Cataract Reaction 2 free porn video

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Cataract Reaction By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter Two He looked out the cab window while the driver walked around, seeing her waving good bye and laughing until the car pulled away. "That's my good girl, and driver we'll need to make a stop at Main and Bloom Street before continuing home," said his grandmother, patting his leg. "I'll just need a minute or two there, and I have no issue with the meter running." "Yes Mrs. Blanco," said the driver. "Thank you, and what's with your brother?" said Nana, turning and looking at Kyle. "Your mother wasn't kidding about his voice changing a lot. From what she said I was expecting something softer or squeaky, and then I heard this weird deep voice. Is he struggling with things changing that unexpectedly?" "Yeah I'd say he is?" chuckled Kyle. "But what do I know? I'm just the little sister, right?" "Not today," said Nana. "Don't tell your brother, but today your Nana's pet, so don't worry about anything. I don't want you stressing that you won't feel pretty tonight, or even more so stressing big time over any boy." "I'm not," said Kyle, before catching himself. "I mean I am, and isn't that what girls do? What I should be doing?" "Well yes and no, dear," said Nana. "You saw how you looked in that dress, so should you really stress about that? Girls would kill for your body?" "Even without?" Kyle gestured, almost cupping himself and then pulling down his hands. "I mean?" "You mean pretty nails?" Teased Nana. "Well?" smiled Kyle. "I knew what you meant, honey," laughed Nana. "No, not at this age, and I gave you some shape so you look like you have some." "Yeah I kind of did see that?" smiled Kyle. "Ok, Main and Bloom street, Mrs. Blanco," said the driver. "Thank you, and we'll be right back," Nana replied as the driver opened the door. "Come, Allison." "Ok, but I thought you were just running in somewhere?" said Kyle. "I can wait in the cab, Nana." "Out sweetheart, and you can't," said Nana, taking his hand as he slid out. "I took care of the boobs, and now I'll handle the nails. I'll be a few minutes to get you settled, but you're going to be here a while." "Oh gawwdddd!" gulped Kyle, beginning to panic. "Uuummm you don't need to do this, Nana. I'm sure it's expensive and I was uummm just going to paint them at home before tonight." "You certainly are not, and actually I'm not," said his Nana, walking towards the nail salon and grasping the door handle. "Now get in there this instant, Allie and I love spending your mother's money. I heard you were walking here yourself and she's already paid, so it's like a freebie. Plus, even if it wasn't I would never let you worry about being that girl at prom with bad nails. So please, because I have so much altering to do, dear." "Yes, Nana," sulked Kyle, marching towards her as in they went. "Appointment for Allison LaRosa, and I'm her grandmother, so could you tell me what my daughter has her scheduled for?" asked Nana. "Acrylics, Mrs. LaRosa," said the girl. "And you're almost an hour early." "It's Mrs. Blanco, and my daughter would be Mrs. LaRosa, but I realize we're early and it's only because my daughter can be a bubble head, not realizing how long some things take, and as you see my granddaughter still has much to do today to get ready for a junior prom tonight," said Nana, taking out a twenty and her credit card, pushing them across the counter. "I was hoping you could squeeze us in earlier and at a minimum change it to a full mani-pedi and maybe even a facial? You really don't look that busy today?" "Oh, but we are," said the girl, looking around and sliding down the bill and credit card and opening a little tri-fold flyer. "But you know, given her circumstances I could have an opening for our prom day glow package if I could interest you in that?" "Miss, I don't have my reading glasses, but that does sound like what I'd like for her, so let's cut to the chase," pushing the pamphlet back towards her. "So then you could take her now and just charge me the difference?" "Yes, Mrs. Blanco," replied the girl. "There are quite a few options with the package, but they would start an additional $189 dollars, and I'd have them start on her immediately. I have an available esthetician who could work on her now to start off, then we'd do her threading and then hopefully we could time it to work right into the regular time you already had set for her nails. How does that sound?" "Perfect, and she'll need some flip flops, as again we were not prepared," said Nana. "Give her the works, charge me, and let's get it all rolling." "Of course, Mrs. Blanco," said the girl, hitting some buttons on the touch screen and handing over some flip flops. "You can have a seat at the first open chair way in the back Allison while I finish the details with you grandmother, and leave her your pumps." "Nana, maybe the nails were enough," groaned Kyle, turning pale and looking down at his fingers. "Please! I don't feel comfortable with you spending extra money on me." "It's what grandparents do, young lady," said Nana, patting his back and handing him the flip flops. "Now march back there and I will not have you put up a fuss for even a second. I've been waiting too long to get the chance to do this kind of pampering on my pumpkin, so I will not have this discussion with you Allie." "Yes, Nana," whimpered Kyle, stepping out of the shoes, handing them over and turning and walking towards the back. "Oh looooord." As he walked to the back, it was filled with girls of all ages getting their nails done and he was about to become one of them. He hopped up into this big leather chair, noticing women around him having their legs massaged and another soaking her feet. He pulled his phone from his purse, immediately annoyed that she changed his case to one of her pink ones, seeing a text from his sister and then clicked on it ready to puke. "Best prank evvvvveerrrr," said the message. "Have fun at Nana?s, and luuuvvv you girl!" And then after a ton of hearts and smiley faces, the next text read "And again I hate how freaking cute you look in my clothes, but even with me hating on my sista....I can?t stop laughing. I just can?t!" He got so angry he wanted to smash his phone against the wall, but then looked up from the screen, seeing his grandmother approaching. "You?re all set, Allie," said Nana. "I gave the nice people here my number so they are going to text me to get you when you?re done, but don?t worry I?ll be early, ok?" "You?re leaving me here alone?" Kyle asked, feeling himself start to sweat. "Weren?t you coming here alone yourself?" Nana answered. "If you need me to stay I guess I will, but I?ve so much to do Allison, and you know I have to feed grandpa exactly on time like clockwork or he becomes impossible. What are you worried about all of a sudden?" "Uummm nothing?" replied Kyle, trying to be strong. "Well maybe a lot and I should tell you something I should have before now. Well at least before you worked so hard on me today, and worse now you're spending money on me?" "Honey stop worrying, everything will be fine!" said Nana. "And I thought you loved coming here." "Well that?s the thing, Nana," said Kyle, taking a deep breath. "I mean girls of course love coming here but me.. I?m..." "Oh he?s relentless! One second, Allison," said Nana as her phone went off and she answered it. "I?ll be right there George, and my granddaughter needs my attention now, not you! You grouchy old goat! If you take your pills late, it?s not going to kill you." A minute of bickering occurred and then finally Nana hung up, looking upset. "Did grandpa miss his heart pills?" asked Kyle, snapping out of his admission. "Please tell me I am not the cause of that?" "No dear, a few minutes late will be fine, but I do need to go handle that right now," said Nana, wiping her brow. "I wanted to get in a little altering while you?re here, but I?ll hurry home and then back if that makes you more comfortable." "Nana go take care of grandpa, and it?s just nails, right?" sighed Kyle, feeling horrible. "And like a facial type thing?" "I think you mean it?s just nerves, and just a package that sounds fancy, but is just something every girl enjoys. Heck, I even gave your grandpa a facial once in his younger days," said Nana, leaning in and giving him a little hug. "I?ll check up on you as soon as I give him his pills and feed the beast." Never had he seen his grandmother speed walk like that as she turned and headed outside, as there he was alone, sitting in a big chair. It would only be another minute before a woman came over and reached out her hand. "Sorry I did overhear a little, and don?t worry we all get nervous before a big date," said the woman. "I?m your esthetician Coleen, and I guarantee some of the stress is about to just fly out of you. These teen facials I give girls your age feel like a million dollars, and are all the rage." "I did hear these things are kind of relaxing?" said Kyle, letting out a breath. "I really hope you?re right?" "Believe me they are, and Tanya is going to start your feet while I do your face, so it?s chill time, honey," said Coleen, beginning to wipe around his face as his feet were now immersed. "Every girl feels like a new woman when they leave after having one. You?ll see." "No kidding?" nodded Kyle, sitting back as immediately he realized she was right. For the next fifteen minutes he was finally feeling relaxed, enjoying a cleansing and exfoliation coupled with his feet being worked on before she applied his mask. He sat wondering if he looked like how he saw his mother sometimes, with a green face, but was finally so relaxed he could care less. It felt nice to just not be on guard and in character for a second, as he chilled with his eyes closed, daydreaming about Tiffany Solaro, and then his phone buzzed next to him in his pocketbook. "Allie," said Kyle, answering it and talking low. "I was going to text you or call you before, but Nana was on top of me. And this isn?t a good time to talk." "Watch your mouth stupid, since your Allie and aren?t you supposed to be at Nana?s