Cataract Reaction 5 free porn video

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Cataract Reaction By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter Five Into the limo he went with Johnny and the second after the door was shut, he realized Johnny had sat next to him as their legs touched. He waited a few seconds, wondering if he should slide down or jump across so they could talk, but before he could even move an inch, Johnny took his hand. They were in a limo certainly big enough for a few more couples, yet he knew none would be joining them and before they made it two blocks, Johnny's arm was was around him. He was Johnny's girl and his date. Being thanked for being that date, or receiving endless compliments about how beautiful he looked would simply make it easier to deal with what was coming and push him to accept what he had to do. He could see Tiffany Solaro in his mind as he closed his eyes and initiated their first private kiss, which turned into a few during their ten minute ride, until the limo pulled up at the prom. He had set the groundwork for what he had to do as he stared at his lips in the car's reflective glass, amazed at how perfect his lip stain still looked, and recoated the finish gloss before they stepped from the car at his old school gym. Only a year ago he had graduated in the very place he'd now set foot in, except this time in heels and praying that if his mother or grandmother couldn't tell, than neither could any former underclassmen that barely knew him back then. His prank was now fully behind him as he wasn't certain but pretty sure he had gotten past his mother and grandmother, and this had now become a mission. Arm in arm they walked as he was paraded inside, as he'd come this far so there would be no point in not finishing it. Immediately one of his favorite old teachers waved towards him but then called him Allie, saying how much she loved his dress as it was so bizarre that it seemed comforting. He recognized some of the eighth grade girls, but wasn't sure of all their names as they were a grade lower than him when he was back in the school, and not so popular. Being hugged and cheek kissed like he was his sister was easy, as all they cared about was being told they looked gorgeous so he knew just what to say as one of them. A few would be a bit snippy looking down at him like only a seventh grader who should kiss the ground they walked on that he was an invited date to their prom, and others could give a shit, more interested in sizing him up, that his dress or his hair couldn't be better than theirs. A few catty conversations with the girls while Johnny was measuring dicks with the boys would allow Kyle some time to himself to keep a watchful eye. He'd have one eye on his date, knowing exactly what the clan of guys would be doing, checking out every girl but pretending they weren't, and the other eye on the lookout for his competition. After every break in conversation, they moved from group to group, holding hands or walking with him arm in arm. Some breaks in corners, stealing a tender smooch out of the eyes of chaperones would happen more often than Kyle would like, and a tap on the shoulder by a teacher to cut it during a slow dance would only encourage Johnny more. Half way through the party, there would be oddly no sign of trouble until he realized Johnny was sneaking him out a side door to a place mostly the guys knew about near the football field, and he'd gulped, knowing it well as he'd snuck his date there the year before. It would be no more private then the limo, but with Johnny no longer a nervous boyfriend to invade the depths of his tonsils, it would be much more hot, heavy and unavoidable. When finally they came up for air, a walk back through the school's rose garden would be almost too much to handle as he knew every move coming, as he knew the script so well. He was stuck in the re-run as the romantic love interest of the hunk, instead of the boy making the moves on a girl, as this was a book passed down from year to year on how to get the girl to fall for you on prom night and he'd have to follow the script to a T. The last piece for every eighth grader would be making a move in the moonlight under the willow tree towards the back of the rose garden, and Kyle hated thinking about it, but expected it to come. They were pressed so tightly and their kissing was so intense, so he let Johnny's fingers do some wandering for second base, but of course had to stop him as that base was really not available. He pushed back, needing almost a mental break from what was poking against his dress and would need to make an excuse for the ladies room. "So I hate to even take a breather, but did you think we could take a break so I could use the ladies room and maybe you go get us some punch?" said Kyle, stopping his hands by interlocking their fingers. "Oh sure," nodded Johnny. "Cool," said Kyle, leaning in and kissing him for a minute again. "My tonsils are a little dry, but my bladder is ready to explode." "Not that I want to ever stop kissing you, you're so beautiful Allie. But yeah mine too," replied