Cataract Reaction 1 free porn video

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Cataract Reaction By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter One "Allie, Nana is on the way," her mother yelled up the stairs. "And don't you dare give her a hard time because her cataracts have really been messing with her lately, so just be still and have some patience for a change." "Mom, do I still really have to wear that?" grumbled Allie, coming half way down the stairs to talk to her mother. "Can't I just wear what I wore to Johnny's graduation? Or I have that really fancy dress I wore to Zach and Carrie's wedding." "That was two years ago, and in case you haven't noticed you've grown?" replied her mother. "So they will be a little shorter?" smiled Allie. "Allison, it's a bigger issue than just being shorter lately and do I need to spell it out?" said her mother, rolling her eyes. "You're saying I'm getting fat?" said Allie with some attitude. "Are you fucking kidding me mom?" "No, I'm saying you're getting fresh, and don't you dare use that language with me again," her mother snapped back. "I'm your mother, not one of your friends." "Sorry." Allie rolled her eyes. "I'm just frustrated." "And hormonal. It's a lot I know as you adjust, honey," said her mother turning away. "But either way those dresses Nana could not alter in two seconds you know, and I'm thinking not even remotely formal enough for an eighth grade junior prom." "Whatever," sighed Allie, looking away. "Maybe you should call and say I'm sick or something?" "Me?" laughed her mother. "You're the one that said yes and I would never let you do that. I've know his mother forever, and she's even more excited that he is. You're going missy, and I'm sure once you get there you'll be fine." "Fine?" replied Allie with some attitude. "But you know I've already been asked out for next weekend by Timmy Mara. He's in my grade and so much cuter?" "Oh stop, Johnny's very cute and he's only a year older than you! Now stop it, I didn't tell you to marry Johnny," giggled her mother, rolling her eyes. "But I do expect you not to be a pain in the ass either. The boy is a sweetheart from a wonderful family, and last week he was all you could talk about." "Well I was looking forward to the date and getting dressed up, but that was last week?" said Allie, making a face while playing with her hair. "I give you that he is really cute, and I've kind of wondered if he'd make a good boyfriend but I'm so over it now." "Well get not over being over it, and do you have any idea how much Nana spent on that dress. A freaking fortune, and the woman took you everywhere trying on more than I'm sure I know," Lectured her mother. "Now enough with the bullshit. You wouldn't want your prom ruined when it's your turn next year by your date having an attitude or being a downer." "Yeah, yeah I know! Like any guy would think I'm a downer?" said Allie, groaning. "How long until Nana gets here? and I don't think it needs to be altered again? I don't want to be in that dress longer than I need to." "Probably like ten minutes or so, and you know it will, so just get it right on when she gets here and let her do what she needs to," replied her mother. "And I'm not saying you gained weight, but your body is starting to change and I can see you looked a little bloated, so it might." "Yeah bloated in all the wrong places," moaned Allie. "Oh stop, those will come," laughed her mother. "But also another reason that dress works better than anything for years back. It's got a little padding built in, so more the reason for Nana to make sure it's fitted right, because if you let her without being a freaking diva, it'll look a lot more curvy when she's done." "Fantastic?" said Allie. "You made that sound so wonderful mom. No need to go upstairs now and stick my finger down my throat to vomit. I should be able to now just thinking about this?" "Gawwdd you're a drama queen," said her mother, rolling her eyes. "Just answer the door when she gets here, or do I need to call in late to work like you're five years old." "No," sighed Allie. "But if I still have to wear that, then I'm at least doing my own makeup and I know exactly how I want to curl my hair. Can we at least not fight about that?" "I'm not fighting you about anything?" said her mother, tossing up her hands. "Just do what Nana needs you to, and now I won't worry about rushing home from work early. I'm actually relieved I don't have to argue with you about that and I know you'd never want to be seen by kids in your school without looking flawless, so more power to you, princess. You're already better at all that than me anyway." "Finally I win one! Whoopie!" said Allie, walking back up the stairs. "Have a nice day at work mother!" "Lord help that boy with her tonight?" said her mother, rolling her eyes and heading off to work. "We can't even make it through a conversation anymore with me wanting to fucking choke her!" Up to her room she went, still a bit annoyed she still had to go and then took the dress out of her closet, trying it on. She frowned and made faces in the mirror, being silly then snapped a few pictures of herself from different angles before texting it to a different boy she liked. He responded with hearts and big smiles as she sat on her bed texting him back as he was all she could think about, and then in walked her older brother, disturbing her. "What the fuck, Kyle?" yelled Allie, looking up from her phone. "Do you even think about knocking?" "Do you even think about waking up without a fucking attitude?" said Kyle. "Mom just texted me to come in here and tell you to be ready for Nana. She's almost here, and mom said your ignoring her texts! That's all." "Seriously?" groaned Allie. "She just fucking left, and no shit? Why do you think I have this on already?" "Hey don't shoot the messenger, and that's some dress!" said her brother, staring at her. "Looks great on you, if you give a shit!" "Really?" Allie asked, getting up and modeling for herself, again playing with her hair. "Yeah," nodded Kyle. "You really think so?" said Allie, lifting her heels off the ground in her little ankle socks like she'd be in heels and turning, looking at herself again. "Like you'd care what I think, and wait, here's Nana," said Kyle, hearing the phone ring and answering it. "Hey Nana." "Well hello sweetie," said their grandmother. "I just had to make a pit stop, but I'm almost there. You getting excited honey?" "Me no," Kyle answered, trying to make his voice deeper. "It's Kyle, Nana, but I'll tell her." "Oh I'm so sorry dear, and thank you," said his grandmother. "But don't worry honey, Nana's hearing is just not what it used to be, so don't get insulted." "No problem, Nana," sighed Kyle, hanging up. "I'll tell her?" "Your voice is adorable these days," laughed Allie, before ripping on him. "Like totally so so cute, sis?" "Shut up," said Kyle. "Dad said this happened to him too when he was a freshmen and it goes away." "If you say so, squeaky girl," teased Allie. "It's not that bad, is it?" fretted Kyle. "Want to call a few of my friends and see if they agree with Nana?" joked Allie, looking down at her phone as it blinked. "Oh my gawwdd. Let's call Johnny and see if he thinks it's me. That would be such a rip!" "No thanks, and how hard would that be anyway," said Kyle. "All I'd have to do is call and go Oh gawwwdd like every other second. Fucking layup, and even without my voice changing, how hard could it be to impersonate you?" "Really?" said Allie, putting her hands on her hips. "Put your money where your high pitched mouth is then? Nana's going to be here in a minute, so let's see if you can fool her in person like we used to when we were younger?" "You mean like when we switched pajamas when we slept over and she never figured it out?" said Kyle. "That was like three years ago and just for a goof." "Exactly, and let's see if you can do it now?" replied Allie, tapping her chin and thinking. "Your skinny ass will fit in this dress, and your freaking hair is almost as long as mine." "I don't look like a girl," Kyle argued. "She'd know immediately?" "Like I look so girly right now, and you fucking know everyone thinks we're twins all the time," said Allie, twirling her finger at him. "Now I'm almost your height, so turn around so I can take this off and if you don't then what