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January 13, 2018

Dear Ms. Diary,

[Written January 14]

I suddenly woke from a lurid dream that my two nipples were being sucked by different lovers to find that it wasn’t a dream. I moaned, then opened my eyes to the crowns of Rhee and Char right in front of my face; my two nipple-suckers. I moaned again.

“I think she’s awake, now,” I heard Heather say. “It’s pretty rare that Rhee wakes before Beth. I think she’s still catching up on sleep from winter break.”

I had closed my eyes, again, because, of course, some aspects of sex are more enjoyable when one’s eyes are closed. Right? That first tentative lick of a nipple or tongue swiping along the outer labia. I know I can barely keep my eyes open for either of those.

Despite not seeing, I responded, “It’s not polite to talk about someone when she’s present. Or, at least, that’s what my mommy taught me when I was young. Is that not true anymore?”

“She must have gotten a good night’s sleep. She woke trying to be funny.”

After that, I could feel someone moving on the top of the bed and felt a presence in front of me, so opened my eyes to see Heather’s lovely blue eyes staring down at me sideways, her body to my right.

“I love you, Heather. I also love my two nipple suckers. However, now they’ve gotten me all horny.”

Looking into my eyes with her shining eyes and that great smile shining below them, or, from my point of view to the right of those eyes, she replied, “And we’re going to keep you that way all morning.”

“No fair,” I moaned with fake exasperation. “Just make me cum, you sadists.”

“Oh,” Rhee said after taking her mouth off my right nipple, “did you want to be whipped by us sadists?”

I closed my eyes again, mashed my head farther into the pillow, and replied, “Speaking of comediennes.”

Eyes still closed, I moaned again as someone’s finger ran along my pussy lips, after which I moaned in disappointment as all manipulation of my erogenous zones suddenly ceased.

“Yes, ‘sadists’ was the correct term,” I faux grumbled.

“Come on, slugabed. It’s already after 8. Civia’ll be here in a couple hours. She texted that she’s really excited to make what she termed ‘the first of gazillions of short walks from my new house to my second family’s house’.”

I chuckled and opened my eyes and found Char’s eyes, then said, “I have a comment and a question for you. The comment is that you should have seen Civia when we first met her. She was very little like the Civia of now, all happy, outgoing, and funny. My question was ... Actually, I have two ... maybe three questions, so we might want to consider those in the kitchen.”

We repaired to the kitchen and decided on hashed browns and cheesy scrambled eggs. We introduced Char to our new favorite eggs condiment, tomatilla-based green hot sauce, which she took to right away.

“Wow! That’s great and what a kick! I need to get a bottle for home.”

Gracey replied, “You can take one from here. The Moms bought it by the case last time. Well, no, it’s only a six-pack, but you’re still welcome to take one home.”

The girls had been kidding about keeping me on edge all morning. I asked Char what she thought of her second night of abandon with us.

“Oh, gosh. It was even better than the first, although part of that was that I knew my way around better this time. I’m so looking forward to living here. One thing I realized last night was that being one of those girl-loving girls makes having sex so much less angst-filled. I don’t have some of the worries that those purely boy-loving girls have. It was so fun last night. I am particularly happy that I got two of you to cum ... all by myself. I’m getting the hang of this. I also, now, fully understand why you chanced telling me about you and Charlie. I’d have chanced it, too, as I’m loving this lifestyle of nudity and sex.”

I replied, “You’ve now answered two of the questions I had for you.” I frowned in thought, then added, “I can’t seem to recall the third question. It’ll come to ... Oh. It just did. For your weekend next month, do you want us to invite Brit and Cera, too, or do you want to keep it to just us six? Or seven if Meka’s joined us?”

“Oh. Meka changes the ... geometry. If Meka joins, I’d like to have a weekend here with you six before adding the other two. Although perhaps they could come over for the Saturday so I can spend time with them to see if we’re compatible.”

“That makes perfect sense. That’s the way we’ll plan it.” I had another thought, then said, “I’m not thinking well. Brit and Cera will be here tonight so that they can be here Monday morning ... or, rather, afternoon, so Brit can do the body painting to finish off our appearances for the competition tomorrow night.”

“I’m tempted to call Mom and see if I can stay another day and go to school with you again, as the competition thing sounds fun.”

