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New York (Yelopress/ASP) A spokesman for the DEFA today released details of the disappearance of three adult males, all in their early 20s. Missing and presumed dead are Daniel Tompkins, James Rivington, and Jacob Astor, all of the notorious Lower East Side sector of New York City known as "Bodysnatchers' Alley."

In DEFA custody and undergoing intensive interrogation are two presumed members of the executive council of the Senior Savages, a fogey gang controlling a strategically located enclave of the sector. This brings the number of suspicious disappearances to 105 in the just-ended 24-hour period, 18 above the corresponding period last week. Local citizen groups have been demanding increased summary executions of hormies as a deterrent to the stepped-up incidence of youth serum related crime. Meanwhile, regional militia groups...

New York City
27 February 2018

My dear Skorblut!

I had scarcely had the opportunity to become acquainted with our Ami colleagues before they insisted upon assigning me to an active case. Every available unit of manpower and materiel is being mobilized in the attempt to halt what appears to be a crime epidemic of monumental proportions.

I am to investigate a particularly vicious 'fogey' group, the self-styled "Elder Statesmen." This band of aging stilyagi, hoodlums, and assorted gangsters must take the responsibility for a disproportionate share of the violent crime in a once-fashionable East Side neighborhood.

Area police and paramilitary authorities are in the process of mounting a large-scale offensive against street crime and anti-social behavior. If I am able to contribute my limited expertise to this effort, so much the better for the relationship between the German federal and American enforcement agencies.

True, my mission here has the primary objective of gathering intelligence data on the so-called "Youth Serum Phenomenon." But it is all to the good that I am acquiring practical field experience in combatting the problem at the same time that I am researching it.

Rest assured that I will inform you of all important developments and will keep in contact in any case.

Convey my warmest greetings to Trudl and little Petra and know that I remain


Fleischwolf Eisenzahn

The tap-tapping of walking sticks, the dragging clump-hop of deformed limbs being forced into double-time limp signaled the approach of death.

Rookie Detective Ganymede pressed deeper into the dark doorway, fingering the curves of his snub-nosed .38, the only thing standing between him and a horrible doom: being literally chopped up and rendered down for the life-giving juices contained in his body organs.

Metal scraped against wood as the hormone-crazed oldsters drew swords from their canes and bore down on him like assault troops with bayonets at ready.

-- from Fiends of the Night, by Ezekiel Vladimiroff



"... The drug itself, technically designated diazo-dextroamyl-inframethylene, was discovered in the laboratories of the Niedrigst Pharmaceutical GmbH several years previously. Said firm immediately began experimentation with test animals, with so striking results that plans were swiftly set in motion to produce and market it under the trade name Antisenilium. However, government officials, after extensive consultation with behavioral scientists over possible adverse social consequences of release of the drug, put a total ban on distribution and ordered a total halt to research. The ban was subsequently extended worldwide.

The most stringent precautions could not prevent details of the synthesizing process from being leaked to certain criminal elements who immediately saw it to their advantage to create a black market trade in the substance. The drug, familiarly known as "Fountain of Youth Serum" by its effect, or "DeathBane" on the streets, soon made its appearance in uncontrolled urban sectors. A determined police campaign has not sufficed to suppress trade in the drug or to prevent the alarming rise in crime associated with its availability.

The fact that it can only be extracted from the glands and tissues of live or recently deceased subjects in the post-pubertal stage makes the drug all the more difficult to obtain, and, from an economic viewpoint, all the more precious. The black market price of a single dosage, effective for a three week period, has reached $2500.

The so-called "DeathBane, administered to an aged subject, a wrinkled effigy of his younger years, brings back youthful appearance and vigor, restores the lusts of a bygone day. The drug must, of course, be re-administered at three week intervals, else its effect fades. This creates certain difficulties for...

-- from the hearings of the UN Extraordinary Subcommittee on Social Stability

2 March

Keeping a journal is entirely my own idea. But it will make easier the periodic reports I must submit to higher-ups both here and in my own country. It also creates s permanent record of my observations that could provide valuable data for my colleagues, should anything unforeseen happen to me. For the present let it remain a private indulgence, its existence known only to me.

To date the following:

Blackblight, my nominal superior, invited me to dine with him at a favorite cafe of his, a converted cellar beneath the sidewalks of an industrial area turned residential. Seated behind a rough-hewn wood plank table on what must have been a salvaged church pew, I plunged my fork into a triangular slab of undercooked beef while listening politely to his laments about his overweight daughter, his malfunctioning televiewer, his ulcers...

