Mistis Adventures Part 125
- 2 years ago
- 25
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I awoke, or at least I think I did ... the memory of the how is fuzzy now, the who, not so much. Anyway, I’m going to tell this how I remember it, which isn’t necessarily what happened, but when Heaven is protecting its secrets, mere mortals, including Mages, simply have to deal with what they want you to remember.
I was sitting at a campfire. It was warm and the sky was filled with stars, more stars than I could possibly believe. But, then again, I think that might have been kind of the point. I wasn’t supposed to be somewhere I could believe in.
Opposite me though was someone I could definitely believe in...
“Yes, my love,” she replied with a radiant smile.
“Am I dead?”
“Tricky,” she replied with a grin now.
“OK. Er ... what on earth are you wearing?” I asked, somewhat bemused.
“I told them I looked like a blancmange in this. I wanted jeans and T-shirt. But, oh no, I have to look ‘heavenly’ for the mortal soul ... that’s you by the way, John,” she replied.
“Angels interfering?”
“Like you would not believe.”
“What on earth for?”
“Stuff I can’t talk about. Sorry, John.”
I concentrated hard and snapped my fingers, Mary Poppins’ style, and suddenly Thea was in a simple white T-shirt and jeans.
“Ooh, I didn’t know you could do that here,” she laughed.
“Neither did I. I just assumed I could,” I said and went to her as she stood and we hugged and kissed for a while.
“I missed you,” I finally said.
“I know,” she murmured, eyes downcast. “For now though, we have a short time until things are readied.”
“Readied for what?”
“Explanations I think. I’m just one of the rewards for a destiny achieved,” she replied.
“But you can’t stay?”
“No, John. But we can say goodbye properly.”
This is one of the areas where it gets fuzzy, but we did say goodbye, and yes, we did make love a final time, but mostly I just remember Thea and her beautiful smile.
I awoke, the campfire was still burning but Thea was gone, yet I didn’t feel sadness or regret, simply a deep satisfaction that she was OK and that we’d meet again in the fullness of time. Sitting opposite me this time was Jerry and another Angel and this one looked like someone had stuffed a broom handle up his bum. Well, that’s the impression he gave anyway.
“Jerry,” I greeted him with a nod.
“Greetings, John. This is Michael,” he replied.
“I kind of guessed that from what others have said about him,” I replied. “Greetings, Archangel Michael.”
“I should smite you from existence for your lack of respect,” was all Michael said.
“Rather doubt you’d want to deal with Jude if you did,” I replied, then blanked him.
“Quite,” added Jerry, whose eyes were twinkling somewhat.
“So, why am I here? As far as I’m aware I died and Oonagh passed through the exit, which means she won,” I stated. “Not that meeting Thea again wasn’t appreciated.”
“That wasn’t the test,” Jerry replied.
“It should have been,” Michael added with a grimace.
“Are you questioning our Lord?” Jerry asked him with a raise eyebrow.
“Of course not!” Michael retorted.
“The test was to see who would be prepared to stand and face a far greater threat to the Earths, not who could get out first,” Jerry replied, ignoring Michael’s comments. “The Guardian would have fed on the souls of all, if freed. Its powers are limited in the labyrinth to doing God’s will.”
“I couldn’t let whatever the hell it was out.” I answered. “Oonagh might have won, but at least humanity and the other sentient races would be alive, even if slaves. That thing was hunger personified and it was only in that chamber that I stood a chance of stopping it, so I decided to do that.”
“Even at the cost of your life?” Jerry questioned.
“A price I was prepared to pay, trusting that those I loved would survive the hell of Oonagh’s reign to come,” I replied.
“You know nothing of Hell,” Michael snorted.
“Why’s he here?” I asked.
“Authority figure to sign off on the result,” Jerry shrugged, getting a frown off Michael.
“So what happens now?” I asked.
“Well, we heal you. You then get a few options,” Jerry replied.
“A cure for the Drow poison?” I requested politely.
“Has already been given to Mage Rowenna,” Jerry answered. “That was already promised. It isn’t an option.”
“Pah!” Michael snorted.
“Does he really have to be here?” I asked.
