Hard Times
- 2 years ago
- 31
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Jñao turned to Bora and made his confession, "You are under the influence of my smell, the same way Bolis and Fitol are. I have done a lot of thinking about you wanting to join my family. I like the idea and want to make you welcome but only if you make the choice without influence. It would be unconventional by Human or even Tandra protocols. The family needs a strong head, and I plan on being that person. Fidol will be one of my wives, even if he is male. This will take a bit of getting used to on my part as well as all of you. I expect all of you to work hard, and see if we can win the destroyer, I will ask each of you for your answer."
The air slowly cleared, and Jñao gave them all a good chance to recover from it's influence. Bolis resumed her work, thinking hard on the offer. What had happened seemed to still cloud her mind but the conviction to stay was still very strong.
Fidol had gotten up but did not don his coveralls yet. The chance for sex was still too great in his mind to think any other way. Never had a sooda been as strong as the one that now walked the ship. If only he could be the funt in his family. There would be no more worries of inadequacy, fear of rejection, or urges to end it all. This family could fill all the basic needs and provide control that was never there before.
Bora was simply stunned. She had heard all the words in her mind but did not consciously understand all the points. This male was so very strong. Her sudden need to have a child by this particular male didn't even feel odd. The chance of forming a family was beyond any dream she ever had. Raising children in the family with a male, or perhaps two, was not perceivable. Racking her mind she was not able to remember any instance where a female had to share with a male but in this instance she gladly would. Even to get a small portion of this male's time and attention would be enough.
Mom was doing her best to get public outrage behind her as she prosecuted the Japanese drug house in her daily show. It was part of an international organization trying to find out what Tandra medicine was able to do. One of the recruits was dead and the other was only saved by a heroic effort of the extraction team. Not only were cell samples taken but actual vivisection was carried out in an effort to find out more cell mechanics. Videos and still graphics of the condition the two were found in was displayed to all. She knew many people would be sick or very upset but that was a fact of life.
The opposition called in all its political clout and tried to get the Tandra censured for illegal search and seizure. Kidnapping was also inferred because the two recruits were not yet Tandra citizens. Mom countered with all the research done on the captives. The graphics were shown and she asked the residents of earth if this were what they wanted to happen to them. A day later all the things that the drug company had done to get the politicians into their pocket was exposed to the public. Not only conversations were listed but thoughts were told but listed as verbal communications.
Now with nothing to loose the politicians did everything in their power to harness the Tandra into a form that could be controlled. Some countries passed laws that covered citizens of other countries while in their own countries. Mom told the British how they were subject to Japanese laws when sitting in a local pub outside London. The backlash did not rescind the laws even when most thinking people decried their inception. Since Mom could not be shut up she pointed out how the laws were still on the books and could be evoked at any time after the current hullabaloo was over.
Anybody siding with the disgraced politicians soon found small portions of their own dirty laundry hung out for public viewing. With greater and greater detail coming forth the laws were soon nullified. The original crimes had not been prosecuted though. We had to be satisfied with all sorts of sanctions imposed on the corporation for any other action would be dragged through the courts for years.
The air in the small ship was rank with the smell of vomit, blood and urine. Hisako contemptuously nudged Moss' naked form with her foot. "Get up female, we have things to descuss."
The bleary eyed female opened her eyes and looked around and suddenly remembering how she had been treated. She cowered at the shape above her. Hisako nudged her again. "Get up, or do I have to boot you to the cleanser?"
Moss turned on her stomach and scrambled to the cleanser noticing a naked Sef doing a very diligent job of searching for any unidentified ships or potential ships in their range. Moss felt pain all over her body but her face was not sore as it should be. She searched out and found Sef then saw that he was unaccustomedly satisfied with himself. He had found a place for himself that also gave him fantastic satisfaction. Glos was not as satisfied in one way but did have the same feeling of belonging.
Moss came out of the cleanser and requested a garment from the AI but none was forthcoming. She looked down and found bruising all over her body and felt many sore joints and muscles. She came out showing her wounds, hoping to show this wild female what she had done to a peaceful person.
"Moss, my little child come here and sit."
