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The acquisition went smoothly, as usual I picked my ponyto be with care. First step, to acquire always go to another state, preferablyone in which you didn't "work" before. Find the matching specimen, in thiscase an eighteen year pale blonde 5'10'', with a 36C-26-30 figure. Second step,observe and find about her as much as possible, doctors records are quite helpful,you don't want to acquire someone who has any future health problems. Thirdstep, a stun gun and a van always work. Fourth step, in a rent magazine prepareher for shipment, that is an vigorous enema, catcher and but plug with cablesto get hold of the waste, an IV with nutrition, sleeping and calming drugs,and a breathing tube, I don't really on masks any longer, I had a perfect acquisitiondie once because a mask slipped of her face and she suffocated in the case.Then go the arm and leg binders, hood, posture collar, corset and on it alla stiff body bag. Of course no rubber or leather the skin can't breathe inthose things and you get a burnt skin that you must leather treat. The boningis definitely not metal of any kind, generally you want to avoid metal as muchyou can. Then you fit her into a case big enough to fit her and the life sustainingsystem. And then I ship her to the first "pit stop", I never go for the straightroute, yeah the shipping takes longer with me picking her up at three or moreplaces and always going for different companies sometimes even skipping myselffrom town to town to change them, always making sure she is still alive andfilling up the food and drugs, but it serves two purposes. First it muddiesthe trail to eventual pursuers and second after a longer time the pony to beis weaker to fight its destiny. The whole process takes about a month.


As she arrives on place my operating team is ready, by operatingteam I mean my "veterinarian" which transforms and leather takes care of myponies. I'm his only nurse and help during the process. The subject is neverwoken up. I don't treat my ponies as sentient, they are animals and you don'texplain an animal what you are about to do with it, you aren't also unnecessarilycruel to it, so you don't wake it so it may witness its own change. After undressingthe future pony goes through an intensive check up. Including X-ray, bloodtests, magnetic resonance and all the other stuff. For this purpose I havebuilt in my ranch what amounts to a hospital with one ward and an operatingtheatre. Before the various operations the doc stabilizes her and I preparethe required "equipment" which will go into her. My ponies are remade in avery extensive way. First the doc amputates the arms at the shoulders so noeven stumps remain he must patch up the place very carefully as to not damageunnecessarily the muscles and skin so she doesn't have scars. This is the worstand if she lives we go on so I'm doing a body wide electrolysis except a potionon the head that will become the mane, the doc implants a wide strip alongthe spine to the shoulders with her cloned hair focilles to lengthen it. Theback teeth go out to leather allow the bit to fit in. Then its time for thelast three implants. One pair goes into the ears, it's a marvel what modernscience can do. This are miniature receivers and speakers that fit in justbefore the eardrum they are connected to a small computer chip implanted onthe shoulder with a battery under the other. The program filters what she hearsand switches human languages into garbage, the only partial recognizable soundwill be her name, which I impute beforehand. It will be Golden Sunrise. Thesecond pair of implants are her hooves, this are special design titanium alloybraces that go into her feet to keep her on her tiptoes, they reach from abovethe ankle where they strengthen it and are partial movable to allow ankle movement.Then goes the feet part, which is unmovable and consists of multiple layers,which capture and hold steady the small bones of her feet. Her toenails areremoved so they wont interfere witch the outer part that is a titanium hovecoated in a thin layer of industrial grade rubber to allow for a slightly springiergait. The hove has screw ports for the leather fitting of a horseshoe. Thispart is always tricky for it is easy to ruin the feet of the pony but the dochas it down pat. The last implant is her tail, the stub is also a titaniumalloy porous to allow for the back mussels to attach themselves and the skinto catch on. This goes on to the final stage of the spinal column, the attachmentpoints for the muscles allow for the tail to be movable by muscle control.The skin to coat the outer part, which looks as a thin cord 5' long and 1'thick around the base and narrowing itself at the end is cloned before andimplanted with her hair fociles to allow hair growth. Through the whole followinghealing process Golden Sunrise is kept under, it takes about two months anylonger and muscle lost would be very hard to overcome. As it is it will takeup to a year in training to reach the optimal strength, but everything goodrequires time as they say. There is one last change to make, her voice, butas I wont her to be able to produce whinnies and snorts it has to be made asshe is at least partially by her senses. The doc has the results of the varioustests, X-ray pictures and what not of her vocal box but to successfully modifyit he has to observe it at work, so after she is ready to be released we gether hooked up to the aperture and lessen the drugs as she comes to herselfwe stimulate her to make noises, ok we make her scream, whine, cry, and whatother noises she is capable of making, and that includes bringing her to orgasm.Then we bring her under again and the doc goes to work for the last time duringthe transformation. After two up to four days, I bid him good-bye and transferher into the stable. I remove the IV, catcher and but plug and lay her on thestraw, as it is the late evening and the drug will let her sleep till morningI go to sleep myself in the near bay stable hands room. I know that from morningonwards it will be a hard time for her and she will need me to calm her andto train her.

