Caveworms free porn video

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It was only a few days in to my summer holidays. School was out for the year and I had nothing on my mind but killing time. I decided that day to go visit this small waterfall I'd discovered, though it was a pretty long hike so I started early. It was a particularly hot day, and by mid morning the air was already feeling sticky, and I'd have been sweating just lounging around the house. I looked forward to finding the falls, and the small river they emptied in to, just to jump in and cool off.

I was glad to see there were no people there when I finally arrived, and no sign of anyone in the area at all. After double checking that I was definitely alone, I stripped down to the bikini I was wearing under my cut-offs and tank top, and enjoyed the cool water on my skin. I looked down and admired my body a bit. I wasn't being egotistical or anything, my boobs were slow to start growing, only really making any progress over the previous year, and before that I was afraid I would end up flat chested or something. So it was certainly nice seeing my now C-cup boobs straining against the top that was now a bit too small for them. After spending a while lounging about under the waterfall, my long, brown hair now soaked several shades darker, I noticed what looked like the opening to a small cave hidden in the rocks behind where the water fell that I'd never noticed before. My natural inquisitiveness took over and I went over to check it out.

The hole wasn't big enough to just walk in unfortunately, but I knew I'd be able to fit without much difficulty. Of course, that seemed like a really bad idea because I had no idea where the hole led, and the risk of getting stuck was too great. Nevertheless, I continued to examine it, hoping to find some kind of clue as to what was inside. I threw some rocks in, and never heard them hit any walls, so I figured there must at least be a decent amount of space in there. I figured I'd come back another time when I was better prepared, but then I noticed an odd smell. It was faint, but quite pleasant, reminding me of the smell of baking cinnamon buns, somewhere off in the distance.

The scent became stronger though, and before long I realised that it was actually coming from inside the hole! I became very curious about the source of this aroma, this was definitely not what caves usually smelt like. I sat there weighing up my options. My desire to explore the cave was becoming almost overpowering, but still a sense that it was too risky caused me a great deal of conflict. The hole was certainly big enough for me to go in without much difficulty, and I started feeling a bit silly considering that I had brought a torch with me, and I knew enough about caves to avoid falling into a pit or something.

Well that did it, I grabbed my torch and carefully climbed through. That smell was even stronger now, and I noticed that I suddenly felt very light, as though I weighed as much as a feather. My head then began to tingle a little. The hole led into a tunnel of about the same size, which I carefully began to crawl though, not really knowing what I was doing. After around ten metres, the tunnel opened into a small area large enough for me to stand and walk around. I shone my torch around, finding nothing particularly interesting. I was hoping to maybe find something someone had left behind a long time ago, some fascinating relic of the past, but there was nothing but moist rock.

Despite my earlier belief, I suddenly felt the ground disappear as I began to fall. The torch slipped from my hands and was lost, so I could see nothing, but could feel myself falling. I cursed myself for getting so wrapped up in my own thoughts and not seeing the giant hole I now plummeted down. I'm not entirely sure how long I fell for, but it was certainly long enough for me to realise that I'd been falling for too long to possibly survive when I finally hit the ground.

Thankfully, that violent impact never happened. Instead, I felt myself hit something soft. Something really soft. So soft in fact that it gave way as soon as I hit it, stretching all around me like a weird bubble. I could still feel it all over me, stretching, slowing me down. When I finally landed, it was only enough to knock the wind out of me, and I was now covered in whatever it was that had slowed my fall. It was a strange kind of liquid, sticky, but slippery at the same time. It seemed to stick to everything, except my skin.

The ground I hit was quite soft, and moist. And lumpy and... moving. I stood up with a start when I felt an odd mass writhing against my butt. I still felt it under my feet of course, and I quickly realised it wasn't one solid mass, it was many. Long, thin, slippery shapes slithered under my feet. I tried to calm myself, thinking I'd just fallen into a real life pit full of god damn snakes, and that not moving was really my only option. But then I felt the snakes start worming their was up my legs. I have to admit I panicked then, and frantically tried to brush and kick them off me without falling over.

Suddenly, I was practically blinded my a bright flash of light. For a brief moment I thought it was sunlight, and that I was saved, or possibly just dreaming, but when my eyes adjusted I noticed that the walls of the cave had started glowing with a warm, clear light. I knew it was probably a huge colony of photoluminescent bacteria, but before I could think about it anymore, I finally saw where I was, and what was in there with me.

