Flight to Sanity
- 2 years ago
- 29
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Everything had conspired against him that morning.
First he'd been delayed getting away from home. Rachel had chosen this morning to demand that he talk to her about some domestic issue or another, but he had explained to her that he had to make a flight this morning. She was clearly unhappy, but had accepted that he would sit down with her tonight, after he had returned from the short trip to Chicago to give his presentation.
Well, that, plus the fact that his eight year-old son had come into the room with his clothes put on with such disregard, that Frank was able to skip out while Rachel was trying to get Brent's buttons aligned in the correct holes.
But the delays hadn't stopped then.
He was going to stop at the office for five-minutes to grab a file and be on his way, only to be waylaid by his boss. Scott, the division director, proceeded to use his precious minutes making him go through the schedule for the next month, covering such exciting issues as performance reviews, preparing budget charts for his department, and setting sales goals.
Damn, this morning, when Frank was running behind, just wasn't the time for this rigmarole. He was finally on his way out of the office, only to hear,
"Frank, and one more thing!"
"Yes, Scott," he replied.
"Good luck on the presentation this morning. You close on this account, and we're set for the next quarter!" came his boss Scott's admonition, as if he needed more pressure.
"Give me a call as soon as you're finished to let me know how it went," were Scott's parting words.
Frank decided to answer the first part of the statement, and ignore the second.
"Thanks boss — but luck won't have anything to do with it," he said, as he excited, the double glass doors slowly shutting behind him.
Shit, thought Frank, I'm almost 38 years old, and my boss still wants to control me like I was a 12-year-old.
Frank was already skating on thin ice, time wise.
The road construction on the freeway that led to the airport, which was supposed to be finished a week ago, was the final blow. Frank found himself stuck, unable to move, with no way out for almost 35 minutes, while the four-lanes merged to a single lane.
Frank knew there was no point in getting angry about it — it would just raise his high-blood pressure, which he didn't need. He wanted to be calm and collected for his presentation with the inevitable questions that would come afterwords.
Parking his car in the short-term lot, running to the terminal with his briefcase flailing, going through the automatic check-in for his flight (thank god, there was an open machine), a sprint to the gate, and in the end, it still didn't help. His commuter flight to Chicago had just left the gate, and he wasn't on it.
A few minutes discussion with the gate crew clarified a couple of things: no, the plane would not return to the gate to pick him up; the next flight would be in two-hours, and in practice there was no alternative that would get him to Chicago any sooner; and finally, if Frank Stevens didn't calm down and stop acting in such an aggressive manner, he would find himself under arrest.
Frank finally gave up, apologized to the gate crew, who tried to ease his angst by telling him that they understood his frustration, and in a state of complete hopelessness, went to the airport cafe and ordered a breakfast and some coffee. Frank felt the necessity to give himself time to gather his wits, calm down, and find a solution to his dilemma. He sat down in one of the seats, fixed to the table in such a way as to always be too short for his 5' 10' frame, but was too upset by missing his flight to be irritated as usual by the lack of space for his knees.
His mind was racing at a mile-a-minute.
He probably needed to call the clients and reschedule the meeting. That is, if they were willing to reschedule. There were other firms competing, and his missing the time scheduled for his presentation to upper management would leave an impression, a bad impression, that Frank Stevens wasn't a reliable vendor.
"Shit," he thought, "Someone like that asshole Bud Adams is going to end up getting the business. He does lousy work, but he's going to show up and do his presentation on time." He sat there stewing.
If Frank Stevens was in a state of professional chaos that morning, his wife of 12-years, Rachel, was in an emotional turmoil as bad or worse, with potentially profound implications for their marriage.
As Frank was rushing to catch his flight, she was having a cup of coffee at the kitchen counter with her best friend, and neighbor, Ellen. Ellen, a perky blond who, at 40, was five-years older than Rachel, was a great listener, and usually upbeat. Just talking out her problems to Ellen always seemed to help Rachel.
"Ellen, I just feel so, well, unsatisfied and alone. It's like there is this hollow place inside of me that I just can't fill alone. And Frank doesn't seem anxious to fill it," she explained.
"Rach, all marriages go through periods like that. You need to sit down with Frank and let him know how you feel," Ellen said, suddenly laughing as the thought struck her,
"Naturally, you'll have to fit this conversation in between doing the wash, making dinner, getting the kid to do their homework and putting them to bed." Ellen made an obvious tongue-in-cheek.
Rachel laughed at that as well.
"Yeah, isn't that the truth. But I really worry about it," she continued, "I tried to get Frank to talk about it this morning, but it was the same as always: 'I'm late, got to catch a plane; maybe we can talk about it tonight.' He didn't even actually commit to that; it was more of a 'let's see if we can get around to it' sort of thing." Rachel shook her head back and forth, looking into her cup of coffee as if she could read the future in the grounds at the bottom.
What she didn't tell Ellen was how upset she was that Frank had quietly left while she was re-buttoning Brent's shirt (why couldn't Brent understand which button went into which hole, he was eight-years-old already, he should know) and had been in such a rush that they hadn't kissed, or even said good-bye. She could almost feel the tears coming to her eyes as she thought about it.
Ellen stood up,
"Well, I have to get motivated here. Your coffee is better than what I get at work, but damn it, they pay me more when I show up!" Ellen laughed again as she said it, but was already on her way out the door.
"Rachel, if you're feeling too down, call me this afternoon," she added, "We could take the kids out to the park or something." Ellen was glad that she only worked part-time, in the mornings, to fit around her children's schedule. But it allowed her the freedom to do things with Rachel and their children in the afternoons.
