A Very Romantic Sex With A Girl I Fell In Love With Sunburn
- 4 years ago
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AN: This story has been inspired by a doujinsh, I saw it and as I said before, I can not understand Japanese so I thought I would write this for those like myself and can only presume what is happening. Remember, ff there are any dragon ball doujins you’d like to see converted into a fan fiction, just ask. Now Enjoy.
Disclaimer: I do not own this work and the idea is not mine.
Sun Burn
‘Oh Kami, why is it so hot today?’ Erasa whinnied, her high pitched voice causing a flock of birds to fly from the trees and into the clear, blue sky.
The sun was beating down hard on the earth below, merciless in its attack on the planets inhabitants and Videl could only look on in annoyance as her friend complained. Whipping away the layer of sweat that had formed along her forehead, the teen sighed before asking ‘I wonder what’s taking those boys so long?’
At that, both girls looked down the beach to where Videl’s capsule chopper had landed and two figures could be seen walking along the beach towards them. The closer of the two had a semi-large build, long blond hair that went all the way down to his shoulders and was clearly struggling to carry two of their bags across the baking hot sand.
Sharpener almost collapsed as he reached the girls, dropping the luggage as he knelt down and braced himself on his knees, panting loudly as he tried to get his breath back. Looking up, he spotted the two girls giggling profusely as they watched him. Deluded by his own arrogance, he chose to believe their amusement was in fact infatuation and afraid of giving them the right idea, he jumped up and grabbed the bags. His fingers were throbbing painfully from the task of carrying the insanely heavy loads yet the blond just managed to walk up to the girls without cringing.
He allowed himself a moment of elation but before he could try an turn the obvious failure to his favour, Videl shut down. ‘Sharpener, where’s Gohan?’ she asked before back down the beach for her boyfriend.
Trying to hide the dejected look that threatened to spread across his face at his dream girl’s words, Sharpener replied, in his cockiest voice, ‘I left nerd boy by the chopper, he said he would get the rest of the bags but I suspect he’s having trouble with the sun umbrella.’ Before he looked back and almost collapsed in shock, struggling to find the words, he could only emit a series of exclamations as his eyes widen to the size of dinner plates.
Curious to see what was affecting the habitually macho blonde, both Erasa and Videl walked over to stand by Sharpener but then they could only stare at what was coming up the beach towards them. With both arms so heavily laden and overflowing with bags, the group couldn’t even see the tips of Gohan’s spiky black hair beneath the mountain of luggage. Erasa could only stair, mouth opening slightly in silent exclamation, while Videl had to try not to laugh at her friends’ reactions.
It had been over a year since the world tournament, and with the memory of the incident whipped from the memory of the human race, life had returned to normal for Gohan. Or at least as normal as things could get when you’re the son of an alien warrior, blessed with being the strongest fighter in the known galaxy and even capable of destroying a planet with no more than a flick of your wrist.
And now with school over for the holidays, the demi Saiyan had found himself spending a lot of time doing his favourite thing, sparing with Videl. However it wasn’t just her company Gohan enjoyed or the fact it did do wonders for their blossoming relationship, their training time had turned into steamy make out sessions more than once and a lot more happened when she decided to train in her combat suit. The fact was that Videl was a very good sparring partner. Although Goten was stronger and quicker, he had a habit of getting distracted, Videl was much more focused and even more egger to improve. Indeed, she had even gone as far as to chop off her long, gorgeous locks of black hair so she could train properly. Fortunately Gohan wasn’t to bothered by short hair and regularly said she was as beautiful as the day he first met her. She was also as fiery too, but now the hybrid found it incredibly sexy, rather than scary.
The only reason he wasn’t training with her today was because she had promised to go shopping with Erasa and Sharpener. However, summer had come early and It was proving to be a hot summer, a very HOT summer. Soon deciding that it was too hot for lumping heavy bags of clothes around store after store, the teens decided to go to the beach instead. For both Gohan and Videl, it would prove to be a most welcomed vacation. Being crime fighters, martial artistes, students, and role models took a toll on them. That’s why they so willingly accepted and Gohan knew just the perfect spot.
