Buried TreasureChapter 2
- 4 years ago
- 24
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The show of death.
?But it is a show, dear, you must realise yourself that the people are eager to watch horrible scenes. As long they is no personal complication, at least?.
?But for me it is very personal?,? Richa protested, ?It is my life that is endangered. I want out. This is not what Brenda and I were promised when we were invited to this holiday. We were to have a very good time. In between millionaires and classy people. And now we are to be executed. Killed?.. oh no you can?t be serious. It just can not be true. We are humans?..?.
The impeccable dressed white man, named Joe, smiled. He looked from the 16 year old Brenda to the 17 year old Richa and mused that he had not often such real beauties at the scaffold.
?It is illegal to kill people?, Brenda said suddenly. ?You are not allowed to kill us??
?Oh yeah, of course, geez, I forgot. But, eh, who is there to stop me. Remember, we are on an island. And we forgot to invite the police?.
?But they will miss us. They will come looking for us???, Brenda protested.
?Maybe they will, but did you not write a letter to your family that you and Richa were going to stay for 10 years in a Braham Monastery in Birma, and that you did not want to be looked for. That you wanted to be free?? That you were grown up and had a right to be free?..?.
?But you told me to write that letter. You lied to us?.?.
?Of course he lied to us?, Richa sad, her face dark with fear and anger, ?But that does not give you to mistreat us in a sexual way, certainly not the right to kill us?. That is murder???.You can?t do that. You said the most indecent things?.
?I don?t want to be naked?, Brenda protested again, ?Neither does Richa. You must be crazy to say things like that?.
?Than I shall repeat it?, Joe smiled again, ?Tomorrow at 14 hundred hours sharp, you will both be forced to participate in a huge show of you two being tortured to death. It will be done on the scaffold behind the garden house. You will both be stark naked and will not survive. The main torture will be of sexual art. Right now everybody is invited and they will come to see it happen. Be sure of that. Everybody will be there to look at you two?.
?But???, both Richa and Brenda started.
?Now I want both of you to strip?, Joe said suddenly unsmiling and hard.
?Oh no?.?, with big eyes they refused.
?Cooperate, or I will call Billy, he will make you do as I want, and he will have to be rewarded?.
Billy was a sort of infantile giant, who followed Joe like a slave. He was ugly and drooling but very strong. The two girls were sure not to be able to stand up to him. Rewarding meant the he would be allowed to play with their bodies. Both girls shuddered simultaneously.
?Okay? sighed Brenda and Richa nodded. Slowly they took of their white shorts, yellow blouses, bra?s and slip. They stood naked.
Joe sat down and watched. They had perfect bodies. Brenda was a high blonde, Swedish. blue eyes and a beautiful creamy complexion. She had firm breasts for her age, with dark nipples. Joe smiled, knowing what the hangman had in mind for those tits. Brenda had a flat belly, a deep bellybutton. Her mound of Venus was strong and furred with blond fur, under with her creamy pink slit was visible. The lips of her sex were still firmly closed. She looked like a real virgin.. She was so beautiful. Certainly she was going to look very different tomorrow night, Joe smiled again.
A moment he thought about this whole situation. Being hired as a sort of master of ceremony by mister Smith, who obviously was rich, very rich. How he was invited to come and stay on this island. How he made this trip by boat now five years ago. This Island owned by Smith. With the guests coming every half year to have the times of their lives.
Because of the special horror shows he organised.
The number of girls he had seen coming and going.
Going mainly to the always-hungry sharks.
He smiled again.
He looked at the other girl, Richa, who stood with her arms alongside her body. She had long legs. Her pubes were shaven clean. I made her look like a ten year old girl. But when she opened her legs, she showed a lot of girly meat pouting from between her outer labia. Joe knew that Jake the hangman just loved to play with sensitive flesh like that. Richa would be everything he ever wanted. And he was to have a free hand with the girl. Her long dark hair touched her buttocks. Richa had big tits. Really big. Joe loved that. They stood out firm and strong. With dark brown areolas and big pink nipples, now hard in her anger and fear. Richa?s face was very nice to see, with her angry eyes and lovely? dark waving hair. Joe could not wait to see what she would look like when she found out how she was to be tortured.
?But what will be done to us?, begged Brenda, ?I mean we have seen punishments before. We know that this is a bad place to do the wrong things, but we never saw anybody fatally harmed?.
?And we did nothing wrong?, Richa said. ?I mean, that eleven year old girl the other day that was whipped to within an inch of her life, I mean, she dropped seven glasses?.
?Yeah?, admitted Brenda, ?We should have been warned. I think a punishment of a ten year old boy by taking his little balls out is not normal either?.
?No, not even if he made fun of the boss himself?, Richa said.
?And are we to go to that same scaffold?, Brenda shivered, ?You cannot be serious, Joe?.
?Hm, you watched when that boy was done. Isn?t it. You saw how his naked body was spread-eagled of that wooden rack. You maybe even cheered when Jake stroked his little dick until it stood up tiny but very hard, didn?t you??.
A bit ashamed of themselves Brenda an Richa nodded.
?Well I did hear no protest from any of you when Jake opened the boys little balsack en took his nuts out. People like to see those things. Things like that will be done to you, while others watch??.?.
?Oh my god?.,? Brenda sighted, ?You are mad?.?
?But why us, we did nothing wrong?..?.
?Well, I can?t help it?, Joe shrugged his shoulders, ?You did nothing wrong indeed, but I must have somebody for my show. Somebody nice well looking?.
?But taking peoples lives?.?, Brenda gasped.
?Yeah, that?s something, I agree?, Joe admitted, ?But that is what these creeps are paying for. That is want they want to see. And not some old man, but? young and beautiful girls like you are?.
The two naked girls just stared. He had been so nice to them all this time and now he said the most horrible things.
?Well, girls?, he said casually, ?It would be easy if you took care of your clothes. Put them all in this basket, since you will not be needing them anymore. I see take a shower tomorrow morning, so you will be nice and clean and I would appreciate it when you take car of yourselves to look nice and shining when they come to pick you up, okay?.
He pinched Brenda?s cheek and patted Richa on her bare bottom and left, leaving the two girls in desperate distress?
In the meantime Ann, William, Becky and Bob were fucking each other at the side of the quiet beach. William had his dick in Ann?s vagina, while he was caressing Beckies tits. Bob was sucking Beckies slit while handling Ann?s tits. It was a lot of movement, switching positions, lust pouring out of every pore. When they had finally all come they lay down naked and bathing in the gentle sun. The four of them were children of the rich family of millionaires that could afford it to stay in the incredible luxury of the Island.
?Tomorrow is the execution?, Ann said, when she finally recovered her breath.
?Yeah, it is the highlight of our stay. After that we will go home?, Bob said.
?Oh yes, but what a time we had?, Becky said.
?I am curious how it is to be done, those executions?, Ann said again, ?They say these girls really die?.
