Batwoman meets Catwoman Part One
- 3 years ago
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It had been six months since I cheated on my husband. During that time I had tried to tell him. How do I tell my husband that I had slept with another man, not only another man but a black man? A black man while we were on vacation with our kids, while my husband was in the next room tending to our children.
Every time I got the nerve to tell him, I backed down. I knew it would mean the end of our marriage. Timothy was raised in the deep south, while I was what some people called “city south.” I still had my country ways, but living in Atlanta was much different from being raised out in the “sticks” as Timothy proudly called his low population hometown.
Now we were living in the outskirts of Atlanta in a lovely suburban house, and we were content on the way things had turned out. Timothy worked for a prominent construction contractor, while I worked in a hair salon.
Our three children went to a lovely school, and things were perfect. That was until we went on vacation. I cheated. I was that woman that slept with another man, let that man fill her inside with his… I couldn’t even bring myself to think of it. I literally begged him to cum inside me.
I sat up in bed and looked over at Timothy. He had his reading glasses on as he read one of his new contracts. I couldn’t bring myself to sleep with him. I promised myself that I wouldn’t until I told him. After being married for the number of years that we have been, it was easy to make up excuses or make myself not available. However, I knew the moment was coming soon. I would have to tell him.
“Fuck that!” Lexis shouted at me from her spot in the corner.
“I am with her,” Natalie agreed as she did her client's hair.
“I owe it to him,” I said as I washed out the last of the shampoo from my client’s hair. “He is my husband.”
“So,” my client said. “I have been cheating on my husband and my other boy toys for going on five years,” she said as I pulled her head up.
“They cheat on us,” a woman said from her chair. “They cheat, they lie and then expect us to accept it because they are men. Get the fuck out of here!”
This was the usual talk that happened in our salon. We knew each other well, as most of our clients were regulars. They came in every week wanting the same thing.
“You can’t tell me that it wasn’t good?” Tonya asked. She was the owner of the establishment.
“Of course,” I said, even though I had regrets about cheating. I wouldn’t lie to myself that it didn’t feel good at the time. Hell, for a week after I was on cloud nine and ready to do it again. That was until I came home.
“Did you get off?” Natalie asked as she came back to her station.
“Yes,” I nodded, a couple of times.
“When was the last time your husband got you off like that?” another patron asked.
I looked around all of them was staring at me. “A while,” I shrugged as I turned the stool, so it faced the mirror.
“How long is a while, exactly?” Tonya asked.
“A few years,” I admitted.
“Well then, you don’t owe him shit!” Natalie shouted.
“Actually, he owes you,” one of the women said. To which the others agreed. I nodded.
It took a while, but the subject changed to other matters. My mind still lingered on what I had to do. I knew it was time to do the right thing.
“Thanks, Susan,” I said as I hung up the phone.
My neighbor was going to take care of the kids tonight. I looked at the table. Everything was set, I had prepared all of his favorites, not that it would matter. I am sure most of it would go in the trash or worse hit the wall.
I heard his pick up truck pull into the driveway. My heart raced, this was the point where I usually backed down, finding an excuse of why I shouldn’t do it. I could hear my mother’s voice in my head. “Excuses are for those that can’t do. It is, or it isn’t there is no in between,” she always said that to my sister and me anytime we made excuses why we didn’t do something.
I heard Timothy talking to the neighbor.
I remembered a time back in high school when I told one of my guy friends that I hadn’t had the time to talk to him or call him because I was busy. After I hung up, my mother gave me a look. She turned and walked away. She told me that she had never been so disappointed in me. It was a lie, a blatant lie.
I tried to make an excuse for the reason why I did it. She held up her hand and said she didn’t want to talk to me. The next day she was killed in a hit and run accident. I never forgot that look.
I sighed and sat down.
“Hey,” Timothy said as he entered the dining room. “Where are the kids?” he asked as he sat down.
“Susan has them for the night,” I nodded.
“Oh no,” Timothy smiled. “What did you do? Moreover, how much is it going to cost me?” he laughed as he began to make a plate for himself.
My eyes began to fill with water. “Come on,” Timothy said as he grabbed my hands. “Whatever it is we will work it out, we always have.”
I pulled my hands back. “I don’t think we can with this one,” I shook my head.
“Trust me,” he smiled. “Come on tell me.”
I took a deep breath then looked into my husband's eyes. Then I let it out and told him. I told him everything, not leaving anything out. He sat there and stared at me, not saying a word until I was finished. Then there was silence. Ear-splitting, nauseating silence that seemed to last hours. I knew it was only a minute or two, but watching him look at me and say nothing made it feel like a day had passed. Slowly he stood up and walked towards the garage.
I listened to the amount of swearing that could make a sailor cringe. There were words I never thought I would hear my husband say about another person. Other words he had promised he would never say again. Then things began to fly and hit the walls. Timothy had a temper. He had never beaten the kids or me. He always went out to the garage.