Dropping the bags to the sandy ground, the demi-Saiyan gave Videl a questioning look as he gestured towards the two blonds who still hadn’t quit staring at him with disbelieving expressions. Playfully smiling at him, she walked over and gave him a soft kiss on the check, causing both Erasa and Sharpener to wake suddenly from their daze, embarrassed blushes staining their checks a deep shade of red as they looked away, muttering something that sounded an awful lot like ‘get a room’.
It took less than an hour to unpack all of the bags and the group could finally change out of the stuffy clothes they’d thrown on and into their suits.
‘Videl, why didn’t you ever tell me that Gohan had such a dreamy physique?’ Erasa asked, her voice holding a playfully angry tone as they lay on their towels, soaking up some rays.
Smiling innocently at her friend but deciding not to answer her question, Videl turned back to look out on the sparkling blue ocean and watch as the two boys enjoyed themselves. After finding out that the demi-Saiyan had never surfed a day in his life, Sharpener had taken it upon himself to teach Gohan how to ride the waves.
‘Come on, Gohan! Don’t tell me you’re giving up now! You’re just beginning to get the hang of your board.’ exclaimed the blond, splashing his friend with a wash of tropical water.
‘Sorry Sharpener.’ Gohan said apologetically, while scratching the back of his head and doing a fair imitation of his father’s trade mark grin, all the while trying not to fall off the lump of fiberglass. ‘I just need a break. Four hours in the water is tiring.’ It wasn’t really so bad in the water, it was just that Gohan couldn’t stand sitting on the damn board another minute and although he appreciated his friend trying to teach him how to surf, Gohan decided he would rather stick with swimming and fishing.
‘Oh come on! After all the training Videl brags about the two of you do. You mean to tell me that you can’t take this?’
‘I never said that, but I think Videl might just skin me if I spend the whole day with you,’ Gohan hurriedly said before laughing nervously as he paddled back to shore.
Watching as Gohan jumped off the fiberglass and began wading through waist deep waters, Videl was sure that both her and Erasa drooling with desire. Droplets of water were running down his muscular chest , accentuating the bulging muscles of his thorax before the shallower water revealed his Speedos to their hungry eyes and in their damp state, they left nothing to the girls’ imagination.
Completely oblivious to the effect he was having on them, the Demi-Saiyan made his way through the salty water until he was finally back on the sandy shore, using his beach towel to dry himself off as he approached an incredibly sexy ebony haired woman and her equally attractive friend. The sight of them lying there in their skimpy bikinis would have brought a smile to any male in the galaxy, and Son Gohan was no exception.
‘Had enough ocean for one day, Gohan?’ said Erasa teasingly, trying to make it look as if she wasn’t staring at the teen’s
very muscular physique.
‘Nah, just needed a break from Sharper ,’ he said as he laid the towel down between the two girl’s before joining them on the sandy floor, ‘Besides, I missed you…’ he said hotly, turning his attention to Videl
Videl let out a yelp of protest as Gohan trapped her beneath him, pressing her against himself as he took her mouth and kissed her deeply. Her sapphire eyes opening wide in surprise as she tried to push the man away, unwilling to go too far with Erasa sitting right next to them, but as he began to plunder her mouth with his skilled tongue, she lost all thought of resisting. Feeling playful, she bit his tongue lightly, making the demi yelp before pressing his lips more firmly against hers.
Videl could feel heat growing in her stomach as his tongue stroked against hers and responded in kind, feeling the warmth curl tighter in her belly as she did. Soon they were lost in the sensations and full out snogging when the dry sound of someone clearing their throat interrupted their passionate embrace.
Jumping back, the couple looked around and watched as both Erasa and Sharpener stood over them with stunned looks written across their faces from having watched the young couple make out right in front of them. Embarrassed, the couple looked away and Gohan whispered to Videl ‘Fancy going for a swim?’
At her nod, Gohan took her hand and led Videl down to the water’s edge. Neither looking back as the two blonds just watched them, still too deep in a state of shock to even ask them where they were going as they splashed into the Ocean. Gohan eagerly pulled Videl out into dark blue depths, further than she really wanted to go. Still, she knew she was safe with Gohan. He would never let anything happen to her. Not anything he could stop at least but then she doubted there had ever been a shark that would have been able to eat an angry Mystic Gohan. Suddenly, Gohan let her go and disappeared beneath the water.
