Caveworms free porn video

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Introduction: First story, does it suck? Its pretty weird. I always loved exploring the woods near my house. I lived in a semi-rural area, so while it wasnt exactly the middle of nowhere, there was always somewhere new to explore. I was always looking for the most secluded, hard to find places. I loved the idea of being hidden from the world, but still being surrounded by life. I found a lot of interesting things when I went hiking, but one summer afternoon when I was sixteen, I found something REALLY interesting.

It was only a few days in to my summer holidays. School was out for the year and I had nothing on my mind but killing time. I decided that day to go visit this small waterfall Id discovered, though it was a pretty long hike so I started early. It was a particularly hot day, and by mid morning the air was already feeling sticky, and Id have been sweating just lounging around the house. I looked forward to finding the falls, and the small river they emptied in to, just to jump in and cool off.

I was glad to see there were no people there when I finally arrived, and no sign of anyone in the area at all. After double checking that I was definitely alone, I stripped down to the bikini I was wearing under my cut-offs and tank top, and enjoyed the cool water on my skin. I looked down and admired my body a bit. I wasnt being egotistical or anything, my boobs were slow to start growing, only really making any progress over the previous year, and before that I was afraid I would end up flat chested or something. So it was certainly nice seeing my now C-cup boobs straining against the top that was now a bit too small for them. After spending a while lounging about under the waterfall, my long, brown hair now soaked several shades darker, I noticed what looked like the opening to a small cave hidden in the rocks behind where the water fell that Id never noticed before. My natural inquisitiveness took over and I went over to check it out.

The hole wasnt big enough to just walk in unfortunately, but I knew Id be able to fit without much difficulty. Of course, that seemed like a really bad idea because I had no idea where the hole led, and the risk of getting stuck was too great. Nevertheless, I continued to examine it, hoping to find some kind of clue as to what was inside. I threw some rocks in, and never heard them hit any walls, so I figured there must at least be a decent amount of space in there. I figured Id come back another time when I was better prepared, but then I noticed an odd smell. It was faint, but quite pleasant, reminding me of the smell of baking cinnamon buns, somewhere off in the distance.

The scent became stronger though, and before long I realised that it was actually coming from inside the hole! I became very curious about the source of this aroma, this was definitely not what caves usually smelt like. I sat there weighing up my options. My desire to explore the cave was becoming almost overpowering, but still a sense that it was too risky caused me a great deal of conflict. The hole was certainly big enough for me to go in without much difficulty, and I started feeling a bit silly considering that I had brought a torch with me, and I knew enough about caves to avoid falling into a pit or something.

Well that did it, I grabbed my torch and carefully climbed through. That smell was even stronger now, and I noticed that I suddenly felt very light, as though I weighed as much as a feather. My head then began to tingle a little. The hole led into a tunnel of about the same size, which I carefully began to crawl though, not really knowing what I was doing. After around ten metres, the tunnel opened into a small area large enough for me to stand and walk around. I shone my torch around, finding nothing particularly interesting. I was hoping to maybe find something someone had left behind a long time ago, some fascinating relic of the past, but there was nothing but moist rock.

Despite my earlier belief, I suddenly felt the ground disappear as I began to fall. The torch slipped from my hands and was lost, so I could see nothing, but could feel myself falling. I cursed myself for getting so wrapped up in my own thoughts and not seeing the giant hole I now plummeted down. Im not entirely sure how long I fell for, but it was certainly long enough for me to realise that Id been falling for too long to possibly survive when I finally hit the ground.

Thankfully, that violent impact never happened. Instead, I felt myself hit something soft. Something really soft. So soft in fact that it gave way as soon as I hit it, stretching all around me like a weird bubble. I could still feel it all over me, stretching, slowing me down. When I finally landed, it was only enough to knock the wind out of me, and I was now covered in whatever it was that had slowed my fall. It was a strange kind of liquid, sticky, but slippery at the same time. It seemed to stick to everything, except my skin.

The ground I hit was quite soft, and moist. And lumpy and… moving. I stood up with a start when I felt an odd mass writhing against my butt. I still felt it under my feet of course, and I quickly realised it wasnt one solid mass, it was many. Long, thin, slippery shapes slithered under my feet. I tried to calm myself, thinking Id just fallen into a real life pit full of god damn snakes, and that not moving was really my only option. But then I felt the snakes start worming their was up my legs. I have to admit I panicked then, and frantically tried to brush and kick them off me without falling over.

