CousinChapter 13 free porn video

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The next morning the two women woke a little later than planned, probably because it had taken them so long to get to sleep the night before. They decided just to eat a couple of the granola bars in the car so they could get on their way and were soon driving down the state highway. But after an hour or two, they encountered the bane of summer driving: road construction. After about the third twenty minute wait for their turn on a one way section Lisa said, "You know, with the late start and now this, there's a good chance we're not going to make it by two. I should have known that in summer these mountain roads are likely to be torn up."

"We could gain some time if we eat lunch in the car. And if it still looks too late, we can always stop and call Dan and let him know."

"Sure, we can do that. But that doesn't help the really important problem."

"What's that?" Diana asked.

Lisa turned and grinned at her. "I need to be laid! I'm not sure I can wait much longer." Then both girls broke up laughing.

When she caught her breath, Diana said, "You think you'll have trouble waiting! Remember I haven't had a chance since May. And you've made Dan sound so nice that I expect I'll have to change underpants at least a couple of times before we get there as it is. And I don't have that many pair with me."

Lisa started laughing again. "Don't worry. Once we get there you won't need any at all. Or anything else for that matter."

"You mean you really stayed naked all the time? Inside, outside. Playing, eating, just sitting around? Completely naked?"

"That's right. From an hour after I got there until fifteen minutes before I left I didn't wear a stitch. Except sometimes I had on a pair of shoes when we were outside. Otherwise, nothing."

Diana thought about it for a few seconds. "That sounds sexy as hell! I don't think I've ever been nude longer than overnight, except for that one time with Brad in the cabin. And even then there were a couple of times when we put on something to go outside."

"It took a little to get used to it and not feel embarrassed - especially with him dressed sometimes. But pretty soon it seemed so natural that putting something on seemed odd. I expect he'll keep us both naked the whole time we're there. You know when I asked him last night if he had something in mine for me to wear, he said maybe a few ropes was all. And if it's like last time, he won't wear anything a lot of the time either."

Diana squeezed her knees together. "That sounds so hot! I bet I'm going to be wet the whole time."

"You just think you're exaggerating! I never imagined I could be that turned on that long." The flagman finally waved them on and they started again.

By the time they cleared all the road construction it was nearing one o'clock and they still had about three or four hours of driving left. Lisa pulled into a gas station and while Diana took care of the car, called Dan.

After she assured him they were still on the way she said, "It looks like it will be at least four or five before we get there. We got caught in the summer road construction and have spent half the day sitting and waiting for flagmen. So it's still going to be a while."

"Just take it easy," Dan said. "I'll admit I'm climbing the walls for your hot little body, but I'd rather you took a little longer and got here safely. I'll fix us a dinner - maybe grill a steak. That would just take a little time after you get here, so it won't matter exactly when. That sound OK?"

"Steak is fine. We're all going to need energy, I think."

Dan said, "Look, Lisa. I've been thinking." Oh, oh Lisa thought to herself. "I'm really looking forward to having two beautiful captives." Lisa relaxed a little. "But I don't want to rush it. I've never even met Diana and she's never seen me. And I don't want her getting into something just because she doesn't want to let you down. Try this for a suggestion. When you get here it's just an ordinary visit until after dinner. Give her a chance to see if she's still interested in this once she's met me. Then you can get her aside and let her know it's OK if she wants to change her mind. We could take her on to the airport tomorrow morning. If she's still sure she wants to try this after dinner, then fine. I'm definitely all for it if you are."

Lisa let him finish. Then she said, "If you really want we can wait that long, but I'm certain now that she wants to go through with it. I know I do - it sounds awfully hot! Both of us are looking forward to spending time under your cruel control, Captain. If my ass isn't sore tonight I'm going to be pretty disappointed - and I know Diana feels the same."

"OK, OK. But I'd still feel better if we wait and give her a chance to back out. Just til after dinner."

"All right, but don't count on getting out of this that easily. We both intend to fully enjoy your body. We might even revolt and take over the ship for a while."

"That even sounds interesting. All right. take it easy and get here when you can."

"OK. See you - all of you - soon. Bye."

When she returned, Lisa told Diana about Dan's request. Diana said, "He really doesn't have to worry. If you trust him, then so do I. And from the way you've described him, I'd be crazy to pass up this chance."

