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Cataract Reaction By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter Seven He almost couldn't believe she would run off from him as he ran up the stairs and threw open her door. He walked around, whispering to see if she was hiding, but it was to no avail and then he raced across the hall to his room, thinking maybe she was there. Again there would be no sign of her, as back across he went to her room, finding some pajamas on the bed and then a note folded inside in some sloppy handwriting. "Glad you had a nice date and had to scram. Read your text messages." Immediately he ripped his phone from his purse and then instantly saw her last message. "Sorry Cinderella, back to being a pumpkin will have to wait. Pleasant dreams, and you love being poppa's pumpkin anyway. Best Day Ever! Text you in the morning." Before he could even reply, in walked his mother, catching him looking at his phone instead of changing, and almost snatching it away. "Please, Allie," said his mother, trying to grab it. "Could you just put your pajamas on and enough with the phone, so I can brush out your hair and I can get some sleep?" "Yeah," sighed Kyle, walking into the bathroom and dropping off his dress. He did his best to change quickly, and then out he came, annoyed to be in his sister's big pjs. He'd sit cringing as his mother brushed his hair, feeling the tug at his scalp as his extensions were going nowhere, making sure not make a peep as he soon found himself as she often was, waiting for bed in braided pigtails. "Please do a good job on that face, and don't let me catch you on that phone," said his mother. "Wash, scrub and right to bed. Should I take it now, or can I trust you're listening?" "Listening," said Kyle, powering it off and tossing it on the bed and walking into the bathroom. With it in his sister's case, he wasn't too worried about her looking at it ,as she didn't have his password. He listened, using the makeup wipes to wipe off most of it on his face and hated the stink as he scrubbed his face like he'd seen the women in his house do many times. It would take him awhile to fall asleep as he stared up at the ceiling, thinking about what had transpired and what he had done. Guilty feelings about lying and the prank would seem like nothing after thinking about the fact that he had kissed a boy, and that the boy really liked him. He looked over, seeing his dress sparkling in the dark room's moonlight as it hung from its hanger on the curtain rod in the window, and that only served to further remind him that not only did he just kiss Johnny, but they really made out. He lifted his fingers, seeing the glimmer from his long nails and then found himself playing with one of his braids as his mind wandered. He hadn't slept in his sister's room since they were little, and it would be his first time alone there, yet never did he dream it would be with him impersonating her. He couldn't fall asleep, so he did reach for his phone, hiding it next to his face as he flipped over on his side in case she walked in. He knew he shouldn't be, but on it but he started reading the tons of messages that Allie had sent him about sizing the dress that he never got. He had to laugh now as he scrolled, never heading all her warnings, but then there would be a stray message that popped up as he scrolled. It would be from Tiffany Solaro, asking how he was and that she was thinking about him, which instantly brought a smile to his face. He texted her back that he was thinking about her now too, and then suddenly when she texted back, it began a full out 2am chat. For an hour they texted and flirted until finally she sent him a series of hearts and said good night as maybe again he thought this could all be worth it. He stared at her picture on her Instagram, thinking this time their wrestling could be quite different than the last time, and that eventually sent him to a very pleasant dreamland. "Princess Allison." He felt a shake and then he heard his mother's voice. "Good morning sunshine, and let's get a move on." "What time is it?" grumbled Kyle as in came the light as she pulled opened every shade. "Seven," said his mother. "Up, and get a move on, young lady." "Seven? are you kidding me mom?" moaned Kyle, pulling the pillow over his head. "It's Sunday, and I always sleep in." "You mean used to sleep in before you had a boyfriend in the church choir," said his mother, pulling off the covers. "Now get up and I already told his mother last night that we'd be there. You think I wanted to get up this early?" "Why would you do that?" groaned Kyle as she ripped the pillow off his head. "You didn't even know if it would work out." "Oh I didn't tell her we would at all, until we watched a little of the prom live streamed together at her house while having some wine," said his mother, going through some of Allie's drawers, pulling some things out. "So you were watching?" asked Kyle mortified. "Like spying on me?" "Oh please! After what I saw on the back porch, maybe I should have been, but I knew you were with a responsible boy, so I really wasn't," explained his mother. "We were gossiping, just checking out all the dresses and barely paying attention until there was your gorgeous dress, slow dancing front and center and then next thing I knew I was mortified, seeing my lovely daughter busted by a teacher for having her tongue down her boyfriend's throat right on the dance floor. So really after that I couldn't watch, or I might have come down there and ripped the hair right out of your head, so I stopped. I controlled myself and believe me, Victoria was thrilled to see her son not being a wuss that he had such an interested girlfriend, so that just as much saved your pretty ass from me kicking it." "I think I'm going to be sick," groaned, pulling the covers back on. "No you're going to be the perfect little girlfriend again, prom girl, so get your ass out of that bed," said his mother. "You're going to first of all support your boyfriend, who also had to get up and second, I'm thinking church could do you some good! In fact maybe a lot of good!" "Oh gawwd, I'm exhausted," said Kyle, rolling over. "When does this end?" "It ends in forty five minutes with you cleaned up, and I already ironed your dress, which is hanging up! So how about good morning, and thank you mom?" said his mother, pulling off the covers again. "Teeth brushed. Basic makeup. This is church, not the prom! Some blush, mascara, maybe a little eyes shadow and some lip gloss. Neutral colors, and nothing more, you got me!?" "Oh this sucks," grumbled Kyle, rolling out of bed and into the bathroom. "Justifying you need church even more to me? than if just your boyfriend was there singing, aren't you? So wash your mouth out too with soap while you're in there, and for now I'm taking your phone," scolded his mother through the door. "Now don't dilly dally, and don't wait until the last second to figure out what you're doing with all that hair. You will not make us late or I'll be pulling you out of there by it." He heard his sister's bedroom door