Rainbow Connection
- 2 years ago
- 23
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The acquisition went smoothly, as usual I picked my ponyto be with care. First step, to acquire always go to another state, preferablyone in which you didn't "work" before. Find the matching specimen, in thiscase an eighteen year pale blonde 5'10'', with a 36C-26-30 figure. Second step,observe and find about her as much as possible, doctors records are quite helpful,you don't want to acquire someone who has any future health problems. Thirdstep, a stun gun and a van always work. Fourth step, in a rent magazine prepareher for shipment, that is an vigorous enema, catcher and but plug with cablesto get hold of the waste, an IV with nutrition, sleeping and calming drugs,and a breathing tube, I don't really on masks any longer, I had a perfect acquisitiondie once because a mask slipped of her face and she suffocated in the case.Then go the arm and leg binders, hood, posture collar, corset and on it alla stiff body bag. Of course no rubber or leather the skin can't breathe inthose things and you get a burnt skin that you must leather treat. The boningis definitely not metal of any kind, generally you want to avoid metal as muchyou can. Then you fit her into a case big enough to fit her and the life sustainingsystem. And then I ship her to the first "pit stop", I never go for the straightroute, yeah the shipping takes longer with me picking her up at three or moreplaces and always going for different companies sometimes even skipping myselffrom town to town to change them, always making sure she is still alive andfilling up the food and drugs, but it serves two purposes. First it muddiesthe trail to eventual pursuers and second after a longer time the pony to beis weaker to fight its destiny. The whole process takes about a month.
As she arrives on place my operating team is ready, by operatingteam I mean my "veterinarian" which transforms and leather takes care of myponies. I'm his only nurse and help during the process. The subject is neverwoken up. I don't treat my ponies as sentient, they are animals and you don'texplain an animal what you are about to do with it, you aren't also unnecessarilycruel to it, so you don't wake it so it may witness its own change. After undressingthe future pony goes through an intensive check up. Including X-ray, bloodtests, magnetic resonance and all the other stuff. For this purpose I havebuilt in my ranch what amounts to a hospital with one ward and an operatingtheatre. Before the various operations the doc stabilizes her and I preparethe required "equipment" which will go into her. My ponies are remade in avery extensive way. First the doc amputates the arms at the shoulders so noeven stumps remain he must patch up the place very carefully as to not damageunnecessarily the muscles and skin so she doesn't have scars. This is the worstand if she lives we go on so I'm doing a body wide electrolysis except a potionon the head that will become the mane, the doc implants a wide strip alongthe spine to the shoulders with her cloned hair focilles to lengthen it. Theback teeth go out to leather allow the bit to fit in. Then its time for thelast three implants. One pair goes into the ears, it's a marvel what modernscience can do. This are miniature receivers and speakers that fit in justbefore the eardrum they are connected to a small computer chip implanted onthe shoulder with a battery under the other. The program filters what she hearsand switches human languages into garbage, the only partial recognizable soundwill be her name, which I impute beforehand. It will be Golden Sunrise. Thesecond pair of implants are her hooves, this are special design titanium alloybraces that go into her feet to keep her on her tiptoes, they reach from abovethe ankle where they strengthen it and are partial movable to allow ankle movement.Then goes the feet part, which is unmovable and consists of multiple layers,which capture and hold steady the small bones of her feet. Her toenails areremoved so they wont interfere witch the outer part that is a titanium hovecoated in a thin layer of industrial grade rubber to allow for a slightly springiergait. The hove has screw ports for the leather fitting of a horseshoe. Thispart is always tricky for it is easy to ruin the feet of the pony but the dochas it down pat. The last implant is her tail, the stub is also a titaniumalloy porous to allow for the back mussels to attach themselves and the skinto catch on. This goes on to the final stage of the spinal column, the attachmentpoints for the muscles allow for the tail to be movable by muscle control.The skin to coat the outer part, which looks as a thin cord 5' long and 1'thick around the base and narrowing itself at the end is cloned before andimplanted with her hair fociles to allow hair growth. Through the whole followinghealing process Golden Sunrise is kept under, it takes about two months anylonger and muscle lost would be very hard to overcome. As it is it will takeup to a year in training to reach the optimal strength, but everything goodrequires time as they say. There is one last change to make, her voice, butas I wont her to be able to produce whinnies and snorts it has to be made asshe is at least partially by her senses. The doc has the results of the varioustests, X-ray pictures and what not of her vocal box but to successfully modifyit he has to observe it at work, so after she is ready to be released we gether hooked up to the aperture and lessen the drugs as she comes to herselfwe stimulate her to make noises, ok we make her scream, whine, cry, and whatother noises she is capable of making, and that includes bringing her to orgasm.Then we bring her under again and the doc goes to work for the last time duringthe transformation. After two up to four days, I bid him good-bye and transferher into the stable. I remove the IV, catcher and but plug and lay her on thestraw, as it is the late evening and the drug will let her sleep till morningI go to sleep myself in the near bay stable hands room. I know that from morningonwards it will be a hard time for her and she will need me to calm her andto train her.
