CandiceChapter 2 free porn video

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We'd gone to a play, which is kind of like a movie, but without the popcorn and the actors are a lot smaller. It had been my mom's idea so I didn't think I'd like it, but it had been okay. I'd taken Candice to dinner too, but since the stretch limousine was so comfortable we'd decided to use the drive-thru. The look on the McDonald's chick's face when we pulled up to the window had been priceless! I even ordered a Big Mac for the driver because he was so cool.

"I had a really great time tonight, Josh." Candy bit her bottom lip and her soft brown eyes were shining into mine.

"Me too," I said, touching her bare shoulder with my fingertips.

Her skin felt so soft and warm; I couldn't even remember how nervous I'd felt when I'd put my arm around her. Now I didn't want to let her go and I could see the tops of her breasts swollen and stretching her dress. She'd worn a red evening gown, a simple one, but really nice and it didn't even have straps to hold it up. Candy had kept tugging it into place at first, but after awhile she'd stopped worrying about it. Now I could almost see her nipples and the valley between her breasts looked seriously inviting. I wanted to lick her, just slide my tongue between her creamy tits and...

"Huh?" I looked up, smiling sheepishly as she giggled.

"I asked if you were looking for anything in particular," she said, reaching for my left leg and rubbing me through my trousers.

"Uh, no..." I shook my head. "Not in particular."

"No?" Candy's eyebrows went up playfully and she showed me the tip of her tongue.

"I kinda like the whole thing," I told her, looking back down at her tits and her flat tummy, and especially the slit in the front of her dress.

The gown had a long skirt that split right up the middle in the front. When she sat down and crossed her legs, the dress fell on either side of her thigh. If that slit had gone just an inch higher I would have known what color panties Candy wore. I wanted to reach over with my right hand and touch her leg, but I wasn't quite that bold yet. I tried to talk myself into it, believe me, but I didn't want to ruin our very first date.


"Yeah?" I lifted my eyes and just then she reminded me of Tiffany; she looked so beautiful.

"You can kiss me," she whispered. "If you want to."

"Alright," I said with a hard swallow. "Yeah. I do, um ... Are you sure?"

"Uh-huh." Candy giggled and I heard her fingernails scratching my pants, felt them tickling my thigh.

She had her hair pinned up in some sort of fancy, expensive hair style that must have taken hours to arrange. Long, silver pins kept it in place and they had little jewels that glittered. I'd never realized a girl could have such a pretty neck and I wondered what Tiffany would look like with her hair like that. I tried not to think about it and Candy made it easier when she turned her body slightly, pressing her breasts against my chest. We were so close I could almost feel her heart beating against mine and she smelled like flowers.

Candy closed her eyes when I kissed her, touching my lips to hers for the first time and only for a second. I pulled back a fraction of inch and when she opened her eyes and started to smile, that's when I gave her a real kiss. I slipped my tongue between her parted lips and Candy's eyes widened with surprise. I fluttered my tongue across hers and felt her body stiffen. She held her breath and I thought she'd push me away, but she didn't. Her tongue wriggled tentatively, her hand squeezed my leg, and her warm, humid breath filled my lungs as she let it go with a sigh.

She seemed to fall on me, even though we were sitting side-by-side in the back of the limousine. I fell backwards slightly, pulling her with me as I hugged her with both arms. Candy wasn't a very good kisser, but she'd never been kissed before in her life either. I'd had a lot of practice and I wanted to make it as nice for her as I could. I kissed the girl slowly, very gently while I rubbed her bare back and shoulders. We were laying on the seat, awkward and bent with our hips turned and legs askew over the edge. Candy's tits were flat against my chest though, her tummy on top of mine, and I felt her fingers touching my face and hair while we made out.

Bzzzzzz ... The phone buzzed and the car had stopped.

Candy pulled her mouth from mine, panting and smiling and looking pink in the soft light. I blinked, breathing hard and fumbling with the handset. I dropped it and Candy giggled, pushing herself up and I saw her dark nipples for the first time. She didn't realize her dress had fallen down at first and I licked my lips. They were darker than Tiffany's, but not as long or fat. Definitely stiff though and I tore my eyes away because I didn't want to embarrass her. I found the handset and picked it up, hearing Candy gasp and then giggle nervously as she fixed her dress.

"We've reached the Hampstead house, sir," the driver told me, keeping his voice professional. The partition was up, of course, but he must have thought we were really having sex or something. Being a limo driver though, I suppose he'd gotten used to that a long time ago. Those things are awesome!

"Thanks," I replied and tried to look out the window, but they'd gotten kind of foggy. "Um ... Are we at the gates, or..."

"We're at the house, sir." He chuckled softly and I didn't blame him.

