Life Death
- 4 years ago
- 51
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Every morning we vampires die, and every night we are born again. Each and every day must be a new experience or we will become bored with the world we live in. A vampire's world is sharper and stronger in every fashion. Every taste a vampire experiences is new and exciting. Every smell, every touch, every emotion is an educational opportunity. Vampires are children of the night, seeking their degree in the world. Each chance they have to learn is an opportunity worth taking.
The new life of a vampire is nothing like his life as a human. They experience human emotions in new ways than ever before. A demon cannot understand the emotions of a human. When the vampiric change occurs, the newly turned demon is faced with the shocking realization that their world is forever changed. Their former friends and family start to look enticingly like food. The more a new vampire kills the less human he becomes. Finally the point comes when taking a life doesn't bother him anymore. When that time comes what was left of the human who became the demon has disappeared.
As the demon drains the lives of humans he starts to regain some of the humanity he lost during the beginning stages of his transformation. It is at this time the vampire enters an important phase. Many of them are unable to deal with some of the emotions they start feeling again. Many had forgotten how to feel — how to handle their emotions. Emotions such as love, desire, longing, misery, boredom and fear aren't easy to deal with for some demons. These emotions are known to cause a vampire to lose control. In all of their physical weakness, humans have an emotional strength completely unrivaled by any demons. Human emotions are the greatest weakness of demons, and the greatest strength of humanity.
A vampire can live for a very long time compared to humans. In his lifetime a vampire might grow to closely know a thousand humans. A vampire might become attached to hundreds of humans. It is the vampiric curse to outlive every human they become close to. The more human the demon becomes, the more he will crave attachment to humans, and the more painful the loss of each one of them will be. Loss builds up in a vampire and he slowly begins to hate his existence. Eventually the pain will become too much and the vampire will wish for death.
"Alright Dragons, we have a go on Firebird. Let's light up the sky."
"Are we really going to do this Solomon?"
"You know the orders Brand. Get in. Get out. We have to prevent the disease from spreading. No one is living there anyway. Just don't let it bother you."
Flying toward Los Angeles, the objecting pilot crossed himself. His conscience was not eased by his flight leader's remarks. How could we be doing this? These are Americans. This is American soil. "God forgive us," he spoke into the radio, "I don't see how anyone else can."
The first hours of the day were long and carried heavily with dread. Only those who had passed out got sleep. Everyone was exhausted and hungry. Rest was elusive and food was lacking.
Bodies cluttered the floor. Every bench was occupied. Many tables housed a form or two as well. With the number of people present in the room, it should have been louder. No one wanted to make noise out of respect to everyone else. Quiet as a tomb would be a poor yet fitting way to describe atmosphere.
The vampires all tried to sleep inside through the day. As tired as they were, none of them wanted to fight the sunlight. Most lay silently in the dim light rethinking the night's festivities.
A rotating watch had been set outside the dinning commons. Hunters had taken positions around the base. They were posted as a formality; none expected further activity from Kaan. An old Hunter creed is that 'to be caught off guard is no fault but your own.'
A somber silence billowed from Sinbad's corner. He hadn't moved since taking his seat. Zombies had more character than he displayed. To say that he was sad would be an understatement. To speak of the pain he experienced would be unexplainable. He sat there quietly, tears of blood running down his cheeks, staring at the blood puddling around his boots.
The tattoo which had rested on Sinbad's cheek had become stained with his tears. The green clover would remain; it would never again show the mark of Aaishar House. The clover had lost its luster. The brilliant green was now rusted red in color as if the leaves had died.
Drake and Chimera wandered the base. They had spent the first hours of sunlight in a room filled with vampires; a room of mourning and loss. Sinbad had ignored any attempt at communication. After Drake and Chimera had each tried to comfort him, they shared a mutual glance, silently communicating to meet outside. They now walked among the bodies, talking.
The smell of burning hair and cooked meat floated through the air as the sun and the Consensus burnt away the traces of the night's actions. Kazikaan almost universally ignite in the sunlight. Spilt blood covered the ground, sticky like fresh paint. The blood ran red, a mingling of demonic and human blood, smoke rising from the sea as the demonic blood reacted to the sunlight.
"So many lives lost, and for what?" Drake stepped over the body of a Hunter, a severed arm turning to ash across his chest.
