Blood of BrothersChapter 11 Inner Demons
- 2 years ago
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What is the nature of demons? Are they the demons case down by god, the spawn of Satan, as humans tend to believe? Do they come from a different world? What are they? Demons come from all over the worlds. They are dimension travelers, but most specifically, they are beings that feed off of life. They are parasites. There are few that know the true origin of demons, most of them being the first demons. Some of them are still alive. Stories claim that the demons came originally from a harsh world. The world itself was parasitic. It drained the life from the creatures living on it. The demons adapted to struggle over their own life forces. They constantly had to take life from the land or others to survive. Their struggle created rifts in the fabric of space, tears which could be traveled through. And into these rifts the demons went; first a few at a time and eventually more and more. They arrived at various worlds and destinations. Some of the rifts were fixed, others moved constantly. Every world they went to they were much like parasites and drained every form of life from that world before moving on.
The nature of demons is very partial to change. When you consume the life of another you yourself change. The less life you take the less the change. Also the act of draining the life force changes it to match our own which reduces change. Over time, though, demons changed into many different forms. Succubae emerged, preferring the taste of life during the throws of passion. Monsters of all shapes developed. Some demons had the ability to use the life they collected to do acts. Some used it to change themselves. Due to this factor many demons began to change yet again.
The thirst for life and the sudden availability of it affected many demons. They once were creatures of energy, of life force, similar to what might be called a spirit. Some started to crave the taste of flesh. Now that they were on different worlds they could change far more readily. Some invaded other species' and half breeds were born. These half-breeds were a strange sort. No one was the same. The one thing similar came from their shared heritage. All of the half breeds required both life force and nutrition to survive. The half breeds grew in numbers and multiplied. Over the years a pure blooded demon became impossible to find. Now, while any creature that sucks the life force from another can be considered a demon, it likely has demonic roots.
The First of the vampires has a very cloudy beginning. He was the source of the line of vampires, but not the source of the demonic requirement for draining life. Among his actions, he found the world known as Earth and deemed it would not become the wasteland every other world found by demons had become. He would make certain that it was protected. He enacted many laws for all demons on this world to follow. He charged the ruling class, his line, with the duty to uphold them after his time.
One of the few laws remaining today from The First is a requirement to use discrimination when feeding - restraint. For a demon to lose himself in the bloodlust and rampage is an almost unforgivable act. A young demon is taught what is expected of him, and when a demon falls to the level of a mindless monster, he is to be sentenced to death.
The First's laws continued thousands of years after his death, carried on by his line. As time progressed, without the might of The First, a faction emerged from the shadows. They believe humanity is nothing but cattle, and it is owed to demons to rule them. This faction embraced the addiction of blood, and focused on the emotions of lust, greed, vengeance, and wrath. The High Empress had long been fighting them. The numbers of this house have swelled. With no restraint on how they fed, more and more people are turned by these vampires. The turning of a human into a vampire is a strange process. Draining something's life force requires the taking of something not your own and consuming it. Since the life force drained is someone else's when you take it into yourself it changes, and it causes a change within you. Much as this process created all forms of demons, it also shaped the Houses of vampires. There are many different breeds of vampire, many different bloodlines.
Some of these vampires are like carriers of a disease, anyone they drain will turn into a vampire. These vampires have poor control over their own life force and when they consume they cannot help but expel at the same time. When they are attached to someone and they start to drain that person, a fraction of the energy that is taken in will flow back into the victim. This altered life force that passes between the two will change the human into a vampire. The energy he is given will fill him with a hunger he cannot quench, and the only thing that will satisfy it is the blood of another. The new vampire feeds and the cycle repeats itself. These vampires are considered the lowest of the breed. They are the ones most hunted, and constantly give all others a bad name. Most of them are mere animals seeking their next meal. These demons are called the Kazikaan, or bloodthirsty.
Another form of vampire is well known for having firm control over their life force. They drain and can choose who to turn. The turning process is much the same as the Kazikaan, except they can choose who turns. They drain the life force and replace it with the corrupted form they carry. This life force will change the human into a vampire.
There also is a correlation between humans that think they will turn as opposed to those whom think some crazy person bit them. A fraction of the time those with incredible wills resist the corruption of the demon life force. They reject the change and in turn are able to reclaim their life force, or prevent the one placed within in them from taking them over. In these cases, the change is averted, but the person tends to have symptoms. Also, they are considerably weakened for a time afterwards. The rules of the consensus are never in black and white.
A meeting of the last remaining Empire is nothing to miss. In past times each house would have an emperor or empress. Of those, the strongest would receive the "High" title. Once the title was taken by force, and each new High Emperor would start a new Empire, a new time, a dominion over all demon-kin. With so few houses surviving after the Great War it was decided that war between the houses was not to be accepted for mere power struggles. When a High Emperor or High Empress had lost the power to rule the elders of each house would gather and elect a new High Emperor or High Empress. The High Empress of all demon-kin is from Aashiar blood. She has reigned a hundred and eighty years with few outright challenges. The Aashiar House was one of the first houses. They trace their roots back very closely to The First. Of the three great houses remaining none claim to be the first, Aashiar is considered the oldest. Since the Great War many houses have sprung up. The purists insist these are not true houses, just errant from one of the other three. The first houses started that way; each vampire should be able to trace his roots to The First.
