Actions Have Consequences Vol 5: Becoming The Person The Other See You As free porn video

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Actions Have Consequences Vol 5: Becoming the person the other see you as It has been a busy week since Helen came crashing back to reality. Her and Doug started to pick up the pieces of their relationship, and also themselves. Helen is getting used to her loving husband not seeing the best in her all the time. Doug is opening up to her and not being on the defensive while she is around. They have both started to see therapist. It has been a hard week as they fought each day. Some of the fights were ignited by the most trivial things, but they were not the cause. They had a full slobberknocker of a fight over Helen saying what to bet. Doug's response to Helen use of that common phase was out of character. Instead of just stating he did not think it was the best choice of words for Helen to use to him, he went off on her about her off handed remark; stating he will never make a bet with her again! Helen admitted they were a poor choice of words only after Doug had to explain to her why. The biggest fight came from another throw-away line Helen used while Doug was in her servitude, and his reaction to finding it out. When she went out to the joint bachelor/bachelorette party and flirted with Carl, she implied that Doug was gay. Helen actually forgot she even said it. Doug found out that Helen implied he was gay when he got a phone call from a number he did not recognize. He answered it and found out it was Mike, an acquaintance of his he knew from John and Janet. Mike sounded extremely nervous on the phone when he told Doug he wanted to ask Doug something. Doug being the man who he was, tried to ease Mike's anxiety by reassuring Mike he could ask Doug anything. Doug being so nice gave Mike the courage to say what the call was about. He asked Doug out on a date. Doug was shocked at the question, and quickly said he was married and Mike told Doug he knew that. Doug got mad at him for Mike thought he would be unfaithful to his wife and asked him, "What in Hell made Mike think that Doug would want to date him?" Doug was so disappointed in himself when he heard the tone of his voice and the language he had used to ask Mike that question. Even with Doug being mad at Mike for thinking he would not keep his fidelity to Helen, he still should not have shown his anger. Before Mike could answer Doug said, "I am sorry that I had that outburst. I am confused why you'd think I would be unfaithful to my wife with you?" Mike responded, "Doug, it's fine to have that outburst as it's hard for people to come to term with being gay. Janet told me about your marriage with Helen being just about over, for you being gay, and I wanted to make sure I had a chance to have you. I asked her for your number and she gave it to me." Doug felt the rage coming back again. He held it in for even with him not liking Mike asking him out on a date, and thinking he would cheat on his wife, it was not right to use Mike as a whipping boy. He also did not like Janet giving his number out to someone; Doug was not a phone person. Doug in a cold calm voice said, "Janet said that? OK I have to go. Bye." As soon as he was off the phone with Mike, Doug called John. He was not looking forward to having this conversation with his best friend. They had just patch things up from the incident at John's house, but the state of their friendship was still tender. When John picked up Helen's Matron of Honor dress, he told Doug he still wanted both of them to be at the wedding. Doug said they would be there. John and Doug both took their actions for the same reason, their moms. John's mom would have not been happy if Doug was not at the wedding. She was like an aunt to him. She knew how good their friendship was to each other. When she saw Doug was not at the wedding, she would have dragged her son by his ear to Doug's house, and then had those two work out whatever was wrong between them. The same can be said about Doug's mom, but she would have dragged Doug by his ear to the wedding for those two to work it out. John answered his phone. "What's up dude?" Doug was not in the mood for pleasantries, so his answer was, "The question is, why is Janet telling people that I'm gay and then giving them my number? That is what is up!" Mentally John muttered, "Oh great, what did my bride-to-be do now?" He told her that Doug was not gay when she mentioned that to him at the bachelor/bachelorette party. She was drunk and was talking some mess up stuff about Helen and Doug getting a divorce for Doug was gay. They might be getting a divorce, I told her, but Doug was not gay! If he was, he wouldn't married Helen. Doug would never have been a closeted gay man with a beard. He would never be with anyone other than for love. John said, "Dude, I am sorry. I told her she was crazy for thinking you were gay. She had that thought in her mind at the bachelor/bachelorette party. You can't just blame Janet for you and Helen were having whatever issue you two were having, besides, Helen was flirting with Carl." Doug thanked John for the info and said bye. While hanging up the phone, John thought that was one of the longest phone calls those two has ever had. Doug really hated using the phone. Doug stayed on the trail of finding out why Janet did what she did and called her. She answered the phone and trying to sound nice when she greeted him. She was still pissed at him for calling her a gold digger and bringing up that John cheated on her. In her mind, that was not right being so soon to her big day. Doug said, "I am wondering why you think I am gay, and also why you'd think it was fine to give someone my phone number? Oh by the way hi." Janet said, "Your loving wife said you were gay so I just thought that you and Mike would make a great couple." Doug was furious and replied, "Helen said the words 'I am gay' to you?" Janet said "No, but she did imply it before she started flirting with Carl by saying the issue you two were having was from her not doing it for you anymore." Hearing that crushed Doug; that his wife would make people think he was something he was not. He was not crush that people might think he was gay, it was from his wife spread that about him and then not tell him about it. He quickly told Janet not to give his phone number out again. He had to go and hung up. Janet thought her soon to be husband was right, Doug was not a phone person. At that moment Doug was getting ideas which were not in his nature. He wanted revenge on his wife for doing that to him. He was too angry to fight those thoughts. He is now in the unfamiliar position of his emotions being in control of him. He was confused by them and still came up with a plan. She made others believe he was a sissy and gay so he was going to act that way in front of her. Doug looked in his closet and found a slutty outfit. It was a schoolgirl uniform. He put it on. He also went with fishnet stockings and his highest heels. He did his makeup like he did when he had to perform for "mistress". Then he went into the kitchen and got a popsicle. Helen was in the living room reading when Doug sashayed in and sat down with the popsicle. Helen looked up and asked him what was he doing. He said in a camp voice " 'Mistress' you know men love a sissy when they are dressed like this!" He started to treat the popsicle like it was a penis. Licking it and forcing His mouth to take the entire thing. Helen said, "Quit it. That is not funny!" Doug did not like her request for it sounded like an order. His responses was, "You do not give me orders anymore 'Mistress.' Second you were right when you told me this was fun so I do not want to stop. I need to practice sucking a cuck and remember you said that sissies used popsicles to do so." He then put the grin which was shorthand for actions have consequences on and said, "You just do not do it for me anymore." As soon as Helen saw that grin and heard what Doug said after it, she knew exactly what this was about. When Doug saw that Helen knew what this was about he changed his voice from camp to stern. "I know about you implying to Janet I was gay and saying our marriage was just about over to her." Helen tried to defend that betrayal of Doug's trust. "I did not mean Janet to believe that, I was mad at you for telling John you were not going to the wedding. Ladies give that hint about their husband sometimes when they are in the process of getting a divorce to save ego. Also I did not want to look like a slut flirting with Carl. It was part of that lesson and I am sorry Doug. I will make this up to you." Doug did not like hearing about that stupid lesson. "Bullshit, quit saying all your actions were from that lessons! That is not a reason, that is an excuse! You at least gave the reason you were mad at me, wanted to hurt me and you did not want to look like the slut that you were that night. You rather have had people think I wronged you by marrying you under false pretences than face the consequence of your actions. It is simple if you do not want people to think you are a slut then do not act like one!" Helen was concern with hearing Doug say bullshit, and how he let her know about her betrayal. That was out of character for him, he took pride in remaining calm and level headed even when he was mad and he has not been doing that lately. He wanted to hurt her, and she understood why she deserved it. She also knew taking revenge that way was not good for him. It ate at one's soul to take actions out of revenge instead of justice. Helen started to cry for she saw how hurt Doug was by her, the damage her actions have done to him. She knew it, but could not fully understand until she saw these changes. "Doug you are right, that lesson was an excuse. I am so sorry. You are also right that I should not have acted like a slut. Also, you did not hurt me, I did that myself while hurting you. I demanded you tell John about not going to the wedding. Please quit doing this, not for me but for you. I don't want you to become cynical toward others. I know you will be towards me for a while, but don't take revenge on me, for those actions will have consequences on your soul. You will start to see others that way; then worse yourself. You will start to believe that keeping your word is a flaw and I could not live with myself if you did that. I am so sorry, and I will make it up to you the only way I know how; by not being the bitch I am, and becoming the person you use to see me as." Hearing how heartfelt those words were helped Doug regain his control over his emotions. He did not like how his emotions have been getting the best of him lately. It has been an internal struggle and he needed Helen to be his throttle for them. That was why Helen was so good for Doug. Doug rushed over to Helen to console her from the pain he just inflicted on her. He hated that he was the cause of those tears. "Helen, I am so sorry that I over reacted! I did this out of spite. I was just really hurt to learn of this betrayal by you. That feeling of hurt and being able to do something was so new to me, that I just wanted to make you hurt and feel how I was hurting. That was not right for I saw you as the enemy instead of my partner; I let my emotions get the best of me again. I been doing that a lot lately. Helen, I need help." Helen was really touched by the quick change in Doug's attitude towards her. "I understand why you will see me as the enemy, for I was one, while I treated you like shit. I can never take those actions back, but I can do everything in my powers to rectify the damage which they have done to you. I will," she stated emphatically! "I have to regain your trust. I want us to get back to where we were in our relationship before I went off the deep end. What I want even more than that is to get you and I back to good. Making sure you are still the kind caring loyal person, with the heart of gold, is more important to me than if we stay together. I am saying, I love you Doug, and will do what is best for you from now on." They were both feeling better and Doug was feeling frisky. Again he acted out of character but liked it. He straddled Helen and started to kiss her. "It is now time for us to make up, Mistress," he said with a smile. Helen noticed how Doug was acting. He was now acting more like Marci. She took a big chance, for she thought he wanted to be treated like Marci. Not treated badly by her, but when her love and affection broke through, and she was assertive in a sweet manner. "You are right Marci. Please yourself by pleasing me. Your pleasure will come from mine, as my pleasure will come from yours." ******** Helen came home from her first therapy session and