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I thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for their patience, proof reading, editing skills and of course encouragement. I’d also like to add that we don’t always see eye to eye, so I take full responsibility for the content and any cock-ups in this story.


Life throws some strange curve balls at you sometimes. The first time I ever saw Della Steel as she was back then, we were set to be in competition with each other.

I’d applied for the position of area sales manager with a German company, which was just expanding into the UK market. I’d had my preliminary interview about three weeks previous and I had been asked to attend a group interview with all the other short listed candidates.

If you’ve ever been on one of these Group Interview gigs, you’ll know the score. But, for those of you that haven’t, the general idea is that the employer gets all the candidates together in a conference room and just lets them get on with it really. The idea is the candidate who knows what they are doing is going to finish up virtually running the show. Well, they will shine out amongst the others anyway.

As I entered that conference room, I looked around the other nine candidates and I knew whom my main rival for the job was going to be, the moment I clapped eyes on Della Steel. Phew, now there was one woman who stood out in a crowd. As the day went on it was obvious that she knew her onions as well. With what I can only describe as amazing virtuosity, she shot nearly everyone else in the room but me down, time and again. The two of us duelled with each other’s verbal challenges all day long.

By the end of the day, I think we were even on points, but I knew Della was way ahead in other respects. Shit, with a figure like that, the bloody Jerrys would be mad not to hire her. Any red blooded male buyer was guaranteed to give Della an order, all she had to do was smile and she’d have the average guy in the palm of her hand. Of course that wouldn’t work so well with female buyers though. Oh, I don’t know though, when you exude sex appeal like Della does, just about anything’s possible and it was nearly the twenty-first century.

Well, it came as no surprise to me that I didn’t get the telephone call that evening offering me the post. Actually I’d been watching the German sales director’s mouth watering for most of the bleeding day. It was as plain as the nose on his face, (or the bulge in his pants) who his chosen candidate was, and I figured Della would soon have him by the balls. Literally!

The following day I flew out to Spain to resume my summer holiday that I’d wasted my time interrupting to attend that bloody interview. Well, actually it wasn’t my proper summer holiday, it was my prize for being top salesman on my company.

I didn’t see or hear of Della Steel again for about eighteen months. I was making my pitch to a new client, I’d been cultivating this old bastard for about two months by then. I figured he was just about ready to sign on the doted line and swing all his company’s business my way.

It was as I was pulling into his company car park that I saw her come out of the main entrance. In an instant I suspected all my hard work had just gone down the tubes. The big smile on Della’s face told me that she had just hooked a good one and as I feared it turned out to be my prospective client.

The thing I couldn’t understand was that she wasn’t working for the German Company. ‘Something must have gone tits-up there!’ I thought.

Well, that’s how things turned out for the next couple of years. Della was nicking my accounts left, right, and centre and, in retaliation, I tackled some of her older accounts and stole the work from her company by undercutting her company’s prices. Look, I wasn’t green in the business, I’d been around for ten years. It was quite easy for me to run into the right directors, who had been the buyers when I’d started. I’d just let them know I’d beat Della’s price whatever it was and I soon had the contract, whether the company buyer liked it or not.

I’m not joking, it became a kind of undeclared war between Della and I, a real personal thing. She’d steal a contract off of me and I’d take one back from her. I’m damn sure she had a worm in our office somewhere, the same way I had a worm in hers. Illegal? Well, maybe yes, but business is business and what is it they say? All’s fair in love and war. And of course, no one asks too many questions of a winner.

Well, in the end the Inevitable happened. I’d just swung a nice contract from a company in Norwich. They’d signed on the dotted line that afternoon and, although I could have made it back home that night, I decided to stay over in the Holiday Inn.

Look, things were quite sticky in my marriage around then. Gwen, my wife at the time, liked to live it up a bit. The trouble was, with me on the road so much she’d got a bit antsy about me leaving her alone too much. Well, things were kind-a slowly going downhill and we both knew it. I think it was down to which one of us was going to be the first one to mention the D word.