From the outside, the building serving as the House of Aashia looked rather nondescript. Like so many other buildings in The Hole, the twenty story apartment complex was a standard grey with black windows. The walls were weather worn and showed numerous cracks. The building had few discerning characteristics just like so many others. It lay directly in the middle of The Hole. The brimming cesspool within the boundaries of Los Angeles housed many demon-kin, all of them fell under the House of Aashia's dominion.
The Aashiar House is well known for its magic. As a rule all vampires have the ability to mold life; to make the flow of life's energy change. Training, potential, and raw power are all very important for a demon to possess for them to perform feats. The House of Aashia contains some of the best teachers in focusing power. They have spent centuries learning how to bend The Consensus. With their ability to bend the rules, all demons are forced into following. The Aashiar House has had a firm hold on the other houses.
For the High Empress to call court is a rare occurrence; it does not happen often. Court is held every day, but for an official gathering of the houses is not something to miss. All demon kin invited would come. Many that weren't invited would come as well. No place was guaranteed to those not on the guest list however.
The Aashiar House, as with every house, held court every day. The emperor or empress of the house would listen to grievances, stories, news, and would make his or her decrees. The emperor or empress would also feed the gathered guests as a customary sign of wealth. It was considered proper for the rulers to provide for their subjects. Every day, for the first four hours of the night, the High Empress would stay in her throne room, and receive anyone who had news, or anything public that needed to be said. She too fed the members of her court. A feast was often set out with both nutritional food and blood containing the sweet nectar of life.
The arrival of two Hunters in The Hole is something worth noticing. A general unease settles over those able to feel it. Two Hunters sent to the same place is like a police force sending out two S.W.A.T. teams, it's done but usually excessive. Two Hunters in The Hole means something very important is about to take place.
Drake and Chimera, two legends, hunted together. They were on a mission to meet with the High Empress. The two had met at the Hunter outpost on the north side of The Hole, and from there they traveled together. The two rode over to the House of Aashia in a limousine which would wait for them to finish and take them home. The two Hunters looked like matching opposites – white and black.
Chimera, once known as Raven, is well known among the Hunters. He arrived at the school blind and yet had graduated the academy with some of the highest marks ever. He was five feet tall and his slender build couldn't be whiter. He was an albino, his white skin glassy, and his white hair, worn short, was almost silver. His red eyes were sightless. Chimera never missed a shot however. He had one of the strongest abilities of sixth sense of any of the Hunters. This evening he wore a white suit with a red shirt. His tie was white with red droplets of blood matching his shirt in vibrancy. To finish off his outfit, he had a pair of red sunglasses, the lenses exactly the same color as his shirt. He moved with lethal grace as he exited the limousine, the holsters under his jacket not even noticeable.
Drake was black to Chimera's white. He was dressed in a pair of black pants with a dark blue dress shirt. He wore a full length overcoat in the same shade of black. Naturally he too had his guns holstered under his jacket. Both of the Hunters wore their named medallion[s] proudly around their necks. It was a sign of their title and an honor for them both.
For a Hunter to come into any demon's home unarmed would be considered an insult to the demon. However, the Hunters came as emissaries of the Hunters and therefore had to look appropriate when meeting the High Empress of all demon-kin. The Hunters and the High Empress had an understanding. They were not the bitter enemies that would be expected. It was the High Empress's duty to make certain that all of her subjects obeyed her laws. She had used the Hunters many times to kill off undesirables. The Hunters were a very useful tool in her mind. To the Hunters, she was a good source of information. The purpose of the Hunters wasn't to eliminate all of the demons. Their job was to protect humanity from finding out the truth, and protect them from those that would enslave them. The High Empress had often used the Hunters to help her punish those that broke the laws.
The two Hunters were welcomed to Aashiar House as promised. The whores wandering outside the courtyard were clearly not just eye candy. The pimp too seemed to be more than he appeared. Two very large Russians stood at the front door. From the outside, the apartment building looked like nothing more than an old housing unit turned into an underground night club. These clubs were not unknown in The Hole, though it was clear to the Hunters it was not a club. Drake watched the building in amazement. He was used to seeing the lines of energy covering every building, and usually he could see these lines connected to people. This place was almost blinding. It was completely covered by lines of energy.
Drake and Chimera were ushered inside by a seven foot physical monster. The main doors opened into a long hall. Five steps inside, another demon stepped up to take the place of the bouncer. This one was tall, thin and pale, the signs of a pure vampire. The new demon looked on the guard with a glance of disgust. The guard clearly wasn't vampire. It was some other form of demon set to stand guard. Good enough to guard the door, but not clean enough to wander the halls of the High Empress.
"If you would follow me." he started down the hall without looking back. Not an overt affront to anyone, he was simply letting the Hunters know he was not pleased they were visiting. The Hunters were well prepared for this form of covert insult. They expected it and weren't even fazed.
The Hunters followed along silently. They knew that the house had extended its courtesy to them, but there was no reason to encourage a fight for the sake of a contrived insult. The first steps down the hall, the Hunters realized this building was completely different from the place they entered. This building was not an apartment converted into a manor for the House of Aashia. The original building had been completely gutted to the point that nothing seemed to be remaining.