Training – Part One

I wake well before her and after eating and what not gointo her stall, it is discreetly monitored by cameras so that leather I canobserve her and watch above her. I don't want her to suicide on me after allthe work I made to make her. As she comes to herself I can see the first signsof distress showing, the motions of the shoulders and realization that shecan't feel her arm and hands hit her first. Her eyes spring open in shock anda loud whinny of distress fills the stable. Fortunately I split the main onefrom the training one long time ago as to not stress the old ponies with theview of new and untrained that could make them remember their own beginningsas ponies. The shock mounts up as she hears herself whinny and registers herhooves and tail. She is full into it and barely registers me holding her andcaressing her mane to calm her. The whole first day is spent so with me tryingto feed her with cereal and milk, this being the last day when she gets toeat normal food, leather it will be grains and dried vegetables. In doing soI'm fixing myself as the only person in her life to rely on. I drag her ona short walk so she can get a feeling for the hooves and being naked in mypresence. The days go on with longer walks and trots, the greatest hurdle ofthe second day was when she had to relive herself and I walked her to a nearbymeadow. It was obvious that she didn't want to do it in my presence but couldn'thold on anymore. At first it was all done without the harness and I didn'tcorrect her form at all, I wanted to get her on her feet, used to her new bodybalance, new hooves and lack of arms. Especially the last one made her relayon me as she tripped frequently, I spoke to her using a gentle tone and frequentlycalling her by her new name so she could get used to it sooner. I think sheknew what that I was training her, but after the long period of forced sleepshe was to week to do anything on her own, as she regained her strength shelearned that I was always there for her, that I knew what came next and shedidn't. About a month later I introduced her to some serious training and someharness. At first it was a simple leather posture collar with silk lining toprevent skin scratching, to keep her head straight and fixed facing forward.With it came the training on the rope, I would stand in the middle of a collarwith a long whip and made her trot in circles. At this point I introduced theposture training that is shoulders back, knees high, head up and looking forward,the last was provided by the collar but I made sure she maintained the postureall day. Horses get sugar when they please their trainer my ponies get chocolate.I also introduced her to endurance training, I have had this walking machinefixed in the corner of the stable, Sunrise would spend two hours daily at itat the beginning. First it was walking, she was affixed by the collar to thewall and if she stopped the walkway would drag her back, At first I was presentby her all the time to correct her posture, but I started to watch her lessand less coming at different intervals to check up on her. I'm the only humanGolden Sunrise saw during the first three months of her training, I groomedher, fed her, walked her harnessed her, short said I was her whole world. Iremember when she gave up. They always do, the lack of arms, nakedness, bodymodifications, being unable to communicate or understand others in a normalway it all took its toll from her, and she finally gave up one day being aloneon a meadow as I called her she trotted to me and started muzzling me for chocolate,I knew I had her. By this time she had the walk down pat and was spending fourhours daily at endurance training, two of them walking and two trotting. Iwaited a week and introduced a other groom to her she freaked out at first,but I was there and calmed her down, leather that day a further surprise awaitedher, the head harness and bit. It is made as all harnesses used for my poniesof leather lined with silk, always the best for my beauties. The head harnessconsists of a rather wide band around the hear at the forehead and above theears, from it runs a short piece between the eyes down the nose, parting justunder the eyes and going to the corners of the mouth, there rings are affixedwith a lose under the chin straps connecting with the collar and a second tighterone which goes around the head under the ears to meet the main band in theback. The bit is attached to the rings, the first one was very soft not tocontrol but to use her to it, it barely touched her tongue not making any pressure.After another month I transferred her to the main stable, she was surprisedto see my other ponies but overcame her shock quite quick, as it was time formore strenuous training I called for the doc to examine her.