Damn, it was so bloody stupid. If my Gwen went out with some of her friends now and again, I wouldn’t have minded. Jesus, I wouldn’t really object if she found herself a playmate. At least I could get on my high horse and throw her out if she ran around behind my back. But no, she’d sit at home and sulk when I was on the road, then when I walked through the door. Bloody hell, just about everything got thrown at me. And when I say thrown I mean it literally. Damn, I think the woman had a standing order for crockery at the local departmental store.

Anyway I chose to stay in Norwich rather than arrive home too late to take the wife out. It was just a matter of self-preservation. The next evening I’d be standing at the door waiting for her when Gwen got home from work and I’d take her out for a nice meal. Show her the bonus I’d earned on the trip, then she’d take me home and shag the living daylights out of me. Yeah, you got it, strange marriage. You see, I loved Gwen and I knew she loved me, the silly bitch just couldn’t control her temper. All right, I’m pretty good at losing mine as well!

Anyway, where was I? Oh, yeah, the Holiday Inn, just outside Norwich. I’d checked in and having dumped my bag in my room, I made my way to the restaurant for a meal. I’d call Gwen later and tell her I’d just closed the deal. She was used to me calling late by then.

I was still perusing the menu when, without a by or leave, Della plonked herself down in the seat opposite me.

‘What’s the big idea, Martin? You stole the Parkinson contract from me just when I had them ready to sign on the dotted line,’ Della demanded.

‘Parkinsons. Jesus, Della that was bloody weeks ago and I didn’t even know you were tendering for it.’ Strangely the truth, but I knew there was no way that Della was going to believe me.

‘Bullshit, you’ve been filching my clients all year.’

‘Now hold on there Della, you started pinching my clients first and don’t you try to deny it.’

I’m not going to go any further describing the altercation that went on between us, you can guess how it went, we each accusing the other of stealing contracts.

I suppose we must have gotten quite loud, because the next thing I think either of us was aware of was a guy in a dinner suite standing beside our table.

‘Sir, madam, I must ask you to lower your voices, please. Otherwise I’ll be forced to have to ask you to leave the restaurant.’

I think both Della and I looked at him with shocked expressions on our faces. Neither of us had intended to make a scene.

‘I’m sorry,’ I said to him, ‘Miss Steel and I are in competition in our professions. I’m afraid we get a little too involved in our work sometimes. We’ll try to keep our emotions under control.’

‘Anger isn’t normally the emotion we have trouble with here, sir. Would you like to order now?’

I loo
ked at Della, only to find she had resorted to hiding behind a menu. ‘Have you decided what you’re going to eat yet, Della?’

‘Are you paying?’

Damn the bitch had some front. Fancy me having her dinner on my company expense account. Oh, well, they never checked my expense account anyway. Well, I hoped they didn’t!

‘Sure, why not. We can put it down as a peace offering.’

‘Ah, do we have a truce for the evening?’ the manager said.

‘It looks like it,’ Della replied with that bloody winning smile of hers on her face. ‘Can you ask the waiter to give us a few minutes?’

‘Certainly, madam,’ the manager said as he backed away from the table.

When he’d left us alone and still with that smile on her face, Della held her hand out to me. ‘Pax for this evening and no talk about our companies or clients.’

‘Pax!’ I replied, shaking the offered hand.

The waiter came and we ordered our meals. Surprisingly Della didn’t order the most expensive things on the menu. I’m not sure I would have done the same thing in her position.

I’m not really sure what we talked about at dinner, but we were jousting with words and only just staying within the spirit of our truce. God, it was fun. You know, its not often you get to spar with your greatest rival in the industry under a flag of truce.

There were innuendoes flying around all the time and hints at the contracts that we’d stolen from each other. It was really fun trying to think of a way to drop a company’s name in the conversation, without actually mentioning it.

Della and I weren’t friends, but we weren’t exactly enemies either. We were business rivals, both at the top of our profession. Neither of us could let the other get the upper hand, we both needed to come out on top.