I sat still not moving, not attempting to go out to him like I usually did. Then I heard the door open, and he walked back in. He sat across from me as I stared at the floor. “You can’t even look at me, can you?” he asked.
I shook my head. My long blonde hair was hiding my face from him. “How?” he asked. “No, Why?” he corrected himself. “You know what, I don’t want to know.”
“I am taking the kids to my mom’s place for the week,” he said as he stood up. “When I come back, I want you gone.”
I nodded. Timothy slammed the door as he went out and I began to cry.
A week isn’t a long time. Sure, on a calendar it looks like a long time. When you have to pack and get most of your belongings out of a house, it goes by in the blink of an eye. That wasn’t the hardest part, the hardest part was explaining to your fourteen-year-old son, why his mother wouldn’t be home when he got back. The young girls didn’t understand or wouldn’t understand for a while, but he knew why his father was mad. Also, he had questions, many questions. Most of them were about him.
I couldn’t believe my life was crashing down over twenty minutes. Twenty minutes from the time I went into that other hotel room, to the moment I left. That’s all it took to crack the foundations of my life.
“I will send for the rest,” I told Timothy over the phone. He had called to make sure I wasn’t home before he left his mother’s house.
“Fine,” he replied. “The papers?”
“As soon as I get them, I will sign them,” I nodded as I got into my car.
“Good,” he said.
“I still want visitation rights!” I said, I knew I had done a horrible thing and I had no right to be a full-time mother, but they were still my children.
“We will see,” Timothy said as he hung up.
“We will see, my ass,” I said as I put the car in gear and left the house.
My new place was a dump. It was all I could afford, and it was in a bad part of the city. Luckily, I had nothing valuable to steal. Most of my things were in storage.
I looked up at the hideous monstrosity that hovered over the area where I would be putting my bed.
“The last tenant was, to put it mildly, let’s just say she had a lot of gentlemen callers,” the landlord said behind me as we made the final walk through.
It was a full-length mirror.
“It will do,” I shook my head. I didn’t intend on living here too long. When he left, I got to unpacking most of the smaller stuff. Lexis and her boyfriend were helping me with the larger things.
“Wow,” Lexis said staring up at the mirror. She looked around the small room. “There really is nowhere else to place a bed, but right here.”
“Yup,” I nodded.
Her boyfriend Jackson was all smiles as he stared at Lexis. “Don’t even,” she shook her head at him. “It’s hideous.”
“It could be fun,” Jackson smiled.
“If you can get it down, it’s all yours,” I said as Lexis, and I pulled the bed out of the way.
Jackson and his friend both started to look at it as they planned on a way to take it down. Lexis joined me in the small living room.
“So,” she said looking at me.
“It was the right thing to do,” I nodded.
Lexis had been a good friend to me the moment I came into the salon. While some of the others were friendly to me, I knew they said many things behind my back. Lexis, on the other hand, was the type to tell it all to my face.
“What are you going to do?” Lexis asked, her long bob weave hanging to one side.
“I was going to ask for extra hours,” I said sitting on my couch.
“Well, you know that won’t happen,” Lexis snapped back. “All of us have been looking for extra hours or extra clients. People are doing their own hair now, looking online for help videos and shit.”
I nodded. Lexis was right the number of new clients was dwindling, even with Tonya lowering the prices on everything.
“I was also thinking about doing one of the rideshare apps,” I shrugged.
“In this neighborhood?” Lexis looked at me like I was crazy.
“No,” I shook my head. “Thinking of driving into the city close to the airport, early mornings and afternoons. No late nights though.”
“It’s not coming down,” Jackson said as he came into the room.
“Whoever put it on there bolted it to the ceiling,” his friend said. “Only way that thing is coming down is if you took part of the ceiling with it.”
“That’s what the landlord said,” I nodded. “Thanks though.”
The three of them stayed for a little while. Terry, the friend, offered to stay later, but I knew why he wanted to stay and I just wasn’t in the mood for his advances. I went down to the grocery store to get some things for the rest of the week. It had to last until my next paycheck.
When I came back, it was dark, and some dark-skinned men were hanging out at the bottom of the stairs. “Hi,” I said as I approached them.
“Ah, you must be the new tenant,” one of the men said as he got up. The smell of weed and alcohol filled the air.
“Yeah,” I said quietly.
“That mirror still up there?” one of the other men asked with a smile on his face.
I pretended not to hear as I walked up the stairs.
“Stuck up bitch,” one of the other men said as I made it up to my landing. I walked across the landing to my apartment. Opening the door, I went inside and closed the door.
“I can go for the rest in the morning,” I said as I began to put things away. “Shit!” I shouted as I realized the ice cream and some other frozen items was still in the trunk of my car. I took a deep breath and opened the door. I had dealt with guys like this before when they came by the salon. Lexis was the best at dealing with them.
“Back again, huh?” one of them said as he got up.
“Yeah, forgot a few things, sorry,” I said as I passed them.