house getting fitted in my other dress?" asked Allie, annoyed and concerned. "Tell me you did not just run off and you?re on your way back here? That would be so fucked up worrying her without saying shit, so you better have a good reason she just texted me, obviously thinking it is me, so checking on you." "Calm down, she?s not worried," said Kyle, looking around with people on both sides of him. "But I?m not in a spot I can really talk right now, so just text her I?m fine." "What the fuck does that mean, and fine I?m texting her now so she doesn?t worry?" said Allie, talking and texting. "So where the hell are you exactly if you?re not with her?" "Lower your voice! She dropped me at a nail salon," whispered Kyle. "She wanted my nails done for tonight and right now I sitting here wanting to kill you!" "As if, Kyle," laughed Allie. "Good one! I know I?ve been busting on you, teasing you all morning but do not even tease me with something that would be that hysterical." "I?m not," whispered Kyle. "First it was just supposed to be nails, but somehow I just got what they?re calling a teen facial. This is literally my first minute alone without some esta-something titled lady working on my face and I?m not even sure if I should be touching this mask thing with the phone." "Nana got you a facial?" asked Allie, almost annoyed. "Damn, I would have loved that!" "And I would have been happy for you to have it," groaned Kyle. "She bought you this entire thing called the prom day glow package that now I?m stuck with while she?s home giving grandpa his pills." "Oh so that?s why she?s not there and checking on you!" Allie said before cracking up. "Makes sense, and this is so great! You?re going to be glowing, pretty girl!" "Not funny, Allie, and you can fix all this later, right?" said Kyle. "Like get the nails off me right?" "Oh you?re no fun! Unfortunately yes, and I?ll be leaving soon to get my own done and obviously I doubt you?re beating me home since you still have to go back to Nana?s to get fitted," said Allie, thinking before snarling at him. "Really though, you?ll need to be careful touching me when I help you or you?ll ruin mine and then I?ll kill you" "Ok, I?ll text you once I know more," whispered Kyle. "Not before your nails are dry though, prom girl," Teased Allie, cracking herself up. "And they don?t dry that fast, so careful and could this day get any better? I can?t wait to see you glowing and with tips." "Whatever?" snarled Kyle. "Talk later." "Wait, don?t hang up yet?" said Allie, thinking. "Did you say you got the Prom day glow package?" "I think so why?" said Kyle. "What nail salon are you at?" Allie asked him. "I have no idea?" whispered Kyle. "How did you get there?" Where it is?" Allie googled on her phone "Holy shit, I see the package online? Did she take you to the one I use on Main Street?" "Maybe?" said Kyle. "All I know is I was in a cab and then she had me get out and we were here!" "Oh my gawwddd, I just checked my app on my phone and I?m already checked in there?" Allie cried, getting angry. "You took my fucking nail appointment, and Nana upgraded it. Mother fucker, now I want to kill you and how am I even getting my nails done for tonight now!" "Like I wanted that?" gulped Kyle. "Just go somewhere else?" "Yeah, but mom already paid for that, and I?m so busted?" groaned Allie. "They have everything on file there in my profile! My dress! The nails I wanted. The fucking shape! The length! The color! The pattern! You?re getting my fucking nails you jerk, and I spent all my money that I wasn?t supposed to on shoes." "And this is supposed to make me feel better? I have a few hundred under my mattress, just take it," sighed Kyle. "Not only did you screw me over today, but now I?ll be busted too." "Excuse me, Allie," said Coleen, returning. "You can stay on the phone if you like, if whoever you?re speaking to can handle you dealing with some discomfort, but I?ll need to wax your legs now so we can stay on schedule." "Wax my legs?" asked Kyle. "That?s part of the service?" "Isn?t that why you grew it out enough for us to do?" said Coleen, pulling at the little hairs on his leg. "Or you joking with me that you did not think you needed it?" "Oh.. I was planning on handling that later I guess," gulped Kyle. "And well my grandmother treated me with everything today, so I just didn?t know." "How lucky are you honey, and really you only need from just above the knees down done, as you?re not that hairy yet and I won?t need too much on your thighs," said the woman, dipping applicator into the wax and then slowly spreading it near his left ankle. "Trust me, hope you stay this way as you mature and we should all be so lucky?" "Ohhhh," groaned Kyle, tearing up. "I better go ok?" "Please don?t make me keep you from something you?re so lucky that Nana surprised you with, but let me just hear one more little spot getting done," giggled Allie. "Please, it?s the least you can do for all the problems you?ve caused me now!" "Caused you!..Ohhhh gawwddd that hurts!" groaned Kyle as the next section was ripped away. "You happy now! Are you?" "Well yeah, and now I feel better about you stealing my nail appointment, so I need to hang up and find a new place so it?s not that I wouldn?t want to stay on to hear you whine the whole time but..." stopped Allie, reading from the phone. "No way." "What?s no way?" moaned Kyle as the next section came off. "Oooouccch! This really sucks?" "Oh come on! You really are going to need to toughen up girl! Thing is sis now that I?m reading this package?" giggled Allie, reading and then getting giddy again. "I just can?t....Oh my gawwwdd! Found money, my brother getting his legs waxed and his nails done and I can?t wait to see you after the threading. You are going to be so gorgeous!" "Wait.. Ouuhhh," grumbled Kyle. "What did you mean by that? So before you hang up? What?s threading?" "Well something not as easy to fix as soaking off your nails, but not to worry. I told you, you?re going to be pretty," laughed Allie. "No maybe I said gorgeous? Yeah definitely more gorgeous than pretty! Who could have ever dreamed this when we woke up this morning? Maybe this day still can get better?" He was now freaked out a bit as she hung up the phone, but then just closed his eyes, trying not to act tough while the rest of his hair was now waxed away. He?d almost become numb to the pain and everything around him, as finally Coleen had worked past each knee, moving onto his thighs. He almost forgotten what was under his skirt as she worked between his legs, but she really didn?t move up that high, as true to her word he was mostly hairless above the knees. Instead of his thighs though she flipped over his wrist and maybe this was the threading he thought as she ripped the little hairs from his forearms. That would be quick though, as finally the wax would be put away and then a different woman came over, starting on his nails. Some filing and a nice hand massage was like a kiss from Tiffany Solaro after being waxed, as Coleen began removing his mask. He just sat back now with his eyes closed, almost dozing off as her fingers felt so soft on his face. A little brow comb sliding through his brows and a soft rubbing by her fingers near his eye lids sent him into a sleepy state, until eventually a little touch on his forehead awakened him. "Oh sorry," said Kyle, shaking himself awake. "It?s been a long day, and I?m sorry if I dozed off for a minute." "Try twenty honey, and I didn?t want to wake you, but I have to finish and get to my next customer," said Coleen with a small applicator in her hand, stretching her forehead a little and applying something soft near one brow and then the other. "So did you have that pink gloss in your bag that you wore today, and is it ok if I reach in and get it?" "Uuumm I think so?" said Kyle, seeing her pick up his purse. "Of course." "Yup," said Coleen, taking it out and then touching his lips. "Perfect day time color for you, and your skin is looking great, but I?d prefer you let it breathe a little and then you can just do your makeup later, ok Allie?" "Oh?" said Kyle, softly nodding while tasting the gloss as she opened the drawer, taking out a black tube. "Yeah. Not a problem." "I know we do feel naked sometimes without a little blush or some eye shadow, but a little mascara you can wear again now but not the Cover girl I saw in your bag. What I?m using is waterproof, as girls tend to tear a little when I finish up and I don?t want you a wreck," said Coleen as he watched her dip in and out of a mascara wand and begin stroking his lashes. "Ok sweetie, and please keep looking up." "Sure," said Kyle, looking up as she began really coating them. "Ok last time I?m about to annoy you. Promise!" said Coleen, putting up her hand, smiling then pointing down at his hand. "Your nails are looking pretty though, right?" "Oh?" said Kyle, looking down at his right hand, seeing it glistening. "Whoaaa." "I love those colors on you, and what a great job you did coordinating it with the dress. The pictures of it are stunning," said Coleen, lifting under his wrist and giving him an even better look. "Just no matter what I do keep your hand out while their finishing the other hand, this won?t be that long. Ready honey?" "Ready?" said Kyle, shrugging his shoulders. "Have I been here like an hour already?" "About an hour and a half, hun," laughed Coleen, picking up some thread and twisting it between her fingers. "Home stretch, future prom queen, and maybe thirty minutes max to finish your nails and toes after I?m done, ok?" "Ok?" nodded Kyle, looking down and wiggling his now painted toes. "That doesn?t sound so bad." "Time usually does fly, except when I wax my clients or do this," said Coleen, pushing closed his lids. "But this will be relatively quick and more a pinch than a rip, sweetie! A little threading makes all the difference once you do your makeup, especially prom glam eyes, so you?ll thank me later." He instantly understood what threading was, as just that fast he felt a little hair being plucked from his brows. Five or six minutes of sheer torture above each eye would be all she would need and then once she raised