are you worried about? It's just a lark, and let's see how bad her cataracts really are now." "Allie, I'm all for a lark, but I'm not wearing a dress," said Kyle as she stripped down behind him. "Not happening?" "What's not happening is your voice staying like this, so come on while it's like that," said Allie, tossing the dress onto his head while he was turned around. "Now come on, or would you rather troll some boys with me while you sound like Minnie mouse. You pick, because mom's at work all day and we are doing something fun today!" "So I put the dress on and let her measure me and then we tell her it's a gag," said Kyle, holding it out, looking at it while she slipped back into her pajamas. "Blue is a good color for you? Especially this baby blue. Brings out your eyes," Allie walked over, pushing the dress against him. "I mean me and mine, and still a boy's color if you're worried." "Yeah the blue I'm good with, but it's all the glitter, jewels and this big puffy shit at the bottom that worries me," said Kyle, touching it. "It's just an outfit, so loosen the fuck up." His sister rolled her eyes. "Since when did you become such a pussy?" "Since my foul mouthed sister wanted me in her clothes, and you damn well know I'm not," said Kyle, turning and holding the dress against himself, looking in the mirror. "I do it and then I want you to get me a date with Tiffany Solaro! That make me a pussy?" "Again with her? She's got a boyfriend, and what does every guy see in her?" groaned Allie, tossing up her hands. "Why can't you find a girl in your high school?" "I could, but it just hasn't happened yet. That's all!" said Kyle, spinning his phone. "But did you not see her snapchat? They just broke up and you freaking know that answer?" "Like everyone didn't know that was coming with that bimbo, and fine," said Allie, making a face. "But then you make it convincing with Nana. You take it as far as you can until she's finished fitting you, and you can never let her know. Once she's done and you come back up here and switch places, then maybe I'll l hook you up! That's a freaking huge ask, so you better make this good so she doesn't tell mom or she'll kill us." "I can hear her now. I told you about pranks with old people, and you'll give your grandmother a heart attack!" laughed Kyle. "I do like the challenge, but you really think I sound that girly? and her cataracts are that bad?" "Give me that t-shirt," smiled Allie, walking over to him and grabbing his shirt. " I think so, but we're about to find out." "Doorbell!" gulped Kyle as they both heard it as she tossed away his shirt. "Shit, you sure about this? and she's here." "Sure?" smiled Allie before running over to her dresser and pulling out some panties. "I'm freaking psyched. So put them on, they're new and I've never even worn them yet. I'm going to let her in and run right back up here." "But..." Kyle began to say as she quickly tied up her hair in a bun as she dashed out of her room and down the stairs. "Hey Nana," said Allie, opening the door and giving her a quick hug, not even making eye contact. "One sec and I'll be right down in my dress." "Ok dear," said her grandmother, just shaking her head as before she could even step into the house, Allie raced back up the stairs. "Guess you're excited?" "Hey stop messing around and get them on," said his sister, scurrying into her room and closing the door, seeing him just how she left him. "I just bought like two minutes, but that's about it." "I know but..." Kyle groaned, just holding them out and staring at them. He'd seen them in the laundry many times, but never did he hold them in his hands like this. They were soft but seemed a bit more stretchy than his tighty whities, and definitely much smaller. With each leg's opening seemingly cut a different way and the tiny silk like bow in the front, it was tough to accept he'd be voluntarily stepping into them. "But you are not fucking chickening out," said his sister, turning his shoulders away from her and pulling down his sweat pants and underwear in one swoop. "You think Tiffany Solaro would be interested in a guy with no balls? Now just step out, I got it?" "Do you actually rehearse this shit?" sighed Kyle, looking down, seeing her foot between his legs onto his clothes, lifting his left ankle out and then his right. "And where exactly will by balls be going in this?" "Same place they will in your stupid tight gym shorts," laughed Allie. "Now relax, the dress is short but not that short, and you saw how puffy the skirt was. Not a damn thing will show, so put your panties on so I can dress you already, because you think I woke up today hoping to stare at my brother's naked ass?" "Shut up," moaned Kyle, stepping in and pulling them up. "This is so weird." "Exactly! But weird needs to stay tight," said his sister, grabbing them at each hip, pulling them up harder. "And so weird it's fun, so step in carefully and I'll do the rest." "Does weird mean wedgie?" Kyle asked as she crouched down with the dress and guided his left leg inside it. "Maybe a little, and give me a sec and I think we can fix that," said Allie as in went his other leg now. "Let's just make sure you do fit in this first, or the whole damn thing is over before we begin." "You know what, on second thought," said Kyle as she moved the dress up his body and then stopped the cups at his chest. "Maybe that's for the best." "Just turn around!" Allie ordered with her hands on the zipper in back gingerly sliding it up. "Fuck!" "Ok, so we're done then," sighed Kyle relieved. "I kind of thought this was stupid and it wouldn't fit." "You're fucking stupid, and I hate you!" yelled Allie, getting upset. "Allie you ok up there?" said her grandmother, hearing her yell. "Did you need me to come up and help you?" "Uuuumm no, Nana," yelled Allie. "Just uummm fighting with myself as I can't get my hair to do what I want. One more minute and I'll be right down!" "It's a fitting, not a fashion show Allie," yelled up Nana. "I'll be in the living room." "Ok, so help get it off me then," said Kyle, trying to reach back. "And get down there before she comes up." "As if," she said, slapping his hand. "I was annoyed because it actually fit your boney body better than mine. It's fucking annoying actually, and turn the fuck around so I can check a few things." "Shit?" gulped Kyle, turning around and then looking at himself in her big mirror. "So I'm really doing this then?" "In a sec yeah," said Allie tapping her chin. "When the hell did this shit pop up that will be a dead give away. I thought you didn't even shave yet?" "I don't shave, and where are you going?" asked Kyle as she walked out of the room. "Allie, you're making me nervous." "Yeah, put your arms up," said Allie, coming in with one of her mother's little makeup type bags, pulling out some shaving cream and squirting some into her palm. "You're not that hairy, but you're about to walk out of this room in a strapless dress, so no girl would have any of this." "So my face you don't think she'll notice, but my pits would give it away?" Kyle asked, putting down his arms, folding them just as she touched some inside his left pit. "No way, sis!" "Get this on an eight hundred dollar dress, and you think the joke will be our biggest issue when mom gets home? Put your arms up and hold still," said his sister, taking out a pink razor and putting a towel over her wrist. "This is delicate, and even water might stain it, so just don't move a muscle and what are you worried about? You think Tiffany Solaro is interested in looking to see how hairy your pits are." "Of course not," gulped Kyle as she shaved his left pit. "Exactly, now trust me, you're going to pass," smiled Allie, shaving the right now. "Yell out to Nana and tell here you're coming. Ask her if you need to bring down your shoes. Go ahead!" "Fine," replied Kyle, before calling out. "Nana, I'll be right there and did I need my shoes?" "Hurry honey, I'm waiting and you shouldn't," yelled up their grandmother. "But bring them anyway just in case." "And see how easy that was," said Allie, shaking a can then spraying each arm pit. "Keep your arms out a sec while I put some little socks on you and then the ruse is on, sister!" "You better get Tiffany Solaro to say yes!" snarled Kyle as he held her shoulder as she put little multi-colored mismatched ankle socks on