I must have let slip a fawn, for he abruptly stiffened and let drain the emotion from his voice. "Your commander, Police-Colonel Skorblut, seems to have a very high opinion of you, judging you capable of handling even the most difficult and unusual assignments. I hope you can justify his confidence."

He paused to spit out a bone. "The particular case you are on, this Elder Statesmen affair, has progressed to the point that we have the opportunity to plant a man right in the inner circle of the gang." He looked over at me and curled his lips over gold-capped teeth.

"Our intelligence net intercepted a courier from the International Drug Smuggler Centrale. He was to have delivered a shipment of DeathBane to the Elder Statesmen for distribution on the streets here. It will, in fact, be delivered. By none other than you."

He wiped the grease off his chin while that sank in. "To facilitate your penetration of the gang, we will provide you with a cover story. An all-points 'wanted' bulletin will be issued for the man you will be impersonating, so they will make the logical assumption that if you leave them you will be hunted down by the police. And, since you will demonstrate certain useful skills, such as the handling of class II sidearms, they should be most happy to welcome you into their ranks."

I fear that my eyes avoided the glint of his predatory smile, for he immediately enquired whether I had heartburn.

Assured that I did not, he hinted that butterflies-in-the-stomach were inexcusable for a senior field agent and that he could arrange for my early retirement if that suited me.

The wineglass shattered in my hand and I must have looked as though I would tear out his jugular in the next instant (which I might well have), but then he was on his feet laughing uproariusly and pounding me on the back.

"Go to it, my boy. That's the sort of spirit we need. You're hired."

So I was. Once again I am the innocent victim of circumstance. Be it so then. It is good for discipline.

4 March.

The militia patrol escorted me as far as the warning track of the Redline Zone. The desolation began here -- and extended as far as the eye could see: an unending stretch of blasted and gutted buildings, broken sidewalks, lamp posts bent at grotesque angles, open fields of burned-out vehicles, doorways clogged with the corpses of stray dogs intermingled with twisted-up baby carriages, and everywhere shards of plexiglas from exploded televiewer screens.

Farther, my brave and trusty uniformed companions would not venture. Not even in their armored vehicles. This was the notorious Death Strip, home turf of the Elder Statesmen.

According to the instructions, I was to proceed 1800 meters due east, then activate a small microwave transmitter. The contact man of the Elder Statesmen would presumably home in on the signal and locate me. Further course of action was left to my discretion, meaning that I was in the hands of fate.

I kept to the shelter of crumbling brick walls as much as I could, trying to present as small as possible a cross-section to telescopic sights. Open stretches I crawled across. On my stomach. I had been told that my weight was insufficient to trigger an anti-tank mine, and that thought cheered me considerably between mouthfuls of dirt.

1750... 1800 meters exactly. I flicked on the tiny transmitter. And waited.

Half an hour at least under the merciless sun, an inviting target for one and all. I must have temporarily relaxed my vigilance, for now I could sense a slight pressure in my back.

"Don't turn around," said the quavery voice, barely audible, in back of me. "Straight ahead, now to the right. Slow. Slow.". I turned my head imperceptibly, and out of the extreme corner of my eye made out a spidery old dame clutching tightly with both hands a long-barreled pistol.

Suddenly I was jumped by at least two men and something was pulled over my head. I could no longer see and my arms were bound fast.

"Take it easy, kid. This is just a necessary precaution we take with strangers. To keep our number unlisted. So we don't get any surprise visits, see?"

They amused themselves for an hour or so, letting me stagger around, stumbling over loose bricks and making grazing collisions with assorted jagged obstacles. Then, without warning I was thrown to the ground and the absurd thought came into my head that they were going to make an end to me then and there. But, I heard the ringing scrape of metal, and now I was being pushed downward, then being helped to cling to what felt like the iron rungs of a ladder. And they let me fall the last meter so that I could pick up a few more bruises. Someone roughly helped me to my feet.

Off with the hood, but I still couldn't see because of flood-lamps burning into my face. Then they flickered and went dim and I could no longer hear the snorting of the diesel generator in the background.

"Goddam injector must have clogged again. No matter. You would've had your look-see at our home-sweet-home soon enough anyhow. Better get used to the sight. You won't be going anywhere in a hurry."

Between the pulsing black dots still covering my field of vision, I could just make out the speaker. A woman. In her late twenties, early thirties perhaps. Tall and willowy. Blonde.

Behind her were some of her comrades. Some young looking, others wearing the sagging flesh of old age. Apparently DeathBane didn't flow freely here.

