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The weather had been looking dubious all afternoon, threatening rain, but never coming through with the goods.

It wasn't until I actually left the office, and walked out in the open, far from both the shelter of the buildings and my car, that the skies opened and the backlog of summer rain plummeted to the earth. I ran for the car, but I knew I wasn't going to make it.

By the time I unlocked the door and wrenched it open, I was soaked. My shirt was sticking to my skin, and I had to wipe my glasses to see enough to back my car out of the park, muttering darkly about the unfairness of it all. Perhaps, just perhaps, someone was listening.

I made it two whole blocks before I was out of sync with the traffic flow. Pulling up to the red light, in the lane closest to the kerb, I added some expletives to the earlier list, and then forced myself to relax. Driving on a wet road in a rage isn't very clever.

Looking around, I noticed a woman standing at the lights, a newspaper completely failing to stop her being drenched by the vertical curtain of water. I couldn't really see her too well, but she obviously wasn't very comfortable. Checking the lights first, I wound down the window, and peered out, well aware of the water pouring through the opening and dripping on the seats.

"Hey! Hey, you! Yeah, you. Get in."


"Get in the car. You'll drown out there."

"Do I know you?"

"No. Name's Glenn. Come on."

"Zoe. I can't do that. I'll get your car all wet."

"It already is, and so am I. Get in, Zoe."

"Are you some kind of rapist?"

"Of course, but not in this weather. Come on, the lights will change."

"Alright, alright. God, you rapists are so friendly!"

Hauling the door open, and letting the wall of water splash me in retaliation, she threw the soaked paper to the ground, dragged her backpack off and jumped in, dropping the dripping bag between her legs, collapsing herself on the seat just in time for the lights to turn green.

I gunned the little car as best I could, and managed to hurtle across the intersection without being rear-ended by the rest of the angry assholes behind me. After exiting to a sensible lane, things settled down a little, and I had time to look over at my passenger.

I hadn't realised while she was showering outside, but she was very attractive. A few years younger than me, small, pale skin with short dark hair, currently plastered to her head. "Uh, reach back there, top of my bag. There's a towel. It's clean. And dry," I muttered at her while splitting my attention between the traffic and the rest of her body. It was worthy of some focus. Zoe was wearing a thin cotton button up shirt, almost like a man's business shirt. White, wet, and, all credit to the rain, stuck wonderfully against her skin. It looked great, but I bet it wasn't too comfortable right now. Just for the record, her bra was small, as were her breasts. Pale blue, with a little lace. The bra, not the breasts, of course. Not that I was looking.

My thoughts were interrupted by both the traffic and her voice.

"Oh, I can't use your towel."

"Why not? Rapists are clean."

"No, because you'll need it."

"No. No, I won't. I put it in the car to go to the gym, and I never got there."

"You're sure?"

"You bet."

"This bag? Glenn, did you say?"

"Yeah, that one. Yep, that's me."

"Nice to meet you, Glenn. Thanks for the lift."

"No sweat. I couldn't leave you in that."

The traffic was moving very slowly in the torrential rain, and I was foolish enough to think that meant I had time to check my passenger out some more. That shirt I talked about was topping a denim mini-skirt. Short, standard denim blue, frayed, and very, very wet. I would have checked out her legs, was it not for the blast of a horn behind me. I caught up with the traffic, and then looked back over at her. The towel was being rubbed vigorously in her short hair, and she was grinning directly at me.

"You better not really be a rapist, Glenn."

"Parks Manager, but please don't tell anyone."

"Oh, you work for the council?"

"Yep. Long term servitude."

"Could be worse."

"Sure could."

"Listen Glenn, what part of town are you headed for?"

"The beach."

"I hope you're not planning to swim."

"Not today. So where were you going?"

"Home. I live up by the museum."


"Yeah. Just on the edge. The cheap area."

"Well... cheaper anyway."

"Yeah, that's right. Could I trouble you to go past? It's not too far out of your way, I don't think."

