Bloodlines 2 Post Vampire Depression
- 4 years ago
- 44
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17 years ago...
The sharp whoosh lasted only a split second before the dull thump of the arrow piercing the target sounded. The barb had struck precisely on the little heart drawn in red crayon on the drawing of the human-shaped figure mounted on the wall with the very cartoonish-looking set of dripping fangs drawn on the otherwise blank face area. Little Kaeli started to bounce up and down with excitement, but stopped as holding the bow made it a cumbersome gesture. The curved length was almost as tall as she was, and still a bit heavy for her. But nonetheless, she was getting results, and that made her happy.
"Kaeli, you are getting good!" Nell said after she finished clapping her hands. "You're gonna be a great hunter someday!"
"Nell, I want a smaller bow," Kaeli complained. "This one's so long and it's heavy!""But you're doing great with it," Nell beamed down at her. "And when you're old enough to actually hunt it'll be just the right size for you."
Kaeli turned her eyes down, and nodded, still not sure really wanted to wait that long. She knew she wasn't old enough yet, but she still wanted to be out there killing vampires with the others. With Daddy. She had a right to, after what happened to her mother...
The garage door came rolling up and the headlights of the truck flooded in. As the truck rolled to a stop, Kaeli came bounding up to it, still holding the bow in her hands. "Daddy! Daddy!" she shouted, bouncing as best she could while still holding the bow with a big smile on her face. "Look look look! I got it right in the heart! Daddy look!" Her finger had almost more energy than the whole rest of her body as she pointed to the target she'd been practicing on. Her father hadn't even gotten out of the truck yet.
The door opened and he stepped out first, taking her by the shoulders and moving her out of the way of the others as they got out and went around to the back of the truck. "I saw it Kaeli," he grinned. "You're doing great! Vampires of the world beware when you grow up!" She giggled at that.
The rest of the team pulled the tarp off what they where covering in the back of the pickup, and split up to carry off the bodies of the two dead vampires they were transporting to the incinerator. Kaeli got a very clear look at them. Both had been riddled with bullets and finished off with an iron stake in the heart. This had clearly been a good night for the team, coming home with two vampires eliminated. Quite often they got none.
Her dad performed the now useless gesture of turning her head away from the bodies being carried off. "I already saw them, Daddy," she said matter-of-factly. "You don't need to hide them from me. I think it's great that you got two of 'em!"
"You do, huh?"
"Yeah! They deserve it, 'cause of what they did to Mommy!"
{/div} Her father's eyes lowered. "Kaeli, come with me," he said. "We need to talk about something." {divi} He took her by the hand and led her over to the worn and torn couch that decorated the far side of the garage. She sat down and looked up into his face with worry. He never had anything good to say when his eyes pointed down like that. He sat down next to her and said, "Do you really understand how your mother really died?"
Kaeli nodded. "The vampires killed her."
He sighed slowly. "In a sense, that's true. But actually your mother killed herself."
Kaeli fell dead silent. "Why?" she managed to squeak out when she found her voice again.
"Because she'd been bitten, and we didn't get an antidote to her in time. She was turning into one of them. So she killed herself before that could happen."
He put a hand on her shoulder and looked her straight in the eyes. "Listen, Kaeli-Cat, you have to remember: vampires are evil. They're living sins against God. They may look like people, but they're nothing but abominations that feed on people's lives to sustain their own unholy existence. And that's what your mother would've turned into if she hadn't stopped it. Always remember, it's better to die as a human than live as a monster. Your mother knew that, and everyone here knows that. If what happened to your mother happened to me, I'd do exactly the same thing she did, and so would everyone else here. And if, heaven forbid, it happened to you, I'd trust you to do that too. Do you understand?"
Kaeli hesitated a moment, feeling the tickle on her cheek of a tear, and weakly nodded. Her father brought her head to his chest for a warm embrace, and her arms wrapped themselves around his midsection.
"Here," he said then, removing the sparkling golden crucifix that hung from his neck. "This belonged to your mother. I've been wearing it since she died, but now I think she'd want you to have it." Kaeli lowered her head to allow the light chain to loop around it, coming to a rest around her neck. She hoisted the golden weight that hung from it in her hand and studied it carefully. "Never lose faith, Kaeli-Cat. As long as you wear this, God will be watching over you. So will your mother. And no matter what, so will I."
She looked up at him with her tear-filled eyes. "I'll never take it off, Daddy. Never."
He smiled warmly back at her. "Good girl," he said, bringing her to him for another loving embrace.
Elizabeth let out a breath as her head breached the surface of the pool, looking up into the star-filled blanket of night sky above her. She'd always loved to swim before, but was amazed at how much better it felt without the wet cling of a swimsuit, which was Annabelle's only rule about the use of her pool. Skinny-dipping only. Elizabeth wasn't about to complain. She was beginning to wonder why swimsuits were ever invented in the first place. What purpose did they really serve?
She took a breath and bobbed her head under again, gliding around through the water like a mermaid. She'd never been so happy to have Spring Break, which allowed her all the time she wanted to enjoy the hedonism of Annabelle's world.
Annabelle had taught her a particularly mind-blowing technique the other night: They prepared early, both her and Annabelle having a drink of a concoction that included a mix of both of their blood with a few particular herbs. Then later they both bit into the palm of one hand and put their hands together, mixing each other's blood, and began focused breathing together.