Training – Part One
I wake well before her and after eating and what not gointo her stall, it is discreetly monitored by cameras so that leather I canobserve her and watch above her. I don't want her to suicide on me after allthe work I made to make her. As she comes to herself I can see the first signsof distress showing, the motions of the shoulders and realization that shecan't feel her arm and hands hit her first. Her eyes spring open in shock anda loud whinny of distress fills the stable. Fortunately I split the main onefrom the training one long time ago as to not stress the old ponies with theview of new and untrained that could make them remember their own beginningsas ponies. The shock mounts up as she hears herself whinny and registers herhooves and tail. She is full into it and barely registers me holding her andcaressing her mane to calm her. The whole first day is spent so with me tryingto feed her with cereal and milk, this being the last day when she gets toeat normal food, leather it will be grains and dried vegetables. In doing soI'm fixing myself as the only person in her life to rely on. I drag her ona short walk so she can get a feeling for the hooves and being naked in mypresence. The days go on with longer walks and trots, the greatest hurdle ofthe second day was when she had to relive herself and I walked her to a nearbymeadow. It was obvious that she didn't want to do it in my presence but couldn'thold on anymore. At first it was all done without the harness and I didn'tcorrect her form at all, I wanted to get her on her feet, used to her new bodybalance, new hooves and lack of arms. Especially the last one made her relayon me as she tripped frequently, I spoke to her using a gentle tone and frequentlycalling her by her new name so she could get used to it sooner. I think sheknew what that I was training her, but after the long period of forced sleepshe was to week to do anything on her own, as she regained her strength shelearned that I was always there for her, that I knew what came next and shedidn't. About a month later I introduced her to some serious training and someharness. At first it was a simple leather posture collar with silk lining toprevent skin scratching, to keep her head straight and fixed facing forward.With it came the training on the rope, I would stand in the middle of a collarwith a long whip and made her trot in circles. At this point I introduced theposture training that is shoulders back, knees high, head up and looking forward,the last was provided by the collar but I made sure she maintained the postureall day. Horses get sugar when they please their trainer my ponies get chocolate.I also introduced her to endurance training, I have had this walking machinefixed in the corner of the stable, Sunrise would spend two hours daily at itat the beginning. First it was walking, she was affixed by the collar to thewall and if she stopped the walkway would drag her back, At first I was presentby her all the time to correct her posture, but I started to watch her lessand less coming at different intervals to check up on her. I'm the only humanGolden Sunrise saw during the first three months of her training, I groomedher, fed her, walked her harnessed her, short said I was her whole world. Iremember when she gave up. They always do, the lack of arms, nakedness, bodymodifications, being unable to communicate or understand others in a normalway it all took its toll from her, and she finally gave up one day being aloneon a meadow as I called her she trotted to me and started muzzling me for chocolate,I knew I had her. By this time she had the walk down pat and was spending fourhours daily at endurance training, two of them walking and two trotting. Iwaited a week and introduced a other groom to her she freaked out at first,but I was there and calmed her down, leather that day a further surprise awaitedher, the head harness and bit. It is made as all harnesses used for my poniesof leather lined with silk, always the best for my beauties. The head harnessconsists of a rather wide band around the hear at the forehead and above theears, from it runs a short piece between the eyes down the nose, parting justunder the eyes and going to the corners of the mouth, there rings are affixedwith a lose under the chin straps connecting with the collar and a second tighterone which goes around the head under the ears to meet the main band in theback. The bit is attached to the rings, the first one was very soft not tocontrol but to use her to it, it barely touched her tongue not making any pressure.After another month I transferred her to the main stable, she was surprisedto see my other ponies but overcame her shock quite quick, as it was time formore strenuous training I called for the doc to examine her.