‘Gohan?’ Videl called, treading water as she waited for him to surface, but there was no sign of him. Starting to get a little worried, she looked around then nearly jumping out of her skin when a strong hand grabbed her leg and pulled her beneath the water. Suddenly, a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her against a wall of muscle so that they were pressed chest to chest as he kissed her beneath the surface.
Small air bubbles flittered across their lips as they kissed and despite her anger at Gohan for scaring her, her hands started roaming his body. He rubbed against her and she could feel through his swim trunks that he was hard as a rock and that knowleddge sent a shiver of excitement through her.
Videl gasped suddenly at the feeling of Gohan tugging at her bikini bottoms, the flow of cool water past her naked bottom felt wonderful and she couldn’t help getting aroused even further. But before the hybrid could pull them all the way off, she was forced to break away and started kicking frantically for the surface. Although the idea of sex in the sea was an option they could look into later, She wasn’t ready to let Gohan have his evil way with her, not just yet at least.
For the next half an hour, the couple played shark and mouse. Holding his breath, Gohan would stay beneath the water and try and catch Videl while she would swim away to escape, although always hoping that he’d catch her quickly so she could be in his arms again. Videl screamed as Gohan came up to the surface, grabbing her in the process. Somehow, she ended up in his arms and they were face to face, the ocean pushing them together. Instinctively, she wrapped her legs around his waist, they were both breathing heavy from swimming and looking around, Videl was shocked to see how far from the island they were.
‘Um…Gohan where are we?’ She asked while wrapping her arms around his neck and using the demi Saiyan to keep her afloat.
‘In the ocean.’ He said lazily while leaning back so that he was spread eagled with Videl atop of him.
Blinking against the suns reflected glair on the crystal clear water, Videl shot him an angry glair as she said ‘I know that Mr completely obvious, what I meant is why did you bring me out here?’
Closing his eyes as a wave hit his head, Gohan said simply ‘I wanted us to be alone.’ Before making Videl jump as his hands travelled down and squeezed her still bare rump.
Quickly batting his hands away from her arse, Videl looked around and spotted a god sent. Looking down she pointed to an island that she could just make out on the horizon and said ‘Take me other to that island and then I’ll give you a trea…’ She never got the chance to finish before Gohan was on the move.
Leaning back against a hard rock, Gohan enjoyed the feel of Videl pressed against him as she sank to her knees, straddling him. Her slender hands running trails across his hard chest as her luscious lips linked to his thin ones. At the feeling of her warm lips against his own, he couldn’t resist the urge to touch her anylonger and his hands locked onto her hips, pulling her enticing form closer to his body.
Slowly, his mouth opened against hers, making Videl moan as his tongue glided along her lower lip. She opened to him in turn and their tongues began their familiar dance, touching, teasing and exploring each other’s mouth. She couldn’t help but moan as little shocks of pleasure began running along her nerves. Teasingly, Gohan’s hands started to roam over her back, leaving trails of burning fire along her skin as he used his nails to send shivers up her spine. Her slender hands went from his neck to his muscular bare shoulders, using her nails to scrape the hard muscles and make him hiss before using a feather-like touch to send shivers up his spine in return. His strong yet delicate fingers continued to slide up the soft skin of her back, making her tremble under his touch and also making Gohan smile as she did, Videl was always so receptive and sensitive to his touch.
Videl moaned as she felt Gohan’s hot lips leaving heated kisses from her open mouth and down to her perfect jaw till he reached the sensitive skin of her neck while his hands were sensually working their way from her curvy hips to her perfect breasts. She shivered when his teeth touched her skin, the exquisite contact sending jolts running through her nerves and to her breasts, her hardening nipples becoming visible through the material of her bikini top, down her belly to her sex and the moist that was heat rising between her legs.
Braking the kiss, he gave Videl an innocent yet knowing smile as their eyes locked in a lustful gaze, both were breathing heavily and were a little out of breath from that kiss’s burning intensity. A sudden loud moan left her lips as his fingers finally modelled onto both her soft mounds, her head rolling back as she arched her back into his touch.
Smiling at her receptiveness, Gohan gripped the hem of her top and pulled it down, allowing her breasts to burst free from their restraints. Sensing his hands leaving one of her pleasure spots, she looked down at him questionably and when their lustful eyes met he smiled mischievously before saying ‘Kami… you’re gorgeous…’ while staring at her godlike beauty.
