Gaia's ChampionChapter 22 free porn video

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Eva pulled up to the curb of their street, with Amy in the passenger seat. By the front door, Darren, Emalia and Elizabeth stood idle, until they spotted the car. They hopped to, heading for the car right away, and they piled into the back seat.

“Sounds like shit has really hit the fan,” Elizabeth commented as she buckled herself in.

“Indeed, it has! I just hope that you have some serious energy reserves there, Liz. I can already feel this is going to be a long day!” Amy said as she blew out a heavy breath. “Have you been practicing with your magic, Darren?”

“Yes, I have been,” her brother replied.

“I mean outside the bedroom!” she laughed.

“Again, my answer is yes. Have you seen the new walls of vines that cover the fences now?” he asked her.

“No, I haven’t. Is that your work?” she wondered.

“It is. They’re not just there to look pretty or to reinforce the fences. The vines have some pretty wicked defenses worked into them,” he stated.

“Like what?”

“Let’s see; touching the vines will make you disoriented to where you have vertigo, the pods on the vines, when triggered, will release a cloud of paralytic toxin that knocks you out for hours, and certain clusters are ones that will entangle and hold you in place. Even Jason would be hard pressed to break free of those,” Darren told her.

“Wow!” Amy replied, truly impressed with her brother’s initiative. “Those are some pretty badass defenses!”

“They only trigger when a non-Gaian gets too close, or tries to jump the fence,” Daelina told her.

“Ah! You helped him with setting those up then?” Eva asked, as she drove the car onto the highway, heading for the house.

“A little,” Daelina admitted. “I helped guide him and had to get him to tone down the defenses.”

“Tone them down? What do you mean?” Elizabeth asked, curious.

“Darren originally wanted to have the plants exude a deadly poison and give off noxious clouds of deadly gas. I had to talk him out of those, as they could affect us too,” Daelina stated.

“You wanted to do poisonous plants, to protect our home?” Amy asked, awed that her brother would go to such lengths.

“When we came to Elizabeth’s house and kicked the door in, you had no manner of deterring us. So, I wanted to make it so that anyone else who tried to break in would not find it so easy as we did,” Darren said.

“I will say this much, little bro; badass!” Amy told him as she offered her fist to him. Darren smiled and bumped her back as they headed to the house, wondering what the plan was.

“Going into the forest, with what little we know?” Sheena asked, cocking an eyebrow at her boyfriend.

“You got any better ideas? If you do, I’m all ears,” Jason said.

“If we must go in there, we’ll need to employ scorched earth tactics. Burn everything around us as we go. Don’t want any surprises or traps coming at us where we can’t see them,” Sheena replied.

“I agree with Sheena on this, babe. Burning a path to the grove is the best option, if that’s where you want to go,” Phalmina said to him.

“A sound idea. Burn away the corruption, so that the Great Spirit can reclaim these lands once again,” the Wolf Shaman agreed.

“Ema? Your thoughts?” Jason asked.

“I agree with Mina. Fire seems like the best way to fight these things. Carve a path to the grove and burn it down. Fire will burn away anything that rots,” Emalia stated.

“Then we’re in agreement. We should have some ice spells handy though, to slow down anything that attacks us,” Jason replied.

“Slow them down or root them to the spot before burning them to ash? I like it!” Sheena enthused with a grin. “But our ability to use such spells is limited. Where do you expect us to learn how to wield such magic?”

Jason snorted a laugh before pointing at the house, which left Sheena confused for a moment, before she facepalmed herself.

“Shut up!” she snapped at Jason.

“What? I didn’t say anything!” Jason snickered.

“No, but you were going to,” Sheena accused.

“Says who?” he asked her in a boyfriend voice.

“Says me, that’s who!” Sheena told him.

“If we could put aside the bickering for a moment? While it is hot watching you two argue, we have a job to do,” Phalmina reminded the pair.

Jason and Sheena blushed for a moment as some raunchy thoughts flitted through their minds before they focused back on the task at hand. The entire group adjourned to the interior of the house, heading for where the books were stored. Xaera had pulled together a comprehensive list of tomes to go through, as she had little else to do while there.

While everyone moved inside, the Shaman moved to the front of the house, with Bert in tow. Though Sheena had magically cleared his arteries and a second heart attack wasn’t in the cards for a while, the children had terrified him. Not wishing to see them again, he went and sat on the porch, with his notebook in hand, and resumed his questions for souls of the Shaman.

He sat there, jotting down everything they told him, his mood improving markedly as they conversed. Bert had grown up during a time when residential schools were still a thing and the memories still haunted him. The cultural genocide that his people endured was nearly complete, but with this knowledge he was receiving, it would soon be reversed. He continued to write things down as a car pulled into the driveway from the road.

“Hello?” he called out to the women who got out of the vehicle.

“Good morning! I’m guessing that you’re Bert?” Eva questioned, as she neared the elder.

“Yes, I am. And you are?” he replied, smiling at the gorgeous woman.

“Eva Marston, Druidess in training,” she told him.

“Ah! Another Great Envoy! Welcome! The others are inside, studying spells, I believe,” Bert told them as he gestured to the door.

“Are these...” Darren asked as he caught sight of the spirits of the dead Shaman.

“Honored elders,” Amy spoke to them, bowing respectfully. Darren, Eva, Elizabeth and Daelina followed suit, showing the spirits the deference they were due.

“You honor us, sister Shaman,” the Wolf Shaman replied, placing his hand on Amy’s shoulder. “As do you, guardian. You do well to take care of the new lives that your fairy consort carries. They will be strong in the Great Spirit’s power. Give them the guidance they need to grow good and strong.”

“I will ... honored elder,” Darren replied, bowing a bit deeper.

“Go. Your friends will need your help this day,” the Shaman told them. Everyone then stood up and headed inside, eager to find out what the gameplan was. The Shaman smiled after them, before he turned to Bert.

“Much had changed since our days. Whites bowing to us out of respect, without prompting?” the Shaman wondered with a smile.

“Oh, it has! Though whites did a lot to our people, they’re not all bad. Hell, some have even sided with us in our fight to reclaim what was once lost, and for reparations for what has been done to our people,” Bert stated.

“Really? We have true allies among the whites?” the Shaman questioned.

