, she'd never have been with another man. She had though. She'd been with him for months now ... and showed no signs of stopping. I'd given up after months of hard work on my part to try to win her back. I saw the handwriting on the wall. He'd won, I'd lost.
Angry again, I began to work on my fake story, trying to keep my bile down as Giselle walked up to the front door. I went into the kitchen and got out a cold beer. I was desperate to do anything to keep my mind busy while I worked at calming down inside. This was not the time to mess up and blow my plan all to hell.
After talking to my lawyer I'd found out exactly what the court's would expect on our divorce. I was reasonably certain that Giselle would welcome the divorce since she seemingly had given up on me now. I was also certain that she'd have her lover move in with her right away after getting those papers next week.
My closet doors were closed up, the dresser drawers too. A casual glance by her wouldn't reveal the almost total emptiness they contained now. I wondered briefly, what she'd think when she discovered that emptiness? Would she feel anything at all? How would she feel to find out that the few remaining clothes in my closet and dresser were ones she'd given me?
Smiling as she walked in, she came up to give me a hug. I turned my head so her kiss met my cheek ... not a new thing as of late either. She hadn't complained about it before and she didn't tonight either. The last sex we'd had was over two weeks ago and she evidently hadn't noticed that lack of sex with me either. Her lover must be getting it real good from her.
"How was your day today?" I asked, not really caring what kind of day she had, but I knew I had to pretend to be the same old loving schmuck of a husband she could count on.
"It was good. You seem upset ... is something wrong?" Her reply was automatic even though she tried to tinge it with concern.
"Yeah ... I have to make a trip again. Work. I'll be gone a week, leaving in the morning." I was watching her for a reaction ... only seeing a smile begin on her lips before she forced a more serious concerned pout.
"Oh honey. On a Saturday? You have to travel tomorrow?" Her eyes spoke of the truth, in that I could see she really seemed relieved that I was going to be gone. She was even happy about it. More time for her lover perhaps.
"Yeah. It's going to be a long week. Job is behind and I have to go oversee the construction now."
I was relieved that she seemed to be taking my huge lie as a truth and wasn't getting all angry as she used to. I knew enough to keep my answers short and simple ... no elaboration such as she'd given me over the last months.
That was one of the tip-offs to me about her affair. Her excuses were minutely detailed to an extreme. And then one day I'd had to take a trip out to a job and she hadn't argued about it with me like she had in the past. It had caused me some wonder. Later, not much later, I'd discovered her affair, and it all made sense then.
We had dinner and watched TV for a while. She was in her favorite chair as I sat on the couch, hoping that she'd have a last minute change of heart and stop me from my chosen path that I started in the morning.
I held out that hope for a couple of hours but it wasn't to be. We'd lost it all, I could see clearly now. She sat there ignoring me for the most part and never once looked at me. It was as if I wasn't even there.
She watched TV but I could tell from her actions that she was thinking about her lover and how much they'd be able to be together this week. If she only knew that I'd be gone forever tomorrow...
Meanwhile ... watching TV, Giselle's mind was going full out.
'He doesn't suspect. I'll have a whole week with Sam. He'll be able to sleep over here with me ... or me over at his place. We'll get lots of sex in and I know he'll take me out nightly for dinner and dancing too. I know that I shouldn't be happy about this at all, but Jim's trip will be exciting for me. He'll be out of town and I'll have Sam as much as I want. It will be great. My plan for one last great week just got better. Next week, after Jim gets back home I'll be able to cut it off with Sam and concentrate on Jim and me. It'll work out perfectly. We'll go out with a bang.'
That night I rolled over and tried to get Jim interested in some loving but I found him snoring lightly. He was asleep ... again. The last few months had been hard on him with his job and all, but it surprised me that he'd gone without sex with me for so long.
The thought entered my mind in an instant, unbidden. 'Could he be cheating on me with someone? Was it possible that I'd missed any signs that he could have discovered my cheating on him and he'd been doing the same to get even?'
Looking at his face as he slept I couldn't see anything that would tell me. I knew he loved me. I questioned once again my affair and why I was still carrying on with Sam. Why?