?Yes of course?, Becky said. ?Everything is real here?.
?Yep, but this is not a whipping, as we saw before, or some other heavy teasing, this time they go all the way. Lives will be wasted?..?.
?Yep, just thinking of what we are going to see makes shiver?, Ann said, ?I Think it will be really awful what they are going to those girls, even if only half of what they tell us is true. But I do not want to miss one second of it. It even makes me hot?.?
?Oh that is what I feel?, William smiled with his fingers touching Ann?s sexual parts. Ann smiled and opened her thighs a little more.
?It is Brenda and Richa who are to be killed. They are some real nice looking bitches?, Bob said, ?I played around with Richa, day before yesterday. You know, she is a hot bitch. I played with her sexual parts. It just love to see a bald cunt like hers. She has a very big clitoris, you know. I keep wondering if they are going to torture her down there, ha, ha. You know, she did not have the faintest notion than what was going to happen. She behaved like she was one of us?, ha, ha, ha. Little did she know, what is in store for her?.
?I think she knows now?, Becky said, ?I saw Joe talking to them an hour ago. They were locked up in their rooms. Crying. So now they will be sick of fear??.
?I like that?,? Ann said. ?I would have loved to see their faces?.?.
?But isn?t it unbelievable that we can see such a thing?, William said. ?I mean, I read about public executions in books and I saw it in films. But this is the real thing. This is a real horror show. Those babes are really going to die?.
?Yes?, Ann said dreaming, ?It is what I always wanted to see. And my dad can afford it to buy tickets to the island. He is so rich. When he asked me if I wanted to see a real execution,? a real person die, I just threw my arms around him and kissed him flat?
?And they are going to be naked?, Bob said, ?Seeing someone killed is exciting, certainly when the victim is a girl. But it torturing and killing a stark naked girl is the limit?.
?You like to see me then?, Becky smiled, opening her legs and showing her moist vagina to Bob.
?Yes, but you are not on a scaffold. You are not to die. They are. Jesus, I hate myself because of it, but I can?t wait to see those bitches get it?..?.
The sun was bright, next afternoon. On the wide lawn some four hundred seat around tables were set and ready. From every corner the scaffold was clearly visible. Two sets of dark oak post were erected with cuffs and ropes to hold tiny wrists and ankles of the innocent victims. A hot brazier was smoking in the corner and on a tables a whole score of torture instruments were laid out in preparation. Among it: whips, knives, scissors, clamps, pokes and much more.
Slowly the well-groomed classy public gathered and sat around the scaffold, being served by many other little girls and boys. These servants were part of the personnel, being treated very well when they did as ordered, but on the other side severely punished when they did not. The guests were obliged to leave the servants alone, but were invited to visit when one of them had to punished?..
Ann, Becky Bob and William had seats right close to the podium and the look on their faces was? very expectant.
Than Joe jumped on the podium and the crowd hushed:
?Ladies and gentleman?, he shouted, ?Today as a special occasion to educate you and your children about the history of penance and justice, we will present you the original proceedings of and old time public execution. Today we will pretend to be 500 hundred years? back in history. A period of time when all punishment were carried out in public.? Two young waives are presented to you with all their beauty and charms. Naked and vulnerable, because all modesty is denied for them.
The two culprits will undergo their penalties without any mercy. Here and now. There are accused of theft. Properly tried and convicted to be punished. A real medieval punishment of slow torture and horrible death. The two naked girls will be put to death right here in front of you. For all of you to see. Jake the hangman will make sure that you will enjoy the charms of these hapless victims in full, why the perform the dance of death.
Ladies and gentleman, the victims of today???
Under applause Richa and Brenda were forced upon the scaffold by drooling Billy and Jake the hangman. The girls were naked. They were fighting in sheer panic. Without any visible effort the two men fixed the naked girls between the posts, spreading their arm above their heads and their ankles to each side.
?At first we will admire their charms?, shouted Joe, ?Look at the beautiful breasts of Richa, wait, what Jake will do with them, and here see the mound of Venus of Brenda, so young and virginal. With Jake?s fantasy I would be very scared, if I were Brenda. Because, listen well, Jake is allowed to torture the girls down there. Oh poor girls what will happen to them?..?
Ann cuddled herself on Bob?s lap and whispered: ?Look at Richa?s flesh, it looks like she?s got pancakes in between her thighs, ?Oh they are so scared, start it Jake, start it, make em scream??.
Secretly Bob had his hand in Ann?s crotch. She was so hot now?..?.
?Now Brenda is to get twentyfive lashes with the twig?, announced Joe, ?See how she likes that??.
Jake held up a twig. Just to begin with. Jake started with Brenda. Brenda?s round bottom was his target that he suddenly hit with all his force. The first scream sounded over the field. Everybody sat himself not to miss anything of the girl?s misery. While Jake made Brenda very sore, Billy mounted a horizontal bar in between the two posts that held Richa. He loosened her arms, and made her bow forward over the bar and fixed her wrists to her ankles. Now she stood there pointing her ass right up to Jake. In between her open thighs her sex was an open target for Jake?s instruments.
In the meantime, Brenda was going mad because of her pain and humiliation. She got all 25 lashes?
When Billy was ready, Jake turned his attention to Richa. Scared to death she saw him come.
?Richa will be whipped with the short whip?, announced Joe, ?She will receive twenty-five strokes. See how Jake will aim for her lovely sensitive parts. No mercy on this girl?.?.
?Oh my god, not there?, moaned Ann, ?That hurts like mad, don?t you think so?. She clasped herself to Bob and bit him in his fingers form excitement.
?Au??, he protested and in return pushed his finger in Ann?s vagina. She just loved the extra pain. It made her almost come.
Jake got ready and made the short whip snap into the air. Slowly he paced over to the waiting Richa. He patted her upturned bottom letting his hand glide over her perfect round globes.
He smiled amused
?I think she feels very soft?, Joe shouted, pointing at the hangman who was feeling with his hand between the thighs of the victim, ?See if he can make her warm?.?.
Then with all his forced the hangman made the whip come down on the girls bottom and again and again. Richa screamed in pain. It was terrible. Now Jake landed the whip in between her globes cracking down the lash in her sensitive crack. It was horrible. She suffered so badly. Maybe even permanent damage was done. Who cared. She was to die anyway.?..
Becky went down on William and was secretly caressing his stiffening cock. William moaned in lust looking at the suffering girl?.
Jake now let the whip come up between Richa?s thighs. The moment the whip landed on her mound, Richa went completely mad with pain. She tried to wrestle herself clear, but in vain. Again and again the leather of the whip hit the lips of her sex with full force. The labia of her sex opened up and now the whip landed on the soft interior hitting with full force her most sensitive clitoris. It was too much, she fainted dead away?
