Flight Delay
- 1 year ago
- 18
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Brady Damron arrived at the Columbus airport late Friday afternoon and was told that his flight had been cancelled. There would be no flights out until Monday. Having just spent the week working with Craftwood, a kitchen cabinet manufacturer in Arkana, he wasn’t looking forward to spending the weekend in Starkville, the home of Mississippi State University. Checking at the Marriott for a room he was told that this was the weekend of the Mississippi State/Ole Miss football game. Every accommodation in town was fully booked. Frustrated, he drove the short distance to the Bully (named for the Mississippi State mascot Bulldog), a popular collegiate bar and restaurant where he would have a couple of beers and a barbecue dinner. At least he would be able to ogle some of the beautiful southern gals who co-eds at the university.
When he got there the Bully was jammed. Because Brady had been a regular customer over the years the manager moved him ahead of another couple and seated him at a table for two that had just opened up. As he was sitting down he noticed four sorority girls having beers at the table just across from his. Having ordered a pitcher of beer he was peeling a plate of boiled shrimp when he heard a raucous chorus of laughter coming from that table. Looking over he saw that each of the four girls were looking at him as they laughed. He thought they might be laughing at something he had done and was uncomfortable. Glancing at the table again he saw that the girl sitting directly opposite him was stifling a laugh, looking at him through downcast eyes but was blushing. She mouthed words in direction: “I’m sorry.”
Figuring that the girl said something naughty about him Brady recalled some of the numerous embarrassing moments he had caused himself in his life and simply overlooked it. Nodding back to her he mouthed, “No problem, you’re forgiven.”
She blushed again, gave him a demure smile and mouthed, “Thank you.” The look she gave him made him realize how attractive the girl was and he thought, Jesus, you’re a doll.
Just as he had finished peeling all the shrimp he dipped one in chili sauce mixed with horseradish and took a bite. Hearing the scraping of chairs at the table where the girls were sitting he looked over to see three of the girls getting up, apparently leaving. But the girl with whom he had been lip synching sat resolutely as the rest of her friends were walking away laughing and shaking their heads. They seemed to be making fun of her.
A couple of fraternity guys walked up to the girl. Though she wasn’t an absolute beauty queen she was still an attractive, demure and soft looking southern belle. When the guys started to sit down at her table she shook her head, said something to them and nodded in Brady’s direction. Both of the fraternity men looked at Brady, laughed and looked back at the girl. He heard one of them say, “You’ve got to be kidding Darlie.” Shaking their heads the two young men walked away. As they passed, one looked at Brady with a malevolent smirk and sarcastic laugh.
Amid the buzzing, boisterous crowd of college students that were getting hyped for the big game the next day Brady sat eating his shrimp. Suddenly he realized that the girl was standing next to his table. Dressed in college preppie attire, a white blouse under a red cardigan sweater, a flaring knee length black pleated skirt and saddle shoes with white anklet socks; she was looking down at him. Brady was fifty. He couldn’t figure out what was on her mind. She was maybe twenty-one or twenty-two, a fetchingly attractive girl with long dark hair, blue eyes and the kind of pouting lips that begged to be kissed. She asked, “Do you mind if I sit down?”
Like many mature men Brady often fantasized being with a girl young enough to be his daughter but never really expected that he would. Puzzled he stood up, moved around behind the chair on the other side of the table and pulled it out for her. “I’d be pleased to have you sit with me,” he said. “I’m just a little puzzled as to why you would WANT to.” There was no question that she was flirting with him. Chuckling he went on, “You have the pick these young, college men young lady, why would you choose a man my age?”
Sitting down she said, “None of these boys would have bothered to tend my chair for me.” With a mock look of shock she coyly put her hand over her mouth and giggled. “They might pull it out from under me. But not in the gentlemanly way you have.” Like a proper young lady she folded her hands in her lap and said, “When I first noticed you I was hoping you would be just such a gentleman.” What the hell is going on here, he thought.
The way she said it was so southern: Chair sounded like chay-a, gentleman sounded like gentlemayan. And instead of saying “you” she said it the southern way, “you.” To Brady it almost seemed like he was being addressed by a girl from the movie Gone with the Wind. Reaching across the table she extended her hand and said, “My name is Darlie, Darlie Culbertson.”
He took her hand in his. It was soft yet firm. “I’m Brady Damron, Darlie Culbertson,” he replied. “I’m pleased to meet you.” Her mouth glowed with a fresh-toothed grin and she batted her eyes. She was gorgeous. Clearing his throat Brady said, “May I ask you, Darlie Culbertson, what interests you in sitting with a man who is old enough to be your father?”
In her captivating southern drawl she said, “I deeply love ma fatha, sir. He is a true suthn gentleman.” She flashed a confident smile. “Though you are a Yankee Mistah Damron, you carry yourself like gentleman. I’m partial to gentlemen. I hope you don’t mind.”
Realty told Brady that any kind of involvement with a woman of this age was out of the question. Hell, she’s barely even a woman. It’s not that he hadn’t screwed around in his life. He’d done it many times. But he’d always been more comfortable with older, more mature women—Tess McBride for example, the receptionist at Craftwood Kitchen Cabinets in Arkana. Tess was a woman of nearly fifty. She knew all about the pleasures of her body, and what it had to offer a man like Brady. She had the patience to wait for and enjoy each sensual spot being explored by a man who knew how to open such sensual locks. Tess had come to Brady’s cottage at Oktapotomi once during the last week.
Then there was Wilma Dillard, Assistant to the President of Craftwood Kitchen Cabinets. And what an unusual woman she was. She and Brady spent much of Tuesday night together. Brady doubted that this young woman across from him would have the patience he was comfortable with in an older woman like Wilma. Besides Wilma was a pro. If he should be so lucky to spend the night with this beautiful young girl he imagined she would probably want some fast and easy thrills. But Brady was no different than any fifty year old man, susceptible to the pull of an attractive, youthful woman whose body is at the pinnacle of perfection.