Training – Part Two
The doc came the next day checked her pronounced her tobe ok and shaping up nice and gave ok with phase two of the training. Duringthe check up she remained fairly calm as she was used to other people by now,still I was the main person as I still was the only one to give her chocolate.From check up I lead her to the "blacksmith" to put horseshoes on her. As shewould begin to use some canter and gallop the rubber coating on the hooveswould ground up fairly fast and I didn't want that, so the horseshoes wherescrewed to the hooves using the beforehand prepared holes. I gave her a dayto get used to the new feeling and used this time to introduce a new trainer,he would train her to canter, gallop, and pull a sulky. The whole staff ofthe stables are people of the same tastes as me which I picked up at varioustimes and parties surrounding the pony girl scene. From this day on Sunrisehad a fixed routine, wake up at 7 a.m. till 8 a.m. grooming, feeding and relivingherself at a meadow near bay the stable, then endurance training till 10 a.m.,one hour of posture training at canter and later gallop, an hour of rest withthe other ponies plus a light "lunch", two more hours on endurance, one ofsulky training, an hour of cross-country walking/trotting with a trainer ina sulky leading her. An hour of rest and "dinner", from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. endurancetraining and leather rest till 8 p.m. after that came bathing, evening groomingand she was lead to her stall. In the morning she was fed in her stall, but "lunch" and "dinner" wereeaten by all my ponies from a common trough on the pasture. There were variousfruit trees and bushes planted on it and the ponies were encouraged to eatfrom them. At this point the full harness was introduced. That is a board waistcorset, although its purpose was not to reduce the waist and take her breath,it was used as a firm attachment point for the sulky, it reached from aboveher hips to just under the ribs. In the rear it went above the tail, at thispoint a strap was leading around it and down between her legs to the frontwhere it parted to go around the vagina up to the corset, this prevented unwelcomestimulation. In the back a strap connected the collar with the corset, in thefront four straps went up from the corset to the collar. They went two eachfrom under the breasts parting, the middle ones meat in between them and wentup as one to the collar, the outer ones went around the breasts on the outsidecurving and also reaching the collar so that all three met at one spot. Toprevent the outer ones from squeezing the breasts vertical straps connectedthem with the back strap. The bit became a more serious affair and was usedto put pressure on the tongue for movement and direction control while Sunrisepulled a sulky. Also blinkers were introduced limiting side vision. This phaseof Sunrises training took another four months, all in all since the beginningit was eight she didn't react anymore in human way, gone was the shame at relivingherself openly, the nakedness became her nature, she played with other ponies,maintained her posture and was obedient to rein control. I visited her everyday during the "lunch" and "dinner" breaks, making sure she knew I look aftermy ponies as I petted them all (I had eight with her at this time). It waspast time to brand her.