"This is the price of our greed, our pride. Sage brought this down on us, his greed — his desire for recognition. All of this," Chimera gestured at the bodies strewn about the ground, "due to Sage's weakness." Chimera stopped at the torn out flag pole, "Sage opened the door that let Kaan back inside. Kaan feels entitled to rule. It is his right as... I don't know... as a vampire."
"You mean it's his right as an asshole? No one has the 'right' to rule. Some have a duty to lead. You gave me that duty. Aaisha had the same one. She died for her duty. Honestly, I don't think she could have died more nobly. She fulfilled her duty to the end. Kaan is looking for the same duty but I know if the time comes, he won't do as she did."
"I will miss her courage."
"As will I. I can barely fathom how Sinbad will miss her. We all will miss her in our own way." Drake picked up a dropped sword and flipped it blade down, driving it into the ground. "Sage was working with someone else. In his journal he said that he was approached about Kaan by someone. We have seen Kaan act in this war, but I have yet to see anything from the ones who started this. We should be cautious about a third party appearing."
"From what I have seen these other people are likely Kaan's minions left over from the last time he walked the world. They were working to bring their lord back from the dead that's all."
"You don't believe that do you?"
"No... I would like to... but no... I am not that foolish. Someone powerful enough to cloud Sage's mind and corrupt his morality is not a lackey. Even if these others, singular or plural, work for Kaan we should have seen them by now."
"I don't think there is anything we can do about them now. We certainly don't have time for a game of hide and go seek."
"Unfortunately you are correct. I fear that before this war is over we will know for certain whom it was that started all of this."
"My greater fear is that after this war is over, we will find out that it was only part one and something else will be thrown at us."
"Hehh... what more do they have to throw? They already summoned the vampire who betrayed The First."
"I don't think we want the answer to that Chimera."
"Hahh... you're right Drake. It's almost as bad as asking 'what else could go wr—'" Chimera's last word was cut off by four jets rocketing above. "This can't be good?"
Two of the jets peeled off and came back around.
"I think we better get everyone inside."
"You might just be right about that."
The two Hunters ran off in different directions, yelling for all those outside to gather in the main mess hall. As they ran they stretched out to the Consensus. They both felt a shimmer within the Consensus. I can't believe this is real. The thought echoed in the Consensus, carrying with it an image of buildings in flames. They both shuddered under the onslaught and yelled more forcibly for every to get under cover.
At eight in the morning Tim stopped his pacing. He had watched as Drake and Chimera tried to comfort Sinbad. The vampire had ignored their attempts and they soon gave up and left the room. The room was quiet and it was starting to grate on him. In the years he had spent with the Ioshari Tim had seen a few remembrances. Though great hunters, the Ioshari hunted powerful prey. If there is no challenge in the chase what is the point of the pursuit. Lives have been lost in the hunt and a remembrance is held for the fallen warrior. No one had taken the initiative for any form of remembrance for Aaisha.
Tim climbed on top of the nearest table. He was quite a sight. His clothes were torn and still stained with blood. He had made no attempt to rid himself of the dirt from the battle. The Ioshari's wings spread out as he stood on the table, waiting a moment for everyone to notice him.
Looking at the ceiling for a full minute Tim focused on his memories of Aaisha. The words he was looking for came easily to him. He just knew what needed to be said. He began softly, not that it mattered — the tiniest sounds echoed to every ear present. "She was not my Empress. She was not my mother. She wasn't my purpose, or my lover, or my role model. She was my friend. When I needed to talk she was there to listen."
Tim's wings came back to his body, framing him on a black canvas. His voice picked up, rising in volume and speed. "In moments like these there is little to be said. Each and every one of us has been tied to her life. We all share her loss though some more than others." Though he didn't look directly at Sinbad, everyone present knew who he was talking about, "We are all better for having known her. Sinbad, it is to you I owe gratitude. February 10th, 2006, the day High Empress Aaisha passed on. Today we mourn the loss of our dear friend. I am thankful that I will not remember today with the same pleasure I will remember tomorrow — the day I kill Kaan, The Betrayer. Today is for memories. Today we remember an empress."