"No trouble, Zoe."

"You're sure?"

"Yeah, you bet. I'm not in a rush."

"What about the wife and kids?"

"Sorry, none of those."

"Me neither. Oh, God, that was a bit blunt, wasn't it?"

"Saves me asking you."

"Oh, would you have?"

"If I could have worked out a way, yeah."

"Okay. Listen, when we get to my place, Glenn, do you think you could stop the car for a few minutes?"

"Ah... yeah. Why?"

"So I could... This shirt is really, really uncomfortable. I was thinking maybe if you behaved like a gentleman, I could take it off, and wear the towel. But I'd need to rush inside and change so I could give it back. See?"

"I can pretend to be a gentleman."


"Yeah. Isn't there a saying about that? A gentleman is a lecher with patience?"

"Oh. You're a lecher?"

"Could be. You'll never know, unless you take your shirt off."

"No peeking."

"I'm driving."

"With both eyes."

"Got it." I did. Really I did. I concentrated on the traffic, the lights, the weather. Park maintenance schedule. Prime numbers. And I didn't look. Somehow.

"Okay, all set."

"Am I allowed to look?"

"Oh yeah, I guess."

I turned my head, and she was grinning at me again. Her shirt, and her bra were sitting on her lap. "You're obviously not really scared I'm a rapist."

"Just didn't want you to tear my bra."

"You comfortable?"

"You mean physically, or socially?"


"I think so. You better turn out to be as nice as you seem, mister. I don't take disappointment well."

"You get violent? And it's Smith."

"No, I get even. And how did you know, Glenn?"

"Know what?"

"My name."

"You told me, Zoe."

"No, no, my last name."


"How did you know I was a Smith?"

"No, no. I'm a Smith."


"Yes. Glenn Smith."


"Yeah, why? What's so weird about that?"

"Because, Mr Smith, that's my name."

"No way."


"Shit. How about that."

"You better not start thinking that means I'll give you any leeway if you disappoint me."

"I wasn't planning to, Miss Smith, though I admit you confuse me a little. Up this way?"

"Yeah, and left at the roundabout. Hmm... Nah, I won't ask."

"Ask what, Zoe?"

"Nah. I'll just... Look at the road, nosy."

"Yes, Miss."

"That's better. Oh, and so is that. God, that was awful. Sorry about your car."

"What are you... Oh. Forget the car." While I was again paying attention to the traffic, she'd managed to wiggle her skirt down and it was sitting on the floor of the car, around her sandaled feet. As I watched, she flicked it off her feet, and it slumped wetly on the backpack. Zoe had her shirt and bra covering the most vital parts, and I just kinda wondered...


"What, Zoe?"

"Yes, Glenn. I do have panties on."

"I never said a word!"

"Your eyes were asking."

"They... well, maybe. Sorry."

"No problem."

"I don't get pretty girls in my car all that often, and they never take their clothes off."

"That's because you're a rapist."

"They can tell?"

"Oh, of course. We're girls."

"I'm not at all sure you're joking."

"Of course you're not. You're a boy! Up here to the right."

"Got it."

"See that driveway, past the red car? No, the other one. Yeah. In there, under the carport, if you... ah, shit, no, someone's in there. It'll have to be the street. Pull up here. Thanks."

"No problem. You're in that one?"

"Yeah. Gloomy, isn't it?"

"I think everything looks gloomy in this weather."

"Yeah, could be. Look, I'll just be a minute, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. No rush."

"Thanks." She bundled her things together, still holding the towel around her torso, and her shirt in front of her thighs. She kissed me suddenly, a peck on the cheek, and then leapt from the car, giggling.

I have to assume she didn't realise, or didn't care that her black pantied ass was in plain sight. Okay, so I stared as she hooked the towel around herself properly, under her arms, and ran with little coordination down the path, avoiding the worst of the puddles, her butt wiggling as she retreated.