Johnny, kissing him back. "And I've felt like I could explode since the limo." "Oh gawwdddd," gulped Kyle, stepping back. "Please don't! I tried ignoring that, which has been tough with you poking it into me all night, but did you really have to mention that out loud?" "Uuumm I think that came out wrong?" Johnny replied, a bit panicked. "Please don't go Allie." "I need a minute, and I think you do too," said Kyle, a little freaked out. "I'll freshen up and I'll just meet you back inside once you calm yourself down?" Off he scurried, grossed out, into the ladies room and into a stall, dropping his panties and hiking his dress. He sat like a lady and peed like a racehorse, almost breaking down at what he had done, trying to get a hold of himself. He had checked in with his sister, texting as often as he could throughout the night, telling her things were fine and ignoring her wise ass remarks, but this time he needed her so he dialed the phone. "Allie!" sighed Kyle, peeking out of the stall. "Oh thank gawd you answered." "You ok?" asked Allie as she answered. "You were hauling ass through the hallway! Half the girls there are dancing in ankle socks, and you're amazing in those shoes. I'm seeing that our Dance revolution time has translated to heels better than I thought." "What the fuck are you talking about?" Kyle asked, caught off guard. "You couldn't have seen that?" "The prom is live streamed?" Allie answered. "You didn't know that?" "It wasn't last year, when I was there?" said Kyle flabbergasted. "Yeah well that's new this year, and now you do," laughed Allie. "Obviously I can't see everything, but I did see Mrs. Mattingly catch you share quite the tender kiss to that Ed Sheeran slow song, and oh my gawwdd I am eating up how some of the little bitchy eighth graders are jealous of you." "Really?" gulped Kyle. "I mean shit!" "Oh come on! Wait until you watch this, and see some of their looks," said Allie happily. "My brother is like such a fucking hated hottie, trading saliva with one of the most desired studs in the room! Priceless." "Fuck!" said Kyle. "So anyone can watch this?" "Well the main stream, sure if they know about it. It was in the prom package, so guaranteed his mother might have watched a little but I'm not sure everyone can see the back feeds unless you know how to find them," said Allie, giggling. "Didn't you wonder why you were the only ones making out near the football field or the rose garden when everyone in school knows those are the places guys bring girls?" "You saw those too?" Kyle asked, ashamed. "Yup, I've got the split screen going with all four cams, so I've seen every idiot girl that doesn't know better get led out there with guys who could give a shit who sees them make out," explained Allie. "The football practice cam that is just used for coaches to make sure players aren't lazy behind the end zone is a little fuzzy, but decent enough for that intense make out session in the rose garden. Wow girl! That shit was HDTV crystal clear and fucking steamy." "Oh gawwd," said Kyle, mortified. "More shit to delete then Allie, and don't bullshit me? How many people know about those?" "No parents for sure, and see how it pays to be friends with the nerds?" laughed Allie. "But tell me was I seeing what I thought I saw when you had that deep Frenching session, pressed against each other hot and heavy?" "Seeing it get steamy?" said Kyle, turning red. "I'd rather not think about it, ok?" "Well really I meant with him kissing you like that with your skirt flat against his hard body, and the way you were squirming with his hands all over you?" said Allie. "I was asking if you ran off, because he made the move for second base or was that was almost a sword fight?" "I can't believe you're even asking me that," sighed Kyle, turning beet red. "Second base, Allie. He's the only one with the sword out!" "Just checking," giggled Allie. "But you know I can rewind it later and zoom in right?" "You know I'm so glad I called you for a bit of comforting! Go ahead, rewind it a million times and the only thing you'll see sticking out is my skirt," said Kyle. "Now where's the fourth cam, so maybe I can have one second of time without anyone watching?" "Like I'd tell you?" teased Allie, shaking her head. "This is just too good, and I knew you'd kiss him! But now you can't even deny it. I've got the proof and why should you? My freaking mouth is watering just watching! He looks like an amazing kisser, and I can tell you're enjoying it." "No you can't tell anything, and you didn't know a damn thing," said Kyle, getting angry. "I just had to, and you told me to!" "I told you it was up to you, and sure I expected you to kiss him," said Allie. "How could you not? But damnnnnnnn girlllll... Are you kissing him!" "Please just stop, and tell me where the last one is, and maybe allow me one little piece of my dignity," begged Kyle. "Please, so maybe I can finish this off without being worried anyone's watching." "Fine, if I have to, but I don't think you're avoiding it just yet, as this I'm going to have to watch!" Allie replied. "It's just to the right of the