?Oh, poor girl?, Joe shouted, ?But she is not getting away that easy. Imagine you women what it feels like to be hit like that on your most sensitive spot. She was. Imagine her pain. But she is still alive. She can take more. She will get some time to recover, before she is killed, and in the meantime we will have something for Brenda?.
While everybody had been watching Richa getting the whipping of her secret parts, Billy had Brenda?s arms bound behind her back and now the naked girl could be lifted up to the top of the posts.?
?Now we will see a very common torture of old days?, Joe shouted, ?The Strapido. Brenda will make the drop three times. See how the attractive body of a naked girl is tormented in this old manner?.?
Billy pulled Brenda up halfway. The drop was a meter. The girl screamed in panic while all the spectators looked at her body.
?Now? shouted Jake, and Billy let go. Brenda fell and her scream reverberated over the audience. Again Brenda was pulled up. Now two meters high. And again she fell down, her screams even worse. But the sockets of arms held. The pain was horrible. Her slim body contorted and wound, showing her all her charms and nakedness of the young girl.
Than she was pulled up all the way. Her white naked body gleaming in the sun. She was trampling with her legs. Showing in her nakedness her beautiful body in horrible torture. The crowd hushed into dead silence.? Then Brenda was dropped. Her scream ended in a sudden wail of pain. Everybody heard the sockets of her shoulders snap. She landed in an impossible position, which looked very odd. Her arms pulled from their sockets. She hung silenced and unconscious in between the dark posts.
In the meantime Billy had bound Richa with her arms on her back to a post. Her tits were sticking out. While Billy was reviving Brenda, Jake the hangman turned his attention to her Richa?s breasts.
They were huge. Jake held up a knife. Richa screamed in sheer panic, her eyes could impossibly get loose from the knife. What was he going to do.
?Now Jake will play a bit with Richa?s beauties?, Joe shouted, pointing at the protruding jewels of Richa. Jake pricked around in the soft meat, mainly to let the fear in Richa mount to a point of pitching fever. Then with his other hand he took her left nipple, stretched it to a point of tearing. Richa?s mouth became one long scream as his knife softly slid through her female flesh?.
?Oh my god?, Becky screamed, ?How can they do a thing like that?, but at the same time she kept looking and wanting the hangman to go on.
Richa screamed in pure panic. She was mutilated. Beyond a chance of repair. All of a sudden she realised that these guys really were going all the way. They did not care what she would look like after this. She really was going to be killed. Desperate she looked down her breasts and here screams pitched again Were here nipple had been only a open hole was left.
Around her the people applauded.? All sorts of encouraging remarks were called to Jake, who showed the nipple around and than threw it in the public like it was a Bra from a striptease dancer. Again and again his knife struck, removing her nipples, slicing her breasts, It was a horrible torture. When finally she only whimpered in pain, Jake let his attention turn to the other girl.
?I warned you?, Joe shouted, ?I told you that our hangman would have his fun with all the female flesh. Now see what Richa looks like. And she was so proud of her tits. But then, what does it matter. She must die. What good are tits for dead girls?.?.
The crowd burst in laughter.
?Now, ladies and gentleman, not only breasts are typical female parts that can be tortured, What do you think the fantasy of a hangman will think off the more intimate part of girls. The soft folds between those legs, the secret openings. Look how Brenda presents that to our cruel Jake??. I am afraid Brenda is going to suffer an extreme pain over there?
Bill had upturned Brenda?s body. With her head down and her legs spread wide open she was even a more vulnerable target for Jake. Now he turned to the charcoal brazier and pulled it over to Brenda?s open thighs. With thumb and forefinger he opened the lips of her sex, showing the pink and moist interior to all the audience. All were craning their necks to see what Jake would do to a girl at that specific place of her body. Jake really was skilled. With a pair of pliers he took small pieces if burning coal and touch Brenda?s parts. The girl did not know what happened to her. It was just pain. Only pain,
She choked. Her naked body contorted and turned. It was an incredible torture. The public hushed and paled at the sight that was offered to them. But this is what they had come to see, and in the end loved every second of it.
?Well ladies and gentleman? Joe shouted, ?Jake thinks it is time for Brenda to die. She has suffered enough. For Brenda he has a special way of killing her. A very good way to kill young girls. Look at this long hot poker. Where should it go you think?.?.
All the crowd yelled:
?The cunt of course???
Jake bowed and smiled. Brenda?s pink vagina gaped wide open in her position. Jake took the glowing hot poker. Sparkles emitted from the white hot tip.
Slowly he posed the bar in front of her female opening. With scrutinising slow movements he touched her little labia, burned them away, her clitoris became charcoal. Her screams were whimpering agony The torture climaxed in a terrible way. Then with all his force he pushed the poker away deep down in her vagina, through her cervix way into the belly of the girl.? This was fatal.
Smoke became visible between Brenda?s thighs?..
?So, Brenda is dying?, Joe shouted, ?let us give her some time to do so?.?
Brenda?s breath came in gasps and she extreme shocks went through her dying body.
Joe turned his back on her and turned to Richa:
?But we have another girl. Look she is still alive. But now she has to go too. See how Jake will kill her, because it is the killings we came to see isn?t it?
?Yeah, yeah, kill the bitch?, shouted the people.
Everybody now was very excited as a result of the horrible but stimulating spectacle. Secretly, but sometimes even openly, people were engaged in sexual acts like touching each other?s intimate parts.
Richa hung from her arms, while her legs were spread out wide. Her ankles were fastened to the poles, above her head. Her most sensual parts were exhibited in the full view of the whole audience. Everybody watched in shivering but exciting expectation what was going to happen.
?Of course Jake will attend to Richa?s most beautiful body parts?, Joe shouted, ?See how Jake uses his tools on her?.
With a pair of pliers Jake gripped the left inner labia and stretched it. Richa started to scream in sheer panic. He was going to mutilate her even there. In the meantime Bill handed Jake a sparkling hot iron.
Slowly with all the horrid anticipation the hangman could muster he applied the iron to the sensitive part of the girl. Her wails sounded all over the place?..
Slowly he destroyed her sex. Her labia were burned. Then, with his knife, he removed the clitoris and made her eat it herself, throwing the little morsel of flesh in her own mouth.
Then he let the knife play over her exposed buttocks, her belly and her bellybutton. He slices he buttocks open making gaping wounds. Then he pushed his knife slowly down in her anus and turned it slowly around The wounds he made would kill her in due time. But she would die before that.
?Whow, well , Jake is really having his time of the day, isn?t he?, Joe shouted, now even paling himself a bit. ?Let us see what Jake has in mind for killing this little beauty?.?
Jake had another plan indeed, initiated by Richa?s? long hair. He loosened her legs. Her naked body hung limp down from hr arms. She hardly was aware what he was doing to her.