I’m not sure which of us came up with the idea. But after our meal we went to a nightspot in Norwich. Nothing to rave about but somewhere to go. I’d stopped to give Gwen a quick call from the hotel’s lobby and she’d ripped me another new arsehole for not making it home, but that was normal. I’m not sure whether Della heard Gwen shouting at me down the phone, but I’d be surprised if anyone in that lobby didn’t.

At the nightclub, we positioned ourselves at the bar. The place wasn’t too crowded as it was a weeknight, but all the tables were taken. We danced together a couple of times, well, quite a few times when I come to think about it. But everything was very platonic, so don’t go getting any other ideas.

It was whilst we were sitting out a couple of numbers at the bar that I finally got around to asking Della, ‘Tell me, what was the story with that kraut job? I thought you had it in the bag?’

‘Don’t ask! I told them to stick it up their arse. Fritz thought I came with benefits! Why didn’t you take it?’

‘Sorry, they offered it to you, didn’t they?’

‘Yes but that randy bloody sales manager thought I was going to jump in the sack with him. When they offered me the job he invited me out to dinner that evening. I thought they were all going to be there, but it turned out him to be only him. I flattened the bugger in the restaurant when he said we’d discuss the rest of my terms and conditions over breakfast. What did the bugger think I was, a bloody pro or something? Anyway why didn’t you take the job? You were second on the list.’

‘They didn’t offer it to me…. Oh, shit, I flew out to Spain the following morning, so if they called, I wasn’t at home.’

‘Bad move. I think that could have been a real earner and it was yours for the taking.’

‘Well, I didn’t know you were going to beat the sales manager up. Mind you, you had the old bastard’s mouth watering all day. I’m surprised he was that forward though.’

‘Well, he went backwards pretty quickly in that restaurant. That’s the problem with having my looks. I’ve got to admit I’ve used sex appeal to get where I am. Why shouldn’t I? I’ve got the looks. I can’t see why I shouldn’t take advantage of them. It’s just that some guys seem to think they can touch as well as look.’

For the rest of the evening, Della and I danced together and drunk far more than we should have, then we took a taxi back to the Holiday Inn. When we got out of the cab, Della took my arm and I escorted her back to her room.

This is where you expect me to tell you how we climbed into bed together and shagged each other silly all night long. Well, hard bloody cheese, you’re out of luck. I was a spoken for man and I respected my marriage vows. And to be honest, when it comes down to brass tacks, I don’t think Della and I really liked one another. Oh, we respected each other’s talents when it came to winning contracts. But like each other in the sense you’re thinking of, I don’t think so.

Remember we were in cut throat competition with each other almost every day of our working lives. We’d just had a truce for one evening and got to know our enemy. Who was it who said, ‘Keep your friends close and your enemies closer’? Anyway that’s the game Della and I had played that evening, we both slept alone. Well, I did and unless Della shagged the night porter, I assume she did as well.

The next morning Della had just finished her breakfast as I entered the dining room. She stopped as she walked passed me and said, ‘Good morning. Is our truce still in effect?’

‘Until after I’ve had my breakfast, Della,’ I replied, smiling at her.

‘Oh, well, in that case.’ Della lent forward and kissed me on the cheek. ‘I meant to do that last night to thank you for a lovely evening. It’s so nice to spend some time with a guy and not have him think he’s going to get into my pants.’

‘My pleasure, Della. Perhaps we can do it again sometime.’

‘Only after your company goes broke because I’ve taken all their contracts. Perhaps we’ll take your firm over and I’ll be your boss.’

‘No, Della, you’ve got that the wrong way around. When we buy your company out, I’ll be your boss.’

‘Pigs might fly! Thanks again for a lovely evening and its pistols at dawn from now on.’

We exchanged a couple more pleasantries about the previous evening then Della left the restaurant, still with that winning smile on her face.

Well, I didn’t see Della to speak to for a year or so after that. We often clapped eyes on each other at trade shows and things. But besides acknowledging the other’s presence by politely nodding or saying good morning as we passed each other, we didn’t actually talk.