The entire floor of the cave was covered in a mass of wriggling worms of various sizes. Some as small and thin as a pencil, some were feet long and inches wide. They were all an off-white colour, and seemed to constantly ooze a clear, thick substance that I quickly realised was the source of the smell that led me in there. I can't even describe the horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that welled up from the sight.

But that feeling of revulsion started to change a little. It turned into a pleasant tingling sensation, which oddly reminded me of those times when I was feeling particularly horny. More than anything, I was feeling confused at that point, because I was consciously aware of the dire situation I was in. Even without the weird horror movie creatures all around me, I was deep in the ground right now. It was a long fall I'd taken, and it was very unlikely there was any other way out of there. I knew I was going to die, or at least have to subsist on those freaky worms for the rest of my life, but I felt really calm. None of that mattered. I was going to be fine!

I started feeling faint, and figured there would be no harm in lying down, the worms probably weren't going to eat me or anything, and I felt so drowsy. No sooner had I sunk to the floor than the worms started to swarm, slithering all over me. It felt... nice. Really nice. Like some kind of wonderful, wet massage, every inch of my skin that the worms touched sang to me in pleasure unknown. I sighed as I lay there, feeling more and more relaxed by the second, as more and more worms writhed all over me, until I was more or less completely covered.

Then they started getting nosey. I could feel one nudging its way into my armpit, while more others began to investigate every nook and cranny of my body. Soon enough, one slipped under my bikini bottoms and made its way between my legs. I felt a sudden jolt of incredible pleasure as it found my pussy, and began rubbing itself against my clit as if it knew what it was doing. More began to join it, from every direction. And others found their way inside my top, and I must admit I loved feeling them massaging my boobs and wriggling against my nipples.

My head was positively swimming by this point. It had been slow to dawn on me, but I now realised I was now more turned on than I had ever been in my life. I wasn't new to sex, having had plenty with my ex boyfriend, and some more with my cousin Jenny when we were younger. My heart was racing and my stomach was positively tingling. It was almost unbearable, but when I felt one of the worms start exploring my pussy lips for a moment before bravely delving in deeper, I decided it was definitely bearable. In fact, I was looking forward to seeing just how good these weird worm dudes could make me feel. Maybe living in this pit wasn't going to be so bad after all?

The worm in my pussy wasn't one of the big ones. As it went inside me, it felt about as thick as two fingers, and it felt amazing. It was as though the feeling of my pussy being stretched was being greatly exaggerated somehow, so while I didn't feel like I was being stretched a great deal, what I was feeling was more powerful than even my ex's eight inch monster had ever made me feel.

The worm was all the way in now, at least as far as it could go. The rest of them suddenly seemed to develop a singular purpose, as instead of just slithering all over me, I could now feel them start suckling on me. Every inch of flesh felt like it had a worm attached, each sucking gently, but they continued moving about, so they never sucked on one place for too long. Except of course, for the ones who had found my nipples, and the one at my clit. They all stayed attached right where they were, and they were doing more than sucking. I couldn't for the life of me work out exactly what, but it felt AMAZING.

Every inch of my flesh was being pleasured, and the worm in my pussy was now itself sucking on and massaging my g-spot. So of course, it wasn't long before I started cumming. Hard. The cave filled with my ecstasy laden screams, countless bolts of electricity echoed throughout my entire body, my pussy practically throbbing as I continued to experience the most intense orgasm I'd ever felt.

As I came back down to earth, nothing really changed around me, the worms continued doing their work, the one in my pussy had started doing something to what I figured must have been my cervix. I was still riding waves of orgasmic afterglow, and I smiled knowing that my next one wasn't too far off, and the way things were going, it was going to be even more intense.

That's when I felt the worm inside me suddenly disappear, and a new orgasm suddenly reared its head. My mind was pretty hazy at this point, but I definitely felt it disappear from inside my pussy, only it hadn't exited from the outside. In the midst of my climax, I realised that it had slipped past my cervix and entered my womb. This knowledge further intensified my already overpowering orgasm, and I felt a great need to touch myself.

