Making It WorkDay 104 free porn video

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I woke up being kissed. It's my favorite way to wake up. John was in the shower and Jules was rubbing her hands over my stomach as she kissed the corners of my mouth. I had to stretch for a second, then I drew her into my arms to kiss her back.

"Morning," I said as she nibbled on my chin.

"Yes, and a very nice one. Thank you again for the wonderful day yesterday."

"I believe it was my pleasure at least twice." She rested her head on my shoulder and continued to tickle my navel and mons with her fingertips.

"I've been so absorbed with my own family drama I haven't asked how you've been doing."

I stopped myself before just reflexively saying fine. "It's been hard, BF." I mussed up her hair and kissed her forehead. "Sometimes I feel like everything is my life is built on pudding. I keep waiting to feel like I'm back on solid ground, but it hasn't happened yet."

Her hand stopped moving. "Talk to me."

"Something you said keeps coming back to me. Your early partners really do shape your views of sex and love. I didn't understand what you meant then."

"I just meant that sex can sometimes make it easy to confuse what your partner wants with what you really want."

"Everything is so different from the way I imagined it would be after Christmas with John. It's more complicated, but richer and fuller. I keep discovering things about myself that confuse me about what I want."

"I realize that life and love are messy, but hopefully you don't regret anything."

"I do and I don't. Did John mention we put all our things in your storage room?"

"No. I'd wondered if you brought your stuff over from your Mom's like you said you wanted to. Did you find all the whips and chains?" She chuckled.


"A guy I dated for a while was into that kind of stuff and bought me all this custom fitted leather gear so I could dominate him. It was exciting for a while, but he got clingy, so I passed his leash on to another mistress."

I smiled at her story, but it faded quickly. "Our first time..." I couldn't find the words I needed. "You have to know that I never fantasized about being with women. Or sex being rough like that."

She nodded. "You were a true Vestal Virgin." She said it in a dismissive way.

"We never really talked about what happened, but under the anger, under the pain, you woke things in me I didn't expect to feel. One was really nice." I kissed her cheek. "But the other has really scared me."

I could feel her pulling at me. "What do you mean?"

I rolled to face her. "John doesn't understand. He got really angry with me. He seemed to think it was about Orlando, about Lydia, but it started before that. With you."

"About what? I'm confused."

"When we found the boxes in the storage room I felt like I was going crazy. I couldn't stop looking at the crop and the leather cuffs. John noticed and demanded an explanation. How could I explain it to him when I couldn't even explain it to myself? He got so angry. I'd never seen him like that before."

Jules had tears in her eyes. "Oh, baby."

"I was so confused. I had to get out of there, but I couldn't stop imagining him..." I looked down when I confessed. "I called Lydia on Friday. I had to talk to someone about what was happening to me. I really thought I was going insane."

Jules pulled her hand away and my heart began to pound. "Why did you call her?"

"Who could I tell that I fantasized about you and John to tying me up and beating me, Jules? Seriously, tell me. Mom? Kendra? One of our old school friends? You weren't here and John was too angry to talk to me. I don't even know if you understand, but at least you've been a part of it before." It hurt to breath.

After a long moment she asked, "What did she say?"

"She said you can't change what you want. She told me to give him time. I felt better after I talked to her."

"So what happened? I can tell that something happened between John and you, but you both seem fine to me now."

My tears spilled over. "I came home Friday night and he was sitting on the edge of the bed. He was still so angry. He told me to lie down on the bed. Then he buckled me into your leather straps and did exactly what I wanted him to do. I was so scared, but loved it. After that I was able let it go for a while, but I wish I didn't have it inside me at all. I still feel it, like a bubble trapped below the surface. I still want it, Jules. He told me he didn't understand why, but he loved me enough to do it for me anyway."

Jules took a deep breath and let out a slow sigh. "I don't know what to say."

"I needed to tell you this before you left with him. I'm sure he'll want to talk to you about it. He doesn't know I called Lydia, though. I know it's a lot to take in at once, but this is the first chance we've had to talk. I'm sorry we used your things without asking first."