The day I branded Golden Sunrise was a calm summer one.Although here in the south we don't get much in a way of different seasons.After the morning grooming the endurance practice was put off, and I took herto the doc again for check up, after passing with flying colures I took herto the "blacksmith" again. There her shoes were changed for new ones whichalthough the same size where heavier, I did so that she was used to the greaterweight, and before the races I would always switch the shoes for lighter ones.Then it was time to brand my newest pony, my personal brand is a prancing ponygirl in a circle, head held high, breasts forced forward one knee high. Itis beautifully made so that the branding will look good and not be an unrecognizablemess. My ponies are branded on the right buttock, and the brand takes morethen half of it. Sunrise went mad at the sight to the hot iron but I securedher to a frame bent forward for better access, then I froze the cheek to diminishthe pain and in one swift motion brought the iron down. Than I took her facein my hands and started calming her with shooting words, she looked at me withhurt eyes, but I told the what a good pony she it and gave her chocolate andshe warmed somewhat. I treated the wound so it would heal nicely and unfastenedher from the frame. Now all that remained was a tattoo on the high on the leftbreast pronouncing her name and owner. It was done in Greek, the same as thename on her stall, as with all my ponies, so that she wouldn't be able to readit, and so remember the days when she was human. I lead her to the pastureallowing her to skip the early posture training and rest till "lunch". Butthe rest of the day was a standard one. From this point on her basic trainingwas complete, what remained was to build up her speed and endurance up. I wantedto ride her in the 5 mile race at our annual games in the fall and for thatshe doesn't need to be a sprinter, she needed endurance and a bit speed forthe finish and that was what I concentrated on. maybe as the years go by andshe will not be able to compete anymore I will retrain her for posture contestbut that is in the future, as is also breeding, racing, working in a team andother joys of being my pony girl.
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IncestI felt like the odd man out at the engagement party. I knew I was there because I had helped pay for some of the party, and it would have been poor form to not invite me. I was there alone, my wife having passed away a couple of years ago. A sixty year old guy sorta stands out like a sore thumb at a party full of twenty-something males and females. I noted that one of the twenty-something females was Tamara. She too was there alone, with Anthony her other half having stayed in their home city,...
Stacy and I had finished all the paperwork. Renting a motor home for two weeks took a lot of signing and agreeing. It was late July and we were heading north where we didn't have a plan or care. We were looking forward to a fun adventure in the southwest. The vehicle was big; a nice bedroom in the back with a queen-size bed, a dresser and a TV. Then forward of the bedroom was a fairly nice bathroom with a shower that looked like it could hold two people... which I was hoping it would...
Wife LoversBy the time Kayla and I scrambled off the couch and threw some clothes on, it was far too late to discover who it might have been outside looking in. And, as it turned out, it didn't really matter at all. The person outside had bigger problems than the relatively minor issues represented by Kayla and me. When nothing came of our mysterious peeper over the next couple of days, we did our best to put it behind us. We quickly fell into the routine of school, practice, and homework that we had...
(Moderator's note: Please feel free to add chapters to any threads. I'm pretty easygoing when it comes to moderation) The three girls who knelt naked around the summoning circle had all reached their eighteenth birthday as virgins. All three were considered too weird, too geeky and too unattractive to even get boyfriends. Tonight, however, that would change. With the help of the book they had found in that weird little bookstore in the alley they had never noticed before they would summon a...
FantasyWilly had enjoyed fucking his friend Barry's tight teen ass. He also liked that Barry's sister Cindy had watched the whole episode. She had helped by greasing her brothers tight ass hole and Willy's big cock. Cindy had been smiling at her brother's plight while Willy moved his seven and a half inch prick back and forth in the stretched orifice. After cleaning Willy's cock with the warm face cloth Cindy kissed the spongy head allowing a little precum to moisten her attractive lips. Willy...
I swear, even with the language barrier, my students here pick up the material five times the speed as the slow witted fools lining the seats in the lecture halls of home. There are things about this place that are paradise.Unfortunately I've still not really met anyone I want to date. It's probably fine. I'm not sure if I need to, though. I honestly think that my desires in that area just stem from the part of me that wishes I had some stories to rival all of yours.I got so wet reading each...