the back of his chair, that would be squelched by the vision of his Nana standing there. "Nana," gulped Kyle, fighting back tears. "I?m so happy you're back." "Me too sweetie, and I told you you?d be fine without me," replied his grandmother, touching his face. "And now that you?re almost done, aren?t you glad I came with you today?" "Uuuumm? Do I really have to answer that Nana?" said Kyle, worried sick about what he must look like now. "Very funny, my little jokester. In fact I?m shocked we made it all day without you trying one of your pranks on me," smiled Nana. "That just tells me how really nervous you are about tonight." "Yeah I?m more nervous than ever now, if you really want the truth," said Kyle, stretching his nails again. "I can?t believe these are actually my nails." "Well believe it, and you?re the one that picked them?" said Nana, giving him a look. "Oh," smiled Kyle, wiggling his finger. "Yeah." "And those are gorgeous on you honey," said Nana shaking her head. "Not that you haven?t always looked pretty after getting them done, but just getting your nails done today to me wasn?t enough." "Yeah I get that now, Nana," replied Kyle, making a face. "Believe me I do." "Well if we?re both being truthful and now that it?s done I didn?t want to make you uncomfortable mentioning you looked a little boyish in your dress with your brows that thick or a little fuzz on your legs that I blame your mother for not handling," admitted Nana. "So my darling granddaughter, these things were necessary and as usual Nana took care of what my daughter should have." "But we don?t have to mention those things to her, right?" asked Kyle, shaking. "Of course not dear, but she is your mother?" Nana touched his face softly. "I know," sighed Kyle, looking up at her. "Please Nana. You know how she is, and I?d rather we didn?t." "Ok honey, and go sit under the nail dryer while I tip everyone and call for our car service," nodded Nana, softly patting his cheek. "The cab should be here in ten minutes or so. I don?t mind sharing a few little secrets with only my darling. so we can keep things between us." As disgusted as he felt, he did feel better as he knew her word was her bond as he walked over and the woman who set him up with nail dryers. He was in the center of the nail salon now surrounded by women seated just as he?d be, as they looked locked into place. Both hands would go under small individual dryers for a final cementing of his new nails, and both feet beneath the table to set his toes. He had no headphones to listen to music or a little ipad to watch a movie, so instead he just stared at the sights until this big platinum blonde head of rolled curls clipped up with endless silver hinge pins almost poked him in the eye as she wiggled into a tight space next to him. "Oh excuse me," said the girl. "I just so did not want to touch the table with my nails this wet, and you would think they would not keep this floor that slippery." "Oh it?s fine," said Kyle, looking up and recognizing the familiar voice and just sighing. "Holy sh--?" "Allie?" said the girl, turning looking right at him. "Tiffany," said Kyle, never having been this close to her before. "Uumm hi. Yeah... hi?" "I didn?t know you get your nails done here?" said Tiffany, starting up the conversation. "Oh yeah," smiled Kyle. "Yeah, it?s my go to place I guess." "Really because I come here every week, and the first time I?ve seen you here?" said Tiffany, giving him a look. "I mean obviously I?m glad you do. This place is best, so you should pass that around to some of the other girls you hang with, because from some of them I?ve seen in school, they desperately need the upgrade." "Yeah, I?ll do that?" nodded Kyle. "We must just come on different days." "Yeah? And I saw your dress on your snapchat," said Tiffany, all excited. "Gorgeous, girlfriend, and I?m sure you?re going to rock that tonight." "Thank you," said Kyle, gazing into her eyes. "You seem to rock everything your wear." "I try?" Smirked Tiffany, shaking her head. "So what?s with the hair though?" "My hair?" said Kyle, not sure what she meant. "You know I love some cute little bows as much as the next girl," smiled Tiffany, before snapping on him. "You know like when I was in third grade? You still taking like tap or just come from picking daisies in the park?" "My Nana wanted to see it on me," said Kyle, trying to fight off the insult and think about when his sister last had dance school. "It matched this fancy dress I had on earlier, and I?m pretty sure I haven?t been in tap for.... well years." "So sensitive?" grinned Tiffany, rolling her eyes. "I said it was cute? And if anyone should be sensitive about hair, look at me? Could you imagine if a cute guy saw me with my hair pinned up like this?" "Oh I?m thinking he?d still love you.," said Kyle, catching himself. "I mean he'd find you really pretty." "Thanks, but I?m more into being the first one," laughed Tiffany. "Does it fucking suck though to sit around like half a day with hair pinned up like this? Yeah big time, but when you?re hairdresser is so booked she has to take you in the morning and you just have to have these perfect curls on the weekend to meet a cute boy! Well what can you do? At least they?ll hold longer I fucking hope anyway, and this is shit we deal with right when we want to look... you know? hot?" "Yeah," looking right in her eyes, enamored with her. "You always have had beautiful hair." "Which is exactly what the boys see in me, right?" joked Tiffany, shaking her shoulder and wiggling her boobs. "Well that too," laughed Kyle, unable to move his eyes off them. "But I?m pretty sure my brother kind of likes the..." "You really think boys are that shallow?" interrupted Tiffany, barely listening. "I mean I know they are and some girls hate me thinking I?m shallow too, but just because I?m pretty and I have perky boobs I shouldn?t just be judged on that right?" "I could ask my brother and see what he thinks?" Kyle asked, trying again. "I mean he?s good with shallow and I know he.." "Fuck, you see this shit!" interrupted, getting upset and pulling her hand out of the dryer. "You got me fucking jumpy calling me shallow, and now I jerked and scuffed a nail." "Oh no I didn?t," gulped Kyle. "I meant just the..." "Two fucking nails!" Screamed Tiffany, extending her hand and looking at them. "Unbelievable Allie." "I think you just misunderstood," panicked Kyle. "Maybe it?s all the stress you?re feeling after a bad breakup?" "What do you know about my break ups? You wish you had boys fighting over you like I do, and you don?t know shit! I?m trying to find the right guy this time instead of just a hot one," said Tiffany, looking pissed and then snapping her fingers. "And I can have almost any guy I want like that!" Kyle?s eyes bulged, seeing her go from emotional drama queen to being pissed off after she snapped her fingers and then looked down at her hand in horror. "Yeah," sighed Kyle, stuck on her bouncing boobs. "Fuck!" squealed Tiffany, jumping up with her hand out. "Now I scuffed the whole hand! What is wrong you Allie?" "Calm down, and it?ll be fine, Tiffany," said Kyle, trying not to laugh but staring at her boobs, realizing she was braless as they reverberated everywhere. "Wrong with me? I was just trying to help?" "Listen you phony bitch, I know you?ve never liked me and you better watch your back," said Tiffany, getting up and pointing her finger at him. "Maybe I?ll steal your boyfriend if you ever get a decent one, or seduce your brother so I can rub it right in your face." Across the room she stormed, getting crazy at a nail tech as all he could do was stare over her shoulder at her tight body in belly t-shirt and short shorts. He was captivated watching her get animated for a few minutes like this was the worst thing in the world, and then finally turned away as she sat down while the tech began repairing the damage. "Oh my gawwddd," smiled Kyle, mumbling to himself, pulling out his hand and looking at his nails. "I think maybe this worked out perfect today and was so worth getting my nails done now!" "Nana told you it would, and if you?re done admiring your nails, which I?m sure are dry by now?" said his Nana, interrupting him. "Our cab is here, and I told you once you start feeling better about everything coming together you wouldn?t be as stressed about a silly date." "You?re so right Nana, and never could I have I imagined how getting my nails done could have such an impact?" smiled Kyle, standing up and looking down, happy his skirt's layers showed nothing. "I really can?t thank you enough for bringing me here today, and especially putting me in this outfit. I?m feeling a lot more than even better let?s say, and especially about dating!" Out of the nail salon they went and into the cab as Kyle could barely wipe the smile from his face. He was barely listening as they talked on the ride, thinking only about how and when Tiffany would be seducing him. "Allie," said his grandmother, before shaking him, "Allison LaRosa! Hello? You getting out or did you decide to sit in the cab until your date tonight?" "Oh, sorry Nana," said Kyle, snapping out of it and sliding out of the cab. "Yup, coming!" "I think I?m going to have to get there for that facial too," laughed Nana, looping her arm through hers as they walked towards her house carrying one dress each and a shopping bag with shoes. "Relaxed and glowing for an extra couple of hundred bucks. That might be the best money I ever spent on you, honey. I can?t remember you ever blushing like this." "Yeah," smiled Kyle as she put the key in the door. "Not at all what I expected it to be." "So right inside and change into the pink dress and your mother?s shoes so we can get moving," said Nana. "It?s already 2 o?clock, and you?ve got plenty of time, but I?m so behind so please Allie." "Of course, Nana," said Kyle, taking the pink dress and going into her bathroom and then reaching down to undo the button at the back of his skirt. "Shit, how do I?" He panicked for a minute, not really sure how to grab things with his nails, wondering immediately about if he could break one or worse know his grandmother would make sure to take