Suddenly, I was practically blinded my a bright flash of light. For a brief moment I thought it was sunlight, and that I was saved, or possibly just dreaming, but when my eyes adjusted I noticed that the walls of the cave had started glowing with a warm, clear light. I knew it was probably a huge colony of photoluminescent bacteria, but before I could think about it anymore, I finally saw where I was, and what was in there with me.

The entire floor of the cave was covered in a mass of wriggling worms of various sizes. Some as small and thin as a pencil, some were feet long and inches wide. They were all an off-white colour, and seemed to constantly ooze a clear, thick substance that I quickly realised was the source of the smell that led me in there. I cant even describe the horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that welled up from the sight.

But that feeling of revulsion started to change a little. It turned into a pleasant tingling sensation, which oddly reminded me of those times when I was feeling particularly horny. More than anything, I was feeling confused at that point, because I was consciously aware of the dire situation I was in. Even without the weird horror movie creatures all around me, I was deep in the ground right now. It was a long fall Id taken, and it was very unlikely there was any other way out of there. I knew I was going to die, or at least have to subsist on those freaky worms for the rest of my life, but I felt really calm. None of that mattered. I was going to be fine!

I started feeling faint, and figured there would be no harm in lying down, the worms probably werent going to eat me or anything, and I felt so drowsy. No sooner had I sunk to the floor than the worms started to swarm, slithering all over me. It felt… nice. Really nice. Like some kind of wonderful, wet massage, every inch of my skin that the worms touched sang to me in pleasure unknown. I sighed as I lay there, feeling more and more relaxed by the second, as more and more worms writhed all over me, until I was more or less completely covered.

Then they started getting nosey. I could feel one nudging its way into my armpit, while more others began to investigate every nook and cranny of my body. Soon enough, one slipped under my bikini bottoms and made its way between my legs. I felt a sudden jolt of incredible pleasure as it found my pussy, and began rubbing itself against my clit as if it knew what it was doing. More began to join it, from every direction. And others found their way inside my top, and I must admit I loved feeling them massaging my boobs and wriggling against my nipples.

My head was positively swimming by this point. It had been slow to dawn on me, but I now realised I was now more turned on than I had ever been in my life. I wasnt new to sex, having had plenty with my ex boyfriend, and some more with my cousin Jenny when we were younger. My heart was racing and my stomach was positively tingling. It was almost unbearable, but when I felt one of the worms start exploring my pussy lips for a moment before bravely delving in deeper, I decided it was definitely bearable. In fact, I was looking forward to seeing just how good these weird worm dudes could make me feel. Maybe living in this pit wasnt going to be so bad after all?

The worm in my pussy wasnt one of the big ones. As it went inside me, it felt about as thick as two fingers, and it felt amazing. It was as though the feeling of my pussy being stretched was being greatly exaggerated somehow, so while I didnt feel like I was being stretched a great deal, what I was feeling was more powerful than even my exs eight inch monster had ever made me feel.

The worm was all the way in now, at least as far as it could go. The rest of them suddenly seemed to develop a singular purpose, as instead of just slithering all over me, I could now feel them start suckling on me. Every inch of flesh felt like it had a worm attached, each sucking gently, but they continued moving about, so they never sucked on one place for too long. Except of course, for the ones who had found my nipples, and the one at my clit. They all stayed attached right where they were, and they were doing more than sucking. I couldnt for the life of me work out exactly what, but it felt AMAZING.

Every inch of my flesh was being pleasured, and the worm in my pussy was now itself sucking on and massaging my g-spot. So of course, it wasnt long before I started cumming. Hard. The cave filled with my ecstasy laden screams, countless bolts of electricity echoed throughout my entire body, my pussy practically throbbing as I continued to experience the most intense orgasm Id ever felt.

As I came back down to earth, nothing really changed around me, the worms continued doing their work, the one in my pussy had started doing something to what I figured must have been my cervix. I was still riding waves of orgasmic afterglow, and I smiled knowing that my next one wasnt too far off, and the way things were going, it was going to be even more intense.

Thats when I felt the worm inside me suddenly disappear, and a new orgasm suddenly reared its head. My mind was pretty hazy at this point, but I definitely felt it disappear from inside my pussy, only it hadnt exited from the outside. In the midst of my climax, I realised that it had slipped past my cervix and entered my womb. This knowledge further intensified my already overpowering orgasm, and I felt a great need to touch myself.