wanted to see her loving husband Doug. She was unsure of how she felt and needed his stability to help her work through her emotions. She was mad at herself for a myriad of reasons; she saw what she has let herself become, a bitch. Her anger at herself was for how she treated Doug. Not only when he was her sissy slave, but also from before. so. She did not trust him like she should have. She had doubt in who he was, for no fault of his own, they were for the sins of others. Helen also had a deep sadness. She finally started to admit how much her dad abandoning her and her family had hurt her. He just left, disappeared, without a trace until her mom got served with divorce papers. It hurt her how it affected everyone. Her mom had put her social life on hold for she had to work full time while raising three kids. Her brother, Dave, went from being a sweet momma boy, to a misogynist womanizer. Her full of life younger sister, Kimberly, became a wallflower. Finally she went from being a confident girl to one full of fear and self doubt. The sadness also came from how much her social life changed from her father leaving. Her family went from being upper class to lower middle class. It was not the creature comforts which she missed when she moved, it was her friendships. It was hard for her to understand why her friends quit hanging out with her and not return any of her phone calls. She only move ten miles away, but it felt, to her, a half a world away. The worse was her first birthday after the move, none of her old friends attended the party. Helen was so excited for they were going to meet her new friends. She believed that they were all going to get along. She did receive solace from her new friends, but it hurt so bad. She felt like an outcast and that is why she would take people who were friendless in her social circle. She never wanted anyone else to feel as alone as she did on that day. Helen also felt foolish, for she saw that the actions she took to try to regain her self-confidence actually made her fear of abandonment and lack of self-confidence grow. She always went out with boys and men who were distant. She had to fight to get most of their affection. They always left after they got what they wanted from her. That vicious cycle just reinforced the notion in her mind that she was not good enough to keep anyone, let alone a partner, in her life. She came to realize that in some ways Doug was also distant. He was not good in expressing his emotions with words. She was happy he was that way, for if he was not, they would not have been together. She would not have been interested in him. She knew that he loved her and showed her in his actions, but she knew that he needed to start to also to express it better with words. Not only for her fragile ego, but for himself and the relationship. He didn't need to keep his emotions bottle up inside. He needed to do it for our relationship, for that will help foster better communication. Helen also knew she had to mention it. She cannot keep that from him, she will not force him to talk about it either. It just has to be out in the open. Helen felt hate, again for her father; he was a bastard even before he left. He was too concern about his angels being pretty. He made sure they knew that and that they should have a supporting role in a relationship with a man. He never wanted them to do anything un-lady like. In some ways, it was for the best that he left, for they did not have to deal with him anymore. The hatred which Helen felt was also for that pack of wolves which surrounded her when she met Doug. She could never admit it until today; she was almost raped that night. Doug saved her and his nonchalant manner in doing so, downplayed what happened in her mind. Lastly, that hate was also aimed at herself, how she treated Doug, and how full of herself she was. She thought she was better than Doug, for in her mind, she allowed him to start to represent the sins of other men. She thought that sooner or later he would let her down just like all those others did. Finally, Helen felt happy. She was going face to face to her inner demons and start working on becoming a better person, the person Doug saw her as. Helen believed that she was not the person that Doug saw her to be, but she was on the journey in becoming her. Her happiness also came from not being rejected by her therapist. Helen was so afraid that Dr Horton was going to reject her, and tell her there was no hope for her! Helen walked in the front door and saw Doug in the living room waiting for her. That was all he was doing. She knew exactly why he was not doing anything. He wanted to make sure that she has his undivided attention as soon as she came home. Him showing his caring made her smile as she told him "My love, I am home." Helen has been so much more affectionate verbally and physically since Doug regain his freedom. She wanted to make sure she never held back on letting Doug know how much she care for him. Doug enjoyed it even with it making him uncomfortable. He felt uncomfortable, for he could not allow himself to express his feeling as good as Helen did verbally, but he so wanted to. Doug returned his wife's greeting, and leaned to the side. It was his way of offering her to lean on him. He knew she had to be spent from her first therapy session, and wanted to be her rock now. Doug was going to do what he always did when she need his strength, give it to her. Doug just wanted to hold her and tell her it will be alright. Reaffirm to her that she was strong and it would be fine. What he did was great at treating the symptoms of any issue but not the issue itself. He did not know that it was only a minor stopgap and in some ways made the underlying causes worse. The causes went unchecked and gradually grew until they reached a tipping point. As they cuddled Helen started to go into details about her session. Doug was not prepared to hear those details, and he started to tense up. He was having a hard time dealing with the details for how empathic Helen was. Helen sensed Doug getting uncomfortable and told Doug to hold her. She did so looking out for Doug. Doug knew that she stopped talking about the session for him, but did not want her to stop. She needed to share it with him, for him, herself, and their relationship. Doug knew he needed to be strong enough to handle the unpleasant topic of talking about emotions. He also knew that he was not strong enough to force Helen into talking about it. He then came up with an idea. He told Helen he needed to go upstairs for a moment and he will be back down. Helen said fine, and did not ask him why. She did not want to take the chance of Doug taking the question as him having to explain himself to her. Doug was relieved she did not ask why, he did not want to tell her. Telling her would be admitting he was weak. Doug made it up to his room, and went into his underwear drawer and looked his panties. He was going to change out of his boxers into something more feminine. He was hoping that wearing panties would help him connect with Marci. Doug did not know why, but when he was Marci, he was more connected to his emotions. He was strong and open. He could easily handle talking about emotions as Marci, why not use her to help his wife? He looked at the panties and though there were so many to choose from, he felt that there were not enough. He went with black lacy panties with pink roses embroidery. He thought why not go with some pantyhose also. Doug decided to go with a cami too after sliding the pantyhose up his shaven legs. Doug was still shaving his legs, for he enjoyed how they felt. He finally got changed and was ready to go down and talk with Helen about her feelings. On the way down Doug did feel like less of a man. Those feeling of inadequacy did not come from the protective armor he was wearing under his clothes. He enjoyed how they felt and made him feel, so there was nothing wrong with wearing them in his mind. He felt that way, for he needed help to be there for his wife. When Doug reached the living room he said "Dear, I am going to make myself some tea, would you like a cup also?" Helen told him, "Yes, please. Honey, I'll make it." Helen has been going out of her way to make sure that Doug did not have to serve her. Him serving her was still a little reminder of how bad she treated him. She felt like she needed to serve him for the rest of his life. Doug pointed at her and said. "Don't be silly, you stay comfy where you are, and I will get the tea. I am the one who wanted it. You just relax and get your thoughts together, I want to hear all about your session today my love." Helen actually felt good agreeing. Her husband was making a nice gesture and made sure she did not feel bad about it. He even made it light hearted by using silly and comfy, that made her laugh a little for him choosing so clashed with how he spoke. Helen's eyes became wide open when Doug came back with a tea kettle, a bowl of sugar, their milk jug, two tea cups and a couple of cookies on a serving platter. Doug put the tray down on the coffee table and pour both of them tea and asked Helen if she wanted milk or sugar? Doug served the tea. While Doug was serving the tea, Helen mention how formal it was. Doug replied, "Sometimes it is nice to have a little ceremony while doing the mundane. It makes the mundane special and this is special for we are sharing an important event for you, me and us. Now tell me all about the session." After serving the tea Doug sat next to Helen on the couch facing her and, she started to tell him all about the session. As Helen open up to Doug he lean in and touch her legs at the right moments. He gave the right words of encouragement. Telling Doug about the session and how Doug was more than just there for her, helped her to feel better about herself. He actually helped by adding input. *********** Doug was pensive while sitting in the chair across from Dr Pierce and asked "What do you want to talk about?" Dr Pierce scribble something down Doug's name along with the time and date into his notebook while saying "Doug you wanted this session, so this is about what you wanted to talk about, not me, so tell me what is on your mind?" Doug fidgeted in his seat. He had no idea where to start, he just wanted the doctor to tell him what to do to get better. Doug also wanted to make sure that what they talked about was to the Dr Pierce's liking. He did not want Dr Pierce to be bored or uninterested in the topic. Being unsure Doug, took the question literally, and asked Dr Pierce what he jotted down. Dr Pierce told Doug it was none of his concern and wrote something else down. Doug feeling a little bad about prying into Dr Pierce personal actions said, "I am sorry, Dr Pierce, I just thought it was about me and wanted to know what you thought so I could find something to talk about. I want to make sure you enjoy our session also." Dr Pierce wrote something down that some more notes about Doug. How he is a pleaser, he wants to make sure other people are happy. He also noted down how Doug was formal with him and wonder if it was from Doug trying to keep a personal distant in their relationship. Dr Pierce wanted to investigate if his conjecture about Doug keeping his distant was right and said, "No need to apologize for asking a question, Doug, and you can call me Alan if you want. So what is on your mind now?" This banter of Dr Pierce trying to get Doug to open up went on for 15 minutes. How long it took for Doug was not a concern to Dr Pierce. Being cautious was a commonly used defense mechanism for people to take while talking about the issue which brought them to therapy. What concerned him was that Dr Pierce was not picking up on any other sign that Doug was trying to protect his psyche. Doug was just being Doug. Dr Pierce knew his hypothesis about Doug was right, for he mentions baseball and Doug started to have a conversation about it. Doug talked about how great it is to go the park and enjoy a great summer afternoon or evening. How baseball helped father and sons bond, and social impact on America in helping to integrate society. Dr Pierce asked him if baseball was his favorite sport and Doug told him that he hated the game. It was boring. When Dr Pierce brought up Doug's childhood he knew he was on the right track. Doug started to talk about his mom and father. Doug was informal about his mom and formal about his father. He never used dad once, only father and sir. Then when Doug started to talk about other people in his childhood only a few of them were reference by Doug in an informal manner. Dr Pierce found out Douglas Forman was the oldest son of a military family. His father, Brigadier General Douglas Forman, was a career officer in the