Flight of Fancy
- 2 years ago
- 66
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“Christ are we ever going to get on board!?”
My heart sank, eyes rolled and shoulders slumped forward. Molly wasn’t happy. Again. Molly had been my best friend since school but knows how to moan with the best of them and saw my role as her best friend as more a sounding board for her gripes and perceived slights than anything else these days.
We moved forward another step. The line to board our flight back to London from Malaga shuffled forward in unison but, in fairness to Molly, it was taking an age and the temperature was at a level we’d been enjoying a few hours ago. But a few hours ago we’d been lying poolside with a cool breeze and cooler drinks and not stuck in a windowless tunnel as we were now.
Sweat started to run down my back and accumulate on my forehead, I would blow down my top but my moist hands were struggling with my carry-on bag and handbag, large floppy sun hat and camera which for some reason didn’t want to fit in the same bag it came out in. My feet ached, the hint of sunburn, the result of the traditional last day over tanning session, was sore and I was not looking forward to the budget airline flight we were about to embark upon. If only we could actually get on the plane!
I looked over to Molly as she was struggling just as much with her carry-on which for some reason included a full sized pillow, magazine and chocolate from Duty Free (all apparently essential) and attempted to smile in an effort to cheer her up and be positive. But whilst my moans and issues were all internal, Molly’s definitely were not!
“I bet it’s some family with kids and pushchairs and all their crap that’s holding us up!” she huffed, clearly unaware or past caring that there were similar families within earshot. “She’s going to get us thrown off!” I thought wearily.
Suddenly we were moving again, a few steps this time. My mood instantly brightened as we rounded a kink in the tunnel and saw the welcoming plane door for the first time. I shifted my bag on my shoulder as Molly and I neared the entrance.
As we reached the door way I fumbled in the pocket of my jeans shorts for my boarding pass, flustered as I felt Molly’s sigh behind me, clearly now even this small delay was upsetting her!
“Sorry,” I mumbled as I finally found the crumpled leaf of card and absent mindedly handed it to the stewardess greeting us.
“It’s no problem at all, welcome on board,” came the reply.
“Wow, this girl’s good,” I thought sarcastically, “I can even hear the smile in her voice!” Eventually I looked up and saw the face behind the smile and was instantly struck by how stunning she was!
Everyone has a type, a look that attracts them the most, and this vision in front of me was certainly mine. I’d been out for the past five years, since I was sixteen and although there had been girlfriends and casual encounters, I’d never had one of those heart stopping moments and such an instant attraction. Until now.
Mackenzie, as a quick glance at her (boob) name badge identified her to be, was breath-taking. Dark brown hair in an asymmetrical bob, large dark brown eyes with great big long eyelashes, the cutest pixie nose that wrinkled as she smiled, pale skin and blushed pouty lips. She was petite, slim and around the same 5’ 6” as I was. Yep, I was infatuated.
“Ummmm……. thanks!” came my stilted response, awkwardly smiling back, all pretence of coolness completely slipping away. Mackenzie giggled as she looked at my boarding pass, the epitome of professionalism, her bright and friendly personality shining through.
“For God’s sake Bella, keep it in your pants!”
My heart leapt like a salmon and all the colour instantly drained from my face. Molly!
Molly was straight. Not even a hint of curiosity about her and whilst she didn’t have any serious objection to my sexuality, she would often mask her obvious discomfort with it by being as subtle as an elephant trying to sneak across a pool table whenever I was in the company of a girl I had anything more than a friendly connection with. She had obviously picked up on my clumsiness and awkwardness around Mackenzie and through her bad mood and discomfort decided to make a scene to embarrass me. I was mortified.
“Molly shut the fuck up!” I hissed through gritted teeth turning towards her, seething, blood rushing back into my face in a mixture of anger and embarrassment. Molly smirked and walked past, clearly pleased with her efforts and left me standing like an idiot in the doorway, heart pounding and cheeks still flushed.
Clearly Mackenzie couldn’t have missed this little exchange given she was standing so close in the cramped door way I could identify her Marc Jacobs perfume, but what would her reaction be? I considered not looking back and just hurrying to my seat to punch Molly, but Mackenzie still had my boarding pass so I decided to just try and act naturally. I looked up at her, smiled awkwardly and took the stub. She was still smiling her professional smile. I was half relieved, half disappointed as, despite its entirely different intent, Molly’s loud outburst would certainly have made Mackenzie aware of my preference for girls and Mackenzie’s unaltered expression seemed to indicate at least non interest in me, if not for my gender.
A familiar feeling of resigned disappointment began to slither across my soul and a pang of embarrassment and rejection stabbed my stomach. My eyes lowered I reached out for my boarding pass, eager to escape and bury my head in a magazine for the entirety of our flight, but as I took it, it didn’t move. It remained tightly in Mackenzie’s grip. Confused, I looked back up into her gorgeously unobtainable face only to see a completely different smile. Gone was the set, professional, shiny white, fixed, wide smile, and instead a mischievous grin, with a subtle hint of shyness was in its place. I struggled to control an audible gasp, my heart started pounding so hard I felt sure she would actually be able to hear it. Such a swing of emotions cause me a slight giddy feel and I smiled broadly, recomposed myself and made my way to my seat, my mind swimming with possibilities.