That wasnt too easy, since I was covered in worms, so instead I found myself just touching them, and surprised to discover just how much I loved how they felt. They were impossibly slippery, I dont think I could have grabbed one no matter how secure a hold I had. But beyond that, they felt just like… cocks. That same kind of fleshy, rigid, yet every so slightly malleable feeling, and I imagined myself just surrounded by all these giant cocks and I found myself wanting them to violate me more and more.

I half screamed, half whimpered when I felt a worm that had finally found my butthole. At first it was gentle, cautious. It rubbed itself across my asshole, then sucked on it a bit before finally pushing its way in. I always enjoyed having my butt played with, but Id never actually had anything bigger than a couple of fingers up there. And this worm felt pretty damn big. I felt it pushing against my tight hole harder and harder until it slowly started slipping in. I could feel my ass expanding around it, I could feel every inch as it started making its way deeper and deeper.

I absolutely thrashed about, completely lost in pleasure. The worms managed to hold me down, so all I could really manage were twitches and restrained jolts. When another worm started pushing itself into my pussy, this one definitely one of the larger ones, I experienced what could best be described as an orgasm within an orgasm. Because despite all that was going on, I still hadnt stopped cumming. It must have been several minutes, I had no idea it was possible to feel so good for so long, but then within that, my feelings of immense pleasure increased as I felt the two worms wriggling about in my ass and pussy.

Then it started to slowly fade away, and just when I thought I was back to normal, whatever normal even was anymore, the worms in my pussy and ass started spewing this lovely warm liquid which set me off again. They spurted a surprising amount inside me, and I felt myself getting quite full of the stuff. But when they were done, they unceremoniously slithered out of my holes, while the worms that swarmed and sucked my body started moving away. I felt incredibly satisfied, but a little cold after having lost my nice, warm, wet blanket.

After a short while, I sat up and looked around, wondering why my lovely new lovers had left me. And thats when I saw a different creature making its way towards me. It was similar to the worms, in that it was the same colour, and seemed to be oozing the same fluid, but it was huge! Maybe about the size of a bear, it looked like some kind of giant caterpillar or something. From an opening at the front extended a bunch of long, glistening tentacles, which moved about as if searching for something.

I found myself really turned on by its appearance. As though the whole thing was just a gigantic cock with a bunch of other cocks coming out of it. I knew enough to know that it was wrong, the damn thing was a monster out of a nightmare, but it turned me on. Like a LOT. My pussy felt utterly drenched, and I wasnt sure how much of it was the stuff the worm had shot into me, and how much was my own pussy juices.

This new thing slithered towards me slowly and laboriously. When its tentacles seemed to find me, they tickled me all over, giving me a similar treatment that all the worms had done before. I counted about five tentacles, each one looked to be several metres long, and a couple of inches thick. I found myself wanting them inside me, and it wasnt long before one of them found my pussy and started wiggling its way in. It stopped suddenly and pulled out after a couple of inches though, and I was a little disappointed, until I felt it go lower and push against my ass. I grunted at the pressure, as it forced my sphincter to widen to accommodate its considerable girth. There was a little pain, but that got lost in the signal, because the pleasure overwhelmed it.

Slowly but surely, my ass opened up to allow this new invader entrance. It slowly, inexorably worked its way deeper, til I lost track of its position inside me, but loving how filled up my ass felt. Either these creatures had encountered humans before, or they were quick learners. No sooner had my ass become accustomed to one of its tentacles, than another wormed its way into my pussy. I didnt know what to do with myself at this point. I was assaulted on all fronts by unimaginable ecstasy, but I just couldnt move. I thought I was stuck in this empty void of pleasure, where I had ceased to exist, and all that remained of me was my orgasm.

And then they started thrusting. The tentacle in my ass taking long, deep strokes, pulling out almost all the way, then back in. Must have been at least ten inches. The one in my pussy however, was giving short, hard thrusts, each one violently hitting my cervix. That hurt a little, but the pain somehow made what I was feeling all the more complete, and with each impact, the pain lessened, until it was entirely replaced with an odd feeling of hunger emanating from my womb.

The tentacle then stopped its battering ram routine, and instead just pushed itself against my cervix. I gritted my teeth and grunted at the feeling. It was as amazing as it was painful. I could feel it slowly opening up around the thick tentacle which continued its unrelenting advance. I then felt the worm that had hidden itself inside my womb start thrashing about. It felt like there was a great timult happening within me. Though, the worm in my womb didnt seem scared or anything, in fact, it seemed more like it was doing what it was doing just for my enjoyment. And I certainly did enjoy it!

