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The following work is the whole property of R. C. Conrad. Posting this story transfers no license or property. No authority is granted to post this story to any pay site. This story may be posted to any free site, provided notice is given to the author. This story contains transgender images and imagery of magic. If you are easily offended, please do not continue. Persons under the age of 18 should not view this material. I had a very vivid dream about this one last night. It turned into a Sunday afternoon writing exercise. The continuation of the story depends on responses and the idea factory upstairs. Handmaiden By R.C. Conrad Carl Dubois paused a moment to rest beside a thicket of bramble. As he scanned the rugged West Virginia terrain his breath curled away from him in a cloud of condensation. With the ease of a practiced hunter he shifted his hold on the rifle in his hands. The department of fish and game had opened a special deer season to deal with overcrowding. Since his parents were still residents it was easy for him to get a permit. A few extra days of vacation before Christmas and a quick drive from Pittsburgh found him in the mountains he had called home as a boy. His father had been eager for a chance to hunt with his only son again. Carl had been busy pursuing a career since graduating from college. Their once close bond, grown over the years of Carl's youth spent hunting and fishing, had slowly grown apart. Carl felt guilty for leaving his home, but there was nothing else for it. He was his own man and he had a life to lead as well. Dismissing the stray thoughts Carl turned his attention back to the hunt. His father was running the brush at the bottom of the ridge Carl was on. Carl would stalk along the top of the ridge. Normally his father wouldn't be able to keep up with Carl's younger legs. But since Carl had to be stealthy and his father could trounce along, trying to spook the game it was an even pace. This afternoon Carl would be flushing the game and his father would be stalking. They had agreed to meet at the end of the ridge at the old Indian mound. The mound itself was something of a legend locally. It defied any easy explanation. Indian lore from the region said it was there since the beginning of time. The one attempt to get permits to perform an archaeological dig on the site died quietly after a lot of generating a lot of press. Carl didn't know the details of why the attempt was halted, but locals chalked it up to bad mojo with the mound itself. Carl dismissed most of this as rural nonsense. He had grown up with this sort of semi-mystical bullshit and living in the city had opened his eyes to the way the real world worked. There were unexplained phenomena, but there was no such thing as magic. If Carl squinted through the trees he could just make out the top of the mound through the trees. Something obviously man made, it had eight sides sloping to a rounded top. It was an impressive engineering feat. Especially considering the level of technology was manual labor. It had survived the ages very well. Explorers over 250 years ago documented it in their journals exactly as it appeared today. A rhythmic noise brought Carl out of his reverie. He recognized the sound of slow hoofbeats on hard turf. Large, four legged bodies were moving cautiously through the woods. Carl squatted next to the stand of bramble to break up his silhouette. His eyes searched the woods in the direction of the sound. Fortune appeared to be with him today. It sounded like a small herd; probably a buck and his clutch of does were coming over the ridge from the side opposite the valley his father was flushing game from. Carl put his head lower to the ground. Peering from beneath an overhang of dead branches he could see the bodies and lower legs of five deer. The buck was in the lead. Judging by the size of the body and legs it had to be a buck, and a monster one at that. Carl estimated he had to be a record setter. No buck that size had ever been taken in these woods to his knowledge. The smaller does were taking up the rear. Carl raised his rifle to his shoulder. Something nagged at the back of Carl's mind as he lined up on the buck. Something about these animals did not seem right. Carl dismissed the errant thought and concentrated on his target. He aligned his sights. Just behind the shoulder, at an upward angle. This was a dream shot. If he didn't burst the heart or lungs he would shatter the shoulder or sever the spine. Again, a feeling of unease stopped him. Carl checked his foreground and background for anything he didn't want to shoot. The herd stopped. Had they heard him? At the last minute Carl realized his error. This special season was to thin the herd. Killing a buck would not do that for certain. Only killing a doe would. Carl swallowed