Mistis Adventures Part 125
- 2 years ago
- 25
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I awoke, or at least I think I did ... the memory of the how is fuzzy now, the who, not so much. Anyway, I’m going to tell this how I remember it, which isn’t necessarily what happened, but when Heaven is protecting its secrets, mere mortals, including Mages, simply have to deal with what they want you to remember.
I was sitting at a campfire. It was warm and the sky was filled with stars, more stars than I could possibly believe. But, then again, I think that might have been kind of the point. I wasn’t supposed to be somewhere I could believe in.
Opposite me though was someone I could definitely believe in...
“Yes, my love,” she replied with a radiant smile.
“Am I dead?”
“Tricky,” she replied with a grin now.
“OK. Er ... what on earth are you wearing?” I asked, somewhat bemused.
“I told them I looked like a blancmange in this. I wanted jeans and T-shirt. But, oh no, I have to look ‘heavenly’ for the mortal soul ... that’s you by the way, John,” she replied.
“Angels interfering?”
“Like you would not believe.”
“What on earth for?”
“Stuff I can’t talk about. Sorry, John.”
I concentrated hard and snapped my fingers, Mary Poppins’ style, and suddenly Thea was in a simple white T-shirt and jeans.
“Ooh, I didn’t know you could do that here,” she laughed.
“Neither did I. I just assumed I could,” I said and went to her as she stood and we hugged and kissed for a while.
“I missed you,” I finally said.
“I know,” she murmured, eyes downcast. “For now though, we have a short time until things are readied.”
“Readied for what?”
“Explanations I think. I’m just one of the rewards for a destiny achieved,” she replied.
“But you can’t stay?”
“No, John. But we can say goodbye properly.”
This is one of the areas where it gets fuzzy, but we did say goodbye, and yes, we did make love a final time, but mostly I just remember Thea and her beautiful smile.
I awoke, the campfire was still burning but Thea was gone, yet I didn’t feel sadness or regret, simply a deep satisfaction that she was OK and that we’d meet again in the fullness of time. Sitting opposite me this time was Jerry and another Angel and this one looked like someone had stuffed a broom handle up his bum. Well, that’s the impression he gave anyway.
“Jerry,” I greeted him with a nod.
“Greetings, John. This is Michael,” he replied.
“I kind of guessed that from what others have said about him,” I replied. “Greetings, Archangel Michael.”
“I should smite you from existence for your lack of respect,” was all Michael said.
“Rather doubt you’d want to deal with Jude if you did,” I replied, then blanked him.
“Quite,” added Jerry, whose eyes were twinkling somewhat.
“So, why am I here? As far as I’m aware I died and Oonagh passed through the exit, which means she won,” I stated. “Not that meeting Thea again wasn’t appreciated.”
“That wasn’t the test,” Jerry replied.
“It should have been,” Michael added with a grimace.
“Are you questioning our Lord?” Jerry asked him with a raise eyebrow.
“Of course not!” Michael retorted.
“The test was to see who would be prepared to stand and face a far greater threat to the Earths, not who could get out first,” Jerry replied, ignoring Michael’s comments. “The Guardian would have fed on the souls of all, if freed. Its powers are limited in the labyrinth to doing God’s will.”
“I couldn’t let whatever the hell it was out.” I answered. “Oonagh might have won, but at least humanity and the other sentient races would be alive, even if slaves. That thing was hunger personified and it was only in that chamber that I stood a chance of stopping it, so I decided to do that.”
“Even at the cost of your life?” Jerry questioned.
“A price I was prepared to pay, trusting that those I loved would survive the hell of Oonagh’s reign to come,” I replied.
“You know nothing of Hell,” Michael snorted.
“Why’s he here?” I asked.
“Authority figure to sign off on the result,” Jerry shrugged, getting a frown off Michael.
“So what happens now?” I asked.
“Well, we heal you. You then get a few options,” Jerry replied.
“A cure for the Drow poison?” I requested politely.
“Has already been given to Mage Rowenna,” Jerry answered. “That was already promised. It isn’t an option.”
“Pah!” Michael snorted.
“Does he really have to be here?” I asked.
“That isn’t an option either,” Jerry chuckled as Michael looked even more offended, as if that were possible.
“So what are the options?” I asked.
“Well Oonagh in chains, for one. An eventual place on your Council of the Wise. Power, glory, fame, stuff like that,” Jerry replied.
“No thank you.”
“You cannot refuse!” Michael thundered.
“Just watch me.”
“You must be rewarded!” he tried persuading me, though it still came out like a threat.
“I have my reward. Róisín will recover and she bears my child. What else could I possibly want?”