He took her waving hair and wound it firmly around her throat. He slowly tightened the killing hairs blocking off her breath. Richa suddenly noticed that she could not breathe anymore. In jumping panic she tried to get away. But she was to die. There in that position, in full view of all the people. People who cheered and shouting going mad with this incredible sexy view of a naked girl slowly strangled with her own hair. Jake pulled now with all his might. The muscles in his arm bulged. Sweat made his body gleam in the sun.
Richa was losing it. Her tong protruded from her mouth. Her eyes turned away. Her breast fought vainly for a last lifesaving gasp of air. But the hair around her throat completely blocked her airways. Then her head tilted away. Finally she died.
Jake erected himself, stepping back, admiring his handiwork. The dead bodies of the girls were both still now,? one hanging from her arms the other from her legs. Mutilated and wasted. All the guests rose and applauded. Jake bowed. The girls were properly executed. Dead. His work was done.
?Jake?, shouted Joe when he could make himself heard again, ?I think you have done a terrific job. You made these to culprits suffer in a most special and original way. So it was done in a most common way in old days. You revived those times in a most illustrative way. Thank you very much.?.
Slowly the guests went there own way, talking and discussing the deaths of the two girls.
Dinner would be served soon??
It was Billy who took the dead bodies down and who threw over the cliffs. A short turbulence in the water,? fighting sharks, a last flash of white meat. It was the last ever seen of Brenda and Richa.
30 Oktober 1999
The show of death.
?But it is a show, dear, you must realise yourself that the people are eager to watch horrible scenes. As long they is no personal complication, at least?.
?But for me it is very personal?,? Richa protested, ?It is my life that is endangered. I want out. This is not what Brenda and I were promised when we were invited to this holiday. We were to have a very good time. In between millionaires and classy people. And now we are to be executed. Killed?.. oh no you can?t be serious. It just can not be true. We are humans?..?.
The impeccable dressed white man, named Joe, smiled. He looked from the 16 year old Brenda to the 17 year old Richa and mused that he had not often such real beauties at the scaffold.
?It is illegal to kill people?, Brenda said suddenly. ?You are not allowed to kill us??
?Oh yeah, of course, geez, I forgot. But, eh, who is there to stop me. Remember, we are on an island. And we forgot to invite the police?.
?But they will miss us. They will come looking for us???, Brenda protested.
?Maybe they will, but did you not write a letter to your family that you and Richa were going to stay for 10 years in a Braham Monastery in Birma, and that you did not want to be looked for. That you wanted to be free?? That you were grown up and had a right to be free?..?.
?But you told me to write that letter. You lied to us?.?.
?Of course he lied to us?, Richa sad, her face dark with fear and anger, ?But that does not give you to mistreat us in a sexual way, certainly not the right to kill us?. That is murder???.You can?t do that. You said the most indecent things?.
?I don?t want to be naked?, Brenda protested again, ?Neither does Richa. You must be crazy to say things like that?.
?Than I shall repeat it?, Joe smiled again, ?Tomorrow at 14 hundred hours sharp, you will both be forced to participate in a huge show of you two being tortured to death. It will be done on the scaffold behind the garden house. You will both be stark naked and will not survive. The main torture will be of sexual art. Right now everybody is invited and they will come to see it happen. Be sure of that. Everybody will be there to look at you two?.
?But???, both Richa and Brenda started.
?Now I want both of you to strip?, Joe said suddenly unsmiling and hard.
?Oh no?.?, with big eyes they refused.
?Cooperate, or I will call Billy, he will make you do as I want, and he will have to be rewarded?.
Billy was a sort of infantile giant, who followed Joe like a slave. He was ugly and drooling but very strong. The two girls were sure not to be able to stand up to him. Rewarding meant the he would be allowed to play with their bodies. Both girls shuddered simultaneously.
?Okay? sighed Brenda and Richa nodded. Slowly they took of their white shorts, yellow blouses, bra?s and slip. They stood naked.
Joe sat down and watched. They had perfect bodies. Brenda was a high blonde, Swedish. blue eyes and a beautiful creamy complexion. She had firm breasts for her age, with dark nipples. Joe smiled, knowing what the hangman had in mind for those tits. Brenda had a flat belly, a deep bellybutton. Her mound of Venus was strong and furred with blond fur, under with her creamy pink slit was visible. The lips of her sex were still firmly closed. She looked like a real virgin.. She was so beautiful. Certainly she was going to look very different tomorrow night, Joe smiled again.
A moment he thought about this whole
situation. Being hired as a sort of master of ceremony by mister
Smith, who obviously was rich, very rich. How he was invited to come and stay
on this island. How he made this trip by boat now five years ago. This
Because of the special horror shows he organised.
The number of girls he had seen coming and going.
Going mainly to the always-hungry sharks.
He smiled again.
He looked at the other girl, Richa, who stood with her arms alongside her body. She had long legs. Her pubes were shaven clean. I made her look like a ten year old girl. But when she opened her legs, she showed a lot of girly meat pouting from between her outer labia. Joe knew that Jake the hangman just loved to play with sensitive flesh like that. Richa would be everything he ever wanted. And he was to have a free hand with the girl. Her long dark hair touched her buttocks. Richa had big tits. Really big. Joe loved that. They stood out firm and strong. With dark brown areolas and big pink nipples, now hard in her anger and fear. Richa?s face was very nice to see, with her angry eyes and lovely? dark waving hair. Joe could not wait to see what she would look like when she found out how she was to be tortured.
?But what will be done to us?, begged Brenda, ?I mean we have seen punishments before. We know that this is a bad place to do the wrong things, but we never saw anybody fatally harmed?.
?And we did nothing wrong?, Richa said. ?I mean, that eleven year old girl the other day that was whipped to within an inch of her life, I mean, she dropped seven glasses?.
?Yeah?, admitted Brenda, ?We should have been warned. I think a punishment of a ten year old boy by taking his little balls out is not normal either?.
?No, not even if he made fun of the boss himself?, Richa said.
?And are we to go to that same scaffold?, Brenda shivered, ?You cannot be serious, Joe?.
?Hm, you watched when that boy was done. Isn?t it. You saw how his naked body was spread-eagled of that wooden rack. You maybe even cheered when Jake stroked his little dick until it stood up tiny but very hard, didn?t you??.
A bit ashamed of themselves Brenda an Richa nodded.
?Well I did hear no protest from any of you when Jake opened the boys little balsack en took his nuts out. People like to see those things. Things like that will be done to you, while others watch??.?.
?Oh my god?.,? Brenda sighted, ?You are mad?.?
?But why us, we did nothing wrong?..?.
?Well, I can?t help it?, Joe shrugged his shoulders, ?You did nothing wrong indeed, but I must have somebody for my show. Somebody nice well looking?.
?But taking peoples lives?.?, Brenda gasped.
?Yeah, that?s something, I agree?, Joe admitted, ?But that is what these creeps are paying for. That is want they want to see. And not some old man, but? young and beautiful girls like you are?.