I watched until she reached the house, and then, just as I was sitting back to wait, she turned around to face me. She stood still for a moment, as though she was making a decision, and then waved at me, both hands well away from her body, tempting the towel to fall, and ran, bouncing around the puddles again, all the way back to the car. I hit the button to lower her window as she approached, wondering what she could have forgotten. She stood there, soaking wet again, and stuck her head through the gap.

"Mr Smith?"

"Yes, Zoe?"

"You better come inside."


"Yes. I need to pay you back for the loan of the towel. Can't do that out here."

"No need at all."

"You'd rather not come in, Glenn?"

"I sure didn't say that."

"Good. Come on then."

"You're sure?"

"I'm drowning! How much assurance do you want?"

"Okay, okay. Go. I'll catch up."

"Not much point now. I can't get much wetter. And it's not cold."

"Okay, get your head out of the window then."

"Oh. Yeah."

"Because everyone is staring at your ass."

"They are not!"

"I would be."

"I figured as much."


"Yeah, yeah." She moved it though, still grinning. She looked delightful standing there, in a towel and panties. Both hands were full. One had the rest of her clothes, the other her backpack.

As I climbed out of the car, back into the rain, I realised I hadn't dried out much anyway, and stopped worrying about how much wetter I'd get between here and the house. After all, look at the company, I thought.

Stepping around the car, I snagged the backpack from her hand, and walked beside her back to the house, locking the car with the remote on the way.

Zoe had some trouble when we got to the door. She needed to extract her keys from the backpack, but her towel was threatening to fall to the ground. I decided, despite the temptation, to be a gentleman again, and asked her which pocket the keys were in. I got them out, and handed them to her. It worked out in my favour, I think. I got to stare at her ass as she fiddled with the sticky lock. Sometimes politeness pays off.

Zoe held the door open and beckoned for me to go through first. I hoisted the pack again, and wandered through, resisting the urge to slap her ass on the way past, though I was pretty sure she'd just laugh.

The hallway inside the door was polished wood, old, and rich, and swiftly becoming very, very wet, as we both dripped all over it.

"Welcome, Mr Smith."

"Thanks Zoe. Nice place."

"I can take no credit. One of my flatmates owns the place."

"So you just take advantage?"

"Exactly. And to tell the truth I kinda like that it looks gloomy from the outside. Less problems with break-ins."

"Makes sense. So listen, should I stand here and drip, or is there somewhere else I should stand? Maybe you have plants that require irrigation?"

"I have to ask you a question first."


"Yeah. That's why I hesitated before going back to the car."

"Okay. Spit it out."

"It's a choice, really. Would you like a beer, a hot drink, or a shower?"

"Ah... shower?"

"Yeah, shower."

"I'm not sure where I stand here, despite dripping all over your floor."

"Yeah. Glenn, we only have one shower in the place, and I'm not at all sure there would be enough water for consecutive use..."


"Yeah... Oh, God, sorry. Forget I said it."

"No, no. I'm just... you are offering to share the shower, right?"


"But Zoe, you don't even know me."

"Yeah. And I don't do that. Nonetheless, the offer is open."

"I... ummm... you do realise..."

"What, Glenn?"

"... that my promises about not being a rapist in this weather..."


"Are... invalid, basically, if I climb into a shower with you."

"They are?"



"Yeah, oh."

"So... you want a green towel, or a blue one?"

"A dry one!"

"Got it. You comfortable with taking those things off just here?"

"I guess. Why?"

"I can put them in the dryer. Can they cope with that?"

"I'm sure they can."

"Good. Strip!"

"You have to turn around."

"You're going to go shy? Now?"

"Well, you did!"

"Oh, Lord! Okay, hold on." As she spoke she reached up and pulled the towel from her chest and threw it to the floor, and climbed out of her panties. "How's that for shy?"

"Point taken."

"I thought it might be. Now get 'em off!"