Just as he was about to excuse himself and exhort the young studs in the Bully to, “go to it boys,” he thought what the hell and said, “You’ll probably be going back to your sorority house, Darlie Culbertson, getting ready for the big game tomorrow.” It was a graceful way to test the waters. He had no realistic hope that anything would come of it. With Tess’s husband back from hauling lumber downstate Brady, unable to get a flight home, had resigned himself to spending the weekend alone with his five-fingered friend. Wilma? She’ll be working her night job at the reception desk of the Oktapotomi. He laughed and thought, who would even believe me if I told them why the Assistant to the President of Craftwood was doing that? He shook his head as he thought funny stuff goes on down here in the south.
With a trifling smile Darlie toyed absently with a lock of her hair and said, “To tell you the truth Mr. Damron I’m not as wild about football as most of the students at State are. I’m rather enjoying the pleasure of your company.” Gently clasping her hands she placed them on top of the table and added, “That is if you don’t mind spending a little more time with an inexperienced sorority girl like me.”
The way the girl was coming on to him convinced Brady that he was being set up for some kind of college prank. Nonetheless his heightened pulse was smoothing out the wrinkles of his limp dick. He chuckled and said, “My plane developed engine trouble Darlie Culbertson and I’m stuck in Mississippi until Monday morning.” Thinking hard about saying what was on his mind he wondered what kind of hook the girl was trying to set. “But I don’t expect what you’re talking about is spending THAT much time with this older man.” Having called her bluff he expected to see a change in her bearing that would indicate that he misread her meaning. Looking around the restaurant to see if her sorority sisters were lurking he saw no trace of them. The way Darlie looked so deeply into his eyes was as if she was getting ready to scold him for thinking something outrageous.
She pouted and said, “Tsk, tsk, Mr. Damron.”
Embarrassed, Brady tried not to act like he had done something outlandish. By the way she was looking at him he knew that he couldn’t hide the surprise on his face. The cat was already out of the bag when he started to say, “I...”
Reaching across the table she touched his lips with her index finger to silence him and said, “I’m such a terrible flirt Mr. Damron, may I call you Brady?” Still trying to figure out whether it was a game or not he nodded.
“I know I’m a tease Mr., I mean Brady, but these boys are hitting on me ALL the time. They ask me things like ‘Darlie do you want to fuck?’ She rolled her eyes. The expression on her face was as if she might have been talking with her therapist rather than a stranger. “Excuse my language Brady but they actually say things like that. Or they’ll say, ‘How about giving me a little head?’” Her cheeks tinged pink then her face turned bright red. “Too many college boys don’t know what actin like a gentleman is. I shouldn’t even have repeated such coarse language but it’s getting absolutely terrible. You must think that Darlie Culbertson is terrible to be sayin these things.”
She squeezed his hand and said, “You just made a suggestion ... a sophisticated suggestion I might add. I feel compelled to say to you Mr. Brady Damron that the mature way you are approaching me appeals to my sense of romance. It appeals to me VERY much.” Brady was amazed at how cool she was. She went on. “I told you that I prefer the company of an older man Brady, a man just like you.” Turning his hand over, she traced his lifeline with her middle finger.
Damn that’s suggestive, he thought. And it tickles too. He felt a tingle in his groin.
“I told ya Brady how much I adore my Daddy. And you do remind me so MUCH of him. What could be better than spending a little more time with a man like you, a man like my Daddy?“
The signals were unmistakable. Though the mention of ‘Daddy’ made Brady a bit uncomfortable he cleared his throat said, “All of the rooms in town are sold out for the game Darlie. But I know that there is a cottage still available at the Oktapotomi Inn in Arkana. I’ve been staying there all week.” The Oktapotomi was a forty minute drive from the Bully. Brady thought she wouldn’t go for it.
Darlie giggled. “I’ve spent many a weekend there with my church youth group Brady. I love Oktapotomi.” She cocked her head, smiled and asked, “And you have a cottage?”
“I’ve been staying in one of the cottages all the week Darlie,” Brady said. “I happen to know that it’s still vacant.”
Squeezing his hand Darlie grinned and said, “A cottage by the lake will be just the PERFECT spot for us to,” (she cleared her throat) “become acquainted with one another.” Flashing her glorious smile she winked.
It was the last week in September but the weather in Northern Mississippi that year was incredibly warm and balmy. Brady was driving a rented Chrysler Sebring convertible. The top was down and Darlie’s hair was blowing in the breeze. He scanned the car radio through country music: soft rock, gospel and oldies. In deference to the girl’s youth he settled on a more modern rock station. She reached the radio, turned it back to an oldies station and left it. “Daddy likes the oldies stations Brady. And being an old fashioned girl I’m influenced by my parents.”
He was getting a picture of what could have been going on in the Culbertson family. Though taboo he found that the thought it was a turning him on. “Are you close to your mother as well Darlie?”
“Mama died when I was just a little girl,” she said with a suggestive raise of the eyebrows. “I guess that’s why we’re closer than most daddies and their daughters.” Holding her index finger to her lips she said with an impish grin, “Shh, don’t tell my sorority sisters.”
Shocked by the tenor of her comment he thought what the hell? The he considered, it’s none of my business. He was surprised though the way she was intimating such secrets to a stranger. But it aroused him very much.
“I bet when you were my age Brady you didn’t have these bothersome seatbelts to pin you to the seat.”
“Nope,” he answered. “But you can’t deny how much safer driving in a car is because of them.” He heard the click of her seatbelt and felt the seat move as Darlie scooted close beside him.