slam as he found himself having to use her tooth brush. He searched through some of her makeup and could easily handle a little mascara and then used her big blush brush. At first it seemed like too much, so he wiped it off and then after another try it didn't seem too bad. In the same little palette, he figured the soft beigy pink shadow had already been coordinated for him, and then there was a little peachy lip color he brushed on. He wiggled his face and sucked in his cheeks, thinking he'd done ok as his face still seemed pretty radiant from his facial, and then he already knew how to use a little clear gloss. He stepped back, staring at himself, looking cute with some makeup and bedtime pigtails in his sister's pajamas before he proceeded to unwind one side, watching his hair explode in waves. Once he unwound the other, he had no idea what he was supposed to do with all this hair as he reached back, digging under, feeling the little seams. It was wild and messy and he stared at himself until his mother interrupted, knocking on the door. "Allie, Nana's here already, so just get dressed and come on down," said his mother through the door. "Mom, I didn't even," Kyle started to say. "Yeah I know, figure out what to do with all that hair for church since you took those braids out?" laughed his mother, shaking her head. "Let me see?" "How did you know?" Saud Kyle, cracking open the door and seeing her smiling. "Mother's know everything, and just put on a head band for now, then we'll figure it out," said his mother, handing him a bra and panties. "Now get dressed and downstairs in two minutes, or should I just stand here to make sure?" "Just hand me the dress too please," said Kyle, rolling his eyes with his hand out. He closed the door, stripping off his pajamas and then quickly pulled on the pale pink panties and struggled but finally got the bra clasp closed. Inside the peach colored, sleeveless dress with a slightly fairing skirt he went, pulling closed the zipper as best he could, and then stepped from the bathroom. On the floor near the bed, his mother had left him little white kitten heeled sling backs that he slipped his feet inside, and then he stepped from his sister's room in her Sunday dress. From her vanity he took a thick white u-shaped headband, sliding it atop his head, pulling back his hair and then rolled his eyes, frustrated to be dressed as Allie again. Downstairs he headed as quickly as he could, not wanting to hear a lecture from his mother as he headed into the kitchen, seeing his grandmother sitting with his mother, having coffee. "There's my beauty queen," said his grandmother with a big smile on her face. "I heard you had quite the time last night, Allie." "Yes, Nana," smiled Kyle, hugging her. "Again thank you for everything, and it was very nice." "Really, Allie?" said his mother, ripping a tissue from the holder. "I said easy on things. Too much blush, honey." "Oh?" Kyle was embarassed as his mother was wiping at his cheeks with a tissue. "I was half asleep and you were rushing me. Whatever you want is fine." "That's more the answer I expect, but rarely get," said his mother in a firm tone. "Not from what I've seen it, never has been," said his grandmother, butting in. "Everything I asked I got polite agreement, didn't I dear?" "Yes, Nana," nodded Kyle. "Because you'd let her burn down the house if she asked," laughed his mother. "Just sit Allie, and I figured I'd flat iron you hair while we talk." "And ruin all those beautiful curls already?" interrupted Nana. "Can't you fix them and let her enjoy them a little?" "We have to leave in twenty five minutes mom, and it's not like you have all these soft curls we can tame for church," said Holly, shaking her head. "It's her school, so she needs to be appropriate, plus don't you need to try on her uniform and probably hem her skirt later?" "Fine Holly, but you could take some of them up," said her mother, annoyed with her daughter. "And sorry sweetie, but I can have Betty help you again anytime. I just thought she'd like it a little fancier to see her boyfriend, that's all." "Girls wear their hair straight a lot these days, mom. It's the style right now," said Holly, plugging in the flat iron. "Maybe if you didn't give her another freaking foot of hair I could fix it that fast, but instead of letting me know about that, I had to run around for this uniform she needs now!" "Please don't fight," said Kyle in the middle of it. "Please! I'll wear it anyway you want mom, and I'll do whatever you want too, Nana. Please, I have enough stress on me." "Well that's a start," said his mother, pulling a long strand of his hair out and brushing through it while spraying. "So you mean you have something on your mind you'd like should share with us?" "On my mind?" sighed Kyle, glancing up as she clipped a bit of section at his crown in a jaw clip and then flat ironed, gliding down a strand just above his left eye. "Uumm just lots of things, mom." "Like what?" asked his mother, dropping down the long strand and flattening the next. "Let's hear it!" "Oh gawwwddd?" sighed Kyle, listening to his hair sizzle as she glided through another section a few times. "Is this about boys again?" "Well it wasn't, but that is something we didn't finish talking about," said his mother, dropping down another. "Your grandmother doesn't believe how boy crazy her precious little princess is? So go ahead tell her?" "I can't mom," sighed Kyle, closing his eyes, not even wanting to think about it. "Because I'm not?" "Bullshit, prom girl!" said his mother, giving the next strand an extra yank as she brushed through it. "You think I didn't know who I'm dealing with here?" "Holly," interrupted Nana. "That's uncalled for." "Is it?" replied Holly, flattening the next section. "Did I not tell you no phones and to bed? and were you on yours?" "Maybe," sighed Kyle, staring down at his lap. "But not for long? And how could you know that? You spying on me again?" "I fucking should be, because you're so freaking deceitful, aren't you?" scolded his mother, brushing hard again. "Ouuchh mom," groaned Kyle as she gave a yank. "You're hurting me." "Holly?" said Nana, concerned, as in went the flat iron. "You're probably making a big deal out of nothing?" "Am I?" said Holly, dropping down the next section. "Tell your grandmother who's the liar?" "I am Nana," nodded Kyle as she moved the clip, working the next section. "I was on my phone. I didn't intend to, but I just checked it and got caught up." "That's better, and I wasn't spying," smiled his mother, brushing again and spraying in the back. "I just expected it, and now you've ratted yourself out!" "Like I didn't deserve the punishment I'll be getting eventually anyway," sighed Kyle. "I'm sorry, and I can't take it anymore. I have to tell both of you something, and whatever you do to me, I'll accept it." "Save it," said his mother, gliding through the iron. "Why do you think she's here?" "Oh so not to come to church with us?" smirked Kyle, tossing up his hands. "I'm sorry Nana. Things just got carried away, and I couldn't ruin everything. I was really panicked