special forces, a Green Beret. He ran his family life as an extension of his professional life. He was going to make sure that he held his family up to the high standards which he held his soldiers up to. He did not want the people under his command to even think for one second that he was a hypocrite. Douglas used showing no favoritism even in his personal life as a way to gain this troops trust. Doug being the oldest was his father platoon leader. He was on duty most of his childhood for he got discipline when one of his "little troopers" got in trouble. His father also instilled in his sons that showing emotions and having them clouded your judgement was a sign of weakness and a man needed to be strong. While performing everyday function, enjoyment was not an option in Doug's childhood. Laughing and making banter while doing chores took away from them doing it in an efficient manner. Meals were for nourishment, and even down time had to be planned out. Doing an activity for fun had to also be productive. Hobbies had to help with skills which would help Douglas' sons to excel in life. They were all going to be the best officers in the army when they joined. Douglas broke his father's heart when he did not enlist in ROTC while in college. To make matters worse his major was education. The world needed teachers but according to Sir, that is a civilian profession and not worthy of a Forman. Formans need to serve God and country. On Doug's 18th birthday, he and sir had the first argument between them. Doug came home with a cake to celebrate his birthday and his dad informed him that only children get cake for birthdays and he needed to get rid of that contraband right now! Doug then told sir that he was 18, so he could do as he wished for his birthday. Sir informed him that while he was living in his fort, yes Doug's dad called his home Fort Forman, the platoon leader still had to follow his rules. The platoon leader needed to set an example for the soldiers under his command. Doug said fine, and inform his father that he would be moving out. His father told him he could not move out and had to stay under his roof until he was deployed to his next mission, college. Sir started to talk about the bad decision of going to college to become a teacher. Doug left the room, and Sir was mad. Sir said, "Doug you were not dismissed, you have to stay here until we finish this discussion. Understand trooper? " Doug turned around and looked at his father and said, "Sir, with all due respect, I am not in your army and I can do what I want with my life, as can you. I do not agree with some of your rules so I made the decision that I will not be living here anymore. I am going to pack my belonging and go now. If mom is not here when I leave tell her I will be in contact soon." Sir was not happy and started to show it by bringing up their personal connection. "Son, I am looking out for you. I want you to be happy, but having cake when it is not appropriate to have cake leads to one to be undisciplined. It would be a mistake to have that cake. I am doing this for your own good." Doug replied back, "Sir, do not worry about me making mistakes; I want to make my own mistakes. I want to learn what is right and wrong by experience, not by you telling me. This discussion is over Sir, and I am going to get ready to leave!" Major Forman was hurt that Doug did stay formal while he referred to him in an informal manner. He was not following family protocol, when someone of higher rank relaxes formalities, the other must follow suit. Also, Doug's father was hurt that Doug did not reciprocate to him by showing affection. Major Forman carefully ration showing any affection to his sons and they should be happy when they receive it. As Doug was leaving the room his father informed him to leave the house and car keys. Doug turned around and asked him why his car keys, Doug has paid for the car and the insurance himself. His father informed him that the car was in his name not Doug's so he got to say when Doug drove it. Doug could not believe that even now, as he was leaving home, his father was still exerting control of him. Doug wanted to act out on all the years of pent up frustrations of having to follow his father's' rules and regulations. He then analyzed what he would accomplish and felt that the results would not be worth the cost. He would only get into an argument with his father without gaining anything in return. Doug's father was right about the facts, but wrong about his actions. He had no right to deny Doug his own car for he made Doug put it in his name. Doug took his keys out of his pockets and placed them on the kitchen table and said, "Change of plans, I will be back later for my personal effects. I do want to make sure that I can take any item which you bought for me, or are they actually yours too? Goodbye Sir." Brigadier General Foreman was not pleased that Doug did not stand up to himself in the form of getting into a heated argument. It was not for he wanted his authority question, he wanted to get into a fight to stall for time. Douglas needed to regroup and come up with a plan. Doug's reaction to his command to get rid of the cake was unsuspected. He thought that Doug was overreacting. Doug should have at least get permission for the cake, Douglas would have approved this, for Doug was his own man now. Brigadier General Foreman then started to needle Doug into getting into a fight. "It is good that you still listen when I give a command little trooper." Doug did not take the bait, he was well disciplined by the Spartan upbringing he had. It would take more than just a little jab at him to get him to engage into a verbal confrontation with Sir. It might feel good but it will not accomplish anything. It would be a waste time in Doug's eyes. He started to walk out with his cake when mom came home. The sneer on his face went to a smile when he saw her. Her gave her a hug and she wished him a happy birthday, Doug told her he was leaving. His mom asked him when he would be home and he answered, "I will be back in a couple of hours to pick up my things, love you mom." As Doug walked out the door, his mom, Abigail, was not happy and stared a hole through her husband asking him what was going on. Douglas said, "Doug could not follow the rules of the house so he is leaving. He does not like it is my house, my rules." Abigail did not like hearing her husband say his house, his rules. It was their house and their rules and quickly reminded her husband about that fact. She was sick of this same old fight, those two had. He adapted the rules to fit his vision of them without her input when she was not around. The part which caused friction between those two was he expected his decision to be final, he did not like any oversight on it. She hated that Douglas could not give an inch and accommodate any change. Her Doug was an adult now and he should have more freedom. She needed to find out what this was about and was furious when she did. Abigail said, "Listen here Douglas, you had no right to tell Doug to get rid of the cake. He is 18 now, and we have always told him he was an adult when he turned that age. He decided to get a cake to celebrate his adulthood and you treated him like he is still a child. You go out there right now and apologize to him for being wrong. Then after you apologize to him, you get my son back home and we will all eat cake with him!" Douglas was not going to back down. "No Doug does not like the rules, so he can leave. He does not get special treatment now that he is 18." Abigail used to love how much Douglas would stand for his conviction but now she sees it as him being stubborn and inflexible. She also saw him as fighting change for he did not like the uncertainty which came along with it. It saddens her that he was not adapt to the changes in his family dynamics. Doug was a great kid who is going to be a great teacher and Douglas should be proud and support him on it, instead of still treating him like a child and trying to make his life miserable until Doug does what he wanted. Abigail stood her ground. "I am sick of this same old fight over and over again. Either you go get Doug right now or else I am gone. You had no right to tell an adult he cannot have cake. It is not special treatment to treat him like an adult when he is one. You have no right to keep on badgering him about his decision to become a teacher. You have no right to keep on telling him he should get a haircut. He is an adult and you better start treating him like one right now!" Doug told his wife, "I will treat my boy how I see fit. Now we are going to drop this subject, for Doug will come back after he is done with his little temper tantrum." Abigail was amazed at how little Douglas actually knew about his own son. He was a great father when it came to spending time with his kids, he just did not actually get to know them during that time. Douglas was too busy trying to mold them into carbon copies of himself. Abigail asked her husband where did Doug go, for she will go get him now? Douglas replied, "I would guess John's, but there is no need to know for you can catch up with him as he was on foot." Abigail asked what was wrong with Doug's car and the answer she got was, "Nothing. I told him he could not take my car if he was moving out." Abigail became livid. "That is not your car, it is Doug's. He worked hard and saved money to buy it. You had no right to forbid him from using it!" Douglas said, "I do for according to the state, I own it." That was it, Abigail was finish with her husband! Douglas went too far with using the letter of the law when he knew for well morally that was Doug's car. "Douglas, you can go fuck yourself. You are a fucking asshole for denying your son his car for you did not get your way. I am fucking done with you. I am going to get my son and you better be getting ready to leave this house!" Douglas started to try to calm down his wife. He was not going to keep Doug's car from him, Doug was going to get it back as soon as he came to his senses. Abigail was having none of it. As soon as Douglas started to talk she interrupted him. "Douglas, I am done with you. It is not just this last trick you pulled, am sick of you acting like a big baby when you do not get your way. I am sick of you wanting to make your sons into miniature versions of you. I am sick of you. I stayed to keep the family together, but it is not worth it. I am done with you so please just get ready to leave the house, and we will start to work on the divorce in a couple of days." Douglas thought, 'I never saw my wife so irrational. I better leave and wait a couple of days and we will talk it over and she will see why she overreacted.' Douglas said "Fine, I will pack a couple of days of clothes and be gone when you get back with your son." Helen got even more pissed at her husband from his last remark. He always would have said her son when on their boys misbehaved and his sons when he was proud of them. She could not stand that he would not be at their side when he was disappointed in them. That is when a child needs their parents the most. She quickly caught up with Doug and asked him to come back. Doug told her he was not coming back until he was ready to get his personal effects. She said "Please come back home now and we will talk this out. It'll be only me and you, your father will not be there." Doug said, "Mom, I love you but there is nothing to talk about. I made my decision, I am not going to live under the same roof ever again with Sir. I love him, but we cannot live together anymore for he sees me as a subordinate in his own personal army. " Doug's mom looked at him and said. "I could not live with him anymore treating my sons like his soldiers, so I just kicked him out. His heart is in the right place, but he is wrong with how he treats you, Tommy and Eddie. I thought that I balanced it out the good, but I did not. Please come home and stay with us until you leave for University in two months." Doug cracked a momentary smile, and then went back to his stone face. "I will mom. Now let's go home I really want some cake!" That story took us most of the session between Doug and Dr Pierce. Dr Pierce started to form his diagnosis of Doug. He had arrested psychological development which led to him not to be able to express his emotions. It also led to his strong personal code of ethic for he needed to have a simple manner of knowing right and wrong. His quasi military upbringing helped foster his need to have a reason for his action. Dr Pierce was happy that Doug came to see him, for he knew that Doug needed to sort out those issues to truly enjoy life. Doug came home spent from having to revisit the day he caused his parents to get a