Sam wined and dined me. He took me dancing. He was okay in bed, about the same size as Jim, but it was the other things Sam did that caused me to want to be with him. Jim loved me and in our lovemaking, that was a difference that I cherished. Sam fucked me, and at times that fucking was hot and rough and what I needed.
Sam takes care of needs other than sex for me too at times. I really like going out to eat and dance with Sam. He is gentle and attentive while we're out and it is as if I am the only woman in the world in his eyes. So much so that when we'd get back to his place or the motel rooms as the case may be, I'm ready to pay him back for the great times.
Our time has been exquisite but it's about time to stop it. I feel like I'm losing Jim at times lately and my greatest fear is that he'll discover my affair and either leave me or hurt Sam or worse yet, both. Matter of fact I've noticed that for the last few months Jim has been working hard to be a good husband for me.
A little stray worrisome thought crept into my mind. 'Was that because he knew about my affair and he was trying to one up my lover?' I dismissed that thought immediately. Had Jim known, I know what would happen. He'd go ballistic and probably go after Sam.
I didn't want to have to bail Jim out of jail, should he do something rash. I wasn't sure what Jim could or would do if he found out about my affair, but I was relatively certain that he'd leave me in an instant. Yes, this week would signal the end of my time with Sam, as fun as it had been. I needed to concentrate on my husband and starting our family. It was time.
That morning I woke to an empty bed. He'd left without a hug or kiss or even a goodbye. At first I was uneasy, even a bit afraid but I convinced myself that he didn't want to wake me up. Jim is a loving husband and caring enough to know that I was tired and could use some extra sleep.
His call that night was good, but nowhere as good as having him at home with me. Of course, Sam was on his way to our place as I spoke with my loving husband. I was going out with Sam that night and we'd end up at either his place or here. I'd have my cell phone and Jim usually called me on that anyway.
Jim seemed preoccupied during the call, but I knew that his job was probably weighing on his mind. When he had to go out of town like this he usually focused on the issues on the job and that left him little time to sit and think about not being near me. This worked in my favor as far as Sam and I went too ... so I understood and was understanding of his lack of 'focus' on us at times like this.
I was ready for Sam when he knocked on the door. I'd left the garage door open and he knew to just drive in, close the door, and then come around to the back patio door. I was sitting on the kitchen counter, naked, waiting. His knock caused my spine to shiver as I knew what he'd do once he opened that door and saw me like this.
I'd shaved myself clean for him, my legs spread wide open in an obvious invitation to him, and my nipples were hard as steel. I was wet too since I'd played with myself for a bit after Jim's phone call.
"Giselle? Are you here?"
His deep voice sent shivers to my spine again and as he walked in, seeing me, the look in his eyes made me go wetter than ever.
"I'm right here waiting Sam. Can we take care of something before we head out to dinner and dancing? I find that I'm a little ... in need."
The look in his eyes as he beheld me laying there made me flood down between my legs.I could hear it in his voice ... lust, deep desire ... I turned him on.
"Jesus ... Oh God, you're beautiful Giselle. Amazingly so."
His hands were working the buttons on his shirt as he lewdly licked his lips. I could see desire in his eyes. That desire was part of why I had continued the affair as long as I had. Jim, for whatever reason, hadn't shown that look to me for quite some time now.
Naked he stepped up between my legs, his hands smoothly running up my legs, fingers soon rubbing my clit and my very wet pussy lips. Bending over, he licked my nipples, hard as they were, and then he moved up to kiss me hotly on the mouth.
As our lips met, his fingers left my pussy, going to my nipples to pinch and roll those hardened little buds almost roughly. I felt the head of his hot hard cock rubbing my pussy lips, and pretty soon that hardness split my pussy wide open, driving the air out of my lungs as he thrust deeply into me.
His pubic bone crushed against my clit and my first orgasm hit me hard. I was so hot I came as his cock first bottomed out in me. I knew that this night would be one of the best ever with my lover.
His thrusts became harder and stronger as my orgasm carried me up and over. Sam was pinching my nipples and talking dirty to me. The feeling of his cock up inside me was more than I could stand and I began to have multiple orgasms. It seemed that each time Sam bottomed out in my pussy, I'd cum.