him. "And you better get a haircut soon," teased his sister, pulling down his hair. "Although today still having the stupid man bun does the trick, doesn't it?" "Cut the shit, Allie and don't change the subject," said Kyle as she was finger brushing his hair. "We have a deal here!" "Cool your jets, of course we do, and take this, as she might want your hair tied up off the back of the dress if she pins it. She does that sometimes, so don't be concerned if she asks you to do it," said his sister, sliding a scrunchie over his wrist and then scrunching his hair with her fingers, spritzing it with hairspray. "All I did was just something to turn bed head into something decent, so I'm going to try just as hard as you do?" "You're looking at me in a dress while I'm letting you fuss with my hair, and you're calling that not trying?" grumbled Kyle as she dug through her makeup case and then pulled out a wand. "You think that's going to matter? and isn't this all about her cataracts?" "Relax, of course it is, but just a touch won't hurt, and this has to be quick," said Allie, stroking his lashes and then taking out a fluffy brush. "Nana's the one that got me into wearing makeup and bought me a lot of what mom wouldn't, so I always wear just a little when I'm with her. Really without it that might be more of a red flag, and you'd be more out of sorts." "I guess," grumbled Kyle as she was stroking each cheek just a few times and pulled out a pink tube. "Lip gloss too." "Mascara, just a little blush and some lip gloss. Big fucking deal!" said Allie, holding up the little pink applicator brush. "How is this different than what you'd want to kiss off Tiffany Solaro's big slutty lips? So can I do it or not?" "I guess it isn't," nodded Kyle as quickly she greased his lips. "You think it's going to be that hard to get her to go out with me?" "Easy like she is? No," laughed Allie, checking him over and stroking his upper lashes one more time. "But harder than this with you looking cute as a button in my dress and your voice like that? What do you think?" "You mean you don't think she'd go out with me until my voice fully changes?" said Kyle, concerned as his sister walked over to her closet and took the shoes from a box. "I don't know when that's going to happen, and if it takes too long, you're saying that could blow my chance?" "I didn't say she wouldn't, I just said it wasn't going to be as easy as this, so if you want one than don't blow this," said his sister, opening the straps up and handing him the shoes. "Here, I've worn your sneakers so I know you're maybe a size bigger than me, so I opened up the straps so they'll fit no prob in case you need them. I'd wish you luck, but I don't think you'll need it?" "Then I'm ready?" gulped Kyle, looking up at himself in the fancy dress with her ankle socks on and his hair hanging loosely down his shoulders from a side part, holding the back of the straps of her heels in his hand. "See ya, Allison," smiled Allie, opening the door and then winking at him. "Looking so pretty sis, and don't do anything I wouldn't do, girl!" "You're such a jerk," Kyle yelled, sliding a loose wave from his eyes, blinking his thick lashes repeatedly for the first time, disturbed by a gleam from his salmon pink lips. "This is so stupid." "The things we do for pretty girls!" said his sister, walking over and putting both her hands behind him, gingerly shoving him out of her room before yelling out. "Ready, and sorry for the wait, Nana. On the way now." He could feel the pins and needles slide down his spine as his sister slammed the door, and all he could here from behind it was muffled giggling. He almost couldn't move, and then he heard that familiar creek at the bottom of the stairs. "Allison, please," said his grandmother, looking up. "I need time if this just doesn't fit right, and I don't work as fast as I used to you know." "Yes, Nana," said Kyle softly, before heading down the stairs. "Thank you sweetie, and trust me, you're going to look beautiful tonight," said his grandmother, holding out her hand at the bottom of the stairs. "Now come and let me make everything perfect." As he reached the bottom of the stairs, he took her hand and they walked into the living room where she had a little wooden box set up. "You see this box, sweetie?" said his grandmother. "I asked your mother to leave it out for me, and it was the same box I used to have her stand on when she was about your age. Finally you're tall enough to not have to stand on a chair now, and hopefully I'll be fitting you with you standing up here for many years to come." "Oh of course you will, Nana," replied Kyle as she held his hand as he stepped onto the little make shift platform. "You're in great health, and I'd love that!" "Maybe, except these old eyes," said Nana, squeezing his hand. "But my mind is sound, and I do a lot by touch anyway honey." "You're as sharp as they come, Nana," Kyle smiled,thinking about the ruse. "Thank you dear, and don't be upset but there's one thing I don't like that I do feel?" said his grandmother. "Did you think I wouldn't notice immediately?" "Already?" sighed Kyle, thinking he was caught instantly. "Nana don't be mad but..." "Honey I'm not mad, but I am concerned," said his grandmother, digging through one of her bags. "Did you want to talk about things since your mother isn't here?" "No," slumped Kyle. "I'd rather we didn't. She gets so pissed easily these days." "She's always been a difficult woman, and that I'm sorry about," said Nana. "But know that's not how I am, and I can only imagine what you might be dealing with today. You know with me seeing you like this and you wanting to be this delicate little princess that I imagine has just been dying to come out?" "Oh wait? You think?" sighed Kyle. "That I want to be.... I think you got the wrong impression, Nana." "Honey I'm sure I didn't, and don't move so I don't pinch you," said Nana, holding the dress and sliding in a pin near his rib cage. "I love you, and I'm going to fit you anyway of course." "Nana I can't let you," said Kyle, stopping her. "I shouldn't have even put this on." "Nonsense! Honey it's just losing a good inch or two off your waistline for a cute boy, or to look a certain way this fast is not good," said his grandmother, pinching around the dress. "Now I'll take it in no problem, but promise me you're not becoming anorexic or anything?" "Oh you think I'm too skinny?" Kyle grabbed his chest. "That's what you're saying?" "Of course, Allie?" answered Nana. "What were you thinking I meant?" "You know I didn't even realize I lost so much weight?" Kyle told her. "Uuummm I just have a lot going on these days, Nana." "Dear, it's what girls go through, and your mother told me you've just started your period, so your body goes through so much shock," said his grandmother, beginning to pin again. "I may be old but I can remember my hormones raging and my body being in flux. It's just part of becoming a woman, and now you are." "Yeah that's definitely it," giggled Kyle as he could feel his waist pinching in a bit. "Believe me, my hormones have been messing with me big time." "Well possibly you were bloated last time I measured you, and now you're not so let's hope it was that," said Nana, turning him by the hip. "It is that, isn't it Allison? You are eating right dear? and put your hair up please." "Yes Nana," nodded Kyle, pulling his hair up into the scrunchie just as his sister anticipated. "Mom makes sure we do, but it's never like when we eat at your house." "Of course it isn't, but let's not mention that to your mother," said Nana, adding more pins. "She's always been a bit oversensitive, especially when it comes to me telling her how to cook or clean or parent." "You don't have to worry about me saying anything, Nana," said Kyle, smirking. "I'm just standing here enjoying our chat." "Thank you Allie, as am I," said Nana, pulling the dress up a touch by the cups. "As it is she'll be annoyed that I bought you and your brother a few new outfits, but that's what grandparents do, and last thing I'm doing is asking for permission to spoil my granddaughter. So shush about that too, young lady." "Sure, whatever you say, Nana," giggled Kyle, feeling weird as she was pushing at his flat chest from outside the dress. "Thank you, and my lips are sealed, Nana." "Well what Nana says is spin for me