“Well,” she said, “what fun is life if we can’t take a risk from time to time?” She snuggled up to him and rested her hand in his lap. As he put his arm over her shoulders he knew that he could be arrested if a trooper pulled up behind him. But he wasn’t going to spoil the mood. It was only a couple more miles before Darlie fumbled with two buttons on his shirt and had her hand inside, caressing the bare flesh of Brady’s chest and stomach.
“I’m glad you aren’t wearin a t-shirt Mr. Brady Damron. I love the feel of a man’s skin, particularly on a man who takes such good care of himself.”
He wondered how many men she had been involved with. Were they all older? How often had she felt her father’s skin this way ... or other ways? Brady didn’t wonder how it was affecting him though. Stiff as a board he could feel by the pulsation of blood against his eardrums, the blood that was ironing out the wrinkles of his penis. Undoing more buttons Darlie opened his shirt and pecked his naked skin with her soft lips. Circling his tingling areolas with her tongue she looked up and asked, “Do you mind being with such a precocious little girl Brady?”
Barely able to answer in a steady voice he said, “Actually Darlie I can’t find any fault with it at all,” wondering where this forward “little” girl was going from here.
Forcing her flattened hand inside the waist of his pants she murmured, “I just love being naughty.” He sucked his belly in to give her hand more room. Working his belt buckle loose she whispered, “I think this is a little too tight, don’t you Brady?” Silently he just kept is eyes on the road. She unbuttoned his pants and zipped him down. As she wrapped her fingers around his erection Brady clamped the cheeks of his butt and gritted his teeth to stall and urge to explode. Darlie said in a kittenish voice, “Brady, you have such an impressive um ... handful.” She giggled.
He laughed and exploded a nervous “ha-ha-ha” in relief from holding his breath for so long.
“Mmm,” she sighed as she held his cock against her cheek, scrunching it like a cat rolling in catnip. Looking down Brady saw the reflection of the moon in the tiny pool of precum that had smeared her shoulder of the dark Mississippi road.
The combination of lustful thoughts, soft music and the balmy southern ambiance cast its spell. The pulse in both ears matched the throbbing of his cock. Turning up the volume on the radio he felt a longing in the pit of his stomach as he wondered; could I have had an incestuous relationship with my own daughter?
“It’s pretty” She said.
“What Darlie?”
“Your penis silly. Your penis is absolutely beautiful Brady Damron.” She was holding it erect, pointing it straight upward—although she didn’t need to. He winced as he felt the stream of cool air from her pursed lips blowing on his shiny, purplish head. Having never heard his cock referred to as ‘beautiful’ before he was captivated what she said and what she was doing.
Breaking the reverie Darlie giggled, “tee-hee-hee, Brady Damron’s manhood is callin for more of li’l Darlie’s attention.”
The head lights blazed on each white dash in the middle of the road. They seemed to be counting the miles to Lake Oktapotomi. Concentrating very hard to get there safely Damron’s body was awash with the anticipation of what was. As her head moved downward Darlie’s hair rustled deliciously on Brady’s exposed chest and stomach. When he felt the moues of her soft lips kissing the tip of his head, a long sibilance escaped his lips. The soft pecking of the girl’s lips against the skin of his cock nearly made him explode. He widened his eyes to make sure that he was paying attention to the dark, narrow road. His Adam’s apple moved in his neck as he swallowed, anticipating the feeling of what would happen next.
As he felt the tip or her warm tongue smearing her saliva over the taught, shiny surface of his hardened glans, a series of micro-shocks coursed through his body. When her tongue unfolded into the groove on the bottom of his glans Brady’s toes made a foot-fist and nearly cramped. She licked the rim of his helmet then drew a line down the center, pausing at his seeping slit. Try as he might Damron couldn’t stop the oozing substance that found its way to the tip of his throbbing erection. His knuckles whitened grip on the steering wheel. Wishing to close his eyes he dared not. His excitement got ahead of him. He gasped, “Darlie, I’m ... I’m afraid I can’t hold BACK.”
She handled the situation as calmly as a nurse at a trauma center. Casually her lips, like soft O-rings, closed over Brady’s tapered head. Though he knew he wouldn’t gush inside her mouth without warning her he was having a difficult time concentrating on the road. The sign: Lake Oktapotomi two miles ahead acted like a stopcock, closing the 0’ring of his cum-valve. Gasping as Darlie’s soft lips slid further down his shaft, his achingly sensitive head touched the warm, pebbly wetness of her soft palate. Slowing to make the right turn Damron did his best for the next mile and a half to hold his foot steady on the accelerator. Darlie, like a seasoned hooker pressed her finger hard against the underside of is cock to hold back his surge. How many times had she done this to her daddy he thought—or to some other stranger she’s picked up.
He could see the dim lights of the Oktapotomi. It was not a motel by road standards; it was more like a country Inn, set off the road on the edge of a lake. The lights of the car were shining on the lake before the car tires crunched over the gravel parking lot and stopped. Having the edge taking off when he saw Oktapotomi sign he whispered, “I don’t want to come in your mouth Darlie, at least not yet. And I need to go in and register.”
She sucked in as she pulled her lips up his shaft and came off his knob with a gentle “pop.” With a saucy smile the girl said, “I love havin your organ (sounded like awgun) in my mouth Brady.”
The ejaculatory crisis had passed. Looking into her blue eyes Brady saw his reflection caused by the soft amber lights in the parking lot. They kissed. Her lips, like any woman who had just fellated an engorged penis, were incredibly soft. The warm zephyr from her nostrils washed the side of his face as her lips parted slightly, taking his with them. She licked the inner surface of his cheek; the tip of her tongue moving around and over Brady’s. He took a youthful kind of delight in fondling a young girl in a car again which excited his imagination. Whenever he pushed the hem of a woman’s skirt up her smooth, bare legs and his thoughts of where his hand was going always caused a filling and tightening of his maleness that being naked didn’t necessarily accomplish as quickly. It must have been the joy of the unknown and its mystery.