The feeling of my bald pussy against him woke things up deep inside me too. I felt single and free. His cock pulled my lips in and out on each stroke and as his pubic hair would crush against me on an in-stroke I felt strange vibrations on my clit. Bald was beautiful.
Sam squirted his load into me and I felt every little bit of his sperm filling me up. He had fairly copious loads and I'd even swallowed them with fervor as his cum tastes almost sweet. He told me once that he ate lots of fruit, mostly citrus types, and that was the reason for his sweet tasting cum. Whatever the case was, I craved that taste often.
He pulled out and as he stood back I shoved my fingers deeply in, retrieving some of his honey and then I licked my fingers clean. Sam smiled as he watched my debauchery. I could never be this open and free with Jim. For some reason though, Sam I loved to tease like this.
I kept dipping and licking for a bit and then we took a shower together. After that we went out to dinner. I don't love Sam ... I mentioned that. This would be our last week together too. Still, he had what it took to make me a wild and wanton slut.
I never took the time to think, I mean truly think about what I could lose. I never took the time to really think about my actions and how they could affect my husbands love for me. I just went with the moment and longed for the feel and taste of illicit excitement that Sam brought me.
At dinner we sat near the back in a darkened booth. As we ate Sam kept feeling me up. He started with my braless tits, barely covered by my unbuttoned blouse. (I'd unbuttoned the top five buttons on the drive over and the swell of all of my breasts could be seen if I opened my arms very far, threatening to expose all of them at times.)
Later, while waiting for our dessert, he began to finger my bare pussy and since I was wearing a very short skirt and garter belt and stocking, there wasn't much there to stop him, even if I'd been inclined to do so. The feeling of his strong, long fingers stroking up and down my slit drove me to the edge of orgasm several times.
After dinner he took me dancing at an upscale crowded club. Once on the dance floor his dancing became suggestive and downright sexual. I reveled in the nastiness of it all. I mean, here I was, a married woman whose husband was away, out with a lover who was feeling me up in public.
I'd shaved my pussy for my lover. I'd swallowed his cum numerous times. I'd allowed him to take me any way he wished, including anally. For my lover I was a slut. It was truly the sexual odyssey I was journeying on more than anything else I suppose. For Sam I could be the slut and not worry about what he'd think of me later on. For his part, Sam had kept up some gentlemanly efforts, and I was thankful for that.
At one point, during a slow dance, Sam's hands were on my butt. Soon I felt his fingertips on my skin. My short dress was pulled up, exposing my bare ass cheeks and stockings to everyone around us. I felt the rush of the sexual high burn brighter. What would Jim have thought if he'd seen Sam doing that? I wondered briefly.
Almost as quick as the thought of my husband entered my mind, Sam brushed him out by slipping a finger into my bottom. Right there on the dance floor, Sam was fingering my asshole ... and I loved it.
I saw a few women nearby staring at us with what could only be described as lustful imaginings. Of course there were a few, a thankfully very few that were more disproving too.
Later that evening in my bed in my home, Sam fucked the living hell out of me. I went down on him sucking him off and swallowing all his seed. He went down on me and licked my pussy until I begged him to take me with his cock. He did. As he was fucking my doggie style for the third time my phone rang. I answered it, motioning Sam to be quiet.
"Hey, it's me. I got in a bit later than I figured I would, but I thought you'd want to know."
"How was your drive?"
"What time do you have to be in to work in the morning?"
"Early. I'm going to hit the hay. Talk to you tomorrow."
"I love you. Good night honey."
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Theo walked into the largish suite he was staying in and immediately saw Neil; he was hard to miss lying on the bed as naked as the day he was born. His hands and feet cuffed to the corner posts of the large double bed. His eyes were blindfolded and his smooth pale skin complemented by a neatly trimmed bush of gingery pubes from which sprouted an amazing piece of meat. Neil’s cock was exactly as Theo had hoped, soft and nearly 10 inches it hung forward over a large pair of testicles. As Theo...
“Greg needs me.” Dan expected those words; he knew he would desperately need Laura being without her for almost three weeks. Dan was not at all surprised that Greg needed his lover. Dan didn’t doubt that his wife needed to be with Greg. He knew Laura hadn’t been deceitful when she said not for a month. When she set the target, not until Greg asked her to wear the red dress, she expressed her honest intent. Wasn’t there an old maxim about the road to hell being paved with good intentions? Dan...