his distaste for killing females. It was antiquated. This was needed to reduce the population unless more deer would starve to death for lack of food. He changed his sights to the last doe in line. He subconsciously noted the buck shifting his weight to turn toward him. The buck had undoubtedly spotted him. In just a second the whole herd would bolt and Carl would lose his shot. In one of those timeless moments Carl considered letting them go. Just getting this close to a herd of deer in their natural environment was rush enough. He lived and worked in a concrete jungle a whole year at a time just to get a chance to be here. Why did he need a trophy? He certainly didn't need the meat. The taunting he would receive at work for failing to come home with a deer wasn't the issue either. He realized he wanted to do this for his father. His father had always preached responsibility to him. Responsible citizenship, responsible outdoorsman, responsible man. Here was a problem; man had helped create the problem by killing the predators that preyed on the deer. Now it was up to us to be wardens of the wild. It was up to me, Carl thought. And he squeezed the trigger. He never heard the shot. The gun kicked against his shoulder and he saw the doe jump and turn away. That's when he heard the screaming and he knew someone had been shot. Without thinking he bolted from cover, running toward the sound of the screams, the doe forgotten. His mind raced. He had checked the background. He had not seen anyone but the bullet must have carried on after perforating the doe and struck another hunter. Bad luck. As he sprinted across the lightly wooded field between himself and the doe he heard the sounds of cloven hoofs charging. He turned toward them, expecting anything but what he saw. Carl saw a thinly built man, rippling with muscles but wiry instead of bulging in weight lifter style. His skin was tan and tattoos covered his shoulders and biceps. His hair was chestnut, exactly matching the shade of the four-legged body beneath him. In one hand he held a large, knobbed stick, about 4 feet long. A burnished silver-gray disk that was about a foot from Carl's face concealed the other hand. Carl's vision exploded and vanished into darkness. Carl first recognized sounds. Nonsense sounds in human sounding voices. Groggily, he managed to force his eyes open. Up and down were oriented wrong. Down seemed to be under his face, but he wasn't laying on anything. He looked down and saw that he was floating above the ground, face down. A small pool of blood was on the ground directly under his face. As his AWOL body began to report in he realized that he could barely feel his arms and legs because they were tied behind him. From the feel of it he was hanging from a pole between his bound leg and arms. Somewhere close by someone was crying. A man's face swam into view to his right. He babbled gibberish at Carl. Carl gave him a bewildered look in response. The man frowned and tried a different sort of gibberish. He got the same response from Carl. Snorting in disgust he stood up. Carl looked down at the front set of his cloven hooves. Again the man started in with gibberish, but this time in a commanding tone that power emanated from. After a time he finished speaking and slapped Carl on the head. "Now, can you understand what I'm saying?" the man asked. Carl rubbed his head on his shoulder to relieve the sting from the slap. "Oww, yes." "We have met most unfortunately young human. How are you called?" "My name is Carl." "Very well Carl, you may call me Arter. Know that you can only speak the truth to us. Know also that we are safe from the intercession of your kind. What happens here today happens because you and we are meeting in these circumstances." Carl didn't like the ominous implications of that statement, but he nodded his head affirmatively. He felt the bindings on his legs part and he placed them on the ground. A moment later the bindings on his hands parted and he was able to stand again. "Come with me." Arter said. Carl followed behind the centaur. For the first time he was able to get a good look at him. His body was gray with coal colored patches on his back. His skin was pale white. All around the clearing the ground sloped away to the tree line 5 yards away. After a minute of puzzling to himself Carl said, "We're on top of the old Indian mound, aren't we?" Arter turned his torso toward him while still walking forward. "Yes," he said, "we're on top of the mound. But the Indians didn't build this. This is an ancient site, sacred to your Indians and sacred to us. We rarely come here, except for when certain rituals demand it." Carl contemplated that in silence for a moment. Arter escorted him to a circle of centaurs. At a word from him they parted to allow him and Carl access. Inside the circle a female centaur lay sprawled on