him back there if he fucked them up like Tiffany. He took out his phone, using his knuckle to dial his sister but of course her phone went right to voicemail. A knuckle text for help would also go unanswered, and then he just slumped back against the wall, staring at himself and thinking. "Jeez? Am I screwed?" gulped Kyle, stepping towards the mirror, touching his face and then sliding his nail tip across his manicured eye brow. "How the fuck is she going to fix this?" The arch would be obvious, and the gap between them undeniably expanded as he wrinkled and flexed his forehead, trying to accept them. He stepped back again, twisting his neck and staring at his face as Coleen had not been humoring him, as his skin never looked so smooth. Was it his lashes looking even fuller or the still pink glisten from lips he pondered, as his cheeks seemed noticeably rosier even after any small touches of any blush had been cleansed away? The temporary fantasies about Tiffany that made him blush would now have to be put on the back burner, as he took a breath, trying to calm down. He reached down, knowing what might have popped up prematurely under the ruffled skirt was certainly no longer an issue as he gulped, fixated at what was left above each eye and then looked down, shaking his head as he stared at himself with such smooth legs. Bad enough at the end of those shiny calves would be wiggling blue toenails atop pink flip flops, and he had no idea how to even unbutton his skirt with these long, elaborate, ridiculous nails. "Honey," Knocked Nana. "Did you need help? Watch your nails, and I probably should have helped unzip you." "Uuummm yes, Nana. One second," said Kyle, flushing the toilet then opening the door. "I thought that the second I got in here, but I was able to hike up my skirt to tinkle but if you won?t mind." "I figured as much darling, and always use the insides of your fingertips no matter what! Like a clothes pin! Pinch honey, or better still use your knuckles," smiled Nana as he spun around and then she unbuttoned the skirt before unzipping it. "And don?t even think about trying to reach back and zip that lace dress! What a disaster we would have if you catch your nail in the lace! Just get it on and I?ll be inside waiting. Hurry up and don?t forget to thank grandpa when he wakes up from his nap. It is his money too, but just don?t mention how much we spent today." "Not in a million years Nana," winked Kyle, hurrying back into the bathroom. The second he closed the door, down came the skirt as he kicked it off and then ever so carefully followed her instructions, sliding his thumb nails under his top near his stomach before pinching the fabric, pulling it over his head. Without hesitation now, he stepped into the unzipped pink dress, strategically sliding his nails through the arm slits like he was playing "Operation" and then wiggled it over his shoulders. It would be more of a challenge to not touch his heel with his nail, as he thought quickly, taking a tooth brush from the vanity and using the brushless end to pull back the stretchy strap of his mother?s sling backs as he slid in his left foot. He held the vanity with his nails flat and stepped into the other, as with them being maybe a shoe size bigger than he needed, he had slid into them fairly easily. From the bathroom he scurried into her family room as quick as he could, stepping right up on her much wider more professional little podium, and was ready for her. "Don?t you have such pep in your step now, honey," said his grandmother, turning his hips and adjusting the fit. "You?re practically running in those heels already, so maybe after an hour or so in these you can put your own shoes on and break them in more." "An hour?" asked Kyle as she twisted one of the sleeves, straightening it then thinking. "Of course, Nana." "That?s my girl," said his Nana, slowly pulling up the zipper. "Pull you hair up for me, dear." "Oh," said Kyle, reaching back. "Sure but.. uumm?" "My bad doll! I got it," said his grandmother, pulling out the ribbon and then the little band. "I?ll get a few pins and even then I?d rather you not for another hour or so with your nails." "Ok," nodded Kyle as she walked from the room before he touched his pinkie. "Aren?t they dry though? They feel dry?" "They?re dry, but don?t anyway," said his grandmother, softly slapping his wrist as she came back. "You wanted acrylics, and they?re as dry as they need to be, but they don?t truly set for a good twenty four hours." "That?s great," smiled Kyle, thinking they?ll come off easy now as she was pinning up his hair. "I mean great Nana. I won?t touch a thing." "That?s my girl," said Nana, sliding up the zipper and now getting right to work on the fitting. "And don?t worry, I know you must be starving and Nana?s going to feed you, but understand you?re getting to an age where you need to be watch everything you eat." "Yes Nana, and it?s funny but I really haven?t had that much of an appetite today," thought Kyle. "But I am a little hungry now." "Little meals you?ll have while we work honey, and I hear the oven beeping so I?ll be right back with a plate for you," said Nana. He reached down, feeling a grumble in his stomach and then back came his grandmother with a plate of chicken nuggets. "You take a napkin between your fingers, lean over and take small bites," said Nana, handing him a napkin and holding up the plate. "Grease on this dress would be an utter disaster, so keep it off your fingers and as far away from this dress as possible. Now eat one and I?ll put the plate down on the end table, so every time you take a little strut around this room as we get this dress right, you can have another." He stood so perfectly still, chewing his nugget as it tasted like steak, cherishing getting something in his stomach. Back to work she went as his mind drifted again, but it couldn?t drift long as she engaged him in conversation. Little tidbits of gossip, sharing complaints about his mother and questions about boys would keep things light hearted, and at times, on his toes. Up and down he went, circling the room and happily leaning forward taking a nugget to his lips like it was a reward. In no time, six nuggets were gone but there would be so much more walking, sitting in the dress and modeling for her as she pinched and pinned every inch of him until she had him fitted preciously to her liking. Into the evening?s spikier shoes now she changed him, as back and forth she had him parade, feeding him herself now a few grapes and a little fruit. Finally when she let him stop, he was ready to plop down on the couch and quickly caught himself, making sure to hold his skirt and cross his legs gracefully. "Haven?t we come such a long way in a day, dear," smiled Nana. "We?ve made quite the lady of you already." "No kidding," said Kyle, cupping his chin and tapping his nails. "I mean I think you meant all I needed was a bit of refinement. Right, Nana?" "Yeah, that too," laughed Nana, as Kyle realized his pocketbook was buzzing next to him on the couch. "Oh I better get that?" said Kyle, pulling out his phone. "I heard it buzzing a few times when I was walking around." "It?s probably your mother?" said Nana. "I saw her calling me before, but who?s ready to deal with her already today. Just tell her you're fine and we?re busy." "It?s just uummm...Kyle," said Kyle, answering it. "Hey big brother? Hello? Kyle?" "This family room and this side of the house is a dead zone," said Nana. "Once grandpa wakes up, go in my bedroom and the reception is good there." "Oh, here he is again. Hello?" said Kyle, answering. "Slow down. Make sure I pull the what? Fix the what? Text me, Kyle. I can?t understand you? Text me!" "I am up and how could I sleep with all this babble," said his grandfather, coming in. "Hey grandpa!" said Kyle, looking down through all the messages. "One sec ok? I just have?" "You just have to what?" said his grandfather, annoyed. "Don?t you kids ever put those things down, and what could be more important from your brother than coming over and my princess giving me my hug." "Nothing?" grinned Kyle, looking up and tossing it in the pocketbook, getting up from the couch. "Don?t wrinkle her, George, and spend a few minutes with your grandfather Allie while I call your mother back," said Nana, walking out as Kyle walked over towards him. "I?ll be right back you two." "Of course," said Kyle, giving him a hug. "That?s the best you got?" said his grandfather as the hug broke and he realized his grandfather was holding both his hands like he would his sister?s. "No kiss." "Oh," gulped Kyle, feeling weird, struggling to make eye contact and then leaning in and planting a soft kiss on his cheek. "Gotta do better than that, pumpkin? laughed his grandfather. "What happened, you grew up overnight putting on these high heels and forgot all those kisses you used to give me?" "Uuumm," swallowed Kyle, knowing exactly what he meant, having to gather himself. "Of course not, popa." He looked into his grandfather?s eyes for a moment, just as his sister would, and then leaned in delivering a big wet kiss. A second kiss next to it would follow and then a third before he wiggled his nose against his, swiping it softly two or three times and left the last lipstick mark on his bald head. "Better?" asked Kyle, softly placing his head on his grandfather's shoulder for a minute, wanting to die that he had to do that. "Much better, pumpkin," said his grandfather, giving a squeeze. "Except that at twelve you shouldn?t be almost taller than me, so stop growing up so fast." "Thirteen George, and it?s the heels! Your pumpkin is not just a little girl anymore, she?s becoming a lady," said Nana, tapping him to let go and wiping the lipstick stain off his head. "Sorry to tell you that you can?t hold her like a baby anymore, and even his own daughter?s don?t get to leave a mark like that without him bitching." "Of course I can, and back already? Not that I?m happy about this pink crap on her lips, but my pumpkin can do no wrong?" grumbled grandpa, smiling as he wiped his own cheek. "I thought you were talking to Holly? The two of you usually never stop flapping those jaws." "Not