His eyes travelled up her torso, taking in the sight of her smooth milky stomach till they located the objects of his desire. He felt his member growing harder just staring at them, although this was by far not the first time Gohan had gazed upon Videl, he doubted he had ever seen her look more perfect than she did then, with the golden sun shining down upon her and the sparkling waters of the ocean in the background. Videl’s breasts were large, full and firm, their milky-like complexion accentuated the contrast with her rosy nipples that had stiffened to pebbles.
Licking his lips, he cupped her large breasts in his palms before bending forward and taking the aching bud into his mouth, running his
teeth over it and suckling hard, causing Videl to pant, gasping for air as she arched and pressed against him. Her breathing becoming shaky as she threaded her hands into his ebony coloured locks, keeping his mouth firmly wrapped around her breast. Gohan didn’t really care though as he explored her flesh with his lips, tongue and teeth in every way his libido could imagine. And her reactions were delicious as she simultaneously gasped, thrust her breast further into his mouth and tightened her fingers in his hair.
Then his lips moved, his head burying in the valley between her breasts, leaving soft kisses against her velvety skin as he used his hands to lower her to the sandy ground, laying her beneath him. His hands then travelled up her sides to her breasts and he began hungrily devouring her, growling her name between licks and kisses, tweaks, twists and pulls.
Videl was lost in the sensations Gohan was drawing out of her, she had curiously fondled her own breasts in the past but it had never felt this exciting. Gohan seemed to be able to touch her in a way that made everything she felt magnified. However she wanted more…
Unable to take it any longer, she hurriedly pulled him back up and into a hot kiss. Her breasts were pressing tightly to his toned chest, the contrast of hard and soft skin rubbing and caressing only heightening her pleasure as Gohan’s hands glided down to her waist, running the tips of his fingers lightly over her flat stomach, making it twitch and her purr. Sliding his hands further down his lover’s body till he came to the material of her bikini bottom, slipping the material aside before he placed a finger at her entrance.
‘I love it when you’re already wet for me,’ he whispered huskily into her ear before swirling a finger around her clit, causing Videl to release a shuddering moan, ‘and I especially love it when one of the most composed woman I’ve ever met in my life, is reduced to quivering helplessness mass when I do this’ before pushing two fingers inside her.
‘Oh, shit…Gohan,’ Videl moaned at the top of her lungs, her head thrashing from side to side as his fingers began to work their magic on her. His two fingers thrusting back and forth while his thumb started pressing against her clit. Lifting his head and looking down at her beautifully flushed face and smiled before working her a little harder.
‘You like that?’
‘Ye…yes,’ she panted, her legs opening as much as her bones and joints would allow. ‘Yes, yes, yes…’
Enjoying the sound of her pleading, the hybrid began twisting his fingers, marvelling at the juices that began to flow from her as he moved his digits out of her, then back in before spreading her delicate folds and widening her entrance, making Videl scream his name. Each time she made a sound Gohan could feel himself hardening further and he so desperately wanted to be inside of her, but his Saiyan brain enjoyed the sound of her screaming his name too much to give it up yet.
Then Gohan got an idea, withdrawing his fingers from her before lifting her up and laying her down on the smother side of the rock he’d been using as a back rest before looking over her. He loved the way Videl looked at that moment, when she was too carried away with desire. She looked like all those pictures and statues he’d seen of Greek temptress gods, wild hair, flushed cheeks with a look of pure pleasure written across her face. Videl was his temptress, the person that could call out the sexual being that Gohan kept hidden from the world and in particular, the girls at school who kept trying to sleep with him.
Pushing those thoughts to one side, Gohan bent down and ripped the thin material of her bottoms aside. He could smell the sweat sent of her arousal as he lent a bit closer and it sent shivers down his back before he dived in and started to lick the outside of Videl’s core. He could taste her excitement flowing around his tongue as the teen began grinding her hips into his mouth. Videl’s slender hand dived into his black hair and gripped the dark black locks of her lover’s hair as his tongue delved deeply into her centre.
Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball Z and am not profiting from this work. * It must have been the sunlight that woke her. It was only dawn but already she could feel the morning’s light blanketing her in a warm glow despite the child morning air. Winter was coming, she could feel its chill blowing in, its cold touch mingling with the spiced breath of autumn, yet she had elected to sleep naked. Half asleep, she trembled at the feel of winter’s whisper running down her arm and it was only...
Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball Z/Gt and I am not profiting from this work of fiction. Dear Miss Son We regret to inform you that, after much deliberation, it is the finding of this board of enquiry that your husband is to be declared deceased. After reviewing the evidence, we believe his death was the result of an animal attack and therefore a result of accidental and natural causes. In respect of his many great services to our community, an annual fee of 30,000 Zeni a year will be...
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Hello ISS readers. I am Deepak from Mumbai who wishes to share the most wonderful moment of his life with u all. After my 12 Std. my parents thought of sending me outside Mumbai for further studies, but due to consistent drop in health especially during the previous 2 years my parents resisted the decision. My family consisted of my father, mother (Usha), elder sis (Suchitra), myself and my younger brother who was an year older to me. My father due to his job requirement had to quite often...
IncestHi friends! I am Ayush 20 years old from kolkata.i am an average boy doing CA.My dick/cock is long and thick enough to satisfy any girl/bhabhi/aunty.I have been reading stories on Iss since 5 years and i have always planned to do sex with my bhabhi since then. This is first story so please forgive me for any mistakes and please give your feedback on my email id: also any girl bhabhi needs sex chat/phone sex/real sex/full body massage in kolkata,mail me.I have done physio therapy course in my...
IncestAdaptability by Dafydd Cyhoeddwr Jason was a very special child. Perfect, in fact. Though he started out to be the ugliest baby in the maternity ward, by the time he was taken home he had somehow become the most beautiful. All through school, he never got sick - not once. Always healthy, always beautiful in a masculine way, always the darling of his teachers and always making his parents proud. He was everything a parent could want. When puberty came, it...
As a kid, my parents moved around cities due to work, which meant that I went to several schools and found it tough to make friends. I was never able to get comfortable in school or at home, as I never knew if we were going to move again. It wasn’t until I was in the fifth grade that we settled down and that was when I met my best friend, Lewis Brown.Lewis and I became inseparable and basically did everything together as it helped that we lived right down the street from each other. That went...
TabooSarah knew she was lucky to have a husband who made so much money that she could stay at home and didn’t need to work, but sometimes she got bored. There were only so many lunches with the ladies of the rotary club one can attend. Also, her husband Stephen worked so hard that he frequently was too tired to have sex. So there she was, a bored and horny housewife, a combustible combination. It was a warm day in late September when northern California got it’s annual heatwave. Sarah used to call...
CuckoldI’d been preparing for the ritual for the last week, and I finally had acquired all my supplies and set up a space in the guest bedroom of my apartment. I had acquired a large vanity mirror through craigslist and put it against one wall of the guest bedroom, and on top of it I arranged my materials for the summoning. I set several cones of incense alit in plates arranged around the room and let their intoxicating scent fill the room. I lit the black candles I had on the vanity and turned off...
Lucy had never taken a cock bigger than 6 inches, her current boyfriend was a petite 4 inches yet this never really bothered her. To her, sex was something that the man always started and would only last about 15 or 20 minutes. The way she seen it, sex was never for her pleasure, just something that men needed every now and then to keep them happy.Lucy had never really seen what all the fuss was about, she often gets a lot of attention from men, partly because of her delicate innocent facial...
It's been all good lately and Shelly and I are comfortable with our lifestyle changes that we have started to push the limits. Right now, she's laying across her desk with a blindfold on and her wrists are tied in the front. I am about to slip her headphones over her ears when I see you pull up in the drive - your timing couldn't be perfect. I left her shoes on just for you, and as I peek down into her arch cleavage my cock gives a little nod of approval. I'm still fully clothed when I wave to...
specton - 2 1/2 minutes quant - 2 1/2 years heckson - 2 1/2 miles Bill was pacing outside the city, where was that star cruiser? They had ample time to reach this primitive dust ball of earth. Looking over at his two guards who would soon be his mates he smiled. They were both were still in their cat form. Unlike him they craved their true cat form. Twitty a grey striped tabby with white streaks down her back. Gleena, a red colored cat resembling a Bengal tiger. Both were half cat and...