The Aashiar were known for their abilities, this building was merely a showing of their strength.
As if wearing the skin of another building, the complex had been completely rewoven with magic. It was reworked to suit the desires of its new occupants. It seemed that more than just the building had been affected, the amount of space that had been reworked was larger than the volume of the original complex. Aashiar House had bent space in their home. They cheated to get more room.
The Hunters were led through a series of rooms with high ceilings. Fascinating murals with moving images haunted all of the heights. The walls were all white marble. There were many tapestries showing moving scenes that looped whenever they were viewed.
After heading mostly in the same direction, they stood in a grand entryway. The room was immense, but simple. The ceiling bore a mural depicting a man and woman in the throes of passion. The man had long, full, black wings. Their guide motioned them to stand the middle of the room, facing the grand, wooden doors. The Hunters took a moment each to look around. They would memorize everything that transpired for their report later. Each door was twenty feet tall, looming over the guards standing at each side. The only thing marring the perfect wood was a five foot carving of the Aashiar symbol. From the details it was clear no tool had ever touched that carving.
The only other things in the room aside from the mural were two full tapestries, each the size of the doors. One showed the Man from the mural. He wore a simple black tunic and pants. The shirt had no arms and a ring of red signaled the end of each side. At his side he wore a simple blade with no fancy work. It was the sword of a fighter. On his chest he had a simple silver medallion hanging from his neck. The medallion showed with great detail a clear depiction of a simple symbol. The character was very familiar to the Hunters but if either of them could remember what it was they didn't say anything. The man's wings outstretched and his head upturned to blissfully enjoy the sun.
The other image was a woman, the same from the mural. She wore a simple black dress. Her long, red hair cascaded over her shoulder and down her front, ending just above her waist. The air shimmered with life energy around her. Stitched behind her, was the symbol of Aaisha, the same mark she bore on a medallion on her chest. The woman depicted here was Aaisha.
The guide stepped over to the right side and slipped behind the image of Aaisha ... The twenty foot tapestry didn't even move in recognition of his passing. No more than thirty seconds passed when a knock resounded on the door from the other side. The two guards facing Drake and Chimera stepped up to the side as the doors swung open.
If it weren't so formal an occasion, the enormous doors opening to reveal Chimera, who was a fourth their size, and Drake who was only a little taller would have been a very humorous image. The fact that these two Hunters were entering a room full of their prey, and that almost every demon inside would be craving their lives put a damper on the humor of it all.
"Hunters Drake and Chimera," the Master Herald called.
Taking the cue, the two Hunters stepped forward with matching strides. They kept pace with practiced ease. Though seeming to only watch the throne, both skillfully took stock of both sides of the room. Doors on all sides, expensive tapestries behind which any number of things might hide, a balcony with mostly hidden occupants, guests on both sides of the room, every detail was accounted for and logged by the trained. The room was more impressive than the main doors leading into it. Undoubtedly forty feet tall by a hundred and fifty feet long, the ceiling was done up in a mural rivaling the Sistine Chapel. The image depicted a man with wings lifting up a woman; she bore the symbol of Aashia on her chest. The mural moved as if filled with life as it recounted the creation of the House of Aashia. The winged man was shown with reverence and respect.
One of the tapestries drew Drake's attention momentarily. The tapestry showed a great war with thousands of demons attempting to gain footing on a mountain top. Standing on it were the same woman and the winged man. The woman threw lightening and fire as they appeared in her hands. The man bore a sword which he used expertly in close combat. When he was not fighting a demon close, he would sweep the blade across an area and every demon in its path would be knocked to its knees. A demon flew down to strike the woman when she wasn't watching. The demon almost reached her when the man turned. With a casual flick of his wrist the demon exploded into ashes. The war paused as no one watched it.
Drake noticed as he glanced around that no one seemed to be watching any of the images. Many even seemed to be going out of their way not to look at the ceiling. The Hunters stopped when they were thirty feet away. They bowed and remained bent, waiting for recognition.
"You are welcome Hunters. Be at ease," the High Empress sounded unconcerned by the arrival of her guests. "Thank you for accepting my invitation."
"We are honored High Empress," both Hunters vocalized together with practiced ease.
"I offer you a gift, Hunters," the High Empress as customary, presented those that might be deemed her enemies with a gift of gratitude, a sign to all that they were guests. Two vampires from the ruling house came forward and dragged forward a struggling body. "This is Rikar, known by his choice as Ripper. He has betrayed our laws and is to be put down. His more recent actions include the conversion, without discrimination, of no less than thirty humans in the last year. He has been found guilty of bloodthirst without caution, and is a known associate of Kaan. You might know him from his tendency toward cutting out the eyes of his victims before killing them. He feeds off the heightened fear and the pain. I know he is on your list. I gift his life to you."
"We thank you for your gracious gift, High Empress. I would not willingly kill in your house," Chimera spoke up first. It was wise not to act in a way that might give the court reason to become violent, their assured survival counted on them following all of the rules. "I do not reject your gift, I accept it gladly. I ask, however, that his blood be spilt by another."