“You didn’t answer the question,” one of them said as I opened the trunk.
“Yeah, the monstrosity is still there,” I smiled with a nod.
“Told you,” one laughed at the others.
“That Debra was a freak,” one of them said as he looked at me as I came back. “A real white skinned, blonde haired freak!”
“Too bad, my name isn’t Debra,” I said looking back at him.
“Hell nah,” one of them laughed. “You’re much better to look at than she ever was,” he said as he looked at my chest.
“Can I get by or do I need to pay the troll toll?” I asked looking at all of them.
They all stared at me, and for a moment I thought I had pushed my luck. Then they began to smile. “Of course, go on, we are just messing with you,” the larger one of them said as I walked past them and up the stairs.
I closed and locked the door, breathing a sigh of relief. I put the items away and sat on the couch. I could still hear them talking. Curiosity got the better of me, and I silenced my television. The conversation went from their jobs to new music versus old, and then it went to sex. It seemed that Debra was always giving them turns or freebies.
“You think that new chick will be up for some?” one of them asked.
“Nah,” another one said. “She won’t be here long. I give her three months tops.”
“Them tits are out of this world though,” another one put in. “Think she got the real ones, Deb's were fake and felt wrong.”
“Hell yeah, those fuckers are real, did you see how they bounced as she came down?” another one added.
Hearing them talk about me, made me smile. It was also making me horny. It had been months now since I had gotten fucked, I wasn't going to go down there and get screwed by four men on my first night in this place. I would never live it down.
“Now that ass,” one said. The others made a grunting sound. “Didn’t know a white girl could have an ass like that, it should be illegal.”
I stifled a laugh, even though I knew they wouldn’t hear me if I laughed out loud. They stopped talking as I heard someone approaching. “Hey Leon,” one of the men said.
“What’s up?” a new voice said as it got closer.
“You seen your new neighbor?” one of the men asked.
“Nah, pulled a double today,” the new voice said. “Tired as fuck. Got to go back in a few hours.”
“I hear ya,” one of the others said. “Got to make that paper. We will head out so that you can get that rest though.”
“Appreciated,” the new voice said, I guessed that was whom they called Leon I heard a door close below me, then a car started up and left. The door next to me opened and closed, and the place went silent.
My neighbor was named Leon, and from the sound of it, the others respected him. That was good to know.
The days flew by and before I knew it they had turned into weeks. Today was the first time I got to visit my kids. I was thrilled that my oldest wanted to see me. Although the stipulation was that they would be accompanied by someone Timothy trusted, I had agreed to his conditions.
“Hey there,” I smiled as my son came into the park.
“Hey Mom,” my son greeted me. I stood up and hugged him. I looked for my two daughters. “They aren’t ready yet,” he shook his head.
“Of course,” I nodded. I knew they had heard terrible things about me from the lady standing a few feet away.
Teresa was Timothy’s older sister. To say she was a snob was an insult to all snobs, add on to that she was highly religious and could recite the bible from cover to cover without looking it made her even worse.
“An hour,” Teresa said as she looked at me. “I will be right over there Jacob.”
“Thank you, Auntie,” Jacob said as he watched her walk to a bench.
“How are you?” I asked.
Jacob sat down and told me everything. Timothy had told them the truth, even though my girls were young, they knew mum had done a bad thing which made Dad mad at her. I accepted that it was the truth. Then he told me that his father planned to move them to another city. That made my blood boil, but I hid it well and said it would be something that the two of us would discuss in detail.
“It’s time,” Teresa said as she came over.
“What, did you have a stopwatch?” I asked as I looked down at my phone.
“Anna,” Teresa said looking down at me. “You agreed to the time, don’t make this a big deal.”
“It’s okay,” Jacob said. “I will text you later?”
“Of course,” I smiled with a nod.
I watched them go and sat in silence as I contemplated what I had to do to make things right again. I sent a text message to Timothy. It was how he wanted to communicate. I thanked him for letting me see my son and told him to tell my girls hello.
“I will,” Timothy sent back.
I began to text him about moving the children, but I thought better of it. I needed a stable job and a better place. Hopefully, he wouldn’t be moving them anytime soon. I knew a phone number of one of his coworkers.
I sent a quick message hoping I would get a reply. I then turned on my rideshare app. I got a drive right away and proceeded to pick them up.
The day turned into an endless tour of the city as people needed to be driven everywhere. My phone chirped just after six p.m. It was from the co-worker. I called him back.
“Stephen?” I asked.
“Anna?” Stephen replied.
“Yes,” I smiled hearing a friendly voice.
“Timothy told us what happened,” Stephen said.
“Shit,” I whispered.
“Anna is it true?” Stephen asked.
“Yes,” I nodded. “I…”
“I am sorry,” Stephen said. “I can’t talk to you, Timothy is my friend, I have to be on his side. You had a good life, Anna. I hope it was worth it.”