“Let me tell you about my friend, Jerry! Real nice guy who helped me and my boys out with a lot with things!” Bert started. The Shaman listened, eager to hear the story that Bert had to tell of his friend.

The Gaians stood about inside, each one of them with at least one book in hand, studying its contents. There was much to be learned from the archive that had been liberated from the Sons of Caesar. Xaera had even found a book that contained some basics for Troll magic. She was currently engrossed in that tome, smiling the entire time she was reading.

“Hmm! While Druidic magic is powerful, its scope is limited,” Jason commented.

“How so?” Sheena asked.

“Well, it seems that when it comes to anything that exists in nature, it can be done! The only catch is that it has to exist for us to make use of it,” Jason stated.

“Like, water needs to be around in order for you to make use of it?” Amy queried.

“Exactly like that!” Jason said. “If it is currently in existence around me, then I can draw and channel it into something very fearsome! But I have to have said aspect in order to do it.”

“So that’s why when Druids banded with Shaman, they were nearly unstoppable,” Phalmina smirked.

“How do you mean?” Eva questioned.

“Shaman, while they are in some ways weaker than a Druid, have distinct advantages that a Druid does not. Shaman can summon the very weather itself to work for them, be it mist, rain, fire, ice, etc. Druids cannot, but if a Shaman were to summon certain elements into play, like say, a fire spell...” Phalmina started.

“Then the Druid could work with the element in play and either amplify it, of craft his or her own spell from what the Shaman has brought forth!” Sheena replied, putting the pieces together.

“Exactly! So, as long as Shaman and Druids stick together, using their magic and abilities in tandem with each other, there is little on this planet that could stop you!” Phalmina told them.

“I can be of some help as well!” Xaera stated.

“Oh? How so?” Sheena asked.

“Troll magic, while it does come from Gaia, it also draws on elements that are outside of Gaia’s control,” Xaera told them as she walked forward.

“Like a fusion of magical energy?” Eva wondered.

“Yes! Exactly like that! This book here details that because of this, my magic will be able to do things that even Gaian magic cannot,” Xaera told them.

“Let me see that!” Jason muttered as he walked over. Xaera handed him the book, and he peered at it intently, flipping through several pages. His eyes widened as he took in the information that was written there, and he smiled to himself.

“Luke, I think they will require your input here,” Jason said to his friend.

“Why do you think that?” Luke wondered.

“Because, with what I’m seeing, what Xaera can do, or the theory of it, is right up your wheelhouse. One of your mains in WoW is a mage, right?” Jason questioned.

“Yeah?” Luke answered hesitantly. He walked over and took the book that Jason was reading and took a gander at it. As his eye scanned the contents, a smile lit up his face, which progressed to a grin.

“Holy damn man! Did Blizzard get their hands on one of these spellbooks or something?” Luke laughed.

“Maybe the theory of magic isn’t that difficult or ludicrous at all. Might be that most of it is just common sense, to those who have the mindset for it,” Karla interjected.

“You know, that might just be the simplest way to explain magic,” Phalmina grinned. Karla smiled at the compliment and shrugged.

“That’s Occam’s Razor for you,” Luke remarked.

“Occam’s Razor? What’s that?” Daelina questioned.

“When you have a problem of any kind, the simplest solution to it tends to be the correct one,” Amy filled in.

“Oh! That makes sense!” Phalmina grinned.

“If what I’m reading here is right, a lot of the fancy and destructive spells I see in the game, Xaera will be able to use, no problem!” Luke smiled.

“Sounds like Xaera’s magic will most assuredly give us the edge we need to win this fight!” Sheena enthused. “Especially since last time this Nymph fought anyone; it was only Shaman she was fighting.”

“I agree, but that doesn’t mean that we should be careless. You saw what she did to the vines when I tried to tangle her up,” Jason stated. The reminder of the rotting plantlife was a sobering thought.

“Well, we should be careful and start learning about any barrier or defensive spells, then. Anything that keeps ... Felicitae at a distance is something we should have handy,” Darren suggested, which was met with a round of nods from everyone.

“No arguments here. After seeing what she did to the plants, I’m not eager to see that same effect on human flesh,” Jason agreed.

“All right, then. So, caution and moving in a slow advance towards the grove is what we need to do. We are not going for a blitz approach, no matter how well we are progressing. I don’t want anything to encroach on us from behind and then we wind up trapped in the forest,” Sheena told them.

“I’m not sure I can do anything to help with that. My magic is purely defensive,” Darren lamented.

“You actually have one of the most important jobs there is! That is by being our bulwark against any major attack when we’re calling it a day,” Jason stated.

“Calling it a day?” Darren questioned.

“Yeah. As much as I’d like to, we’re not reaching the corrupted grove today. It’s at least seven to eight kilometers away, if my math is correct,” Jason stated.

“You’re guessing?” Sheena asked, folding her arms.

“Hey, it’s the best we’ve got to go on at the moment. But yeah, the grove itself is a fair distance from here. Burning a path through the forest to the grove will take time. A few days, if we’re lucky, and a week if we have to fight something every day,” Jason replied.

“I see. So, I’m keeping everyone safe, then?” Darren concluded.

“In a sense, yes. We will need you either on this side of the barrier or close to it. I doubt the creatures of the forest are just going to let us go through peacefully once we’ve started torching it,” Phalmina said.

“That’s where we come in. We’ll stay in fairy form and keep any attackers from getting too close,” Emalia replied.

“Sound tactic! Staying small and flitting around while raining destruction on those things will keep them occupied, while making you much harder to hit,” Luke smiled.

“The real challenge is going to be Felicitae. Though we’ve seen some of what she can do, that’s likely not the whole scope of her power. All we’ve likely seen so far is probably just a small taste of what she’s capable of,” Jason surmised.

“But, as powerful as she may be, she will be hard pressed to take down all of us,” Sheena smirked.

“Strength in numbers is a tactic that never fails to work. Enough wolves will eventually pull down a lion,” Eva agreed.

“We should keep up with the studying, though. Maybe practice some of these spells before we head out there?” Amy suggested.

“A prudent idea, but we can’t spend the entire day doing that. We need to get started as soon as we can because the more time we take with practicing, the more time Felicitae has to prepare for our coming,” Jason responded.