"That is very noble of you," she motioned and the vampire was dragged in front of her. "I take his life for you myself." She stood and walked over to the kneeling vampire. One of the two servants grabbed his head and pulled it roughly backwards. No mercy was shown to him as the High Empress made one swipe at his neck, her nails growing out into claws to slice him open. Trailing behind her claws, four red lines flared for a moment in the air. The lines slowly faded as reality came back together. The usual healing the Hunters had learned to expect did not happen. The vampire's body stayed motionless for a full minute, the head rolled backwards, barely connected to its neck.
The High Empress allowed the time it took for everyone gathered to get the full impression of her actions before moving on. "His life was for you, Hunters. The gift has been accepted," aside "take this corpse away and burn it. I don't want it fouling up my room." The two servants dragged the body off again. They seemed to recoil from the touch of the body this time as if it felt wrong. The Hunters noticed as the body was dragged off that no blood had spilt to the ground.
"If you two would join me, we have a special dinner prepared tonight." The High Empresses turned to address everyone else gathered, "I now close court for tonight, all of you are welcome to stay and enjoy the food offered in the next room. Tomorrow we shall meet again ... Good evening to you all," the High Empress stood up, and all present bowed, they all filed out of the room through doors, opened by servants, on the right side. The gathered demons attacked the food filled tables with gusto.
The High Empress had disappeared unnoticed into a door behind her throne. The Hunters stood where they were for a moment. They watched the throng of demons feeding, for the first time uncertain what to do. A vampire who moved with years of experience approached the Hunters, "I am to lead you to your dinner. The High Empress did not wish to hide your presence here, but she wanted to talk to you privately. She didn't feel it would be prudent to leave you unattended. If you will follow me," the last being a statement, not a question.
The three went out through a side door, not one leading into the dining room. They traveled up several flights of stairs and around a few corridors. Drake got the impression they were taking the long way around. They passed very few demons, mostly servants. After five minutes, the guide stopped at a much smaller door than the last one the Hunters had wound up at. "The High Empress is inside," the vampire said, he reached out and knocked on the door, "High Empress, the Hunters are here."
From inside a muffled voice called out for them to enter. The guide motioned for them to open the door and go inside. He stepped back and waited for the Hunters to go first. Drake glanced at Chimera and reached out his hand, he grasped the handle and pulled open the door.
Since his waking dream earlier in the day, Drake had been seeing everything with heightened senses. In the past when he had called up the lines of power he would see the ties as opaque threads, now he couldn't turn the sight off. Worse ... the lines were brighter. He could see it all much clearer. He could see and feel threads layering everything. The threads around the House were very strained. They were weakened and were flickering in and out.
When Drake walked into the room he noticed immediately that there were no threads. The room was completely clear of any traces of them, as if they didn't exist. "Are you alright Drake," Chimera whispered in his ear, "you seem uneasy."
"I am fine."
"Hunters," the High Empress called, "you are welcome."
"Once again, High One, we thank you for the welcome. You honor us with your generosity," Chimera spoke first. He could smell food and felt a table and chairs set up in the middle of the room. His ability to see without his eyes was frightening and without a doubt came from a majestic source.
The Hunters took seats at the small table in the center of the room. It was the size a family might eat dinner at. The High Empress was herself seated at the same table. She had changed her clothes and no longer wore her crown. She seemed more like any other vampire they had dealt with. Only the aura of power she unintentionally emitted gave cause for anyone to question her. A very fabulous meal sat on the table, cleverly disguised as simple fare. The High Empress herself had a simple glass of a red liquid in her hand. On the table beside her sat a large glass pitcher with the same blood. To Drake's enhanced vision, the blood was filled with energy.
"Please help yourself to food. It is for you." The vampire seemed to be waiting for something and in the silence the Hunters began to reach for the food. Drake had been with Chimera long enough to know that he would need no help arranging anything. The best thing to do concerning Chimera's blindness was to ignore it.
The High Empress stood quickly and stepped over to a very old book. She opened it and slid back to the table. Holding it open it she read out loud, "There is a plague among my kind. It leads us to cower. It drains our power, and weakens our young. It is growing, and one day it will kill us." She put the book down and looked back at the Hunters, "That was from the writings of the third Aashia. Her words are as relevant now as they were then. For some reason whenever our race is threatened it is up to Aashia to stand and fight." She let out a sigh, and as if it were a cue, the door was opened. A six foot three African, dressed flamboyantly in orange and yellow with a shaved head entered the room. He had a symbol of a four leaf clover scarred on his forehead which quickly changed to the mark of Aashia in the presence of the High Empress. "Ahh ... Sinbad, welcome home."
"Thank you, my Empress."
The two of them spoke as if no one were in the room. "I have come to report," Sinbad spoke. "I have found him." Something unspoken passed between the two, a hidden meaning betrayed by simple words. "Hunters, this is Sinbad, one of my closest advisors. I believe you know him as Senex. He has recently been in San Diego where he has been tracking an anomaly. It seems the time has come to shed some light into the darkness of your memories." Aashia turned back to the Hunters as she spoke, her voice speeding up as if she had a lot to explain and not nearly enough time as it would take.