very slowly, honey," said his Nana as he slowly spun, twisting around as she touched the bodice everywhere as he turned. "And how does that feel?" "Uuumm good I guess?" said Kyle, not knowing what to say. "It wasn't bad before, but it should feel even better now so get down and walk across the room and back slowly," said his Nana, observing him. "Ok Nana?" said Kyle, walking across the living room and back. "I think it's fine?" "Really? because I'm half blind and even from across the room you look a little uneven," said his grandmother, motioning him over. "Come here sweetie, and get back on the box." "Sure," said Kyle, doing as she asked. "Breath in and hold it until I tell you," said his Nana, unpinning a few spots and repining. "Ok breath out, and how's that?" "A little more snug maybe?" said Kyle. "Again dear, but in even more," said Nana as he sucked in his lungs and she made more adjustments. "Don't be nervous to pop a pin as Nana will fix it and I think we almost have this now. Go ahead, breath out, and how's that?" "Uuumm," said Kyle, reaching down and feeling his sides. "Kind of tight at the sides across my ribs and my stomach if that's what you're asking?" "Good, then that's how it should be, and I'm just going to bring in the back a touch, because the reason you were uneven was," said his grandmother, pinning up his spine now. "Well this dress is a bit top heavy with padding, and if you want to wear strapless, you need it fitted not just well, but very well so nothing slips." "Oh yeah," replied Kyle, playing along. "That would be a disaster." "Which you won't need to worry about, and that's what I'm here for, dear," said his grandmother, again turning him and checking everywhere. "I told your mother just because you're not at the stage yet with anything that could pop out of the dress, doesn't mean we shouldn't make sure it'll stay where it needs to without slipping even a millimeter." "Oh so that's why this fitting was so important then?" Kyle asked, understanding as the light bulb went on. "Fittings will be important your entire life my darling, and I love sharing this time with you," said his grandmother, softly touching his hair and enjoying her time with her granddaughter. "Just keep in mind when you pick a dress what you'll be doing in it, because strapless looks gorgeous to walk around with a cute boy in, but don't plan on running a marathon in one." "Gotcha, Nana," laughed Kyle as they shared a nice moment together and then Kyle tried being silly like his sister would. "And you know I'm so not that girl, Nana! I'll just be hanging with a cute boy and maybe dancing just a little." "Now you sound more like my excited granddaughter, and I'm so happy for you," smiled his Nana, giving him a soft hug. "Get down sweetheart, and just try to pick a line on the wood floor and walk slowly this time. Gracefully please so we don't pop a pin." "Yes Nana," said Kyle, walking down a board with his hands out like he was balancing. "Better?" "Sure if you plan on walking a tight rope in that dress," laughed his grandmother. "Now stop being silly and put your shoes on, and let's see how that is." "You mean like the heels?" gulped Kyle as just that fast the lighthearted moments turned to a gut wrenching moment. "No, the stilts you're wearing?" said his grandmother. "Please Allie. I need to get working on the dress." "Ok," gulped Kyle, picking them up and sitting down on the couch, staring at them. "This ought to be interesting?" "Are you losing your mind?" asked his grandmother, staring at him. "You're taking off the socks first, aren't you? Did you forget you weren't wearing stockings?" "Oh yeah?" replied Kyle, slapping himself. "I wasn't really thinking Nana? Lot on my mind?" "Stop daydreaming about this boy and focus just a little longer, dear. Tonight will be here before you know it and we need this right, and very soon," said his grandmother, walking over and digging through her bag," here I have some peds in my purse. Let me help you." His grandmother now bent down, pulling off his ankle socks and then stretched the little peds over his feet. Putting on a dress was one thing, but suddenly she was strapping his feet inside some strappy open toed shoes and then she got to her feet. "Holy shit! Focus!" He said to himself as he got to his feet and tried not to freak out. He took one step before looking up at her and then another as he looked up again before shuffling across the room and then when he turned, the expression on her face stopped him dead in his tracks. "Truth time here princess?" said his grandmother, stepping in front of him. "You're walking like you're either a caveman or scared shitless to walk in those shoes. So who's idea was this?" "Uuumm that bad?" sighed Kyle, thinking for sure he was finally outted. "Worse," said his Nana, folding her arms. "Maybe you should have put in a little practice, and those shoes just came out of the box for the first time, right?" "Yes Nana," nodded Kyle. "You're mad?" "At you for wanting them?" said his grandmother, staring down at his feet. "How could I be?" "Oh thank gawddd," gulped Kyle, holding his chest. "Because we've been doing good so far, right?" "Of course you have, Allie. I thought they looked too new, and I'm going to kill your mother," said Nana, shaking her head. "Just because you walked well in kitten heels like a year ago how could she possibly expect you to just jump into these like they were nothing? They're 3 inches and not that high for an experienced girl in heels, but there's not even a scuff on them, so I can see how slippery they must be on that wood floor. You're walking like you're afraid to fall on your ass!" "Pretty much, yeah," said Allie. "So I can take them off then?" "In a few minutes, and after a few lessons," said his Nana. "Get on the line again. Keep your arms from swinging like a gorilla and let's try again. Heel to toe young lady, and just get used to them." "Yes, Nana," said Kyle, gingerly starting to walk. "Good," said his grandmother. "Again, and straighten your back, princess." Back and forth he went now over and over as she stopped him and corrected him until he was beginning to get a little comfortable. A few minutes became fifteen, and then she had him turning before finally stepping up on the box, standing in heels. A few last tweaks with some pins would be followed by him stepping down and then across the room before stepping back up three times until he was doing it easily without assistance. She had him hold his skirt behind his buttocks and sit to practice getting up and down before the lecture came about crossing and uncrossing his legs. She had him managing his skirt both sitting and standing, conscious of his posture now and mindful of every step of his walk, just like she'd taught his mother when she was a young girl. She would be relentless to every detail, as this fitting had turned into so much more until finally she allowed him back up on the block to do a final check. "Ok sweetie, I think we have it here," said Nana, pulling down the zipper on the back of the dress. "So I'm done," Kyle said with his back to her. "Yes, but go try on the outfit I brought you, and be especially careful with the dress," said his grandmother, handing him a shopping bag. "Besides, let's call down your brother to try on his." "Ok!" said Kyle, never more excited as he had aced it, taking the bag and running up the stairs. "Holy shit!" squealed Allie the second he got in her room. "Unbelievable! I told you that you could do it!" "I, and I think you're going to need new panties!" laughed Kyle. "I'm pretty sure I pissed them more than once." "No you didn't! You kicked ass, and you are so not that nasty whiney girl I dressed like over an hour ago," laughed Allie, wiggling her finger at him. "You're such a lady now!" "You are not kidding, and I figured you were listening to every damn word!" laughed Kyle. "That was so much harder than it looked." "I bet it was. You had me dying up here!" said Allie, extremely excited. "I knew it was going to be ,but never could I have imagined!... Really if I would have known how fucking good that was going to be, I would have made popcorn before I sat on the edge of my bed watching that! You prancing like a princess! Ohhhhh mmmyy gawwddd!" "You didn't just hear it?" asked Kyle, getting annoyed. "You watched it?" "Hell yeah, on the surveillance