band, but really you better get there soon and when you do, if I were you I'd be all over his ass better than you've even been all night, girl!" "Seriously?" moaned Kyle annoyed. "I asked nicely, and how much more of me making out with your boyfriend do you really want to see? Shouldn't you be over that by now?" "Oh that I could never get enough of, but that's not the point," explained Allie, having a little laugh. "I'm saying I'd get there if I were you, because that's where Johnny is engaged in quite the conversation with the competition, who is just about draped over him like a cheap suit, with her boobs barely in that dress." "Like right now?" asked Kyle, getting angry. "You're watching this second?" "Yup, and this camera's really clear," explained Allie. "She does look hot though I have to say, and gawwwdd even hating her I have to appreciate the fucking skill she has at flirting! The fucking tramp has balls bigger than any guy I know." "Really? that's how you tell me this?" said Kyle, getting annoyed. "That's your pep talk?" "Sorry, didn't mean it that way, but you know what I meant, so now is not the time to be fucking sensitive," said Allie, getting mad at him. "How about stop being a pussy and go get your man before she does? I mean seriously just go, and you worked your ass off all night so the bitch couldn't take your boyfriend, so don't let her now!" "Jeez," said Kyle. "I hate when you're right?" "Which is always, now move your pretty ass," ordered his sister. "Any of that shit I just said work for a pep talk?" "Fuck!" yelped Kyle. "Yeah! Going!" To the mirror he went, re-glossing his lips and then fluffing his curls and spraying his hair. A touch of perfume spritzed to his neck would complete all he knew how to do anyway, as he snapped closed his little clutch and grabbed the door handle. He was a girl with a purpose, flying through the crowd like a guided missile headed for the area next to the band as he spotted his target, arriving like a demon in heels. "Oh, so much better," said Kyle, leaning right in and tenderly kissing him. "Miss me?" "Abso-fucking-loutely," smiled Johnny, loving it as his eyes wandered around. "But umm. Teachers all over the place in here, so let's try to avoid the lecture again." "Ah you graduated already, so fuck 'em," smiled Kyle, before he snuggled in and turned. "Oh hey Tiffany. I didn't see you there." "Oh me?" said Tiffany, spinning a little straw in her drink. "I keep a low profile you know." "You know I didn't?" joked Kyle, flicking his wrist at her. "At least normally anyway, but I really haven't seen you around tonight. Although we've been kind of busy. Right babe?" "A little," smiled Johnny. "Have you? That's wonderful?" said Tiffany with a big smile. "Well I've been a bit busy myself, but I've recently... let's say freed myself up. You know from prior commitments, so I could focus on more important things, so Johnny and I were just catching up about those things." "Were you?" snarled Kyle, giving her a look. "Like things we talked about at the nail salon today? Possibly?" "Was that you there today, because I remember being the only blonde?" smiled Tiffany, tapping her chin and pretending she was thinking. "But don't mind me girlfriend, as we real blondes tend to forget things, but I do love what you've done with your hair since last I saw you? So you know maybe that was you? Must be the curls throwing me off then?" "Oh I doubt that?" said Kyle, fluffing his curls. "I'm quite sure your hair color didn't have that type of effect on your memory." "Possibly not?" said Tiffany. "You know more likely it's you without the cutesy precious little bow you had on earlier? Did your date not want his girl in such an adorable little bow like you wear to dance school, or did you just not have one to match your dress?" "Oh I think my date could care less if I'm wearing a bow or not?" snarled Kyle before pecking a kiss. "Right, Johnny?" "Uuumm? Nope," said Johnny. "Not an issue?" "See?" grinned Kyle, giving her a look. "Now let's hope we can avoid another issue like earlier where you scuff a nail? Or five?" "Let's hope? But hard to say just yet?" said Tiffany, looking right back at him before looking up at Johnny. "But speaking of nails, did you see how wonderful your date's nails turned out Johnny? I mean seriously, she's probably got the best nails here! Doesn't she?" "Uumm yes," said Johnny a bit confused. "Very nice." "No, seriously. Better than very nice. Hold your hand up girl so he really knows," said Tiffany, grabbing Kyle's hand and holding it up. "Talk of the fucking nail salon today! Take a good look at the amazing work here." "Yup, amazing," laughed Johnny, staring at them. "Love her nails!" "I know, right? I'm so fucking jealous. Look at how perfect they are with her dress," said Tiffany, pushing his hand next to his left cup and then picking up her other hand and pushing it near hers. "And now look at mine. No fucking comparison if you can appreciate these types of little things like we do? But I guess boys just look for other things in a girlfriend, right?" "Yeah," sighed Johnny, fixated on her touching her