Nodding, Amy went back into the spellbook she was reading, while Luke assisted Xaera in understanding the principles of Troll magic. Though what he knew from games wasn’t the same, it was close enough if what he was reading was correct. He and Karla helped Xaera with figuring out how the magic worked and how to focus her energies.

The others kept reading and did some basic theory with their spells and even fired off small scale versions of the spells they were reading about. After another hour had passed, Jason closed his book and set it on the table, having had his fill of magical theory.

“Everyone ready to get started?” Jason asked.

“I could use a little more time on theory,” Amy admitted.

“Same!” Eva chimed in.

“Sheena? Mina? What about you two?” the redheaded man queried.

“We’re good to go,” Phalmina stated, speaking for both her and Sheena.

“So are we!” Emalia replied, flitting over with Daelina.

“All right, then. Darren?” Jason wondered.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” the man stated.

“Good. Sheena, you and I will start things up. Mina, Ema, you two fly high up above us and let us know what you see. Lina, you stay close to Amy and Eva when they join us. Darren, you’re on guard duty,” Jason told everyone, delegating their responsibilities.

“We can help too!” Luke told them, before dashing out of the house. He was back a few minutes later, with his spy gear, while he pulled out his box of ear buds. “I’m sure a little co-ordination and teamwork would be a welcome thing.”

“Smart thinking, babe!” Karla enthused.

“Also, I probably should set up a few cameras, in case there are angles that you overlook when they come at you,” Luke suggested.

“Good idea, Luke! Let’s get them set up!” Jason enthused, before turning to the women and gesturing for them to help out. Everyone moved and followed Luke, heading out to his van and collecting everything he needed. They put several cameras on the ground in the back, while a few others went up on the second floor, so they had a good overlook.

“How’s it look from down there, bud?” Jason asked his friend.

“Just turn that camera a few degrees to the right ... there! Right there!” Luke called out.

“Got a good view, then?” Jason asked.

“It’s perfect! I have a full one-eighty view from my little command post! You are good to go!” Luke enthused.

Jason moved back downstairs as he made his way out to the back. There, he found everyone in place and ready to get going. Elizabeth and Karla were there too, primarily as lookouts, in case anything came back to the house that was too far for Luke to spot.

“OK then. Sheena, let’s get this party started!” Jason told her.

Nodding, Sheena started weaving her hands in a summoning spell, calling upon Wolf to aid her. She could sense the element of fire just beyond her reach and continued to chant and move her arms to summon it. In a few seconds, a spark lit above her hands and she stopped moving. Sheena kept chanting though, enlarging the fire until it was the size of a basketball above her hands.

Amy had followed suit, imitating Sheena in calling upon her totem animal, the Mountain Lion. She could feel the great cat answering her call, bringing its power forth to fuel her spell. It was maybe a few seconds after Sheena had conjured her own fire that Amy’s burst into being. She continued her own chant, feeding the flames until it was around the size of a soccer ball.

“All right! Let’s get moving!” Jason stated as he stepped across the barrier.

The moment he was across, he could feel the putrid wrongness of the forest all the way to his bones. He shuddered in revulsion, but kept his focus on why he was there, calling Gaia’s power to him. It bloomed in him, much like the warmth of life itself, before he could feel it suffuse his entire being. Gaia’s magic banished away all the negativity of the Dark magic and set his mind on the goal ahead.

He brought the runes he needed forward, calling to his mind what he had read. The runes wreathed his hands and arms like spheres as he started siphoning the power of fire from Sheena. The magical fire raced along the runes, becoming a great conflagration in seconds. Jason had it under control though and channeled it towards the forest.

Like a magical flamethrower, the fire lanced out from him, consuming everything in its path. Jason swore he could hear shrieking from the surrounding forest, but he paid it no mind. What he was doing was Gaia’s work, which would see the corruption in this place burned away, making room for new life. The fairies flew above the fire, staying in their fairy form as they watched the humans carry out Gaia’s will.

Though rot was a part of the natural cycle of life, this went far beyond simple rot. This was pure and unadulterated sickness, which had to be burned and purged. Jason stopped for a moment, looking over his handiwork. Much of the vegetation had been burned away to where it was little more than ash, which made him smile. Looking behind him, Jason saw that Sheena, too, was making use of her magic.

Amy and Eva were following along behind them, using their fire to incinerate everything that lay behind them, cleaning up what Jason missed. The area which they burned down was at least twenty meters wide, making a large path that would be difficult to cover or corrupt. Xaera stood close by, her hand enshrouded in the icy blue magic of cold, ready to attack anything that lashed out at them.

“This is a good start! Let’s keep going!” Sheena shouted over the blaze.

Without another word, the quintet continued to burn their way through the forest, immolating grass and trees alike. The trio of fairies continued to fly above everyone, keeping their eyes open for any threats. Everything the magical fire touched was burned into ash before the ground itself was scorched. The screaming that Jason had heard earlier was becoming more strident and intense than before, to where everyone could hear it.

“You hear that?” Xaera questioned.

“Yeah! Any idea what it could be?” Sheena asked.

“The corruption of the forest must be more serious than we thought! Keep pressing on!” Phalmina called from above, as she brought forth her fairy magic to aid her friends and lovers.

“Heads up! We’ve got company!” Emalia called out as they passed the three-hundred-meter mark.

“I see them!” Jason roared as the screaming children charged at them.

A small group of about four of them leaped out of the dank foliage to drive their clawed hands into the Druid. Jason was ready for them and unleashed a small ball of exploding fire at them. The ball detonated much like an explosive would, bathing all four of them in flames. They squealed and clawed at themselves, trying desperately to put the fire out, but Jason wouldn’t let them.

Jason brought another spell to bear, but this one was more like concentrated bolts of fire. The power of it was so intense that it melted what was left of the children, turning them into ash on the forest floor. Sheena did her own thing and surrounded a trio of children, attacking her in a circle of flames. They panicked as they saw the fire, before Sheena willed the circle to shrink, slowly burning them down to nothing.

Xaera brought her ice magic to bear, as a greater portion of children came right for her. Summoning her will, she chanted a brief sentence in Trollish, before placing her iced hands in front of her face and blowing hard. The breath was magically amplified to where it was a literal cone of frigid ice that bathed the dozen children in its embrace. In seconds, their charge was halted as most of them were frozen in place.