"All right. Out with it. You're supposed to be carrying 5000 grams of the stuff. Give."

A touch of a hidden lever and a compartment in my left thigh sprang open. I handed over the package to the blonde.

The others huddled around me, groping, barely able to restrain themselves.

"To your posts. Everyone will get what's coming to them."

Three husky men wielding what appeared to be electro-prods dispersed the group.

The blonde turned back to me. "Good deal. Now I'm going to return the favor. You filled your part of the bargain. And that means you get to stay a while. It's for your own good, actually, cause the Deps are after your ass."

My blank stare must have told her something, because she stopped to explain.

"You know -- the Deps. Drug Enforcement Punks, we call them. Just picked up the bulletin on the monitor.

"Let me offer you the hospitality of our humble dwelling. As you might have noticed, it used to be part of the sewer system. Still is, if you think of us as the sewage. Human sewage, that's all we are."

I gratefully accepted her offering of stale crackers and luncheon meat with embedded strips of rusty tin. I wolfed it down with unfeigned hunger.

The blonde must have been in a good mood. DeathBane shipments apparently didn't arrive very often.

"The name's Lyrica, kid. I happen to like your looks, but don't get any funny ideas. I'm not one of your typical lollies that you can flip on her back at the snap of your fingers. I can best any dom between here and sunset. That's why I'm dictator of this here organization."'

Of course. Vampire Lyrica, the scourge of the Death Strip. And, I the fool had just fallen in love with her.

FOGEY GANG: Band of marauding oldsters seeking out young victims to kidnap and sell to underground rendering plants, presumably to be dissolved down into their component chemistry from which the raw materials for DEATHBANE are extracted for distillation.

Male gang members are usually referred to as DOMS, an acronym of "Dirty Old Men," their female counterparts as LOLLIES, for "Lewd Old Ladies." The term FOGEY itself must derive from the 1950s jargon phrase "old fogey," once a derisive reference to an elderly person.

HORMIE: A user of the banned Rejuvenation Serum, sometimes known as "Young-Again Hormone." The drug has not been demonstrated to be addictive, but it is common knowledge that discontinuation of usage causes rapid deterioration of muscle tone and health. The ex-user soon returns to his former aged state, or even worse. Hence the total "dependence" of users on additional doses at least every twenty-one days. Related expressions: Crazed as a hormie, hormie-struck, hormie dormie, hormie heaven. See also: FOGEY.

-- Practical Encyclopedia of Street Argot, VIth Ed., 2016.

7 March

I have been keeping my latest journal entries on scraps of parchment foil that I managed to slip out from between layers of cartridges in ammunition cases. Yes, sorting ammunition and cleaning weapons seems to be one of the main recreational activities here, and one I have been cordially invited to participate in after letting slip my modest role in the ill-fated UN Quick-Strike Force incident.

I have not yet been asked to join in the other major "sport" here. Quite frequently a dom will sneak off with a lolly into an unused section of our makeshift bunker. When the two reappear, hours later, they usually are hand-in-hand and their eyes have a new sparkle. This occurs quite frequently after the doses of DeathBane are passed out. It must do something to the body's hormone balance.

Several of the lollies have been eying me strangely, and the prospect of "X" happening is not all that repugnant since everyone here is now quite youthful in appearance, thanks, no doubt, to my recent delivery.

I have been questioned why I do not partake of the DeathBane myself, now that it is readily available. Why do I choose to keep my graying hair and leathery wrinkled skin? Well, I have become quite accustomed to my features over the years, I reply, and the minor ravages of age cannot help but give me a more distinguished appearance. Beyond that, my previous occupation as a drug runner necessitated an unsuspicious front, and a youthful face would have destroyed the illusion of respectability.

My answer seems acceptable, but do I detect a grain of doubt in some of the persons who thus confront me?. Perhaps I must indeed take the irrevocable step (I do have an odd premonition about it) and actually let the DeathBane flow in my veins. How would it feel to be young again? Ah, temptation, get thee from me!

Yesterday, one of "our" (now I am even thinking of myself as one of them!) Snatch Units returned from a raid into "enemy" territory. Successfully. They had five captives. Bound and gagged. Ready for delivery to the secret serum refinery. And I am helpless to prevent it. It is all I can do to sneak a few notes and observations down on paper, much less attempt to free the closely guarded "booty."

8 march.

The "prisoners" are gone. A tragic end for them but a relief not to have them in front of my eyes.