"What's mine is yours, VV." She shook her head. "You really think what we did triggered this?"

"Yes, but it was in me already. It's not your fault or anything. It's just that your comment about first partners ... I mean, what if I was thirty before something brought this out in me. It makes me a little afraid of what else I may find inside. One thing I don't regret, and never will, is you. I might have never imagined it would be like this between us, but I wouldn't give you up for anything now." I ran my hand down her smooth hips.

She chuckled, then looked sad. "I have to tell you, I've felt so guilty about that first time with you. It's not the way I'd always dreamed it."

"The second time is what I like to remember. Sitting in that tub with you pouring water over my hair like a ritual bath. Me kissing the pain away where I'd bruised you. That was our real first time."

Her tears broke loose. "That whole week I felt like a prisoner waiting to die, but that first night here with you was magic for me, too."

"You have to understand, I didn't call Lydia because I wanted to. I don't want her in our lives or to be her friend, but I couldn't lie about the fact that I called her either. Not to you. I want to tell John, too, but I don't want to hurt him."

"I do understand." She kissed me, her face wet with tears. "It seems all I do these days is cry. I've cried more times in the last two weeks than in my entire life." She wiped her eyes. 'I'll talk to John about it for you this week if you want."

I nodded. "Thank you."

"Now, about Kendra."

"Oh, God." The words escaped before I could stop them.

"I'm serious. You are my woman and I am not going to lie about being jealous and possessive where you are concerned. You stay away from her."

"I won't lie either. I can see what you must have liked in her."

"You messing with me?" She gave me a wry look.

"Yes." I smiled and wiped my eyes. "If she invites me to lunch, I'll just say I'm too busy. There's no need to explain more than that. I really am behind at school right now, so it's not even lying. I'll bring lunch with me to save money and eat in the library while I study."

"Good. And watch your back with Monica. I have a bad feeling about her. She's too unstable to predict on her good days. Now that she's opened the closet door a bit, the pressure inside her is probably getting worse, not better. Remember, I spent a week listening to her in group therapy. I won't give you any details, but trust me when I say she is seriously screwed up."

Just then John came out of the bathroom surrounded by a halo of steam, a towel tied around his waist, and damp hair hanging in his face. Both of us suddenly forgot what we had been discussing.

"What?" he asked, looking puzzled.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Jules asked me.

"Is it about how lucky we are?" I whispered.

"Yes. Exactly."

John blushed the cutest shade of red. "Go get cleaned up. I'm hungry."

"Us, too." Jules and I stared as he went into the closet to get his clothes.

I laughed and kissed her cheek. "Thanks for talking to me."


We showered quickly and went downstairs for breakfast. While John cooked eggs and bacon, Jules and I quickly sorted all the dirty clothes. Our breakfast was spent making lists of things we needed to do and mapping out the time line until school was out and we could move.

After we ate, I made stacks of quarters on the kitchen table to do laundry. Jules put the sorted clothes back into the hampers and calculated how many loads we'd have to do. John took our paper notes and sat down at the computer to make us lists and deadlines for when things needed to be done. We both kissed him as Jules and I dragged the clothes to the nearby laundry room.

I hoped we'd be early enough to beat the other residents there and was pleased to discover enough free washers to get all the loads in at once. After loading up the washers, I hopped up on one of them to read on my phone.

Jules walked around for a moment and then stopped in front of the folding table. There was a wrinkled newspaper there that someone had read and folded back together. I was scanning Reddit when I heard her speak.

"That son of a bitch."

"Who?" I looked up to see her hands on either side of the newspaper staring down at it.

"Dad. My dad is in the fucking mob."

"What?" I asked as I hopped down to look over her shoulder.

"Some reporter figured out that Dad's been keeping two sets of books, paying for more workers than show up at the job site, leasing the same equipment to multiple clients at the same time. He's been laundering money for organized crime and paying political people to ignore what he's doing."

I couldn't close my mouth as I read for myself. "Fuck, Jules."

"The reporter thinks he used our ski trip to Vermont to transport millions in clean cash back to the mob. That must have been why he insisted we drive." She looked up to me with tear-filled eyes and an angry scowl. "That fucker..." She pushed away from the table and stalked around the room muttering under her breath.