As their lips and tongues tingled in their sensuous meanderings it seemed as if his entire body couldn’t be any more involved. Saliva leaked out of their lips and sagged down the sides of their chins. When he touched the panel of Darlie’s silk panties he found them soaked with the drippings of her sex. As the excitement of being with a woman so young and eager overwhelmed him a shocking sensation shot to his genitals. Once again he had to cramp the cheeks of his ass to keep from coming in his pants.
The contours of Darlie’s body were magic to him. Where he was accustomed to women who were soft and sometimes overweight the young co-ed was lithe and muscular. Extending his middle finger he felt the combined puffiness of her large lips and in his mind created the image of her soft crack waiting to be explored. Pressing the fabric between her soft lips his finger immediately touched the node of her unusually large clitoris. Bucking forward in the seat she closed her thighs on his hand, tightly holding it in place. Brady pushed with his finger and circled her bulging sex-node, feeling juicy dampness wicking through the mesh of her panties. As he pushed his hand against her clit she met him and he pressed in a circle while her hips gyrated. As she broke the seal of their kissing lips tiny strings of saliva stretched and snapped. Through their tightly compressed lips a muffled “mmmmmph,” told Brady of her rising passion.
He had to feel the reality of her uncovered sex, pulling the bunched and damp panel of her panties aside. With his finger skating in her lusciously wet groove he slid it back up to her agitated clitoris. As he touched its tip and wiggled it she broke the kiss and let out a thrilled, “OOH.” Her thighs opened and closed, almost clapping as the bare skin touched. Her hips bucked and twisted as his finger skimmed her electrified bump. Knowing the exhilaration of this magic button Brady glowed with pride as he touched it with passionate purpose. Darlie’s gyrations: circling, bucking forward and humping was accompanied with “yesses” and “uh huh’s.” Her neck, which rested on the back of the seat moved back as her body writhed in ecstasy and her head wagged.
Sharply Darlie’s legs smothered Brady’s hand and she gasped, “Mmmmmmm-ahhhhhhh-Aaahhhhh, OHH.” He felt the spasms high up in her legs and in her vaginal lips, once, twice, three times. There was a slight pause then more two quick jerks. Then silence, the sound of crickets around the lake making the only noise at Oktapotomi. Resting her head on Brady’s shoulder, Darlie finally said, “Oh Daddy that was SO good.”
Jesus, Brady thought, did she call me Daddy? He was so proud that he made her feel good and felt that once they were in the cottage the evening would be magical. But “Daddy” created an aura of sensuous mysticality.
“Evenin Brady,” she said. “Miss your plane?” Wilma Dillard was working the desk.
He told her what had happened and that he would be staying for the next couple of days.
“It is gonna be a slow weekend Brady,” she said. “My clients are all busy somewhere else, probably the MSU/Ole Miss game; I haven’t been this slow in months.”
Brady said, “So why didn’t you just set up shop in Starkville.”
She rolled her eyes and said, “You know me Brady, it’s all return on investment. If I’m gonna have to work extra hard I want it to be with high rollers. I’m not getting any younger you know.”
For all the years he had known Wilma he still found it hard to believe that a woman in such demand who did it for big money would choose to have sex with him for free. Course, there was the fact that she worked for his largest factory. He chuckled as the thought that had been crossing his mind since he began representing Craftwood she could have made a lot of money on me just on blackmail.
“It’s always a freebie for you, ya know Brady?” She winked. “I like you enough to kiss you on the mouth,” something that was off-limits in her profession.
“I’m with someone Wilma.” He didn’t want to hurt her feelings by rejection her.
“I was peekin out the front window and saw you wrestling with what looks to be a purty young girl. Are ya trying out college girls now?”
“I met her at the Bully and she all but attacked me Wilma. You’ve gotta wonder what a young girl sees in an old guy like me.”
Wilma smiled and said, “Might be the same reason I give you those freebies Brady. All the women I know at Craftwood think, ‘Brady Damron’s pretty hot.’”
“To tell you the truth Wilma had I known you would be working tonight I would probably have shined her on and hoped that I could have some real adult sex time with you.”
“Don’t bullshit me Mr. Damron. Men in their fifties can’t resist young pussy.” She had recognized the girl in the open top convertible but didn’t at the moment want Brady to know. “Do you think you might be able to work me in?”
“Well Wilma. I had better get back to my guest. Maybe she’ll be one of those kinds of girls who like threesomes and you can join us.” He was kidding but wished he wasn’t.
“Ya mean like with Tess and me?” (Tess was the receptionist at Craftwood). “It can get pretty lonely here around midnight. If you and your teenaged girlfriend want company I wouldn’t mind joining in. Maybe I could teach her a few tricks.” She winked. She knew Brady was just teasing but might not be had he known what Darlie was really like.
“Interesting offer Wilma but she’s young and new.” Brady laughed and so did Wilma. “Maybe I’ll get back to you on that though.” He knew he probably wouldn’t. “Are you working tomorrow night too?” She smirked and nodded.
As Brady opened the door to the cottage he reached in and turned on the overhead light then stepped back and let Darlie go in first. “See?” she said, “ ... something else the boys back at State would never have done.” When he followed her in she turned and made herself available, the way most women do when walking into a hotel room with a man. He kissed her and they quickly became passionate and, almost as quickly, ended up on the floor fucking with their clothes on. Plunging inside her like a rapist he rode her for only a short time. Unlike being raped though, as her saddle shoes thrust for the ceiling with each slam, Darlie invoked the name of God and urged Brady on with “Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! YES!” her thong giving his tender shaft a slight dose of pantie burn.
