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My Minotaur

by SizeQueenSupreme ©

Part 1: In which Lady Ailara buys her last slave

I stepped off the boat, wrinkling my nose at the smells of peasantry. It's not that peasants are bad people of course, they just don't have the intelligence to escape their plight.

Of course I was one once. I just happened to be born with a particularly ample bosom, and the brains behind it to land a worthwhile husband. I married him and his wealth at 18 years, and I've never looked back. That's my story, and I stick to it. After all, a lady must have some secrets.

I told my entourage to stay on the trireme and await my return. The men voiced their protest; my husband is not one to risk me on the poor streets of the mainland, but I would not relent. I value the little time I get to myself, or at least away from people who know me.

I admit a certain thrill in how the peasantry devour me with their eyes. They snack on my elegant clothes, today an expensive purple-dyed dress covers my hips and thrusts my buxom décolletage on display. They refresh themselves drinking deep in my sapphire eyes, and nourish themselves on my full lips. These I stain purple.

The main course, is of course, my chest, most assuming I've fashioned the display through some trick of wealth and tailoring. They little suspect I was naturally endowed as such, sporting these pumpkin-sized orbs by my first year of womanhood.

Aside from drinking in their intoxicating gazes, I pay them little regard. It would not be proper to do otherwise.

I lamented the fact that I had an errand to run, it would cut into this wonderful time away from our lonely mansion, but I would not be an undutiful wife, the price for that was far too high. So I made haste through the winding streets, dodging dung and urchins alike, finally stopping as I reached the auction block.

The slaves were for the most part particularly un-notable today. My husband's latest run-away had been a particularly strong young man, a captured war-boy from another island. His skin was tan and lovely, but scared from his time in battle. I waited through many lots, drinking in the gazes of the crowd and heat of their presence.

As the day wore long, I was bored and disinterested, studying the strange clothes the peasants wore. It is interesting what they use in the absence of buttons and clasps, and I wouldn't mind some time trying to weave some of their simple leather lacing and frog-eyes into my own clothing.

Then I caught sight of him!

Oh he was a sight to behold! His shoulders were nearly as broad as I was tall, and bulked with muscle. So chiseled were his arms, the light played on dozens of angular shadows where his obvious power stuck out in meaty slopes and hills of strength. His stomach rippled like the ocean itself, and his pectorals were broad and flat, defined to the extreme. All this was set on a pair or thighs with visible slabs of meat that sloped down to proportional calves and huge squar-ish feet. Between the works a loincloth dangled down, his only clothing.

His head was hard to look at though. The beast's flared nostrils and curved horns were off-putting to a lady of delicate sensibilities like myself. Though down-cast, the wide, brown bovine eyes shone with an intelligence that belied all I'd heard of the Taurprimate; "Myrnotor" I believe the peasants call his kind.

Ugly things they were.

"How much for this bid? He's a strong laborer, enslaved by Kairish command training, so he'll obey your every word. What you'll save in work effort will make up for how much he eats...and he can be underfed.... Do I hear 29 minae? 28 minae?"

The Auctioneer began calling his numbers, no one from the crowd responding. The price was high for commoners, and they seemed a little intimidated by the sheer massiveness of the great beast.

Being an educated woman, I know to trust the Kairish methods (some of our dogs had been disciplined in this manner), and I raised a pale hand.

"60 Crowns."

The crowd gasped.

"Milady, you might have misunderstood. I said, mere minae, not whole crowns."

"I heard what you said. Just put a ribbon on him and wrap him up for me."

Humor is totally lost on peasants. The auctioneer sent a boy for a red bow, and soon my new slave's tail was adorned with it. I rolled my eyes and beckoned the beast to follow.


But now you wonder why I overpaid.

Spending too much money for things is one of my small personal pleasures.

I certainly wasn't gleaning any satisfaction in the bedchamber. Oh certainly 'milord' tended to me, frequently in fact, and sometimes twice daily. He'd clamber into our bed and mount me, thrusting and stabbing impotently away until he was spent, grinning at me like he'd been made king of the fair from beneath his stupid mustache.

Not that I was bitter.

I admit the musculature of this creature fascinated me from the beginning. His back held a thousand crevices, and sprouted to his amazing 9 foot height from the huge globes of his buttocks. So large were his thighs, they kept all in front of them from view, though I tried in vain to peer at just what that might be.

So possessed was I with the powerful, plodding grace of his walk, I scarecely realized when we'd reached the water.

"Stop!" I hastily commanded. Kairish training is effective on beasts, but also robs them of any impulse but fear. It can cause them to do things, like walk into the sea as he was about to, unless told otherwise.

He halted and my other slaves took him in with some obvious apprehension.

"Don't stand there gawking at your new accomplice! Load the ship!" I helpfully, and loudly, suggested.

The slaves got to work, seizing crates of raw goods to return home with.

The Myrnotor pitched in, his rippling mass barely flexing at all as he lifted the second heaviest crate.

Several of the younger slaves gathered around him in awe, one being so bold as to wave a hand in front of his eyes, testing the Kairish mind-state for any break.

He did not even blink as he set the huge wooden box on the deck.

They followed him back as he returned for the heaviest of all, a huge carved fountain for the garden, and circled it to find the easiest handholds.

Laughing, the slaves all piled into the bowl of the thing.

This dismayed me. "He will hurt himself tying to lift—"

I cut short as the beast's muscles bulged explosively, and 8 tons of marble, steel and idiotic slaves were born into the air.

The slaves for their part lapsed into a stunned silence as he laid them onto the deck.

My lips curled into a smile, and a feeling I could not yet place shot through me.


I was on the deck of the my ship, enjoying the exhilarating rush of air from the added speed the Myrnotor put to the oars.

I'd earlier caught one of my worthless dregs not rowing, but before I could call for him to be lashed, all the other slaves dropped their oars as well.

The speed of my craft did not diminish one naught.

I laughed for the span of three breaths, and then screeched in my best harpy impersonation, "You mendicants cannot even ADD to his effort? 12 of you, and you cannot match the effort of ONE brute? Pathetic! You are not men. Drop your trousers now! Shame yourselves before this superior thrall!"

The "men" complied, and 12 shriveled, tiny members were exposed to the cold.

Now curiosity had the better of me.

"Beast! Remove your garment!"

He did not comply.

"Disrobe!" I tried.