"Bye, see ya later," came her parting words.
Rachel continued to sit at the table thinking.
She picked up the phone to call her friend, Richard. If she saw Richard this morning, it would almost certainly make her feel better.
Rachel had met Richard about six-months earlier, just a casual thing, at a bookstore of all places.
Rachel had been looking for a book to read to her's and Frank's eleven-year-old daughter, Sylvia — "Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass," and had one of those momentary lapses of memory when she was about to type in the author's name, to find the exact location on the shelves to look.
She must have been talking to herself, muttering aloud the title, because a handsome man suddenly spoke to her.
"His pen name was 'Lewis Carroll' and his real name was 'Charles Dodgsen, '" the man told her.
"Pardon?" Rachel asked, somewhat taken aback.
"The name of the author of 'Alice in Wonderland, '" he replied, "That was what you were asking, wasn't it?" He was looking at her rather curiously as he said it.
"Oh, I'm sorry," explained a completely embarrassed Rachel, "I didn't realize that I have spoken out loud!"
The man laughed, a gentle and melodious sound, and looked at her again.
He saw a petite woman, maybe 5' 2", with brown hair that was somewhere between wavy and curly. She had a lovely face, with brown eyes that were as deep as pools that a man could fall into. Her breasts weren't overly large, they were proportionate with her body size, and were a perfect offset to a narrow waist and the hips that expanded enough to emphasize her waist, but still fitting with her slender frame.
"According to legend," he continued to speak to her, "Queen Victoria read 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, ' and instructed her staff to acquire all of Dodgson's books. One can only wonder what she thought of 'Euclid and his Modern Rivals, ' or 'Symbolic Logic'" He chuckled, almost to himself.
"Now I'm very confused," Rachel said, quite unsure of what the man was talking about.
"Well, Dodgeson was a mathematician, so Victoria probably expected more delightful children's literature, and got mathematical treatises instead," he explained.
Somehow that conversation ended with Rachel and Richard sitting in a coffee shop chatting about books, history, their favorite movies, and their favorite and least favored books. Rachel had enjoyed herself immensely; they traded vital information — cell phone numbers and email addresses, and she found herself meeting Richard for coffee or lunch about once a week.
Rachel discovered that Richard was himself a successful writer, mostly for magazines, although he also published short stories fairly frequently as well. She looked up his articles, and found herself becoming a fan of his writing style. He was a widely read man, with a witty and charming way of telling a story.
Indeed, over the next couple of months, as Rachel became more comfortable with Richard, she found herself confiding in him. Nothing terribly private or anything, just the kind of things that she would normally tell her husband — kids going ons, little gossip about her friends — nothing important in itself, but the kind of 'talking' that wives need. Richard was providing Rachel the ear that she wasn't getting from Frank, as he always seemed to be too busy with work.
About six weeks ago, though, Richard and Rachel had gone a step further.
In the normal course of their emailing back and forth, Richard mentioned to Rachel that he wouldn't be able to meet her for their usual coffee, as he had slightly injured his ankle, and was in too much pain to drive. Almost as an afterthought, he suggested that if she wanted, he could fix coffee at his place instead. Then, he could also show her around his house, which he had described to her during their earlier rendezvous.
Rachel knew that she shouldn't go to Richard's house. Not that there was anything going on between them, but just that it was, well, improper for a married woman to be alone with a bachelor like that.
This was a different situation, she told herself; she was only going there because he was not able to meet her in their usual haunts. Besides, we are living in modern times, not in the middle ages, and Richard was not the type to do something improper. And, she had a quick guilty thought, no one that we know lives close to Richard's place. There would be no malicious gossip.
He greeted her at the door.
"Rachel, I'm so glad that you decided to join me. I'm sorry about the leg," he said, pointing at his ankle.
"It's not too bad, if I don't do too much walking on it," he explained, as he ushered Rachel in.
Rachel was actually impressed. Not that she'd known what to expect, but the condo was like Richard — neat, clean, comfortable, but reflecting his personality.
"Richard, your home is just beautiful — so charming and well appointed!" Rachel marveled, not expecting a single man to keep house so well. Probably had a maid come in a couple times a week, she thought.
"Well, my dear, that is what comes of having no kids to mess things up," he said rather wistfully. "Of course, there is a price for that: I don't have any children, which I always wanted."
"Why not?" Rachel asked, and then wished that she hadn't been quite so forward, that being a rather personal question. "Oh, Richard, I'm so sorry, that was a terrible question to ask," she stumbled to get out.
Richard just laughed, and waved away her concern with his hand.
"No, Rachel, I don't mind you asking. There's no great secret there — I just never found the right women, one with whom I wanted to make a life and have children," he explained. "But you know what I really don't understand?" he queried, his head tilted slightly to one side.
"What?" Rachel looked at him suspecting to hear some sort of witty answer.
"Since I've been so unlucky with women, aren't I supposed to be lucky at cards, or something? And I have to be the world's worst blackjack or poker player. The casinos start drooling when they see me walk in!" he joked, and they both laughed.
They finished the tour of his house. Richard had bookcases, filled with an eclectic selection of books, everything from history, art, and classic literature, as well as current fiction, and a collection of rare first editions by Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Steinbeck and others. His walls were decorated with original paintings, often by artists who Rachel didn't recognize, but they were all appealing, even to her untrained eyes. The couple of signed and number prints by more famous modern artists completed his collection.