Molly had already settled into her seat and was thumbing through her iPhone looking for a playlist, my mind was elsewhere. I just sat, stomach on fire, bubbling and churning. The occasional sneaked glance from our 1st row exit seats to her position a few feet away by the door soon turned into extended frequent glances. Then long looks. And finally blatant stares. My gaze was broken by a loud tut as Molly had obviously looked up from her music and noticed me gawping. But it wasn’t just me. Mackenzie was directing the remaining passengers to their seats and, as her beautiful eyes followed them up the aisle, she’d steal a glance my way and catch me looking at her. That mischievous smile playing on her full lips each time.
After all the passengers had boarded, Mackenzie went about all the pre-flight cabin checks and prepared herself for take-off. She swept through the cabin effortlessly, her hips swaying as she negotiated her way along the aisle, her peachy bottom grazing past my shoulder as I “accidentally” leaned across my chair. She removed her flight attendants uniform jacket and it was only then that I really noticed her figure for the first time, taken as I had been all this time by her stunning visage.
Mackenzie looked to be a few years older than me, maybe 25, she stretched up to put her jacket up into the overhead locker, her white blouse pulled tight across her breasts, her white bra visible through the material. A familiar tingly sensation fluttered through me as my thoughts turned from warm and fuzzy to darker and more lustful and I bit my lip in an effort to try to contain them. My eyes continued to scan up Mackenzie’s slender frame until resting once again on her gorgeous face, only to find her looking straight back at me! I blushed crimson and she gave me a look as though she knew exactly what was on my mind…
I watched as Mackenzie walked over to the parallel aisle and whisper something to her colleague, I caught him glance in my direction, look back at Mackenzie and smile, nodding his assent. Whilst having no clue what the surreptitious conversation was about, it was clear I was being discussed and the flushed look on Mackenzie’s face as she made her way across to my side of the plane aroused more than just my curiosity. She pulled the cabin crew seat down from its folded position in the partition wall just in front of my seat, sat down and belted herself in, the announcement came over the tannoy that we were ready to push.
And so for the next few minutes whilst we taxied and waited for our runway to be clear, there she was, my dream girl sitting facing me barely six feet away. For what seemed the longest time I sat determined not to make eye contact with Mackenzie, knowing full well she would be able to see straight through me, and the mental images in my head of what we could possibly be doing with each other would be so obvious they might as well be played as the in-flight movie. Instead I concentrated on her knees, safe enough, I thought. Mackenzie did have very shapely and slender legs, accentuated by airline issue 60 denier tights, but looking at them was a much safer option than other parts of her beautiful body.
The plane bumped over a crease in the concrete and we all jolted, Mackenzie’s legs parted momentarily and I caught a glimpse of her gusset, a flash of white panties under her tights!
“God, what are you doing to me?” I mumbled under my breath, swallowed hard and exhaled slowly, trying to calm my heart which was pounding once again. I risked a peek up at Mackenzie’s face to see if she’d realised what I’d just noticed, her face was turned away but a subtle smirk betrayed her and my desire grew, fuelled by her knowing what I’d seen.
I tried to regain my composure and focus again on her knees, safe in the knowledge there should not be any more bumps as we were now on the main runway whilst also quietly praying to myself that an unexpected bonus jolt could come along and really make my day. And then it happened again! I caught another glimpse, like sunlight bursting through dark cloud on an overcast day, only this time there was definitely no bump! I glanced up at Mackenzie’s face again, and she was still looking away but the barely concealed grin on her face was obvious, she was teasing me!
The tease, although obvious, was still subtle and any reaction on my part might not be easy to explain away if Mackenzie later claimed she had simply moved unintentionally, so I decided to do nothing, reverted my gaze back to her knees to avoid eye contact and also gather further evidence should it become available. Clearly sensing my hesitancy, Mackenzie cleared her throat and shifted in her chair, her hands, which were resting on her toned thighs slid upwards as she moved, dragging her skirt up a couple of inches, leaving me in no doubt that she wanted me just as much as the accumulating moisture in my panties told me I wanted her. I decided to throw caution to the wind.
Summoning all my courage and faux confidence, I looked directly into Mackenzie’s deep, dark eyes, holding her gaze. Nothing and no one else mattered in those moments, the plane screeched along the runway into the air and it barely registered, I bit my lip with as much sensual intent as I could muster, smiled bashfully, ran a hand through my long brown hair, my gaze never leaving hers. Mackenzie put her finger to her mouth and bit her manicured fingernail seductively, and I knew she was mine.
The plane continued its ascent and I felt like a caged animal, strapped into my seat only feet from my prey, frustrated by the necessary delay in being able to get my hands on the object of my desire. And then the realisation hit me; how and more importantly, where, could we possibly do anything together given where we were and Mackenzie’s in-flight responsibilities. My heart plummeted as if the plane itself had dropped out of the sky.
My anxiety had clearly registered on my face because Mackenzie momentarily looked at me quizzically, then upon apparent realisation of my thoughts quickly smiled and reassuringly mouthed the words “it’s ok,” whilst nodding. She’s clearly thought this through I realised, both incredibly aroused and mildly insulted at being such a sure thing she’d already thought of the practicalities!
After what seemed to be an eternity, we finally levelled off and the seatbelt sign went out. I looked over to Mackenzie expectantly, she had already unfastened her belt, stowed her seat and straightened her skirt. She walked up the aisle, pausing only to crouch by my seat, her hand rested on my arm, a bolt of electricity shot through me and I gasped. She leaned over and whispered breathlessly:
“Give me two minutes, then come to the back of the plane and find me….” Her gentle Scottish brogue simply adding to her attractiveness.