and freaked out and then there was Johnny and his family, and I was pushed to go. Things just kept spiraling and I wanted to tell you like a million times and almost did, but just didn't. Really in the end if I did I was just worried I'd ruin everything for him and for all that you did to help me." "I know, and that's what I told your mother," said Nana as his mother worked in the back now. "I knew all day honey, and knew how stressed you were." "All day?" asked Kyle, relieved as she tossed some hair on his shoulders. "And you still thought I should go through with everything? You let me, and it was ok with you?" "How could I not?" said Nana, reaching over and touching his face. "You looked so beautiful, and I knew you'd have a good time." "Yeah that was crazy, wasn't it?" sighed Kyle as she flipped more hair on his shoulders. "No, what's crazy is you should have told me, Allie," scolded his mother, brushing hard again. "You could have at least texted me if you were afraid to face me or tell Nana." "Maybe," said Kyle, trying to be tough until she lessoned her grip and just slid through the iron. "But it wasn't that easy. How could I just do that?" "How?" replied his mother, flipping over another section. "You text me nonsense all the time, but not this. Not serious shit, because you know I'll freak and kill you!" "Kind of," cringed Kyle as she was gliding through the next spot. "Exactly, and I'm finished," said his mother, shaking the hairspray. "Close your eyes! But understand I'm finished with your hair and your bullshit. You got me?" "Yes, mom," said Kyle with his eyes closed, feeling her coat his hair with the spray. "Thank you, honey," said his mother, patting his hair. "And I'm glad you admitted this before I had to beat it out of you!" "Me too," replied Kyle, opening his eyes. "But you still want me dressed like this and going to see Johnny in choir then? Am I supposed to go there and tell him?" "Yes, but I'm still letting you date him certain nights after summer school. It's not his fault you have to go tomorrow, and his mother said he could tutor you right away," said Holly, moving some of his hair off his eyes with her finger and then looking him dead in the face. "But really Allie, how could you fail three finals? You were supposed to be studying while I was working, and now I don't need to punish you because summer school will be bad enough. Go try on your uniform for Nana so she can hem the skirts." "Tomorrow?" said Kyle, relieved again. "Summer school starts tomorrow, and my.. I mean I have to go. Like all summer?" "Tomorrow's Monday, so yeah," laughed his mother. "Nice try already? Go change and hurry up?" "Yes, mom," smirked Kyle, hurrying off. He was laughing as he ran into the bathroom, taking off his dress and shoes before he quickly came back out in the blouse and skirt. It would be weird enough to be in her old schools girls' summer uniform, but the pleasure he was deriving from his sister being stuck in summer school would be well worth being fitted in it. He stood in the kitchen as his grandmother checked the skirt length and added a few pins before quickly running back into the bathroom, changing back. Again this was crazy that he had deceived them, as he stared at himself with his long hair, pin straight from a side part sliding way down his waist in a layered ombre v-shape. He flipped the blonde length onto his left shoulder as he bent his arm, manipulating the zipper up the back of his dress and then couldn't stop smiling as he used his long nails to slide the brunette portion from covering his right eye. Back into his sling backs he stepped, and he was back in a heartbeat as his mother was waiting for him with a white shoulder bag. "And I thought you'd be so much bitchier since you're back in school tomorrow?" said his mother giving him a look as she handed it over. "Always full of surprises and mood swings, aren't you?" "No, just glad we all got that out in the open, and it's no big deal," grinned Kyle. "I feel bad about failing, but I'll do better mom. I promise." "Yeah, better because you'll be studying with the stud muffin," laughed his mother. "It'll be studying, then maybe a date. Grades first, and that will be right at the table where one of us can observe. Am I clear about that?" "Crystal," smiled Kyle, looking in his pocketbook. "But can I have my phone now?" "No, but it's in my bag," said his mother as they walked out. "After church possibly, but let's get that far?" "Not even for a second? just to chat with my wonderful brother?" Kyle smirked as he got in the backseat. "I miss him! You know we haven't chatted since prom, mom?" "After church, and after we have brunch with Johnny's family," said his mother, backing out of the driveway. "I'm sure once Johnny sees his pretty little honey has come to see him that should keep those fingers and probably lips busy enough until then, but I expect you on your best behavior." "Like I'd be kissing a boy or holding hands in church," said Kyle, rolling his eyes. "Not funny!" "Like I was joking, and don't say a word please, mom," said his mother, scolding him and looking at her mother in the passenger seat. "And it's church and family time. Be respectful, or I'll knock the blonde right off you before you can make out of the place." "Yes, mom," replied Kyle, glaring out the window. As they got there and into the church, Johnny's family hugged them, happy to see them and as they sat down, Johnny made eye contact, giving Kyle a wink. After church outside he'd shyly accept a quick kiss on the pavement and then his mother would invite Johnny to ride with them in her car. Johnny was a delight, answering all of Nana's and his mother's questions about last night as Kyle just sat there smiling, awaiting his chance to rip his sister about having to go to summer school. They all shared a nice lunch, and then Johnny hugged him goodbye, but then oddly Johnny's mom would join him in the backseat, instead of her son. "Ok ready for a little girl time, honey," said Johnny's mother, tapping him gently as they got in. "You haven't told her yet, have you Holly?" "Well I wanted to, but I needed her to admit a few things first," said his mother, glancing back at him in the mirror. "But now that she has!" "Now that she has, then what mom?" asked Kyle, quite suspicious. "Well you can thank Victoria and Nana," said his mother as she drove. "Personally I would have said no after all the shit you put me through, but they wouldn't let me pass it up for you? I got overruled, and you know your grandmother can be a bully?" "Not my Nana?" replied Kyle sarcastically, reaching up, touching Nana's shoulder but not liking the sound of that today. "And pass up what exactly?" "Pass up that I got you in, honey," said Victoria, reaching over and squeezing his hand, all excited. "Oh gawwwdd I'm so excited for you. It's so hard, but those pictures from last night did it, and we got lucky they had a girl drop out, so we just found out?" "Found out what?" Kyle was getting concerned. "Whatever it is do I have to do this now? Like today?" "Not today, honey," said Nana. "Today's exciting, but just