divorce. He blamed himself for if he would have just listen to Sir they would not have fought in his eyes. He felt like he made his mom decide between him or her husband and that was not fair. He did not know about the other issues the marriage between his parents were having. Helen saw that Doug was upset and got up to greet him with a hug. She was so concern about him having this session, she knew it was going to take all the strength he could muster to actually open up to his therapist. She said, "My love, I am so proud of you. You go sit down and I will get you a drink. What do you want?" Doug needed something to calm his nerves. He sat down and said "I do not know, I need to relax. Do we have anything to make a mixed drink?" Helen told him of course we do. She came back with a rum and coke. Doug took a sip and started to tell her about the session. She listened and held his hand while doing so. When Doug told the story of his upbringing and his parents getting a divorce, she found a new understanding of her husband. Doug never talked about his family life growing up. Helen knew that he was distant to his father. She now knew why. Helen also figure out that Doug followed orders as her sissy slave for he was used to having to please an authority figure for affection. She hated that she unknowingly reopened wounds from his childhood. She marvelled at how strong he was to still be a kind loving person while having to repress it growing up. It is no wonder to Helen now why Doug could not express himself, she was proud that he could feel. She made it her goal to help him learn how to express himself for he wanted and needed to. All Helen wanted to do was comfort her wounded husband. She never saw him so vulnerable as he was right then. After Doug was done telling her, she offered him her bosom to rest his head. Doug took her up on it and she gently stroked his head. Helen felt the anxiety Doug had, slowly melt away and he fell asleep feeling safe in her arms. ********** It was John and Janet's wedding day, and Helen could not find the motivation to get out of bed; she could not find a reason to start her day and found reasons to stay in bed. Why get out of bed, she did not want to face their friends at the wedding. They would be talking about how she acted at the bachelorette party. Then she will have to see Carl, she was not planning to do anything when she flirted with him, but he is going to think otherwise. He gave her the creeps and will so even more every time he looks at her, for she would know he will be thinking about having her. Most importantly, Helen also did not want to face the two women other than herself, that Doug was closest to, his mom and Maria. She knew that Abigail knew about her flirting with Carl, for she became cold towards Helen. She called a couple of times to talk with Doug and had nothing to say to Helen. Helen and Abigail would normally chat when she called. Maria was Doug's first girlfriend and John's sister. She was at the party where Helen flirted with Carl. Maria went up to Helen and told her she better not hurt Doug. Helen blew her off and walked away from her. Helen was not looking forward to Maria picking up that conversation with her either. She also wished that Doug would leave her alone. He was already in her room twice trying to get her out of bed. She hoped that he was done, for he has not been in for almost an hour. She found out her hope was in vain when she heard the door open. Helen saw Doug standing in the doorway dressed as Marci. He was in leggings, a mini skirt and blouse. That made her upset at herself. She has drove her loving husband to becoming a vindictive person. She thought he was going out of his way to hurt her. Helen sounded defeated said, "Doug, please leave me alone. I am not going to the wedding. Also, please stop trying to hurt me when you are mad at me. We can talk it out." Doug said, "Mistress, I am not trying to hurt you but help you. You need someone to talk with and I cannot do it as Doug. I am too scared to open up as him. I have to do it as Marci." He continued with, "When you came home from therapy and I started to be more receptive to you talking after I came back downstairs. That was for I put on panties, pantyhose and a cami. I am not proud of it, so I did not tell you. I should be strong enough to talk about emotions without a crutch, but I am not. I am sorry that you thought I wanted to hurt you and you being leery of me is a consequence of my actions of lashing out at you. I also called you Mistress now, for I saw the strength and assertiveness you had as her. You need both right now, so I want to give it to you. I am freely giving in to you. I will say right now, that this is a start anew. So, the old edits are nulled and void. Also, I am free to end this when I want. Lastly remember you want to be the sweet kind lady fell in love with, so act in that manner while you have the power." Helen was touched by hearing what her husband was doing for her. She so wanted to have that strength her husband saw in her but could not find it. "Doug/ Marci, thank you so much for doing this for me. You are my anchor, my cornerstone, but I am not strong enough to face the consequences of my actions. Please let me stay in bed for the day. I promise I will be better tomorrow." Marci took the comforter off of her mistress then started to get Helen out of bed. Helen gave a little resistant at first but then begrudgingly went along. She did not have the will to care. As Marci helped her to the bathroom Helen said, "I do not deserve this." Her face lit up when she saw what was waiting for her in the bathroom. Then as fast as the smile came it went away. She asked if this was for her? Marci told her of course. She asked why? While taking off her nightgown, her sissy answered, "You need me to take care of you right now, so I am. Just as you will take care of me when I need it." Marci helped her into the bath and informed her that she would be right back with some herbal tea. Marci returned with the tea and gave it to her. She took the tea and her slave just stayed in the room. Marci was being vigilant by watching over his wife. She wanted to make sure her mistress had every need met, and it just felt right for her to stay in there with her. Helen just relaxed in the bath for a while, like Marci was not even there. After a while Marci got her wife's bath puff and started to wash her with it. Helen just looked at Marci in a confused loving manner. Then with a caring smile on her face, Marci softly cleaned Helen's face and neck. Marci did not try to analyze why he was doing this, she just knew it needed to be done. Marci lifted her Mistress out of the water and then clean the rest of her body. She then washed Helen's hair. As Marci cleaned Helen she felt a closeness to her wife that she never felt before. When the bath was done, Helen asked again why? Marci made eye contact and said, "For this is how a husband treats his wife. He does whatever he can to make her the best she can be." Helen looked away and Marci used her fingers to turn Helen face towards her. Marci gazed into Helen's eyes and said, "You have been treated so bad and so often in your life, and it has built up inside. You need to release it somehow, and that is why it's happening. We know now how hurt you are, and we are going get you back to good." Helen started to cry, and Marci leaned in to hold her so she did not fall. She said again that she did not deserve this. Marci comforted her by saying, "Everyone deserves being offered help when they need it." Helen told Marci to stop being the better person. To give her what she deserved. Marci said, "Mistress, you deserve being taken care of and I am the only person who can do it right now. I will take care of you, and also learn to be more open with you all the time, not just when I have my mask on." With Marci's help, Helen got out of the tub. She stood there doing nothing. Marci started to dry her off. Helen asked why? Marci told her mistress not to ask anymore, just allow it to be. It was not the time to ask why. Helen started to just allow it to be and then she found the inner strength to face whatever was coming her way at the wedding. She put her hands on Marci's hands and started to help her loving husband dry her off, When her body was dried Helen said, "Marci, be a dear and get an outfit laid out for me suitable, for me getting my hair and nails done while I dry my hair. Marci bowed and said, "Yes Mistress." When Helen was finished drying her hair she went into her room and saw the outfit which Marci laid out. She smiled and went over to her husband, and while she stroked his face in affection said, "Thank you so much. This is sweet what you did for me and I do appreciate it. Your faith in me helped me find that strength you see in me; I am going to the salon and when I come back I will make sure I take care of you also. I know how draining it is for you to open up in this manner. Now I want you to rest and enjoy yourself while I am gone." Helen came back from the salon, and smiled when she found Doug/Marci down in the basement dancing. Even with calling her Marci she was making it a point to see her as Doug and Marci at the same time. She wanted to make sure she did not fall into the old way of acting when she was the assertive Mistress, she knew that her husband put himself in a vulnerable position to help her. Marci had her back turn and did not see her wife come in and she was feeling the freedom of dancing when she felt a hand on her hip. She then felt a body on her back moving along with her to the rhythm. Marci then felt the hand swivel her around. Marci's smile became bigger when she saw Helen dancing. She greeted her wife, "Your hair looks wonderful Mistress." Helen replied "Thank you Marci and please call me Helen, we are together dancing and just enjoying each other's company. I am going to give you some pointers, so we can dance at the wedding with you being Doug. I know how much you enjoy dancing now, and I want you to feel this freedom while we are out. I know you can do it." So Helen gave her husband an impromptu dance lesson. She started it with telling him to start by following her lead. Then to stay with the basic move as she went on to more complex one. Being what he has always been for her emotionally, her anchor. Doug/Marci was a little concerned that Marci might start taking over the dancing. Helen reassured her loving husband that she will pay attention to him dancing, and if she saw a little too much of Marci showing through, she would give the signal of wiping her nose and then lean in to whisper, to pull back some on the moves. Marci followed Helen instructions and when they were both happy with the results, Helen ended the lesson by taking Doug/Marci by the hand. On their way out of the basement, Helen said, "Thank you again for what you did for me. You show so much strength by touching into your feminine side to help me when I needed it. You doing this helps me in becoming the person you see me as. I never want you to think that it is a weakness to need to dress the role to be able to do so. We will work on you being able to better express your feeling verbally all the time for you want to. Even when that happens you can do anything which you put your mind to, if you still want to let Marci out, I want you to. I also want you to let her out with me only as Helen sometimes." Helen's reassurance to Marci helped her start the switch back to being Doug. It eased that transition by getting rid of his self doubts about himself for having to dress. Doug said, "I am going to get ready so my wonderful wife can have a great looking man to escort her to the wedding." Helen was happy to see her/him doing so well with the little bit of aftercare she worked on her husband. It was for, the more trust between the people the less aftercare is needed for the sub to get their mindset back to normal. She was content in knowing that she will always have to work on maintaining the trust between her and her husband, for it will make sure she never fell into autopilot again. She will not take the wonderful man she married for granted ever again if she keeps on thinking. As Marci went to change Helen said, "I am a lucky woman to have a man who is a stud, but can also be beautiful and pretty when he wants to. I love you." Those sweet words made Marci heart swell up and she blushed. The best part of blushing was she allowed herself to. *********** Doug and Helen made it to the wedding ceremony right before it started. That was how Doug liked it, for he never like dealing with the small talk before an event. He much rather have dealt with that form of pleasantry after the event, for there was a new topic for them to talk about. Helen