When the tentacle finally popped into my womb, the rest of me popped in turn. It was the most amazing thing, I felt so incredibly full, I had no idea it was even possible for a person to feel so great while alive. I felt like Id died and gone to heaven, but I doubted even heaven could be as awesome as this. I wasnt even aware I was screaming until I felt a tentacle shove itself into my mouth, its copiously leaking fluid quickly filling it up. It tasted divine. Sweet, but not sickening, and warm and nourishing. Strangest of all, the flavour seemed to subtly change as I consumed it.

I sucked on the tentacle with great enthusiasm. It wasnt til then that I realised how thirsty Id become, and this thick, sweet nectar was really hitting the spot. But the creature wasnt satisfied just feeding me, and once Id had a good drink, it started forcing its way deeper into my mouth, my throat. I felt myself choking around it, but it continued undeterred. Strangely enough though, I felt quite calm. I started choking less and less, before finally growing used to this huge thing invading my throat.

So there I was, skewered by this bizarre, betentacled creature. Three of its tentacles were deep inside me, while the others explored my body, before two latched onto my nipples and started sucking. This sent me over the edge, as if I hadnt already been at that point several times already, but everyone has their limits, and I guess Id met mine. I felt the pleasure which was tingling all over my body start to build up in my head, before light headedness overtook me and with one final, little gasp which hid the true enormity of what I was experiencing, I finally lost consciousness.

I awoke to find myself now on all fours, the three tentacles still inside me. But something was different. I felt full. Fuller than I had ever felt before, and it wasnt just from having tentacles in my mouth, ass and pussy. It was then that I noticed the lumps moving inside the tentacles. One pushed past my jaw and then a moment later I felt something pop out inside my stomach. The same thing was happening with the others, they all seemed to be pushing these solid lumps inside me. I opened my eyes, and thats when I could see what was happening.

The tentacles had become translucent, I could only clearly see the one in my mouth, and inside it was egg, after egg, each about the size of golf ball, lining up to be injected into me . It was oddly blissful. I looked down to see that my stomach had grown quite large, I was quite obviously bloated with eggs, and still more were on their way. I shut my eyes again and just enjoyed the sensation of each tentacle laying countless eggs inside my womb, my stomach and my bowels.

I figured, judging by how huge my stomach had grown, that Id woken up towards the end of the creatures load, but I was wrong. It wasnt even half way done. With each new egg placed inside me, another was pushed away to make room, and I became that much more full. I rubbed my belly and I could feel them solid beneath my skin. A small thought occurred to me, of how it was kind of a bad thing for another animal to lay its eggs inside you, but it was washed away in the din of pleasure I experienced.

Just in the time after Id regained consciousness, the creature must have laid had hundreds of eggs in me. But finally, it must have reached the end of its supply, as the constant influx of eggs was replaced by a torrent of hot liquid, the creatures cum I assumed. As if on cue, with the liquid, came a torrent of orgasms. It was so much, I found myself drifting in and out of consciousness. Into wet dreams like Id never seen, and back into the world where I was full of this strange creatures eggs, and loved it.

Then I blanked out for the last time, and awoke naked in the river outside of the cave. For a moment I thought the whole thing was a dream, but then I noticed my stomach. I was huge. HUGE. It bloated to an unbelievable degree, I looked very, very heavily pregnant. Like I was having triplets. Maybe quadruplets? I kind of hoped I was still dreaming, since this was pretty inconvenient. Still, I made the effort to stand, and it wasnt easy, but I managed it. I collected my things, and put my shorts and tank top back on. My top had no hope of covering my belly, so I didnt even try. I wondered where my bikini had gone, but figured it was probably back in the cave, and there was no way I was going back in there. Not that it mattered, I needed a new pair anyway.

Come to think of it, how had I gotten out? Even the hole I came in through was now too small for me to fit through. That feeling of confusion returned, as though reality had stopped playing fair. Cause and effect seemed to have lost all meaning to me, but I was too tired to dwell on it, all I wanted to do was get home. Thankfully, it was still light out, so I had a hope of getting home before mum got back from work. I slowly began to trudge through the woods, and it wasnt easy. I felt so heavy. I was full of hundreds of eggs, the thought of what would happen when they hatched filling me with excitement, instead of the horror one would expect from such a situation. Why was I so ok with what had just happened to me? I couldnt work it out, I was just happy to be out of the cave.

Working mostly on instinct as my conscious mind was busy with things it didnt see fit to let me in on, I stumbled my way home. I knew I couldnt let anybody see me in this state. Theyd make me go to hospital, and for some reason, despite all logic, that seemed like a really bad idea. Luckily for me though, I beat mum home, and my sister was in her room. I quickly made may way to my own room and crashed on my bed, pulling my sheets all over me so as best to hide my hugely pregnant tummy.