I looked at Char, sighed, then said, “I can’t wait ‘til you move here.”

We decided to take a shower – even though we were going to play soccer this afternoon – in order to wash away the sex of which we all smelled, although we did not wash Rhee’s hair.

The soccer game was fun! The weather was great (relatively calm, mid-60s) and Celeste came to watch! She had gone to school to pick up Andressa and hung out on the sidelines during the game with Brett and Lana, who Brett’s dad dropped off. Since 12 boys showed up to play, including our favorites (Victor, Jamaal, and Seamus, who is not Rachel’s Seamus), we played 11-on-11 with one sub that could play on either team. In order to make it easier to figure out who was on which team, we played shirts and skins, though we girls all wore sport bras, except for Civia, who defined which team was shirts.

We had Victor and Hope pick teams again, and for the same reason, with Victor selecting Civia first.

He said, “I want her scoring any amazing goals against Hope, rather than me.”

Civia returned the grin he sent her as she stepped out of the mass to join him. The rest of the women were split up fairly evenly. Hope had chosen Meka first and had also taken Rhee, Katie, Kim, and Heather, so Gracey, Char, Rachel, and I were on Victor’s shirts team. We took a half-hour break when Civia tied the score at 2 with a great shot, curling a right-footer into the upper-right corner from about the penalty-box line on the other side of the goal.

“That’s why I wanted her on my team,” crowed Victor.

Katie said, “Yeah, that was a good one, Girl. I thought I had you covered well enough that you couldn’t shoot.”

“I thought the same,” Meka responded. “She got just one step on you to her right and that’s apparently all she needed. Of course, perfectly placed shots are always a problem. It wasn’t a boomer, but our goalie still had no hope of getting to it.”

There was much chuckling at Meka’s witticism.

After the game, which Hope’s team won 4-3, a few of the boys hung around and chatted with us. When Victor, Jamaal, and Seamus found out Andressa was on the university team, their eyes bugged out.

“No wonder you had my number so often,” said Seamus. “You’re really good, and I don’t say that lightly since I’ve gotten some experience with these girls that frequently run rings around us.”

When Victor asked about her accent, she explained that she was from Brazil, but that her father worked in the Brazilian diplomatic service and was stationed in DC.

Victor asked, “Just tell me if I’m being too nosy, but why didn’t you go to one of the East Coast schools?”

“I grew up in Sao Paulo, which is a huge city, and I wanted to go to school somewhere smaller and with more ... umm ... open country, fewer people. My family was on a driving vacation a few years ago and we came through here. I really liked it, so investigated the school here. I applied to other schools, but this was where I wanted to go. They accepted me, and here I am. The climate is also much more to my liking than the East Coast.”

When we were down to just the 12 women, Brett, and the three guys we like best of the pick-up-game boys, I suggested we go to The Cold Sweets; everyone agreed. We shoved a few tables together and, like last time, got bowls rather than cones to make talking and eating ice cream at the same time easier.

Seamus said, “I wish I would have been here the last time you ladies played. I like it when you do, as I usually learn something, and it’s particularly good for a change of pace. I think you make everyone play better or harder, so they don’t get shown up so badly by gurrlz! This was the best game I’ve been in for a long time, and I’m sure you’re the reason ... or reasons.”

Jamaal replied, “I’m sure you’re right. I’ve learned a few things, too, one of which is that you girls rock.” He turned to Char and asked, “How often are you here? You live in Grass Valley. Right? But you’ve played here a couple times.”

“I visit Beth and company once a month, but that might change in spring.”

Jamaal was about to say something in response, but looked at Civia, furrowed his brow, and asked, “What’s got you so excited?”

Civia, a grin on her face, looked at Char, then glanced at me. Char looked like she was trying to keep from laughing at Civia, because she was being quite antsy.

Char smiled at Civia, turned back to Jamaal, and said, “I may be living with Beth and company next school quarter, and be here through summer.”

Victor exclaimed, “No freakin’ way! I assume you’ll be on the premier team. Yes?” When she nodded, he said, “They already had the best offense in the state. Holy smokes! And Civia will be on the team. Right?” Again, Char nodded, and Victor said, “I’ll try to get to as many of your home games as I can make, but I ref a lot. Even losing ... uhh ... Ann. Right?” Another nod and he added, “Even losing a really good center back, adding you two should make up for it, and that’s if Gracey doesn’t keep getting better. I got to a couple of Central’s games, and her time in the midfield last fall obviously got her learning a bunch. I think you won’t miss Ann all that much with her at center back.”