for once, also was happy that they were there at the last moment as she did not want to deal with the reactions of people yet. When they got to the chapel Doug told Helen to stay in the car for a moment. She did and he went to the passenger door and open it for her. He then offered her his hand to help her get out of the car. After closing the door, Doug offer her his arm and she took it. On their way walking to the ceremony people were staring at her. They both knew what was on most of their minds, how wrong Helen was for flirting with Carl. Helen tensed up some and Doug said, "Never mind them, you are wonderful and I love you. Use my strength to prove them wrong, and they will see that you made a mistake and will quickly forgive you if they ever were true friends. I have, and that is what important." Helen quickly gain her confidence back. She knew it was going to be hard, but she had faith that she could handle facing their friends. Helen did not have to confront her trial by fire until her and Doug was walking out of the chapel after the couple exchanged vows. Abigail came up to Helen and requested that they talked while Doug went to go get the car. Everyone knew exactly what the topic was going to be and Doug stated that they can all walk together to the parking lot while those two caught up. Helen told Doug to go ahead as it was properly girl talk so he would not be interested. She kissed him on the cheeks and told him she loved him as Doug went on his way. Before Abigail could start telling Helen what she thought about her flirting with Carl, Helen said "Please let me start this talk we are going to have, Ms Foreman. I made a huge mistake by flirting with Carl last week. Doug and I were in a very bad place in our relationship, caused by my doing. I am doing everything I can to make it up to your wonderful son and to become a better person, the person Doug see me as, so I never make that mistake again. I know me saying this will not heal the damage I done to the relationship between you and me. I know there is a good chance we will never be as close as we used to be. I just want to reassure you that I know I am to blame, and I understand why you will want to keep a distance from me personally." Ms Foreman liked hearing Helen's acknowledgement of her errors. It did not change the fact she was mad at her, or that it will take time for them to be back at where they were in their relationship, but it was a good start. Ms Foreman replied, "I am happy to hear you say that so that means I do not have to talk about that unpleasant topic with you. Also, you know you can call me Momma Foreman. Now let's go catch up with Doug." They sat at their table and Helen was relieved that no one from the bachelorette party was there. It was just Doug's mom, and his two brothers, their wives, Chloe and Trisha, and of his nephews. His niece and other nephew were infants so they were with baby sitters. She felt lucky that Momma Forman did not act like there was a strain on their relationship. Helen was relaxed enough to start to enjoy herself. During the wedding party's entrance, Helen pictured what should have been. It should have been her husband up there with his best friend as his Best Man. She was apathetic about not being the Matron of Honor. She knew the biggest reason she was given that role in the bridal party was that Janet was not really close with anyone. She felt bad for denying her husband the chance to create a moment with his best friend. She wished it was how it should have been. When the time came for the toast, John took the mike and thank Carl for being the stand in Best Man. The he announced that they were doing something a little different for the real best man of the wedding worked out his schedule and was able to be here. He then walked over to Doug and Helen's table and asked Doug to stand up and gave him the mike. Doug was confused and asked John what he wanted him to do. John laughed and said give the Best Man toast. Doug was lost for words looked around the room then he looked at his wife and what he wanted to say came to him. "This is going to be short for I am not one for words, that is why John and I get along so well, he does the talking for the both of us. John and Janet, on your wedding day, I will not wish a long and happy marriage, for wishing does not make that so. It takes time, effort and forgiveness. Forgiving the other when they wronged you and also forgiving yourself when you wronged the other. It takes putting the relationship ahead of the self. Mostly it takes striving to be the person the other see you as. I hope you John strive to be who Janet see you as and Janet does the same." Helen choked up hearing Doug's toast. She knew it was Doug's telling her they are working things out the right way. Many times, Helen has said she has been trying to be who Doug saw her as to him. She knew he said that as a personal message to her that he has faith that she is going to become that person. Doug sat down after the toast and Helen show her affection by kissing him on his cheek. He turned as red as a royal flush from blushing. His brothers razzed him a little and he just said, "So!" They quit quickly for they only razzed him, for it usually got him more embarrassed. Helen's next trial by fire happened while she was outside having a smoke without Doug when she saw Maria. They made eye contact and Maria shot Helen a dirty look. Helen built up the nerve to walk over and apologize to Maria. When she started to walk over Maria rolled her eyes and soon as Helen got into Maria's personal space she let Helen have it. "Listen here you skank, I have no idea how you can show up to the wedding with Doug after what you did at the bachelorette party. I think it is best if you leave the wedding, and also leave me alone!" Helen knew she earned that treatment from Maria. She was so full of herself last week and wanted Maria, her friend, to know she was wrong. Helen gingerly said "I just came over to tell you I am sorry about how I treated you last week." Maria laughed in Helen's face. "You think I am mad at you because you walked away from me in mid-sentence. No, I was already done with you before you pulled that stunt. I am done with you for how you treated Doug. You spread a nasty rumor about him and then hit on that male slut Carl. You really should not be here, all the people who are friends with Doug do not like you anymore. They see you for the skank you are. I do have one thing to say, you are lucky that you two are still together. If not I would be trying my best to get back with Doug. The biggest mistake I ever made was breaking up with him, and if I have a chance to justify it, I would be with him in a heartbeat! The only reason I am telling you this is for Doug's sake. I do not want him to go through the heartbreak of losing you. He still loves you for some reason, he is that loyal. You, you do not deserve him." After saying her peace Maria left the smoking section. Those words which Maria said tore a hole in Helen's heart. This is for Helen believed that Maria was right. She did not deserve Doug. Most of these people here do not want her here. They were pleasant to he, but left the conversation as soon as they had a chance. The worse to her was the looks of pity which people were giving Doug. She hated that they were seeing him as weak for he was still with his wife. She could not stand that they thought less of him for standing by her side. He did not deserve that. Doug came out to have a cigarette when he saw his wife looking down at the ground. He hurried over to check if she was feeling alright. Helen with a sadness in her eyes smiled at Doug and lied by telling him yes. Doug asked her again and she could not bring herself to lie again and she said no, that she wanted to leave. Doug started to fidget and asked Helen what was wrong. Helen saw that Doug was getting uncomfortable and try to downplay how she was feeling. "Doug am fine, I should not have said I wanted to leave. I do not want to, but I need to face these people, and it is just getting to me, that's all. I am fine and we can stay a while, for I want to hit the dance floor with you. If you don't mind can we stay out here until they are done with the bridal dance." Doug was fine with staying out there. It was a nice summer day and he was with the woman who brings out the best in him. Helen told Doug how much she was hurting that he was not the Best Man because of her and they did not have a moment to bring the friendship closer. Doug told his concerned wife they did have that moment. John having Doug make the toast was a better moment than being the Best Man. This is for it was so much more memorable for it was unique. Helen knew that was true, for John and Doug had a complex relationship. They were lifelong friends and that was what kept the friendship strong. They were opposites in so many ways. John had a way with words, Doug much rather used his action to do his talking. John was a dreamer and Doug was a planner. John depended on intuition while Doug on thinking. They had drifted apart some but their connection was still close. They both knew that if they had met now they would not have been close, yet along friends. This fact made them cherish their friendship even more. Time apart for these two did not weaken the bond they had. Helen felt better and they changed the subject. She laughed when Doug mention how much he liked a couple of the dresses he saw on the ladies. She joked and said that she thought that he could pull off wearing them better than the ladies did. Doug joked back with he knew he could. As they were laughing and enjoying each other's company they heard Carl ask, "Helen do you also agree with John that Doug is the real Best Man?" This was the start of the third trial by fire Helen would have on that day. Carl was a sleaze who needed attention from others to feel good about himself. He craved for ladies who were in committed relationship to want him more than their man. It made him feel superior to those other men. Helen simply said, "Yes." Carl not liking that Doug got to give the Best Man speech wanted to rub it in Doug's face that Helen flirted with him. Carl was under the false assumption Doug did not know, so he was feeling the sense of superiority which came from knowing something someone else doesn't know. Carl then said, "Really, last Friday, when the bachelor party met up with the bachelorette party, I think your answer would have been different." Carl was already bored with feeling superior from Doug not knowing so he wanted the feeling of Doug knowing his wife wanted another man. Doug went to say something, and Helen squeezed his forearm to inform her husband she got this one. Doug made eye contact to let Helen he had deferred to her. "Carl I was drunk and feeling sorry for myself for Doug and I were having issues. I made a huge mistake by allowing you to hit on me. I used you to try to hurt my husband and ended up hurting and demeaning myself. I am now going to be known as someone who found you attracted, people will think I have very low standards. One good thing came from me flirting with you. I started to come to my sense, and saw I was throwing away the best thing which has ever happened to me. So now listen here little boy, Doug on his worse day is a better man than you are on your best day. Now go run along and find some other poor lady who will have low standards to be with. Go now!" Carl went to say something but thought better when he saw Doug's reaction to what Helen just said. It was that Doug was not fazed hearing Helen flirted with him. Carl did not get the pleasure of Doug feeling less of himself for Helen wanted him. As Carl walked away he thought, 'she would have been just another notch anyways, I will find a hotter chick later tonight.' Doug thanked his wife for saying those kind words about him. Hearing her husband say those words validated her statement. She grabbed him by his hands and said, "Come on Best Man, you made me feel good about who I am, and now I want you to feel good about who you are. Dance, be free and enjoy yourself, I will be there to watch over you." Then went in and enjoy the rest of the night dancing. Helen never saw Doug have such a huge smile on his face. She was impressed with his moves. She also did not once have to warn him about dancing too feminine. He could be in the moment as himself for once in his life. ********** Doug woke up early the day after the wedding and went downstairs. He got himself a cup of coffee and was resting and getting motivated to start breakfast, when the landline phone rang. He let it ring and it went to voicemail. He listen to the message and heard it was Cindy. He thought that fucking bitch. He had a true hate for her because sh