today," smiled Nana. "I did all the talking, so it wasn?t much of a conversation let?s say. Now if you?re done disrupting us, I?d like her to go change before you destroy all my pin work squeezing the life out of her before I can even make the alterations." "I guess I know when I?m not wanted," said his grandfather, letting go and leaning down, kissing Kyle atop his head. "You ladies have fun, and I?ll be in the basement watching golf, just don?t forget about my next pills." "How could I?" said Nana, rolling her eyes. "Allie use the kitchen phone and call Kyle back to make sure my favorite grandson is ok, and you go put on your stupid golf. I?ll be right down with your pills, and do not even think of taking a snack from that cabinet. Now is not the time." "Of course not, Nana," smiled Kyle as he was thinking that. Into the kitchen he went, taking the old wall phone and stretching the wire, dialing. "Hello," said a weird deep voice. "Oh I?m sorry, maybe I mis-dialed," said Kyle, about to hang up. "Quite understandable with those nails," laughed Allie, using her own voice now. "Oh my gawwdddd Kyle, so tell me how freaking sexy do you feel with nails? What the fuck is wrong with you?" "What?s wrong with me is I can?t do shit with them?" yelled back Kyle. "The question is what?s wrong with you. This shit is so out of hand now, and you?ve done nothing to help stop it. You?ve just been enjoying me suffer too much." "Well yeah, popa?s little pumpkin," laughed Allie, doing a mocking voice. "The little princess is just growing up too fast, and who knew you?d be so good at kissy face with your grandpa. That might be the highlight of everything so far, but there?s so much good stuff it?s hard to say." "How the hell do you know that?" Kyle asked. "That just happened while Nana was on the phone with mom!" "In some way I wish I didn?t, as it was a bit disturbing," laughed Allie. "But you stepping right in as his little princess just like I do, and topping it off with a big lipstick stain on his head? Fucking adorable!" "I had no choice, Allie!" freaked Kyle. "And how could you..?" "See that you look amazing in my dress? I fucking hate to admit it to some degree, but not nearly as much as I just love how much fun this is?" said Allie, teasing a little before explaining. "I mean I have to give you credit, as it?s quite impressive what you?ve picked up in a few hours, since your focus has been on being this perfect little deb strolling around so gracefully, so did you forget how we check in on popa and Nana? Did you become this pretty in pink ditzy chick that fast?" "Oh gawwdd, the geezer cam?" said Kyle. "You?re watching again?" "That a girl!" laughed Allie. "And for a minute there I just thought you were just this giddy little Barbie working it with some sass and to a die for manicure." "Oh jeez," said Kyle, looking up at the ceiling. "I helped dad set that up three years ago after grandpa fell and broke his hip." "You mean my brother did? So be careful with those nails that you don?t hit any of the "I?ve fallen and I can?t do up buttons" or you?ll alert half the family and soon be everyone?s favorite niece," joked Allie before thinking. "You do know where they are, right?" "Yes," gulped Kyle. "I can?t believe you?ve been watching again, please tell me no one can see that." "I can only see you in the living room or basement, so not now in the kitchen," said Allie. "And I took control of the feed so I could.. you know enjoy it and stream it to my cloud!" "I hate you!" groaned Kyle. "You?re deleting that too later." "Delete like really like the hair that used to be on or arms and legs, or just delete certain parts like where they deleted half your eyebrows," joked Allie. "So which delete would that be exactly, Miss prom glow package girl?" "Besides the nails, you can fix that, right?" said Kyle, reaching up and touching his forehead. "It is that obvious, isn?t it?" "Obvious that even without my help you?ve been doing a great job becoming even more girly? I mean that does hurt my feelings a little, but this is just all too great?" said Allie, barely able to control her sarcasm. "So maybe think about wearing your glasses for a while instead of your contacts." "Wait, so that you can?t do much about?" asked Kyle, getting upset. "No, you wait until you see what you can do with this geezer cam. It is so much better than what we have here, because when you take control of it! Wow!" said Allie, being a wise ass. "Who knew you can move the camera and even zoom in, which I just had to on you a few times? You?re like so so pretty already, Allie." "Ok, enough!" grumbled Kyle, getting mad. "You know that?s not what I meant!" "Oh please! You should see my nails, which did not turn out as good as yours I?m disgusted to say, so don?t get mad at me for being a little jealous?" sighed Allie, looking at her own manicure. "I got squeezed in at a second rate place, so I would have loved that package you got. I zoomed in wanting to die, seeing the nails on I was supposed to have on you, and then even zoomed trying to find a flaw after your facial. Which of course I couldn?t, and you?re so fucking dead if I get a fungus from that shit place." "I guess that I feel bad about then," said Kyle. "But it?s not like I asked for this?" "I know, but maybe you could have asked a worker to video them threading your eye brows or waxing your legs" said Allie, busting on him again. "That would have more than made up for it! I can still hear you crying like a pansy in my head, and I only wish I had that video!" "Oh thank gawd you don?t, or I can?t even argue that you really would have seen be me such a girl," said Kyle, having to laugh himself as he looked down at his leg. "That really hurt and can you imagine?" "I don?t need to imagine at all, as I can?t stop watching and you really make such a perfect girl," grinned Allie, before hearing a car door slam. "Over and over and I can?t stop laughing and it?s like.. Holy shit!" "Holy shit? What?" Kyle asked her confused. "Shush a sec," said Allie, lowering her voice. "What the fuck is mom doing home?" "From work?" asked Kyle surprised. "Already! Thank gawwd I?m not there?" "Yes idiot, but I am" panicked Allie, peeking out the window and seeing her unlock the front door. "I?m at grandmas of course!" "Oh shit," said Kyle. "And I think Nana is bringing me home soon? What should I do?" "Stall, and one second I have to hide," said Allie, getting into the closet. "You can't leave anyway until you fix my dress." "Fix what?" said Kyle. "What?s wrong with it?" "I can?t talk now. I hear her coming up the stairs and I?m hiding in the closet," whispered Allie. "I sent you a million text messages on what to do, but two inches, maybe three ok. No less!" "I can?t hear you?" sighed Kyle. "Two inches what? and it?s a dead zone here? You know they have no wifi." "Ssshhh! Fix it and stall!" said Allie, hanging up. "I have to whisper. She?s upstairs." "And call you later brother," said Kyle, looking up and seeing his grandmother there. "Gotta go. So you?re back Nana?" "Everything ok with Kyle, honey," said Nana, giving him a look. "You two usually don?t talk that long." "Oh everything?s great, and sometimes we do," said Kyle with a smile. "He?s just home alone and maybe bored a little." "Oh maybe we should have brought him here with us?" said Nana. "And ruin our girl time?" replied Kyle, making a frown. "You?re right dear, and I?ll have him over another time then," said Nana. "Did he mention if he liked the outfits I got him?" "Uuumm not really," said Kyle. "But I?m sure they?re fine." "Ok, but did he just not say if he did or didn?t, because when I walked in you said something about two inches?" said Nana. "I did expect his pants would be long, and that seems about right? You may need the most attention honey, but I?ll need to fix that before your mother?s birthday." "Oh yeah," nodded Kyle, flipping his wrist. "He did say something about that, but I was kind of wrapped up with my mind in some other places I guess?" "Understandable," laughed Nana as the phone rang. "Hand me that dear, that?ll certainly be your mother again. I?ll make it quick." "Sure," said Kyle, handing it over. "Yes Holly," Nana said, not even looking. "Again I am not going to discuss this with you, especially with my granddaughter right here. Just do what I asked, end of discussion." He could hear some bickering but not make out the conversation, but he was grinning inside, knowing after all the enjoyment his sister was getting out of him being temporarily stuck that she was getting herself in more trouble as they fought over her. "Everything?s ready for pickup, and one, two minutes top Holly," said his Nana. "Now don?t call me again while you?re driving, because last thing I need on my mind is you crashing the car. Goodbye dear." "Nana, I feel terrible if I?m causing any fights," said Kyle. "And my mom?s driving right now?" "It?s not you honey, and yes she?s on the road," said Nana, puttig her hands on his shoulders. "Now turn Allie and go change back." "Oh so we?re done with the fitting?" asked Kyle, turning around. "And you sure my mom?s not angry at me" "Don?t make Nana lie honey, and I?ll handle her," said Nana, unzipping the back of the dress. "It?s getting late and come right back then I?ll zip your skirt." "Yes, Nana! So we?re done," nodded Kyle, taking a few steps with his dress unzipped before stopping and looking back before getting excited. "Wait, it?s not late at all? I think when I checked my phone it was only like 3 o?clock, and we?re really done! It?s early actually!" "Not late for you honey! Now go change before popa sees his pumpkin half naked with her panties showing out the back of that dress," joked Nana. "Nana has work to do, and we?re old. We go to bed early." "No, Nana. Old is a state of mind, and you?ve got almost too much energy," smiled Kyle, walking away then mumbling to himself. "I?m the one that can?t wait to get home and get all this off me so that little bitch of a sister of mine can finally take over. I?m going to make sure to take some video myself of mom killing her and then I?ll have the sweetest dreams ever tonight, thinking of my future girlfriend seducing me."