camera I happened to move temporarily into the living room when I ran down to let Nana in," smiled Allie. "I'm going to watch this like a million times." "No you're not," Kyle got angry. "Delete that! What if dad checks the camera from his phone?" "Yeah I was thinking that half way through, but it was just too good to stop it, and he definitely wouldn't have watched a fitting anyway," Allie answered. "Really even if he glanced he would have definitely thought it was me anyway, and would be bored, switching it off in ten seconds anyway?" "True, but mom can't still see the cameras at all, right?" said Kyle. "Mom still can't even log into the app on her phone, which I've avoided helping her with so she won't snoop on us," said Allie, looking through the shopping bag of presents from her grandmother. "She can only see videos if I send them to her, so chill because it's already in the cloud on my site, so we dodged that, and how cute is this?" "Just adorable, and you will still be deleting that shit," said Kyle, being a wise ass as she held up a skirt. "Now help me off with this before a million pins stick me, and then you can go down and tell Nana how adorable it is yourself." "Delete watching you excited to wear your first dress, and excited about dating a cute boy?" teased Allie, putting her hands around her face. "Oh I don't think so. Those are wonderful hallmark moments we can watch together forever, princess." "Shut up! Actually I would like to watch it once myself for kicks," laughed Kyle, pushing her back on her bed. "I was freaking a bit down there, so we watch it once together later then it's gone! Not twice! You got me!" "Oh I don't know Allison? That was never in our deal?" joked Allie, laughing hysterically. "Watching grandma train you to walk in heels is priceless. How could I delete that? Like ever?" "Yeah like we set out to do a training video today," laughed Kyle. "One time Allie and that's it!" "When did you become this uptight? teased Allie, flipping her wrist. "Wait, I know that answer? It must have been during your training to be such a proper little lady, which I would think since you were so concerned about your walk or how to sit that you should want to keep and watch all the time so you can practice?" "Ok enough now," said Kyle, fed up as she was laughing. "I let you have your laughs at my expense, now just help me get this off without me becoming a human pin cushion, or did you not care if there are little red blood spots on your dress?" "Oh I care about everything with you princess, and turn around," joked Allie, making a face as he turned and begin wiggling the dress gingerly off him. "It's just you should be a good girl for your Nana until we're done, or it would be quite unfortunate if I accidentally swiped the wrong way and opened up that camera to mom? Wouldn't want that now after all this, would we?" "Go ahead because I'm done, and where are the makeup wipes?" said Kyle, stepping out of the dress. "Enough with the teasing Allie, and the prank is over, so I'll be heading down stairs to say hi to Nana and so will you in the outfit she bought you." "Oh no you gotta finish it and then you can flip back!" said Allie, taking out the clothes their grandmother had bought from the bag. "How cute will this be on you!" "Cut the shit. It was over once I was fitted," replied Kyle, getting angry as she held up a top against him. "That was the deal, so stop fucking around!" "Yup and still is, but you don't see any clothes for Kyle in this bag do you?" giggled Allie, looking at the bottom of the bag. "No, their downstairs and I'll come down in my old clothes," groaned Kyle. "I did it, and I'm done Allie!" "You would think so, but you can't screw it up now. The hard part is over," grinned Allie, taking a dress from the bag then getting super excited. "Wow she did get me this dress. I so wanted it, and she's the best. I almost feel guilty now." "Exactly, and I kind of do too," said Kyle. "Which is why we're done." "Yeah... but no," said Allie, feeling the material, in love with the dress before holding it up against herself in the mirror. "It is so to die for, and not a dress I'm thrilled about sharing, but you'll need to wear it first. You see this is the dress she got me for mom's surprise birthday party, which I didn't expect her to be bringing today and it needs to be fitted! Isn't it fucking gorgeous?" "Fitted now? So?" grumbled Kyle. "You go get fitted then. I did what I needed to!" "I would, but do you think I can explain how I just gained back those few inches running up the stairs," laughed Allie, holding up the next dress against him. "Like by the time I got back there I was suddenly bloated again? She may not have noticed you were Kyle, but I'm thinking since she's had her hands on you every second since she's been here that she'd notice instantly." "Shit! I hate when you're right?" groaned Kyle, turning and seeing the dress against him in the mirror. "Give me the damn dress." "Easy?" said Allie, going into her drawer and then spinning a little padded bra around her fingers. "I know you're excited to be in pink, but step in like a lady and you're going to need a bra with his." "Today, Allie," yelled up her grandmother as she was sliding it over his arms. "And go find a pair of your mother's pumps a little lower than tonight's shoes that we can practice with and work our way up in." "Great idea, Nana," yelled out Allie, snapping the clasp in the back before cracking up, laughing. "I know just the pair." "Please let's just get this over with. I thought I was done," said Kyle as she was helping her brother on with the dress. "You know you're not supposed to be enjoying this that much." "Like that's even possible," laughed Allie, zipping up the back before yelling down. "Getting the shoes and down in a sec Nana, but did you think I should wear that with a bow in my hair?" "If you don't think you're getting too old for one, honey," yelled up Nana. "But Nana would love it if you did." "I'd so love that too, Nana. I've so loved being your little lady today, so it'll just take another minute," yelled down Allie before turning and looking at her brother. "Push me and I can drag this out all day, pretty girl?" "Yeah I'm sorry if I did?" gulped Kyle. "I know, you are my video star," laughed Allie, sticking out her tongue at him and taking a brush from her vanity. "Here, make yourself useful for a minute and brush your hair off your face. I'll be right back." Down the hall she scurried and into her mother's bedroom, finding these two inch black closed toe sling backs and then came back strapping his feet inside them. Into her top dresser drawer she dug, tossing some bows onto her bed and then turned his shoulders toward the mirror, taking the brush from his hand. Little cringes as she broke the hairspray bonds, trying not complain would illicit her to giggle as it was like torture staring straight ahead into the mirror at himself in a very lacey pink dress. It would be nothing like the short junior prom dress on top, as this covered his entire upper body and had short cap sleeves. He could see that it was like a dress atop a dress, as the top pale pink lace layer was a delicate pink over-layer made of an extremely ornate lacey pattern, and beneath it the under-layer was a solid pale pink. A thin silk sash in a slightly brighter coral pink stood out, as did the delicate silk hem and sleeve details before the skirt made entirely of satin puffed out just above the knee, as this would be quite the girly girl birthday party guest dress. "What I would not give to have time to curl you hair right now and really do your makeup so we can see how you'd really look?" giggled Allie, taking a little band from her teeth and twisting it in. "I'm thinking you've done enough for one day," sighed Kyle, seeing her stretch out a long piece of pink silk ribbon before it quickly disappeared behind his head. "I know, but a girl can dream, can't she?" laughed Allie, tying it off behind his head as it was out of his sight and then yelling down. "Sorry again! Coming Nana." He wanted to kill her as he walked out of her room and then back down the stairs to his grandmother. "Now look how well you handled the stairs in those shoes, and up on the block, sweetie," said his grandmother, twisting the skirt and checking the fit "Your mother is going to love you in that dress." "I'm