I’ve always had a thing for small skinny women. As such, my wife is only 5’ tall and never saw the high side of 100 pounds. That having been said they can’t look too young though. I want to know that I’m with a woman and not some child.The first woman that I played with that met my true desires was 15 years my senior. Seeing her on her knees before me with my eight inches of cock in her face became permanently etched into my brain. From then on I knew who and what my partners would be.Recently...
Cheating(The weekend of exploration begins)The day had finally arrived, Jeannie and I were starting our weekend trip. Jeannie's mother, Kathy, and I had been friends with benefits for a few years and I was surprised and honored when Jeannie asked me to be her first experience with another woman. I pulled up the driveway, Jeannie was coming out of the front door before I even got the car stopped. "Aunt Misty! You brought the convertible! I love this car," were her first words. She had first ridden in...
[email protected] went through a period in my life that I went completely cock-crazy. I don’t know if it was a change in hormones or what but I just started acting like a slut! I tried a bunch of different things that I wouldn’t have even thought of before but the underlying thing was I wanted cock…I wanted fucked…I wanted to suck…I was acting like a damned slut!One of the things I started to do was dress and act differently (pretty gay), made myself able willing and available to almost...
“Ham?” Linda said. “Did I catch you at a bad time?” “Not really,” I told her. “I’m just on my way to LA and I put in a long day on the road. What’s on your mind?” “I just wanted to call and see how you were,” she told me. “I’m good. I stopped in Austin for a couple of days to see Rosa on the way through. It was good to stay in the old apartment for a couple of nights.” “That’s nice,” she said and I could tell that she was smiling. “So you’re planning on being in LA in the next few...
i have been reading stories that are not my fantasies and i haven't seen any paste it kind,so i decided to paste mine and if you enjoy this please try to write something like this so i could also read. My cousins always celebrate exmas at our home during their holidays,i always love them to come because of their step.s*s that with them,she is short,and really busty,she has a round ass which swallow her panties i always like...
No sooner had the six PC's arrived than they shipped right out – keeping an eye on Hesperus to ensure that the Sa'arm didn't move faster than expected, and to give advance word if they did. The Chosen Frozen went into high gear – if that were possible, as they had already been training frantically. Samantha found her father practically living in his white armoured battle suit, as the Marine infantry, artillery and light tanks went out again and again and again. They were drilling on all...
Hello friends, first of all, I would like to thank all the ladies, girls, and aunties who have read my earlier story and given me an immense response which led me to submit my fifth story for you all enthusiastic people. So sit back and be ready for another real-life encounter I had with Neha. For those who are reading my story for the first time can read my previous story by clicking on the following link:...
LIFE OUT OF JOINT ================= by Crazy Baron DISCLAIMERS This work is not intended to make profit. It may be distributed to forums where it can be read free of charge, provided that the author gives his explicit permission and that the text is not altered. While it contains copyrighted intellectual property (namely, appearances of fictional characters), no copyright infringement is intended. As the story deals with topics and themes related to sexuality, violence and...
Miranda and Ellen had also become aware of the rumors circulating about their "business". So they decided Ellen should at least give the appearance of paying her respects as a good religious wife. She wore a long plain black dress, her hair done into a conservative bun. As she stood at the grave side, her mind was on one thing only, her demon lover who awaited her at home. As her thoughts ran to Miranda and the outrageous sexual acts they had committed together, she felt her nest begin to...
It soon occurred to me that those guys were not very imaginative. Hosing my genitals with sharp steam of water seemed to be a constant source of fun to them. Of course, they fed me some kind of crap and a got some water in plastic bottles, but every now and then those boys wanted to have their fun. I had already recognized one of them to be a guy I had seen in the office a couple of times. Another one was my cab driver. They obviously had some other ways of spending their time, as they had...
I awoke, or at least I think I did ... the memory of the how is fuzzy now, the who, not so much. Anyway, I’m going to tell this how I remember it, which isn’t necessarily what happened, but when Heaven is protecting its secrets, mere mortals, including Mages, simply have to deal with what they want you to remember. I was sitting at a campfire. It was warm and the sky was filled with stars, more stars than I could possibly believe. But, then again, I think that might have been kind of the...
