Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
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Pat and the cold room.
"What do you mean, I'm not enough of a masochist?" We were tussling thatspring over what it all meant. I don't think Pat knew about Janne, but I wasdissatisfied in general and ready for something to happen. Pat was a smallblonde woman, in her thirties then, pretty and sweet but not too adventurousto that point. More so than the woman I'd been married to when I met her. "Ilike a good spanking as much as anyone." I looked at her and didn't say anything. "Okay," shesaid, "what do you want to do then?" She was nervous. "Do you want to use yourbelt? Is that it?" I pulled my robe open to show her my hard cock. "I thinkyou are on the right track." She looked at my penis and then back at my face. "Youwant to whip me with your belt?" I sighed. "You just don't get it. I want tohurt you. I want to do whatever I want. I want you to want that. You don'twant that. It doesn't turn you on. It doesn't work if it doesn't turn you on."
We were sitting in the living room of the apartment on South Grand. Pat wason the couch and I was sitting in the rocking chair. "You don't know me aswell as you think you do." She was pissed off and I didn't think I'd be 'gettingany' any time soon. I thought about who I might go stay with for the interim,until I could find a place to live.
When I was first with Pat she was coming out of more than a decade with Larrywho was perhaps gay. They had had sex approximately fifty times in all thoseyears. Pat had had a couple of affairs, notably with her cross-the-street neighborand Larry's professional friend, John. After we connected she had tried toturn off the Janne thing in my life, but it would never go away. On some levelshe knew how much I loved that sharptongued skinny vixen. But at first Patand I had sex at least two and sometimes more than three times a day. Thiswent on for three years. During that time we were not particularly experimental,although we probably thought we were. We smoked a lot of pot and we fuckeda lot of straight fucking. We did do some oral sex, and even some anal. Bondagea few times. I got her to shave her pussy. But when I pulled out my belt shebacked away. That was the beginning of the end, of course. After that I knewI couldn't count on her to be the lover I needed. And of course I had Jannewho though she was married to someone else, would provide the kind of releasemy tender ego needed.
I figured that would be the end. And a year or two passed.
That afternoon she came back to the apartment. When she came in the backdoor she still looked pretty distraught, but somehow determined. She said helloto me where I was sitting at the dining room table, working on the typewriter,and disappeared into the bathroom.
An hour later she came out, her hair done and curled, lovely brown-blondelocks, her makeup exquisite, just short of looking like a whore, and naked.I saw that she had shaved her mons veneris carefully and apparently rougedher labia. Her nipples were stiff and also rouged.
"I am your's now," she said. "For any thing you wish, no matter how painful."
"I will make you cry." I leaned back in the chair.
"I want to cry. I want to scream."
"Are you aroused?" I stared at her, wondering where to take this. Her handwent to her vulva. She pulled at her clitoris. "Yes." She lied. I knew herwell. I knew she was lying.
I got up and went over to her, taking her hand, pulling her to me, I lightlykissed her lips, sliding my tongue in her mouth. I walked her into the bedroom,and pushed her down on the bed. "Spread yourself open. This is going to hurt." Ipulled my belt from its loops. She lay back and spread her legs far apart. "Notenough," I said. "More." She widened the gap, pulling her lower lips apart. "Howmany times shall I hit your pussy?"
Her eyes blinked and watered. "As many times as you like." she whispered.
"Good answer." And I hit her, right across her pussy lips. She hollered andsnapped her legs shut. "Oh my god. That really hurts." I pulled my robe off. "Isthis really what you want?" I asked her. She looked up at me, ready to startcrying. "I just want you. I want you. I need to be with you."
"Then open your legs and keep them open." And I started slapping her betweenher legs as she struggled to keep them apart. I knew I would have to tie her.You always do, eventually. I've never met one who's will could keep her bodycompletely open to the lash. Maybe that girl, if there is one, will be theperfect fuck.
And I slapped her with my belt between her legs fifteen or sixteen times,until her face was wet with tears. And I tore her open with my stiff cock.It hurt going in, but Oh the Glory of it. I fucked her painfully for a littlewhile, finally coming to an exquisite orgasm, while I licked the tears offof her face.