Elizabeth had begun feeling a weird sensation running through her; everything in her body began feeling as though she had two of it. And then when one of the boys, Zachary, came along at Annabelle's behest, dropping his drawers and sliding his length into Annabelle from behind, Elizabeth could actually feel his cock even though there wasn't one inside her. To make the encounter even weirder, when Elizabeth began rubbing her own clit, Annabelle responded, "Oh yeah, do that faster!" Their two bodies had become one, sharing every sensation the other felt in the most intimate way possible. And so when another of the boys, Nicholas, joined in by entering Elizabeth, she nearly passed out from the delirium of twice the sex. The experience of feeling both Annabelle's orgasm and her own almost on top of each other was something she didn't think she'd ever forget.
And then there was what happened last night, when Katrina, who was the oldest girl there except for Annabelle herself, had her ninety-sixth birthday. Not that the age really mattered that much, since as far as anybody could tell she still looked twenty, but Annabelle nonetheless saw it as an occasion to throw a party. And of course, by Annabelle's definition, it's not a party until everyone is naked and on the floor.
What ensued was largely a blur now; eight girls, five guys, no clothes and no rules. She could clearly remember sitting down on Julian's face, giving his tongue access to her waiting sex, and leaning over to make out with Rosanna who was riding on his lap. She could remember sitting next to Charlotte, watching her getting fucked on all fours, and feeling the leap of excitement when Rodrigo pulled out of Charlotte, knowing that she was next. She could remember sitting backward on Zachary's lap on the couch, watching Noemi and Miko lying side by side on their backs, taking turns getting mounted by Nicholas, while Monique and Katrina fought over whose turn it was to suck Sebastian's cock. She actually lost track of the number of times she got off.
And then it got even better. Just when all the guys had shot off and everybody was running out of steam, Charlotte stood up and began chanting a few arcane words in a strange, echoing voice. Whatever spell she cast had immediate effects, as suddenly everyone became twice as energized as they were before. The girls all became twice as wet, the guys all became twice as hard, and everyone became twice as excited. Elizabeth didn't remember anything coherent after that, aside from lots and lots of screaming.
In truth, all these sexual escapades and Annabelle's Blood Rose lessons had been allowing her some temporary piece of mind, and the time off of school was welcome as it allowed so much more of them. Her activities at the mansion were making it so much easier for her to not think of Tyler. Giving him her number on their date may have been a mistake; he'd been calling her repeatedly since then and it had taken all of her willpower to not answer. He was just a human, after all, and she had no business getting involved with a human. So why was it so difficult to get him out of her head?
Her head emerged from the water just as a splash came from the diving board, and Rosanna popped her head up and pulled her hair out of her eyes. Katrina came and sat down on the edge of the pool, dangling her feet in the water. "Hi Katrina," Elizabeth chimed. "Do you know if anyone else has a birthday coming up?"
Katrina chuckled through her teeth. "I think Monique's is next month," she said with her mild Russian accent. "And if I know Annabelle, you can bet she'll celebrate it the same way."
Elizabeth shivered. "How did I ever live before I found this place?"
Katrina shrugged. "I can't imagine. I've known her for almost forty years, and she throws me the same party every year. Not that I'm complaining."
"Know whatcha mean," Rosanna said. "Ah used ta get bumped ev'ry now 'n' then when ah really wanted to, but 'round here there's hunks ta keep me company anytime ah want."
Elizabeth was aware of Annabelle's approach several seconds before she heard her footsteps, or heard her voice. "Elizabeth!" She came walking out in one of her fancier red evening dresses. "If you can bear to leave the pool for a while, we have a visitor. And she's especially interested in meeting you."
"Yes, you. Why don't you come out of there and towel off. She's waiting in the living room in the east wing."
Elizabeth shrugged, and clambered out of the pool. After toweling off, Annabelle handed her one of the red silk kimonos which Elizabeth wrapped around herself, and followed Annabelle back into the house. They navigated the winding hallways that Elizabeth was still getting used to, until they reached the door to the room that Annabelle referred to. As Elizabeth approached that door, her feet began slowing almost involuntarily. She could feel the presence of the person waiting on the other side, and somehow it was filling her with a childlike sense of dread. She was slightly grateful that Annabelle was the one who performed the task of turning the knob and opening the door, but then Elizabeth still had to follow her through and meet the person inside the room. Steeling her nerves, Elizabeth slowly stepped inside.
Sitting on the leather sofa facing away from her was a woman with a head of blood red hair, finer than any she'd ever seen. As Annabelle approached the woman arose from the couch, still with her back to Elizabeth, allowing her to see the woman's black coat and red evening dress. "Electra," Annabelle said, "I'd like you to meet my prodigy, Elizabeth. Elizabeth ... this is Electra Rose."
Slowly the woman turned, and looked at Elizabeth with her sparkling violet eyes. Elizabeth found herself utterly unable to say anything, overwhelmed with an all-consuming fear of the person standing before her. Something about her just felt so ... wrong. She had to suppress her urge to shrink back in terror when Electra came walking her direction.
"Well isn't this a pleasure," Electra purred in a silken voice tinted with an elegant English accent. With each step Electra took, drawing ever closer, Elizabeth's heart raced faster. When she was within touching distance, Electra gently slid her fingers through a handful of Elizabeth's hair. Elizabeth shivered at the brush of Electra's fingers against her face as she did this. "Such a beauteous thing she is."
Elizabeth stared up wide-eyed at this woman who stood several inches taller than she did. She desperately grasped for her voice, but when she found it a muffled squeak was all that escaped her throat, at a loss for anything to say. Annabelle chuckled. "Don't worry. Electra has that effect on a lot of people."
