FTL Story of Woe
- 3 years ago
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Star Date 5.005
President Flowsman's Personal Log
Many changes have been started in the Federation. The removal of fighter craft from the Carriers, being one of them. Fortunately for us, the Carrier's bays are big enough to carry a new class of ship that has also been proposed.
The Defiant Class ship looks just like its namesake from the 'Deep Space Nine' TV show. It is little more than shields and weapons. The smaller ship has a six-man crew, with twin-mount 202mm phaser banks, and paired photon tubes, also. Its oversize engine is not intended for sustained warp speed usage. However, the ship is fast for relatively short distances. It would give the Flowsman class heavy cruiser a shake up in battle. The basic size of a Carrier will allow it to carry 10 of these Defiant class vessels.
They also tell me that the completion schedule for the ships will be one per day. They are running some sort of assembly line process, similar to the way people of Earth build cars. I think the actual build time is more like seven or eight days. But they promise that they will complete at least one ship per day. It's a good thing, as over six hundred of the ships have been ordered.
As long as I am talking about ships, here, I should mention that construction of two new gates has begun as well. They will be done in a year's time. I also have plans laid out on my desk for two more ship designs. I still have to review them, however I am sure I will request them.
One is a Super Carrier class, capable of transporting one hundred Defiant class ships at the incredible speed of Warp-25. The other is a real battleship. Unlike the Enterprise class ship that has been eclipsed by the Flowsman class heavy cruiser, and unlike the cruiser itself, this new ship's only function is war. It will not have the large saucer section. Instead, it is egg shaped, and houses more weaponry than I can imagine. This war stuff makes my head spin. I some times wish I was still back on Earth, blissfully ignorant of this war.
It's all Woes fault; well... that's what I keep telling her. She just looks back at me, and smiles.
Speaking of Woe. I have deactivated the damper field around her and she remains here with my family. I have not made love to her as yet. As amazing as it sounds, she is still a virgin. In some ways she puts spinsters to shame. How she could remain as she has, since her beginning, is beyond me.
Also, the people of the federation revere her, as being nearly holy. Since they found out about her plans to joining the family... Well, it's been a nightmare for all of us.
I think the public is planning a state wedding. It seems that the idea of goddess and their savior marring is just too good of an opportunity for them to pass up. I am sure I will hate every long, endless moment of that ceremony. AI reports that I can put it off; the ceremony, that is. Apparently, the bonding is exclusive. That is to say, when the family is bonded in the way the people want to do so. It's not possible for me to marry any other woman. Oh, I can have concubines and such. But none of them can share the family name. All though it's tempting to do so. I think I should at least wait until I have all six of my wife's before doing that. If I didn't know there is still one more to find I would probably go-ahead and get it over with.
The family was gathered in the presidential house. I have heard that the public is threatening to call it 'The Flowsman House', kind of like the Americans back on Earth called the presidential mansion the White House. I like the concept they have, but the name is just all wrong.
April offered, "Well, we'll paint it white on the outside, and start calling it the White House, then, Dear."
Everyone chuckled at the simplicity of the statement, and the fact that paint of any kind won't stick to the alloy metal that makes up the out side of this place.
Annette said, "Well, we could all start calling the place the 'Federation House'."
I liked that. After a brief discussion amongst the family, it was decided that we would spin the name that way. Too bad we can't do that with the Flowsman class starships. It just wouldn't do to try and change the name like that. The people wouldn't let us get away with it.
AI spoke audibly into the great room where we were all gathered.
"Mr. President, the nanites are ready for you."
Jim sighed and said, "Very well, bring them on."
The door to the room slid open, and Dr. McCoy entered (I know, I know. But he's had the name over 7500 years, so far.).
The doctor carried one vial for each member of the family. He came to me, and picked up the vial that had my name on it. Then he put it into a device that looked just like a hypo-spray.
So Jim asked him, "Is that really what it looks like it is?"
McCoy looked at the object in his hand, then said, "Oh. Well... no. We never really had a reason to use needles or things in our medicine. When drugs are needed, we just use a absorption based catalyst to absorb the drug right though your skin."
"So why the device then?"
"Simple, it mixes the catalyst with the drug. Or in this case the nanites."
"So why make it look like a hypo-spray unit?"
"Well... It's become rather popular, that's all," McCoy said, shamefacedly.
Jim nodded his acceptance. Then the doctor pressed the unit to Jim's shoulder. He watched as the vial of nanites was drained. He felt nothing but a slight wetness on his arm during the process.
Jim waited a moment, and then he felt something. It was like a warm and fuzzy feeling, which overcame him all at once. Then it subsided.
McCoy spoke again, "It should take the nanites a day or so to fully integrate into your system, and to make the nerve connections needed for your mind to command the new technology."