They went into the kitchen, which was, again, very clean and organized.
"I'm afraid it's my mother's fault," Richard confirmed, "she couldn't stand to have dirty dishes in the sink, so we would rinse off everything immediately after we were finished, and put them into the dishwasher, until we had a full load, and then run it."
"Wow," Rachel exclaimed, "I wish I could get Frank into that habit."
"I have to tell you, though," Richard added, "I went through hell during my college years. I could never convince my roommates that leaving your coffee cups and dishes out, half-full until they had mold covering them, wasn't the healthiest way to live. I still shudder when I remember the bathrooms!"
They laughed some more and swapped 'roomie' stories for awhile, while Richard brewed the coffee.
To top off everything, Richard made excellent coffee. Rachel was pretty sure that he had added some sort of liqueur to an already wonderful brew, and it was better than anything that they could get at the coffee shop. They sat down in the living room on Richard's deep brown leather sofa, to drink their coffee.
"Ummm ... Richard, this is exquisite coffee. Why do you even bother buying that false imitation of the real thing at the bookstore?" Rachel teasingly inquired.
"Two reasons, Rach. First, is that I'm usually too lazy to make all of that mess just for myself, and two, the companionship that I've found at the bookstore is far more alluring than sitting here, drinking alone," Richard said, all the time looking deeply into Rachel's eyes.
Rachel could actually feel herself blush, at the same time feeling flattered, embarrassed, a little guilty, and highly aroused. It had been a long time since, even in this subtle and indirect manner, a man had told her that she was desirable. That it came from a man who she respected, found handsome, charming and sophisticated only increased the emotional impact on Rachel's ego.
They sat on his couch for the normal hour that they would have spent at the coffee shop in the bookstore, talking, laughing, joking, and for Rachel, forgetting the burdens of being a wife with a family. It was like being single in college again, sitting having stimulating intelligent discussions between adults.
Rachel and Richard walked to the door, and Richard opened it. As Rachel went to walk past, she reached up to give Richard a little peck on the cheek, but somehow, he happened to turn his head towards her at the same moment, and their lips met. Rachel was surprised, but didn't pull back, and then felt Richard's arm circle her waist and pull her towards him. An intimate kiss then became a passionate kiss that lasted until a breathless Rachel and Richard parted. Somehow, Rachel's arms had found their way behind Richard's back, so that they were holding each other.
They both seemed somewhat surprised as they took a half-step back.
Rachel was still in shock, when Richard said,
"Wow, Rachel, I'm sorry about that, I didn't mean to... , I mean, it was so good, but ... I know that..."
They both took a breath.
Rachel looked at Richard, stammering his apologies, and reached over and put her fingers on his lightly mouth, to hush him.
"It's OK, Richard. It happened, but I know that neither of us meant for it to go so far," she said.
"Thanks, Rach. I don't want something like this to ruin our friendship. Can we get by this?" he pleaded.
"It was both of our faults, Richard, so yes; we'll just forget that it ever happened," she finished, turning and waving to him as she left. As she drove away, she felt guilty for letting herself go like that, but at the same time, she had a huge smile on her face. Damn, that was a great kiss, she thought, followed by a flash of guilt that she should even be thinking that.
Frank was utterly bewildered at the great sex that he and Rachel had that night, but he was grateful, nonetheless. She wasn't normally as aggressive and demanding as she was that night, telling Frank what she wanted to do, telling him when to go faster or slower, directing him for her pleasure.
Afterwords, he asked her what had inspired this sudden change in her, and she replied that she had been reading one of the woman's magazines that had a number of suggestions on 'spicing up' a couple's sex life. Frank grinned, and asked if he should get her a subscription. They both laughed at that, before turning over and going to sleep.
After that, Rachel hadn't heard again from Richard for two weeks. Afraid that Richard was too upset at what had taken place between them, she finally broke down and called him.
He answered after one ring.
"Hello?" she heard his voice.
"Richard? This is Rachel. Are you alright? I haven't seen you at the coffee shop for a couple of weeks? You're not avoiding me because of, well, you know?" she asked.
"No, no, Rachel. I've just been working on a longish article, and when I'm working on something that really interests me, I just get completely caught up in it, and nobody sees me until it's done!" he explained.
"Could you take a break this morning? We could meet somewhere for lunch or something," came her proposal.
"Sorry, Beautiful, I can't take the time to drive all the way down there this morning. I'm under a deadline, so I have to stick here, even though I would much rather spend the time with you," was his reply.
"What if I dropped by your place? At least you could take a short break, couldn't you?" was her counter.
"Sure ... I guess. In fact, if you came by this morning, you could take a quick read through one of the later drafts, while I try and finish the final," Richard suggested.
"I'd love that. I have a 12:00 tennis game scheduled today with one of my girlfriends, but I could come by for fifteen or twenty minutes," she concluded,
"Great! See you then. I'll have the java hot and spicy!" he said, and she could see the grin on his face as he spoke.
Rachel got dressed in her tennis clothes, and drove by Richard's place, where, as promised, he had coffee, as well as some cinnamon rolls laid out.
"I made those rolls by hand over the weekend, by the way," he added, "something else I learned from my mother."
"You're kidding me!" Rachel gushed, "That must take half-the-day to do from scratch."
"They do, believe me," Richard agreed, smiling at Rachel, "but there is nothing quite as sensuous as kneading, using your hands to feel the texture, smelling the yeasty odor, folding and massaging the warm dough until it feels just right. Well, I suppose there is at least one thing that is more sensuous than kneading dough, but..."