That wasn't too easy, since I was covered in worms, so instead I found myself just touching them, and surprised to discover just how much I loved how they felt. They were impossibly slippery, I don't think I could have grabbed one no matter how secure a hold I had. But beyond that, they felt just like... cocks. That same kind of fleshy, rigid, yet every so slightly malleable feeling, and I imagined myself just surrounded by all these giant cocks and I found myself wanting them to violate me more and more.

I half screamed, half whimpered when I felt a worm that had finally found my butthole. At first it was gentle, cautious. It rubbed itself across my asshole, then sucked on it a bit before finally pushing its way in. I always enjoyed having my butt played with, but I'd never actually had anything bigger than a couple of fingers up there. And this worm felt pretty damn big. I felt it pushing against my tight hole harder and harder until it slowly started slipping in. I could feel my ass expanding around it, I could feel every inch as it started making its way deeper and deeper.

I absolutely thrashed about, completely lost in pleasure. The worms managed to hold me down, so all I could really manage were twitches and restrained jolts. When another worm started pushing itself into my pussy, this one definitely one of the larger ones, I experienced what could best be described as an orgasm within an orgasm. Because despite all that was going on, I still hadn't stopped cumming. It must have been several minutes, I had no idea it was possible to feel so good for so long, but then within that, my feelings of immense pleasure increased as I felt the two worms wriggling about in my ass and pussy.

Then it started to slowly fade away, and just when I thought I was back to normal, whatever normal even was anymore, the worms in my pussy and ass started spewing this lovely warm liquid which set me off again. They spurted a surprising amount inside me, and I felt myself getting quite full of the stuff. But when they were done, they unceremoniously slithered out of my holes, while the worms that swarmed and sucked my body started moving away. I felt incredibly satisfied, but a little cold after having lost my nice, warm, wet blanket.

After a short while, I sat up and looked around, wondering why my lovely new lovers had left me. And that's when I saw a different creature making its way towards me. It was similar to the worms, in that it was the same colour, and seemed to be oozing the same fluid, but it was huge! Maybe about the size of a bear, it looked like some kind of giant caterpillar or something. From an opening at the front extended a bunch of long, glistening tentacles, which moved about as if searching for something.

I found myself really turned on by its appearance. As though the whole thing was just a gigantic cock with a bunch of other cocks coming out of it. I knew enough to know that it was wrong, the damn thing was a monster out of a nightmare, but it turned me on. Like a LOT. My pussy felt utterly drenched, and I wasn't sure how much of it was the stuff the worm had shot into me, and how much was my own pussy juices.

This new thing slithered towards me slowly and laboriously. When its tentacles seemed to 'find' me, they tickled me all over, giving me a similar treatment that all the worms had done before. I counted about five tentacles, each one looked to be several metres long, and a couple of inches thick. I found myself wanting them inside me, and it wasn't long before one of them found my pussy and started wiggling its way in. It stopped suddenly and pulled out after a couple of inches though, and I was a little disappointed, until I felt it go lower and push against my ass. I grunted at the pressure, as it forced my sphincter to widen to accommodate its considerable girth. There was a little pain, but that got lost in the signal, because the pleasure overwhelmed it.

Slowly but surely, my ass opened up to allow this new invader entrance. It slowly, inexorably worked its way deeper, til I lost track of its position inside me, but loving how filled up my ass felt. Either these creatures had encountered humans before, or they were quick learners. No sooner had my ass become accustomed to one of its tentacles, than another wormed its way into my pussy. I didn't know what to do with myself at this point. I was assaulted on all fronts by unimaginable ecstasy, but I just couldn't move. I thought I was stuck in this empty void of pleasure, where I had ceased to exist, and all that remained of me was my orgasm.

And then they started thrusting. The tentacle in my ass taking long, deep strokes, pulling out almost all the way, then back in. Must have been at least ten inches. The one in my pussy however, was giving short, hard thrusts, each one violently hitting my cervix. That hurt a little, but the pain somehow made what I was feeling all the more complete, and with each impact, the pain lessened, until it was entirely replaced with an odd feeling of hunger emanating from my womb.

The tentacle then stopped its battering ram routine, and instead just pushed itself against my cervix. I gritted my teeth and grunted at the feeling. It was as amazing as it was painful. I could feel it slowly opening up around the thick tentacle which continued its unrelenting advance. I then felt the worm that had hidden itself inside my womb start thrashing about. It felt like there was a great timult happening within me. Though, the worm in my womb didn't seem scared or anything, in fact, it seemed more like it was doing what it was doing just for my enjoyment. And I certainly did enjoy it!