Training – Part Two

The doc came the next day checked her pronounced her tobe ok and shaping up nice and gave ok with phase two of the training. Duringthe check up she remained fairly calm as she was used to other people by now,still I was the main person as I still was the only one to give her chocolate.From check up I lead her to the "blacksmith" to put horseshoes on her. As shewould begin to use some canter and gallop the rubber coating on the hooveswould ground up fairly fast and I didn't want that, so the horseshoes wherescrewed to the hooves using the beforehand prepared holes. I gave her a dayto get used to the new feeling and used this time to introduce a new trainer,he would train her to canter, gallop, and pull a sulky. The whole staff ofthe stables are people of the same tastes as me which I picked up at varioustimes and parties surrounding the pony girl scene. From this day on Sunrisehad a fixed routine, wake up at 7 a.m. till 8 a.m. grooming, feeding and relivingherself at a meadow near bay the stable, then endurance training till 10 a.m.,one hour of posture training at canter and later gallop, an hour of rest withthe other ponies plus a light "lunch", two more hours on endurance, one ofsulky training, an hour of cross-country walking/trotting with a trainer ina sulky leading her. An hour of rest and "dinner", from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. endurancetraining and leather rest till 8 p.m. after that came bathing, evening groomingand she was lead to her stall. In the morning she was fed in her stall, but "lunch" and "dinner" wereeaten by all my ponies from a common trough on the pasture. There were variousfruit trees and bushes planted on it and the ponies were encouraged to eatfrom them. At this point the full harness was introduced. That is a board waistcorset, although its purpose was not to reduce the waist and take her breath,it was used as a firm attachment point for the sulky, it reached from aboveher hips to just under the ribs. In the rear it went above the tail, at thispoint a strap was leading around it and down between her legs to the frontwhere it parted to go around the vagina up to the corset, this prevented unwelcomestimulation. In the back a strap connected the collar with the corset, in thefront four straps went up from the corset to the collar. They went two eachfrom under the breasts parting, the middle ones meat in between them and wentup as one to the collar, the outer ones went around the breasts on the outsidecurving and also reaching the collar so that all three met at one spot. Toprevent the outer ones from squeezing the breasts vertical straps connectedthem with the back strap. The bit became a more serious affair and was usedto put pressure on the tongue for movement and direction control while Sunrisepulled a sulky. Also blinkers were introduced limiting side vision. This phaseof Sunrises training took another four months, all in all since the beginningit was eight she didn't react anymore in human way, gone was the shame at relivingherself openly, the nakedness became her nature, she played with other ponies,maintained her posture and was obedient to rein control. I visited her everyday during the "lunch" and "dinner" breaks, making sure she knew I look aftermy ponies as I petted them all (I had eight with her at this time). It waspast time to brand her.


The day I branded Golden Sunrise was a calm summer one.Although here in the south we don't get much in a way of different seasons.After the morning grooming the endurance practice was put off, and I took herto the doc again for check up, after passing with flying colures I took herto the "blacksmith" again. There her shoes were changed for new ones whichalthough the same size where heavier, I did so that she was used to the greaterweight, and before the races I would always switch the shoes for lighter ones.Then it was time to brand my newest pony, my personal brand is a prancing ponygirl in a circle, head held high, breasts forced forward one knee high. Itis beautifully made so that the branding will look good and not be an unrecognizablemess. My ponies are branded on the right buttock, and the brand takes morethen half of it. Sunrise went mad at the sight to the hot iron but I securedher to a frame bent forward for better access, then I froze the cheek to diminishthe pain and in one swift motion brought the iron down. Than I took her facein my hands and started calming her with shooting words, she looked at me withhurt eyes, but I told the what a good pony she it and gave her chocolate andshe warmed somewhat. I treated the wound so it would heal nicely and unfastenedher from the frame. Now all that remained was a tattoo on the high on the leftbreast pronouncing her name and owner. It was done in Greek, the same as thename on her stall, as with all my ponies, so that she wouldn't be able to readit, and so remember the days when she was human. I lead her to the pastureallowing her to skip the early posture training and rest till "lunch". Butthe rest of the day was a standard one. From this point on her basic trainingwas complete, what remained was to build up her speed and endurance up. I wantedto ride her in the 5 mile race at our annual games in the fall and for thatshe doesn't need to be a sprinter, she needed endurance and a bit speed forthe finish and that was what I concentrated on. maybe as the years go by andshe will not be able to compete anymore I will retrain her for posture contestbut that is in the future, as is also breeding, racing, working in a team andother joys of being my pony girl.