Gracey looked surprised, but recovered, saying, “Thanks, Victor. I appreciate the compliment, a lot, coming from you.” She looked around the table quickly, then said, “We girls really appreciate you three boys. You’ve been accepting of us from the start, despite that we’re younger than you and, you know, gurrlz.”

“No prob. Besides, my older sister would kick my a ... butt if I wasn’t respectful. She doesn’t play soccer, but she’s an athlete, too. She got a scholarship to play volleyball at Virginia Tech. She’s waaay better at volleyball than I am at soccer.”

Rhee jumped in, saying, “Oh, wow. Some of us love volleyball, but it’s a fall sport, too, so we’ve never been able to play other than in gym. What’s her name? I’ll look her up online.”

The conversation began turning away from sports until we headed out the door. We said our goodbyes to the boys and walked to the house.

On the way, Rachel asked, “When will your new house be available for the next sleepover?” In response to a few sideways looks from the seniors, she said, “Yes, okay, I’ve enjoyed hanging with these crazy freshmen and I’m looking forward to the next one.”

I said, “Do you want us to invite your Seamus?”

She opened her eyes wide as she looked at me, then responded, “No. I’m not sure I could keep my hands off him if I were sleeping in the same bed, even with other girls in the bed, and I don’t know that I could deal with him sleeping with other girls if I weren’t with him. I ought to be able to do so, but I’m not sure I can.”

I grinned at her and said, “This could provide you with a good test!”

She laughed at me, then said, “Too good of a test. This crowd has a sizable percentage of the hot girls in school! He’s a good guy, but you might be too much temptation.” She turned to Brett and added, “I don’t know how you manage. I’m not into girls, but if any group of girls could change that, it would be this group. To a girl, they’re interesting, enjoyable, and attractive.”

Brett replied, “That’s exactly why I manage. They’re all you said and they all like me, and I’ve had nearly no friends this good.” He pulled Lana into his hip and added, “If I pissed them off, my cousin and only other friend might even abandon me, so I manage.”

The seniors other than Meka took off when we got back to the house, and the seven of us that played today took a quick shower, as Brett and Lana were staying for a while. Civia and I helped Rhee with her hair. As we were drying it, I looked across Rhee’s head at Heather and frowned, then queried Civia.

“Is it just me, or are you even taller?”

She nodded, saying, “Another three-quarters of an inch in the past month plus. I’m closing in on 5’5”.”

Rhee said, “You’re gonna pass us up this spring if you keep growing like that. You’re also filling out a bit.”

“I am. Coach hasn’t seen me in a while. I hope she’ll be pleased.”

I responded, “I’m sure she will. You don’t look much like the skinny, little girl you were when we met you. We’ll have to get Meka to have a session with you in which she knocks you around a bit.”

Again, she nodded, then added, “Yes, I probably need to do that, but I like what I see in my mirror. Meeting you guys has completely changed my life. I’m in better shape all around. I’m stronger, and I have a lot of good friends. I’m happy, very happy. I’m really looking forward to the premier season!”

Around 4:30, we had a round-robin of hugs for Brett and Lana, as Meka was driving them home.
Four parental units arrived as we were seeing our friends out the door, so we had a brief round of hello-goodbyes. After things got settled, Char and I asked to talk to them while the others hung out upstairs; we did not want to overwhelm the parents with the seven of us, and, of course, there was at least a chance of the discussion going somewhere we did not want to go in front of Civia.

Char explained about the GV soccer team, what we girls had discussed at the state tournament, and her disastrous conversation with that team’s coach.

“My mom and I talked about this, and she suggested a solution, and then the whole family discussed it. When I got here, I talked with the girls, and I’d like to ask you if you, all of you, but particularly Sandy, Carol, and Charlie, if you’d be willing to put me up starting with the school spring quarter and going through summer so that I could join the premier team here.”