With his thinking dulled by being with such an exciting, young woman he came inside her pussy. With a quick pang of concern he wished he didn’t. But as they lay on the floor he let the sexual ambience push that thought to the back of his mind. It seemed that Darlie wasn’t as willing though as she said, “I hope I don’t get pregnant.” This brought a load of recrimination to Brady’s mind that really bothered him. In silence as he snuggled close and let the temporary physical satisfaction wash over them Darlie broke the quiet with, “I’m on the pill, tee-hee-hee”
“Jesus Darlie,” he said in relief, “you had me going there you little scamp.”
“I know he-he. It’s kinda fun isn’t it?”
He didn’t know what her father might have done with her or what she was accustomed to. But as he got up on his knees and walked between hers he said, “Mind if we get your panties off Darlie?” As she lifted her bottom off the floor he worked her thong off and down her legs. Lying on his chest he wiggled up to her, working her legs over his shoulders and covering her wet, cummy pussy with his lips.
“YES,” she wheezed. “I love it when a man licks my pussy with his seed all over it, mmm.”
Brady figured that he would give her the treat that he pleased every woman he had been with. Pressing his lips tightly on her wet and slippery labia he wiggled his tongue inside. Then, like he was blowing up a party balloon he filled pocket with air. Breathing through his nostrils he kept blowing air inside her, expanding it tighter and tighter.
“My God Brady,” she said, “what are you DOING to me?” Like other women she was concerned that he might be doing some kind of damage. “Stop, STOP.” She was nearly full to bursting. Wedging his shoulders under the backs of her thighs he increased the angle of her legs then, with his lips still tight against her pussy he sucked out as hard as he could. The pressure inside her vagina along with his sucking made her walls collapse. With a sodden whoosh Brady’s sperm was expelled into his mouth.
Feeling like her womb might blast out her body Darlie screamed, “My GOD Brady, Oh my GOD.” When she fully realized it was all pleasure she yielded to the ecstasy. It wasn’t as if she did it voluntarily, her body simply writhed and wriggled like a snake that had been captured. Her uncontrolled gasps, yelps and squeals were like those of an overly excited little girl.
As her climax subsided Darlie realized that he still had jism in his mouth and said, “JESUS Brady, you are gonna share it with me aren’t ya ... PLEASE.” Their lips met—hers soft and eager, his passionate and mischievous. As he oozed the warm sperm into her mouth she sighed. When she pushed it back into his he squished it again to hers. Swallowing she licked her lips and with an engaging smile said, “Daddy loves to do that with me.” Rolling her eyes she added, “But LORDY Brady Damron that thing you did to me, blowin air inside me, was heaven.”
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After my divorce following nearly twenty years of marriage, I settled into a condo in Central New Jersey. The combination of not having a wife and the freedom of condo living gave me newfound opportunity. The time saved by not having to maintain a house combined with the free time afforded me by being single was something I really made use of. It gave me the chance to do things I had always wanted to do but never had the time. Travel and time for my hobbies such as my guitar playing were no...
ExhibitionismEverything had conspired against him that morning. First he'd been delayed getting away from home. Rachel had chosen this morning to demand that he talk to her about some domestic issue or another, but he had explained to her that he had to make a flight this morning. She was clearly unhappy, but had accepted that he would sit down with her tonight, after he had returned from the short trip to Chicago to give his presentation. Well, that, plus the fact that his eight year-old son had come...
One of my ex girlfriends loved this story but wouldn’t let her teenagers read it, she said it was too sensual. I told her OK if you say so lol. the story isn’t very long, point of fact most of the stories I have written are petty short but intense , that’s an apt word ———————————- With the rising of the sun, she awoke to the warmth of its glow, lying on the ledge, high on the mount near its crest. She felt its warmth on her scales, its light sparkling as it reflected back from her scales the...
Fantasy Flight Hello friends, As usual I am not going to say that I am a big fan of ISS because I feel this website has many fake stories which a pure copy paste. You can opening comment or write to me if you feel this story has been lifted off somewhere hydblrcouple(at)gmail(dot)com Today I wanna tell you about my very special experience. I am a 29 years old guy from Pune. I have a girlfriend of 5 years of being in a relation. I have had sex out of my relation with both older and younger women...
“Christ are we ever going to get on board!?”My heart sank, eyes rolled and shoulders slumped forward. Molly wasn’t happy. Again. Molly had been my best friend since school but knows how to moan with the best of them and saw my role as her best friend as more a sounding board for her gripes and perceived slights than anything else these days.We moved forward another step. The line to board our flight back to London from Malaga shuffled forward in unison but, in fairness to Molly, it was taking...
LesbianHi, guys, I am back with another exciting story. Those who want to know about me, I am a typical Indian with a normal body of 22 years old with a dick of 5.5 inches. I love to do massage. This is the story about an angel who met on a journey to Bangalore and the fun with her in Bangalore in her flat. By the way, the heroine of the story is Savitha (true name). So, without any delay let’s get into the story. So after my semester exams. I got holidays for 15 days. So I decided to visit Bangalore...
Weather DelayBy MasterincI had arrived in Seattle about 4:00 p.m. on my way back to Juneau Alaska from Phoenix AZ. The weather was bad and we had to circle for about twenty minutes before a weather window opened which allowed us to land. I was glad since we would have been re-routed to Portland if they couldn?t land soon. Once we were on the ground, I checked on my flight to Juneau which was to leave at 7:00 p.m. The service person at the Alaska Airlines ticket counter said that the flight...
PostScriptor Copyright 2009, All rights reserved Everything had conspired against him that morning. First he’d been delayed getting away from home. Rachel had chosen this morning to demand that he talk to her about some domestic issue or another, but he had explained to her that he had to make a flight this morning. She was clearly unhappy, but had accepted that he would sit down with her tonight, after he had returned from the short trip to Chicago to give his presentation. Well, that,...
Last year in late summer I booked a flight to Miami. My husband was already there. He works in international finance and real estate business with an US-American partner. The two have a joint office in downtown Miami. My husband booked me into a hotel in Miami Beach on Collins Avenue. The proximity to the beach and the better environment make the difference.It was the night flight with Lufthansa. Through 'miles and more' I had a first class ticket and was looking forward to the flight. The...