Moss wondered what this was all about. She was not a child but was almost 430 years old. Searching the computer she saw that this Human was only a little over 50. Nevertheless she came and sat on the deck.
Hisako sat down, picked up one of her heals and put it on the seat she was sitting on. "Come closer child; we have things to discuss."
Moss could only see the hairy juncture of the female's legs and the small hole that leaked a small amount of blood. Wiggling her body she was compelled to get closer.
"Get closer, as close as you can get."
What did this woman want? Was she to stare into her opening as she talked? When she was as close as possible, Hisako reached out and grasped the short hair on the Tandra woman's skull and twisted it a bit. "Moss, we have a problem. It seems you think that all of this is a game. When we are done you will simply go back to the way things were before. We are at war now, even if it hasn't been declared. I want the destroyer so bad I can taste it. You will not give me all of your loyalty till you see that I am your leader." She paused as she looked closer at the female and forced her head to turn as her hand directed.
Moss felt she was in the presence of an insane person, one that the computers should have rectified long ago.
"Moss child, the way I see this situation, it is my job to get you to understand that I am your leader. You have never recognized any higher authority and have not been able to function well yourself because of your own preconceptions. If I should be able to accomplish this you will feel better knowing you are taken care of and even loved."
"I don't need... ," was as far as she got before Hisako put her hands on the pressure points in the woman's face and shoulder. The woman screamed at the pain and tried to get away but the strong hands would not allow it. Through the excruciating pain the woman heard, "Do you want me to take the pain away child?" After many reiterations the idea came through and the woman pleaded to be freed from the pain.
Hisako pulled the woman to her crotch and petted her hair. "There, there, see I took the pain away. Are you going to thank me child?"
"I... yes, thank you," the feeling of unreality was very strong. How could this woman say this and then be the one to cause the pain?
"I see that you have not learned yet. My people have a saying about pain purifying the spirit. You have a heavy spirit that I will try to help." The pain came back and the woman heard, "The pain is taking away all your bad ideas and casting them out," over and over. Finally when Moss screamed over and over too that she wanted the pain taken away, did Hisako finally relent.
"There, see child how I took away all the pain?"
"Yes, oh yes. Thank you for taking the pain away," she said frantically. Her mind not allowing any contrary thought to emerge.
"That is good child; but you should address me as Mother. I will look out for you and you will do the best you can to grow up into a productive adult."
"Yes, yes Mother. I will do that for you."
"I am going to give you the other side of pain now because you have been a good little girl." The woman's mind frantically looked for escape and knew there was none. "Do not worry, little Moss. There will be no pain for my little girl. Mother loves you."
Rubbing the woman's face on the secretions from between her legs she pulled the now docile woman up and placed her chest on the low bunk. "Stay here my little darling. I will get ready." Sef jumped up at the command and brought over the red bag and the oil. He held it in position as Hisako placed some oil on her end and wiggled onto the phallus. It was strapped on and Hisako put more oil on the other end before walking behind Moss.
With a lubricated hand she traced all the little nerve clusters and the distraught woman brought her tear filled eyes up to see what was happening. The feeling was so nice like what a lover would do. In a moment she felt something entering her uterus but the finger was too big. Her tissue stretched and stretched to accommodate the invader and she could not move out of the way.
The groans seemed to drive Hisako on as she pushed deep into the woman. Never had anything been up her that far before. Moss tried to raise her head and back up but Hisako used her hands and drove the woman's face into the bed. Many strokes later the hands were not needed and Moss now groaned in want. She was stretched wide and felt all of the small nubbins inside her fire as they were caressed by the rigid member within her.
When Moss was close to her peak Hisako stopped and said, "Child, see what you get when you obey. Would you like your mother to continue?"
Moss eagerly said yes and Hisako continued to stroke into her. The woman came like never before and Hisako was constantly telling her to 'obey' at every stroke. Hisako made mental images of Moss doing what she was told, and getting this kind of reward. A half hour later the woman could take the stimulation no longer and just lapsed into unconsciousness. Hisako just continued with her mantra to set the lesson as best she could.