“That isn’t an option either,” Jerry chuckled as Michael looked even more offended, as if that were possible.
“So what are the options?” I asked.
“Well Oonagh in chains, for one. An eventual place on your Council of the Wise. Power, glory, fame, stuff like that,” Jerry replied.
“No thank you.”
“You cannot refuse!” Michael thundered.
“Just watch me.”
“You must be rewarded!” he tried persuading me, though it still came out like a threat.
“I have my reward. Róisín will recover and she bears my child. What else could I possibly want?”
“Oonagh’s head on a stick?” Jerry asked with a grin.
“Much as I’d like that, I suspect it would happen eventually anyway. She’s pretty much on her own now and I can’t see her ever rebuilding her power base without it being challenged,” I replied thoughtfully.
“It would,” Jerry replied with a nod. “So tell me, John. What could you possibly want that heaven could provide? Please don’t ask for the dead to be restored, that isn’t an option,” he added.
“I wish it was. It’s broken Morgana’s heart to see so many of her friends dead,” I replied.
“Her reward will come in the form of twin daughters,” Jerry revealed, getting a frown off Michael. “It will heal her heart.”
“I’m glad to hear that. But there’s nothing I want that I don’t already have,” I replied.
“Told you he’d pass,” Jerry said to Michael.
“He just lacks imagination,” Michael replied.
“I lack imagination?” I chuckled with a huge grin when I looked at Michael.
“You passed the final test, John,” Jerry chuckled.
“Bet you there’s another one along the line,” I laughed.
“There are always tests, John. But no more to be had here,” Jerry replied. “You’ll be restored to Earth and you can take Oonagh with you. I’m pretty sure Verenestra will want a word with her over what she did to Arwen.”
“Yes, I rather suspect she will. I’m going to presume Oonagh’s neutralised,” I agreed.
“Same principle as the cuffs you use, but designed for Fae,” Jerry explained.
“Won’t she just will herself to death?” I asked.
“Removed that too,” Jerry grinned.
“This hardly seems like a fair test. Oonagh is what she is after all,” I mused.
Jerry handed me a parchment, it was written in old Fae, but I found I could read it with no problem, another gift I suspect.
‘In the fullness of time the Queen of all will face her Nemesis.
He will be of the prey, but with power.
She will know him without knowing.
He will turn all against her.
In the end a choice will be made, a destiny chosen.
Choose wisely, oh Queen.
Let not your people face abomination.’
“I can see why she would have misinterpreted this,” I said with a wry smile.
“Yes, prophesy is like that. It’s only understood afterwards for a reason,” Jerry replied.
“Big whopping clue in the last line though,” I chuckled.
“Only if you believed the Guardian was the abomination and not your Nemesis,” Jerry nodded.
“What would have happened if Oonagh killed the Guardian?” I asked.
“An eventual Daoine Sidhe renaissance,” he replied.
“From my point of view the world is better off without them,” I shrugged. “What of the Drow?”
“Not my problem; yours, or rather Verenestra’s,” he grinned and handed me a comfortably handled chain.
“Jerry, would God have really let that thing out?”
“He doesn’t work like that. There was no possibility of one of you not dealing with it,” Jerry shrugged, though for once didn’t look too sure of himself, nor did Michael.
There was a shimmering and Oonagh was there with us, looking confused and rather fearful.
“The cuffs also limit her strength, John. So don’t worry on that account,” Jerry added.
“I won!” Oonagh finally cried out. “I won!”
“First out wasn’t the test. The test was to fight the abomination,” Michael told her. “You were informed that only one of you would leave, but we never said they would be the winner.”
“But I fought him,” she replied, pointing at me with both hands linked by the cuffs.
“He’s abominable, but not an abomination,” Michael replied neutrally.
“That was an attempt at humour, I believe,” I chuckled.
“You’ll never prove it.”
“But the prophesy!” Oonagh wailed.