"Great. Thanks."

"What?" Candy asked, looking ... I dunno ... Amazing. God! She just smiled and I felt my stomach do a flip-flop.

"I was gonna tell him to drive around the block," I told her with a grin. "But it's too late."

"Where are we?" She turned around and rubbed the glass with her hand. "Oh!"

Candy's house was right there and the driver had already gotten out to open the door for us.

"Thank you for the wonderful evening, Josh," Candy said a minute later, standing on the front steps and I'd already seen her mother peeking through the curtains.

"You're welcome," I said, holding her hand and wishing I didn't have to let go. "I had fun."

"Me too," she agreed, glancing at the big front door. "Um, do you want to come in, or..."

"It's kinda late," I said with a glance at the window. "I better just go home."

"Yeah," she said, biting her bottom lip again and I thought that meant I could kiss her.

So I did.

"Mmmm..." Candy smiled, but it had only been a small kiss anyway. A nice one. "Thank you."

"For what?" I asked.

"For just ... being you," she said, making a face and giggling again. "Goodnight, Josh."

"Goodnight, Candice."

She opened the door and paused, looking over her shoulder. "Will you call me tomorrow?"

"Do you want me to?"

"Yeah," she said, taking a deep breath and nodding quickly.

"Okay," I said. "Yeah. I'll call you."



We just looked at each other.

"Go away now!" Candy giggled and waved her fingers at me as if shooing a bird.

"Go inside first."

"I will."


"I'm going."




"Nothing!" Candy laughed and practically jumped through the door, slamming it behind her.

Girls are so weird.

"My mom's not home tonight," Candy said and I'd called her right after dinner. "She went to some fund raiser thing for penguins."

"Penguins?" I laughed. "What? Are they like endangered?"

"Everything's endangered nowadays," she said, laughing with me. "Maybe it's something else. I don't know."

"What about your dad?"

"He's still in Shanghai or someplace."


"I told him to bring me a panda bear."

"Those are definitely endangered!" I told her with another laugh, switching the phone to my other ear.

"I don't care," Candy sighed. "Do you want to come over?"


"Hey, um..."

"What?" I asked, hoping she wasn't going to change her mind. I hadn't even had a chance to say yes!

"Did you see my boobs last night?"

"No," I said, clearing my throat. "Why?"

"Because I'd be really embarrassed if you did."

"You're not embarrassed to ask me though?"

"You wouldn't lie to me, right?"

"No! Uh-uh," I said quickly, praying this wasn't some sort of devious girl test.

"Are you sure?" she sang softly and I thought of rattlesnakes for some reason.

"Ummm..." I swallowed hard. "I sort of saw them."

"I thought you said you didn't?"

"Just for a second, I swear! I didn't really see anything, that's what I meant."


"Can I still come over?"

"Did you think about me today?"

"What? Yeah. Of course."

"All day?" she teased me and I laughed.

"Kind of."

"Did you tell your friends about me?"

"Um ... Sorta," I said slowly. "I told them we went out."

"Did you tell them you have a girlfriend now?"

"Do I?" I challenged her, but she ignored it completely.

"Or did you just say you went out with some girl your mom set you up with?"

"I didn't say that!"


"I told them I went out with a really, um ... hot girl."


"Yeah," I said softly, bracing myself in case she got mad. Tiffany had never talked to me like this!

"Okay," Candy said with a sigh. "You can come over, I guess."

"Right now?"

"Yeah! Silly!" She giggled. "Hurry up!"

"Okay." I hung up the phone and then wondered if I should have said goodbye first.

"Oh! Hi, um..." I blinked at the Hispanic woman who opened the door. "Is Candice home?"

"Si." She looked me up and down.

"Can I see her?" I asked and I knew they had a live-in maid, but I'd never met her before. She didn't seem too friendly.

"Si," she said again and then said something else in Spanish and stepped aside to let me in.

"Thanks," I said, giving her my best get-out-trouble smile. It never worked on my mom either.

We went upstairs and the Hampstead's had a very large house, bigger than the one I lived in. I guess it could be called a mansion and had a lot of nice stuff in it. It reminded me of a museum. Candy's father owned a steel company, except it didn't make steel. He bought scrap metal in the United States, because we have a lot of it, and sold it to the Chinese because they need all the metal they can get their hands on. He made a ton of money and did it with only two offices, one in Seattle and another one in Shanghai, and less than thirty people on his payroll. Him and my dad got along great, believe me, except the guy always seemed to be in China.

"Hey!" Candy smiled at me from her bed. "Thanks, Rosita. Close the door, okay?"

"What are you doing?" I asked, stepping out of the way as the maid closed the bedroom door behind me.