The sound of her voice was intoxicating, my senses swam at her touch, my passion and desire mounting, my heart thumping through my chest. I reached over to touch her hand on my arm but she was gone, I turned and watched her sway up the aisle glancing from side to side, speaking to passengers but never breaking stride as she made her way back. I looked across at Molly in the seat next to mine but she was already plugged into her music, eye mask on, huge pillow behind her head, breathing regularly. I was free to leave without detection.
Unclipping my seat belt I glanced back up the aisle, Mackenzie was gone and no other people were blocking the way. This was the moment. I turned back around, faced the seat which just moments ago this fountain of all sexiness had occupied and I gave myself a final reality check. Always introspective, I asked myself firstly if all of this was real, and then if I actually wanted to go through with it. Oh fuck yes I did!
I sprang up from my chair and positively sprinted down the aisle. I scooted past the half way toilets and galley, much to the surprise of the incumbent cabin crew, my mind and body both dizzy with excitement, desire and anticipation. The rear section of the plane was considerably quieter than our cabin with just a few passengers dotted around and a curtain pulled across the aisle at the end. The faint hum of the plane’s engines were all I could hear aside from my excited blood pumping through my ears, the butterflies in my stomach were mimicking a hummingbird for sheer flap rate as I edged closer to the curtain.
Every possible scenario was playing out in my mind, what could Mackenzie possibly be doing on the other side of that curtain? Was she already naked? Semi-dressed? Sitting provocatively with her hand gently rubbing herself through the sheer and luxuriant material of her panties? I was practically panting in anticipation as I pulled the curtain aside and stepped through. And... nothing. She was nowhere to be seen.
In keeping with the rollercoaster ride the past hour had been, my heart dipped again, heading for the corkscrew with the stomach churning finale. I stood in the galley crestfallen, wondering which of the worst case scenarios was coming to pass, when I felt my hand being grabbed!
Mackenzie whisked me over to one side of the otherwise deserted galley. An astonished gasp had barely escaped my lips when Mackenzie’s mouth was planted firmly and passionately onto mine. The bottom dropped out of my stomach as our lips meshed together for the first time, my mind lost in a swoon of desire and craving. Her lips, soft and full, eagerly caressed mine, kisses I could feel in the tips of my toes. My hands instinctively found her waist, urgently pulling her into me, clawing at her back, all inhibitions abandoned. I felt her hand under my hair on the back of my neck, her nails grazing my neck and scalp, forcing us into a deeper kiss. My lips parted willingly as Mackenzie’s tongue probed and enquired, my own going to meet it, swirling and writhing along and across each other’s.
My skin was tingling, so sensitive to her touch. My mind was lost, not thinking about what I was doing and how this was so not me, my actions betraying my usual shy and sensible behaviour. My hands slid down Mackenzie’s back firmly squeezing and kneading, I felt her moan softly into my mouth, clearly she was as turned on and desperate for this to happen as I was. My hands movement intensified, working my way down to her tight bum, gripping her firm cheeks in each palm and caressing strongly. I felt Mackenzie’s neck muscles loosen, her mouth opened and she was panting as her head tilted back in response to my touch and my heart was filled with still greater desire to make her entire body sing with pleasure.
Mackenzie refocussed and slid her hands up my body with an intense urgency, she found my pert C cup breasts through my loose and billowy spaghetti strap top and bra. It was my turn to moan and squirm as she squeezed and fondled my needy tits expertly, immediately finding my nipples through the thin layers of material and rolling them between her thumb and finger. A primal spasm pulsed through my body and came to rest in my pussy, which was already aching to be satisfied.
Mackenzie pulled away from me, panting, her previous air of a professional air stewardess lost in smudged make up and dishevelled hair, and her eyes were ablaze and filled with passion.
“We haven’t got long!” she gasped breathlessly, “I told him I’d be quick.”
“Him” was obviously in reference to the colleague Mackenzie spoke to during pre-flight, so clearly there was a precedent for this sort of encounter! But I was too lost in her to care.
I pushed her back across the galley, the sense of urgency now intensified. Pulling her blouse up over her head before passionately kissing her hard once again. Our teeth clashed, tongues writhing and wriggling engulfing each other’s mouths wantonly. I yanked her bra up over her full and heavy D cup breasts, the thick underwire grinding over her large nipples instantly making them hard and sensitive. I bent my head and hungrily sucked on one, cupping Mackenzie’s other breast and massaging it firmly. Mackenzie moaned loudly, her hands gripping the back of my head, grabbing tufts of my hair and tugging.
Sucking and gnawing on Mackenzie’s engorged nipple, my hand slid down her trim stomach, fiercely tugged her skirt up and pressed hard into her soft, hot mound, Even through tights and panties I could feel how wet she was, she exhaled a base, carnal moan and her knees buckled under my compelling and coercive touch. I could feel her bullet-like clit under my fingertips, I concentrated my efforts in rapid, firm circular motions over it, mashing her hard button forcefully into her pubic bone.
"Ohhhhhhh fuck!"
Mackenzie's whole body crumpled, her legs succumbing to the delicious violence I was inflicting on her willing and desperate pussy. I dragged her back up, my senses aflame with passion and desire I kissed her with depth and longing, my fingers burying under her tights and soaking wet knickers, once again finding her hard clit as it protruded and I went back to work. Mackenzie gasped and moaned, breathing becoming heavier as my fingertips played over and around her slippery bean, rubbing from side to side and up and down. All she could do was hold onto my shoulders, her eyes rolling back, open mouthed as if she was gasping for air, chest heaving rapidly and my fingers continued their relentless pleasure dance on her clit.
"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my GOD!"