Sometimes the Kairish methods leave out an instilled phrase. It happens. Besides, he'd probably only inherited the human-sized equipment. It is the lower body of a man after all, which on a frame his size's preportions would look even smaller than those sub-humans around him.

And that's how I ended up on the deck.

I don't know if my nipples were poking out like thimbles from the cold, or for some other reason entirely.


We hit shore at sunset, and I marveled a moment at the beauty of my house in that light before directing my shameful, naked slave to their labors.

I had the Myrnotor led to a small room. I would present him to my husband after I attended to some basic hygiene.

An hour later I lay naked in my suite, two tan island women applying a bucket of rich cocoa butter to my ample breasts, as they did every night.

As they worked my heavy hills of creamy flesh to a perfect, gleaming shine, my eyes were closed in fantasy.

It was not tangible nor familiar what ran through my mind, but it was making me very moist.

My women looked at me as they always did, envy ruining their faces. It was doubtful that all the titflesh in their whole tribe could even be combined to rival my set; this bothered them in some primal way, and it showed.

Suddenly they scattered to the side as my husband strode into my chamber.

His mincing little steps brought him to the foot of my bed which he grunted and strained to ascend.

"I see you've made yourself ready for me, milady. Your randy little snatch is drooling with lust for this!"

"Uh, yes." I lied as his pants made their short trip down his legs to the floor.

Then he was fucking me, at least I think he was. I'm not really sure since it was about as long pleasurable as a handshake.

Fluffing one of my chest-mounted pillows he lay his head down, and gazed into my eyes.

"So, how many times did you cum?" He asked.

"I didn't keep count." I was being quite honest there.

"Of course pretty thing. You never did have a head for numbers." He said with an affectionate pinch of my cheek.

I multiplied the number of ways that made me want to kick him by the number of times I'd saved his fortune by catching a mathematical error on his ledger, and got a huger number than he could understand.

Then I divided that by the amount I was worth through marriage to him forced my sweetest smile onto my face.

"Now show me this new servant." He said with two claps.

I hastily threw on a silken robe and came to find the beast in the small room where I'd left him.

"Follow." I said and turned on my heels.

Moments later, my husband was precariously perched on a chair, inspecting the Myrnotor's teeth and gums.

"Hm. Exceptional quality, Ailara, well done." He dropped down to continue his scrutiny, pacing around, his head barely clearing the creature's knees.

"Yes, totally and completely marvelouuuuu—" The color drained from his face as he trailed off.

He had evidently caught a glimpse of whatever lurked beneath the loincloth, and was terrified by what he saw. But my husband is a little man; very little is all it would take to impress him.

"Go back to your room." He ordered, and left the chambers without another word.

The beast did as it was told.

It was the following night that my life was forever changed.


The next day I worked in the garden, braving the warm noon sun in a white cotton blouse that did nothing to conceal cleavage, and a short skirt that showed long legs.

The Myrnotor was holding a wheelbarrow with one hand and an ounce of his strength while I desperately tested the limits of his mental domination by leaning over and enticing him with ever more voluptuous valley views.

As usual, he didn't blink, but I swear I might have seen a nostril twitch.

Dinner was light.

Cocoa butter was warm on my breasts.

Then I read while waiting for my husband to do a musquito's business in my poor deprived little slit.

Only tonight was different. One of the guards burst into my chamber, slamming the door behind him.

I heard a click behind him in the look.

"Jules!" I shouted his name, "What is the meaning of this!? Leave immediately"

He looked upon me coldly.

"Sorry miss, Milord's orders were quite clear. I'm not to follow what you say, only to punish you."

"Falsehood! Punish me for what?"

It was my husband's voice that came through in response, though muffled.

"For how you shamelessly flirt before the new beast like a brazen strumpet!"

I could now see a small hole in the wall through which my husband's eye could be seen, spying.

"I do not!" I protested, stamping my foot. In truth it was not until this moment I realized his words were true, but I stuck with my story.

"End this stupidity!" I then added, "How do you mean to punish me? Lock me up forever?"

His laugh was cruel.

"No my dear. If I'm to be a cuckold, then I shall choose how, not you!"

Jules had dropped his pants. The seven inch weapon that was now leveled at me must have seemed a mile to my husband.

But it would hurt in my un-aroused, never-fulfilled depths.

Hurt a lot.

"No! Stop this now! Jules?!" I tried to appeal to the man.

He advanced towards me, "Sorry ma'am, I've dreamed of this at least as much as all the other men."

He grabbed my robe by the collar in his left hand and shoved me hard with the other. Fabric tore and I fell back on my bed, the wind knocked out of me.

Jules cast my ruined garment aside and stalked up on me. I could hear a hurried sound like a child applauding behind the wall.

The little bastard was pleasuring himself to my torment, and I could hear his piggish grunts as Jules reached the intersection between the foot of my bed and the path of the door.

Suddenly there was a massive crunch and the door soared from its hinges at the velocity of an arrow, crushing Jules against the wall with a sickening series of crunches; clearly bones had been shattered.

The Myrnotor strode into the room with a bold posture.

My husband's feet could be heard scampering awkwardly from the next room, tripping over his pants at every other step.

The Hulking brute pulled the door aside and threw the unconscious Jules from the room before turning back to me. So swift was his spin, the loincloth gave me a flash of what most surely have been its hard cock, hanging by sheer dint of its weight straight down.

Just that flash nearly stopped my heart.

It was at least a foot of broom-handle thick meat, capped by a flared head, like that of an ornate lampshade.

My stomach felt almost queasy as my brain reeled to comprehend more man than it knew how to understand. It didn't even begin to with it all, but I knew that I wanted it.

My jaw dropped and a drooling mouth competed with my suddenly saturated pussy for attention. My finger and thumb subconsciously grazed a nipple that had instantly turned to stone as he strode closer, his state of arousal betraying what his one intent could be.

"Please!" I gasped, breathing so hard, "Don't rape me!"

But the creature slid his warm muscular body over me, letting me feel the ridges of his spectacular abdominals grazing my skin as he came face-toface with me, huge hands on either side of my head.

"Please!" I whimpered, anticipation shuddering through me.

He held for a moment and then suddenly snorted, rearing back his awesome pectorals convulsed in deep laughter.

"Rape you!" He boomed in mirth. "You're dripping for it!"