I read Stephen's article for myself. He referred to sources close to the family, which apparently was me. I had confirmed that Harris Adkins drove to Vermont and Stephen discovered he had stayed at the same hotel as Gregory Canagy, rumored to supply most of the heroin on the east coast.

"How dare he judge my life. How dare he judge me like that!" She stopped pacing and stared at me. I went to her and folded her in my arms as she wept. I said nothing as she squeezed me hard. I couldn't do more than hold her. Eventually she regained her composure.

"I wonder how much Mom knew." She wiped her eyes. "I hate them so much."

"We don't get to pick the families we're born into, Jules."

"No, but I can damn well pick the one I live in." She gave me a sad laugh.

I touched her face. "I love you, just remember that. They can't take that away, no matter what they do."

"You are mine. I am yours." We kissed then, softly and sweetly. "Thank you for being my family."

After the dryers had done their job, we brought our clean clothes back to the apartment and found John sitting with computer much like we left him. He looked up with a smile.

"Bring the clothes and I'll help fold while I catch you up on what I've got."

We dumped the clean clothes in a pile on the floor and sat around it. I started folding and sorting as I listened. John had managed to put together a really good list of things we needed to do, including stuff I hadn't considered. It made me a little hot watching him take charge of things, and judging from the quiet smile on Jules' face it was having a similar effect on her.

The clothes pile got smaller as the stacks of folded clothes grew. Jules ran up with a stack of clothes to be hung in the closet and I crawled over to next to John.

"What do you think?" he asked. He looked as excited about our plans as I was.

"I think I like it when you're assertive." I leaned against his shoulder and gazed up at him with an innocent look. He grinned and bent down to kiss me. I turned around to put my arms around him when Jules came bouncing down the stairs.

"No way, you don't get to start without me. Pick up those clothes and start taking them upstairs."

"Yes, Ma'am," we said together with a smile. It took two trips to get all the clothes upstairs. Jules and John packed up some of their clothes into a couple of suitcases while I put away my clothes. I tried not to get emotional. It was only a week after all, but I still had to discretely wipe my eyes a few times.

Jules finished first and went into the bathroom while I was still tucking the last of the clothes into the drawers. From inside the bathroom Jules said, "OK, here's the deal. I really need to wax, and since we're going to be living together this won't be the last time. John, being pretty takes a lot of ugly, boring, and painful preparation. I have no problem with you hanging around to watch, but you might not be ready for this yet."

"It's OK, I'm good." He seemed oddly excited.

I laughed. "I'll help you. Why don't you come out and put an old towel on the bed so he can watch."

"Really? Thanks so much. I always burn myself when I do it alone and I don't want to spend the money to go have it done." She came out naked carrying a small wax heater and plugged it in next to the bed. "Anything you want in return for doing this?"

"How about a pedicure afterwards?"

"Sold! Doing my nails was one way I kept sane in the hospital, so I'm still in good shape." She wiggled her fingers at me.

John was standing next to the dresser with a dopey grin on his face. "What can I do?"

"Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, I need to trim you up a bit as well. You're getting a little bushy down there."

"I'd like to see him lose it all," Jules said with a grin.

I laughed and quoted one of our favorite movies with my pinky next to my mouth, "There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum. It's breathtaking."

John had a panicked look. "No way, I shaved down there one time and would rather sit in an ant bed than live through the hair growing back again."

Jules put down the towel and laid on it with her legs slightly open. I checked the temperature on the wax and got out the wooden sticks and strips of muslin fabric. I picked up gob of wax on the end of the stick and smeared it over her prickly mons.

"Doesn't it hurt?" John asked with a wince as he got onto the bed with us.

Jules raised herself up on her elbows to watch me work. "It burns a little, but that's nothing compared to when she rips the hair out."

I pressed down the fabric over the wax and blew it to cool it off. "Ready?"

"Fuck no— Ouch!" I showed John the fabric with little hairs stuck to the wax.