I perceived mum come in a while later, and quickly assuming Id fallen ill, left me to rest, but not before bringing me some water and vitamin c. I slept without waking the whole night, only stirring the next morning when mum came to check on me before heading off to work. She left me some more water and vitamins, and when I heard her close the front door on the way out, I found myself suddenly wide awake.

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part 1As she boarded the plane, she couldn't help but feel excited. She'd saved a whole year for this trip and was still in a bit of disbelief that it was finally happening. A whole fortnight in sunny, tropical paradise.She settled into her seat and pulled out the book she'd brought to read while travelling, Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land. Why not, eh? Just as she was turning the page, a person sat in the seat next to her's. At first she didn't bother to look. She figured she'd let the...

3 years ago
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a very nice trip

It was end-winter/begin-spring about, April i remember it :-P, when i and my sister have an another trip of commission, this time the trip, that of going, it was in bus at difference of the previous trips of commission (recounted in my previously stories :-P) that i and my sister did always in train and my sister had always a nice clothing namely skirt and pantyhose and low shoes and also in the last trip previous at this (recounted toward the end of the previous my story of this story :-P) she...

2 years ago
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The Cottage Part One

The Cottage - Part One By Michele Nylons Mike Harris was seventeen years old when the worst blizzard ever to hit Chelmsford forest struck in December 1986. That is when this story really begins. But first we need to learn a little about Mike Harris before that fateful winter's day. Mike's father had left the family home when he was still a baby. He lived at home with his mother Doris and his older sister Charlotte. He had been an 'accident' his mother said. He wasn't...

1 year ago
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Mistress Viagra torture part 3

My new mistress and I headed downstairs from her bedroom to meet her Mistress for dinner.I practiced wiggling my ass as I walked keeping my hand bent straight and moving front to back as I walked.When we arrived in the dinning room My Mistresses Mistress was seated at the end of a long dinning room table big enough for 12 people.At the other end of the table was another woman I had not met yet, she was very pretty with long blonde hair, blue eyes and a perfect figure. I was introduced as...

4 years ago
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First Affair

Stephanie and I have been married for 10 years. Our sex life has been average, with sex on average at least once a week. Stephanie is from a very conservative background with an emphasis on the basics, but nothing else. Needless to say our relationship was monogamous and absent of any marital aids or toys. About a year ago, I reconnected with a work colleague from about 20 years ago. Tina and I had been friends and acquaintances in a prior job but we never dated or socialized outside of work....

Straight Sex
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Mind and body control

You go to sleep in your new apartment, you’re family had just moved out of you’re old neighborhood and you’d just graduated and gotten a job so moving out seemed logical, you begin to see some sort of entity before you. The entity is difficult to make out but you can clearly hear its booming voice as it speaks. “Hello John I am called by many names but for right now the only thing you have to worry about is what I am offering you” You sit up in bed shocked as the entity floats above a couple of...

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Francesca And FriedaChapter 4

"Who was that, Albert?" asked Miss Merridew, Francesca's housekeeper. "Somebody for the mistress. I said she was away from home. The lady didn't give her name." "You should have asked. It might have been important. I'm worried about her up in those cold hills without a stitch of clothing all year round. I know she's used to hardship, but I still think of her as the little girl who came crying to me after the old Master had beaten her. I worry a lot. She always wrote once a week and...

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My Mother-in-Law By Erica Wright 7/2/07-9/26/07 This dirty, nasty story of complete submission is dedicated to Michelle. I would have never written this story without her. Prologue: At the age of twenty-five, I can admit two things, first, I am a cross dresser. Yes, I get off on wearing women?s clothes. The sexier the better. Tight and sexy is the best. I can trace dressing for pleasure back almost 20 years. The second thing I can admit is, I am also a panty-sniffer. In reality I...

4 years ago
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Bonnie and Mel

I pulled my cock out of her cunt and slapped her ass cheek, barely noticing my cum sliding out of her used hole to join the pool between her knees. I motioned with my chin to one of the guys waiting and he knelt behind her where I had been. I grabbed a towel and cast a passing glance at his cock as he slipped inside her, forcing out the rest of my load with his fat cock. I heard her groan around the guy fucking her mouth and snorted a laugh as I wiped myself off. Her moan was cut off by a...