The two naked girls just stared. He had been so nice to them all this time and now he said the most horrible things.
?Well, girls?, he said casually, ?It would be easy if you took care of your clothes. Put them all in this basket, since you will not be needing them anymore. I see take a shower tomorrow morning, so you will be nice and clean and I would appreciate it when you take car of yourselves to look nice and shining when they come to pick you up, okay?.
He pinched Brenda?s cheek and patted Richa on her bare bottom and left, leaving the two girls in desperate distress?
In the meantime Ann, William, Becky and Bob
were fucking each other at the side of the quiet beach. William had his dick in
Ann?s vagina, while he was caressing Beckies tits. Bob was sucking Beckies slit
while handling Ann?s tits. It was a lot of movement, switching positions, lust
pouring out of every pore. When they had finally all come they lay down naked
and bathing in the gentle sun. The four of them were children of the rich
family of millionaires that could afford it to stay in the incredible luxury of
?Tomorrow is the execution?, Ann said, when she finally recovered her breath.
?Yeah, it is the highlight of our stay. After that we will go home?, Bob said.
?Oh yes, but what a time we had?, Becky said.
?I am curious how it is to be done, those executions?, Ann said again, ?They say these girls really die?.
?Yes of course?, Becky said. ?Everything is real here?.
?Yep, but this is not a whipping, as we saw before, or some other heavy teasing, this time they go all the way. Lives will be wasted?..?.
?Yep, just thinking of what we are going to see makes shiver?, Ann said, ?I Think it will be really awful what they are going to those girls, even if only half of what they tell us is true. But I do not want to miss one second of it. It even makes me hot?.?
?Oh that is what I feel?, William smiled with his fingers touching Ann?s sexual parts. Ann smiled and opened her thighs a little more.
?It is Brenda and Richa who are to be killed. They are some real nice looking bitches?, Bob said, ?I played around with Richa, day before yesterday. You know, she is a hot bitch. I played with her sexual parts. It just love to see a bald cunt like hers. She has a very big clitoris, you know. I keep wondering if they are going to torture her down there, ha, ha. You know, she did not have the faintest notion than what was going to happen. She behaved like she was one of us?, ha, ha, ha. Little did she know, what is in store for her?.
?I think she knows now?, Becky said, ?I saw Joe talking to them an hour ago. They were locked up in their rooms. Crying. So now they will be sick of fear??.
?I like that?,? Ann said. ?I would have loved to see their faces?.?.
?But isn?t it unbelievable that we can see such a thing?, William said. ?I mean, I read about public executions in books and I saw it in films. But this is the real thing. This is a real horror show. Those babes are really going to die?.
?Yes?, Ann said dreaming, ?It is what I always wanted to see. And my dad can afford it to buy tickets to the island. He is so rich. When he asked me if I wanted to see a real execution,? a real person die, I just threw my arms around him and kissed him flat?
?And they are going to be naked?, Bob said, ?Seeing someone killed is exciting, certainly when the victim is a girl. But it torturing and killing a stark naked girl is the limit?.
?You like to see me then?, Becky smiled, opening her legs and showing her moist vagina to Bob.
?Yes, but you are not on a scaffold. You are not to die. They are. Jesus, I hate myself because of it, but I can?t wait to see those bitches get it?..?.
The sun was bright, next afternoon. On the wide lawn some four hundred seat around tables were set and ready. From every corner the scaffold was clearly visible. Two sets of dark oak post were erected with cuffs and ropes to hold tiny wrists and ankles of the innocent victims. A hot brazier was smoking in the corner and on a tables a whole score of torture instruments were laid out in preparation. Among it: whips, knives, scissors, clamps, pokes and much more.
Slowly the well-groomed classy public gathered and sat around the scaffold, being served by many other little girls and boys. These servants were part of the personnel, being treated very well when they did as ordered, but on the other side severely punished when they did not. The guests were obliged to leave the servants alone, but were invited to visit when one of them had to punished?..
Ann, Becky Bob and William had seats right close to the podium and the look on their faces was? very expectant.
Than Joe jumped on the podium and the crowd hushed:
?Ladies and gentleman?, he shouted, ?Today as a special occasion to educate you and your children about the history of penance and justice, we will present you the original proceedings of and old time public execution. Today we will pretend to be 500 hundred years? back in history. A period of time when all punishment were carried out in public.? Two young waives are presented to you with all their beauty and charms. Naked and vulnerable, because all modesty is denied for them.
The two culprits will undergo their penalties without any mercy. Here and now. There are accused of theft. Properly tried and convicted to be punished. A real medieval punishment of slow torture and horrible death. The two naked girls will be put to death right here in front of you. For all of you to see. Jake the hangman will make sure that you will enjoy the charms of these hapless victims in full, why the perform the dance of death.
Ladies and gentleman, the victims of today???
Under applause Richa and Brenda were forced upon the scaffold by drooling Billy and Jake the hangman. The girls were naked. They were fighting in sheer panic. Without any visible effort the two men fixed the naked girls between the posts, spreading their arm above their heads and their ankles to each side.
?At first we will admire their charms?, shouted Joe, ?Look at the beautiful breasts of Richa, wait, what Jake will do with them, and here see the mound of Venus of Brenda, so young and virginal. With Jake?s fantasy I would be very scared, if I were Brenda. Because, listen well, Jake is allowed to torture the girls down there. Oh poor girls what will happen to them?..?
Ann cuddled herself on Bob?s lap and whispered: ?Look at Richa?s flesh, it looks like she?s got pancakes in between her thighs, ?Oh they are so scared, start it Jake, start it, make em scream??.
Secretly Bob had his hand in Ann?s crotch. She was so hot now?..?.
?Now Brenda is to get twentyfive lashes with the twig?, announced Joe, ?See how she likes that??.
Jake held up a twig. Just to begin with. Jake started with Brenda. Brenda?s round bottom was his target that he suddenly hit with all his force. The first scream sounded over the field. Everybody sat himself not to miss anything of the girl?s misery. While Jake made Brenda very sore, Billy mounted a horizontal bar in between the two posts that held Richa. He loosened her arms, and made her bow forward over the bar and fixed her wrists to her ankles. Now she stood there pointing her ass right up to Jake. In between her open thighs her sex was an open target for Jake?s instruments.
In the meantime, Brenda was going mad because of her pain and humiliation. She got all 25 lashes?
When Billy was ready, Jake turned his attention to Richa. Scared to death she saw him come.
?Richa will be whipped with the short whip?, announced Joe, ?She will receive twenty-five strokes. See how Jake will aim for her lovely sensitive parts. No mercy on this girl?.?.
?Oh my god, not there?, moaned Ann, ?That hurts like mad, don?t you think so?. She clasped herself to Bob and bit him in his fingers form excitement.
?Au??, he protested and in return pushed his finger in Ann?s vagina. She just loved the extra pain. It made her almost come.