Same as Beth
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 424 Mom and Dads Bedroom and a Discussion About Becoming Moms and Dad

Friday, July 25, 2008 (Continued) I teleported us into Mom and Dad's bedroom. It was a combination of two things I knew they enjoyed: their Corvallis bedroom's panoramic view, and the breakfasts we'd had high in the Cascade Range. Their bedroom was built into a high point on the ridge of a mountain range. The range was higher several miles farther north, but this was the most scenic spot. It was low enough to be pleasantly warm outside, and being below the timberline - the ridge itself...

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Wife Touches Buddy 8

My wife returned to find a fresh cocktail waiting for her. It was just a little past midnight, so the night was young. None of us had put any of our clothes back on. I thought it was kind of cool that we all felt comfortable enough hanging out naked. We decided that is was time to take the party to the pool and headed in that direction. We all jumped in, swam around and enjoyed the refreshing water. After about 30 minutes of playing around, I decided to go and mix more drinks for us. When I...

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A Special Saturday

As the June Saturday dawns, the Palmer family begins to stir, each in their own rooms. Their house in Tangletown, north of Seattle proper, has three floors, with the master suite (with built on patio) and a spare room on the top floor, three bedrooms on the second (with patio for the two girls' rooms), and an open floor plan on the main floor consisting of a comfortable, if small, kitchen and a living room with all the usual entertainment options. There is an unfinished basement used for...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 64 St Martin Part IV

May 31, 1993, St. Martin, Leeward Islands, Lesser Antilles Ellie yawned and stretched about thirty minutes after I had woken up. I’d simply stayed spooned with her, with my arm around her. The eight girls and I had stayed out until nearly 2:00am dancing at a club in Philipsburg on the Dutch side of the island. I’d danced with all of them, except for Maria who spent most of the evening dancing with two Dutch kids and hadn’t come home with us. The rest of us had a great time together, and I...

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Incest Sex With My Sister 8211 Part II

It all happened 1 year back. My sister & my jiju are working in the same company at a very high post, and they stay in Mumbai. My sister is 10 years elder to me. Her name is Rita and mine is Jay. I used to call her didi, because of the age difference. As we stay in Mumbai, so I used to visit their house not frequently but not rarely also. Now coming to my sister, her boobs were 38C; she has a very good and round ass, with big breasts which can make any man die for it. She is a mother of one but...

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Huey And Dana Shower Off

The following is a preview of a sequel I am in the midst of writing to a story of mine awhile back, 'Great Four Way To Stay In Shape' that seemed fairly well received. The link to the original tale follows...“Oh, GOD – Huey!!!” A sweet voice from just below me exclaimed. I couldn’t help but squint my eyes a bit; Even though I tried to keep them open to drink in as much of the exquisite delight as possible – I couldn’t help the...

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Annies Journey Ch 4

For the next several days after last Friday night with Tom and Eric, I was quiet and didn’t feel like having sex which was really unusual. Rob kept asking me if everything was OK and I told him it was, but it wasn’t. I had to have some time to think about what happened Friday night. But finally I had to talk with my husband after I got home from the office one night. I walked into our den and sat down next to him on the sofa and said, “Rob I need to talk with you.” Then I took a deep breath and...

Wife Lovers
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Sandy and Frank Ch 20

They got together a couple of more times before Frank took his prelims, having sex and prepping him for the exams. Several times she helped him ‘relax’ after a day’s exam. There was more badly needed relaxing while awaiting the results. Fortunately, he did pass and, a week later, the oral exam was completed and he was unofficially ABD – all but dissertation. He and his advisor had discussed his proposed research topic, so the next step was doing the research and writing while holding a...

3 years ago
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Nudism with mm part 2

Read part 1 first....I was shocked, how. the hell could mom know I was swimming naked?Barbro must have told her,, I didn't know what to say when mom dropped her bra and panties on the ground, standing fully naked in front of me...I stepped back, and askedif she has been spying on me? No no, the lady in the shop told me she met you, and that you was naked and a bit embarrassed when she arrived. She is a nudist my mom said, and she had no problems with your nudity at all. What is a nudist I...

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Air Force Base Lonliness

I knew that when I married Kelly, there would be times when we were apart for extended lengths. Such is the downside to marrying an Air Force officer. But that’s okay because we loved each other and our bond was so strong that we could endure being apart for months at a time. Sexually, things were fast and furious when we first married. However as time went on and she advanced in rank, her away times increased which ultimately led to a decrease in our sex life. Once again, it was something I...