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Threesome sex Story 1

I am successful in businessman, and married to a wonderful wife. We are both very much in love, and always been very close, but somehow there was always something missing.Like many men, I had always had a fantasy of watching my wife making love with another man. I know most people think of that type guy as a weak, but I would be considered anything but a whimp. I'd be thought of as masculine and I am a strong contender in the business arena. I've just always been extremely turned on by that...

4 years ago
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In the mens bathroom by mistake

My beloved Victor had to attend a conference at Reno and so he invited me to go with him. I gladly accepted his offer.On the first night, after a long and stressing day for him, we decided to go to a pub for a late quick drink before returning to the hotel.As we entered the place, I could see two guys sitting at the bar.I was wearing a short and tight black dress, with stiletto heels. I had no panties, just stockings that did not covered my mound.Victor and I also moved on to the bar. I stood...

3 years ago
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Seen the Lights go out on Broadway

Mark read the email again, for the thousandth time. Still he teared up. That was the last email he got from his wife, the last email he would ever get from her. The last reminder of his wife. Mark put those thoughts out of his mind as an alert popped up. "Connect. 1003Z" Almost time for today's update. He brought up the comms app. "No signal." As expected, the tablet was in a CON enclosure, commonly called a "condom" (or "CON-dom"). It made using the tablet about as much fun as a...

3 years ago
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Alicias Memories

She sat down to write her resume and quickly realized that she didn’t know how to define her work experience. Although she technically was a secretary for Martin’s company she often felt more like an incentive package for potential clients. At 5 feet 10 inches tall she had a gorgeous figure. Long lean tan legs that fit neatly into her tight pencil shirts. A high slit that played at the edge of her thigh high stockings, delicately held up by her guarder belt. Blouses that clung to every curve....

2 years ago
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The Preparation of Helena VoutrakisChapter 12 Meeting the Prince

Helena had been a guest at my Highgate house for almost a month when Julian Castwich re-entered my life. "I was beginning to believe that you had lost interest in this project," I said, once the Doctor was seated in my consulting room. "Not in the least," he responded affably. "I understood that you needed at least four weeks before you had the measure of your subjects and from communication with Miss Knight I felt that perhaps a little longer might be needed." The mention of Miss...

1 year ago
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My first timeKnock up Mom

100% fiction! I am now 20,but the story starts when I was 12 and got my first hard on. mom was not the least bit shy she would go from the bathroom to her room with just a towel wrapped around herself. I would get just short peeks at her,but never saw enough to say I saw her nude and never saw her pussy. When I was 18 she started becoming a little more lax in her trips to and from the bath and I got to get a good look at her tits and spent the night jerking off over the sight. Now Mom isn't the...

4 years ago
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Fucking Sexy Mommy 8211 Part I

Hi everybody this is my first and true story with my mom. My name is Kishor i am 18 years old with good body and my mom is 38 year with 38d tit’s every big and big ass too she his little plump not that much. My family consist of 3 member me, mom, dad. We are the richest in our village and I was sent to city to study. There I came to know about sex and I was interest in mature lady’s than younger girl’s. My father is a drunker and he brings women’s to home and fuck them. So my mom was left...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Tana Lea In Your Big Tit MILF Private Fantasies

Tana Lea seduces her boyfriend, Manuel, with sexy lingerie! Tana Lea has been getting bored with her normal sex life, she used to be more adventurous but since she and her boyfriend starting working 9am – 5pm things have become a bit stale. Tana decides that she’s going to get fucked tonight, so she puts on Manuel’s favorite outfit, a sexy black lace bodystocking, and starts to tease him. she slowly removes her clothes as she shows off her amazing body to Manuel from the second floor of...

3 years ago
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An unfortunate tea party

An unfortunate tea party Jack was bit stressed by the invitation he got earlier this week. He was now ten years old and was invited for the first time for a party withouth an invitation for his parents as well. His first tea party, as his mother called it. The party was planned for the afternoon and early evening - curteous, nothing inappropriate, as his mother told him, when she agreed to his participation. Invitation came from his classmate, Nicky, a girl he adored deep in his...