"Painting my toenails," she said with a shrug. "What's it look like?"

"Just like that, I guess." I smiled and looked around.

I'd been to Candy's house before, but never in her bedroom. It looked seriously girly, you know. A lot of pink stuff and junk all over; like jewelry and hairbrushes, and I saw her bra hanging from the doorknob of her closet. It had little pink butterflies on the cup things. Her room smelled nice too, like strawberries or peaches maybe, I wasn't sure. I liked it though, but mostly I just liked the idea that this was where Candy got naked. I felt my dick getting hard and it did that all the time, so I'd gotten pretty used to ignoring it.

"You like my room?" she asked. "Come here. Sit down, it's okay."

"Yeah. It's nice," I decided, but mostly I looked at her.

Candy wore a pair of pink shorts and a halter top colored like a rainbow. It wasn't much larger than a bra and I could see her tummy and especially her legs, all the way up to the soft hollows of her thighs. The shorts weren't very large at all and they looked familiar for some reason.

"Are those Tiffany's shorts?" I asked, forgetting my dad's advice completely.

"Yeah," Candy said without looking up. "I borrowed them."


"I don't know." She kept painting her toes, brushing the nails carefully with bright red polish. "Last year maybe. They still fit okay though."

"I thought you didn't like her?"

"Tiffany?" Candy looked up and smiled. "She's okay. You know, for a robot or whatever."

"But..." I frowned, remembering how Tiffany had told me she and Candy talked about me all time.

I hadn't even known Candice liked to be called Candy until our date, but Tiffany had known. I wondered what else they knew about each other, but I didn't really want to find out either. I mean, Tiffany knew everything about me!

"I just like to tease you sometimes," she said. "When you make me mad or whatever."

"I make you mad?"

"Once in awhile," Candy sighed. "You're totally different when she's not around though."

"I am?"

"Last night was great," she said, looking up and giving me a smile. "I had so much fun."

"So did I."

"But when she's around?" Candy went back to painting her toes. "It's like I'm not even alive."

"That's not true," I said, wondering if she liked me or hated me or what.

"That's what Tiffany said too."

"What did she say?"

"That you're always looking at me."


"I didn't really believe her though."

"She can't lie," I said, but I still wasn't sure I'd been checking Candy out as much as Tiffany had claimed. I'd just sorta been looking at her.

"I know," she said, putting the cap on her nail polish and twisting it. "Do you wanna blow on my toes?"


"Blow on them," she repeated with a grin. "Or they'll take forever to dry."

"Are you mad at me?" I asked with a hard swallow. "I mean, is this like a fight or something?"

"No!" Candy giggled. "We're just talking."


"You've never talked to a real girl before, huh?"

"Not like this," I agreed, feeling my face growing warm. "It's kind of ... I dunno."

"Me too," she sighed and wiggled her toes invitingly. "I never had a boyfriend before."

"I know."

"Oh, like it's obvious?" She rolled her eyes. "Thanks!"

"I didn't mean it like that!"

"Blow on my toes and I'll forgive you." Candy smiled as she lifted her right foot off the bed. "Come on ... I know you want to."

"Are you going to keep teasing me?" I asked, kicking off my shoes and turning around.

"Probably," she said. "You don't like it?"

"I don't know yet," I told her truthfully, but I definitely liked the way she smiled at me.

I liked her pretty face and her sixteen-year-old body, imperfections and all. I liked not knowing what she'd say next and the confusion in my heart. It felt like Candy was playing roulette with my emotions and every time I thought I should get mad, I found myself liking her even more. It didn't make sense. Tiffany wasn't like that at all. I knew exactly what she'd say or what she'd do, like a book I'd read a hundred times, but Candy...

"Give me your foot," I said, sitting in the middle of her bed while Candy leaned against her pillows.

She didn't say anything as I cupped her right heel in my palm. My fingers moved along the underside, but I didn't want to tickle her. I covered the top with my other hand, wrapping her small foot completely and bringing it close to my mouth. She had long, skinny toes, but they were cute and painted red and I could smell the lacquer as I pursed my lips. I blew softly and watched Candy's face, her bright brown eyes as she watched me.

"I always thought if I had a boyfriend I could tell him anything," she said softly. "Like I wouldn't have any secrets at all."

"Yeah," I breathed, blowing the word across her toes.

"But right now," she said. "Sitting here with you? I've got a secret and I'm scared to tell you."

"You don't have to be scared," I whispered, sliding my top hand up to her ankle and along her shin.

"So that either means you're not really my boyfriend, or..." She paused and sucked on her lips as I rubbed her leg up and down slowly.

"Or what?"

"Or else everybody always has secrets," she sighed, playing her fingers across her tummy as her breasts rose and fell.