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Geri and Jodys Sexual Adventure and Beyond Vol II

Vol. II By Geri_w Hello. We are back for another sexual adventure. If you missed our South American adventure Vol. I ; let me catch you up. My name is Geri; I am a 40-year-old woman with blonde hair, long legs, a tight ass and a pussy that is insatiable. My traveling friend is Jody. She is a beautiful 30 year old nymphomaniac. She is at 5’4” shorter than my 5’9” but has beautiful long legs , huge perky tits , an ass that is high and tight and a pussy that can take anything … We were...

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Geri and Jodys Sexual Adventure and Beyond Vol II

Introduction: Geri and Jody continue their sexual adventures Geri & Jodys Sexual Adventure and Beyond Vol. II By Geri_w Hello. We are back for another sexual adventure. If you missed our South American adventure Vol. I , let me catch you up. My name is Geri, I am a 40-year-old woman with blonde hair, long legs, a tight ass and a pussy that is insatiable. My traveling friend is Jody. She is a beautiful 30 year old nymphomaniac. She is at 54 shorter than my 59 but has beautiful long legs , huge...

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My Secret Life Vol02 Chapter 01 Louise

VOLUME-2 Chapter I Louise sapped.—Suspicions.—Lectures on virginity with live illustrations.—Drugged for inspection.—Camille's hesitation.—Absents herself.—The house in G.. d. n s.... e.—Baudy prints.—A feel, a sniff, and a kiss.—Out shopping.—Garters.—Dinner, and after. I went to work to get into Louise, having no compunctions, it seemed to me the most natural thing in the world. I had read about the naughtiness of seduction, but my associates had taught me, that every girl wanted...

3 years ago
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Eric Olafson First Journeys Vol 2Personae Dramatis

(List of Characters) Eric Olafson – A teenage Neo Viking leaves his home world for the first time. To travel and eventually to join the Union Navy Elena Olafson – technically a cousin to Eric, but since she was adopted by Eric’s father, she is now known as his sister. Isegrim Olafson – The current clan chief of the Olafson clan, and Eric’s father Lothar Olafson – Eric’s half brother The Ancient – aka Elkhart the Keeper. An old man claiming to have forgotten to die. Officially he is the...

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Eric Olafson First Journeys Vol 2Chapter 2 Consequences

Lothar’s beam burned through my chest. It felt as if my entire torso was on fire, but I was alive. I did not faint or pass out instead fulled by burning rage I ran towards him, his face was pure horror he still held the small weapon he did not fire a third time. I reached him in mere seconds, buried my knee in his groin and smashed the palm of my hand against his nose with the hope I would shove his nose bone up his brain. Something completely impossible f course, but I was furious and kept...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Prelude Part 4 Volund

Prelude Part 4: Volund 4999, OTT The crumbling walls of Olafson Burg were no longer on his mind. Volund was now the steward of Ragnarsson Rock. Erik Gustav had kept his word and had given him the stewardship and rule of all that was Ragnarsson on this world. There were tanneries in the extensive basements, several Nubhir farms on the permanent ice of the southern polar region, and large Fangsnapper herds. Best of all, there were five modern and well-kept fishing boats and three hunting...

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Catching the Wife Vol 4

********************************************************************************disclaimer: another one of my favouritesI DID NOT WRITE THIS STORY....ALL CREDIT GOES TO CHASSEUR11 of visit his page for more creative and bust a nut hot stories.CIAO********************************************************************************Catching the Wife Vol. 04bychasseur11©I rolled out of bed late in the morning. Having nothing to do I was in no hurry to start a lazy day....

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Catching the Wife Vol 1

*******************************************************************************DISCLAIMER: this is another one of my favs...I DID NOT WRITE THIS STORY...ALL CREDITS GO TO CHASSEUR11 of the community. Visit his page for more creative, and worth-the-read stories.ciao*******************************************************************************Catching the Wife Vol. 01bychasseur11©It was just another slow Friday evening. Sitting alone on my couch with a drink flipping...