“I understand, I just wanted to know how long I have until he plans to move, that is all. I won’t bother you again. I promise,” I blurted out in a quick breath.
“The transfer is final in three months,” Stephen said as he hung up.
“Three months,” I said nodding my head. I had time, not a lot but it was a relief that it was months not weeks.
When I got to my apartment, the same four men were sitting by the stairs. I smiled as I walked up to them.
“Sorry,” they said as they stood up.
I began to go up the stairs and then stopped. “My name is Anna,” I said as I turned to look at them. They all smiled and looked back up at me.
“Chris,” the sizeable tall man said.
“Devon,” the small skinny man said.
“Tony,” the large plump man said.
“Dru,” the last one said, he was built like he never left the gym.
“Nice to meet all of you,” I said as I sat down on one of the stairs.
They talked a lot. Even for me working in a salon, it was bit much. They all worked at the distribution center a few miles away from here. Dru and Devon were roommates in the apartment directly below me. Tony lived with his mother, which the others made fun of daily. Chris lived in another apartment complex with his wife.
A small white car pulled up, and another black man came up. “Hey Leon,” Dru said as he stood up.
“Hey,” Leon said as he walked up.
Leon looked younger than all of them. He looked like he was in his late twenties, early thirties. He looked directly at me and smiled. “You must be the new tenant?” he asked.
“Anna,” I said as I stood up to shake his hand.
“Nice to meet you finally,” he said.
“Well, we better be going,” Chris said as he looked at his watch.
“Yeah,” Dru said as he stood up.
I walked up to the landing with Leon behind me. “They were right,” Leon said as he got to his door.
“About what?” I turned to look at him.
“You do have a nice ass,” Leon said as he put his key in the door.
“For a white woman?” I smiled back.
“For any woman,” he said as he tilted his head. I playfully turned slightly so he could get a better view.
“Damn,” he said as he shook his head and entered.
I laughed as I entered my apartment.
I couldn’t believe I had got turned down again for another job. I had applied everywhere. If I didn’t know better, I would think the whole city had turned against me. Then it hit me. I went downstairs and knocked on Dru and Devon’s door. It was Saturday, and I hoped one of them would be home.
Devon opened the door. He was standing in only his boxers. I smiled slightly as I tried not to stare. “I heard you guys the other night saying one of the bookkeepers was leaving?”
“Yeah, Nicole she found something downtown,” he said as he stared at my cleavage. I was wearing a v neck shirt that plunged down a bit too far for someone with large breasts.
“Do you think I could get an interview?” I asked.
“Sure, ask Chris,” he said as he walked back inside. I couldn’t help but notice that bulge in his boxers. He came back with his phone. He showed me the number for Chris, and I wrote it down.
“Thanks,” I smiled as I began to walk away.
“Hey,” Devon called at me. “Those, they are real right, not that plastic shit?”
“Yup,” I nodded as I squeezed them both. “All me, no plastic or silicone. All real here too,” I said as I turned and grabbed my ass.
“Damn,” he said as he closed the door.
I knew that I was playing with fire flirting with these men the way I was, but it had been so long since the last time. All I wanted at this point was a little relief. Toys and my fingers weren’t working anymore. I needed the real thing.
I called Chris, and he was excited to set up an appointment. It was all set for Monday. The pay was what I was looking for as well as the hours. I had done bookkeeping for the salon as well as two diners. I was hoping it was enough work experience to get me into the door.
There was a knock on my door. I opened it to see Leon standing there. “I got this on my door?” he said holding up the package receipt. I had written a small note on it that said I had the box.
“Yes,” I said as I picked up a box. “I thought it was too important to be laying out in the open like that.”
“Thanks,” he said as he leaned against the door jam. He was staring at my top.
“See anything you like?” I said as I folded my arms under my chest.
“You know it,” he said as he licked his lips. He had a bald head and light brown skin. He wore a cap that was turned to the side. Leon wasn't anything like Frederick. For one he wasn't as muscular and for the other, Frederick looked like a businessman. Leon looked like all of the others from the neighborhood.
“Thought you were an ass man,” I smiled as I looked at him.
“Shit. Ass, Tits, Legs, you name it, I like it,” Leon said as he kept staring.
“You keep staring like that, you are going to bore a hole straight through this shirt,” I said. Damn, I was flirting. Not just flirting, I was teasing him. Practically telling this man that he could have me, hopefully, he wouldn’t call me on it.
“Or you could take the shirt off,” he said entering my apartment.
‘Damn,’ I thought he had called my bluff.
“I could,” I said stepping back. My mind was saying no, don’t do it, but my body was saying shut the fuck up, bitch!
Leon closed the door behind him and pulled me close to him. His lips smashed against mine, and now my body and mind were saying the same thing.
I wrapped my arms around him as he kissed me hard. Leon’s hands slid down my body, and both of them squeezed my ass. I was wearing the jogging pants that I wore around the house. He squeezed both my cheeks hard.