She opened her legs wider, willing me inside her, and I didn't miss the invitation. Gliding down her luscious slit I effortlessly slipped a finger into her gorgeously gaping and enticing pussy, instantly feeling her contract around it. Wasting no time I probed deeply into her, feeling her tense again and again rhythmically and I shifted my finger in and out, she gave in, wrapped her arms around my neck and just held on. My thumb now rubbing her button I pushed two fingers into her and started pounding her soaking pussy, steadily at first, then, in response to her hips bucking against my movements, harder and faster.
Mackenzie lifter her head off my shoulder and bit her fist in an effort to stop moaning and screaming but my arm pumping like a piston and stuffing my fingers deeper and harder made her efforts futile: "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh FUCK! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fucking fuck MEEEEEEE!!!!" she bellowed deliriously and with wanton abandon, giving in to the savage pleasure.
Mackenzie's hips were bucking and gyrating wildly against my intruding fingers as they pounded and plundered deeper and faster, squelching and fucking her into frenzied movements. My arm ached with the effort but I continued to slam into her, desperate for her to cum hard, frantically needing to feel her climactic juices gush over my hand.
“Oh GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD, God don’t stop! Don’t fucking stop pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!”
She was close, her pussy was pulsating, her groaning guttural, carnal, animalistic and she was desperate to climax. Her head rolled back, hands gripping my shoulders, nails digging in. her juices were streaming over my fingers and dripping off my hand as I fucked her, fingers curling up inside.
Her stomach muscles visibly tensed, her nails dug deeper into my shoulders, her head thrown back in a silent scream and she came violently, hips jolting, her whole body thrashed and flailed in glorious orgasm. Her skin was glistening and she was panting heavily, her head slumped forward onto my shoulder.
Eventually Mackenzie looked up at me, bedraggled hair smeared across her gleaming forehead and she whispered breathlessly, "God, I’ve always wanted someone to do that to me on a flight. Fuck you were amazing!”
I blushed and smiled sheepishly, then I realised what that actually meant! She hadn’t done this before!? I smiled broadly, happy in the knowledge I’d been her first.
“You’re a stewardess and now a Mile high Club member huh?” instantly annoyed with myself at the corniness of my “joke”.
Mackenzie shook her head, chuckling. Then recomposed herself, looked me straight in the eye and said, "Now, how about your membership!?” She winked at me and tried to keep a straight face but failed miserably, collapsing forward in a fit of laughter. She looked back at me and playfully stuck her tongue out.
Seizing on an opportunity to fan the smouldering embers of our passionate encounter, I took a step back from Mackenzie, looked into her eyes seductively, stepped back again and popped the button on my denim shorts. I bit my lip playfully and slowly undid the zip. Another step and I tugged my shorts down over my hips, letting them slide down my tanned, toned and slender thighs and drop to the floor. Another pace back and I stepped out of my shorts, Mackenzie watched intently, her smile had gone but her tongue still protruded sexily. I lifted my top slightly and ran my thumbs round the top of my lilac panties, pulling the waistband open sensuously, teasing her, and once again stepping back.
My next step back and I could feel the bulkhead door behind me, I slowly slid down until I was sitting on the floor, legs apart, knees bent, facing Mackenzie. My heart was pounding once again and I could feel myself getting hornier and hornier, my mood exacerbated by the look on Mackenzie’s face as I started to stroke my legs softly and gently, caressing my skin which tingled in anticipation as much as because of my feather-light touch.
I wondered how much she could take, how long could she stand there watching without giving in to the urge to take me. I opened my legs wider and traced my fingernails down my thighs, edging ever closer to my needy mound, my damp gusset a clear indication to both of us how much I wanted her. Still she resisted.
My hand snaked along my inner thigh, softly caressing, it felt delicious, and I guided it to my aching pussy and grazed my nail across my panties, delicately tickling my sex which was eager for a firmer touch. My middle finger pressed down and nuzzled into my soft mound, gently but firmly stroking myself. The combination of being watched by a gorgeous girl, what we had already done and the increasing pressure I was putting on myself was absolutely intoxicating and I knew my own climax wouldn’t be too long in coming even if Mackenzie decided not to come and play.
Fortunately though, that didn’t become an issue. As I closed my eyes and rolled my head back in an attempt to look as alluring as possible, Mackenzie pounced! Before I had reopened my eyes my panties had been pulled aside and the tongue that had been suggestively peeking out of Mackenzie’s mouth seconds earlier was now being much more than suggestive! My gasped and shuddered as I felt her incredible little tongue dart expertly into my gaping pussy, parting my pulsating lips and lapping furiously up and down my slit.
I had to put my hands flat on the floor to support myself such were the shockwaves slamming through my body, my back arched involuntarily, straining for Mackenzie to push into me but her tongue kept lashing around my rock hard clit and along my craving gash. I whimpered and squirmed in exquisite torture, head swimming light-headedly.
My legs began trembling, that familiar feeling building but much more intensely, I gripped my tits hard through my top, pinching and squeezing my nipples, I groaned, lost in Mackenzie’s incredible tongue as it flicked and strummed my clit in addition to her humming strongly on it, sending incredible vibrations rippling all the way through my contorted body.
Finally, without warning, Mackenzie thrust two fingers deeply and firmly straight into my gaping pussy and I thought I was going to explode into mind-fucking ecstasy. My senses went into overload and I was struggling to breathe. My hot juices erupted all over her lithe fingers as she worked them in and out, pumping and pounding. My hips reared off the floor, fucking myself on her hot sticky fingers, completely abandoning my body and mind to the carnal desire I was filled with. Her mouth was still meshed onto my clit, now sucking and flicking as she punished my swollen and puffy cunt, never letting up, thrusting and probing harder and faster.