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Catching the Wife Vol 3

*******************************************************************************DISCLAIMER: Another one of my favourites.I DID NOT WRITE THIS STORY...ALL CREDIT GOES TO CHASSEUR11 or********************************************************************************Catching the Wife Vol. 03bychasseur11©As the evening rolled around I got ready for my date with Marisa. Dressing nicely I was going to leave early to make sure I was there on time. Checking myself one last...

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The Sissy Journal Vol 001

The Sissy JournalVol. 001by Lady Jayne HillsDetroit Sissy Society CEO and True Boss BitchDay : 03/13/2019Time : 1:30 PMHow : Gr****rWhere : His Place - HouseName : ? 001 ?He hit me up on gr****r. We chatted and swapped pics. Sent girly pics first, then boy pics. He wanted to meet up right away. I went over to his house in boy clothes. He lives only a few blocks away. I walk in...As tall as me. Olive / white skin. Chubby Hairy Daddy Bear. Glasses. Cute.We sit in the front room and I...

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Catching the Wife Vol 2

********************************************************************************DISCLAIMER: This is one of my favsALL CREDIT GOES TO CHASSEUR11 of thier page for more creative and worth-the-read storiesciao********************************************************************************Catching the Wife Vol. 02bychasseur11©I woke up late the next morning from what little sleep I did get. It was a rough night being very restless. Had a hard time trying to get what...

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Prince Bonir Vol 03

Vol. 3: The Roman Orgy Three months into my term as Duke of Averic, things were finally starting to recover from the tumult of the plague. With almost one-third of the population perished, I reorganized the serfs so that the nearest, most productive fields were adequately tended. Some of the crop in fields nearest the border ended up rotting on the vine for lack of manpower at harvest time. With fewer goods and services produced, there was less income to Castle Averic. It would cost money to...

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Prince Bonir Vol 04

Vol. 4: Defense of the Realm It was a sad day when the messenger arrived to announce that my uncle, the king, had passed away. It was also exciting, I had come to know my cousin very well when I first began my knight’s training, and now he would become King Edelbert III. I packed up with my entourage—my sister Elizabeth, my consorts Eve and Arianna, plus six guards and their captain Jauffrey—for at least two weeks stay at the royal palace. Nobles from across the land were arriving to pay...

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Geri and Jody Sexual Adventures Vol 1

Sexual Adventures Vol. I By Geri My girlfriend Jody and I decided to go on holiday to a remote coastal town in South America… Sun.. the beach.. our skimpy bikinis… 5 to 1 men to women.. We would be in heaven. At this juncture, let me briefly introduce ourselves to you. I am Geri. All five feet nine inches of me on a trim 26-26-36 body. Blonde hair, great long legs and a beautiful ass. Jody, my traveling companion, is a younger 30 years old. She is a smaller at five feet three...

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Ambers learning more sex Vol 2

Introduction: More incest and a lttle of fun. Hello again and welcome. If you dont know the story read Ambers learning sex Vol. 1. For years my sister and I continued to have sex every chance that we got when she turned twelve and we took a family vacation things between us would never be the same and sex would always be different for me forever. This is other chapter in Ambers life. Good morning wake up lets go . Lets go ! Get up, get up. Im headed downstairs to get a few things together,...

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SHORT PIECES (GAY TALES) – VOL. 9THE LEASH« I saw your message on Rooster’s board. Are you still interested ?”, asked Paul on the phone.“Sure. Send me a picture by e-mail of your boy and I’ll send you one of mine”, answered Adrian. “I take it you frequent Rooster’s”, continued Paul“ we may have seen each other. We’ll see each other when we get to the forest, unless one of the boys is not excited”, answered Adrian“Fair enough. Looking forward to it”, said Paul“Me too”, answered...

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SHORT PIECES (GAY TALES) VOL. 8LUST The landlady phoned saying there was a delivery for me downstairs and the man needed a signature. She didn’t speak French so the communication with the delivery man was minimal. I went downstairs and saw the landlady heading to her little cubicle looking puzzled or maybe curious. The man was delivering two paintings I had bought at auction in a city nearby. I didn’t expect them so soon. They were in two rectangular boxes, but they were heavy and bulky so that...

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SHORT PIECES (Gay Tales) Vol. 7 (Voyeurs-- special volume)THE OLD FRIENDSThe setting had been the same for decades, the living room, the TV set, the couch, the carpets, but the technology had improved and there were new pieces of equipment which had become very useful.Rod had been a pilot for a large airline all his adult life and had retired at 50. Jimmy was 10 years older and was working part time until retirement. Both men had known each other since they had met in a special video store...

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My First Girlfriend vol6

Vol. 6Chapter 13: The guy she tells you not to worry aboutI spent the whole week replaying my bizarre weekend over in my mind... Getting dressed up like a whore by my loving girlfriend.... Having to stay in character while her older, taller, more manly friend came to hang out at the house... How easily and helplessly I shifted into the role of a girl... Rebecca telling me not to worry about him, how she "liked" that I was submissive and effeminate... Even though she also said that all girls...

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SHORT PIECES (GAY TALES) VOL. 6BARNSTORMINGIn the Prairies, where I was brought up, and especially on farms which were distant from any villages, going out at night had a very different meaning. In my area, many of the boys in their late teens and early twenties would regularly gather in an abandoned barn which was across the road from Mr. White’s farm. With time, the grass had stopped growing in a large area in front of the barn because the trucks had parked there for decades. The door was...

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Tiresias Vol 1

Most Characters belong to Marvel. I introduced Lumen, Breaker, Archie, and a few others. I hope they don't mind me messing in their alternate backyard, but hopefully someday I can get them to publish this idea! Again, thanks to Eddie G! This story is dedicated to Tumbleweed. This story takes place pre-Heroes Reborn. If I should ever get the chance to do this in Marvel continuity, I would update it. Tiresias By Indiana Jones ([email protected]) Vol I An old man...

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Weaponizing Estrogen Vol 1 Alexandra

Weaponizing Estrogen Vol. 1: Alexandra © 2017 by Tori St. John Chapter 1: A Happy Accident It's not that I hate men. It really isn't. The way that I see it, in my attempt to make the world a better place, I made a strange discovery: It turns out that many men are far better off emasculated. Men don't realize this simple truth, of course. Which is where I come in. Utilizing just a few simple techniques, my track record for achieving my intended outcome is remarkably high. ...

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Weaponizing Estrogen Vol1 2 Leona

Weaponizing Estrogen Vol. 2: Leona © 2017 by Tori St. John Preface Most people have a story or two about dating a crazy person at some point in their life. You know the type of story that I'm talking about, these usually include the clich?, "she was so great in bed, but too crazy to be around." My 'crazy person' story is a bit different than most because I was a male at the beginning of it, and not-male-anymore at some point along the way. My domestic partner, Athena, asked m...

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My Secret Life Vol01 Chapter 0I Part 01

VOLUME-1. CHAPTER 1, PART- 1 Earliest recollections • An erotic maid • Ladies abed • My cock • A frisky maid• Cousin Fred • Thoughts on pudenda • A female pedlar • Baudy pictures My earliest recollections of things, sexual are of what I think must have occurred sometime. I tell of them just as I recollect them, without an attempt to fill in what seems probable. She was I suppose my maid. I recollect that she sometimes held my prick when I piddled, was it needful to do so? I don't know....

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My Secret Life Vol01 Chapter 0I Part 02

Chapter I PART 2 I could not, as the reader will hear, thoroughly uncover my prick tip without pain till I attained majority , nor well then when quite stiff unless it went up a cunt. My nursemaid, I expect thought this curious, and tried to remedy the error in my make, and hurt me. My mother, by her extremely delicate feeling, shut herself off from much knowledge of the world, which was the reason why she had such implicit belief in my virtue until I had seen twenty-two years, and kept,...

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My Secret Life Vol01 Chapter 0I Part 03

VOLUME-1. CHAPTER 1, PART- 3 Earliest recollections • An erotic nursemaid • Ladies abed • My cock • A frisky governess • Cousin Fred • Thoughts on pudenda • A female pedlar • Baudy pictures But all this only came vividly to my mind when, a few years after, I began to talk about women with my cousin, and we told each other all we had seen, and heard, about females. Until I was about ***** years old I never went to school, there was a governess in the house who instructed me and the other...

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My Secret Life Vol01 Chapter 0I Part 04

VOLUME-1. CHAPTER 1, PART- 4 One day, there were people in one of the sitting rooms; where my mother and father were I don’t know; they were not in the room, and were most likely out. There were one or two of my cousins, some youths, my big sister and one brother, besides others, our governess, and her sister, who was stopping with us and sleeping in the same room with her. I recollect both going into the bedroom together, it was next to mine. It was evening, we had sweet wine, cake, and...

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My Secret Life Vol02 Chapter 02 Louise Virginity

VOLUME-2 Chapter II Undressing. • Silk stockings and garters. • A tough virginity. • Triumphant. • Sanguinary proofs. • The second entry. • My foreskin. • Twenty-four hours fucking. • Gamahuching. • Six days pleasure. • Camille returns. “The bonnet will be home”, said I, “let us go.” “Allons, allons”, so off we went. It was dusk when we got in the cab. “I am to put on the stockings if I give you a pair, and to feel”, I said. “No man has, c’est trop fort, you ask too much; you may put on...