“Knew you were an ass man,” I smiled.
“Turn around then,” he ordered.
I obediently turned around as he pulled my pants down. “I knew it,” he said slapping my bare ass. “Knew you were wearing a thong,” Leon said as he slapped the other side.
It hurt and stung as he slapped one then the other repeatedly. He pushed me closer to the couch as I bent over. “Holy fuck,” I yelped as I felt his tongue between my ass cheeks.
“Bet no one has done this before,” he said as he plunged two fingers into my wet pussy.
“No,” I shook my head as I felt his tongue push its way into my ass. “Fuck,” I said as I felt both his fingers fucking me. Then he began to finger my ass.
I had done anal three times in my life, and all three were with Timothy. I knew a fourth time was coming soon. “Stop,” I said as I came for the second time. “Fuck me.”
Leon stood up. He gripped my thighs hard between his hands he began slapping his cock against one ass cheek then the other. My only saving grace was he wasn’t as big as Frederick. I didn’t think I could take a cock like that up my ass.
Leon began rubbing his cock up and down between my ass cheeks, teasing me. “Put it in me!” I shouted back at him. I was tired of feeling my fake toys. I wanted the real thing.
“You want this?” Leon said as he stabbed his dick inside my pussy with his hard dick, then pulled it out.
“Yes!” I begged. “Please!”
Leon gave my ass a hard slap before he plunged his dick deep inside me. I felt all of it inside me and moaned, feeling his length and girth stretch my lips around it. He gripped my hips hard as he began to fuck me hard.
Our bodies pounded together as he fucked me hard. He was using me as his fuck toy, and I wanted him to do whatever he wanted as long as I felt him inside me.
“Harder,” I said through gritted teeth.
Leon wrapped my long hair in a ball around his fist as he pulled my hair back. “A body like yours was built for fucking,” he growled in my ears.
“Then fuck me,” I growled back.
Leon took hold of my hips again he pulled me back on his dick as he fucked as hard as he could. I could feel that he was about to cum. Quickly he pulled his dick out of me and shot his cum onto my ass.
“Damn, you are trying to kill a guy?” he said as he sat back on the couch.
“No,” I shook my head. I stood up and looked down at him. He was breathing heavy with a satisfied look on his face. “With all that bragging I thought you would have lasted longer.”
“What?” Leon said looking up at me.
“You know your way out,” I smiled.
“Damn, you’re harsh,” Leon said with a smile. “I get it though. Next time you want a fix, hit me up.”
“Uh-huh,” I nodded. I closed and locked the door behind me. I was glad Leon was gone. If he had stayed, I might have gone a few more rounds. I was sated, for now, hopefully, it won’t come to that again.
I walked into the bathroom to take a shower and get cleaned up.
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I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...
Holly crept up behind Kate with instinctive ease, then like some guard dog she bit on Kate's cunt then chewed playfully on her flesh through her latex while her hands shot forward, and grabbed Kate's tits. She let out a deep, long moan that resonated through the latex into Kate's cunt as latex covered flesh muffled it. She couldn't resist Kate's succulent position one moment, and she wanted some of that sweet pussy so badly! "Ahhhhhhhhhhh...., uuuhhhhh....,...
Report to the King of Sparta. B.C 481 "We must conclude that there was more then one Persian ship in our waters. When one met with disaster in the storm, the other picked up survivors and as much wreckage as it could. The shield is the only piece of wreckage that signifies Persian identity. There can be no doubt that it was a spying mission or an attempt to land agents of Persia on our soil or the soil of a neighbouring state. We cannot ignore the possibility that a neighbour may actually...
Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...
Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...
Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...
This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestThis introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestAlessandra looks like a teen with her tiny tits and slim figure with a boyish tight bottomAlessandra is in practise a lesbian but no-one believes her here as she is fan of ChastityAlessandra loves to look at that ugly sex slut as she is being banged by big brown bananasAlessandra is afraid of anal sex but loves to come watching Chastity's back-door big bangsAlessandra will be on our cameras all weekend while I abuse her with pretty Petra, my great granddodAlessandra will be our willing victim...
Below a new set of real life stories about a beautiful hot Brazilian women Fernanda, nick name Peituda Safada.You can meet her at the strip-club Rota96 in Curitiba Brazil!Fernanda & Paulla entertaining a guy.I had sex 2 days ago with together another dancer from the club:An american guy wants see how 2 girls do lesbian sex.He orders us to put out all clothes, only we must wear our shoesAfter that we must kissing. He wants see how our tongue goes deep in each other mouth .We must play by...
Alternative version of Actions Have Consequences By Sarah Goodwoman Marci looked in the mirror one last time to make sure her makeup was perfect. She was shocked and disappointed at how good it was. She has only been doing her makeup for a month now but felt like she was a professional at it. The woman stalling for time was not happy that she did not need to do anymore alterations to her makeup. Marci cursed herself for being too honest, for she was not looking forward to leaving the...