Tim raised his arms skyward, his wings spreading out again. A single tear rolled down his right cheek, "Her name was Aaisha. That name shall forever rest with her. Let it be that no one be given her name. Forever on, let the name of Aaisha belong to the empress who gave up her life for the honor of her duty, her people." Tim started pacing along the table he stood on, his wings again wrapped across his back. "Her name must never be forgotten. Teach it to every child of the blood. Pass her honor on down the line. Let every living demon know the power of Aaisha's sacrifice."
The Ioshari jumped off the end of the table and walked to the corner where Sinbad sat. Tim reached his arm down, offering it to Sinbad. "Let us stand together and give thanks to the woman who gave us so much. Let us remember the glory of her life. February 10th, the day Aaisha gave to us to remember our most important duty, our duty to each other."
Sinbad took Tim's arm and the two stood up together. The trails of his tears were apparent. A hole had been carved out from the inside of the vampire's soul. He would forever miss Aaisha. "Thank you, Ioshari. Your words honor Aaisha. She gladly died. We must remember her sacrifice."
The vampire squared his shoulders and faced the gathered army. His heart was not mended; it would take a long time for it to heal. He had found something to keep going on, revenge. "Aaisha died for us, let us now die for what's right. FOR AAISHA, WE FIGHT! FOR OUR FUTURE, WE REMEMBER!"
The room reverberated as every demon and human present yelled out. "FOR AAISHA; FOR THE FUTURE!"
The doors to the hall were thrown open as Drake, Chimera and many of the lookouts ran inside. The few vampires close enough to the opening doors jumped out of the light. "We have a problem." Drake began. His announcement followed by an explosion.
The winged demon landed on the roof of the apartment complex loudly. The night was otherwise quiet. Most nights lately had been quiet. Even after a month of killings some people lived in the high-rise. They hadn't gotten out when the quarantine was called. They were under a form of house arrest. It wasn't that they were told not to leave their homes. Those that left didn't come back. They didn't understand that the threshold of their homes was capable of hindering outsiders from gaining access.
Kaan tore the door leading down into the building off its hinges. He stumbled down the uncovered flight of stairs, weakened from exertion. The door slid off to the side, forgotten.
The dark hallways were littered with clutter. Refuse in all states of decomposition set the mood for the apartment. A broken light bulb rested in its socket. The electricity had been out in the neighborhood for the last week. It was obvious the bulb had been dead longer than that.
The vampire swept his gaze around the floor, his eyes searching for any changes in heat. Two doors to his right hid a woman. She cowered in a corner praying that she wouldn't be found. She knew her prayers went unheeded as the door to her apartment was knocked down.
The hall filled with a scream which was quickly silenced. The vampire drained the energy from the woman's body to replace what he had spent in the last few hours. A moment later the lifeless body slumped to the floor.
Kaan felt the new life surging through him, a trickle of life in his almost empty store. Going door to door like a bible salesman the vampire hunted down those that hadn't been able to get out and sucked the life from them. After ten tenants died the vampire felt mostly restored. He left the building and took flight.
"Target One is in sight Dragons. We'll give them a fly over. Take a good look. We owe them one last salute. Brand, you and Caesar circle back and take out the target."
"I still can't believe we are going to do this Solomon."
"Just remember, this is going to save millions of lives. Their sacrifice today will not be wasted. You know your orders. You know the mission. We get this done; we get home safely; the beers are on me."
"They'd better be giving you a bonus then - I'm going to need a sea of alcohol to drown my guilt."
The bombers had two targets, the first being Vandenberg Air Force Base; the second, a place in Los Angeles known as The Hole. Each of the four F-18 Hornets carried six napalm bombs each. The bombs would be used to incinerate the targets. They would cleanse the heavily infected areas with fire, purifying the air, and burning out the virus — or so the public would hear.
"Uhhh... Drake. Care to explain," the Ioshari took over. All eyes were focused on the two Hunters at the door.
"Bombs... We are getting bombed by the humans."As if to backup his statement the building shook as it was struck. The sounds from the explosion echoed down inside. Dust poured in through cracks in the roof. The building shook again from another strike.
A large section of the ceiling caved in. Fire and sunlight poured through the hole, incinerating most under it. Screams were heard above the sounds of crackling fire and collapsing buildings. Everyone dove for cover. Demons and humans alike fled out of the way of the falling fire and stone. For the second time since coming to this world rained fire around Tiro. More explosions rocked the base as fire and destruction was spread around.