Jake got ready and made the short whip snap into the air. Slowly he paced over to the waiting Richa. He patted her upturned bottom letting his hand glide over her perfect round globes.
He smiled amused
?I think she feels very soft?, Joe shouted, pointing at the hangman who was feeling with his hand between the thighs of the victim, ?See if he can make her warm?.?.
Then with all his forced the hangman made the whip come down on the girls bottom and again and again. Richa screamed in pain. It was terrible. Now Jake landed the whip in between her globes cracking down the lash in her sensitive crack. It was horrible. She suffered so badly. Maybe even permanent damage was done. Who cared. She was to die anyway.?..
Becky went down on William and was secretly caressing his stiffening cock. William moaned in lust looking at the suffering girl?.
Jake now let the whip come up between Richa?s thighs. The moment the whip landed on her mound, Richa went completely mad with pain. She tried to wrestle herself clear, but in vain. Again and again the leather of the whip hit the lips of her sex with full force. The labia of her sex opened up and now the whip landed on the soft interior hitting with full force her most sensitive clitoris. It was too much, she fainted dead away?
?Oh, poor girl?, Joe shouted, ?But she is not getting away that easy. Imagine you women what it feels like to be hit like that on your most sensitive spot. She was. Imagine her pain. But she is still alive. She can take more. She will get some time to recover, before she is killed, and in the meantime we will have something for Brenda?.
While everybody had been watching Richa getting the whipping of her secret parts, Billy had Brenda?s arms bound behind her back and now the naked girl could be lifted up to the top of the posts.?
?Now we will see a very common torture of old days?, Joe shouted, ?The Strapido. Brenda will make the drop three times. See how the attractive body of a naked girl is tormented in this old manner?.?
Billy pulled Brenda up halfway. The drop was a meter. The girl screamed in panic while all the spectators looked at her body.
?Now? shouted Jake, and Billy let go. Brenda fell and her scream reverberated over the audience. Again Brenda was pulled up. Now two meters high. And again she fell down, her screams even worse. But the sockets of arms held. The pain was horrible. Her slim body contorted and wound, showing her all her charms and nakedness of the young girl.
Than she was pulled up all the way. Her white naked body gleaming in the sun. She was trampling with her legs. Showing in her nakedness her beautiful body in horrible torture. The crowd hushed into dead silence.? Then Brenda was dropped. Her scream ended in a sudden wail of pain. Everybody heard the sockets of her shoulders snap. She landed in an impossible position, which looked very odd. Her arms pulled from their sockets. She hung silenced and unconscious in between the dark posts.
In the meantime Billy had bound Richa with her arms on her back to a post. Her tits were sticking out. While Billy was reviving Brenda, Jake the hangman turned his attention to her Richa?s breasts.
They were huge. Jake held up a knife. Richa screamed in sheer panic, her eyes could impossibly get loose from the knife. What was he going to do.
?Now Jake will play a bit with Richa?s beauties?, Joe shouted, pointing at the protruding jewels of Richa. Jake pricked around in the soft meat, mainly to let the fear in Richa mount to a point of pitching fever. Then with his other hand he took her left nipple, stretched it to a point of tearing. Richa?s mouth became one long scream as his knife softly slid through her female flesh?.
?Oh my god?, Becky screamed, ?How can they do a thing like that?, but at the same time she kept looking and wanting the hangman to go on.
Richa screamed in pure panic. She was mutilated. Beyond a chance of repair. All of a sudden she realised that these guys really were going all the way. They did not care what she would look like after this. She really was going to be killed. Desperate she looked down her breasts and here screams pitched again Were here nipple had been only a open hole was left.
Around her the people applauded.? All sorts of encouraging remarks were called to Jake, who showed the nipple around and than threw it in the public like it was a Bra from a striptease dancer. Again and again his knife struck, removing her nipples, slicing her breasts, It was a horrible torture. When finally she only whimpered in pain, Jake let his attention turn to the other girl.
?I warned you?, Joe shouted, ?I told you that our hangman would have his fun with all the female flesh. Now see what Richa looks like. And she was so proud of her tits. But then, what does it matter. She must die. What good are tits for dead girls?.?.
The crowd burst in laughter.
?Now, ladies and gentleman, not only breasts are typical female parts that can be tortured, What do you think the fantasy of a hangman will think off the more intimate part of girls. The soft folds between those legs, the secret openings. Look how Brenda presents that to our cruel Jake??. I am afraid Brenda is going to suffer an extreme pain over there?
Bill had upturned Brenda?s body. With her head down and her legs spread wide open she was even a more vulnerable target for Jake. Now he turned to the charcoal brazier and pulled it over to Brenda?s open thighs. With thumb and forefinger he opened the lips of her sex, showing the pink and moist interior to all the audience. All were craning their necks to see what Jake would do to a girl at that specific place of her body. Jake really was skilled. With a pair of pliers he took small pieces if burning coal and touch Brenda?s parts. The girl did not know what happened to her. It was just pain. Only pain,
She choked. Her naked body contorted and turned. It was an incredible torture. The public hushed and paled at the sight that was offered to them. But this is what they had come to see, and in the end loved every second of it.
?Well ladies and gentleman? Joe shouted, ?Jake thinks it is time for Brenda to die. She has suffered enough. For Brenda he has a special way of killing her. A very good way to kill young girls. Look at this long hot poker. Where should it go you think?.?.
All the crowd yelled:
?The cunt of course???
Jake bowed and smiled. Brenda?s pink vagina gaped wide open in her position. Jake took the glowing hot poker. Sparkles emitted from the white hot tip.
Slowly he posed the bar in front of her female opening. With scrutinising slow movements he touched her little labia, burned them away, her clitoris became charcoal. Her screams were whimpering agony The torture climaxed in a terrible way. Then with all his force he pushed the poker away deep down in her vagina, through her cervix way into the belly of the girl.? This was fatal.
Smoke became visible between Brenda?s thighs?..
?So, Brenda is dying?, Joe shouted, ?let us give her some time to do so?.?
Brenda?s breath came in gasps and she extreme shocks went through her dying body.
Joe turned his back on her and turned to Richa:
?But we have another girl. Look she is still alive. But now she has to go too. See how Jake will kill her, because it is the killings we came to see isn?t it?
?Yeah, yeah, kill the bitch?, shouted the people.
Everybody now was very excited as a result of the horrible but stimulating spectacle. Secretly, but sometimes even openly, people were engaged in sexual acts like touching each other?s intimate parts.
Richa hung from her arms, while her legs were spread out wide. Her ankles were fastened to the poles, above her head. Her most sensual parts were exhibited in the full view of the whole audience. Everybody watched in shivering but exciting expectation what was going to happen.
?Of course Jake will attend to Richa?s most beautiful body parts?, Joe shouted, ?See how Jake uses his tools on her?.