not so sure about that, Nana," joked Kyle, having to laugh at himself as he looked around searching for the camera now. "But let's say I'll take your word for it." "Well it needs quite a bit of alteration, but she will once I fix it, and I love that bow on you, sweetie," said his Nana, touching his waist and then hearing her phone ringing in her pocketbook. "Oh boy, speak of the devil herself. That's her ring she set up for me so I know it's her, and not like I could ever avoid her anyway! Yes dear? What might my darling daughter be calling about already?" "Just checking up on you mom?" said her daughter. "How's it going?" "Fine, and we're fine Holly," said Nana, playing with the bow. "My granddaughter is perfect." "We talking about the same kid?" laughed Holly. "Now seriously did you need to do much because you're almost out of time? She's been exercising, and I've been watching what she eats like a hawk, so I'm expecting it should have fit well." "Just a pin here and there," said Nana, turning him and inspecting the dress before winking at Kyle while chatting. "It'll be easy, and she's going to look gorgeous in this dress." "Mom, I hope you're telling me the truth and not getting too crazy," said Holly. "I know that tone, and your car service is five minutes away. Put her on for a minute and let me talk to her?" "I can't, she's changing right now," Nana nudged him before placing a finger over her lips to shush him. "In fact give me a second, I think she needs me." "MOM!" said Holly as her mother covered the phone, walking towards the hallway. "Do not put me on hold." "Shush honey, and Kyle! Hello Kyle!" said his grandmother, before yelling up. "Please bring down the bag in your sister's room. Hurry ,I need her to change real quick." "Nana I ahhhhh..." stuttered Kyle. "I think he was napping when I was up there." Before he could barely get out a sound, they turned, hearing a thud as the shopping bag landed just past the bottom of the stairs. "Thank you, my favorite grouchy boy," laughed their Nana, walking over, getting the shopping bag and then coming back into the living room, unzipping the back of his dress. "He's awake now, and change real quick Allie." "Right here?" asked Kyle. "No one's looking, and hurry up. I'll walk into the hallway because I know you're at that age," said his Nana, shaking her head, turning away from him and walking over towards the stairs. "I didn't realize what time it was, and I have to go any minute. Pronto please, young lady! "Ok?" gulped Kyle, seeing her leave the room and quickly dropping off the dress. From the back he stepped into the skirt and then like lightening pulled the top on over his head. "Sorry, Holly," said Nana, getting back on the phone. "Allison just needed me for a second, as I have her trying on something else I brought her." "Again mom?" Scolded her daughter. "You are spoiling her rotten, and do you even realize what a little bitch she's becoming." "I've seen no such girl like that," Nana argued. "My granddaughter has been a delight, so maybe it's been the parenting lately." "Really mom?" sighed Holly, annoyed. "You're with her for an hour or two. Try a day or a week or a month! She's been a real pain in this ass about everything, even going to this prom, but I'm sure you haven't seen that." "No I haven't, but I will," replied Nana. "I'm going to take her back to my house for a while and she can leave from there later, it that helps. Figure that way you won't have to rush to pick up the dress on your way home and she'll be no burden to you, which obviously she has been lately, according to you." "Mom, I appreciate the gesture, and that would be helpful so I'm not rushing like a lunatic later, but she still needs her hair and makeup done, and she has a nail appointment," said Holly. "Trust me as it is she wants to do her hair and face herself, but if I didn't at least help her then that would be the bad parenting you're complaining to me about." "Of course it would," scolded Nana. "What mother would leave a thirteen year old about to go to her first prom to do that alone?" "I just told her I would so she wouldn't fight with me, but I wasn't going to of course," explained Holly. "Really, I'm sure she'd actually do a great job. Better than I could with her, but I'd be way too guilty so I wasn't going to." "And you still won't be," said Nana. "I'll take her for her nails and then handle the rest. You meet me at my house later, and I'll have her ready with bells on!" "Mom, I can't let you do that, and her nail appointment is in an hour and just around the corner," said Holly. "She walks there all the time, and I already paid for it. Plus you know what a bundle of nerves she can become at the drop of a hat." "Unfortuanetly I do. I raised the original and you won't need to let me, because I'm not asking and have you seen her toes?" said Nana. "Why I think she just had a pedicure not that long ago?" Holly replied. "And there we have the problem, Holly?" said Nana annoyed. "You think but you don't know when you damn well should. I'll have her ready at seven, so do not leave work early, because let me remind you I dressed four daughters for proms, dance recitals and sewed hundreds of dresses. Now finally I have a granddaughter I can spoil for a change, and you think you're taking that away from me?" "But mom?" said Holly. "Holly!" scolded Nana. "Ok I know I'm not," Holly replied. "See you tonight." "Thank you darling," said Nana relieved. "You made an old woman happy for a change." "Do not make me cry, mom?" sobbed Holly, trying to hold it in. "Then don't, and get your ass to work. You'll have more proms and a sweet sixteen here before you know it with this one," said Nana with huge smile on her face. "Let me go please, as I see my car service outside." Back into the living room went Nana, now seeing Kyle up on the block in his next outfit. "Oh sweetie that's adorable on you, but come down and help me," said Nana, waving him over. "That one's just a casual skirt and top. That doesn't get altered, honey." "Oh I thought that's why you had me put it on," asked Kyle confused. "So then you just wanted to see me in it and we're done?" "For now. Put out your arm," said Nana, carefully draping the pink dress over his arm and then the blue dress atop it. "Where's your pocketbook honey, and your phone?" A thump would startle them and then a voice from upstairs. "It's in the bag, Nana," said a weird, deep voice. "Oh thank you Kyle, so come down and see me before we go," said Nana. "My cab is here and we have to leave now." "Sorry have to take a dump," said the voice. "See you next time Nana, and have fun girls!" As a door slammed, Kyle felt those initial pins and needles and then stood frozen as his grandmother went over, shaking her head and picking up the bag. "Sorry to have disturbed the king! He's so grumpy sometimes, and looks like your phone is in your bag, honey," said Nana, putting the strap on his other shoulder. "We're leaving?" gulped Kyle as she took her sewing bag and opened the front door. "I can't leave like this?" "Honey I spoke to your mother, and it's fine," said Nana, coming over and putting her arm around him. "Now I told you that outfit is adorable on you, so out the door please! The meter is running. You'll come to my house and I'll fit you for the other dress there." "But Nana," said Kyle petrified. "Out the door, Allie," said his grandmother as she closed the door. "Oh I could kill your mother for giving you these nerves. It'll be fine honey. I promise." "Oh and then you'll bring me back?" asked Kyle, suddenly outside and then he looked in the pocketbook as they walked. "I see this makeup case and my phone, but I don't even think I have my key in here." He looked back towards the house and then upstairs, seeing his sister hysterically laughing in her window as he was freaking out. If looks could kill she'd be long buried, as she relished the expression on his face, blowing him a kiss and giving him the thumbs up before ducking down when Nana twisted her neck in case she looked up. "Stop worrying and get in the cab," said his grandmother, ushering him in. "Your date isn't for hours, and wouldn't you rather spend some time with your grandmother than sit around the house on that phone for a change?" "Yes, Nana," gulped Kyle, sliding into the cab next to her and then the driver closed the door.