"I don't have enough time to spend on your ignorance. You know what I am, a vampire, a demon. You are mostly human. What you see, however, is a very skewed view. Humans have a special ability ... not that you understand or realize it. A strong willed creature like you has a very strong belief system. This belief system has turned into something physical to use on us supernatural creatures, as you'd call us. We call this force the Consensus. Every doubt, belief, emotion, thought you have are part of this net. Have either of you ever tried to fly? Of course you have. But you didn't go anywhere. Why? The answer is you didn't believe you could. The consensus acts on you as much as it acts on us. Our spirits are no longer your world. No, we are not in a battle between heaven and hell over your souls. Many of us are originally from here. Most of us vampires were once human. Our sire was not from Earth. The First was a traveler who decided to make his home here.
"The basic story you need to be concerned with is that as you humans spread out and increased in numbers your consensus became stronger. Though we vampires are mostly from here, we are linked to another world through our blood. We can gather power from that world to perform acts here. The stronger the demon, the more power he can draw to himself. The consensus prevents us from getting through however. It made the holes between the worlds smaller, and only the strongest vampires were able to get access to their blood-right. This weakening of the blood was very important to the increase in the power of humanity.
"For us to live we must have life energy. I know that sounds a little redundant but it is not as it sounds. You humans eat to gain calories which you burn to keep your bodies heated and get energy for movement. We get little from eating foods. We drain the life from other things to keep ourselves alive. When we wish to do something beyond our physical limitations, we can use life energy. We consume the energy and shape it to our will. Once we could stretch out and gather energy from our home world to use with little effort. The consensus now prevents us from reaching out.
"The real reason I called you to me is not this piece of news however. With your consensus preventing of us from using our power, many demons have been searching for a way to act without barriers. The consensus prevents us from doing anything you humans agree can't be done. The way it does so is by limiting our ability to reach outside this world to get power. House Kaan has been focusing on the gathering of life force. If the consensus prevents us from gathering our power from outside forces, we can act using the energy from within the world.
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It’s been a rather quiet and boring month since your best friend Amy left on another of her business trips and left you in charge of watering her plants. You’re used to doing this for her since she tends to leave unexpectedly for a couple of weeks, but now you’re getting worried because this is the longest she has ever been gone without giving you a call. You don’t even know where she went! Over at here place, you finish watering the azaleas when you finally decide to look around and see if you...
FantasyWhen Ryan stepped through the door of his apartment, Nahash was waiting there for him, lounging on the couch as she watched him hang up his coat. She was treating it like a chaise longue due to her size, reclining on it as she leaned with one arm on the backrest and the other trailing over the side. Her long legs were crossed, hanging over the adjacent armrest, her cloven hooves touching the floor. She had always been distractingly attractive, but for the first time, he felt free to really...
Phil considered, once again, what to admit to his family. He didn’t want to undermine their confidence and shake their faith in him. Opening his front door, he forced himself to smile. “Hello. How’s everyone doing?” His unexpected greeting surprised Toni and his wife, Jane. More than anything else, as it wasn’t his typical approach. “I’m glad you enjoyed your afternoon off,” Toni replied. “I hope you got it out of your system.” “Why? Is there more demand than usual?” “Uh, not...
As the intensely bright light slowly recedes, you cough at the muskiness of the air - you find yourself now in a dark, sparsely light stone corridor, perhaps underground because there are no windows to be seen. The glowing purple pentagram you walked through hissed behind you before fading to a dull gray; touching the portal yields no passage back to Atter's Pit, the dungeon you were in the process of exploring for treasure before come here... wherever here is. "That was real smart of you,...
FantasyRAMIE? Please don’t leave me, Ramie. I’m frightened. Where are you? Don’t leave me here alone! I was dreaming. Had to be dreaming. Miranda was dead. Please, please, take me with you, Ramie? I’m so frightened. Please. She was begging me and sounded so much like my Miranda. I wanted to take her into my arms and hold her. I wanted desperately to believe I was back in her body. That she was alive and we could watch our baby grow up. We would change history! “Miranda? How... ? Was it a...
Amy smiled as we drove away from the house. My mind returned to Sandra who was sl**ping on the couch after spending the day doing my will. Inwardly I was pleased with my mother in law and her willingness to set aside her racist nature and have sex with her black gardener. The large black man had used her hard all day long. I looked over at Amy who was wearing her schoolgirl outfit also pleased me. She never even raised an eyebrow when I told her we would go out for dinner and that she was to...
Amy smiled as we drove away from the house. My mind returned to Sandra who was sleeping on the couch after spending the day doing my will. Inwardly I was pleased with my mother in law and her willingness to set aside her racist nature and have sex with her black gardener. The large black man had used her hard all day long.I looked over at Amy who was wearing her schoolgirl outfit also pleased me. She never even raised an eyebrow when I told her we would go out for dinner and that she was to go...
Hello ISS lovers! This storyline was sent by email to me by a horny lady from Dehradun. I have just tried to add some spices to what she claimed a true incident. “When is Dad’s next dialysis due?” Vishal questioned as he entered the kitchen. Shyamala, his mother was busy preparing his favorite ‘keer’ as the entire kitchen was filled with smell of milk and roasted cashew nuts. “It’s today,” replied Shyamala without turning back and keeping an eye on the boiling dish.” I don’t think you are...
IncestThis story is based upon a photo series, “The Bet”, by Italian photographer, Andrea James Bramley, who started a photo series under this same name at I write this with the permission of both he and the model featured in “The Bet”, and with his collaboration. He especially helps with some of the Italian phrasing, which I don’t speak. I present to you this tale of a bet gone wrong. You will also find links to his other photographic works. Please...