"I know, but you can understand that he doesn't want to feel you were pressured into this. Things just sort of happened between us last week, and we've known each other for years. I told him it wasn't necessary, but I can see why he wants to be sure for himself, can't you?"

"I guess so. It's just that I'm so hot and excited that I want to get going. I want rape and I don't much care if it's his or mine."

Lisa laughed. "Yeah, I know what you mean. But look at it this way. Keep your knees together until after dinner and it will be that much better for the anticipation."

"Sure, sure. OK, I'll go along with it, but no longer than we have to. OK?"

By the time the women pulled the car up the final isolated stretch of road and into the gate it was almost five thirty. As they got out of the car, Diana looked around. "This is really beautiful. Trees, mountains, sky, and no people. There's really no one nearby?"

"We're about as isolated here as we can be in this part of the country. There is literally no one within miles. No one to hear our screams at all," teased Lisa.

"You keep that up and I'll never be able to wait through dinner." Just then Dan stepped out of the door. Diana looked hard at him and then turned and whispered to Lisa, "You weren't exaggerating! He is one of the nicest hunks I've seen. If he can really play like you said, I'll be in heaven all week."

"He can," Lisa whispered back. "And it'll be heaven for both of us even though I expect our asses to feel like hell a good part of the time."

Dan walked over to the two girls, giving them both a frank appraisal. Lisa put her arms around his neck and gave him a hard, deep kiss. When they broke apart she introduced Diana and Dan reached out to shake her hand. Diana brushed his hand and then put her arms around his neck and said, "No fair. If she gets a kiss, then so do I." She then proceeded to kiss him firmly on the mouth, but not as long or as deeply as Lisa had. At first Dan was startled, but soon relaxed and returned the kiss.

When they pulled apart, he said a little breathlessly, "Well, I am certainly pleased to meet you. And I certainly wouldn't want to be unfair to either of you."

Dan placed an arm around each of their shoulders and the three of them walked into the house. Dan said, "I'll start the steaks. Lisa, why don't you show Diana the bath in the room I was using last week and you two can freshen up if you want. By the way, I moved into Tom and Mary's room, so that one is empty."

Lisa wondered why. Maybe just so Diana had a room she could use if she decided against joining in their games. Whatever, he'd find out it wasn't needed. "OK," she said. "I'll run get our packs and we can change into something a little less dusty."

Diana gave her a funny look, but didn't say anything. In a minute Lisa was back with both of their backpacks, and led Diana upstairs. Dan headed towards the kitchen.

When they got upstairs, Diana looked questioningly at Lisa. "I thought we might want to put on something a little more, shall we say, revealing, than these jeans and shirts. Both girls had on cotton short sleeved shirts and blue jeans. "I'm going to change into these." She held up a halter top and a pair of cutoffs so short Diana wondered if they had shrunk in the wash.

"All right. I've got a pair of cutoffs but no top like that."

Lisa looked at her for a second. "Here," she said digging something from her pack. "This will probably fit. Try it."

Diana held up a black tee shirt which had obviously been cut off to show some stomach. In fact it looked like it would show quite a bit. Diana took off her shirt and started to pull the tee over her head. "Wait a minute," Lisa said. "Wear it without a bra."

Diana froze for a second and then thought, why not? She unfastened her bra and dropped it to the floor. Diana was somewhat larger on top than Lisa, but not enough to sag. Her well rounded breasts held firmly in place and her nipples already showed signs of excitement. She pulled the shirt over her head and found that it barely came to the bottom of her breasts. Her now hard nipples showed clearly against the thin fabric. She looked at herself in the mirror. "Are you trying to get him to give in before dinner is over?" she asked.

"I wouldn't complain if he did, would you? You look great in that!"

Looking at Lisa's deep cleavage and skimpy shorts, Diana said, "No more than you. If he isn't hard in the first five minutes, something must be really wrong."

When the women came back downstairs, Dan was outside the screened porch tending steaks on the grill. The table on the porch was set for three with a fresh salad and hard rolls and a pitcher of iced tea. He turned and looked at them and let out a loud wolf whistle. He kept staring at the two for several seconds and then seemed to wake up and said, "The steaks will be ready in about a minute. Lisa, if you'll pull them off I'll run in and get some French fries out of the oven."