And now my emotions were at a tug-of-war. On one side, his words stung me for they were true, and on the other, they were delivered in THAT VOICE.

His voice was so low, it echoed in his massive chest, surged up from his abs, yet clearly had its source from somewhere beneath even that.

It vibrated into my very soul, and shook me within at such great force, I nearly found myself at orgasms doorstep, teased and enticed, but unable to cross the threshold.

As he continued to speak, it felt as though sheets of hot crushed velvet were being rolled over my flesh, even through his words were still cruel.

"Besides, what made you think I wanted you? I'm obviously not even aroused!"

All the color must have drained from me then.

"Clearly not arouuuuu—" I trailed off as he leaned in close again, untying the ribbon that the market had placed on his tail. I just stared down that long muzzle into those deep bovine eyes as his arms encircled my head to tie back my hair with the ribbon.

"Wear your hair up, you silly bint. I like it that way."

He patted my cheek twice and was out of the room in three strides, leaving me a panting, lustful mess of sweat on the bed.


The next couple of hours were very strange to me. I know I masturbated a long time, bringing a torrid pinch to my engorged nipples and furiously frigging my equally hungry quoint.

The friction brought me off dozens of times, yet still my clit beckoned more, and I felt only longing.

I sat up and arranged myself, leaving my hair in the bow.

Then I brought out the finest weapon in my arsenal; a black corset with red trim, custom fit to lift my bulky bosom and serve it up as an exquisite seal to any sexual endeavor.

As I skillfully wobbled my watermelons into the cups, I could hear the sounds of a scuffle growing closer.

I had just tied the last of the lace as a guard flew past my doorway.

Stepping out I beheld the beast, steam coming from his nose in shallow bursts.

The hallway was littered by dozens of mangled men, yet the aftermath of whatever battle had taken place here was a far greater testament to the Myrnotor's control rather than his strength. Each groaning man was alive.

"Lady Ailara." Came that mega-bass.

"And what shall I call you?" I asked.

"Oluth." He replied.

"Oluth." I repeated, tasting the name on my tongue, and liking the flavor. "What will you do now?"

"I go to pay my farewell to your little lord, then I am going to start heading for my home."

"This I simply must see."

He shrugged his indifference as he rolled down the hallway, forcing me to run in order to keep up.

It was so much a struggle to fight myself into the bustier cups, that I ended up crashing into his legs from inattention to where he had stopped.

We stood now in my husband's court, the little bastard sitting smugly on his great chair, four archers training crossbows on Oluth.

"Release my wife and yield to me or die."

"No." Said the bull-man, his tone level, yet with such power behind it I could almost feel the hair on every arm rising, the shriveling of every testicle in fear.

My husband gaped, and totally unable to deal with his real fear, turned instead to me.

"How could you tempt this monster from it's Kairish hold? You little slut!"

I rolled my eyes.

"Dearest darling most adorable fucking moron," I dripped sweet, sarcastic venom in my tone. "Kairish training doesn't work on thinking, intelligent creatures. It would be more likely to work on you!"

"His kind are stupid beasts!" My lord said stubbornly.

I began to retort, but Oluth cut in. "Whatever I am ignorant man, and beautiful but whorish woman, I will take my leave of your home now or ruin you if you try to stop me.

My husband smiled smugly, looking to the crossbowmen.

"Fire." He intoned.

Launching into a whirl of more speed than I could imagine from so massive a creature, he neatly ducked one bolt, a meaty hand slapping another from the air, and a third ricocheting from an expertly-placed horn

I lifted my arms and winced as the fourth suddenly flew wild, narrowly missing his neck.

In two great strides Oluth was seizing two archers by their wrists and flinging them like clubs into the next men. For good measure he slammed his impromptu weapons together before mercifully releasing them to the floor.

My twisted husband whimpered and fell back over his chair.

"Thank you for your hospitality." Spat Oluth.

I charged forward and trousered the little man, exposing his wannabe manhood for all. It was smaller than Oluth's pinky, and at the moment rock hard; who knows why.

Oluth and I shared a laugh.

"How do you pleasure your woman?" Oluth asked, with some genuine curiosity. "Her nostrils?"

"just go." My defeated husband whispered, making no effort to clothe himself as he crept from the room, weeping silently.

Oluth turned to leave, and had gotten four huge strides before he found me blocking the way.


"Take me with you." I said.

He cocked his head at me.


"I can't just stay here. He's insane!" I said, pointing the direction my husband had gone.

"But you've known that for some time, haven't you?"

Chided Oluth.

"Yes, but that was before..."

"Before what?"

"Before I saw your... Ab, uhh, I saw you."

He smirked, seeming to know I had not really misspoken.

"If I leave you here, I can depart freely. Take you with me, and he'll keep hunting me to get you back. Possibly with help from authorities far more dangerous than he. Now why should I risk that?"

I put my hands behind my back and arched it, thrusting my gigantic jubbles out as I spoke.

"I'll let you fuck me if you do."

"Now what makes you think I—" He started.

But I'd reached my breaking point.

"LISTEN, you two-ton meatpile of gorgeous beast and hot hot man, let me clarify! I am going to fuck you, and we are going to leave together. Do you understand?"

My growling voice filled the room for a moment, and I clenched my fists, angrily panting.

Oluth seemed somewhat taken aback, and shifted a leg.

"Wait, Ailara, I—"

with a little scream I launched forward. Taking one step and leaping up I slammed into his mass, locking my legs around his torso.

I bared my teeth and moved my head in for attack, trapping his lower lip between my plush, purple stained ones. I sucked his lip hard, even nibbling it gently with my teeth a little before releasing the hold and plunging forward once again, force feeding him my hot pink tongue.

Now his shock turned to something else as he returned my kiss. I was surprised how human his mouth felt, despite being in such a different shape.

He spiraled his tongue around mine, completely entwining the morsel as he drilled forward, tasting me, thrusting between my lips.

We shared this mutual moment to the sound of wet smacks and contented moans. Mine, a deep throaty purr, and his a spine-melting groan of impossible depth.

Reluctantly I pulled back, lips still parted and yearning. My eyes took in his muscles yet again, and my mouth tired of jealousy wanted its turn. I slurped down his corded neck to his tri-cleft shoulder, licking between the hard valleys there. I continued down his arm, devouring his hulking bicep like a succulent fruit.

I continued shimmying down his body, leaving a sheen trail of my own juice streaked on his abdominals.