CuckoldAshley called me and asked me to come over, I asked her who was there and she said no one, her dad was at work and her mom had just left to go shopping for the day.I arrived and there were no cars in the drive, I rang the bell and Ashley answered the door in a see thru teddy. I must be the luckiest man alive. I entered the house and she began to kiss me passionately. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I carried her to the couch and laid her down. I pulled open the teddy...
Straight SexAshley Aleigh was riding her bike through the neighborhood. Her skirt was flying high exposing her butt. She noticed her neighbor Jonathan Jordan staring at her. So she looked extra sexy biking past him. He got the hint and started to run after her. She was faster than him. Arriving at home she quickly took off her clothes and jumped into the shower. Jonathan found the front door open and followed the trail of clothes inside the house. He stared at her while she was soaping her beautiful brown...
xmoviesforyouThey came close to her and ripped off her remaining cloths. Madiha’s beautiful white petite body was surrounded by 4 ugly hunks. It was the best ever set up of the most wild and hardcore gangbang in the history of mankind.
I spent many sleepovers at Monica’s house. I woke up in the middle of the night to go down stares in my undies for a glass of water. I had no need for a shirt because everyone was asleep. I went to the bathroom first and when I came out I seen Monica’s step dad in his black boxers. He was reaching for a class out of the covert. I walked on the wooden floor softy not to spook him and I press my body in to his reaching for the cup next to his. He doesn’t say anything about me needing to move and...
Hi….I am Sagar from Chandigarh. Mai ISS bhut mje se padhta hu.. Yha randio ke chudai ki khani bhut pasand hai jisme jayada age ki aurte km age ke boys se chudati hai. Mai 23 yrs ka hu aur body fit hai . Mere lund ka size aprrox 6.5 inch hai. Ye story hai ek aurat Saima Praveen ki jo ki 35 yrs ki thi. Ushka pati Arab me job krta tha aur saal me 1 baar aata tha. Mai facebook pr ek id se sexy baate krta tha. Ek din ek request aai to maine accept kr li aur chatting me ushke baare me pta chala ki wo...
I saw their car pull into the driveway and I stepped out to greet them. My youngest daughter Anna and her husband Jeff stepped out of the car and I gave her a long hug and shook his hand. I hadn’t seen them in years. They had been living overseas. They had moved to France for his job. Now they were back. I looked eagerly for my granddaughter to get out of the car. She stepped out and I gasped. She was beautiful. Madelyn was tall. She had her father’s golden skin and her mom’s blonde hair. It...
Lady Rachel mulled over the information that her Goddess, She that has no name, had revealed to her the previous evening. Most unsettling information; a Runesword in play on Tarra. Which one? Could it be Red Rose? Could another heir to the Rose Throne be out there that she did not know about? But who? She thought back through the lineage and it did not add up. Who could it be? She knew every member of the royal family. By the Goddess, she was a member of the royal family! There was no one...
Everything in this story is True. ([/b]Names have been changed)My names Tom I was 21 when this story happend. My girlfriend at the time was Hailey she was 18 and completely stunning she was blond with blue eyes and had a kind of pixi type look about her she was 5ft2 with milky white skin and a toned body and perky c cup tits which were a perfect handful she had a round firm ass and a tight bald pussy she knew she was sexy and wasn't shy about teasing people as she loved the attention.We have...
It's Monday morning, the weather's horrible. Rain pelting down, wind blowing so hard you can barely walk through it. You're up early trying to ready yourself for the short but terrible commute to work. I lay in bed, completely spent from our early morning love making session. The only words I can say come out as a muffled whisper that sounds vaguely like a plead for you to stay home and continue what you started. You kiss me gently on the mouth and slip out the door with a smile.As I lay in bed...
Carolyn worked as a government Inspector and traveled quite a bit. She inspected hospitals, doctor’s offices to make sure their Radiology equipment worked properly. Carolyn had been bi-Sexual since college and even lived with an older woman for a year. She introduced her to the art of Sapphic lovemaking and she had pleasured many a women since then. Carolyn always had a thing for the large black athletic women. Carolyn was short, but athletic, she stood maybe 5 ‘4” with a nice body and medium...