I was on the verge of blacking out as my orgasm came, not in small building waves as usual but a giant tsunami of pleasure and ecstasy came crashing through me, thundering along my skin, starting from my clit and pussy but encompassing everywhere from my hair follicles to my toenails. My whole body shook as an enormous shudder rocked me to the core, I was in heaven.
I couldn’t move. I lay on the cabin floor in a heap of arms and legs, my chest still pitching and falling rapidly as I struggled to regain my breath. Multi-coloured blotches filled my field of vision and I was so light headed I couldn’t think or see straight. It was the most intensive and explosive orgasm I’d ever had. I managed to focus my brain sufficiently enough to look across at Mackenzie, who was sat in a similarly crumpled heap just across the gantry. I struggled to think of something profound, or even poetic to say to her to express the magnitude of the moment.
“Fuck. You are amazing!” was all I could manage. Mackenzie laughed.
Having eventually recovered feeling and strength in my legs I managed to work my way up to a standing position again, feeling like Bambi on ice. We both straightened ourselves out, washed and rearranged clothing, catching each other’s eye on occasion and smiling sheepishly at each other, reality now overcoming blatant desire and embarrassment loitering just around the corner. Mackenzie was just finishing adjusting her uniform when I was ready so I considered leaving, if only to avoid our uncomfortable silence and any suspicious eyes, whose ears may have overheard us, on my way back to my seat.
However I decided to go against my first instinct and waited till she was ready. She’d finished smoothing down her skirt, looked up at me and smiled an awkward smile. I looked into her eyes reassuringly, took her hands gently, leaned forward and kissed her lightly on her gorgeous full lips. Her shoulders relaxed and she smiled more naturally. An impish thought entered my head and I realised it was a perfect way to relax us both. I took a step away from her and in a formal fashion, held out my hand:
“Hi! My name’s Bella! It’s really nice to meet you!”
Mackenzie bent over forwards giggling hysterically, instantly aware of the ridiculousness of my statement. But she played along, stretching out her hand to shake mine, "The pleasure’s all mine, Bella!” She smiled, still chuckling.
We were still softly laughing as we made our way back through the curtain and I, still on shaky legs, unevenly walked down the aisle. As I got to the half way galley I noticed Mackenzie wasn’t close behind me, I paused and realised we were back to a passenger/cabin crew relationship and so she was letting me go on ahead to avoid suspicion. I turned before entering the busiest cabin where my seat and normal life was waiting for me, looked at her one last time, smiled, turned back and continued on my way.
I flopped back into my seat, feeling both exhilarated and completely relaxed. Molly took her earphones off and said quizzically:
“You were gone a while, are you feeling ok?”
“Oh yes,” I replied with a rather cryptic smile, "I’m very good indeed!”
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After my divorce following nearly twenty years of marriage, I settled into a condo in Central New Jersey. The combination of not having a wife and the freedom of condo living gave me newfound opportunity. The time saved by not having to maintain a house combined with the free time afforded me by being single was something I really made use of. It gave me the chance to do things I had always wanted to do but never had the time. Travel and time for my hobbies such as my guitar playing were no...
ExhibitionismEverything had conspired against him that morning. First he'd been delayed getting away from home. Rachel had chosen this morning to demand that he talk to her about some domestic issue or another, but he had explained to her that he had to make a flight this morning. She was clearly unhappy, but had accepted that he would sit down with her tonight, after he had returned from the short trip to Chicago to give his presentation. Well, that, plus the fact that his eight year-old son had come...
One of my ex girlfriends loved this story but wouldn’t let her teenagers read it, she said it was too sensual. I told her OK if you say so lol. the story isn’t very long, point of fact most of the stories I have written are petty short but intense , that’s an apt word ———————————- With the rising of the sun, she awoke to the warmth of its glow, lying on the ledge, high on the mount near its crest. She felt its warmth on her scales, its light sparkling as it reflected back from her scales the...
Fantasy Flight Hello friends, As usual I am not going to say that I am a big fan of ISS because I feel this website has many fake stories which a pure copy paste. You can opening comment or write to me if you feel this story has been lifted off somewhere hydblrcouple(at)gmail(dot)com Today I wanna tell you about my very special experience. I am a 29 years old guy from Pune. I have a girlfriend of 5 years of being in a relation. I have had sex out of my relation with both older and younger women...
Hi, guys, I am back with another exciting story. Those who want to know about me, I am a typical Indian with a normal body of 22 years old with a dick of 5.5 inches. I love to do massage. This is the story about an angel who met on a journey to Bangalore and the fun with her in Bangalore in her flat. By the way, the heroine of the story is Savitha (true name). So, without any delay let’s get into the story. So after my semester exams. I got holidays for 15 days. So I decided to visit Bangalore...
PostScriptor Copyright 2009, All rights reserved Everything had conspired against him that morning. First he’d been delayed getting away from home. Rachel had chosen this morning to demand that he talk to her about some domestic issue or another, but he had explained to her that he had to make a flight this morning. She was clearly unhappy, but had accepted that he would sit down with her tonight, after he had returned from the short trip to Chicago to give his presentation. Well, that,...
Last year in late summer I booked a flight to Miami. My husband was already there. He works in international finance and real estate business with an US-American partner. The two have a joint office in downtown Miami. My husband booked me into a hotel in Miami Beach on Collins Avenue. The proximity to the beach and the better environment make the difference.It was the night flight with Lufthansa. Through 'miles and more' I had a first class ticket and was looking forward to the flight. The...