The sift of those glistening muscles was too much for me and I gave them my full attention as I touched down to the ground.

I sent my tongue over all eight bulges and into all six valleys. The salt of his post-battle sweat mixed with the sweet of my own nectar made for an intoxicating mix, and it was some time before I'd lapped it all up. Something beneath that loincloth was stirring now.

I began to climb him again, but he scooped me up with one hand, easily cupping my ample bottom. I shared our flavor with in a salacious exchange of slobber, and moaned on his tongue as I felt a thick finger pull my small-clothes aside and inch into my waiting nethermaw.

My lips pulled back with a smack and I focused on grinding my sensitive nipples into his chisled, perfect chest as he frigged me with that enormous pointer. It was thicker and longer than my husband's prick, and his skill full curling of it against my inner golden-spot brought an orgasm from me like I'd never experienced before.

As I gave myself over to the wave of sensation, a copious gout of cream drizzled from me and showered the stone floor with a wet splatter.

"Gods you Bull-stud! Take me! Fucking take me! I'm yours!" I screamed through my passion.

It was then I felt something hot and firm tap me between my shoulder blades.

Confused, I casually looked back and saw that it was his dick.

His dick!!!

I fell sideways, ass over teakettle, cheek to cement. I gazed back up at it, a long thick shadow being cast over my face, expression completely cockstunned at the sight.

His loin cloth had flipped over on itself, and I let my wide-wide eyes crawl over every inch of this omnipotent organ.

There were a lot those inches.

The veins made a convenient map of the thing for my eyes to trail over, pinky-thick spider-webs criss-crossing to bear what must have been quarts of blood.

Beneath this monolithic monstrosity—no, this alter at which I would now be doing all of my worship—was a pair of hanging bollocks, weighty at their grapefruit size, so much so that the wrinkled scrotum seemed overtaxed by their pendulous mass.

I could not help but seize one in both hands, grunting slightly, amazed at the way both my arms flexed just to lift this thing. There must have been enough seed in one of these orbs to drown a leviathan!

I wrapped one hand squarely around the shaft, just above these titanic twins, and then placed another hand above that. Then another hand above that, so on and so on until I finally had one palm perched on the deep cum-canyon at the top. My hands were not large, and it was fifteen hand-spans from the top of this thing to the bottom.

Oluth had a flat yard of cock.

"You see?" He said, his voice now seeming to match the sheer masculine force that was his towering truncheon and dangling dragon-eggs. "I was not fully aroused before. Now you know why we really can't be together."

"Like Hell we can't!" I bellowed, jumping once again and seizing this bull by his horns. Like an acrobat I flexed my body and placed my ravenous pussy on the enormous head.

Even as my rivulets of juice cascaded down the shaft, Oluth gave me his last warning.

"I'll never fit."

"Yes you will!"


"A lady must have some secrets!" I shot back.

Whatever words were about to come out of his mouth were replaced by gutteral and primal noise as I shoved down his shaft, impaling myself well upon it, held aloft by my hands on his horns.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK IT'S HUGE!" I screamed, my eyes brimming with tears. What had been a broom-handle in flaccidity was now as thick as an Ale-mug and stretching me horribly.

"I told you!" Said Oluth. "Let me help lift you off."

I slapped him hard across the muzzle.

"You will do no such thing! Fuck me! Use me like a brutal beast would! Do what you must to get this gargantuan, fucking fuckpole as deep as it will go!"

He looked hurt, then angry, and he used that latter emotion as he shoved deep inside me.

I came so hard that I thought some of my hair must have fallen out.

Thrust after brutal thrust fed more and more raging bull-meat into the sea of pleasure-juice my pussy had become. Centimeters and inches added up until I was at ten inches and ten orgasms, gasping for breath, for words, for one spare thought.

None of these things could happen though. I only managed a feeble caterwauling cry as he suddenly spun me around.

Now my hands were stretched behind me, tits thrust up and out from my chest, legs dangling below. Still I held tight to his horns as he fucked dozens of strokes at phenomenal speed, now burying a solid foot of cock steak within me. It seemed each new, miniscule length of my pussy that he discovered held an orgasm waiting to happen, and when it would, that it echoed with shuddering climaxes back down every inch back down.

It was at this point that I neither know if I lost consciousness or if the pleasure simply overwhelmed my senses to the point where I was an unthinking animal, but what I do know is that we fucked my husbands courtroom to pieces.

I remember flashes.

Oluth sitting in my husband's chair while I rode his pleasingly agonizing anaconda up and down, tits bouncing wildly.

The remnants of my corset dangling from Oluth's teeth while he spread me on the long table, spearing me hard, moving the whole thing with every thrust.

At another moment, my whole body was twisted in a long satin curtain, Oluth winding me and unwinding me, bringing incredible corkscrewing orgasms from deep within me.

I remember few words, but I'm pretty sure at some point I screamed something to the effect of,

"BREAK your massive magnificent bull-stallion COCK off in me and leave it there!!! I can't stop CUMMING, I won't stop fucking you, and I don't care if it DOES make me nothing but your HORNY huge-titted FUCKSLUT with a cuntfull of COCK and a mouth that knows nothing but obscenities to describe how horrifically good your hung WHORE-splitting spunk cannon feels inside my cream cauldron!!!"

Or something like that.

It was obvious he fucked my brains out by then, to say the least.

It might have been when he broke that table in two while I was bent over it, taking at least 14 inches at last. (His SOFT size.)

Or possibly when it was my turn sitting in the chair, kicking my legs while he held the whole thing aloft by the seat and blasted thick gouts of sauce from me with every savage thrust.

Whatever the case may be, the last thing I remember of the epic fuck-session, was blurting out curse-words I didn't even know the meaning of as his balls swelled to the size of ham-hocks and discharged so massive a salvo of thick cum, that I actually burst off him into a wall, failing to stand as wad after fist-sized wad slammed into me. I was pulverized into a puddle of sex when his 20th and final shot had been delivered.

We both stood panting and staring at one another for what felt like half an hour; he down his sweating muzzle, and I through a mask of cum which was heavy on my eyelids, clinging to my cheeks, dripping out of my soaked hair, and caked in sheets of frosting on my breasts.

"So..." Said Oluth awkwardly. "Have anything you need to bring?"

"Clothes." I said. "Clothes would be good."