Dead Dames Don?t Lick Dead Dames Don?t Lick- a short story -by Eve Adorer I saw the silhouette. I heard the tap. It was light. It was polite. The glass in the door was in no danger of breaking. I?d had it with this job. My partner had just copped a forty-five between the pink-capped mountains. Loathe funerals, even though I do look great in black. ?Die young and make a great corpse? they say. Sam?d done her best. She?d looked a whole lot better not box-wrapped though. Me and...
Are you ready to Wank It Now? That’s more of a rhetorical question because I honestly don’t get many visitors here at ThePornDude who aren’t looking to pull their puds, usually while looking at some dirty movies. That’s why today, I’m going to be checking out a site that’s just full of sexy girls sucking, fucking, and talking really dirty. You might be thinking, “Well, that sounds like any other day around here,” which is true. However, the big question is always what separates today’s site...
Premium Fetish Porn Sites"You know," Paige said as she settled into her plush airline seat, "I kinda wish more people were staring. I mean, come on, just look at us! We're hot!" "We ARE," Jessica giggled. "But I'm quite happy for you to be the only person staring at me right now." Jessica smiled as she fixed her gaze on her lover's porcelain legs and her slender, feminine figure encased in its tight grey pencil dress. Paige had been taking oestrogen for fifteen months- ten more than Jessica herself- and with...
A Daughter’s Adventure part 1In my last story, I told you how I became a slut. I was indeed just like my mother. She was a slut and I had become one myself. I was even fucking my math teacher. I told you about him in my last adventure. My mother had just married John in June. He had also adopted me. I had taken to calling him daddy and he called me Princess. We both had blonde hair so my friends thought he was my real father and no one knew any different.In July I had a riding accident. Ginger...
Paranoia will destroy ya! Especially when you’re fucking your new stepdaugther behind your wife’s back. I (Peter Fitzwell) can’t help but feel we’re going to get caught. My stepdaughter Roxie Sinner seems less worried as she teases me by walking around in tiny pajamas showing off her ample tits & ass. She pulls her big naturals out and makes me squeeze & lick them, getting my cock rock hard. She starts deepthroating me like an expert and then her mom calls &...
xmoviesforyouSmut Base! What a glorious time to be alive. The 21st century blessed us with technology our ancestors would see as fucking magic. Airplanes, computers, and HD cartoon whores ready to perform every conceivable heinous act. In the days of old, porn was limited by what was physically possible. That time is no more. With the strength of powerful animation software, anything is possible.Smutbase is the adult content sister site of the open3D lab network. Here artists upload fully functioning 3D...
Cartoon Porn SitesAlan arrived bright and early the next morning, hopefully as eager as I was to get his beautifully huge cock in action. All I'd done since getting up was to brush my teeth put on a little make-up, run a brush through my hair and apply a little perfume behind my ears and to my tits and thighs. My pussy when in heat, smelled wonderful enough, but it wouldn't hurt to sweeten it a little. I opened the door to him wearing a baby doll nightie that barely covered my arse. As I turned and went up...
I just left my wife at her lover’s house. Driving home, I was so distracted thinking about them together that I briefly lost my way. This all started a few months ago when my wife caught me masturbating while watching women on a webcam online. Asha got mad, claiming I was taking away from her, and walked away pouting. She didn’t even want me to touch her. Yes, I was masturbating a lot, at least once a day, often three or four times a week. Still, we had an active love life—I was always willing...
Kayla sat in the chair at the table that passed for Josh’s desk and looked around in the late-morning light as some of his music blasted and thumped through the old building around her. He’d told her to grab whatever music that she wanted from his CDs and his laptop for her MP3 player and she was sifting through his Counting Crows CDs at the moment, looking for a tune that he’d played in the truck the other day. She smiled when she found it and a second later ‘American Girls’ was on. She’d...
