More Big Black Cocks For Beverly
- 4 years ago
- 34
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"Two people are here to see you, sir."
William F. Link was sprawled on his office couch, watching a videotape of the speech he had delivered earlier that day to the California Orange Growers Association. He looked at his watch in annoyance.
"It's after eleven o'clock. Who is it?"
"One of them says she's your daughter, sir." The aide kept his voice carefully neutral.
Link sat up and stopped the tape, cutting himself off in the middle of a well-received tirade against the evil tactics of the Florida Orange Growers Association.
"All right. Show them up, and then make sure no one else comes upstairs."
"Yes, sir."
When Stern and Amanda came in, Link was sitting behind his desk. The aide seated them on the leather couch and left, shutting the door behind him. There were no smiles or hugs.
Amanda spoke first. "Daddy, I know that Martin is blackmailing you. I found a video camera hidden in his closet. I want you to know that I don't have anything to do with it. I'm getting a divorce."
He gave her a long, considering look, and then he motioned at Stern. "Who's this?"
"This is Frank Stern. He's a private detective. He helped me figure out what was going on."
"So why are you here?"
"Are you going to pay the money?"
Link fiddled with a paperweight for a few seconds, and then said "I haven't decided yet. The way I see it, I'm likely to be screwed either way. I'm leaning against it at the moment."
"But if you don't pay, won't your campaign be ruined?"
"Despite the disgusting, sleazy, and sinful nature of the videotapes," he said, giving his daughter a cold stare, "my people tell me I may be able to squeak by, especially if I can delay Westphal for a while longer. On the other hand, if it ever comes out that I paid two million dollars, I'm finished for good."
Stern cleared his throat and spoke for the first time. "In that case, we have a proposal for you."
"I'm listening."
"The way we see it, you have two problems if you pay. First, you have no assurance that something damaging won't come out about your daughter anyway, and second, you then have to worry about the fact that you used campaign contributions illegally."
"That's a fair assessment, yes."
"Daddy, I'm not a lesbian. And that stupid thing with the maid is over. I won't embarrass you any further. In fact, if any rumours do come out, I'll deny everything."
Link didn't say anything, but Stern saw relief in his eyes. He wondered if it was for his political career or for his daughter.
"And as for the other problem," said Stern, "you won't get in any trouble if you get the money right back, correct?"
"Don't you think I've thought of that? There's no point in stealing the money back from him, he'll know I did it, even if I make it look like a random robbery."
"Not if I steal it," said Amanda.
Link was quiet for a few seconds, and Stern knew he was going to go for it.
Martin Westphal was sifting morosely through a pile of financial statements and legal correspondence when a nurse leaned her head into his office and said "Doctor Westphal, there is a man here for a consultation who insists on seeing you personally."
Normally the plastic surgeons didn't talk to prospective patients until they had been pre-screened by the staff, but Westphal hadn't had a single new patient since his medical rating had been downgraded two weeks ago, and he was perfectly happy to make an exception.
He made a show of frowning and flipping through his day planner. "Well, I suppose I could see him now. Show him into room three."
After keeping the man waiting for the requisite ten minutes, he put on his lab coat and went into the examining room.
"I'm Doctor Martin Westphal," he said with a wide smile. A bulky middle-aged man in a dark suit was sitting on the padded table. His nose had obviously been flattened and broken numerous times over the years.
"Close the door," said the man brusquely. "This is private."
Westphal's smile faded, but he closed the door. "Let me see what we have here," he said, approaching the man. "Hmmm. Significant cartilage buildup and reshaping due to previous trauma ... about a twenty-degree deviation from the main axis ... Yes, I'm not surprised you're looking to have some work done, Mr..."
"Go fuck yourself." The man got up from the table and stood between Westphal and the door.
"I'm not some rich faggot trying to look like an English lord. I got a message for you from Mr Link."
The man unbuckled his belt and undid his slacks. Westphal noticed an unnaturally large bulge in his boxer shorts, and he swallowed and opened his mouth to say something, but then thought better of it. The man reached into his shorts, grimaced, and then with a tearing sound he pulled out a leather sack about the size of a softball. Westphal's eyes widened and he started breathing again.