One wardrobe later, we were stealing my husband's boat as we set off together into the night.


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Beasts Chapter six Minotaur

"Is this it?" Clara asked him. "This is my home lands.” He answered. "Is it always like this?" Brick looked down at his small companion. "Yes, my kind are a loving, peaceful race. Clara, I will not swear this to be an easy adjustment for you but I do hope that you will call this home." "I know that game!” suddenly her ears perked up. Though still a bit floppy she looked excited. Her hand pulled on the cloak he wore, “Brick I know that game. Father always said it wasn’t appropriate...

4 years ago
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My Minotaur

My Minotaur by SizeQueenSupreme © Part 1: In which Lady Ailara buys her last slave I stepped off the boat, wrinkling my nose at the smells of peasantry. It’s not that peasants are bad people of course, they just don’t have the intelligence to escape their plight. Of course I was one once. I just happened to be born with a particularly ample bosom, and the brains behind it to land a worthwhile husband. I married him and his wealth at 18 years, and I’ve never looked back. That’s my story,...

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Home for Horny Monsters Book TwoChapter 8 Memories and Minotaurs

The sudden shift in time and position was immediately disorienting. One second, she was on the first floor of the Radley house, the world spinning around her. The next, she was running along a busted bridge, her legs not quite right beneath her. She tripped, colliding with someone else on the bridge, and they tumbled off together. Once she hit the cold water, her synapses fired all at once, restarting her brain and giving her full control. “Beth!” A hand swung out, grabbing her wrist, but...

2 years ago
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Cheerleader Sale

Cheerleader Sale By King Leopold [email protected] Short synopsis for the story: A Cheerleader is kidnapped and prepared tobe sold into slavery Story codes: M+/f, Teen, BDSM, Slavery, NC, Heavy Fourteen year old Mandy found herself being dragged by her hair into theroom built to resemble a large medieval torture chamber. She struggled andfought, but the more powerful man forced her down on onto the top of a leathercovered table and sat down on top of her. He straddled her to keep her...

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10 Book2Chapter 10 Stans story

Stan was working in 'Arachnid III' when he sensed a low level hum reaching his mind. At the same time Emily and Stephanie fell to the ground. Quickly looking around with the cameras he saw Jordan and then Jessica do the same thing. Turning quickly he saw Christopher and Daniel already on the ground. It took a second to understand that we were under attack. The warning was valid. I zoomed in with the cameras and saw that my family was still living. It all had to do with that hum I heard. My...

2 years ago
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It Started With an Apron Episode 1

IT STARTED WITH AN APRON By Monica Graz Author's note: This is my very first story, written in the mid 70s and concluded several years later in 1983. It is developed in five episodes. Episode 1 was published in 1976 in the magazine 'Astounding TV Tales no 2' published by Empathy Press. I edited it 30 years later, mainly improving expressions etc. The basic canvas of the story remains the same. EPISODE 1 Bob Burns returned home around six this Friday...

3 years ago
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My Husband Beats Off When I Share The Details Of Getting Fucked At A Friends Wedding

My name is Carol and I'm thirty-four years old.  I am very pretty, or so I'm told, with large natural 32D tits and tight abs.  This is a real story that my husband, John, is obsessed with.  He beats off as I share the details of me getting fucked at a friend's wedding.I'm somewhat of an exhibitionist.  I love to wear low cut tops that show off my large tits.  John encourages my behavior and likes to see other guys check me out, which they do all the time.  I don't always close the drapes...

Wife Lovers
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My Girls IIThe End Of Cycles The Beginning Of KnowledgeChapter 11

I held Julie tight, close against my chest as she sobbed. She and I were the only ones, except maybe Megan, that were close to Samantha. Once she quit crying, I began to extract details from her. Several months ago, Samantha had started seeing an older man on the sly. Julie thought he was about my age. At first, it was just a friendship. It was interesting that Samantha kept it secret, even then. Then it began to evolve into more. From the best Julie could tell, the sex had started after he...

1 year ago
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Becoming Allison Part 3

The D-alt wings at Stony Brook were fairly luxurious, and the TV lounge was no exception. Even my room, even though it had an exam table in it, would rival some Vegas luxury hotel rooms. Considering that the D-alt procedure had cost me most of my mother's million dollar life insurance policy and part of the proceeds from the sale of the five acres and five- bedroom house in Babylon that had been passed down through three generations to me, the walls should have been made of gold as far...

3 years ago
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Zoe and AlexEpilogue

It was just as well it was summer and schools were out. As it was, Zoe was well behind with her studies. Brigadier Walker’s people sucked our kingpin dry, and he ‘disappeared’. I don’t know – don’t want to know – the details. All she said was, “He got drunk and fell overboard from the ferry to Holland.” Over the next few weeks there seemed to be a rash of fatalities; a Government Minister had a fatal heart attack, as did several senior officers from East Anglian constabularies – Suffolk,...

2 years ago
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The Mistress of Holt House Part OneChapter 8

True to form, when Stainforth was revived in his new surroundings, he was as cocky as when he had passed out. Ruth was had partly manufactured this as it suited her. She would get great pleasure from breaking him. He was at first made to think that this was still some choreographed game. The women had also drugged him to maintain an air of non-anxiety within his mind; he could not quite remember who had applied the chloroform, though he was sure it had something to do with his past. It was...

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Becoming A Slut Wife Edith

I have known Edith almost all my life and for as long as I've known her she hadn't liked me. It started in the first grade when she accused me of pulling her pigtails. The teacher stood me in the corner for ten minutes despite my protests that I hadn't done it. Then, to add insult to injury Edith stuck her tongue out at me when I left the corner to go back to my seat. That pretty much set the pattern for the next thirteen years. I had run ins with Edith in grade school, middle school and...

1 year ago
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S U G G E S T I O N S By CARMENICA DIAZ ‘There you are, darling,’ Lily chuckled, looking down at me. ?There were times when I considered that Lily had missed her calling and that she could have been a fine actress. Somehow, my wife managed to sound surprised to find me kneeling on the floor of our bedroom. Not just kneeling in a position where one may look for something in a low cupboard. No, I was kneeling with my forehead placed firmly on the floor and my arms outstretched in a supplicatory...