There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...
He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...
I laughed at the screen as it was another request from Frederick. It had been a full two months now that I had a one-on-one video chat with him, and yet he couldn't take the hint. I was sticking to my rule, no married men. It was on my profile, I wouldn't meet, or video with anyone I suspected was married.Sometimes one would fall through the cracks, but it was easy to tell after they got one on one with me. Usually, a ring would give it away or the slight look away as if to make sure no one...
Group Sex"Hey!" Michael said as he saw me enter the studio.I smiled and greeted the director with a gigantic hug."Glad to see you aren't like the others," he said as he stared at my chest. "All these women getting reductions these days."I had worked with him on my previous interracial shoot; it had been almost a year since my first porn shoot. I was happy to work with him again. The last two were a pain to deal with, always wanting to change things. I knew with him at least all I had to do was show my...
OccupationsI stood there in my black dress watching them slowly lower the casket into the ground. Standing next to me was my mother, who was weeping softly. Next to her was my sister Jennifer, and she seemed the saddest of us all. Perhaps she was remembering her own mother and father's funeral who had both died when she was just a young girl. On the other side of the casket I could see Crius standing next to Dennis with an impatient frown. He seemed so out of place, and the expression on...
"Next pose," the photographer said. I laid down on the lounge chair by the pool with my legs folded over each other and leaning forward, dropping my heavy hangers down for him to take a few pictures of me. Then I switched again following the routine of the three other women that had come before me. Eventually, I got into the pool and came out slowly. Each picture was taken over and over again. After I finished one set, I would start over with another photographer. A video was taken, then...
Oral SexSant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...
Things had gone from bad to worse. To say I had dug myself into a deep hole would be an understatement. Marge had turned my day to day life to a hell on earth. If I was not doing her work for her, I was doing her personal chores, anything from picking up her lunch to walking her dogs. She wasn't the only one that was hard to deal with. Kendall had kept accurate to her words; there wasn't a minute of the day where she wasn't looking over my shoulder. Everything I did, every motion I made, she...
MoneyMandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...
[Don't forget to start the game! xoxo ~ Cindy ^.^] A friend of yours sent you the link. You thought it was another joke, a fake craigslist add, a mockery of the absurdity of the internet. But your friend insisted, and you emailed. And I replied. Almost immediately. I mostly spend my days alone in study, and this ad has been... well, you're not the only one who didn't take it seriously. So I've learned to always respond quickly. You text me, I text back. "I'm Cindy" I replied. "I'm Josh" You...
by Millie Dynamite Jaden and I meet a few weeks after he transferred to the Naval base just outside of town. I sat on a bar stool sipping my Pappy Van Winkle when this tall African-American man in full dress uniform sat next to me. He whore captain’s bars. He possessed an air of authority. I nodded to him when perched on the next stool. He returned my nod with his own acknowledgment, in a deep voice he said, “Yo.” He spoke without looking at me. “I’ll have bourbon, make it a shot of Evan...
I looked in the mirror again to make sure I looked good enough for the interview. Lexi had come over and done my hair. She had done a great job. I decided to wear one of my black dresses. The plunging neckline was just enough to show a good amount of cleavage without being too over the top. It stopped just above my thighs, with a simple cross of my legs it revealed just enough of my thighs. I was planning to use all that I could to make sure I got the job. I was tired of driving around town,...
Oral Sex"Flight Eight-ten is now boarding for Houston, Texas," the lady said over the intercom."That's me," I said to the guy sitting next to me. For the last hour we had been having a conversation, well, I was holding a conversation with him. He was having a conversation with my cleavage."Okay," he said as he sounded disappointed."If you join any of those sites, we will talk more," I said as I walked away.That was how the conversation got started. He thought he had seen me before and well, he...
InterracialThis is a story about seduction and transformation that’s written about a real-life sissy named Brandon Hippel, Brandon’s a cute little limp-wristed sissy-faggot from Abington Pennsylvania that loves to be humiliated and exposed online. She loves feminization, crossdressing, being exposed online, humiliation, anal play, degradation, being captioned, taking pictures, and talking to new people, so feel free to contact her through these various social media; Her kik is; HumiliationSlut2Her email...
Hello indian sex stories dot net dosto, aasha karta hu aap sab khush honge,mein bhi maze mein hu. Mein aaj kal mumbai mein job karta hu aur yaha pe geeta aunty ki dost sandhya ki kaise meine gaand maar ke apni saalo purani ichha poori kari ye batane ja raha hu. Mein bina time waste kare kahani pe aata hu. Mein 29 saal ka hu mota, kaala, lamba lund. Average shareer, 5.8 height, mein gora hu aur cute looks hai.May be ladkio ko meri chocolate muh mein lena pasand aata hai islie ladkia mujhe...