The man closed up his pants and said "Here's the message: anybody from the press finds out that Amanda Westphal and her wetback maid are cleaning out each others muffs, and you're gonna have an unfortunate accident involving a lotta broken kneecaps and elbows. Got it?"
"Got it."
The man tossed the sack at the plastic surgeon with a sudden flick of his wrist, hitting him just under his ribcage and knocking the breath out of him. Westphal made a spastic grab for the sack and managed to corral it before it hit the ground. When he looked up, the man was gone. Rubbing his stomach, he locked the door and then undid the knot at the top of the sack.
"My God ... I don't believe it." He poked his finger into the diamonds and stirred them around, enjoying their cool, slippery smoothness and the dazzling flashes of light.
"I don't believe it," he repeated. "I did it."
Stern punched the code into the keypad and walked through the gate as it clanked open, and Amanda Westphal opened the big front door as he came up the front steps. The cool, dry air in the foyer made a welcome contrast to the sticky afternoon heat outside.
She was wearing high heels, tight shorts, and a bra top, and he gave her an appreciative look up and down. "You look like a hooker," he said, setting a big duffel bag on the tiled floor.
"Nice to see you too, Detective."
"Everything look OK here?"
"Yep. He's all packed and ready to go."
"What about Maria?"
"When Martin sent me off to the spa I gave her a couple days off. She sounded kind of disappointed. Now that I think about it, she doesn't exactly work like a dog around here."
"From what I've seen, you've got a bit of a discipline problem with your servants."
She gave him a broad wink. "Depends on how you like to be served. You want a tour of Casa Westphal?"
They started upstairs. Martin Westphal was obviously planning to take a long trip: there were two huge suitcases in the master bedroom, filled with clothes, toiletries, and valuables.
"What time do you think he will be home?" she asked.
Stern looked at his watch. "He's getting the loot at five, so he should be here soon after that. We have plenty of time to set up." He looked in the closet across from the bed and spotted the shoebox with the hole in it on an upper shelf; it was pretty easy to see if you were looking for it. He took it down and took out the camera.
"Nice equipment. Two grand for a low-light digital model like this."
"Why don't you keep it. Every time I see it, I think about how humiliating it was to be videotaped doing all that stuff with Maria."
Stern noticed a slight emphasis on the word 'humiliated', and he smiled to himself. He aimed the camera at her and started filming, zooming in on her smooth, tan cleavage. An internal display told him there was seventy-two minutes of tape available. "You shouldn't feel humiliated — you photograph very well."
"Oh, but the things I did ... recorded for anyone to see..." She sounded a little breathless.
Stern felt his cock twitch and start firming up. "So what's next on the tour?"
"Hmmm ... lets skip ahead to the playroom in the basement."
"I didn't know you had children."
She laughed and sauntered down the stairs in front of him, swinging her shapely ass back and forth, and he held the little camera to his face and watched her through the viewfinder as he followed her.
The front of the basement was a dark, wood-paneled room with a pool table and a wet bar; it looked like a place for gentlemen to retire after dinner for brandy and a cigar. She opened an unobtrusive door on the other side and led him into a larger carpeted room with bright overhead lights.
"Wow," he said, slowly panning the camera around. The walls were hung with strange leather costumes and equipment whose purpose he could only guess at, and the tall cabinets promised much more. There was a large steel cage in the corner, and a little curtained area near the door, presumably for changing.
He zoomed in on her face, and saw that she was flushed and breathing heavily. He had an erection like steel bar, himself — he could see his pants bulging outwards in the large mirror behind her. "Nice room. Should be a real selling point if you ever put the house on the market. Could you explain what some of this stuff is?"
"You mean while you film me?" The concern in her voice wouldn't have fooled a five year old.
"That's right," he said firmly. "And be sure you explain exactly what turns you on about each one."
"Oh no ... well, if you insist." She moved along the row of costumes, taking each one down and pointing out its particular features and the scenarios it was used for. Animal costumes were a big theme, with dogs and barnyard animals well represented, including the infamous cow. There were also men's uniforms, with special accommodations for her figure, and a few costumes that were too bizarre to describe. She finally got to the one Stern had his eye on.