1 year ago
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Black Monster Terror

BlackMonsterTerror! I’ll start by stating the obvious; everyone loves big cocks. Every dude I’ve met wants to pack a monster meat rod in their pants while many girls want them in their pussies. Those of you with tiny dicks might not think bigger is better, but I’m yet to meet a bitch that is down for being fucked by a 3-inch prick. How are you going to give her pleasure with that dud anyway? In any case, it is easier to claim that bigger isn't necessarily always better when you are not gifted...

Interracial Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Her submission

Hillary is roused from her sleep by a knock on the door. She pulls on some pajamas as she walks down the stairs, making sure she is decent before she opens the door.It is him.She had forgotten he was coming, caught up in other things. She was sleepy and smiley and horny. Her pussy still craving cock, despite the orgasms she gave myself before her nap."You were sleeping?", he asks.She nod my confirmation."And before that..?", he asked.She nods again. He knows her too well."So you just want...

4 years ago
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She looks so beautiful Part 1

Chapter 1 She is a freak in the sheets, on top, on bottom, in the kitchen, wherever she can bare her sweet blonde pussy, she'll be trying to work my dick into her. I love her, and I love her lovin'. In the heat of passion, I have jested that maybe she needs an extra cock or two to keep her satisfied. She knows I jest and would never share her, but I have noticed that she cums extra hard when I push the fantasy, "What if this were a new cock sliding into you?" Of course, all this sex has a...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Start of a Good Weekend

Based on actual events, I have taken several different events and thoughts and put them together for your enjoyment.I have been single for a while now, I've been far too nervous to hook up with someone online, which is a shame because it is such a wonderful and supportive community.Alas this means other than some light play with a friend, I must entertain myself and practice alone. What follows is one of these events, that did not exactly go to plan. Thanks to my friend for letting me out...

4 years ago
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Me and Friend watch our wives with black guys

Hi Im Paul Me and my wife Suzanne have been married for 16 years and have had a great sex life.A few years Ago I became a premature ejaculater and just could not satisfy Suzannes needs no more,Last year i give her permission to have sex with another guy aslong as i was present and i could watch ,she met a 31 year old white guy on the web and they had sex on 4 occasions , this made her happy and made me extremely horny , Suzanne stopped meeting the guy of the web about 3 months ago.A few weeks...

2 years ago
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Another shitty porn

I dunno what you were expecting. Just pick a porn tab already. Theres a lot that can be chosen. Obviously not yet because I just started writing it but whatever. You're still reading? Why? I told you to pick 4 sentences ago. Or if you prefer 38 words from now. And that's including numbers! Please just pick! Im begging at this point. Oh, you will? Thank you. Finally I can be free!

1 year ago
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Evening With Tania

I was working in a company (Verna industrial estate) as a system admin and after some days one girl (Tania (I was calling her t2 when we came close)) joined the same firm as a receptionist, (she is a Christian and was always in western outfit, jeans short/sleeveless tees skirt etc etc). She was very young (age 20 yrs) and good looking (figure 32 24 34 as per my knowledge). After she took charge of the reception she was always in talks of young people like me. Everybody wanted to interact with...

2 years ago
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Strip Trivial Pursuit

The old farmhouse was perfectly set in the lush mountains of Magoebaskloof, one of South Africa’s special jewels. The tropical scenery there is exquisite and the house we rented was an isolated old dame. It had no electricity so we cooked on an old coal stove and water was heated via a donkey that we had to light half an hour before we needed to bath in a huge, old-fashioned tub. Best of all was the huge fireplace in the lounge. It wasn’t sophisticated any more, but it had character and charm. ...

4 years ago
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Monster World MW The Prologue

"What did I do?" she wondered to herself, "Zombies, goblins, orcs, ghosts, a boogeyman!" she whispered. She smiled in a huffing laughter, well the world needs a bit more excitment I guess. She looked outside as the zombies were the last thing to leave the building. "Maybe the world needs a zombie apocalypse. Enough people have plans for it." she laughed again. Lira woke up in a gasp. Escaping with only minor cuts. She remembered Freddy's words. "We're free, I say goodbye to you...

4 years ago
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Sinnndy Goes To A Bachelor Party

Let me give a little background first, I usually don't stick with one person for more than a week, but my boyfriend Billy is different, we have been together for 6 weeks which is a record for me. What makes Billy so different is that he doesn't have a jealous bone in his body, and oh my, what a body! He was married once before and is in no hurry to do it again. He loves sex as much as I do and loves watching me get fucked by guys he sets me up with, both friends, and guys he knows through...