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"Good morning, Mr. Andrews, it's Oren Kavanagh. I thought you should know that I had a call from a Mr. Brant Morrisey in Los Angeles, representing Messers Ventriss. He has assured me that they will forthwith cease to spread misinformation as he called it, about Flex-Tek. Will that be to your satisfaction?" "Only if he puts it in writing," I said. "I want a copy of it to circulate to anyone who they have been in contact with." "Goes without saying, Mr. Andrews. I'll make sure the...

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LovingChapter 18 Daves Reaction

Carol had been talking for some time as she slowly, softly related the story of her night of sexual initiation. Now she sat there looking at me. I glanced down and saw that her nipples were hard and swollen showing clearly through the light sweater. Reliving her story had obviously turned her on something fierce. I understood completely, it sure had me excited. I looked into her beautiful blue eyes and knew what I said next would be terribly important to my lady. I pulled her hands to my...

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Attraction reactions

——————————————————————————— Chapter 1 The event that changed everything Lily and Tessa have been neighbors and best friends since they were toddlers. Growing up together, they both know most of each others secrets and can talk about almost anything together. Lily is the shy one and the follower of the two, sometimes shes embarrassed by Tessa’s brashness. Lily’s shyness and Tessa’s brashness has made their relationship work well. Lily and Tessa are both 18 years old still living at...

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Wild Reactions

Stupid bloody teacher. Any form of detention would’ve been better than this. I was stuck in S6 with Isabella, her long brown hair swishing slightly as she read from one side of her book to the other. I should’ve been reading too, but I wasn’t. I mean, how could I when SHE was in the room? Of course, she’d probably know that I had a thing for her. I’m pretty blindingly obvious like that. I’m not smooth at all at the start, but I like to think that once the ball starts rolling I’ve got some...

Quickie Sex
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Duty and Duplicity Book 5 of Poachers ProgressChapter 7 Distractions Interaction Satisfaction Reactions

Otto looked up in surprise as I strode into my office in the Fortezza Nuova. “I did not expect to see you until the end of the month, Colonel.” I could see he was disconcerted, annoyed even, by my earlier than expected return, and I sought to assure him of my confidence in his abilities. “Believe me Otto, I was extremely loth to leave Florence. Although you are more than competent to manage the impending inspection I deemed it a politeness on my part to be present when Duke Leopold arrives...

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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 31 Actions and Reactions

March 1985, Chicago, Illinois Rosie said Becky had TRIED to kill herself. That meant Becky was probably still alive, which was a bit of a relief. “What happened?” I asked. “I came home from a party and found her on the floor. I couldn’t wake her up and there was a bottle of pills next to her!” “Where is she now?” I asked. “The paramedics said they were taking her to MacNeal Hospital on Oak Park Avenue.” “Did anyone call her parents?” I asked. “The police are still here. I don’t...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 17 Reactions

August 19, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio “I can’t take you to Columbus without asking your parents!” I said when we reached the car. “Phil will take you home, I’m sure.” “Mike, you need someone with you! I’m your girlfriend! Swing by my house. It’s on the way to the interstate. I’ll ask my mom. It’ll take two minutes! Please?” I was already in the car and had started the engine but I realized that Emmy was probably right. I leaned over and unlocked the passenger door and she ran around and...

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Fertile FlockChapter 16 Relative Reactions

"Tell me Mr. Carson, how much trouble am I in?" "Well Deacon, I can't tell you that everything's going to go away but we'll talk about it and maybe you'll give me some ideas." Kevin Carson and Deacon Robert Ramsay had just heard the prosecution's case against him or at least what they were required to reveal. "I'll go through things in order. First, did Rita Gonzales work in your factory?" "Yes, for a while." "Did you supply her with clients for her prostitution...

1 year ago
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Changing Rooms

As you go to enter the swimming pool entrance with your mates, You drop your change as you come up they are gone,Your new to the swimming pool and decide to pick a door,As you enter the door you walk round and find a load of men all in towels and chatting until they spot you and the room goes silent,With your small voice you say, "I take it this isn`t the girls changing room, can you point me into the direction of the door out of here",As your saying this you spot a couples guys without towels...

Group Sex
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Watching Anna

For men who like to watch their wives having sex with other men, no explanation is necessary. For men who don't understand this fantasy, no explanation is possible. Although I enjoy wife sharing and some wife cheating stories I always felt confident that I would never want to act any of them out myself. I also felt that if my wife Anna ever cheated on me that would be it, no second chances. If I were ever so unfortunate to actually catch her cheating I believed I'd probably end up in prison...

Wife Lovers
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Some supernatural force took pity on you. I do not know why you of all people, but apparently they felt sorry for you for all the times you got into trouble. You cried out to the universe that you wish you could be praised instead of told off. Your wish has been granted, from now on everything abnormal you do will be considered good and praiseworthy. Not only that, but you can also make it so that everybody will be encouraged to do, and praised for an action, simply by stating that said action...

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Sheryls StoryChapter 4

From that night on, I changed. My re-introduction to men had been perfect. Scott had been the consummate lover. Now he was gone. In an attempt to make up for the loss, I began looking for quantity rather than quality. With it I began drinking more, no longer caring who had me, just so long as there was physical contact, and a pretence of caring. Joel's performance did improve, and we had many good times together. On my bed, the back lawn, his car or anywhere that seemed right at the time. I...

3 years ago
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Annie Teaches Part II

My daughter and I practiced on my new stripper pole for about thirty minutes before we had to stop so I could start dinner for my family. I continued to be amazed at how good Beth was on the pole and her dancing ability. My daughter is a very good gymnast and her strength and flexibility really is evident in her dancing skills. After we finished, we both put our robes on and she went upstairs to her bedroom and I went into our kitchen to start dinner. A minute later I remembered something I...

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Die Schule

Es ist 6.15h und mein Wecker reißt mich viel zu früh aus dem Schlaf. Ich bleibe noch kurz liegen und denke über den vor mir liegenden Tag nach. Heute also würde ich auf die neue Schule kommen. Ich hasse das. Ständig zieht mein Vater um, weil er dann "bessere Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten" hat. Und ich bin alle halbe Jahre auf einer anderen Schule. Schule heißt für mich inzwischen eh nicht mehr lernen, sondern in erster Linie Mädchen aufreißen. Wie mein Vater sehe auch ich sehr gut aus und kann sehr...

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Plain Jane

As it was the weekend I was up quite early, I decided that as I was going to visit my neighbour I had better dress in something more than my usual shorts so decided on a pair of boxer briefs under a pair of dress shorts and a polo shirt. I rang the bell twice and was just about to leave when the top window opened and a weary looking Jane popped her head out,“Oh Frank” she said in a sleepy voice, “Hang on a second”, so I waited patiently as she got herself together and came down.“Sorry” she said...

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Teachers weekend getaway

I am a teacher.  A five-foot-six-inch one hundred thirty-five pound, forty-year-old teacher with brown hair.  I have a thirty-six D chest and legs that go on forever.  I would say I am a seven on a scale of one to ten.  Over the summer I had an experience at a teacher’s conference that I still find hard to believe.  I also find it hard to believe that I have a husband as great as mine.  He loves me unconditionally and understands what I need more than I do sometimes.Last year I had a school...

Wife Lovers
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Red Ribbons in Her Hair Ch 05

Gabe got the call as he was getting ready to leave his office for the evening. He’d been sitting and staring at his murder board. The eyes of those girls, now including the photos of Devon Basset, seemed to be staring at him, accusing him of missing something, some integral part of the puzzle that he should know. Some tiny part of the killer’s identification that should be right there in front of him if he’d only just reach out and pluck it. And along with those eyes, he could see Kaylee’s...

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Pee Slut

A perfect morning, it was. I got to the kitchen, preparing myself a quick, short meal as I was running a bit late for my schedule. After finishing my breakfast, I went back to my bedroom, not taking a shower that morning. I put on my sexy pink lingerie under a formal, white blouse and a short, grey skirt. I completed my look with a grey jacket to make it my proper 'business' look. Then, I put on my sexy, black 4" heels as I decided it was time I head out of my home to fulfill the task my...

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Mom Enjoys With Her Hot Son 8211 Part 2

Hi guys, This is Vicky (name changed) again with the next part of my hot story those who didn’t read my last story I suggest them that they have to read that first. Before that I introduce myself again that I’m a well built body boy and my cock size 7”.in my last story I told you guys that how the hell I fucked my busty whore mom for the first time and after that day I am fucking her everyday and with mom’s help I have fucked many of mom friends too. So now let the story begins that how I...