the shopping part?" "Ok," replied Kyle confused. "And what did we find out that we'll be shopping for?" "Found out you're about to do what you've been torturing me to do for years now, but we haven't been able to get you in," said his mother. "And trust me, your grandmother's been trying hard." "And stop torturing her then! We found out you got accepted to walk in your first pageant next weekend, sweetheart," said his Nana. "You're going to be a pageant girl just like I was, and of course all my daughters were. I told you before it wasn't as hard back then, so don't be disappointed it took so long, but trust me first time you walk across the stage, it'll be worth it." "Oh?" Thought Kyle, annoyed his sister was getting a bit of good news. "Yeah that will be very nice Nana." "That's all you got?" said his mother, shaking her head. "After all the whining and torment about this for years. That's your excitement?" "No, I'm really excited," said Kyle, sliding a big smile on his face. "I guess I just feel bad about being rewarded after lying about summer school." "Oh my gawwdd, what a doll this kid is," said Victoria, touching her heart. "What a job you've done raising her?" "Thank you," said Nana, speaking up. "Yes she is?" "I think she meant me, mom," laughed Holly, rolling her eyes at her mother. "Possibly?" laughed Nana. "But I politely corrected her." "Yeah, when she's sweet as can be around company, that's all your doing mother," said Holly, sliding down her sunglasses and glancing at her. "The little bitch that comes out at home is all me, right?" "Precisely, and of course an exaggeration from the original drama queen," laughed Nana. "Now please. Let's focus on what's important. You won your share of pageants Holly, and it's my granddaughter's turn." "Yup! Back in the pageant circuit again. Can't wait?" said his mother sarcastically, pulling into a big lot. "This should be a joy with this one!" "Like right now I'm trying on dresses?" asked Kyle as they pulled into a big parking lot and he saw the big dress store. "With all of you? Really?" "Now that's the excitement I was expecting!" replied his mother, getting out. Suddenly he was part of their clan of women, as inside the big dress store they went. Long gowns, elaborate designs and more bling than he could imagine would be everywhere as they began pulling things from racks as he stood there having them held against him. It would be constant quarreling between his mother and grandmother, but before long he'd be walking to the dressing room, trying things on. He could care less what they picked as this would soon be Allie's problem, and he was actually more enjoying their debate then what they'd ask him to put on. His biggest issue would be keeping them from coming into the dressing room to help, so he'd toss a bit of attitude and then go it alone getting dressed. He'd be used to his grandmother fussing with the fit and twisting him anyway, so it would just be out in the open now as she'd zip him up while his mother and Victoria looked on. His struggle would be handing much higher heels, as they had him step on a platform as they evaluated the look and made him walk a bit. His head was spinning after walking out in the first few dresses, and after three there seemed to be little consensus. He knew quickly this would be quite a long stay since they hadn't agreed on one, and he needed four dresses. When he was asked for his opinion, it almost seemed to not matter as all three women would give him some odd looks at the choices he just randomly picked himself. Both Victoria and his Nana were so nice they pushed him to try them on, even though he could tell they didn't love them, while his mother would never hide her distaste with her pointed comments, rolling her eyes. By the time he walked out in his personal last choice, even Nana was barely paying attention as they were all already at their wits end with the process. Finally they'd all take a break to regroup as it seemed destined they'd probably be headed out of this dress shop to the next store, and his mother was googling on her phone. "Go change back into the gold, Allie, for the last time and I'm going to go make a few calls," said his mother. "That's the only thing we all agree somewhat on so let's see that again, but let's take a five minute break first please." "Ok," said Kyle. "But can I at least check my phone then?" 'At this point, why the hell not?" said his mother, opening her bag and handing it over. "Five minutes, and in the gold dress, please." Inside the dressing room he went like it was Christmas, thrilled to get his phone and then immediately dialed his sister but it went straight to voicemail. He checked his texts and then texted her to see when she'd be home. "You home yet?" texted Kyle. "Please just be there when I get back before Nana fits me into more of your clothes." "But you look so great in them! LOL!" texted Allie with some hearts. "Not funny, Allie," texted back Kyle. "Your phone is going right to vm?" "No shit, sherlock?" texted Allie. "Text me, I can't talk now" "Fine, and you better be nice to me or you'll wind up in this," texted Kyle, snapping a picture. "WTF? Is that a Tinkerbelle costume?" texted back Allie, reacting to the green frilly dress. "As if." "As if be even nicer, because after your fuck up failing school, which you also failed to mention to me, you're damn lucky since Johnny's mom got you into one of those stupid pageants you've always dreamed about," texted Kyle. "Ridiculous?" "OMG!" texted Allie. "I so so luv her, and that's amazing news! YEAAAAHHH!" "Big F-ing deal, but I am happy for you," texted Kyle. "You're going to be a freaking pageant queen next weekend after of course .. you're stuck in summer school all week LOL! That part is awesome!" A frown emoji she texted back, followed by the symbol of a middle finger and then it read. "And you find that funny?" "Oh it's funny, and behave or I'll pick the ugliest shit ever that you'll be stuck wearing, Tinkerbelle," texted Kyle. "Best Day Ever, sis!" "I wouldn't do that if I were you, and trust me it's not, so don't steal my line," texted Allie as then a picture came over. "Well???? unless you like being in plaid pleats." He glanced at it as it looked like a mix of straw and then another followed with a hand holding a series of shiney blue oval like chips. "OK?" texted Kyle confused. "And like? What is that?" "What I fucking had to do for you, so you're the one that should be nice to me, princess!" texted Allie. "I don't understand?" texted Kyle. "Look closer! That's all the blonde I spent an hour on last night in the first pic, and those are my nails I had to soak off," texted Allie. "You think I wouldn't rather be trying on dresses and fighting with mom?" "I'm so confused?" texted Kyle, staring at the picture. "Well you'll be less confused in pleats in summer school tomorrow, since you already aced seventh grade," texted Allie. "That's a lot of my fucking hair I had to cut off, and those were my gorgeous nails. I'm stuck on the train on the way to baseball camp moron is why I can't talk on the phone! I hate fucking baseball!"