When the tentacle finally popped into my womb, the rest of me popped in turn. It was the most amazing thing, I felt so incredibly full, I had no idea it was even possible for a person to feel so great while alive. I felt like I'd died and gone to heaven, but I doubted even heaven could be as awesome as this. I wasn't even aware I was screaming until I felt a tentacle shove itself into my mouth, its copiously leaking fluid quickly filling it up. It tasted divine. Sweet, but not sickening, and warm and nourishing. Strangest of all, the flavour seemed to subtly change as I consumed it.

I sucked on the tentacle with great enthusiasm. It wasn't til then that I realised how thirsty I'd become, and this thick, sweet nectar was really hitting the spot. But the creature wasn't satisfied just feeding me, and once I'd had a good drink, it started forcing its way deeper into my mouth, my throat. I felt myself choking around it, but it continued undeterred. Strangely enough though, I felt quite calm. I started choking less and less, before finally growing used to this huge thing invading my throat.

So there I was, skewered by this bizarre, betentacled creature. Three of its tentacles were deep inside me, while the others explored my body, before two latched onto my nipples and started sucking. This sent me over the edge, as if I hadn't already been at that point several times already, but everyone has their limits, and I guess I'd met mine. I felt the pleasure which was tingling all over my body start to build up in my head, before light headedness overtook me and with one final, little gasp which hid the true enormity of what I was experiencing, I finally lost consciousness.

I awoke to find myself now on all fours, the three tentacles still inside me. But something was different. I felt full. Fuller than I had ever felt before, and it wasn't just from having tentacles in my mouth, ass and pussy. It was then that I noticed the lumps moving inside the tentacles. One pushed past my jaw and then a moment later I felt something pop out inside my stomach. The same thing was happening with the others, they all seemed to be pushing these solid lumps inside me. I opened my eyes, and that's when I could see what was happening.

The tentacles had become translucent, I could only clearly see the one in my mouth, and inside it was egg, after egg, each about the size of golf ball, lining up to be injected into me . It was oddly blissful. I looked down to see that my stomach had grown quite large, I was quite obviously bloated with eggs, and still more were on their way. I shut my eyes again and just enjoyed the sensation of each tentacle laying countless eggs inside my womb, my stomach and my bowels.

I figured, judging by how huge my stomach had grown, that I'd woken up towards the end of the creature's load, but I was wrong. It wasn't even half way done. With each new egg placed inside me, another was pushed away to make room, and I became that much more full. I rubbed my belly and I could feel them solid beneath my skin. A small thought occurred to me, of how it was kind of a bad thing for another animal to lay its eggs inside you, but it was washed away in the din of pleasure I experienced.

Just in the time after I'd regained consciousness, the creature must have laid had hundreds of eggs in me. But finally, it must have reached the end of its supply, as the constant influx of eggs was replaced by a torrent of hot liquid, the creature's cum I assumed. As if on cue, with the liquid, came a torrent of orgasms. It was so much, I found myself drifting in and out of consciousness. Into wet dreams like I'd never seen, and back into the world where I was full of this strange creature's eggs, and loved it.

Then I blanked out for the last time, and awoke naked in the river outside of the cave. For a moment I thought the whole thing was a dream, but then I noticed my stomach. I was huge. HUGE. It bloated to an unbelievable degree, I looked very, very heavily pregnant. Like I was having triplets. Maybe quadruplets? I kind of hoped I was still dreaming, since this was pretty inconvenient. Still, I made the effort to stand, and it wasn't easy, but I managed it. I collected my things, and put my shorts and tank top back on. My top had no hope of covering my belly, so I didn't even try. I wondered where my bikini had gone, but figured it was probably back in the cave, and there was no way I was going back in there. Not that it mattered, I needed a new pair anyway.

Come to think of it, how had I gotten out? Even the hole I came in through was now too small for me to fit through. That feeling of confusion returned, as though reality had stopped playing fair. Cause and effect seemed to have lost all meaning to me, but I was too tired to dwell on it, all I wanted to do was get home. Thankfully, it was still light out, so I had a hope of getting home before mum got back from work. I slowly began to trudge through the woods, and it wasn't easy. I felt so heavy. I was full of hundreds of eggs, the thought of what would happen when they hatched filling me with excitement, instead of the horror one would expect from such a situation. Why was I so ok with what had just happened to me? I couldn't work it out, I was just happy to be out of the cave.