"Come, let me have a look at you," Electra purred, tilting up Elizabeth's chin just slightly and staring straight into her eyes. And staring back into the luminous violet orbs before her, the overwhelming feeling of dread that this woman was giving her only escalated. She didn't even bother trying to probe into the person behind those eyes, because what she was getting from them already was terrifying her enough. But she could definitely feel Electra probing into her. She tried to blink, to break the intrusion into her psyche, but Electra's hypnotic presence was so strong she could hardly move at all.
Suddenly the violet eyes staring at her shot open in absolute shock. "Merciful Blood of Dmitrius!" she gasped.
"Electra?" Annabelle said, stepping forward with a curious look.
Electra took a step back, just barely giving Elizabeth the tiniest bit of breathing space back. A wild grin spread across her face. "Spirit of the Old Ones have pity, this is almost too good to believe! Annabelle, I don't think you realize what you've found!"
"What are you talking about? She can't be your fabled Chosen; you already found him."
Electra's eyes never left Elizabeth, no matter how long Elizabeth waited for them to. "You said her name was Elizabeth, did you not?" Electra mused. "I believe I've heard of this girl before."
For a second Elizabeth's curiosity was able to overpower the numbing fear that Electra's presence was filling her with. "F-from who?"
Electra paused a moment, the chilling grin on her face widening. "From your brother."
Elizabeth's pounding heart suddenly skipped a beat. "How ... how do you know Anthony?"
Electra's hands clasped behind her back, and she began slowly moving around behind Elizabeth, sizing her up like a car she was considering purchasing. "I suppose Anthony never spoke to you about who made him into a vampire, did he now?"
"He never told me much at all. He came home, he turned me and our parents, and then he just sort of disappeared."
"Yes, I remember. As I recall, I told him it would be best to leave without you. That may have been a mistake on my part."
Elizabeth had been consciously avoiding turning her head to look at Electra until that point. "Are you saying that you..."
The feeling of Electra's breath on her ear sent a shiver down Elizabeth's spine. "As Annabelle said, you are a fast learner. Yes, it was I who made your brother into a Child of the Dark. As you are Annabelle's protégé, so Anthony is mine."
Elizabeth turned an accusatory gaze on Annabelle, who appeared no less stunned than she did. "Did you know this?"
Annabelle shook her head. "So her brother," she said to Electra, "is your vaunted Chosen One?"
"Why do you think she adapts to Blood Rose so quickly?" Electra purred. The gentle caress of Electra's fingers in her cheek made Elizabeth's breath all but stop. "This one is kin to the Chosen. Had she been firstborn in her family, she could well have been the Chosen herself. As it is, her brother is the only one I've encountered whose potential is greater than hers."
For a few breathless seconds, the room was silent. "Elizabeth," Annabelle said at last, "would you give us a moment?"
It took a few more seconds for Elizabeth to find the capacity to move. As soon as her feet could run she hurried to the door and threw it shut behind her. She ran down the hall into the lobby, finally stopping when she could lean with her hand on the stair rail, gasping for breath with a hand over her pounding heart. She felt as though she'd finally managed to wrestle free after having her head held under water.
Elizabeth recalled the first time she met Annabelle, and in a way it had felt similar to this. She did get a feel for the power that Annabelle had, and when she came close to her it felt like wading into a warm pool. Electra's power had the same kind of feel to it, but rather than just a simple pool, Electra's power was like a lake she was drowning in. And the water was tainted with poison.
After a few minutes, the doors opened and Electra emerged, striding purposefully in Elizabeth's direction. Elizabeth's muscles, that had finally, blissfully relaxed after leaving her presence instantly tensed all over again. Each step that drew Electra closer Elizabeth prayed would be where she stopped, but she stopped only after coming within arm's length, and said four words that sent a chill through Elizabeth's blood: "I'll see you again." With that Electra turned to the front doors and was gone.
As soon as Annabelle appeared again Elizabeth had to fight off a nearly overwhelming desire to clutch her by the shoulders and let off her shivers. "That actually went better than I hoped," Annabelle mused.
"What did you talk about in there?"
"Oh, just old business. She seems to have taken a much keener interest in you than I expected."
Hearing that made Elizabeth shiver all over again. She fought back her fear and revulsion to ask another important question: "Did she mention anything about when I might get to see my brother?"
Annabelle had been half looking at her and half looking towards the doors that Electra had just left through until then. Now her full attention focused on her. "No, not exactly, but I'd expect it will happen soon." Elizabeth was both excited and terrified to hear that.
"Come on," Annabelle said, placing a hand on Elizabeth's back, "let's go fetch the other girls. We have another guest coming tonight."
"Another one? Like Electra?"
"Not quite," Annabelle grinned.
It wasn't until Kaeli was standing in front of the gate of the mansion, actually looking at the grandiose and ominous house, that the reality factor of what she was doing started to sink in. It seemed like such a clever plan when it formed in her mind; how could it suddenly seem so stupid now that she was actually about to do it? Of course, if she hadn't known from the start the plan was dangerous, she probably wouldn't have refrained from telling Dorian about it. Moreover, based on what she heard at the club Electra herself was likely to be here tonight; this could very well be a trap.
For more than a few seconds she seriously considered aborting. Even after she buzzed the intercom and heard Annabelle's welcoming voice and the metallic click of the gate unlocking, the idea of not going in didn't seem like such a bad one. If she wanted to, she could still make a run for it and forget about the temporary insanity that led her to come up with this daredevil mission in the first place. But when she thought it over, the ties that Annabelle had to Electra made this place too valuable a target to pass up.