"Screw that. If you want a little furry mouse like Kate has, it's totally cool with me."

Jules snorted at the comment. "No, I like it bare for myself. It's not always about you, you know."

I continued to work downwards along the hairline while John watched. Getting the last few hairs required her to sit with her knees up and opened wide. John had grown a little pale by the end.

"See? I told you it would change things." She giggled until I ripped the fabric strip off again. "Can you get me the mirror? I want to check things out."

"Sure." I hopped up and got the round hand mirror off the dresser. "Here you go."

Jules angled the mirror and inspected from every angle she could reach. "Looks good! Thank you so much for doing this. I just need to shower and use some Vaseline to get the excess wax off, then I'll do your toes."

I moved the wax warmer to the dresser to cool, then grabbed the scissors and climbed back on the bed with John. "Strip mister, and assume the position!"

"Yes, Ma'am," he said with a chuckle.

I noted he was mostly hard and had a small spot of wet on his boxer briefs. "I see watching has had an effect."

"It was really cool, believe it or not. I just love your bodies. Can't help it."

I smiled and pushed him to lie down in the same position Jules had been in. I started working to trim the wild hairs without making them too short and itchy. I doubt he had ever trimmed under his balls, so I kept going down. I tried to stay focused and not stimulate him more than I had to just moving him around. It didn't matter apparently, because by the time I was finished he was leaking all over his stomach and had a deep flush in his face.

Jules came back out drying herself and saw the position we were in. "Let me inspect your work there." She came over with a smile and bent down to examine him closely. "Very nice, much better." She kissed him on his balls and he drew a quick breath. She picked a bit of hair off her lip as she stood. "Yes, going to have to inspect that again in a bit. Why don't you go wash the hairs off." He scooted off with a chuckle.

Jules got our nail bag from the dresser. "What color today?"

"Something pink-ish, but not too bright," I said as I put the toe separator between my toes. Jules brought over three small bottles with polish in different shades of pink and I pointed at one I liked.

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Babymaking age gaps from web

When I was 22 I slept with a "Cougar" that was 38. It was a one night stand and we did it twice that night. She ended up pregnant from that night. She never told me about it. I heard it from a friend that knew her.She ended up telling her husband (she was splitting up with him when we did it) that it was his. Supposedly he ended up paying c***d support for the c***d. I still wonder when the day is going to come that the c***d will show up at my door. My wife was 27 when she got pregnant with...

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Ponymaking Taking The acquisition went smoothly, as usual I picked my ponyto be with care. First step, to acquire always go to another state, preferablyone in which you didn't "work" before. Find the matching specimen, in thiscase an eighteen year pale blonde 5'10'', with a 36C-26-30 figure. Second step,observe and find about her as much as possible, doctors records are quite helpful,you don't want to acquire someone who has any future health problems. Thirdstep, a stun gun and a van always...

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UA 1048

UA 1048 Caroline J Bradley © December 2003 updated June 2020 I am sat here waiting for the UA 1048 flight from San Diego to San Francisco having been bumped from the 3.20pm flight to the 6.05pm flight. If this delay had happened two years ago, I would have almost throttled the gate attendant and flown into a rage over being made to wait...much has changed to make me a calmer and yes, a happier person. By the way, I should mention...

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Matchmaking from the Grave

Matchmaking from the Grave As I stood at the wall of the park that overlooked Pilsen in the Czech Republic, I realized that I was hungry and that I should look for some lunch before hunting for the cemetery that I had come to find. I had set out that morning, driving from Frankfurt, Germany to the city of Pilsen in search of a cemetery where a very good friend of my sister’s had been buried six months before. She had died in a terrible accident back in the States, but her sister had wanted her...

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MATCHMAKING by BobH (C) 2010. Sitting in the expensively appointed waiting area of the Camelot Connections suite of offices I stared again at the photo I'd been carrying around for the past week, still not able to quite believe my luck. Camelot promised guys like me a pampered lifestyle in which our every need would be catered for by the beautiful, wealthy women they matched us with. And Jane Hammond was certainly very beautiful. She looked like a Hitchcock blonde, hair and...