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MylfDom Cassandra Cain Ciggies Make Her Gag

Cassandra Cain knows the rules, but that does not mean she always follows them. Today, she sneaks out to smoke a cigarette knowing full well what the consequences will be. Her man is pissed and commands her to get upstairs and get ready to be punished. She smirks as she climbs the steps to their room, imagining all the dirty things he is going to do to her. She gags herself and then gasps as he whips her tight ass. She moans orgasmically as he pounds while wrapping his hand around her...

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A Just RewardChapter 16

Although the meal at the Yew Tree was very good it was a quiet meal. Becca may have forgiven Steven but she was still badly shaken. Steven, despite that forgiveness, was still wracked with guilt at what he had allowed her to be subjected to. Becca insisted on them sitting side by side on the bench seat rather than opposite. She did not crowd him but her knee was pressed firmly against his thigh throughout. She needed bodily contact and Steven was thankful that she was still prepared to seek...

4 years ago
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The Necromancer

"Ha...ha... Ah..! Charles!" "Sybil!" The couple's copulation reached their peak and the woman tensed as pleasure washed over her before finally falling limp, the rhythmic motion of her panting breast all that signaled her livelihood. Reluctantly, Charles withdrew his still rigid manhood and climbed off the bed. Mechanically, he dressed, pushing his continuing erection down till it was pressed against his thigh and secured there by his underwear. Trousers covered it up shortly after....

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A Husbands Revenge

*** The following is a true story...only the names have been changed.Carrie and I had been friends since college. She was a cute brunette with very large breasts. We were always just friends though. We managed to keep in touch after college and as time went on. She got married to a man named Tom and I got married to a beautiful woman name Lisa. Carrie and Tom had a son and a daughter and myself and Lisa had 3 daughters. Life was good for both our families.Our families lived across the country...

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My first time with a guy

I was 19 had been with a few women but found myself often stroking myself to gay porn or fantasizing about it...there was 5 of us close friends who hung out all the time i had never been attracted to any of them but one day my friend sam came out of the closet we of course gave him crap about it but he was still our best friend none the less we all had asked questions about if he had actually ever been with another guy he told us he had a bf and that sam was the top in the relationship but...

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Two Songs on the Radio chapter 2

I still drew weak breaths when remembering the party last week. I had awoken to find Tracey next to me her hand on my chest. But I couldn't stay until she woke, my mind wouldn't let me though my body so did. I knew that in a weeks time from then, I would be going to Portsmouth, and Tracey to Cardiff for our respective universities. Whilst at Uni there would, no doubt, be ample chance for sexual frolics. I didn't mind I just wish I hadn't had slept with Tracey before I...

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Sam and AmyChapter 6

The next day, the buzzer sounded from the front gate. Amy answered it and had a brief conversation with the person there. She pressed a button and caused the gate to open and grant admittance. A short time later, there was a knock on the front door. "Will you get that Sam? I'm on the phone," Amy called out and hurriedly picked up the phone and pretended to be on it. Sam answered the front door and found the bookstore cashier standing there with several large boxes on a two-wheel...

4 years ago
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Gifted Book 1 SilenceChapter 3 Death

Willow hadn’t seen her father die. When she had heard the shots, she had headed back to the camp at a run. She had wandered further from the camp than she had first thought. It was late when they had stopped, but she had needed the exercise and had gone for a walk. By the time she got back close to the glade, she had heard her mother’s screams. The man called Harry had been trying to rip off her mother’s clothes. Her mother grabbed the hand with the knife with both of hers and stabbed it...

1 year ago
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RepliKate and the BunnyGirls

RepliKate impatiently waited for the patrol to walk by, activating her powers as she stepped into the hallway behind them. The classy, dark evening gown that molded itself to her smooth curves vanished suddenly, leaving her ample assets fully nude for an almost-imperceptible instant as she strode down the hall before rough Kevlar materialized around her body, wrapping her in dark blue body armor as a standard-issue visored helmet obscured her elegant features. She adopted the no-nonsense gait...

Mind Control
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MommysGirl Jessica Ryan Hazel Moore World Tour From Home

Jessica Ryan is walking down the stairs when she is stopped by her stepdaughter, Hazel Moore, coming out of the bathroom and closing the door quickly behind her. Jessica is surprised and curious as to what Hazel is up to. Hazel explains that since Jessica has gone to so much effort to save up for Hazel’s college – so much, in fact, that Jessica has been unable to afford a vacation for herself – Hazel has decided to show her gratitude with a special surprise! Hazel says that...

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Kristens Big Mistake Redux by Millie Dynamite

by Millie Dynamite © copyright 2014, 2019, 2020 by Millie Dynamite Kristen’s trip went well, she’d bought dozens of new outfits, spent a fortune on all kinds of indulgences, and enjoyed herself indulgence in the resort getaway. She felt satisfied and only wanted to get home to her husband to play the part of a loving wife. He’d be happy, she returned two days ahead of schedule, and she would satisfy his every whim, the old fart had always been an easy mark. Passing over the exchange, she...

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Rimming Job Technique

There are many people who find asses extremely sexy but the asshole extremely disgusting. If that area is disgusting to you and/or gay sex, then you may not want to finish reading this. An anus itself has many sensitive nerves located in areas that can provide a great deal of pleasure for your man. The two most prevalent areas are the anus entrance itself and the prostate gland located inside the anus underneath the taint area. I am going to give you some tips on how to properly approach this...

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ParentTeacher Conference

How it all started I’ve always hated the stress and drama of parent/teacher conferences. It was one of the few times I’d really “dress up” so I can make a good impression on the parents. This was especially true with the first formal meeting as I figured if I look good, then they would take the news of their child’s academic difficulties a little better. Therefore, I put up with a pantsuit or a blouse and nice skirt with stockings and garter belts. The only plus to all of this was we would go...

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A Talbots ThanksgivingIR14part1of1

the secret thoughts of a family when the sit down for thanksgiving dinner. A Talbot’s ThanksgivingPart-1-of-1 It was November twenty second, 1962 at the Talbot’s home in a small norther eastern town in Texas. Margery Talbot set a traditional Thanksgiving table, a snow white table cloths, the good china and silver flat wear to eat turkey with giblet gravy, Glazed ham, mashed potatoes, carrots, Brussels sprouts, German potato salad, green beans with bacon, dinner rolls, real butter, banana...

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What Do You Think HappenedChapter 6

I was spooked by the silence of Columbus that morning when we woke up. I waited until 8 a.m. -- as advertised in my radio message -- before leaving town, but I was glad to go. I was relieved to get back out on the open highway again. It felt safer. We still saw occasional animals along the road -- packs of dogs, mostly. Deer, the occasional opossum, once even a small brown bear. No people, though. We hadn't seen any cats, either. That seemed strange. I counted backward. It had been four...

3 years ago
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Always sex pigs Always gentlemen

On Thursday, I took a day off from work to spend with Master. I made Master his usual breakfast and sat at his feet while he ate. After, I cleaned up the kitchen and then I locked myself into the bathroom to clean-out and clean-up so I'd be ready to serve master sexually. Just as i was about to jump into the shower there was a knock on the bathroom door. It was Master; he needed some towels for his bathroom. He remarked how unnecessary it is to lock the door since his adult c***dren where...

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