Wife LoversThe next morning, Teaghan walked across the garden towards the house. She passed the hired clean up crew as they tidied the grounds after the party. They had their work cut out for them but they went about their business diligently. "Help yourself to a few burgers," she remarked half-jokingly to no one in particular as she passed by the poolside. Checking through the pantry and the fridge, she made a list of the groceries that needed to be delivered for the week. She had awoken from the couch...
Straight SexMarissa was just about to walk out the door when another text from Mark came through. She paused in the door way to read what he sent, "Master needs a good hard come….". A big smile formed on her face and Marissa's heart quickened. That…she thought devilishly...she could defiantly make happen for her Master. Every morning during the work week, before Marissa leaves for work at 7am, she texts her Master, Mark. The text contains the same phrase and attached is the same type of photo. "Master, how...
Oral SexIf Beth wasn't lying beside me, I'd be kicking down every door in the house."You'll sign those fucking papers or I promise you, I will ruin your life!" I yelled into the phone causing my little sister to jump slightly."Oh, you'll ruin my life? I-" I didn't let Clara finish her sentence, and slammed the phone into the receiver.Beth nuzzled her head into my neck and caressed my cheek with her hand. "We'll get through this together."My cellphone vibrated from atop the bedside table. I reached for...
IncestPart 1, Making Plans Marc didn’t stay at the girls apartment that much longer. Amy was physically tired and emotionally drained and just wanted to turn in for the night. They did make few plans for what they were going to need do starting the following day. Amy was to go to the administrative offices and drop out of school for the fall semester, but considering her due date would probably be in late March she didn’t expect to return until the following fall, but she wasn’t going to tell them...
In the year 3XXX the Ascension finally came and half of humanity moved on to the next plane of existence. Shortly after that Iteresiel: Crown Princess of the Divine led the Divinity's Edge (the Militant arm of the Divine) against her twin sister Ahonilael and her Nihilistic Shade followers(Broken humans and Fallen Angels) which extinguished 45% of the remaining human species while both sides took the remaining as tributes. You were left behind because of a secret only known by the Smecerin the...
Fantasy"Happy Birthday, Jane," shouted a room full of people as you walked through the front door. Today is your 18th birthday, and honestly, you're not too surprised to find your family and friends hosting your surprise party. Smiling at the assorted well-wishers you glow with excitement as your mom presents you with a massive cake, "Thanks, everyone! Wow, it looks really good!" So you enjoyed the cake, the various presents and the attention... and tried not to notice a sulking figure leaning in a...
It had been another busy work day at Alistair & King. Rhonda Peters’ day had progressed like it usually did: she’d have Gabriel’s coffee ready and waiting, she’d lay out his day planner for him, take care of his phone calls, bookings, and type out necessary legal documents that needed to be filed. Around three o’clock that afternoon, something oddly changed in Rhonda’s usual routine. For some reason, at that particular hour, she couldn’t stop herself from eyeing Gabriel all the way from her...
CheatingAt night the further paths from the village were hard to travail, but Valeriya Artyomovna could come and go blindfolded. The branches and roots of the trees were as unruly as nature demanded, and unknown animals peered from their hideouts with gleaming eyes.Weren't humans one and the same? Didn't the wild animals feel similar apprehensions about her kin?Valeriya had nothing to fear, and no mystery would stop her from experiencing pleasure.Tonight she came to witness a peculiar breed of flowers...
Straight SexThe clatter of pots and pans along with the smell of freshly brewed coffee intruded on a dream about a faceless young girl. I was definitely disappointed to be awakened before the dream had played itself out. I suffered, as all teenage boys suffer, the drive of excess of hormones and the absence of a suitable partner to share my awakening needs. It's a cruel world. There was no time for the obvious solution so I jumped out of bed and dressed. I ate a hurried breakfast, gave Mom a hug for a...
Rex Schwartz, now fully aware of his ancient dual personality, known as Invictus Rex had, of course, witnessed the approach and the initial attack of the Tomradi. He was confident, that the latest TransDim shields would hold against anything these aliens could throw at them from surface weapons. The appearance of these huge disc-shaped battleships however caused great concern. He brought along a sizeable army of Seenian Sentmacs. Cloned humans that had been altered to be the perfect...
The football game was rough. Not the field action, not just the Niners losing to some east coast team, but what Mel had to go through at the hands of his so called friends. Mel was content, feeling close to Tracy, trusted and full of trust himself, knowing for the first time at gut level that she really did care for him, really wanted him to stay and be a part of her life. True, she was gone all night Friday and well into Saturday morning. When she finally did pull up toward noon, instead of...
The Zadrain Steppes were a harsh place, much harsher than the Shadar River Valley, and so challenging for me! I found almost immediately that there was little flowing water to draw strength from. What little there was was either brief, distant or buried deep beneath the stone and sand of the steppes. Marila was clan leader of the Dry Hills clan of the Zadaru. Some arrangement had been made to foster me among them for a time. How long, still to be determined. For this to happen, I was going...
BLOODLINES 2: POST-VAMPIRE DEPRESSION BY Cassandra Anaconda Morrison Being a vampire is not as easy as you might think. In the first place, one has to pretty much swear-off direct sunlight - which means you can forget about that golden tan which is considered the epitome of sexual desirability. Instead you have to cultivate that alabaster pallor most people associate with dead things. One can compensate for this with body make-up of course but I would advise any fledglings out...