SeductionI have always been into girls. Having turned sixteen, it wasn’t long before Amy and I started to experiment. We experimented with boys at first, but then we slowly but surely started to tease and excite each other. We were two months into boys when Amy asked whether I masturbated. Of course I did and I told her as much. Then she dropped a bombshell and asked if I would like to masturbate with her, on the same bed one evening.I thought about it for a while and decided that I was up for it. We...
IncestFor Mark and Jean, it was winter in Wonderland. The next two months passed swiftly for the couple. They made love often and watched as Jean and Bobo’s tummies thickened. Jean worked on her serum, but she hadn’t had the breakthrough she wished for. Her new version, thanks to Mark’s machines, worked even better for the non-shapeshifting gnawers, and they had fewer side effects if treated quickly. However, her tests on the blood from her flickers weren’t proving positive. Her latest batch...
Viral Tags! When you hear the word, ‘OnlyFans,’ does your dick start doing backflips on yourself? I’m not fucking scientist, but if that’s your natural reaction, I’d say you’re a fan of porn goodness. If that’s the case, you need to get your perverted ass on over to Viraltags. This is where you will find primarily – and I mean fucking primarily – OnlyFans content.No, you won’t find porn of your neighbor or that hot bitch from the suburbs that grew up to be an even hot bitch in adulthood. That...
Free OnlyFans Leak SitesHere's another one:“I read your note from this morning and listened to ALL 3 of your voicemails just a little while ago. You can just imagine how wet I am. Your passion just makes me want to lie down here on the floor, all dark and quiet. I see you slowly coming down on top of me and kiss my lips. My kisses are so urgent with my tongue looking for yours. You can feel how much I want you and for us to start having hours of sex now. We both help each other take off our clothes but you want to...
Snow ran crying through the corridors of the castle, the wall sconces lighting the way. She had never felt so low, so helpless. For the first time, Snow had no self esteem. How could she fake orgasms, she had tried before and been caught immediately. It was so unfair!! Snow took a left, then a right, her eyes blinded by tears of rage and absolute grief, her beautiful face streaked with tears and mascara. Before Snow knew it, she was utterly lost, even having been raised in this castle her...
The weather had been looking dubious all afternoon, threatening rain, but never coming through with the goods. It wasn't until I actually left the office, and walked out in the open, far from both the shelter of the buildings and my car, that the skies opened and the backlog of summer rain plummeted to the earth. I ran for the car, but I knew I wasn't going to make it. By the time I unlocked the door and wrenched it open, I was soaked. My shirt was sticking to my skin, and I had to wipe my...
She caught herself glancing at her watch for the third time in the last five minutes. It was 2:25 Wednesday afternoon and she was sitting on the edge of her chair in anticipation. ‘Where is he?’ she thought to herself as she looked at her watch yet again. ‘He’s always here by now.’ She’d been watching him for a couple weeks now, but had yet to have the nerve to really talk to him. Her nerves were always extra aware as his therapy time neared. Her heartbeat stopped, then started working...
//(Announcer 1) Greetings from the Lightening Dome, in glorious Houston. This is the first time here at Fight Club – Houston where two contestants are battling for control of the same guild. (Announcer 2) No one is betting anything? Why are we even covering this? (Announcer 1) That’s a good question, let’s see, hmm, according to this note, it says ‘F minor Key’. (Announcer 2) Oh, so what you are saying is because the Gun Bunny Guild is the top ranked guild in Houston, and the number 2 over all,...
Jñao turned to Bora and made his confession, "You are under the influence of my smell, the same way Bolis and Fitol are. I have done a lot of thinking about you wanting to join my family. I like the idea and want to make you welcome but only if you make the choice without influence. It would be unconventional by Human or even Tandra protocols. The family needs a strong head, and I plan on being that person. Fidol will be one of my wives, even if he is male. This will take a bit of...