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The Case of the Errant Clergyman A Holmes and Hove NovellaChapter 2 Of Action and Reaction

Holmes sat, and thought. The more he thought, the more maudlin he became; eventually he emitted a deep sigh. Almost in resignation he opened a locked drawer in his oaken desk; with care he slid it open and unfastened the tin that lay within. For a second he stared at the dried leaves, then as if motivated by some alien desire his left hand scooted across the leather desktop and snatched the oldest of his pipes. He needed clarity, ultimate focus, his friend was in danger. He, Ned Holmes, had...

4 years ago
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SouthboundChapter 15 Action and Reaction

"Good morning, Mr. Andrews, it's Oren Kavanagh. I thought you should know that I had a call from a Mr. Brant Morrisey in Los Angeles, representing Messers Ventriss. He has assured me that they will forthwith cease to spread misinformation as he called it, about Flex-Tek. Will that be to your satisfaction?" "Only if he puts it in writing," I said. "I want a copy of it to circulate to anyone who they have been in contact with." "Goes without saying, Mr. Andrews. I'll make sure the...

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LovingChapter 18 Daves Reaction

Carol had been talking for some time as she slowly, softly related the story of her night of sexual initiation. Now she sat there looking at me. I glanced down and saw that her nipples were hard and swollen showing clearly through the light sweater. Reliving her story had obviously turned her on something fierce. I understood completely, it sure had me excited. I looked into her beautiful blue eyes and knew what I said next would be terribly important to my lady. I pulled her hands to my...