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Matchmaking TrapChapter 2

Roberta knew of but one way left to get Chad to display any latent dominant tendencies- she had to get him angry enough to act on them. If she broke her promise not to tell Deanna, Chad would get mad at her, and probably retaliate. That's what she wanted, and so, sure enough, she went over to Deanna's, with some other info on her mind. She knew, although Chad didn't, that Deanna was cheating on him with her ex-boyfriend Donny- a hyper-sensitive, love-struck, pansy, lame excuse for a man,...

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Matchmaking TrapChapter 3

Donny rang the doorbell at Deanna's, thinking, well the hell is she? "It's Sunday, for Christ's sake, she is normally home, and she said that Chad fishes on Sunday mornings." Donny could not help himself. He did feel badly for poor Chad, but the lucky guy was getting to marry Deanna! Donny had little experience in sex, due to his small penis, so he did not understand the alpha male's urge for multiple partners. Donny was leaning more in the sub direction; he was perhaps a little too...

3 years ago
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Matchmaking TrapChapter 4

Donny (or “Donna” as she was now called) found her new life a tad frustrating, to say the least. She was not permitted to cum at all until the change was complete. It was agreed by her new owners that she was going to be happier and more fulfilled as a woman than as a man, so she was being gradually feminized. No male behavior was allowed during the transition, since that would mentally reinforce the idea that she was a man instead of a woman. This included ejaculation. That was not to say...

1 year ago
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Matchmaking Trap Part 2 Turnabouts Fair Play

Roberta knew of but one way left to get Chad to display any latent dominant tendencies- she had to get him angry enough to act on them. If she broke her promise not to tell Deanna, Chad would get mad at her, and probably retaliate. That's what she wanted, and so, sure enough, she went over to Deanna's, with some other info on her mind. She knew, although Chad didn't, that Deanna was cheating on him with her ex-boyfriend Donny- a hyper-sensitive, love-struck, pansy, lame excuse for a man, if...

1 year ago
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Matchmaking Trap Part 3 Donna

Donny rang the doorbell at Deanna's, thinking, well the hell is she? "It's Sunday, for Christ's sake, she is normally home, and she said that Chad fishes on Sunday mornings." Donny could not help himself. He did feel badly for poor Chad, but the lucky guy was getting to marry Deanna! Donny had little experience in sex, due to his small penis, so he did not understand the alpha male's urge for multiple partners. Donny was leaning more in the sub direction; he was perhaps a little too sensitive,...

1 year ago
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Matchmaking Trap Chapter 4

Donny (or “Donna” as she was now called) found her new life a tad frustrating, to say the least. She was not permitted to cum at all until the change was complete. It was agreed by her new owners that she was going to be happier and more fulfilled as a woman than as a man, so she was being gradually feminized. NO male behavior was allowed during the transition, since that would mentally reinforce the idea that she was a man instead of a woman. This included ejaculation. That was not to say that...

She Males
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Matchmaking Trap

Note : This story is completely fictional! Roberta was a 43 year old bartender, working weekends to make enough to keep her house, after her husband's death. She was also incredibly gorgeous, with soft, sensual skin, that cried out for a massage. She kept her hair cut fairly short, but it was still a beautiful jet-black, and she managed to seem quite feminine, despite her tomboyish exterior. She had loved being married, because, unlike many wives, she wanted sex every day, and made sure that...

2 years ago
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Makings of a Pet Chapter 1

There I was serving another detention. This was the third time this month I was serving detention for something I didn’t do. It was her, that preppy little witch. I suppose I should explain myself. Through out my life I have never been much of an aggressor, because of this women haven’t found me very manly. I have been called cute, even charming, but rarely manly. It was senior year of high school. I had been to a different school every year since I started high school. Due to my parents...

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Makings of a Pet Chapter 1

There I was serving another detention. This was the third time this month I was serving detention for something I didn't do. It was her, that preppy little witch. I suppose I should explain myself. Through out my life I have never been much of an aggressor, because of this women haven't found me very manly. I have been called cute, even charming, but rarely manly. It was senior year of high school. I had been to a different school every year since I started high school. Due to my parents...