It has been almost a year since Regina has found Michelle on the side of the road and Michelle has gone into real estate and is doing well. In fact, Michelle has bought her house just signed the necessary documents and is now getting ready for the housewarming party to celebrate. Regina and Donald, Amy, Elbert, and Lillian Jacobs and Pastor Robertson and his wife Sandra are coming over. The doorbell rang and it was Regina and Donald showing up with roast beef and watermelon slices...
I had been home from school for a couple of weeks. I had just finished my freshman year of college and was pretty bored at home. I had gotten used to the dorm lifestyle. If I wanted to do something with somebody, there was always someone around who was up for it. Now, when I wanted to hang out with my friends I actually had to call them. It was kinda lame. Fortunately, my sister Amanda was around sometimes. She was a senior in high school and had about a week until graduation. We were pretty...
IncestHello friends mera naam rinku hai or mere ghar me mere mummy papa meri badi behan, m or meri choti behan rehte hai . Mere papa govt. job karte hai or meri mummy house wife hai . ye story aaj ke kuch saal pehle ki hai . apko bta du ki m bachapan se hi bohot sarmila tha per meri behan bilkul masti khor thi jisse bohot baar usse mummy se dant bhi padti thi . us waqt hum school ke liye maruti omni se jate the . ye school ki tarf se nahi thi balki ghar walo ne apni tarf se lagwa rakhi thi , isme...
I've been asked if my husband directs things when I have visitors. And the answer is - almost never. If I'm having a good time, he's happy. There was of course the blindfold occasion I've already written about, where he was directive about the start of the session. Even that time, we'd talked about me having visitors and being blindfolded, so I had an idea of what might be happening. Another time, though, I hadn't a clue that anything was planned. Just an ordinary Friday night, k**s gone to...
Hello everyone mera naam shoaib hai aur yeh meri pehli story hai to galti hogi to maaf kariyega. Mai varanasi ka rehne wala hu par aaj kal delhi mein hu. Yeh story meri gf ki hai jisko maine uske ghar jake choda aur uski virginity todi tha jab ghar pe bas uski dadi thi. Ham dono ke relation ko 1 saal ho chuke the aur ham dono ko sex karne ka bohot mood tha, kabhi kabhi videochat pe chudai hua karti thi par real mein kuch nahi hua tha. Ek din jab mai clg se ghar aaya to uska msg aaya ki uske...
July 25, 1968 We took our time along U.S. 2 and we were both pleased that our trip and our welcome to Bellingham was blessed with good weather. July of 1968 in northwest Washington was mainly warm and sunny and welcoming to us. Within a week, we had found a furnished house to rent. Almost all of our previous furniture had stayed with the sale of the ranch. It was only good luck that the house we found was an elegant, older Victorian-style home with five bedrooms and three bathrooms. It was...
Henry Cohen was reflecting on the changes in his life since being extracted from Earth. He abhorred violence. He didn't even watch American football, and hockey was totally out of the question. Had it not been for his intelligence and overdeveloped senses of loyalty and compassion he would not have qualified as a volunteer. His distaste for violence was noted during his placement interviews, and the AI tactfully suggested that he be offered a Civil Service posting. Henry's sophistication...
PROLOGUE: "Oh my god, oh my god," a woman was breathlessly repeating herself between gasps, and it took me a moment to realize it was me. All I could focus on was the feeling of his cock filling my dripping pussy until he suddenly stopped thrusting - he swelled inside me and I could feel him shudder as he sprayed his cum deep within my cunt. We had been fucking for an hour, in all sorts of ways. I had simply walked up to him as he sat on the couch wearing nothing but some old shorts and fished...
IncestI topped out at six-foot-one and Kay my wife stood eye to eye with me when she wore her three-inch heels. That's great for dancing and for sex: we fit comfortably together and, according to our friends, looked great together. She had a long, slender figure marked by a pert, round bottom that turned the heads of most men and a lot of women either in jealousy or admiration. Her breasts were smallish but firm and springy with sharp points that turned up in twin pink buds that never failed to...