InterracialLast year in late summer I booked a flight to Miami. My husband was already there. He works in international finance and real estate business with an US-American partner. The two have a joint office in downtown Miami. My husband booked me into a hotel in Miami Beach on Collins Avenue. The proximity to the beach and the better environment make the difference.It was the night flight with Lufthansa. Through 'miles and more' I had a first class ticket and was looking forward to the flight. The...
InterracialHaving just joined the Air force I couldn't wait to be stationed overseas at my new assignment. Germany. All I could imagine was flowing beer barrels and blondes as far as the eye could see. I had hit the jackpot. Not many men my age were given this opportunity to serve their country overseas. Having just turned twenty-five and being in the best shape of my life, I was eager to explore the world, and the women within it. I was about six feet tall, blond hair, blue eyes, and had a decent tan,...
Recently I went on a business trip to Chicago. On the plane, one of the flight attendants caught my attention for two reasons; he was more masculine then most male flight attendants and he was wearing a necklace from which hung the hardware I’d seen pierced through the end of some of the cocks in porn pictures I’d browsed. The hardware piece was u-shaped with a round ball on each end of the U. What got my brain and cock twitching was the gauge of the bent steel U. It had to be about ½ a...
New York, Wednesday 24th April 1974. After a severe winter the spring had set in. Sun rays bathed the Central Park in New York. Birds chirped happily. Senior citizens greeted each other, happy to have survived the cold weather. Children played noisily while their mothers gossiped. It seemed that the world was at peace with itself but not everyone was happy. Mr. Graham Hussley, Chief Editor of The Crime Watch, was a worried man. He looked out from his office window, which overlooked the...
FLIGHT FANTASAY - PART 1 Every red blooded American male has had, at one time or another, a fantasy about stewardesses. I am no different. This is not my fantasy, however this actually happened. By the time I was 30, I had served my obligation to the military for my education and been married and divorced. About that time I was recruited by a small plastics company in Temecula, California whose boss/owner Leonard was this genius at plastics. He said he was going to build a company around some...
Love Storiesby ‘pete’. Chapter 1 As I boarded the ‘Trans-World’ evening flight for San Francisco, I remembered back to the time when I used to work as a flight attendant for ‘Trans-World’, before I took up writing full time. I wondered if I would see any of the old crew I knew... I kind of missed the action, but did okay in my new field of endeavour, it’s surprising how some people are fascinated by writers of erotic fiction. As I made my way to my window seat I saw two lovely young women,...
Hello, Jane here. It’s Saturday morning and I’m running round as usual doing all the old dears’ hair ready for their weekly big night out. Mrs Jordan is 92 and I have just put her under the dryer and she has fallen straight asleep. I need to keep on top of all my hairdressing appointments today, as Mr J is coming to visit tonight. The text message came in yesterday, fancy a visitor? And I do fancy this particular visitor - very much indeed.It has been a harrowing week at my regular quality...
Straight SexHi all I have been a reader for of ISS for very long Now let’s get to the story that happened recently I am 40 I am from Bangalore i have been divorced for sometime now and i live alone…. My job keeps me busy i keep travelling mostly to Pune and Mumbai I met this lady (Alpha) on a flight from Bangalore to Mumbai I had asked for a window seat with some leg space so Indigo had given me the seat on the emergency exit I was ok with it, I boarded the flight and just fell asleep, middle of the...
Here it is, 2549.76, and they still haven’t prevented the common cold. I’d been sneezing non-stop for hours. It wouldn’t be so bad but at every sneeze MIHA, or Mia as I disaffectionately call it, would demand a ‘check’ of my carbon based life-form unit. Machine Intelligence Health Assessor. BULLSHIT! I think that the person who programmed this P.O.S (short in the jargon for, you guessed it, Piece of Shit.) had no liking for the human species at all. I’m...
Here it is, 2549.76, and they still haven't prevented the common cold. I'd been sneezing non-stop for hours. It wouldn't be so bad but at every sneeze MIHA, or Mia as I disaffectionately call it, would demand a 'check' of my carbon based life-form unit. Machine Intelligence Health Assessor. BULLSHIT! I think that the person who programmed this P.O.S (short in the jargon for, you guessed it, Piece of Shit.) had no liking for the human species at all. I'm James Taylor, or Taylor, James as...
FLIGHT 247 LOST BOYS This is a story about a group of boys Those are going to attend a special Jamboree for gifted boys, only they didn't arrive at their destination. Now the warning: **WARNING** You are about to read a story that will contain graphic sexual activity between boys and you need to be 18 and over to continue reading this story. As you know this is all make believe, yes it's a fictional story so it never...
A soft, unobtrusive chime echoed through the cabin signifying the final departure of the airplane. She crossed her legs and eased back into her first class seat. It was a benefit of a job well done, and a final reward for a week-long stretch in Los Angeles. Her stay had left her with a good feeling of tired accomplishment. Now the return home meant taking a flight home at a rather inhospitable time – the redeye flight. True, it was the last flight out of LAX, but it was still first class and...
The pre-flight brief meeting had been straight forward enough — the usual crew introductions, safety awareness checks, in-flight service briefing, etc. Passenger numbers on the flight were confirmed: 174 travelling in Economy Class, seven in Business Class and only two flying First Class. Outward bound was from London-Heathrow to Bahrain, where the crew would have a 48-hour stopover before manning the inward bound Bahrain to London flight. The crew were allocated their seat positions and work...
Julia was looking forward to this flight. It would take her from Naples to London to New York and then she would enjoy a few days in the Big Apple before heading home to her native Germany. She had been a stewardess for nearly seven years since giving up her office job in a firm of solicitors.Now aged 35, she was enjoying seeing the world for the first time and loving every minute of it. The night flight was pretty empty which meant she and the rest of the crew would have a quiet time over the...