Antigua, 1702 Six years had passed and in that time Jack took care of himself and sister as best he could. Once they had saved enough money they bought passage out of Aruba. They money only got them as far as Antigua, but it was enough to flee from the horrors of that night. Jack worked many merchant ships as a hand and eventually a boatswain, in charge of crew and workings of the ship. He showed great promise and was even told soon he could move into a first mate’s position or even captain...
Today was not a work day but Diana decided that she had to catch up on some work. Saturday was usually a dull day for her anyway, so she decided to pay a visit to the office. Being alone there would help her to do her work without the usual distractions. She arrived around 10am and was surprised to see another car in the parking lot. She recognised it. She let herself in with her office key and locked the door. Melisa, the Marketing Manager, was there. She too was catching up on her work. Diana...
LesbianThe last two weeks of Tom's employment in the job working under his busty blonde supervisor, Mandy, had seemed like it lasted much longer than just 10 workdays. He'd gotten totally fed up with Mandy's sarcasm and critical attitude and he'd given her his "two weeks notice" that his days of working for her were over. Mandy had never realized the fact that Tom had secretly lusted after her since before she had joined their organization and had been made his supervisor. When he'd first...
Ek relationship mein khushi mili voh use waqt ki hai jab mein ek dusre jism ki chahte thi. Aap log kuch bhi khaiya hawas aya cheating wife par jab mard dusre kay saath sex kartha hai toh kuch farkhe nahi gire tha sirf aurat par ungali kiyo? Ab toh kayi shaadi shuda aurat ko internet pe dusre yaar kay saath sex aya masti me dehka hai chori chupia hidden cameras main. Aay jo mein lekine ja rehi ho voh meria external affair kay bare mein hai jo jawan ladkia hai use kay saath jismani pyaar mela....
"Say, Pat. "Yessor, Mr. Hennessey, sor." "Ye ever hear of a bunch called The Brotherhood?" "Yessor, Mr. Hennessey, sor. I hear of 'um frum time ta time. They's a bad crowd ta cross, I hear. They gives our folks a real hard time." "Well, I jus' thunk uv a way we kin pay 'um back fer some uv that trouble. An', at the same time, we kin make a penny er two fer our own selves." "How's that, Mr. Hennessey, sor? "It's kinda complicated. I ain't shore ye wud unnerstand, but...
Three years within the same company can be quite a drag, but knowing that your relationship with the boss has grown, is everything I could ask for. Yes, indeed the boss is married, but that doesn't stop me. Shawn and I have something in common, we don't let our partners get in our way. Saturday, June 12th, 9:56pm. Shawn and I were finishing up our work in the office. Only the janitor left cleaning up on our floor, went to the elevator to go to the level below. As he stepped into the elevator, I...
Quickie SexI didn’t go overboard with my clothes and makeup for dinner with Andrew. I wanted him to see a woman, okay a sexy woman, but I wanted him to realise I was in control of my life. I wore a knee length dress with a high neck, sort of sophisticated, in a dull way. My shoes had a 2 inch heel, and I wore a nice little cardigan. ‘Jesus, are you going to church?’ ‘Lucy, I told you I’m meeting Andrew for dinner tonight. Anyway, I think it looks smart.’ ‘Jackie, get in here. I think Gina has bumped...
Hi mera naam hai kanchan hai. Ye meri iss pe pehli hi lekin dhamakedar story hai jo apke lund aur choot ko pani chhodne pe majboor kar degi. Mai dikhne mein kafi khubsoorat hu. Gora chitta rang, unnat uroj aur sexy niyamb meri khasiyat hai. Mera figure 36” 26” 38” hai. Dekhne wale aur mere jankar muze aksar kahte hai ki mai asin ki tarah dikhti hu. Ab mai aapka jyada waqt jaya na karke sidhe story pe aati hu. Yeh baat tab ki hai jab meri shadi ko 2 saal ho chuke the Aur mai aur mere pati jo...
Heading down the path, Steve and I continued to discuss our delightful afternoon and started to talk about getting together after we returned home. I had always liked hanging out with Steve since he was more open and honest about his feelings. I also knew that of the three guys, he would be the one that I could see myself starting a real relationship with, but I wouldn’t mention that after just an afternoon together.As we approached the lake, Steve pointed to Bob and John out on the lake in a...