Looking at her males, she saw Sef on the deck waiting his turn if it pleased her. Glos was trying his best to fulfill his duties but found it the most difficult thing he had ever done in his life.
"Sef, Honey, I want you to take the helm now and continue on our course. Glos will now be pleased by his mother. If you are a good boy you too will be filled by me."
Sef readily got into another chair and learned all he could from Glos so that he could continue. Glos just sat in his seat waiting for explicit orders. When they came he almost ripped his clothing off in haste and got on the floor in position. Hisako lubricated the phallus again and used extra on Glos. She was very gentle in entering him and did not need to give the commands to obey for she knew that he would do anything for her now.
Duc's next call brought everything to a head. Tran Xuan Cong had been seriously hurt, he heard. The time had come to rescue them. Because of the injuries, Duc was to come with Lam and bring a few of the med units to help save the life of their relative. The extra unit was to be used to bribe a senior military officer into helping. The man would risk the lives of his soldiers when they went in to secure the family. The underworld kingpin was to kill the family in only three hours and it was mandatory that Duc and Lam be there to help the soldiers.
The phone calls had been traced through Los Angeles to Napa and finally Hanoi. Mom had considered Vietnam a vital link all along and quickly found a link there to old Saigon, or Ho Chi Minh City now. A probe showed a large mansion on the outskirts of the city. It held a district administrator, a lawyer, and two members of the local underworld.
The questions around the table centred on whether Duc would go for the plan or would he bring those invisible commandos that had struck the Japanese drug company recently.
The government official said, "Many people have been listening to Tran's voice. Almost all are convinced he is very concerned and will do as he is asked.
"What if the commandos come?"
"I have transferred many tonnes of old explosives to the site from a military base. If the commandos come they will be consumed by the blast and so will everybody else. The people at the site know nothing of us and even if captured could not tell anybody."
A small ship dropped from the sky and opened to reveal Duc and Lam. They got out as ordered and a small sphere orbited each.
A soldier in full combat dress ran to them from a nearby building. Lam could see a test coming on. The soldier said, "Come with me. I will show you to the Captain." Then with his mind he said, "There is a mine under your foot. Don't step down!"
Duc had understood and without hesitation placed his foot on the ground.
When this hurdle was passed the soldier asked, "What are those things flying around you?"
Duc replied, "Medical units."
Probes came from all over accompanied by invisible men and Tandra in combat suits.
Duc and Lam were led into a low building with no other neighbours or even vegetation around. Soldiers in camouflage were all over the place. Small radar units were constantly scanning for any enemy approaching. Captain Nguyen Van Nam, in a pressed suit, came forward and greeted his guests. They were offered refreshments which were politely refused.
"How will you help us rescue Tran Xuan Cong and his family?"
"We have traced the gang to an old warehouse on the other side of the city. There will be many hoodlums there and security will be tight."
"I used to live in this city. Why can't the police raid this place?"
"The police and many government officials are corrupt. Tran and his family would be dead moments after you asked for help."
At the moment they first saw the captain they knew he was lying. The whereabouts of the family was unknown and this was just a ploy to steal some medical units, kidnap them and force information out of the new captives. In this case they wanted to learn what they could from the tiny ship hovering centimetres over the ground and not two hundred metres away. The metal helmets all of the soldiers wore attested to their belief that their minds could not be read.
Thirty klicks away, Private Pham, who had once been General Pham dropped from a hundred metres and joined the rest of his squad. The small house outside the mansion had electronic guards as well as men with dogs patrolling the grounds. Small combat probes flew ahead and monitored each and every living being in the vicinity. In the basement of the small house lived the Tran family but in complete isolation.
The crew of six were all in position and the mission began. Small probes the size of a house fly flew to all the living targets that were visible and stunned them into unconsciousness. The three Tandra and three men raced forward and disintegrated a hole in the wall and entered the house. Invisibly they found the indoor guards and stunned them before cutting through the floor. With carefully placed weapons they removed the floor and descending onto the startled family below. Invisible weapons came up and all were stunned. Small shields were placed on all the family and they were quickly carried out of the house. Private Pham used different probes to search out the alarms and wiring before finding many kilos of explosives in and around the house the captives were held in. An automatic pistol caught his eye and he took the souvenir with him.