Working mostly on instinct as my conscious mind was busy with things it didn't see fit to let me in on, I stumbled my way home. I knew I couldn't let anybody see me in this state. They'd make me go to hospital, and for some reason, despite all logic, that seemed like a really bad idea. Luckily for me though, I beat mum home, and my sister was in her room. I quickly made may way to my own room and crashed on my bed, pulling my sheets all over me so as best to hide my hugely pregnant tummy.

I perceived mum come in a while later, and quickly assuming I'd fallen ill, left me to rest, but not before bringing me some water and vitamin c. I slept without waking the whole night, only stirring the next morning when mum came to check on me before heading off to work. She left me some more water and vitamins, and when I heard her close the front door on the way out, I found myself suddenly wide awake.


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I stood on the sidewalk waiting nervously for the bus, it was my first day of high school and I was a little scared. Sure I had a few friends who were going as well but they were all at different bus stops so here I knew no one, the other boys and girls were standing around in groups chatting while I was on my own. For my first day at school I wanted to dress nice but also not give anyone any ideas, so I had chosen; a light pink pleated skirt that wasn't too short and white sneakers. For...

3 years ago
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Our First Time 2

I still felt bad about his suicide. This young man had been under my care and I’d failed him. I hadn’t wanted him to die. I should have been there with him that night he took the overdose. I should never have left his side. I should have been able to help him. I stood by his side and cried over him until I ran out of tears. I don’t know why it occurred to me, but I slowly unbuttoned my shirt and let it slide down my arms. The chill air of the mortuary prickled across skin that was suddenly...

1 year ago
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Anniversary DelightsChapter 8 Visible Pleasures

While the audience drank coffee and ate small sweetmeats distributed by attendant eunuchs, screens were brought in to surround the contestants' dais and behind them the women stripped off their abayas. When all was in readiness the Major Domo banged his mace on the ground and the audience resumed their seats. "The next stage of the competition requires each candidate to parade round the room again, with the abaya removed. The woman will be adorned in anything her sponsor may choose, or...

2 years ago
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The Road Worker Part Two

Big Lad phoned me on the Saturday late afternoon asking if I was still OK for tomorrow, fine I said, what about your work mate, Dave's up for it he replied, I told him about what happened on Friday and he told me to stop as it was giving him a hard on, are you looking forward to it I asked, I certainly fuckin am, I've shaved my pubes especially and I'll wear my cock ring. Big Lad then went on to ask if I was doing anything tonight, no nothing I replied, is it OK if I come around for a couple of...

1 year ago
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Thursdays ChildChapter 21

Mary started working for Gerald Hambury in July. Her office was just behind Reception and she kept her door open so that she could hear what was going on and intervene when necessary. She had a second door into Gerald's office. She liked him. He was in his mid-fifties with a full head of silver hair and kept himself in shape. He demanded high quality work from all his staff but was very good with them and they, in return, did their best for him. Mary also liked his wife. She was the best...

2 years ago
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My Life as a Slave Chapter 4

At StudWhen I turned up for my appointment at the clinic on that first Friday, my balls felt pretty good. Rachel had exercised them thoroughly and fed me my zinc supplements each day, and now, three days later they were full again. They were sufficiently full that I knew that release was necessary.I cannot adequately describe to a woman the feeling a male has when his balls are full. There is a deep seated glow in them, a silky heavy feeling, and a constant pushing demand for release that...

3 years ago
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Rose My Italian Gardener

Thursday, May 2006, U Penn Campus, Philly She was on all fours as her hands worked the rich soil, and her rear end, clad in tight, green cotton chinos, seemed to be trying to wave at me as she inched her way down the flower bed directly across the lawn from my bench. I was sitting in one of my favorite spots on campus, a small green space shoehorned between Brown Hall, home to the Philosophy Department and my book lined office, and the newer and more regal Kennedy Building, home of the now...

1 year ago
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A Night To Remember

I have been happily married for 18 years. I am 41 and she is 38. My wife is beautiful and the sex has always been great with her. The only problem was for some reason, just me having sex with my wife just wasn’t enough. For some reason, I have always had this fantasy of watching her have sex with another man. Just the mere thought of this happening would give me a raging erection. Any time I masturbated, the only thing I would think about is her with another man. Finally this fantasy got so...