boobs. "Do they?" smiled Kyle, dropping his other fingers but just showing the nail on his middle finger. "Aren't you that as girls we can just focus on our nails then?" "Actually yes, I love the focus on mine for the moment, but I've been focused on so much more," grinned Tiffany, sliding her index finger around her cup area and into her cleavage, batting her lashes at Johnny. "Johnny honey, would you mind getting us a little punch?" "Oh sure," said Johnny, walking away. "What the fuck do you think you're doing here, Tiffany?" Kyle asked, folding his arms. "Me?" smiled Tiffany. "I thought I was just paying you some compliments." "Bullshit," said Kyle. "Stay away from my boyfriend!" "Is he your boyfriend, or are you just his prom date?" asked Tiffany, tapping her chin. "Because would you really want a boyfriend that stares at another girl's boobs the way he stares at mine? I'm sure he's just a boy that's a friend, and you're a bit confused?" "I think it's you that's confused," replied Kyle, annoyed. "Now back the fuck off!" "Or what? you'll push me flat on my back?" laughed Tiffany. "Or you afraid I'll push you flat on your.. flat everything?" "I'd like to see you try it?" said Kyle nastily. "Honey, you're no contest for me, so maybe save yourself the embarrassment, or a chip on those pretty nails?" said Tiffany, shaking her head. "Now be a smart little seventh grader and run along, leaving him with a real woman he deserves. Do that and I'll do you a solid, setting you up with someone who can appreciate you? I babysit a cute boy that's going into third grade, and he wouldn't be bothered at all having a girlfriend with your mosquito bite boobs in your plaid romper." Kyle totally lost his cool, now hurling himself forward and knocking her to the ground. In no time they were rolling around on the floor, each grasping each other's hair as half the place turned, looking their way. "Let go of my hair, bitch," yelled Kyle, feeling his extensions straining to come out. "Fuck ,and I'll scratch your eyes out slut!" yelled Tiffany, pulling hard. "Are you both fucking nuts?" yelled Johnny, running back and breaking them up. "Let go, both of you, before you get us all kicked out!" "She fucking started it," groaned Kyle, as he got up, dusting himself off. "Me? Who exactly knocked who to the ground?" said Tiffany, straightening her dress as she was back to her feet. "There should be no seventh graders here. They're way too immature." "Immature?" yelled Kyle, checking his dress. "Who's the one jealous of my..." "What the hell is going on here?" said a teacher, rushing over through the crowd. "Everyone back to dancing or whatever. Break it up!" "Oh nothing, Principal Riley," said Tiffany, leaning against Johnny, lifting her foot and adjusting her shoe. "This floor is ridiculous, and I caught my heel. Thank gawwdd my friend Allison was here to break my fall, or could you imagine if I face planted?" "Oh it looked like you were yanking her hair and wrestling?" said the principal. "So that wasn't a fight?" "As if," said Tiffany, walking behind him, pushing a few bobbi pins back in that were half out. "This ridiculous ring did get caught in her fabulous hairdo. It's to die for, isn't it? and we're great friends. We just got our nails done together today. Right Allie?" "Yes we did?" smiled Kyle, wanting to choke her. "And this floor is very slippery, sir." "You two better not be full of it, so I'm watching you girls," said the principal, not buying it. "They'll be none of that shit here!" "Thank you, sir," smirked Tiffany as he walked away. "What the hell is wrong with you two?" asked Johnny as the teacher left. "Thank gawwd I think, nothing!" said Kyle, looking down at himself. "I would be so dead if I ripped this dress." "Jeez," said Tiffany, doing the same. "Me too!" "Please girls, let's not do that again for more than the sake of your hair or dresses," lectured Johnny, holding his forehead. "You're both my friends, so there's no reason to fight?" "That is what I told her?" said Tiffany, holding out her hands. "Isn't it, Miss prom date?" "Yeah, and you're not, but not what he meant?" said Kyle, folding his arms and looking ready to kill him. "I'm way more than that? Aren't I Johnny?" "Oh uuummm yes," nodded Johnny. "She's my prom date, and you're my friend, Tiffany." "Prom date and..." said Kyle, leaning in and kissing him. "And she's also my girlfriend," smiled Johnny, enjoying the kiss. "That's the correct answer, right?" "Of course it is," smirked Kyle, planting a soft kiss for a few seconds. "Now let's go for a walk, honey. I could use some air." "Ok," nodded Johnny. "See ya, Tiffany." "Give me a hug too, girl," smirked Kyle, extending his arms. "No hard feelings?" "See how much better that is ladies?" said Johnny. "And that's how it's done, blondie?" whispered Kyle as they hugged. "You'd think?" whispered back Tiffany, giving a squeeze. "No, I know," said Kyle, pulling back from the hug and squeezing Tiffany's hand. "And now that that's over." "Oh it's not over princess, I'm no one's runner ! Have a nice walk while you can?" said Tiffany, squeezing harder. "It's on, girl."