As Lisa was placing the meat onto their plates, Dan returned with an insulated, covered bowl which he set on the table. "OK, everyone. Let's eat."

As they ate the three discussed the girls' trip and their aunt and uncle's place. There were several suggestive remarks, but nothing direct. But Dan kept stealing looks at the two young women who seemed to go out of their way to give him good views. Finally when they had finished, Dan asked, "Does anyone want any dessert? I can probably find some fruit or something."

Diana shook her head and Lisa said, "I think we'll pass. If you'll excuse us for a minute, I want to talk to Diana." As she passed Dan she leaned over and whispered in his ear, "Are you still interested?"

He turned to her and whispered back, "Of course. If I wasn't you should begin checking me for lifesigns."

As he watched the two women leave the room, Dan thought that it was a good thing no one wanted dessert. If he had stood the napkin on his lap would never have reached the floor. He cleared the dishes, setting everything into the sink and returned to the porch. The porch was a large one - twenty five feet across and ten deep. There were wood walls at the ends, but the entire twenty five feet along the back was screened and the view was of the pond and woods and mountains beyond. As he sat there looking out, Dan heard the door open and turned.

Both girls made their way to stand in front of him. Both had removed their tops and had tied each other's hands behind their backs. Dan stared at the two lovely young women. Lisa finally said, "Captain, we have both decided to accept you as our captor. You may do with us as you will."

What an invitation! Dan looked directly into their eyes, first Lisa and then Diana. "Diana, are you sure?" She nodded. "Lisa told you what kinds of games we play and how rough?" Again a nod. He turned to Lisa and asked, "Did you explain about our safewords?"

Lisa answered, "Yes, both of them."

Diana added, "I understand yellow light means slow down and red light means stop. If Lisa trusts you, I trust you, too."

Dan looked at her again. "All right. But remember - and of course this goes for you too, Lisa - if at any time you decide you want to stop, tell me. I don't want any games at all unless you want them too." Both girls nodded that they understood. Then Dan said, "In that case, captives, you must realize that you have violated one of the important rules already."

Diana looked at Lisa and Lisa looked blankly at Dan. Dan added, "Remember, female captives are not to be overdressed. You are both wearing too much."

Lisa quickly played along. "I'm sorry, captain. Please help us correct the situation and then punish us as you think necessary."

Dan laughed. "Oh, I'm sure it will be necessary." He moved to Lisa and unfastened her shorts. As he knelt and pulled them down baring her legs - she wore no panties - he let his tongue slide from her waist down one leg and back up the inside of the other, to finish in a hard lick across her pussy, briefly penetrating her lips. He then turned to Diana and repeated the process, finding she had no panties either. As his tongue slipped up between her legs, she threw back her head and sucked in her breath.

But Dan stopped with the one lick. He stood and held up their shorts. "No more clothes until you leave. Beautiful females should always be nude and available." He tossed the garments into a corner. "Now about your punishment."

He turned and went to a chest in one corner and opened a drawer. He reached inside and removed two sets of leather cuffs and Lisa realized he had been prepared for this. He untied each of their wrists and replaced the rope with the thick leather cuffs, clipping them behind them again when he finished. He added cuffs around their ankles. As he stood, he took Diana's arm and started her toward the back wall near the center. "I think you should watch Lisa receive hers first. But be assured, you will not be slighted."

He unfastened her wrist cuffs and then refastened them to two widely separated hooks on the wall. Her ankles were spread and also fastened to the wall. Lisa had not noticed the hooks and guessed they could have been used to hold plants. The lower two were probably just small enough that no one would notice them. When he had her in place, Dan pulled off his own shirt, leaving him in cutoffs, and embraced Diana. He kissed her and let his hands wander over her breasts and pinched her nipples. She sucked in her breath and strained towards him. "Just wait. Your turn will come," he murmured.

He then turned his attention to Lisa. He led her towards one end of the porch and she watched as he removed two hanging plants about four feet apart and about five feet from the end of the porch... As he replaced the plants with two lengths of chain, she also noticed that these hooks looked a lot stronger than would be required for plants. He faced her towards the end wall and stretched her hands to the chains hanging from the hooks. Her ankles were soon spread and also fastened so some small anchors on the floor.