The room was thick with smoke and ash. The fire flowed like a liquid, oozing over everything and anything. From clothing to bodies, there was no shortage of fuel for the raging fire.
Tiro dropped to his knees. His wings came together above his head in a reflex to the collapse of the ceiling. More screams echoed through the room. Fire and melted waste poured down Tiro's wings, slowly dripping down his back. His skin burned down his neck. The Ioshari focused on healing his injuries. His skin burned as fast as it regenerated; fresh, raw skin burning before it even fully healed.
Something very large and heavy slammed into Tiro's shielding wings. He barely noticed his right wing breaking under the force. With every burn he healed and every wound he closed, the Ioshari's life energy drained out of him.
The room was filled with raw life force. Hunters and vampires died under the weight of the collapse. More of them died every second in the flames. Every life lost was released into the room where it slowly dissipated. Those that wished to live had to cling to life.
Tiro felt his strength begin to wane under the immense strain. As the remnant energy of those already dead flooded the room. A fog of primal origins, visible only to those who control and shape life force, slowly drifted around the dancing flames.
"Don't do it!" The voice came from nowhere and everywhere. Tiro felt himself fall inside. He hadn't moved, yet his consciousness was now deep within. Iosage spoke to him, "You do not want the life that their energy will bring."
"It would be so easy for me to... I can just reach out..."
"No. You are no longer a child. You must take responsibility for yourself. This life is already corrupt with death. To take it in would mean to accept their deaths as part of yourself... don't do it."
"But the power..."
"No, Tiro'lar. Control yourself." As if his naming held power Tiro became more aware of his surroundings. He watched life energy fading in the room like fog fleeing the sun. All he needed to do was open himself to the energy and it would flood him. Tiro was conflicted. He was draining his own life to heal and needed to restore his energy. He was being warned not to take any of the life around him by the memories of the Iosage.
The building rocked again as the structure broke apart. The walls collapsed, taking with them the rest of the ceiling. Tiro was struck again, rubble breaking bones, driving him to his knees. His decision was made irrelevant as he slipped into the darkness.
The Ioshari disappeared from sight under a pile of blocks. Vandenberg Air Force Base lay in ruins marking his burial. The crackling of flames and shattering of rocks were the only sounds left after the four jets rocketed away.
Kaan didn't wait to hear any of the demon's excuses. Towering over the five foot kazikaan, he reached out with his right hand, grasping the creature's hair and lifted her up so they met eye to eye. She held back her pain and fear, knowing that showing either would mean certain death.
Kaan's left pointer finger stabbed her chest, between her breasts. The hand pulled down slowly, drawing a line of blood. The demon finally grimaced in pain when the blood was freely flowing.
"You are weak... weak and useless."
Kaan's left arm plunged fully into the demon's chest and drew out her heart. He dropped her corpse ignoring the sounds it made as it flopped down the pyramid. The Emperor swallowed the heart looking at those gathered. "She was supposed to watch my slaves. She was given powerful demons to do it. Last night four of my slaves disappeared, including my head mistress. I can always get more slaves. It was her incompetence that was intolerable."
The monstrous vampire swept his gaze back and forth on his minions. The news of his defeat and the losses he had sustained hadn't affected the numbers. The most dangerous asset of the kazikaan is their feeding; every meal creates another mouth to feed. If allowed off their leashes, the kazikaan are capable of replenishing their numbers within days. Considering that the first nightfall after being bitten by a kazikaan the victim turns, they need to be watched closely or they will completely drain the food supply.
Kaan turned and headed back inside his palace. He licked the blood off his hand enjoying the taste of the fear.
"High Emperor, I give you congratulations on your metamorphosis, may you be mighty. I have an idea on what can be done about the Ioshari and his Hunters."
"I knew you would show up soon Slunra, you conniving bastard."
"Thank you, Milord." The demon started walking with Kaan. He wore a long black robe which covered all of his distinguishing features. The demon had never unmasked for anyone, not that he specifically wore a mask. Underneath his hood a web of shadows covered everything the robe didn't. Slunra had a tendency to show up suddenly and leave just as quickly.