It didn't take long, and we were both stark naked, still damp but dripping a lot less on the floor. Zoe disappeared and came back with a laundry basket, and we piled our clothing into it. She did her best to clean up the floor, swishing the towel around with her feet, before tossing it in with the clothes, and leaving the backpack to drip a little longer. She picked up the basket and hooked it under one arm. I looked up in the direction she was facing, and she slapped me on the ass!

"Hey, what was that for?"

"Evasion," she said as we walked toward the laundry.


"You didn't tell me you had a physique."

"I didn't know."


"No, really. I'm alright. I spend time at the gym. That's all."

"I like the tan, too."


"And that little bit of hair on your chest."

"You like that?"


"I was thinking of having it waxed, or something."

"Oh, don't do that!"




"Here, open that. Hee hee."

"What's so funny?"

"I've never had a naked man to help me with the laundry. It sure makes it more fun."

"You, Miss Smith, are weird."

"That's good, right?"

"That's so good."

"Shower now."

"That, also, is good."


We walked in silence down the hallway to the bathroom. The whole thing was incredibly surreal. I must have suspended disbelief big time. I just went along with it, enjoying the banter, and the view.

"To the right, just there, rapist."

"After you."

"No bloody way. You already stared at my ass. My turn."

"As you wish."

"Oh, I do."

"So it seems. Oh! Nice bathroom."

"Yeah. Jenny's a bit of a water freak, I think. No complaints. Flick the shower on, would you?"

"Yeah. Ummm... couple of things."

"Oh, yeah?" She moved closer in front of me then, and turned the shower on, herself. "What are they?"

"Well, ah, I gotta pee."

"Oh. You need some privacy for that?"

"Well, probably not, normally, but you've got me all flustered."

"Ah. Right. I gotta get some more shampoo. You go for it. Be right back."

I managed to do what I needed to, and was washing my hands in the basin when she waltzed back through the door.


"What, Zoe?"

"I walk in the door, and all I can see is your ass."

"Oh, sorry."

"Don't be. It's going to feature in my dreams."

"You really are a darling," I said as I turned from the basin "You know that?"

"I turn into an evil bitch-woman after orgasm."

"Oh. Hmm... On that subject..."


"Yeah. Listen. No, stop that. Just for a second. No, no. It's nice. I just... please stop."

"Oh, Glenn, what's the matter?"

"I... it's been a while."

"Oh, God, me too. Weeks. Otherwise I'd have left you to rape and pillage without me."

"No no. It's... it's longer than that. A lot. I... God! Mostly, Zoe, I just can't..."

"Ah, you mean — get it up?"



"Yeah. Sorry Zoe. I think I've misled you."

"Oh, no, no. Glenn, it's not like that. I didn't get you to fill in an application form, you know. You haven't lied under oath."

"Yeah, but..."

"No, no. Get that look of your face, and listen. I'm not shy. You can see that, right? I'm comfortable with myself. I'm horny, and I like you. I don't care if you get it up or not. If the evening goes by without you raping me, I'll take care of it myself. You understand?"

"I... yeah."

"Good. I didn't invite you in here for your penis in any case."


"Nope. Your sparkling wit. So cheer up, and get that ass into the shower."


"Shut up."


"And shove over, you big lummox. How can I scrub your back like that?"

The shower proceeded without further complications. Zoe was more like a cheeky girl than a horny grown woman, and we chased each other around the shower cubicle like we would have if we were both ten. Don't get me wrong. I noticed, and took note of the fact that she was, in fact, a beautiful woman, but it was the togetherness, and the fun, and the innocent naughtiness that was uppermost in my, and I hope, her mind.

After a while, Zoe reminded me that the water wouldn't last forever, and asked me if I'd like to wash her hair. Standing behind her under the streaming water, my fingers digging into her scalp as she sighed beneath the pressure, the stress seemed to disappear. It didn't matter what did, or did not happen. We were here, having fun, and she felt very, very nice pressed up against me, her body sliding around with the movement of my hands.