She finally made up her mind to do this. She was going to step inside under the pretense of friendship, let herself get bitten, excuse herself to a private room, treat herself with an antidote, and activate a tracer signal for Dorian and the others to follow and then let them in to wipe the place out. She pressed her back against the gatepost, whispered a prayer, crossed herself, and with a deep breath stepped through the gate.
Halfway to the front door, passing by the prancing horse statues in the middle of the courtyard, the thought of making a run for it came screaming back as she saw who was coming the other direction. She'd only seen her from a distance, but the violet eyes that were looking straight at her now could only belong to Electra Rose herself. Somehow her feet continued moving forward, despite the way her whole body was screaming at her to turn around and bolt. Time slowed to a snail's pace, as two seconds seemed to stretch to an hour. Electra passed right by her, not saying a word, just keeping her eyes locked to hers and giving her a bone chilling smile.
Kaeli held her breath in silence, continuing to move, promptly putting Electra behind her. She briefly considered the possibility that Electra might attack her from behind while she wasn't looking, but somehow it didn't seem likely. She opted instead to just pretend she wasn't there. Don't turn around, don't look behind you, keep moving forward, don't turn around... The mantra succeeded in getting her to the front door. It took all of her willpower not to look behind her now; she knew if she turned to look at Electra one more time she would most likely lose what little nerve she had left. The world again went into slow motion as she reached up to lift the heavy brass knocker and brought it down on the door with a thundering bang. She did this a second time. And a third. She could hear the echo of the knocks inside the house, and now she could hear the sound of someone in heels approaching. The big door opened and there stood Annabelle in her sparkling red evening dress with a smile on her face that seemed somehow both welcoming and ominous at the same time. "Welcome, Kaeli," she grinned, extending an arm in a gesture of invitation. "Please, come in."
For a moment, Kaeli froze completely as she stared down at the threshold she was about to step over. As hard as she tried, she just couldn't shake a terrible feeling in her gut that once she stepped through this door there would be no going back. Her life as she knew it would be over. And once again, the thought of turning and running while she still could crossed her mind. She could just forget about this whole daredevil scheme and run back to Dorian and attack this place the old fashioned way.
Ultimately Kaeli steeled herself to enter. This Trojan horse idea was still the best way to take the place out. She'd planned this whole thing out; she knew what to do, and she was ready. Her right foot lifted itself from the ground and set down on the other side of the threshold, and she forcibly pulled her left in after it. She took a few more steps, and she was inside the vampire's lair. And with a solid boom that felt very much like the lid being closed on her own coffin, Annabelle closed the door behind her.
"Come on out, girls!" Annabelle called. "Our guest has arrived!"
Like rabbits out of their burrows, one girl after another began appearing from various doors around the lobby. Some were dressed normally; others wore only red silk kimonos. They all began gathering around her, most with eager smiles on their faces. As they drew near, most of those smiles suddenly faded, and a few of them took a step back. "Everyone," Annabelle said, "I'd like you to meet our new sister. Her name is Kaeli."
One of the girls, a blond in one of the red kimonos, stepped forward and seemed to study Kaeli like a dog sniffing at a stranger. "Annabelle, have you lost your mind?" she said with just the slightest hint of a Russian accent in her voice. "This is a human!"
"Yes, Katrina, but not for much longer. She is here tonight because she wants to become one of us. Tonight she will be initiated, both as a vampire and as a practitioner of Blood Rose. I trust all of you to make her feel ... welcome." The word "welcome" sounded like a cue for them to do something.
One of the girls stepped forward, a girl in another of the silk kimonos with hair as black as a crow's feathers, and looked straight at her with eyes that shined in an almost hypnotic golden glow. Kaeli casually attempted to look around, but found this girl's eyes seemed to hold her prisoner, not allowing her to look away. She'd felt this effect before, looking at Electra's eyes from a merciful distance, or the other night when she met Annabelle at the club. But something felt different about this one. Electra's gaze was one of horrible foreboding that nearly suffocated her, and Annabelle's had at least given her a few shivers. This girl's gaze seemed ... warm. Welcoming. After a moment or two, a smile broke into the girl's face and she said, "I like her."
"I imagined you would, Elizabeth," Annabelle chimed. "After tonight, you won't be the newbie anymore. Come, all of you, let's take her someplace more inviting."
Elizabeth ... that was the name of the prodigy that Annabelle was telling Electra about at the club. Amongst the others, this one was special. And Kaeli suddenly got the distinct impression that this was who she'd be getting the magic bite from.
A pair of hands gently took her by each arm and led her along as they all headed for a particular door on the west side of the lobby. They stepped into a short hallway with hooks along the walls with the red kimonos decorating one side. Kaeli was, to say the least, slightly perplexed when the girls began stripping in front of her. Those wearing the silk kimonos removed them and hung them on the hooks on the left wall, standing before her now in their full nudity. The ones in actual clothes were about halfway through undressing themselves when Kaeli asked, "What are you doing?"
Annabelle stepped forward, looking straight at her with those luminous green eyes that made active thought and motion difficult. "Just relax," she grinned. "We're all just going to get comfortable for the fun we're about to have." Something about that had a very ominous tone to it. With that Annabelle slid the dress she wore down off of her shoulders, letting it pool at her feet, exposing her startlingly fair body before Kaeli's eyes.
One of the girls took the strap of Kaeli's purse and smoothly slid it off her shoulder. Kaeli initially attempted to protest, but one look into this girl's eyes silenced her before a single word left her throat. Nonetheless, she kept a close watch on that purse as it was laid down amongst the shoes and socks and underwear that were laid on the floor along the right wall. The tracer that was going to signal Dorian and the team was inside of that purse. More importantly, so was her vial of antidote.