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Paul showed up early the following day to his new job, eager for a new beginning. No longer would he be an alpha, and worse case scenario he could at least pretend to be normal. When the first dogs came in, he began their check ups, trying to hide the fact that he could hear them. He succeeded as far as the police were concerned, the dogs however knew better. Watching his every move they reacted to his every word and intention as if they clearly understood, and indeed they did. In an odd way...
1590 Very few things in the world had the power to frighten Electra. Her master's wrath happened to be one of them. And even that was usually only enough to make her take a step back and bow her head. Right now she shrunk down to the floor, positively cowering. Dracula's shadow aura was practically causing the whole keep to tremble with his rage. "Dost thou dare presume to insult my intelligence, Electra?" "No milord," Electra responded weakly. "I spoke only truth to you." "Then...
Her hair is like blood, her eyes violet jewels And she governs the fates of all whom she rules. Her voice is of silk, but her words are of steel. Look in her eyes, and your fears become real. A blossom of blood, with thorns that can kill, She will bend all your dreams to the ways of her will. Her beauty is pure as the clear driving rain, But to enter her world will bring only pain. The blade that she holds you cannot defy. Kill her you might, but she will not die. There is but one...
BLOODLINES 3: BATS ALL IN LEATHER I was growing extremely disillusioned with the LAPD. Here I had been hiding in my (recently deceased) Uncle Gregory's decaying Hollywood mansion for almost three weeks and STILL they had not discovered the body of Rick Herzog. I mean... what in the Nine Billion Hells of Nyarlathotep are we paying taxes for? I was almost tempted to grab the first cop I saw and drag him over to Rick's apartment. Saner council prevailed, however. And I soon realized...
What is the nature of demons? Are they the demons case down by god, the spawn of Satan, as humans tend to believe? Do they come from a different world? What are they? Demons come from all over the worlds. They are dimension travelers, but most specifically, they are beings that feed off of life. They are parasites. There are few that know the true origin of demons, most of them being the first demons. Some of them are still alive. Stories claim that the demons came originally from a harsh...
My name is Jackson Shaw; at least that is what I call myself now. I have gone by many names over the ages. I am a vampire. I was turned the year the great pyramid was completed. Yes, I am over 2000 years old, ancient even by vampire standards. I have lived in the shadows for most of recorded human history. I say human history because it has been a long time since the title human could be associated with me. Time teaches all to he who has the luxury of eternity. And what the ages have taught me...
SupernaturalI made my way from the inn to the market east of there, where Clive had said they had been ambushed. When I arrived, there was a bustle of activity, normal for a market of this size, as well as a grouping of soldiers on the far side. I suspected that was where the attack had transpired. I weaved my way through the crowd until I arrived at the other side, where three soldiers were investigating the area. “Good afternoon gentlemen, what exactly happened here? Do you have any idea who did...
Six years ago... It was almost midnight. Brad and Ritchie had already retreated to their tents; Anthony was alone. Aside from the chirping of crickets and the crackle of his campfire, it was quiet. The pale light of the moon danced eerily on the ripples of the lake. He sat calmly in front of the fire, gazing out around the darkness of the woods. She was out there. He was certain he'd seen her once already. Last night when they got back from their hike he was certain for a split second...
Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Monday, November 17th, 2014 – Svitlana "Lana" Paquet-Holub – Seattle, WA I smiled at the beautiful face of my sleeping daughter. Lily was in her crib, swaddled in a pink blanket. Carrying Lily to term had been a wonderful, trying, tedious, amazing, uncomfortable, loving, and exciting experience. It was all worth it to bring forth my darling daughter. My wife, Chantelle, leaned against me, staring down at her. Lily was a miracle. A daughter born...
Chapter Three: The Angel of Death I had no fear for my life, if he had wanted to kill me he would have already. I realized that the warm feeling I had been getting was him feeding on me, but I was confident in my assessment that he wouldn’t make me his next victim. He wanted me to panic, to flee and leave him, but I couldn’t. instead I leaned forward and embraced him. He became very shocked at my reaction. ‘Who made you the way you are?’ I asked. ‘I have never told this story before,’ he...
Blood Sword by Eddie Glover Brenlan felt the familiar twinge in his body. He reached for the sword he'd brought back from the east, the sword to which he was cursed. "That's a hell of a sword!", the bartender whistled in admiration. Brenalan turned with a frown, "You have no idea of it's strangeness or powers my friend.". He could now feel the sword's pull and the beginnings of his own change. "Help!", a woman screamed from outside. "Damn! It's about time I was...