"Not very good, but you get the idea." I said. "Now, did you really enjoythat or was it just a terrible adventure?"
She wiped at her face and said, "It was great. I really liked it, but ithurt so much and it was hard keeping my legs spread."
"Yes, next time we will have to tie you." She embraced me and held me close. "Anything.Anything you want. Anything."
It was a temperate spring day. April. The cruelest month.
The Cold Room.
I ran the air conditioner in the bedroom, set all the way up. It was actuallyquite cool outside but I had something special in mind. Pat hated being cold.But she also hated being hot. The air conditioning was all window units inthe old apartment building. The one in the bedroom was the newest one we owned.And really too powerful for such a small room.
I called Pat at work. "When you get into the garage you are to take all yourclothes off, including your stockings and shoes. Then you are to walk intothe apartment from the garage." "Someone will see me." "We can only hope." Shesighed. "Okay."
I put the pitcher of ice water in the refrigerator. I put the enema bag andthe nozzle in the freezer. I checked the mold to make sure the icy cock washard and frozen.
At a little after five the back door opened and Pat came in the kitchen,nude, as ordered. "I don't think anyone saw me, except that old lady on thethird floor. Well she already thinks I'm a whore." She was apprehensive. Sheknew I had been planning something.
"Come in the living room with me," I took her hand, kissing her and idlycaressing her breast. We sat on the couch and kissed and I moved my hands overher body. "Take this," I handed her a small purple microdot of lysergic aciddiethylamide. She sucked it in her mouth.
I moved my hands between her legs. She was bare, shaving daily as instructed.I put fingers in her pussy and spread them apart. She was lovely and strainedto be as open as she could. I put three fingers in her asshole, just to forcethe issue up a notch or two. "It's going to be a lovely asshole hurting night,darling." She sucked at my tongue. "Please be gentle," she pleaded. We haddone a lot of anal sex, but always with considerable preparation, and sometimesshe would say she couldn't do it. I shook my head. "Not this time, darling.Gentle is what we won't be." I squeezed her breasts very hard, tugging thenipples. "Are you in for this?" "Yes. Okay. Whatever you want." She soundedresigned.
I leaned back. "Suck me while the acid comes on." She opened my jeans, tuggingthem off and kneeling before me. She licked my dick very prettily and thenset about sucking me hard. I knew she was thinking if she could get me offthat would ameliorate the level of pain I was going to take her to. And shewas right. If she could get me off that might interrupt the plans. I couldfeel the acid coming on. And I could feel her increasingly frantic suckingand her fingers playing with my testicles, lightly, delicately. I drew my legsup so she could tickle my asshole. She licked my balls, she licked down theflesh to my asshole. She stuck her tongue in my asshole while frantically jerkingme off. Poor baby. "Nothing is going to save you today, my little virgin martyr." Shecame back to my penis and deep throated me, choking as she did so. Boppinghard down on my stick, taking it all the way in, her mouth pressed to my pubichair. I held her head like that, knowing she couldn't breathe.
I let her up and she came off, starting to retch. When she calmed down, whileI sat there rubbing my lengthy boy and watching the room glisten with the drug'seffects, she lay her head on the couch, still kneeling below me. "Are you readyfor the eveninng's fun?" I asked her. "Aren't we going to have dinner?" "Maybelater, if you are a very good girl. Actually I don't know whether you willhave much appetite in an hour or so." I ran my fingers through her hair. Shehad started to cry. I almost came at that.