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Me With Nisha Bhabhi

It was summer and summer at our place is very bad. High temperature makes you sweaty. You will feel like you should tear your clothes apart so that somehow you can get rid of this heat. But on the other hand it is a blessing if you look at things the other way. You get to see ladies in your house or neighbor’s aunty in those semi-transparent dresses and when they get sweaty the difference between semi-transparent and transparent actually diminishes. This story is about me and my neighbor’s...

2 years ago
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Dinner with Ellen

Ellen’s Saturday   Saturday morning came up and I began to clean and prepare the apt. for Ellen’s visit and dinner. I planned the food, even changed bed linen just in case Ellen and I decided to sleep together tonight . . . . I prepared my clothing. I had one of those dresses that had a size smaller than my real size. It had a combination of cotton and spandex that made it cling to my body. I was dressing up for a passionate conquest. Yes, I was in love and did not care that it was with a...

2 years ago
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Homecoming Ch 08

Homecoming Ch. 08 Edited by Frinkles© 2007 This chapter was edited to correct a date discrepancy/error that was driving me crazy — no more, no less. Everything else in the story is exactly the same. Alright, alright…UNCLE! For those of you who are disappointed in Daniel’s actions, believe me so am I. The guy is human. He’s a bit of an idiot at times. He’s letting his little head do the thinking rather than the ‘big’ head. He knows he screwed up which is why he’s in the dang farmhouse praying...

3 years ago
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A Means of Reproduction

Kimberly found herself in an strangely white room. She was floating in mid-air, and as far as she could tell, she was alone. Her body felt cold, not helped by the cool air that was blowing underneath her, apparently keeping her afloat. She heard a sliding noise and turned her head to find the source and saw that a door had opened. Nine women entered, and Kimberly was shocked to see that all nine women were identical in appearance. They all had long brown hair, right down to their butts, green...

4 years ago
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The Beach House

There had been one hell of a storm the previous night, with trees downed, both behind the house and along the lake front beach that was the property's only saving grace. Mary Ellen surveyed the damage, and her already crappy mood headed for the dark end of the spectrum, even more than it had been when she woke up. "Bastard! Fucking son-of-a-bitch!", she mumbled to anyone that cared to listen. Except there was no one. Hadn't been for months, and it didn't look like that situation was about...

2 years ago
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Altered Fates Scenes From a Marriage

(Thanks to SteveZ for his Selfless Editing. The Altered Fate62 on Femur's great site inspired this story.) THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL STORY. After each scene, your imagination will be needed to fill in the blanks. Altered Fates: Scenes From a Marriage By Eric 1. The Discovery Janet was worried. Jack was being a jerk, and refusing to even set a date for their marriage; she had already bought her gown and EVERYTHING! God, how she hated it when he patronized her. She felt like...

2 years ago
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The Grim ReaperChapter 26 Playing Defense

May 2004 That was the high point of the early spring. Gary Halston transferred over to Second Platoon, over in the Alamo, as a fire team leader. They had taken a few hits earlier on and needed a replacement for a buck sergeant who was sent home after getting shot up. The rule was that if you were promoted from Specialist to Corporal or Sergeant, or from Corporal to Sergeant, you had to transfer to a different platoon. Anything higher than that and you had to transfer to a different company....

3 years ago
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The Hunky Californian Daddy Part 4

My black masculine daddy had kissed my lips until they felt swollen and tender. Next he used my ears and neck, making me squirm with pleasure until my whole body felt like one hot sex organ. The feel of his tongue on my feet, toes, and the backs of my knees was becoming almost unbearable. He was in no hurry, and it felt there was still a long way to go. Stretching like a cat and almost purring aloud, I moaned softly so as not to disturb him, but he seemed to welcome my appreciative naked body...

Gay Male
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Breakfast In Bed

You are cuddled under the covers as I sneak out of the bed. I start the coffee and begin to start to fulfill the promise of serving you breakfast in bed. I start to look for what I want to serve you for breakfast. I open the refrigerator to see what there is, I pull out a couple of eggs and some milk to make some waffles. I will need some fruit to go with it and I see the fresh strawberries and decide that sounds pretty good, and take the bowl with them out and see the whip cream and take...