With a pair of pliers Jake gripped the left inner labia and stretched it. Richa started to scream in sheer panic. He was going to mutilate her even there. In the meantime Bill handed Jake a sparkling hot iron.
Slowly with all the horrid anticipation the hangman could muster he applied the iron to the sensitive part of the girl. Her wails sounded all over the place?..
Slowly he destroyed her sex. Her labia were burned. Then, with his knife, he removed the clitoris and made her eat it herself, throwing the little morsel of flesh in her own mouth.
Then he let the knife play over her exposed buttocks, her belly and her bellybutton. He slices he buttocks open making gaping wounds. Then he pushed his knife slowly down in her anus and turned it slowly around The wounds he made would kill her in due time. But she would die before that.
?Whow, well , Jake is really having his time of the day, isn?t he?, Joe shouted, now even paling himself a bit. ?Let us see what Jake has in mind for killing this little beauty?.?
Jake had another plan indeed, initiated by Richa?s? long hair. He loosened her legs. Her naked body hung limp down from hr arms. She hardly was aware what he was doing to her.
He took her waving hair and wound it firmly around her throat. He slowly tightened the killing hairs blocking off her breath. Richa suddenly noticed that she could not breathe anymore. In jumping panic she tried to get away. But she was to die. There in that position, in full view of all the people. People who cheered and shouting going mad with this incredible sexy view of a naked girl slowly strangled with her own hair. Jake pulled now with all his might. The muscles in his arm bulged. Sweat made his body gleam in the sun.
Richa was losing it. Her tong protruded from her mouth. Her eyes turned away. Her breast fought vainly for a last lifesaving gasp of air. But the hair around her throat completely blocked her airways. Then her head tilted away. Finally she died.
Jake erected himself, stepping back, admiring his handiwork. The dead bodies of the girls were both still now,? one hanging from her arms the other from her legs. Mutilated and wasted. All the guests rose and applauded. Jake bowed. The girls were properly executed. Dead. His work was done.
?Jake?, shouted Joe when he could make himself heard again, ?I think you have done a terrific job. You made these to culprits suffer in a most special and original way. So it was done in a most common way in old days. You revived those times in a most illustrative way. Thank you very much.?.
Slowly the guests went there own way, talking and discussing the deaths of the two girls.
Dinner would be served soon??
It was Billy who took the dead bodies down and who threw over the cliffs. A short turbulence in the water,? fighting sharks, a last flash of white meat. It was the last ever seen of Brenda and Richa.
30 Oktober 1999
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This is the story of how I fucked my colleague Tasnim at her house one night after dinner. Tasnim and I are colleagues in the same office and we sit side by side in the same room. Our office room is small and there is only space for another person to sit, which means we sit very close to one another. Tasnim is a very attractive looking slim girl with sharp facial features. Even though she has bro-zoned me because she is married but I have always felt that she wants to hook up with me. Tasnim...
Hi there my name is Karen, AKA Fat Cunt Pig, The story I am is called my Average Friday night, It is a true story, My friend adrian aka reposterman as just slitely reworked it.I chose clothes that would look great on a normal woman. I had on what you see in the photo My make-up was thick with lots of pink blusher and shiny wet-look red lipstick. I asked my Master to wait in the sitting room as I had a surprise for him. I entered and knelt in front of him telling him I was only here to be used...
Greg’s doorbell chimed at close to noon the next day. In opening the door he saw Lynn Winters standing there. “I want to thank you for sending Rachel to give me an estimate. I just got back from her store where I picked out the tile I wanted and signed a contract for them to do the job. It was for fourteen hundred less than the first quote I received.” “May I be so crass as to ask what the total cost of doing the ceramic tile was?” Lynn told him and Greg thought based on her unit’s square...
The simple truth of the matter was that my Aunt Maggie was not old enough to be my mother. It was an indisputable fact that she was a full decade younger than my mother and it would be a physical impossibility. That having been said, I am unable to contest the inevitability of her being eleven years my senior although in today's society such matters either in favor of the male or the female seem of little concern to all concerned expect those persons with an agenda of jealousy for some...
Michelle’s Awakening Ch 1Finally, 4:30. Michelle could now leave work, and head to the gym. But she wasn’t going there to work out, like she told her husband, Greg. She was meeting Mike in the side parking lot. Mike was her lover. Their relationship had been going for almost 3 months. Michelle was bored in her marriage, and their sex life was routine, as well as infrequent. She longed for more.Michelle and Mike worked together, and had frequently met for lunch. The more they talked, the more...
Wife LoversMike looked down at Emily and smiled. She was quite a bit shorter than him by almost a foot and a half. She had long red hair and was curvy as a country road, but you couldn't tell by the extremely conservative way she was dressed. She had on an black ankle length skirt, a black long sleeved t-shirt, and a loose red beaded tunic over that that went to about her knees. Her hair was up and covered with a couple of scarves wound around her head. There were no hiding those big green eyes or...
Ever since Rhea found out I was bisexual and heard some of the stories about my past encounters, she had a fantasy. She wanted to watch. If I went off to visit my gay lover, Jim, she would tell me how much she wished she could be there watching. Even though she loved it when, upon my return, I would tell her all the details of my latest tête-à-tête, there was still something lacking. (She’s a very visual woman.) I asked Jim if he would be comfortable with her watching but he said ‘no’. He...
Hello all sex lovers.My story goes long way back. My father left India to go to UK to make more money. He left behind I sam then I was 8 year old and my sister was 4 year old. Mom was about 30. She is very sexy woman.We had nice time growing up. Dad use to send money every month it made mom,s life easy.I an my s*s were very close to each other.Mom looked after us very nicely. We both k**s did not give mom any hard time. Mom had one lady in the village who use to visit mom. She was almost at our...
“So it just switches on at midnight, and then it just starts? They see you do everything?” Nicole asked. Then her voice dropped. “Everything…”“That’s the deal,” I said. “One year, but with what they are paying... No more slow nights or stripping. It’s enough money that we’ll be set. Of course, I think I’ll still keep going, but…”“But, Rachel…”She cupped her voice into a whisper, leaning closer in bed.“Like, they see you going-”“I’m just not gonna think about that,” I said, putting up the mental...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi"Come in, Jennifer," said Cindy, closing the door after her, "you sounded worried on the phone. My God, what's happened?" Jennifer's eyes were bloodshot, her expression forlorn. She hadn't slept at all, weeping quietly to herself through the night after Ron went to sleep. She had begun crying again the moment he left for work and had only paused long enough to call Cindy and asked if she could come over. "Are we alone?" she asked still wiping tears with a tissue. "Yes, of course....
It was late the following day when I received an email from Anika with a link to my bio which she said would go live as soon as I accepted it, I looked at it with interest, the photos were very complimentary, my bio stated that I was very accommodating and easy going even stating that nothing was too much trouble, I liked it. She had me listed at £150 per night which I thought was good as she said it would cut out timewasters. Before a booking is accepted I get sent a text and email with the...