"I want you to go to the kitchen and bring me what you find in the freezer.I also want you to bring the pitcher of ice water in the refrigerator. Andbe quick about it." She rose to her feet and padded off through the diningroom into the kitchen. I could hear the door opening and her deep sigh. Andthen a loud, distressed sob. She appeared in the doorway between rooms. Thetears were rolling down her cheeks now. Her chest was heaving and she had startedto cry for real. "Please, please don't make me . . . " She carried the enemabag and nozzle in one hand and the pitcher of ice water in the other. "Please …"
"Ah yes, just what I wanted you to bring." I took the bag from her and putthe hose and nozzle on the coffee table. "You can help me fill it with theice water." I could see that she was trembling. I held the bag and gesturedfor her to fill it and she poured the water and small bits of ice in, shakinga little as she did it. Spilling some on the carpeted floor. When it was fulland bulging out the sides, like a fat pregnant orange ball, I told her to stop. "Now,screw the hose into the bag." She could hardly control her hands, but she compliedwith the order. "Now, get the Vaseline." There was a jar on the side tableby the couch and she reached for it, opened and proferred it to me. I heldthe bag in one hand and the nozzle in the other. "Grease it up darling. Useplenty and it won't hurt quite as much." She put some on the black plasticstick.
"Now, kneel down and lay on the coffee table with your hands above your head." Patvisibly pulled herself together, and, like a beautiful sacrifice, knelt atthe foot of the table and lay herself, face down across its length. "Now, takeyour hands and reach back and pull your cheeks wide apart." Slowly, one ata time she reached behind her and parted the globes of her derriere, exposingher red anus.
"The rule is, you hold it until I say you can let it go. If you fail I willwhip your pussy until you faint. Got it?"
She started crying again, "whatever you want." I put the nozzle into herasshole and shoved it up there good. I turn the little device and let the icewater flow down into her.
She started sobbing continuously, her back to me, shaking. I squeezed thebag hard, forcing more of the liquid into her bottom. I pulled the tip outof her, "Close it off. Don't you dare drop a single drop, my darling." My cockwas as hard as it has ever been.
She lay there, across the table, sobbing. After a few minutes she pulledoff onto her haunches and lay on the carpet, in the foetal position. "Please,please, please, make it stop . . ." she whimpered very prettily. I strippedoff all my clothes and knelt down in front of her, pushing my cock into herface, into her mouth. She sucked me very sweetly, the tears falling down hercheeks to the floor. "Please," I could tell she was still begging me. Aftera couple of minutes I pulled away and got up. "You stay put and no leaking!" Itold her. I went to the kitchen and got the ice cock from the freezer. I putit in the bedroom, by the bed. We were headed there, but first.
I went into the living room and pulled her up off the floor. She was bentover, trying to make the cramping less intense. "Please, can I go now?" I ledher by her hands to the bathroom. When we got there I pulled a cord out andtied her hands together. I turned on the shower and pushed her into the tub.I had turned only cold water on and she started screaming immediately. I tookher hands, tied together and put them over the shower head so that she washalf hanging there in the cold stream and I pushed her head under the stream. "Isaid, you better hold it until I say you can let it go." "Oh God! Please letme, please please …" She was jumping up and down one foot to the other,the water running hard on her, her hair wet. "Okay, you may evacuate." Shedouble-clutched in place and then the water expelled from her rear and intothe tub, running down the drain with the water from the shower.
I turned off the shower and took her down from the showerhead. "No dry" Itold her and dragged her into the bedroom and forced her down on the singlesheet. The room was frigid. You could practically see your breath in the air.She huddled on the bed, shivering. I took her hands and tied them to the topof the bed and then I spread her legs and tied her feet to the two bottom corners.She was wild eyed with fear and she shivered constantly. "I know how you likeyour air conditioning. Here's a little something to decrease your temperature." Itook the icy cock and brought it to her hairless pussy. I spread the lips andnoted that despite it all she was lubricated. I forced the ice cock into her.Hard. She grimaced and started crying again. I fucked her with the cock fora few minutes, then untied her feet and told her to pull her legs up to herchest. "And spread them wide" She looked lovely like that, the ice stickingout of her pussy. Her asshole was red and swollen. I brought my big cock, hardand very very mean, to her asshole and wet the tip a little. Then I drove himin, feeling the very cold passage. Ah. Now that was fucking.
I screwed her cold asshole for quite awhile. She sobbed under me and I heldher legs back over her head, driving in deep and feeling the ice cock stickingout of her pussy. "ahhnnnhahhnnn,,,please,,,,hurts…." She sounded sobeautiful and pathetic, trembling below me. I finally allowed myself a hugemachine gun like come. It felt like I was ripping open the world.