A couple of those on the outer edges of the spell were caught in the blast but could still move. Xaera then summoned her Troll fire, which burned hotter than even the Gaian’s fire, and pushed it from her hands. Like a wave, it poured from the troll woman’s hands and rose over the frozen children. Steam poured off them for a moment, before they were immolated in the fire’s heat.

The steam cleared away after a few seconds, and Xaera chanted for the fire to cease. As it did, she could see that the skeletal structures of the children remained, but only for a second. The wind blew through gently, but it was more than enough to turn what remained of the children into clouds of ash and dust. Even Xaera was amazed as she witnessed the pure destructive power of her magic.

Shaking herself back to reality, Xaera called upon her ice magic again, as she heard more screams from incoming children. Steeling her mind, the troll woman kept her eyes open for anyone who would attack them. Amy and Eva continued their clean up efforts behind Jason, as he and Sheena led the charge.

“Watch your left flank there, Jay! Another group of children coming at you! Looks to be about a dozen of them!” Luke told his friend through the earbud comms.

“We’ve got them, Luke!” Sheena replied, mimicking Jason’s flamethrower spell. The children squealed in pain as they were caught in the blast. The smart ones fled the moment they felt the flames lick their flesh. The steadfast ones died in mere heartbeats, falling apart as they tried to get close.

“How are things looking back there, Darren? Any creatures coming for you at the moment?” Jason asked.

“Nothing right now. Seems like all their attention is on you and what you’re doing,” Darren responded.

“Good. Daelina, head on back and keep an eye on Darren. We need to be sure that our way back is still covered if things get dicey out here,” Jason ordered.

“I’m on it!” the fairy woman replied, before she flitted back to the house and the barrier where her fiancé waited.

“Looks like these spells are more than enough to keep these children at bay! What else can this corrupted Nymph throw at us?” Amy exulted, as she watched the children retreat. In answer, howls filled the air, which chilled everyone to the core at how ... foreign they sounded.

“You had to ask!” Eva groused, while she smacked Amy upside the head.

“Luke, can you see anything coming at us?” Jason queried, eager for some intel on the coming attack.

“Negative! You guys are too far away for me to get a good look!” Luke replied.

“You didn’t bring the drones?” Jason wondered.

“Well ... I’ve been spending a lot of time at Karla’s so...” Luke started.

“We get it! Just keep an eye on our rear and watch out for anything that might give Darren and Daelina trouble,” Sheena snapped.

“You got it, sista!” Luke said.

“Jason, on your right!” came Phalmina’s warning.

Snapping his head in that direction, Jason saw what appeared to be a swarm of animals coming at them. The moment they got close enough, Jason lit them up as he had the children, not waiting to see what they were. He heard yipping and howling as the animals were engulfed in flames, and Jason stopped for a moment to get a better look. They were indeed animals, or they had been at one point.

What Jason saw nearly turned his stomach, as the animals coming at them were supposed to be dead. There were large tears in their flesh, scabs filled with maggots, and even parts of bone poking up through the skin. The Dark magic that flowed through them had given them life once more, but as slaves to the one who controlled that magic. Re-igniting his flame spell, Jason burned them, putting the poor animals out of their misery.

“I knew the darkness had corrupted much, but this is beyond what I believed was happening here!” Jason groused as he kept tossing flames.

“There’s a lot more happening here than even I thought possible! Keep burning through! We need to get to the grove and eradicate what remains of it!” Phalmina yipped as she blasted several corrupted bears with fairy bolts, reducing them to scraps of flesh and bone.

“Move!” Xaera called from the back.

Everyone turned to regard the woman, and their eyes widened in amazement and alarm. In her hands, Xaera held a sphere of cold magic, the size of a large medicine ball. As quick as they could manage, the Gaian spell casters stopped flinging fire and got out of the troll’s way. Seconds later, Xaera chanted and icy runes appeared all over the sphere, before she launched it in front of her.

More animals, reinforced by the children, took the halt in fire spells as an advantage and charged in. What they didn’t see coming was their doom, in the form of a sphere of ice magic. The moment it neared one of the creatures, it exploded like a supernova. Cold magic wrapped up all who were caught in its blast, in an icy cocoon, freezing them. None of them had the chance to turn back, as the effect was instant.

“Fuck, Xaera! That’s really damned impressive!” Emalia called out from above.

“Thank you! I saw the spell in the book and wanted to try it out!” Xaera replied as she drew on more of her troll magic.

“This makes things much easier for us!” Phalmina laughed as she used her fairy magic to shatter every creature caught in the icy blast.

“Indeed, it does!” Jason rumbled as he drew upon more fire magic to incinerate what remained of each creature. The flora and fauna were likewise torched, returning to the dirt from which they had once sprouted.

“How far in are we?” Sheena questioned.

“Hold up a second!” Jason replied as he turned his head to look back at where Darren and Daelina were standing. “I’m guessing about eight-hundred meters or so, maybe a full klick. Time flies, eh?”

“That it does! Luke, any updates on how things are on your end?” Sheena asked out loud, tapping her earbud.

“Nothing to report! Whatever it is you guys and girls are doing, keep doing it! It’s making our job over here easy!” Luke responded.

“Copy that! We’re going to keep progressing. Hopefully we’ll hit the halfway mark before the day is over,” Jason stated.

“No, you won’t!” a feminine voice shrieked. Everyone turned to the source of the voice and saw the Dark Nymph, Felicitae, standing there, looking furious.

“Was wondering when the queen bitch was going to show her pretty little face,” Sheena said, cracking her knuckles.

“You will all pay for this transgression! You will pay with your lives! Hurt them, my pets! Destroy them!” she called out, raising her arms, as though giving a signal.

Seconds later, a massive group of animals burst from out of the foliage, as did what remained of the children. The Gaians quickly fired spells of stoneskin at each other, armoring themselves for the fight ahead. Though many of the attacking creatures were immolated or frozen in the attack, some broke through, hitting the Gaians directly.