At 2:15 in the morning, Teaghan couldn't think of anything more obnoxious than the sound of an incoming cellphone call. Whether it be the thrashing thrum of “car collision” music, or the velvety voice of the sexiest crooner, or the pixie-like chime of bells, it always took considerable restraint not to pound the little piece of glass, plastic, and electronics into dust whenever it dragged her from her slumber. The intrusion at this very moment was no exception. As it rang for another five...
Straight SexIt was really too easy, I reflected when it was all over. I'd decided what I wanted, and getting it was almost anti-climactic. I say almost, because climaxes definitely weren't in short supply. It all came down to blood magic. When Jowan came to me with a half-assed scheme to learn blood magic from Uldred, I didn't agree to it for power. The fact of the matter was, my harrowing was approaching, and I was terrified. My friend, Neria, had accidentally let slip more information than she...
I am so tired of all the bullshit about vampires. Yes… we do exist, so that’s not a myth, but all the rest… well, the crap people think they know about us is mostly nonsense. Firstly, we do not live thousands of years long. Around two hundred years is as good as it gets for us. Fortunately, we do not age and all mature vampires look like they are in their mid-twenties. This, of course, is a great advantage and sets us apart from boring humans. In addition, unlike humans, Vampires are also...
Gay MaleThe pain in your chest wakes you. A dim light hangs above, and the smell of copper, smoke, rust and dust fills the air. Looking around, you can see that you're in a warehouse or a basement somewhere. But more worryingly, you're strapped down to a metal table by your wrists and ankles. Also, you're naked with a strange symbol carved into your chest. The dust tickles my nose and you sneeze. You regret that decision when your head bounces off the table, making a large and throbbing lump at the...
Susan just graduated from high school. She was looking through the local job ads and noticed: Product Demonstrator $50/hr Females only MUST BE 18 + Please apply in person with the name of a local store with an address and phone number. Susan was excited she could live on her own with this job. She drove to the store. She went to customer service and told them she was there to apply for the product demonstrator job. She was asked her age. "18," Susan answered. She was told to head up the...
Michael Clarke Duncan- Coach Clark Jackson Eliza Dushku- Kelly Rayne Me- Jamal Mitchell Chloe Sevigny- Ashley Mitchell Ja Rule- Spyder/Kenny Bone Crusher- Jenkins/B.J. Vin Diesel- Victor Kristen Davis- Lara Rayne Josey Scott- Lucas Gerald Butler- Dracula Fergie- Angie Baker Ashanti- Krissy/Trix Undertaker- Lord Ayres James Marsters- Spike Scott Wolf- Kurt Fuller Started out with Nas' "Dance", then to the sex scene that had Usher's "Twork it...
Blood Lust The winter wind howled fiercely as I made my way back to the town tavern. Pulling my tattered top coat tightly around my neck. Deathly afraid to be late for my meeting with my mysterious benefactor. I think about the night before last while sitting alone at the rear of the noisy dark tavern Counting my dwindling money and wondering how I would live and survive in this strange new world in...
From the writings of Aarcidmus, high archivist and lord researcher to High Emperor Sedimer'tiskoniar: Milord has been obsessed as of late. His only concern is the weakness that has been spreading. The sickness seemed to come from nowhere, and yet, minor cases of it have been appearing in my research dating back several imperials. The weaker lords have been becoming ill and dying. The weak have vanished. The powers all demon kin has been weakening over time. I have not been able to make a...
I was thinking what a pathetic life... I didn't see the car in front of me until I was nearly on top of it. Dim flashers through the snow caught my eye and I was able to slow enough to avoid hitting it. I wondered, as I slowly passed by if anyone was inside. I could not make out anything but the outline of the car. As I drove past I saw the lights flash faintly in the mirror. There was someone in the car. I slowed and started backing towards it. I'm not in the habit of stopping for...
Paul showed up early the following day to his new job, eager for a new beginning. No longer would he be an alpha, and worse case scenario he could at least pretend to be normal. When the first dogs came in, he began their check ups, trying to hide the fact that he could hear them. He succeeded as far as the police were concerned, the dogs however knew better. Watching his every move they reacted to his every word and intention as if they clearly understood, and indeed they did. In an odd way...
1590 Very few things in the world had the power to frighten Electra. Her master's wrath happened to be one of them. And even that was usually only enough to make her take a step back and bow her head. Right now she shrunk down to the floor, positively cowering. Dracula's shadow aura was practically causing the whole keep to tremble with his rage. "Dost thou dare presume to insult my intelligence, Electra?" "No milord," Electra responded weakly. "I spoke only truth to you." "Then...
Her hair is like blood, her eyes violet jewels And she governs the fates of all whom she rules. Her voice is of silk, but her words are of steel. Look in her eyes, and your fears become real. A blossom of blood, with thorns that can kill, She will bend all your dreams to the ways of her will. Her beauty is pure as the clear driving rain, But to enter her world will bring only pain. The blade that she holds you cannot defy. Kill her you might, but she will not die. There is but one...