She wanted to reach out and pick it up again, but somehow her arm wouldn't move. The girls simply continued with their delicate work, sliding her coat off and pulling up on her shirt. As uncomfortable as this was making her, every set of eyes she looked into made it more and more difficult to resist what was happening, to the point that she even raised her arms to allow them to remove her shirt, and stepping out of her shoes and her jeans once they were pulled down around her feet. Her heart pounded as the multiple pairs of hands gracefully reduced her to wearing only the crucifix around her neck.
She was guided by the arms now into the next room, a warm, candlelit lounge area with a circle of pillows laid in the middle. The girls led her to this spot and slowly sat her down. By now Kaeli had counted five girls present, aside from Annabelle, because she now felt five pairs of hands touching her body. All along her legs and torso and arms were hands gently caressing her, and each breast was being skillfully kneaded, sending erotic shivers through her. Everywhere she looked was a smiling face and a pair of eyes with the same kind of hypnotic glow to them.
The face furthest to her left, which belonged to Elizabeth, began coming closer with her mouth open for a tender kiss. Kaeli had never looked at another girl this way, but the part of her brain that would tell her to protest what was happening had long been quieted by now. Before she knew what she was doing, Kaeli's mouth was open, accepting Elizabeth's passionate tongue into it, and meeting it warmly with her own. In the back of her mind she did her a tiny voice screaming at her to stop this craziness, but with each passing second that her tongue remained in contact with the warm wetness of Elizabeth's, that voice grew smaller and further away.
She didn't break off the languid kiss until she began feeling a tingle between her legs, which she didn't even realize she'd spread apart. The girl Annabelle had addressed as Katrina was knelt over her, running her elongated fingers over Kaeli's already dripping wet slit. A brunette knelt next to her watched with keen interest, while the black girl massaging her right breast leaned in to give the pert nipple a tingling tongue flick.
Elizabeth knelt down to kiss her again, but this one proved much shorter than the last when Kaeli suddenly gasped at the shock of a tongue on her sex. The brunette next to Katrina had knelt down and begun to feast on what lay below. In fact, in several places the hands that touched her were being replaced by tongues, not just on her sex but on her breasts as well, being the kissed and tongued by the two girls servicing them. A soft moan escaped Kaeli's throat, and she began to writhe about within the prison of pleasure she had become trapped in.
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My name is Jackson Shaw; at least that is what I call myself now. I have gone by many names over the ages. I am a vampire. I was turned the year the great pyramid was completed. Yes, I am over 2000 years old, ancient even by vampire standards. I have lived in the shadows for most of recorded human history. I say human history because it has been a long time since the title human could be associated with me. Time teaches all to he who has the luxury of eternity. And what the ages have taught me...
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Six years ago... It was almost midnight. Brad and Ritchie had already retreated to their tents; Anthony was alone. Aside from the chirping of crickets and the crackle of his campfire, it was quiet. The pale light of the moon danced eerily on the ripples of the lake. He sat calmly in front of the fire, gazing out around the darkness of the woods. She was out there. He was certain he'd seen her once already. Last night when they got back from their hike he was certain for a split second...
Every morning we vampires die, and every night we are born again. Each and every day must be a new experience or we will become bored with the world we live in. A vampire's world is sharper and stronger in every fashion. Every taste a vampire experiences is new and exciting. Every smell, every touch, every emotion is an educational opportunity. Vampires are children of the night, seeking their degree in the world. Each chance they have to learn is an opportunity worth taking. The new life...
Chapter Three: The Angel of Death I had no fear for my life, if he had wanted to kill me he would have already. I realized that the warm feeling I had been getting was him feeding on me, but I was confident in my assessment that he wouldn’t make me his next victim. He wanted me to panic, to flee and leave him, but I couldn’t. instead I leaned forward and embraced him. He became very shocked at my reaction. ‘Who made you the way you are?’ I asked. ‘I have never told this story before,’ he...
Blood Sword by Eddie Glover Brenlan felt the familiar twinge in his body. He reached for the sword he'd brought back from the east, the sword to which he was cursed. "That's a hell of a sword!", the bartender whistled in admiration. Brenalan turned with a frown, "You have no idea of it's strangeness or powers my friend.". He could now feel the sword's pull and the beginnings of his own change. "Help!", a woman screamed from outside. "Damn! It's about time I was...
Blood Sword 2 by Eddie Glover Brenlan watched from the shadows as the men he'd been tracking approached a lone woman. He'd long suspected that these men were mercenaries, just the kind of scum he'd been looking for. The sword began to vibrate in his hand, letting him know that it would soon be needing the blood he so often gave it. Should he fail to appease the blade he would become a buxom woman of whorish looks. "I have no quarrel with you.", the woman said as the mercs...
“If you do not mind, Davik,” A familiar voice from behind me said, “I would not mind a plate of that delicious smelling food.” I jumped in surprise and turned to see who had just said that. To say I was shocked would have been an understatement. “What in the seven hells is going on, Lillian? You’re a Voguel?! How can you change into a wolf without a blood moon? Why have you been helping me all this time?” She laughed at the rapid succession of my questions and it was only then I realized,...
The rush of wind in the face, watching the people move like ants, being withdrawn from the crowd, above it. Tim experienced all of these things as he leaped tall buildings in a single bound. Sinbad had first led him to a store that was still open at two o'clock in the morning. It was a specialty shop catering to a particular crowd. Suffice to say, Tim walked in wearing the tatters of a pink dress, and left wearing a suit of black leather, with a long black trench coat on over it. Guided by...