4 years ago
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Fun Days With A Reader

Hi, ISS readers…. I am Lima ,once again to submit a hot experience ;) I have submitted a story in ISS before “a wonderful train journey” and i got lot of feedback from so many people and some of those made me really wet and among them there was a mail from Mr.Rohan…. He wanted to be friendly with me so i was also attracted to him….Through mails,we chatted a lot asking about general things like job, studies and so on… And he said he was from andra and settles in chennai…. And i am also in...

1 year ago
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Ke Bua Ke Bete Ke Chudai Bhaiya Ke Shadi Me

Hello friends.. Mera naam shiv hai and this is my first story which I will going to tell you.. Agar koi galti ho jye toh maaf krna pehale bar hai… Kahani shuru karne se pehale main aap logo ko thora apne bare me bta deta hu.. Naam toh bta hi chuka hu ab thora physical appearance ka bare me bhi bta du.. Mere height 6ft hai. Fair in colour muscular body. Handsum hu grls se bt karne aati hai thora flirty type ka hu.. Land ka six 6 inch hai large enough to satisfy any grl with 1.5 inch thick.. Mere...

2 years ago
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My first CD

I remember how horny I was when I was living in Hollywood. I was only there for a few months but I remember the smell of sex in the air. This story is about me and my first encounter with CD and then my first encounter with a real tranny. I was constantly looking at shemale porn and became balsy enough to email some through CL. I didn't want to pay so i was looking for nsa hook up. A couple responses came through and I started talking to one. I was all codeined out but still for some reason...

4 years ago
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Balling Hot DaughterChapter 7

As Ben walked back to the beach for the afternoon session of shooting, he found himself in a real dilemma. Although he hadn't told Chrissy, he'd just met a girl who might be suitable wife material. For a long time after Chrissy's mother had died, Ben had played around, with no thought of ever marrying again. But the time had come to settle down, and he just might have found the right girl to do it with. So it was a helluva time to start an affair with his own daughter. Meanwhile back at...

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Party Animal

PARTY ANIMAL Four peaceful weeks had sped by since the weekend Melody had spent as Megand Sally's personal attendant and she was still unsure whether she had reallyenjoyed the experience or whether she had done the things required becauseshe had been given no choice in the matter. How Steve had ever believed her story about getting drunk with Sue and havingthe rings put in her fanny and tits she'd never know, but he obviously foundthem sexy and toyed with them when ever they came in to view. ...

3 years ago
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My Final Submission

Comments are welcome. "My Final Submission" A True story by TSnympho A little background about me first, I am a pre-op Transsexual who is also a nymphomaniac and this is happening as I write this. In the beginning I was like most of my peers as a pre-op transsexual. After changing my name legally following my transition period I began living full time as a woman. Like many of my peers I have had the usual dates with guys who are just curious (I...

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Bills StoryChapter 8

Bill couldn't help but smile at the blunt start to the conversation. He was talking to Rhonda Kingman the forty-six-years-old actress who played the part of middle-aged teacher Diana Cresswell in 'Friends and Neighbours'. The woman wouldn't see her thirties again but nature had been kind to her, exceedingly kind. She was five foot eleven with perfectly groomed dark brown hair and a well publicised 42DD-28-38 figure that would have done any of the legendary Amazon warriors proud. And...

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Texas Heat

Work was boring as hell, which was not all that unusual. What was unusual, was that he got cut early. Slow night, the band left early which left him without anything to do. Knowing his car was kaput for the moment, his boss offered to drop him off at home. This was readily agreed to. Now he stood outside waiting for his manager to finish up “one more thing”. Translation: take a seat, this could be a while. Thumbing through his phone, checking through the messages he’d missed. One from the...

Straight Sex
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A New PastChapter 26 Love in the Air

“Are you Paul Taylor?” a perky brunette woman with pouty lips and blue eyes asked as I stood outside the doors of the Egyptian Theater in Park City. “I am,” I answered, and as I recognized her, I added, “And you’re Susan Dey.” She smiled and nodded. “I saw the documentary short about you yesterday. Did you know we’re practically neighbors?” “Really? How’s that?” “I was born in Pekin, Illinois.” I laughed. “We are practically neighbors. What brings you out to Sundance and Park...

3 years ago
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Given to the son

Im a married white woman 42 years old, 5' tall, really busty and a bit on the chubby side. After my marriage became really stale I started experimenting with one of the drivers at the trucking company where I work. Glen is a tall(6'6") black man in his mid forties. It started off one night when he had to give me a ride home from work because my minivan wouldnt start. I gave him a blowjob in his truck and Ive been really into black cocks ever since. Everyother weekend my husband goes to visit...

2 years ago
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For the Love of Big Cocks

When I finally actually hooked up with a guy, things got worse. I really had no clue what was big, what was small, average or anything else, but I wanted to get in his pants so bad. I just wanted to see it, touch it, but I was too young and he was too freaked out by a girl being aggressive. With one hand on my boob, I reached for his crotch, and that about ended it. Only the feel of his cock under his denim was all I got. Throughout middle school and most of high school most guys stayed...

1 year ago
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I Was A Teenage Nymphomaniac

Dear Diary. Sunday, March 12. It's my birthday today, Diary. I'm fourteen, yay me! Daddy says that I'm a big girl now, and it must be true because he keeps looking at my boobies while he says it. Last night while we were in the shower he showed me how to get them extra clean. He even showed me how to get really clean down there, and I must be doing it right because it felt really good. Today I'm going to celebrate my birthday with all my friends. Tomorrow I'll let you know how it...

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public shower

One summer morning my baby decides we need to go camping ,as we pack the bike I ask where we are heading,where ever the highway takes us .Hitting the road making very few stops along the way to no where sun is setting no camp sight in view as we are descending a hill rounding a corner a the bottom we see a camp sight pulling in paying for a sight asking if we can have one close to the showers one spot left big enough for a tent we take it night has falling ,setting up camp you sweat my bum get...

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Komal bhabhi

Hi guys, I am a frequent reader of sex stories on internet. I am 26 years old. This is the story of my sex encounter with my tenant’s wife. I live in Delhi. We have a house which has two floors. We live in the upper floor and the ground floor we had rented out to a family, which consist of husband and wife with two kids 10 and 8 years old. They are living in our house for last two years so I have good friendly relations with both husband and wife. Husband is a banker and Komal ( name of my...