“Oonagh’s head on a stick?” Jerry asked with a grin.
“Much as I’d like that, I suspect it would happen eventually anyway. She’s pretty much on her own now and I can’t see her ever rebuilding her power base without it being challenged,” I replied thoughtfully.
“It would,” Jerry replied with a nod. “So tell me, John. What could you possibly want that heaven could provide? Please don’t ask for the dead to be restored, that isn’t an option,” he added.
“I wish it was. It’s broken Morgana’s heart to see so many of her friends dead,” I replied.
“Her reward will come in the form of twin daughters,” Jerry revealed, getting a frown off Michael. “It will heal her heart.”
“I’m glad to hear that. But there’s nothing I want that I don’t already have,” I replied.
“Told you he’d pass,” Jerry said to Michael.
“He just lacks imagination,” Michael replied.
“I lack imagination?” I chuckled with a huge grin when I looked at Michael.
“You passed the final test, John,” Jerry chuckled.
“Bet you there’s another one along the line,” I laughed.
“There are always tests, John. But no more to be had here,” Jerry replied. “You’ll be restored to Earth and you can take Oonagh with you. I’m pretty sure Verenestra will want a word with her over what she did to Arwen.”
“Yes, I rather suspect she will. I’m going to presume Oonagh’s neutralised,” I agreed.
“Same principle as the cuffs you use, but designed for Fae,” Jerry explained.
“Won’t she just will herself to death?” I asked.
“Removed that too,” Jerry grinned.
“This hardly seems like a fair test. Oonagh is what she is after all,” I mused.
Jerry handed me a parchment, it was written in old Fae, but I found I could read it with no problem, another gift I suspect.
‘In the fullness of time the Queen of all will face her Nemesis.
He will be of the prey, but with power.
She will know him without knowing.
He will turn all against her.
In the end a choice will be made, a destiny chosen.
Choose wisely, oh Queen.
Let not your people face abomination.’
“I can see why she would have misinterpreted this,” I said with a wry smile.
“Yes, prophesy is like that. It’s only understood afterwards for a reason,” Jerry replied.
“Big whopping clue in the last line though,” I chuckled.
“Only if you believed the Guardian was the abomination and not your Nemesis,” Jerry nodded.
“What would have happened if Oonagh killed the Guardian?” I asked.
“An eventual Daoine Sidhe renaissance,” he replied.
“From my point of view the world is better off without them,” I shrugged. “What of the Drow?”
“Not my problem; yours, or rather Verenestra’s,” he grinned and handed me a comfortably handled chain.
“Jerry, would God have really let that thing out?”
“He doesn’t work like that. There was no possibility of one of you not dealing with it,” Jerry shrugged, though for once didn’t look too sure of himself, nor did Michael.
There was a shimmering and Oonagh was there with us, looking confused and rather fearful.
“The cuffs also limit her strength, John. So don’t worry on that account,” Jerry added.
“I won!” Oonagh finally cried out. “I won!”
“First out wasn’t the test. The test was to fight the abomination,” Michael told her. “You were informed that only one of you would leave, but we never said they would be the winner.”
“But I fought him,” she replied, pointing at me with both hands linked by the cuffs.
“He’s abominable, but not an abomination,” Michael replied neutrally.
“That was an attempt at humour, I believe,” I chuckled.
“You’ll never prove it.”
“But the prophesy!” Oonagh wailed.
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-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Well and Truly Tucked -*- Copyright 1998 by Ellen Hayes. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for satirical purposes. This work contains adult situations, adult language, adult concepts, and possibly sex. If you are legally not allowed to read materials containing such things, then you will be breaking the law by reading this. I am not...
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Just after college, I rented a small guest house in a up and cumming part of town. It was quant and quiet and none of my friends lived close by, so I had lots of time to watch gay porn and play with my dildo. I had gotten rather comfortable with so much privacy, a would forget to close the blinds. The old lady I rented from couldn't see the guest house from her windows, I was tucked away enough I would read outside naked. One day I got really horny and started to lube up. I put on my favorite...
I met Anne while working at an advertising company during college. She was very, very hot. She had the classic American look, blonde hair framing an light oil complexion and big soft lips that were built for sucking cock. She was skinny with curves in all the right places and had nice round breasts to complete the package. Needless to say I was attracted to her right from the get go and was very pleasantly surprised when I discovered the attraction was mutual. We began to see each other...
Jessica was waiting for Veronica when she returned. “We need to talk.” “It can wait.” With her bag slung over the left shoulder, Veronica took the stairs two at a time. Shower was first, that bigoted bitch after. ... Feeling human again, the athletic blonde sought out her shorter forced roommate. “So, talk.” “Your interference and taking the subject out of observation is unacceptable.” “Aw. Did you want to watch us running through the woods?” “I don’t see the point of that anyway. You...