3 years ago
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The Weekend with the Babysitter Part 1

I was well learned in the arts of sex, at least from a practical viewpoint, but had only had my first real kiss a couple of weeks earlier with a summer fling. I understood the basics, and even some secondary options, but had never had a chance to put my knowledge into action. My hormones were raging, and sleeping the same house as Sarah and Janet had started to mess with my mind. What really kicked it off was a TV show we had watched earlier: the show was some b-level story about a guy who...

3 years ago
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Fallen Leaves

Taking her hand in mine, Lindsay and I walked hand-in-hand down the deserted sidewalk. Around us, the iridescent leaves fell like drops of rain. I glanced over at her with a quick smile, lovingly squeezing her hand, she glanced back and intertwined our fingers, looking longingly into my eyes. As we walked, the wind blew playfully through her dark, brown hair. Lindsay was beautiful, more now than ever before. Every aspect of her captivated me. The cold air had kissed her cheeks, leaving them...

3 years ago
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Good Neighborly Living

Good Neighborly Living By: Londebaaz Chohan This new couple; John and Lilly moved next to my house about 2 months ago. First there was a bit hesitancy but soon the ice melted and we were good friends. John had just graduated from college and married his class mate from college and I was about 3 semesters behind in graduating from the very same school they had graduated from. They were happy to know that instead of wasting my lottery win money; I paid my college dues and tuition fees in advance...

2 years ago
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Body Swap Part 2

I turned on the nightstand lamp. I sat on the edge of the bed looked around the room. I studied the evidence that remained from our sexual act only hours before; the wadded cum rag on the floor; my pussy and thighs, which were sticky because of my squirting; the damp spot on the sheets; the fragrance of ejaculation in the air. Seeing the verification of our dirty encounter divided my mind. Partly, I felt disgusted, unable to shake the what-the-fuck-did-we-do mentality. Contrarily, I was also...

3 years ago
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BFF SecretsChapter 5

Helen sat on the couch bored and alone. Now that school was out for summer recess, there seemed nothing to do. She’d had her breakfast: cereal and toast, and now sat there flipping through the TV channels looking for something that might interest a teenage girl. There was nothing. Her parents had gone off to work, so she was all by herself in the house. The last day of school had been a waste. Because it was a nice, sunny day, everyone went outdoors for classes. Short and sweet, teachers...

3 years ago
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In the Shower

This is the third in a series of Robert and Juliana stories written by Alphamagus and me. We will continue writing them so long as there is fun to be had and a story to tell. Juliana and Robert finished their Friday night dinner but not quite as planned. There had been a mishap with the Eton Mess that Robert had prepared and they ended up wearing as much of it as they ate. It was all over them and the dining room table. They had taken their clothes off and made love right there. Rather than...

Love Stories
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MY FIRST TIME My first real thoughts of sex happened on the last day of school when I was barely a teenager. Danny said that he saw his s****r Heather putting on her clothes after her shower this morning, seems she left her door slightly open and Danny could see her in the full length mirror in her room. As Heather who is a year younger than me removed the towel from her body turned to admire her growing tits and shapely ass wondering when she would get the big tits like her mother. Danny’s...

4 years ago
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Theres a Girl in the Boys Locker Room

Wanda peaked through the double doors leading from the gym. The long hallway leading to the boys locker room was dim. Only a few lights were on for security. Good she thought everyone is gone. She slipped through the door and slowly let it close behind her, making sure it made no noise. Slowly she started sneaking down the hall staying along the wall. As if, this was going to keep her hid, if anyone was here. There was a good chance that a five foot five, 90 pound, 18 year old girl in a white...

2 years ago
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David and Jennifer Hart

To any outside observer I might have seemed to be mumbling. But I never mumbled. I was reciting, as I had every day since I was six years old, the Code, the code my uncle had taught me, the chivalric code. A good man's duty was as follows: to protect the weak and defenseless; to despise monetary rewards; to avoid unfairness, meanness, and deceit; to speak the truth at all times; to honor one's vows; and to respect the honour of women. The Code, the Chivalric Code, oh yes, I knew it by...