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"Good morning, Mr. Andrews, it's Oren Kavanagh. I thought you should know that I had a call from a Mr. Brant Morrisey in Los Angeles, representing Messers Ventriss. He has assured me that they will forthwith cease to spread misinformation as he called it, about Flex-Tek. Will that be to your satisfaction?" "Only if he puts it in writing," I said. "I want a copy of it to circulate to anyone who they have been in contact with." "Goes without saying, Mr. Andrews. I'll make sure the...

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LovingChapter 18 Daves Reaction

Carol had been talking for some time as she slowly, softly related the story of her night of sexual initiation. Now she sat there looking at me. I glanced down and saw that her nipples were hard and swollen showing clearly through the light sweater. Reliving her story had obviously turned her on something fierce. I understood completely, it sure had me excited. I looked into her beautiful blue eyes and knew what I said next would be terribly important to my lady. I pulled her hands to my...

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Attraction reactions

——————————————————————————— Chapter 1 The event that changed everything Lily and Tessa have been neighbors and best friends since they were toddlers. Growing up together, they both know most of each others secrets and can talk about almost anything together. Lily is the shy one and the follower of the two, sometimes shes embarrassed by Tessa’s brashness. Lily’s shyness and Tessa’s brashness has made their relationship work well. Lily and Tessa are both 18 years old still living at...

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Wild Reactions

Stupid bloody teacher. Any form of detention would’ve been better than this. I was stuck in S6 with Isabella, her long brown hair swishing slightly as she read from one side of her book to the other. I should’ve been reading too, but I wasn’t. I mean, how could I when SHE was in the room? Of course, she’d probably know that I had a thing for her. I’m pretty blindingly obvious like that. I’m not smooth at all at the start, but I like to think that once the ball starts rolling I’ve got some...

Quickie Sex
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Duty and Duplicity Book 5 of Poachers ProgressChapter 7 Distractions Interaction Satisfaction Reactions

Otto looked up in surprise as I strode into my office in the Fortezza Nuova. “I did not expect to see you until the end of the month, Colonel.” I could see he was disconcerted, annoyed even, by my earlier than expected return, and I sought to assure him of my confidence in his abilities. “Believe me Otto, I was extremely loth to leave Florence. Although you are more than competent to manage the impending inspection I deemed it a politeness on my part to be present when Duke Leopold arrives...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 31 Actions and Reactions

March 1985, Chicago, Illinois Rosie said Becky had TRIED to kill herself. That meant Becky was probably still alive, which was a bit of a relief. “What happened?” I asked. “I came home from a party and found her on the floor. I couldn’t wake her up and there was a bottle of pills next to her!” “Where is she now?” I asked. “The paramedics said they were taking her to MacNeal Hospital on Oak Park Avenue.” “Did anyone call her parents?” I asked. “The police are still here. I don’t...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 17 Reactions

August 19, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio “I can’t take you to Columbus without asking your parents!” I said when we reached the car. “Phil will take you home, I’m sure.” “Mike, you need someone with you! I’m your girlfriend! Swing by my house. It’s on the way to the interstate. I’ll ask my mom. It’ll take two minutes! Please?” I was already in the car and had started the engine but I realized that Emmy was probably right. I leaned over and unlocked the passenger door and she ran around and...