2 years ago
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New Beginnings Pt 1 Ch 11

In the three weeks that his unit had been traveling across the continent, Cory had seen many sights that shook him deep inside. He’d never realized how large America was, even though he had trampled all over the wondrous green mountains and valleys of West Virginia and Tennessee. The army avoided the empty cities except for small squads that foraged for canned goods in the early morning or early evening of each day while the remainder were either setting up or taking down their protective...

4 years ago
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Embracing My Submissiveness

While at my desk, his special tone rang from my phone. Quickly grabbing it and opening the app, the text read: 7 pm pos1 weekend. That was it. Those few cryptic terms gave me tingling shivers as I felt my pussy react with warmth and moisture. I thought, finally! I had not cum in days and was beginning to go crazy with desire. I should explain.I have always been socially shy and psychologically submissive, at least when it comes to all things sexual. It’s something I despise but seem to be stuck...

3 years ago
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Walt and Tom in 1960 Italy Ch 05

AUTHORS NOTE: Just a heads up that this chapter contains a bi-sex/gay sex encounter. Summer was coming to a close so Tom and I spent another weekend in Capri. We brought two of the working girls with us Pia and Petula. We stayed at the same hotel and the girls registered in one room and Tom and I in the other. Of course at night Tom went to be with Petula and Pia came to my room. We had a great time and great sex that weekend even though we spent more money than usual. Tom and I paid for...

3 years ago
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                                                                         chapter 1 For as long as I can remember ive noticed Her, recognized her beauty and longed for it, to touch and kiss and love her. A silently secret crush heavy enough to weigh down my heart through my high school years, up until now just before my 18th birthday, at the beginning of my senior year. I’ve never told anyone for fear of the social and parental effects of that come with ‘coming out’. There are girls in my...

2 years ago
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A Trip to Clintonville

This is a wimp story in that the wife cheated, the husband found out and did nothing about it. If you don't like this kind of story just move on to the next one and save yourself from turning purple with rage and wasting your valuable time writing silly comments that will be ignored anyway. That won't stop Harry, but who pays any attention to him anyway. Nancy and I have been married a little over nine years and they have been damned good years. Nan is a great mother to our three children,...

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The de Winters Tale

The de Winter’s Tale. Copyright © Naoko Smith 2015 Many thanks to Sara, curl4ever and Oggbashan for beta reading and giving me their insights into this story. It was the best job in the world! To start with, the pool belonged to Jeff Somers — the millionaire writer who created the Dara Cruft character. Carl had of course grown up playing the spin-off games from Somers’ books — and surreptitiously reading the books. To actually have a job taking care of Jeff Somers’ swimming pool was...

2 years ago
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Hi,first time writing so bear with me, we both like groping in public places, and I get a great thrill if I know someone is watching, my wife has no problem with this and is pleased to show off her stockings and knickers, I have fingered her in many different places, parks, gardens, cars, and cinemas.My favorite place is the cinema, this probably goes back to our early days when most couples did the same, it wasn't unusual to see groping couples, and I would occasionally get a flash of stocking...

1 year ago
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Adam and the Ants The BeginningChapter 12 Aftermath

After the fire, the fire still burns. The heart grows colder but never ever learns. The memories smolder and the soul always yearns. After the fire ... the fire still burns. — Roger Daltrey, "After the Fire" (used without permission) Thursday, August 23, 2:44 AM Next thing I knew, Mom was borrowing a gauze pad and a bottle of water from Paul, and was trying to clean some of the soot from my face while a cameraman set up a tripod. Meanwhile Rehema Ellis, a TV reporter whom I...

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Her Legs Spread Like Butter

Cindy was gorgeous and so eager to get laid! And I was just the guy to do it.Today I met a gorgeous girl at the gym. Her name was Cindy and she was blonde, had blue bedroom eyes, and had lips that begged to be kissed. We were sitting together waiting for two treadmills to open.“Hi! I’m Bill. I come here three times a week and I’ve never seen you.”“I’m Cindy. I just moved here with my husband. He works long hours, so I’m going to try to get into shape and kill some time in the process.”She...

2 years ago
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My Vacation Days

Hi everybody, I am Rajesh. I’m new for this site, but I have read a lot of story from this site and decided to submit my real story for you which I want to share with you. It is not an imaginative story, just my real incident happened in my life. First of all let me introduce myself. I am Rajesh from Kerala. I am 35 years old and employed in a private company. I am married and have a child. This is my first attempt and I request you to send your comments on this so that it will be an...