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Teaching Amy

Those of you that read my stuff (thanks) know how my wife Kat works on married women most with k**s all who have never had sex with a women before, well now and again something happens that is just too good not to tell others about like this. Tuesday moring 7am Steve Kummings leaves for work his wife Helen is in bed still alsleep and my wife slips under the sheets kissing and licking her way to Helen's 42year old light brown cunt as she does Helen moans and subconshionly spareds her legs...

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Giving a blowjob

There are few things I’d rather be doing than sucking a cock. The soft smooth skin of a cock in my mouth makes myhead spin. And when you can taste precum in your mouthit’s even better. I have fond memories of attempting to getmy cock in my mouth. I would masturbate untill I was hard asa rock. Then lay on my back and raise my legs straight up inthe air. I would bend my knees and lower my legs untill my kneeswe’re on each side of my head. At that point my rock hard cockwas hanging directly above...

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TheUpperFloor Jessica Ryan Avi Love Avi8217s Anal Training with her Sadistic Step Family

Avi is a crafty little daddy’s girl that arrives at her Step Father’s house with plans to get back to her boyfriend, but Tommy’s new wife Jessica see’s right through her 18 year old lies and puts her cute little ass on notice with a good hard spanking and a metal anal plug. It was Avi’s misfortune to have interrupted Jessica and Tommy’s date day with her bullshit. Jessica had been waiting a long time to get her round ass tied up tight, drooling on a ball gag...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Sylvie Shy Soft Spoken Flexible High School Cheer Team Sweetheart

It’s getting closer to the holiday season everyone so don’t be a Grinch, and lets talk about who’s up next on the bed shall we? Well she’s adorable and could be little miss Cindy Lou Who from Whoville’s sister in the classic Christmas cartoon ‘How The Grinch Stole Christmas,’ because this week’s exploit Sylvie, or Sylvie Lou Who (SLO) I’ll call her, who’s delightfully precious by the way, is just itching to be roughly used and tossed around like a little fuck doll she...

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Willing Victim Ch 03

Unwilling to let myself be conquered by you and your violent mood swings, I knew I had to try to break free before you returned and I succumbed to your touch again. Breathing deeply I tried to work myself out of the ties, hoping I could escape before it was too late… Blood coated my left wrist as I finally managed to ease it out of its prison. Immediately I tried to undo my other wrist, my numb fingers fumbling with the tight knots. Untying my ankles as well, I sprung from the bed, eager to...

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My sister and I

When I was 13 my sister was 17,our parents let us at home all the time.Normally my sister is a reserved band geek,but pretty enough to be the hottie next door.She made dinner for me then told me to go clean my room,which I started to do,as I picked up my stuff my sister walked in the room didn't say a word and just started rubbing my cock.I got hard instantly,she then took off her shirt and bra,she had b cups but to me they might as well been double d's,She told me to lick her tits while she...

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Fornever in Blue Genes a Wish the Heart Makes

A Wish the Heart Makes: Fornever in Blue Genes by Tigger Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. Fictionmania and Nifty may archive this story. Anyone else, ask me first. From Walt Disney's "Cinderella": "A dream is a wish your heart makes When you're fast asleep. In dreams you lose your heartaches Whatever you wish for, you keep. Have faith in your dreams and someday Your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how your heart is grieving If you keep on...

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Jerking for the Boss Part II

--don't forget to read Part I first!--I'm not sure if he planned on me telling him to get naked but he certainly didn't hesitate a moment getting undressed. Still in a button up shirt and dress pants, he quickly unstrapped his belt and removed it from his round waist. About 5'5", he was a heavier guy and people always joked around the office about seeing him nude. The jokes usually revolved around being traumatized but as I rolled onto my side and continued to massage my cock, I was transfixed....

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Loving Devar Ka KLPD

Hello friends, how are you hope all is well me Anjali maine pahle apko bataya tha ki jab bhi mere Devar ate to wo mujhe chod kar mujhe khus karte the mai apni un sabhi chudai ki kahani bad me ap sabon ko bataungi lekin usse pahle just kuchh din pahle jo ghatna ghati hai mai usi ghatna ko ap logon ke samne pes karma chahti hoon. Mere Dever ji aye the usne kya nahi kuchh kiya. Kafi exciting ghatna thi wo aap log to mujhe jante hi hain Mai Anjali age 30 saal ki ek samanya figure ki aurat hoon...

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Brittneys Public Wig Outing Episode

Brittney's Public Wig Shopping Episode I sat in my car intentionally a few blocks from the wig shop in a small town where I knew no one. I dug the white panties out of the shopping bag and removed them from their package. I pulled out the nude sheer pantyhose out of the bag and carefully tore open the package and removed the cardboard inserts. I pulled all the tags off my new dress. I pulled the tags off my new shoes. A pair of black flats. I pushed the seat back in the car...

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Ideal Body

I hadn't seen Robin since I quit that job at Round Table so long ago. We used to be the closest friends, until one day while we were both drunk at a party, I stupidly seduced her. Although the sex was good, and she was a willing partner, somehow after that happened, our friendship was never the same. She seemed very unhappy and after a few weeks, we just drifted apart. Drifted apart until just 2 days ago, almost a year after that party, she had called me and asked me to come see her....

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My Dad Is The Love of My Life

Note : This story is completely fictional! Well I have wanted to fuck my dad as far back as I can remember. And when I was younger I tried very hard to get him to notice me. I was always his little girl. One night before I left for , mom was out of town, I knew I had to make it happen. He was taking a shower, I was watching him soap up. When he reached his cock, it begin to spring up like it really needed attention. I was so wet standing by the door watching. Then he rinsed off and turned the...

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Maine Mere Vidhwa Mami Ko Sote Hue Choda

Hi friends my name is Kalpu & im 21yrs . This is my first story in iss. Pahle me mere bareme batata hun …Mera name to aapko pata chal he gya h.. Mere lund ka size to mujhe exact pta nhi he par itna bda he ke kisiko bhi satisfy kar skta hun.Ab me story par aata hun ye story mere aur meri mami ke beech ki real kahani he jo me aaj aapko batane ja rha hun. Me nashik ka rehne wala hun..Aur mere nana aur nani peth gaon me rehte he. Meri chutiya chal rhi thi to mene socha kyun na nanaji ke yaha ja...