With the family safely placed in a ship, the squad leader returned to the mansion and worked his way around all the alarms and through an open door to the library where the administrator and mobsters were waiting for information.
Pham read each of their minds and knew for a fact that all were guilty of much more than just this kidnapping and attempted extortion. Stepping into another room he removed his combat suit and activated his simple civilian unit. He stood and nonchalantly walked in on the four men as they drank some brandy and waited for reports.
The four jumped to their feet and two drew heavy guns on the young man. "How did you get in here? Who are you?"
"You have never met me before but up to a few weeks ago I was called General Pham. Now I am very happy to say my name is Private Pham of the Alliance."
The guns immediately went off and bullets struck the private's shield many times while the private calmly waited for the guns to click on empty. The men soon realized that they were wasting their time and efforts. Within seconds the room was full of smoke and the guns once more quiet.
The distraught regional director asked, "Why are you here?"
"You make me ashamed to think that I once called this country home. I have lived many years in the military with some people like you advising. Thankfully that has now changed."
Private Pham dropped his shield and reached behind his waist and brought out his new gun. The gun worked faster than it had ever done before and four neat holes appeared between the eyes of his erstwhile countrymen.
Pham threw down the gun and donned his combat suit. The safe was pillaged for information and to make it look like robbery. He invisibly flew off to the ship. Soon it lifted off. Behind them the little house blew up into many small pieces taking with it some of the guards.
Lam and Duc got the news and all the men around them fell to the floor unconscious at the same time. Duc walked around to the captain and for a moment thought of at least giving him a good kick. He made do with picking up the captain's swagger stick and quickly breaking it in two.
The larger ship hovered close to Binh Minh while Duc and Lam settled to the centre of the village in their four place fighter. Astonished people stared open mouthed as two young people got out of the craft and stood to look around the village they had been born in. Parents hustled their children inside and closed their doorways before huddling in fright.
Duc called out in a loud voice the names of the older people he knew and some slightly embarrassing information about each that would not be known by outsiders. As faces came into view Duc called them by name. The younger ones were only known from pictures but their minds confirmed each of their identities. Finally an old man using a cane, came forward to see the people that said they were Duc and Lam. His eyesight was not very good and he had to come close.
"You are not Duc and Lam. They are much older than you. They left here almost 30 years ago and live in America."
To the Vietnamese Canada was still America. "Danh, you are my uncle. You chased me many times for stealing your beer. Once you made me sit with you and drink so much that I was sick and puked all over myself. You laughed and so did Uncle Hien and Quang. After that, on my birthday, and even on my wedding night, you retold the story. I kept filling your cup hoping you would just fall asleep but you didn't."
"That sounds like the Duc I knew. Why are you so young?"
"I know you have heard stories of the people that came from the stars. Our son-in-law found them and helped them regain the stars. Lam and I bought food for them to eat. In return they made us young again, fixed my teeth and I can now see without the glasses I once had to wear."
The old man said, "Those people are very strong. Why would they give you one of their mighty ships?"
"First, give me some of your awful beer and call the rest of the village around. Lam and I have a long story to tell and you will enjoy a tale that you will be able to tell down through the ages."
Five minutes into the tale Lam warned the village that Tran Xuan Cong would now be walking back with the squad that rescued them. They had stayed invisible till Duc had settled his people. The village did not even know that the family had been in very serious trouble. When told that all the Humans were formally Vietnamese the villagers were very proud. The prospect in the next breath of three Tandra coming with them, drew a hush.
From down the winding path came a man they knew and a strange young man at his side. The procession ended with two men in the rear, with something like rifles over their shoulders.
The young child carried in his mother's arms wiggled as he saw his friends. The mother put him down and he ran to his friends and started to tell of all the things that happened to his family in the last few weeks.
When the line got to Duc and Lam, Cong stepped forward and greeted both Duc and Lam. "Thank you for rescuing us," he said with the most respect he could manage to carry in his voice and stance.