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Being divorced and nearing 40... well, let's just say that my sex life is on life-support. No, I'm attractive, trim, nice boobs, narrow waist, pretty face, good legs, wavy ash blond hair, blue-gray eyes, pretty nice... But, the men, well, many are taken and, no, I don't want to be the cause of a marriage break-up, some woman did that to me; I just can't do it to someone else. There just seems to be more women around than men and there are also a lot of younger women for the men of every age to...

2 years ago
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Sex With Two Hot Girls Part 8211 2

Dear Indian sex stories dot net readers, I am Abinash from Bangalore. I am 5ft 09 inches tall with 6.5-inch dick size. I am working in MNC. Today I am going to share one of my unforgettable memory with two beautiful ladies (continuation of the prev. story). If you have not read the story, find the link here: https://www.indiansexstories2.net/group/sex-two-hot-girls-part-1/ Thank you for the overwhelming response to my part-1. Any comments and criticism are welcome to my inbox Guys, please...

3 years ago
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Emily Bett Rickards 1

So finally our story begins...... Well year is 2019, and the most amazing thing in the world has happened, I'm finally getting credit and payed to do what I do best, entertaining. Everything in my life has changed Joann Neeley my agent and manager, has put me in a place of absolute super stardom, as of Music, acting, writing, directing, and clothing. I am truly becoming a International Superstar icon. My record label, BFO Recordings LLC. Is bigger then it has ever been, BFXsst is on top of the...

1 year ago
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ElevatedChapter 7

Malcolm bade Corvus sit down and offered him a drink. Corvus sat, but made a sharp wave at the offer. "Tell me what's happened to Regula Vitellius." Malcolm stood in front of Corvus, took a deep breath and asked, "How well did you know her father, Labeo?" "I never met the man," said Corvus. For a moment, hope rose in this chest that whatever misfortune had happened was limited to Regula's father. "Is he unwell." "He's dead," said Malcolm bluntly. His next words came out in a...

2 years ago
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Water Cooler

One of Tim's coworkers, Darice, a cute little blond, asks him with a smile and a little cleavage if he can put a new bottle of water on the water cooler. Tim is always staring at her but she has never talked to him before. Tim sees her asking him as an opportunity for more conversations with her. Tim says sure and he goes to the water cooler and takes off the empty bottle and grabs a full one. Tim takes the cover off and lifts it and turns it upside down to slide into the receptacle...

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CrosswindsChapter 6

Maddi stifled a pleasured groan with each bite of prime rib she ate. As the tender ribbons of meat melted under her tongue, she did her best to ignore Diana, grinning across the table. Her sister’s volatile treachery terrified her, but every time the feeling seemed overwhelming, Maddi stuffed another protein in her mouth. “Diana, Madison. I can’t believe this.” Dr. Dory Drake smiled from her seat next to Rochelle. She was a brown-haired woman in her 60s with square vintage glasses and a dark...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend Becomes Obeying Slave

JUST A WEEK AGO Reinhardt eyed the woman in front of him. She was much shorter than his girlfriend, whom he had been cohabiting with for over for years. She laid her back on the bed and was an attractive Brunette at her mid 20s, and was probably Eastern European too. "Now I want you to turn around and lie face down," Reinhardt ordering the young prostitute. "Yes sir," the prostitute meekly replied. The prostitute turned her body and face around and laid face down on the bed. She was...

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His dick left my crack for a moment and when it returned, it was hard and slippery. Was he carrying lube in his pocket? No matter. I felt it rub against my anus and I tried to relax and open myself to him. I felt his knob push against my ring and slowly, almost gently, it slipped inside. I live in an Air Force town. It has its benefits.For starters, not a month goes by without a hot little airman moving into my townhouse complex. In fact, it’s usually two or three hot little airmen sharing a...