InterracialLast year in late summer I booked a flight to Miami. My husband was already there. He works in international finance and real estate business with an US-American partner. The two have a joint office in downtown Miami. My husband booked me into a hotel in Miami Beach on Collins Avenue. The proximity to the beach and the better environment make the difference.It was the night flight with Lufthansa. Through 'miles and more' I had a first class ticket and was looking forward to the flight. The...
InterracialHaving just joined the Air force I couldn't wait to be stationed overseas at my new assignment. Germany. All I could imagine was flowing beer barrels and blondes as far as the eye could see. I had hit the jackpot. Not many men my age were given this opportunity to serve their country overseas. Having just turned twenty-five and being in the best shape of my life, I was eager to explore the world, and the women within it. I was about six feet tall, blond hair, blue eyes, and had a decent tan,...
Recently I went on a business trip to Chicago. On the plane, one of the flight attendants caught my attention for two reasons; he was more masculine then most male flight attendants and he was wearing a necklace from which hung the hardware I’d seen pierced through the end of some of the cocks in porn pictures I’d browsed. The hardware piece was u-shaped with a round ball on each end of the U. What got my brain and cock twitching was the gauge of the bent steel U. It had to be about ½ a...
New York, Wednesday 24th April 1974. After a severe winter the spring had set in. Sun rays bathed the Central Park in New York. Birds chirped happily. Senior citizens greeted each other, happy to have survived the cold weather. Children played noisily while their mothers gossiped. It seemed that the world was at peace with itself but not everyone was happy. Mr. Graham Hussley, Chief Editor of The Crime Watch, was a worried man. He looked out from his office window, which overlooked the...
FLIGHT FANTASAY - PART 1 Every red blooded American male has had, at one time or another, a fantasy about stewardesses. I am no different. This is not my fantasy, however this actually happened. By the time I was 30, I had served my obligation to the military for my education and been married and divorced. About that time I was recruited by a small plastics company in Temecula, California whose boss/owner Leonard was this genius at plastics. He said he was going to build a company around some...
Love StoriesThis story began in 2009. It was my senior year of high school. This story is not your typical boy-meets-girl story. In fact, it does not get there until much later. Her name is Fancy. This is her story.In my last year of high school, I had two classes with Fancy, whom I did not know that much. We sat on different sides of the classroom. We had different sets of friends. However, on the rare occasion that she crossed over to my side of the world, or when I would hear her voice, she had a...
Quickie Sexby ‘pete’. Chapter 1 As I boarded the ‘Trans-World’ evening flight for San Francisco, I remembered back to the time when I used to work as a flight attendant for ‘Trans-World’, before I took up writing full time. I wondered if I would see any of the old crew I knew... I kind of missed the action, but did okay in my new field of endeavour, it’s surprising how some people are fascinated by writers of erotic fiction. As I made my way to my window seat I saw two lovely young women,...
Hello, Jane here. It’s Saturday morning and I’m running round as usual doing all the old dears’ hair ready for their weekly big night out. Mrs Jordan is 92 and I have just put her under the dryer and she has fallen straight asleep. I need to keep on top of all my hairdressing appointments today, as Mr J is coming to visit tonight. The text message came in yesterday, fancy a visitor? And I do fancy this particular visitor - very much indeed.It has been a harrowing week at my regular quality...
Straight SexHi all I have been a reader for of ISS for very long Now let’s get to the story that happened recently I am 40 I am from Bangalore i have been divorced for sometime now and i live alone…. My job keeps me busy i keep travelling mostly to Pune and Mumbai I met this lady (Alpha) on a flight from Bangalore to Mumbai I had asked for a window seat with some leg space so Indigo had given me the seat on the emergency exit I was ok with it, I boarded the flight and just fell asleep, middle of the...
Here it is, 2549.76, and they still haven’t prevented the common cold. I’d been sneezing non-stop for hours. It wouldn’t be so bad but at every sneeze MIHA, or Mia as I disaffectionately call it, would demand a ‘check’ of my carbon based life-form unit. Machine Intelligence Health Assessor. BULLSHIT! I think that the person who programmed this P.O.S (short in the jargon for, you guessed it, Piece of Shit.) had no liking for the human species at all. I’m...
Here it is, 2549.76, and they still haven't prevented the common cold. I'd been sneezing non-stop for hours. It wouldn't be so bad but at every sneeze MIHA, or Mia as I disaffectionately call it, would demand a 'check' of my carbon based life-form unit. Machine Intelligence Health Assessor. BULLSHIT! I think that the person who programmed this P.O.S (short in the jargon for, you guessed it, Piece of Shit.) had no liking for the human species at all. I'm James Taylor, or Taylor, James as...
FLIGHT 247 LOST BOYS This is a story about a group of boys Those are going to attend a special Jamboree for gifted boys, only they didn't arrive at their destination. Now the warning: **WARNING** You are about to read a story that will contain graphic sexual activity between boys and you need to be 18 and over to continue reading this story. As you know this is all make believe, yes it's a fictional story so it never...
A soft, unobtrusive chime echoed through the cabin signifying the final departure of the airplane. She crossed her legs and eased back into her first class seat. It was a benefit of a job well done, and a final reward for a week-long stretch in Los Angeles. Her stay had left her with a good feeling of tired accomplishment. Now the return home meant taking a flight home at a rather inhospitable time – the redeye flight. True, it was the last flight out of LAX, but it was still first class and...