Lyrica has been engaging me in long conversations of late. She is hinting at something. I must do everything to get into her confidence.

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Shakespearean Explication

SHAKESPEAREAN EXPLICATION Cauldron of breasts and buttocks Labia, clitorises, vaginas Buttocks, anuses, rectums Penises, scrota, testicles, and sperm A witches' brew brewed Especially for you Will you have a glass, or pass? She looks good In her torso vest Complete With female breasts Wearing her mask Of makeup And her costume Of femininity Derived From masculinity Denied. My thirteenth lover reminded me I am not out of the woodshed yet Butterfly nipples A cocoon...

4 years ago
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Becky and Her Son Chapter 6

Mom and son fucked through the weekend and then every night thereafter. It was two weeks later when Becky purchased a pregnancy test kit. She knew it was early, but she couldn't wait. She followed the instructions and then looked at the reading. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw the red plus sign. She wanted to run into the streets and scream with joy. Her heart felt like it was about to burst. There was no regret in Becky. This was what she wanted. This was so right and no one could...

4 years ago
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Keys To My Heart

Keys to My HeartI smile as I lead the way back to your office. Our first deal completed. As I take my seat, you close the door and place a set of keys on your desk. Three keys on a ring with a property tag with a few entry instructions. I remember that property and the day you turned the file over to me as your assistant. I was so proud then. I’m beyond thrilled now.We helped a distressed seller, giving him a fresh start. You’ve been my hero for almost a year now, but you don’t belong to me....

Oral Sex
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Sexual Happenstance

We arrived at the club just after 10pm and wandered up to the bar to get the first round of our nightly alcohol intake, the music was pretty good for an early start as my wife and I sipped on our cider and found an empty table near the dance floor. She was the first to make her way up to dance and show off her figure hugging dress as she moved around to the music, I admired her curves through the black fabric and wondered if maybe her lack of bra was a good choice while noticing her small pert...

4 years ago
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First LoveChapter 19

Her fears of him leaving her once they did it were all unfounded, instead they became even closer. Their lovemaking only added to their relationship; nothing was taken away. Both would have died if the other broke up with them. A month or so after they first did it, he was going to take her out to eat and to the theater Saturday night. She called him around five to see how he was doing; he'd been busy that afternoon and they hadn't talked yet. He'd said he'd come over at six or so. His...

2 years ago
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Begin AgainChapter 8

Begin Again: 8. "This was your watch, Andrea?" said Seven. "Why didn't you turn it in when you got your new one?" asked Four. "Lemmesee," Andrea pretended to ponder. She cradled her right elbow with her left hand, rubbed her chin with her right hand, moved up and rubbed her nose between the thumb and forefinger of her right hand and humphed, hemmed and hummed, stuck one finger in the air in front of her face, gestured with it as she made her points, and said, "I was with Tim. You...

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Joes Legacy

It seemed to me like I'd known Joe all my life. His family lived next door but one to mine; looking back I'd say Joe and I spent all our spare time together as kids. We didn't actually go to school together because Joe was American and he was sent to the nearest American school, somewhere in town. Maybe that's why he never did lose his Yank accent although he spent nearly all his spare time with us Limeys, as he insisted on calling most of us, in jest of course. You know the sort of thing....

4 years ago
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Horny College Slut Sucks Cock in Sound Room

I was invited back to my old college to judge an elocution competition. I felt good going back there and seeing everyone. The event was part of a huge fest. It was interesting watching all these sexy women walking about. I noticed my old boss’s daughter, Sarah, walking around the campus. She had just joined the college in her first year. When I worked for her mom, she and I got stuck at the office alone. One thing led to another, and she ended up sucking my cock with her shirt off. That’s a...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Nadiya Thats Right Were Gonna Have Sexual Intercourse

This week, we’ve got Nadiya gracing the couch. She’s a health care worker and we seem to have had a lot of those lately. There must be something about working a million hours for chicken scratch that isn’t very appealing I guess. Now that she’s here, Rick and I are gonna see if she has what it takes to make it in the adult industry. Overall, she’s got a great look and reminds me of Emily Ratajkowski from that one music video. Photogenic, model like looks mixed with a girl next door...

4 years ago
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A Twin Sisters interesting relationship

This is a story of a pair of twin sisters who get into shenanigans with each other and even others if you choose. You can choose to follow either the younger twin or the older twin. There are many options to choose from but first let me introduce our two lovely ladies! Blair Mahone – The younger of the twins, missing being older by seconds. Blair is the smarter of the two but at the same time is lacking in other areas. With a small ‘C’ size chest and a butt that is more on the flatter side,...