the ground. Another female centaur crouched besides her cradling the human torso of the first. The first female centaur had light brown fur on the horse portion of her body. Slightly lighter spots decorated the back of her equine half. Her human part was naked. The hair on her head matched the color of her equine portion. The side of her equine torso that Carl could see bore a small oozing bullet wound right behind the shoulder. Her face normally would have been described as pretty except for now it was twisted in pain and bore a mouth that was a horror of blood and teeth. She looked at Carl with accusing eyes and cried out, clutching the other female comforting her. The other female held her closely and stared at Carl as if she were viewing a particularly loathsome insect. She was very beautiful and elegant. Her skin was alabaster white and the hair on her head and equine portions was jet black. Here eyes were black in color and in expression. She looked regal, even crouched there, her blouse stained with the blood of one of her kind. Arter turned back toward Carl. "We know you thought you were hunting animals in your woods, but you have done us a grievous wrong. Normally I could heal Reatha here with a simple act. But your weapon's bullet had fragments of cold iron on it. Magic cannot stand before cold iron but there is one way to yet save Reatha's life. It will require sacrifice on your part Carl. Are you willing to accept that price?" Carl's mind raced to understand what Arter was saying. His bullet normally contained no iron at all, but it must have scraped enough from the barrel lining to interfere with Arter's magic. Still, it came back to accepting responsibility. He had wronged these people, and now he had to balance that, no matter what it cost him. "Arter, if there is anything I can do to help Reatha, then I will do it." Carl said. Arter smiled. He turned back to the woman comforting the wounded Reatha and spoke in the gibberish language again. She smiled and nodded and looked back at Carl, this time not seeing him as an insect, but perhaps as someone who had just made a tragic mistake. "So," Carl began, "what exactly do you need? Blood? Does she need a transfusion? How about a hospital? They might be able to help her there." Arter cut him off with a scowl. "No, your human science is of no help here. We are drastically different from you, even though we appear similar, from the crute up. What I will attempt to do has not been done in a hundred years. I am going to attempt to bind your lives together. It could only have been fate that had this happening here, on a high day. At any other time in this realm there would not be enough raw power to even attempt this." Carl just nodded, accepting what Arter was saying at face value. Arter continued, "One thing you must understand Carl, once this is done, your life here is ended. You can no longer dwell in the realm that you humans have made your own. There are very few of the fae that can exist in this realm except for on high days, such as the solstices and the equinoxes." Carl absorbed this bitter information. His mind flashed briefly to his parents. He had been an only child and he worried that his loss might devastate them. Then he guiltily thought of Reatha's parents. Might they not feel the same way about her? Sick to his stomach with the decision he was forced to make he said, "Let's do this thing Arter. I don't have any choice." Arter clapped a hand on his shoulder, "I knew many a brave human long ago. I'm glad to see that bravery hasn't gone extinct in your line." Carl smiled at Arter then, taking what comfort he could from the praise. Arter tuned away and began shouting instructions to the other centaurs then. Carl just looked on, feeling helpless. Quickly, Arter was brought a shallow dish and a hand sickle, both looking like they were made of bronze. Arter crouched next to Reatha and began chanting. Carl's hair stood on end as a few wispy strands of Reatha's hair rose from the back of her scalp to stand erect. Arter quickly parted these with the sickle and caught them in the dish before they could touch the ground. Standing, he trotted over to a spot where a circle had been inscribed in the ground. Turning back to Carl he said simply, "You've no more need for those clothes, get undressed." Embarrassed, Carl began undressing. The other centaurs in the clearing seemed only mildly interested in his nudity. Once he was naked Arter directed him to stand in the circle. Stepping close Arter said; "Carl, the noblewoman comforting Reatha is the lady Eowyn. Reatha is one of her handmaidens. She has taken this as a personal matter. She wanted you killed right away. I was able to intercede, but only because I felt this ritual had a strong chance of success. Be warned, she will most likely pursue this after the crisis is over." Carl merely nodded, more