The pre-flight brief meeting had been straight forward enough — the usual crew introductions, safety awareness checks, in-flight service briefing, etc. Passenger numbers on the flight were confirmed: 174 travelling in Economy Class, seven in Business Class and only two flying First Class. Outward bound was from London-Heathrow to Bahrain, where the crew would have a 48-hour stopover before manning the inward bound Bahrain to London flight. The crew were allocated their seat positions and work...
Julia was looking forward to this flight. It would take her from Naples to London to New York and then she would enjoy a few days in the Big Apple before heading home to her native Germany. She had been a stewardess for nearly seven years since giving up her office job in a firm of solicitors.Now aged 35, she was enjoying seeing the world for the first time and loving every minute of it. The night flight was pretty empty which meant she and the rest of the crew would have a quiet time over the...
LesbianA small jet is flying somewhere over the Mediterranean Sea at thirty-five thousand feet. There are only three people in the main cabin for this flight. Myself, a female passenger and a flight attendant. The flight attendant is seated at the very front of the cabin. The female passenger is seated in the first row of seats in the cabin while I am seated in the second row of seats. We have never met before. The female passenger is wearing a stylish white blouse and a form fitting blue skirt which...
Sara was a flight attendant and she lived with an other flight attendant named Allie and 2 other girls. They were all mid 20s recent college grads sharing a big party house. Sara was a pretty brunette with big natural tits and a nice fat ass. Her body was built for sex. Sara and I had only hung out a few times before we began fucking. The sex was amazing and it only got better and crazier as the weeks became months. We would fuck like rabbits and the whole house would hear Sara's moans of...
Flight by Stephanie Celeste has just declared the following story the winner of her second annual competition. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Celeste for the service she does on alt.sex.stories, her reviews have put me on to some very erotic stories over the last few months. I'd also like to thank all the people who have written to me with encouragement and advice since I started posting, your e-mails make this all...
Flight 428 : The great shift by Eric Flight 428 startled prosaic enough. The usual average group of passengers were finally struggling their way on board. The only exciting thing was the presence of Clint Eastwood and Sandra Bullock in First Class - . The passengers' gawked for a moment then filed on pass to fight for overhead space for the luggage they should have checked. An obvious honeymoon couple were laughing and holding hands. He was very large and she was endearingly...
Hi, My name is Roshan Dsouza. I am 6ft tall little bit lean and I have a dick of 8 inches. I am basically from Mangalore. But, I work and live in Bangalore since 3 years. Now this incident happened while I was traveling from M’lore to B’lore. I had reached the M’lore airport almost one hour early and had wait to for the flight. Then I saw a lady walking towards me and she sat besides me in the airport lounge. She was a bit chubby but she had a cute face and huge boobs and a curvy ass. I wanted...
I was sitting in the cockpit on what felt like an unusually long flight chatting to my co-pilot about Madrid and discussing plans for the evening. It had been a long week and I couldn’t wait to touch down and enjoy a few days well deserved R and R. Everything was running smoothly so I decided to get a drink and have a quick chat with the attendants briefly before using the facilities. Opening the door I immediately saw the most amazing ass I had ever seen in my life. “WOW”, I mouthed silently...
Gay MaleChapter 1 As I boarded the 'Trans-World' evening flight for San Francisco, I remembered back to the time when I used to work as a flight attendant for 'Trans-World', before I took up writing full time. I wondered if I would see any of the old crew I knew... I kind of missed the action, but did okay in my new field of endeavour, it's surprising how some people are fascinated by writers of erotic fiction. As I made my way to my window seat I saw two lovely young women, sitting together...
This is for those people who requested a further chapter in this story. It is also by way of closure. The story so far: I, Captain Mitchell Underwood and CSM Julie Paterson meet on a flight from Sydney to Adelaide. An unscheduled stop-over following an in-flight emergency that forced me to turn back to Adelaide resulted in us spending the night together. On our return to Sydney, we spend our first week-end together with Micha, my 8 year old daughter from my previous marriage. Melissa, my...
Hi folks, Here I am with my new story and awe-inspiring experience that I will be sharing with you.I am a personal security in charge of bangalore base millionaire and I am always with him on most of his trips.He of course has many properties in india and abroad,humongous pricey possession and great deal of super cars.My boss always travel with his own personal jet.Being responsible for his security, I most of the time, accompany him.Well, I am 31 year old male, 5,10″ height and some great...
"No, David. Your approach omits the awesome investigative prowess of the FBI, or do you have a compulsive need to play superhero and do everything yourself?" Although his consciousness didn't breathe, David exhaled a groan. "If you could see me, I'd be blushing. The last thing I want, Nora, is to be some kind of superhero. Clark Kent I'm not. I came to you because I wanted you involved for selfish reasons. I also wanted the FBI involved to eventually prosecute August Boynton's...
I opened my eyes as the Italian sun streamed in through the windows. I was lying on my back with Sam’s blonde hair on my breast. She was still asleep and looking so beautiful. Her left arm was draped across me, holding me tight. I could feel her left thigh pressing lightly against my pussy which was still wet from our lovemaking. My god, it was amazing. I had never come so hard and so often in a such a short period of time.As I looked at her and smiled, I could smell our sex clinging to the...
Lesbianwell I had just spent 2 weeks in Europe and now it was time for the dreaded 9 hour flight home, I loved going away but not the flight. So as im waiting to board I do what everyone else does, wonder who I will be sitting beside, omg not the big fat woman or the crying baby, you never know until you board, I found my seat and to my pleasure there was a nicely dressed lady sitting by the window, I had the isle seat, I think she was as relieved as I was, So off we go, I always try to sleep after...