LesbianA small jet is flying somewhere over the Mediterranean Sea at thirty-five thousand feet. There are only three people in the main cabin for this flight. Myself, a female passenger and a flight attendant. The flight attendant is seated at the very front of the cabin. The female passenger is seated in the first row of seats in the cabin while I am seated in the second row of seats. We have never met before. The female passenger is wearing a stylish white blouse and a form fitting blue skirt which...
Sara was a flight attendant and she lived with an other flight attendant named Allie and 2 other girls. They were all mid 20s recent college grads sharing a big party house. Sara was a pretty brunette with big natural tits and a nice fat ass. Her body was built for sex. Sara and I had only hung out a few times before we began fucking. The sex was amazing and it only got better and crazier as the weeks became months. We would fuck like rabbits and the whole house would hear Sara's moans of...
Flight by Stephanie Celeste has just declared the following story the winner of her second annual competition. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Celeste for the service she does on alt.sex.stories, her reviews have put me on to some very erotic stories over the last few months. I'd also like to thank all the people who have written to me with encouragement and advice since I started posting, your e-mails make this all...
Flight 428 : The great shift by Eric Flight 428 startled prosaic enough. The usual average group of passengers were finally struggling their way on board. The only exciting thing was the presence of Clint Eastwood and Sandra Bullock in First Class - . The passengers' gawked for a moment then filed on pass to fight for overhead space for the luggage they should have checked. An obvious honeymoon couple were laughing and holding hands. He was very large and she was endearingly...
Hi, My name is Roshan Dsouza. I am 6ft tall little bit lean and I have a dick of 8 inches. I am basically from Mangalore. But, I work and live in Bangalore since 3 years. Now this incident happened while I was traveling from M’lore to B’lore. I had reached the M’lore airport almost one hour early and had wait to for the flight. Then I saw a lady walking towards me and she sat besides me in the airport lounge. She was a bit chubby but she had a cute face and huge boobs and a curvy ass. I wanted...
I was sitting in the cockpit on what felt like an unusually long flight chatting to my co-pilot about Madrid and discussing plans for the evening. It had been a long week and I couldn’t wait to touch down and enjoy a few days well deserved R and R. Everything was running smoothly so I decided to get a drink and have a quick chat with the attendants briefly before using the facilities. Opening the door I immediately saw the most amazing ass I had ever seen in my life. “WOW”, I mouthed silently...
Gay MaleChapter 1 As I boarded the 'Trans-World' evening flight for San Francisco, I remembered back to the time when I used to work as a flight attendant for 'Trans-World', before I took up writing full time. I wondered if I would see any of the old crew I knew... I kind of missed the action, but did okay in my new field of endeavour, it's surprising how some people are fascinated by writers of erotic fiction. As I made my way to my window seat I saw two lovely young women, sitting together...
This is for those people who requested a further chapter in this story. It is also by way of closure. The story so far: I, Captain Mitchell Underwood and CSM Julie Paterson meet on a flight from Sydney to Adelaide. An unscheduled stop-over following an in-flight emergency that forced me to turn back to Adelaide resulted in us spending the night together. On our return to Sydney, we spend our first week-end together with Micha, my 8 year old daughter from my previous marriage. Melissa, my...
Hi folks, Here I am with my new story and awe-inspiring experience that I will be sharing with you.I am a personal security in charge of bangalore base millionaire and I am always with him on most of his trips.He of course has many properties in india and abroad,humongous pricey possession and great deal of super cars.My boss always travel with his own personal jet.Being responsible for his security, I most of the time, accompany him.Well, I am 31 year old male, 5,10″ height and some great...
"No, David. Your approach omits the awesome investigative prowess of the FBI, or do you have a compulsive need to play superhero and do everything yourself?" Although his consciousness didn't breathe, David exhaled a groan. "If you could see me, I'd be blushing. The last thing I want, Nora, is to be some kind of superhero. Clark Kent I'm not. I came to you because I wanted you involved for selfish reasons. I also wanted the FBI involved to eventually prosecute August Boynton's...
I opened my eyes as the Italian sun streamed in through the windows. I was lying on my back with Sam’s blonde hair on my breast. She was still asleep and looking so beautiful. Her left arm was draped across me, holding me tight. I could feel her left thigh pressing lightly against my pussy which was still wet from our lovemaking. My god, it was amazing. I had never come so hard and so often in a such a short period of time.As I looked at her and smiled, I could smell our sex clinging to the...
Lesbianwell I had just spent 2 weeks in Europe and now it was time for the dreaded 9 hour flight home, I loved going away but not the flight. So as im waiting to board I do what everyone else does, wonder who I will be sitting beside, omg not the big fat woman or the crying baby, you never know until you board, I found my seat and to my pleasure there was a nicely dressed lady sitting by the window, I had the isle seat, I think she was as relieved as I was, So off we go, I always try to sleep after...
I am a frequent visitor to ISS. I like to share my personal experiences with you all. Experience counts. About me, I am 50 years old man, 5’9″, 200 lbs, dark-brown complexion, broad shoulders, muscular built with a little beer belly. My penis is about 5.5 inches long and very thick. When it is erect I cannot put my fingers around my penis it is so thick. I was traveling in a 20-hour flight from New Jersey to Hyderabad. I was in the aisle seat; next to me in the middle seat was Pallavi. She is...
It was just a typical transatlantic flight. I had business in LA, and I settled into my seat and gratefully drank the glass of champagne that the pretty cabin crew member offered me once I was seated. Emily her badge said. Nice name. The flight time was 12 hours, and in order to be reasonably awake when we landed, I took a relaxant pill after the first meal. It was just a sleepy making antihistamine, and after half an hour I could feel it starting to work. I opened my eyes to find Emily beside...