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Attraction reactions

——————————————————————————— Chapter 1 The event that changed everything Lily and Tessa have been neighbors and best friends since they were toddlers. Growing up together, they both know most of each others secrets and can talk about almost anything together. Lily is the shy one and the follower of the two, sometimes shes embarrassed by Tessa’s brashness. Lily’s shyness and Tessa’s brashness has made their relationship work well. Lily and Tessa are both 18 years old still living at...

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Wild Reactions

Stupid bloody teacher. Any form of detention would’ve been better than this. I was stuck in S6 with Isabella, her long brown hair swishing slightly as she read from one side of her book to the other. I should’ve been reading too, but I wasn’t. I mean, how could I when SHE was in the room? Of course, she’d probably know that I had a thing for her. I’m pretty blindingly obvious like that. I’m not smooth at all at the start, but I like to think that once the ball starts rolling I’ve got some...

Quickie Sex
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Duty and Duplicity Book 5 of Poachers ProgressChapter 7 Distractions Interaction Satisfaction Reactions

Otto looked up in surprise as I strode into my office in the Fortezza Nuova. “I did not expect to see you until the end of the month, Colonel.” I could see he was disconcerted, annoyed even, by my earlier than expected return, and I sought to assure him of my confidence in his abilities. “Believe me Otto, I was extremely loth to leave Florence. Although you are more than competent to manage the impending inspection I deemed it a politeness on my part to be present when Duke Leopold arrives...

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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 31 Actions and Reactions

March 1985, Chicago, Illinois Rosie said Becky had TRIED to kill herself. That meant Becky was probably still alive, which was a bit of a relief. “What happened?” I asked. “I came home from a party and found her on the floor. I couldn’t wake her up and there was a bottle of pills next to her!” “Where is she now?” I asked. “The paramedics said they were taking her to MacNeal Hospital on Oak Park Avenue.” “Did anyone call her parents?” I asked. “The police are still here. I don’t...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 17 Reactions

August 19, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio “I can’t take you to Columbus without asking your parents!” I said when we reached the car. “Phil will take you home, I’m sure.” “Mike, you need someone with you! I’m your girlfriend! Swing by my house. It’s on the way to the interstate. I’ll ask my mom. It’ll take two minutes! Please?” I was already in the car and had started the engine but I realized that Emmy was probably right. I leaned over and unlocked the passenger door and she ran around and...

2 years ago
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Fertile FlockChapter 16 Relative Reactions

"Tell me Mr. Carson, how much trouble am I in?" "Well Deacon, I can't tell you that everything's going to go away but we'll talk about it and maybe you'll give me some ideas." Kevin Carson and Deacon Robert Ramsay had just heard the prosecution's case against him or at least what they were required to reveal. "I'll go through things in order. First, did Rita Gonzales work in your factory?" "Yes, for a while." "Did you supply her with clients for her prostitution...

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My diabled mothers mid life cum crisis PART 2

If You haven’t read chapter 1 first, please do. I woke up refreshed and exceptionally satisfied with my life. The unknown oddness that is my mother’s mind left me with a smile. It was nearly 10am when I finally decided to drag myself out of my bed to see what my mom had planned for today. I eagerly picked up my phone hoping I had something new from mom but I hadn’t. I had a message from Arlene though. It read “Wanna get freaky tonight? I have an idea I think you mind like.” I hadn’t thought...

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Maa ki chudai dekhi

Sabhi lund aur chooton ko mere lund ka namaskardoston ye meri bilkul sacchi story hai.mein delhi mein rehta hoon. Meri maa ek chudasi aurat hai usne aaj tak pata nahin kitne lund apni choot mein liye hai. Kai baar to usne meri ghar mein hote hue bhi uske yaaron se chudai karai hai wo sochti thi ki mein to dusre kamre mein hoon lekin meine kai baar uski chudai dekhi hai. Ek baar uska ek yaar uski choot chaat raha tha to meine dekha tha. Choot chaatne ke baad usne apna lund meri maa ki choot pe...

2 years ago
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Old Flame to Porn Producer

My wife and I do not get out much and socialize, so I was wondering where to go. That is when my wife said she has already made reservations at this high-end restaurant named “Almost Paris.” We need to be there by 7:00 pm sharp! Then there is a Nightclub about a block away. I was like “Ok sounds like you have taken care of tonight.” Lisa said “I just don’t want to sit around and watch TV again tonight or some stupid movie that one or the other is not interested in." We need to start...

1 year ago
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Cousin Sister Got Fucked

This incident happened before one night of my cousin wedding her name Nida with age 22. She normally wears salwar and kameez but sometimes put on some T-shirt and Half pant. She is very beautiful girl with red cheeks and lips and browns eyes her boobs are very firm and soft with amazing figure .. She some times wears specs in that she looks like porn star if any guys sees her he will definitely wish to have that beauty in their bed I think size of he may be 34-30-34. 2 weeks before wedding of...

3 years ago
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Some Kind of HeroChapter 73

Brookings to Gold Beach is just under 30 miles, as the GPS drives it. With stops at the Whalehead Beach Resort and a few other scenic places on the way there and the way back, it took us almost two hours to make the trip. Gold Beach isn't any bigger than Brookings-Harbor, but what it has to distinguish itself from other places was the Rogue River. We crossed the Rogue River, just so we could say we had, and spotted another interesting looking resort on its shores that we filed away for...

3 years ago
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I love sex

I touch the inside of your thighs with a light feeling I explore the wetness between you legs as i drop to my knees spreading your legs as I pull your panties down. Lori looks at me startled. MMM.. she says I knew he wasn’t just a customer. I smile at her and said no.. I am not just a customer.. I begin to lick your little pussy exploring you.. As your legs are spread before me i begin licking the soft lips above me you and Lori exploring each others mouths above me. I am engrossed in your...

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Holiday of a lifetime

I’d finally done it. I’d saved enough money to go to America for a holiday. I’d always wanted to holiday at a working ranch and learn how to ride. After a long-haul flight, an internal flight and transfer by car I finally arrived at the ranch feeling jet lagged and very tired. On arrival it was late and there was a brief introduction to other guests. There were a number of other people holidaying at the ranch, mostly Americans, and they were all couples. I was the only guy on his own and I...

2 years ago
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Queen Yavara Epilogue

PRINCESS PRESTIRA TIADOA Being a Highland princess was a lonely ordeal. Though my mother was a “free spirit” and encouraged me to make friends outside of the castle, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. A princess had her place, and it was not with the commoners on the street. That was why my only friend was my cousin, Adrianna Straltaira. Adri’s mom was a really busy woman, being the ambassador to Alkandra, so Adri spent most of her time living with her grandma, Great-Aunt Lydia, just a few...

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Screwing A Mature Aunt

Hi guys n gals around the globe, this is arun here from kerala ,now studying in mangalore for engineering…I m just 22, I always have the fantasy for mature ladies n couples rather than young ones….abt me im 6ft tall, 65kg weight ,clean shave, fair and I have a hairy athletic body and most importantly I have a thick 8.5inch tool.. abt me, I have two blessed sexual organs, its my cock and my tongue,… u might be wondering what makes my tongue blessed… let me tell abt the incident I am born in one...

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The Fantasies

The BBQ was finished and the paper plates disposed off, now these four friends of many years were sitting on the back patio finishing the day off with a glass or two of beer. It was just general chit-chat till the subject of 'fantasies' was raised. "Tell me Jack", one of the group said. "What is your fantasy?" There was just the usual 'wish list' of what an individual would like and this was the general remark till Trevor was asked. Trevor was the oldest of the group. He had been...

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My new girlfriend is a cam girl

I got to the gym just a few minutes before Danielle. She headed to the elliptical when she got changed. I really enjoyed watching her in her yoga pants. I was using the free weights when she walked by. She gave me a quick wave as she walked by. Trying to not get distracted with her I continued my workout. I knew that she had broken up with her boyfriend about a month ago. Thin walls In the office. I could hear everything. I knew it would be a about a month before I would have the courage to...