I am a frequent visitor to ISS. I like to share my personal experiences with you all. Experience counts. About me, I am 50 years old man, 5’9″, 200 lbs, dark-brown complexion, broad shoulders, muscular built with a little beer belly. My penis is about 5.5 inches long and very thick. When it is erect I cannot put my fingers around my penis it is so thick. I was traveling in a 20-hour flight from New Jersey to Hyderabad. I was in the aisle seat; next to me in the middle seat was Pallavi. She is...
By: Wolf Man ReX It was early summer in Mysore, Deepak and his Aunt where at the airport ready to board their plane to Shimla. Deepak had problems with flying; the very thought of flying made him nervous enough to faint. His mother had warned his aunt about his phobia, Deepak had this problem ever since he was a child. Now even as a young man of nineteen he was still afraid to fly. Deepak’s aunt on the other hand was used to flying. He hesitantly got on board of the plane; the flight attendant...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! It was early summer in Mysore, Deepak and his Aunt were at the airport ready to board their plane to shimla. Deepak was extremely frightened to flying his mother had warned his aunt about his phobia, Deepak had this problem ever since he was a child. Now even as a young man of 19 he was still afraid to fly. Deepak’s aunt on the other hand was used to flying. He hesitantly got on board of the plane; the flight attendant showed them where their seats...
Incest"Denise, we both know the view of consciousness based on a neuronal connection doesn't fly. When my consciousness leaves my body, it doesn't take any neurons along for the ride." "Nonetheless, your consciousness maintains some sort of connection to your body during your flights. Your description of reentering your body without your volition during your recent time trips lends credence to the connection. Who's to say that connection isn't neuronal?" David's brow scowled as he...
Brady Damron arrived at the Columbus airport late Friday afternoon and was told that his flight had been cancelled. There would be no flights out until Monday. Having just spent the week working with Craftwood, a kitchen cabinet manufacturer in Arkana, he wasn’t looking forward to spending the weekend in Starkville, the home of Mississippi State University. Checking at the Marriott for a room he was told that this was the weekend of the Mississippi State/Ole Miss football game. Every...
1964 was a far different world than the one we all live in today. Ronnie couldn’t know that of course, he was fresh out of high school and like most young men at the time, there was not a single clue in his mind of what he would do with his life. His world had been school, and work, it was the only world he knew. As far as anything like a social life, there just was not any time and even going to something sports practice was impossible. Growing up on the farm didn’t help one bit, the family...
Sarah and I,d been married a few years when we went on holiday to Essex staying in a local bed and breakfast in Clacton. Some how we,d gotten Sarah.s parents to agree to babysit for our two young k**s so we had the place all to ourselves us and about 3,000 others that busy August. The first few days had been pretty cool and windy, but the third dawned bright and sunny with the temperature heading for the high seventies, the main danger too much sun. We,d met a nice man called Trevor the night...
Subject: flight 247 lost boys. Chapter 8 FLIGHT 247 LOST BOYSBy Boys in the Hood ****WARNING**** Sexual activity will be seen here so If you are not 18 and over then please leave as I and this site will not be held responsible for any actions you take while here, also any emails to me must be by persons 18 and over. This is all fiction, make believe it never happened so any names, places or events are all fake. Copyright 2011: Boys in the hood. Not to be copied, changed or re...
FLIGHT 247 LOST BOYS A new days dawns {By boys in the hood} ***WARNING*** This is a story about a group of boys Lost on an island after their flight Crashes into the ocean. It contains sexual activity and bad language and you need to 18 and over to be here. also it will depend on where you live and what laws they have there. ...
My family operates a shipyard in Victoria that specializes in refits of medium range luxury vessels ranging from cruisers to catamarans. Tern is a forty six foot luxury sailing vessel and we had just completed a major refit on her. Tern is a single mast sloop with full cabin and full accommodations and first class all the way. We had just replaced the gas engine with a new six cylinder diesel and completely refurbished the interior. The teakwood and mahogany had all been redone by our...
FlightI have been fascinated with flight all my life. Watching an albatross sail in lazy circles around my boat while offshore fishing has never failed to make my pulse quicken. If I could fly like that I would eat raw fish. Gladly.I find the end of an airport runway to be a gateway to another world. The sound, vibration, and the rush of air as a huge plane blasts its way in to the sky can not be described. It has to be felt to be understood. The field at the end of the runway had become one of...
Samantha and I had been friends since college. She had always been my best friend and we had shared so much over the years. Our children were born close to each other, we shared student digs and we both were maids of honour at our weddings. We were close.As we had got older, we had moved to different parts of the country and didn’t see each other so much. To compensate, we started going on holidays together. Once a year, Sam and I would jet off to somewhere exotic for long weekends, chill out...
LesbianSamantha and I had been friends since college. She had always been my best friend and we had shared so much over the years. Our children were born close to each other, we shared student digs and we both were maids of honour at our weddings. We were close.As we had got older, we had moved to different parts of the country and didn’t see each other so much. To compensate, we started going on holidays together. Once a year, Sam and I would jet off to somewhere exotic for long weekends, to chill...
LesbianColt Thompson hefted his small attache’ case into the over head compartment and sat down in the aisle seat and waited for the 737 to take off. Leaving the bone chilling cold of Detroit to spend a long weekend in New Orleans was enough to bring a smile to the face of any seasoned traveler! One stop over in Memphis, and it would be good by Woodward Ave. and hello Bourbon Street! This would be Colt's sixth visit to the Crescent City, and it was definitely his favorite destination, with all the...