Rachel gave him a playful punch in the arm, as he trailed off his sentence, while leering at her.
They laughed together again. In fact, Rachel noticed, when she was with Richard, she did a lot of laughing, and they were a great deal more playful together than she and Frank had been for ... actually she couldn't remember the last time that she and Frank had been 'playful' together.
Richard handed Rachel a copy of the article that he was working on, in fact was doing the final edit on before he would email it to his publisher. He did have a deadline, but it wasn't for a couple of days, and he was actually ahead of schedule. But his story had worked to get Rachel over to his house again.
While Rachel read his draft in the living room, Richard went back to his office and went back to work on his story. He gave her about fifteen minutes to read it, and then returned to the living room.
"Well? What did you think of it?" he asked her, expecting a positive response. It was a pretty well written piece, he thought.
Rachel stood and approached him.
"Richard, this is VERY good," she said, as she more-or-less grabbed him to give him a hug.
"Why thank you, Rachel, I'm glad you like it, because your opinion is very important to me," he replied, laying it on, "Actually, I care more about how you feel about it than I do about my editor."
Rachel was flattered, and while her arms were still around him, she stood back a little and looked up into his face and smiled.
Richard smiled back at her, and leaned over and began to kiss her again, where they had left off two weeks before. But this time, as he kissed her, Richard took advantage of Rachel's tennis outfit.
As their tongues intertwined, Richard was running his hands up and down her back and shoulders, to the small of her back. Finding no resistance, he slipped his hand under her the short skirt, and began caressing her ass. He like what he felt, and Rachel was becoming more and more aroused, as she felt his strong fingers invading that space that had been off-limits to anyone but Frank for all of these years.
She continued to kiss him back, but now Richard's hands were under her shirt, gently massaging and kneading her breast, and when she still didn't resist, his fingers felt their way under the knit sports bra.
Rachel had been excited by Richard's fingers and hands on her body, and breasts, but when she felt his fingers gently rolling her nipples, which felt as if they were extended an inch, she almost orgasmed right then. There was an electricity that ran from Richard's fingers, through her nipples, and down to her clitoris — she was tingling, almost out of control.
Thank god, Richard backed off at that point. Rachel collected herself.
She almost couldn't say anything to him; she was on such an emotional high. The endorphins were raging in her.
"Oh my god, Richard!" she panted, "That was crazy. But I've got to go now."
Richard agreed,
"Yeah, I've got to finish this article, if I wish to keep living in the style to which I am accustomed. But Rachel," he said in a low voice, "I haven't been so excited by a woman as I have been by you, in years."
"There is a real electricity between us," he continued, "and I'm lost. I don't know what to do. After all this time, I meet the kind of woman who I would love to have kids with, and she's..."
"Yes, I'm married. But I have to agree with you — there is a powerful attraction there, Richard. I'm sorry; I'm so confused right now. I have to have some time to think," Rachel pleaded.
Richard put his arms gently on her shoulders, and placed a delicate kiss on her lips.
"I know. I feel the same way. Take your time. Give me a call, I don't want to rush you, or put pressure on you. I guess you can tell the way I feel about what's happened," Richard concluded, as Rachel left.
Rachel lost her tennis game that day pretty badly.
"Rachel, you are not focused today," called her partner, who then laughed, "not that I mind. You pay for the drinks!"
As Rachel had left his house, Richard was congratulating himself on another successful hunt. Rachel was definitely ready and randy, yet another proof that the slow approach, developing an emotional bond over a period of time, was almost always going to bag the game.
Richard figured that Rachel would be calling and begging to have him bang her within two weeks.
Richard was not one of those men who tried to break-up marriages, quite the opposite. In fact, he was discreet, never told a soul about his pursuit of married women, and so far as he knew, none of the women with whom he had affairs had ever divorced — at least not directly because of him.
He wasn't disrespectful about their husbands, he didn't get off on sending home 'cream-pies' or any of the more kinky pleasures that seemed to motivate some cuckolders. He just liked free-and-easy pussy and ass, and liked married woman because they didn't immediately begin expecting to hear wedding bells.
In fact, when they started looking like they were losing their emotional ties to their husbands, and transferring them to him, he would kiss them good-bye and send them on their way.
He figured that Rachel might be his little sex toy for, oh, perhaps three- to six-months, maybe even a year.
He wondered, as he always did prior to consummating his sexual conquest, how experienced Rachel would be when the time came. Not that it mattered — he would teach her what she didn't already know.
Richard was always amazed at how many husbands refused to give their wives oral sex, even if they demanded it for themselves. What an epiphany it was the first time he would go down on a woman who had never before had a mouth, lips and tongue playing with her sex organs. And when he would reach in with his fingers and find her g-spot at the same time; let's put it this way, women could get really angry when they discovered the pleasure that their husbands had been unwilling to give them.
There were still a fair number of married women who didn't know how to perform a good blow-job, or had hang-ups about swallowing. But once he had expanded their sexual horizons, they were always anxious to please, and were happy to be instructed.
Similarly, he wondered about whether Rachel and her husband, Fred or was it ... oh yeah, Frank, ever had anal sex? Again, it didn't matter, because he would be screwing her ass sooner or later. He had noticed how turned on Rachel had gotten when he was fondling her tight little ass, and when he had slid a finger a bit deeper into her crack, she didn't pull away or seem to mind.
No, he was going to have a lot of fun with Rachel.
But, for the moment he had to get back to work, keep the money coming in.