1 year ago
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A Strangeness In The Sorority House

A Strangeness at the Sorority House Part 1 - Starting a New Term by Bill Hart The first thing that Chris Wagner saw when he woke up was his best friend and roommate Terry Jenkins reading the final draft of the paper he'd been working on into the wee hours of last night. Noticing that his roommate was awake, Terry set the paper back down on the desk. "That's a nice bit of writing. It's short and straight to the point." said Terry. "Quite eloquent, in fact. But then,...

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Chris Marrs All For Bet

Chris Marr’s all for Bet“Unghhhhhh! Unghhhh Ohhhh! Yes! Ohhhhh.”Bet held her husband close, her breath short, and felt his breath in her ear as he grunted his cumming. He went limp and lay, a dead weight, on her hot body.“Oh, that was beautiful, Baby,” he panted at last. “Still got the old oomph, Eh?”“Mmmm,” she said feeling the early tinglings of her own orgasm fade into the distance. “Can you just roll off me, love?”“Why?”“I got to go outside.”“Oh, dear. Old bladder not what it...

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Playing with porn in real life

(This is all pretty much entirely true, although I've had to improvise on the gifs)A lot of people on here have asked me about my real life relationships & whether I enjoy porn with my boyfriend. The honest answer is that it's never worked very well with us, it has ended up being a bit awkward. That's how it can be. Truth is I sort of get off on the secrecy and privacy of porn so I don't mind. Well, something happened the other week that might have changed this for ever. I was being a...

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Self Cock Teasing

You need a random element to kind of simulate having an external teaser there. Maybe you can work out something with turning on the TV and only allowing yourself to stroke when a woman is onscreen or something. If not, I'll lay out the way to do it with the computer. Download a whole bunch of sexy images.Run a program that will display them in a random order.Set the program to display each random picture for 10 seconds.Before you start, make up a rule about what you get to do for each type of...

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Tempted part 4

Candice must have drifted off into a drug induced sleep. She stirred now and slowly was raised to consciousness. She looked around the room. She was alone. Across the bed and over the floor were a large number of notes lying where they fell when Solly had flung them into the air. She caught sight of the clock. It was 3.30am. Slowly she sat up and looked around for her clothes. She could see her designer dress on the floor over by the door. She got up off the bed. Her head was still...

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Long time Cumming mother in law

Unfortunately i ending splitting from my wife after only a short marriage a real same but life’s life! As time passed it dawned on me that the chance of bumping in to the mother in law late at night when at her house half naked and drunk stumbling from the toilet still trying to pull her panties up had passed! I use to sleep very lightly when at the In laws or lay there awake waiting for the mother in law to go for her nightly piss after drinking far to much wine! I use to lay in the guest room...

2 years ago
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Ja i moacutej penis

Dumą i troską każdego faceta jest jego penis. Męskość: wszyscy o tym rozmawiają, wszyscy faceci zastanawiają się czy wielkość ma znaczenie. Czy ich penis nie jest zbyt mały, zbyt krótki, itd... Kobiety, choć większość oficjalnie zaprzecza również zwracają uwagę na wielkość - choć podobno tylko obwód jest ważny. Ja tego nie wiem - moja żona nie narzeka.Przedstawiam Wam poniżej mojego członka [Ze szczególną dedykacją dla Kasi]:fotki mojego penisaAle, choć moje Kochanie dba o niego mocno, zarówno...

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MomPOV Sophie MomPov was in her destiny

– Is 38 years old and married – Almost worked with James years ago but wasn’t ready – She started slow doing bikini modeling and webcam – Her hubby is her #1 fan and supporter of her doing porn – She currently has no young ones, hopes to someday – Loves all types of sex, total freak, into groups/orgies – Is also Bi and loves to please a female and vice versa – She often fantasizes about getting gang banged by 5+ guys – Not surprisingly they are in the swinger lifestyle – We all know that means...

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A Very Happy Holiday To Me

I don't know if it was a dream or just something that happened but it was Christmas and I felt sore and achy all over but with a wonderful feeling none the less. I am a crossdresser who is trying now to discover and explore his female personality and can now happily tell of who I was in the past, who I am today and perhaps who I will be in the near future. I began my life as a normal child until the age of 18 years old when I went into my parents' bedroom to look around. It was a typical...

She Males
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Whos the Bigger Slut

I was excited moving into my dorm to start freshman year in college. It took a lot to convince Mom to let me goinstead of staying home and going to the community college. She was worried about my safety. Ipulled all the crime stats I could find and showed her that it was safer at the University than it was athome. She finally relented and let me go. I was not very experienced sexually when I left for college. Ihad only slept had sex three times total; twice with a boyfriend and once with...

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Great Mom Pt 12

Note : This story is completely fictional! I went out to get the mail and my copy of the magazine I was in had finally arrived. I was very excited so I ran upstairs to show my mom. "Mom, the issue of the magazine I posed for came today! Do you wanna see it?" "Sure Tiffany, I would love to see it.” I went through it with my mom; she thought the pictures of me were very good. “Wow Tiffany, guys will be jacking off right and left when they see these. You better hide this from your brothers or if...

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Caesar Comes His Revenge and ConquersChapter 10

It mattered little to the sleek and powerful german shepherd dog that the small town's streets had been brightened with additional lamp, lantern, even fired torch-light. He merely clung more stealthily to the inevitable shadows of the warm summer night, avoiding with ease the clumsy patroling male-humans who sought to destroy him. A balanced sense of avenged pride burned warmly in his deep muscular chest; he had punished them for the brutal, torture-death of his mate, satisfying the ancient...

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Private Ava Koxxx Fucked In The Club

The tall and busty Ava Koxxx returns in Private Gold, A Girls’ Night Out in London and this British cougar is hungry for some fresh meat as she pounces on Alberto Blanco under the watchful eye of her friend and voyeur Anna Joy. This glorious MILF strips down to her lingerie and trembles with pleasure as her pussy is eaten before returning the favour with a sloppy deepthroat blowjob. Then enjoy this busty beauty’s big tits and ass in action as she gets the hard fuck she was craving, moaning and...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 91 Kidnap and Rescue

Mark Something was wrong. I saw Lucas go flying through the house and out the front door without bothering to close it. Just before that, Geck, Jana, and two other security staff had hurried through every part of the living room and moved outside as they surveyed the patio, pool, gazebo, and then ran down the steps toward the beach. Each of them had binoculars and I noted the open handguns in their normally hidden holsters. I glanced around and tried to guess what they were looking for....

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