Duc held his nephew in a tight hug instead and when they stepped back he said, "You are mistaken nephew. Private Pham and his squad rescued you. Lam and I just kept the others busy so they would not be looking for anybody coming after all of you." Relaxing a bit he carried on, "The reason you and your family were taken was because they wanted to find a way to steal information of devices so they can learn things."
Duc introduced Pham and he in turn introduced his squad; when he got to the three Tandra the village remained deathly quiet.
Duc said in a loud voice, "I want to thank all of you for saving my family." He walked down the line and shook the men's hands and then the long fingered ones of the Tandra. Lam followed and Cong then did the same thing. He had a difficult time pronouncing the Tandra names but tried hard. Soon everybody wanted to try the odd custom of shaking hands and especially with the Tandra.
A party was set up with the entire village of 83 people plus the guests. The fighter was opened and the adults went in first and marvelled at the simplicity. Soon the ship was full of children clambering over everything. Lam told the worried parents that the children could do no damage.
The impromptu meal was set up and the Tandra enjoyed everything, unless it was spicy. The beer was good but had no effect on the Tandra or the recruits due to the changes in their bodies.
Danh sat in a chair and the med units went over his body doing everything that a simple units could do. He got up almost 15 minutes later and stood straight without the need of his cane for the first time in almost ten years. The children were done now in groups of four and when it got late they were put to bed. It wasn't till almost three in the morning that everybody had been given a basic checkup and a few minor repairs.
The adults that were still awake saw Lam and Duc leave right behind a large ship that had been hovering invisibly over one of their fields.
Captain Shingle sat in his chair and worked on the problems aboard the ship. It looked like some of the malcontents have been assimilated into the crews while others hadn't. The reasons for the successes and failures should be looked into. The number of instructors had gone up as the recruits got some of their basic training. It would take years for a real teacher or crew member to be shaped, formed and finally hardened. What he had here was the half blind leading the totally blind; but everybody was happy with the improvement. Humans were normally more than simply blind to start with.
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ReluctanceThis is my naughty story and I'll start from the beginning:l was on my way to Nottingham this morning to visit some family and thought this was the perfect time to start this series for you guys! So I was on the train, l'd managed to get a seat with a table and the train was quite busy. I'd bought my lil black love egg and I'd got my phone out to watch a couple of vids and read some stories to get inspired! I was watching one of my favourite videos of a library masturbation and I was getting...
Every Wednesday I'd get a visit from Dom who would fuck my mouth for a while then come into the cubicle and fuck me and command me to suck whatever cock would come through the hole, he would blow inside me whilst jerking me to completion, my asshole was still not used to taking his huge thick cock but it never stopped me, it felt right riding his fat dick and feeling his cock twitching inside me while his balls blasted coat after coat of hot cum into my ass. I arrived to work early one...
Ultimate Poke A Pokémon choose your own adventure “this book is a game!” Chapter 1: quite a rub! You wake up. At least you think you were sleeping. At least you think you are awake. You do not recognize this room. It is far to clean, you have never seen anything like it. No dirt or dust or damage of any kind. And the colors of the blankets and the rug, the wooden floorboards are all vibrant. You try to stand up. Did you struggle only to fall back again? Or did you not move at all? How long have...
Sam and Jo Roberts lived about 8 hours away from his sister Pam and her husband Peter Smythe and because of the distance between their homes and the fact that they each had high school and college aged children, were only able to get together for a few days at Christmas. Sam and Pam's parents Tom and Audrey had just retired and wanted to get rid of some money so their assets would be just under the limit to allow them to receive the full pensions they felt entitled to after working and paying...
How can I ever thank you but to continue the story in part 3? **kiss** my darling Amanda ‘May I have this dance?’ I ask. Your eyes smile as you reach up and take my hand. The electricity of our fingers touching causes jolts to run up my arm. Oh how much I love this man. I hear the music you’ve picked, a salsa, and my hips begin to sway seductively. I see your expression change to one of surprise and pleasure. ‘Dance for me, darling,’ you tell me. With a smile in my eyes and my heart pounding,...