bad news at this point having little effect on him. Arter began chanting and making gestures around the perimeter of the circle. Carl felt the power beginning to gather. There was a rumble of thunder in the clear blue sky. As Arter began to dance and wheel about the circle Carl heard the other centaurs beginning to chant. He didn't understand the words, but he could feel them add their power to whatever was coming. Thunder pealed again over the West Virginia sky as the power began lifting Carl's hair. His arms extended out from the side of his body involuntarily. Arter was mixing something in the dish and chanting at the top of his lungs. Powerful gusts of wind blew through the clearing knocking everyone around except for Carl, who seemed rooted to the ground. Arter approached the circle, still chanting. He held the dish over his head and looked Carl in the eyes. Then he nodded and threw the dish, contents and all at Carl. As the dish struck Carl, the lighting bolt crashed down into the center of the clearing. Carl remembered trotting out of the gate at the end of the procession. The other handmaidens were being escorted to the site for Lady Eowyn's wedding to Lord Kelwyn. The honor guard assigned by Lord Kelwyn led them through the strange land. They had been warned that the creatures native to this land were violent and would attack if they were separated from the party. There was a powerful glamour over all of them to make them appear as native animals to the unsophisticated eyes of the natives. A very loud sound startled her. She turned away from it only to feel her side explode in pain. A scream tore out of her throat as she felt the iron burn into her flesh. IRON! She knew that for whatever reason she had been consigned to a slow, lingering death. Consciousness fled then, coming back in brief glimpses of faces that should have been familiar. Every time she would drag herself back to consciousness the pain would send her tumbling back down. Finally she woke to see one of the hideous natives standing there. Either his skin was mottled brown or he wore something of that awful color voluntarily. She hated it, not for taking her life, but for killing her slowly and painfully. Finally she woke again. People were helping her to her feet. Arter was chanting still in the background, over and over the phrase, "Be alike, be one." She looked around at the crowd. She knew all of these people. Yet, she could not place any names with the faces. She was very confused. Finally, the greatest shock possible came when Reatha came out of the crowd to stand before her. But she was Reatha! No, that was not right, she was Carl. He was Carl. His mind reeled, close to shutting down. Arter came to stand beside her then. Grasping her shoulder he spoke aloud to the crowd, "This one, who was known as Carl, has given everything to correct a mistake. Since she has no kin, I claim her as my own daughter. And as we all know that Carl is a good name, if you are a troll." The crowd laughed at that. "I gift her with a proper centaur name. Deirdre." Carl looked down at his chest, where two firm and ripe young woman's breasts now swung gently. Even further down where his sex used to rest he saw nothing. Turning around he saw a light brown back with slightly lighter spots. It felt right, and it felt hideously wrong. A woman's voice brought her back to reality. With a start she realized she recognized it as Lady Eowyn's voice. "Arter, your daughter is past maturity, is she not?" Arter paused a moment, and then replied, "A good question milady. I suppose it could be argued many ways, but for the sake of simplicity, yes, she is a mature centaur." "Good." Lady Eowyn smiled a blood-curdling smile. "For I desire a new handmaiden. As a noble born it is my right and your honor to submit to my wishes and have her live as a member of my household." Carl felt thrilled that Lady Eowyn would chose her to be a handmaiden. Even though he knew she was doing it to exact revenge him for injuring Reatha. Arter turned to Deirdre and stepped forward to hug her. While embracing her he whispered into her ear; "Remember only Reatha will see that you come to no physical harm. For what harms you harms her as well, and vice-versa. However, Reatha may yet gleefully help to crush your spirit." With that Arter parted from the hug and held Carl's left hand extended to Lady Eowyn. Lady Eowyn took it and looked at Carl expectantly. Arter stage whispered to her, "Kneel!" Gracelessly, Carl lurched down to a front legged kneel and bowed her head as Reatha had been taught to do long ago. A titter went up from the crowd at her clumsiness and Carl felt his cheeks color involuntarily. Lady Eowyn dropped his hand and said, "Rise handmaiden, and serve me." Carl rose to her feet and was greeted by a smile on the face of Lady Eowyn that belonged on a viper. To be continued?