Skylar has been babysitting for our family for a while, although her attitude sucks sometimes she is good at her job. My wife recently accused me of watching porn on the family computer thankful we found out who was watching it… It was Skylar. My wife tells me to have a talk with her about it, I sit her down and let her know that these things can not be happening in the house and we may have to let her go. Skylar begs me to keep her job and tells me she will do anything to keep her job....
xmoviesforyouThis Story is a work of fiction. All Charecters in it are totally fictional, with the exception of a few. It is roughly based on true to life events that have occurred in my life, with a heavy twist on things to make a story and to make it with an eventaul happy ending. This story was created to conform with the NEW HuggleBugs Universe. I would also like to take this chance to thank KimEM for editing this story and helping it flow, For understanding, and knowing what life is like...
(My good friend Riz was very upset the other day when I wrote story of another friend) ”You don’t love me anymore. You never have time or interest to write my stories.” She blasted me. I explained to her. I can keep up pace with express trains but not with supersonic jets. Riz’s fucking life has so many incidents in such short intervals, you start writing about one incident, another ten would pile up before you write few sentences. I can only write her biography after she decides to stop...
Hi everyone, this is Vimal from Tamilnadu. I am here to narrate my hot encounter with a married friend and how I deflowered her of her anal virginity. This is my fist narration, I have done my best to keep you engaged and hope you guys enjoy. About me I am 30 married 6’2” tall, athletic and wit looks that’s never been rejected ,I never get to measure my cock but I surely know it’s long and thick enough to make a women more than completely satisfied (that’s what they say) I have a very healthy...
"Sara? Are you all right?" What an incredibly stupid thing to say. "What's wrong?" She just rolled over a bit, still clutching her stomach and moaned. Then, "Jack." Almost a cry. I tried picking her up but she was just so much dead weight. "Hang on. I'll be right back." I went into the house and pushed through Mary's door. She didn't even have a chance to cringe before I'd pulled her off the bed by her arm. Dino followed us down the hall and out the side door. "Give me a...
For 20 years I have always been the apple of his eye, and he, my night in shining armor who always kept me safe. Whenever he wrapped his arms around me, I’d melt into him and become the sweet little girl I once was, but what else would you expect, he is my daddy after all, and we share a very special relationship. Most people notice it right away, how close we are, if only they knew how close we get, I wonder what they would think then? One of our favorite things to do together is to go see a...
IncestSam's mother, Carolyn Lewis, was just getting out of the shower at her house when Sam used the house key to slip inside. She still had her towel on, but she was so startled at seeing him that she accidentally dropped her towel. She froze as she realized that her son saw her naked. She couldn't even bring herself to cover up. She didn't do a thing until Sam closed the distance and planted a kiss on her lips. Carolyn drew back for a second, not believing that her own son had just kissed her...
hello friends this is sunny again, you give great apprecitio to my last stories, for the new readers iam sunny from delhi, i had done sex with my masi, bua and one iss reader also, iam 6ft in height, fair well built, lives in delhi, any bhabhi, aunty or girl intrested plz contact me on , this is my facebook id also u can mail me on that. our relation will be fully confidential. ab me apni story par aata hu, ye story meri sister ki friend ke bare me h, meri badi behen ki kafi friends hamare...
The following few days found Jenny and I in a heightened state of sexual need. We had travelled home from Melissa’s on Friday afternoon and had made the three hundred mile journey in record time. Something was driving us both onwards to our own home in the countryside. At one point while we were on the motorway, Jenny even leant over and started to feel my cock beneath my jeans. Something that she hadn’t done for a long time. I glanced at her briefly and smiled, then returned my attention to...
So, shortly after Catherine got fucked in her van for two hours, She drove me back to school so I could go home. I got home about 6, about ten minutes before my Mom. Great timing, so I wouldn’t have to explain anything. I ate supper, then retired to my room to reflect on the trip to the park and subsequent sex in a van. Catherine’s Double D tits were firmly engraved in my memory, as was her tight ass and willingness to suck and fuck. I’d be revisiting her church sometime.I pulled my cock out to...
By the time I got to my room it was 5AM. Some of the state highway workers, who stayed at the Motel, had already begun to stir. If I had gotten into my room an hour earlier, I would have likely just fallen into bed and passed out. Since people were moving around, I knew that if I didn't run, I would lay awake filled with guilt. I refused to clean up though. That being the case, I dressed in my tight fleece running pants, and my tight long sleeve fleece knit shirt. After that I wrapped my...