The war between us was back on with a vengeance. To be honest, looking back it didn’t really do either of our companies much good really, as we would cut everything back to the bone to be able to quote the lowest price and win the contract.

Life at home went from questionable to impossible. I know that Gwen never ran around on me behind my back, because I know she loved me. You know, sometimes I wished she had done, I think it might have made it easier for me to accept the inevitable ending to our marriage that I knew had to come sometime.

Things culminated one evening when during one of her tirades about me being on the road all the time, Gwen stabbed me with a kitchen knife. I know she didn’t really mean to do it, poor Gwen just had little or no control over her emotions. When she was in a loving mood, she damn near killed me with sex. But when she lost her temper anything could happen and in the end it did.

Divorce was the only answer we had. Unless you’ve been forced to do it, you can never know how hard it is to walk away from someone you love. Because I really did love Gwen, but I loved living as well and I just didn’t want to finish up in the ground before my time.

The police wanted me to press charges against Gwen for assault, but I flatly refused. They threatened to have me forced to attend as a witness. But I told them I was pretty sure that I couldn’t be forced to give evidence against my wife and even if they could force me into court. I’d ref
use to answer questions on the grounds that I might incriminate myself.

‘That wouldn’t make any sense,’ a police officer said. ‘You haven’t done anything!’

‘I know that and so do you. But it would definitely confuse a jury, they wouldn’t know what to make of it. And, as they have to bring in a verdict that is beyond reasonable doubt, I think I’d have put plenty of doubt into their minds as to exactly what did happen that night. Give it up. You’ve got no chance of a conviction.’

The prosecution service dropped the charges and then Gwen and I divorced amicably. Hey, we even went out for a meal together the evening the decree became final. All right and we did spend the night in a hotel room together for old time’s sake. But after that night we didn’t see much of each other if we could help it. Look, I told you we loved each other but sometimes life throws you some real curve balls.

Work took over even more of my life for the next year or so. Of course my main interest was still bushwhacking Della whenever I could get the chance and she appeared to be playing the same game with me. Taking every thing into account I think on average we were even on points.

One evening after a trade show we had both been attending, we discovered that by chance our companies had booked both sales teams into the same hotel. In the hotel bar that evening, what can only be described as an all out war broke out between the two groups of sales staff.

As the evening went on, everybody drank far more than was prudent and loud comments and insults were bandied about. I know that two guys came to blows in the gents. Well, it could be there was only a little pushing and shoving, but these stories tend to take on a life of their own, don’t they?

The upshot was that the hotel complained to our respective companies and banned all of us from staying there again. Yeah, we were all dragged over the carpet when we got back to head office, but I believe it was all with a bit of tongue-in-cheek. To my knowledge there were no long-term repercussions that I was aware of. Well, in my company anyway.

I think everybody realised that we’d behaved very childishly that evening, but that’s how things go sometimes when you drink too much.

Things returned to normal for a while. I’d started dating again, not that my job made it easy to build or hold down a regular relationship. I started having a few one-night-stands whilst I was on the road. But to be honest, whilst being fun on the evening in question, they weren’t really my cup of tea.

I first got a clue that serious changes were about to happen about a year or so after the war in the hotel. My company had three main competitors. There was the one Della worked for, then there was a little firm called Morechants from down the West Country somewhere. They weren’t really in competition with anyone, as their products were of extremely high quality and very expensive. They had an established customer base, who were apparently happy to pay a premium price for their products. Not our target base at all.

And then there was Permons from up north, I think their factory was in Glasgow and their offices in Edinburgh, but I’m not sure. Over the years they’d stuck to selling in the north and left Della and my company to fight things out in the south of the UK. I think we all had about equal share of the market, with little swings in market share between Della’s and mine. We’d mostly left Permons to their own devices in the north, because delivery costs pushed the prices up too much and cut into what little profit margin there was. Permons had stayed out of the south, most possibly for the same reason.