"This is my Catwoman outfit." She took down a sleek, black leather suit with a matching hood and boots. "It was custom made to fit me."
"That's a great outfit, Amanda" said Stern, talking like he was conducting an interview. "Looks very tight. I seem to notice that it has some cutouts."
"Yes, it's crotchless, and shows my nipples, which is very embarrassing."
Stern took the hint. "Not to mention slutty and perverted. But I think our viewers would really like to see it on you. Would you mind?"
"I guess I could just put it on for a minute, so you can get the idea." She disappeared into the changing area, and came out a few minutes later wearing the costume, covering her breasts and her crotch with her hands.
"Meow," said Stern, lifting the camera. "Come on, hands in the air. Don't be shy."
She put her hands out to her sides and twirled around, moving nicely in the spike-heeled boots. The leather clung to her like a second skin, pushing her breasts out into proud cones tipped with the soft pink of her exposed nipples. This was nicely echoed by the moist crescent of pink between her legs and by her mouth; everything else was a shiny, menacing jet-black.
"Very nice ... Beautiful ... This is going to look great in my documentary." He was so horny now, he hardly knew what he was saying.
"Glad you like it, Mr Stern." Her voice was throaty and seductive, as if she was playing a part.
"Come over here."
She walked over next to him, and he reached out and fondled one taught, leather breast, prodding at the nipple with his thumb. Still filming, he slid his hand down the cool, smooth leather until he felt the sudden warmth of her bare pussy. He cupped it in his hand, and slipped a finger into her. She gasped, but didn't say anything.
"You're obviously very turned on, Amanda. Describe for us how this costume makes you feel."
"Like a whole different person. Or creature. Very exposed, of course. And very sexy." There was that funny voice again. He realized it was what a cat might sound like.
He undid his fly and worked his cock out. "I think our viewers would like you to demonstrate just how sexy you feel."
She dropped gracefully to her knees and started licking at his shaft with little darting flicks of her tongue. He aimed the camera straight down and focused on her mouth as it moved restlessly around his cock and balls, finding it incredibly erotic to watch what was happening through the viewfinder.
After a while the dainty licking and tongue-prodding started to tickle, and he impatiently tried to push his cock past her lips into the warm confines of her mouth. But she wouldn't accept it, turning her head to the side and letting his stiff member bounce off to one side or the other.
"Come on now," he urged. "Suck it."
"Meeeiiiiow!" She continued to lick him, writhing her body sensuously.
"Jesus, you're really in character, aren't you?"
She made a vibrating, purring sound deep in her throat, and pushed her ass up into the air, giving him an enticing come-hither look.
"I see, you must be in heat," he said, getting into the spirit of it. The whole scenario was taking on a bizarrely realistic aura, and he was suddenly anxious to take her from behind, like a horny tomcat servicing one of his harem.
He set the camera down on a folding chair and quickly took off his clothes, while she pranced and wiggled around the room on all fours, doing a pretty decent imitation of a horny feline. The hood had a mask which covered the upper part of her face, and he was unable to make real eye contact with her or read her expression, which heightened the illusion.
He dropped to his knees and crawled towards her, but she moved away with a disdainful toss of her head, giving him a little flash of pink from between her legs. Remembering that female cats were notorious for playing hard-to-get, he followed her around the room, his erection bobbing painfully between his legs, and eventually managed to corner her. She hissed and went into a slinky position, low to the ground, and he lunged up on top of her and grabbed her shoulders.
She twisted and struggled, making angry screeching sounds, and easily kept him from entering her by moving her hips whenever she felt his cock poking at her. After a few aggravating minutes he leaned forward and bit the back of her neck through the skin-tight leather, hard enough to hurt. She immediately stiffened and made little sounds of acquiescence. What the hell had inspired him to do that?
Keeping his teeth on her neck, he reached back and guided himself into her hot channel. As soon as he took his mouth off her neck she started twisting and screeching again, but now he was able to hold her shoulders and easily keep himself inside her. After a while she seemed to realize that he was in control, and she lay almost flat on her stomach and tilted her hips up to let him thrust at her.