They were all thankful for the defensive spells they had readied, which kept the creatures from doing anything more than superficial damage. Seeing how he had little time for casting any additional spells, Jason settled for empowering his fists and legs, making use of them. Though he had no real martial training, Jason knew enough to hold his own in a fight, which served him well here.

Same as Gaia's Champion
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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 6

News and desert. Seth with the Sheriff with his two deputies had arms full of newspapers. Two others were going from table to table selling the special edition of today’s newspaper about: “Stopping the Kidnappers from Nanux.” As John looked through the paper, he realized Seth had all the names of everybody that was there including the Russians and those from Lockheed. “John, did you realize that a lot of those ships that Lockheed flew today didn’t even have seats for any others than the...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 7 Breakfast at Soursquos

John, why did you bring an assassin to breakfast with you today? John was dreaming the next morning. Apparently, his mind was preparing for the day. When the alarm did go off, Jenny was snuggled up against him. “Hi, beautiful.” “I feel like a beached whale.” Jenny said then giggled, “Sorry for complaining.” “I love you and I think you are beautiful. I have lots to share. You were sleeping so peacefully when we got back last night, I just let you sleep.” John said. “Did our assassin go...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 9 Space our last frontier

Once the speed neared light the lid to the little black box was lifted. The ship rose and felt like it was going over the Milky Way instead of through it. Stars were flashing by reminding John and Jenny of being back on earth watching falling stars from the sky on a clear night. Willy had brought his box of Legos. The kids had them over in the corner and were having a ball. They would put something together then look at the screen for a minute. Ben and Chuck went over to Iceman (Bill...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 10 The Planet Funston

“Looks like we are ready to go.” George said. “Okay everybody. Stand in a line. We come back here for lunch. Okay? Stay with your buddies now. If you get lost, then transport to the front gate. Now I have some money. Remember the silver may be worth more than the gold here.” John handed out a silver coin and a gold coin to all the kids. He handed out 3 silver and 3 gold to all the Marines and Sally and Bobby. He handed out 5 coins of silver and gold to Vid, “If you buy with my money then I...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 11

At the Flea Market: “John, Jenny and the boys killed 4 lizards that were looking through our stuff on the ship,” Iceman reported. “Do you suspect they came from a bigger ship?” John asked. “No, I don’t think so. Their ships were more planetary. My guess, they have a nest somewhere on the planet.” Iceman said. “What do you think Lord Heaty?” John asked. “Lizards ... I’ve chased them off before.” Lord Heaty said, “They were on the back side of the planet, but they have been gone for some...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 13 New Friends

Tony and Willa were part of the large crowd waving goodbye to John and Jenny and their companions. Brad, Gloria, Jesus, and Julia were with them. “Think we will ever see them again?” Willa asked. “Yes, I get a good feeling we will,” Tony replied. “Major Taylors are you really interested in being part of the global patrol?” Admiral Kennedy asked. Tony, Willa, and friends all saluted, “Yes Sir.” Tony and Willa both said, “I’ve got to get someplace quiet and finish up my Log of the last few...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 14

Cleaning out another SWAMP: The Galactic Capitol. John and the crew of the Patricia stood and watched as about a third of the thousands of workers for the Galactic Capitol went into the sun. Jenny was hugging him, and his kids were all around touching and just being in the energy of love. Amen Bible was nearby, but he was taking in one of the most spectacular scenes he had ever heard of or ever imagined. Again, John realized this was a different star than our Sun. They also watched as...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 16

More defectors? The enemy of your enemy may be a friend? Well, the meeting with dad went okay. Tony was able to prove to his dad that he was getting the grasp of Economics, Accounting, and Finance. They were all related and yet totally different too. So, book in hand he was sitting in the Captain’s Seat of Virginia. Dad had given him twenty books from his own library for him to read. Tony was totally into his book when “Tony we have another anomaly like last time only about twice as big....

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 17

War of the Worlds. The dream January 13, 2019 John woke with a start. The dream had to do with his adopted daughter Sally who was going to be 16 soon. The Devil had her or she was sitting in the Devil’s lap laughing as if she was enjoying the attention. They were sitting in The Chair that had been Lucifer’s before the sun. John was watching from the railing on the west side of the sun. Demetri was there with a Gladiator’s outfit on. Sword in one hand Spear in the other, “John, I won’t let...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 18

The next day, Monday Jan 21, 2019 John and Jenny were sitting in the Patricia. Looking over the battlefield. Tony, Willa, Brad, Gloria, Jesus and Julia were with them. Seth and Amen Bible was also with them taking pictures or having Patricia send them a copy by e-mail. A man named Alex Harmon was from the TV station in Spokane. He too had a cameraman taking lots of pictures and video. What he had would go out in Spokane to all the affiliate networks everywhere. Slowly the North American...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 19 To make deserts into productive land for Dummyrsquos

A woman came in on Friday February 1, 2019. She had a newborn baby strapped on her chest. She asked to see President Taylor about 8:15 in the morning. She introduced herself as Professor Diane Charles. Seeing a crimson sweatshirt with “WSU COUGARS” on the back with the face of a Cougar peeking out from around a baby on it gave it away as to where she was from. She introduced herself as Professor Charles. “What can I do for you Professor?” “I’m on maternity leave as you see, I’ve been a...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 20

An unusual discovery? February 8th, 2019. 7:37 A.M. Omak, Washington. Thank God it’s Friday? John came into the bank. Farmer Marvin West already had the coffee made. He was reading the local news. Maiden Nation was also at the work table. She had brought in some cookies. Maiden the manager of the cannery was enjoying a drink of coffee and a bite of fresh chocolate chip cookie. John had seen Heaty’s LD parked outside on the way in. They still must be in the ship. Sam and the Admiral was...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 22

Where did that come from? The Patricia landed with 24 passengers where the Galina had once parked. The weather was nice and sunny on the Planet Funston. From the ship they could see the picnic tables and the steps up to the house. After everybody got outside Roger and Chet called for the Marines to form up. They had First Lieutenant Cadet Brien stand at the head of the formation. They called Cadet Brien to step forward. Dar and Inga stepped forward to face the young man, Inga read something...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 23

A hole in one? Dar and Inga had been off relaxing for 14 days. They got word to John that they needed a week to visit all of Dar’s properties, then they would be ready to take on a project or two. Dar still did not know who this Ben guy was. He was in his eighties and he usually shot 1 to 5 under for a round of 18 holes consistently. Chet knew the Ben guy was one of the best that ever played the game of golf. Brien was averaging gaining a pound a day. He had his father punch some holes in...