"If I ask you to be my girlfriend," I kissed her foot, "would you still be scared?"

"What about Tiffany?"

"I don't know," I said. "She's not going to get jealous."

"So..." Candy smiled weakly. "What about me?"

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Do you love me, Josh?"

"If I say yes and you laugh at me..."

"That's my secret," she confessed, blinking her eyes as if she wanted to look anywhere else but into mine.

"I love you, Candy."

"I love you too," she said, whispering the words on top of mine and smiling as I let go of her foot and crawled across her body.

"Can I kiss you?" I asked, pressing my hips between her thighs and covering her tits with my chest.

"You have to now," she breathed, lifting her head as I pulled the pillow out from under her.

Two pillows, actually, and I tossed them to the floor as she lay flat on the lavender bedspread. That seemed much more comfortable as I kissed Candy gently, teasing her lush lips with the tip of my tongue until she opened for it a heartbeat later. I moved against her as my erection demanded, pressing my crotch against hers with far too many layers of clothing between us. She had her thighs spread and I felt her legs moving against mine. Candy's hands slipped under my t-shirt and up my back, her fingernails scratching and finally digging into me as our kisses became frantic with desire.

We were making love that way, separated physically perhaps, but not emotionally. I thrust my swollen cock against her pussy while Candy pulled me closer with her arms and legs. My chest rubbed across her tits, tugging the skimpy halter back and forth until it didn't cover her breasts at all. She gasped into my mouth, arching her back as I felt her swollen nipples through the cotton between us. They were long and hard and I desperately wished to kiss them with my lips and tease them with my tongue. But Candy wouldn't let me go. She chased my mouth with hers, flushed and panting with wild brown eyes.

We needed more touching than that and I fumbled with my pants, grunting and trying to hold myself up on one arm and reach between our moving bodies with the other. Candy helped me, pulling my t-shirt over my head while we drank cool air and smiled crazily at each other. She squirmed and pushed my pants off my hips, kicking her legs as she tried to use her feet. We were silly and clumsy, giggling until I finally had to push myself onto my knees and unbutton her shorts. I pulled them down along with her panties as Candy bent her knees and brought them together just below her naked tits.

She pressed the soles of her feet against my chest, smiling happily and nothing stopped me as I leaned forward. Her legs parted and went over my shoulders. The head of my cock found her vulnerable sex ready and waiting, already glistening with arousal. I had Candy trapped, pinned to bed as my penis slid along the cleft of her vulva and across the swell of her pubis. I felt her curling pubic hair tickling my skin and the heat seemed to pour out of her. I moved my hips, positioning my cock for another attempt. I pushed and felt her greasy labia parting, but I couldn't find the entrance and my penis slid upward again.

"Put it inside," I breathed, looking into Candy's beautiful face. "Put my cock inside your pussy."

"Yeah," she agreed, slipping her hand between our bodies and grasping my cock gingerly.

She bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes, furrowing her smooth brow with concentration. She rubbed the glans up and down her slit and the mouth of Candy's vagina must have been deep between her thighs. She held me there and I pushed gently, feeling the vague discomfort of her hymen blocking my way. I hadn't even considered she might be a virgin, not after spending more than two years with Tiffany. But of course, Candy had never made love before in her life and when I tore through her cherry she jerked and gasped, her body contracting around that one moment until it passed a heartbeat later.

"I love you," I whispered, wanting to see her eyes and know she was okay. "Look at me ... Candy..."

"Mmmm..." she sighed, blinking with her lips pressed together and panting through her nose.

"I love you," I told her again, kissing her lips and coaxing her to kiss me back.

"I love you too." she breathed, trembling as my tongue found hers and I didn't know if she was frightened or just nervous or both.

We kissed while I began to move, rocking my hips as gently as I could. When Candy didn't try to stop me, I began working my cock slowly deeper with every thrust. Whenever I tried to relax, her pussy would try to push me back out, the walls of her sex closing against my penis until I forced them open a second later. It felt like a game of tug o war or something, the constant pushing and pulling between her thighs. When I had all of my cock inside her finally, I held myself there. I felt myself ready to cum any moment and I wanted to hold back as long as I could. Making love to Candy seemed so completely unlike fucking Tiffany. I had to savor every second of it, memorizing every detail so I'd never forget how it felt making love to her for the very first time.

"I'm going to cum," I groaned, pushing deep one last time and shivering with the subtle violence of my orgasm.

Same as Candice
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Dec .18th, 2018 Have you ever done full contact sparring without the pads? That’s how me and my buddies trained. We pulled our punches a bit. Head shots, Neck shots, Joint breaks, and the ever famous groin shots had to be pulled completely and stop just close enough so you both knew the defender could not have prevented them. Even with those areas protected you would wake up the next day so sore sometimes. Or imagine that you’re a piece of paper that someone has crumpled up in a tight ball...