He moved forward over her, supporting himself on his elbows and knees, and made animal noises in her ear as he humped her. She turned her head and bared her teeth, a look of pure lust on her face, and he started fucking her even harder with long strokes that ended with an emphatic slap against her tight, leather-clad ass. She drove herself back against him, and they quickly synchronized their movements so that they were moving in counterpoint. The pace slowly but surely increased, until Stern found himself slamming himself wildly into her as fast as he could, amazed that her ass was moving up to meet him each time. He felt the stirring in his balls, and then the semen quickly moved down along his cock, burning like lava, and spilled into her in a long, intensely pleasurable climax.
He rolled off her onto the carpet, gasping for breath, and then he felt her tongue again, licking his cock as it shrank, probing around his balls, cleaning up their combined juices.
"That has to be the strangest sex I've ever had," he said when she was done, wondering if she was still in character.
"You really got into the spirit of it — biting my neck was a nice touch." She sat up and peeled off the hood, shook her head to untangle her blonde hair, and gave him an appreciative smile.
Stern noticed that she had maneuvered them so that they had been performing for the camera.
"And all recorded for posterity."
He stood up and wandered aimlessly around the room, examining the strange contents more closely. In one cabinet there was a shelf devoted to dog supplies: collar, leash, food, water bowls, and the like. The collar had dog tags that read "Fluffy". There were even doggie treats, which, on closer inspection, turned out to be designed for human consumption. He sniffed one — it smelled like a regular dog biscuit.
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AUTHOR’S NOTE: I almost never write a story longer than one part. I have had many requests to do so. This may be my only time and as far as I’m concerned each part will be a standalone story. That way I can end it anytime that I want too without annoying you readers too much. Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex – Part 04 = Beverly and Jake Beverly almost cancelled her ‘date’ with Jake. She had been on over sixty ‘dates’ and that was Jake’s first ‘date.’ She had booked herself with...
AUTHOR’S NOTE: I almost never write a story longer than one part. I have had many requests to do so. This may be my only time and as far as I’m concerned each part will be a standalone story. That way I can end it anytime that I want too without annoying you readers too much. Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex – Part 04 = Beverly and Jake Beverly almost cancelled her ‘date’ with Jake. She had been on over sixty ‘dates’ and that was Jake’s first ‘date.’ She had booked herself with...
AUTHOR’S NOTE: I almost never write a story longer than one part. I have had many requests to do so. This may be my only time and as far as I’m concerned each part will be a standalone story. That way I can end it anytime that I want too without annoying you readers too much. Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex – Part 03 = Troy and Beverly Well, I had heard about a group being formed where they go on just one date a week. The date starts on Friday whenever the two people can get...
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I still can't believe the time I had last night. It's now Sunday morning and the sun has been up for a couple of hours. My wife Beverly and I just said goodbye to our new friends Theresa and Craig. The four of us had the time of our lives last night, an experience that none of us will soon forget. To help remember I decided to write down how our evening transpired. Here is the story of what happened. Bev and I had heard about this nice old bar in a neighboring town from friends. The place...
She sat on the bed beside me looking slightly uncomfortable. She knew that her huband was in the next bedroom over with my wife. She hadn't really wanted to do this, but she loved her husband and it was what he wanted. I turned to look at her. While she was slightly overweight, it was not so much that she could in any way be considered fat. She had curves in all the right places and filled he white sweater nicely. Her blond hair was cut short and at 5'2" she made me feel like a giant even...
The next six days of the trip would be a dream come true to most men. We were finally done doing what both legally and customarily needed to be done. It was clear by now that the 8 other orders were now in total disarray. The remaining 25 members in each Order that stayed in at the Reverend's home were not getting any leadership from the ship and were completely unguided. The other orders tried to help but were not able to give much assistance and there seemed to be resistance in accepting...