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The Rugby Do

Simon’s story The disco was rubbish. Held in the function room of a pub hotel it was about as festive as an undertaker’s reception room. I’d been sitting there alone, quietly drinking my beer, whilst resentfully watching all my mates on the dance floor. I couldn’t believe their behaviour, taking every chance they have to get a quick feel and what’s more I couldn’t believe the women were letting them get away with it. I knew my feelings were born in jealousy. Despite my good looks and rugby...

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Fucked Virgin Cousin Sister

Hey guys this is Rana first I read many stories on ISS now got courage to tell one mine please give your comments to motivate Thanks and lots of love let’s start I’m living in a Chawl in Mumbai aged 25 years till this incident use to b a virgin making life easy by my imagination And help of hand you know what I mean lots of thinking about aunts and hotties girl their pussy hole and sexy cleavage use to help me paint my walls but never had courage to propose any one for physical sex it was just...

2 years ago
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Nemesis Constance

Many thanks go to PapaGus and Deryk for their assistance in preparing this story for posting. Everything was at the hurry up! Really!. My employers had just taken over a much smaller concern that had recently gone to the wall. I think the company probably got everything on the cheap from the administrators. In spite of my own having been very successful in recent months, and completely swamped with work, our management was somewhat in a panic to bring its new acquisition into the fold, and get...

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Handling It Pt1

It all started on the train on his way home from the office.  His cellphone buzzed, and John saw that he had a picture message from Aileen.  In three years of marriage, it was the first time she'd ever sent him a nude picture of herself.  Lying on her back, on top of her blue yoga mat, a naked selfie.  He felt himself getting hard."Got company?" he replied."No""You mean not yet?""What if I do?""Then take pictures so I can watch""Yeah right""Serious.  If you fuck someone else I...

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stepbrother caught wanking

gemma walks into the kitchen and sees her stepbrother john tipping the contents of a condom into her mothers coffee 'what the fuck are you doing you perv? mom mom get in here now' she shouts'please be quiet don't say anything please' john saysamber comes through into the kitchen as john is pushing the dripping condom into his pocket 'whats the matter whats going on ?''mom this dirty bastard was tipping the cum into your coffe from the condom he's just pushed into his pocket''what the fuck why...

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Ma8217am Wants It Every Fucking Time

Hello, guys, I am Ranveer as you read my stories earlier this time I brought you something different and bolder story of my life. I am an average looking guy, I work out a lot so my physic talk on my behalf. I cock is 6.5 inches long and 2 inches thick and ladies loves it. Well, I am available for sex seeking ladies and girl, marries a woman and especially woman looking for crazy hardcore as well as love making type sex. So coming back to the story. This incident happen when I was in class...

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Nookie for cookie

Introduction: This is a re-working of Its cookie time! I changed the title, the beginning and added a bit. Thanks again for the comments and votes Cookie or nookie, Abby giggled. She laid a chocolate-covered Girl Scout cookie on her blond pussy mound. Its a simple choice, Tyler. She tried for a serious face, before dissolving into a giggle fit. The teenage boy broke up, laughing hysterically. The naked young couple lay in the back seat of Tys dads big car, parked by the lake. The bluish air...

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Stephanie part 6

"Hi mum," I whisper hoarsely. "Hi dad. I- I'm Stephanie..." My legs shake harder and I almost collapse to the floor as, with a stoic expression on his face, dad slowly rises from his seat and walks toward me... "...It's nice to meet you, Stephanie," dad says, embracing me in a fatherly hug. "Umm," I say, shocked by the sudden turn of events. "Hello, daughter," mum says, standing up and joining in the hug. "Mum?" I ask in a small voice, confused by the unexpected outcome of...

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Filled Up

You have been such a good girl. I decide it is my turn to pleasure you tonight, you are to just sit back and enjoy. I whisper into your ear, with a smile and toss of your short brown curls you run to the bedroom and jump on the bed. When I catch up you are sitting against the headboard, a tight white cotton top holding your full round breast tightly to your chest. You legs and bottom are bare, your knees are up waiting for me. The lights are off and a couple candles are lit on the table. I...

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The City Girl BluesChapter 12

He did roll off of her eventually. That involved a set of sighs, one from him as his contact with her was diminished, and another from her as the thick thing that had so pleased her was dragged from her body. But then they could cuddle more comfortably, and arrange themselves such that their lips were close. Another hour of ‘foreplay’ ensued, though it was languid, not intended to move back into the mating ritual. “I can’t believe that happened,” he whispered, at one point. “I understand,...

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Anal Awakenings Part 2

This is the story of the evening that I was fucked up the ass for the first time. In Anal Awakenings (Part 1) my 19 year-old boyfriend, Shane, had promised to blow me while one of his friends fucked me. Shane’s familiar knock came at seven. I opened it and was surprised that Shane was flanked not by one but by two young hunks, one blond and the other dark. Like Shane, his friends were trim with small asses,had muscular arms and nice pecs showed through their tight shirts. I kissed the three of...

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How A 19 Year Old Stimulated My Wifes GSpot

My wife and I had a very good sex life up to about a year ago. That was when things started to change. It wasn’t that we didn’t want to have sex, but it was more about how other things had gotten in the way. Sex wasn’t as important to us it anymore. My wife had been working a great deal of hours at work while taking care of the kids at the same time. My time was also being eaten up by a major project that I had going on at work. It seemed like when I was in the mood she was too tired and before...

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Alfonso Greene Suburban Lion Tamer

One of the downsides of the political correctness that has taken over this world in which we are forced to live, is that it has resulted in the demise of that group of people once known as ‘eccentrics’. That group that, because they did not fit inside the square, whose behaviour could only be described as bizarre, made life less dull and boring. They were, in the most part, harmless, not harming anyone, just living in their own world. This story is of a couple of just such people, who by their...