4 years ago
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From Best Friend To Best Mate 8211 Part 1

I rang the bell and was standing outside the door waiting to be answered. Once I have been to her house but that time we were in group and she accompanied us but today I was alone. Tushar and sneha changed their plan at the last moment. I was a bit angry with tushar and have mentally abused and kicked him hundred times. But ayush was still coming and will be late. Ayush is the angel among us. He was the most punctual and disciplined so today it amused me. I was slowly getting irritated as I had...

1 year ago
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White sissy used by black Masters

White sissy used by black MastersI’m booked into a London hotel and, after you text me to say you’ve arrived, I text you back the room number. It seems like ages before I hear someone attempting to open the door, followed by a firm knock and I jump up, excited but nervous about what’s about to happen. I walk over and unlock the door, careful not to meet your eyes as the door opens. I'm dressed in male clothes but I perform a very feminine curtesy as instructed, feeling both self-conscious and...

2 years ago
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The Call Boys

Hey friends I am back the Kochi Call boy with my next story. My first story was “The First Sex” has got good rating from you. So if you like this one too then rates it more. After my first encounter with Teena we usually do sex at my house or her house and also Teena come to know about my desire for Laxmi my girl friend sorry I forget to describe my actress figure. Teena body was average with 34 32 34 with big boobs as it increased by me and Lakshmi looks like an angle with well fit figure 32...

4 years ago
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My Trip To Canada

As I walked out of the shower into the bed room, I still couldn’t quite believe that it was really happening. Just a hand full of hours ago I had been in England, now here I was in Canada getting ready to see Heather. We had met on Lush a few years ago and had spent many free hours chatting about whatever was going on in our lives at the time, and a more than a few hours fooling around.Over the years we had become very good friends and had decided that if ever there was an opportunity we would...

Straight Sex
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Lady Anns greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Six

Feeling at Home 1 Ann gasped as she was knocked from a deep sleep by a bucket of water being thrown in her face. She floundered about on her straw mattress, gasping and spluttering as she tried to catch her breath. It was freezing and horrible and half of it had gone down her throat. She'd never been woken up in such an awful way in her life! Harry, the groundkeeper, was standing over where she lay, laughing at the way she spluttered. "What the chuffing 'eck is goin' on?"...

3 years ago
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________________________________________ Pouring a can of pea soup into the toilet and pretending it was vomit? No, he'd done that the last time. Ketchup on the nose, pretending it was blood? No, that one was just stupid. Faking a headache? Nope, his mum would just turn that around on him and tell him it was his own fault for staying up too late the previous night. Kaden Dursley sighed and sat up on his bed. He gazed out the window at the overcast sky. It was impossible to tell the time...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 76 Throwing It All Away

October 31, 1988, Chicago, Illinois “There was no race yesterday?” Kara asked while I was showering after my run with Jacquelyn. “No. There’s one next week. We didn’t watch last week’s race because I was so preoccupied. I saw the results in the paper. Rusty Wallace won again, but Bill finished fourth and Earnhardt fifth. Bill has a 79 point lead on Wallace and a 198 point lead on Earnhardt. With two races to go, Labonte is out of it because he’s 508 points back. They race in Phoenix next...

2 years ago
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I Lost My Job What Will I do Part Six

“Ellen, come downstairs. I have something exciting to share with you.” “Coming, Peter.” My stepfather was yelling up the stairs for me to come down and talk to him. I couldn’t imagine what he wanted. I had just woken up from my nap. I was just wearing my white tank top and my white panties. I walked down the stairs. “Ellen, I have thought of another hot fantasy I want us to do tonight. I know you'll love this one. Want to know what it is?” “I can’t even imagine. What is it?” “You know how...

3 years ago
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Subway Stories

My brother rolled his eyes like the grump he was, "No-go by yourself". He paused and shook his head, "And stop calling me 'Nii~Nii' we're not even Japanese!" I crossed my arms in a pout, "But Gamestop is too far to walk...Please I need this game! There's Hentai in it!!!!" I blurted because to me...that was a big deal. Nii~Nii threw his arms up, "Ew-okay stop! I don't need to know these things...take the subway there! You'll be alright. Just don't talk to...

3 years ago
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Twins love affair Chapter 3 Sewing the seeds of incestuous love

Thousands of things were rushing through my mind as I kicked my legs off the edge of my bed. I could still feel the excess of my twin brother Macs incestuous seed oozing it way out of my pussy and slowly sliding down the inner part of my thighs. Just the thought of the possibility that my very own twin brother had not only took my virginity with that massive cock of his. But from the amount of his incestuous seed that he had just finish pumping into my highly fertile womb. There was a very...