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Trucker Daddy Gets A Sissy

It could easily be the lowest point in Denny life, sitting in an old Ford Escort that wouldn't start, the temperature outside well below freezing and him not having the cash for a hotel or to have the car fixed. He had no idea what to do next. Completely out of ideas, he had been sitting in for hours watching the normal people with money coming in and out of the Flying J Truckstop. He almost jumped out of his skin when someone knocked on the window. Denny cautiously rolled the...

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A World of Color ch 2

Joan braced herself, her hands on the headboard, as Paul pounded her pussy. Her legs wrapped around him, Joan tried to meet every powerful thrust by raising her pelvis slightly. She knew she would have trouble walking later, but the feeling was so incredible; all she wanted was more, more of his cock, more pounding. She wanted his cum. The intense look on his face told her he was close. So was she. “Fill me, Paul!” Joan opened her eyes. In that hazy existence between dreaming and waking, it...

Oral Sex
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Old House

I really need a vacation. I work for one of the finest women’s clothing stores in the city and, recently, I have been working very long hours. Our manager is leaving and the company is deciding whether to hire someone from within the store or from outside.  The fact is, I’ve worked very hard for the company for several years and, at the age of 35, I feel I would make a good manager. I really want the job. Okay, it comes with a lot more responsibility, but the pay increase is definitely worth...

1 year ago
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Twisted BoltChapter 4 Oanus

Helen had happened to the armory. Adult magazines were scattered all over the cabin and most of his posters were wedged between the mattress and bulkhead. He hadn’t checked the room after he left Helen alone to check the engines and ship status. She’d left the locker open or hadn’t secured it and everything he’d stuffed in there had been thrown around during the short fight. Shaking his head, he spotted Helen sitting on the deck, reading a magazine and breathing hard. “I forgot to mention to...

2 years ago
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I awoke not having any memory of falling asleep, in a strange place. It looked like a tube and the end-cap (and some of the side, above me) was open and a pretty young thing said "Good morning, Jeff. How are you feeling?" This question had me thinking and I quickly did an inventory of all easily checked parts by stretching and feeling myself against the walls of this tank. I noticed that I was very nude and looked up to the girl, there, answering "I seem to be fine. Could you tell me,...

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Angies Spa Visit

Angie and I had not been getting along for a couple of months. She barely spoke to me and when she did she was always pissed off about something. Our sex life had come to a complete halt, we didn't snuggle or cuddle anymore, but the worst of it was that I couldn't get her to tell me what was wrong. Then one night I came home from work and found Angie sitting on the bathroom toilet crying her eyes out. I asked what was wrong, but she wouldn't talk to me and when I persisted she screamed at...

1 year ago
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Derricks Awakening

Let's start by telling you the characters. Derrick: 19 year old college student. He claims to be gay. He is tall (6'4") and lean/muscular (180 pounds). A very good looking and smart kid, well liked by his peers. He has had several 'boyfriends' over his freshman year and is now a sophomore. He lives in the dorms on campus. Dad: This is me. I'm the father of Derrick and two other boys. I'm 40 and in good shape myself. Not as tall (5'7") but muscular (165 pounds). Very successful in business. I'm...

3 years ago
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The Monster Girl Encyclopedia

Myron hurried up the tower's stone steps as fast as he could with the back pack weighing him down. The fact the his drab uniform was a little over-sized on him wasn't helping either, but they had told him that it was the closest thing that they had in his size. Pushing up his glasses, he saw that he still had a ways to go to the top, so he took a deep breath and soldiered on. He was going to need the books he lugged along in his sack. Though the pages were blank now, when he returned from his...

4 years ago
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Drive in the Cuntry

“Fancy a drink?” I say as we get into the car.The smell of the blossom fresh on my senses as I step out of the car moving aside it and the door closing behind me. You spring out of the passenger door looking across the top of the car smiling and eyes sparkling.Outside a countryside pub we walk towards each other moving away from the bonnet of the car and my hand slides into the small of your back, touching you and gently rubbing up and down your lower back. You are dressed immaculately in a...