1 year ago
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The Whole Of A Maid8217s Family 8211 Part I

Hi fellow readers…this is Neeraj from a small town in Kerala. I would like to share with you my real life experience, happened before 10 years, with an elderly lady. Please read the story from the beginning till the end and I assure you it would be surely of interest to you. To introduce I am the only son of my parents and we had own house which is located with a big back yard where we have a huge well and few banana plantations. My dad is working with a private firm at senior level and my mom...

2 years ago
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Now thats an Oops

Now That's an Oops! by Maggie Finson "What?" Bobby questioned his friend Gerald. "I really think you should re-read that spell, uh Bobbi." Gerald responded a bit distractedly. Still buzzing from the numbness caused by the spell that was to change him from a nerd to a girl magnet, Bobby began to get an uneasy feeling as his friend continued staring with open mouthed - lust? "What are you staring at?" Bobby demanded, then clapped a hand over his mouth in horror at the...

1 year ago
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For Want of a MemoryChapter 27

It could be that his conscience drove him to it. Many men are haunted by past acts, until there is some kind of resolution. It is certain that his relationship with Lulu had a lot to do with it. He loved her too much to put her in a position to be hurt by his past. At war with himself over the thorn that kept piercing his psyche, he finally came up with what could only be called a half assed plan to at least TRY to move forward. Kris invited Mitch in, taking him to the living room. Mitch...

2 years ago
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I Experience My First Orgy

About three weeks later, I got a phone call from John’s wife Nancy. She asked if she could visit to discuss an opportunity. I tried to find out more on the phone, but she insisted it was too delicate a matter. So I agreed and invited her to tea the following Sunday afternoon. Catherine and I stayed home that morning, and she did a nice job of preparing the house for her visit. Other than Lillian, who by now we knew quite well, I was not used to having a member of the upper class visit our...

1 year ago
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Sex During Lunch With Josh

Josh and I had known each other for years. We had both just gotten out of a bad relationship and decided to transform our friendship into a friends with benefits relationship. I was 23 at the time, and Josh was 28. I have long blonde hair, blue eyes, long legs and perky titties. They are small, size A, but they go perfectly with my slim figure. Josh was always staring at my ass, so it must have been great to him. Since I got a new job, John and I no longer work together. The last five months...

2 years ago
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Random Quotes

Random Quotes compiled by Dov(e) Some time ago, I was toying with the idea of computer-generated stories. Since erotica does not always require a firm plotline (although it certainly can benefit from one), it seemed an obvious genre in which to experiment. In considering various approaches to computer-generated prose, I found that I needed a way to distill the very essence of TG fantasy stories. As an experiment, I created a simple program which would sift through the 1,300- odd...

3 years ago
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Thursdays ChildChapter 34

Polly came pedalling round as soon as she finished work. Garry was in his room and she rushed up there to hear his news. It took them several minutes to get round to that but when they did all she could do was stare at him in wonderment and joy. Garry's heart sang. Finally she spoke. "That's beyond all our hopes. Oh, Garry, it's wonderful. I knew they liked you a lot as well as knowing you were a good footballer but this is oh ... oh..." She flung her arms round him and held him as...

1 year ago
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A Swingin Good Time

My wife and I had just settled on the couch with snacks to watch our favorite show when I noticed her fidgeting with her fingers. Heather only did that when she was nervous, but I knew not to push her so instead I turned and smiled at her. She flashed me that big beautiful smile then leaned back in her spot and propped her feet on my lap.“He’s not gonna die,” Heather said for the hundredth time tonight.I rubbed her feet and shook my head. “I’m sorry honey, but Carl is gonna die. There’s no...

1 year ago
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Chriss Stepdad Part 2

So the usual disclaimers apply,you know how they go!I'm writing this with the hang-over from Hell so apologies for any inevitable typos,lol.Hic.After I'd left Chris's house and returned home with mam I just couldn't seem to get out of my mind what I'd witnessed,seeing Chris's srep-dad seemingly sniffing his underwear,the pair he'd used to wipe up my boy-piss.To my innocent mind it had seemed so weird seeing this.Yet in another,(maybe not so innocent),part of my mind it had seemed,well,I don't...