I always find the chance to touch teats and breasts of sleeping girls or women. So I want to share the stories of those incidents with others. I assure u that every tale will give u a full satisfaction.I grew up in my native village and most of the village dwellers were ignorant. Mu uncles except my youngest uncle were not educated, they were farmer. My third elder uncle has five daughters, three were older than me and two were younger. Between younger two one was almost at my age, a...
Gladys had been hesitant what with the fears of sexual disease in this modern age. Sexually transmitted infections or venereal diseases, are infections that are commonly spread by sex, especially vaginal intercourse, anal sex and oral sex. Most diseases initially do not cause symptoms. Normally symptoms and signs of disease may include vaginal discharge, penile discharge, ulcers on or around the genitals, and pelvic pain. More than 30 different bacteria, viruses, and parasites can cause human...
I am an anesthesiologist, my roll is to put people under. She was his assistant, so it was difficult to fuck a patient without her walking in. I started to get interested in her when i had to distract her while the doc had his way with a patient. He would distract her while i had my way with a patient. We started having conversations, she told me she had a recent break up so i knew she was vulnerable. Once she got my attention i started buttering her up with compliments....
Jessica lounged on her couch in her pajama set watching television. She had been flipping through the cable channels trying to find something to do until her boyfriend called. He was halfway across the country on business, and she had another three hours to wait for the call. She had thought about taking a nap, but she had decided to watch television and stay awake. She was now bored and decided to sign on her laptop to look online for some naughty chat. As soon as her laptop turned on, she...
HardcoreIntroduction: pt of my short stories We have been to your mothers fiftieth birthday [arty and Were on our way back home in your car, You have been looking at me all night like you want to eat me alive and decide to pull the car over to the side of the road and drag me out, walking us into a field you tell me to take my dress off. You tell me to stand there in the cold air in just my bra and French knickers, you stand in front of me looking at me before you decide what you want to do. I notice...
The Ultimate Punishment By TrueZero To their parents, Martin and his four friends were as troublesome as could possibly be. They were only sixteen, and they already were on the road to prison. They drank, did drugs, constantly defied and challenged their parents, and recently were released from Police custody after breaking in to an old man's house and damaging several items on his property, and stealing others. Their parents were at their wits'...
I’m writing this account to share with readers what happened when I finally gave in to my husband’s constant pleading for me to have sex with another man. My husband has fantasized about me being with a black man for years now. I resisted for years, telling him truthfully that my body was only for him, and that I didn’t want to share myself. Still, he continued to badger me over the subject. He constantly wanted to role play using a black dildo that we purchased. I would play along. Sometimes...
University is complicated no matter the circumstances, but for Nick Kotsopoulous it was all that much harder. Leaving her family and all that she'd ever known, she traveled half way across the world for the chance of expanding her horizons by getting her doctorate in English from Yale University. The decision was a hard one to make but her family knew as well as she did that in order for her to get the best education possible and open many doors of opportunity along the way, she must leave her...
I sit in my world of sexually charged self-pity wondering how or what I did to get myself into this predicament. I squeal loudly as John again pounds his swollen member up into the depths of my wet tight pussy a few times and then relaxes, leaving his cock embedded balls-deep within me. Without moving, I feel the strong shaft throb against my inner walls and the bulbous head pulsate with each heart beat. His arms are still wrapped around my back, holding me in place for my brothers impending...
Hi to all or your readers of ISS. I’m Nitin from Delhi I liked most of the stories here and loved them and sometimes dreamt for the stories plot in the night. I’m 24 yrs of age and I m going to narrate you a story which happened to me when I was in my intermediate class and I had sex with my biology teacher her name was Sonal. let me describe how the incident took place I was good in my studies and most of my teachers also loved me because of my results and concentration in my studies but since...
When I turn 18 I get a special gift from my mother hi my name is Joanne My mom JoJo and is up giving me a wonderful present on my 18th birthday the next thing you know when I woke up on my 18th birthday I found her in my bed. She was kissing my neck she was also feeling my brass she has two massage them into the hard nipples. It was soon her mouth moved to my neck to my mouth, and we shared a great long deep tongue kiss together. As she was teasing my nipples. When she was teasing my nipples...