The three story-tellers stood at the prow, looking at the faces of the love-struck women, as they heard the story of Garreth and Therese. They couldn’t help but feel they were telling a love story, the way they all sighed and moaned, at all the romance of it. They had made it to the tip of the western coast and came to Neist Point Lighthouse, perched atop a jagged out-cropping of rock, the sheer bluffs surrounding it. The yacht plowed through the breaking waves, making the turn to head north...
My name is Jackson Shaw. I'm a historian, a philosopher, a night club owner, and oh yes, a vampire. I live in Ohio, and for the most part I have a neat, quiet existence. I wake up every morning at 6, hop out of bed, have a shower, get dressed, and then head over to my favorite coffee shop for my morning tea. This has been my morning ritual ever since I arrived here about a year ago. Now I know to most, this is not what you were expecting the life of vampire to be. I know that the imagination...
SupernaturalI have a medical history of high blood pressure. It's not surprising, even though I'm only twenty-eight years old. My parents were both hypertensive, as were my grandparents. The life-style that I live doesn't help much either. On my days off I drink beer and smoke marijuana, both to excess. I smoke cigarettes and drink coffee every day. I don't get much exercise either. My doctor has given me some pills to keep it down and for the most part they work pretty well; except for in one...
Iain saw his men following MacRae towards the shore and broke from cover. Screaming as loud as he could and waving his arms, he hoped his brother, or one of the others would hear or see him. Grayson joined him, both waving their arms and yelling the MacLean motto and then more voices joined in. Stuart MacLean was riding with his clansmen in the last half of the charge, when his arm was pulled by one of his men and told to turn and look at the two men on the battlefield. Iain was instantly...
The Justice rocked against the anchor chains, as its guns roared, its shots peppering the thick stone walls. Chunks of stone sprayed off the walls, leaving foot deep impressions behind. From the south, MacRae watched as the cannon took shot after shot, until it found the gate. The wood shattered and splintered open with the impact, leaving the castle open to attack. From across Duich, the thirty two pound cannon barraged the west wall, demolishing the new cannon battlement and any means of...
The day was growing old, and the sun was starting to set. Who could of known that something so simple and so regular, like the sun setting could have drastic and horrific consequences. As the great ball of fire abandoned the lit sky, the world around it collapsed leading for it to change dramatically. Darkness spread across, leaving no gap unfilled, nothing could escape its cold grasp. As the light left, it seemed like other things vacated the world. Hope and happiness seemed to turn...
(((Just combining chapters to reduce length of my POST lost.)))BLOOD DIAMONDSChapter 1The Present... A Trash Dumpster, New York City"Rambo to Sugar Tits. Rambo calling Sugar Tits. You awake Sugar Tits? This is your wake up call.""Yeah, I'm awake Rambo," I groaned. Rambo's irritating, nasal whine wasn't something I wanted to wake up to. Ever! "And, stop calling me Sugar Tits."The earpiece/microphone was coming lose from my ear and I seated it firmly back into place as Rambo continued. "Hey, you...
Alicia hated her job. Sam's Tavern was ostensibly a biker bar, but its true clientele was a horrid mix of wannabes and parolees. The parking lot contained far more beat-up Honda Civics and rusty Ford Escorts than it did Harleys. As she wiped up yet another spilled beer on the bar, the perpetrator of the mess gave her a sharp slap on the ass, laughing uproariously at his own daring. She sighed but otherwise ignored his actions; she knew from experience that showing a reaction would just make...
Davik He used the whip again, demanding to know how I had gotten my abilities and what had been used. I tuned him out, thinking of other things, when a strange tickle occurred in the back of my head. Not on the skin, but deep inside, not unlike when I found the fire that triggered my abilities that first time. The tickle appeared just after a strike of the whip and after two more, it became much stronger. Instead of a tickle, I began to feel emotion, but it seemed off as if it were not my...
I awoke with a start, uncertain when and where I was. Something had disturbed my slumber. I looked around and it was as if I hadn't yet opened my eyes, there was nothing in sight. I do not mean that it was pitch black, I can see perfectly in no light, but there was simply nothing to behold. Stretching out with my senses I found that I was not on earth any more, it was some shadow realm. Upon taking inventory I noticed a lack of physical form; I had not brought my body with me, inconvenient....
What is a family? How do we become so attached to those that we grow with? Those that know us the best are the most capable of hurting us. Why do we always give them the power to do so? To claim someone as part of your family is to accept them into your life, into your heart. Those inside you are able to cause pain like no one else. This could be because they know you so well. They know which buttons will hurt the most. They know your secrets. They know what causes you pain. Lovers, brothers,...
Everything in Nature adores the chaste virgin, as she walks through her Almighty Father’s Garden of Paradise, naked and unashamed. She will never know sin, so long as the snake is kept out of Paradise. When she has matured, the lover sees the beauty so breathtaking to behold, and innocence so pure, surely she must have the blood sacrifice of innocence, to atone for accursedness in his seed. Her lover places her needs for security and commitment, above his own base instinct, elevating...
Colin MacDonnell rode with haste through the countryside towards the attacking MacRae’s. It was his duty to watch them and ride back when they started to march for Donan. Having lived, travelled and hunted in the area all his life, he knew the best route to take and where he could safely watch them without being spotted. It was his deepest hopes as he prayed, that he could live through this night and return to his wife and family, alive and well. He’d seen the results of battle with Claymores...