2 years ago
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Lovemaking With A USA Milf

Hello All. I am thankful to all of you for your feedback on my previous stories. I am Arnav, a 23-year-old handsome guy from Pune. So let’s begin with the story. A few days ago, I had posted a story of mine massaging a lady and giving her some erotic pleasure. As usual many gay and desperate people started looking a way to contact the lady. Many of them I had to block in order to stop the nuisance. In such messages, there was a message from a lady Neha. It had a dp of a good looking lady. At...

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Lovemaking With A Village Beauty

Friends, this is Pranav, back again after a long time with another story. Hope you have enjoyed my last stories. I got a few emails with feedback thanks a lot for the same. Coming to story, this time I am going to share a typical village story which stands different from the usual stories posted here. The story covers how I had sex with a typical village beauty in an empty riverbank on a hot sunny day. It is during my visit to my village during last January. It was a hot sunny day. I woke up...

3 years ago
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Lovemaking With Simran 8211 Wow

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net I have worked across many countries and work for an MNC and live in Bangalore. Married with kids, 50 years and 5’10”. Life is good, but love and intimacy have not been there for years! I was on the lookout for some fun, intimacy, and sex but has to be extremely discreet. I was a senior member in one of the forums and there was a very nice looking woman by the name of Simran who was leading the coordination of the group. Let me...

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Lovemaking In Lucknow

Hey girls and guys this is Aditya again with a smoking and sizzling story that will send tremors and shivers running down your spine. Girls looking for a casual relationship in Delhi or Lucknow may reach to me at Your privacy will be taken care of. This story is about Shwetha (name changed for obvious reasons). I met her through ISS only. I had posted a story “Hot Sex in Lucknow” to which corresponded and mailed me. She was a second year BBA student studying at Amity University. In her email...

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Lovemaking And Ass Fucking

By: AWC Janice and Nelson had been going steady for over 5 years and they had been living together all this time. Being youthful ages of hardly 20, their sex life had been very active. They had been working in the same office also. Lately, there had been a boost and the employer had been asking them to put extra time every week. This extra time spent at work, the bills had been usual and normal but they both felt they needed some time for themselves to talk about their lives and make sure...

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Lovemaking in Vegas

We start out our fun night on the town…maybe dinner at Mon Ami Gabi (as we watch the Bellagio fountains)…then off to a fun Cirque show (Beatles Love)… As we sit in our seats…I lean over and we share our first kiss of the evening…a small peck…that gives me a little of your sexy lipstick on my lips….you brush off any residue with your perfectly manicured French tips….we watch the show with you holding my hand in my lap…..we then walk to the Palazzo as people look at your stunning mini dress…we...

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Lovemaking in Vegas

We start out our fun night on the town...maybe dinner at Mon Ami Gabi (as we watch the Bellagio fountains)...then off to a fun Cirque show (Beatles Love)... As we sit in our seats...I lean over and we share our first kiss of the evening...a small peck...that gives me a little of your sexy lipstick on my brush off any residue with your perfectly manicured French tips....we watch the show with you holding my hand in my lap.....we then walk to the Palazzo as people look at your...

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Lovemaking With Son And Daughter Part 7

Everything was done and dusted in the resort. We vacated the room and started our trip home. Actually, we had planned a 5-day trip but we completed only 4 days. But also it gave us more satisfaction. Mithun was driving for the first few hours. When Mandhana started to drive, I and Mithun sat on the back seat. I was giving him a blowjob as we don’t want to waste time during traveling. I was giving it by covering myself and the bottom portion of Mithun with a bedsheet. So that he can take rest...

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Lovemaking With Son And Daughter Part 6

Trip day-3: At early morning 06:00 hours. It’s my normal time to wake up. I just opened my eyes and lay in the bed. Mandhana was sleeping in front of me and her nightie has been raised up to her hip which shows her stained panty. Mithun was sleeping on another bed at the back side. Mandhana can’t see Mithun because I was lying in between them. I shook Mandhana to wake up. Mandhana: (sleepy eyes) What mom, you wake up so early? Me: It’s my normal time. Okay! What you did to me yesterday in the...