Frank had just picked up his breakfast sandwich and coffee from the fast-food joint in the airport, and sat down looking with a blank stare out the window. He would finish his breakfast and try to schedule a later flight; then he would call the clients, as early as they would arrive, to explain his dilemma and see if they couldn't see him this afternoon. Damn, he thought, a lot of effort, probably all of it wasted.
As he watched out the window, he recognized his flight as it finally reached the head of the line on the taxi-way, and pulled out onto the runway for take-off. He put down his food for a moment and watched as the aircraft gained speed and became air-born. Without Frank Stevens, he mentally added. A lighter load, he thought with a smile, recalling his New Years resolution to lose 20 pounds. His breakfast muffin was definitely not helping on THAT front.
His eyes continued to wander, traffic, both service vehicles as well as other aircraft moving around on the tarmac. He found himself idly watching his flight as it went out of sight over the low mountain a couple of miles from the airport. He was about to get back to finishing his breakfast, when...
From over the mountain there came an explosive flash, followed several seconds later by the sound of an explosion which caused the windows in the terminal to shake.
Like everyone else in the terminal, without realizing it, he was standing up, staring. Could that have been ... he continued to look as a black cloud of smoke began rising over the horizon.
Then all hell broke loose.
Alarms went off, and he watched as all of the fire equipment located at the airport rushed towards the smoke.
The aircraft still awaiting take-off stopped in place, although several incoming planes were still landing.
Frank looked back at the gate from which his flight had departed, and saw the gate personnel, looking as if they were in shock, talking on the airport phone system. The signs announcing the next flights were being changed to 'Delayed Indefinitely' and the airline staff people were running around in a clearly panicked state.
Within minutes there were police and fire department helicopters and vehicles passing in front of the terminal windows, on their way to the wreck site.
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After my divorce following nearly twenty years of marriage, I settled into a condo in Central New Jersey. The combination of not having a wife and the freedom of condo living gave me newfound opportunity. The time saved by not having to maintain a house combined with the free time afforded me by being single was something I really made use of. It gave me the chance to do things I had always wanted to do but never had the time. Travel and time for my hobbies such as my guitar playing were no...
After my divorce following nearly twenty years of marriage, I settled into a condo in Central New Jersey. The combination of not having a wife and the freedom of condo living gave me newfound opportunity. The time saved by not having to maintain a house combined with the free time afforded me by being single was something I really made use of. It gave me the chance to do things I had always wanted to do but never had the time. Travel and time for my hobbies such as my guitar playing were no...
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Fantasy Flight Hello friends, As usual I am not going to say that I am a big fan of ISS because I feel this website has many fake stories which a pure copy paste. You can opening comment or write to me if you feel this story has been lifted off somewhere hydblrcouple(at)gmail(dot)com Today I wanna tell you about my very special experience. I am a 29 years old guy from Pune. I have a girlfriend of 5 years of being in a relation. I have had sex out of my relation with both older and younger women...
“Christ are we ever going to get on board!?”My heart sank, eyes rolled and shoulders slumped forward. Molly wasn’t happy. Again. Molly had been my best friend since school but knows how to moan with the best of them and saw my role as her best friend as more a sounding board for her gripes and perceived slights than anything else these days.We moved forward another step. The line to board our flight back to London from Malaga shuffled forward in unison but, in fairness to Molly, it was taking...
LesbianHi, guys, I am back with another exciting story. Those who want to know about me, I am a typical Indian with a normal body of 22 years old with a dick of 5.5 inches. I love to do massage. This is the story about an angel who met on a journey to Bangalore and the fun with her in Bangalore in her flat. By the way, the heroine of the story is Savitha (true name). So, without any delay let’s get into the story. So after my semester exams. I got holidays for 15 days. So I decided to visit Bangalore...
Last year in late summer I booked a flight to Miami. My husband was already there. He works in international finance and real estate business with an US-American partner. The two have a joint office in downtown Miami. My husband booked me into a hotel in Miami Beach on Collins Avenue. The proximity to the beach and the better environment make the difference.It was the night flight with Lufthansa. Through 'miles and more' I had a first class ticket and was looking forward to the flight. The...
InterracialLast year in late summer I booked a flight to Miami. My husband was already there. He works in international finance and real estate business with an US-American partner. The two have a joint office in downtown Miami. My husband booked me into a hotel in Miami Beach on Collins Avenue. The proximity to the beach and the better environment make the difference.It was the night flight with Lufthansa. Through 'miles and more' I had a first class ticket and was looking forward to the flight. The...
InterracialHaving just joined the Air force I couldn't wait to be stationed overseas at my new assignment. Germany. All I could imagine was flowing beer barrels and blondes as far as the eye could see. I had hit the jackpot. Not many men my age were given this opportunity to serve their country overseas. Having just turned twenty-five and being in the best shape of my life, I was eager to explore the world, and the women within it. I was about six feet tall, blond hair, blue eyes, and had a decent tan,...
Recently I went on a business trip to Chicago. On the plane, one of the flight attendants caught my attention for two reasons; he was more masculine then most male flight attendants and he was wearing a necklace from which hung the hardware I’d seen pierced through the end of some of the cocks in porn pictures I’d browsed. The hardware piece was u-shaped with a round ball on each end of the U. What got my brain and cock twitching was the gauge of the bent steel U. It had to be about ½ a...