2 years ago
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Hot Horny Cousin

I'm 14 years old boy quite good build. And I have a girlfriend who I like very much. It was in July 2010 my cousins and my uncles came to spend the week with us. One of my cousins was sally who was 14 swell but she looked quite old for an 14 years old. She looked about 17 or at least 16. Who gets with me really well. We always used to spend the day in beach and the night partying, BBQ drinking. usually my girlfriend is always there but that weekend she had to go to a weeding.  Normally we...

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Vengeance Heart A ContinuationChapter 8

Two clan chiefs, the Kahn (who was the leader of the clans), and the representative from the Tidus principality stood staring at the smoking remains of the star. Five bodies were laying dead and were still smoking. The star had been destroyed by some spell cast in response to the attack on the enemy's leader. The Kahn was not a happy man. He had been told that the book of magic they had used to create the star of five was a most ancient and powerful magical instruction. It was true, that...

1 year ago
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BabymakerChapter 13

My mom paid little attention to me the morning after she'd tucked me in with a bedtime story and some quick, hard sex. I wasn't sure if we'd been making love or fucking. That might not seem very important to most people, but I'd been learning to appreciate the subtle differences. If I knew what we were doing, I hoped, I might almost know what I should be feeling. As it was, I felt a little bit of everything. "I don't want any phone calls today," she said, walking into the kitchen and...

1 year ago
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Sex With Pooja Sexy Neighbor

Let me introduce myself to the readers, I am 19 year old guy, athlete body.5″9` tall. In this particular story, I`ll tell you how had sex with a neighbor Aunt. This incident happened when I was 18 & lost my virginity to a lady of age 24. I`ve been a continuous reader of ISS, finally thought of writing the incident. Name of this lady is Pooja. Beautiful aspects, fair complexion, I think Cup boobs, I guess like 32; flat belly & great juicy lips. I`ve never think to have sex with a lady but this...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Melody Marks Stranger Sex Fantasy

Horny exhibitionist teen Melody Marks keeps herself entertained by showing off her ass-ets through the window, except this time home security rep Brad Sterling has paid a visit to her house and gets a close-up view. The naughty nymphette takes this as a sign of her stranger fucking fantasy cum true and doesn’t waste a second to unleash his already rock-hard cock to give him a blowjob. Then it’s nonstop pussy pounding in the bathroom and bedroom until the nubile Penthouse babe is...

3 years ago
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All for Mr Redman Chapter 7

Special thanks to: Spread1, Shotgun82, Clitpleaser12, rdwyier, Feazko, kakatz, JetiJah, workingman, stillagood1, guilz87, thickhead, TT, Ghostrider939, BadInAGoodWay, Ed W, and doug1953 For all their advice, support, encouragement and humour. I am grateful to each of you for the time you have taken in reading my stories and giving me feedback. And to all the writers of all the Unknown comments... thank you as well. It does mean something to get feedback and it is motivational to me....

3 years ago
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Gold MountainChapter 16

Encounters & Revelations Graydon and Mike had chosen to stay in a modest motel well outside of Denver, away from the congestion, noise, and choked highways. Both were disturbed by Atwood’s revelation that some form of extreme pressure would be used to acquire the Brightman ranch. And of course there was the matter of Mike’s cabin secluded in the timber-covered upper corner of the Brightman ranch, above the hay fields. No one answered Mike’s late afternoon call to the ranch. He waited an...

1 year ago
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First Time Cheating 8211 Part II

I am Sensual housewife. I think of it 24/7. I wish I could have sex all days and night. Watch porn all day and want to be fucked by anyone all the time and in all holes. Whomever I met I instantly fantasize having sex with him. My husband is not at all romantic” even during the day on holiday I hold him and kiss him on lips he says this is “Vasana” not “Love”. He cares for me so do I but when sex and romance comes he is just not match for me. We don’t have any chemistry. Sometime he gives me...