2 years ago
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Fertile FlockChapter 16 Relative Reactions

"Tell me Mr. Carson, how much trouble am I in?" "Well Deacon, I can't tell you that everything's going to go away but we'll talk about it and maybe you'll give me some ideas." Kevin Carson and Deacon Robert Ramsay had just heard the prosecution's case against him or at least what they were required to reveal. "I'll go through things in order. First, did Rita Gonzales work in your factory?" "Yes, for a while." "Did you supply her with clients for her prostitution...

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Walts Poker Pal Chuck

I had left Jeff's house and now headed over to Chucks house for my session with him. His desire was to see me in a wedding gown and have sex with him while wearing all or part of it. When I reached his home I knocked on his door and Chuck answered and let me in. I told him I had my wedding dress and needed to change into it and he had me do so. When I was ready I came back into the living room where he was and saw him sitting on the sofa totally naked. I watched as he reached over and turned on...

4 years ago
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The Bet

The Bet by Laura Brooks I can pinpoint the day this all started. It was a chilly, Sunday afternoon in early December. A light rain was falling outside and Carol (my wife) and I had built a cozy fire in the fireplace. She was sitting on one of the couch, her legs curled up beneath her reading and sipping a glass of wine and I was sitting at the other watching the Giants begin to give away a 21 point lead to the Eagles. Carol stood up and stretched, heading toward the...

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Auction House

JULY 22, 2054 / 6:34 AM **Writers Note: I'm currently rewriting this story from the ground up, so far I've edited to the Red District portion. Sorry if past that that point the writing seems disconnected. The world's at an end. The dystopian society people envisioned but never believed would come to fruition. You feel your joints strain and ache as you halfheartedly unwind yourself from the tangled mounds of dirty sheets and second hand clothes. As you roll over, on your nightstand you eye a...

3 years ago
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Dorm Room Reversal

I graduated from high school three months ago. I was so happy to be free of high school. I always felt like a loaner there. I only had one friend and I was often the focus of ridicule and jokes from my fellow classmates. No girls were ever interested in me as a boyfriend. My only friend Heidi, who was very popular and one of the most beautiful girls at John Franklin High, often found herself defending me. I think she felt sorry for me. Heidi is perfect. She is 6 feet tall, long beautiful legs...

2 years ago
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Candy Cane

Candy Cane . That's the scent that has been left lingering in my clothes tonight, and the more I smell it, the wetter my panties become. It's the most sensuous thing, the way you blow the smoke from your hookah into my mouth, your lips so close to mine, yet not close enough to touch, or to kiss me passionately the way I’ve secretly wanted you to for all of these years. It's a trick I'm guessing you picked up working nights at the hookah lounge downtown, along with the way you know how to...

First Time
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They didn’t mean to do it. It was just one of those unlucky bolts of fate where the heavens aligned and they did something by complete accident and they got a result they weren’t expecting. All they were doing was a little bit of gravitational experimenting where they were using very high magnetic fields to compress various solids and gases and someone thought that bombarding it with a high intensity laser might be interesting. It was totally off the chart and they ‘borrowed’ the laser from a...

1 year ago
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Daddys Girl

When my daughter's out I play with her sexy underwear, and I dream .... It’s the perfect opportunity. My wife’s out shopping and my daughter’s out playing tennis. The house is empty and I’m alone. I go to my daughter’s bedroom. My heart’s pounding with a mixture of guilt, anticipation and lust. The walls are girly pink, the fluffy toy she’s cuddled since she was two is still there on her pillow. The picture of her in that so short tennis skirt when she won the college tennis tournament last...

3 years ago
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Marks wife in pantyhose

I turn up at your house and ring the bell. I am expecting to be greeted by the sight of your hard cock in sheer pantyhose. The door opens and your wife is standing there. She invites me in and I enter. She shows me through to the living room and explains that you have had to pop out on an errand but that you have left me a treat to keep me going till you get back. I wonder what she can mean. She pours me a drink and asks if I have come dressed for fun. I reply that I have and she says why don't...