4 years ago
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Christmas Wedding Part 6 A Piper Comes a callin

Late August, first day of school for Winnisimmet Public Schools Ethan Smith, Junior Kelly, Neil Jones, and Logan Finn were now fifth graders, the unofficial rulers of their elementary school. They weren't like the normal boys in their grade though. Logan and the trio were the boys who break the mold for 10 and 11-year-old boys just by acting like they had been taught by their fathers, mothers, and siblings- care, respect, and kindness. The boys had spent the past month getting to...

3 years ago
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Seduction On The Sun Deck Part 2

"How was that, honey?" Julia asked, looking down at Josh. He didn't reply, his eyes still closed, his hands no longer playing with her breasts but lying limp on the sun lounger, the fingers of one hand against her thigh. "Joshua?" she said, "are you okay?" Josh's eyes flickered open and he looked up at Julia, topless in the late morning sunlight. "Oh my gosh, Ms. Wilkinson," he said, suddenly embarrassed about his situation, his throat dry, "that was amazing. Thank you." Julia smiled. "You're...

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The Potato Race

Lou had decided on the spur of the moment really. Well, after the conservative and confrontational committees in her head had debated into the early hours, she was left with equal arguments for and against, so her rational self had simply decided to go with the "yes" vote. Hell, she was fit enough — and there was still sufficient time to get in some specific training for the event. She'd nothing to lose... They'd arrived at the small-town fair, she and her dog, and her partner. She was...

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Group party 12712 2nd part

Noreens initiation was now over. I noticed it close to 11pm so it took close to 3 hours. Seemed a lot quicker. She was a mess, exhausted and elated. Someone lit up a doobie and we all got happy. Noreen made it known she really did not want to fuck anymore as she was quite sore. I expect all the ladies thought like I did which was basically "good for you." 6 cocks and 6 loads would have me feeling the same way. After a lot of relaxing either John or Cal decided it was time to interrogate...

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The Black Bull The Hotwife and Cuckold

Introduction: It was all her idea and I just went along because I really didnt have a choice. It all started when my 28 year old wife Sarah told me that her best friend Jill (who is married) was seeing a black guy on the side. It had started out as just a casual thing where Sarah was just sneaking around but now had progressed a month later to the point where Sarah was contemplating splitting up with her husband Dave and was moving in with Marc her new black lover. I was shocked. Jill and my...

1 year ago
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Fit To Be TiedChapter 10

Laurine simply lay on the floor for several minutes. She was hot and sticky and tired. And she felt as if she'd been robbed. The dancing had been hard work for her. She'd poured every ounce of her sexuality into it--and what had it gotten her? She finally stood and sought out her panties. She slipped into them and found where she'd tossed her skirt and blouse. Robbed was the only real emotion she felt. She went to the door and opened it and was amazed to find it didn't lead into the...

3 years ago
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I Bet My Wife

Helga, my wife, has an incredible body. I mean her body is absolutely perfect. Beautiful long legs, an incredible bubble-butt, soft and smooth. Her tits, oh sweet Jesus, her tits are a work of art. Perfectly formed, sitting high up on her chest with perfectly round areolas and pencil-eraser sized nipples. She's 5'6" and her measurements are 34D-24-34. Perfect. Helga's face is a little different. Oh, I don't mean that she's ugly or anything. I've heard Helga described as "plain," and I...

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Grey Made Everything Bright

My body tingled at the thought of him. The thought of him caressing my body, kissing me gently, and holding me against him. Imagining him kissing my breasts, biting them lightly. I continuously thought about him taking, what was his. I couldn’t stop thinking about later; I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it all day. He filled my thoughts, completely covered them. Distracting myself was close to impossible. I had managed to get ready though; that was tough enough in itself. When I...

First Time
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Redemption of a Sex Offender

August When he walked into the faculty lounge, everybody froze. He was obviously trouble, from the leather vest that passed for a shirt all they way down the tight button-fly 501s to the black motorcycle boots. And the long, tawny hair that drifted over his shoulders and down his back, held out of his face by a small braid to one side tipped with a leather thong covered in glass beads and feathers. Erica could almost smell the testosterone. Helen Crawford, head of the English department,...

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daddy daughter duo

So, it all started when my daughter turned 16, it seemed like all of a sudden she became full, gorgeous and most of all- sexy. Now I understand it is quite wierd to have a infatuation with your teenage daughter, but I did. And here is my story."Daddy! We have to go out and pick Jason up now, he's waiting." said my daughter, Eva."Just gimme a seconds angel."As Eva and I were about the go pick up her boyfriend, I saw her slip a condom into her 32B cup bra. When we pulled into Jasons driveway, Eva...