The nineteenth day into the trip home brought home just how unsafe space can be traveling alone. I was sitting in my cabin check various pieces of information on the ladies and their jobs, when Sally called me from bridge. "Sir! We've detected six small ships approaching us on a high speed intercept course". I could hear the panic in her voice. The only people who intercepted a ship with six ships were pirates. She knew this. "Sally! Calm down! I know what you are thinking. We will be...
The next morning I woke up to the ladies continuing to plan the structure of the household. By now the ladies sleeping with me the night before knew the plan too, and they were making recommendations. One of the ladies, who was a fourth tier lady said, "The only thing I worry about is, the promotion spankings. Up two levels is a lot of swats by the Captain". It turned out that at every promotion the lady would get a good girl spanking (something like the birthday spankings) as a reward for...
Over the first three days of the second leg of our trip on the Lee, I gave the Captain Gonzales her birthday spankings. We had more fun afterward. After the last one she realized she had forgotten a certain pinching ritual she loved at the end of the birthday spanking and said we had to do it all over again. I knew she was just looking for more fun, but she was the captain after all and I had to do what she requested. The 10th tier ladies and I spent most of the six days of the return trip...
Finally, the day that we arrived on Jewel came to pass. Jewel was an absolutely stunning planet. The tenth-tier ladies and I were invited to watch the approach to Jewel from the observation deck. We approached Jewel on the same basic course that the original settlers approached on. The planet has an atmosphere almost identical to Earth’s and other than the differences in land masses you could not tell the differences. One could easily imagine how the initial settlers would have felt when...
(Monday, Afternoon.) Marus was still debating if he should stay in Grand Rapids, based on the information that Russell had just told him. He had several meetings that were very important to the family business interests and Marus knew that he needed help that he did not have at this time. Just the thought that a still wet behind the ears teenager, was able to just swoop in and take two grown women, and a teenage girl from him and Russell was indeed pissing Marus off, the more he thought...
Hi! I am Beverly and this a true story, not fiction, of MY first time 60 year ago. I was 18 years old and between my junior and senior year in high school. I had met this collage boy through a boy friend. Y He was the first boy I ever let undue my bra and play and suck my tits. One evening I was at his house alone, his parents had gone on a trip. We started kissing while sitting on the couch and before long my bra was off and he was playing with my nipples, it turned me on. Then he started...
First TimeIt was early March. I was in my senior year of high school, sitting in a chair in a Chapters bookstore and reading a Neil Gaiman book when I had the peculiar feeling of eyes gazing all over my bare legs and big breasts that peeked out of my tight halter top. Depending on my mood, sometimes I like to be watched. When I looked up, I was caught off guard by a tall raven-haired beauty staring at me. She wore a pale blue sundress with a plunging neckline and skirt that stopped short above her...
Looking for nude celeb leaks at ScandalPlanet? Most people with a functioning libido have at some point in their life developed a celebrity crush for a certain actor/actress, diva, pop-star, fashion model and so on. Most of the world would love to see some A-list celebrities naked or getting fucked, and the paparazzi have been trying to get evidence of that for literally decades now. But with the introduction of the internet and better technology in general, it’s become easier and easier to...
The FappeningMy best friend, Tom, was the most popular kid in our school. He always gets the girls and yet he’s always there when I call him. He knows who is my crush and kind of makes ways on how my crush and I can get together. So he throws in this big party. All of the popular kids were there and so was my crush. Being the best friend that he is, Tom locked me up in his parents’ bedroom with my crush. I was nervous but at the same time I felt the same wetness in my pussy every time I thought about the...
I never paid much attention to my mother's friends, but she was the exception. She lived next door to us and always seemed to be wearing tight fitting dresses, or skirts with sweaters, to show off those mature curves. She also seemed to make sure that her outfits were completed with black seamed nylon stockings and 4 to 5 inch spike high heels. She had been divorced for some time, but never had male friends around. She had deep sexy eyes, the kind of mouth that just made you hard with a teasing...
I went to the bridge and ordered Mother to dock with the next passenger compartment. Sally had followed me to the bridge and noticed a couple of things needing attention. It was all she could do to keep her hands off the controls. Finally after noticing my amused look and realizing I knew what was going on, she asked if she could handle the problems. I said, "Sure, but if there are any serious problems tell me immediately". They were normal maintenance items that could have waited, but I...