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INSEMINATING elaine part 2

Introduction: follow up to earlier story which is besr to read before this one I met the creepy older guy at a service station and he was talking non stop about how much it had turned him on to see the video I had sent him. He said Your wife is a very classy lady. I know she wouldnt look at me twice. She would probably cross the street to avoid me. Its good to know she slept with my *** inside her last night He asked what contraception Elaine used and when I told him she was Catholic and would...

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Adventures of my ex The nine inch dick

I need to preface by saying the my ex was 5'4", 115lbs, brunette, brown eyes, with a perfect heart shaped ass. Her breast were not large but they were shaped nicely and well proportioned to her body. She was very pretty, with shoulder length hair most of the time we were married. For some reason she would fuck like a mink for men that would flirt and buy her drinks, as long as the man was not me of course. Needless to say she drove me nuts! I have some details of some of her escapades, which...

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Der Beobachter

Da saß ich nun also beim Arzt mit einem komplizierten Beinbruch und der Aussage ich sollte mich schonen und nicht zuviel rumlaufen, wirklich toll wenn man sowas hört und es ein heißer Sommer ist und man statt den Bikinischönheiten am Strand hinterherzuschauen zuhause sitzen muss. Nachdem im Krankenhaus alles geklärt wurde nahm ich mir ein Taxi nachhause und setze mich erstmal gelangweilt und frustriert auf die Couch. Da saß ich nun also, 45 Jahre alt noch recht gut in Schuss für mein alter,...

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Stalked Raped Part 3

Introduction: Someone asked what this was a fanfic of. Its from Slenderman…yeah the creepypasta stories-the youtube marblehornets clips about Slenderman. In this case-this is of Hoody-one of Slendys proxies. I dont know man, hes hot…I dont get it-hes everywhere. Anyway…If you love it-hate it-leave a comment. I read them like the morning paper …& as always-I love you kinky lil fuckers <,3 There is something about exposure that shames me. Being wide open infront of someone makes me...

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Cream Filled Sandwich

A few years ago, I got married to the most wonderful woman.   We had flirted with each other for months, laughed and played, gone places and just plain enjoyed being together 24/7.   It was a natural that we would end up together when we made love, we both very much liked being adventurous in the sack, among other places, in fact lots of places, lots of positions, lots of slow and fast paced lust was the norm for us.   But as we all come to realize, time takes a toll on such things, and at...

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A Man and His PetsChapter 16 Melissa Becomes the Horniest Pet

Melissa hung her head and followed Jim out the Kennel door. "Sir, did I do something wrong?" Jim abruptly stopped, turned, and grabbed Melissa's upper arm. Spinning her around, he administered three firm swats to her ass. "Have you forgotten the rules already?" "No, Sir." She sobbed. "Then try that comment again." He ordered. Melissa was a quick learner. "Sir, may I ask you a question?" "That's much better, pet. Yes, you may." Jim smiled at her as she rubbed her...

4 years ago
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Stuck on ChaosChapter 2

The cook met me at the door. “Is it true? They’re all dead?” she asked. “Well, yes ... but who told you?” “We found Ivan’s body on the beach...” she said. “Who is WE?” “Come out, girls ... they’re dead.” Assorted iterations of Are you sure?, came from where ever and every window, closet and doorway in the house. Some of the voices were farther away and some were close by. But they all were seeking assurances. The cook said, “I’m sure. She’s here and they’re not.” “Are they really...

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Summer CampEpisode 19 Puppy love

"Our parents always had a lot of money; Grandfather had a chain of hotels all over the world as well as a lot of business interests in countries that always seemed to be at war. When he died, Father took over the business. He met Mama in Europe somewhere and they always lived there. When we were born, not that we remember it, we were always shuttling between the French Riviera, Biarritz, places like that. Mama died in a skiing accident, somewhere, when we were very young." "Father is a...

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Bookstore For BoysChapter 2

It was with increasing apprehension that Jennifer awaited her after-closing engagement with Skip Palmer the next day. She still wasn't sure what it was that had prompted her to make her offer to go through The Joy of Sex with him. She hadn't even thought about the lack of wisdom in her proposal until the words were out of her mouth, and by then it was too late for her to back out. Nor had she been encouraged by her hasty reading, last night, of the book itself. Though it was not really...

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NuruMassage Aften Opal Up To No Good

Aften Opal is bored as she waits for her mom, a masseuse, to finish her shift. She just needs a ride home but she’s stuck there until her mom is done for the day. Aften is so bored that she even offers to help her mom, though her mom sternly tells her that she has to stay put. She could get in trouble if her daughter’s caught around the clients! After Kayla leaves, Aften mopes around… until Alex Legend walks in and mistakes her for a masseuse. Since Aften is bored and Alex is...

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Do Bahoo Do Sasur Aur Mai

Do bahoo Do Sasur aur mai Jaisa ki pahele hi par chuke hai ki sasur aur bahuo ki chudai kaise hoo rahi thi , do no bahu apni choot ki garmi shant karne mai lagi hui thi, aur sasur apne land ki, ab to dono bahu aur dono sasur ek hi ghar mai chudai ka khel khelna chahate the, jiski surat ho chuki thi, sari planning ho gayi thi, abb to bass kapre hi utarne baki the —- pichli baar jab babulal ne apni bahu nimo ko chudai ke liye kaise raji kiya —pare – harilal ne lata ko choda. Tabhi babulal bole...

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Carnival Night Goan ClutureHot

By: jesolal CARNIVAL NIGHT (GOVAN’S CULTURE) **HOT** Hi ! everybody. Welcome back. it is my 7th Submission of Anubhav. Other submissions are:- Hot Jeso Moombhathi Jalaadhi Ch.1, (Hindi) Hot Jeso Moombhathi Jalaadhi Ch.2, (Hindi) Hot Jeso Moombhathi Jalaadhi Ch.3, (Hindi) Hot Jeso Moombhathi Jalaadhi Ch.4, (Hindi) Pattathi Vidhava Kush*Hot* (Malayalam) LIC benefit fucking *Hot* (Hindi) Continue now.. Jeso came to office in very happy mood and we enquired what is the matter; she explained to...

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Mena Suvari on the set of American Beauty

Sam Mendes called Mena Suvari into his trailer, he wasn'thappy with her work, he explained that she had to be a bitch,she hadn't had much acting work and wasn't very good. He told her that her water bottle was gone, she began screaming.That was what he wanted, he told her now I need you to be sexy,get into your part, make love to the camera, Angela was a very sexycharacter.Mena started to massage her tits, she played the virgin in AmericanPie, American beauty was going to make her a star, both...