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I knew there would be trouble when they walked into the bar. Not physical, getting somebody's ass whipped trouble, but emotional, I don't want to hear this shit trouble. Up until a few months ago, I would have considered them friends. Even when things went to hell, if they had just kept their mouths shut they would have been fine. The ones I found knew about her affair I dropped like a rock, making it very clear they were no longer my friends. Of course, they tried to argue, they didn't...

2 years ago
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FineprintChapter 8 Delayed Reaction

The vibrations of the engines traveled up through Dennis’ seat as the pilot lowered the craft to the landing pad adjacent to the Patriarch’s ivory tower. The landing gear crunched in the fresh layer of snow, and as the exit ramp opened a chill wind flooded the passenger bay, the brisk breeze ruffling the downy fur of the Polars. Dennis tried to avoid slipping in the slush that the thrusters had melted as he left the stone landing pad, navigating the oversized steps and watching for ice. Ursi...

4 years ago
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My Sister in Law 2 My Wifes Reaction

My Wife's Reaction by Dunchad© When I got back to our house Belinda was already home. I kissed her hello and asked her why she was home already. She smiled at me and said that Karen was feeling sick and had to go to bed. I was a little nervous that Belinda would see that I had done something I shouldn't have done, especially when...

2 years ago
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Wish Shift Reactions

Wish Shift: Chapter Seven Reactions Year 1 A.S. Day 45 Kira saw Jenny's big black truck pull up outside the restaurant. Bob's Country Kitchen was a small local chain that specialized in quick lunches, but served breakfast and dinner as well. The menu was a regular rotation of specials with a standard menu that didn't vary much. Between the prices and the general quality it had been a successful enterprise for the family that owned it. They had decided that they would meet there...

3 years ago
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Big asian cock reactions

Growing up, I didn't think about having a big cock. I always thought mine was average, but it wasn't until I had a few instances where I began to think otherwise. Here are the encounters in my life that led to my realization of my big cock and its reactions in rough chronological order:- J, from the other story I posted, staring at my hard cock when I was taking a piss with his jaw dropped- First love, Angel. Showed her my cock and successfully seduced her even though she had a boyfriend. She...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 2 Reactions

August 18, 1993, Chicago, Illinois As I expected, bedlam erupted when Michelle and I walked in through the back door. Birgit squealed when she saw me, but there were gasps and stunned looks from the girls in the great room. “Steve?” Kara whispered. I went over to her and took her hand, pulling her up from the couch and hugging her. “What’s going on?” she asked. “Michelle decided to leave the monastery. I promised if she ever did that, I’d make sure she’d get home.” “She’s going...

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Attraction reaction

——————————————————————————— Chapter 1 The event that changed everything Lily and Tessa have been neighbors and best friends since they were toddlers. Growing up together, they both know most of each others secrets and can talk about almost anything together. Lily is the shy one and the follower of the two, sometimes shes embarrassed by Tessa’s brashness. Lily’s shyness and Tessa’s brashness has made their relationship work well. Lily and Tessa are both 18 years old still living at...

3 years ago
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A Lush Reaction

I was filled half with dread and half with nervous excitement as I made my way to rehearsals on a slightly warm, March evening. Tonight would be the first time I would see Ted since I’d written the stories about our passionate encounters in July, while the play was being performed. Part of me just wanted to clap eyes on him, but the other part wasn’t sure how much I would be able to take. He would be there in front of me, in the flesh, and I had imagined him with no clothes on. But there would...

2 years ago
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Actions and Consequences Part Two Every Action has a Reaction

It had been six months since I cheated on my husband. During that time I had tried to tell him. How do I tell my husband that I had slept with another man, not only another man but a black man? A black man while we were on vacation with our kids, while my husband was in the next room tending to our children.Every time I got the nerve to tell him, I backed down. I knew it would mean the end of our marriage. Timothy was raised in the deep south, while I was what some people called “city south.” I...

1 year ago
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A Lush Reaction

I was filled half with dread and half with nervous excitement as I made my way to rehearsals on a slightly warm, March evening. Tonight would be the first time I would see Ted since I’d written the stories about our passionate encounters in July, while the play was being performed. Part of me just wanted to clap eyes on him, but the other part wasn’t sure how much I would be able to take. He would be there in front of me, in the flesh, and I had imagined him with no clothes on. But there would...

Oral Sex
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Chain reaction

Ours is a small family. Father is a manager in a pvt co whereas mother is a teacher in my sister’s school. I am rohit and my younger sister. The incident happens about 40 yrs ago when I was only 15yrs a high school student. One day due to death of a teacher school was declared closed and I returned home at around mid day. Our maid rinku was supposed to be alone at home. She was a slim girl younger to me. Her mother also worked at our house. Rinku used to come in morning and her mother in...

1 year ago
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Intern Reaction

Chapter 1 Chelsea was in her early 20s and she'd been rapidly budding into a young woman. She'd been in early adolescence when her father, Bill, had moved into the Oval Office and while Bill and her mother, Hillary, didn't think she was aware of his dalliances with other women besides her mother, Chelsea was much more insightful into his behavior than they could have imagined. Chelsea was very pleased when she began to develop a budding womanly figure. It had seemed forever before she...