But Permons were suddenly taken over by a multinational and it was a surprise to everyone when their salesmen started moving south, with a vengeance. Not only that, but the prices they were quoting, were really too low to be believed. As they took more and more of the market share, we were soon feeling the pinch.

Exactly who called the Office of Fair Trading in and accused Permons of selling below cost, I don’t know. But Permons somehow convinced OFT that they weren’t doing so.

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The Charity Ball

I hate going to charity balls. You have to get dressed in a monkey suit, they’re always so crowded and boisterous that even if you don’t have claustrophobia you feel icky, you have to listen to boring speeches, the band is often either too loud or bad, and the drinks are way overpriced. I have no problem sending money to worthy causes I just don’t like the events that they think they have to sponsor to get donations. My wife, on the other hand, loves to get dressed up, chat with dozens of...

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The Charity Ball

I hate going to charity balls. You have to get dressed in a monkey suit, they’re always so crowded and boisterous that even if you don’t have claustrophobia you feel icky, you have to listen to boring speeches, the band is often either too loud or bad, and the drinks are way overpriced. I have no problem sending money to worthy causes I just don’t like the events that they think they have to sponsor to get donations. My wife, on the other hand, loves to get dressed up, chat with dozens of...

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Billy the Boy Ballerina

Author's note: This story was written in the 1980's, way before 'Billy Elliot' saw the light of day! BILLY, THE BOY BALLERINA By Sylvia Who? 1. Billy Liar "Bye, bye Billy!" Melissa called cheerily as she closed the front door behind her, trotting down the path to join dad in the car for her trip to school. Meanwhile, I was staggering down the stairs still half- asleep after my early morning foray into the garden while everyone else was still in bed. I could see mum out...

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Screwdrivers and a little 9 ball

*This story with pics. "Screwdrivers and a little 9 ball" "Screwdrivers and a little 9 ball" Hello I'm Tara, First I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself in case you haven't read any of my stories before and also to help you understand the story a little...

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Cassandras Destiny The Ball

As Cassandra felt the delights of Alfonse's cock for the first time and drank of his blood to fulfill her destiny more than her body was changed. Yes, she became a vampire as was he, but somehow the desires to know everything flooded her mind and body both. This is the continuation of the short story written originally for a contest. Without the word count limitation now in place, see just how far our little vamp slut will go to find the answers to her fantasies.Cassie grinned from ear to ear...

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Rubber Ball

Hi All,This is my first ever real attempt at writting a story to post. It is ALL fiction, and most of it is just made up and what I think it would be like but never experianced. I was inspired to write this after looking at some pics from a friend. I have an overactive imagination which is probably much better in my head than on paper. I suppose I should have proof read it, but I'm assuming I'll probabl be the only person to read it. Please have mercy when commenting... if anyone reads this at...

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K T and FamilyChapter 28 Take Me Out to the Ball

Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: I always wanted to have a ball like Mom's Wedding Ball, but these things need spontaneity. No one my own age wants to do vintage dance, but the vintage dance societies—yes there are such things—tend to be narrowly focused on one period. The wedding ball did a little of everything. Aunt Francine knew an incredible number of them, but not everything. One of my favorite pictures is of Niles, one of Dad's security people, demonstrating British formal dance...

4 years ago
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A Good ManChapter 14 The Halloween Ball

Micester High wasn’t just a school, it was the town’s leisure and community centre—funded by Liddington-Phipps, of course. Every year there were five charity Balls held in the school’s massive sports hall. The Halloween, Christmas and Valentine’s Balls were all themed. The Late Spring and Late Summer balls didn’t have themes but were the largest and most lavish. The Balls themselves were supposed to be for over-eighteens only, but in reality, most of the kids from years eleven, twelve and...

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She fucked the tow ball

So we are Father and Daughter, I am almost 40 years your senior. The sex is good, we don’t have to live together, we just enjoy our times together. You like having sex with Dad , and I enjoy the attentions of a young sexy woman.who is my daughterOne Saturday morning, I call you up and say, ' Kayla wanna go get an ice cream and take a walk?"You are thrilled, and you say “sure Dad”.I tell you I’ll pick you up in about an hour, and we’ll go get an ice cream cone and do some window shopping. I...