About a month later, I moved out. She never really did forgive me for thatfuck. That's why I always insist upon complete consensuality. It's better ifthey want it too. It's more pure that way.
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MaturePat and I were in bed. She was sitting on my dick which had begun to deflate after filling her tight pussy with my cream. For a fifty-six-year-old, Pat has exceptional control over her vaginal muscles. It's incredible how she can pull the last few drops of cum from my balls with them.Instead of dismounting, Pat remained on my dick. She had a disconcerted look on her face, so I asked if she hadn't enjoyed our romp."Of course I did. I always do. It's just that there is something I have been...
MaturePat and I were in bed. She was sitting on my dick which had begun to deflate after filling her tight pussy with my cream. For a fifty-six-year-old, Pat has exceptional control over her vaginal muscles. It's incredible how she can pull the last few drops of cum from my balls with them.Instead of dismounting, Pat remained on my dick. She had a disconcerted look on her face, so I asked if she hadn't enjoyed our romp."Of course I did. I always do. It's just that there is something I have been...
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Only four hours to go before Pat would be picked up by her new friend Peter. We met Peter one evening earlier this week on the beach. It was Pat’s first date in years, she was very excited; I caught her touching herself a few times. We had chosen the outfit she was going to wear, now all she had to do was get ready. I couldn't resist myself, though. As Pat leaned over the bed, I put my hands on her hips and slid my hands down. She was only wearing a pair of track pants that slid down easily...
CheatingWhen I woke, I looked at the bottom of the bed. I was just in time to see Pat’s bare bottom disappearing into her blue sweatpants. Then her lovely tits being covered by her pink tank top. I like that one, because it is tight, and when she isn’t wearing a bra, like now, it shows her small pert breasts off beautifully. There was also a slight shadow of her areola showing and of course her pointy nipples on display.She looked up and saw I was awake, “Come on, get up.”“Why don’t you come back in...
CheatingIt was a balmy summer evening. Pat and I were sitting outside having a drink."You're staring," Pat said.I couldn't help it. Pat was wearing a white tank top and no bra. It wasn't see-through, but I could make out the size of her areola."Has anyone else seen you dressed like that?" I asked.Pat took a drink of her wine, "Of course. Only the other morning, I answered the door dressed like this. It was a delivery man with a package. He stared at me the same way you are."I knew there was no delivery...
MaturePAT By MichelleA Edited By Holly Logan As we prepare to renew our marriage vows, I can't help but remember the past. Pat and I have been married now for ten years. During that time we have been through many trials and tribulations. I first remember seeing Pat during our high school sophomore year. My first impressions were of a tall awkward loner that had recently had their teenage growth spurt. However, different classes, with the same circle of non-friends kept us apart. From a...
Pat and I were away for the weekend. We settled in our hotel room, and I told Pat I wouldn't mind a nap. Pat wasn't tired because she had slept a good chunk of the drive."Okay, you have a rest, and I will have a look around," Pat said after kissing me on the forehead.I made myself comfortable on the bed while Pat freshened up and fell asleep before she left.When I woke I couldn't believe it, I had slept for nearly two hours. I slithered off the bed and splashed cold water on my face.Back in the...
MatureI had spent a disappointing night alone. Yes, I had fucked Pat last evening, but she spent her night getting banged by a younger guy. A much younger guy.Today would be a better day if things went to plan. Of course, I wanted Pat's pussy again, but Alice, Pat's friend, was in the mix.My phone buzzed. It was Pat, and she sounded concerned. "It's Alice. She is being a right fucking pain in the ass. Talk to her."Alice came on the phone and told me she was sorry, but it was all too much, and she...
MatureSince our visit to Sam's, Pat has become more relaxed when it comes to not wearing a bra. At home, she almost never wears one, taking it off as soon as she walks through the door. Even in public, she is more relaxed without one.As for me, I'm enjoying the attention she is receiving from men's eyes. Knowing that they are admiring my wife's breasts, and more often than not her erect nipples.It excites me, as much as it does Pat.Dave, her lover, hasn't seen her since we got back from Sam's. Pat...