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Cory Chase, Silvia Saige, and Becky Bandini are all celebrating Rachael Cavalli’s last night before she becomes a married woman. She’s the last in their group of friends to get married, so they’re throwing a wild bachelorette party to make sure she goes out with a bang! But no party’s complete without a stripper, and they’re expecting a sexy fireman to show up any moment now… As they wait, Cory gets a text message from the male stripper and lets the other...

2 years ago
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Angies An AdultChapter 5

Several hours of fucking later, Angie finally collapsed in the arms of Yasuko Kawashira and his wife Jillian, and they rested together in a heap of deliciously sweaty flesh. Poor old Yasu had to pace himself and take breaks, but Jillian and Angie had together gotten the most possible out of him while also enjoying each other. They snoozed with the full knowledge that they had made his reward for babysitting the best that it could ever be. When Angie arose to shower, she found Jillian already...

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The Medallion Chapter 11

"What the fuck is going on", said the man again. He had just entered the room to find Jack about to ass fuck his wife, Amanda. Amanda had her face buried in Emily's pussy and Mia and Maya had just finished licking their mother's asshole, preparing it for Jack's dick. Jack sighed and looked at the twins. "Keep licking your mom's anus. I want it slick and ready for me." They immediately obeyed, much to the astonishment of their father. Jack turned to the man and held out his hand....

4 years ago
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A Bet to Lose Chapter 3

Richard woke up early, a thing very unlike him. He'd had the most wonderful dream. He'd gotten all dressed up cutely and then spent time with some new friends and then been driven up the hill to the a beautiful princess's house and she'd given him the most enjoyable time of his life, then he'd skipped home wearing a jingly dress... He sat up in bed, rubbed his eyes, and then looked down at his nightie, realizing that he'd actually done all of that. He sat there for a bit, still amazed...

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Earthquake Opportunity

If however you are looking for something like that, then enjoy. All characters are above the age of 18. They called it the worst earthquake in modern history. I called it the easiest hunting day ever. There’s something wrong deep inside me. Most people are well adapted and sociable for our modern world, and if they have bad thoughts then they disregard them. But I can’t disregard them. My brain is stuck in prehistoric times and is always thinking about how to take what it wants. If I don’t...

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My Wedding Night

I am Sheetal and I am going to tell you about my wonderful first night experience with my husband. Let me tell you that I am 5’5 and have a 36-28-34 figure.I am fair and have very attractive features. My parents arranged my marriage with Mihir (all names changed).I never mingled with any of the boys of our class but I was stunned to see that Mihir was so handsome! He was 6″ height with such a well built body and was well settled.As we met before marriage,I found him really shy. Soon we got...

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Bus mein

Hi me hun Raja Mumbai se.Me 35 saal ka shaadishuda aadmi hun par ye baat un dinoki hai jab me apni jawani ki charam seema par khada tha. Gathila badan,gora rang aur dikhne me Anil Kapoor se kam nahi tha.Jese hi bus stop par ruki log dhakka marte hue bus me chadhne lagedekhte hi dekhte double decker kachakach bhar gayi. Log foot board par khade chilla rahe the, ‘Arey bhai andar khisko!’Bajaye andar khisakne ke me luggage compartment se lagkar khada ho gaya. Na jaane kahan se ek aurat aakar mere...

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The Payment

by by Dunchad© Introduction: This story is a piece of fiction that I wrote for a friend from the site. So mandmd, I hope you like this as much as I liked writing. She sat on the back porch, enjoying the cool day and the breeze wafting through the trees. Her husband was out of town again and she was feeling terrible lonely. She wished he did not have to leave so often, but it was the only way to pay the bills, and even it was a bit of a stretch. She had offered many times to get a part...

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DeepThroating Lessons

Here on Literotica and on the internet in general, there are several stories and guides posted on the subject of giving blowjobs. Many of them are great and give various techniques and opinions on how to enhance oral sex on a guy. Once again, I'm not claiming to be an expert, especially at the young age of 22, but I do have skill, experience and above all, enthusiasm. In this post, I'm focusing on the deepthroating aspect because I feel over time I have gotten pretty good at it and want to pass...