[Consequences are the results of actions taken or not taken. They can be intended or unintended. This story is about both kinds. I hope you enjoy this story. If the response is such that a follow-up is wanted, it will be submitted. Your votes and comments will determine if there is a follow-up.] * On April tenth my Dad died in his sleep. He was sixty-four. He had moved to the small town where I was born two years before I was born. It was my Mom’s home town. Dad was fresh out of the service....
[Consequences are the results of actions taken or not taken. They can be intended or unintended. This story is about both kinds. I hope you enjoy this story. If the response is such that a follow-up is wanted, it will be submitted. Your votes and comments will determine if there is a follow-up. The original story got 210 votes in the first month and 15 comments.] ‘Sandy, Could you come here for a minute? Please?’ I released the button on the intercom and waited. A few seconds passed and her...
Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...
Hello friends,main Vickey Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hoon aap sabke liye ek nayi sex story. Main aapko bataunga ki kaise meri wife Aditi Jacob (24 years) ne uske college friend cum businessman Shashank Chopra ke sath apna extramarital affair shuru kiya. Toh bina time waste kiye aaiye main aap sabko new sex story batata hoon. Aap logon ne meri last sex story mein padha. Anamika ke sath mere Abu Dhabi based hotel ke personal suite mein sara din sex kiya. Uske baad hum dono raat mein dubai wapas...
by Oediplex 8==3~ The sweetest mom discovers her boy is both convenient and delightful. [She also recounts when her dad fucked her at nineteen!] Like the name of Madame DeVille's moniker, Cruella, some names fit the personality they are bestowed upon. Disney came up with that evil woman's apropos handle. My mother's folks named their only child, a daughter, Candy. This was shortly before the infamous 1968 movie was out. Though there were aspects of mom that paralleled the...
Hello friends,main Vickey Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hoon aap sabke liye ek sex story. Iss part mein main aapko bataunga ki Aditi aur Shashank ne ek dusre ke sath kya kya kiya. Uss din Aditi ke iss decision ko sunkar main andar se tut gaya. Mere Aditi ko time nahi diya. Iski wajah se hi Shashank Aditi ko emotionally weak karke apne sath extramarital affair shuru karwane mein successful ho gaya. Fir Shashank ne Aditi ke chehre ko apne dono hatho se pakda aur apne hoth ko uske hoth par rakhkar...
Hey everyone, I am Arshaan haling from the southern part of India, young and athletic 25 years sporting a 6-inch cock. This is going to be the first of my many adventures. This story is split into 3 parts. Part 1 being the introduction, Part 2 being the action and Part 3 being the conclusion. All of my stories are true stories and there is no fiction involved. Now, let’s get started with part 1. This incident happened 6 years ago when I was pursuing my engineering degree in one of the most...
This part is in continuation of my previous parts. Please read the 2 last parts to understand the further story. Hi, how are you all. I guess you all have missed me maybe. Sorry for the delay in posting this story coz I was busy these days a bit with my next target, that I ’ll will tell later. Yeah, I ’m back with the next part of this series shashi bhabhi part 3, the concluding part. Yeah, let me introduce myself to those who don’t know me till yet. I’m deven shastri, residing in the capital,...
IncestHello friends, main Vickey Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hoon aap logon ke liye ek nayi kahani. Ismein main aap logon ko bataunga ki kaise meri wife Aditi ke lover Shashank Chopra(27 years) aur maine (25 years) mere hotel ki manager Anamika Malhotra (24 years) ke sath Shashank ke ghar mein sex kiya. Toh bina time waste kiye aaiye main aap sabko apni kahani batata hoon. Aap logon ne meri kahani mein padha ki maine Anupriya ke sath usi ke ghar mein sex kiya tha. Aur din bhar sex karne ke bad hum...
Mun every day college jiba time re au asiba time re Bus re jiba asiba kare, emiti jiba time mote approximate 45-50 minute lage college jiba pain, mun jenerally 9.00 re bahare au bus generally bahut bhida thai se time re, mote pray sabudina standing re jiba ku pade, au jebe bi chance mile basiba pain mun base nahin kahinki na standing re jibara reason hin kichi emiti achi,generally sei time re college jhia au local gaon ra jhia bahu mane bus re jiba asiba karanti, au se mane basile tanka agare...
Hi friends kaise ho mai aapka raj fir se hazir hu aapke samne apni ek story ko lekar ummid hai aap pasand karenge or mujhe par mail zaroor karenge to mai aapko apni ek real story sunane ja raha hu jo meri or meri girlfriend ki saheli ki chudai ki kahani hai to dosto mai start karta hu ye story 3 mahine pahli hai mai sham ko ghar par baitha tha to mere mobile par ek call aaya call attend karte hi dusri taraf se ek meethi si aawaz aayi usne apna intro diya ki wo shashi bol rahi hai mai aapki gf...