CheatingIt was time to revisit my seventy-three-year-old ex.On the way down, I stopped for a coffee and a bite to eat. I checked my phone for messages. There was one, a photograph of a nice ass in white cotton panties. Not Pat's.When I reached Pat's door, I was an hour late, and Pat made sure I knew. "Where the fuck have you been?" I could see her nipples pushing against her thin sweater, so I clamped the right one between my thumb and finger."Fuck me, that hurts," Pat squealed.I used Pat's nipple to...
MatureAlthough Tom liked the quiet moments with her, today it was hard to resist his want to take Chloe there on the couch. He hadn’t fucked her in over 24 hours now. He was holding off and building up his cum for when his new daughter arrived. It was supposed to be any time now, but it was still frustrating having such a great piece right in front of him and having to hold off fucking her. He kept reminding himself that he would be blowing his load inside his new daughter very soon. Then, he would...
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
My wife This is not a true story, everything is easy posted so far is what has happened to me growing up but this is just something I hope for.My wife and I are good friends with another couple and sometimes go out with them for lunch. I’ve had a hard on for Betty for a long time, she’s not a super model type but just a everyday looking woman. She is a full figured woman with about a c cup tits. Long dark hair and a nice ass. Jed, her husband is a short man about average man sometimes funny and...
Well, now it's time for school. Candace and I go to a small high school, not private, but because we are so rich, it is not exactly public either. The students have been screened by my fathers' security teams; they are all exceptionally bright, well mannered, not prone to causing trouble, and to add ice cream to the pie, all are very good looking. There are 40 students, 20 boys and 20 girls. When the school was larger it had state champion quality teams in boys basketball, girls volleyball...
We had for a long time wanted to find out what real swinging was about and whether it was as exiting as friends and contacts had made it out to be.We had been corresponding with a couple, older than us, but seemed a real nice couple and the photos that we had seen of them were very inviting. After numerous email and photo swaps it was arranged that we should meet them, if only for a drink at a "go between" pub one night.That day we went to Oxford Street and looked in the shops for something...
Andrea's Goes to School and begins to grows up By Robin Y. School started at St. Theresa's Junior High in September and I was excited and fearful to start my freshman year. Thus far, my new life as a girl had been limited to being with Aunt Hilda and her friends. The few other teens that I met didn't seem to be interested in including me in their circles. When school started things changed. In ninth grade all the girls came from different feeder schools. Most girls had at least one...
I’m a 42 year heavy equipment salesman, and up until recently, everything was going extremely well. My wife and I live in a large house on ten acres. My wife drives a Land Cruiser and I have a Porsche Boxster, as well as a pick u truck. Between the house and the car payments our nut is around six grand a month. My wife Pat is a 41 year old well endowed blond. At 5 ’6” she tips the scales at 135Her legs are firm and flawless, and her tits, which are 36 C’s defy description.She has always been a...
"Always good to see you again, Debbie," said Jennifer. "The actors that are portraying us are amazing, the special effects are beyond amazing, and I think everybody is going to really enjoy the film." "I know you worked very closely with the studio on this, how true to life is what we're going to see on the big screen?" Debbie asked. Matt replied, "Well Debbie, we did have to leave some things out for, uh, time considerations, but all the vital events are there and we think it...
Pat and I got together when we worked at the same firm. She was the boss’ secretary and worked in a lovely office with the secretaries of two of the other directors. I fell for her immediately. We were both single and she was tall and with legs to die for. At thirty three she was in her prime and had a figure that was just designed for clothes. She didn’t wear them. She modelled them. At five feet six tall she had a figure that most women would die for and most men would want to die to get...
"The captain has turned off the seat belt lights, feel free to move about the cabin." The voice continued to drone on, but Patricia turned to David and touched his arm. "That's it, they said it! Now will you tell me? Master?"David turned toward her and smiled. "You really were waiting that whole time, weren't you?"She leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "Well, of course. And you promised that once we were in the air and they made the announcement, you'd tell me what this trip was all about....