1 year ago
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Fucking My Sexy Aunt and Her Sister 8211 Part 2 Seducing Her

Hi all, this part is a continuation of the previous part. For a better understanding of the whole story and to enjoy it to the fullest, kindly read the previous part For those who don’t know me, my name is Jay (changed) currently 30 years old. Now well settled in my own business from Mumbai. This is my 1st story and many more are going to come. More about myself I was 150 kgs huge fatty till the last year. Then suddenly somebody from my business friends motivated me to get fit and be healthy as...

3 years ago
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Act of War SOS Book 2Chapter 9 USS Dauntless Crash Site

I stood looking out at the crater, it must have been 20 miles across at least, I could see wreckage scattered everywhere. I kind of laughed to myself, I guess I could tell fleet command that the Dauntless was no longer a threat. Coral stood next to me looking out at the hole, she leaned on the railing that protected people from falling in. "It was decided to keep this here, so we wouldn't forget the threat of the aliens, if janus had not stopped the A.I. Adam the aliens would of taken this...

1 year ago
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CherryPop Jade Amber Were Stuck Together

Tyler and Jade were BFF in 3 rd grade. They are once again stuck together when the bathroom door jams at the party. Now Jade the school slut and super nerd Tyler find that they still have a lot in common… including a deep lust for each other. Horny and curious, Jade discover his big dick fits perfectly in her aching wet pussy. It feels so good she begs Tyler to cum deep inside her cunt. They’re so caught up in each other they miss finally escaping the bathroom, only to once again...

1 year ago
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PurgatoryX Jillian Janson Confessions Vol1 E1

Jillian (Jillian Janson) is overcome with guilt over having a recent late night office suck & fuck session with a sexy coworker (Robby Echo). Compelled to tell her husband (Donnie Rock) about her transgression, she hits him right between the eyes with every salacious detail. As she tells her husband “that man knows how to fuck me”, Donnie quickly realizes that his wife’s erotic confession is a turn-on. His hand finds its way under the table and into his shorts. Donnie discretely plays with...

4 years ago
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Putting Winona In The Movies

Being a nerd is not so bad sometimes. It meant I could do a lot of things that other guys couldn't. Because I read a lot and because I was good with technology. That was how I helped Mrs. Griffin get the goods on Mr. Griffin. He had been cheating on her for many years. My name is Edgar. I was short but my cock was long and my body was in great shape. I had been bullied as a child. That would never happen again.I was now in my mid-twenties. I lived in a rooming house. It was taken care of by two...

2 years ago
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Boys Dont Cheer

I was looking for the bathroom at a party at some guy's place in my senior year. The main one had a lineup and I figured there was probably a half-bath off of one of the bedrooms. When I opened one of the bedroom doors I found Christa Clements lying on the bed, seemingly unconscious. The cheerleader had been partying hard and had disappeared from the party a little earlier. I guessed the slut had found a partner, as her shirt was open, skirt hiked up, and her bra and panties on the floor. Her...

3 years ago
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Arden and Gloria A Summer Camp RomanceChapter 3

Judy caught Amy and Mike, sneaking off after another campfire. Thankfully, she caught them before they were naked, and fucking like crazy. She threatened to send them home if it happened again. Amy sulked, and, for some reason, took it out on Gloria. But that only lasted a couple of days, and then she was herself again. Gloria wondered if she'd found some other way to risk getting pregnant. There were two dances, during camp. One was the second Wednesday night, and the other was the last...

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A Match Made in Hell1

Bride: Disha (26) Bride’s mother: Malaika (45) Bride’s younger sister: Alia (25) Bride’s younger sister: Jhanvi (21) Groom’s mother: Mandira (46) Groom’s younger sister: Shraddha (24) Groom’s aunt (widow): Tisca (45) Groom’s ex: Nora Fatehi (26) Male characters: groom (27), groom’s dad (47), bride’s dad (46), bride’s brother (23) ONE “Fuck, you’re amazing at that...”, he grunted. It was true. She was doing an amazing job. Her blowjobs were always amazing, but tonight she had taken it...

3 years ago
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Goodbye Miss Granger Part 7

My rushed getaway from Josh meant I arrived the Sponge Toss booth ten minutes early, so I had an opportunity to get a feel for the game before I started getting hit with wet sponges. Mr Mitchell the P.E. teacher was on-deck, his wet and smiling face mounted above the brightly coloured body of a clown painted on the outside of the booth, while a line of senior boys tried and mostly failed to hit him with large, wet rectangular sponges. It didn’t take long to work out that this game was a lot...