3 years ago
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SEXFIGHT AT DAWN translated from the French

SEXFIGHT AT DAWN (translated from the French) Note: This story was originally written in French and posted on XHamster 3 years ago (and is still there). I have translated it into English as well as I could for those who cannot read French. I apologize for the clumsy English since I tried to follow the French as closely as possible. ———————————————————————————————————— One must say that she didn’t feel like hurrying. Manuela de Gonzalez was always late and, furthermore, she hated that two-bit...

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In The Car

I remember a particular incident that happened many years ago with married friend that I had known for many years but never in a sexual way.We were in his car and travelling quite a distance to buy plants from a specialist nursery,long before the days of garden centres.The talk eventually got round to sex, as it often does between men and after a while he asked me what I thought about sex between men.I had to be very careful before I answered as my wife and I had known him and his wife for...

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Catering For A Stag Do Chapter 7

Dave watched Bob move to the end of the bed, admire then caress Trish’s butt, before stepping back to remove his clothes.  Whilst Bob disrobed, Dave stepped out of the room to check on Sally again.  He was amazed to see Adam sitting in a chair next to Sally, and her holding his hand.  She had her eyes shut, with Ezekiel towering over her, hips moving with hard determined thrusts. Dave looked to Sally’s face, expecting it to show pain, as she was being taken so hard.  But there was nothing but...

Wife Lovers
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The Kennedys 13 That got the cream

Simple, easy to follow instructions, that works for me. So I hasten to do just that, my clothes got left on the chair I'd just been sitting on, and I knelt between her open legs on the bed. I enter her and thrust away. She's obviously enjoying it, the usual moaning and writhing, I'm enjoying it as well, obviously. I start slow, I want to make it last, it’s probably not going to last that long, it’s the first fuck of the day, I'm always a bit eager, but I'm trying. That's when she opens...

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Feed Me

FEED ME by Emma Finn 1 Meeting Adam changed my life. I'd been burned by love before - badly burned - and I wasn't really on the lookout for somebody new. I missed the companionship and, God help me, I missed the affection (not that I'd ever had enough of that), but I was also very wary about trusting again. I'd been in a long term relationship for nine years with a guy called Jonathan and really, looking back, it had been nine years in prison. He'd treated me badly; made...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 73 Hypothetical Questions

December 5, 2000, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota “I had a good time last night,” I said. “I was surprised you invited a friend!” Mary laughed as we walked into the exam room, “Naomi had a good time as well. You know what a Resident’s life is like.” I nodded, “No social life.” “Exactly. You guys seemed to hit it off pretty well.” “Yes, but I’m not here for that!” “You’re everywhere for that, and you know it!” I couldn’t help but laugh. “Let’s just say that you hit the sweet spot -...

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Pepto Bismo Dreams Ch 01

Views from the bathroom window while waiting for that memorable Chili, Pizza, Doritos and beer dinner feeling to go away. * The house stood high atop a bluff overlooking the Okanogan river and the little town of Jessup. The long dead builder’s vision of grandeur placed it dangerously near the edge of the high bluff. Only a wooden fence five feet high stood between the house and a long, long drop. The fence was built inches from the very edge. The land proved more stable than the many...

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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 18

‘Who is it?’ ‘Ashley Fine.’ ‘Jeff isn’t here.’ ‘Open up, I want to talk.’ ‘Jeff isn’t here. I have to study.’ ‘Open the door.’ ‘I can’t.’ ‘Now!’ I said it with the authority of a police detective armed with a warrant. I heard the click of the lock and the turning of the knob before the door swung open. ‘I don’t know where he is.’ He was a little taller than Jeff, though not quite as lean. He had the frightened look of a plebe, anticipating the random hazing of upperclassmen. I brushed...

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The Wild Wild West Ch5

Days turned into weeks and I was having the time of my life. Wade and I spent every free moment with each other. He took me out to candlelight dinners, went to the movies, went dancing, and he even took me to a carnival and won me a giant teddy bear. I named it Waddy, ha ha. I basically started staying at Wade’s house with him. At lunch time he would come home and eat the lunches I had ready and waiting for him. After lunch he would fuck me like there was no tomorrow, then he would go back to...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 38 Yankee North

Sunday, September 17, 2006 In mid-September things got a lot more interesting. Unfortunately, in combat, interesting was not really what you wanted. The rest of Second Brigade showed up in Baghdad and got their assignments. Fourth of the Fourth had done such a bang-up job on Route Indigo, that the rest of the brigade was going to do the same thing. They were going to go from north to south, starting out somewhere up near Fallujah on Route One and then running south into the Triangle of Death...