My name is Mark. I am 13 years old, almost 14. I learned to masturbate about a year ago.One night after supper, my mother and I were sitting in recliners watching TV. After watching a few shows, she turned off the TV and put on some nice music on the CD player. Out of the blue, she took her hand and put it in front of her crotch and asked me if I ever did this as she was moving her hand in up and down motions.I asked her if she means did I ever jerk-off and she said yes. I told her about the...
When I woke Cody was gone and London was coming out of the bathroom. We talked about what happened the night before. She asked who was better I told that Cody was sweeter but Zack was bigger. I told London that I need a shower a I left for the bathroom. I turned on the water as I stepped in still naked from the night before. As I washed out my hair I heard the door open. Then a second later I heard Zack saying is any one here. I yelled to him. I said I was in the shower. After that I heard...
“My turn, I hope!” Shelby sauntered over to me with Cameron in tow, “okay, OUR turn, but you get my meaning. We ... we want to have a devil’s threesome with you, if that’s okay.” “Yummy!” Katie winked at all three of us. Gita licked her lips before spreading her cheeks and eating my fiancee’s ass. Suddenly, Vicky knelt behind the Indian beauty and started rimming her in turn. I winked at that trio and began face-fucking the blonde siblings, my cock alternating frequently between Shelby’s...
My name is Daniel Winston and I want to tell you a story about the time I went to this new strip club in town. I work for a local freight company - hauling whatever they need hauled, to wherever they need it taken. It's a good job... hard work at times but good pay and some really good guys to work with. One of my hauling buddies told me of a new strip club called Madame Molly's that I should check out sometime. He said the babes there were really hot and the place was usually always hopping....
Oral SexManagerArby's Restaurant2398 N. Myrtle StreetEverheart, ND Dear Arby's:My name is Amanda Featherbottom and I am writing to complain about what is going on at your Arby's restaurant located at 2398 N. Myrtle Street here in Everheart, North DakotaThere are these two boys who come to your restaurant every day between 2:30 and 2:45 in the afternoon after they get off work at the chicken processing plant. One is named Jason Tiberson, and the other is Orville Gast. Jason is the taller one with dark...
HumorThe BodySale webpage estimates your hypothetical purchase value based on race and gender and the answers to questions such as: “How tall are you?” “What’s your IQ?” “Are you attractive?” “How much money do you make?” “Would you rather have sex with men or women or both?” The most expensive woman listed goes for a whopping 7.2 million dollars with the average cost of a female coming in at just over 5.8 mil. It turns out the price to buy me is under seven figures, but that’s no surprise. I’m...
There were twelve couples in all, most were middle age and had been on a cruse before. They all knew that the Sea Sprite was a small ship and would not have the same atmosphere the huge ships had. That was not what they wanted. Most of them craved a lot of time to relax from tense jobs and stresses of life ashore. By noon all the passengers were aboard. Ken took the bridge and had the engines started. the lines and then the gang plank were taken in. Ken slowly took them out of Biscayne Bay....
In my previous story "Cuckold couples identity is a big suprise", I told about a "reunion" with my ex girlfriend Susan. This time I look back at an incident that happened about 20 years ago when we had been dating only a few months.In this country people go on a cruise when they want to completely forget daily problems. Lots of crazy things can happen on a cruise and the familiar phrase is here "what happens on a cruise, stays on a cruise".My girlfriend had went on such a cruise with two other...
one day. alexa asked her boyfriend matt if he would like to spank her. he kind of looked at her with this strange look on his face.you see alexa was really into things like spanking. the harder the better. the rougher the better. for as long as she could remember she was into it and she really loved matt and wanted to be put over his knee and spanked by him!he stared at her for a little to long and it was beginning to feel awkward so alexa was going to brush it off as half joking half serious....
Penny would be going to NYU and had accepted Shay's offer to share her apartment. Poor Kent would be alone in Boston while his two partners would be sharing a bed. Still he knew that in some ways it would be better for him to concentrate on school. His father didn't disagree. But that was still a month away. For now Shay was on her first airplane, flying across the Atlantic with fun and relaxation ahead. She looked over to her left where Kent, who'd done this before, was already dozing. To...