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The Babe Bike BluesChapter 4

Jennifer was so distracted by what had happened in the truck stop that she forgot all about the pillow. She just climbed back on the bike without putting it back in place. Bob didn't notice either. He was more concerned with not appearing to speed off. He wasn't worried if the cops stopped them, but it would cost time, and he didn't want that. As he pulled out across the parking lot, heading for the exit, Jennifer leaned forward and spoke in his ear. "I'm n-n-not a little...

1 year ago
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Susan Jake Naked in SchoolChapter 9 Friday at School

Jake What a night that had been. When I awakened Friday morning, Susan’s head was on my shoulder and my nose was filled with her bodily fragrance. She’s unreal. I don’t know if she ever wears perfume, but her body creates the world’s best. I just looked down at my sleeping beauty. And what a beauty she is. With her eyes closed, I realized for the first time how long her eyelashes are. They were perfect crescents on each cheek. Then she awakened. You probably know some people who take...

4 years ago
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The New Sales Girl Part Six

The New Sales Girl - Part SixIt didn't take long and we had a couple guys asking about the sign out front. Keith pointed to me and said, DeAnn will model any shoes you pick out and you can slip them on her but you have to buy at least two pair. You can choose anything being displayed and grab size 7's for DeAnn and then after she models them you can trade them in for any size you want."They both nodded and smiled at me. Then they looked around the shop and both came back with a couple pair of...

3 years ago
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Emmas Summer Babysitting Job

1 - Hopkins Island, Massachusetts Mid July 2009 "Maaaaatt?" "Mrs. Pemberton-Smith," I answered with a quick nod of acknowledgment as I handed Emma and her friends a menu each. "Mrs. Connors ... Miz Burton," I added as I looked down at the three twenty something year old women I'd known all my life. I was grinning. "Matthew Liam Hopkins?" Emma Pemberton-Smith, nee Kruger, said as she jumped up from her seat, the surprise clear in her voice. "What are you doing here?" she asked as...

2 years ago
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Sex with my cousin

I am numan dob is 1982, from lahore. I have done maters in 2006 November. And now June 2007 the story I am going to tell you is about me and my older cousin. Let’s start in urdu so that everyone will be able to understand the stuff. Mera name tu aap ko pata chal chukka hay meri cousin ka name aamna hay. Wo mujh say koe 4 saal bari hain aur bohat he khoobsoorat hain, un ki khoobsoorti ki jitni tareef ki jaee kam hay un ki rangat gandomi hay aur un ki figure 40”, 30”, 36” hay. Aur un kay do baby...

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Women are wow

As Shakespeare said, ‘some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them’. I am a man with great libido and great luck would have it that in matter of sexuality, I have luck thrust upon me and in rare occasion did I miss the opportunity. Today, I am going to tell you one of great sex adventures that happened with a senior university friends of mine. It happened much after I left the university. Her name is Prithila. She was a couple of years senior to me and...

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Lab 18

Memo: Subject: Lab 18 progress report (Confidential) To: Directory Committee From: Dr. C. Tillinghast As you all know, The Miskatonic Institute of Genetic Engineering has had a smashing success in creating a saurian duplicate from fossil DNA. The particular species is Thescelosaurus, a warm-blooded, plant-eating dinosaur that lived in forests during the late Cretaceous period, about 77 to 65 million years ago. To refresh your memories, Thescelosaurus had a small head, a bulky body, a long,...

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Donnas Overtime

Donna was doing some overtime at the store one evening in April. It was her job to check that the goods leaving were the correct stuff. As the lads emptied the massive artic they were sent on a break thus leaving Donna and Sam, the manager, and Donald the driver in the part empty container as one lad pushed two cages full of goods in, Donna started to check them off.As she bent up and down this 8 foot cage, Donald the driver was making sure his truck was stable, as Donna bent down to check some...

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Poker Game

The young woman had finished bathing, dressing, and putting on her makeup, and she was ready to leave for work. She stepped out of her bathroom and was confronted by a tall man she had never seen. She was frightened and about to try to run when another man appeared, a man she knew and despised, her nearest neighbor who lived a half mile down the gravel, country road that wound its way within a thick forest. The man she did not know turned to the neighbor and nodded. ‘She’ll do,’ he said. ...