Avasaramaaga en vagupil padikum oru paiyan vanthathaal, naan nandhini aadaiyai vegamaaga aninthu vittu irunthen. Appozhuthu priya enai paarthu hey ena seithu kondu irukiraai avanai veliyil sendru ethavathu pesi sirithu neram ula varamal paarthu kol endru sonnal. Naan nandhiniyai kaama paarvaiyil paarthu konde sendren. Naan veliyil sendru, en idam thulai pesi irunthathu athil yaaruko pesuvathu pondru pose koduthu irunthen. Appozhuthu naveen vanthaan, avan ennai paarthu hey ena indru sikiram...
Hello friends, main Vickey Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hoon aap logon ke liye ek nayi kahani. Ismein main aap logon ko bataunga ki kaise meri wife Aditi ke lover Shashank Chopra (27 years) aur maine (25 years) mere hotel ki manager Anamika Malhotra (24 years) ke sath Shashank ke ghar mein sex kiya. Agle din subah 8 baje main apne ghar se nikla. 9 baje Anamika ke ghar ke gate par pahuncha jahan. Woh mera wait kar rahi thi. Anamika ne us din grey blazer, black full sleeve shirt inside, grey pant...
Hi na peru nandini…Andaru nandu ani pilustaru..Nakkuda alage pilipinchukovadam istam.. Idi konchem lengthy story but na jeevitam lo jarigina nijamaina sangatanulu. Na age 23.Ma intlo 5 members. Amma,nanna, tammudu, chelli and nenu. Amma house wife, nanna gold business. Tammudu, chelli studying still. Ha height 5.5, na size 34-25-35.Nenu present bangalore lo oka mnc lo panichestunnanu. Nenu putti perigindi antha madanpalle, tirupati. Nenu 2014 lo b.Tech tirupati lo complete chesanu, naku...
Well, now it's time for school. Candace and I go to a small high school, not private, but because we are so rich, it is not exactly public either. The students have been screened by my fathers' security teams; they are all exceptionally bright, well mannered, not prone to causing trouble, and to add ice cream to the pie, all are very good looking. There are 40 students, 20 boys and 20 girls. When the school was larger it had state champion quality teams in boys basketball, girls volleyball...
Becoming Brandee Chapter Two: Pulling up to his condo I realized that Richard was very well off. He lived in a very exclusive part of the city and his home furnishings matched his stature and good grooming. Looking around I felt like I just had to become his maid as well as girlfriend and make sure this wonderful man had me to look after him as a sweet girl would desire to do for a man who took good care of her. I squealed with delight when he showed me my own room. It couldn't...
Hi, I'm Andrew; at least I was Andrew full time until about a month ago. I have always been fascinated by lingerie: its feel, its appearance, how it just makes a body look that much more sexy. Like most curious types I started young (at sixteen, so not all that young), swiping what I could from my sisters or cousins when I could and squirreling my prizes away until I could find time for them. I will always remember the first time I put a pair of lace panties on; my erection was instantaneous! I...
CrossdressingNote: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this! Princess Malakisha – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith I strode through the corridors of the Ziggurat, my men at my back, armed, armored. Death was in the air. The future promised blood and violence. My nipples were hard as my purple sari whisked against my thighs. Juices dribbled down my legs. My heart, my dear Lucy, marched at my side, naked and unashamed, her light-brown hair bouncing about her shoulders. She smelled excited, too. Eager. She was...
Hi friends !! I am Ramon and I am here with my second story. Contact me @ The boy here is Ramon. A half Bihari and half Bengali guy. Brought up in Delhi. He joined a college at Delhi University.And with the start of the session, he met a girl named Vandana. Vandana was a short heightened sexy bitch. Round boobs.Sexy bulging ass. Wearing shorts of the time.And the strap of her bag going between her boobs would make it even more prompt. Vandana and Ramon became friends.One day Ramon was given...
Hello friends. This is Neville from Chennai. A couple of years back I posted one of my real stories on this site. I was caught in a police raid in a brothel and was rescued by the wife of my friend, Mohini. Today I and Mohini have been having love sessions as and when needed. I got a call from Mohini that her friend Nandita is in town to attend someone’s wedding. She would be coming to her house on Friday evening as she has a flight back to Toronto on Sunday. Nandita has insisted that she meet...
BRRRRIIIIIIINNNGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!The alarm clock that my wife and I mockingly referred to as “Baby Ben” sounded off and pulled me from what I first thought was a great dream. As my senses slowly came online, I could feel my hand laid over my naked wife’s breasts and that I wasn’t in my usual gym shorts and t-shirt. I was surrounded in silk, and it was not unpleasant, but it was a floor length nightgown! The events of the previous night slowly began to trickle back into focus, and the...
CrossdressingHasina lay stretched out on her bed wearing nothing but a yawn. It was a scorching hot summer day, not to mention boring. Hasina was wondering how in the world she was going to make it through a whole long, hot summer without a man.Hasina, a petite 20-year-old brunette, was home for the summer and separated from her boyfriend, Munna, who'd had to return to his own home town hundreds of miles away. Munna had given her plenty of steady loving over the past three months, and Hasina missed it...