As the men prepared the ship to leave port, Therese looked for a guard or soldier to give her last letter to. She spotted a soldier on patrol, coming up the pier and called out to him. The soldier recognized who she was and made haste to the gangway, before it was raised. He stood in front of her at attention and waited for her direction. ‘I want you to give this letter to the Earl, no one else. Make sure that he gets it, after, I have left.’ Her emphasis on after, being stressed to him. The...
The arrow went right through his Adam’s apple, all he managed was a gurgle before falling forward. The sound he made must have reached his comrades, as I heard them increase the speed of their approach. When he had hit the ground, the arrow was pushed even further through his neck, causing a spurt of blood to escape the wound. I could see that the arrow had pierced his spine, near the base of his skull. Within moments, he stopped breathing; a large puddle of blood was oozing out around him....
1875 Annabelle breathed deeply as her eyes opened. With a level of vigor she never thought she would ever feel again, she sat up in bed. Impulsively, she began to laugh. She felt ... strong. Revived. Alive. The fever that had ailed her for days, that had already claimed the rest of her family, was gone. She was herself again. No, that wasn't quite right. She felt better, stronger now, but not necessarily like herself. It was more like she felt like someone else. It didn't matter. By all...
The morning glow of sunshine washed the deck in orange hues, as men prepared the ship to leave port. Therese looked for a guard or soldier to give her last letter to and spotted a soldier on patrol, coming up the pier and called out to him. The soldier recognized who she was and made haste to the gangway, before it was raised. He stood in front of her at attention and waited for her direction. ‘I want you to give this letter to the Earl, no one else. Make sure that he gets it, after, I have...
While Garreth and Grayson awaited the start of the trial, James MacRae had already broken the cease-fire pact and sat with several leaders of smaller clans, at the head of the table of Andrew MacDougall. Andrew, sat on his left, in his deteriorating Dunollie Castle, while to his right was a captain of the Earl’s guard, dressed in full regalia for representation of his position. McCauley Fraser, Harlan Douglas and Jacob MacLean sat to either side of Andrew and the captain. He had put it to the...
Note: This is a work of pure fiction. Any persons, places or events that may seem familiar are purely by coincidence. Blood Wrong The sound, frogs croaking and of millions of crickets tuning up their legs for the same night time symphony that is played on most every night out here by the big pond. The occasional sound of a bird or two calling as they flit about the cattails before settling in for the night was familiar too. So peaceful out here. Out where the skies open up...
Paul walked into his apartment two hours later to find Rachel waiting for him, sitting up on the couch. "You're home late." Rachel commented indignantly. "I was unaware that I had to ask you permission to stay out late." Paul said with a raised eyebrow. "My apologizes Alpha." Rachel said recognizing her mistake. Sitting down in the love seat across from her, Paul said, "Marcus explained to me why you are here. I had to admit I was wondering." "Every new Were is expected to have...
1912 The door suddenly burst open, and Electra stood in the doorway. She looked very angry. "This madness has gone far enough!" Annabelle instantly sat bolt upright, clutching the bed sheet over her unclothed chest. The man in bed next to her, Paul, frantically shrunk back against the headboard. When Electra's rage was such that even Annabelle was frightened by it, it was only natural for someone else to go into outright panic. "First of all, we still have a right to privacy in this...
Drake dragged his sword as he wielded it. The blade was by no means light, but it seemed as he lost the strength to wield it, it gained the strength to wield itself. The battle had been long, and now it seemed no end was in sight. The on-lookers didn't shout encouragement. No witnesses spoke. He fought the monster he had once called Sage. He fought for his life. He had been betrayed by the man who had been a father to him. The monster lifted his sword and abruptly charged. Drake brought in...
Tom listened to the operation over the radio and had heard the orderly commands and replies of the SWAT team turn to gunfire and screams of pain followed by silence. He arrived at the premises less than five minutes later to find a scene straight out of hell. Bodies in blue uniforms lay everywhere, the entire scene painted in the rich carmine hues of fresh blood. He stared numbly for a moment, wondering how something like this could possibly have happened. He finally tore his eyes from the...
"I'm deeply sorry for your loss," said Father Likembe and nodded solemnly. He struck Ethan as a man of integrity and good will. His words sounded true enough, so Ethan obliged a sincere reply: "Thank you, father," he said and nodded pensively, suddenly lost in thought, his eyes fixed beyond the mass of people waiting for a meal. There was a peaceful murmur in the air, rarely broken by the sound of crying children. The people that had gathered weren't restless at all. He had been...
PART FIVE- Just Like Antoinette I dreamt the most splendid dreams that day: Kittie, Nathan and Dean working together in the restaurant, Dean being drilled by questions about the late 1800’s and all the things that he had learned. Dean told the highlights of his life but never delved into too much detail. Nathan and Dean joked back and forth, slightly irritating Kittie. “If Dana were here we would have an even match, but you guys are just picking on me!” she pouted. The guys just laughed and...
PART SIX: A Night to Remember Dean and Nathan got permission to use Ruby’s back room to change into their new suits and they joined us out by the car. We were quite a sight so see, the men in classic suits and Kittie and I in large billowing dresses with tight corsets. Kittie sat in the back with me and Nathan drove with Dean playing navigator, it would have been impossible for her to drive anyway. Kittie and I communicated telepathically and held hands as we headed out of town. “You know...