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RebelChapter 49 Rapists

When the three women came into camp, they looked terrible - ravaged, beaten, distraught, frightened, their clothes in tatters. I have seldom seen the like. The men who brought them in said they found them huddled together in the woods, incoherent and shaking. We got their story from them in bits and pieces, between bouts of tears and shaking. It was an ugly story. They had been traveling on a regular stage toward a relative's home when a group of Hessians waylaid them. The men on the stage,...

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Wife pays for husbands mistake on vacation

. My Wife of 15 years and myself finally got a vacation away from the k**s when a family member agreed to sit for a week. We had missed out on a honeymoon and the last 14 years had been just work and look after our growing family. Needless to say we were both ready to have a great vacation in the Caribbean.We arrived early in the morning at the airport and after a long day of travel were tired but not wanting to waste any time we still went to one of the resort bars for some drinks. I was in...

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good morning for a bottom

I met him online. His ad said that he was strictly a top. Mine said that I was a tight bottom. He messaged me and said that he would be interested in meeting sometime. We exchanged a few photos. I sent a face and several pictures of my bubble butt. He sent one of his face and muscled body, and a close up of his big cock. I was very interested. His profile said he could host, and I said I was eager to meet. Over the next few days, we sent a few messages back and forth about our interests, and he...

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Magic Dust

Okay, here is the usual disclaimer. This is a total work of fiction where the characters are totally made up as are any locations. It’s fiction folks hope you enjoy it,Prologue: Porn has changed over the past few decades from having everything set up by the major companies to being turned on its head by the Internet that opened the door to amateur action.Many times it’s wives being fucked by men other than their husbands and doing this interracially has become a big thing.With birth control...

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Jan family

………………………………………………………………………………………….. What am I doing here? Why has everything gone wrong? Remember these words. It all started when Jan, short for Janice, started at our school. She was allocated the desk next to mine in Mrs Briggs’ sixth grade class. I was rapt. My first impression was of a vision, a mass of long blond curls, an angelic face and long legs: I was smitten. I had just turned eleven, discovered girls and was hoping that soon the girls would discover me. What? Girls notice...

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My Daughters Phone part 10

It was a short drive from that statement till we got to Lori’s home. There were a few sly smiles back and forth. That were seen when the giver thought the other wasn’t looking. I was getting excited but the kleenex from earlier was still working between my legs. Lori pulled into her driveway and as she is getting out tells me ‘to bring my purchases in.’ “Lori we didn’t do any shopping for you today.” I say as I remember our conversation from earlier today. “Oh yeah. We got into Victoria’s...

1 year ago
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The Conner Family Ch 07

The Conner Family Stories: 01-‘A Gift On Christmas Eve’ 02-‘Gifts On Christmas Morning’ 03-‘Nightmares Of A Broken Promise’ 04-‘The Request’ 05-‘Love Across Town’ 06-‘The Photo – In Retrospect’ 07-‘Miracles In The Storm’ – current story Prolog: This story is part of the continuing Series ‘The Conner Family.’ This story is in the Category: of Non-Erotic Stories. In this story you will learn of the events that take place on the day that two babies were found alive by brothers Robert...

3 years ago
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A Teasing Tale

We have been a happily married couple for a while now and although our sex life started off well, sadly it has been going downhill for a few months. I think, like many typical married couples, in the beginning the sex is wonderful and exciting and then over time, it fades to once a month or so and becomes stale. One day we have a heartfelt conversation about our sex life and I know that you are such a caring, loving man and so patient but I can see that you are getting frustrated. So, I decide...

Straight Sex
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KellyChapter 22

The next morning Chris Collins put on a bathrobe over her pajamas and went out to the suite’s kitchenette. Kelly was standing at the counter watching the automatic coffee maker make coffee. When Chris entered, Kelly looked at her and asked, “Did you sleep well?” Chris grimaced at Kelly and replied, “As a matter of fact, no. I’ve never heard such noises coming from the next bedroom. How are you feeling?” “Absolutely wonderful! Chris, I can hardly wait to be married. Then it will all be...

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A Very Unpleasant Evening

There was one very bad incident where I was blind-sided by an older guy I’d met at one of my favorite bookstores. He led me into it slowly, over a period of months while, all of the time, being very loving and kind.I’ve been ****d five times. None of them were pleasant and two of them were with multiple assailants; a few to hold me down while they all took turns. Normally I was/am very careful – letting my guard down got me in a position for this to happen. Sometimes, being a slut – like being...

3 years ago
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Hi story readers me Gujarat ke rajkot sahar se hu meri age 27 sal he aur mere lund ki size 8” he Aaj me jo apko kahani sunane ja raha hu vo aaj se karib 6 month pahale ki he muje office ke kam se ahmedabad jana tha to vaha me apne papa ke dost ke ghar thaharne vala tha me karib subah ke 9 baje ahmedabad pahucha aur vaha se me auto rixa me papa ke dost ke ghar pahucha vo apartment me rahate the maine maine doorbell bajayi to papa ke dost ka ladaka jiska nam amit he usne darvaja khola aur mera...

2 years ago
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Under Arrest Part 4

A few weeks passed before I ran into Deputy Williams again. I was avoiding him due to having an attack of conscious. I was a married woman, with teenagers. I had no business having an affair. Much less with a total asshole. He was pushy, condescending and arrogant. It was precisely those qualities that were so damn attractive. Normally I am a smart and confident woman. Why I was smitten with a narcissistic cad was beyond my reason. I could hardly eat and I was distracted constantly. I...

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My wifes bareback adventures

This is completely true.It was on my birthday, as we were dressing to go out to dinner, that my wife Anna decided, for some reason I never have understood, to tell me about her sex life before we met. It was a lurid tale, but luckily for her I am not a jealous guy.When Anna (not her real name) turned sixteen, she and her friend Jean decided they were sick of being virgins, especially since all their friends at the large public high school they attended seemed to be getting it regularly. Neither...

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The Adventures of Amanda LustChapter 24 Call Me Madam

Speaker Martha Gates and Judge Barnett entered the house without knocking. The speaker said without preamble, "Sorry to interrupt your privacy, but we have to make plans for your grand entry into the Capital Monday morning. His honor and I and one member of the each from both parties will escort you into your office and introduce you to your staff." Judge Barnett added, "We believe there may be persons on the governor's staff in the pay of others. There is no belief to it; we know it for...

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Toms AdventuresChapter 2 Into the fires of Hell

Tom was just waking up as the first rays of the sun peaked over the mountain top. It had been a hard job getting down the side of the mountain, and they had planned to rest for the day and get their gear in order before they moved out to face the next mountain peak. The activity of the camp had not begun yet, as it was going to be a day of rest. Being Sunday had made the decision easy to be accepted, even though most Sundays were nothing more than another day. Some families gathered around...

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On A Train

Tuesday evening. A quarter past eight. It’s dark out. As the train eases out of the main station, the interior of the carriage reflects in the window. I’m right at the front of the train, my back to the driver’s cabin. There aren’t many people in this carriage, since most can’t be bothered to walk the full length of the platform. Nevertheless, I have two people in close proximity. On my left, next to the aisle, is a man dressed in a shirt and a jacket. He’s taken his overcoat off and laid it on...

2 years ago
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Come Around to My Way of Thinking

Peter and Rosie Columbo drove up the country road to a nice secluded cabin as the Indian summer's sun was shining bright during its descent behind the mountains. They were both enjoying the bright sunlight in the background which helped to bring a pop to the changing color of the foliage. The gathering song of the birds which were beginning their migration was soothing. Peter was so happy to be spending some quiet time away from the hassle of both his job and the city with this spare...

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