New York, Wednesday 24th April 1974. After a severe winter the spring had set in. Sun rays bathed the Central Park in New York. Birds chirped happily. Senior citizens greeted each other, happy to have survived the cold weather. Children played noisily while their mothers gossiped. It seemed that the world was at peace with itself but not everyone was happy. Mr. Graham Hussley, Chief Editor of The Crime Watch, was a worried man. He looked out from his office window, which overlooked the...
FLIGHT FANTASAY - PART 1 Every red blooded American male has had, at one time or another, a fantasy about stewardesses. I am no different. This is not my fantasy, however this actually happened. By the time I was 30, I had served my obligation to the military for my education and been married and divorced. About that time I was recruited by a small plastics company in Temecula, California whose boss/owner Leonard was this genius at plastics. He said he was going to build a company around some...
Love Storiesby ‘pete’. Chapter 1 As I boarded the ‘Trans-World’ evening flight for San Francisco, I remembered back to the time when I used to work as a flight attendant for ‘Trans-World’, before I took up writing full time. I wondered if I would see any of the old crew I knew... I kind of missed the action, but did okay in my new field of endeavour, it’s surprising how some people are fascinated by writers of erotic fiction. As I made my way to my window seat I saw two lovely young women,...
Hello, Jane here. It’s Saturday morning and I’m running round as usual doing all the old dears’ hair ready for their weekly big night out. Mrs Jordan is 92 and I have just put her under the dryer and she has fallen straight asleep. I need to keep on top of all my hairdressing appointments today, as Mr J is coming to visit tonight. The text message came in yesterday, fancy a visitor? And I do fancy this particular visitor - very much indeed.It has been a harrowing week at my regular quality...
Straight SexHi all I have been a reader for of ISS for very long Now let’s get to the story that happened recently I am 40 I am from Bangalore i have been divorced for sometime now and i live alone…. My job keeps me busy i keep travelling mostly to Pune and Mumbai I met this lady (Alpha) on a flight from Bangalore to Mumbai I had asked for a window seat with some leg space so Indigo had given me the seat on the emergency exit I was ok with it, I boarded the flight and just fell asleep, middle of the...
Here it is, 2549.76, and they still haven’t prevented the common cold. I’d been sneezing non-stop for hours. It wouldn’t be so bad but at every sneeze MIHA, or Mia as I disaffectionately call it, would demand a ‘check’ of my carbon based life-form unit. Machine Intelligence Health Assessor. BULLSHIT! I think that the person who programmed this P.O.S (short in the jargon for, you guessed it, Piece of Shit.) had no liking for the human species at all. I’m...
Here it is, 2549.76, and they still haven't prevented the common cold. I'd been sneezing non-stop for hours. It wouldn't be so bad but at every sneeze MIHA, or Mia as I disaffectionately call it, would demand a 'check' of my carbon based life-form unit. Machine Intelligence Health Assessor. BULLSHIT! I think that the person who programmed this P.O.S (short in the jargon for, you guessed it, Piece of Shit.) had no liking for the human species at all. I'm James Taylor, or Taylor, James as...
FLIGHT 247 LOST BOYS This is a story about a group of boys Those are going to attend a special Jamboree for gifted boys, only they didn't arrive at their destination. Now the warning: **WARNING** You are about to read a story that will contain graphic sexual activity between boys and you need to be 18 and over to continue reading this story. As you know this is all make believe, yes it's a fictional story so it never...
A soft, unobtrusive chime echoed through the cabin signifying the final departure of the airplane. She crossed her legs and eased back into her first class seat. It was a benefit of a job well done, and a final reward for a week-long stretch in Los Angeles. Her stay had left her with a good feeling of tired accomplishment. Now the return home meant taking a flight home at a rather inhospitable time – the redeye flight. True, it was the last flight out of LAX, but it was still first class and...
The pre-flight brief meeting had been straight forward enough — the usual crew introductions, safety awareness checks, in-flight service briefing, etc. Passenger numbers on the flight were confirmed: 174 travelling in Economy Class, seven in Business Class and only two flying First Class. Outward bound was from London-Heathrow to Bahrain, where the crew would have a 48-hour stopover before manning the inward bound Bahrain to London flight. The crew were allocated their seat positions and work...
Julia was looking forward to this flight. It would take her from Naples to London to New York and then she would enjoy a few days in the Big Apple before heading home to her native Germany. She had been a stewardess for nearly seven years since giving up her office job in a firm of solicitors.Now aged 35, she was enjoying seeing the world for the first time and loving every minute of it. The night flight was pretty empty which meant she and the rest of the crew would have a quiet time over the...
LesbianA small jet is flying somewhere over the Mediterranean Sea at thirty-five thousand feet. There are only three people in the main cabin for this flight. Myself, a female passenger and a flight attendant. The flight attendant is seated at the very front of the cabin. The female passenger is seated in the first row of seats in the cabin while I am seated in the second row of seats. We have never met before. The female passenger is wearing a stylish white blouse and a form fitting blue skirt which...
Sara was a flight attendant and she lived with an other flight attendant named Allie and 2 other girls. They were all mid 20s recent college grads sharing a big party house. Sara was a pretty brunette with big natural tits and a nice fat ass. Her body was built for sex. Sara and I had only hung out a few times before we began fucking. The sex was amazing and it only got better and crazier as the weeks became months. We would fuck like rabbits and the whole house would hear Sara's moans of...
Flight by Stephanie Celeste has just declared the following story the winner of her second annual competition. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Celeste for the service she does on alt.sex.stories, her reviews have put me on to some very erotic stories over the last few months. I'd also like to thank all the people who have written to me with encouragement and advice since I started posting, your e-mails make this all...