I brought the 15 ladies to my quarters. On the way, the birthday spankings were being discussed, especially with Julie who still had that deer caught in the headlights look. Jackie asked her what she was so worried about, and she said, "I have never climaxed like that before and I am not sure where the next step is going to take me". The ladies just encouraged her. Amanda, Lori and Victoria were looking out for her. I said, "Ladies, this birthday girl stuff leaves me with a problem or...
I woke up at 6:30 am the next day ... no it was not a dream. There were 9 naked women around me. The shower was running in the bathroom. I slowly got out of bed. I had a bunch of stiff parts including the most obvious one. Naked women running around the bedroom does that to guys. There were at least two hair driers running in the bathroom (the bathroom is equipped for four people to prepare themselves at the same time, including a four person shower). Julie, still naked, came over when...
When I got there were 34 women waiting for me, 22 ladies for the ritual and the 12 10th tier ladies. Tina had the Order birch in her hand. It was quite the scene, the passage way was packed, but there was a 3 foot empty circle around Tina. No one wanted to get close to the birch. It would have been funny if the situation was not so serious. I started the holodeck program then led them in. I went to the front and said, "Ladies we all know why we are here. This is being done for your safety...
Today was the first Rendezvous with the Lois for supplies. By this time I had spoke to the Captain of the Lois about 5 times, but with the delays in conversations due to distance the conversations were short and to the point. The Captain was a black man who looked about 60 years old. I had no idea why he looked so old, since with treatments people did not age past 30 any more. I had the Lois dock at the cargo transfer port of the number 8 cargo bay and then went to meet the Captain. He...
The day after the Lois and Jim left I called a meeting of the 10th tier sisters. There was a lot of stuff I did not still understand about the Reverend's household and it was time to start figuring it out. I wanted to hit the ground running when I arrived. I was quite concerned that I did not understand what exactly the sisters did. I had been way to busy initially getting to know the ladies to completely understand what the household actually did. When the 10th tier sisters and I arrived...
Stern picked the print out of the finishing solution with a pair of plastic tongs and hung it on the line to dry with the others. This one was his favorite: Amanda Westphal on her hands and knees with her head between the maid's legs, her huge, perfectly symmetric breasts hanging down like ripe cantaloupes. Photography was a serious hobby of his: he spent more money than he could afford on darkroom equipment and chemicals, making up the difference by avoiding unnecessary expenses like new...
When business was slow, which was all the time, Stern spent one day a week moving furniture to keep himself solvent, and today had been that day. The work was backbreaking, but the money was good. Going by his tax return, one would have to assume that he was a furniture mover by trade who dabbled in investigative work. Today had been particularly exhausting, but at least the work had kept his mind occupied. Now, as he parked the van and dragged himself towards the dry cleaners, he was...
She seemed to be a petite young thing, maybe 25 years old. From my first glance I could only see her top which looked like it had a fairly open neckline which got my attention but it was too busy to see much more. I got my coffee and paper and spotted an empty table in the corner of the shop, perfect for viewing the whole place. I hurried over and sat down, quickly adjusting the paper so I could peer over the top without being noticed. The young lady with the book was sitting sideways to me...
My name is Claire Foster and I want to tell you my story, scandalous woman story. First off, I am 55 years old and have been married for thirty years. I grew up in the UK but have lived in the states since college. I am not a model but I am not ugly either. I work hard to stay in shape for my husband. We had gone to Las Vegas for a vacation and were having a great time. We had gone to this club and were drinking and dancing. My husband had met this black man, TJ, a younger very good looking...
said the voice of Lieutenant O'Rourke. "In fact I can't remember the last time I went through a whole shift without someone reporting to sickbay for something or other." "It must be your Irish luck, Morgan." Beverly answered the disembodied voice coming from her com-badge. "But if anything changes, don't hesitate to call." "Don't worry Doctor," Morgan replied. "There's little short of a major disaster that we can't handle by ourselves. You've got us too well trained....