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Rest Room Reaction

Copyright© 1994-09-14 Rajah Dodger I was heading down the hall toward the men's room when I heard a squeaking noise coming from the women's room. I thought this was odd, since I didn't think anyone else was working this late. I think the lateness of the hour got to me, as otherwise I'd never have considered opening the women's room door. It was a good thing this place oils its hinges well. What with it being after 10 pm, the bathroom only had about a quarter of its lights on. I heard a...

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The Case of the Errant Clergyman A Holmes and Hove NovellaChapter 2 Of Action and Reaction

Holmes sat, and thought. The more he thought, the more maudlin he became; eventually he emitted a deep sigh. Almost in resignation he opened a locked drawer in his oaken desk; with care he slid it open and unfastened the tin that lay within. For a second he stared at the dried leaves, then as if motivated by some alien desire his left hand scooted across the leather desktop and snatched the oldest of his pipes. He needed clarity, ultimate focus, his friend was in danger. He, Ned Holmes, had...

4 years ago
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SouthboundChapter 15 Action and Reaction

"Good morning, Mr. Andrews, it's Oren Kavanagh. I thought you should know that I had a call from a Mr. Brant Morrisey in Los Angeles, representing Messers Ventriss. He has assured me that they will forthwith cease to spread misinformation as he called it, about Flex-Tek. Will that be to your satisfaction?" "Only if he puts it in writing," I said. "I want a copy of it to circulate to anyone who they have been in contact with." "Goes without saying, Mr. Andrews. I'll make sure the...

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LovingChapter 18 Daves Reaction

Carol had been talking for some time as she slowly, softly related the story of her night of sexual initiation. Now she sat there looking at me. I glanced down and saw that her nipples were hard and swollen showing clearly through the light sweater. Reliving her story had obviously turned her on something fierce. I understood completely, it sure had me excited. I looked into her beautiful blue eyes and knew what I said next would be terribly important to my lady. I pulled her hands to my...

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Attraction reactions

——————————————————————————— Chapter 1 The event that changed everything Lily and Tessa have been neighbors and best friends since they were toddlers. Growing up together, they both know most of each others secrets and can talk about almost anything together. Lily is the shy one and the follower of the two, sometimes shes embarrassed by Tessa’s brashness. Lily’s shyness and Tessa’s brashness has made their relationship work well. Lily and Tessa are both 18 years old still living at...

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Wild Reactions

Stupid bloody teacher. Any form of detention would’ve been better than this. I was stuck in S6 with Isabella, her long brown hair swishing slightly as she read from one side of her book to the other. I should’ve been reading too, but I wasn’t. I mean, how could I when SHE was in the room? Of course, she’d probably know that I had a thing for her. I’m pretty blindingly obvious like that. I’m not smooth at all at the start, but I like to think that once the ball starts rolling I’ve got some...

Quickie Sex
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Duty and Duplicity Book 5 of Poachers ProgressChapter 7 Distractions Interaction Satisfaction Reactions

Otto looked up in surprise as I strode into my office in the Fortezza Nuova. “I did not expect to see you until the end of the month, Colonel.” I could see he was disconcerted, annoyed even, by my earlier than expected return, and I sought to assure him of my confidence in his abilities. “Believe me Otto, I was extremely loth to leave Florence. Although you are more than competent to manage the impending inspection I deemed it a politeness on my part to be present when Duke Leopold arrives...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 31 Actions and Reactions

March 1985, Chicago, Illinois Rosie said Becky had TRIED to kill herself. That meant Becky was probably still alive, which was a bit of a relief. “What happened?” I asked. “I came home from a party and found her on the floor. I couldn’t wake her up and there was a bottle of pills next to her!” “Where is she now?” I asked. “The paramedics said they were taking her to MacNeal Hospital on Oak Park Avenue.” “Did anyone call her parents?” I asked. “The police are still here. I don’t...

3 years ago
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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 17 Reactions

August 19, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio “I can’t take you to Columbus without asking your parents!” I said when we reached the car. “Phil will take you home, I’m sure.” “Mike, you need someone with you! I’m your girlfriend! Swing by my house. It’s on the way to the interstate. I’ll ask my mom. It’ll take two minutes! Please?” I was already in the car and had started the engine but I realized that Emmy was probably right. I leaned over and unlocked the passenger door and she ran around and...

2 years ago
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Fertile FlockChapter 16 Relative Reactions

"Tell me Mr. Carson, how much trouble am I in?" "Well Deacon, I can't tell you that everything's going to go away but we'll talk about it and maybe you'll give me some ideas." Kevin Carson and Deacon Robert Ramsay had just heard the prosecution's case against him or at least what they were required to reveal. "I'll go through things in order. First, did Rita Gonzales work in your factory?" "Yes, for a while." "Did you supply her with clients for her prostitution...

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The SparkChapter 34

When a Roman general returned triumphant from whatever campaign he was on he would ride on his chariot while a slave would ride behind him holding a laurel over their head. While he was doing that the slave would be whispering, "Remember, thou art mortal." In my case the slave would be whispering in my ear, "Remember thou art human." Today was Wednesday, and for three days minus the time I spent hearing the offers from other countries as well as visiting the gambling clubs and...

2 years ago
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Lost in Isolation

LOST IN ISOLATION LOST IN ISOLATION?????????????????  Chapter one  I did not know how long I had been held for, who had taken me from my home or why I had been taken.? I had no idea where I was either. All I knew was that if I didn?t hear a human voice soon, I would go crazy.? It wasn?t that I had no contact with other people, but that no one would talk to me and I was unable to talk to them.?  My nightmare had begun was I had awoken one morning to find myself held down on to a bed.? My...

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Personal Free Use

(Everyone in this story is at least 18) One normal morning you wake up and head downstairs, only to see a surprising story on the local morning new. “ John Doe, a seemingly random local male, has been given the power to do whatever he wishes to anyone.... it is unknown how, when, or why this seemingly random legislation..... compliance with Mr. Doe’s wishes is mandatory, regardless of circumstance....” You stood there silent, completely in shock. Could it be? Your wildest fantasy finally coming...