Flight 428 : The great shift by Eric Flight 428 startled prosaic enough. The usual average group of passengers were finally struggling their way on board. The only exciting thing was the presence of Clint Eastwood and Sandra Bullock in First Class - . The passengers' gawked for a moment then filed on pass to fight for overhead space for the luggage they should have checked. An obvious honeymoon couple were laughing and holding hands. He was very large and she was endearingly...
Hi, My name is Roshan Dsouza. I am 6ft tall little bit lean and I have a dick of 8 inches. I am basically from Mangalore. But, I work and live in Bangalore since 3 years. Now this incident happened while I was traveling from M’lore to B’lore. I had reached the M’lore airport almost one hour early and had wait to for the flight. Then I saw a lady walking towards me and she sat besides me in the airport lounge. She was a bit chubby but she had a cute face and huge boobs and a curvy ass. I wanted...
I was sitting in the cockpit on what felt like an unusually long flight chatting to my co-pilot about Madrid and discussing plans for the evening. It had been a long week and I couldn’t wait to touch down and enjoy a few days well deserved R and R. Everything was running smoothly so I decided to get a drink and have a quick chat with the attendants briefly before using the facilities. Opening the door I immediately saw the most amazing ass I had ever seen in my life. “WOW”, I mouthed silently...
Gay MaleChapter 1 As I boarded the 'Trans-World' evening flight for San Francisco, I remembered back to the time when I used to work as a flight attendant for 'Trans-World', before I took up writing full time. I wondered if I would see any of the old crew I knew... I kind of missed the action, but did okay in my new field of endeavour, it's surprising how some people are fascinated by writers of erotic fiction. As I made my way to my window seat I saw two lovely young women, sitting together...
This is for those people who requested a further chapter in this story. It is also by way of closure. The story so far: I, Captain Mitchell Underwood and CSM Julie Paterson meet on a flight from Sydney to Adelaide. An unscheduled stop-over following an in-flight emergency that forced me to turn back to Adelaide resulted in us spending the night together. On our return to Sydney, we spend our first week-end together with Micha, my 8 year old daughter from my previous marriage. Melissa, my...
Hi folks, Here I am with my new story and awe-inspiring experience that I will be sharing with you.I am a personal security in charge of bangalore base millionaire and I am always with him on most of his trips.He of course has many properties in india and abroad,humongous pricey possession and great deal of super cars.My boss always travel with his own personal jet.Being responsible for his security, I most of the time, accompany him.Well, I am 31 year old male, 5,10″ height and some great...
"No, David. Your approach omits the awesome investigative prowess of the FBI, or do you have a compulsive need to play superhero and do everything yourself?" Although his consciousness didn't breathe, David exhaled a groan. "If you could see me, I'd be blushing. The last thing I want, Nora, is to be some kind of superhero. Clark Kent I'm not. I came to you because I wanted you involved for selfish reasons. I also wanted the FBI involved to eventually prosecute August Boynton's...
I opened my eyes as the Italian sun streamed in through the windows. I was lying on my back with Sam’s blonde hair on my breast. She was still asleep and looking so beautiful. Her left arm was draped across me, holding me tight. I could feel her left thigh pressing lightly against my pussy which was still wet from our lovemaking. My god, it was amazing. I had never come so hard and so often in a such a short period of time.As I looked at her and smiled, I could smell our sex clinging to the...
Lesbianwell I had just spent 2 weeks in Europe and now it was time for the dreaded 9 hour flight home, I loved going away but not the flight. So as im waiting to board I do what everyone else does, wonder who I will be sitting beside, omg not the big fat woman or the crying baby, you never know until you board, I found my seat and to my pleasure there was a nicely dressed lady sitting by the window, I had the isle seat, I think she was as relieved as I was, So off we go, I always try to sleep after...
I am a frequent visitor to ISS. I like to share my personal experiences with you all. Experience counts. About me, I am 50 years old man, 5’9″, 200 lbs, dark-brown complexion, broad shoulders, muscular built with a little beer belly. My penis is about 5.5 inches long and very thick. When it is erect I cannot put my fingers around my penis it is so thick. I was traveling in a 20-hour flight from New Jersey to Hyderabad. I was in the aisle seat; next to me in the middle seat was Pallavi. She is...
It was just a typical transatlantic flight. I had business in LA, and I settled into my seat and gratefully drank the glass of champagne that the pretty cabin crew member offered me once I was seated. Emily her badge said. Nice name. The flight time was 12 hours, and in order to be reasonably awake when we landed, I took a relaxant pill after the first meal. It was just a sleepy making antihistamine, and after half an hour I could feel it starting to work. I opened my eyes to find Emily beside...
AnalBy: Wolf Man ReX It was early summer in Mysore, Deepak and his Aunt where at the airport ready to board their plane to Shimla. Deepak had problems with flying; the very thought of flying made him nervous enough to faint. His mother had warned his aunt about his phobia, Deepak had this problem ever since he was a child. Now even as a young man of nineteen he was still afraid to fly. Deepak’s aunt on the other hand was used to flying. He hesitantly got on board of the plane; the flight attendant...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! It was early summer in Mysore, Deepak and his Aunt were at the airport ready to board their plane to shimla. Deepak was extremely frightened to flying his mother had warned his aunt about his phobia, Deepak had this problem ever since he was a child. Now even as a young man of 19 he was still afraid to fly. Deepak’s aunt on the other hand was used to flying. He hesitantly got on board of the plane; the flight attendant showed them where their seats...