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Lovemaking With Son And Daughter Part 5

Mandhana took the 2-piece bikini and went inside the bathroom to change it. Mithun jumped into the pool with some big gym balls. After a few minutes, Mandhana came outside by wearing it. I was astonished by her beauty. She looked like a hot babe and bikini model. She has flesh wherever needed. Her huge boobs are of my size and she was jiggling while she was walking. I showed my thumbs up to her. She became shy and she moved towards the pool smilingly. Mithun was playing in the pool. After...

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Lovemaking With Son And Daughter Part 4

Mandhana: Where are we going next? I was thinking of where to go. I lost interest in visiting temples with what had just happened earlier. Mithun: Mom, can we go to Kochi or Mahe or Munnar? I don’t want to visit any more temples! I don’t want to wear a dhoti again. I and Mandhana were smiling, thinking about the dhoti. Me: Okay! We will go to Kochi. Mithun: Thank you and I love you, mom. Mandhana was driving and Mithun was seating in the back seat. Mithun came forward and gave a kiss to both...

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Lovemaking With Son And Daughter Part 3

Trip day-2 (Later In The Day): Then Mandhana, Mithun and I came out of the temple and started moving towards our lodge. All through the way he was hiding his erection by keeping the handbag in front of the tent. I and Mandhana were commenting in ears and laughing on his situation. His face was red and he was feeling shy till we reach the room. After entering the room, he threw the handbag and lay on his back on the bed. We got amazed by his huge tent and his dick was around 6 to 7 inches when...

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Lovemaking With Son And Daughter Part 2

Trip day-2 (Early Morning): We got up at 03:00 hours early in the morning. I got ready first and wore Kerala saree. Then Mandhana went inside and got ready quickly. Later Mithun went inside for getting ready. He came out with his towel on. Mithun: Mom, can you help me again in wearing the dhoti? Mom: I thought you have learned how to wear it. Mithun: Please Mom, do this for me. Next time I’ll do it myself. I turned towards my daughter and she was sitting there smiling. Me: Okay! Wear your...

2 years ago
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Lovemaking With Son And Daughter Part 1

Hello ISS readers, My name is Kushiraj Singh. I am going to narrate a Mom story which is going to be a long one. This is a fictional one. Please bear with me as it will have many parts. Few of my real incidents have also been added in this fictional story. I am narrating it from the mother’s point of view. Hi, I am Meera. I am a woman of 36_24_36 size. I am a UG graduate and I was working earlier. Now, I am a mother of two kids, a daughter (elder-Mandhana) and one son (Mithun). So I stay at...

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Lovemaking With Prachi

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston Meri height 6 inch hai aur main dikhne me bahot handsome hoon ye desi sex stories meri aur meri friend richa aur meri hai wo bahot gori aur sexy hai uski umar bhi 30 saal hai aur hum dono bahot ache friend hai aur ek hi company me kaam karte hai aur mumbai me rehte hai. Hum ek dusre ke bahot ache dost hai aur bahot khulle khyalo ke hai aur humme office ke kaam se bhar bhi jana padta hai aur hum ek zindgi ke maje lene ke sath sath sex ke bhi maje lete hai....

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Lovemaking with Rohit 8211 Part 4

There is some magic for sure in the readers of this site. They never tell me to stop writing. Writing is one of my favourite pastimes and to make you all happy is what I believe in. Though the genre its eroticism that appeals to readers here but must admit you have welcomed my writing about two souls who met and made love. This is the fourth such part I am writing today where your wish of knowing what happened that night is what you want to read. Fans if I can call you that, your mails and...

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Lovemaking With A Married Beauty

Thank you all for the huge support and response for my previous story. It was really great to see feedbacks and comments. I apologize to people who ask for contact numbers, I will not share. Girls/milfs/matures can email me at for discreet fun. To people who don’t know me, my name is prem, I’m 27 years old, fair, average build. I’m very adventurous and I like to explore and be naughty at times. I value discretion and will be careful, as I’m not looking to destroy our marital, social and...

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