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For the Presidents Eyes Only Project Sweetpea

For the President's Eyes Only: Project Sweetpea By DEE DEE PERRI CHAPTER 1 The agent's eyes swept the crowded room once again with professional efficiency. To one untrained in his science, it would appear as a casual, almost bored, cursory examination of the restaurant, but a skilled observer would have noted the brief, almost imperceptible pause- the agent had detected something interesting. Now using the menu to partially obscure his actions, the man visually confirmed his...

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a masturbation session

i was anxious for her to leave for a few hours because even though we had just fucked that morning, I was ready to strip all my clothes off and masturbate on the sofa watching porn in the living room. She couldn’t have left sooner, my raging cock still moist from her wet pussy was starting to throb. As as soon as she left I locked the door behind her, checked the front door and three went into our room into her bedside table and brought out her dildos. Unbeknownst to her I had been using her...

4 years ago
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Sweet Baby Jane Chapter Nine

We made it to the theater in straight up twenty minutes, the show due to roll in only eight more as I pulled into the all but empty lot of the older mall in town. I looked around and figured I was going to bear the brunt of their wishes once again as we walked to the mall entrance and straight to the theater’s box office; certainly no waiting line to contend with. I paid the young looking teen aged girl at the window for four tickets to New Moon and got a look of awe from her. She recognized...

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Heather loved doing Gymnastics she had been doing it since she was 3yo and she was now 16yo. Heather is 5ft2 tall and has long brown hair and green eyes her weight is 70lbs and she has full 16C Cup tits that she first grew at younger age she was an early bloomer just like her mum who at 35yo and 5ft8 tall with black hair and brown eyes she has 36 D Cup Tits and she works hard to provide for her daughter since her husband died 3 years ago. Since Heathers mum works so hard and sometimes for...

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Prey to Predator

Mist is a wet world with lots of lakes and rivers. I can not remember a morning we did not have thick fog that usually lasts half the day. The larger lakes were known for huge fish that could grow to fifteen or twenty meters. The ocean predators grew larger but tourists came to fish the lakes. I had done a mandatory six years in the service before returning to Mist. I only wanted to be left alone. My family had over a hundred thousand hectares on the third continent in the northern hemisphere....

2 years ago
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Second Try At Love

Spring time had returned to our little city as I was nearing my college semester in Mid-May of 2013. So much stuff had happened between now and when I had sex with Jon back in January. I had my birthday so I was now 20, Jason stopped having sex with Rodney and I, so our little deal for a threesome every time Jason was horny had come to an end back in February. Daniel has been quiet for nearly the past year but he still looks at me. Rodney was also doing better too, emotional and physically. He...

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Fucked Two Friends And A Stripper

Hello people, This Is SRK again. You guys might have read my previous story ‘had great session with wife and S.I.L. my email This time It’s about an Incident that happened In my friends group. Last holiday I had a trip to U.S.A. with my group of friends. All of us are married. We were four guys Prem, Pratik, Suvek and myself and four girls Sonia my wife (tall, nice c cup size, fair, soft skin), Arpita (tall 5:10 height, c cup size, hour glass figure, smoothest skin I have felt till date),...

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The Wives

My brother’s wedding ceremony came and went and we were all excited to have Cristina in the family, me particularly so, given all that had transpired the night before the wedding.I headed home the day after the ceremony and life went back to normal. A few months later I received a notice that my wife’s green card paperwork was processed and she was finally able to moved stateside with me.I’d met my wife, Sarah, as she now liked to be called since no one could pronounce her real name, about a...

4 years ago
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The Tale of RolandChapter 15

Rachel had not seen her boyfriend, Jeff, as often as she would have liked because of her travels to the rodeos. And when she was home they were both busy with work, so it was a Friday and Saturday night relationship for the most part. They had been dating for three weeks before she slept with him. It wasn't great, but she chalked it up to opening night jitters. A week later she spent the night at his place. The sex was slightly better that time. She did have an orgasm, so she put that one...

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