4 years ago
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Lauren GisalChapter 28

“What happened?” asked Lauren, walking back towards Nikki, who crouched by the side of the altar. “I can’t move! Someone handcuffed my foot. Look!” Lauren felt her flesh creep as blood surged into her head. Her mouth felt dry as she looked at Nikki, her face a combination of fear and panic as she struggled to free herself, the robe spilling open in an undignified manner to show her little white knickers. The congregation seemed unconcerned about her plight and continued their conversations....

2 years ago
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Garam Bhabhi Ki Geeli Bra Aur Panty Ka Kamaal

First of all let me describe myself, i am Shahid, 5’10″tall, fit body, fair and i have a dick of 7 inches. My bhabhi, unka naam Ritu hai, she is slim, fit, has 34 dd boobs and is horny 24×7. Main ek bahut he barha tharki ladka hun. Mane bahut si ladkiyon ko choda hai lekin sab ki sab meri he umar ki thi. Main hamesha se apni bhabhi ko hawas ki nazron se dekhta tha. Aur unko chodne ke khayalon ko soch kar muth maara karta tha. Main hamesha sochta tha ki jab bhabhi ko chodunga toh kitna maza...

4 years ago
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Cheating Wives Leila Relapses

Leila browsed her social media page, keeping up with friends, commenting about the day’s little adventures with her peers. It was 10 p.m. and she had just gotten the kids to bed. Leila’s husband Joel was still hours away from getting off his late shift. Leila’s laptop suddenly pinged her. A message! She looked to see who had sent it and was suddenly seized by an invisible hand clenching her throat. It was Horacio – his friends just called him Ace. He wanted to friend her. As soon as Leila...

Wife Lovers
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 She looked vulnerable. A few smears of mud on her ankle and the battered suitcase made her look genuine, despite a hint of being jail bait on legs. I think I can trust myself to resist temptation and anyway I almost always pick up hitch-hikers. It’s a kind of payback. Years ago, when I was a student it was the only way I could get around. Peggy was at a college a hundred miles away, so on my budget, if I wanted to see her, I had to ride with my thumb.I learned some tricks, like I always...

3 years ago
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A Game Of Truth Or Darehellip

(Not originally by me, just liked it enough to re-post. Don’t hate me for that.)Having just returned from another star-studded event in Beverly Hills, the women of the "Victorious" cast arrived back to Victoria Justice’s quaint two bedroom apartment in downtown Los Angeles. There they stumbled inside and collapsed to the sofa, and helped themselves to more alcohol before Elizabeth “Liz” Gillies suddenly produced a hefty joint."Whoa! Where did you get that?" Ariana Grande inquired."One of the...

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The NeverEnding BuffetChapter 12

Thursday I stopped into Melissa's flower and stuffed animal filled room on my way to work. Mika was there with her, and the three of us talked for a while about the possible futures. I held little Jess and could not help but smile while she was in my arms. This was a hell of a great way to start a day. I kissed Melissa and Mika and told them that I would see them after work, either here, or if they let her go, at Mary's. I was still tired after the long night, so it was a good thing that I...

1 year ago
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Something Sweet

I was 16, a sophomore in high school, and my sister was 14, a freshman. I was the jock type, football player, lacrosse player, not a star, but people knew me. I had recently broken up with my girlfriend, and hadn't really thought too much about a new one since. I held on to the idea that she may still call me. I had a few sexual encounters before, but wasn't as experienced as some kids in school make themselves out to be. I'm 6'2", 195lbs. I was built like a football player, but...

4 years ago
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chennai aunts affair with me

This is a story of me in capacity of a gigolo had deflowered a longing aunty’s ass. I have a strict clientele with mainly mail id as contact point and only act on references. I am quite happy with my small clientele, when one of my clients referred this lady and said she would mail me. After a couple of days I received a mail from say lets call her Shiela and she told about the reference and said she wanted to be fucked in the ass.As my policy is no personal questions I did not ask her about...