3 years ago
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Remote ViewingChapter 8

I introduced Brenda to Ben first, and then Courtney later on a Thursday. She seemed to like them, and thought they had an interesting home. A weekend get together was out of the question. Brenda had to work weekends, to give lectures to young children. Weekends were a busy time for her. Brenda and I started doing things with both Ben and Courtney, going out as a pair of couples. Ben decided to move things along at a faster rate than I would have. What he did was to start asking, 'What's...

3 years ago
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Sissy fate

For a long time I have known that I was not like other guys. My first gym shower showed me that, the black guys cocks the size of grown men at age of 17. I sat and watched, trying not to stare as they walked past me cocks swinging from side to side huge balls, my God huge fucking balls mine looked nothing like these cocks. My first contact came by accident I was playing basketball with a couple of black guys, trying to guard this guy he dunked on me his big dick smacked me in the face as the...

2 years ago
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My Personal Assistant

This is a long story. It will be told in parts. This is part 1.Chapter 1          When I started my company, I had nothing. I literally built it from the ground up. During that time, I married and had 3 beautiful children. The more I built my company and my family, the harder I worked to ensure I would not lose either. I am now, 15 years later, a very wealthy and successful business man.           I am grateful for the success I have achieved but it came with a price. In order to achieve such...

Straight Sex
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Hayden Panettieres Hero

16th January, 2007 I’d just completed a tour in Iraq serving in the Marine Corp. I arrived at the airport and made my way home. The cooler weather blasted me, used to the warm heat of the Middle East. Grabbing a cab, I instructed him to my home. Having little personal belongings I hauled them into the trunk and sat quietly as the driver babbled incessantly. Getting home, I found an envelope on the kitchen desk with a small box beneath it. Opening up the envelope I noticed the handwriting...

1 year ago
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My wifes slutty affair

Last week on Friday the day started out like any other, I woke up, got dressed and left for work before my wife did. I arrived at work to find they had over scheduled people and asked some of us to go home, I agreed and left after only an hour. I pulled into my driveway and noticed my wifes car still there, I figured maybe she forgot something. As I walked in the house and went to my bedroom to change, I noticed the door was locked and heard alot of voices in the room. As I unlocked the door...

Group Sex
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On Bloodhounds and Not Falling in LoveChapter 5

Back on the blanket on the patio, Katy perched on hands and knees, one dog firmly mounted on her back, knotted and dumping a load in her puffy, stretched cunt, as she held the other’s rear haunch in one hand, keeping him close as she angled and bobbed her head to clean her mother’s cum and his own from his cock with her mouth. Both dogs’ arced tails were wagging in slow, lazy circles, signaling sublime satisfaction. Keryl looking up from her father’s balls and cock, said between licks...”God...

1 year ago
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My First Real Vacation

So here I am stretched out on the of couch in my motel room, wearing a towel and a smile. The room smells of suntan lotion, perfume and sex and this is only day two of my two week vacation. I wonder what else is in store for me. I better start at the beginning and elaborate on what happened.As the construction trade slows down in the Winter months the bosses are quite happy to grant vacations request for any length of time you have coming. I requested two weeks, I have more available, but all I...

2 years ago
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Gujarati Bhabhi Mere Muslim Lund Ki Pyasi

Hi dosto, I am moin from gujarat, baroda mera I D wese to mera name hi kafi hai gujarat ki ladies ki pussy me halchal peda karne ke liye vese aap sabhi dost muje jante hi ho ha aagar koi nahi janta to janle ki i am 26 old 5.11ft hight with stong dick to dosto aap logone muje bahot mail kiye our kuch dosto ke sath mene enjoy bhi kiya thx to all. But meri stories only for femail so boys plz dont mail me and dont ask me about and lady tum sab aapne liye khud dhundho i can’t help u ha magar...

2 years ago
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Bada Lundse Dar

Mera naam Raj, me mumbai me rahata hun, mera age 30 hai, me bohat hi sexy man ho geya iska karan koi aur nehi mera maa hai….seede kahani batha tha hun. jab me 18 sall ka ta, tab mera mummy 37 age ki ti, mera maa ka naam Babita hai, mummy ka hight 5.5 inch, body size 36, 26, 38 hai, bohat gori hai, mera mummy gym instructor hai, issiliye bohat hi fit rahati hai, aur mera father dubai me rahate hai, papa 3 sall me ek bar ghar aate hai, ,Ghar par, me aur mera mummy hi rahate hai, ek din ki bat...