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Real Women Play Softball

Caution, this is a PG tale of gender exchange, read it at your own risk; enjoy it as a story. Helpful comments are always welcome. Proofreaders are always welcome to contact me about errors. Below is lead in. Are lesbians really better softball players? Henry thought so and he will have a chance to find out as Hal and Janet take Henry "downtown" to see life on the other side of the gender barrier. Everybody knows, real women play hardball too! Real Women Play Softball "That...

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Charity Ball

Charity Ball By Sissy Lizzy I'd decided to take one or two years off between high school and college, so that I could learn more about the real world, and was talking to my mom, when Karen, my long time friend stopped by with some big news. "Kelly," she cried out, "You won't believe this. I've just won two tickets to the Landsown Charity custom ball on the radio." "My God, Karen," mom almost shrieked, "Those tickets are worth $500 each." "That's fantastic," I joined in....

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Last December the corporation my husband worked for had their annual Christmas costume party. Its always held at the owners mansion. My husband John has worked at Inter-Melton Corporation for only three years but already he is being considered for a managers position that recently opened up. We were both very excited about the costume party. I'm 20 years old and have been married to John for a little over two years. John is 27 years old and has to be the very best husband a girl could ever...

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Brie Falls Behind the Eight Ball

Brie could not be happier. She sat next to her brand new husband Billy as he drove their convertible sports car down the highway. She admired her husband's handsome face and hard athletic body for probably the millionth time. She was very much in love and she felt lucky to have snared such a handsome guy. Brie shouldn't have worried about finding a husband. She had the pick of a long list of men and Billy was very grateful to have been at the top of the list. Any man would have died to be...

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Belle of the Shamrock Ball

I’d missed the last two years’ balls. The one two years before, when we first learned of Katherine’s cancer, and last year’s shortly after her death. I’d come tonight, my first attempt to keep the promise I’d made her. Katherine made me swear to get on with my life after she was gone. She and all the rest of my friends had said not to mourn her loss more than six months, but I needed more time. It wasn’t until recently that I began to feel a little restless and bored with my solitary life. ...

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The Fraternity Drag Ball

The Fraternity Drag Ball by Elrod W Bill frowned, for perhaps the tenth time in the past ten minutes. "How in the hell am I supposed to get ready for this party on such short notice?" he demanded of his roommates, Jim, Tony, and Marty. "I mean, the party is tonight. Tonight!" Tony laughed, but secretly sympathized with Bill's plight. If it weren't for him and Marty, Bill wouldn't be in this predicament. It wasn't his fault that Bill was so reserved, while he and Marty were...

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A Good ManChapter 25 The Christmas Ball

The Christmas Ball should have been magical and, in fairness, the organising committee had done a fantastic job decorating the school sports hall to give it that magical feel. Sparkly white and pale blue curtains draped on the walls gave it a wintery atmosphere and the numerous Christmas trees, elves and even a couple of reindeer added to the festive look. But the problem was the tradition at The Christmas Ball of women never refusing a dance, no matter who asked and no matter who they’d come...

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The Chastity BallSaturday Night The Purity Ball

Mom took me shopping for my Ball gown six weeks ago. It was a dream of lace and blue smoke, but of course it was quite chaste. That was the whole point of the Ball. Neither Daddy nor I had seen the alterations Mom had made until she helped me put it on. Daddy took me to the mall to buy me some jewelry for the Ball. He got me a pearl bracelet and a diamond tiara, and one more thing. He bought me a silver loop with two little balls, and then he took me to get it pierced into the hood of my...

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Does Your Creampie wishes include Snowballs

"C'mon honey, please, please, just do it!""I...I can't, baby...I just can't!""But you promised! You said you wanted to, please do it!""That was before, I..I always want to before but after I...I just can't..."I looked down between my spread thighs, feeling foolish. I was begging my husband to eat my pussy after he'd just fucked me, something we'd both expressed interest in having happen in many a spoken fantasy, but which – again – he was chickening out of once he'd screwed me and left me full...