Blood Sword 2 by Eddie Glover Brenlan watched from the shadows as the men he'd been tracking approached a lone woman. He'd long suspected that these men were mercenaries, just the kind of scum he'd been looking for. The sword began to vibrate in his hand, letting him know that it would soon be needing the blood he so often gave it. Should he fail to appease the blade he would become a buxom woman of whorish looks. "I have no quarrel with you.", the woman said as the mercs...
“If you do not mind, Davik,” A familiar voice from behind me said, “I would not mind a plate of that delicious smelling food.” I jumped in surprise and turned to see who had just said that. To say I was shocked would have been an understatement. “What in the seven hells is going on, Lillian? You’re a Voguel?! How can you change into a wolf without a blood moon? Why have you been helping me all this time?” She laughed at the rapid succession of my questions and it was only then I realized,...
The rush of wind in the face, watching the people move like ants, being withdrawn from the crowd, above it. Tim experienced all of these things as he leaped tall buildings in a single bound. Sinbad had first led him to a store that was still open at two o'clock in the morning. It was a specialty shop catering to a particular crowd. Suffice to say, Tim walked in wearing the tatters of a pink dress, and left wearing a suit of black leather, with a long black trench coat on over it. Guided by...
Lights high above you cast a flickering half-light across the crowd, the heavy bars, the oil-stained concrete. Two hulking shadows stand, immobile, across from each other. There is a bewildering pattern of sound throughout the arena: the hum of power cells, the hiss of coolant, occasional sparks, and of course the charged anticipation of the crowd. The hi-beams flick on, and in an instant the two frames are on the move. The sounds of machinery are completely drowned by the immediate roar that...
?But it is a show, dear, you must realise yourself that the people are amused when they watch horrible scenes The show of death. ?But it is a show, dear, you must realise yourself that the people are eager to watch horrible scenes. As long they is no personal complication, at least?.?But for me it is very personal?,? Richa protested, ?It is my life that is endangered. I want out. This is not what Brenda and I were promised when we were invited to this holiday. We were to have a very good...
Journal entry #1 It's been years since I slept after the sun goes down. Nobody knows where they came from but they feed on sleepers at night. You sleep during the day. You work at night. Farmers have the worst of it, but a lot can be done by the headlights of a tractor. I'm Karl. Karl Green. I've always been good with mechanical things and I capitalized on it. I'm a machinist, and I've a fair hand at MIG welding too. I live in Sidney, Iowa. It's in the far south west corner of the...
Copyright© 1976 THREE MORE VANISH; FOGEY GANG ACTIVITY ON THE RISE New York (Yelopress/ASP) A spokesman for the DEFA today released details of the disappearance of three adult males, all in their early 20s. Missing and presumed dead are Daniel Tompkins, James Rivington, and Jacob Astor, all of the notorious Lower East Side sector of New York City known as "Bodysnatchers' Alley." In DEFA custody and undergoing intensive interrogation are two presumed members of the executive council of...
The three story-tellers stood at the prow, looking at the faces of the love-struck women, as they heard the story of Garreth and Therese. They couldn’t help but feel they were telling a love story, the way they all sighed and moaned, at all the romance of it. They had made it to the tip of the western coast and came to Neist Point Lighthouse, perched atop a jagged out-cropping of rock, the sheer bluffs surrounding it. The yacht plowed through the breaking waves, making the turn to head north...
My name is Jackson Shaw. I'm a historian, a philosopher, a night club owner, and oh yes, a vampire. I live in Ohio, and for the most part I have a neat, quiet existence. I wake up every morning at 6, hop out of bed, have a shower, get dressed, and then head over to my favorite coffee shop for my morning tea. This has been my morning ritual ever since I arrived here about a year ago. Now I know to most, this is not what you were expecting the life of vampire to be. I know that the imagination...
SupernaturalI have a medical history of high blood pressure. It's not surprising, even though I'm only twenty-eight years old. My parents were both hypertensive, as were my grandparents. The life-style that I live doesn't help much either. On my days off I drink beer and smoke marijuana, both to excess. I smoke cigarettes and drink coffee every day. I don't get much exercise either. My doctor has given me some pills to keep it down and for the most part they work pretty well; except for in one...