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Wet dreams

I was walking down the street casually gazing at everything around me, then all of a sudden I hear a screach and a car pulls up next to me. Faster than I could react a muscular, tall man that towered above me jumped out of the car and put a cloth up to my mouth and before I realised what was happening I took a huge breath through shear panic. As I felt myself become drowsy the tall man caught me as I collapsed, and in some strange way I felt comforted by his large hands and strong veiny arms;...

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Lockdown with Daddy 4

Jenny walked round to her mother, bending over, she kissed her full on her lips. Ann’s mouth surrendered softly, inviting her daughter to explore her mouth with her tongue, at the same time Jenny reached over and fondled her mother’s other breast. “You look beautiful Mum,” Jenny said when she stood up, “a new woman, nicely fucked.” Ann blushed in embarrassment, her dress had been discarded but she was still wearing the underwear. “Open up, let me see what he’s given you,” Jenny said, moving...

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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 33 Guess What

Jan. 3d, 2019 Hello Everyone, I hope everybody had a great new year. I went to bed about 8:00 p.m. to catch up on some sleep. I had my party the next morning(wink). The holidays were a lot better than I had hoped and pretty tiring. I’m grateful to have had them. One problem I’m having is that every day between 2:00 and 3:00 pm I have an anxiety attack. I guess my meds are starting to give out about then. It happens every day. I’ll have to talk to my neurologist in March and see about it....

1 year ago
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BBs Nursery and Daycare Chapter 1

BB'S Nursery and Day Care Chapter 1 It was 11pm on a Saturday night and Tommy had been a high school graduate for little over 9 hours having walked across the Townsfield High stage around earlier in the day. He was happy high school was over. He was happy to be off to college in a couple of months. He was also a bit drunk. His best and really only friend was leaving in the morning for Air Force basic training. His Friend Brad had always wanted to be a pilot and fly anything that the...

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My Best Friends Girlfriend Chapter 7 The Beginning of the End

“Did you pay my phone bill?” I lift my legs and a broom slides beneath them. I look up at June, and she’s pondering. Her face is wrinkled in concentration, and she pulls her lips to one side. God, I love when she does that.“I thought so,” says June. She shrugs and keeps sweeping. “I hate that the stupid auto-pay isn’t through yet.”“Did you use one of the new cards?”“Yeah.”“Not one of the old cards?”“No. Didn’t you cut them up?”“Yeah, but I thought maybe you wrote them down or memorized...

Mind Control
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A Chance Encounter Tiara

I didn't expect things to progress so quickly and very soon I found myself becoming infatuated with her. She often crossed my path at the most inopportune times and after one such occurrence, I decided to take the first step. "Hi Tiara!" I said trying not to sound like too much of a fool. "Hi Bryan. How are you?" She smiled and the way her lips pouted slightly made me hesitate for a second or two. Tiara turned her short frame to face me fully and rested a hand on her hip. "I actually was...

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EncountersChapter 3

The time Dan Casey was spending in northern Illinois was quite enjoyable. He knew this was mainly because of his Saturday night dinner dates with Linda and Kerrie’s periodic visits. They were lonely or unappreciated women he had become involved with. He thought that the reason they wanted his company was because he was able to sexually satisfy them. His purchase of the ‘2-fer’ vibrator certainly helped him in accomplishing that task. These women told Dan that it was him and how he treated...

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Hypnotized at Work

A Short Story, Inspired by Lesbian Pussy by Kelly M. I liked that story premise. The idea of a woman forced to do something that she despises to have an orgasm is delicious. Plus, I’m at least half lesbo, so I love lesbian stories. I also love BDSM, heavier on the Dom/sub aspect than the Dom/slave or getting beat to a pulp to experience multiple orgasms. Not that I have ANYTHING against being tied up and beaten, I think its great fun, but not every day. There are some others that I totally...

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Busted Chapter 5

We slept late the next morning. The rest of the day we all walked around, nude of course, in a fog of afterglow. It was like being wrapped in cotton. Even sounds were muffled as we cuddled and embraced and just lay around all day exhausted. A couple of times I made to nuzzle their breasts, or they would fondle my cock, but we mostly were totally wiped out. It was the next night that Allie sprung her surprise. She had invited over a few other couples of her…private circle. Fred and Alicia were...

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Only the Beginning

Only the BeginningEvan always took too long when he was dressing to go out and this had always really irritated his girlfriend, Anna.  Anna grew up without much money and with only an older brother so she had always been what she considered more practical in terms of dressing - functional and comfortable instead of girly or stylish, or least of all 'elegant', a look she had always associated with pretentious rich women.  She did silently appreciate men who knew how to dress well - a sense of...

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Out of Thin AirChapter 3

I was sitting in a booth at the restaurant when Debbie came over to refill my coffee cup. She topped me off and then sat down and asked me: "How's the second story coming along?" "I finished it last night and I also posted the first one on one of the sites I use. It should be up for viewing by tonight." "You have any plans for tonight?" "No, why?" "Harry is spending the weekend at his folk's place. He's going to help his dad replace the roof on the barn. I couldn't go...

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Me Ashley

So I moved to a new house with my f****y when I was about 6-7 years old. My parents and my s****r and I. Me and my s*s made friends with all the k**s on the block, oh yeah and my s****r was two years younger than me. Well, anyways, our best friends on this neighborhood was two k**s down the street, a b*****r and s****r named Zach and Ashley. Ashley was my s****r’s age, two years younger than me, and Zach was even younger, and he was kind of annoying. So me and my s*s always hung out with...

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Christmas Spirit ReallyChapter 5

Later in the day, Aaron felt like he should throw his siblings a bone and suggested they go shopping at Goodson’s for stuff for a nice Christmas dinner. It stuck in his craw to call it Christmas dinner, but he swallowed his cynicism because he knew they wanted it so badly. As they pushed the cart up and down the aisles, it was all he could do to keep Adam and Lynn from loading it with tons of ridiculous crap like chocolates, fruitcake, donuts and pastries, you name it. He allowed a small...

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