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My Sister the Ballerina

Regardless of the title of this story, I have to admit right up front that our family was not a family that one would say was "loaded with culture". In fact, my sister Ronnie was not really a ballerina and had never been to a ballet. If the truth be known, she was not even a very good dancer. This story is about the time my cute younger sister Ronnie decided to wear a ballerina costume to a costume party being sponsored by the Police Athletic League on the West Side of town. My name is Louie...

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Phoebes Treats The Christmas Ball

Summer had moved through autumn. Long warm days, full of bright sunshine, had transitioned into cooler shorter days, full of pretty fall colours and then to winter. Bitingly cold, short days with the ever-present promise of frost and snow.It was just fourteen more sleeps until Christmas day. The decorations were in the shops. The lights were strung along the streets and malls. The air full of cinnamon and spicy scents and everyone seemed to be playing holiday music as the excitement...

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Single Mom Black Gold Ball

Rochelle placed the order for a champagne-colored jacquard ball gown with a beaded halter neckline. The classy floor-length number was made by Eliza J. She was planning to war it to the Black & Gold Ball where her twin brother, Randy, lived. Randall Stewart, M.D. was the correspondence secretary for his alumni chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. He and his wife, Leah, were on their way to a full reconciliation - so much so that after he completed one more month in sober living, he...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 25 The Commodores Ball

“So, Will, how was your computer course? Who were some of the people running it?” Jack asked me. We had just cast off from the Earle’s jetty on our way up to the sailing club, to arrive in style for the ball. I was wearing a dinner suit, actually my father’s suit, since the ball was “formal”. I had spent over half an hour practising tying the bow tie so it looked correct, and I had a matching black silk cummerbund around my waist. Jack was dressed in a dinner suit as well, and Chris and Lori...

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Mile High Club in a Balloon

Mile High Club in a Balloon The morning air was cool but not cold.  The summer heat would come later today, but for now it was just right.  Just a touch of dew sparkled on the grassy in the park and there was a slight haze in the air.  To the east the rocky crest of the Sandia Mountains was just getting touched by the first rays of sunrise.  The sunrays streamed between the peaks like a Japanese fan. The moment was picture perfect. Then the sound of the gas engine of the inflation fan...

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One Night at the Ballet

The following diary entry is 100% true...well, alright, 90% true. I've changed certain details to protect the well as the guilty...and have purposely over embellished certain moments to try and explain what I was experiencing and feeling at the time. Also scattered throughout are assorted random ramblings on observations which may or may not be true. All I can promise is that each and every one of the following events did, indeed, happen to me and each and every one of...

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Jamies Watching Ballet

Jamie's Watching Ballet It was certainly innocent enough - I mean, I was just looking at their costumes. You know, the standard black long sleeve leotard, ballet pink seamed tights, the white daisy ballet slipper, with the white ribbon across the foot. They were standing in line at the ballet bar practicing positions. My sister, Tammy, was standing third from the left; next to Connie, as usual. I didn't think she could see me peeking through the window. "Stand up straight girls, and...

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Crotch ball

Valerie was sitting legs spread in a V wide open on the floor, hands behind her back. A 8 ball rolled right towards her pussy, hitting just off center of the seam in her yoga pants. She had taken some pool balls off the rec room table and sat across the room in a mirror position to a taller, more well wndiwed girl. Her intinct to close her legs, and to lightly rub her pubic mons felt masterbatory. In an all girl environment, like a religious college everyone was a pair of tight jeans away from...

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We Shall Go To The Ball

It was 2 weeks before that this little adventure started! We already knew that the children were going to be staying over their grandparents house that night as it was Halloween and they were desperate to take the children trick or treating. See last year we discovered that our local area really went all out for the kids, with everyone pulling out the stops to put on a show for the kids. So that weekend (2 weeks before Halloween) the boys tried on their costumes, however they both...