AnalBy: Wolf Man ReX It was early summer in Mysore, Deepak and his Aunt where at the airport ready to board their plane to Shimla. Deepak had problems with flying; the very thought of flying made him nervous enough to faint. His mother had warned his aunt about his phobia, Deepak had this problem ever since he was a child. Now even as a young man of nineteen he was still afraid to fly. Deepak’s aunt on the other hand was used to flying. He hesitantly got on board of the plane; the flight attendant...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! It was early summer in Mysore, Deepak and his Aunt were at the airport ready to board their plane to shimla. Deepak was extremely frightened to flying his mother had warned his aunt about his phobia, Deepak had this problem ever since he was a child. Now even as a young man of 19 he was still afraid to fly. Deepak’s aunt on the other hand was used to flying. He hesitantly got on board of the plane; the flight attendant showed them where their seats...
IncestGeorge finished his meal and placed it on the vacant seat next to him. The pretty flight attendant, the one he had eyed earlier when he first boarded the plane, came over to take it. As she leant over, he noticed she was wearing Chanel. She smiled as she turned away to place the tray in the trolley. What a sweet thing, he thought to himself as the memories of that scent, his favourite perfume, took him back. He reclined in his seat and thanked his stars for the comfort of first class, allowing...
Erotic"Denise, we both know the view of consciousness based on a neuronal connection doesn't fly. When my consciousness leaves my body, it doesn't take any neurons along for the ride." "Nonetheless, your consciousness maintains some sort of connection to your body during your flights. Your description of reentering your body without your volition during your recent time trips lends credence to the connection. Who's to say that connection isn't neuronal?" David's brow scowled as he...
Subject: flight 247 lost boys. Chapter 8 FLIGHT 247 LOST BOYSBy Boys in the Hood ****WARNING**** Sexual activity will be seen here so If you are not 18 and over then please leave as I and this site will not be held responsible for any actions you take while here, also any emails to me must be by persons 18 and over. This is all fiction, make believe it never happened so any names, places or events are all fake. Copyright 2011: Boys in the hood. Not to be copied, changed or re...
FLIGHT 247 LOST BOYS A new days dawns {By boys in the hood} ***WARNING*** This is a story about a group of boys Lost on an island after their flight Crashes into the ocean. It contains sexual activity and bad language and you need to 18 and over to be here. also it will depend on where you live and what laws they have there. ...
My family operates a shipyard in Victoria that specializes in refits of medium range luxury vessels ranging from cruisers to catamarans. Tern is a forty six foot luxury sailing vessel and we had just completed a major refit on her. Tern is a single mast sloop with full cabin and full accommodations and first class all the way. We had just replaced the gas engine with a new six cylinder diesel and completely refurbished the interior. The teakwood and mahogany had all been redone by our...
FlightI have been fascinated with flight all my life. Watching an albatross sail in lazy circles around my boat while offshore fishing has never failed to make my pulse quicken. If I could fly like that I would eat raw fish. Gladly.I find the end of an airport runway to be a gateway to another world. The sound, vibration, and the rush of air as a huge plane blasts its way in to the sky can not be described. It has to be felt to be understood. The field at the end of the runway had become one of...
It was just a typical transatlantic flight. I had business in LA, and I settled into my seat and gratefully drank the glass of champagne that the pretty cabin crew member offered me once I was seated. Emily her badge said. Nice name. The flight time was 12 hours, and in order to be reasonably awake when we landed, I took a relaxant pill after the first meal. It was just a sleepy making antihistamine, and after half an hour I could feel it starting to work. I opened my eyes to find Emily...
Samantha and I had been friends since college. She had always been my best friend and we had shared so much over the years. Our children were born close to each other, we shared student digs and we both were maids of honour at our weddings. We were close.As we had got older, we had moved to different parts of the country and didn’t see each other so much. To compensate, we started going on holidays together. Once a year, Sam and I would jet off to somewhere exotic for long weekends, chill out...
LesbianSamantha and I had been friends since college. She had always been my best friend and we had shared so much over the years. Our children were born close to each other, we shared student digs and we both were maids of honour at our weddings. We were close.As we had got older, we had moved to different parts of the country and didn’t see each other so much. To compensate, we started going on holidays together. Once a year, Sam and I would jet off to somewhere exotic for long weekends, to chill...
LesbianColt Thompson hefted his small attache’ case into the over head compartment and sat down in the aisle seat and waited for the 737 to take off. Leaving the bone chilling cold of Detroit to spend a long weekend in New Orleans was enough to bring a smile to the face of any seasoned traveler! One stop over in Memphis, and it would be good by Woodward Ave. and hello Bourbon Street! This would be Colt's sixth visit to the Crescent City, and it was definitely his favorite destination, with all the...
I pressed my legs together. I felt hot and nervous. The texture of my seat on my most private parts let me think of all the people that might have sat here before, all the germs i was now exposed to, no safety layer of cloth between the much used surface of this cheap airlines narrow passenger accommodation that was called a seat. For me it also could have been an electric chair, it gave me no comfort.He had given me strict rules. No panties, short skirt, no bra. On a five hours flight. To...
We are on our way home from our hot weather holiday, and it has been a fantastic trip. Lots of pool time, rest and relaxation and of course a little partying. The flight is somewhat empty, which surprises both of us and we get seated near the back of the plane with only a s**ttered few people around us. My sweetheart is in the aisle seat and for the first hour she sleeps. When she wakes up, she has something on her mind. I can tell because she gives me that special mischievous look and requests...
Flight of the Griffin Life is a funny thing. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, and sometimes it changes just when you think you've got it figured out. It's that last part that can really throw you or maybe it can give you a new direction depending on how you see things. Not so long ago, I was just some guy trying to figure out where I belong in the grand scheme of things. To be totally honest, I wasn't having much luck. I didn't feel like I fit anywhere. After twenty-six...