Harden your heart, and resolve yourself to doing what is right. In so doing, you shall chart your course truly, and you will not detour from the path you need to take. Admiral Rainer Star Date 7.102 Sue Lin said, "Mr. President? We found all five planets. They are all in one system. The problem is that there are more than Grays in the system." Jim replied, "What? Who?" "Unable to tell at this point." "Crap!" "There is one other problem." "What is...
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Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell (Released: August 13, 2012) Chapter 21 - Woe is Austin The next week was a mix of ups and downs. On Monday I was able to miss a couple of classes when I was invited to appear on the Tonight Show again. I also made...
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The council and government of the Federation had gathered in full array and presence. Only Norse was absent, and no one was concerned about that. The monumental moment was coming as they waited to meet the new President of the Federation. It had been long before the war began, since there had been a President. Aphelia met Rainer as the group exited the space cruiser Prime. It was plain to all how happy Rainer was to see his wife again. He was very excited. Since no one wore clothing in this...
Jim had just finished saying "Engage", when Annette tapped the preprogrammed virtual 'execute' button on her LCD monitor. It took just over 2 shakes, before the Warp Coil generated the field around the 90-foot length of the orbiting ship. On board, it was as though nothing had happened. The anti-grav generator was synched to the warp coil. It compensated for the sudden burst in acceleration, as if it were an inertial damper. As crude as it was, it worked well enough to keep them from...
"They say they surrender, unconditionally," Leah said. Jim looked around, utterly confused by this. No one he looked at had anything to add. If anything, they were even more confused than he was. "Maybe they just want to make sure we understand it was not them that fired on us," Jason wondered. Jim said, "There is that, however they did not use any weapon but their torpedoes. I think we may have scared them when we used the disrupter." Annette was still slightly dazed because of the...
Jim and his wives watched the battle between the Excelsior and the Flagship. The flag launched 80 fighter craft. All were keeping Excelsior busy as they had enveloped around the craft trying to prevent its escape. Basketball size explosions tore at the ship shields before Excelsior went to warp and fired a single phaser at the Flag's engines disabling them. Excelsior dropped out of warp .1 AU behind the fighter craft and started a systematic sweep with its phaser banks of the fighters....
Jim awoke with a hard-on the likes of which he hadn't experienced, since his first youth. The lack of gravity was definitely having an effect on his body. He became aware that both his wives were holding onto him. Jim moved one hand to massage Annette's breast and his other to Jennifer's. He needed them both, and he needed them now. Jennifer moved first as sensation overtook her body. She let out a low moan in response to his touch. Jim stepped up his efforts at this point, and moved his...
"They are firing on us!" exclaimed Leah. A moment later the beam from the X-ray cannon struck the shields of the ship. The convex shield glowed briefly from the hit. Jason reported, "Shields holding. One percent power drain." "It's a burst form an X-ray cannon." Lisa said, "22 Giga-Joule output." "They try that every time," Rainer said. "Target phasers on one of their spy crafts," Jim said. "I have a lock," Jennifer said with an excited voice. "Fire." The invisible...
It wasn't long and the Gray's Mother ship also exited hyperspace, just outside the orbit of Pluto. It turned as it launched four spy craft toward Pluto, then its powerful x-ray sensor system was turned on. Jim spoke, "Fleet to Red Alert." After the alert sounded for a few moments, he said, "Sound off." The tech on the bridge silenced the audio portion of the alarm. The four spy craft had spread out and were racing to maximum observation positions. None of the ships noted the three...
Jim was looking at Carl's face on the view screen of the bridge when he began his question. "Admiral? Given what we have seen to date with the Gray's fleet, if you were the commander of the other side, how would you plan your operation? Assume you wanted to take out Prime itself, as the major objective." Carl was on the spot and he knew it. As a credit to his professionalism, he kept his emotions in check. Then his face formed the look of a man deep in thought. It wasn't long before he...
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The people of Dermas V took note of the space battle taking place at the edge of their solar system. They were more advanced than they had let on. Having figured some things out from many 'coincidences', they also had a complete distaste for the Grays. The Grays were the only race they knew of, and that was only because of the distasteful experiments that had been made on them years before. They were quickly able to ascertain that the winning side in this battle was the Grays, because of...
Day Two. Nothing unexpected happened on the second day of the trip. The ship ran well. Its hydrogen fueled engines put out more than enough energy to maintain the warp coil at full power. The engine's main byproduct was oxygen. That was one detail that the mothers had handled without involving Jim. Seven year old Timmy asked his dad, "What if there are aliens where we are going?" Jim replied, "Well, now, I don't think we are going to have to worry about that." Timmy smiled and...
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PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...
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