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Playing Ball

Author's Note: This is the first naughty story that I've ever managed to finish. I don't think it's my best work, but it's my most not-incomplete. If it's well received, or received at all, I'd really like to write more. If it feels like no one is actually reading it, I'll probably wallow in self-pity and not post or write other things. What I'm trying to say is, please write and let me know what you think! You can send me an email. Even if you're spent from orgasm (especially if...

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Belle of the Ball

Henry Valentino the second, a gentleman of the age of 29 and a proud lieutenant of the United States armed forces came home on short notice. The reason, a letter from his stepmother, depicting his wealthy and prominent father’s fluctuating health. As he stepped through the double doors of the enormous mansion, much to his surprise, the woman who greeted him was completely different from the woman his father had written to him about. His stepmother was a corpulent woman, probably in her late...

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Mile High Club in a Balloon

My girlfriend and I had to get up early to get to the launch site before sunrise. Don, the pilot, had told us that we have to start early because that is when the winds are calmer and the cooler air makes the balloon fly better. We hadn’t gotten much sleep at the hotel the night before. In anticipation of our great adventure, we had a long night of lovemaking. So, bleary-eyed and still a little fuzzy in the head, we headed out in the dark morning to have our first hot air balloon ride. A...

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Curved Pussy Strokes Part 2 Brain Buzz

I Love Being NaughtySugar Luv, I wanted to share with you that last night with all the pussy and clit stimulation done in my car, I blew up. No, I mean I literally exploded while undertaking my final touch in bed. I teased my puss and stopped. I fingered her then stopped, I rubbed her and my clit altogether then stopped. I repeated that all evening last night while chatting with you.Before going to bed, I made sure to have handy all I would need for my stimulation. (I keep forgetting to buy my...

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The Black Silver Ball

The Black & Silver Ball By: Hardtimes6869 I had just opened my mail box and there lay an elegant black and silver envelope, awash in a sea of junk mail. Instantly, I knew that this was an invitation to the most prestigious social event of the year for high society’s crème de la crème . It was a charity awards fundraiser dinner and ball, for the infamous Black & Silver Ball or as I referred to it as The BS Ball. I had not expected to be invited this year as I no longer lived with my parents,...

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Dare Girl Goes AstrayChapter 3 The BDSM Ball

Andy from the adult sex shop invited Cindy to attend the BDSM ball for the following Saturday night, She would have to decide at the door whether to be her normal submissive self or break new ground trying to be Dominant. She was advised that she could on this occasion merely observe or take part as she wished; but she was made aware of the one stringent rule. If she decided to take part as a submissive, the general safe word was 'PERFUMED PARSLEY' but if she used it she would immediately...

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No Accounting for TastesChapter 17 The County Ball

"George," Erica announced, "I need an escort for the County Ball." George was immediately attentive. After the disastrous evening with Allison he'd had barely been out of the house. He'd been busily checking the bank account for the business when Erica had walked in to the room. The County Ball was a major event and he had never had the opportunity to attend. "It will be my honour to accompany you, Mistress," he said. Erica broke into giggles. "Not for me, you fool," she laughed....

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It All Started With a Birthday Balloon

Sure, even I had to agree the red birthday balloon seemed innocent enough, but that was the trigger mechanism that started me off on the disgusting fetish that I tried to hide from my closest friends and relatives. My name is Candy and I know it sounds silly and sort of cliché because I am blonde and have blue eyes and like to wear shockingly skimpy clothing just to get boy's attention. I want to tell everyone right up front that I lost my virginity at my eighteenth birthday party. Yes, it...

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The Deb Ball

The Deb Ball By Bronwen Welsh One thing you need to know about Australians - we never use a long word when it can be shortened. The 'deb' of the title means 'debutante'. I checked using Google and I think the term is understood by most readers, but for the record, it refers to the old custom in high society of young women of marriageable age making their debut in society and incidentally meeting eligible young bachelors. Originally the British debutantes were presented at court,...

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