2 years ago
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Happy Halloween CaitlinChapter 5

Halloween was today and Caitlin was looking forward to her sister Erin's visit. She woke up this morning feeling very well rested. She was becoming more comfortable and accepting of the transformation which had taken place within her. She had an understanding, a knowledge, that her transformation was more that skin deep. Her hair was how a crimson red, and her chest had settled into a thirty six D and her height was six foot. She had grown two inches in five days. She was more accepting of...

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my first time with three shemales

this is a true story it happened to me back in 1988 when i was still bi i was in a local gay bar it was shemale night close to midnight when i saw this very tall gurl walk in with some friends she was hot about 6' 2" tall with 6" heels" all legs and ass she was blond and so senual with red lips and blue eyes all her friend we shemales too. After the got a table and ordered some drinks the music started so i went over and invited her to dance and to my surprise she said yes so we dancwd this...

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Spending the night in Helenas bed

That evening my sensual girlfriend Helena had invited me to spend the night at her house.I was excited; my loving hubby had not touched me in the last week and I was feeling real horny. I knew I could spend a glorious time in Helena’s arms… I thought we would be alone; but when I got her house, her handsome husband opened the door for me. He hugged me and he said he had had a bad quarrel with my girlfriend; so, he was willing I could calm down her…Helena came to greet me and she kissed me...

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Surviving 3Chapter 26 Changes

Scott made it back to Inveraray before Mac left for Northumbria and he asked him to stay on for a discussion about their strategy against the Danish threat in England. He spent a pleasant few days with his wives and children waiting for Gabrain, Lachlan and Tara to travel from Oban. Another idea had come to Scott while he had been up in the air and he took the opportunity of speaking to his specialists about it now. The quality of the road surface as they had landed at Oban had contrasted...

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100% fiction! Hi every one. I am a regular reader of website. I am 25 year old. I really enjoyed the stories and fantasized. Now I also want to share my true story of my first sex. I came to Pune for job. It was like party for me while traveling in City women’s were around. One day while I was traveling from my office to home a leady of around 30 year age ( It was my guess) sit near me. She was very cautious about her getup. Although my dragon inside was coming out to grab...

2 years ago
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The Odd One Out

It was the Friday night that the university was officially on spring break. I was only a freshman at the time. After the football game, we all went to Pizza Mimi's for our usual after-game tradition. Everyone from the university is invited but of course not everyone goes.I had eaten three slices before realizing I had to pee. Excusing myself, I got up and walked towards the restrooms. On my way there, I noticed Link Forrester sitting in a booth all by himself. Link was also a freshman at the...

College Sex
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Megan an Acceptance

Megan, an acceptance Janet L. Stickney [email protected] "Hi Janet, this is me. Listen, I want to come home, but you know how they are, they won't let me in the house. I guess they think that because I don't dress like a banker or something and lead what they call a hippie type lifestyle that I don't measure up or something. I need a favor, can I stay with you for a few days until I can persuade the folks to let me come home?" "Mark, you know how uptight the neighborhood I...

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Good Neighbors mdash Part 1

This my original work; originally posted to another site. Enjoy! *hugs*Stacey_tvGood Neighbors, Part 1"You should really go check in on Martin," my wife said. "When was thelast time you dropped in on him?""Just last week," I said. "You were at your Women's Club that night. Itold you, remember?""Still," she said. "It's the least we can do since his wife left him.They were such good neighbors to us when we moved in.""But the ball game...," I started to say."No," she cut me off mid-excuse. "Grab a...

4 years ago
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Janes Evening

(Thanks to Holliexx for feedback on this) Jane was bored. She had finished work for the day; another boring day in the same, boring office, taking boring messages she didn't understand and didn't want to understand. She had got home extremely tired and flopped down on her sofa, kicking off her heels and lying back. She knew she should probably change out of her work clothes but she was exhausted. She liked to make an effort with how she looked at work - it was about her only pleasure there! She...

Straight Sex
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Shall we go out

Should we go out again and look for some cock for you. Maybe we can go get that waiter from the other night. The one who was looking at your tits and getting hard. The one that watched you take off your panties like a slut at the table and hand them to me. This time you will wear NO PANTIES. I like my whores open for business. He see us as we walk in and almost trips over himself to show us to a booth in a dark corner. I tell you that you are to look into his eyes whenever he is at the table....