Straight Sex
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Give Take

She knew what Orlando wanted. He had watched her feed their three month old son and she had seen the look on his face. His mouth had been open, just enough for her to see his tongue come out and circle his lips in want and need. Maybe he didn’t think she had seen, but she had, and tonight she was going to give him what he wanted. She had been sitting in the living room, her back against dark blue pillows on the circular, pale blue sofa. She wore a midnight blue silk Chinese robe with flying...

1 year ago
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The forbidden Line

Note : This story is completely fictional! Heloo reader, I am again this is a new story for you it is as son’s confession. Read and cum you dear reader.I like THE CONTENT THAT I EVER WRITTEN. It all started when I moved back home with my parents after college. I had attended college on the other side of the country and had only been home for brief visits since high school. I had moved in with my parents while I was searching for a job and trying to save money to get my own place. My father is a...

2 years ago
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The Tennis Partners

I arrived at the tennis club and walked inside. I flashed my ID card for the club and then sat down for a second. I was having a hard time convincing myself that it was a good idea to play tennis feeling the way I felt when I saw the perfect thing at my time of sorrow, a distraction. By distraction, I mean a stunningly beautiful 15 year old girl with brown hair, a slim and athletic body, a skin tight athletic top that showed off her perfect little titties, and a tiny skirt that barely came a...

2 years ago
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TumblrAlternativen NSFW

Update 13.12. –copy/paste von meinem Tumblr (Link in meinem Profil). Dort gibt es im Text auch die hier fehlenden Links, die hier dummerweise nicht erlaubt sind. Mein Profilname auf allen Plattformen ist derselbe wie hier. Das man hier eine Kategorie für die „Story“ wählen muss fände ich ok, wenn man die Kategorie frei wählen könnte. Mir werden nur 16 unpassende Vorschläge angeboten. Macht keinen Sinn....Tumblr löscht ab dem 17.12. alle Pornoinhalte, aber auch harmlose Nacktbilder. Es heißt,...

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A Year in the Life Part II

A Year in the Life Part II By Mister Double-U Joe carried my suitcases up the stairs on that bright Spring morning. I had finally, after weeks of indecision, decided to move in with him. He had been continually coming to the club and I had been spending more nights there than with Michelle at the apartment. The hardest thing was telling her I was moving out. "You're what?" she yelled that evening. I had made her a wonderful dinner and even rubbed her feet before telling...

3 years ago
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My Brother Comes Home From The War

*NOTE* I wrote this for a very good friend as a present. When me and my brother, Alex, were little we had done everything together. Our mother even bathed us together. We spent every moment we could together. Alex thought me how to ride a bike and helped me with school work since he was 3years older than me. Our dad had run off with another woman one day, so our mom had to work a lot to pay the bills. This left us alone a lot first with a babysitter then when we got older, mom trusted Alex to...

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I Just Love My InLaws

he conversation was not going well. I knew I was losing the argument with my wife, Dawnette. I call it an argument but in truth it was only a discussion regarding the upcoming visit of her parents, Richard and Joyce. You could say we were a lucky couple. In the thirty-six years of marriage we may have had two or three real arguments.“I’m sorry I have to go to this training Mark. It was a last minute decision and it’s important for my pay raise and promotion. You know they like you more than me...

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Teachers Pet

Amy was a good high school student, she liked to hang with friends and got good grades due to her strict mother. But recently she'd become bored of teasing the guys at her school, she was still a virgin and wanted to stay one until she met the right guy. So she turned to the Internet, she found lots of sites and eventually found herself in a relationship with a older guy. He said he was a teacher and they often pretended he was a teacher at her school who liked to give her special rewards and...

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With a couple at the Bathhouse

I'm Lisa. A 37 yo slutty and experienced CD who enjoys playing with groups of men.The following is the true story of what I was hoping to be the first of my visit to to one of the Bathhouse of my town - The Hawk in Portland, OR. It happened on February 2020 and after this first time I was planning to go more often especially this summer. Then Covid happened.... Anyway hope you'll enjoy and leave comments.By January 2020 I had decided that I was done with the Oregon Theater. Those who know the...

3 years ago
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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 24

"Did you feel it? It happened again, didn't it?" Melinda said as she ran up to Jason. "Yes, Melinda, I think we all did," replied Jason. "I can still feel something." "Yes, I think Heather is still talking to--" "And she's still trying to get into Heather's head!" Jason sighed. "Melinda, please, calm down." "But shouldn't we go help her? God, I hope we find a way to get Ms. Hollis fired or something. No way I want her as my teacher!" "Chrissakes, Melinda, enough with...