BLOODLINES 3: BATS ALL IN LEATHER I was growing extremely disillusioned with the LAPD. Here I had been hiding in my (recently deceased) Uncle Gregory's decaying Hollywood mansion for almost three weeks and STILL they had not discovered the body of Rick Herzog. I mean... what in the Nine Billion Hells of Nyarlathotep are we paying taxes for? I was almost tempted to grab the first cop I saw and drag him over to Rick's apartment. Saner council prevailed, however. And I soon realized...
They had been teasing each other all night. It started early the afternoon before when he came home from work. Jumping in the shower, he had been pleased that she joined him. They washed each other from head to toe, front to back and side to side. Touching, rubbing, stroking each other, they both knew when that one last touch would lead to capitulation by the other. Years together had contributed to each learning the other’s pleasure spots, what and where to touch, when to release and when to...
Oral SexAs my husband walked into the kitchen and was out of earshot, The Mad Major, turned and asked me, 'Do young blond Swedish girls, take it in the arse?'I toyed with my glass and studied John's face, he was sweating and I also noticed his hand was shaking, he was drunk, he had to be, otherwise he would not have been so blatant or sexist.John was 64 unmarried and, according to my husband, harbored a fascination for girls bums, 'So he prefers Anal sex', I queried, 'Possibly', my husband replied,...
My name is Jackson Shaw; at least that is what I call myself now. I have gone by many names over the ages. I am a vampire. I was turned the year the great pyramid was completed. Yes, I am over 2000 years old, ancient even by vampire standards. I have lived in the shadows for most of recorded human history. I say human history because it has been a long time since the title human could be associated with me. Time teaches all to he who has the luxury of eternity. And what the ages have taught me...
SupernaturalI made my way from the inn to the market east of there, where Clive had said they had been ambushed. When I arrived, there was a bustle of activity, normal for a market of this size, as well as a grouping of soldiers on the far side. I suspected that was where the attack had transpired. I weaved my way through the crowd until I arrived at the other side, where three soldiers were investigating the area. “Good afternoon gentlemen, what exactly happened here? Do you have any idea who did...
Six years ago... It was almost midnight. Brad and Ritchie had already retreated to their tents; Anthony was alone. Aside from the chirping of crickets and the crackle of his campfire, it was quiet. The pale light of the moon danced eerily on the ripples of the lake. He sat calmly in front of the fire, gazing out around the darkness of the woods. She was out there. He was certain he'd seen her once already. Last night when they got back from their hike he was certain for a split second...
Every morning we vampires die, and every night we are born again. Each and every day must be a new experience or we will become bored with the world we live in. A vampire's world is sharper and stronger in every fashion. Every taste a vampire experiences is new and exciting. Every smell, every touch, every emotion is an educational opportunity. Vampires are children of the night, seeking their degree in the world. Each chance they have to learn is an opportunity worth taking. The new life...
Chapter Three: The Angel of Death I had no fear for my life, if he had wanted to kill me he would have already. I realized that the warm feeling I had been getting was him feeding on me, but I was confident in my assessment that he wouldn’t make me his next victim. He wanted me to panic, to flee and leave him, but I couldn’t. instead I leaned forward and embraced him. He became very shocked at my reaction. ‘Who made you the way you are?’ I asked. ‘I have never told this story before,’ he...
Blood Sword by Eddie Glover Brenlan felt the familiar twinge in his body. He reached for the sword he'd brought back from the east, the sword to which he was cursed. "That's a hell of a sword!", the bartender whistled in admiration. Brenalan turned with a frown, "You have no idea of it's strangeness or powers my friend.". He could now feel the sword's pull and the beginnings of his own change. "Help!", a woman screamed from outside. "Damn! It's about time I was...
Blood Sword 2 by Eddie Glover Brenlan watched from the shadows as the men he'd been tracking approached a lone woman. He'd long suspected that these men were mercenaries, just the kind of scum he'd been looking for. The sword began to vibrate in his hand, letting him know that it would soon be needing the blood he so often gave it. Should he fail to appease the blade he would become a buxom woman of whorish looks. "I have no quarrel with you.", the woman said as the mercs...
“If you do not mind, Davik,” A familiar voice from behind me said, “I would not mind a plate of that delicious smelling food.” I jumped in surprise and turned to see who had just said that. To say I was shocked would have been an understatement. “What in the seven hells is going on, Lillian? You’re a Voguel?! How can you change into a wolf without a blood moon? Why have you been helping me all this time?” She laughed at the rapid succession of my questions and it was only then I realized,...
The rush of wind in the face, watching the people move like ants, being withdrawn from the crowd, above it. Tim experienced all of these things as he leaped tall buildings in a single bound. Sinbad had first led him to a store that was still open at two o'clock in the morning. It was a specialty shop catering to a particular crowd. Suffice to say, Tim walked in wearing the tatters of a pink dress, and left wearing a suit of black leather, with a long black trench coat on over it. Guided by...
The three story-tellers stood at the prow, looking at the faces of the love-struck women, as they heard the story of Garreth and Therese. They couldn’t help but feel they were telling a love story, the way they all sighed and moaned, at all the romance of it. They had made it to the tip of the western coast and came to Neist Point Lighthouse, perched atop a jagged out-cropping of rock, the sheer bluffs surrounding it. The yacht plowed through the breaking waves, making the turn to head north...