1 year ago
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My Intro Into BDSM

Hello readers, welcome back. My name is Rajesh, a 24-year-old guy who likes to cross-dress whenever possible. I’m back with which was my intro into BDSM. I’m sure that every crossdresser will definitely like to try out having group sex (threesome and more). If BDSM is added to it, then it will be another level of experience. I am lucky that I got a chance to experience it, and without wasting further time, let us get into the story. I moved to Australia for work. People here are pretty much...

Gay Male
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Slave Girl Rita

It all started when my wife Janet and I decided to go to an erotic mask ball. We were both really excited about it even if we were not sure if we really wanted to fully participate in any swinging or swapping activities at the ball. All of these were optional and many couples just came to the ball to enjoy the erotic atmosphere.Anyway, the ball was indeed very exciting with many attractive couples involved in erotic activities. My wife and I, we decided to simply enjoy the view. Stage...

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My Wifes Clean Shave

Late Friday afternoon our friend Rob stopped by for a drink on his way home from work as he sometimes does. My wife Kerri and Rob have a special relationship for those of you who have not read our other adventures. My wife Kerri is tall and tanned and has the curves in all the right places. Friday when Rob stopped by we had already had a couple of glasses of wine and were feeling pretty good. Kerri was wearing a short negligee with a slit up the thigh that just about revealed her pussy when she...

2 years ago
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The Last Dance

The company’s New Year’s Party was its biggest party of the year. It hosted three others during the year and I never really wanted to go, but Winifred “Wini” O’Dell, my wife of twelve years, did, so I went. She always disappeared several times during the night for an hour or so and I always sat and talked to people until she was ready to go home. This year was going to be different. We’d arrived on time and were escorted to our table. The band had already started and as soon as we were seated...

1 year ago
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Act of NecessityChapter 10 The End of the Beginning

It was the Friday before Labour Day when my certificate from Northern University of the Sierras arrived in the mail. I knew it didn't carry the cachet of a diploma from a big university, but it satisfied me. I had accomplished what I set out to do and had the legitimate proof framed and hanging on the wall. Francesca treated it like I'd graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard. She was telling me that all the self-discipline and hard work had paid off and that she was proud of me. That was...

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Cousins wife

This all happened two months ago. I could not keep my self telling you all about the most sensational experience i ever had. It is about my cousin’s wife. Nazish was my cousin’s wife. She was quite a busty babe. Her rugby ball sized tits with 5`10“ of height and nice ass with heavy thighs made her look so sexy in any outfit. I saw her for the first time on my cousin’s marriage. Well at that time i never thought of having any sexual interaction with her. It all happened when a couple of months...

3 years ago
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The new pet

It was brown and white and the back side was all white. And it was a female that looked like she had pups in the past. Dale made her a place out back in a shed. Our yard was fenced in so she could run around. We had her for about a week when she started licking at her back side a lot. A few days later she was swelled up and in heat. Well Dale said He would keep her in the house so some stray don't get to her. I said that's a good idea we don't need any puppies. Well I said if she...

1 year ago
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The Pet part 5 Debbie gets some special treatment

When Sally, Lorraine and Liz had told her that they’d arranged to borrow Ashly’s slave Kim for the weekend, she’d literally begged them to let her join them. They’d agreed, on one condition – that she told absolutely no-one about their plans, to which she’d agreed. They’d warned her that if she did tell anyone she’d be in serious trouble but she didn’t truly believe that they’d do anything to her so, in true “best-friend” style, she’d told Debbie, her friend from the stables. Well, her and...

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Wife Comes Home Early Snowballed

To this day, I don't know what caused my wife to come home early from work that morning, andalthough at the time I was sick to my stomach with dread and fear when she walked in on me, I'mnow glad that it happened. For the first time in over ten years of marriage, we can now finally talkabout what sexual desires we have. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me back up a bit. I met mywife almost fifteen years ago and we hit it off immediately. In every possible way that really mattered,she was...

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BackroomCastingCouch Chloe In Over Her Head

We’ve got a young fresh one for ya this week. 18 year old Doggie Daycare worker Chloe is here because getting involved in the biz seems “Cool.” She’s very very fresh and I think this was a lot more than she expected. She did fantastic though, she really gave it the ol’ college try. She comes in and I don’t think she realized it was gonna start at the door. We bring her in and it’s obvious she’s nervous. She does a good job answering Rick’s questions, and complies with getting naked. She’s...


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