Breeana and I weren’t friends.We’d known each other since elementary school. We had a lot of the same classes together. But by high school, we were in different social circles. I was an uncool nerd who used my wit to avoid being a complete outcast. She was an aloof hipster who hung who didn’t care about fitting in.I’d always had a thing for her, but it didn’t matter in the high school dynamic. She dated guys who were trying to start their indie rock band. I dated whoever would have me.But high...
OutdoorCharlie Andrew Macintyre was born in to this world on night of Friday the thirteenth seven minutes before the clock struck midnight on that October in 1933. The president was FDR and the flag had forty-eight stars on it. It was the height of the great depression, none of these things mattered to the new infant though. The Macintyre family was a large one like many farm families of the time. Little Charlie as he would later be known was the ninth child of the family, and the fifth son. The...
Hi all the readers of this site. This is my first story. Please send your feed back on So that I can share my other stories. Come to the story. I stay in Bangalore & work for an MNC as a team leader. This story is when I was about to bike a new bike around six months ago. I was suppose to get some money from my company as award for my new idea which was successful. But it was bit delayed due to year end. But I had booked already a new bike & I had sold my old one also. So I thought of take a...
There were two other boys in the van when it picked up Chad Monday morning. He was still a little hard when he got into the van. As he was waiting to be picked up, he had gotten the random thought that he was glad he did not have to go through the same naked pickup that his parents had done. Thinking about that made him think of standing naked in front of Candy, Cassie, and his mom. There was no way of telling which thought affected him more, but the result was predictable. Sean was the...
(This story is a fantasy I shared with my wife and did not really happen, but I shall relate it as I whispered it to her as I fucked her slow and deep...)Imagine the two of us are on a hiking trail in the Drakensberg Mountains (South Africa). It is mid-week and out of holiday season so it appears we have the trail to ourselves. We are familiar with the trail and know that soon we will descend to a mountain stream which has a good swimming hole and are looking forward to cooling off after...
This is true story of me and another member of xhamster eva281I always had fantasies to fuck Albanian,Croatian and Bosnian girls. I guess I like forbidden fruits.Eva is 32 years old Albanian woman and I am 22 years old Serb.We started to chat on xhamster about year ago and we had more and more dirty talk.I wanted Albanian pussy, she wanted Serbian dick and that was it, but there was one problem...she has a husband.Days after days we had more serious talk about meeting and achieving our...
It was the first proper day of summer, the sun shone brightly and there was the almost inaudible buzz of insects flitting from flower to flower. Emma loved the summer, she loved being outdoors and this was her first opportunity to bask in the heat. She dusted down the sun lounger and positioned it in the sun in her back garden. Then after slipping into a two piece bikini and wrapping a sarong around her body she went outside with a book and a glass of lemonade. She had been out there for half...
They were dancing to some relatively serious belly-rubbing music, but Dave remained quite tame, or so it would seem. His hands were making their way slowly downward from Charlene’s waist and pushing her shirt upward, exposing more and more of her panties. As Dave’s hands, meeting only token resistance, snaked over Charlene’s panty covered butt, he quietly said, “If I hadn’t shown up when I did, I’m guessing the shirt would be gone by now.”Charlene was startled. She leaned back a bit, directing...
College SexPatrick I spent the first night in my cave in restless, but somewhat satisfying sleep. I woke up several times, but still, I had been so tired that I felt rested by comparison the next day. It was a good thing I got the sleep I did get, as the next day was not quiet or restful at all. I didn't think it was going to be too tough for the enemy to figure out where I went. I had heard a brief incursion of helicopters late the day before, followed by a brief but vicious firefight. I assumed...
Under my orders, Tiffany, my sluttiest ex-girlfriend, had been fucking my boss for the past two months. Every morning, after she’d gotten her brains fucked out, she’d call and gave me all the sweaty details. Sometimes, she’d even let me listen while DeAngelo fucked her brains out.With every imaginary orgasm DeAngelo gave me, I unleashed more of my sluttiness. My husband, Oliver, loved my slutty behavior at home, but he did not love my sluttiness when we went out. So, whenever he was away on...
CheatingTara loved her job at the town library. She always felt there was something mysterious and romantic about the old three storey building. The beautiful architecture perfectly complimented the rows upon rows of books and there were old wooden desks lit by soft lamps. It was her job to sort the books and put them away. She rarely interacted with anyone as she quietly went about her duties. She was a shy young woman of twenty-four. She preferred being alone as the time allowed her to fall into...
First TimeThe streets were busy, the city bustling, everything had returned to normal after the King and Queen had come out of hiding. The whole country had thought them dead and Minara had suspected the Halcyons would insist she and Arron took the crown. Once it became known they had survived there was rejoicing throughout the kingdom. The fact that she had hidden the royal family from the Usurpers, as Varna and her crew were being called, made her a heroine as far as the people were concerned. As...
The women made me a hearty breakfast, with pancakes, bacon, eggs, fruit and more. Karen served me a huge plateful, telling me, "You need to build your energy up!" I grabbed her as she started walking away and gave her a deep kiss. "Looking at you builds my energy up all by itself," I told her. She blushed and went to eat hers. We spent the rest of the day lazing around and playing. We hung out by the pool quite a bit, and all the women took pains to make me realize that I was hanging...
Autumn looked out the window into the season that was her namesake, twirled a finger through a curl in her long brunette hair, and sighed. The final leaves falling from the maple tree after a strong gust of wind reminded her of the last few months of her life, as piece after piece of it had crashed to earth. First, her boyfriend of two years had lost interest in sex and grown distant. Her hormones had decided to go into overdrive at almost the exact same time, making it doubly torturous. After...
As usual, the RAF C130 flight back from Africa was as boring as fuck and very uncomfortable. Anyone complaining about airline seats should be forced to spend nine hours sat on webbing straps. Finally, at just gone midnight, we touched down at RAF Brize Norton to the west of London. There were no TV cameras or flag-waving wives and girlfriends to greet us, just bored looking RAF movements staff and a line of buses - my unit hadn't officially been in Sierra Leone.By 0500 on that July Friday...
Hi Guyz, there’s been an immense response for my previous story, and I am writing the sequel as required by ISS fanz and my story fanz. If anyone missed my previous story please do read my previous story sex with wrong number aunty and give me feedback on Coming to the story, my aunt became free with me from then on and we were catching up now and then but never had the chance for fuck session. As I am starved for sex, as there was a gap for more than 1 month, I was not able to control the...
Hi Maria,Can't help but think about the picture with you in the blue bikini and the plastic ring around your head. That wonderful body is so perfectly contrasted by the humorous situation and the good natured smile on your face. The two things together actually make me want to fuck you even more than before. Firstly, I'd have to act like the true gentleman and relieve you of that heavy weight around your neck before lifting you up off that cold tiled surface to take you somewhere much more...