4 years ago
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Across the Hall

Alright, where to start… My name’s Abby. I just turned 19 and live with my brother Steve, who is 16, and my mother Lynn, who is 45, but could pass for 35 easily. I have an older sister named Sara, who is several years older than my brother and I at 25 (lust baby perhaps? lol), but she has not lived at home for some time and only comes to visit a few times a year. Our dad passed away a few years ago from lung cancer. He was quite a bit older than my mother and smoked like a chimney, but he...

3 years ago
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One Step Away

This story can be played from two perspectives. You can either play as the soon-to-be abusive stepfather or as the soon-to-be abused stepdaughter. The scenes may be similar from a story to another, but some choices will be different and the stories may end up becoming completely different.

3 years ago
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The Italian Job 21

The Italian Job 21I awoke the following morning alone, I jumped in the shower and went for breakfast, they were all there, Ellie, Sonia, Yvonne, Christina and Maria who was looking decidedly more cheerful, Hazel was fussing around and I was reminded that I had not done her of late, I decided I should rectify that as well as checking something that was bugging me, I arranged to meet her in the camera room “checking up on all your ladies?” she said as we got into the room and closed the door,...

3 years ago
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Beth 4Chapter 11

It turned out I'd prepaid Beth for services she didn't have to render. Monday morning after she left for school I printed out my drawing of the swivel head and drove to the scrap yard, picked up what I hoped was the aluminum I needed and drove to the shop. "Hey, Tommy, how's it going?" "Pretty good, Bud. I've got the week off and thought I'd see how much I remembered about machine tools." I walked through the shop to the office, waved hello to Beth's parents and waited until one...

4 years ago
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I Was a Teenage SuccubusChapter 3

Tanya loved her parents bathtub. They had installed a massive, old style with the clawed feet, porcelain tub. The end away from the tap and outlet rose higher than the sides of the tub and was sloped back. There were folds in the sides of the tub where you could rest your arms, and just soak. The tub was set in a nook, with a louvered window right beside it. The window had a wide sill, convenient for holding drinks or books or whatever. There was a shelf on the wall near the tub that...

3 years ago
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She Likes It Rough

Pulling her tightly against my body, I kiss her powerfully and passionatelymy tongue forces her lips apart and invades her mouthgrabbing at her breasts, my hands pull and roughly squeeze her tender fleshbuttons fly everywhere as I tear open her blouseher ample breasts spill out as I pull the blouse downfinding her nipples already erect I bite down on one she lets out a sharp gasp followed by a deep moan as I suckle her chewing and sucking on her wounded tit, I reach down and grab her round...

3 years ago
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Red High Heels

You enter the room, wearing nothing but the red high heels I sent you. As you saunter across the room to the couch where I am sitting, I can’t help but notice how gorgeous you look in high heels. My eyes travel from your feet, up your thighs. My eyes catch a glimpse at your recently trimmed pussy and I catch my breath. Your ample breasts are swaying side to side as you come closer and closer to me toward the couch. Once near the couch, you place one leg up on the couch, right next to my...

3 years ago
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Andere Me Chud Gayi Maami

Hi friends mera name Rahul hai aur me apni pahli aur real story iss par likh raha hu mene iss ka regular reader hu mene kafi storys read ki hai jisme se kuch muje fake lagi aur kuch muje bhot pasand aayi ab me story pe ata hu jo ki story nahi mere sath hui ek real ghatna hai jese ki mene bataya mera name rahul verma hai age 21 year hai. aur me Ahmedabad (Gujarat) me rahta hu aur yaihi pe MBA kar raha hu me kafi ache Family se belong karta hu aur study me kafi acha bi hu lekin is age me sabko...

4 years ago
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Marathon PT 1

Introduction: Wife and Hubby enjoy a 3some We arrange to take the day off and have a marathon. After a relaxing morning of coffee, you excuse yourself to get ready for our guest. You take a bath, shave your body smooth and put on a sexy pair of thigh high stockings, a g-string and a spaghetti strap bustier. Our bedroom is clean, and its a rainy day outside. Our friend, Dale, comes over as planned and we join you in the bedroom. Dale is a good looking guy, about my size with big broad shoulders...

2 years ago
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The Perfect Woman

Welcome to Girls, Inc. This is a new lab that has recently opened to make sure that you find your perfect woman. Please carefully choose your specifications below and we'll make sure you get exactly what you need.

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