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Temptations Kiss Ch 03

Hey guys! So I want to apologize for the mustang mishap in the previous chapter. I swear I looked it up first, but I guess my brain just wasn’t working properly… Forgive me? * Rand took his time admiring the way Cassidy looked in the red dress that she wore. She looked good enough to eat. She was almost eye level to him in the heels she had on. He loved her hair. He loved the way it fell down her back and over her shoulders in a waterfall of silky midnight curls. His hands itched to bury...

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Husbands Revenge

Husband's revenge By: Friskee_cpl ([email protected]) This story is for all those out there that like to see a man get sweet revenge on an unfaithful wife and her accomplices. Not a lot of sex in it but hopefully a good read. Like most of us here I am not a professional writer so please enjoy and send constructive comments. Cheers. ---------- I was sitting at my computer entering in yet another boring goods receivable when Meg pushed her chair up against mine. "Come and...

4 years ago
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the k**s were gone 4 a week and my wife was out doing stuff so i figured i had time 2 get my freak on it had been awhile so i got my shemale dvd out and put it in the bedroom tv and let it start as i went through my wifes dresser and found a pair ofblack lacy cheeky pantys that came half way up my ass cheeks and was tight up my ass crack like a thong and my cock and balls squeezed in where the would fit.i set the mirror at end of bed and climed on the bed knees up legs open and started watching...

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The Rave

I work part time for a security firm that specializes in event management. Concerts, sporting events, private parties, fund raisers… you get the picture. It’s a wonderful part time gig and I get to see a ton of professional sports and those hard to get concert tickets mean nothing to me because I get paid to be there! This story is about a recent ‘rave’ I worked and how an unexpected fringe benefit really paid off. A popular techno artist was in town spinning recordings to thousands of young...

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A married couple find themselves in trouble with the law,but the wife finds a way to get them out of trouble.***Deanne and Brent have been married for fifteen years with three c***dren. Although Deanne kept her five-foot frame in great shape and her 36C breast were still firm, at only 32 their sex life had begun routine and boring. Deanne and Brent decided that they were going to have a Saturday night of sexual adventure. Deanne arranged for a babysitter for Saturday night and would not let him...

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Trailer Park TrashChapter 2

Mister Hamilton was well-aware of Tammy’s improvement in the matter of conversing in complete sentences with proper pronunciation. Her usage of slang words and outright obscenities was curtailed to the bare essentials. He was so satisfied with her improvement and her dedication to following his program of better conversational skills that he gifted her with a diamond bracelet that did a lot more to impress her than his skilled rimming of her hindquarters performed with great gusto underneath...

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Surviving The VicePresidentChapter 2

Ed Hanson had come in at 5 o'clock in the morning to finish installing the rudder. He and Jared had completed the sheet metal work last night and Jared had helped lift the rudder and install the first bolt. They smoked a little pot and decided to go home and let Ed finish installing the other two bolts in the morning. Jared said that it was too dark to do it right anyway. Ed hadn't had any problem finishing the installation except the top bolt. He looked but couldn't find the bolt that was...

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A Halloween RedemptionChapter 37

Elaina marched single-mindedly up the stairs, a very reluctant Rob following right behind. She crossed the hall to Stefan's door and raised her hand to knock. Before she could, the door slid open to show a very serious Stefan waiting behind it. He looked at the threshold and then back at her, his eyes asking the question. She stood fuming at the threshold, unable to cross without an invitation. She frowned at Rob, and he looked back in alarm, wondering what else he had done. "I thought he...

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Legacy of a LegendChapter 65

The lead element of the first column of the Redoran Guard stopped at the rebuilt Traitor’s Post. The bandits that formerly occupied the building had quickly left when the Dragonborn’s Own returned from Winterhold and took to the rebuilding of this post with a vengeance. We had stocked it with food and refreshment for the incoming troops and our cooks were ready. “I am Captain Merano of the Royal Army. My first contingent of troops will be here shortly. From the tables I see you have set up,...

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Jack and the Rollercoaster Ch 09

Ally started her story. ‘I don’t know why, but six years ago I was really pissed off with my father, and wanted to do something shocking which would upset him. Stupid really, as he could never know what I did, but in my mind I was getting back at him. I had seen this advert asking for potential models, so I answered it. Thoughts of walking down the catwalk in all sorts of glamorous dresses filled my mind, but it wasn’t that at all. They were looking for girls who would do nude modelling for...

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