Hi, I’m Jenny, I like to create erotic scenes and characters in order to help me turn on and get off. I love to enhance and embellish while I lay naked on my futon. My cunt throbbing, my juices flowing and my clit growing,I can feel myself galloping down an old country road at midnight. My legs opened wide by the girth of the saddle. I visualize my rise in the stirrups. My pelvis rocks and I slide up and down the saddle with a superior glide. The friction excites me and the heat lights me.I...
First TimeIt seems that a number of people around me have recently experienced personal tragedy, sometimes unexpectedly and sometimes in the form or a lingering illness. Their grief and sorrow got me thinking and reminded me of a story told to me by a good friend Tino, who is now a retired minister. ****************** A man and a woman had a child. He was the apple of their eye, and they loved him more than anything else. One day, just shy of this 30th birthday, a drunk driver lost control of his car,...
A soul passed from earth to somewhere else and the halls are still dark, the hospital still smells of urine, we still laugh and talk over our coffee about sex, old times, and the new conspiracies. The souls come and go. We supervise their shell while their spirit floats away and then we cover them with a sheet, wheel them down the hall, and place them in the morgue. While they die we push drugs into veins, rush around, feel we can stop the whole natural process, do our best to defy God, and...
My father died when I was 12 years old and after that me and my mom were living in our house alone (my mom has a white skin curly hair she is about 5.5 and her assets are all very huge her boobs size is 38e and 34 hips and 38 ass are her sizes.She has a very calm face with beautiful black eyes) My father when he was 34 years and then my mom was 32 he died in an accident.My mom was a nurse in a private hospital back then and my father was a real estate agent.After my father’s death my mom would...
Such was the case for the Trainers on Route 34. Machoke spotted Campers on both sides of the Route, and moved to the left, while Machop moved to the right. They moved at a steady pace, believing they had not become infamous to anyone outside of Azalea. This was not entirely true, as Team Rocket Grunts did report about a hostile Machop during their attempt to take over Slowpoke Well and Azalea Town. After that initial report, no Grunt in the area managed to report anything new to the...
At first, I thought I was dreaming. How could Zayne Masters be with Eloise de la Zouche? He was at Palakkad Fort awaiting trial. But if it was a dream it was uncannily lifelike. “You are not dreaming Elijah,” Eloise said, reading my mind. “How did I get here? The last I can remember was drinking a glass of --” Realisation then struck me, the drink had been drugged. But by whom, and why. Eloise answered both my spoken and unspoken questions. “When my High Priest arrived at Doctor...
Spending time in The Hole is not something I would recommend. Judging by the dimensions the structure had been built to house Indians. A European could not stand fully upright without his head being forced into the bars of the cover, and had to sit, squat, or kneel, on the bare earth when not standing stooped. From ground level, I had a worm’s eye view of the world, and that was only a yard or two circumference around my ‘quarters’. The sun broiled down, and it was just as well I was naked...
Molly dropped to her knees beside Ken as the rest of her medical staff arrived, checking the wound she saw the blade had cut deeply in to the stomach between the esophagus and the duodenum. "Crap, this wound is bad, Nancy how about the side." Nancy Ortiz was examining the stab wound in Ken's side; it was a clean in and out. Grabbing her medical pad, she started scanning him. "I think his lung has been nicked, but I am not sure. Yet!" Nancy waited for the scanner to finish the scan,...
Few of the Emirs of Kobekistan ever died in their beds. Most were assassinated, often on behalf of one or other of their sons, who would then ascend to the throne. His Magnificence, the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah was the subject of several attempts by Crown Prince Mustapha to overthrow him during the next fourteen years, though the young Prince never attempted patricide as a route to the throne. Thus it was that His Magnificence, the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah was one of the fortunate few Emirs to die...
David Granger was driving down highway 80 heading for the 395 interchange when a bright flash lit up the sky behind him. Looking back over his shoulder, he saw the huge mushroom cloud forming. "Oh my God," he said. He watched as the pressure wave came boiling out of the mountains and picked up his car. The 1990 Trans Am went flying through the air and over the embankment where it smashed into several parked cars. The fire engulfed the car as it continued moving and it smashed into one of...