2 years ago
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The Best Of Friends

Now both eighteen, we were going stronger than ever. We weren't lovers, like many thought, only friends. We did love each other but I wasn't sure if we were in love. Gay or straight, I don't know, it never came up and we never worried about it. By that point, we had put our tongues down each other's throats and touched our balls together plenty of times. If that was the metric, then we were gayer than a three dollar bill. We had gotten our fair share of ridicule. We had been called all...

1 year ago
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CousinChapter 2

Their cries mingled with the sounds of the storm and, like the storm, gradually became softer. Spent, Dan remained atop her stretched body, but lifted himself on his arms. He lowered his lips to her breasts and slowly sucked and kissed each nipple. Lisa drew in her breath and quivered at his touch. His tongue traced some of the red lines left from the whipping and this too brought a response from the bound girl. With a catch in her breath she said, "All right, Captain," you've kept your...

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Kidnapped Sissy Chapter 1

Kidnapped Sissy Chapter 1 Ashley and I were walking home from our date of dinner and dancing. We then decided to race each other home, so we raced down the last block. Not looking where I was going, I ran into someone's parked van, which was idling. Before I lost consciousness, I saw 2 figures with rope, and duct tape. Meanwhile, Ashley made it to the front door of our house, and noticed a van passing by, and spotted me in the rear. Ashley: OJ? GASP OJ!!!!! Ashley ran as fast...

1 year ago
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You Are a Meany Chapter 4

The kitchen in the Walha's household smelled of cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice and ginger. The kitchen counter was a little bit of a mess. There was some flour, spices and sugar on it. Renee just finished mixing the batter and was pouring the batter in the cake pan. As she was handing the pan to her dad, the first-time baker could not be prouder of herself. Renee was going to be able to say she made the cake when she gave it to Luke. This cake was going to be a gift to Luke. This...

3 years ago
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The JobChapter 12 Love

I woke just after 5 am with a raging hard-on. It took me all of two seconds to work out that it was because Beth had her hand on my cock. I don’t even remember going to sleep. I must have crashed within seconds of Beth. The feel of her curled up to me had given me a feeling of contentment. Yes, contentment was the best word to describe how I felt when I went to sleep. I wasn’t feeling content now. I was feeling bloody horny, and her hand was rubbing lightly along the underside of my cock....

4 years ago
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Inicjacja cwela

Ciężko jest powiedzieć, kiedy zacząłem czuć, że jestem cwelem. Tak samo jak ciężko jest określić moment, kiedy czuje się, że jest się przedstawicielem płci męskiej lub bycia gejem. Zazwyczaj nie zdajemy sobie sprawy, kiedy o tym wiemy. Oczywiście odpowiednia musztra jest potrzebna, aby zweryfikować jakość cwela. Czy jest się tylko cipeczką, marzącą o kutasach, czy rasowym kundlem, który nie tylko myśli o opierdalaniu pał, ale podstawą jest zaspokojenie samca wszystkimi możliwymi sposobami....

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Little SisterChapter 27 Hiding in Clouds

One nice thing about wealth is the ability to throw money at a problem, til it sinks. From my first meeting in the Nashua Alderman's Board, I had been going slowly crackers. Through long experience with my moods, I held things together for a few weeks. It was long enough to get some spadework done, such as creating a de facto board of directors. Then I had to get away from everyone. In the past, I had taken Shadow for long drives in the hills of Appalachia, but that would not be enough this...

3 years ago
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Homophobic thug

The park was deserted because of the cold weather, I was sitting by the cricket club waiting to see if anybody would appear, I am 14 years old gay and don’t have many friends. I saw 17 year old Kenny a local homophobic and racist thug who has beaten me up a few times and forever having a go at me staggering down the path, he was obviously pissed. I Moved behind a tree so he would not see me. He stopped and started to undo his tracksuit trousers, he struggled with the draw strings but...

2 years ago
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11th GradeChapter 4

The next ten days passed quickly. Mama and I played golf on the next Saturday, and I played with both of my parents, and Uncle Bunny, on Sunday. I didn't talk to anyone about my dream, but it was troubling me a little. I kept thinking about how near I'd come to actually seeing my mother's face. It didn't occur to me that it was simply a dream, unconnected with any reality. I started thinking more and more about the woman who was my birth mother. I'd never admitted it before, but I had...

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The Chauffeur 16 And So It Begins2

By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 Fred was taking us to his Italian restaurant for a nice meal. Jill, of course, still topped on my mind. Although I’m not a religious person, I have my beliefs in God and one of them has to do with ‘you have to ask’ for something to happen. I was asking every day of her coma, practically every hour. I was also thanking. Dakota was a godsend to me. On the way to the restaurant, my phone rang. It was Bob Jaxson. “Hey Bob, what’s up?” “What the...

1 year ago
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Somnyptica Training Talia

Talia was a slave to her insomnia. It ruled her days and tormented her nights. When she was working, she was exhausted and irritable. When she was at home in bed, she tossed and turned, hopeless and helpless. Night after night she would do everything the sleep books advised, to no avail. She avoided heavy foods, she kept her bedroom for just sleeping. She didn't get up when sleep didn't come, she didn't engage in mental exercises. Nothing helped. When the insomnia was bad enough, she'd down...

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KimberlyChapter 14

Two more weeks had passed, and they were nothing more than repeats of the first two. In every case except one, the customer company agreed to replace all its production machine tools with the latest models from Aerospace Technologies. The one exception was a company that wanted to consult with its directors and shareholders — it was closely held — with respect to financing its purchase. But they promised they would be replacing all their machine tools very soon. In fact, it became quite...