1 year ago
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Oil of RosesChapter 62

Tuesday10/03/06 10:15 AM Eddie Janak didn't like his office at work. Not that it wasn't a perfectly nice office, plenty of room, comfortable chair, large desk, enough shelves for his needs. He just viewed his job as being out in the field, and the in-between times when a job wasn't in the planning, performance, or debriefing stages ... paperwork. That's what he had, and it wasn't even paperwork he particularly needed to do. His assistant had proven herself more than capable of doing a...

4 years ago
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Treehouses are for experiments Part one

She didn't stop driving till we were on the other end of the country, some sweaty middle of the nowhere town in Florida where the flies outnumbered anything else, even grass. I say town but even then we were in a house just outside of it, giving us a slight walk to school for lack of a better term. I think there were about 8 kids at it but as we grew up we were then given a bus ride to a bigger town for school. My mother took a job as a cook at a bar which isn't as bad as it seems. She was...

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Living Dead Home from War0

By Mary Looney Its hard having a military husband, its been three years now that William has been over seas. Lucy our daughter just had her fifth birthday and the only way they get to see each other is through webcam, pictures and letters its hard for me so see the hurt in Williams eyes when he sees how big she’s gotten. Lucy asks me every day mommy when is daddy is coming home, how do you explain to a child that you don’t know when daddy will come home and when he does come home it...

3 years ago
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Mountains of Rubber Chapter 7 Skid Marks

Synopsis: Dan/Daniella is enjoying a wonderful weekend of servitude, up in the mountains with Mz. Dominica. Mistress has dressed Dan for his first time going out "en femme" -- and after dinner and dancing with some of Dominica's friends, the slave feels like she's going to explode if she doesn't cum, soon! Mountains of Rubber, Chapter 7, Skid Marks By jessicablank Chapter 7, Skid Marks: Cum... cum... cum... Daniella desperately needed to cum. The throbbing in her clit, the butt...

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Winter Break

Molly owns a beautiful mountain woodland cottage. I built it for her, Off-grid, 1800 square feet in the middle of a hundred acres. It has hot and cold running water, central heating and cooling, modern appliances, and a zero-carbon footprint.When there is enough snow Molly invites several girlfriends to meet at her cabin and travel with her to a private ski slope. There have been some nice falls early this year, so we are getting a pre-Christmas jaunt.While we wait for the last straggler...

1 year ago
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Slave to Passion Chapter3 Drugs chains and dildos

The next day as i woke up i noticed that i was no longer in Kenith's arms. he was sitting on my chair and my master was infront of him. i saw him pour some pouder into the a glass of water and hand it off to Kenith, who, was perfectly naked with a collar and shakles on. he looked scared as he drank the water. i knew what it was, the Date Rape drug. I sat up as Kenith finished the water. he looked dizy and fell to his side panting a little. Master ran his fingers over Kenith's chest and...

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Jessicas Story Part 9

Jessica's Story - Part 9 Just after Halloween was Bonfire Night. The local council had arranged a huge firework display in the park, complete with bonfire. Entry was free and the only charges came for the food and drink on offer, which included hotdogs, burgers and toffee apples. The event was advertised in the local newspaper and a good crowd had shown up. The weather was good, though understandably cold. The girls had all showed up with their parents. Edward was being looked after...

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Whos in Control

As you walk down the hall, you don’t hear me behind you. You stop to throw your keys and wallet on the table.I step up behind you and say in your ear, “Spunky man, don’t turn round. Just take your shirt off and your shoes and socks. Next take off your jeans and your jocks too. I want you naked.”You try to turn around but I slap you on your ass and simply say, “Don’t!”As you finish undressing, I speak again. “On the floor where you are. On your belly.”Down you go. You place your head on your...

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Andy 8

Es klingelte. Das konnten nur Svenja und Biene sein. Ich sah an Moms Blick, dass ich aufmachen sollte. Ich traute mich in meinem Aufzug nicht. Aber andererseits wollte ich Montag eine Hose haben. Ich machte die T?r auf. Biene sah mich an, und schlug sich die Hand vor dem Mund. Svenja bekam nur riesig gro?e Augen. Ich winkte sie herein. Ich muss sagen, die Beiden waren wirklich lieb. Sie taten nach der anf?nglichen ?berraschung so, als w?re alles perfekt normal. Ich wagte nicht zu Mom zu ...