The rumbling had begun again. The ground shook so hard that without handholds we fell to the floor. The lights dimmed then went out. The cave became menacingly dark. I let Smyth go and covered my ears with my hands. The rumbling noise inside the cave echoed loudly. It seemed that the rumbling was becoming more frequent. Two lots of it in less than an hour had me worried. At last the rumbling and shaking stopped. I stood shakily then and helped Smyth to her feet, stumbling a little in the...
Chapter 1 April 1589 — Loch Leven The drenching rains fell heavy as they often do in spring, in the western highlands of Scotland. Through the trees in the early morning, grey haze, a flash of lightning illuminated the murderous eyes of a small army of clansmen peering upon the sleeping village. The evil in the eyes of the leader showed the mindset on carrying out the events about to happen. They made their way into Ballachulish on the south shores of Loch Leven, the thrumming of rain on...
Niya could already hear the tell-tale screams of cries of agony that marked Ashen's arrival as stood trapped in a small room at the back of the mansion. Looking for any possible escape she saw the window as she shot the bolt in behind her in time to see the door shake on its hinges. Rushing forward she burst through the glass rolling as she hit the ground. Not wanting to turn around, she broke into a run past the bodies of the dead strewn about the front yard of the lonely mansion, her only...
Lillian I left everyone in the room and made my way to the cellar of the, opening the door to find Violet, on the floor. The chains of the shackles were looped around a metal bracket on the floor, even Davik’s unique strength would not be able to pull it up. I looked down at her, memories of her sleeping after our love making filling my head and alerting me to her ruse. I walked up and planted a hard kick to her abdomen, causing her to scream in pain, as well as curse me for hitting...
Davik I could not tell how long I had been here, but my stomach was beginning to demand that I accept the food that the young girl had been bringing. True to her word, Brenson had stopped using blunt objects and began using a whip. I had to be careful as the pain of the strikes could have made me bite my tongue off, which would have been very painful, and I doubt I would have been able to grow it back. The whole time, he was asking how I was able to do the things I could, where I got my...
I am a vampire. I did not turn as any other has. I was not bitten by a vampire. I had no sponsor into the world of darkness. No one showed me the canal from which to draw power. My beginning is clouded in mystery, even from my own memories. I simply am. I was not from this world called Earth. I arrived from another world. I came from chaos. I come from a world of fire. My world was a place where the air is so thick with sulfurous gas and toxic smoke that nothing can survive simply by itself....
"General Santos, you asked for the latest photos." The General was passed a manila envelop containing satellite images of Vandenberg Air Force Base. For the last week Vandenberg had been under close surveillance. A night time aerial photo sweep was taken viewing heat sources. The base was photographed, showing fuzzy images of bodies. Over the next days the daytime sweeps showed nothing. At night however, the ghosted bodies appeared. This had caught the attention of those watching the...
I was told when I finally woke up that I had been out for nearly five hours. Everyone wanted to be there with me when I woke up, but they knew the importance of the burning of the skulls. Lillian had stayed by me and told the others when I finally came to. I explained to them the meeting I had with Phaltina and that the curse had been released from the skulls when they broke apart. Kayla was a bit disappointed that she would not be using her mortar and pestle, but she was happier that I was...
The arrows left their bow strings, the whistling only lasting a second or two, before more screams echoed off the hills around them. Two more men stood without their manhood, while the third was pierced in his abdomen. The two men stood back and watched, as Glendon’s last archer, Callum McInnis took aim once more. All the men watched in suspense, Callum’s shot deciding a winner or not. The arrow streaked the distance in a blur and missed its mark, hitting the man on his left thigh. Gleason’s...
‘I can’t believe we made it,’ I gasped, then collapsed on the ground. From the top of the mountain, the island stretched out far below. The waters of the Pacific glistened deep blue as the sun beat mercilessly down. It was a little cooler at this height, being so exposed on the top of the now smouldering mountain, the sea breeze cooled the sweat on my body. Blondie joined me on the ground, obviously, she was as unfit as I, judging the way that her body shook from the exertion. ‘We should...
The constant roar of the cannons had the men pulling as hard as they could to battle speed. The guns of the Justice were battering down the walls of Knock, as shot after shot of solid iron kept crumbling the blocks apart, while other shot burst into flames when it hit. The birlinns kept racing towards it, the men readying arrows and lighting a fire in a steel pot. The larger, heavier galleys lagged behind their smaller counterparts, but made as much speed as they could. A lookout in the...
The trip back from Paris, left Therese with the first chance to understand what her freedom was. She sat in the carriage happily smiling, looking out at the countryside passing by and began to realize what Leon St. Gilbert’s hanging truly meant to her. Her life was now free of danger, no more did she have to worry about being killed, no more did she have to worry about losing her beloved Chateau and estate and no longer did she have to dread spending her life with Douglas Wallace, fourth Earl...
It was a clear night, the moon and stars shining brightly, the vampire hungry. Jake is a 300-year-old vampire, created by the now dead vampire, Manna. Jake was out looking for young beautiful women to feed upon. Instead he found a young man looking for death. Reading this mortals mind, he found out this man is a bisexual but mainly preferring other men. “Ah this should be fun” Jake thought to himself as he strides up to this man. “Sir, would you help a man down on his luck? Some food, clothes,...
It was a clear night, the moon and stars shining brightly, the vampire hungry. Jake is a 300-year-old vampire, created by the now dead vampire, Manna. Jake was out looking for young beautiful women to feed upon. Instead he found a young man looking for death. Reading this mortals mind, he found out this man is a bisexual but mainly preferring other men. “Ah this should be fun” Jake thought to himself as he strides up to this man. “Sir, would you help a man down on his luck? Some food, clothes,...