3 years ago
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SurpriseChapter 2

“Mom, it’s a good thing daddy changed the locks on the house, because I don’t want to see you again.” Janie spat out. “Me either, mother.” John Jr sounded very angry. “Janie? John Jr?” Jane asked. “Yeah that’s us. Remember us, your children?” Janie growled “John! Why have you done this?” “Your entire family would like to ask you the same question. How about an answer.” “Steve, maybe you and I should go downstairs and have a little talk.” “Yeah. OK. Let’s go downstairs.” A voice came...

3 years ago
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There and BackChapter 92 Changing Plans

"Eamon's going to try to convince Alistair to break things off with you," I knew it, I just knew it... "and try to convince you to marry me." "That's just so typical – I hate his elitist sh ... wait, what?" He shushed me again. "He wants me to put aside Anora – you know that, and honestly, he may be right – and he thinks that if we can garner proof of you being the 'lost Cousland', I will gain support in the Landsmeet if I marry you, especially after what Rendon Howe did to your...

3 years ago
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Gopals Summer Vacation Part 1

This is the story of my cousin Priya. I am 16 years old and my cousin is 17. Me and her grew up together but recently we have been living in different countries as 5 years ago my parents moved from India to England.This story is when I went back to India last year for the summer holidays. I hadn't seen Priya since she was 12 and was surprised to find that she had matured into a beautiful girl. She and my uncle came to the airport to receive me. The heatwave struck me instantly as I stepped off...

1 year ago
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GloryHole Daisy Stone 02112019

Daisy Stone is a sex worker, and today she’s about to apply for a job at a local adult bookstore. It’s a special kind of bookstore that caters to a wide array of customers: there’s lubes, sexy clothes, toys and DVDs in the front of the store; in the back, it gets a little “sleazier”, as there’s a video arcade section as well as various booths where hot ladies can entertain men separated by a glass wall. You can only imagine what goes on! Daisy needs work, so...

1 year ago
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Maid in Error

MAID IN ERROR by enduringshades "Good morning Mr and Mrs Eddington, how are you both?" asked DCI Hunter. "Relieved now the trial is over, Chief Inspector," replied my wife Diane. We were shown into a meeting room by the DCI. A woman was sitting at the table. "Stella Brightman is our witness protection liaison officer," explained the DCI. "She is now responsible for you two and I'll leave you in her capable hands. I will no longer be in contact with you so I wish all the best in...

4 years ago
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Original: December 16, 2020 (Copyright 2020 Kaizer Wolf) Submitted to Sexstories: September 19, 2022 Tags: harem, supernatural, shifter, big tits, redhead, blonde, MILF, succubus, mystery, taboo ***** Hi there! Thanks for checking out this story! This series is written like a novel, so be sure to start at Chapter 1 if you want to avoid any confusion. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy! ***** - CHAPTER 18: Accident - At the realization of who was involved in the accident, Avery’s distinct...

3 years ago
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Mami Ki Khushbu Ka Diwana 8211 Part 2

Hello dosto ye meri story mami ki khushbu ka part 2 hai Meri mami roz apne bra panty bathroom me sukhti thi aur me roz usme muth marta tha mujhe ye sab kar k maza aata tha Ek din mami ka birthday aaya mama mami ke liye cake laye mami ki tabiyat thodi kharb thi to unhone cake nhi khaya unhone kaha kal khaugi sab ne cake kha liye mami ka cake freez me rakh diya me raat ko utha cake ko freez me se nikala aur apne lund se laga liya aur aa kar so gaya subha mami uthi sab kam pura kiya aur din me...

3 years ago
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It wasn't much of a swimming hole, just waist deep, but the water was cool and the day was hot we were out of school for good. Dave had scored a couple of cases of beer and it looked like the perfect summer day. There were just the four of us, Dave and Paul and Tony and me. We'd been best friends since first grade and now, twelve years later, we were as close as ever. So we put the beer in the water to cool down and stripped and jumped in to cool off with the beer. We always skinny dipped. It...

Gay Male
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Axiom Ch 02

As the car pulled out into the nighttime traffic, Aidan twisted in his seat to face her, his face almost hidden by the dim light. He leaned in close to whisper something and she could smell the faintest trace of an expensive aftershave, the scent shooting thrills of pleasure up her spine as he murmured into her ear. Instinctively she placed her hands innocently on his thighs, her heartbeat racing at the thought of seeing him take them off. Throughout the car ride, he kept the physical contact...

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