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ManuelFerrara Melina Mason Spreads Her Cheeks For A Hard Anal Pounding

Melina Mason possesses the biggins’ and she shares her fleshy goodness with lucky Frenchman Manuel Ferrara in this scene from “Big Ass Tits”. Melina’s melons open the scene in another great tease session. She’s decked out in red lingerie but looks much better without it…her ass is packed with a jewel plug to get herself ready for Manuel’s pole. Mason’s huge, round cheeks rumble in doggie and reverse cowgirl. She then takes a bucket full of cum to...

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Gibbous Tendrils

The polished snow white stone floor was going to kill her. Jem’s silk slippers, designed for the plush carpets of the main harem quarters just weren’t made for running on the polished stone with a murderous harem guard in pursuit. Jem slid precariously around the corner, nearly falling, but she righted herself, looking back to see the giant, mute, eunuch several paces back – his calfskin boots weren’t any better than her slippers on the mirror-bright stone. She suppressed a smile – if she...

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made me a slut

I spent my time online since I was 18 watching tranny porn and crossdresser porn I really enjoy a mix of both especially with a big black cock in between I found a movie with a ebony tranny with a big cock and a white sissy gurl with a nice sized cock also... They got dolled up together and all of a sudden they were smearing each others make up on each others cocks... The things I saw that happened to that sissy was some of the hottest things I have ever seen... After this video I couldn't just...

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Lockdown Mums Story 1

About a month or so ago I came downstairs late at night to get a drink from the kitchen when I saw Kate at the laptop with her night shirt off and her large tits fully exposed. I said "Kate, what do you think you are doing?" , and she replied by saying "I am checking my breasts for any lumps". Being sexually naive for many years I didn't think anymore of this, especially when she asked me to help her to check for any lumps. I did this, I hadn't felt any tits for many years, more of this...

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my fantasy

Well, it would start off by me meeting you for lunch and we hit off by you saying that there is a party at my place for this labor day weekend and you live pretty close to me so i was thinking you should come....then you bite the lower part of your lips and smile because i have been staring at your lips as you spoke to me and i say ok, what time? You tell me the time and then i show up about 5 minutes early, and you have on a very revealing dress with cleavege just about to pop out. But not to...

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Mera Ladla Bhai

Mera laadla Bhai By: Sameera Yasmeen Hi! This is Sameera From Delhi. Mein 23 saal ki hoon. Mere fig 36 28 34 hai. Main aaj apko apni kahani pehli baar likh rahi hoon. I have been reading ISS and used to wondered how people think of having sexual relation with their close relatives. Because in my view relationship is a system which is to be adhered properly. Then something which happened between me and my own younger brother made to think differently and now I think that such thing can happen...

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Getting ByChapter 22

"Let me speak to General Lee, please," I told the guy who picked up the sound-powered phone. "One moment, sir," he answered. "What's going on, Gav?" Lee's voice sounded worried. "You need to find someone to relieve me, Jack," I told him. "Relieve you? Why?" "They've got Amanda, Jack," I answered, my voice trembling. "I don't think I can give the necessary orders." There was a long silence on the other end. "I'll send Gunny to back you up," he said when he came...

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Sliver in My Heart

Sliver in my Heart By Kyrie Hobson This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters in this story and any actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2010 by Kyrie Hobson. Permission is hereby given to share this story on the World Wide Web, provided that (a) no charge of any kind, including, but not limited to, subscription fees, is made in connection with access to the story, (b) the story is reprinted in its entirety, including...

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Buddys Cheats on his GF

This happened a few weeks back. It's taken me a few weeks because I've been trying to decide whether or not I should even write the story down. Not that I think anyone involved would ever find out, but still, it's probably better no proof exists. Like always, let me tell you about myself. I'm Josh, 29 years old, 6' tall, average build but heading toward athletic the past few months, brown hair and blue eyes. This story actually is more about one of my best friends Nick. There are many words I...

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