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My sisters: Jill is 24, tall, slender, brunette, dark brown eyes, wears her hair very long and straight; she's got beautiful mid-sized but pointed tits and large puffy nipples. She has a tattoo on the small of her back and one around her navel. She may not be hot in a 'centerfold' sense, but all of my friends think she's the hottest girl in town. They're probably right. She's smart, in college, and has a very serious relationship going with another student. Jenna is 18, short dirty blonde hair,...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Two: Sister's Anal Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! James Wilson I hadn't had a real chance to talk with Jenny, my eighteen-year-old sister, since we made love during their lunch break at school today. We had shared our passion, committing the most wonderful incest I could imagine. We took each other's virginities and discovered new aspects of each other. I had no idea my little sister was so...
Mom has agreed to let me stay for two months with the understanding that if she has a client there or coming I’m to make myself scarce until they leave and I agreed to that. Well mom is a commercial realtor and she deals with work buildings and plants for sale so her stress level is high but the pay offs are huge too. So as a treat to herself she has this woman come and give her a full body massage at the house and she’s even given me one too and is she ever good even though she wouldn’t take...
The dawning of Christmas morning found the two of us tangled with each other as sleep gradually left us. She was laying partly on top of me, her hair splayed across my chest, and I could feel a little wet spot where she had likely drooled in her sleep again. I was debating about the best and most fun-filled way to wake her when she gave a little start and rolled around a bit, then lifted her head. Her eyes found mine, and she smiled, then stretched her neck a little to reach my lips. "Merry...
I guided her into the hotel room. This will be the first time submitting her body and mind to a master. It did not matter taking it easy on someone was never in my nature. By the end of the night she would know if this life was for her or not if being my slave would sate her inner most burning desires. Desire she freely expressed to me, desires I fully understood and desire that would have normally rotted her from the inside out if not dealt with. She seemed nervous an attribute I didn't...
Well Met “Vic?” I looked up from my reading into the most sultry, soulful brown eyes I thought I would never see again. “Hello, Amanda! How are you?” Once upon a time, Amanda and I had been friends, and then lovers, but as things went, we fell apart and went our separate ways. I had not seen her in several years. I stood up, and we hugged and kissed quickly. I offered her a seat at my table, and she took it. “What’s been keeping you entertained?” she asked as we sat. “This and...
Chris Taylor was having a very mixed kind of day. He should be feeling great about now, but for some reason he did not. His sister was 'the' topic of conversation at Cherry Lawn High this morning. The chatter wasn't positive in nature either. What Chris had always wanted was now here. His sister was now a social outcast just like him, hell even worse than him, he was pretty much ignored for the most part. Jamie would not be having that problem anytime soon. Why was it not as much fun as he...
If there is one thing I hate- it’s lines. Long, unending lines that hold you back from something you have dreamed about experiencing since you were 7. I’m at All-State… I’m one of the best sopranos in NY. It couldn’t get any cooler then that. After what seemed like an eternity, I got my room number, my keys, my meal cards, my, ugh, fluorescent green nametag that must hang around my neck at ALL times. It glared ‘SAMANTHA’ in huge, black, letters, with a smaller ‘Schwartz’ underneath. Yummy-...
She wouldn't be out till 3:30, but I didn't mind waiting at her porch. I had a book I was reading anyway. About 5 minutes into my book I heard the gate open. I thought it might be her and she left class early, but it was her mom. I got up to greet her with a hug and a kiss on the cheek and she invited me in. She offered me a drink and told me to get comfortable. I restarted my reading from where I left off and her mom left to the room. A few minutes later she came out with her hair down,...
"Hey I need to ask you a favour. Can you meet me at mine?"Parveen had sent me the message. I was intrigued. Parveen is my fwb and has been for the past year and a half. I told her that I was free and would be at hers in 10 minutes. I walked over wondering what she needed. She seemed serious, and wasn't asking for a fling. I got to her place and rang her bell. She let me in and asked me to sit down. I honestly had no idea what to expect, and honestly I was kind of nervous. "I need to ask you for...
First some hugs and kisses, then a hot bubble bath for her, Was making her dinner she walked up behind me wrapped he arms around my waist and kissed my neck telling me I was her special princess. she pulled up my skirt slid her hand in my panties took my little bald smooth clilit between her finger and thumb and stocked it. Whispering in my ear "I would rather suck this then the biggest fattest cock in the world" I turned we kisses and she went to her knees taking it in her mouth. She was...