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Soldiers WifeChapter 2

Allen had been gone six months when they came. Gwen had tried everything, from bowling leagues with the Officers' Wives Club to college night courses. She was nervous and irritable, clinging to the door and watching for the postman every day, hoping he had a letter from Allen. But the letters came, three and four at a time, only once a month. Allen had written he was on reconnaissance patrol most of the time and could only write when they came in to headquarters. His letters were short...

1 year ago
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My Darling Aunt Becomes My Slut

Hi readers, am overwhelmed with the response I got from you all. Thank u for ur support. So here am back with my second story. For those of u reading me for the first time I recommend you to read my first story as this one is a continuation of it. My first story- my desire for my aunt. After our first encounter I had forgotten everything about the real relationship between me and my aunt Akshata. I started feeling as if she is mine and only mine. Even she became more attached and attracted...

3 years ago
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Granny Kate Makes Up for A Bad Date

Granny Kate’s Makes Up for A Bad DateNow I consider myself a nice guy which is maybe why so many of the women in our Seniors Singles Club like me. I do a lot of favors for my Grannies. Last week one of my favorite Grannies Kate called me and said “I’ve got an usual request for you, and if you turn me down I’ll understand” I replied “go ahead”. Kate explained that her long-time friend Angie was coming to Tucson and would be staying at the posh Westward Look Resort. She asked if I would take her...

4 years ago
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Road Trip Part 2

Just shy of three hours later I pulled into driveway of the large hotel chain and stopped in the valet parking space. I waved off the bellman and opted to carry my own luggage inside and less that fifteen minutes later I was in a luxurious suite. I unpacked my suitcase and hung what clothes needed hanging and then placed my toiletries case in the bathroom. I then set up my laptop and spent the afternoon on Lush and a few other sites as the time slowly passed. I half expected a call from...

Straight Sex
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Married ExGirlfriend Relives Our Lusty Past

Hi guys and babes, if you have landed here just to pass some time or trying to get excited or already aroused, I hope the narration satisfies all your needs. The narration is a little slow as it’s something based on a real incident. Saying that, it is my first time I am writing as I have got some free time due to the quarantine. My name is Rohit (names are not real, duh!). I am 6 feet tall and decently built. I have a 6″ tool. I don’t want to brag that it’s big, but it gets the job...

1 year ago
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Nicholas at camp

The summer I was sixteen, my parents decided to take a four-month tour of Europe, one of those extravagant pre-planned affairs that gouges you on everything and still manages to make you feel good at the end. There was of course the small problem of what to do with their son, so I was shipped off to an all-boys, all-summer camp, no escape camp in northern Minnesota. It’s one of those places where they try to erase the “scars of civilization” and “return to nature”. The camp consisted of three...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 869

Mensa & the salt & pepper shakers... Some years ago, there was a Mensa convention in San Francisco. Mensa, as you know, is a national organization for people who have an IQ of 140 or higher. Several of the Mensa members went out for lunch at a local cafe. When they sat down, one of them discovered that their salt shaker contained pepper, and their pepper shaker was full of salt. How could they swap the contents of the two bottles without spilling any, and using only the...

2 years ago
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My Vampire Academia

One night, someone in this world of heroes becomes infected with a curse. One that'll begin their descent into debauchery as their very soul darkens. All it takes is one bite or one drop of tainted blood to become infected and compelled to indulge in their new urges. (How vampirism spreads) This is a story about vampires spreading across the world of MHA. In this story, people don't just become full fledged vampires immediately, rather they have to go through 3 stages of transformation brought...

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Dreamscape III

Dreamscape III By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 3: Kirk, Janet and Betty I pulled into the parking lot a full 45 minutes early and sat in my car. I needed to get my mind around the idea that I was actually going to work. Never had I been this nervous reporting to a job, but never have I done so in a body, which was not mine. Craig Morton, my former self, was an advertising executive at the tender age of twenty-five - a well established wunderkind with a reputation throughout...

3 years ago
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Training as a slut

We have been for a few drinks in London. Numerous swanky bars with secluded booths have allowed us to have a good feel of one another which has worked us up. There is only so much you can take of seeing a hard bulge in the grey trousers i am wearing. Similarly seeing your tits sit so proudly in the tight top you have on has driven me crazy.That's why that once we get on the last train home we have both had enough of teasing each other. I can almost sense how wet your pussy is as you look me in...

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