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Violet Valley

Something breaks in me when I watch you sleep. I know I shouldn't think about, but I'm in that crucial moment. Go or stay. I should hold you even closer. Underneath the blanket, bodies curved together as spoons of bare warm flesh, we can forget for a while. Neither of us has to remember that this pocket of time, however beautiful, is always fleeting.I'll go back to my little apartment, that tiny anonymous building where I don't know anyone.You'll go back home, that big house nestled above the...

Love Stories
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My Best Friend And Me Part Two True Story

My Best Friend And Me -Part Two- (True Story)(Note: Sorry if there are any mistakes I have dyslexia I have tried my best Thank You)I stared at the plain white ceiling although you couldn’t really tell with the room being pitch black I heard light snores coming from my best friend Liam who was lying next to me he decided he preferred me on his bed than the camper one I usually sleep when I'm staying over but tonight was so special between us it doesn’t make sense to me after all these years...

3 years ago
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Axiom Ch 02

As the car pulled out into the nighttime traffic, Aidan twisted in his seat to face her, his face almost hidden by the dim light. He leaned in close to whisper something and she could smell the faintest trace of an expensive aftershave, the scent shooting thrills of pleasure up her spine as he murmured into her ear. Instinctively she placed her hands innocently on his thighs, her heartbeat racing at the thought of seeing him take them off. Throughout the car ride, he kept the physical contact...

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RedemptionChapter 11

It had been a rough year for Dennis Boggs (Coach) since the Madisons died. In the warped thinking of their little town, he somehow ended up being blamed for the mass upheaval that befell the town's leadership. Not that the three years before had been great, either. Less than five years ago, he had been, he thought, happily married, and moving along nicely in his coaching career. Janice had been his high-school sweetheart, even though she was three years behind him. The eldest daughter of a...

2 years ago
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You Never Can Tell

As I walked into the living room after a day at the golf course I was greeted by the sight of my loving wife watching the idiot box. Nothing was out of the ordinary and I asked her if the dinner was ready. She replied that she had called for a pizza because she was not in a mood to cook. Funny, I always thought that sex increased your appetite, it did for me. Yes, my wife was back today from another of her fuckfest with her toy boy Darin. She thought that I was an oblivious bastard who had no...

1 year ago
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Poker WifeChapter 7 Permanently Trapped as a Sexual Slave

It had been four weeks since that horrible weekend. Lisa still hadn't left the house. In fact, she hadn't even left the guest room, while Brian was at home for the first four days after her ordeal. He knew she had left the room when he was at work, he could see the dirty dishes piled up in the sink each day when he came home. He also noticed that the phone in the kitchen had been ripped off the wall. For those first four days, she hadn't spoken to him, or even acknowledged his existence,...

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Moms Hot Halloween Party Surprise

Introduction: Mom decides to help her college aged son get over his painful last break-up by bringing the whole family to a Halloween Costume Party. She accidentally mixes up the sizes for the costumes for father and son, leading to… other mistakes. How could you! I screamed at my phone and was so mad I wanted to throw it on the ground and smash it. Only the fact that Id worked all summer to pay for it kept me from doing just that. Im sorry Randy, but it just kinda happened. I hope we can...

4 years ago
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Shy Wife Fucked Hard in Travelling

hi freinds , main pahli bar story likh raha hun jo sach hai aur it changed my life.plz apne comment bhej do. not demoralising me main sajay 28 male in a mnc job aur 1 saal pahle married with puja 25 , wo bhi mnc me job par hai, wo bahot sexy aur hott hai. mere freind bhi muza se main lucky hun kehte hain. ek saal se main use chodata hun mera lund bhi 7 inch aur medium mota hai, muze chodate waqt erotic batein karna bahot pasand hai lekin puja ko ye sab pasand nahi. wo bahot hi traditional aur...

1 year ago
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Nautical DelightsChapter 26 Bedding

A few moments later, Tamsin was surprised when Charles came into her bedroom in the Admiral's suite. "What are you doing here? My father will be livid if he catches you," she whined. "No he won't. He knows I'm here," said Charles with a firmness he had not shown her before, "Put an abaya on and come with me." "Where are we going?" "You are moving in to my quarters, now," said her fiancé. "Who says?" she countered. "I do, and your father does." "Don't I get a say in...

3 years ago
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The Guitarist

Introduction: This is my first story… I am not a writer so all constructive criticism will be welcomed as I would like to get better at writing these. My name is Emma, I am 32 have shoulder length blonde curly hair and blue eyes, 5ft 6inch tall and measure 34D-25-36. I have had some strange and some wonderful (and a few that were both) sexual experiences in the past and thought I would share some of them with you all. The Guitarist My first sexual experience (other than masturbating) was...

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Chapman Associates Ch 04

The mayor’s wife’s daughter. It was a Friday when her cell buzzed as she sat at the kitchen counter in her condo. Sam was away for a the day for a doctor’s check up and to visit her parents who were not happy about her current situation. Tess could never decide whether they were more upset with their oldest daughter about be an unwed mother or the fact that she was living a lesbian life style. Tess smiled. If they knew their daughter ate pussy for a living they would both have instant...

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More Stuff Men should Know By Fridagirl

Wanting it From UncleIt was on the drive home I plucked up the courage to ask him if he missed his wife, who was my mother's sister, my aunt?He looked across at me with a slightly puzzled expression, and I knew why, he thought girls my age were too young to have emotional opinions or concerns like that?"No", he replied, as he studied my face for a reaction, and on seeing none, pushed his answer a little further, I guess to gauge my concern and see my response, "Then again, she was great in the...

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Spa fun

My wife and I moved into a new house with a pool, and it wasnt long before we decided that we needed a spa to go with it. We opted for one of the aboveground types with a redwood gazebo around it. Gina and I loved the new spa, I planted jasmine vines around it, hoping that soon, they would grow and take over the redwood latticework, adding a fresh sweet smell, and addi further privacy. We decided that there was never any reason to wear clothes in the spa, since our back yard was bricked in,...

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