Hello guys, mera naam azim hai aur aaj main aapko apni 4th story sunaane wala houn, meri first story mere gay guard ke saath thi aur pichli dou stories apni maids ke saath thi. Meri 4th story bhi ek gay story hai to agar aapko iss type ki stories nahi pasand toh phir please meri koi aur story read kar le magar main yeh zaroor boloun ga ke yeh story aap ko bohat pasand aayi gi. Yeh story urdu aur pashto dono main hogi. Ab main story shuru karne wala houn, yeh ek asal story hai jo koi 3 months...
Gay MalePat Becomes entertainment for black men I’ve been married to my wife Pat for fifteen years. We’ve always been great together in bed. She is sexually submissive, and I’m an A type personality. She likes being taken, not being given a choice. She likes it a bit rough and nasty. I’ve fucked her in public, on my office desk, on the hood of car in a city parking lot. . I once fucked her in the back seat of a moving taxi. I treated like I owned her and she loved it she couldn’t get enough of it. I’ve...
This is a story about a sexual FANTASY written for consenting adults. If you're not both of those, don't read it. Characters in a FANTASY don't get sick or die unless I want them to. In real life, people who don't use condoms and other safe-sex techniques do get sick and die. You don't live in a FANTASY so be safe. The fictional characters in my stories are trained and experienced in acts of FANTASY - don't try to do what they do - someone could get hurt. If you think you know somebody...
Vanakam, enathu peyar Vinoth vayathu 25 nn puthuvaiyil vasikiren, naan patta padipai padithu midithu 2 varudangal aagugirathu. Ippozhuthu enathu kalluriyil pattam alipu vizhvil kalanthukollumaaru azhaipu vanthu irunthathu. Naan paditha padipuku pattam kidaika poogirathu endru santhoshamaaga irunthathu. Enathu udan padithavargal annaivrum varuvaargal appozhuthu enathu senierpengalum varuvaargal. Athil ennaku munbu oru kaathali irunthal avail naan munbu kalluril vaithu oothu irukiren ippozhuthu...
Dear sexstory friends, this is Rajesh presently working in Bangalore in an MNC and I would like to share my past experiences with you people. I am a 38 years old horny man with a slightly big cock of 8 inches and satisfied many girls and Aunties from past 20 years. Any unsatisfied girls, Ladies and widows can feel free to chat with me on The incident happened when I was 18 years old and studying PUC in Bangalore, when a new Malayali neighbours occupied the vacant house next to our home. They...
So there I was. Detention. As usual. Girls like me ended up there a lot. I'm your stereotypical punk rock fuck up, a troublemaker. And so at 3:38, as usually, I was in room 204, Detention. I sat there looking down at homework, pretending I was doing it. Just then, Heather Sanchez, the feisty Hispanic homecoming queen came waltzing through the door. She took a seat down next to me, and I gave her a shocked look. I mean, who'd imagine that the perfect teenage girl would end up next to me? There...
LesbianKevin and Pat always reserved a special time an Saturday for playing around, and this week was no exception. Pat is a little cutie at 5 foot 4 inches and a shade under 120.She has brown almost straight shoulder length hair and big deep brown eyes. Her chest was nice for her body some where around 34c.She has nice well rounded hips and a nice tight ass with long muscular legs with came from the exercise that she has done.Her husband Kevin is also a strong man. He is 5foot 8 inches tall and...
Andee felt a little reluctant as she stared at the calendar hanging on her kitchen wall. Scribbled in among her children’s sports and music lessons were the pending dates of her fall travel schedule again. At one time, she loved the idea of jetting off for a few days every month to another distant location for business, easily slipping into her professional role as a career woman on the move; but this time around, she felt a little hesitant.Of course, a big part of her reluctance was a direct...
Wife LoversAndee felt a little reluctant as she stared at the calendar hanging on her kitchen wall. Scribbled in among her children’s sports and music lessons were the pending dates of her fall travel schedule again. At one time, she loved the idea of jetting off for a few days every month to another distant location for business, easily slipping into her professional role as a career woman on the move; but this time around, she felt a little hesitant.Of course, a big part of her reluctance was a direct...
Wife Lovers