Gay MaleJennifer White is watering the bushes when Hope Harper and her boyfriend Logan Pierce arrive home. She makes a move on Logan, much to Hope’s dismay. After showering off the heat of the day and wrapping a towel around herself, Jennifer tries again. In full-on seduction mode, she drops the towel so Logan can look all he wants. Determined to get what she wants, Jennifer waits until Hope is riding Logan’s mouth to sneak up on the couple and take Logan’s cock in her mouth. When...
xmoviesforyouI came home from football practice hot and sweaty. The only two things I wanted was a nice long shower and something to eat. I began to undress as I climbed the stairs to the bathroom. My shirt was the first to go, then my shoes, and I was unbuttoning by jeans by the time I walked into the bathroom. To my surprise, my twin sister was standing in front of the bathroom mirror with a soccer ball under her t-shirt. “What the fuck are you doing?” I asked, shocked to see her like that.“Don’t you...
The Making of a Slut is an excerpt from book 2 - Love’s Masters of The Chronicles of Tim Brandton series. You do NOT need to read The Chronicles of Tim Brandton to enjoy this as it is sufficiently self contained to be a seperate work all by itself. Monday, January 26th, 1987 -5:20 pm- My name is Leanne White, and I am a high school senior, top of my class, treasurer of my school’s student council for the third year in a row, and a tennis enthusiast. For most of my life, I’ve prided...
Good News, Bad News, Part 2 By Pindick The hall clock said it was 1 a.m., which meant that I had now been listening outside my bedroom door for four hours while my friend Barry fucked my wife in every conceivable way. Laney alternated between screams, pants, contented sobs and gagging noises. In between the crescendos, as they rested for another round, she seemed to be taunting me through the door, "God, I had forgotten what it was like to actually feel a cock inside me. I couldn't...
Kerri followed closely behind Valerie as she gave a tour of her new home. The tour ended upstairs in Val’s bedroom, where she asked Kerri to help start unpacking. ‘So what brings you to town?’ Kerri asked as she pulled folded sweaters out of a box. ‘The love of my life,’ Val smiled widely. So, she’s not single. Thank goodness. I didn’t want to compete with her. Kerri thought as she sized Valerie up. Valerie stood a bout 5 feet, 5 inches, same height as Kerri. Not an ounce of fat on her...
„Schau mal her, ob das hier was Schlimmes ist?“ Ich sehe von meiner Urlaubslektüre auf und bin überrascht, dass meine Schwester Antje splitternackt vor mir steht. Antje ist für ihre achtzehn Jahre bereits sehr gut entwickelt. „Es tut mir hier weh!“ sagt Antje und zeigt auf die Innenseite ihres linken Oberschenkels. Damit ich es auch richtig sehen kann, stellt sie das Bein auf das Bett. Meine Augen werden rund und groß, weil ich geradewegs ins Paradies hineinsehe. Die blonden Löckchen in Antjes...
The darkness of the cave was broken only by the small, flickering flames of Rael’s makeshift torch. It had spun off into the corner during the struggle with the bear and there it sat, dying. The flame was weak and feeble, yet it would not go out fully. It swirled, sputtering and pitiful, but it clung stubbornly to the torch and sent a tracery of shadows to sprawl in shapes and flittering figures grand and small along the icy stone walls. The shadows were dramas and tales and romantic battles,...
Novelsfingers clenched tight at the clear plastic casing of the pen till knuckles were white with effort. the effort not to scream from remembered pleasure. flesh gone soft and sore throbbed with molten lava of heat that swelled soft tissue into one central sensitive button. moisture pooled between shaking thighs clenched together under an old desk, hoping no one noticed the restrained self-control. they rubbed togeter making all areas around her core slick with juices of her want. each movement was...
There was no way Carl could afford the TV in the shop window in front of him. That did not stop him looking and dreaming. "Maybe if we get promoted." Said the voice next to him wistfully. Carl snorted, "Maybe the Catholics and Protestants will stop trying to kill each other." No sooner had he spoken, than Carl felt a sharp and blinding pain along his shoulder. "FUCKING HELL!" Carl grasped his shoulder with his good arm, as the thrown half brick bounced of his foot. His partner, Dan,...