IncestMom I’m feeling warm all overSoon I’m going to shoot deep into you Forgive me but I can’t pull outI know I promised but now is now I know this is all wrongBut the night has been ardent and long What may happen is what willI only hope that in the morning you’ll love me still The throbbing starts and then it buildsYou are on all fours and your breasts sway You seem startled all of a suddenIs itTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.
IncestBob Kuzneski, the man next door, was the man of her dreams.Over the days that came, Misha's whole perspective of her life changed. Sure, she was still the same person, but her outlook and priorities had changed. She found herself a lot more upbeat, giggly and excitable. She again felt like the silly teenage girl living next door to the hot guy.She was spending her days laughing at his jokes, dressing revealingly for him, hoping to catch him alone while trying not to get caught by her husband,...
Mind ControlChapter 1As I am sitting here writing this, I still find it hard to believe that this actually happened. It all started when my wife was about to deliver our c***d. Rita and I had been married about three years when she got pregnant. I'm an architect, still trying to establish myself in a big firm. We do all right, not great and we own a nice two-bedroom condo in a small town outside Boston. Due to some complications, Rita was bedridden for the last three months of her pregnancy and had to be...
Shortly after I turned 16, I got my drivers license and dad bought me a car, was much but ran good and got me where I wanted go, mostly. School had let out early for a teacher's meeting of something, I had dropped Jerome and Travis off and headed home, turning onto my street, I saw Tyronns Escalde parked in front of house, so I parked down street and snuck in thru back garage door, was surprised dads car was there with good still warm. I could here dad and Ty talking in living room, was hard to...
It was a spring day bright and sunny but not too warm. Jakob and some of his friends were in town at the street fair drinking beer and enjoying themselves.As the evening slowly approached, fair attendance shifted from families with small children to teenagers showing off in front of each other by buying alcohol whether they were allowed to or not. Jakob saw some of his son's friends trying to buy beer though they were way too young. Luckily, his wife was with the children at home, a night of...
CheatingI was the first resident in the dining area, just like most days. Even at my age I was healthier than most of the other residents and could still move around on my own, and just couldn't stand to sit in my room any longer. Every morning, as soon as the clock said "6:00" I was out of there. I needed a walker -I'd finally given up on just using a cane a few months back- but other than that I was ready to go anywhere they'd let me. These days that wasn't very far. Every one of us was here...
Anyone who knows me, even a little, will know that I used to be a regular member of a sex forum and would get very involved with writing sex stories, posting naughty pictures and join in with extremely contentious and lively debates. Despite my diminutive stature, my attitude was not of a meek and mild person. That was the public persona and it was a good escape from my real life. Anyone who knew me better on that site knew another part of me, the real me and I could count on my fingers,...
*This story is based on the above picture by XenaStorm from DeviantArt. Credit for the image goes to her: https://www.deviantart.com/xenastorm/art/Halloween-witch-590838012 Jack was walking home from the gym after an amazing workout. Although most people tend to work out earlier in the day, Jack much preferred to exercise later because he loved the nighttime and the feeling of the brisk, cool air against his skin. Little did he know, he’d really be feeling that air against his skin in just a...
Celadus moved his kiss from her sweet mouth to her neck, then to her chest, working his way down to her heaving, eager breasts. Selassie moaned and squirmed under him as his kisses burned a fiery trail down her body. When he reached her breasts with their dark brown areolae and hard stiff nipples, he licked a small circle around the near one as his hand moved to cup its sister on the far side. "Ohhh..." Selassie moaned, arching her back and thrusting her breasts up for him to feast on."You like...
HistoricalAggie walked outside to the Valet. "Can you get me a cab to this address?" she asked the young man standing there. The valet pulled a whistle out of his pocket and blew it as he waved his hand. A beat-up old Chevy pulled up and he opened the door for Aggie. Aggie climbed in as the driver stared at the long expanse of leg left bare by the short dress, as she got into the rusty, beat-up, old car."Where to princess?" the driver asked."This address please," she said, handing him a piece of...