2 years ago
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Lessons From The Barnyard Part I

It wasn’t as if they had never seen nor knew about what animals do to reproduce because they had each grown up on their own farms, but to witness it actually happening when you are in your teen years in front of a member of the opposite sex, well let’s just say it was awkward at best. But as uncomfortable as it was, the sight still started their juices flowing just a little bit as they each had a sudden urge down it their gut to scratch that little itch growing down in their loins. They...

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Touchy neighbor

The incident i am about to narrate occurred 3 months back. I am Santhi and i am married to prakash. My husband is around 40 years old while i am around 33. My husband is a general administration person and he had a habit of switching the jobs frequently. Right now he is working at Bangalore and i, along with my 5 year old daughter stay at Chennai. I am working as in a private firm in Chennai, my daughter studying in school and hence we are staying at Chennai. My husband used to come once or...

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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 6

Hello readers, welcome to this beautiful journey. I am male and the story is completely fictional. Thanks for your feedback for the previous parts of the story. Let’s enjoy the journey. Next day was a Sunday so I didn’t worry to wake up Ayesha, I let her sleep well after her first orgasm of the previous night. She woke up around 10 a.m. and got ready. Mr. Husband had not returned home so we were the only two for the breakfast so we were on the dining table. I was in a kurti and leggings whereas...

4 years ago
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The Artist

1975 London,England,Sally Granger,19,Dark-haired,blue eyes,has recently joined a company that collects rare and unusual art pictures-what many would regard as 'avant garde'-many of them quite 'shocking' to some people - Roger Havers has sold many of these paintings to art galleries all over the world-but there is one artist who has always eluded him -Cedric Winterbottom,the eccentric 70 year old artist from Rustington,west sussex-he has refused to sell a single painting of his beautiful...

1 year ago
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Office Mein Pooja Ki Chudai

Pehle main aap sabko apne bare mein batana chahunga ki main kaun hu. Mera name Rajesh hai. Main Pune mein ek MNC mein job karta hu as a project manager. Meri height 5’5hai aur mera lund 6 inches and 2 inches thick hai. Meri body athletic body hai, fair in color. Guys yeh meri pehli story hai so please agar koi mistake ho to mujhe batana comment box mein. To ab aate hai story pe. Heroin ka naam hai Pooja. She was new in the company to maine uski kafi help ki starting mein. Aur baad mein woh mere...

2 years ago
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My First Tgirl Deepthroat

Before I, start, I will tell something of myself. My name is John, I am 48 Yrs old, I never thought I would attracted to Tgirls, I am average built, 5ft 10in tall, 190 lbs, I am Hawaiian, Phillinino, Chinese Nationality.Well 2yrs ago I was cruising in town (Honolulu) and went to a bar to chill for awhile a had two beers just cruising, when this beautiful Asian girl sat down next to me, She was hot smoking hot, damn.We started talked, simple confersation. I kept staring at her full lips and I...

3 years ago
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Reincarnated In Vegas

It's interesting what you notice when the world ends. I was sitting in my doctors office, listening to him tell me what to expect in the last two months of my life as symptoms from a particularly aggressive form of non- operable brain stem cancer began to reappear. I wasn't listening very closely. I was noticing how every time he used a medical term, he spread open his hands like he was about to catch a basketball. I was only 33, and in good shape other than the whole dying thing. I had...

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How to Make a Virgin Orgasm in Under One Minute

This story only available on Lush Stories PREPARATION (not part of the One Minute, sorry): THE ROOM: Use low lighting only, small amounts of twinkling fairy lights or one candle across the room – enough to see by, but not enough to scare the virgin into thinking you can see everything. Indeed, if you can see everything, there is too much light. Less is more, lads! THE BED: Provide clean sheets, and at least one duvet, blanket or top sheet to hide the virgin’s form. It just has to be enough...

2 years ago
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Working Girl 7

Working Girl 7 By Susan Brown Kindly edited by Angel O'Hare As I went through the swing doors of the restaurant into the cold night air, it hit me. I was homeless again and I didn't have a clue as to what I could do about it. *** I was out on the pavement. It was cold and quite dark. I knew that I had a long walk home, so I started down the road. As usual, I was in a panic over whether anyone would see me, realise that I was not all girl and shout for the police. I could...

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Army Life Bisexual mmf mfm

Written By MusclecockI'm Samantha, an ordinary 20-year-old brunette, with an ordinary job at the reception desk in an ordinary office building downtown L.A. You might have seen me shopping at the mall or dancing at the local night club. You might have found me attractive, too. Some men can't keep their eyes off me.Did I say ordinary? Well, not quite. I'm an nymphomaniac. I just love men. I just love making myself look sexy, and make men staring at me. It makes me so hot.Anyway, I didn't mention...

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