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Erica Olafson Adventures of the Tigershark Vol 7Chapter 13 Seekers Request

Funsecsiev the Command wizard of the large Kermac fleet felt frustrated, a little scared and cheated. Frustrated, because he was not in control of the Celtest depot, nor did he have detailed information as for how it might be reached. Scared because he did not want to return to Kermac prime without a report of success and cheated because this mission if successful could have been the door to the Tower of Wizards and the lead position of a ministry. Without the expected success, his chances...

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Consequences I No More I Love Yous

Consequences I: No More I Love You's By Myria Looking back it seems like it was all simple fate. If I hadn't had so much paperwork to do that I stayed well past my shift, if I hadn't decided to take the bridge across instead of my usual route home, if the moon hadn't been shining so brightly, if... If so many things hadn't conspired to come together I never would have even seen her. There's something about winter nights that can be almost exhilarating. The way the cold air...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 5 Grandfather

Mr.Flensburger was now gone for a week and we had a new teacher. Mr. Walters was his name and he was much different to the jovial and gentle Mr. Flensburger. He was stern and had a no nonsense approach. This Monday morning, right by the main doors I saw Yngve Lofdahl waiting for me. He had a busted; bleeding lip and his left eye was swelling. Like me he was wearing a fur vest over a linen tunic that reached halfway to the knees, linen breeches and boots. Usually he always looked like he wore...

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I awoke to find myself in a soft bed, a thick, comfortable blanket pulled over me. The walls around me were wooden, but looked very solid. Sunlight washed into the room through an open window. I could hear children playing outside. My body felt sore and complained as I tried to move. "Rest," an enchanting female voice said to me. Another elf woman stood not far from the bed, wetting a cloth in a bowl of water that sat against the wall. I laid back down, heeding her instructions. "Where...

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Personal Professionals Vol 6 Personal Assistance

“Here's the last of it,” he grunted. With a thud, he plopped the stack of files down on the desk. “I swear to God, this case had better be worth all this hassle. Need anything else, Ariel?” With a sigh, the young woman behind the desk leaned back in her chair, rubbing her temples. “Besides a vacation?” She groaned, rubbing the back of her neck. Smiling softly, Jacob moved behind her and started kneading her shoulders, causing her to sigh contentedly and slump lower in her chair. “How's this...

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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

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I mothered my Father in Laws Kid8230

Lust is a forbidden fruit in our society especially when you are married.I would like to share an experience with my dear readers wherein i had an opportunity of having the forbidden fruit.My name is Rathi.27 years old.Fair,voluptuous and many has admired my beauty. My boobs were really huge and this used to attract a lot of people wherever i go.I had an arranged marriage.My husband is a very loving person but a bit reserved when it comes to sex. Sex is just a mode of reproduction for him.So...

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Personal Professionals Vol 1 My Very Happy Meal

I've known my best friend for so long, I'm not even sure of when we met. All I know is that back then, I didn't even like girls yet. But she changed all that without trying. She was kind to me when no one else at school was. Oddly enough, I was the guy who became interested in a girl's personality before I was even interested with their bodies. But enough of that. We've been friends ever since, even after my unrequited love faded. And she's grown more beautiful every day since. I'll describe...

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Thevidiya Thangaiyai Oothen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en sontha thangaiyai epadi oothen endra kudumba tamil kama kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar prathap vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Enaku oru thangi irukiraal aval peyar mala vayathu 26 aagugirathu, avaluku innum thirumanam seiya vilai Avaluku thirumanam seithu vaikum alavirku engal idam ipozhuthu panam ilai, loan apply seithu atharkaaga kathukondu irukirom. Naan oru kama veriyan eppozhuthu pen kidaikum avargalai...

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Personal Professionals Vol 1 My Very Happy Meal

I’ve known my best friend for so long, I’m not even sure of when we met. All I know is that back then, I didn’t even like girls yet. But she changed all that without trying. She was kind to me when no one else at school was. Oddly enough, I was the guy who became interested in a girl’s personality before I was even interested with their bodies. But enough of that. We’ve been friends ever since, even after my unrequited love faded. And she’s grown more beautiful every day since. I’ll describe...

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Months after proposing to me to become Her permanent slave, which made me the happiest man alive, the big day had finally arrived. Mistress and slave had been planning the ceremony as soon as it became official and wanted it to be as perfect as possible. Mistress selected a beautiful farm which was well known for hosting weddings for the locale, but this ceremony would be different than what they were accustomed to.The guests arrived and were seated. Some of them were aware of our Femdom...

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Kanavanuku Theriyamal Kala Kathal Seithen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en kanavanuku theriyamal ilamaiyaana kaal kathalanai eppadi love seithen endra kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, enathu peyar jaya vayathu 36 agugirathu. Enaku thirumanam aagi oru paiyan irukiraan pinbu en kanavanuku vayathu 42 agugirathu. Naan santhoshamaaga thaan vaazhnthu vanthukondu irunthen, naan oru teacheraaga velai paarthu varugiren. Naan velai seiyum classku arugil oru veedu irukirathu, antha veetil oru...

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Personal Professionals Vol 5 The Head Nurse

"Ough..." I groaned. I wasn't sure where I was, but I knew I was thirsty and uncomfortable. I opened my eyes slowly, wincing at the bright fluorescent lights above me. I was laying in a stiff, uncomfortable white bed with what appeared to be an IV coming out of my arm. That's when it all came back to me. The accident. Another accident. My whole body was aching, especially my head. I tried lifting my non-IV'ed arm, only to find it in a cast. Wincing against the sting of the IV, I gingerly...

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Personal Professionals Vol 2 The VIP Treatment

I once spent a short time working in a "gentlemen's club" as a bouncer. Not because I'm particularly large, but because I'm strong enough to calm down the drunks if necessary. I had the pleasure of working in this club with a lovely girl named Ginger. She was the most popular stripper in the place and it's not hard to see why. She stood 5'8" and had long red hair all the way down to an ass that drained the patron's wallets in no time flat. She had 38DD tits that made mouths water and dazzling...

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Personal Professionals Vol 4 Heating Up The Cooler

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Personal Professionals Vol 2 The VIP Treatment

I once spent a short time working in a ‘gentlemen’s club’ as a bouncer. Not because I’m particularly large, but because I’m strong enough to calm down the drunks if necessary. I had the pleasure of working in this club with a lovely girl named Ginger. She was the most popular stripper in the place and it’s not hard to see why. She stood 5’8′ and had long red hair all the way down to an ass that drained the patron’s wallets in no time flat. She had 38DD tits that made mouths water and dazzling...

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Personal Professionals Vol 4 Heating Up The Cooler

This is the story of a young man working part-time at a gas station. It helped put gas in the car while he was in college, but there was certainly no love lost between himself and said job. To be frank, he hated it. The hours sucked, he never got a break if his boss was around, it was constant on-your-feet work with often-times rude customers and dear God, the money. He had to handle hundreds of dollars a day of other people’s money, and for a young man who was never very comfortable with...

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Stahl had returned to the hotel where his wife and the others were staying. N’Ger had grown in leaps and bounds ever since Sin 4 was no more. Since Alvor’s Cove was closed for business. That the Togar and the Karthanians suddenly wanted and applied for Union membership had changed the political situation in this region of space considerably. N’Ger always has been a busy place of trade and transcultural commerce, but the recent changes truly increased its importance. The planet and the...

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Brothers Sisters Vol II Filling the Void

Michael perked up at that. “Which girl?” His head craned conspicuously as he scanned the crowded bar. “Over there, by the pool table,” Beth said with annoyance. “She’s got a nice smile, too.” “Yeah, she is cute,” Michael agreed, finally finding the young woman in question. “She looks sweet.” Beth rolled her eyes and took a long sip of her mai tai. “Women aren’t sweet, Michael. They’re all cold-hearted and catty. She probably wants something from you.” Michael snorted into his...

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Personal Professionals Vol 3 I Know Something You Dont Know

Ever get called into work on your day off because one of your burnout coworkers decided he was going to get arrested the night before? No? Well, as lousy as that sounds, this same thing happened to me last week. One might think being in security at the biggest mall in Florida is fun. That would be because of Kevin James. My job involves sitting in a chair looking at monitor screens. Boring, right? Normally you would be right. But then, if that were the case here, I would not be telling you this...

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Personal Professionals Vol 3 I Know Something You Dont Know

Ever get called into work on your day off because one of your burnout coworkers decided he was going to get arrested the night before? No? Well, as lousy as that sounds, this same thing happened to me last week. One might think being in security at the biggest mall in Florida is fun. That would be because of Kevin James. My job involves sitting in a chair looking at monitor screens. Boring, right? Normally you would be right. But then, if that were the case here, I would not be telling you this...


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