4 years ago
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My Neighbour Janice Continued

Continuing with Janice I was awaken by the phone ringing and saw that Janice was no longer in the bed so I got up and saw a pair of oversize black silky shorts laid out on the bed with a oversize white T shirt beside them. I assumed they were for me to wear so I put them on and exited the bedroom and saw Janice was talking on the phone. She was obviously talking to her boyfriend Mike and I looked out the window and saw that we sure received a lot of snow over the night. Janice was already...

1 year ago
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A Dream Come True 8211 Part 1

This is my first story here and hope you’ll all enjoy it. I’m not going to give any measurements as it’s not some object rather two human beings. I always had crush on one of my cousins wife. She is one of those women where her looks justified her attitude. They lived a kilometre away from my home. Her name is Swetha (changed). Even though she was a mother of two, she was sexy and always worked hard to maintain her physique. She was a housewife at mid thirties and did all the work at home...

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Midnight Rendezvous Part 1

It was 10:07 p.m when I texted him from my seat at the bar telling him to come up. "I'll be up after I drop the kids off to their mom." Instantly butterflies fluttered down my stomach and heat rose from my core. I was blushing. It seemed like an eternity. I was checking the time on my phone every 5 minutes, watching the door as I drank two more bottles of Platinum. 37 minutes after I texted him, I watched as he walked in. As he came toward me I couldn't help but notice how incredibly sexy he...

Straight Sex
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LATEBIRD MF tease cuckold

This is one of the best tabboo/cheat/cuckold stories that I've ever read and re-read. I finally found it and wanted to share. I'm not the original writer, and all original copyrights are included below. Please enjoy and comment.LATEBIRD (M/F, tease, light semi)Copyright May 1998 by Sam HammerThe usual disclaimer applies. If it’s i*****l, immoral or under the legal age of consent where you live then don’t read the following text. Archive okay as long as its not sold for viewing. If you do,...

3 years ago
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wife knocked up for 3rd time by ex boyfriend

Vegas seems to be my wifes weakness. My wfe and her best friend were there in November celebrating their 40th birthdays. At the time they left, I was not aware that it had been arranged by my wifes friend for her ex from highschool, who now lives in Dallas to meet them there to help her celebrate in style. She was not told he would be there this time, so it was a total surprise, when they were lounging by the pool and who should swim up and climb out of the pool, but Darcy, her well hung ex...

2 years ago
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First Lesbian Experience

My name is Bonnie; 5 ft. 7” longhaired brunette, Nice figure. 36C’s 24-38. I took my vacation to Calgary, Canada to go to the Calgary Stampede Rodeo. I had heard a lot about the fun and partying and I was going to take part in that this year. My flight left Dallas to Calgary and arrived at 09:20. I rented a car and headed to the hotel where I reserved a room for the10 day run. The next day I went down town to watch the parade. The parade floats came by one by one. I spotted this cowboy acting a...

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Belated Birthday Present

My 15-year-old sister Linda came bounding into the kitchen wearing her black bikini. I had little time to react before she jumped up and wrapped her arms and legs around me. She squealed loudly in my ear and I had to grab onto the counter to keep from falling over. "I'm sooooo happy to see you big brother! It's been so long!" "Uh, good to see you too, Lin. Mind if I catch my breath?" "Oh sure!" she smiled and unwrapped her lithe body from my frame. I turned back to the...

4 years ago
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It all started when I was sitting watching the telly when my pretty young girlfriend came down from her bath. "Want me to cut your hair?" she had asked, it needed cutting badly but with the mortgage payments and all those bill there was never enough money left over for things like hair cuts. "Yeah, that I'll be great," I said looking up and to my surprise she hadn't gotten dressed but had just pulled on some clean knickers and had a towel across her shoulders. "Dressed like that you...

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