TeenAfter that, I left the podium and exited out a side door. There wasn’t going to be any schmoozing in the aisles tonight. Once outside the chamber, I sent somebody in to find the Commandant of the Marine Corps and ask him to see me for a minute or two. I smiled as I considered that. Once upon a time if a senior officer ‘asked’ me to do something, it was really an order. Now I was the one doing the asking. My, how Second Lieutenant Buckman had grown up. Marilyn and the kids showed up about a...
You wake, roll over and sit, eyes still adjusting to your surroundings. As you rub your eyes and clear your mind there is something familiar about this place. Instinct brings about recognition of where you are and you peer at the shapes before you in the darkness. No longer sleeping in your bed the realisation dawns. You lay on cushions, comfortably reclined, a rug on the floor beneath you, the stars showing in the velvet sky above. A distant fire burns low; the vast room bathed in its faint...
BDSMAbout three months ago some of us girls at work were talking about our sexual experiences and one of them was telling about this sexy new doctor in town and that she had been to him and how she wanted to have him in her.(i am at moradabad now my id any one need some secreat realations then mail me) Being the slut that i am, she had me interested in this sexy doctor. I told my husband about what the lady at work had said about him and that i would like to meet him. My husband suggested that if...
IncestAt 45, I am widowed and manage a chain steakhouse in Bermidji, Minnesota where I employ about sixty full-time and part-time employees. I live just outside the city on a half-acre of land that backs up to a snow mobile trail. My neighbor, Nikki, is a single mother with a daughter, Rochelle, who is in high school. Every once in a while Nikki asks me to come over to help her fix something. A broken lock, plumbing leak, or her computer. Between all of the visits I have gotten to know her and her...
Those of us who were naked got dressed and we all parted ways. Back at home, I got to fuck Jess from behind over the edge of our sofa as payment for throwing the contest. I didn’t get anal (perhaps that was the ‘consequence’?) but it still felt like a pretty fair deal. After cleaning ourselves up, I started Googling for ideas on the graduation ceremony. “Hey, Jess, come here,” I called out from the desk where I was seated in front of our computer. “What’s up?” she said coming up behind...
Let kick things off, what setting do you want to see the dolls in, the movie they originated from/the year of 1997, something a bit more modern with cell phones and wifi, or just watch them go after characters from other media? Remember all characters depicted in this story are 18 years older or older unless said other wise in story.
One Life Times Two ------------------------------------------------------------------------ What if you change sex, but it isn't because of magic or surgery. What if it's just the way things are supposed to be? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ My name is Joshua. Joshua T. Sullivan. I was born a perfectly normal boy; perfect that is except for being blind in my left eye. The funny thing is that the eye looks normal and acts normal, just...
My name is Seenu, my wife is Mangai and for the past 3 days my elderly mother in law has stayed with us while my wife is away for a week visiting her sister interstate, her name is Mala, she is 48 Years old, she has a nice body, no movie star just a plain figure but she is not a barrel or a bubble either. I have always been a boob man and hers are a nice size, and have often tried to see down her top or in her blouse to catch a glimpse of cleavage, on the odd occasion she has caught me and...
Captain Jesakalin was busying herself by examining the tactical situation. Her ship was on picket duty on the outer part of the solar system. The Ishalitk, or Sapphire, system contained seven planets. There were three rocky inner ones including Sapphire which was second from its sun. There were four gas giants of various sizes in the middle and outer system. The fourth of these planets was a blue-green sphere about the size of Neptune. It was called Terlarin by the dizyntk. It bore the family...
It had been a month since the last time we were together and I heard the since of urgency in his voice professing his need and desire to be with me needing to release the sexual tension which had been building. Without haste we made plans to meet, as I hung up the phone I could feel the yearning for him growing all the way through my body as being with him filled my thoughts and dreams for weeks. The following morning I awoke and sat on the edge of the bed rubbing the sleep from my eyes I...
Rae munched on a celery stick, checked the clock, and suppressed a groan. She knew from previous years that the management wouldn’t start handing out door prizes for at least an hour. The company party was dragging on even more than a normal work day, as usual. It wasn’t as if she had anything better to do, though. Five years after her divorce and a year from the dreaded 4-0, she was about to give up. A string of boring relationships and bad sex had prompted her to stay home for the last...