4 years ago
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The Ring AOChapter 88 Phillip Surprise

Phillip walked into his office and saw the cut cake. Recognising Tina hand writing he rang her. Tina in her cheeky way replied “Sorry Grandfather I do not have the privilege to give you any information other than enjoy a slice with your morning coffee.” Tina hung up. His first thought was Helena was involved. He walked into the restaurant and went to their table. He explained what he found and Tina’s reply. Both Fred and Helena laughed. Fred replied “Sorry Phillip, we cannot say anything,...

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Fucking My Way Through High School

Did you ever wonder if the really good looking girl sitting in the corner of the library with her head in a book ever gets laid? Well I can tell you for a fact, she does. My name is Holly and I go to Junior Samples High School in Richardson, Texas. Not too many people know me outside of the Science Club. I kind of keep to myself and have a difficult time just walking up to people and talking. Today I’ll receive the High School Valedictorian Award since I’m graduating top of my class. Sure,...

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Real Friends Indeed

By: AWC Noor Georgas thought hundreds of time. How did it happen to him but still, sometimes Noor thought, he was dreaming. No, this was not possible; he always thought. Well over 10 years ago, they were school mates for about 2 years. They knew each other and said hello in the basketball team but the relationship did not develop and NG had to leave because his father got transferred once again to another country and that is how he got separated from Rahul Sharma after only knowing each...

2 years ago
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Cant Remember to forget you

Rihanna and Shakira are two of the hottest singers in the world. A hot music video of these two singers is the dream of every man in the world. This is the story of the damn hot shooting of "Can't remember to forget you"

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Sibling MagusChapter 23

I followed the girls into the store and felt something wash over me. I looked back at the door. There wasn’t a curtain or any kind of air blasting to maintain the temperature of the store, so I had no idea what I had felt. The store was just on the cool side, which I preferred. The girls disappeared down the far aisle, too excited about finding costumes to notice that I wasn’t right behind them. I smiled, curious about what the store had to offer, and considered where to start...

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Miriams Dance With Rogues

This story will borrow places from a game mod called A Dance With Rogues that was made by this cool girl called Valine. It’s a great mod. If you have the game Neverwinter Nights, I highly suggest you try out the mod. Just google it. Anyways, the protagonist Miriam’s world (or rather the world Valine created) is a world where might generally makes right. Kings and Queens rule city states. Mercenaries and magic abound. Yep. That means, no guns, computers, air conditioning, or Wal Mart. So in...

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Brains and BrawnChapter 15

The spring semester, and the summer that followed, were more of the same. Katie led her team to the conference championship and a second-place finish at the World Series championship in Oklahoma that year. John completed another perfect 4.0 semester, and during the summer session completed his undergraduate degree in Physics with a minor in Astronomy. He was looking forward to beginning his master's degree program in the fall. Katie continued her education in tavern management with Tim. At...

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Perfect PitchChapter 9 Coda

We were married that Saturday, six days from the day we officially met. Lots of people meet and get married even quicker. I read somewhere that the chance of this kind of marriage lasting is as good as any. Time will tell. One thing is for sure. It was one hell of a week. We held the ceremony at Rebecca's parent's house. The house sits on a little hill and from the large, shaded patio in back there's a view of Lake Travis. One of the local Justices of the Peace is a golfing buddy of...

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Birthday Boy GangbangChapter 6

“Remember, this is just lunch. Or brunch, rather. We needed the calories, right? There was no way that we were gonna be able to wait until supper and the birthday party, not fucking at this rate, wouldn’t you say? Not even you, Eddie, despite how much cum you slurped from my twat,” Britta-Lise encouraged all of us to eat hearty for our own sake and hers. We indeed devoured the classic Danish Smørrebrød open-faced sandwiches on rye bread that she served us with considerable variety, just in...

2 years ago
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Mumzie After Lunch

Mumzie 2 After his step sister and his friend left, he whimpered into the gooey penis gag that was stuffed into his aching mouth. His arms were numb up behind his back and he was dizzy with the bondage and rubber encasing his body. He whimpered again thinking how he was restrained. He was encased in a black latex body suit from head to toe. A wide leather posture collar held his head up high and back. Only his eyes and nose holes were visible as a wide leather head harness...

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