IncestGeorge finished his meal and placed it on the vacant seat next to him. The pretty flight attendant, the one he had eyed earlier when he first boarded the plane, came over to take it. As she leant over, he noticed she was wearing Chanel. She smiled as she turned away to place the tray in the trolley. What a sweet thing, he thought to himself as the memories of that scent, his favourite perfume, took him back. He reclined in his seat and thanked his stars for the comfort of first class, allowing...
EroticI've been here for five years. Many have proven incapable of surviving this long. They lose their minds and succumb to the insanities they are labeled. They are defined by their insanities and are slaves to them. They come in here, secretly denying their insanities, and over time, are moulded into the exact thing they denied. I am my insanities. I define them and accept them. I mould my insanities into what I want them to be. I shape them and nurture them. I am not labeled insane. I am...
"Denise, we both know the view of consciousness based on a neuronal connection doesn't fly. When my consciousness leaves my body, it doesn't take any neurons along for the ride." "Nonetheless, your consciousness maintains some sort of connection to your body during your flights. Your description of reentering your body without your volition during your recent time trips lends credence to the connection. Who's to say that connection isn't neuronal?" David's brow scowled as he...
Brady Damron arrived at the Columbus airport late Friday afternoon and was told that his flight had been cancelled. There would be no flights out until Monday. Having just spent the week working with Craftwood, a kitchen cabinet manufacturer in Arkana, he wasn’t looking forward to spending the weekend in Starkville, the home of Mississippi State University. Checking at the Marriott for a room he was told that this was the weekend of the Mississippi State/Ole Miss football game. Every...
Subject: flight 247 lost boys. Chapter 8 FLIGHT 247 LOST BOYSBy Boys in the Hood ****WARNING**** Sexual activity will be seen here so If you are not 18 and over then please leave as I and this site will not be held responsible for any actions you take while here, also any emails to me must be by persons 18 and over. This is all fiction, make believe it never happened so any names, places or events are all fake. Copyright 2011: Boys in the hood. Not to be copied, changed or re...
FLIGHT 247 LOST BOYS A new days dawns {By boys in the hood} ***WARNING*** This is a story about a group of boys Lost on an island after their flight Crashes into the ocean. It contains sexual activity and bad language and you need to 18 and over to be here. also it will depend on where you live and what laws they have there. ...
My family operates a shipyard in Victoria that specializes in refits of medium range luxury vessels ranging from cruisers to catamarans. Tern is a forty six foot luxury sailing vessel and we had just completed a major refit on her. Tern is a single mast sloop with full cabin and full accommodations and first class all the way. We had just replaced the gas engine with a new six cylinder diesel and completely refurbished the interior. The teakwood and mahogany had all been redone by our...
FlightI have been fascinated with flight all my life. Watching an albatross sail in lazy circles around my boat while offshore fishing has never failed to make my pulse quicken. If I could fly like that I would eat raw fish. Gladly.I find the end of an airport runway to be a gateway to another world. The sound, vibration, and the rush of air as a huge plane blasts its way in to the sky can not be described. It has to be felt to be understood. The field at the end of the runway had become one of...
It was just a typical transatlantic flight. I had business in LA, and I settled into my seat and gratefully drank the glass of champagne that the pretty cabin crew member offered me once I was seated. Emily her badge said. Nice name. The flight time was 12 hours, and in order to be reasonably awake when we landed, I took a relaxant pill after the first meal. It was just a sleepy making antihistamine, and after half an hour I could feel it starting to work. I opened my eyes to find Emily...
Samantha and I had been friends since college. She had always been my best friend and we had shared so much over the years. Our children were born close to each other, we shared student digs and we both were maids of honour at our weddings. We were close.As we had got older, we had moved to different parts of the country and didn’t see each other so much. To compensate, we started going on holidays together. Once a year, Sam and I would jet off to somewhere exotic for long weekends, chill out...
LesbianSamantha and I had been friends since college. She had always been my best friend and we had shared so much over the years. Our children were born close to each other, we shared student digs and we both were maids of honour at our weddings. We were close.As we had got older, we had moved to different parts of the country and didn’t see each other so much. To compensate, we started going on holidays together. Once a year, Sam and I would jet off to somewhere exotic for long weekends, to chill...
LesbianColt Thompson hefted his small attache’ case into the over head compartment and sat down in the aisle seat and waited for the 737 to take off. Leaving the bone chilling cold of Detroit to spend a long weekend in New Orleans was enough to bring a smile to the face of any seasoned traveler! One stop over in Memphis, and it would be good by Woodward Ave. and hello Bourbon Street! This would be Colt's sixth visit to the Crescent City, and it was definitely his favorite destination, with all the...
I pressed my legs together. I felt hot and nervous. The texture of my seat on my most private parts let me think of all the people that might have sat here before, all the germs i was now exposed to, no safety layer of cloth between the much used surface of this cheap airlines narrow passenger accommodation that was called a seat. For me it also could have been an electric chair, it gave me no comfort.He had given me strict rules. No panties, short skirt, no bra. On a five hours flight. To...
We are on our way home from our hot weather holiday, and it has been a fantastic trip. Lots of pool time, rest and relaxation and of course a little partying. The flight is somewhat empty, which surprises both of us and we get seated near the back of the plane with only a s**ttered few people around us. My sweetheart is in the aisle seat and for the first hour she sleeps. When she wakes up, she has something on her mind. I can tell because she gives me that special mischievous look and requests...